The activities of the rural library in modern conditions. Kugenskaya Rural Library Objectives and Tasks Standing in front of libraries in the reporting year

The activities of the rural library in modern conditions. Kugenskaya Rural Library Objectives and Tasks Standing in front of libraries in the reporting year
The activities of the rural library in modern conditions. Kugenskaya Rural Library Objectives and Tasks Standing in front of libraries in the reporting year

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Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

The employment service and the library perform the identification socialization function necessary for society, and one of its directions is a professional orientation.

In order to identify the interests and inconsistencies of their student readers, the head of the library first of all conducted the survey "Who would you like to be?", "Do you like ..."

According to the results of the questionnaire, thematic shelves were decorated, and then a permanent exhibition "Peace and We are in it", consisting of sections: "Where to go to learn", "in the world of professions", where the literature changed depending on the profession, which appeared: "Teacher - Sounds proudly, "" mechanic is the main profession on the village "," technique around us "and others.

In the course of work on the program, the exhibition was complemented by the selection of books from the Unified Foundation of the CBS, information sheets issued by the Methodological department and the service department of the Central District Library in the "Your Roads, Graduate" series. The library fund acquired a reference manual "Where to go to learn."

The sections of the exhibition systematically conducted reviews of literature: "For those who like to make", "sew", "prepare very tasty"; Conversations "These are not men's - men's professions", "those who choose the profession of the military" and others.

To assist the choice of profession in the library, a card file "On professions, production and labor" with sections "Where to go to learn", "in the world of professions", "Creative Cases": about people and their professions. The interests of users, the needs of farms in personnel, were taken into account in the work of the card file, and information about the professions in demand were currently selected. The recommendation list of references "Where to go to learn" is also decorated.

The library on the village is the only information center for students, teachers, employees of farms, pensioners and local authorities.

The rural library functions include the creation of a local government document and organizing free access to them.

Not in all villages and towns of the district there is an agreement on the transfer of all published and "unpublished", approved by the heads of local administrations of documents. This represents one of the problems of providing full information on local government issues.

Free access to regulatory documents increases the awareness of readers, contributes to the establishment of contacts between residents of villages and their power.

The collaboration of the library with the Department for Social Protection of the Population for the Prevention of Non-Earth Supernitudes, with the State Road Safety Inspectorate. In addition to individual work with the children of "Risk Groups", the librarian conducts preventive conversations of offenses with children and parents in a series of information sheets produced by the methodology for working with children and a propaganda inspector.

As part of the legal education of children in the library, the Club "Young Rights" club was organized, in whose classes, children learn their rights and responsibility for any action.

Thus, on the second chapter, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The main tasks of rural libraries at the present stage are to ensure access to all types of municipal information: providing information to enterprises, associations, farms representatives; help users in possession of literacy; Promoting the systematic education and self-education of the villagers, primarily to the younger generation.

The village library works in close cooperation with other institutions, such as the Central District Library, District Administration and Village, Employment Center, Social Protection Bodies, etc.


The library of the modern model is developing effective strategies and methods for finding, structuring and providing knowledge.

The social functions of the modern library are memorial, communication, information, educational, socializing and cultural.

The most important tasks of libraries in the modern world are increasingly formulated as providing free and unlimited access to information and the preservation of its sources, and the librarian is increasingly referred to as a keeper and a propagandist of the book, but an information specialist, the navigator in the world of information, quantitatively double every five years.

Being not only by the organizer of knowledge, but also his creator, the modern library participates in the formation of the main resource of the new society of knowledge, and therefore becomes the builder of this new society.

Libraries may and should be a key link in the creation of a single information and cultural space of the country, the establishment of direct information links of Russian regions with foreign countries, the integration of Russian information resources to international information networks and data banks. The solution to this task should be facilitated by the formation of a modern, scientifically based, with a pronounced modernization nature of state library policy.

Problems of library and library services are a problem of public awareness, accessibility to him new ideas and knowledge, especially necessary today in order to adapt to new social conditions, re-find themselves and their place in life, to be competitive.

A characteristic feature of the modern library system is the constantly increasing gap between the information and informationally rich libraries. There is a direct relationship between the number of services serviced by the library and the general level of socio-economic, cultural and spiritual development of the region and its resource capabilities. The greater the resource (information) library potential, the higher the cultural, educational, intellectual level of the population.

The main tasks of rural libraries at the present stage are to ensure access to all types of municipal information: providing information to enterprises, associations, farms representatives; help users in possession of literacy; Promoting the systematic education and self-education of the villagers, primarily to the younger generation. The village library works in close cooperation with other institutions, such as the Central District Library, District Administration and Village, Employment Center, Social Protection Bodies, etc.


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Nesterova I.A. The role of the rural library // Encyclopedia Nester

The uniqueness of the role of rural libraries in the public life of the country is emphasized by complicating the tasks of information and library activities, which predetermines the need to develop new approaches to the management of libraries. The previous methods of managing this sphere, originally aimed at solving the problems of its survival, are already ineffective. In recent years, the growing role of rural libraries in the life of the local community has been noted.

Activities of the rural library

The successful solution of the tasks of building a social state, the formation of regional socio-cultural space requires the active participation of libraries in these processes. Hence the need to study the peculiarities of rural libraries in modern Russian conditions.

The library today is an informational, cultural and educational, educational institution, organizing public use of the work of the printed publication. The library provides rural residents free access to information, knowledge. In the service of citizens of the library, the traditional and newest information technologies, document funds and modern media provide access to the global information space, promotes the formation of the information society. The library takes care of the development of the younger generation and the people who need sociocultural support.

However, in recent years, a sad tendency has been traced according to which the number of libraries in Russia is reduced annually about a thousand, today their number does not exceed 39 thousand.

Today we are increasingly talking about the rural library as an institution that performs social functions, works with groups of people who need social support: veterans of war and labor, disabled, unemployed.

In its activities, rural libraries rely on federal and local regulatory acts.

  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation
  • "Basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture"
  • Model standard activities of the publicly accessible library
  • Federal Law N 78-FZ "On Library Business"
  • Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection"
  • Federal Law "On Non-Profit Organizations"
  • Resolutions, orders and other regulatory acts regulating the activities of libraries on a certain territory.

The activities of rural libraries are carried out in accordance with the norms of the Federal Law N 78-FZ "On Library Business". According to this Law, rural libraries serve users in accordance with their charters, the rules for using libraries and applicable law.

The law clearly regulates the inadmissibility of state or other censorship, which could limit the rights of users of libraries to free access to library funds, as well as using information about library users, reader requests. However, the exception is those cases when information is used for scientific purposes and the organization of library services.

In addition, the law insists that all libraries, including rural, in full or part-time budget financing, should reflect ideological and political diversity in society in their activities.

If there are book monuments in the Library Foundations, the institution is obliged to ensure their safety and is responsible for the timely submission of information about them for registration in the register of book monuments.

Currently, the libraries in the countryside have become not only the centers of reading and communicating, but also the "centers of attraction" of enthusiastic and inquisitive people, local authors - writers and needlewomen - masters of applied art.

The role of the rural library in the life of the local community

In recent years, disputes on the further fate of libraries due to the fall of attendance are not subsidized. Supporters of reforms proposed to increase the popularity of libraries by holding entertainment activities, but this position was criticized by specialists and the public, which insist that libraries should preserve the cultural and educational function and declare that the transference of libraries in the shopping and entertainment sphere will destroy the essence of libraries like places for Cultural development and joint creativity.

The public was partially able to defend the role of libraries as collectors and guardians of heritage, and in January 2015, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation adopted the model standard of activity of the publicly available library, in which the cultural and educational and educational function was prescribed.

However, we should not forget that libraries are the most ancient institution of the Company, performing a wide range of various functions and playing a huge role in society. Nowadays, the library is a social institution that plays a huge role in the lives of people, especially in the remote corners of our country and in the villages. The modern library includes informational and cultural components.

A.I. Ostapov and A.L. Goncharov allocate key elements of library affairs submitted by different authors and on which the role of libraries in society is based:

  • structural and functional: The library represents the "documentary resource", and not information;
  • cognitive: Labor subject of librarians - "Knowledge";
  • information.

Thus, the variation of opinions about what the role of libraries in the modern world is quite wide. Interest in this problem is very big, as evidenced by a huge number of articles and other printed works on this topic.

Libraries are centers of historical and spiritual memory, cultural and local lorded and educational centers. Education of patriotism, love for his country is impossible if the child does not know the stories of his kind, his last name, his small homeland.

In recent years, close attention is paid to the formation of environmental culture. Therefore, one of the areas of work of rural libraries was ecological education and education, the formation of the active civil position of each person in the conservation of nature. Complete and constantly updated funds of environmental literature, organized environmental clubs and circles for children, club associations for an adult audience. Thus, library staff perform important tasks:

  • formation of interest in the world and desire to take care of nature;
  • overcoming consumer attitudes towards nature;
  • popularization of a healthy lifestyle;
  • education of love for nature.

The special category of readers of rural libraries is disabled, they are given high attention. Librarians using all sorts of work forms, try to support these categories of the population, help them adapt in society, do not feel lonely. Against the background of numerous problems of the Russian village, such assistance is relevant and timely.

Among the inhabitants of modern villages a lot of unemployed - both among people of pre-age age and among young people. Libraries, based on their potential, provide them with useful information about the possibilities of obtaining education, retraining, on the presence of jobs both in the area and in the region.

In recent years, the rural library is increasingly fixed by the status of not only educational, information and cultural, but also a social institution. Social partnership is a guarantee of the implementation of one of the priorities in the work of the library: "Cultural and leisure activities of the elderly."

Invaluable the role of the book in the case of spiritual and moral education and formation of a person. Unsuburning need from childhood to instill love for the book, to constant communication with knowledge accumulated humanity through reading.

The reading child is hope for the future of culture of Russia. A few years later, it will depend on it, what place and what role the book in society will take.

Rural libraries help their activities to know the past of their territory, to evaluate today, not lose the connection of times.

Improving the activities of the rural library

The library on the village is the center of not only cultural life, but also the center of the communication of the villagers. Here come for spiritual food, for advice, with benefit to spend your free time.

It is necessary to give preference to interactive species involving the interaction of the librarian and the user. In working with young people, it is important to use game forms, helping to convey the idea of \u200b\u200ban important role of the book, reading, libraries for the intellectual and moral development of a person.

It is the interaction of rural libraries with the latest technologies that is an indicator of the successful development of the library and the level of its promotion of the literature "into the people". Today, no multimedia resources should do any major library event. We recommend using DVD, presentation slide, musical CDs, various types of information from different sources, including from a global Internet. A similar form of presenting information is of great interest among a variety of people, strengthens the nature of its psychological perception, the depth of assimilation, provides active interaction. All this helps to perform the tasks of promoting a book and reading.

It should be remembered that regardless of the work form, themes, in the center of any event there should always be a book and reading, even if it is a purely entertainment. The event should be exciting, which depends on the forms of filing material, the activity of participants.

However, the informatization of library processes requires a developed material base: computers, scanners, printers, presentation equipment, digital video equipment.

In recent years, in the work of any rural library has increased the role and importance of leisure activities. Survived among library cultural and leisure programs are reader evenings and clubs in interest.

In all rural libraries, there must be stands with relevant for residents of the village with a selection of regulatory information. To increase the popularity and roles of a rural library, it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of family reading traditions. It is recommended to implement family reading programs with various topics. For example: "Adults read children, children read adults", "Take the book in the family's circle", "a modern family chooses a book," "friends with the book with the whole family." Thanks to this, the librarian will be able to attract adult cooperation in terms of grafting and supporting interest in the book and reading their children and grandchildren, conducting joint events, will help them to raise up and develop a child through literature.

Within the framework of the state program, the available environment is recommended to hold events in conjunction with NDCs oriented people with disabilities. It is necessary to provide all the assistance to those in need by spiritual enrichment and healing. The events from the series will help this "through the book - to good and light," "without friends I'm a little bit."

It should be given to all forms of support for the book of public and public character, organize all-in-law events that increase the status of reading and library.

Promotion of the library and reading is impossible without studying the situation with reading. In libraries, it is necessary to use the main methods for obtaining information: individual and group surveys, survey. Sociological studies are carried out both in the walls of the library and beyond. For example, surveys of residents can be an integral part of urban events. Studies will find out the attitude of the population to the library and reading, determine the reasons for reducing interest in reading, identify the information needs and reader preferences of various age groups of users, to identify ways to improve the work on attracting the population to reading. Approximate theme of sociological research: "Let's talk about reading", "What does reader mean in your life", "a modern reader. What is he?", "Youth and reading in the modern library", "reading in a family circle", "read the classics", "Fiction: What the province reads." Rating polls for the best book, the most favorite book can be popular.


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  2. Federal Law "On Library Business" from 29.12.1994 N 78-ФЗ // Reference Legal System Garant
  3. Verin T.V. About the experience of libraries on the model standard of activity // Official resource of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation URL:\u003e Sites / Default / Files / Doc / Plan ... 8) .docx
  4. Informatization of rural libraries: problems and ways to solve them (based on the materials of the libraries of Verkhneketsky, Teguldetsky and Chainsky districts of the Tomsk region) // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Culturalology and art history Issue No. 2 (14) / 2014. P. 54-62
  5. K.A. K.A. Directions of social work of rural libraries of Tomsk region // Bulletin TSU. - 2013. - № 3. - P. 41-45.
  6. Melentheva Yu.P. Rural Library and its reader in the modern Sociocultural Space of the village: Scientific Prakt. allowance / Yu.P. Melentyev. - M.: Library, 2009.
  7. Phonotov GP Organizer and theoretics of library affairs // Bulletin of the Library Assembly of Eurasia. - 2004. - N 2. - S. - 84

History of the fast rural library.

The library in the village is fast for half a century smashing the doors for its good readers. Readers of various ages, professions, interests. They come from generation to generations here to plunge into a diverse booking world and choose the book that you liked for the soul or creativity. The rural library today is the only institution on the village, providing free use of the book, providing the constitutional right of each person to free access to information, knowledge, attachment to cultural values.

In the first years of Soviet power, the State Program of Soviet Russia "Elimination of Illiteracy" was developed, which began the decree of the Council of State University "on the elimination of illiteracy in the RSFSR" of December 26, 1919. According to him, the entire population of Soviet Russia aged from 8 to 50 years old, who did not know how to read or write, was obliged to learn a diploma in their native or Russian (optional). In 1920, the Council of People's Commissars receives a decree on the establishment of the All-Russian Emergency Commission on the Elimination of Illiteracy (HBC Likbez), the decisions of which are mandatory. The fight against illiteracy is accompanied by cultural and political enlightenment: work clubs, huts - reading, printing, museums.

In the village of the body of cultural and political education of the masses of steel were huts. They worked without fuel, kerosene. He managed volunteers. They were in every way the peasants who gave their homes under the hut holders, organized subbates for fuel extraction.

Izba - reading room ...

For a long time forgotten phrase for older people, and for young things, quite something exotic. And in those years it was a center for political propaganda and elimination of illiteracy in the village (Likbez).

Perhaps, of all the forced measures of Soviet power, the enlightenment of the people was the most useful and effective measure. Of course, the main emphasis was made to promote a new, Soviet lifestyle, but at the same time there was a liquidation of elementary illiteracy, which is already good.

Appeared in the villages of the hut - reading, and with them and the new profession - the fuck. So in the 20s - 30s called librarians and cultural workers in one person. They are with the teachers and led the struggle with the illiteracy of the population.

In the village of fast hut - the reading room was opened in 1936 on the initiative of Komsomol members - activists. They scored at the board of the collective farm "Drummer" the old barn and their own overwhelmed him under the hut-reading room (the building was not preserved). With the light of the kerosene lamp, the readings took place, learned to read and write, withdrawing the letters to the scraper from the pencil, and then taught others.

From the memories of P.D. Mikhailova.

"The youth gathered in a collective farm desk, listened to the news, the loud chutes of newspapers were arranged. I was considered competent with two classes of education, and the four illiterates were attached to me. That was taught to the fellow village read and write. "

In 1937, a club for 250 seats was built, the hut - the reading room was now in the club, in the center of the village. Izbachek worked Kurdyumova Fedos Dmitrievna. Razbach suited loud twiks of editorial and news from newspapers, told about different events. The book fund, as a rule, was very modest: several dozen books collected from the whole village, but later books were purchased for 300 rubles. Accounting for issuance has not been conducted. Books took under the "honest word" and returned back.

The newspaper "Power of Labor" of February 23, 1983 wrote: "A dramatic and choral mug works in the collective farm club of the village. They consist of 23 people. The dramatic circle has already prepared for the setting of the play "Crossing", "change", "poverty is not a vice" of the choral circle learns the song about the Motherland and "Pijasya song on the square." In his free time, in the evenings, the club is visited by all the collective farmers. In the club library, in addition to fiction, there is a collection of writings V.I Lenin. Sound movies will soon work in the club. (Head. Club A.Kozin) "

One of the areas of work of His readings at this time was the activities of the Agitbrigada. Members of the Agitbrigada during collective farm field works went to the fields, they read the workers of the villages of the village of fresh newspapers, fiction. More details you can learn from the article Komsomolets - Zvnivod A. Golubsyova (the newspaper "Power of Labor" dated April 21, 1983): "All the Komsomol members are placed on brigades. Each of them is entrusted to conduct tweets, conversations, help to produce a wall newspaper, i.e. spend all the mass work. As soon as the brigade went to the field, we released the first number of the wall newspaper. It featured all the shortcomings of readiness for North. The newspaper helped to fix them quickly. In the lunch break, we read the farmers out loud of fresh newspapers, discussing the latest news. At the same time, we study the "Regulations on the elections to the Supreme Council of the RSFSR". And when the working day ends, the Komsomol members - the readers read the book by A.Fadeev "Roll". Chutes and conversations of Komsomol members are interested in all collective farmers ... "

Worked the hut - reading room and in a harsh wartime. The librarian - Razbach often on duty in the rural council, took telegrams from the military registration and enlistment office about sending men to war and spread them around the village. He wrote lightning and combat leaves, letters, but the front. The readers were spent loud chickens. Regularly readers were supplied with valuable materials on the events at the front.

Bystryansky rural library in Soviet times.

After military Liphethey, the peaceful life of the villagers were gradually established. Izba - the reading room becomes an integral and almost most significant part of the cultural life of the village. The number of regular readers is growing, the books Foundation increase.

From the report on the work of huts - Reading Day for 1950:

"Followers 53 people

Book Fund 513 copies

33 conversations were held

4 wall newsnets were released

11 combat leaflets

Head of Help - Higher Popov Nikolay "

The 60s became the dawn of cultural life sat down quickly. The board of the collective farm "Drummer", the party organization paid great attention to the upbringing of young people. A new office building was built, the construction of a new school building, boarding school, the music school was opened, for which the collective farm acquired musical instruments.

Residents of the village discharged more newspapers and magazines. For 250 yards - 520 copies of newspapers and 338 magazines, which was more than 3 copies per courtyard. The number of readers and in the rural library grew. The book was brought to each seven, to every literate resident. It allocated about 5,000 rubles for the purchase of books in the library.

On September 5, 1966, the Fastryansky Rural Library was registered in the Minusinsky district department of culture. Since 1966, Semin Lyudmila Mikhailovna worked the head of the rural library.

The newspaper "Spark Ilyich" of April 8, 1972 wrote: "There were big changes in the cultural life of the village, in their life. Take at least a rural library, which is headed by Semin L.M. In its foundations more than 7 thousand books. In the evenings here are crowded here, because more than five hundred readers. In the rural club, the righteous of the Komsomol members. Then they are scattering the dispute, then they will spend interesting in the evening. "

From 1977 and to the present, the library works Kalinichenko Valentina Mikhailovna, its library experience is more than 33 years old .. All these years, Valentina Mikhailovna works as head of the library. This is a good soul man, a big sign of the village of the village, the slamming of her patriot, a very not indifferent man. She always helps the reader to choose the book that interests him. Does it always with a smile, good:

"The library is my second home. At home, I constantly think and worry about my readers, for my library. Readers I have become the road for many years of our dating. Children come, grow up, then get married, marry, become parents. They lead to the library of their children, grandchildren. So it turns out that I am aware of all events in our village's life. The library comes for a book, and who just with their problems: one needs to be calmed, something to advise something, and then just listen to it. But still the crown of all this will be the book that the reader will receive from my hands. "

Library today. Readers and funds.

Today, our library enjoys 468 people - from young preschool to the people of old age. Most readers are children of preschool and school age (180 people). The share among readers (140 people) of the non-working population. The head of the library Valentina Mikhailovna tries to make it so that everyone has found what interests him, and left home with the necessary book or the necessary information.

Now the Rural Library Foundation has about 5 thousand diverse books, which read both indigenous residents and visitors. The contingent of readers is varied: teachers, educators, workers, schoolchildren, housewives, etc. But for all the years of existence, the library has the largest number of books and readers in the 1970s - 80s.



Book Foundation



100 copies.

83 people


513 copies.



8900 copies.

700 people


11000 copies.

500 people


6200 copies.

450 people


4700 copies

450 people


4850 copies.

468 people.

Recently, there has been a tendency to increase new fiction revenues at the expense of financing from the regional budget, the means of sponsors, and the readers go to meet - bring here as a gift book from your own assembly. In the shares "Give the Book of the Library" took part: Entrepreneurs Zdanovich S.A. (250 books), Naumov Yu.M (100 books), employees of the school Chernyshev I.N, Kuznetsova G.N, Shirenko M.V, Volkova, N.D. other. The librarian, knowing the interests and tastes of your readers, as far as possible visits the central library, gaining packs of books and brings them to his native village, it tries that her readers do not feel disadvantaged.

Unfortunately, the number of periodic editions discharged by the library is reduced.

Comparative table names of newspapers and magazines in different years.




"Arguments and Facts"


"Krasnoyarsk worker"

Iskra Ilyich

"Arguments and Facts"


"Krasnoyarsk worker"

"Power of labor"

"Hope and we"

"Arguments and Facts"

"Krasnoyarsk worker"

"Power of labor"

"Hope and we"

"Funny pictures"



"Rural Life"

"Funny pictures"




"Funny pictures"




"Roman - Newspaper"

"Friendship of Peoples"



"Literary newspaper"

"Peasant woman"


"Behind the wheel"






"Pioneer True"


"Model - instructor"

"Agitator notebook"

"Book Review"

"Pink Elephant"

"Tom and Jerry"



"Disney for kids"

"Behind the wheel"

"Women's World"

"Peasant woman"


It follows from the table that the number of newspapers and magazines obtained by the library for 20 years decreased three times. Analysis of the recruitment of rural libraries by periodic publications showed - rural libraries discharge one central, one regional and two local newspapers. From magazines only children's, which does not satisfy reader demand.

Directions of the rural library.

The study of rural libraries shows that the most common and in demand today are the following areas of their work:

The formation of information culture from readers and attracting them to reading;

Local history work.

Formation of information culture readers and attracting them to reading one of the main tasks of any library. This work in the library comes children of senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten, and first-class students attend library lessons.

The fast rural library is trying to be attractive to different categories of readers and satisfies the requests of children, and young people, and the elderly. The library has to provide inhabitants everyday help in solving everyday, daily problems, organize leisure, including children's and family, engage in educational activities, to work with socially unprotected populations.

Another direction of the rural bibal is the study of the history of its settlement - conducts almost every rural library. It is the rural library that becomes a collector, a keeper and a conductor of cultural traditions. In its daily work, it solves many tasks: preserves and transfers cultural traditions in time and space, ensuring the memory of generations; Forms the moral positions of young people, creates a special cultural, educational and intellectual environment in society.

The rapid rural library leads very serious work to study his small homeland. People want to feel the authentic owners of the village, to know their story, maintain national - aesthetic, natural - geoginal, cultural - historical, language traditions, etc.

The library contains documents, photos, diaries, letters, memories of countrymen, video recordings, a bank of information about the creative personalities of the village: poets, artists, folk craftsmen.

Educational activities in the field of localism finds an expression in various forms: the creation of a club, organization under the library of local lore corners, discussion of local history books, meetings of meetings with writers, local history, interesting people, fellow countrymen, which have reached certain vertices, as well as - Conducting quiz, contests On the best construct of the edge, the game - travel, local lore readings, holidays of the village and others.

The "Native Earth" club was organized in 1990 under the rural library. Heads the head of the head of the rural library, a large connoisseur of the history of the village of Kalinichenko Valentina Mikhailovna. Much forces and time she pays this interesting job.

Over the years of the club's existence, a huge material is assembled, many hours Valentina Mikhailovna spent in the archive, studying historical documents, issuing the exhibition.

Permanent assistants of Valentina Mikhailovna are school students. The guys developed with Valentina Mikhailov's Charter of the Club, identified goals and objectives. Large propaganda work is underway. Club members were prepared and held conversations: "The history of the village's emergence is fast," "The first inhabitants of the village are settlers - Staroviers," traditions and life of the Old Belovers "," historical and memorable places of our village ".The local lore club held wonderful holidays dedicated to the anniversary of the village quickly, the anniversary of the rural club. Kalinichenko VM constantly holds local lore lessons at school, raising love in children and respect for those people, next to which they live, as well as raising their self-esteem, which repeatedly wrote the newspaper "Power of Labor". In 2005, the Local Lore Club "Native Earth" took part in the State Grant Program "Social Partnership in the Name of Development" with the project "Legend of the Earth Bystryanskaya" Following this Competition, the club received a certificate of the Regional Social Grant Council and 25 thousand rubles. Which camcorder, TV, video player and digital camera are purchased.

In the village of the library plays a large role as a publicly available center of culture, education, information, although we see a lot of problems related to the need to modernize and the growth in financing of the institution.

Valentina Mikhailovna Kalinichenko

Head of the Bystryan Settlement Library

The most tangible in the 1990s. There were change in the activities of the former public mass, and now - municipal public libraries. The libraries strengthen the orientation on the interests of their region, its inhabitants, seek to maximize their specific needs, establish contacts with the local administration, which contributes to the increase in their status at the municipal level.

Today, the most characteristic is the trend towards the closure of small libraries or their association into larger. In 1970-1980 Public libraries were combined in the territorial (local) feature to centralized library systems (CBS), which are currently preserved. They are most successful as municipal systems of public libraries in the cities of Russia. These systems are headed by carrying out methodological and coordination functions in relation to them, urban public libraries, which are municipal property. Russia retains the system of municipal library networks with branches, approached by the place of residence.

Profiling CBS branches is carried out according to different features. In some cases, they reflect the needs of a certain part of the region in obtaining a particular type of information, for example, a business library. In other cases, the library is focused on certain groups of users, such as the youth center. It should be noted a tendency to create family reading libraries.

Today in Russia there are more than thirty nine thousand rural libraries (70% of all municipal), which uses 34.8% of the total number of readers of all country libraries.

In fact, the library is today the only free source of culture and information available to a rural resident.

As many years ago, publicly available, and now municipal libraries help their specific means of becoming the development and development of the social environment, inside which they live (and local education authorities, and the local community, and the authorities, and production, etc.).

The rural library is today a link with a system of library libraries, regions, countries, finally, the world, helping local residents to overcome informational and psychological isolation.

The main directions of the rural library, as well as the forms of providing information and the range of services are determined by the priority groups of users, their information needs, as well as the needs of local governments. The most common and demanded today are such areas of work as:

Help student youth;

Legal informing of the population;

Regional science.

The most important objectives of the library on the village are:

· Understanding the role of the library on the village, as the most important cultural, spiritual and social institution of society, which provides valuable information. Library

it is necessary to declare their claims - to be the main center of the village and to reinforce its claims to actions. The higher the level of claims, the higher the chances of success. Each event in the library walls should work on the image of the library and increase the chances of success, receiving additional funds from the authorities, sponsors.

· Spare work with sponsors. Develop a program to work in detail to work with sponsors.

· Sincere gratitude to those who help the library. Plant thanksgiving system in various ways, it may be: letter grateful; Advertising donations; Assigning the name of the sponsor of the exhibition, Department; Photo of the sponsor in the newspaper and much more.

· Develop a program about close relationship with the public and local authorities. The most important element of this program should be official support in justifying the specific benefits of the proposed program for a group of people, a particular organization, etc.

Insufficient budget financing sets the task of attracting extrabudgetary funds to the library, the main source of which is paid services (service services). The basis for the introduction of a paid service is the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as:

Charter and position of the library;

Terms of use;

Regulations on information services associated with the main activity of the library, coordination with the founders and approved price list. Funds received from paid services, go for the purchase of new books for the library.

The library acts as a link, combining the tasks and functions of information, cultural and educational spheres. And this manifests the uniqueness and complexity of library bibliographic activities.

Externally, that is, in that perspective, in which the library's work is open and understandable for prying eyes, its mission and social role are not fully perceived by the public. As a rule, readers do not guess, and librarians do not know how or do not consider it necessary to show that the provision in response to the request of the right information is only a small superior part of the "library iceberg". In the "underwater" part of the same processes are such processes as refinement of reader requests in situations where people came across new tasks for themselves cannot accurately express their own needs; Conservation of information to ensure the possibility of its multiple and multipurpose use.

As a result, in the public consciousness there is a stereotype of simplicity of library labor. And on the village, where the number of failures readers is significantly high, the opinion prevails that the librarian does not do anything at all.

In response to this opinion, due to the scarce of the recruitment of rural libraries, the librarians try to find an alternative solution to their problems. They compensate for the scarce of the Fund access to other library funds, larger - district, regional.

However, due to the lack of modern technologies, such as electronic delivery of documents (only about 300 rural libraries have a computer and only 4 (!) In 1999. We had an Internet access). MBA is not so efficient.

Obviously, only possessing a well-composed modern foundation, and, also having the possibility of using other, larger or specialized assemblies in the form of other, larger or specialized meetings, the rural library will be able to fulfill its functions fully.

Thus, the rural library in modern conditions is to be:

1. Expand the meaningful and species composition of their funds, taking into account changes in consumer demand. Increase the share of reference publications (encyclopedia, dictionaries), bibliographic allowances of a universal and thematic nature, sources of business, commercial and financial information.

2. Improve the quality of the reference apparatus (catalogs, card files) as a source of bibliographic and factual information. The librarian is increasingly needed by the ability to check the authenticity of information reflected in the printed products, choose the right and cost-effective ways of location, develop algorithms of bibliographic and factographic search.

3. Expand the forms of information services and make them available to consumers.

Accordingly, one of the main tasks of the rural library becomes accumulation, processing and operational management to its readers of information providing specific actual information or has a conceptual character.

Alexandrovskaya Rural Library during 2015 performed the main mission of his institution - developed as a information and cultural center, providing high-quality information and services to users of the library using existing catalogs (alphabetical, systematic).

During 2015, the library performed the main goal of its work - the maximum satisfaction of the needs and needs of the residents of the village and readers of the library using printed publications. Assisted in improving education, self-education. In general, the cultural and educational activities of the library were carried out in the directions:

  • - cycle of events "Kaleidoscope of anniversary dates", dedicated to the life and creativity of writers (throughout the year);
  • - Week "World of Professions" (February);
  • - district review competition (March);
  • - a week of children's and youth book (March);
  • - Days of Environmental Culture (April);
  • - family day in the library (May);
  • - Summer reading of children (June-August);
  • - Day of Knowledge (September);
  • - Tour of the library (October);
  • - cycle of events for the new year (December);
  • - days of information (throughout the year).

Most often, with special pleasure, children and adolescents are visited by the library (36%). The greatest number of mass events are held for this category of users. Trying to keep the interest and attention of children, library specialists are preparing various events with elements of theatricalization, games, competitions, creative tasks.

Children and teenagers choose books, read magazines, collect puzzles, play board games, draw, and also communicate with each other. Such magazines as "the world of princesses" and "play from Barbie" are in demand by girls of preschool and younger school age, and older girls choose magazic magazines, "My Secrets" and "Girls". The boys attract the magazines "Toshka and his company", "Tom and Jerry", the magazine "Star Wars" uses special demand, which, unfortunately, has not been published since 2014. And adolescents are interested in Moto and Fisherman magazines. Fairy tales, children's detectives, novels for girls, adventures enjoy unchanged popularity in young readers.

Together with a kindergarten for children of preschool age, introductory excursions "Knovekin House" are held. Children first get acquainted with such concepts as a book, rack, magazine, reader's form. Comic lessons are held with children. On the eve of September 1, the library was held in the library "Like Beech and Bolya became first-graders". Children received prizes and a positive mood.

The main group readers of the library are adults (50%) who were offered book exhibitions and mass events on topics such as the preservation of health, housekeeping, autumn blanks, rites and traditions, as well as literary evenings, holiday evenings, evening memories. All these events are designed to create conditions for communication, manifestations of the creative abilities of participants. It should be noted that among this group the most active users are people of pre-pension and retirement age. This is explained by the presence of the greatest amount of free time. They read books not only modern authors, but also the literature of the Soviet period (the series "Made in the USSR" and "Siberiad"), and the books of historical orientation. "Prizardo farming", "Rural New", "1000 Soviets", "Everything for Women" and others use the magazines in constant demand.

The most small and difficult in terms of attracting the category of readers to the library is youth (14%). Students of senior classes are loaded with school tasks, students live outside the village and come only on weekends and holidays, and working young people has little free time. But, in spite of all this, try to attract as many users of this category as possible, for which you go to school for mass events, book exhibitions and information booklets on topical themes (bad habits, character and fate) are issued. We have the greatest demand for young people ("Your best friend", "Oops", "I am 15"), help in the selection of modern fashion authors literature.

Special attention and care of the library specialists pay people with disabilities, advising and selecting books for them, as well as inviting all massive books and book exhibitions.

The introduction of new information technologies has discovered new opportunities for the library to create more comfortable and modern conditions for our users, to improve the quality of the services provided. Thus, it was possible to issue publishing products, for example, such editions as the booklet "our edge in verses and prose" were published, "let's get acquainted" (about I.A. Krylov), a bibliographic manual - an annotated list of references "Features of the culture of the Krasnoyarsk Territory " and etc.

In recent years, the library has particularly increased the role and importance of leisure activities. The most popular among library cultural and leisure programs are reader evenings and clubs in interest. Thus, the library operates clubs: for older people; Female communication and family leisure. In addition, the literary reading club was created for readers of all ages; For teenagers - ecological club and local history club. For children, cognitive-educational programs are applied: quiz; Olympiad; contests; games; Mugs for interests, etc.

The creative report on the cultural and leisure activities of the library is presented in detail in Appendix A.

Thus, the analysis of activities shows that the Alexandrovsk rural library can be called a sociocultural center of the local community: a full-fledged service is organized, providing users with access to operational and relevant information, various categories of users (children, schoolchildren, youth, disabled people, elderly, entrepreneurs, etc. d.), Using all available resources and library capabilities in the interests of readers. Recently, the level of information maintenance of readers has improved qualitatively.

In addition, the library is trying to take a fresh look at its role in modern conditions, constantly improving the mass work. Thus, in order to improve the quality and comfort of library service in 2015, the depository point for the issuance of books in the village of Novka continued its work. The issuance point is located in a rural club, the exchange of books is made once a month and serves all categories of the population.