How to draw a Russian folk costume with a pencil in stages. How to draw a folk costume elements of national clothes of the Russian people drawings in stages

How to draw a Russian folk costume with a pencil in stages. How to draw a folk costume elements of national clothes of the Russian people drawings in stages
How to draw a Russian folk costume with a pencil in stages. How to draw a folk costume elements of national clothes of the Russian people drawings in stages

Anastasia Alekseevna Guseeva

Subject: « History of Russian folk costume»

« Running Vanya in the Russian costume»

Pedagogical goal.

Show children inseparable communication between different types art: folk fishing, music; introduce children S. history native Stavropol Territory.

Software content.

Educational tasks:

To acquaint children S. history and features of Russian folk costume.

Expand the knowledge of O. russian folk culture.

Developing tasks:

Develop aesthetic taste; Form moral qualities.

Show specimenia russian costume.

Fasten technical skills and skills drawing A variety of artistic materials on a piece of paper.

Educational tasks:

Rail interest in folk culture.

Direction: Fine activity (painting) .

Activities: Fine, communicative, motor.

Means of implementation. Visual: demonstration materials: Dolls B. russian national costumes, Illustrations of people costumes, sample pedagogical pattern; verbal: poems; artistic: Sketches of folk dolls costumes; multimedia: Presentation "Cossacks-Nekrasovtsy", « Russian folk costume» ; audio recording: Songs of the Cossacks Nekrasovtsev.

Equipment: for educator: pointer, laptop, paper sheet A3 C, black marker, watercolor, thin brushes, water with water, napkin; for children: sheets of paper in A4 format with drawn by a man silhouette, simple pencils, watercolor paints, thin brushes, napkins, water jars.

Preliminary work. View illustrations to fairy tales on which heroes are depicted in russian folk costumes. Conversation Obo stories of Russian folk costume.

Organizational structure of classes

I.V.V. theme.

The educator invites children to remember how the people of ancient Russia dressed up, then reminds that the boys went in a shirt from the belts, onuchah, lapties, a busting hat with a tit.

Let's see how people dressed in our Stavropol Territory. What were they? How decorated? Let's find out about it.

II. Cognitive activity.

1. Informative-information conversation. Cossacks neccars.

The educator shows slides and dolls in costumes of Cossacks NekrasovtsevWhile the audio recording of the songs of Kazakov-Nekrasovtsev sounds.

2. A verbal illustrated story. National costume Nekrasovsky Cossacks.

- Costumes Nekrasovtsev is not at all Cossacks - bright silk fabrics, balahons - it is more like festive clothing of the Turks ...

Costumes They are absolutely not similar to ordinary Cossacks. Nekrasovsky the costume is very bright, you can even say the booty. On top of the shirt on the Turkish manner of Nekrasovtsy always dressed the yellow-blue Balahon, which in front of the entire length was fastened for buttons. Balahon seated from bright Turkish fabrics. In general, the whole color suit was associated with a cycle of life on earth: Yellow symbolized grain, blue - water, red - sun, and green - greens, awakening life.

The lower edge of the clothing and all the seams were necessarily decorated with embroidery, the pattern of which was a faith for pagan legends. Technically, it was very complicated and demanded painstaking work. According to believe "devilry" I could neither enter or go through the holes protected by the man-made decor. Usually a pattern of thin black and yellow thread was performed.

Clothes Nekrasovtsy passed from the generation to generation - from the shirt of his father shielded her son, from his daughter's shirt. Very interesting in Nekrasovtsev were hats women. According to them, it was possible to know how old a woman's years, whether she was married. Girls wore fabric dressings decorated with various oberagami: coins, small shells, beads. On top of the dressing - a bright handkerchief of red-yellow coloring. By the way, all the seams connecting the details of the clothes were stacked with the help of needle lace, which was spilled with multi-colored threads. Now, to great unfortunately, the technique of traditional Nekrasovskaya embroidery is completely lost.

III. Creative practical activity.

1. Demonstration of work techniques.

Educator Shows Children Receptions drawing a male costume based on costumes of Nekrasovsky Cossacks.

Pay attention to work with paints: First, the background is filled, then the drawing is painted.

Before you proceed paint, It is necessary to make finching gymnastics.

Fingering gymnastics "Clothing"

Times, two, three, four, five - (consistently connect

We will wash things: fingers of one hand with fingers different)

Dress, pants and socks,

Skirt, blouse, handkerchiefs.

Scarf and hat do not forget -

We will erase them too. (fists imitate wash)

2. Work on the creative task.

The task: Perform drawing on theme« Running Vanya in the Russian costume» based on the costumes of Cossacks Nekrasovtsev.

IV. Reflection.

1. Exhibition of work. Children arrange drawings, admire them, discuss them.

2. Summing up.

Oh, the masters you are my young, my assistants are golden, tattered, tired, but what work did it. Costumes It turned out neat, beautiful, varied. Look, here and wavy lines, zigzags, and points, and circles. Liked you to be masters of folk suit? (children's responses)

The educator thanks children for work.

Publications on the topic:

The purpose of the lesson: to introduce pupils with the peculiarities of the Russian folk costume. Tasks: Educational to introduce with elements of Russian.

An abstract classes "Journey to the fabulous world of ancient Russian folk costume" The purpose of the lesson: to introduce pupils with the peculiarities of the Russian folk costume. Tasks: Educational to introduce with elements.

Before you - black and white coloring, but based on Russian folk costume! You can simply paint them, but you can, sticking to certain.

Within the framework of the program, we passed the Module "People's Culture and Tradition". During the pedagogical observation, it was revealed that many guys.

How to draw a Russian folk costume with a pencil phased

A couple of days ago, I wrote to Alena Belov with a request to show how to draw a folk costume with a pencil. I have already made a lot of lessons drawing different clothes. You will see links to them below, under this lesson. And for this, I picked up a picture depicting women's festive clothing from the Tver Province of the 19th century:

Left depicted sundress, shirt and belt. On the right maiden festive shirt with a belt. If you were asked in a history lesson or from this topic, you can use this lesson:

How to draw a Russian folk costume with a pencil phased

Step one. I draw the sketch of the main parts of the costumes. It does not differ from the sketch of man, only without head and legs. It is also important here to observe the proportions.

Step second. Draw the shape of dresses. Folk costumes (at least our) did not differ in openness, so almost the whole body is hidden.

Step Three. Very important moment is the folds. Without them, the drawing will look like a paper dress. Try to show all possible bends and shadows from them on the dress.

Step fourth. Another distinctive feature of a folk costume is an abundance of patterns. It is not easy for any fiction from Armani or Guccture. Each pattern is something indicates. It is difficult to draw them, but if you do not do this, the viewer will be difficult to determine: is it a dress of some young lady or a folk costume? And so, looking only for a second, any will determine any errors.

A couple of days ago, I wrote to Alena Belov with a request to show how to draw a folk costume with a pencil. I have already made a lot of lessons drawing different clothes. You will see links to them below, under this lesson. And for this, I picked up a picture depicting women's festive clothing from the Tver Province of the 19th century:

Left depicted sundress, shirt and belt. On the right maiden festive shirt with a belt. If you were asked in a history lesson or from this topic, you can use this lesson:

How to draw a Russian folk costume with a pencil phased

Step one. I draw the sketch of the main parts of the costumes. It does not differ from the sketch of man, only without head and legs. It is also important here to observe the proportions.

Step second. Draw the shape of dresses. Folk costumes (at least our) did not differ in openness, so almost the whole body is hidden.

Step Three. Very important moment is the folds. Without them, the drawing will look like a paper dress. Try to show all possible bends and shadows from them on the dress.

Step fourth. Another distinctive feature of a folk costume is an abundance of patterns. It is not easy for any fiction from Armani or Guccture. Each pattern is something indicates. It is difficult to draw them, but if you do not do this, the viewer will be difficult to determine: is it a dress of some young lady or a folk costume? And so, looking only for a second, any will determine any errors.

Pitch fifth. If you add hatching, the drawing will become more realistic.

I already wrote above that I have a lot of drawing lessons. You can take any topic in which there is clothes and srink. But I chose the best thematic lessons from this and give them to you.

Elena Chulilina

Topic: "Russian folk costume."

Tasks: introduce children with the history of male and women's clothing, with a Russian folk costume; develop visual perception; Educating accuracy and progress, to educate interest in the origins of Russian folk culture.

Materials. Illustrations of folk Russian costumes, pictures of male and women's clothing, samples of a variety of clothes. Coloring folk Russian costumes, markers.

The teacher introduces children with the history of male and women's clothing. In museums, there are a lot of samples of rich clothes of the Russian kings and boyars. The clothes were very expensive, so it was transferred only by inheritance. Simple people in men and women, the main part of the clothes was a shirt, or a shirt. The shirt was wide and long. She had longer hands. The shruh had a special cut of the gate. The incision at the shirt was on the side, so it was called - Kosososorotka. White sprocket was decorated with an embroidery on the alert, the span, the bottom of the sleeves. Very often on the chest made an insert from the material of another color. Kattin was put on top of the shoes. Men's trousers were called pants. These things were our ancestors: shirt, pants, caftan and others. In women, clothes were more difficult and diverse. Part of the clothes was shirt. On top of the shirts of a woman put on a long sundress. He was decorated with ribbons, beads, buttons and so on. The mandatory attribute of male and women's clothing in Russia has always been a belt. Next, the teacher talks about Russian folk suit. On the chalkboard illustrative material and tutor shows the clothes everyday and festive. Today we will paint the Russian folk costume of a boy and a girl. Under the Russian calm melody, children are proceeded to work. Consider children's work.

Well done! What beautiful costumes you got!

Exhibition of children's work!

Publications on the topic:

Before you - black and white coloring, but based on Russian folk costume! You can simply paint them, but you can, sticking to certain.

Topic: "The history of the Russian folk costume" "Podagogic goal in the Russian costume" of Vanya in the Russian costume. Show children inseparable communication between.

The lepbuca "Russian Folk Suit" was drawn up in the framework of the project "The Region of My Penza". According to patriotic upbringing. Subject: in-depth.

Presentation of the project "Russian Folk Suit" for the Preparatory Group Cognitive-productive project. Participants: children of the preparatory group, educators, parents of children. Relevance: Russian folk.

Event to improve the effectiveness of ethnocultural education of children "Russian People's Suit of the Belgorod Region" Objective: Increase the effectiveness of ethnocultural education of senior preschool children based on familiarization with the Russian folk costume.

In our kindergarten there is a patriotic corner. There are things that were used to be used in everyday life. These are musical instruments-harmony,.

In chapter

Different tasks. So you sit other times and think how to draw a Russian folk costume? And - to the child?

Step-by-step instructions for

Russian people's female suit with sundress. Step-by-step instructions, how to draw a Russian folk suit with a pencil.

Russian folk girl costume - a shirt with a belt. Step-by-step instructions, as the most step-by-step female Russian folk costume with a pencil. Initially, we draw a vertical line - this is our axis of symmetry, then plan three horizontal lines - shoulder lines, hips and waist. Depending on what suit we draw: Seversky with a mandatory sundress or Yuzhnorussky -C. apron and a dust, the waistline is located in different ways. In the northern versions - it is overestimated, in the southern - is on the spot. Then the skirt is scheduled from the waist line, and the shoulder line is future sleeves. For simplicity, the sleeve line can be drawing parallel to the skirt lines. At the level of the hips, the sleeve finish. Thus, we are ready pseudo-layout, on the basis of which we will draw a suit.

1. Draw a Russian sundress-based suit.

Alenushka girl in Russian folk costume. Breakdown in individual stages, how to draw a suit itself.