Ancient historical peoples on the territory of Crimea. What nations live in the Crimea

Ancient historical peoples on the territory of Crimea. What nations live in the Crimea
Ancient historical peoples on the territory of Crimea. What nations live in the Crimea

Crimea is one of the amazing corners of the Earth. By virtue of his geographic location, he was at the junction of the habitat of different peoples, stood on the path of their historical movements. The interests of many countries and whole civilizations faced such a small territory. The Crimea Peninsula more than once became the arena of bloody wars and battles, was part of several states and empires.

Diverse natural conditions The peoples of various cultures and traditions for nomads were attracted to the Crimea for nomads, there were extensive pastures, for landpashings - fertile lands, for hunters - forests with a lot of game, for seafood - comfortable bays and bays, a lot of fish. Therefore, many nations settled here by becoming part of the Crimean ethnic conglomerate and participants of all historical events on the peninsula. People, whose traditions, customs, religions, life, lived in the neighborhood. This led to misunderstandings and even to bloody clashes. The civil workers stopped when an understanding came that it was well to live and flourish only in peace, harmony and mutual respect.

Peoples inhabiting Crimea

The ethnic history of the Crimea is very complex and dramatic. One thing can be said: never the national composition of the peninsula was not monotonous, especially in its mountainous part and seaside areas. Speaking about the population of Tavrichesky Mountains in the II century. BC, Roman historian Pliny Elder notices that there are 30 nations there. The mountains and islands often served as a refuge for relic peoples, once the great, and then descended from historical arena. So it was with the militant goths who conquered almost all of Europe and then dissolved in its expanses at the beginning of the Middle Ages. And in the Crimea settlement was ready to be kept until the XV century. The last reminder of them is the village of Kok-goat (now blueberry), that is, blue eyes.

Today in Crimea more than 30 national cultural associations, 24 of which are officially registered. The national palette is represented by semi-dying ethnic groups and ethnic groups, many of which have retained their traditional household culture.

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Most numerous ethnos. In Crimea, of course, Russian. It should be noted that in the Crimea they appear long before the Tatar, at least from the time of the prince of Prince Vladimir on Chersonesos. Already then, along with the Byzantines, Russian merchants are traded here and some of them settle in Chersonese seriously and for a long time. However, only after the joining of the Crimea, Russia arises a numerical advantage of Russians over other peoples inhabiting the peninsula. For comparative a short time Russians have been making up more than half of the population. This comes, mainly from the Central Chernozem Province of Russia: Kursk, Orlovskaya, Tambov and others.

Since ancient times, Crimea was a polyethnic territory. For a long time on the peninsula, a rich, interesting and world importance was formed, interesting and cultural heritage. From the end of XVIII - early XIX. explosive Due to a number of historical events on the peninsula, representatives of various peoples began to appear, which played a certain role in the economic, socio-political and cultural (architecture, religion, traditional and consumer culture, music, art etc.) of life.

Ethnic groups and ethnic groups contributed to the cultural heritage of the Crimea, which in the aggregate is a rich and interesting tourism, uniting in ethnographic and ethnic tourism. Currently in Autonomous Republic Crimea has more than 30 national and cultural associations, 24 of which are officially registered. The national palette is represented by semal ethnic groups and ethnic groups, many of which have retained their traditional household culture and actively popularize their historical and cultural heritage.

Secondly, peoples (ethnic groups), massively appeared on the peninsula 150 or more - 200 years ago, having a kind of history and culture. Their traditional household culture was in one way or another subjected to ethnic assimilation, mutual influence: regional features appeared in it, and some parties of material and spiritual culture were preserved and began to actively revive since the late 80s - early 90s. XX century. Among them are Bulgarians, Germans, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Jews, Czechs, Poles, Assyrians, Estonians, French and Italians.

And, thirdly, after 1945, Azerbaijanis, Koreans, Volga Tatars, Mordva, Koreans, Ganghane, and Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians from various regions, began to come into the Crimea, and gradually to form diasporas. This page describes ethnographic facilities characterizing the culture of 16 ethnic communities.

It includes architectural monuments left in the Medieval Italians (Venetians and Genoese) and early Christian cultural monuments, which are considered to be polyethnic objects, since it is not always possible to determine the ethnic affiliation of the creators of cult facilities, or in the complexes include objects created by representatives of various ethnic groups, for a long time Neighboring in the territory of Crimea.

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To characterize objects by traditional culture Armenians need to appeal to the history of their relocation from the ancient capital of Armenia Ani. The core of the first Armenian settlements was an ancient salt (Old Crimea), and Cafe (Feodosia), as evidenced by numerous chronicle sources. The best monuments of Armenian architecture are concentrated in the eastern and southeastern Crimea and belong to the XIV - XV centuries. Beautiful samples of urban dwelling are preserved in Feodosia, Sudak, old Crimea and small villages.

Special excursion interest is the monastery complex of Surb-Khach ("Holy Cross"), the date of construction - 1338 is located three kilometers south-west of the city of Old Crimea. The ensemble of the Surb-Khach Monastery is one of the best works of Armenian architects not only in the Crimea. It showed the main features of Armenian-low-immigination architecture. Currently, the monastery is under the jurisdiction of the State Committee of the ARC on the protection and use of historical and cultural monuments.

Former monastery of Surb Stefanosa (6.5 km south of the city of Old Crimea), and the miniature church of the Twelve Apostles, which is part of the Middle Ages Fortress complex in Sudak. Of the 40 Armenian churches of the Cafa have been preserved a few so far. Among them - the Church of George-victorious - a tiny basilical structure, more significant in size of the temples of John the Forerunners and Archangels of Mikhail and Gabriel with a carved turret, decorated with the finest stone carvings. In Feodosia, Sudak and the Old Crimea and their surroundings have preserved Khachkars - ancient tombstones with the image of the cross.

In the old Crimea once a year, members of the Armenian community of Crimea, guests from Armenia and far abroad - up to 500 people are collected for the Holiday Exaltation of the Cross. The holiday has a service in temples, executed traditional ritesNational dishes are preparing.


The history of the appearance of Belarusians in the Crimea refers to the end of the XVIII century. Migrants of their Belarus arrived on the peninsula and in the XIX - XX centuries. Currently, places of compact residence of Belarusians are a wide range of Simferopolsky district and the village Maryanovka Krasnogvardeysky district. In the village works wide people's MuseumWith ethnographic exposition according to the traditional consumer culture of Belarusians, there are children and adult folklore groups. The traditional days of culture of the Republic of Belarus became traditional, in which not only the Belarusians of the Crimea are actively involved, but also professional performers from Belarus.


The culture of Bulgarians is of interest, the appearance of which in the Crimea refers to the beginning of the XIX century. According to traditional household culture, Bulgarians revealed 5 ethnographic objects that are of attention. They can serve as the preserved houses of the construction of the 80s. XIX century - The beginning of the XX century. In traditional architectural style and with traditional planning in the village of Kursk, Belogorsky district (former colony, Kislav) and PGT. Koktkbel, who played a significant role in the economic, socio-political, religious and cultural life Up until 1944, a rich folklore heritage remained in the village of Zhelyabovka Nizhnegorsky district, folk holidays are organized, customs and rites are played.


In the field of view of the studies of the Crimean Ethnographic Museum, the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Greek Ethnic Group of Greeks falls (new time). These are descendants of migrants of various periods from mainland Greece and the islands of the archipelago of the late XVIII - the beginning of the XIX centuries.

One of the villages, which preserved the monuments of the traditional culture of the Greeks arriving in the Crimea after the Russian-Turkish War (1828-1829) from Rumelia (Eastern Frakia), is the village of Chernopol (former Karachol) of the Belogorsky District. The dwellings of the beginning of the 20th century are preserved here. Currently, the church was restored in the name of Saints Konstantin and Elena (built in 1913), the source of St. Constantine - "Holy Critique", where the Greeks come after liturgy for ablution and drinking. Enjoy the fame of the Greeks of Crimea and the Donetsk region of the Holy Holiday Panair, held annually by the Chernopolskaya community on June 3-4. Folk rites, traditions and customs, rich song folklore are preserved not only in families, but also in the folk team. In January 2000, an ethnographic house museum opened in the village of Chernopol.

In addition to the so-called "new Novogreic", many monuments characterizing various periods of Greek culture in the Crimea have been preserved in Crimea. Christian and Muslim necropolis XVI-XVII centuries were found in the Bakhchisarai district. Among the old-timers of the Greek population were Greek Christians (Rumea) and Turkic-speaking - Uruma, so the inscriptions on the tombstones are found in two languages. These invaluable monuments of history and culture, many of which are dated and retained ornamentation cause enormous interest among residents of the peninsula and researchers. Thus, the village of Bakhchisarai district is high, rich, gorge, browsing, multidiction, green with Christian and Muslim necropals, preserved housing XIX century. It may be allotted as ethnographic facilities that characterize the spiritual and material culture of the late-medieval population of the Crimea - Greeks.

For a long stay with representatives of other ethnic groups (Russians), there were mutual influence of cultures not only in the field of material, but also spiritual. It is known that the self-sizing of people of one of the branches in the Greek line - Bustry, which appeared due to a long joint residence of several ethnic groups. Such a mixture and assembling of crops are known in the village of Alekseevka Belogorsk District (the former village of Sartan). These objects require further study and special arrangement.

Many cult monuments of Christianity of the period of the Middle Ages and the New Time are associated with the culture of the Greeks. One of the interesting monuments of the culture of the Greek-Christian is the Assumption Monastery in the rocks under Bakhchisaram, the foundation of which belongs to the VII century. ad. The meaning of the monastery, as the patron of Christians, attracted many locals to the settlement around him. In the Middle Ages near the monastery there was a Greek settlement, where, according to legend, the inhabitants were the icon of God's Mother of Panagi. Nowadays, this object is attracted by many pilgrims, she has been held in it.

The total number of objects allocated for the culture of the Greeks - 13, geographically located in the Bakhchisarai and Belogorsk districts and the city of Simferopol (Greek trading rows, the former Church of Konstantin and Elena, Fountain A. Copup).


The history of the various peoples of the Crimea has been studied unevenly. Currently, the greatest interest of scientists attracts the history of Jewish communities on the peninsula, which appeared here from the first centuries of our era, as well as the history of Karaim and Crimekov, who came out of medieval Jewish communities and consider themselves independent ethnic groups.

After 1783, the numerous Jewish families of the Ashkenazian sense were moved to the Crimea (Jews-Ashkenazis were about 95% of the number of Jews former USSR, i.e., were the descendants of the so-called German Jews). The emergence of numerous Ashkenazov jews on the peninsula was associated with its inclusion in 1804 as a stencil, i.e. Areas, where it was allowed to shave Jews. Throughout the XIX century. Commons in Kerch, Feodosia, Simferopol, Evpatoria, Sevastopol, as well as in rural areas appear. 1923-1924 The natural relocation of Jews in the Crimea, mainly from Belarus and the creation of Jewish agricultural colonies, mainly in the steppe of the peninsula. Interests may represent standard houses for the Jewish-immigrants built under the program of the American Jewish United Agronomic Corporation (Agrojoined) as the base for the creation of an open-air museum or ethnographic village.

Currently, tourist and excursant interests can cause the traditional activities of the Jewish urban population in the field of handicrafts (tailors, artists, jewelers, etc.), as well as the religious and spiritual life of the community. According to the degree of preserved objects (synagogues, residential buildings, schools), the city of Simferopol, Feodosia, Kerch, where to the beginning of the 20th century should be highlighted. lived a numerous community.

In Kerch, the buildings of several synagogues are preserved, the Ginzburg family house, in good condition and the former Jewish street (now Volodya Dubinin Street), located in the historic part of the city.


The interest among the tourists can also cause an ethnic group of Italians, which throughout the I half of the XIX century. Food in Feodosia and Kerch. The Kerch group of Italians was one of the numerous in the south of Russia, after the Italians of Odessa, was preserved largely in the 30s - 40th. XX century, and their descendants live in the city and now. The Kerch "Colony" was not a solid village, busy with the same Italians. They settled in the outskirts of Kerch, and at present the streets where they lived are part of the city. One of the preserved objects is the Roman Catholic Cathedral, built in mid XIX. in. And now acting. It is located in the historic part of the city. Interesting is the fact that in the Catholic Church of the Nuns, by the origin of Italian, was engaged in knitting elegant lace.


Great interest among tourists has a Karaim culture. In the XIX century The center of public and cultural life of Karaimov from Chufut-Kale moved to Evpatoria, there were communities and in other cities of the peninsula - in Bakhchisaraye, Kerch, Feodosia, Simferopol.

Ethnographic facilities can serve as preserved monuments in Evpatoria - the Kenass complex: Bolshaya Kenassa (construction of 1807), Small Kenassa (1815) and courtyards with arcades (XVIII - XIX centuries), a number of residential buildings with traditional architecture and layout (for example , House M. Shishman, the former cottage of Bobovich, a house with Armechelem P. 3. Duvana, etc.), Duvanovskaya Karai-Laddle, as well as a unique Karaite necropolis, who did not avoid losses in previous years.

The objects in Feodosia should be added to this list: the former cottage of Solomonov Kryma (built in 1914) and the building former cottage Stamboli (1909-1914). In the first building, the Sanatorium "Sunrise" is now, and in the second - theeodosia city executive committee. In addition, in the exhibition of Feodosi local Lore Museum The permanent exhibition on the Karaim culture is exhibited.

In Simferopol, the building of Kenassa (1896, Perestroika 1934/1935) is preserved, where the editorial office of GTRK "Crimea" is currently located, as well as houses belonging to Karaimam in the historical part of Simferopol, the so-called. "Old city".

One of the masterpieces of the medieval architecture is the fortress and the cave city of Chufut-Kale, where many monuments on the history and culture of Karaimov (fortress, "Cave City" have been preserved (fortress, "Cave City", Kenassa, House A. Firkovich, Karaite Cemetery Banta TiMEZ). This complex on the culture of Karaimov is one of the promising ethnographic objects. Karaite society has a plan for its development. The Bakhchisarai Historical and Cultural Reserve is kept and the Collection of Culture Culture Chufut Calais and Bakhchisaraya is being established and exhibited. The number of cultural objects is more than 10, the main of which is "Chufut-Kale", is already used in tourist-sightseeing services.


The focus of Crimea culture in the XIX century. The Karasu Bazaar remained (Belogorsk; Crimea community appeared here from the XVI century). The city has been preserved. "Crimea Sloboda", which pretended on the left side of the Karasa River. In the XX century Gradually, the spiritual and cultural life of the Kramchak community moves to Simferopol, which remains such and now. From the preserved monuments should be remembered about the building of the former Crimea Kaal.

Crimean Tatars

The cultural objects should be attributed to ethnographic facilities in Crimean-Tatar culture. By religion crimean Tatars - Muslims, confess Islam; Their cult facilities are a mosque.

The influence of Turkish architecture on the architecture of the Crimea can be considered the structures of the famous Turkish architect Hadji-Sinana (the end of the XV - XVI centuries). This is a jum-jami mosque in Evpatoria, a mosque and baths in Feodosia. Juma-Jami's mosque is well preserved. A mighty tremendous rose over the one-story city quarters of the old part of the city. Mosque Khan Uzbek in the city of Old Crimea.

Interesting buildings are gravestone mausoleum-durbe. They are eight-marched or square in terms of dome overlap and crypt. As ethnographic facilities, such dups are allocated in the Bakhchisarai district.

Muslim architecture is called the Khan Palace in Bakhchisarai. In 1740-43 In the palace, a large Khan Mosque Khan-Jami was built. Two minaret are preserved, which are high thin towers with screw staircases inside and balconies upstairs. The Western Wall of the Mosque was painted by Iranian Master Omer. Now it is the exposure room of the Bakhchisarai Historical and Cultural Museum. A small palace mosque is one of the early buildings of the Palace (XVI century), built by the type of Christian temples. The latest restoration works were restored by the painting of the XVI - XVIII centuries.

The eski-shed mosque in the Simferopol district was built in the XV century. There is an assumption that there was a Khan Mint. The mosque is a square building, over which the dome is erected on the octagonal base. The mosque building passed to the Muslim community of Simferopol.

In 1989, he was transferred to the Muslim community with Kebir jami mosque in Simferopol. Building time - 1508g., Built in traditional Muslim architecture, repeatedly resumed. With a mosque were educational institution - Madrasa, the building of which is also preserved in the city.

Of great interest is the Zindzhiryli-Madrasa, which is in the suburb of Bakhchisaraya - Starlae (formerly. Salachik). Madrasa was built in 1500 by Khan Mengly-Gipe. This is the work of early Crimean Tatar architecture. It is a reduced and simplified version of the Seld Madrasa in Asia Minor. Madrasa is the only surviving structure of this kind in the Crimea.

Old Tatar cemeteries with the burials of the XVIII - XIX centuries can also be attributed to ethnographic facilities for the culture of the Crimean Tatars., Save traditional tombstones with inscriptions and ornaments. Location - villages and inter-aided territory of the Bakhchisarai district.

Tourist interest is traditional (rural) Crimean Tatar architecture. Examples of housing, as well as public and economic buildings, have been preserved in almost all parts of the Crimea, having regional features (steppe, foothill and southern coast of Crimea). The greatest concentration of such ethnographic facilities falls on the city of Bakhchisarai, Bakhchisaray, Simferopol and Belogorsky districts, as well as the village of Alushta and Sudak City Council and the Old Crimea. A number of rural sites and cities are currently a meeting place for fellow villagers and folk holidays.

The revival of a certain specificity of objects, which was interested in tourists and travelers already in the XIX century, perhaps at the present time. For example, music and dancing, where professional and folk collectives. They can also be used in the dramatization of traditions, rites, holidays. At the end of the XIX and early XX centuries. The attention of holidaymakers attracted and widely used in excursion services, conductors and shepherds, which differed from other layers of the Crimean Tatars with vitality and even traditional clothing.

Total in Crimea, as the most preserved in places of good transport accessibility, with the base for further development in currently More than 30 objects can be distinguished according to traditional Crimean Tatar culture.


The attention of tourists can attract the culture of Germans, which has been preserved in the Crimea in the form of architectural facilities - public and cult buildings, as well as traditional rural architecture. The most optimal way of acquaintance with the material and spiritual culture of the Germans is the immediate trips to the former German colonies based in 1804-1805. And throughout the XIX century. On the peninsula. The number of German colonies was numerously, they are mostly concentrated in the steppe part of the Crimea.

Currently, a number of villains (former colonies) have been identified, who played a significant role in the economic, socio-political, religious and cultural life of the Germans until 1941, first of all - this is the former colonies of Nezatz, Fredental and Rosenthal (now with. Krasnogorier, resort and the fragrant Belogorsky district), located at a short distance from each other and speakers as complex ethnographic objects characterizing traditional planning Sellius, architecture (houses, estates, household buildings).

The opportunity to get acquainted with the cult facilities - the building of the Catholic Church (built in 1867), in p. Aromatic - Currently given to the Russian Orthodox Church of the Crimean Diocese. Acquaintance with destroyed Kirychi in p. Krasnogorier can be carried out on materials State archive Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The building was built in 1825, rebuilt in 1914, Kirch was named after the emperor Nicholas II, but in the 60s completely destroyed.

Among the preserved objects are the elementary school building and the Central School (built in 1876), as well as the old German cemeteries (XIX-XX centuries). These objects have good transport accessibility, the degree of preservation of monuments, but require further arrangement, setting monuments for accounting and interest from German societies, since the Germans do not live in villages. Among the objects in the countryside, a number of other villages can be distinguished in the countryside, for example, Alexandrovka and Lenin (former colony of Byuten) of the Krasnogvardeysky district, the golden field (Colony Zurichtal) of the Kirov district and Kolchugino (Colony of Kronenthal) of the Simferopol region. In objects on the culture of the Germans, the Crimea must also include cult facilities, buildings social significance In cities, for example, Simferopol, Yalta, Sudak, (in the last place there are objects in the village. Cozy Sudak City Council, that is, the territory of the former colony of Sudak, which was in its specialization of wine-making).

Currently, the number of ethnographic (in rural areas) and architectural objects allocated on the culture of Germans, more than 20.


Monuments of Russian culture in Crimea are almost all under the protection of the state and one way or another, included in various tourist routes. An example is the Palace of Count Vorontsov in Alupka, which is one of the most unique monuments of the architecture of the "Russian period" in the history of the Crimea (after signing Catherine II of Manifesto on the accession of Crimea to Russia, many luxurious, performed in the best traditions of the time of cultural monuments belonging to Russian and Russian venels and nobility).

The Alupkinsky Palace is built on the project of the English architect E. Baber, but embodied the features of both classicism and romantic and gothic forms, as well as techniques of Mauritanian architecture. This structure could be attributed to polyethylene cultural monuments, but not always ethnicity is determined by the style of execution used by styles, techniques and even the accessories of the architect. The main feature that allocates this object is the Russian existence environment.

According to the same principle, the Livadia Palace, built in 1911, is attributed to the monuments of Russian culture. According to the project of the Yalta architect N. Krasnova, on the spot burnt in 1882. Palace. The building was built by last word Techniques: here and central heating, and elevator, and electric lighting. Fireplaces installed in the halls serve not only with decorative decoration, but can also give the halls of the palace. Traditional for Russian architecture XVII century. Forms determine the appearance of the Alexandrovsk Church in Yalta, also built by the architect Krasnov (1881).

In Sevastopol, many buildings completed in the tradition of the Russian-Byzantine style are preserved. Bright embodiment of this area - Vladimir Cathedral - Tomb of Admirals M.P. Lazareva, V.A. Kornilova, V.I. Istomy, P.S. Nakhimov (built in 1881 by architect K.A. Ton). Using forms and receptions of the clasics are built in the 50s. Xx in. Ansumps of residential buildings on Nakhimov Avenue. In the style of Russian classicism, a number of buildings were performed in Simferopol - the former suburban manor of Mwgauzen's doctor (1811), a stable house Taranova-Belozerova (1825), vacation home Vorontsova in the park "Salgir". All these buildings are protected by law and regulations of the Republican authorities about security, may be included in the list of ethnographic facilities in Russian culture.

The masterpieces of traditional rural Russian culture were identified in the process of studying the Simferopol region. This is the villages themselves based at the end of the XVIII century. Retired soldiers of the Russian Army - Mazanka, Kurtsy, Kamenka (Bogurcha). Among the first Russian settlements are also pos. Zuya, Belogorsk district, p. Cool (former Mangushi), Bakhchisaray district, pear (former Salay) of the Sudak City Council. In these settlements, the dwellings of the late XVIII - early XIX centuries have been preserved. (Mazanka, pear). Some of them are abandoned, but retained the elements of traditional architecture, internal layout. In some places, dugouts preceded by the Mazankam Soldiers' Housing.

Away from s. Mazanka has survived the old Russian cemetery with the burials of the beginning of the XIX century, in good preservation, the stone tombstones in the form of the St. George Cross, the inscriptions, ornamentics are viewed by places.

The cultic facilities of traditional architecture include the current Nikolsky churches: in Mazanka, Zew, Belogorsk, whose bookmark refers to the beginning - the middle of the XIX century.

The most significant objects include the Petropavlovsky Orthodox Cathedral, the Cathedral Holy Trinity Cathedral, the Church of the three saint in Simferopol. All these cult objects are valid. A number of Orthodox Cathedrals, Churches, Chapels are highlighted as ethographical objects in the districts of Big Yalta and Big Alushta. On the eastern tip of our peninsula, such an ethnographic object can be distinguished as the old-supplied village resort, Leninsky district (Former. Mom Russian). A prayer house has been preserved here, the traditional shutders of the Old Believers, the customs and rites are fulfilled. In total, on ethnographic facilities reflecting Russian material and spiritual culture in the Crimea, 54 were allocated, including some facilities were noted as "East Slavic." This is explained by the fact that many so-called. Russian-Ukrainian, Russian-Belarusian families were determined in the category of Russian population.


To study the culture of the Ukrainian ethnos in the Crimea, the village of Novonikolayevka of the Leninsky District, which is also presented with an ethnography museum, which also presents the exposition of both East Slavic traditional material and spiritual culture, and the subject row on the Ukrainians of Crimea, the settlers of the XIX - early XX explosive Residents are also preserved in the village end XIX. c., One of them is equipped under the Museum "Ukrisk Hat" (the initiative and ethnographic material of the local resident of Yu.A. Klimenko). The traditional interior is settled, household items are presented, furniture, many folk sketches are collected.

In terms of the national holidays, the execution of Ukrainian rites and rituals are interesting to migrate villages of the 50s. XX century Among them are a fire and aqueous Simferopol region (folk ensembles in traditional costumes are arranged suit at the topics of beliefs and traditions). The venue for the holidays is chosen "crying rock" - the monument of nature is not far from. Water

Among the ethnographic facilities identified during the research work of the employees of the Crimean Ethnographic Museum are both objects on the traditional culture of such small ethnic groups, as the French, Crimean Roma, Czechs and Estonians.

French people

The culture of the French is connected with a number of places on the peninsula. Undoubtedly identifying objects and their further use will be interested in tourists.

Crimean Gypsies

In the culture of Crimean Roma, you can reveal a number interesting momentsFor example, one of the groups of Chingin (so-called the Gypsies of the Crimean Tatars) in her own classes were the musicians who in the XIX century. played in the Crimean and Tatar weddings. Currently, Chenggin live compact in PGT. Oktyabrsky and PGT. Soviet.

Czechs and Estonians

In places of compact residence of Chekhov and Estonians are the steppe of the peninsula: Chekhov - with. Lobanovo (formerly with. Bohemka) of the Janka district and with. Alexandrovka of the Krasnogvardeisky district, and Estonians - Newestonia village, Krasnodarka (the former s. Kochoy-Shavva) of the Krasnogvardeisky district and with. Coastal (s. Zashruk) Bakhchisarai district. In all villages, traditional dwellings are preserved with a characteristic layout and elements of the decoration of the late XIX - early XX

Weekly tour, one-day hiking and excursions in combination with com forte (tracking) in the mountain resort Hajokhokh (Adygea, Krasnodar Territory). Tourists live on the turbase and attend numerous monuments of nature. RFABGO waterfalls, Lago-Naki Plateau, Mesh Gorge, Great Asian Cave, River Canyon, White, Guam Gorge.

Kimmerians, brands, Scythians

Judging by the ancient written sources, in the era of the start of the Iron Age, Kimmerians lived in the Crimea (information about them is extremely scarce), as well as brands and societies, which we know somewhat more. On the northern shores of the Black Sea, the ancient Greeks appear at the same time. Finally, archaeological sources gave reason to allocate the Kizilkobin culture here (Fig. 20). The presence, on the one hand, written sources, and on the other - archaeological, puts in front of the researchers complex task: What group of archaeological materials should be associated with those or other tribes mentioned by ancient authors? As a result of comprehensive research, Tavrian and Scythian antiquities were clearly distinguished. The situation is worse with the Kimmerians, who were the people legendary, mysterious already in the time of Herodotus (V c. BC. E.).

Comprehensive question with Kizilkobinians. If this is one of those known to the ancient authors of peoples, what exactly? How do you confidently link the miser, often conflicting evidence of antiquity and abundant archaeological material? Some researchers see in the Kimmerian Kimmerians, others - early brands, others allocate them into an independent culture. I will leave until the "Kimmerian version" side, let's see what grounds were to put the sign of equality between, Kizilkobinians and Tavra.

It turned out that, along with the monuments of the type of Kizil-Kobobi in the same years and on the same territory (the mountain and pre-saying Crimea), the Tavrian grains were studied - "Stone boxes". A certain similarity was traced between the materials of the Tauridis and Kizilkobinsky. Based on this, in 1926 G. A. Bonch-Osmolovsky expressed the idea that the Kizilkobin culture belongs to brands. He was not specifically dealt with the study of Kizilkobin culture, limiting only the most common considerations, but since then, among the researchers, it is approved among the researchers that under the Kizilkobin culture it is necessary to imply early brands. In the postwar period, work appeared in which data on Kizilkobin culture and brands are contained, issues of periodization, etc., are considered, but none of them set the goal to expand the establishment between Kizylkobinians and Taurs, taking into account new archaeological sources 27, 45.

True, already in the 30s-40s, some scientists (V.N. Dyakov 15, 16, S. A. Semenov Zuser 40) expressed doubts about the legitimacy of such conclusions. In 1962, after new studies in the Kizilkobinsky tract (excavations, A. A. Schepinsky and O. I. Dombrovsky), in the zone of Simferopol reservoir (A. D. Stolyar, A. A. Schepinsky, etc.), at the village Friendly, in the tract of Tash-Jargan and near Maryino at Simferopol, in the valley of the River Kachi and other places (A. A. Schepinsky) to a similar judgment, supported by the mass archaeological material, and was also the author of this book. 8, 47. In April 1968, at the session of the Department of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Plenum of the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the author made a report on "On Kizilkobin culture and brands in Crimea", in which he substantiated his point of view: Tavra and Kizilkobinians are representatives of different cultures of the epoch of early iron. Excavations 1969, 1970 and subsequent years have shown clearly that the conclusion is faithful: the Tavrian and Kizilkobin monuments belong not to different stages One culture, and to two independent cultures 48, 49. It made reconsider its positions and some researchers - supporters of identifying brands with Kizilkobinians 23, 24.

New Material I am barely accumulated, the excavations allowed something to clarify something to doubt something. Therefore, in 1977, the author of this book returned to the "Kizilkobinskaya topic" and published the detailed argumentation of the provisions expressed by him earlier: the Kizilkobinians and Tavra - tribes are different, although they lived in one historical era, lived in the neighborhood, partly even on one territory fifty .

But, of course, there is a lot of controversial and unclear. How to relate the data of archeology, in other words, the remnants of material culture, with those information about the local Crimean tribes, which are contained in the writings of antique authors? To answer this question, we will try to understand what remarks each of these peoples (Kimmerians, Tavra, Scythians), which the ancient Greeks say about them and as evidenced by archaeological materials (Fig. 20).


For the south of the European part of the USSR, these are the most ancient tribes that we know from ancient written sources. Information about the kimmerians is contained in the "Odyssee" of Homer (IX - the beginning of the 7th centuries. BC), Assyrian "clinopy" (VIII-VII centuries. BC), in the "History" Herodotus (V C. To n. er), at Strabo (I century. BC. E. - I century. n. er) and other ancient authors. From these messages, it follows that Kimmerians are the ancient aborigines of the Northern Black Sea and North-West Caucasus. They lived here even before the arrival of the Scythians. The boundaries of their settlement are the northern shores of the Black Sea and from the mouth of the Danube to Chisinau, Kiev, Kharkov, Novocherkassk, Krasnodar and Novorossiysk. Later, these tribes appear in Asia Minor, and to the VI century. BC e. go with historical arena.

According to a number of researchers, the name "Kimmerians" is a collective name. Kimmerians are associated with many cultures of the bronze era and early iron - catacomb and log cabin in the south of Ukraine, Kobanskaya in the Caucasus, Kizilkobinskaya and Tavruk in the Crimea, Galstatatskaya in the fudavier and others. A special place in solving this issue is the Crimea, in particular the Kerch Peninsula. It is with him that the most reliable and the most popular information about the Kimmerians are connected: "Kimmerian Region", "Kimmerisk Bospospod", "City of Kimmerik", "Kimmerik Mountain", etc.

The material culture of the Kimmerians is characterized by archaeological monuments of two main species - burials and settlements. The burial, as a rule, was performed under small mounds in the ground, often underbid, graves. The rite of burial - on the back in an elongated position or with a slightly adjacent legs in the knees. Settlements consisting of overhead stone buildings of residential and economic destination were placed on elevated places near the sources fresh water. Economic utensils are represented mainly by stucco vessels - bowls, bowls, pots, etc.

Large flat-bottomed vessels for storing products with high narrow throats, convex sides and a black or brown-gray-groveless surface are distinguished. For the ornament of vessels, a low relief roller or a simple carved geometric pattern is characteristic. When excavations, bone and small bronze items are bone and small bronze items - shill, pickers, decorations, as well as occasionally products from iron - swords, knives, arrow tips. In the Crimea, Kimmerian time monuments are known for Kerch Peninsula, In the victim, on Tarkhankut and in the preignation zone. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe main ridge of the Crimean Mountains, including on Yaylas and South Bank The characteristic Kimmerian monuments of the X-VIII centuries. BC e. not detected. Apparently, this is explained by the fact that at that time other tribes were inhabited here - Tavra.


In relation to this people, the earliest and complete information leads the "Herodota History". The northern shores of the Black Sea, including Taurik, he visited 60-70 years after the hike here here the Persian Tsar Darius I, so on his testimony of time you can rely. From the message of Herodota: When Darius I went war on Scythians, the last, seeing that they could not cope with the enemies, asked for help to neighboring tribes, including brands. Tavra replied: "If you had not before the resentment to Persians and did not start the war with them, then we would consider your request correctly and would have helped you. However, you invaded the land of Persians without our help, while the deity allowed it. Now this is the same deity on their side, and the Persians want to take revenge on you the same. We and then they did not disappoint these people and now they will not be initiated at all with them. "

Who are such brands and where did they live?

The southern border of their country Herodotus holds from the city of Kerkinitida (now Evpatoria). "From here," he writes, "there is a mountainous country lying along the same sea. It is issued in Pont and inhabited by tribes of brands up to the so-called Khersonese rocky." The same localization of brass possessions in Strabo, who lived in I century. BC Eh: The Taurus coast stretches from the Bay of Symbols (Balaclava) to Feodosia. Thus, according to the antique sources, the brands are residents of the mountain Crimea and the South Coast.

The most vibrant monuments of Tavrov are their burls from stone boxes, usually located on the hills. Often they are surrounded by crumbs or rectangular fences. Mounded mounds are not characteristic of them, but there is a well-known submetock or stacking of stone with the ground. The burial (single or collective) was performed on the back (earlier) or on the side (later) with a strong legs, the head is usually east, northeast, north.

The inventory of the Tavrian burials - stucco ceramics, simple and rugged, sometimes with embossed rollers, very rarely with a simple carved ornament. When excavations, products from stone, bones, bronze, less often - from iron (Fig. 19) also find.

Judging by the archaeological excavations, supported by written sources, the habitat of this people is approximately from the X-IX centuries. BC e. By III century. BC e., And maybe later - to the early Middle Ages.

We divide the story of Tavrov for three periods.

The brands of the early, dental period (end x is the first half of the V century. BC. E.). This stage of their history is characterized by the decomposition of a tribal system. The basis of the economy was cattle breeding and agriculture (obviously, mostly honey). All products received from these branches of the economy went on the internal needs of society. A comprehensive study of famous Taurida monuments, as well as numerous calculations on them, give reason to believe that the number of brands during this period is unlikely to exceed 5-6 thousand people.

The brands of the developed, ancient period (the second half of the V-III century BC). At this time there is a transition from the tribe to the class society. In addition to the wide introduction of metal (bronze and iron), a significant increase in labor productivity is also characterized, the establishment of close trading contacts (exchange) with the surrounding peoples - Scythians and, in particular, the Greeks. Hence the abundance of objects of imported production, found during excavations. The basis of the economy of the developed period - the breeding of large and small cattle, to a lesser extent, farming (obviously, because part of the brains suitable for agriculture occupy the tribes of the Kizilkobin culture, close from the north of Scythians). The number of the Taurus population at that time - 15-20 thousand people.

Late period brands (II century BC e. - V. N. E.) In archaeological terms almost not studied. It is known that in I in. BC e. They together with Scythians become the allies of mitridate in the fight against Rome. The frontier and the first centuries of our era, apparently, should be considered as agonia of the Tauridian world. Archaeological monuments of this period in the mountain Crimea may be called Tavrospyfski, and the population is Tavroskif. After the early-report invasion is ready, and then the Huns, brands as an independent population are no longer known.


Under this name, antique written sources report them, they themselves called themselves with the sludge. In the Northern Black Sea region, including in the Crimea, these militant nomadic tribes appeared in the VII century. BC e. Paving the kimmerians, the Scythians first penetrate the Kerch peninsula and the plain Crimea, and then in its foothill. In the second half of the IV century. BC e. They seep on the original Tauridian and Kizilkobin lands and, by going to a settled lifestyle, create in the III century. BC e. Pretty major state education with the capital of Naples (now the territory of Simferopol).

Scythians monuments are numerous and diverse: settlements, asylums, settlements, funeral structures (at the beginning of the mound, later - extensive unknown necropolis with soil graves). For burials, the eligible rite of burial is characteristic. Accompanying inventory of the Kurganov - Molding Unnamented vessels, weapons (bronze, iron or bone arrows, short swords - Akinaki, spears, knives, scaly Panciri). Often there are bronze objects and decorations made in the so-called Scythian "animal style".

These are the main, the leading signs of the Kimmerian, Tavra and Scythian tribes who lived in the Crimea simultaneously with the tribes of the Kizilkobin culture, the existence of which we know from archaeological sources.

And now comparable data. Let's start with Kizilkobinians and Tavrov, first of all, with their dishes, the most typical and common inventory of archaeological monuments of this time. Comparison (see Fig. 18 and Fig. 19) eloquently suggest that Kizilkobinskaya dishes differ significantly from the Tavrian. In the first case, it is often decorated with a typical ornament for this culture from carved or grooved lines combined with pressure, in the second is usually not ornamed.

This undisputed archaeological fact until the mid-60s seemed to be in low-rise. We needed additional evidence. In addition, a scientific material lacked very important links. And really, the irony of fate: the source of knowledge about brands - the Mogilniks (there are no settlements!), And about Kizylkobinians - settlements (no gravemen!). Excavations of the last fifteen years later clarified the picture. It was established, for example, that in the foothill, the mountainous Crimea and the southern bank there are many settlements on which the stupid non-refunded ceramics of the VIII-III centuries was found. BC e., absolutely similar to ceramics from Tavrian stone boxes.

It was possible to solve another inepless question - about Kizilkobin burials. Excavations in the Valley of the Saligir River first in 1954 in the zone of Simferopol reservoir (under the leadership of P. N. Schulz and A. D. Stolyar), and then in Simferopol's suburbs of Maryino and Ukrainka, in the upper reaches of small saligira, on average Alma and others Places (under the leadership of A. A. Schepino. - Ed.) It was shown that the Kizilkobinians were buried the dead in small mounds - earthlings or small stone. Basic and repeated (intake) graves are known, often underbid - with stone side mortgages. In terms of grave stretched-oval, sometimes with a small expansion in the head area. The burial is single or pair - made in the elongated (occasionally slightly frown) position on the back, with hands along the body. The prevailing orientation is Western. Burial inventory - stucco ornamented pots, bowls, Cups of the Kizilkobinsky appearance, bronze arches, iron swords, knives, and a variety of decorations, lead straits, bronze mirrors, etc. Most of these burials refers to the VII-V and IV - the beginning III centuries. BC er, and the area of \u200b\u200bthem is quite wide: the mountain and foothill part of the peninsula, the North, North-West and South-West Crimea, the Kerch Peninsula.

Interesting barcode: Kizilkobinian ceramics are found in the excavations of the ancient settlements of the nymphya, Pantikapey, Tyritaki, Mirmekia. This is on the Kerch Peninsula. The same picture in the opposite end of the Crimea is at the Tarkhankutsky Peninsula: Kizilkobinskaya ceramics was found in the excavations of the arms of the ancient time "Seagull", Kerkinitid, Chegolta (Oils), near the village of Chernomorsky, at the villages of North and Popovka.

Which of all this conclusions? First, the geometric ornament of ceramics is the most expressive sign of the Kizilkobin culture - clearly not the Taurus. Secondly, there are burials in the Crimea committed in the "Tavras time", which in all leading signs (type of construction, the construction of the grave, funeral rite, the orientation of the buried, ceramics) differ from burials in Tavrian stone boxes. Thirdly, the range of distribution of settlements and burials is far beyond the limits of the original Tauridic - Property of Tavrov. And finally, on the same territory where the Tauridian stone boxes were found are known now and settlements with a similar, Taurumbus in their appearance are ceramics.

In a word, all the arguments and conclusions can be reduced to one: Kizilkobinians and brands - not the same thing, and bring them closer (and even more so to put the equality sign between them) there is no reason.

It does not find confirmation and hypothesis that bribed burials with Kizilkobin ceramics belong to early Scythians. In Crimea, the earliest Scythian burials appear, judging by the excavations, at the end of the VII century. BC e. In the Kerch Peninsula, and in the foothill Crimea - only two to three centuries later. Their inventory, primarily the products in the "animal style characteristic of the Scythians". Back in 1954, the archaeologist T. N. Troitskaya pointedly noted that in Rangesic time "in the territory of the foothill, mountain and, probably, the steppe parts of the Crimea were local tribes, carriers of Kizilkobin culture."

So, in the era of early iron (V-III centuries. BC) In Crimea, three main cultures were common - Tavra, Kizilkobinskaya and Scythian (Fig. 21). Each of them has its pronounced cultural and historical signs, its type of settlements, burial, ceramics, etc.

The question of the origin and formation of Tavra and Kizilkobin cultures also deserves attention. Some researchers believe that the development of the Central and North Caucasus, in particular, the so-called Kobanskaya, is based on the Taurus Culture; According to others, the culture of Tavrov has one of the material origins of bribed stone boxes of the bronze era, which are now taken to communicate with the Kemobinsky culture. One way or another, the roots of the Taurida, as well as Kizilkobinskaya, go from the depths of the bronze age. But if in Kemiobins, you can see the ancestors of the brass, pushed by aliens-steppes in the mountainous regions of the Crimea, then the Kizilkobins occur, most likely, from the carriers of the Late Cultacre culture (named according to the type of burial - catacombs). In the first half of the II millennium BC e. These tribes begin to penetrate into the pre-saying and mountain Crimea and on the south bank; In them, many researchers see the oldest kimmerians.

Both researchers and readers always seek to get to the first sources: what was before? What is confirmed? Therefore, about the problem of ethnogenesis, i.e. the origin of the tribes, we will tell you more - with the disclosure of all the difficulties on the way to truth.

The reader already knows: the distant ancestors of Tavrov - Most likely, Kemobins, pushed by steppe aliens to the mountainous regions of Crimea. Proof - features common to both cultures, Kemobinskaya and Tavra. Let's call these signs:

    megalithic tradition, in other words - the presence of massive stone structures (cromlekhov, fences, mengirins, mortgages, "stone boxes");

    the design of the funeral structures: "Stone boxes", more often trapezoids in a longitudinal cross section, pebbled isfelling, etc.;

    the burial rite: on the back or on the side with the legs bent at the knees;

    the orientation of the buried world: prevailing the Eastern or Northeast;

    collective, obviously generic tombs and troves;

    ceramics character: stucco, rugged, unnecessary, sometimes with embossed rollers (Fig. 22).

Who were those stepniki-aliens, what were the Kemobins in the mountains? Most likely, the tribes of the catacomb culture. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that this culture is far from uniform. According to the rite of burial and inventory, three types of burials are clearly distinguished in it - on the back with legs bent at the knees, on the back in the elongated position and on the side in a highly rated position. All of them are committed under the mounds, in the so-called catacombs. The burial of the first type with bent legs is accompanied by non-refaminated or weakly ornamented vessels, the second - an elongated type - on the contrary, richly ornamented, and the third - raft-type - rude vessels or completely devoid of inventory.

Brighter, the catacomb elements are preserved in the graves of the elongated type, which are traced until the middle of the II millennium BC. e. In them, it is obviously, and it is necessary to see the protochanges - the ancestors of the Kizilkobinians.

The fact that in the addition of Kizilkobin tribes, the most active participation was taken by Late Late Combined tribes, it can be judged by the following, common to the catacombricks and Kizilkobinians signs:

    the presence of mounds and kurgan graves;

    the design of the grave-catacombs of catacombs and subable-catacombs in Kizylkobinians;

    burial rite in the stretched position on the back;

    close forms of stucco vessels;

    the presence of ceramics with a similar ornamental motive;

    the similarity of the guns - stone hammers of the diamond shape (Fig. 23).

In this historical reconstruction, there is one shortcomings: between Kemobins and Brands, on the one hand, and the tribes of the catacomb and Kizilkobin cultures - on the other, there is a temporary gap of about 300-500 years. Of course, there can be no breaks in history, no breaks; There is insufficient study here.

Considering the "silent period" (this is the second half of the II millennium BC), it is permissible to assume that the age of the latest Kemobinsky and catacomb monuments are somewhat slowed down, and separate Tavrian and Kizilkobin, on the contrary, are rejuvenated. Special studies have shown that those materials that are archeologically dating from the IX-VI centuries. BC e., on a radiocarbon method is defined as the XII-VIII centuries. BC e., i.e., for 200-300 years ancient. It is also necessary to take into account that it is in the second half of the II millennium to n. e. In the mounds of Crimea, like the whole South of Ukraine, there are small stone boxes, close in design and inventory, on the one hand, Kemobinsky, and on the other - Rannetavrasky. It is possible that they fill the missing link.

Finally, with the same "silent period" several archaeological crops are connected in the Crimea - the so-called Multi-Ceramics (1600-1400 BC), Rannesorpnaya (1500-1400 Gg. BC) and Lovinessrubnaya, in Materials of which are allocated monuments of Sabatinovsky (1400-1150 BC) and Belozersky (1150-900. BC. E.) Types. In our opinion, the most convincing point of view of those researchers who believe that Sabatinovsky culture is developing on the basis of a culture of multi-ceramics and that its carriers were part of the Kimmerian tribal union.

It is difficult to talk about that distant porch with full confidence: there was something like that. You have to add: it may seem to be addressed. In any case, the formation and development of the Kizilkobin and Tavra cultures was (apparently!) Two parallel paths, one of them is presumably along the line "Kemobins - Tavra", the other - along the line "Late Culture Culture - Kimmerians - Kizilkobinians."

As the reader already knows, at the beginning of the I millennium BC. e. Kimmerians inhabited the plain Crimea and, most advantage, the Kerch peninsula. In the foothill, the mountains and the southern shore at this time were brands. However, in the VII century. BC e. The situation has changed - in the Crimean steppes appear Scythians, and in the southern and mountain part of the peninsula, the number of Kizilkobinians increases. These are archaeological data. They are quite consistent with the legend transmitted by Herodot: "The nomadic tribes of the Scythians lived in Asia. When Massagenets (also nomads, - Ed.) Pushed them out from there military power, Scythians crossed Araks and arrived in the Kimmerian land (the country, now populated by Scythians, as they say, since the experts belonged to Kimmerians). With the approach of Scythians, the Kimmerians began to keep the advice that they were made in the face of numerous enemy troops. Opinions were divided - the people were for the deviation, the kings were considered necessary to protect the Earth from the invaders. Having accepted such a decision (or rather, two opposite decisions. - Ed.), Kimmerians were divided into two equal parts and began with each other. All the people of Kimmerysky, the people of Kimmerysky, buried at the Tirs river. After that, the Kimmerians left their land, and the fallen Scythians searched the deserted country. "

It is possible that some of these, "left their land" of the Kimmerians moved to the mountain Crimea and the village among the Tavrian tribes, putting the beginning of the culture, which we call conditionally "Kizilkobin". Perhaps this is precisely this resettlement of late Kimmerians and reflected in Strabo, in the report that there is a mountain dining area in the mountainous country, Kimmerik. Be that as it may, but there is such a point of view, shared by many researchers: the Kizilkobinians are the Later Cimmerians. Or, by other assumption (in our opinion, more correct), Kizilkobinians are one of the local groups of late Kimmerians.

It would seem that you can put the point. But - Wound. As in 1952, Academician B. A. Rybakov noted: "None of the historical phenomena in Crimea cannot be considered isolated, without connection with the fate of not only the Northern Black Sea region, but also of Eastern Europe. The history of the Crimea is an integral and important part of the history of Eastern Europe "37, 33.

Not limited to Crimea and traces of Kizilkobinsky tribes. Studies have shown that similar monuments, but with their local features are known outside the Crimea. Typical Kizilkobinian ceramics on the territory of the mainland Ukraine was found in the ancient layer of Olvia, on the island of Berezan, the village of Big Black Makers of the Nikolaev region, at the Scythian Kamensky settlement in the lower subway.

Known here and the burial of the Kizilkobin type. One of them was revealed in the mound from the village of Chaplinka in the south of Kherson region, the other - in the Kurgan at the village of Firstonstantinovka of the same area. Of particular interest is the fact that in the North-West Black Sea region there are burials of the VIII - beginning of the VII century. BC e. (and there are quite a lot of them), similar to Kizilkobinsky: catacombs and ground graves, burial in the elongated position with the prevailing Western orientation, ceramics with a carved geometric ornament.

Kimmeroy burials in the catacombs and subfictional structures, absolutely similar to Kizilkobinsky, are now known on the extensive territory of the south of our country - in the Odessa, Nikolaev, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Kherson, Volgograd regions, in the Stavropol region, as well as in the Astrakhan and Saratov regions. The territory of the spread of monuments of this kind coincides with the area of \u200b\u200bdistribution of catacomb culture. Numerous analogues of Kizilkobin ceramics in the North Caucasus. These are findings from the top layer of the Alkhastine settlement in the Assinsky gorge, from the Aivazovsky settlement on the Dryshka River and especially the serpentine settlement. Similar ceramics and in North Caucasian burial grounds. Therefore, as P. N. Schulz wrote in 1952, the Kizilkobin culture is not an isolated phenomenon, it has close analogues in a number of elements in the North Caucasus, and in the south of mainland Ukraine (Fig. 24).

It should not be embarrassing that in certain manifestations of the Kizilkobin culture, Rainheskif or Tavra elements occur, or, on the contrary, in the latter - Kizilkobinsky. This is explained by the surrounding historical situation in which contacts with the tribes of neighboring crops are inevitable - Scythians, Savromats, Taurs, Greeks. A number of cases can be called when Kizilkobin and Tavra monuments are located in the immediate neighborhood with each other. Several such monuments - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Red Caves, including a large settlement in the tract Golden Yellow on Dolgorukovsky Yai. Here on a small area in one layer (15 cm thick), archaeological materials of the Neolithic, Tavra and Kizilkobiny appearance are locked; Here is the same near the "stone boxes" of Tavrov, and the Kizilkobinsky grain. Such a saturation of this area of \u200b\u200bYayla monuments of the epoch of early iron leaves no doubt that at a certain stage, the Kizilkobin and Tavrian tribes coexisted.

The complex archaeological complex of the Early Iron era was opened in 1950 and was investigated by us in the tract of Tash-Jargan at Simferopol. And again the same picture - next to the Taurus and Kizilkobin settlement. The first of them is adjacent the burial ground from the Tavrian "stone boxes", near the second there was a once burial ground from small mounds, the burial under them was accompanied by Kizilkobin ceramics.

The closest neighborhood is easy to explain the case when there are separate elements typical of Kizilkobin culture on the Taurisan monuments, and vice versa. This may also testify about the friend - about peaceful relations between tribes.

Outside the northern Black Sea region, the closest to the Kizilkobinians Savromati Tipiona and Volga region: a similar design of the grave, the same Western orientation of the buried, similar to the type of ornament of the dishes. Most likely, there are some connections of savromates with the Cimmerians.

Material from red caves and numerous counterparts for their limits confirm the opinion of those researchers who are considering Kimmerians as a phenomenon of a complex - a kind of conglomerate of many local workfield tribes. Obviously, at the dawn of the Epoch of early iron, these tribes - Aboriginal Northern Black Sea region - amounted to a single Kimmerian cultural and historical region.

In the conditions of the Crimean Peninsula, with its defined geographic isolation, the Kimmerians longer than in other areas of the Northern Black Sea region, retained their traditions. True, B. different parts Crimea fate has developed in different ways. In the steppe areas, the remains of the separated Kimmerian tribes (i.e. Kizilkobinians) were forced to enter into close contacts with Scythians and ancient Greek settlers. In their environment, they soon assimilated, which is confirmed by the materials of the ancient settlements of Tarkhankut and the Kerch Peninsula.

Lategoriemmer (Kizilkobinsky) tribes of the mountain Crimea fate is different. Scythians, these typical steppes, mountain areas did not attract. They did not strive here and the Greeks. The bulk of the population was the aboriginal Tavrian tribes and - in a significantly lower Kimmerian. Therefore, when the flat part of the Crimea began to occupy nomadic Scythians, who retreted under their Natius Kimmerians (they are Kizilkobinians) found here in the mountains favorable soil. Although these tribes and entered close contact with the brands, however, they still retained their traditions and, obviously, certain independence.

Ancient peoples in the Crimea - Kimmerians, Tavra and Scythians


Kimmerian The tribes occupied the land from Dniester to Don, part of the Northern Crimea, Taman and Kerch Peninsula. At the Kerch Peninsula, the city of Kimmerik was located. These tribes were engaged in livestock and agriculture, the tools of labor and weapons were made of bronze and iron. The Kimmerian kings with military detachments made military campaigns against neighboring mill. Captured prisoners for slavery.

In the VII century BC. Kimmeria broke down under the onslaught of more powerful and numerous Scythians. Some Kimmerians went to other lands and dissolved among the peoples of Malaya Asia and Persia, some have come down with Scythians and remained in the Crimea. There is no clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat kind of origin, but based on the studies of the language of the Cimmerians, they suggest their indoire origin.

Name tavra Danoray the people of the Greeks, presumably due to the sacrifice of the Virgin - the Supreme Goddess of the ancient Crimean settlement. The foot of the main altar of the Virgin, located on the Cape Fiolent, framed blood not only by bulls (tavrov), but also people, what antique authors write about: "Tavra - the people are numerous and love nomadic life in the mountains. In their cruelty, they are barbarians and killers, and disappoint their gods with dishonest acts. "
Tavra The first in the Crimea sculptured human sculptures, monumental works of art. These figures were watered on the tops of the Kurgans, originated by stone fences.

The brains lived tribes, which later probably united in the unions of the tribes. They were engaged in the shepherd, agriculture and hunting, and seaside tavras - also fishing and navigation. Sometimes they attacked alien vessels - most often Greek. There were no slavery at Tavrov, so they killed prisoners or used for sacrifice. They were familiar with the craft: pottery, weaving, spinning, injection molding from bronze, the manufacture of bone and stone products.
Possessing all the advantages of local who are familiar to the Crimean conditions, the inhabitants, the brains often undertake bold babes, attacking the grinsons of new fortresses. This is how the Ovids describes the weekdays of one of these fortresses: "Alarm will give a slightly hourly with a sentigious tower, we immediately tremble with armor. The fierce enemy, armed with onions and food poase arrows, inspects the walls on a hard breathable horse and, as a predatory wolf carries and drags on the seats and forests, lamb who did not have time to do in sheeparte, so hostile barbarian captures anyone who will find in the fields, not yet accepted by the fence gate. He will be captured with a block on her neck, or dies from a poison boom. " And no wonder the entire chain of Roman defense was facing the front to the mountains - the danger threatened from there.
They fought often and with the Northern neighbor - Scythians, while working out a kind of tactics: the brains, taking the war, always drove the roads in the rear and, making them impassable, entered into battle. They did this in order not to have the opportunity to escape, it was necessary or to defeat, or die. The brains of those killed on the field were buried in stone boxes from the slabs weighing a few tons.


To Crimea scythians Penetrated approximately in the VII century. BC. These were people of 30 tribes that spoke on seven unrestricted languages.

Studies of coins with images of Scythians and other items of that time show that their hair was thick, the eyes are open, straight-resistant, the forehead is high, the nose is narrow and straight.
Scythians quickly rated the fertile climate and the fertile soil of the peninsula. They mastered the almost all of the territory of the Crimea, except for anhydrous steppes, under farming and shepherd cattle breeding. Scythians bred sheep, pigs, bees, preserved affection for cattle breeding. In addition, the Scythians led to their grain, wool, honey, wax, flax.
Oddly enough, but the former nomads are so sophisticated to have mastered the navigation that in that epoch the Black Sea called Scythian.
They brought overseas wines, fabrics, jewelry and other art objects from other countries. The Scythian population was divided into landpashings, warriors, merchants, seafarers and artisans of various specialties: gonchars, kamenotesov, builders, telhevnikov, founders, kuznetsov, etc.
A kind of monument was made - the boiler made of bronze, the thickness of the walls of which was in 6 fingers, and the capacity was 600 amphoras (about 24 thousand liters).
The capital of Scythians in Crimea was Naples (Greek. " new town"). The Scythian name of the city was not preserved. Naples were reached at that time a huge thickness - 8-12 meters - and the same height.
Scythia did not know the priests - only fortunemen who were accustomed without temples. Scythians deified the sun, the moon, the stars, the phenomena of nature - the rain, thunder, zipper, organized holidays in honor of the Earth and livestock. In the high mounds, they set high statues - "Baba" as monuments to all their ancestors.

Skiff Power broke into the III century. BC. Under the blows of another warlike people - Sarmatov.

The unique geographical position and the amazing nature of the Crimea Peninsula allowed him to become a house for a variety of peoples that replaced each other or neighboring throughout human history. The farmers were found here fertile lands, butterproof nomads - extensive mountain and flat pastures, merchants and merchants attracted comfortable sea harbor at the intersection of great trade routes. Therefore, the national composition of the Crimean population was almost always - and still remains - Penters.

First residents

The most ancient parking of primitive people discovered by archaeologists on the peninsula belong to the early Paleolithic, their age is about 300 thousand years.
The first ingoing Crimean people whose name was preserved in the Assyrian, Greek and Jewish chronicles, were Kimmerians - the tribes of Indo-European origin, which came to the Crimea, apparently, from the steppes about five thousand years ago. This militant people are mentioned in the Bible as "Homer people." From his name, according to some versions, the Georgian word "GMIRI" - "Bogatyr", and the Russian "Kumir" occurred.

Cimmerians inhabited predominantly valleys, and in the mountains, the Tavrov tribes in the mountains. Their ethnicity is unclear: it is probably greek title It was collective for a group of different, possibly unrelated tribes, some of which were the descendants of primitive people who inhabited the Crimea since the times of early Paleolithic, and some of the arrivals from other places.

The first reliable archaeological evidence, speaking the development of the steppe part of the Crimea with nomads, dated the VII century BC. Representatives of the Europeanid race (their language belonged to the group of Indo-European languages), Scythians several hundred years dominated Asia and Europe, but then were defeated and expelled from part of their lands. By the beginning of our era, the Scythians were almost completely mixed with the tribes of the Tavrov, and the people began to be called "Tavroskify".

Greeks and Romans

Civilization in Crimea in the VIII-VI centuries BC Brought Ellina (Greeks) - nomadic on the sea decendible, landless younger sons Aristocrats. They founded the city cities: Panticapey and Tyritaka, Chersonese Tavrichesky, Kerkinitid (now, respectively, Kerch, Sevastopol, Evpatoria), Feodosia - This city has retained its Greek name.

Approximately 300 years before the start new era Scythian settlements were rented by the invasion of Sarmatov from the East. The unreasted Greek villages were obviously also destroyed, only the cities of the fortress were preserved. The Greeks who live in the Crimea today occur not from the first Ellinov-Colonizers, they are mainly the descendants of the soldiers of the Greek battalion who participated in Crimean warand then burned near the balaclava.

In the first century BC. Crimea capture the Romans and Thracians, and it becomes an eastern outskirts of the Roman Empire. The Romans were erected by the fortresses Alouston and Gurzuviti (today's Alushta and Gurzuf). In the V Centure of the Eastern Roman Empire, the Crimea "by inheritance" goes to Byzantium.

Middle Ages

In the days of the early Middle Ages, Crimea simultaneously or alternately inhabited goths, Huns, Khazara, Pechenegs, Jews (who gave rise to Karaimam and Crimea), and many other nations, in the same period, the Slavs appeared here for the first time.

In the XII-XV centuries, the Crimea is mastering Italian merchants - Genoese, Pisans, Venetians. Their contribution to the formation of the ethnic composition of the Peninsula population was very significant: Crimeans still have Italian surnames.

Turkic peoples

At the beginning of the XIII century, the Crimea captures the army of Genghis Khan, and he becomes a Golden Horde Ulus. Then, from 1475, after the fall of the Tatar-Mongolian state, the Crimean Khanation goes into submission of the Ottoman Empire. The main population of the Crimea during this period is the Turkic, precisely then from the descendants of Pechenegs, Polovtsy, Tatars, Khazar formed Crimean Tatar ethnos, for a long time - more three centuries - The most numerous on the peninsula.


After the entry of the peninsula in 1783, in the Russian empire, most of the Tatars and the Turk leave the peninsula, moving to Turkey, and the Crimeas are increasingly populated by Slavs, mostly Russian and Ukrainians. At about the same time, the number of Ashkenazz Jews begins to increase. The ethnic composition is increasingly approaching modern.

Today representatives of 125 peoples live in Crimea, of which 70 are considered the main: that is, in rural, and at least one family of this nationality lives in urban areas - at least one man and one woman - and at least 5% of representatives this ethnos. They consider his native language.

The most numerous people are Russians (58% of the population), Ukrainians are following them (24%), Crimean Tatars (12%), Belarusians (about 1.5%). Less than 1% of the population - but quite numerous groups - constitute the Tatars, Armenians, Jews, Moldovans, Poles, Azerbaijanis.

Thus, the Crimea has always been and remains multinational. And no matter how difficult the relationship between some nations, there should be enough space on this small peninsula to everyone.