Article 23 on education. The main types of educational institutions

Article 23 on education. The main types of educational institutions
Article 23 on education. The main types of educational institutions

The type of educational institution is determined in accordance with the level and focus of educational programs implemented by it. To date, we can talk about the existence of the following types of educational institutions:


General education (primary general, basic general, medium (complete) general education);

Primary vocational education;

Secondary vocational education;

Higher vocational education;

Postgraduate vocational education;

Additional adult education;

Additional education of children;

For orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives);

Special (correctional) (for students, pupils with development deviations);

Other institutions carrying out the educational process.

The first five types of educational institutions are the main and most common, in connection with this briefly consider their some features.

Pre-school educational institutions (DOU) is a type of educational institution that implements general education programs for pre-school education of various focus. The main tasks of pre-school educational institutions are: ensuring the upbringing and early education of children; ensuring the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children; ensuring the development of individual abilities of children; carrying out the necessary correction of deviations in the development of children; Interaction with family to ensure full-fledged child development.

Traditionally, pre-school educational institutions meet the demands of children aged 3 - 7 years. The nursery-garden is designed to visit by children 1 - 3 years, and in some cases - from 2 months to a year. Pre-school educational institutions in accordance with their focus are divided into five main species

Children's garden of the overall view - with the priority implementation of one or several directions of development (intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, physical, etc.).

Children's gardens and kindergarten kindergartens are traditional pre-school educational institutions, which implement the main programs of pre-school education in accordance with established state standards. The main purpose of the implementation of these educational programs is intellectual, artistic, aesthetic, moral and physical development of young children. Depending on the possibilities of one or another pre-school institution (material and technical equipment, educational and pedagogical composition, etc.), not only traditional educational programs of education and training can be carried out, but, and some other priority educational areas are chosen (learning drawing , music, choreography, language skills, foreign languages).

Children's garden compensating type - with the priority implementation of a qualified correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils.

Children's gardens of this species are specialized and are created for children with various violations in physical and (or) mental development (including deaf, weakly impaired and late, blind, visually impaired and late children, children with severe speech disorders, with impaired musculoskeletal disorders. The apparatus, with a delay in mental development, for mentally retarded and other children with development deviations). Children with developmental deviations can be accepted into pre-school educational institutions of any other type in the presence of conditions for corrective work. At the same time, the reception is carried out only with the consent of the parents (legal representatives) on the conclusion of psychological and pedagogical and medical and pedagogical commissions. Educational programs, techniques (technologies) of education, correction and treatment in the DOA of this species are developed taking into account the specific specifics of the deviations available in children. The material and technical equipment of such kindergartens is somewhat different from ordinary, since these children need special care. Physiotherapy, massage, speech therapy and other offices are created for children; pools; Phytobars and dietary canteens; Special adaptations and equipment in groups, etc. Number of correctional groups and their fill in kindergarten as compensating and regular species are determined by the Charter of the DOU depending on the sanitary standards and the conditions necessary for the implementation of the process of education, training and correction. As a rule, the limiting reservoir of the group (depending on the specific type) should not exceed 6-15 people.

Children's garden of supervision and recovery - with the priority implementation of sanitary and hygienic, preventive and wellness activities and procedures.

Such kindergartens are predominantly designed for children under three years. The focus is on sanitary and hygienic conditions, prevention and prevention of diseases of children. Improving and strengthening and basic educational events are held.

Kindergarten combined type. Children's educational institutions of this species may include general education, compensating and wellness groups in different combination.

Children's development center is a kindergarten with the implementation of physical and mental development, correction and recovery of all pupils.

In the centers of the child's development, the focus is on an individual approach to each child. The priority directions are the intellectual and aesthetic development of children: the development of the personality motivation to knowledge and creativity; Strengthening health and meeting the needs of children in physical education and sports. For the implementation of the educational process and health promotion in these educational institutions, gaming, physical education complexes are created; pools; Computer classes. Art studios, children's theaters, various circles, sections can be organized, and all this in the framework of one child's development center. In addition to educators, psychologists, speech therapists, other specialists are engaged in children. In such an institution, a child can be both a whole day and a certain number of hours (attend any individual classes) - at the discretion of parents.

Most kindergartens are municipal and (or) government educational institutions. However, in recent years, many private (non-state) pre-school educational institutions have appeared.

If parents believe that for the child there is a fairly standard set of the proposed educational services, as well as in the case of a difficult material family, or for other reasons (for example, the choice of DOU is limited), it makes sense to identify a child to a state or municipal preschool institution. The procedure for the acquisition of a pre-school educational institution is determined by the founder. The budgetary preschool educational institutions are primarily adopted by children of working lonely parents, students of mothers, persons with disabilities I and II groups; children from large families; Children under guardianship; Children, parents (one of the parents) of which are in military service; Children of the unemployed and forced immigrants, students. The number of groups in such supports is determined by the founder on the basis of their limit filling, adopted when calculating the standard of budget financing. As a rule, more than 8-20 children should not be contained in groups (depending on the type of group).

In the event that parents have money, and there are increased requirements for organizing an educational and health process in kindergarten and an individual approach to the child, it is worth stopping their choice on a non-state (private) preschool institution. Similar supports have at their disposal pools, sometimes saunas, large game rooms, expensive training and game material, enjoyable bedrooms, the highest quality and extremely diverse diet, as well as other benefits, which, of course, require significant material costs. . The flow rate of groups usually does not exceed 10 people, and the implemented educational programs are oriented towards more in-depth and variational education of children.

However, all the convenience listed above, as well as additional educational and educational programs, are currently able to offer a paid basis state and municipal preschool institutions that have the right to provide additional paid educational and other services subject to licensing them. As for the process of upbringing and learning, in almost any preschool institution, the main comprehensive educational program is taken as the basis of the legislation. Preschool educational programs and technologies currently there are many, these are programs: "origins", "Rainbow", "Childhood", "Development", "Kindergarten-House of Joy", "Golden Key" and others. All of them are focused on properly ensuring the upbringing and early education of children, the development of their individual characteristics. Thus, it is not at all necessary to look for a private kindergarten, but you can use the services provided by the state or municipal preschool educational institution for a separate additional fee. In any case, when choosing a preschool institution, take care of the interests of the child, given his desire, and not about the satisfaction of their own ambitions in the prestige of the educational level provided to him .. those parents who prefer to educate and teach a child at home (personally or with the help of governers coming Pedagogues), it is easy to think about how true they come, taking a similar solution .. so that in the future, when adapting such a child to school life, there was no problem, it is recommended at least a short visit to the kindergarten. After all, it is in the preschool institution that the child receives communication skills with peers, learns to navigate the group, compare collective interests with their own. All this happens under the direct control of educators and teachers. No matter how high-quality home education, it cannot fully give everything that the child could get, visiting the kindergarten.

In addition to the actual preschool educational institutions there are educational institutions for children of preschool and primary school age. In such institutions are implemented both general education programs for pre-school education and primary general education programs. Such educational institutions are created for children aged 3 - 10 years, and in exceptional cases - from earlier age. It can be:

Kindergarten - elementary school;

Kindergarten compensating type (with the implementation of qualified correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils and students) - elementary school;

Progimnasia (with the priority implementation of one or more directions for the development of pupils and students (intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, physical, etc.))). In defunctions, children prepare for admission to the gymnasium

Education institutions depending on the levels of the existing educational programs are divided into the following types.

The elementary school is implementing an educational program of primary general education (the normative term of development of 4 years). The elementary school is the first (initial) stage of school education, on which children acquire basic (fundamental) knowledge for further education - to obtain basic general education. The main tasks of primary general education institutions are the upbringing and development of students, mastering reading, writing, account, the main skills of educational activities, elements of theoretical thinking, the simplest skills of self-control, culture of behavior and speech, the foundations of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.

Currently, the initial school is represented by three main government systems of training: the traditional, educational training system L. V. Zankova and the educational training system D. B. Elkonin - V. V. Davydova. In the entry-level educational institutions, such experimental programs are being implemented as "harmony", "Initial School of the Twentieth Century", "Perspective", "School of Russia", etc. All of them are aimed at an in-depth study of training items and an expanded intellectual and moral development of students.

The main general education school is implementing general educational programs of the main general education (the normative term for the development of 5 years is the second (basic) level of general education). The objectives of the main general education are the creation of conditions for the education, the formation and formation of the personality of the studying, for the development of its inconsistencies, interests and ability to social self-determination. The main general education is the basis for obtaining a medium (full) general education, primary and secondary vocational education. Primary general education programs can be implemented in the main educational school.

Secondary school. - Implementing secondary programs of secondary (full) general education (the normative term for the development of 2 years is the third (senior) stage of general education). The objectives of the average (full) general education are the development of interest in the knowledge and creative abilities of the learner, the formation of self-study skills based on learning differentiation. The secondary (full) general education is the basis for obtaining an initial professional, medium-sized professional (on reduced accelerated programs) and higher vocational education.

In accordance with the concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2001 No. 1756-p, on the third stage of the general education, specialized training is provided by creating specialized schools. Profile training is a means of differentiation and individualization of learning, which allows for changes in the structure, content and organization of the educational process, the most fully take into account the interests, inclinations and ability of students, to create conditions for training high school students in accordance with their professional interests and intentions regarding education . Profile training is aimed at implementing a personal-oriented educational process and socialization of students, including taking into account the real needs of the labor market. Profile School is the main institutional form for the realization of the objective of profile learning. In the future, other forms of the organization of specialized education are also envisaged, including those with the implementation of relevant educational standards and programs for the walls of a separate general educational institution. For the most effective implementation of the process of specialized training, direct contact of the profile school with institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education is envisaged.

The preliminary stage of introducing profile learning is the beginning of the transition to prefigure training in the last (9th) class of the main level of general education.

In secondary schools, educational programs of primary general and basic general education can also be implemented.

A secondary school with in-depth study of individual items is implements general education programs for medium (complete) general education, providing additional (in-depth) training of students in one or several subjects. Can implement educational programs of primary general and basic general education. The main task of such schools (sometimes they are called special schools) is teaching (in addition to the main educational learning subjects) within a narrow specialization in a separate subject (subjects). This is significantly distinguished by special schools from gymnasiums and lyceums that implement a wide range of additional training disciplines. In most of these are sports special schools, schools with in-depth study of foreign languages \u200b\u200band physical and mathematical schools.

Gymnasium - general educational programs of the main general and medium (complete) general education are implemented, providing additional (in-depth) training of students, as a rule, in subject matter of the humanitarian profile. Significant attention is paid to the study of foreign languages, cultural, as well as philosophical disciplines. Gymnasiums can implement general educational programs of primary general education. In most cases, children with increased motivation for learning are studying in gymnasiums. Gymnasic classes can be organized in conventional secondary schools.

Lyceum is an educational institution that implement general educational programs of the main and secondary (full) general education. In the lyceums, an in-depth study of a group of training items on a specific profile (technical, natural science, aesthetic, physico-mathematical, etc.) is organized. Lyceum, as well as gymnasium, can implement general education programs for primary general education. The lyceums are designed to create optimal conditions for the moral, aesthetic, physical development of students with formed interests in the choice of profession and further education. Individualized curricula and plans are widely practiced in the lyceums. Lyceums can be created as independent educational institutions, and can function both as lyceum classes of ordinary general education schools, cooperating with higher educational institutions and manufacturing enterprises. Currently, some lyceums have the status of experimental educational institutions with copyright models and training technologies.

Institutions of primary vocational education. Most recently, in our country, there are scared student in our country: "you will learn badly, you will not get for the mind - you will go to the PTU!" At the same time, this "scary" was more than real. After the end of the main school, adolescents from disadvantaged families "walked" in professional technical schools (vocational schools), where labor skills were injured and tried to raise the "pedagogically launched" children with decent citizens of our society. Since the "Pourevka" in Ptu graduates of schools received, often, not in their will, they studied after the sleeves - only a small part of students' students after graduation was employed in the specialty. Because of this, these educational institutions have not had the best reputation, and the percentage of consolidation in the workplaces of VTU graduates almost exceeded 50%. However, time does not stand still, and, as statistics is evidenced, at present, the percentage of employment on the work specialties of this youth group is approaching 80%. And if we consider that unemployment in Russia is still very high, then it is worth thinking about what is better: higher education from scratch (immediately after graduation) and the possible status of the unemployed at the end of the training in the university or the graduate graduation certificate, guaranteed Earnings, experience and the possibility of further training? Working specialties were always needed, and now, when a significant part of the younger generation dreams of becoming businessmen and managers, looking for light ways to earn money, the need for skilled workers only increases.

The main purpose of primary vocational education institutions is the preparation of skilled workers (workers and employees) in all major areas of socially useful activities based on the main and secondary (full) general education. It should be noted that such a formulation of the main goal of initial vocational education is somewhat outdated. Currently, it can be formulated in a new way - the maximum satisfaction of the needs of all sectors of the domestic economy by qualified professional workers and specialists.

Primary vocational education is a good start to continue learning for the selected specialty or receiving a new professional knowledge and labor practical skills.

Institutions of primary vocational education include:

Professional institute;

Professional Lyceum;

Training plant (paragraph);

Training and production center;

Technical school;

Evening (replaceable) school.

Professional schools (construction, sewing, electrical, communications, etc.) - the main type of institution of primary vocational education, in which the most massive training of qualified professional workers and specialists is carried out. The regulatory framework for training is 2-3 years (depending on the level of education during admission, the selected specialty, profession). On the basis of professional schools, innovative techniques in primary vocational education on the relevant profile of training qualified personnel can be developed and implemented, providing a high level of vocational education and training that satisfy the requests of individuals and production.

Professional lyceums (technical, construction, commercial, etc.) - the center of continuous vocational education, which is usually carried out, intersectoral, and interregional training of qualified specialists and workers on complex, high-tech professions. In professional lyceums, you can get not only a specific profession of high level of qualifications and complete the secondary (full) general education, but in some cases acquire a secondary vocational education. This type of institution is a kind of supporting center for the development of primary vocational education, on the basis of which scientific research may be carried out to improve the content of the educational process, training documentation, ensuring the preparation of competitive personnel in market relations.

Educational and course combine (item), training center, technical school (mining, nautical, forestry, etc.), evening (replaceable) are uniformized by the implementation of educational programs of retraining, advanced training of workers and specialists, as well as training of workers and specialists appropriate level of qualifications on accelerated learning.

In addition to learning in budget (state and municipal) institutions of primary vocational education is free, their students are guaranteed to ensure scholarships, places in hostels, preferential or free food, as well as other types of benefits and material assistance in accordance with the competence of the educational institution and the current standards. .

Educational institutions of secondary vocational education (secondary special educational institutions). The main objectives and objectives of the activities of educational institutions of secondary vocational education are:

Preparation of middle-level specialists based on the main general, medium (full) general or primary vocational education;

Satisfying the needs of the labor market (taking into account the sectoral requests of the economic sector) in specialists with secondary vocational education;

In the presence of an appropriate license, educational institutions of secondary vocational education can implement educational programs of primary vocational education and additional professional educational programs of secondary vocational and primary vocational education.

Middle Special Educational Institutions include technical schools and college.

Technical school (school) (agricultural, hydroelectative technical school; River, pedagogical school, etc.) - implements the main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education.

College (medical, economic, etc.) - implements the main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education basic and elevated levels.

In technical schools and colleges, professional preparation of a more complex level is carried out than in institutions of primary vocational education, and to enroll in them, respectively, much more difficult. The main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education can be mastered on various training forms, which differ in the amount of audit classes and the organization of the educational process: full-time, part-time (evening), correspondence or in the form of external. A combination of various forms of learning is allowed. The regulatory time framework for educational programs of secondary vocational education is established by the state educational standard of secondary vocational education. As a rule, training lasts 3 - 4 years. In the necessary cases, the training time on specific educational programs of secondary vocational education can be increased compared with the regulatory studies of training. The decision to increase the duration of training is adopted by the state authority or body of local self-government, on which there is a secondary special educational institution. For persons who have the initial vocational education of the relevant profile, a secondary professional or higher professional education or other sufficient level of previous training and (or) abilities, training in abbreviated or accelerated educational programs of secondary vocational education, the procedure for the implementation of which is established by the federal education authority.

A large number of graduates of educational institutions of secondary vocational education receive a rather high theoretical level of knowledge, skills and skills, which allows them in the future for several years to work in the specialty and without obtaining higher professional education. In some cases, a secondary education diploma gives the right to receive higher professional education (as a rule, by the same specialty, but already a higher level) in a shortened time limit (up to three years). Students of medium-sized professional institutions can combine work with training, and if the education of this level is purchased for the first time, and the educational institution has state accreditation, to use the established labor legislation of the Russian Federation with privileges (educational leave, free travel to the place of study, etc.).

By the way, this rule applies to students in educational institutions of primary vocational education. Full-time students who receive secondary vocational education at the expense of budget funds are provided by scholarships. The average special educational institution within the existing budget and extrabudgetary funds independently, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, develops and implements measures social support for students, including, depending on their material status and academic success and other social benefits and benefits. For successes in the development of educational programs, various forms of moral and material promotion are established in the experimental design and other work for students. Students in need of living space are provided by places in a hostel in the presence of an appropriate housing stock of a secondary special educational institution.

Educational institutions of higher vocational education (higher educational institutions). Especially talking about the priority of higher education does not make sense, since it was, there will always be. The development of a market economy, scientific and technical progress dictates new requirements, which are impossible without a high level of education. In recent years, it has become the norm to have two or more higher education.

The problem in obtaining higher education is solved, the question remains only for its quality. Diploma on the end of this or that university, of course, you can, such services now, unfortunately, have a place, but to purchase true knowledge for the fee without due to the desire of the most traitable and relevant efforts of the Higher Educational Institution.

The goals and objectives of educational institutions of higher professional education are:

Preparation and retraining of specialists of the corresponding level on the basis of the mean (full) general, secondary vocational education;

Satisfying the needs of the state in qualified specialists with higher education and scientific and pedagogical frames of higher qualifications;

Preparation, retraining and advanced training of specialists and managers;

Organization and conduct of fundamental and applied research and other scientific and technical, developmental work, including education;

Satisfying the needs of the personality in the deepening and expansion of education.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on education, the following types of higher educational institutions are established: Institute, University, Academy. The data of higher educational institutions (each in accordance with its specifics) are implementing educational programs of higher professional education; educational programs of postgraduate vocational education; We prepare, retraining and (or) improving the qualifications of workers for a particular area of \u200b\u200bprofessional, scientific and scientific and pedagogical activities. At the database of universities, academiforms are created by university and academic complexes, uniting educational institutions that implement educational programs of various levels, other institutions and non-commercial organizations or structural units allocated from their composition. The highest educational institutions of any kind (including their branches) can implement educational programs of the initial general, basic general, medium (full) general, primary and secondary vocational education, as well as additional professional education if they have an appropriate license.

1. General characteristics of educational institutions

1.1. Choice of educational institution: Required information

The prestige of education in our country is steadily increasing every year. Most employers prefer to see qualified specialists at workplaces with at least secondary vocational education. However, the real acquisition of high-quality education today is a matter, one can say, very problematic, and concerns almost all levels of education: from preschool to the highest professional. The abundance of educational institutions and organizations, as well as the diversity of educational programs being implemented by them, often put a potential consumer of educational services before a difficult choice. According to statistics, the consumer, first of all, is worried about two main questions: what to choose an educational institution and what to pay attention to when choosing an educational institution. It is not easy to get answers to these questions. The purpose of this manual is to provide consumers to educational services qualified assistance in solving problems related to upbringing and learning.

This manual discusses the concepts of "consumer" and "educational services" and in the context of civil legislation, and in the context of education legislation, and in their immediate relationship. The main criterion of distinction here is the norms of law as a special regulator of public relations. From the point of view of legislation on education in "educational services", the concept of "educational" is emphasized, and from the point of view of the norms of civil law - the concept of "services".

For the consumer market, the participants of which are associated with civil relations, the service provided, first of all, implies a paid basis, and consumers of services acquire a special status established by the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights". Restrictive factors are important here: firstly, the personality of the consumer (they can only have a citizen); secondly, the goal that consumes consumers by purchasing (ordering) services (it should not be related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities); Thirdly, the conditions on which these services are provided to consumers (only for a compensated contract, i.e. for fee).

In the field of education, the circle of consumers of educational services is not limited to the framework of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 1992 No. 2300-1 "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" (hereinafter - the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights"). It can be both physical and legal entities. Restrictive requirements for the purpose of acquiring educational services are also not presented. Objectives may be related to the satisfaction of citizens' personal needs, or they are focused on the needs of legal entities in connection with the implementation of entrepreneurial or other activities. Educational services are purchased on different conditions - on a paid or budget basis, therefore, a free and paid education should be distinguished.

1.2. Types of educational institutions

In everyday life for the consumer, such words as "school", "Lyceum", "Gymnasium", "Institute", "University", sometimes combined in the general name "Educational Institution", while the consumer is usually not thinking about a specific organizational and legal The form of the educational structure. In fact, this is a good idea if we consider it from the point of view of the common goals of the listed educational institutions. However, not every educational institution occupies the same legal status in the existing education system for today. In the title of educational organizations, in addition to the names itself (for example , secondary school number 12; Gymnasium No. 58; "Management College", "Saratov State Academy of Law"), reflecting specific individualization and nature of activity, there are abbreviations such as GOU, MOU, NOU, etc. It is the data of abbreviations and are the basis of the name of any educational organizations, since they indicate their organizational The legal form from which the conditions for further training are partly dependent. In this regard, before approaching the specific selection of a particular educational institution, it is necessary to learn to determine the essence of its name. Let's try to figure out what includes the concept of "Organizational and Legal Form."

Under organizational and legal formit is understood:

The method of consolidation and use of property by the economic entity;

The legal status of the business entity and the goal of the activities carried out by him.

Business entities recognize any legal entities, as well as organizations operating without the formation of a legal entity, and individual entrepreneurs.

Methods for the consolidation and use of the property of the economic entity are determined either by the subject itself (if it is an individual entrepreneur) or its founder (if the subject is a legal entity or organization without the rights of a legal entity) in accordance with the established legal norms. According to civil law, property can be consolidated for a business entity on the right of ownership, economic management, operational management or other legitimate basis (for example, for rental rights).

Legal status (legal status) of a business entity this is a legally fixed position of the subject in society, characterized and determined by the combination of law and responsibilities, responsibility and powers arising from legislative and other regulations.

Based on the objectives of the activities carried out, business entities, which are legal entities, are divided:

On commercial organizations - organizations for which the profit and the ability to distribute it among the participants is the main purpose of the activity;

Non-profit organizations - organizations, the main goal of which is not to make profit and distribute it between the participants, and the satisfaction of the intangible needs of citizens.

Legal entities that are commercial organizationsmay be created in the formal partnerships and societies, production cooperatives, state and municipal unitary enterprises.

Legal entities that are non-profit organizationscan be created in the form of consumer cooperatives, public or religious organizations (associations), institutions, charitable and other funds, as well as in other forms provided for by law (non-commercial partnerships, autonomous non-profit organizations, etc.). Non-commercial organizations can carry out entrepreneurial activities only inspired as it serves the achievement of goals and tasks for which they are created.

To the foregoing should be added that under legal entityit is understood by the institution, an enterprise or an organization that has independent civil rights and responsibilities and is characterized by the following distinctive features:

Organizational unity;

The presence of ownership, economic management or operational management of separate property;

Independent property responsibility for its obligations;

Participation in civil circulation on their own behalf;

The presence of a settlement or other financial account in the bank, independent balance and estimates;

Participation in the lawsuit as the plaintiff and the defendant.

Individual entrepreneursindividuals are recognized (citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons) registered in the prescribed manner and carrying out entrepreneurial activities without the formation of a legal entity. Individual entrepreneurs also include private notaries, private guards, private detectives.

When it comes to an educational institution of a particular type, you need to know the following. The main purpose of any educational organization is to satisfy the intangible needs of citizens, expressed in two main functions: education and training. In this regard, educational institutions can only work on non-commercial organizations. In most cases, educational organizations are created in the form of institution .

Federal Law on Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education of November 3, 2006 No. 175-FZ amended the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 "On Education" (hereinafter referred to as the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"), Federal Law of December 8, 1995 "On Non-Profit Organizations", Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and a number of other regulatory acts. In particular, in accordance with paragraph I, 2 of Art. 120 Civil Code of the Russian Federation institutions are now divided into the following types:

Private (created by citizens or legal entities);

State (created by the Russian Federation and (or) subjects of the Russian Federation);

Municipalities (created by municipal entities).

Under private institutiona non-profit organization established by the owner (citizen or legal entity) is understood to carry out management, socio-cultural or other functions of a non-profit nature (paragraph 1 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law "On Non-Profit Organizations"). Stateand municipal institutionsin turn, may be budgetary or autonomous. The concept of a budget institution is not new, it has previously been fixed in paragraph 1 of Art. 161 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, however, the Federal Law of November 3, 2006 No. 175-FZ concretized the contents of this concept: Kaznaya enterprises and autonomous institutions endowed with state or municipal property on the right of operational management cannot be recognized by budgetary institutions. The autonomous institution is recognized as a non-profit organization established by the Russian Federation, the subject of the Russian Federation or the municipal education for the work, the provision of services in order to implement the powers of state authorities provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the areas of science, education, health, culture, social protection, employment, employment population, physical culture and sports (paragraph 1 of Art. 2 of the Federal Law "On Autonomous Institutions").

To carry out their activities, educational institutions have the right to choose any other organizational and legal form, which is provided for by civil law for non-commercial organizations.

Educational institution- This is a non-profit organization established to implement the educational process aimed at educating and training citizens by implementing established educational programs. The official definition of an educational institution is formulated in Art. 12 Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

A voted or other educational institution is determined depending on who is its founder. The founders of educational institutions may be:

State authorities of the Russian Federation (subjects of the Russian Federation), local governments;

Domestic and foreign organizations of any form of ownership, their associations (associations and unions);

Domestic and foreign public and private funds;

Public and religious organizations (associations) registered in the Russian Federation;

Citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens.

The composition of the founders of the educational institution may be limited in two cases. First, institutions that implement military professional programs can only be created by the Government of the Russian Federation. Secondly, special educational institutions of a closed type for children and adolescents with deviant (socially dangerous) behavior can be created only by federal bodies of the executive authority of the Russian Federation and (or) subjects of the Russian Federation.

Currently, there are three main types of educational institutions:

State (federal or under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation);


Non-state (private; institutions of public and religious organizations (associations)).

As founders of state and municipal educational institutions, bodies of state authorities of the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation, or local governments. The property of state and municipal educational institutions (and budgetary, autonomous) is owned by the state authority of the Russian Federation (subject of the Russian Federation, local government). Funding for budgetary educational institutions is fully or partially carried out from the relevant budget or state extrabudgetary fund based on the estimates of income and expenses. The amount of funds allocated is determined by financing standards, based on the calculation of the cost per pupil or training, as well as on a different basis. The owner of the budgetary educational institution conducts direct control over the use of funds in accordance with the established estimate. In the name of budgetary educational institutions, there are abbreviations of the GOU (state educational institution) or MOU (municipal educational institution).

The property that the owner gives the state or municipal educational institution is consolidated by him on the right of operational management. Under operational Officeit is understood as the right of ownership, use and disposal of property for its purpose, within the limits established by law, in accordance with the objectives of activity and certain ownership of tasks. Budgetary educational institutions are not entitled to alienate or otherwise dispose of (selling, to lease, provide in pledge, etc.) by property, as well as property acquired at the expense of the funds allocated to him by the owner on the estimate. However, if the budget educational institution is given the right to carry out income-generating activities, then revenues received from such activities, as well as property acquired at the expense of these income, come to an independent disposal of the institution and are taken into account on a separate balance sheet.

The activities of budget state and municipal educational institutions are governed by standard provisions, which are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. In accordance with these provisions, budgetary educational institutions are developing their charters. Tired- This is one of the types of constituent documents, on the basis of which the legal entity is valid. Requirements for the charters of educational institutions are listed in Art. 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

Since the Federal Law of November 3, 2006 No. 175-FZ operates relatively recently, it is still early to talk about the existence of autonomous educational institutions (as one of the possible species of state and municipal educational institutions). However, it is worth noting that autonomous institutions, despite a certain similarity with budget, have a number of some differences. So, in particular, the founder establishes for an autonomous institution of tasks in accordance with its statute to the statute of the main activity. The autonomous institution operates in accordance with these tasks and obligations to the insurer on compulsory social insurance, partly for fee or free. Financial support activities of autonomous institutions is carried out in the form of subventions and subsidies from the relevant budget of the budget system of the Russian Federation and other, not prohibited by federal laws of sources. The incomes of the autonomous institution come to its independent order and are used by them to achieve the goals for which it is created, unless otherwise provided by law. Every year, the autonomous institution is obliged to publish reports on its activities and on the use of the property enshrined behind it in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation and in the media determined by the founder of the autonomous institution. It is likely that in the near future, autonomous educational institutions will appear in Russia.

Non-state educational institutions (NOU),as well as budget, are non-profit organizations, and can be created in organizational and legal forms, which are provided for by the civil law of the Russian Federation. The founders of non-state educational organizations, as a rule, are state institutions of higher education (for example, universities and academies), as well as, institutions of public and religious organizations (associations) and individuals. In most cases, non-state educational organizations are created in the form of private institutions (NOU), but in recent years, the distribution has received such an organizational form as an autonomous non-profit organization (ANO). Education in Nou and Ano, as a rule, is carried out on a fee basis. The right of non-state educational institutions charge with students and pupils for educational services (including and for training within government educational standards) enshrined in paragraph 1 of Art. 46 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". Patent educational activities Nou is not considered an entrepreneurial, if the income received from it fully goes to reimburse the costs of ensuring the educational process (including wages), its development and improvement in this educational institution.

Like budgetary educational institutions, KUP and ANO operate on the basis of statutes. Typical provisions that are for GOU and MOU mandatory, for non-state educational institutions perform the functions of exemplary. Unlike budget institutions, non-state educational organizations may be owners of property in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (paragraph 5 of Art. 39 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"). However, the question of the right of ownership of the property of KNU is conflicting the opinions arising in connection with the application of the norms of paragraph 2 of Art. 48 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In this part of the Code, it is indicated that the founders have the right to ownership of the property of the institution, therefore, the non-state educational organization established in the form of an institution cannot own this property on the right of ownership. It seems that the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in this case have a priority compared with the norms of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", since in paragraph 5 of Art. 39 of the specified law contains a reference to compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The property transmitted by Anno its founders (founder), in contrast to the institution, is the property of an autonomous non-profit organization. The founders of the autonomous non-profit organization do not preserve the rights to the property, which they transfer to the property (paragraph 1 of Article 10 of the Federal Law "On Non-Profit Organizations").

Educational institutions, being non-commercial organizations, have the right to carry out entrepreneurial and other income, activities, but solely in cases provided for by the current legislation. At the same time, all types of activities carried out by educational institutions must be reflected in their charters. So, in particular, educational institutions are entitled:

Trade in purchased goods, equipment;

Providing intermediary services;

Participation in the activities of other institutions (including educational) and organizations;

Acquisition of shares, bonds, other securities and receiving income (dividends, interest) on them;

Maintaining the income of other non-realization operations that are not directly related to its own production provided by the charter of products, works, services and their implementation;

Rent property.

Educational institutions have the right to open branches (branches or other structural units), which can fully or partly the legal entities, i.e. Also conduct an educational process. Branches appear on behalf of the institution that created them (as they are not legal entities), they are valid on the basis of the Charter of the educational institution and the provisions on the branch, and their leaders are on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the head educational institution. A specific list of branches, branches, other structural divisions must be specified in the charter of the educational institution.

1.3. Types of educational institutions

The type of educational institution is determined in accordance with the level and focus of educational programs implemented by it. To date, we can talk about the existence of the following types of educational institutions:


General education (primary general, basic general, medium (complete) general education);

Primary vocational education;

Secondary vocational education;

Higher vocational education;

Postgraduate vocational education;

Additional adult education;

For orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives);

Special (correctional) (for students, pupils with development deviations);

Other institutions carrying out the educational process.

The first five types of educational institutions are the main and most common, in connection with this briefly consider their some features.

Pre-school educational institutions (DOU) -this is the type of educational institution that implements general education programs for pre-school education of various focus. The main tasks of pre-school educational institutions are: ensuring the upbringing and early education of children; ensuring the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children; ensuring the development of individual abilities of children; carrying out the necessary correction of deviations in the development of children; Interaction with family to ensure full-fledged child development.

Traditionally, pre-school educational institutions meet the demands of children aged 3 - 7 years. The nursery-garden is designed to visit by children 1 - 3 years, and in some cases - from 2 months to a year. Pre-school educational institutions in accordance with their focus are divided into five main species

Kindergarten overalls- with the priority implementation of one or several directions of the development of scientists (intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, physical, etc.).

Children's gardens and kindergarten kindergartens are traditional pre-school educational institutions, which implement the main programs of pre-school education in accordance with established state standards. The main purpose of the implementation of these educational programs is intellectual, artistic, aesthetic, moral and physical development of young children. Depending on the possibilities of one or another pre-school institution (material and technical equipment, educational and pedagogical composition, etc.), not only traditional educational programs of education and training can be carried out, but, and some other priority educational areas are chosen (learning drawing , music, choreography, language skills, foreign languages).

Kindergarten compensating type- with the priority implementation of a qualified correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils.

Children's gardens of this species are specialized and are created for children with various violations in physical and (or) mental development (including deaf, weakly impaired and late, blind, visually impaired and late children, children with severe speech disorders, with impaired musculoskeletal disorders. The apparatus, with a delay in mental development, for mentally retarded and other children with development deviations). Children with developmental deviations can be accepted into pre-school educational institutions of any other type in the presence of conditions for corrective work. At the same time, the reception is carried out only with the consent of the parents (legal representatives) on the conclusion of psychological and pedagogical and medical and pedagogical commissions. Educational programs, techniques (technologies) of education, correction and treatment in the DOA of this species are developed taking into account the specific specifics of the deviations available in children. The material and technical equipment of such kindergartens is somewhat different from ordinary, since these children need special care. Physiotherapy, massage, speech therapy and other offices are created for children; pools; Phytobars and dietary canteens; Special adaptations and equipment in groups, etc. Number of correctional groups and their fill in kindergarten as compensating and regular species are determined by the Charter of the DOU depending on the sanitary standards and the conditions necessary for the implementation of the process of education, training and correction. As a rule, the limiting reservoir of the group (depending on the specific type) should not exceed 6-15 people.

Kindergarten supervision and recovery- with the priority exercise of sanitary and hygienic, preventive and wellness activities and procedures.

Such kindergartens are predominantly designed for children under three years. The focus is on sanitary and hygienic conditions, prevention and prevention of diseases of children. Improving and strengthening and basic educational events are held.

Kindergarten combined. Children's educational institutions of this species may include general education, compensating and wellness groups in different combination.

Child Development Center- kindergarten with the implementation of physical and mental development, correction and recovery of all pupils.

In the centers of the child's development, the focus is on an individual approach to each child. The priority directions are the intellectual and aesthetic development of children: the development of the personality motivation to knowledge and creativity; Strengthening health and meeting the needs of children in physical education and sports. For the implementation of the educational process and health promotion in these educational institutions, gaming, physical education complexes are created; pools; Computer classes. Art studios, children's theaters, various circles, sections can be organized, and all this in the framework of one child's development center. In addition to educators, psychologists, speech therapists, other specialists are engaged in children. In such an institution, a child can be both a whole day and a certain number of hours (attend any individual classes) - at the discretion of parents.

Most kindergartens are municipal and (or) government educational institutions. However, in recent years, many private (non-state) pre-school educational institutions have appeared.

If parents believe that for the child there is a fairly standard set of the proposed educational services, as well as in the case of a difficult material family, or for other reasons (for example, the choice of DOU is limited), it makes sense to identify a child to a state or municipal preschool institution. The procedure for the acquisition of a pre-school educational institution is determined by the founder. The budgetary preschool educational institutions are primarily adopted by children of working lonely parents, students of mothers, persons with disabilities I and II groups; children from large families; Children under guardianship; Children, parents (one of the parents) of which are in military service; Children of the unemployed and forced immigrants, students. The number of groups in such supports is determined by the founder on the basis of their limit filling, adopted when calculating the standard of budget financing. As a rule, more than 8-20 children should not be contained in groups (depending on the type of group).

In the event that parents have money, and there are increased requirements for organizing an educational and health process in kindergarten and an individual approach to the child, it is worth stopping their choice on a non-state (private) preschool institution. Similar supports have at their disposal pools, sometimes saunas, large game rooms, expensive training and game material, enjoyable bedrooms, the highest quality and extremely diverse diet, as well as other benefits, which, of course, require significant material costs. . The flow rate of groups usually does not exceed 10 people, and the implemented educational programs are oriented towards more in-depth and variational education of children.

However, all the convenience listed above, as well as additional educational and educational programs, are currently able to offer a paid basis state and municipal preschool institutions that have the right to provide additional paid educational and other services subject to licensing them. As for the process of upbringing and learning, in almost any preschool institution, the main comprehensive educational program is taken as the basis of the legislation. Preschool educational programs and technologies currently there are many, these are programs: "origins", "Rainbow", "Childhood", "Development", "Kindergarten-House of Joy", "Golden Key" and others. All of them are focused on properly ensuring the upbringing and early education of children, the development of their individual characteristics. Thus, it is not at all necessary to look for a private kindergarten, but you can use the services provided by the state or municipal preschool educational institution for a separate additional fee. In any case, when choosing a preschool institution, take care of the interests of the child, given his desire, and not about the satisfaction of their own ambitions in the prestige of the educational level provided to him .. those parents who prefer to educate and teach a child at home (personally or with the help of governers coming Pedagogues), it is easy to think about how true they come, taking a similar solution .. so that in the future, when adapting such a child to school life, there was no problem, it is recommended at least a short visit to the kindergarten. After all, it is in the preschool institution that the child receives communication skills with peers, learns to navigate the group, compare collective interests with their own. All this happens under the direct control of educators and teachers. No matter how high-quality home education, it cannot fully give everything that the child could get, visiting the kindergarten.

In addition to the most preschool educational institutions there are educational institutions for children of preschool and younger school age. In such institutions are implemented both general education programs for pre-school education and primary general education programs. Such educational institutions are created for children aged 3 - 10 years, and in exceptional cases - from earlier age. It can be:

Kindergarten - elementary school;

Kindergarten compensating type (with the implementation of qualified correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils and students) - elementary school;

Progimnasia (with the priority implementation of one or more directions for the development of pupils and students (intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, physical, etc.))). In defunctions, children prepare for admission to the gymnasium

General Educationdepending on the levels of the existing educational programs are divided into the following types.

Primary general educationreasualizes an educational program of primary general education (normative term of development of 4 years). The elementary school is the first (initial) stage of school education, on which children acquire basic (fundamental) knowledge for further education - to obtain basic general education. The main tasks of primary general education institutions are the upbringing and development of students, mastering reading, writing, account, the main skills of educational activities, elements of theoretical thinking, the simplest skills of self-control, culture of behavior and speech, the foundations of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.

Currently, the initial school is represented by three main government systems of training: the traditional, educational training system L. V. Zankova and the educational training system D. B. Elkonin - V. V. Davydova. In the entry-level educational institutions, such experimental programs are being implemented as "harmony", "Initial School of the Twentieth Century", "Perspective", "School of Russia", etc. All of them are aimed at an in-depth study of training items and an expanded intellectual and moral development of students.

Basic secondary school- implements general educational programs of the main general education (the normative term for the development of 5 years is the second (basic) level of general education). The objectives of the main general education are the creation of conditions for the education, the formation and formation of the personality of the studying, for the development of its inconsistencies, interests and ability to social self-determination. The main general education is the basis for obtaining a medium (full) general education, primary and secondary vocational education. Primary general education programs can be implemented in the main educational school.

middle School of General education . - implements general educational programs of the average (full) general education (the normative term for the development of 2 years is the third (senior) stage of general education). The objectives of the average (full) general education are the development of interest in the knowledge and creative abilities of the learner, the formation of self-study skills based on learning differentiation. The secondary (full) general education is the basis for obtaining an initial professional, medium-sized professional (on reduced accelerated programs) and higher vocational education.

In accordance with the concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2001 No. 1756-p, on the third stage of the general education, specialized training is provided by creating specialized schools. Profile training- This is a means of differentiation and individualization of training, which allows changes in the structure, content and organization of the educational process, the most fully take into account the interests, inclinations and ability of students, to create conditions for training high school students in accordance with their professional interests and intentions regarding the continuation of education. Profile training is aimed at implementing a personal-oriented educational process and socialization of students, including taking into account the real needs of the labor market. Profile School- This is the main institutional form of realization of the objective of profile training. In the future, other forms of the organization of specialized education are also envisaged, including those with the implementation of relevant educational standards and programs for the walls of a separate general educational institution. For the most effective implementation of the process of specialized training, direct contact of the profile school with institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education is envisaged.

The preliminary stage of introducing profile learning is the beginning of the transition to prefigure training in the last (9th) class of the main level of general education.

In secondary schools, educational programs of primary general and basic general education can also be implemented.

Secondary school with in-depth study of individual items- implements general educational programs of medium (full) general education, providing additional (in-depth) training of students in one or several subjects. Can implement educational programs of primary general and basic general education. The main task of such schools (sometimes they are called special schools) is teaching (in addition to the main educational learning subjects) within a narrow specialization in a separate subject (subjects). This is significantly distinguished by special schools from gymnasiums and lyceums that implement a wide range of additional training disciplines. In most of these are sports special schools, schools with in-depth study of foreign languages \u200b\u200band physical and mathematical schools.

Gymnasium- general educational programs of the main general and medium (full) general education are being implemented, providing additional (in-depth) training of students, as a rule, on the subjects of the humanitarian profile. Significant attention is paid to the study of foreign languages, cultural, as well as philosophical disciplines. Gymnasiums can implement general educational programs of primary general education. In most cases, children with increased motivation for learning are studying in gymnasiums. Gymnasic classes can be organized in conventional secondary schools.

Lyceum- Educational institution, implementing general educational programs of the main and secondary (complete) general education. In the lyceums, an in-depth study of a group of training items on a specific profile (technical, natural science, aesthetic, physico-mathematical, etc.) is organized. Lyceum, as well as gymnasium, can implement general education programs for primary general education. The lyceums are designed to create optimal conditions for the moral, aesthetic, physical development of students with formed interests in the choice of profession and further education. Individualized curricula and plans are widely practiced in the lyceums. Lyceums can be created as independent educational institutions, and can function both as lyceum classes of ordinary general education schools, cooperating with higher educational institutions and manufacturing enterprises. Currently, some lyceums have the status of experimental educational institutions with copyright models and training technologies.

Institutions of primary vocational education.Most recently, in our country, there are scared student in our country: "you will learn badly, you will not get for the mind - you will go to the PTU!" At the same time, this "scary" was more than real. After the end of the main school, adolescents from disadvantaged families "walked" in professional technical schools (vocational schools), where labor skills were injured and tried to raise the "pedagogically launched" children with decent citizens of our society. Since the "Pourevka" in Ptu graduates of schools received, often, not in their will, they studied after the sleeves - only a small part of students' students after graduation was employed in the specialty. Because of this, these educational institutions have not had the best reputation, and the percentage of consolidation in the workplaces of VTU graduates almost exceeded 50%. However, time does not stand still, and, as statistics is evidenced, at present, the percentage of employment on the work specialties of this youth group is approaching 80%. And if we consider that unemployment in Russia is still very high, then it is worth thinking about what is better: higher education from scratch (immediately after graduation) and the possible status of the unemployed at the end of the training in the university or the graduate graduation certificate, guaranteed Earnings, experience and the possibility of further training? Working specialties were always needed, and now, when a significant part of the younger generation dreams of becoming businessmen and managers, looking for light ways to earn money, the need for skilled workers only increases.

The main purpose of primary vocational education institutions is the preparation of skilled workers (workers and employees) in all major areas of socially useful activities based on the main and secondary (full) general education. It should be noted that such a formulation of the main goal of initial vocational education is somewhat outdated. Currently, it can be formulated in a new way - the maximum satisfaction of the needs of all sectors of the domestic economy by qualified professional workers and specialists.

Primary vocational education is a good start to continue learning for the selected specialty or receiving a new professional knowledge and labor practical skills.

Institutions of primary vocational education include:

Professional institute;

Professional Lyceum;

Training plant (paragraph);

Training and production center;

Technical school;

Evening (replaceable) school.

Professional schools(Construction, sewing, electrotechnical, communications, etc.) - the main type of initial vocational education institution, in which the most massive training of qualified professional workers and specialists is carried out. The regulatory framework for training is 2-3 years (depending on the level of education during admission, the selected specialty, profession). On the basis of professional schools, innovative techniques in primary vocational education on the relevant profile of training qualified personnel can be developed and implemented, providing a high level of vocational education and training that satisfy the requests of individuals and production.

Professional lyceums(technical, construction, commercial, etc.) - the center of continuous vocational education, which is usually carried out by inter-sectoral, and interregional training of qualified specialists and workers on complex, high-tech professions. In professional lyceums, you can get not only a specific profession of high level of qualifications and complete the secondary (full) general education, but in some cases acquire a secondary vocational education. This type of institution is a kind of supporting center for the development of primary vocational education, on the basis of which scientific research may be carried out to improve the content of the educational process, training documentation, ensuring the preparation of competitive personnel in market relations.

Educational and course combine (item), training Center, technical School(mining, mechanical, nautical, forestry, etc.), evening (Replaceable) Schoolimplement the implementation of educational programs of retraining, improve the skills of workers and specialists, as well as the preparation of workers and specialists of the relevant level of qualifications on the accelerated form of training.

In addition to learning in budget (state and municipal) institutions of primary vocational education is free, their students are guaranteed to ensure scholarships, places in hostels, preferential or free food, as well as other types of benefits and material assistance in accordance with the competence of the educational institution and the current standards. .

Educational institutions of secondary vocational education (secondary special educational institutions). The main objectives and objectives of the activities of educational institutions of secondary vocational education are:

Preparation of middle-level specialists based on the main general, medium (full) general or primary vocational education;

Satisfying the needs of the labor market (taking into account the sectoral requests of the economic sector) in specialists with secondary vocational education;

In the presence of an appropriate license, educational institutions of secondary vocational education can implement educational programs of primary vocational education and additional professional educational programs of secondary vocational and primary vocational education.

Middle Special Educational Institutions include technical schools and college.

Technical School (School)(Agricultural, hydroelectative technical school; River, Pedagogical School, etc.) - implements the main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of the baseline.

College(medical, economic, etc.) - implements the main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education basic and elevated levels.

In technical schools and colleges, professional preparation of a more complex level is carried out than in institutions of primary vocational education, and to enroll in them, respectively, much more difficult. The main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education can be mastered on various training forms, which differ in the amount of audit classes and the organization of the educational process: full-time, part-time (evening), correspondence or in the form of external. A combination of various forms of learning is allowed. The regulatory time framework for educational programs of secondary vocational education is established by the state educational standard of secondary vocational education. As a rule, training lasts 3 - 4 years. In the necessary cases, the training time on specific educational programs of secondary vocational education can be increased compared with the regulatory studies of training. The decision to increase the duration of training is adopted by the state authority or body of local self-government, on which there is a secondary special educational institution. For persons who have the initial vocational education of the relevant profile, a secondary professional or higher professional education or other sufficient level of previous training and (or) abilities, training in abbreviated or accelerated educational programs of secondary vocational education, the procedure for the implementation of which is established by the federal education authority.

A large number of graduates of educational institutions of secondary vocational education receive a rather high theoretical level of knowledge, skills and skills, which allows them in the future for several years to work in the specialty and without obtaining higher professional education. In some cases, a secondary education diploma gives the right to receive higher professional education (as a rule, by the same specialty, but already a higher level) in a shortened time limit (up to three years). Students of medium-sized professional institutions can combine work with training, and if the education of this level is purchased for the first time, and the educational institution has state accreditation, to use the established labor legislation of the Russian Federation with privileges (educational leave, free travel to the place of study, etc.).

By the way, this rule applies to students in educational institutions of primary vocational education. Full-time students who receive secondary vocational education at the expense of budget funds are provided by scholarships. The average special educational institution within the existing budget and extrabudgetary funds independently, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, develops and implements measures social support for students, including, depending on their material status and academic success and other social benefits and benefits. For successes in the development of educational programs, various forms of moral and material promotion are established in the experimental design and other work for students. Students in need of living space are provided by places in a hostel in the presence of an appropriate housing stock of a secondary special educational institution.

Educational institutions of higher vocational education (higher educational institutions).Especially talking about the priority of higher education does not make sense, since it was, there will always be. The development of a market economy, scientific and technical progress dictates new requirements, which are impossible without a high level of education. In recent years, it has become the norm to have two or more higher education.

The problem in obtaining higher education is solved, the question remains only for its quality. Diploma on the end of this or that university, of course, you can, such services now, unfortunately, have a place, but to purchase true knowledge for the fee without due to the desire of the most traitable and relevant efforts of the Higher Educational Institution.

The goals and objectives of educational institutions of higher professional education are:

Preparation and retraining of specialists of the corresponding level on the basis of the mean (full) general, secondary vocational education;

Satisfying the needs of the state in qualified specialists with higher education and scientific and pedagogical frames of higher qualifications;

Preparation, retraining and advanced training of specialists and managers;

Organization and conduct of fundamental and applied research and other scientific and technical, developmental work, including education;

Satisfying the needs of the personality in the deepening and expansion of education.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the following types of higher educational institutions are established on education: institute, University, Academy . The data of higher educational institutions (each in accordance with its specifics) are implementing educational programs of higher professional education; educational programs of postgraduate vocational education; We prepare, retraining and (or) improving the qualifications of workers for a particular area of \u200b\u200bprofessional, scientific and scientific and pedagogical activities. On the base universitiesand academiauniversity and academic complexes can be created, uniting educational institutions that implement educational programs of various levels, other institutions and non-commercial organizations or structural divisions allocated from their composition. The highest educational institutions of any kind (including their branches) can implement educational programs of the initial general, basic general, medium (full) general, primary and secondary vocational education, as well as additional professional education if they have an appropriate license.

1.4. Requirements for educational institutions

Civil registration and licensing.In order to begin the exercise of its activities, any educational organization must, first of all, to obtain the status of a legal entity. Such status arises from the moment of state registration and is confirmed by a certificate of state registration as a legal entity. State registration of legal entities -this is an act of an authorized federal executive body, carried out by entering into a single state register of legal entities information about the creation, reorganization and liquidation of legal entities, as well as other necessary information on legal entities.

The procedure for registering legal entities was established by the Federal Law of August 8, 2001 No. 129-FZ "On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs." The authorized body within the deadlines established by this Law produces the registration of an educational institution, which in writing notifies the applicant, financial authorities and the relevant state body management body. The certificate of state registration indicates:

Full and abbreviated name of a legal entity (indicating the organizational and legal form);

Main state registration number;

Registration date;

Name of the registering authority.

Since the state registration, an educational institution has the right to implement financial and economic activities provided for by its charter and aimed at the preparation of the educational process.

State registration is only the first step on the way of the educational institution to implement its main goal of activities - the implementation of the educational and educational process. The right to educational activities arises only from the date of receipt of the relevant license.

Licensing of an educational institutionit is conducted in accordance with the Regulations on the licensing of educational activities approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 18, 2000 No. 796). According to paragraph 1 of this provision, the activities of educational institutions implementing programs are subject to licensing:

Pre-school education;

General (initial, main, medium (full) education);

Additional education of children;

Vocational training;

Professional (primary, middle, higher, postgraduate, additional) education (including military vocational education).

The license is also necessary for scientific organizations and educational units of vocational training organizations.

Without a license, educational institutions have the right to provide educational services that are not accompanied by final certification and issuance of documents on education and (or) qualifications. Suite services include: one-time lectures; internships; Seminars and some other types of training. Licensing is not subject to individual labor pedagogical activities, including in the field of training.

The license for the right to implement educational activities is issued by an authorized executive body, on the basis of the conclusion of the expert commission. Licenses for the right to conduct educational activities to educational institutions of religious organizations (associations) are issued to submit the leadership of the relevant denomination. The expert committee is created by an authorized executive body, according to the founder and conducts its work within a month. Examination is necessary in order to determine the compliance of the conditions for the implementation of the educational process established by state and local requirements and regulations (for example, sanitary and hygienic standards; the conditions for the health of students, pupils and workers and other requirements). The subject of licensed examination is not: content, organization and methods of the educational process.

The license issued to the educational institution should be indicated:

The name of the body issued a license;

The license registration number and the date of decision makeup;

Name (indicating the organizational and legal form) and the location of the licensee;

Taxpayer identification number (INN);

License validity.

The license must comply with the application where data is recorded as:

The list of educational programs, directions and specialties of training, according to which the right to conduct educational activities, their level (steps) and focus, regulatory deadlines;

Qualifications that will be assigned to the completion of education by graduates with an educational institution that has a certificate of state accreditation;

Control standards and limiting number of students, pupils calculated in relation to full-time training standards.

It should be remembered that in the absence of such an application, the license is recognized as invalid.

Certification and state accreditation.With obtaining a license, the second stage of legislative registration of educational activities is completed. The following stages are certification and state accreditation institution. Under certificationit is understood as the form of state-public control over the quality of education in educational institutions. Certification is carried out in order to establish the compliance of the content, level and quality of graduate preparation with the requirements of state educational standards. The single procedure for certification and state accreditation of educational institutions (all species and types) is determined by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", as well as the Regulations on the procedure for certification and state accreditation of educational institutions, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of May 22, 1998 No. 1327. Certification is carried out by The statement of the educational institution by the State Attestation Commission, as a rule, once every five years. The first certification of the newly created educational institution is carried out after the first issue of the studied, but not earlier than three years from the date of receipt of the educational institution of the relevant license. The condition of certification of an educational institution issuing a document on education is the positive results of the final certification of at least half of the graduates of the educational institution within three consecutive years. Certification of pre-school educational institutions, educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives), special (corrective) educational institutions for students, students with deviations in the development, additional education institutions, as well as newly created experimental educational institutions are carried out The relevant state-owned education authority in the manner provided for by the Model Provisions on these educational institutions. The form and procedure for holding certification, as well as attestation technologies and certification criteria are determined by the authority to certify. A positive conclusion on certification is a condition for obtaining a educational institution of state accreditation.

In order for the educational institution to be eliminated by its graduates of the state sample on the appropriate level of education, as well as to use the seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to undergo a state accreditation procedure and obtain the appropriate certificate. State accreditation of an educational institution- This is the procedure for recognizing the state in the person of its state bodies of education state status of an educational institution(type, species, category of educational institution, defined in accordance with the level and focus of the educational programs being implemented). State accreditation of educational institutions is carried out by authorized executive bodies on the basis of the statement of an educational institution and imprisonment on its certification.

State accreditation of an educational institution is the final, most important stage on the basis of official consolidation and recognition of educational activities. The certificate of state accreditation of the educational institution confirms its state status, the level of educational programs being implemented, the compliance of the content and quality of graduates in the requirements of state educational standards, the right to graduates with graduates of documents of the state sample on the relevant level of education. Certificate of state accreditation, issued by preschool educational institutions and institutions of additional education of children, confirms the state status of the relevant educational institution, the level of educational programs implemented by them, the category of this educational institution. Educational institutions can receive public accreditation in various Russian, foreign and international public educational, scientific and industrial structures. Such accreditation does not entail additional financial obligations from the state.

The certificate of state accreditation indicates:

Name of the body issued certificate;

Certificate registration number;

Date of issue certificate;

Complete name (with an indication of the legal form);

The type and type of educational institution;

Location (legal address) of the educational institution;

The validity period of the certificate itself.

Certificate of state accreditation must have an application (without which it is invalid), where they are indicated:

Accredited educational programs (main and additional) of all levels of education implemented by the educational institution;

Deadlines for state accreditation for each implemented educational program;

Qualifications (degrees) that will be assigned to graduates of the educational institution;

The names and location of branches (branches) (if any);

A list of accredited programs implemented in each branch (separation).

Branches (branches) of educational institutions should also undergo licensing procedures, certification and state accreditation in a general manner established for educational institutions by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". Certification and licensing branches (separations) are trained independently (with the receipt of a separate license). State accreditation of branches (offices) is carried out as part of a basic educational institution. The branches of the educational institution that implements the educational program (educational programs) in full through remote educational technologies (with the exception of some classes) in these branches, has the right to be certified and state accreditation as part of an educational institution, separated by the structural units of which they are.

Familiarization of the consumer with the charter (position) of the educational institution, license for the right to conduct educational activities, with a certificate of state accreditation and other documents confirming the status of the institution and regulating the organization of the educational process, is legal the right of consumer.

In practice, the question often arises whether the licensing procedures, certification and state accreditation are mandatory for organizations engaged in educational activities.

Obtaining a license for the right to implement educational activities, as has already been considered above, is mandatory if the educational institution provides services accompanied by final certification and issuing documents on education and (or) qualifications. An organization carrying out educational activities without a license can be attracted to administrative responsibility under Part 1 of Art. 19.20 Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses (hereinafter - the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation) "The implementation of activities that is not related to the extraction of profits without a special permit (license), if such permission (such a license) is required (obligatory)"). This offense entails the imposition of an administrative penalty on an educational institution in the amount of from 100 to 200 minimum wages (minimum wage).

State accreditation and certification are not obligatory, but their absence deprives the educational institution and persons intending to get (receiving) education in an inaccredit institution, a number of very significant possibilities:

The right to issue documents on the formation of a state sample to their graduates;

The right to use the seal with the image of the state coat of arms of the Russian Federation;

The rights to admission (translation) for training in accredited universities without the passing of preliminary certification in the form of external in the accredited university;

The rights of citizens who combine work with learning (applicants or students) and receiving first secondary and (or) higher professional education in non-accredited educational institutions, on guarantees and compensation provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (such a condition also applies to citizens learning in the evening (replaceable) general educational institutions that have not passed state accreditation);

The grounds for providing a delay to call for military service according to para. 1 sub. "A" of paragraph 2 of Art. 24 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ "On Military Duty and Military Service".

State accreditation and certification of an educational institution is not only a fixed state status, it is a confirmation of the level, content and quality of educational programs with the requirements of state educational standards. Want to get high-quality education, benefits, guarantees and compensation established by the legislation of the Russian Federation? Pay attention to the availability of documents from the educational institution confirming the passage of state accreditation and certification. At the same time, familiarize yourself not only with a certificate of state accreditation, but also with his application, because it is precisely the list of accredited educational programs and qualifications (degrees), which will be assigned at the end of the educational institution. And in no case do not fall on the trick of non-state educational organizations, motivating the absence of state accreditation and certification of reference to their organizational and legal form.

When choosing an educational institution, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors.

Firstly, Remember that the relationship between a pre-school educational institution (regardless of its type) and parents (legal representatives) are governed by the Treaty between them, which cannot limit the rights of the parties established by law.

SecondlyBy choosing a kindergarten or school for your child, as well as a vocational education institution, know that the prestige of education and its quality is not identical concepts. The high cost of educational services does not guarantee high quality, and the prestige of the educational organization can only be well-planned and successfully conducted by the advertising campaign.

ThirdlyDeciding on the choice of elementary school for his child, it is useful to ask what kind of teacher will carry out the process of upbringing and learning, as well as learn about its professional level, pedagogical experience, personal qualities, age (this also matters!). It is not necessary to think that the desire to be informed by indispensable and (or) excessive curiosity is a normal phenomenon, because from the personality of the teacher, his professionalism, the ability to find an individual approach largely depends the success of learning a child, his adaptation to school.

Fourth, sources of information about educational institutions may be:

Printed media - specialized reference books, benefits, newspapers and magazines, advertising brochures, booklets;

The Internet;

Television, radio;

Specialized exhibitions and educational fairs;

Territorial management bodies (consumers sometimes simply do not know that this source can also obtain relevant information);

Familiar, or other persons who studied (students) in the educational institution that information needs to be obtained;

Other sources.

Fifthit is advisable not only to perceive information on rumor, learned read, but also to have its own idea of \u200b\u200ban educational institution by direct visual acquaintance with it. Any details are important: in which microdistrict there is an educational institution; What is the transport accessibility to it; which is located on the adjacent territory and in what condition it is (this is especially important when choosing kindergartens and schools); What training classes (audiences), game and sleeping rooms look like (if it is DW), library, gym, dining room; What material and technical equipment is equipped with this institution; In what condition is the educational and game (for DW) and the educational and methodical base. In addition, if the applicant needs housing at the time of training, it is necessary to clarify whether this educational organization has a hostel and what is the living conditions in it.

At sixth , it is necessary to pay attention to the duration (term) of the activities of the educational institution and the status of its founder (it has a particular importance for private educational organizations).

If you are interested in the types and types of educational organizations, or sports classes in a secondary school, types and types of elementary schools, filter out the search results for the audience - "School". The first document in the list is the explanation of the expert "Type and Types of General Education institutions" - will allow partially to answer a given question (Fig. 1).

So, in accordance with the sub. 2 p. 4 tbsp. 12 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 "On Education" There are the following types of general education institutions:

  • primary general education;
  • basic general education;
  • middle (full) general education.

Types of educational institutions are indicated in paragraph 1 of the Model Provision on the OU, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.03.2001 No. 196:

  • primary school;
  • basic secondary school;
  • middle School of General education;
  • secondary school with in-depth study of individual items;
  • gymnasium;
  • lyceum.

There is another principle of classification of OU - depending on the characteristics of their legal status.

Classification of species of educational institutions

Currently, according to the Federal Law of 08.05.2010 No. 83-ФЗ "On Amendments to Selected Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of the legal status of state (municipal) institutions" All state and municipalities, including preschool and general education are divided into three types:

  • autonomous;
  • budget;
  • casual.

New opportunities for career growth

Try free! . For the passage - a diploma of professional retraining. Educational materials are presented in the format of visual abstracts with video tracking experts, accompanied by the necessary templates and examples.

In order to find out what they differ, enter a new request in the search string " Autonomous, budget and government institutions". The first document in the list of materials obtained as a result will allow to learn the main differences between autonomous and budgetary.

You can search for information in the Education electronic system not only with the search string, but also with the help of the rubricator. It is located on the main page and is a set of root thematic columns that are included in them by subframe and materials. In order to see the subheadings and the materials included in them, you must click on the "+" icon before the category name.

  1. "Expert Materials";
  2. "Templates and examples";
  3. "Normative base".

If you press on the plus before the name of the "Expert Materials" by the subheading of the expert materials, the list of expert answers will appear for questions that are disabled to the topic of interest (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.

In the submission "Templates and examples" are local acts of institutions of different types, including the statutes of autonomous, budgetary and government organizations of education, and in the "Regulatory framework" -: Federal Law of 08.05.2010 No. 83-FZ "On Amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of the legal status of state (municipal) institutions, "Federal Law No. 7 of 12.01.1996 No. 7-FZ" On Non-Profit Organizations ", etc. Any document can be opened by clicking on its name to the left button Mice.

Learn more about the electronic system "Education", having received

Article 23 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" contains all types of educational organizations, their features, goals and objectives. Next, we will analyze this article and clarify its details.

Criteria for dividing educational institutions for individual types

At the division of all educational institutions for types, general education programs chosen for their activities are taken into account. In addition, the division is carried out and taking into account the type of programs. It can be:

  1. Basic educational programs.
  2. Additional learning programs.

Secondary programs involve professional and general training. The law provides for six different types of educational organizations: four providing the implementation of the main educational programs, and two species aimed at the additional development of schoolchildren.

All institutions that implement educational programs are additionally divided into 4 types:

  • 2 types of general education institutions (general education institutions and organization of pre-school education);
  • two types of organizations providing vocational training (educational organization of higher education and educational professional organization).

Under the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992, only two types of education institutions were assumed, and they were not clearly listed in the article. Special education in the law was assigned to the agencies of the correctional type, it was in their obligations that children with disabilities were learning. Separately allocated institutions for the education and training of orphans.

Features of correctional institutions

Regarding special institutions, we note that the current renaming of them into general education organizations does not imply their liquidation.

The law provides for the education of the state bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation, such educational organizations in which the training would be conducted on special programs adapted for blind, hearing impaired, mentally retarded or deaf children, as well as for students with the problems of the musculoskeletal system, speech impairment, autism and other defects Health.

Professional training of children with restrictions on physical condition is also performed on the basis of special programs that are adapted for these categories of schoolchildren.

On the procedure for the implementation of educational activities

Article 23 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" provides for the existence of four versions of educational institutions that have the right to implement the main educational programs.

The first of these is called the educational pre-school organization - the institution, the main purpose of the activity of which is to care and care for children, as well as the implementation of training and education on educational programs for preschoolers.

On August 30, 2013, the Order of the Ministry of Science of the Russian Federation (№1014) adopted a special order, according to which all educational work on basic programs is organized. Their options for pre-school education are designed for those organizations that care for babies, including private kindergartens, and day stay groups.

Pre-school education

It is important to remember what to count on pre-school education, kids can not only in specialized children's institutions, but also in the family. P.6 states that in organizing care, leaving, preschool education, are carried out from 2 months before the complete cessation of relations (in the event of a pupil of 6-7 years of age). Groups created to implement this goal may be a wellness, compensating, overall and combined orientation.

The order of the Ministry of Education and Science of October 27, 2011 was recognized as invaliding its legal force. A letter of August 8, 2013 of the Ministry of Education and Science contained the recommendations of the State Department. Politicians regarding the acquisition of those educational institutions that are engaged in the implementation of basic general educational programs for pre-school education and training. And the letter was discussed on the creation of uniform approaches to the number of children who need to visit pre-school educational institutions.

We had in a letter and recommendations to the municipal authorities of the authorities about creating a single information resource "Electronic Queue" in kindergartens. The deadlines for the provision of information on the number of applications (movement) for the current school year have been identified. To register in the registry, parents or legal representatives of the preschooler fill in the Internet the form presented in free access, or enjoy the consultation of a specialist from the Municipality of the Municipality. You can also personally contact the authorized body with a written statement on the provision of a place in the children's preschool institution.

School education

The general education organization is an institution that its main goal is to fulfill the initial, average program and their functioning is subject to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2001. Despite the fact that the document was published a long time, periodically modernized and reprinted, he did not lose his strength and is currently used.

According to this document, general education organizations are counted:

  • primary general education school;
  • major secondary school;
  • secondary school;
  • middle-level institutions with in-depth study of certain items;
  • gymnasiums engaged in the training of schoolchildren on the natural science, technical, humanitarian direction;
  • faces that implement medium and basic education programs for profiles (directions).

Specificity st. 23 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"

The described law does not imply separate division into the types of educational organizations, which provide in-depth (additional) training of schoolchildren, as a lyceum or gymnasium, therefore, questions have appeared before its introduction.

There were fears that he does not provide for the development of gifted (talented) children. But in fact, everything is not true, this Law on Education in the Russian Federation is directed to the formation of talented youth. Regardless of the status of an educational institution, the pedagogical composition creates favorable conditions for schoolchildren.

Different types of educational organizations involve differences not only in status, but also in special conditions of financing. According to the new law, the transition and a classic financing for financing on the fulfillment of the municipal (state) order was envisaged. All requirements for a graduation of the school are spelled out in the standards of a new generation: education of citizenship, patriotism, self-development ability, self-improvement.

Professional education

The educational institution is considered a professional educational organization, the main purpose of which is educational activities on special vocational secondary education programs.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 543 of July 18, 2008 regulates these types of educational organizations. The main tasks of the educational institution are allocated:

  • implementation of the identity needs in cultural, intellectual, moral development, by obtaining professional secondary education;
  • market saturation by specialists who have a secondary vocational education;
  • development of the younger generation of hard work, citizenship, responsibility, creative activity, independence;
  • preservation of cultural and moral values \u200b\u200bof society.

According to this law, such types of middle-level educational organizations are provided:

  1. The technical school in which the program for basic training is implemented.
  2. College offering training on in-depth programs.

Name of educational institutions

Higher education

Considering the various forms, the types of educational organizations, one cannot bypass the highest educational institutions. The main purpose of them is educational and scientific activities on special programs. According to the Model Regulations on the structure of higher education, the standards are gradually introduced to each direction of learning and to the specialties of the highest link.

Additional education

Additional education centers are designed to organize extracurricular activities of preschoolers and school children. In the law on the formation of the Russian Federation, explanations are given over the reality of groups, sections, circles, regulatory and financial support activities. Recently, interest in such agencies increases, in each district center there is at least one center of additional education, most of the sections, circles offered by the guys, are free.

The educational process in the CDO is carried out on the basis of individual curricula. Groups create in interest, age, activity. A variety of laboratories, sections, clubs, clubs, ensembles, orchestras, studios, theaters: All this is offered by the guys outside the school walls. In addition to group options, additional education offers individual forms of work.

Additional professional education

The purpose of creating such organizations is the implementation of activities on special professional programs. They perform the following functions according to the "Law of Education":

  1. Helping specialists in mastering information about the latest achievements in science and technology, advanced foreign and domestic experience.
  2. Improving the qualifications and retraining of specialists of institutions, organizations released by workers, civil servants, unemployed specialists.
  3. Conducting research and experiments, consulting activities.
  4. Full-fledged scientific examination of individual projects, programs, other documents on the organization's profile


Article 23 of the Law "On Education of the Russian Federation" is fully explained by the entire classification of educational institutions, their goals and objectives, features of financing and legal form. These are the types of educational programs. In addition, Russian legislation will determine the procedure for the creation of public education institutions of different types and type.

These subjects are endowed with rights, responsibilities, are responsible and possess social guarantees. These provisions apply to employees of institutions. Educational organizations are non-commercial structures as them. General Education Organizations are working on the basis of a license. Training in them acts as the main purpose of creating. Institutions operating in the field of education are organizations that also work under license. By implementing the main tasks, they additionally conduct training. Educational organizations are created in the forms provided for by civil law governing the work of non-commercial structures. Private educational institutions Their work is also regulated by FZ №273.

In the law, such institutions are defined as organizations established in accordance with the established procedure, one or more citizens or their associations. Foreign religious societies cannot form such educational institutions. The right to create organizations that implement educational programs in the field of security and defense state, belongs only to the Russian Federation.


Features of the name in the title of educational institution may be attending the specifics of work. For example, "secondary school with a mathematical bias." The name may be an indication of the integration of curriculum of different types.

The program of activity of the educational organization may provide additional tasks. For example, it can be correction, content, rehabilitation, psychological and pedagogical support, technological, research and other work.

Article 23 Types of educational organizations

Preschool education is important to remember what to count on pre-school education, kids can not only in specialized children's institutions, but also in the family. P.6 states that in a preschool educational organization, care, leaving, pre-school training, are carried out from 2 months to the complete cessation of relations (in case of achieving a pupil of 6-7 years of age). Groups created to implement this goal may be a wellness, compensating, overall and combined orientation.
The order of the Ministry of Education and Science of October 27, 2011 was recognized as invaliding its legal force. A letter of August 8, 2013 of the Ministry of Education and Science contained the recommendations of the State Department. Politicians regarding the acquisition of those educational institutions that are engaged in the implementation of basic general educational programs for pre-school education and training.

Article 23. Types of educational organizations


Article 23 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" contains all types of educational organizations, their features, goals and objectives. Next, we will analyze this article and clarify its details. Criteria for dividing educational institutions for individual types with a division of all educational institutions for types, general education programs chosen for their activities are taken into account.

In addition, the division is carried out and taking into account the type of programs. It can be:
  1. Basic educational programs.
  2. Additional learning programs.

Secondary programs involve professional and general training. The law provides for six different types of educational organizations: four providing the implementation of the main educational programs, and two species aimed at the additional development of schoolchildren.

All Objects of Pedagogy Educational Systems of Russia Types of Educational Institutions 1. Vida Educational Institutions 2. Educational programs Types of educational institutions in the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" there is no division of educational institutions for species. According to the law, all educational organizations are divided into types depending on the educational programs that they apply in their activities. The table below provides compliance between the types of educational institutions and possible types of organizational form.

Variability of educational programs Educational variability is one of the basic principles and vectors of the development of a modern education system in the Russian Federation.
And the letter was discussed on the creation of uniform approaches to the number of children who need to visit pre-school educational institutions. We had in a letter and recommendations to the municipal authorities of the authorities about creating a single information resource "Electronic Queue" in kindergartens. The deadlines for the provision of information on the number of applications (movement) for the current school year have been identified.
To register in the registry, parents or legal representatives of the preschooler fill in the Internet the form presented in free access, or enjoy the consultation of a specialist from the Municipality of the Municipality. You can also personally contact the authorized body with a written statement on the provision of a place in the children's preschool institution. The letter also contained recommendations for the order of income to kids to preschool institutions.

Types of educational institutions

In universities, as a rule, undergraduate and magistracy are envisaged. In addition, scientific work is underway in such educational institutions. The general education school implements curricula in primary, middle and high schools.

The establishment accepts children who have graduated from Dow and prepare them for 10 years to admission to the university. Part 2 of FZ №273 also determines organizations engaged in educational activities on additional disciplines. In this case, this work is their main goal. The law defines educational organizations of the main and professional additional training.

They spend pedagogical work not included in the OOP. Comments on the law in Art. 1 half. 1 FZ №273 The subjects with the right to conduct training are determined. They are educational organizations, as well as individual entrepreneurs.

Educational organizations. FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"

These types of state and municipal institutions are defined in connection with the transition from the estimated funding to ensure state (municipal) institutions with finances only to fulfill the state (municipal) task for the provision of services (performance) in the form of budget subsidies. Differences in the types of state and municipal institutions are to enter into the degree of financial independence of the institution - the income from the income-generating activity fully receives an autonomous institution, and the state institution transfers income from paid services and works to the budget of its founder. The legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education applies to all educational institutions in the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and subordination.

Educational organizations in Russia

Similar data are also provided with respect to hired teachers. According to the meaning of civil law, individual entrepreneurs engaging in a fee on a fee must enter into relevant contracts. They can be in simple writing. The contract should reflect the main conditions for the provision of services, duties and rights, as well as the responsibility of the parties. In addition, the document determines the term, order and amount of payment.

  • 20.06.2016