Christmas music. Christmas theme in classical music, Music Class Christmas Musical

Christmas music. Christmas theme in classical music, Music Class Christmas Musical
Christmas music. Christmas theme in classical music, Music Class Christmas Musical

Christmas is Christian - one of the most beloved and long-awaited holidays from Christians around the world. In our country, Christmas has not been noted so long that people were accustomed to consider a more significant meeting of the New Year. But the time puts everything in its place - the country of the Soviets did not last and one century, but since Christ the third millennium has already gone.

Tale, music, waiting for a miracle - that's what Christmas is. And from this day, the shinties began - massive folk walking, sitting, sledding, fortuneshop, funny dances and songs.

Christmas rituals and entertainment were always accompanied by music, and the place was both for strict church chants and for perky folk.

Merry Christmas-related plots served as a source of inspiration for artists and composers who worked at the most time. The huge reservoir of religious music Baha and Handel cannot be imagined without appealing to such a significant event for the Christian world, Russian composers Tchaikovsky and Roman-Korsakov beat this topic in their fabulous operations and ballets, Christmas hymns, which appeared in the XIII century, are still very popular In Western countries.

Christmas Music and Orthodox Church

Christmas Classical Music His origins take in church chanting. In the Orthodox Church to this day, the holiday begins with a bell chime and, then the Kondak "Virgo's visit is rejuvenated to give birth." Tropear and Kondak reveal and chant the essence of the holiday.

Famous Russian composer of the XIX century D.S. Bortyansky largely devoted his creativity to church singing. He advocated the preservation of the purity of spiritual music, fencing it from the frills of musical "decorations." Many of his works, including Christmas concerts, are still sounding in Russian temples.

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Tchaikovsky's spiritual music occupies a separate niche in his work, although during the lifetime of the composer she called a lot of disputes. Tchaikovsky was accused of predominantly a secular beginning in spiritual work.

However, speaking about the theme of Christmas in classical music, first of all, the masterpieces of Peter Ilyich, quite distant from church music come to mind. This is the Opera "Cherevichki" on the plot of the story of Gogol "Night Before Christmas" and ballet "Nutcracker". Two completely different works are the narration of the unclean strength and a children's Christmas fairy tale, combined by the genius of music and the theme of Christmas.

Modern classic

Christmas classical music is not exhausted by "serious genres". Songs, especially those who loved people, can also be attributed to the classics. The most popular all over the world was born more than 150 years ago. It can be considered a musical symbol of New Year and Christmas holidays.

Today, Christmas Music, having lost its rudeness in many ways, retained the emotional promise of a festive celebration. In an example, you can bring the famous movie "One House". The American film composer John Williams turned on several Christmas songs and psalms in the Soundtrack cloth. The old music at the same time began to play in a new way, passing the indescribable festive atmosphere (let me forgive the reader for tautology).

Happy Merry Christmas!

Christmas is Christian - one of the most beloved and long-awaited holidays from Christians around the world. In our country, Christmas has not been noted so long that people were accustomed to consider a more significant meeting of the New Year. But the time puts everything in its place - the country of the Soviets did not last and one century, but since Christ the third millennium has already gone.

Tale, music, waiting for a miracle - that's what Christmas is. And from this day, the shinties began - massive folk walking, sitting, sledding, fortuneshop, funny dances and songs.

Christmas rites and entertainment have always been accompanied by music, and the place was both for strict church chants and for tricky folk carols.

Merry Christmas-related plots served as a source of inspiration for artists and composers who worked at the most time. The huge reservoir of religious music Baha and Handel cannot be imagined without appealing to such a significant event for the Christian world, Russian composers Tchaikovsky and Roman-Korsakov beat this topic in their fabulous operations and ballets, Christmas hymns, which appeared in the XIII century, are still very popular In Western countries.

Christmas Classical Music His origins take in church chanting. In the Orthodox Church, to this day, the holiday begins with a bell chime and the tropar in honor of the Nativity of Christ, then the Kondak "Virgo's visit is now harmony". Tropear and Kondak reveal and chant the essence of the holiday.

Famous Russian composer of the XIX century D.S. Bortyansky largely devoted his creativity to church singing. He advocated the preservation of the purity of spiritual music, fencing it from the frills of musical "decorations." Many of his works, including Christmas concerts, are still sounding in Russian temples.

Tchaikovsky's spiritual music occupies a separate niche in his work, although during the lifetime of the composer she called a lot of disputes. Tchaikovsky was accused of predominantly a secular beginning in spiritual work.

However, speaking about the theme of Christmas in classical music, first of all, the masterpieces of Peter Ilyich, quite distant from church music come to mind. This is the Opera "Cherevichki" on the plot of the story of Gogol "Night Before Christmas" and ballet "Nutcracker". Two completely different works are the narration of the unclean strength and a children's Christmas fairy tale, combined by the genius of music and the theme of Christmas.

Christmas classical music is not exhausted by "serious genres." Songs, especially those who loved people, can also be attributed to the classics. The world's most popular Christmas song "Jingle Bells" was born more than 150 years ago. It can be considered a musical symbol of New Year and Christmas holidays.

Today, Christmas Music, having lost its rudeness in many ways, retained the emotional promise of a festive celebration. In an example, you can bring the famous movie "One House". The American film composer John Williams turned on several Christmas songs and psalms in the Soundtrack cloth. The old music at the same time began to play in a new way, passing the indescribable festive atmosphere (let me forgive the reader for tautology).

Happy Merry Christmas!

Why did you need to write about the country of tips? Christmas holiday - holy, he must bring joy! But it is clear to the author more importantly express its opinion about the USSR, than to disclose the stated topic.

As for the text, very much Skupo! Not only did the musical material affect anything, so also touched it only at the level of titles.

01/11/2017 11.01.2017 by. Paul.

I. S. Bach. "Christmas Oratoria"

A grand oratorio, consisting of six Cantat, was performed in parts during a couple of days - from Christmas to the Epiphany. Each cantata is devoted to one of the episodes of the history of the Nativity of Christ. With his music, Bach depicted and the joy of shepherds, who learned about the birth of the Messiah, and the joy of angels who sing "glory in the High God," and the reverence of the Magicians standing on the Savior's cradle. And the choirs and arias telling about the evangelical events are united in the Oracke of the Recatatives on the person of the evangelist.

Choir "Ehre Sei Gott in Der Höhe" ("Gloria").

"Christmas Orator" (full version)

P. Handel. Scene "Prophecy about the birth of Christ" from the oratorio "Messiah"

One of the most famous works of Handel - Aliluya choir, finalizing the oratorile "Messiah". The oratorio was created as an Easter work and was first performed for Easter. However, after the death of the composer, the first of three parts of the oratorio, much more often began to fulfill in the pre-Christmas days. This part is completely devoted to Christmas Savior - from the Old Testament Prophecies about the Messiah to the phenomenon of angels shepherds.

№9. Aria Alta and Chorus "O Thou That Tellest" [IP. 40: 9, 60: 1] Go up on a high mountain, gospeling sion! Having a strength of your voice, the gossip of Jerusalem! Went, do not be afraid; Tell the cities of Jody: That's what God is!

Rodid, glow, [Jerusalem], for your light came, and the glory of the Lord rushed over to you.

№12. Chorus "For Unto Child Is Born" [IP. 9: 6] For the baby was born to us - Son Dan us; Oblastia on the ramen of him, and the name of him will be magazed: a wonderful, adviser, a strong, father of eternity, Prince of the world.

A. Korelli. "Christmas Concanto Grosso" (OR. 6, № 8)

Peru Arkandgelo Corelli, whose work is highly appreciated I. S. Bach and G. F. Handel, owns twelve concerto grosso or "big concerts". At the heart of this genre, the principle of "lighting" is common in the music of Baroque, confrontation: a small group of solo instruments (Corelli has two violins and cello) as if oppose the orchestra.

One of the concludes Grosso Corelli is dedicated to the Christmas holiday. It is also called "Christmas Concrato Grosso" or "Christmas concert".

P. I. Tchaikovsky. Ballet "Nutcracker"

Ballet "Nutcracker", telling that the Christmas Christmas Eve - time of miracles, and evil always won well and love, remains a favorite public for more than a hundred years. And the main reason for this is the magic music of Tchaikovsky. In the "Nutcracker", the composer applied an incredible variety of orchestral timbres - paints, outlining the characters and situations. Tchaikovsky music does not accompany the dance, but becomes its main element, thanks to which even the most fantastic and unreal heroes come to life and gain character.

Full version:

Waltz of the Flowers:

P.I. Tchaikovsky. Opera "Cherevichki"

In the "Cherevichki", written on the basis of the story of the story of Gogol "Night before Christmas", miracles are no less than in the "Nutcracker". It is no coincidence that the "Cherevichkam" is given a subtitle "Comic-fiction" Opera: the world fantastic and the world real in the opera woven as close as in the story of Gogol. And the Malorosiysk folklore, so beloved by Gogol, also, of course, is in the "Cherevichki". Tchaikovsky, writing this opera, widely used folk Ukrainian motifs.

P.I. Tchaikovsky. "The shints (December)" from the "Seasons" cycle

During 1876, in each room of the monthly St. Petersburg magazine "Nouvelet" published on one piano P.I. Piase. Tchaikovsky. The "Seasons" cycle was written on a special order from the publisher of the magazine. These are live paintings of Russian nature and life, the personification of a one-year circle of worries and holidays. Completes the cycle of the play "Sky" - a light lyrical waltz, who has the thoughts about the Christmas tree and joyful preparations to one of the main holidays in the year.

N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Suite from Opera "Night Before Christmas"

Twenty years after Tchaikovsky, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov appealed to the plot of Gogol's story "N." After the premiere of the author, they often reproached that the main semantic load in its opera is symphonic, and not vocal episodes. Meanwhile, it was in these episodes that the winter landscapes of Dikanka depicted, flying to the capital of the vacuum, a beach of stars ... from these sound or, as composer himself called, "moving" paintings and consists of orchestral suite "Night before Christmas".

V. I. Rebikikov. Waltz from the Opera "Tree"

Opera "Christmas tree" is written based on two sad Christmas stories - "Girl with matches" Andersen and "The Boy of Christ on the Christmas tree" Dostoevsky. Little beggar asks alms on the street on Christmas Eve. No one is before it, everyone is in a hurry to go home, to his relatives. The sounds of the Waltz sounds, - happy children are dancing around the Christmas tree. And the girl gradually freezes, and she dreams a luxurious hall with a huge Christmas tree. The tree turns into a huge staircase, according to which the girl surrounded by angels rises to heaven ...

R. Schuman. "Santa Claus" from the "Album" cycle

Children's play of Shuman in Russian translation called "Santa Claus" in fact called "Knecht Ruprecht". According to German legends, Knecht Ruprecht for Christmas accompanies St. Nicholas (which in the modern world has become Santa Claus). It was believed that Knecht Ruprecht asks children if they could pray. If children can pray, he gives them candy, and if not, then children receive only ugly and useless things: a piece of coal or a rotten rustier.

F. Sheet. "Christmas tree"

Piano Cycle "Christmas Tree" Sheet dedicated to his granddaughter Daniel Background Buloves. This music refers to the little-known page of the composer's creativity. The sheet here seems to forget about the usual virtuosity for himself. Cycle plays are lyric miniatures for performance in the home circle. The composer combines the religious and secular motifs of the Christmas holiday, accurately determining the program of each play in its title.

Old christmas song: 2. Holy Night! 3. Shepherds in Nursery 4. Worship of Magi 5. Light the Christmas tree! 6. Bell chime 7. Lullaby 8. Old Provencal Christmas Song 9. Evening ringing 10. In the old days 11. Hungarian march 12. Polonaise

Classical Christmas music

1. The holiday "Christmas of Christ"

At the beginning of our lesson, I want to congratulate you on the upcoming Great Holiday - Merry Christmas. The lesson is devoted to this Christian holiday, its traditions and music.

Indeed, the fact that the whole world leads its summer from the Nativity of Christ, proves the importance of this event for a modern person.

Holidays Christmas and New Year is not the same. The new year is the national holiday meeting of the New Year, and Christmas is a church holiday. Winter holidays are one of the most beloved. Therefore, he is celebrated both in the church (the official part) and the people.

Christmas Christ is one of the big holidays of Christianity. This holiday is celebrated by Christians Catholics and Protestants on December 25 in a new style, and Orthodox Christians on January 7 for a new style. These are not two different holidays, but the same holiday, noted by different calendar style, old and new. Such a reverence of this holiday is primarily due to the Yuliansky (old style) and the Gregory (new style) calendar.

This holiday causes contradictory feelings in people, on the one hand - the appearance of a baby is always joy for people living on Earth, and he is looking forward to some disturbing and excitement; On the other hand, Jesus Christ, who appeared on Earth, was sent in human indifference to redeem the sins of mankind through his suffering, and the feelings of sadness, dooms, are connected with it; In addition, feelings of gratitude, respect, reverence in front of the Savior.

The Christmas of Christ is one of the most important holidays in all Christians of the world and one of the most beloved. Christmas celebrates people of all continents.

Composers, artists (Vasnets Icon)

and poets dedicate their works of this wonderful event.

And now we will be transferred to the Holy Land of Palestine, which was then under the rule of the Roman Empire, in the small town of Bethlehem, where a wonderful event was happening 2000 years ago. It is described in the Gospel (the so-called holy narration about the life of Jesus Christ).

Many poets wrote about it in verses.

Read the poem of an unknown authorChristmas night.

How quiet this night ... as she is transparent!

Heaven look inspired

And in the arms of deep winter sleep

The expectation breathe forests ...

In this quiet night, a safe star

In the gloomy badge of lost years

Caught fire for the first time above the sinful land

Christianity Divine Light.

2. Christmas music

The Christmas of Christ, like the whole Christian faith, was very important for the development of the entire world culture as a whole. Plots from the Gospel (Good News - New Testament from Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) served as a source of inspiration for many artists, architects,sculptures, composers, writers and poets. The plot of the Nativity of Christ was repeatedly reproduced in all kinds of art: in painting, in music, in architecture, sculpture, etc.

Listen a fragment of the orator "for us was born baby", German composer Friedrich Handel (1685-1759).

Music has always accompanied Christmas holidays that have passed very fun, solemnly. This holiday combines both Christian, and pagan traditions, because it coincides on December 25 - the Day of Winter Solstice, which since the most ancient times was considered a special day - a turning point when winter declines when the old year ends and the new year begins. Therefore, today we turn as samples of classical music, which is based on folk songs and church melodies.

In Western European countries, Christian Vera Catholic and Protestant. Catholic differs from Eastern or Orthodox for some signs, among which, for example, service management -Mesca In Latin, the sound in the temple of the organ. In Orthodoxy maintenance is calledLITURGYPerformed in Staroslavlyansky. Only singing and Capella sounds in the temple, i.e. The choir performs spiritual music without accompaniment. Bell sounds. .

P helling classical music that is dedicated to Christmas Christ.

German composer

Korelli, (1653-1713) Italian composer

Unknown composer 17 in eka"Christmas concert" SL

You already know Music F. Shubert that translated means rejoice, Maria.

S.V. Rhahmaninov and P.I. Tchaikovsky wrote liturgia, where the prayer sounds "The Virgin Delo, Rejoice!

S.V. Lahmaninova

3. Task 1.

You listened to the classic christmas music of different genres.

Answer the questions:

1. Is there a difference between foreign classical music from Russian classics?

2. What is the feature of the music of F. Hesty, I.S. Zakha and D. Korelli?

3.What is the peculiarity of Russian classical music?

4. Christmas hymns, carols.

Christmas music sounds everywhere: in churches, on the street, in the houses at the festive table. Western countries are especially popular Christmas hymns who have undergone many changes throughout their centuries-old history.

No less interesting comparing the episode of the Christmas of Jesus Christ, set forth in the gospel, with the content of Christmas carols. Folk songs who sang at this time in Russia, tell about the already familiar evangelical events.


1. Christmas Angel flew away.

He flew across the sky, Peang People Song:

"You, people, and refine

All you want to celebrate!

Does Christ's Christmas! "

2. Shepherders in the cave first came,

And the baby-god with the mother found.

Stood and prayed

Christ bowed

Dacy of christian christmas!

Try to sing a carol.

The ancient Slavs had a celebration of the Winter Solstice, when the day is lengthened, and the night becomes shorter. At this time, nature wakes up, her rebirth begins.

Day of the Winter Solstice - "Bag". Kolyada, as it were, opened a series of Christmas holidays, which was called the "shints" ("holy evenings") and continued until the feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Epiphany). It was the time of merry folk festivities. Funny gatherings were arranged, a bond, walked, walked, wondered, rode on snow hills, on painted sleigh - and all this under singing songs.

Colorful, colorful collage rite from Russian-speaking peoples transmitted in many works of art: in painting, In the literature, in music.

Carols for Christmas artist Trutovsky

Russian composer N. A. Rimsky - Korsakov on the plot of the works of Gogol "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka" wrote Opera "Night before Christmas".

Folk carols are used in this opera. .

Russian composer George Sviridov wrote a Christmas carol. Listen to this car bead and spit together with the choir. Listen