Music journey. Reviews of: Music Travel (Moscow State Historical and Ethnographic Theater)

Music journey. Reviews of: Music Travel (Moscow State Historical and Ethnographic Theater)

Structural division "Northern Children's Garden" Vasileuk "

MBOU "Northern School"

Music journey

by the countries of the world


organized educational activities

on music for children preparatory to school group


music leader

first qualifying category

Nadyrshina G.M.

North, 2015.

Purpose: acquaintance of children with the peculiarities of culture of different countries of the world in the process of using various methods and techniques of musical and general cultural development.


    To acquaint with the music of different nations, cause interest in national cultures.

    Form the ability to emotionally respond to music, skilli hear and distinguish between musical expressiveness and adequately display them in motion.

    Listen carefully music andcoordinatemovementfromthe character of the sound of each piece.

    To form a tolerant attitude towards people regardless of their nationality.

    Reliable respect for the culture of other peoples.

Preliminary work:

    learning greetings and farewell in different languages;

    learning the song "The Motley Cap";

    heading a finger gymnastics "to visit".

Planned results:

    development in children of interested attitudes towards culture of different countries of the world;

    expansion in children musical outlook.


    projector, screen, laptop;

    violin layout;

    record player;

    picture with the image of Chardash dance;


    picture with the image of Nagara;


    picture with the image of the gnomes;

    book"Traditions and culture of countries of the world."


Introduction to the topic (creating a problem situation)


"Hello!" - You will tell a person.

"Hello!" - he will smile in response

And, probably, will not go to the pharmacy

And healthy will be many years.

MUZ.RUKOVER: Guys! Today we will go to a music journey through the countries of the world, you will learn what the musical culture of these countries is famous and interesting. Each country has its great composers, great works, performers are famous for the whole world. They give people their creativity, which unites all the peoples of the world. What do you think the music can combine people of different nations if they do not understand each other?

MUZ.RUKOVER: This is the magic of music!

Children's assumption: music without words can pass the mood (sadness, joy, alarm), tell about something, etc.


Motivation of children's activities

MUZ.RUKOVER: Guys, during the musical travel, each country will give you their musical characters that you will be folded into the chest. But to get a symbol, you need to show what creative, talented and how much you love music.



MUZ.RUKOVER: Guys, what do you think, with what you can show your work?

MUZ.RUKOVER: Right! And will help us in thismelodies of different nations of the world.

The assumption of children: with singing, dance movements, musical instruments.

II. Main part:


Actualization of previously acquired knowledge


Mining (message and acceptance) new knowledge


Music and rhythmic movements

Development of the feeling of rhythm, Muzitication:

Hearing music

Grieving SINGING

Independent activities of children

Acquaintance with a new song

MUZ.RUKOVER: So, we go, and the first country of our journey Denmark.

Guys, let's remember how people of different nations greet each other. And the Danish People's Melody will help us.

Game "Hello". Danish people's melody

MUZ.RUKOVER: Well done! The Danish people have long been famous for their musicality, dance traditions, which always accompanies the violin. And Denmark gives you the most common musical instrument of your country - violin.

MUZ.RUKOVER: Next Country of Our Travel - Hungary. Hungary has a rich musical and dance tradition. Hungarian folk dances are distinguished by their burning temperament, emotionality. These dances light not only residents of Hungary, but the people of the entire planet.

Show a fragment of the Hungarian dance "Chardash"

MUZ.RUKOVER: What a paddle dance! I'm sure you can also dance.

And now, guys, we will try to fulfill some movements of the Hungarian dance.

"Step with accent and easy run." Hungarian folk melody.

MUZ.RUKOVER: Well done! And Hungary gives you your musical symbol - a picture with the image of Chardash dance.


- And now I suggest you go to the country in which the drums are an integral part of the culture of the people. This isazerbaijan.

One of the most common drums of Azerbaijan is "Nagara". The game on Nagar is distinguished by a large rhythmic and dynamic diversity.

Video Fragment Games on Nagar

MUZ.RUKOVER: T.akom's skill must be learn more than one year. Here we will begin. But first, we need to stretch your fingers. Prepared, performfingering gymnastics "to visit".

Fingering gymnastics "to visit"

To visit my finger big

Resorted straight to the house

Index and medium

Unnamed and last.


Knocked on the threshold.

All fingers -Friends

We can not fit each other!

MUZ.RUKOVER: Well done boys. I will now read the poem "with a drum walks hedgehog," and you will beat the rhythm on the drums "boom boom boom".

The game on the drums "with a drum walks hedgehog"

With drum walks hedgehog

Boom Boom Boom

Hedgehog playing all day

Boom Boom Boom

With drum by shoulders

Boom Boom Boom!

Hedgehog in the garden wandered by chance

Boom Boom Boom!

Very apples loved he

Boom Boom Boom!

Drum in the garden forgot him

Boom Boom Boom!

At night, apples broke out

Boom Boom Boom!

And the blows were heard

Boom Boom Boom!

MUZ.RUKOVER: - Well done! They deserved a reward from Azerbaijan - a picture with the image of Nagara and we continue our musical journey.

I think we just need to get to Norway, in which the great composer Edward Grieg was born and lived.

Music talent of Grieg manifest itself in childhood. His mother played on the piano and taught Edward game for four years.

Grieng, writing music, chasing the beauty of Norwegian nature in it. And very often the grieg of her music told various stories and fairy tales. Here is one of them I will tell you now:

"One young Hunter named Per Gunt. He was a big inventory and an adventure crawler. Most of all he wanted wealth and power. Once in the forest, he met a girl in a green forest robe. It was the daughter of the mountain king. She liked a beautiful young man, and she offered him to marry her. Per thought he could become rich and powerful as her father - and agreed. But the inhabitants of the underground kingdom were evil gnome and insidious creatures. The mountain king and evil creatures were delighted by the coming to them. They wanted to make a pen look like them. Par was very frightened. He wanted to remain a man and wanted to escape from the underground kingdom. But evil gnomes pounced on him, threatening to break into the shreds ... But the bell rang out, and all the evil disappeared. Per was saved».

And now, we will listen to the work that is called "in the cave of the mountain king." We listen carefully and determine the nature of this work.

"In the cave of the mountain king."


Guys, tell me what is the nature of the work?

And what music sounds at the beginning?

And what's at the end?

Maybe you heard familiar musical instruments? Please name them.

Guys, what do you think in which genre is written this work?


And now we all give up the procession of the gnomes.

MUZ.RUKOVER: In the work of Edward Gring Gnomes were negative heroes.

But in the song "The Motley Cap", which we already know, remember the gnome good or evil?

MUZ.RUKOVER: - Let's guys, we will fulfill this song.

"Pencing cap." Music in Struve.

MUZ.RUKOVER: Well done! In the award, you get the gnomes from the "Cave of the Mountain King".

MUZ.RUKOVER: Guys, I suggest you to continue the journey, but now in our country and go to the most fabulous city - Great Ustyug.

Guys, maybe you know who lives there?

And what holiday does he come to us?

Do you like this holiday? Why?

And how do we get ready for his arrival?

MUZ.RUKOVER: I think it's time to prepare for D.M. Songs and dancing.

Guys, today we listen to a new song called "New Year's dance".

Song "New Year's dance" Music A. Sheterna.

1. Again New Year, New Year, New Year!

Near the church of the city, dance.


In the New Year dance ready all day, all day.

And it's not too lazy to spinning near the Christmas tree, we are not too lazy.

2. And outside the windows is snowing, the snow goes.

In warm boots, all the people, the whole people.

3. And on the Christmas tree lights, lights.

Santa Claus will come, come.

4. You, Frost, we are not Studi, not Studi.

Better, grandfather, baptis, babes.


- Guys, did you like this song?

And what is she in character?

What is the same in this song?

MUZ.RUKUTER : Proper, guys. In the next lesson, we will continue to teach this song.

MUZ.RUKOVER: - Well, what holiday without a game!

Music game "Snow Baba".

We blinded this miracle in five minutes - 2 times.

What is the name of such a miracle, what is called - 2 times.

Children say: Snow Baba.

The snowy beach is close close, 2 times.

To the snowy beach is low low our bow - 2 times.

We laugh at the Baba ha ha ha.

You are good. Our babe is good.

Children: Once or two or three,

We are babe catching us.


- Have fun to glory! It's time and native kindergarten return. I suggest you say goodbye to these countries in their language.

Game "Goodbye." Danish folk melody.

Denmark and Norway - Bii;

Hungary - Vistaraat;

Azerbaijan - Olun Saga;

1-J. part. Children jump off her legs

2nd part. Stopping next to any child, children welcome each other in French (in English, German).

Children stand in a circle

1-J. part. Children chlo in your hands on a strong share of each tact.

2nd part. Easily run in a circle.

3rd part. Children with power, emphasize with the right foot on a strong share of each tact.

4th part. Easily run in a circle.

Children perform movements in accordance with the text

Children beat back rhythm

on the drum.

Children listen to music

Children's assumptions: mysterious, fabulous, magical, fantastic

quiet, wary, dangerous

fast, loud, rapid

drums, plates.

in the genre of Marsha

Running gradually ascending sounds: Bom-Bom.

Responses of children.

Performance of the song "The Motley Cap"

Responses of children:

Santa Claus.

New Year.

Like, because Grandfather Frost brings us gifts.

Mastery Christmas decorations, prepare a New Year's suit, make masks for the carnival, preparing gifts for your loved ones and friends.

Listening to the song performed by the music. Head

Responses of children:

cheerful, joyful.

This song is on how in the spacious hall, children meet New Year. They dance, sing, having fun around the tree. And the Grandfather Frost merry the guys with its jokes and games.

Children form a circle. One child goes into the center of the circle depicts a snowy woman.

The rest of the children perform movements on the text.

On the words "you are babe catching" - children run out, and the snow woman catchies them.


Mock of violin

Video Fragment of Dance "Chardash"

Picture with the imagedance "Chardash".


Video Fragment Games on Nagar


Picture with the image "Nagara"

Fragment of the musical work "in the cave of the mountain king."

Excerpt of the work"In the cave of the mountain king" (beginning).

The image of the gnomes from the "Mountain King Cave".

III . Final part


Analysis and self-analysis of children's activities


Guys, did you like our musical journey through the countries of the world?

In which countries we visited today?

Let's look into the chest and remember the musical symbols of these countries.

What a great composer was born and lived in Norway?

What is the work of Edward Griega today we listened to today?

What song did you meet?

Denmark, Hungary, Azerbaijan, Norway.

Edward Grig

In the cave of the mountain king

New Year's dance

IV . Further development topic (developing environment)



Guys, I want our journey with you to continue, and therefore I prepared a book for you from which you will learn a lot about the musical, cultural traditions of other countries.

The book "Traditions and the culture of countries of the world"

Nadyrshina Gulnara Mingravilovna, Music Head, Structural Unit "Northern Children's Garden" Vasileuk "MBOU" North Sosh "of the Northern District

    Guys, and you were surprised when I saw me? - say hello surprised.

    Now sad, as if someone offended you,

    and having fun, we rushing fun - hello!

    1. Station "TRUSTALLY"

    (sharp or delicate); (smooth or dismissed)

    (Overfight or smooth); (sharp or delicate)

    (try everything together)


    2. Station "Izesenkino"

(honey)and who is his best friend (Piggy, Piglet)

Crocodile Gena - sink with me!

(with a big turtle)

  • (musical instruments) Name them.

Go on the road!


3. Station "Dancelikina"

Well, what do you dance?

C) .Igra -tan


4 station "Surprizkino"

And help me ... (child name).

Come for the screen guys ... (child name) will play

Listen carefully.

d). I know the sound

E). Torster

5. Station "To the center of Retribally"

And it's time for us to say goodbye.

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"Topic:" Music Journey "»

Topic: "Music Journey"

(According to the program "Merry Rhythm")

Technological Card Classes

Dancing, music and songs

Teacher of additional education

Gorbunova S.A.

Theme lesson

"Music journey"

Type of classes

Open new knowledge

Purpose of classes

about musical instruments.

Art-pedagogical tasks

Major terms and concepts

Songs, musical games, dancing.

Forms of holding

Individual, group

Planned results

development of creative abilities in the process of musical and choreographic activities

Musical repertoire

Music-game "Hello"!

Game -Tannets

Takes and methods

listening and performing songs; learning on musical instruments.

Expected Result

education of the musical taste, sustainable interest in classical music;

the development of creative abilities in the process of musical activity.

Used modern technologies

Developing training, systemically-delicate approach.

Forms of organizational activities

Individual, group filling of songs, learning dancing.


Computer, columns.

Purpose: The introduction of a child into the world of art through creativity.

Using different types of activity to consolidate knowledge

about musical instruments.

A task:Learning to distinguish the timbres of musical instruments, listen carefully to music, rhythmically playing children's musical instruments.

Forming singing skills, sing nicely in the ensemble and sololy, clearly pronounce song words. Learning to adjust your voice under the pedagogue's singing.

Develop the ability to move in accordance with the music, develop the feeling of rhythm, coordinate movements.

Travel course:

Hello children!

Today we will go to a fascinating journey through the world of music, on an unusual music train.

But before going to the way, I suggest you say hello

let's remember how you can welcome each other. (show as needed)


    shake hands

    hug each other

And we will say hello to the musical.

Music-game "Hello"!

Guys, and you were surprised when I saw me? - say hello surprised.

Now sad, as if someone offended you,

but we came here not to be sad,

and having fun, we rushing fun - hello!

Now it's time to go, take with you a good mood,

take your places in the tracks.

1. Station "TRUSTALLY"

Guys, sit down, now you will hear unusual music. Listen carefully.

And now let's repeat what music is it?

(sharp or delicate); (smooth or dismissed)

A) .Well, this music sounds rhythmically, clearly, passibly.

Guys, who can move to such music? (robots, aliens, clockwork drummers, soldiers)

B). Listen to other music. What kind of music?

(Overfight or smooth); (sharp or delicate)

Smooth, gentle, affectionate music. I wonder, and under this music, who can move? (Snowflakes, fairies, asterisks, princesses)

Guys, let's try to move because, music tells us.

(try everything together)

Once, two, three, boys in robots, and girls in stars turned.

Robots and stars, be careful, you can move, only under your music.

What wonderful you got robots and asterisks!

Right and left, turn the guys back to turn!

It's time for us to go on the road, occupy your places!


2. Station "Izesenkino"

This station, for real music connoisseurs. We are waiting for interesting tasks.

    Guys, we need to guess which hero of the cartoon sings this penalty? Listen.

Leopold, truly guys, you know the words of this song, sink.

Vini-Pooh, and what loves the most viny fluff (honey)and who is his best friend (Piggy, Piglet)

Crocodile Gena - sink with me!

Lionan, and who sings this song of Lionok? (with a big turtle)

Well done, you can easily guessed all the characters.

    Guys, look carefully on the screen and tell me what is depicted on it? (musical instruments) Name them. (guitar, drum, balalaika, harp) Once again, look at these musical instruments, tell me which one is excess? Why? (Alternately listen to children and remind you that the children do not interrupt each other) All agree? Well done and with this task you coped!

    Before you, musical instruments, name them from top to bottom. (violin, music triangle, metallone) But they will be able to wake, only with the help of their assistants. Here they are. Look carefully and pick up a couple of music. Tools.

(music. Triangle- He needs a wand;

Metallone will play with sticks,

a gentle violin will sound with a bow)

And with this task you coped. Friends You are real music connoisseurs!

Go on the road!


3. Station "Dancelikina"

This is my favorite station. I really like to dance and invite you to dance.

Well, what do you dance?

C) .Igra -tan

That's lovely! You are wonderful dancers! Praise each other! We go on with a good mood on!


4 station "Surprizkino"

We arrived at the music. Polyana.

Sit down, I prepared a surprise for you,

but for no hope, my musical

the chest does not open. It seems I know how can you open it.

And help me ... (child name).

Come for the screen guys ... (child name) will play

on musical instruments, and we need, guess which tool sounds.

Listen carefully.

d). I know the sound

We open, I prepared for you different music. instruments. Choose.

I will be a conductor, and you are musicians. Musicians, check your tools sound, stand more comfortable, listen to the conductor.

E). Torster

What are you great, we have a real orchestra! Did you like being musicians?

We fold the tools in the chest and go on the road.

5. Station "To the center of Retribally"

Guys, I really liked our musical journey. And you? What station did you like the most?

Friends, we learned a lot with you, learned a lot about music.

You tried very hard, there were attentive, fun and musical.

And it's time for us to say goodbye.

The purpose of the lesson: Generalization of knowledge about the identity of the people's and composer music of Europe.


  • Cognitive:
    • introduce students with composer and folk music of different countries on the example of some works;
    • to acquaint with the customs and traditions of some nations of Europe.
  • Educational:
    • improve performing skills;
    • secure knowledge about the elements of the musical language, the peculiarities of the musical speech of the peoples of Europe.
  • Developing:
    • develop emotional responsiveness to music.
  • Raising:
    • upbringing respect for the culture of other peoples;
    • education of the performing and audience culture.

Music material:

  1. V. Shainsky. "Please do not complain!" - execution.
  2. I. Dunaevsky. "Roads-Roads" - refrain.
  3. Estonian folk song. "Everyone has their own musical instrument" - execution with movements.
  4. Belarusian folk song. "Bulba" - execution.
  5. P. I. Tchaikovsky. "Ancient French Song" from the "Children's Album" - a hearing.
  6. French folk song. "Shepherd song" - execution.
  7. I. Strauss. "Hunting" - hearing.
  8. Dance "Cheerful Orchestra" - execution.
  9. E. WORLTS. "Forest deer" is a solo performance.
  10. B. Savelyev. "Big Horovod" - execution.

Equipment of the lesson:multimedia projector, music center.


On the screen: "Music journey in Europe".

Musical greeting:

Before me a wonderful class,
I'm glad to see you!
Let's start the lesson? (2 times)

- We are also glad to see you,
Cheerful class singing class.
Let's start the lesson! (2 times)

- At the lessons of the III of the Quarter, we met the music of the peoples of the world. Today we will spend an unusual lesson by committing a fascinating journey through some European countries, fulfill and listen to the music of different nations. And what will we take with you to the long road? Try to unravel my riddle. ( application )

In the way helps to walk,
Tired force adds
It is only her to sound -
He encourages, to smile will force.
In the backpack and the basket you do not hide it,
But still take a hike.
She is a nausea, invisible,
But with her friends you will find. (Song)

- Of course, the song. She helps a person and joyful, and in the sorrowful moments of life. As it comes in one very famous song, "... We have a song to build and live ...". Are you ready for a long road? Do not afraid of difficulties? Then I will fulfill the song "Please do not complain!" V. Shainsky.

"Please do not complain!" - execution.

- Our journey will be musical. Music will help us get acquainted with the culture of the peoples of different countries. So, we go. But we need to choose a type of transport that can quickly deliver us to almost any country. What would you go to the long road? By bus, motor ship or train?
- By train.
- the landing of passengers on the train "Moscow - Tallinn" is announced.

On the screen image. He sounds access to the song "Path-Road" (guys imitate the movement of the train).

I stop:Tallinn is the capital of the Baltic state of Estonia. (Here and then the teacher shows the boundaries of the state and the capital on the map).

On the screen: "You are welcomed by the capital of Estonia - Tallinn." Images of Estonia maps, Tallinn panorama, singing field.

- Estonia is known for its holidays songs that are held in the capital of the state - Tallinn since 1869. There are up to 30 thousand performers on the singing field, hundreds of thousands of listeners. Songs of different nations of the world sound here, singers voices are heard a few kilometers. Hospitable Estonians invite us to a holiday song. For them, we will fulfill the Estonian folk song "Everyone has their own musical instrument."

"Everyone has their own musical instrument"execution.

I Coupling - imitation of the game on a voyage.
II Coupling -
imitation games on a drawing.
Chorus III Covenant - 1 time - on Volynka, 2 timeson the drawing.

- I will say goodbye to the hospitable country and go further.

Refrain "Path-Roads" sounds (children imitate train movements). On the screen of the train

II stop: Minsk is the capital of the Republic of Belarus.

On the screen: "Minsk welcomes you - the capital of the Republic of Belarus." Images of the map of Belarus, panorama of Minsk.

- Belarus, along with Ukraine, the nearest neighbor of Russia. The music of the Belarusian people is similar to Russian or not at all?
- It looks like Ukrainians, Russians, and Belarusians - Slavic peoples. In the distant past, Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples were the same tribes of the Eastern Slavs. Therefore, they have a lot in common in the culture of the rational speech.

On the screen - Belarusian musicians.

- A lot of fascinating dancing in the Belarusian people. Name the popular Belarusian folk dances.
- Lyavony, Krykef, Bulba, Yanka-Polka.
- In one of the Belarusian folk songs, at the same time as a dance, the vegetable, well-known and beloved in many countries. From it, Belarusians even boil porridge. What kind of vegetable I say?
- About Potato, Belorussians, it is called "Bulba".

Belarusian folk song-dance "Bulba" - execution.

- We say goodbye to Belorussia. Our journey continues.

Refrain "Path-Roads" sounds (children imitate train movements). On the screen of the train image.

III Stop:Paris - the capital of France.

On the screen: "Paris welcomes you - the capital of France." Images of France map, Panorama of Paris.

- Listen carefully to music. Try to determine what feelings does she express?

"Ancient French Song" PI Tchaikovsky from "Children's album "- Listening.

- How did the music sound? (Calmly, thoughtfully, sad, sad, lonely. She was bright, good-natured, affectionate, gentle.)
- Melody was a song, dance or marching? (Song)
"We listened to the play from the" Children's Album "P. I. Tchaikovsky, which is called the" ancient French song ".

On the screen: PI Tchaikovsky. "Ancient French Song" from "Children's album", portrait of Tchaikovsky. (Children choir read the name of the work and the author).

- The work is called "Song", and the words were? (Not)
"Why did the composer call this play" Song "? (Song melody, stretching, singing.)
- The melody of this old song of the 16th century, the composer heard in France and wanted to introduce Russian children with her. In the "Children's album" onzulyuchit kakinstrumental play.


- At one of the lessons of the III of the quarter, you met the work of Tchaikovsky, in which he also used the melody of another nation. What was it called? (The teacher plays the melody "Wesniki").
- Concerto for piano with orchestra №1. P. I. Tchaikovsky has repeatedly applied to the music of other peoples when creating some of their works. What is the composer about other peoples talking about this fact?
- He is respected, with love referred to other peoples, to their musical culture.
- Saying goodbye to France, let's give The French people "the shepherd song". Executing it a cappella, i.e... (Without musical accompaniment.)

Canon "Shepherd Song"execution.

Refrain "Path-Roads". On the screen train.

IV Stop: Vienna is the capital of Austria.

On the screen: "Vienna is welcomed by the capital of Austria." Images of Austria map, vein panorama. An image of a couple dancing on the ball.

Residents of the Austrian capital Vienna have always differed with love for music. This city in the XVIII-XIX centuries was even called the musical capital of the world. In one different time, the famous composers lived and worked: V. Mozart, L. Beethoven, F. Schubert, I. Strauss.
The wintis loved folk songs and dances. Of the 200 thousand residents of the city of 60 thousand - a quarter of the total population! - Every evening spent time in the dance halls.

On the screen, the portrait of I. Strauss (1825-1899)

Austrian composer I. Strauss glorified Waltz. No one of the composers before him, nor after him managed to create such bright dance music. Contemporaries called I. Strauss "King Waltz." He traveled with his waltz many countries. Four times was in Russia. His arrivals in Russia were welcomed by all - and those who recognized only serious music, and entertainment music lovers. Strauss composed more than 460 waltz, poles and other dance plasters. We listen to one of his famous works. It is called "Hunting".

On the screen, the image of the ancient hunt (with a hunting horn).

- Determine the genre of this work, the mood that this music carries. Try to hear the pictorial in this music.

"Hunting" - listening.

- Music was a song, dance or marching? (Dance)
- How did the music sound? (Cheerful, ignorant, mischievous, playfully, rapidly, cheerful, bright, sparkling.)
- What elements of musical speech used a composer? (Fast paced, major swallow, music sounded abruptly.)
- What picture can be represented? Tip: The work is called "Hunting". (Riders will jump, shots are heard, a hunting horn is heard.)
- Music sounded performed by one musician, ensemble or whole orchestra? (The symphony orchestra performed this work.)
- On the days of the holidays in Austria, you will not find a single city, not a single village, where the Orchestra would not play on the central square, or even several orchestras that arrange fun comments. Musicians forget about rest. Imagine yourself as musicians and fulfill the dance "Cheerful Orchestra".

Dance "Cheerful Orchestra" - execution.

- We again sit down on the train.

Refrain "Path-Roads". On the screen - the train.

V Stop: Bucharest is the capital of Romania.

On the screen: "You are welcomed by the capital of Romania - Bucharest. Images of the map of Romania, panorama of the city, the Children's Eurovision Contest - 2006.

In December 2006, the Eurovision Song Contest was held in Bucharest in Bucharest - 2006. Tolmachev's sisters Nastya and Masha from the city of Kursk took the first place on this competition. The Delegation of the 4th grade of the school number 8 of Novocheboksarsk also sends its representative to this contest. Trapzinov Katya will perform the song "Forest Deer" for us.

"Forest deer" - execution.

- We are returning to their homeland - to Russia.

Refrain "Path-Roads". On the screen - the train.

VI Stop:Moscow is the capital of our Motherland.

On the screen: « Moscow is welcomed by Moscow - the capital of our Motherland. " Images of the map of the European part of Russia, Panorama of Moscow.


- So, we returned home to Russia. Music accompanied us on journey to some European countries. Let's call them a choir (Teacher shows these countries marked with flags on the map): Estonia, Belarus, France, Austria, Romania, Russia. We fulfilled and listened to the music of the peoples of these countries. Music is also a language in which people express their feelings and thoughts. Does the musical language need translated? (No. Musical language, unlike the language of spoken, is clear to all other peoples without translation.)

- Let's finish the lesson of the song about the friendship of the peoples of all countries.

V. Savelyev, "Big Horovod" - execution.
The teacher thanks students for work.
On the screen: "Before the emergency!"

Music lesson development for grade 3

"Music Journey"

music Teacher GBOU SOSH No. 123 Vyborg District St. Petersburg.

Type of lesson: Lesson-game (using multimedia technologies)


1) Include students in the active process of knowledge of music through the lesson-game

2) reveal the level of musical knowledge.


  1. Develop the resourcefulness and activity of children
  2. Increase musical literacy
  3. Encounter children to creativity
  4. Call an emotional response in children

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, synthesizer, DVD player, disks with musical works.

During the classes:

Teacher: Dear guys! Today we go to a music journey on the magic train.

Sounds "backway song" Glinka M.I.

Uch: What kind of work sounded now? Who wrote it? (Slide number 1)

(Teacher for children who were correctly answering the question, presents small toy notes)

On the screen slide with the "musical" card, which shows the stations "Zagoknok", "Notketino", "Performing", "Composer", "Listeners".

Teacher: Under the "backway song" we approach the Zagokkno station.

(Slide number 2)

  1. Triangular board, 2) Piano with the accordion became friends

And there are three hairs on it. And forever united.

Hair - thin, and you guess the name

3) the tool is for a long time

Decorated the cathedral.

Decorates and plays

The entire orchestra replaces. (organ)

Teacher: Rearrange the syllables or letters in places so that you can read the names of musical instruments.

Bayan, Tuben, Guitar, Violin, Clarinet, Xylophone, Litavra, Horn, Harp

Sounds "The Song of the Bremen Musicians"

Teacher: We approach the song "Notcino"

Teacher: The following task is very cheerful. You have a leaf and color pencils on your tables. Come up and draw a rebus with any of the notes. (children draw and respond)

Slide number 4.

Find all the notes and musical words in these verses

Monkey walked home, but so

From the branch of the tube on the branch. Barsukova Share ...

He saw the badger chrome that he fell in the trunk,

Frown neighbor. Bore from pain.

"Eh!" - I decided then the badger, for a long time, and tears Lil,

Peresil's cowardice, poor, from powerlessness

I can't forget about the bitter and five minutes

In vain taught me? What is his last name.

Spreading a big mattress, but on happiness here, under the sticky,

I sat down on the shore of Double Bas. I ran a violin bulldog.

Long he sat, buzzed, he said that there is no

He tired all terribly. Causes better than duet.

Even the gray brown but Bayan said that the trio

I could not suffer. It also looks beautiful.

And the poor raccoon "no and no! - Clawlinet, -

It has already begun by IKOT. Best of all the quartet sounds. "

Well, and the room mole and since then there are aware of

Could not understand what salt whose important is the role in the quartet,

Where the dieza and where the BIMOL is. Even with beds tomatoes,

For whom and what even repa and the beans

The boring double bass came to begging,

Here is the tenth hour! Cum spore and play.

Song sounds "Blue car"

Teacher: So, we are approaching the station "Executive".

Let's remember and sing the song "Road of Good" words Entin Muses. Minikova

Children perform a song

Teacher: Tell me, in this song under the expression "Road of Good" What do we understand? (children answer)

Slide number 5.

I solve crossword


3. A group of artists constituting a single artistic team. (ensemble)

5. Musical ensemble from three artist musicians, vocalists or instrumentalists. (trio)

6. Big team of instrumental musicians. (orchestra)

9. Head of learning and execution of an ensemble (orchestral, choral, opera, etc.) of music. (conductor)

10. Musical team of two people. (duet)


1. Music profession associated with singing. (vocalist)

2. Musician, performer for piano. (pianist)

4. Musician, performer on the accordion. (accordionist)

7. The sole fulfillment of the musical work on the scene. (soloist)

8. A musical ensemble consisting of a large number of singers. (choir)

  • Words sometimes need music, but music does not need anything. (E. Grieg)
  • Past in the present is my task. (M. P. Mussorgsky)
  • When they say about music that she looks like something, it is not scary. But if the music does not look like anything, it's a bad thing here! (N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov)
  • "I would wish with all my soul, whatever my music is spread to increase the number of people who are loving it, who are in her subeaux and consolation" (P. I. Tchaikovsky)
  • "Melody - Music Soul" (P. I. Tchaikovsky)
  • Creates the music of the people, and we, artists, only we arrange it. (M. I. Glinka)

Teacher: So, we are approaching the station "Listeners". You are waiting for a difficult task. You have to remember and call the works and authors of the music that you will hear at this station.

1) "Morning" from Suite "Per Gunt" E.Griega

2) "Doll disease" from the "Children's album" P.I. Tchaikovsky

3) the main melody from Symphony No. 2 ("Bogatyr") A.P. Borodin

4) "Dawn on the Moscow River" from the Opera Khovanshchina M.P. Mussorgsky

5) "Midnight" from the ballet "Cinderella" S.S. Prokofiev

6) the theme of petition from the symphony fairy tale "Peter and Wolf" S.S. Prokofiev

7) Overture to the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila M.I. Glinka

Teacher: Our journey ended. Who reached the final station and scored more "notch", that today is the best musical traveler. Well done boys!

The teacher encourages children with estimates.

From the class go under the song "Fear together".

"Music journey. Music different countries

Methodical development of a concert event for students of grades 5-7

1. Italy. About italian songs (talk students 6 and 7 classes )

Italy has repeatedly called a country of high culture and art. After all, Italy is the birthplace of people who made a huge contribution to the world development of painting, music, theater, architecture. But now we will talk about music and the Italian songs.

Many consider Italy by the cradle of musical art, because many musical industries received their development in Italy.

Italian songs are the most loved ones around the world, these are world hits of the most famous performers. The history of Italian music goes into the depths of the centuries, and it is precisely such a rich history of the development of musical art in Italy that can be called the reason for the current popularity of Italian pop.

And in general, how, joking, the Italians say very often: "If there is something that we can do well, then it is composed and sing songs." And this joke is quite truthful, because the Italians do not fall in spirit in any situations and always compose songs, expressing their aspirations and dreams, fun and sadness, all feelings and desires and chant the best thing in their lives. Studying songs, you can learn a lot about the culture of any country, the people and other things. People's songs of Italy were created by centuries. They express the entire culture of the people, and are associated with various events that occurred in many corners of Italy.

Italy has a very big heritage And they all differ depending on the area in which they originated. Historians engaged in the study of folk songs of Italy, managed to systematize thousands of old directions of folk songs. They determined that one and the same melody can have different texts, or vice versa, the same text is applied to different melodies.

One of the most striking examples of the Italian song isneapolitan song . Neapolitan song is a pearl of Italian culture. It is called the second diamond largest, after the opera art of Italy. Around the world, a very large number of different perforists include elements from this pearl of the song lyrics in their repertoire. In addition, many performers take into their repertoire a few whole non-politinist songs. And this is an excellent solution, because neapolitan songs allow you to demonstrate all the beauty and power of the performer, at the same time these songs are pleasant to almost all listeners, thanks to their extraordinarily beautiful melodiousness.

Today we will listen to several Italian songs in Arrangement for Piano.

The Neapolitan Song "Return to Sorrento" was written in 1902 by the two Brothers Ernesto and Jambatist de Curtis, as one of the versions, at the request of the Mayor of Sorrento for the arrival of the Prime Minister of Italy.

E. Kurtis "Return to Sorrento" PerformedBobrova Yana. .

How beautiful is far sea,

How she goes, sparkling,

Heart of Naja and caress,

Like your blue.

Hear in the groves of oranges

Sounds of nightingian trills?

All in the colors of well

The earth flourished around.

Chorus: But you go, dear,

Dahl calls you a different ...

Really forever i.

Lost you, my friend?

Do not leave me!

I beg you!

Return to Sorrento,

My love!

3. Mexico.

"Kukaracha" - Comic folk song in Spanish in the genre of Corrido. He became popular during the Mexican revolution of the beginning of the 20th century, as the "cockroaches" called government troops. However, there are references to the song related to 1883 and even 1818.

One of the versions of the song in Russian (Irina Bogushevskaya):

We bought a dacha in the summer of a suitcase.

And I got into addition passage of the cockroach.

Only we put the record and turn the bag

In yellow leather shoes on the record, he jumps.

"I'm Kukaracha, I'm Kukaracha," hits the cockroach.

"I'm Kukaracha, I'm Kukaracha" - the cockroach American.

Mexican People's Song "Kukaracha" It sounds performedSokova Andrey.

4. United Kingdom.

Music to the films about Harry Potter wrote a famous and successful American composer John Williams in the film industry. The very first of this series film "Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone" went on screens in 2001.

J. Williams Music from the movie "Harry Potter" playing Veronica Razin .

5. USA.

More musical fragment from another famous filmaging"Dusk". It is noteworthy that two songs composed and played Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen). In addition, in one of the scenes of the film Pattinson performs behind the pianoBella's lullaby . And we will listen to the lullaby Belle performedKati Ryazantseva.

6. France.

Jan Tiersen - French and conductor. Plays on various tools. Among them, violin, piano, accordion, acoustic and electric guitar, etc.Ameli. » executive Davydova Vika.

Yet Soundtracks.

E. Morrisonsoundtrack for the film "Good, bad, evil" - Hanenkov Vlad

E. Morrison soundtrack for the film"1900th" ("Mozart Reincarnation" - Irina Salimgareeva.

7. Russia

O. Petrova, A. Petrov Waltz from the pedestrian "Petersburg Secrets" it sounds performedDeev Lera. .

In completionour concertit will sound music P. I. Tchaikovsky.

"Seasons" December "Sky" performedSnezhana Pisulshchuk.