Cultural heritage of China's Drain. Heritage of ancient China

Cultural heritage of China's Drain. Heritage of ancient China
Cultural heritage of China's Drain. Heritage of ancient China

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Special Project Ch

China, it is not only the "Made in China" who is familiar to all of us, it is primarily a huge layer of history, memory, time, and everything that should be expensive both to all humanity and a separate me, to understand its value in this world at all and preserving the memory and development of civilization of people in general.
This unique historical casus of the merger of one largely and absolutely seemingly incompatible, the location of the concentration of everything and all, the storehouse of monuments and treasures, the place of contact of the past and future and mutual heartfelt symbiosis, ancient civilization And at the same time the communist paradise.
On his huge territory from the resort Hainan to the dead sands of the Gobi desert, from the taking clouds of Shanghai skyscrapers to the glaciers of Tibet scattered unique placessubmitted to UNESCO heritage list this moment 41.

We want to present to your attention the first part of them.

We look and learn:


Zzygzincheng, literally "Purple Forbidden City" or Googun (formerly Palace) for Beijing - the most extensive palace complex in the world.

By ancient legendOne palace was having a Chinese monk who drew a project for Prince Zhu di at the end of the 14th century. Having become Emperor China, Zhu Di for 15 years with the help of millions of Chinese built a forbidden city, surrounding it with a 3.5 kilometer wall and declaring it with a new capital of China and the center of the Universe, from where the Divine emperors can control the Middle Kingdom. You can get into the territory of the inner and exterior palaces through one of the four gates: Northern Gate of the Military Valor, Shenuene, South Housing Gate, Unshan, Western Western Floral Gate, Sihuhamedin or eastern Eastern Floral gate, Donghuhaumed. The premises in which all 24 Chinese dynasties were noted and the imperial household objects were kept, there are no less than 9999, and the names of them sound like a miserable music: the halls of earthly calm, heavenly purity and association and peace. There are 114 buildings here, the most valuable library, harmony halls and three imperial garden - longevity, kindness and tranquility.

Shenyanga Forbidden City - Googun, inferior to the scale (but not by beauty) for the forbidden city in Beijing, differs from Beijing in that it was created by order of the emperor of the Manchurian dynasty with all the architectural styles and elements made by the nomadic culture of Manchurov (for example, the first buildings are very Recognized yurts).

On the slopes of Tianshow Mountains at the foot of the mountain of heavenly longevity 50 km north of the Beijing center, a high-wall, fell apart from prying eyes, is the Mausoleum complex of the Thirteen Emperors of the Chinese Ming Dynasty. Tomb - huge pavilions-palaces created and located in accordance with the principles of Feng Shui, leads a common sacred road (Shendao), tested by the statues of mythical beings.

Summer Palace and Imperial Park. Park Mesiauan in Beijing (Summer Imperial Palace)

Summer Palace in Beijing, he is the same, Palace of Palace and longevity or the Palace of Jenshoudian - Triumph of Harmony and Landscape Pride of Beijing. On the huge territory of natural hills, elegant pavilions and old Buddhist temples are standing, through the lakes perplex bridges, and along the shores are long indoor painted galleries - there are more than 3,000 buildings and premises here.

Here, the empress of Chiysi and Emperor Guansen, who used money for the construction of all this beauty allocated on the device of the modern fleet, managed state cases, accepted foreign guests and shared huge territories with numerous minor concubines. To the west of the Buddhist sanctuary on the banks of the Big Lake Kunming, one of the most famous facilities of the Summer Palace is towers - marble switches with mosaic floors, where the Empress Tsyshi loved the trapes, looking through the beautiful windows on the beauty of the "Garden of Clean Ryaby" - Henshoudean.

Mysterious traces of the Beijing Synantropropa, for one opinion, the first representative mongoloid raceBut according to another, the dead-end branch of human development, was first discovered by scientists at 50 km south-west of Beijing in a small village of Zhoukudian. Here, in the deep cave of the Mountains of the Dragon Bones - Lungushan and traces of an ancient monkey. Increquently, since when local residents began to dig in the fossil cave of the ancient bones "Lunga" or "Dragon Bones" and use them as a medicine from a variety of diseases, but official excavations started in 1921 and ongoing and to this day confirm that Synaltropacies living here in the period of icing (about 700 thousand years ago), the growth was only about one and a half meters, their right hands were larger than the left, they knew how to maintain fire and sometimes, except animals, mined for lunch for themselves (that is, cannibalism Ancient was not alien)

Sky Temple

The majestic temple of the sky is a whole collection of amazing religious buildings and traditions surrounded by gardens and old pines and cypresses. Everything is arranged here so as to show the connection between the land and the sky, the world of people and the world of God, as well as the particular role that the emperors play in this relationship. Although it was near the temple of the sky and more domestic purpose - assistance during harvesting under the imperial prayers.

The most famous part of the temple is a wall of returning sounds, known for its acoustics: Suffice something in a whisper on one side of the wall, as clearly distinguishable words will affect the other side, about 100 meters away. To the south of the wall of returning sounds there is a white marble altar of the sky, in the center of the top terrace of which there is a round stone, surrounded by concentric rings of nine stones pointing to the emperor. Another monumental structure of the Cyniandian temple, in which everything is subordinated to the symbolism of the root in traditional beliefs Chinese. The red columns of the fire symbolize the Union of the sky and the Earth, four central columns - four times of the year, twelve columns in the midst - 12 months of the year, another twelve columns from the outside of a two-hour segments of the day of day. And all together twenty-eight columns symbolize 28 constellations.

Great Wall of China (Zhanhaiguan's outpost 20 km from Qinhuangdao)

The Great Wall, the monumental feat of the Chinese people, distinctly visible even from the moon stretches along the northern part of China to 8851 kilometers. One of its sites -Shanhaiguan or the "passage of between 26 kilometers by between meters and the sea" is one of the main steadies of the Great Wall.

At the highest place where the wall meets with Safety ocean (Bohaji Bay) - Lavund, Head of the Old Dragon, is the fortress tower. Here the first stone wall was laid and opened beautiful views on sea distance.


Mountain residence, Summer Palace of Qing Dynasty is a huge complex of palaces and buildings.

Emperor Kansey, who came to Chande to Fight, chose these places for a resting room from the summer heat of the Forbidden City in Beijing. The residence was called Bishushanzhuang - the mountain asylum from the summer heat. For 89 years of construction, the temples made in various architectural styles appeared here and imperial gardens, harmoniously inscribed in the landscape of lakes, pastures and forests. 12 different in the architectural style of majestic temples built with the aim of reuniting with the help of religion of national minorities, including Mongols, Uigurov, Tibetans, were built around the residence in Chende.


Cave temples Yungan.

16 kilometers west of datube on the slopes of the mountains, the length of more than 1000 meters is located 252 man-made caves, 51 thousand statues of Buddha, and images of Buddhist saints, warriors, heavenly elegant dancers and musicians.

All together are the temples of the transcendental heights or the world's largest ensemble of cave churches created by man during the dawn of Chinese Buddhism and in the romantic sentiments of the three Chinese dynasties.


Mount Utaishan

Mount of five heights, Utaishan or a clean cold mountain, is one of the four sacred mountains of Chinese Buddhism, the place of stay of Bodhisattva wisdom or in the Chinese version - Manzushri (Wensh). Main Mount - The roof of the North China rises 3058 meters and is surrounded by four more tops, which love to appear Wensh, representing the pilgrim, then a monk, then a five-color cloud. Once the temples dedicated to Wenshu on the territory of the Utaishan was about three hundred, by now there are only 53 left, but this is enough to plunge into the beauty of the Lamisian sanctuary and monastic life with chants, the smell of incense and prayers. Most acting temples are located around Taihuai town (Taihuai)



Coggyry tombs - the ruins of three ancient mountain cities (Uu, Guoii and Vando) and 40 tomb of emperors and nobility of the influential Dynasty of Cogourg, which ruled on the territory of the North China and the Northern Half of the Korean Peninsula from 37 to our era until 668 of our era. The walls of the tombs are decorated with unique wall paintings for which you can judge everyday life and traditions of people of that period. The territory of Ruins Cogware is so huge that a third population of Jian city population is located, including the administration building, built sometime right on the place of Razulilla. Now the former building of the city administration has become a fleet of Kingdom Kogouro.


From once who flourishing the chant on the territory of the inner Mongolia, only global walls remained, brick foundation and strengthening. Archaeological remains of temples, palaces, burials and parking of nomads - the ruins of the legendary capital of the Mongolian ruler of Khubilaikhan are located on the territory of 25 hectares (a third of the most huge forbidden city in Beijing) and meet all Feng Shui rules.

Dates are possible - any, calculation Prices Request!
For example: October 27 - November 17

Beijing - Qinhuangdao - Shenyang - Chede - Beijing - Datong - Utaishan - Beijing

Tour program:

October 27 Departure to Beijing, arrival
October 27 - November 1 in Beijing in GUO Mao Super 8 3 *, no meals

See - Imperial Palaces of Ming and Qing Dynasties (Forbidden City) , Parking "Beijing Man" in Zhoukudian , Summer Palace and Imperial Park , Sky Temple , The tombs of the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties , The great Wall of China

November 1 Moving to Qinhuangdao (Check out 7:50, arrival 11:08, sedentary Soft Seat)
November 1-2 in Qinhuangdao in Best Western Premier Junyu Grand 4 *, breakfast

+ Optional, optional:
350 km south-east of Shenyana in Jiana are located - Capital cities and tombs of the ancient kingdom of Kogouro
There is no direct way to get to Jiana. You can get by train first to Tonghua * (Tonghua) (260 km). Daily walks 6 trains, travel time ~ 6-7 hours, tickets are cost from 24 euros. You can book with us!

* In Tunhua, we recommend staying in hotels (for reviews of tourists with site.),
paid additionally, you can book us!
Yunfeng Grand Hotel 2 + * (5 Dongchang Road (Dongchang Lu, Tonghua), double from 18 euros per person for double \\ day
Tonghua Eastern Holiday Hotel 4 * (16 Xinzhan Road (Xinzhan Lu, Tonghua), Double from 19 euros per person for double \\ day
Tonghua Wantong Hotel 4 * (1022 JianShe Street (JianShe Dajie, Tonghua), Double from 22 euros per person for doubt \\ day

From Tungua to Jiana ** ~ 120 km. You can get by train number 6347. Departure daily at 7: 32, back at 11:40. Travel time ~ 3 hours, fare from 1 euro.

** In Jiana, we recommend staying in hotels (for tourist reviews from the site),
hotels are paid independently in place
Hong Kong City Holiday Hotel (No.22 Liming South Road, Ji'an 134200, China)
Kaiyuan Zhouji Hotel (No.88 Yongshu Road, Ji'an, China)
Cuiyuan Hotel (No.888 Shengli Road, Ji'an 134200, China)

November 6 Moving in Chade (Check out November 6 at 17:18, arrival in Chande November 7 at 05:30, Sleeping Place Hard Sleeper)
November 7-9 Accommodation in Chend in Yunshan 4 *, breakfast

WebsiteMountain imperial residence and those surrounding his temples in Chende

November 9 Moving to Beijing (Departure at 7:45, Arrival at 13:12, Soft Seat Sitty Place)
Free time in Pekin.
And on the same day, moving to datong
(Departure from Beijing at 23:03, Arrival in Datong November 10 at 05:17, Sleeping Place Hard Sleeper)
November 10-12 Accommodation in Datong in Holiday Inn City Center 4 *, no meals

We look - Cave temples Yungan.

* How to get there: From Datong to Wtaishan (Wutaishan) ~ 200 km.
You can reach the bus.
Daily walk 2 buses from Dàtóng South Bus Station (新 南站 Xīnnánzhàn). The schedule may vary every day, so it is better to find out in place. Travel time ~ 4 hours, cost ~ 10 euros. Also, on reviews of tourists, you can get by taxi ~ 40 euros one way.

November 12-15 Accommodation in Utaishan in Wutaishan Zhongbao Hotel Second Branch, breakfast

SeeMount Utaishan

Mount Utaishan and 53 monastery in the park. The entrance to the park costs ~ 28 euros. Mount Utaishan is 40 km from Yuttaishan. You can navigate through the park in the park on green buses (Green Coach / Bus) (included in the ticket price, indeed 3 days).

November 15 independent * moving to datong

* How to get there: From Ustyshan to Datong (Datong) ~ 200 km.
You can reach the bus. Daily walk 2 buses to Dàtóng South Bus Station (新 南站 xīnnánzhàn). The schedule may vary every day, so it is better to find out in place. Travel time ~ 4 hours, cost ~ 10 euros. Also, on reviews of tourists, you can get by taxi ~ 40 euros one way.

November 16 Moving to Beijing (Check out 08:20, arrival at 14:36, sedentary Soft Seat)
November 17 at 01:55 departure to Moscow
November 17th arrival in Moscow

The cost of the tour per person with 2x-local accommodation - 990 Euro

Optionally, you can add a couple of days in China and capture UNESCO World Heritage Site Archaeological excavations in the city of Chanda

* How to get there:to chanda can be reached by several ways:
In the beginning to get from Beijing to Hasho, for example, by train T177 (from 75 yuan, 7.5 hours). From Hukho, the easiest way is to sit on the day train K502 to Songine Dala (Sānggēn dálái; soft sleeping place 205 June, 8 h.) With departure at noon. From Sangine Dala (桑根达 来), you can drive on a minibus (120 yuan) 52 km south to the small town of Lanzi (蓝旗; lánqí). From attractions in the town there is a chandom museum and a huge square with the statue of Hubilai-Khan. Steamed remains 27 km by taxi (150 yuan in both ends).

If you are traveling from Beijing (south of 275 km), sit on a bus to Dolun (多伦; Duōlún, cities are 36 km east of Chanda. From Doluna, you can take a taxi to chanda, and then go to Lanci. Wanting to get into Hukho, sit on the train 1814 at 10:16 from Sangine Dala.
You can accommodate with convenience in Yuán shnigdū xiÀgōng dàjiǔdiÀn (元 元 都 大 酒店; Zhèn Téngfēi lù;% 0479-4227666; number from 100 yuan), decorated in Mongolian style of the hotel in Lanci, which is standing next to the museum. Hall is notable for numerous maps and chanda patterns.

You can also fly from Beijing to Shilin-Hoto (1CH 15 min, 160 euros there and back) and settle there at Xilinhaote Hotel (11 euro per person for a double / day). You can book us! From Shilin-Hoto to Chanda ~ 230 km. You can get to a taxi or rent in Shilin-Hoto with a driver.

The tour price includes: direct flight Moscow - Beijing - Moscow; Specified crossings on the program, accommodation in hotels in the program.
Additionally charged: Medstrashovka 1 euro per day, China visa (3000 rubles, documents for 14 calendar days)
Transfers yourself!

Organized route with guide
October 24 - November 7

or any other dates, Calculate Prices Request!

Beijing - Chengda - Shenyang - Qinhuangdao - Datong - Utaishan - Beijing

Tour program:

October 24 Departure to Beijing, arrival in Beijing
October 24-28 Accommodation in Beijing In King Parkview Hotel Beijing 3 *, breakfast
October 25 - November 6 excursion program:

Day 1 - Beijing

UNESCOImperial Palaces of Ming and Qing Dynasties (Forbidden City),

Day 5. - Breakfast in the hotel. Excursion: Punin Temple, Potala Small Palace (Putuzzuncheng).
Lunch in a Chinese restaurant.
Transfer on the railway station. Chengde-Shenyang's night crossing (17: 31-05: 30, place in the 4-seater coupe)

Day 6. - Arrival in Shenyang. Accommodation in Shenyang at the Railway New East Hotel 3 *, breakfast.

UNESCO - Imperial Palaces of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (Mukden Palace)

Day 7. - Breakfast in the hotel. Moving Shenyang-Qinhuangdao (07: 31-10: 05); Accommodation in Qinhuangdao in Zhongmei Hotel 3 *, breakfast

UNESCOThe great Wall of China (Zhanha Haiguan, 20 km from Qinhuangdao)

Day 8. - Breakfast in the hotel. Free Time Night Moving Qinhuangdao-Dathong (17: 03-06: 03, place in the 4-seater coupe)

Day 9. - In the morning, arriving in Datong, meeting with the guide.

UNESCO - Cave temples Yungan, And also Huanyan Monastery, Shanhua Monastery, Nine-Dragon Screen.

Hotel accommodation at Hongqi Grand Hotel 3 *, breakfast.

Day 10. - Breakfast in the hotel. Transfer to Mount Utaishan

UNESCOMount Utaishan Visit on the road Hanging Monastery, Wooden Pagoda.

Accommodation at Wu Tai Shang Jin Wei Hotel 3 *, breakfast.

Day 11. - Breakfast in the hotel. We look at the streetshan - Xiantong Temple, Tayuan Temple, Pusading Temple, Wanfoge Temple, Shuxiang Temple, Puhua Temple in Taihuai Town of Mt. Wutai.

Day 12. - Breakfast in the hotel. A ride on the funicular to Dai Luo Ding and a visit to the temple on the top of the mountain.
Reverse transfer to Datong.
Night crossing to Beijing (23: 00-05: 37).

Day 13. - Meeting at the station. Transfer railway station - city. Free time.
Anytime transfer city - airport.

Tour cost per person - 1800 EUR

To cover the maximum number of UNESCO points, you can lay a couple of extra days and visit Capital cities and tombs of the ancient kingdom of Kogouro
In the evening, moving by train to Tunhua (21: 44-06: 24 + 1), then a transplant to Jiang (07: 32-10: 43), accommodation in Jian and visit Capital cities and tombs of the ancient kingdom of Kogouro . The next day, departure back to Tunhua (11: 40-14: 52) and then in Shenyang (16: 40-00: 49) Train and accommodation will cost about 100 euros. If you want to accompany the guide to you, then moving, accommodation, guide food, and guide services - $ 60 \\ day.

The tour price includes: direct flight Moscow - Beijing - Moscow; All rides by train on the program (second-class seats or tickets in a 4-seater coupe), accommodation in hotels in the program, excursion program (all transfers to the car, support of the Russian-speaking guide (in Datong and Utaishan - Guide - English-speaking)

Additionally charged: Medstrashovka 1 euro per day, China Visa (3000 rubles, documents for 14 calendar days), additional preparation - $ 12 for each lunch or dinner.

Attention! On this tour pre-recording - Plitvintsev () Website or Tel: 8 915 241 52 69
Requests and comments on the tour Leave

Photo by Copetan, Heaven`s Gate (John), S.K. Lo, Andy * Enero, 82gab, Sean Maynard, Keith Roper, CC HSU - DFS, CKS12., Basair, Davehoutx1, Wangxiaoli, Rhysiefurr, Raphael Bick, Sensaos, Juan et Ya, Bright_Side, Juan et Ya, John Mac 2011 UK, Edhelien, Archer10 (Dennis), Maria_Globetrotter (Mostly OFF), Miohaibara, Mel Mijares, Visit China Now, Nànreh, Hrfj, Ncssmphotos, Autorin 22, Cyemura, Xingjian, Proggie, Alan Dreamworks, HK_TRAVELER, H SINICA, ABELIO, Ocean Jeff, ELI @ Brasil, Exiula, Johntrathome, The-Lonely-Push-Biker, Ocean Jeff, Chinastudyabroad, David Wilmot, Llee_WU, H Sinica, Flickrdn, Milnikus, Sisi.zhang88, Kai Can Travel

China - country with ancient culture and a unique story, the people with a distinctive mysterious and even more amazing culture than other peoples, religion, land of indescribable beauty. For many centuries, this unique culture China. For the centuries-old history of the country in the territory of modern China appeared, developed and disappeared ethnic groups And nationals with their own culture with which many and its cultures are connected.

Mythology and spirituality in China's culture

Mythology and spirituality have always been the most significant elements in the life of the Chinese. Therefore, it can be said that religion had the deepest influence on the traditions, customs and culture of the Chinese people. The main religious flows in are Taoism, Confucianism and Moism, which appeared in China's culture approximately 500 years before. e. And they are an integral part.

Taoism as an element of culture is based on a special path for each person - the path of Tao. Its essence comes down to the fact that nature, the universe and the person are united, and all the processes occurring in nature occur without human intervention. The second philosophical teaching in China - Confucianism - one can simplify interpret as a collection of instructions on life and human actions in various situations. The essence of Mysma is universal love To everything - to plants, to animals, to people. By the way, all these religious flows received almost the same distribution in China's culture.

Chinese culture heritage

Naturally so developed china culture Could not give a lot of the greatest applied discoveries. China's culture is powder and silk, paper and mascara, compass, china, many centuries were the monopoly production of Chinese artisans. The country is replete with huge architectural Heritageremaining the Chinese people from their ancestors, which indicates high degree The development of China's culture.

First of all, this is of course the Great Wall of China - the property of cultureincluded in 1987 in the list world Heritage UNESCO, this is the Imperial Palace in Beijing - an integral part of China's culture

The most outstanding cultural and historical monuments of China, entered into the UNESCO World Heritage List:

  1. Imperial Palace of Googun
  2. Parking Sinantropropa
  3. Mausoleum Emperor Qin Shihandei and "Terracotta Army" - the result of high development of China's culture
  4. Grotto Mogao in Dunhuan
  5. Mountain resort and temples Chengda
  6. House, Temple and Grave Confucius in Tsyuf
  7. Ancient architectural complex on Mount Udan
  8. Potala Palace - Special value in China's culture
  9. Scenic locality Mount Lushan
  10. Ancient city Lijiang
  11. Ancient city of Piniao
  12. Classic Gardens of Suzhou City - Heritage Culture
  13. Summer Palace
  14. Sky Temple - An integral part of China
  15. Carved sculptures in Datsz
  16. Mount Tishan
  17. Mount Huangshan
  18. Mount Emey and Big Buddha in Lashan - an important component chinese culture
  19. Mount Hy.

Nature of China

  1. Picturesque place of Ulaunuan
  2. Gorge Tszyuchaigu
  3. Picturesque place Juanlong
  4. We offer to look at
  • 1. Spatial arts:
  • 2. Temporary arts
  • 7. Modern art
  • 8. Science is an essential element of culture. The main stages of the development of science. Communication of science with production.
  • 9. The main stages of the development of the scientific revolution. Scientific picture of the world.
  • Stage 1. In the XVII century, the first scientific revolution occurred. It is connected with the revolution in natural science.
  • Stage 2. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. There was a new scientific revolution, which began in physics and engulfed all major industries of science.
  • 3 stage. In the middle of the twentieth century, a scientific and technical revolution (HTR) began.
  • 10. Cultureogenesis. Culture and civilization, their relationship.
  • 5) language.
  • Classification of civilization
  • 11. Interpretation of concepts Culture and civilization in the concept of N.Ya Danilevsky, O.Shpengorler.
  • The concept of local crops N.Ya Danilevsky
  • Concept about. Spengler
  • 12. Interpretation of concepts culture and civilization in the concept A. Toynbi.
  • Stages of life of civilization in the concept of Toynbi
  • 2) growth stage.
  • 3) stage of donuma
  • 13. The emergence and formation of postmodernism.
  • 14. Postmodernism as a lifestyle.
  • 15. Typology of cultures. Eastern and Western types of cultures.
  • 1 step - prehistory, which lasted hundreds of millennia.
  • 7. Selection of cultures at the place and time of their occurrence:
  • 16. Culture and man. Inultation and socialization.
  • 17. Culture and Personality
  • 18. Culture and education. Education in the modern world.
  • 2. The task of unification of education (uniformity, a single form of education) in developed countries.
  • 19. The emergence of culture. Material and spiritual culture of primitive society.
  • 20. The peculiarity of the culture of the ancient Egyptian civilization.
  • 1. Culture of the era of the ancient and middle kingdom
  • 2. The culture of the era of the new kingdom.
  • 21. Culture of Ancient India.
  • 22. Cultural heritage of the ancient China
  • Periodization of the history and culture of ancient China:
  • 23. Culture of Ancient Japan
  • 24. Culture of medieval Japan.
  • 25. Creoto-Mixed Culture in Myths and Archaeological Research
  • II. History of Hellenism (end of the IV-I centuries. BC)
  • 26. Characteristics of the Byzantine Culture
  • 27. Culture of the Western European Middle Ages
  • 28. Culture of Arab-Muslim East in the Middle Ages
  • 29. Characteristics of the culture of the Renaissance
  • 30. Culture of Russia in the first half of the XVIII century
  • M.V. Lomonosov
  • 31. Culture, science and education in Russia in the second half of the XVIII century.
  • 32. Culture of Russia in the first half of the XIX century. Golden Age of Russian Culture.
  • 33. Culture of Russia in the second half of the XIX century.
  • 34. "Silver Age" of Russian Culture (1890s - 1917).
  • 35. Development of education, education, science in Russia at the turn of the XIX-XXVV.
  • 36. Development of education and enlightenment in Russia after the October Revolution and in the 1920s.
  • 37. Development of higher education and science after the October Revolution and in the 20s in Russia.
  • 38. The activity of societies "Down with illiteracy" and "militant atheists." The movement of the "prosticult".
  • 39. Attitude towards "fellow trains" in the literature and art in the 1920s.
  • 40. Culture of Russian abroad in the 1920s.
  • 41. Cultural revolution of the 1930s in the USSR
  • 42. Training of the framework of the new Soviet technical and humanitarian intelligentsia in the 30s in Russia. Development of science, literature and art
  • 43. The influence of the cult of personality, policies of mass repression on the creative intelligentsia.
  • 44. Religion and church in the conditions of Stalinsky Totalitarianism. The attitude of power to cult facilities in the 30s, and to historical monuments and culture as a whole.
  • 45. "Thaw" in the spiritual life of the Soviet society after the XX Congress of the CPSU.
  • 46. \u200b\u200bDevelopment of education and science in the USSR in the mid-1950s - mid-1960s
  • 47. The spiritual life of the Soviet society in the mid-1960s - early 80s.
  • 48. Achievements and miscalculations in the folk education system, higher education in the 1970s of the 80s. In Russia
  • 49. Dissident and human rights movement in the USSR
  • 50. Education, science and culture in the market conditions in the 1990s.
  • 51. Nature and culture. The role of nature in the formation of culture.
  • 52. Ecology and environmental culture.
  • 22. Cultural heritage of the ancient China

    Ancient Chinese civilization arose at the turn of the III-II thousand to n. e. On average, the Juanhe River and existed to 220 N. er. (Khan Empire Wrecked). China's population in deep antiquity was very feathered in its ethnic composition: Chinese tribes, manzhro-tunguz, Turkic, Mongolian, Sino-Tibetan, etc.

    Until the middle of the I thousand BC. e. Ancient China developed in the separation from other civilizations.

    In written monuments of Chinese antiquity there is an idea of \u200b\u200bchicticenter. Even the ancient Chinese states were called: "Medino kingdoms". The Chinese have identified their country with "Podnebyss", and the Chinese emperor - the Lord of all people. In this ancient Chinese were no exception. In Europe, for example, the Greeks considered everyone except Ellinov, barbarians.

    Traditionally, Chinese historians talk about the eternal and absolute superiority of Chinese culture over the culture of neighboring peoples.

    Periodization of the history and culture of ancient China:

      decomposition of primitive communal system and occurrence class society and the most ancient states (18-12 centuries. BC). Shang-Yin State

      Ancient China 11-3 centuries. BC e. The state of Zhou. From 5 to 3 V. BC e. There was the era of "fighting kingdoms".

      The first centralized state in China is the Empire Qin 3 V. BC e. (221-207 BC)

      Empire Han 3B. BC e. - 3rd. n. e. (207g BC. E. - 220 g. E.)

    Residents of the ancient China created an interesting and original culture, both material and spiritual. Chinese cultureUnlike Indian, more pragmatic, facing the values \u200b\u200bof real earthly life. The Chinese in the first place money. The Chinese believe that in the next life they will live is also rich, as in this. Therefore, the Chinese are hardworking, seek to get rich. The role of traditions, customs, rituals and ceremonies is great.

    1. Among the early cities-states, the exclusive place is occupied by the excavated in the district of Anaan " great city Shang "with water supply in the aristocratic quarter. It was the early-workers' state of Shan-Yin. Three most important achievements are inherent in the Epoch Shang-Yin: Construction of cities, the use of bronze and appearance of writing. Samples of yin writing are deciphered. They are represented by fortuneful texts on the bones of animals and shells of turtles. Wooden planks were also used for the letter. The ruler of Inhtsev wore the title "Van." Interest representing Yin burials. Found large tombs of rulers and their closest relatives. In the central funeral chamber of 400-500 m 2 and a depth of 10 m, an external coffin was placed in which another one was enclosed - internal. In the tomb put bronze ritual vessels, decorations of gold and jasper, weapons, musical instruments, etc.

    In the XI century BC e. The Shang-Yin state was conquered by Zhuusztsi from Zhou State (North-West China). Zhustsy quickly adopted the techniques of bronze production, writing. In Zhou there was a two-day cult of the Supreme Divine of the sky and the Son of the sky.

    2. Approximately 6 V. BC e. Ancient Chinese myths appear. They are divided into several groups:

      cosmogonic myths (nature arose from the state of the initial chaos. Chaos is divided into two primary elements - jan. (male start) and yin (Dark Start). Of these, inanimate things and live creatures arose.

      myths about natural disasters and heroes who saved people from them. Two main disasters: flood and drought.

      myths O. ancient heroes. Many heroes were depicted in the form of semi-suicide semi-digestible.

      myths about the first time.

    The era of Zhou - "Fighting Kingdoms" is considered classic in the history of the culture of ancient China. The development of scientific knowledge is accelerated. This era is considered to be a golden age chinese philosophy. During this period, the main philosophical flows - Confucianism, Taoism.

    3. In the III century. BC e. The kingdom of Qin is enhanced. By perennial wars and conquests, it subjugated all the rest of the kingdoms and created a single Qin Empire. In 221 BC e. Emperor Qin Shihuandi carried out reforms aimed at strengthening and uniting the country. In the whole of the country, uniform weights were introduced, length, a single drawing of hieroglyphs, a single monetary system With gold and copper coins. This contributed to the development of trade relations. Qin cared for the construction of defensive structures. To protect the country from nomads - Gunnov - he ordered to combine all the fortifications started in one of the 4th century. BC e. So the Great Wall of China begins to create. In the time of the Empire, the length of the wall reached 700 km. The Great Wall of China was built over 1000 years. Its length is 4 thousand km, and with branches - more than 6 thousand km. Farmers, artisans and slaves were rumored to build the Chinese wall. Some fled, raised uprisings. During the uprising, Qin Shi Juan was overthrown and the leader of the rebels Liu Ban became the ruler. From it begins the Han dynasty (207 BC).

    4. In the days of the Han Empire, trade was developed. The Great Silk Road, connecting China with many West countries. Silk, carpets, iron, porcelain, spices, etc. have been exported from China, porcelain, and other rebellion in China. In 220 N. e. Empire Han Pala. China was dissected for three kingdoms.

    In antiquity in China, writing appeared in the form of hieroglyphs (18 thousand). Science has been developed. The device marked the earthquake was invented. In 28 g. BC e. Chinese astronomers opened spots in the sun. Heavenly globe was created with a description of more than 2500 stars, a theory was developed on the boundlessness of the universe in time and space. Han Mathematics used decimal fractions, negative numbers. The Chinese have learned to make paper, and before that they wrote on silk. The medicine developed the acupuncture method.

    China's fine art belongs to the oldest in the world. Ceramic vessels, dishes, amphoras, bowls were decorated with complex geometric patterns, signs-symbols with an image of animals. Palaces were built in the Hansk era. Chinese architecture is distinguished by national peculiarity. Roofs of buildings have a characteristic elegant bending. Portrait painting was developed. In general, in Chinese art traditional landscapes remain: mountains and rivers, flowers and birds. Pictures and their individual details, as a rule, have their own interpretation. So, often depicted on the pine canvases, symbolizes durability and longevity, IVA - femininity, modesty, refinement and weakness, orchid - simplicity and nobility, bamboo - spiritual purity. Many emperors encouraged the development of literature and art, closer to the court of the best poets, writers and scientists.

    China is a country of an ancient musical culture. Already in 1 V to n. e. More than 80 musical instruments have been known in China.

    One of the most ancient species of spectacular art, the story of which in China has about two millennia, was acrobatics.

    The culture of ancient China almost unchanged to the XVII century n. e.

    Religion. The nature of the earliest religious system in China remains unclear and is the subject of disputes. The peasants deified the forces of nature. And the highest Chinese layers were another mentality. Did not have:

      neither cult of half-skinned heroes;

      neither the ideas of salvation in the afterlime world;

      neither the ideas of prayer in the name of getting rid of sins.

    There was no church organization, priests, dogmas. In a sense, it can be said that the ancient Chinese religion did not exist at all. The equivalent of the absent official religion was the aristocratic ethics and a ritual ceremony. The highest sacred authority for the aristocracy was almighty, but inaccessible sky. Ritual-ethical connection with the sky was carried out by the emperor (VAN). The emperor was the son of the sky and was also the highest carrierdE. - Virtues and grace. Sky is the highest judge. He also presents the mandate for the control of the Middle Kingdom. The Chinese called his country to be insecured, and Vana - her lord.

    In the middle of the i-th thousand BC. e., in ancient China, Confucianism and Taoism appeared. At first it was philosophical schools, and in the 2nd century n. e. turned into religion.

    Confucianism regulates social relations With the help of a cult of ancestors. Respect for their ancestors implies and respect for the existing social order. Social, ritualized ethics are developed. It formed the appearance of traditional Chinese culture. Early Confucianism spoke about the initial kindness of human nature.

    In the ancient Chinese civilization there was a cult of education and literacy. One of the most important requirements for civil servants was high level Education. To promote the service, the official had to take exams on the works of Confucius (up to 20 years. The twentieth century).

    Taoism played a key role in the aesthetization and poetization of nature. Only now, humanity has become aware of the relevance of environmental thinking, which all Taoist philosophy is penetrated. Many of the principles of Taoism created the philosophical basis of famous chinese martial arts, including u-shu.

    The Chinese ethnos created a special type of culture, distinguishing him from the cultures of other peoples. Culture of ancient China laid the foundation for the further cultural and historical development of Chinese civilization and i had a deep influence on the culture of the entire Far Eastern region.

    Ancient China is the richest cultural heritage, original culture, long traditions that thousands of years, historical sights practically every step. China attracts millions of tourists every year, and travelers, coming here for new impressions, are satisfied with their holidays.

    Sights of China

    Chinese business card is, of course, the great Wall of China - An oldest defensive structure, which is not in the world. If your dream is to see a huge Chinese wall, but you cannot come to China, then souvenirs to buy with shockting from China with this attraction. But to see with your own eyes historical monument Everyone is obliged.

    Be sure to arrive in China, you should get into the Forbidden City, the greatness of which can be judged chinese emperors. Today, this is a historical and cultural center, located in the heart of Beijing, who annually attend crowds of tourists. In the past century, only noble veelmes could enter here, and so far only half the palace is open to visit tourists. Today, simple mortals can see and fully appreciate the luxury of the Forbidden Palace.

    A very close to the palace is the largest temple of China Tien Tan, it is also called the temple of the sky. By tradition, the very short day, which only happens in a year, the emperors in the temple asked the sky to be favorable to the Chinese people, and sacrificed the rods of various gifts.

    It is impossible to come to China and not even visit the world-famous Shaolina - the most famous Buddhist monastery not only in China, but also in the whole world. In this monastery, the philosophy of Zen Buddhism is originated, as well as ancient Chinese martial arts different species. Here you can enjoy the peaceful serene calm as anywhere else on Earth. The story of the monastery leads from 450 to our era.

    Of course, one vacation is definitely not enough to see all the treasures of China. If you really want to get closer to this country, come here at least for a couple of months to have time to inspect the most important attractions, most tourists come for a week or two, and this time is very little to appreciate the entire beauty of the country. In China, every stone, every temple and palace have their own unique ancient history, Going deep into the ages.