A holiday dedicated to Chukovsky for younger students. Theatrical performance based on Chukovsky's fairy tale "Fly - Tsokotukha" for children of the senior preparatory group of the preschool educational institution

A holiday dedicated to Chukovsky for younger students.  Theatrical performance based on Chukovsky's fairy tale
A holiday dedicated to Chukovsky for younger students. Theatrical performance based on Chukovsky's fairy tale "Fly - Tsokotukha" for children of the senior preparatory group of the preschool educational institution

Scenario of an instructive play for older preschool children with the participation of adults
(based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit")

Target: To educate preschoolers on the rules of safe behavior on the roads.


1. Strengthen the knowledge of children about the rules of the road.

2. To develop observation, quickness, reaction of movements.

3. Arouse interest in children and kindness to each other.

Preliminary work:

1. Excursions with children on the streets of the village to the roadway

2. Conversations, observations, practical exercises at transport sites on the d / s section and in the hall,

3. Reading works on the prevention of DDTT

4. Participation in regional, municipal, garden competitions for the prevention of DDTT, watching cartoons, presentations, videos about DD rules.

Musical accompaniment: tape recorder, piano.

The course of entertainment

The narrator Good doctor Aibolit, he sits under a tree.

Come to him for treatment, both the cow and the she-wolf,

And a bug, and a worm, and a bear!

Everyone will heal, the good doctor Aibolit will heal!

(Aibolit enters, humming a tune, sits down, starts flipping through the encyclopedia)

The narrator And Lisa came to Aibolit.

(Fox enters, paw at the ready, rollers on the shoulder, a bump on the forehead)

Fox: Oh, my body hurts,

Aibolit: What happened? And what hurts?

Aibolit will help you now

(examines Lisa, she sings to the tune of the song "We rode on a boat", folk music, lyrics by the author)

Fox I was rollerblading on a wide highway

For some reason I ended up in the oncoming lane.

In the forest, they say, in the forest, they say

They say a pine tree grew

But this tree was knocked down on roller skates by a girl!

Mom scolds me, my father does not give will,

I come home from a ride, at the gate he is waiting for me

And I, he says, says, I won't leave it to you,

I'll make you teach the traffic rules!

(crying, shaking his paw and holding his forehead)

Aibolit: Well, Lisa, I'll prescribe you

Lotions on the paw, lotions on the forehead,

I will also write you the direction (writes)

For this you will go to school, dear friend,

We have a school of traffic light sciences.

The director there is Lev, he is very strict,

I hope you teach every lesson.

And soon you will recognize all the road signs.

And you will, of course, be more careful!

The narrator And then the Monkey came running,

(A monkey runs in, shivers.)

Monkey: Oh, the Bear scared me yesterday,

And now I'm shivering

Aibolit: Don't shiver! Better tell everything in order.

Monkey (frightenedly sings to the tune of the song "Conversation with happiness"

from the movie "Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession", muses. A. Zatsepin, words of the author)

1 someone suddenly knocked on the door in silence

Are you sleeping or not, we want to check

Friends invited me to play the ball.

On the road we played football yesterday.

Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door slammed,

A beast jumped out of the car.

I didn't recognize him right away, because it was dark.

He grabbed our pink ball, he started galloping on it,

It turned out to be a Bear, began to growl and roar at us!

2. He growled and shouted that we were on the road

They will crush everyone's tails, paws, ears, legs,

After all, there are playgrounds for this.

You need to play there - everything will be all right.

We want to know all the rules - where are we, the animals to play,

On the road, we feel good, the ball rolled quickly, easily,

But cars here and there,

And they honk and do not let us, they do not let us play.

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN ??? (shivers)

Aiboli t: Let your friends know: you can't play on the highway!

Do not run out into the roadway,

On the road, NEVER! Don't play the ball!

I'll prescribe you valerian with tea,

you won't tremble anymore, Monkey!

(gives a bottle of valerian. Sits down, writes direction)

Aibolit: I will write a referral for you to school,

So that you know all the traffic rules!

Director there Lev (shows in the photo),) he is very strict,

You will have to learn every lesson so that your parents are calm.

And the drivers did not scold you on the track! (The monkey leaves)

The narrator: and then the Gray Wolf came running, he was trembling a little too

(The trembling Wolf enters.)

Wolf: I completely stopped distinguishing traffic light colored lights,

Help, Aibolit, help ! (sings to the tune of the song "Bouquet", music by A. Barykin, lyrics by the author)

1.I drove my bike for a long time, I didn’t slow down at a traffic light,

Suddenly, on the left, he beeped loudly to me

An immense, immense blue Zil.

2.The driver grabbed me by the collar, sullenly pointed to the traffic light

If the red light is on, he said

So it is necessary for you to stand then!

The narrator: And said Aibolit

Aiboli t: It doesn't matter,

Come here again tomorrow.

We will study colors together, I will help you distinguish them!

(sits down, writes)

Aibolit: Here's another direction for you,

You will go to school tomorrow at dawn

School has traffic light sciences,

You will study there, my friend,

You will know the color of the traffic light and always drive according to the rules!

(The wolf leaves)

The narrator: Here and again a new beast knocked on this door

(cat enters, limps)

Cat: Oh, I'm a cat, oh, I'm a Cat, help me a little!

The car door was closing, my foot hit the door,

My heel hurts, help me, Aibolit!

Cat ( sings to the tune of the song "Go away, close the door", the words of the author):

There were nights, there were days, they were boring,

Until I took out a loan, I bought a Mercedes,

She just didn’t know the rules and ruled as she got,

on the bridge, oh my god, the guard shouted to me:

Come out, close the door, you are not friends with your head,

If you don't know the rules, you can become a wounded person.

Well you exceeded the rights and overtook two,

This is a double overtaking, it is prohibited on the bridge!

Aibolit: I will prescribe physiotherapy for you,

And I will put a plaster cast on the left heel, (applies a plaster cast, writes out a direction)

And I will also give you directions to school so that you learn the rules of the movement.

At school, you learn better, and then get behind the wheel! (The cat leaves.)

The narrator: And such rubbish all day!

Now a deer will come running, then a seal,

and this morning the hedgehog came running, saw the doctor and started gurgling!

(hedgehog enters with a stick, limps)

Hedgehog: I got under the hooves, I lay on the road,

My leg hurts, help me, Aibolit!

Aibolit: What happened to you? Tell me, my brother!

Hedgehog:(sings to the tune "Gypsy rode on horseback ..", folk music, words of the author)

1 a hare rode on horseback, and I met him on foot

I glanced at the tudy-syudy,

Now trouble is inevitable.

2 I limp, I can't run

How to save yourself from trouble?

I can't understand how knocked down I was

Why didn't he let me in?

Aibolit: In order not to be wounded, do not walk on the road!

Walking sidewalk is needed by a pedestrian,

and you will only cross the road by crossing!

Listen to my words - there will be a whole head!

I’ll cure your leg, I’m telling you for sure!

(bandages, writes out directions)

To find out the rules - where to walk, when to stand,

You go to school and teach those rules!

The director is a lion, he is very strict,

You will have to go to every lesson!

(the hedgehog leaves, Aibolit sits down at the table, checks the medications ...)

The music "Visiting the Fairy Tale" is playing)

The narrator: Our Aibolit helped everyone, told where, what hurts

And he prescribed the treatment, he handed out the directions,

so that every animal in the forest can study at the school that

So that everyone knows the traffic rules, without exception!

The school year has passed and the forest people have come

Back to Aibolit's house, show your knowledge, tell the guys everything

(all animals enter)

Monkey: We now know perfectly well how to behave on the road,

we do not play on the roads in order to save ourselves from trouble!

Wolf: I know, there are three cherished lights at the traffic light-

If red is dangerous, then you can't move!

Yellow - he tells the driver to get ready and wait

And the green one says: the way is open for you now!

Cat And now we know for sure that you can't stand on the bridge,

If you are in the car now, then move, friends!

On the bridge, double overtaking is, of course, prohibited!

Hedgehog: If you are a pedestrian, look at the crossing

to cross the road - you need to find it!

(The music "Visiting a Fairy Tale" is played)

Aibolit: The tale is coming to an end, I'm looking at you now

And I want you guys to be always vigilant

So that trouble never catches up with you anywhere!

The narrator-there is the end of the fairy tale, and who listened - well done!

The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!

Title: Scenario of the play for senior and preparatory groups based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit"

Position: senior educator
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten of the village of Shunga"
Location: Shunga village, Kostroma district, Kostroma region, Russia

Material description: This material will be for teachers, organizers of children's leisure time, educators, teachers of additional education, deputy directors for educational work. Dramatization can be used at school-wide activities.
Target: Development of performing skills in children.
- Develop creativity;
- Expand the speech dictionary;
- Facilitate the assimilation of the material;
- Correct communication skills.
Equipment and materials: Costumes: Fly, Cockroach, Bug, Flea, Bee, Spider, Mosquito, Butterfly, Musician.
Props: samovar, table, tablecloth, cups, honey pot, bench, sword, rope, children's drum, accordion, boots.
Characters: Fly, Cockroach, Insect, Flea 1, Flea 2, Bee, Spider, Mosquito, Butterfly, Musician 1, Musician 2.
Staging progress: There is a table covered with a tablecloth on the stage, a samovar and cups on the table. The scene is framed under the house of Mukha-Tsokotukha.
A funny melody sounds. Fly comes out, looks in the mirror.

Fly (introducing himself) ... Fly, Fly-clatter,
Gilded Belly!
Somehow I was walking across the field
And there I found the money.
And I went to the market
I bought a samovar there.
Come cockroaches
I'll buy you some tea!

The Cockroach comes out.

Cockroach. Hello Fly, I'm running
I'll drink tea with you.

The cockroach sits down at the table. The fly pours tea for the Cockroach. Bug comes out, joins the Cockroach.

The bug. And me insect
Three cups each
With milk and pretzel.

Cockroach (To the bug) ... Nowadays a fluttering fly
Birthday girl!

Fleas come out with boots in their hands.

Flea 1. Hello!(Bow)
Fleas came to you,
The boots have been brought to the fly!

Flea 2. And the boots are not simple -
They have gold clasps.
They give Muha boots, sit down at the table. The fly pours tea for everyone.

A Bee comes out with a pot of honey.

Bee. Hello fly
Fly Tsokotukha!

Fly. Hello grandma bee!

Bee. I brought you honey.

The bee puts honey on the table. Everyone is happily rubbing their hands, all the attention is on the honey. At this time, the Spider comes out, grabs Fly and drags her.

Insect 1. Oh look, spider
Dragged our fly!

Insect 2. Wants to kill the poor
To ruin the tsokotukha!

Fly. Dear guests, help!
Slay the villainous spider!
And I fed you
And I gave you drink,
Don't leave me
In my last hour!

Cockroach (Scared) ... We will not defeat him
We'll run away in the corners, along the cracks.

Bee. We hide under the bed
We do not want to fight!
Everyone is hiding under the table and behind the bench

Spider. Ha ha ha!
No one will even budge!
Get lost, die birthday girl!
Begins to wrap the rope around Fly.

Fly. Oh, the villain is not joking,
He twists his arms and legs with ropes!

Butterfly comes out.

Butterfly. Oh! The fly screams,
Tears out!
And the villain is silent

The recording of the "flying mosquito" sounds

Butterfly. Look, it flies to us
Little mosquito
And it burns in his hand
Small flashlight.

Komar comes out with a flashlight and a sword.

Mosquito. Where is the killer? Where is the villain?
I'm not afraid of his claws!

The Mosquito saw the Spider heading towards him.

Bee. He flies to the spider!
Cut off his head!

The spider limps away, the Mosquito takes Fly by the hand. Leads to the center of the stage.

Cockroach. Look, he takes the hand
And it leads so beautifully.

Mosquito (Fly) ... I hacked the villain,
I set you free
And now, soul-maiden,
I want to marry you!

Fly. Hey, bugs and boogers!
Crawl out from under the bench!

Everyone gets up.

Everything. Glory, glory to the mosquito!
To the winner!

Butterfly (To flea beetles) ... Get your legs ready
Run along the path
Call the musicians
Let's dance!

Fleas are running away.

Bug (To Komaru) ... Our Fly-Tsokotukha!
Today is the birthday girl!

Bee. The musicians have come running!
The drums were pounding!

Musicians. Bom, bom, bom, bom!
Dance, fly, with a mosquito!

A funny melody sounds.
A fly with a mosquito join hands, jump in two circles. They turn to the audience, join hands, make a collar.
A cockroach passes through the gate
Cockroach. Tara-ra, tara-ra,
Let's dance and it's time for us!
Makes footfalls.

Fleas are dancing through the gate.

Flea 1. Have fun, people -
Flea 2. The fly is getting married!

Butterfly. For the dashing, daring,
Young Mosquito!

Mosquito (tapping) ... Boots creak
Fly (dancing) ... Heels are knocking!

A bee walks through the gate

Bee. Will be, will be the whole crowd
Have fun until the morning!

Everyone does a semicircle.

Everything. Today the fly-tsokotukha
Birthday girl!

Extracurricular activity for grades 1-3 on the works of Chukovsky. Scenario




Literary critic

Portrait of the writer

Chukovsky's talent is inexhaustible, intelligent, brilliant, cheerful, festive.

I. Andronikov

Introductory speech of the teacher:

The life path of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky - storyteller, critic, translator, founder of Soviet children's literature - is over. On April 1, if he were alive, he would have turned 118 years old. KI Chukovsky is not among us. But his books live and will live long. He dedicated his book "From Two to Five" to children. Children who will live in the 21st century will know about it. (The teacher reads the introduction to this book.)

“There was once a merry time: my dwelling stood by the very sea, and right there in front of the windows on the hot sand a myriad of little children swarmed under the supervision of grandmothers and nannies. The sandy strip, very long, about two kilometers, was completely dotted with Tanya, Natasha, Vovy, Igor. Wandering from morning to evening on this beach, I soon became close to all the children. We built impregnable fortresses on the sand, launched paper fleets.

Around me, without stopping for a moment, the sonorous speech of children was heard. Sweet childish speech! I will never tire of rejoicing at her!

When Lala was 2.5 years old, some stranger asked her:

Would you like to be my daughter?

She replied dignifiedly:

I’m my mother’s and no longer a nickname!

Once we walked with her along the seaside, and for the first time in her life she saw a steamer in the distance.

Mom, mom, the locomotive is swimming! she cried fervently.

It is pleasant to learn from the children that the bald man has a barefoot head, that there is a draft from the mint cakes in his mouth, that the husband of a dragonfly is a dragonfly.

And I was very amused by such children's sayings and exclamations:

Dad, watch your pants frown.

Our grandmother killed the geese in winter so that they would not catch a cold.

Georges cut the earthworm in half with a spatula.

Why did you do that?

The worm was bored. Now there are two of them. They became more cheerful.

Once upon a time there was a shepherd, his name was Makar. And he had a daughter, Macarona.

Well, Nyura, that's enough, don't cry!

Tall, long arms with large hands, large facial features, a big curious nose, a brush of a mustache, a naughty strand of hair hanging over his forehead, laughing light eyes and a surprisingly light gait. Such is the appearance of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

From an early age, his poems bring joy to everyone. Not only you, but also your parents, your grandfathers and grandmothers cannot imagine their childhood without "Aibolit", "Cockroach", "Fedorin grief", "Barmaley", "Mukhi-Tsokotukhi", "Telephone".

Chukovsky's poems sound great, develop our speech, enrich us with new words, form a sense of humor, make us stronger and smarter.

Children recite Chukovsky's poems "Tadpoles", "Sandwich", "Joy", "Piglet", others, then the teacher continues:

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky was distinguished by great diligence. “Always,” he wrote, “wherever I was: on the tram, in the line for bread, in the dentist's waiting room,“ so as not to waste time, I would compose riddles for children. It saved me from mental idleness. "

Wonderful house

There was a white house

Wonderful home

And something pounded in him.

And he crashed, and from there

A living miracle ran out -

So warm, so

Fluffy and golden.

(Egg and Chicken)

Wonderful cave

Red doors

White beasts

At the door.

Both meat and bread - all

My booty -

I'm gladly white

I give it to the animals!

(Mouth and teeth)

Wonderful horses

I have two horses

Two horses

They carry me on the water.

Like a stone!

(Skates and ice)


Ah, don't touch me:

I will burn it without fire!


Wonderful house

A locomotive without wheels!

That's a wonderful locomotive!

Has he lost his mind -

I went straight by the sea!


Toothy riddle

I do not wander through the woods,

And through the mustache, through the hair,

And my teeth are longer

Than wolves and bears.



The sage in him saw the sage,

A fool is a fool

A ram is a ram

A sheep saw a sheep in him,

And a monkey is a monkey.

But then they brought him to him

Fedya Baratova,

Fedya saw a shaggy slob.


The teacher continues:

Chukovsky became a children's poet and storyteller by accident. And it turned out like this. His little son fell ill. Korney Ivanovich drove him on the night train. The boy was capricious, moaning, crying. In order to somehow entertain him, his father began to tell him a fairy tale:

Once upon a time there was a crocodile

He walked the streets.

The boy suddenly became quiet and began to listen. The next morning, waking up, he asked his father to tell him the story of yesterday again. It turned out that he remembered it all, word for word.

And the second case. This is how Korney Ivanovich himself recalls this:

“One day, while working in my office, I heard a loud cry. It was my youngest daughter who was crying. She roared in three streams, violently expressing her unwillingness to wash. I left the office, took the girl in my arms and, quite unexpectedly for myself, quietly said to her:

It is necessary, it is necessary to wash in the morning and evening.

And to the unclean chimney sweeps

Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!

Chukovsky's poems are very musical. Now we will listen to the opera "Moidodyr" by composer Y. Levitan. Opera is a piece of music in which everyone sings accompanied by an orchestra.

At the beginning is the "Overture" - an introduction to the opera. Fanfare is played, attracting the attention of the audience. Further, a radiant solar march sounds:

"Early in the morning, at dawn, the mice wash." A sloppy boy enters. The music changes, it becomes disturbing. Then the aria of "The Washbasin" sounds. He screams angrily at the filthy. A crocodile appears. He is dissatisfied with the muddy and thunderous bass shouting: "Go away, you go home ..." All his things run away from the boy.

The boy's washing scene is lively, fast. The music is lighter. The boy is full of joy: all things return to him.

The finale of the opera is joyful. A hymn to water sounds: "Long live fragrant soap ..."

Children listen to the opera.

The hero of many tales of K. I. Chukovsky is Crocodile, - says the teacher. - Remember what fairy tales they are? (Children name a fairy tale and recite an excerpt from it.)

Long, long crocodile

The blue sea was extinguished

Pies and pancakes

And dried mushrooms.


Poor crocodile

He swallowed the toad.


Suddenly, my good one meets

My beloved Crocodile.

He's with Totosha and Kokosha

I walked along the alley ...


And with tears he asked:

My dear, good

Send me galoshes

And me, and my wife, and Totoshe.


Turned around, smiled

Crocodile laughed

And the villain Barmaley,

Swallowed like a fly.


And in the Big River

The crocodile lies

And in his teeth

No fire burns -

The sun is red ...

("Stolen Sun")

Once upon a time


He walked the streets ...

And behind him is the people

And sings and yells:

“What a freak so freak!

What a nose, what a mouth!

And where does such a monster come from? "


The teacher informs the children about the idea of ​​creating "Mukhi-Tsokotukhi" by the writer:

K.I. Chukovsky says:

“I often had surges of joy and gaiety. You walk down the street and senselessly rejoice at everything that you see: trams, sparrows. I'm ready to kiss everyone I meet.

Feeling like a man who can work miracles, I did not run up, but flew, as if on wings, to our apartment, and, grabbing some dusty scrap of paper, barely finding a pencil, began to write a funny song about a fly wedding, and I felt like at this wedding by the groom.

There are two holidays in this tale: name day and wedding. I celebrated both with all my heart. "

The teacher continues to acquaint children with the memories of K.I. Chukovsky:

“And once inspiration came to me in the Caucasus, while swimming in the sea.

I swam quite far away, and suddenly, under the influence of the sun, wind and the Black Sea waves, poems formed by themselves:

Oh if I drown

If I go to the bottom

I ran naked along the rocky shore and, hiding behind a nearby rock, "began writing poetry with wet hands on a wet cigarette box lying right there, right next to the wave. I immediately wrote twenty lines. The tale had no beginning or end."

Children read the tale "Aibolit" by roles (an excerpt from "Sparkle").

Now let's play, - asks the teacher. - Guess from which fairy tales the heroes came to us. (Children come out in costumes of the Bear, Aibolit, Barmaley, Fedora, etc.)

After that, the teacher tells how K.I. Chukovsky created the fairy tale "Fedorin's grief":

Once Korney Ivanovich sculpted different figures from clay with children for three hours. The children wiped their hands on his trousers. It was a long way home to go. The clay trousers were heavy and had to be held back. Passers-by looked at him in surprise. But Korney Ivanovich was cheerful, he had inspiration, poetry was composed freely. It was "Fedorin's grief."

Children read by roles a fairy tale from the book "Native Word".

Carrying out the game.

I have different things in my bag, - says the teacher. - Someone lost them. How many of you guys can help find their owners? But you should not only name who this thing belongs to, but also read an excerpt from the work, which says about it:

a) phone - My phone rang ... ("Phone");

b) a balloon - the bears rode on a bicycle ... ("Cockroach");

c) soap - So the soap jumped up ... ("Moidodyr");

d) saucer - And behind them saucers ... ("Fedorin's grief");

e) galoshes - Send me a dozen new galoshes ... ("Phone");

f) thermometer - And puts them thermometers ... ("Aybolit"),

And in what fairy tale is the sparrow glorified? - the teacher asks and reads poetry:

They glorify, congratulate the daring sparrow! ("Cockroach")

And the mosquito?

Glory, glory to Komaru -

To the winner! ("Fly Tsokotukha")

And Aibolit?

Glory, glory to Aibolit!

Glory to the good doctors! ("Aybolit")

And the Crocodile?

Glad, glad, glad, glad kids,

Danced, played by the fire:

Saved from death

You set us free.

Good hour you

Saw us

Crocodile!" ("Barmaley")

And the bear?

Happy bunnies and squirrels

Happy boys and girls

They hug and kiss the clubfoot:

"Well, thank you, grandfather, for the sun." (Stolen sun ")

What was the name of the boy who was scared by the Crocodile?

Vanya Vasilchikov. ("Crocodile")

And who walked with the peacock's tail?

Bear ("Toptygin").

Children who have shown excellent knowledge of the works of K.I. Chukovsky are awarded with toys.

The teacher continues his story:

KI Chukovsky's fairy tales help all children to orient themselves in the world around them, make them feel like a fearless participant in imaginary battles for justice, for goodness and freedom. Each line of Korney Ivanovich's poems shines with laughter, a smile. Among all his characters, we feel the presence of the author himself: “My phone rang ...” or “... I live in Peredelkino. It's not far from Moscow. Together with me lives a tiny midget, a boy-with-finger, whose name is Bibigon. Where he came from, I do not know. He says he fell off the moon. And I, and my children, and grandchildren - we all love him very much. " (Children watch filmstrips "The Adventures of Bibigon.") Chukovsky's poems bring up the precious ability to empathize, compassion. Without this ability, a person is not a person.

Many times we will meet with the works of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. We will get acquainted with his memories of the writer B. Zhitkov, with whom he studied in the same class, we will get acquainted with Chukovsky as a translator. He translated from English "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen", "The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe", "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", "The Adventures of a Little Ragged Boy", "The Prince and the Pauper", "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" and others ( the teacher shows these books).

In high school you will read the story of K. I. Chukovsky "The Silver Emblem" and the book about the Russian language "Alive as life."

Irakli Andronikov wrote that “Chukovsky's talent is inexhaustible, intelligent, brilliant. Do not part with such a writer all your life. "

At the end of the holiday, children are awarded with books and postcards.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school number 11"

Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Literary Festival for Primary School Students

"A journey through the tales of Korney Chukovsky"

prepared by the head of the library

Valentina Fyodorovna Serdobintseva

G. Novy Urengoy



“In my opinion, the goal of storytellers is

to educate at whatever cost

humanity in a child - this wondrous

a person's ability to worry about strangers

misfortunes, rejoice in the joys of another,

to experience someone else's fate as your own "

K.I. Chukovsky

Literary festival for elementary school students.


Leading, Tsokotukha Fly, Spider.


To expand the knowledge of children about the writer K.I. Chukovsky, to instill a love for his work. To teach to understand the entertaining plots of the writer's fairy tales, the peculiarity of his language. Using the works of Korney Chukovsky to show that good triumphs over evil, to bring up in children a feeling of compassion for the weak and defenseless. Build a strong interest in reading.

Decoration and equipment:

A portrait of the writer, a book exhibition, a stand with a model of a tree and drawings of children, a basket with things from the writer's works, a samovar and cups and saucers, a table with treats for tea, a recording of poems and songs.

Event progress:

(The melodies of children's songs are playing)

Lead 1:

Hello dear guys! We are glad to see you again in our library. Today we will take a short trip. And where - look around and guess for yourself ... Some strange tree has grown in our library, just a "Miracle - a tree." And the leaves on it are very interesting. Do you recognize the guys? (Answers of children). Yes, these are your drawings with the heroes of Korney Chukovsky's fairy tales. Who doesn't know his tales? Even adults, now fathers and mothers themselves, grandmothers and grandfathers remember his funny poems and fairy tales from childhood. And today we will go on a journey through the tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Lead 2:

But this is his literary pseudonym. And who will be able to tell the real surname, name and patronymic of Chukovsky? Nikolai Vasilievich Korneichukov. Korney Ivanovich had a long and interesting life. Was born in 1882 in St. Petersburg. He started working as a painter early, but at the same time he was engaged in self-education: he studied English, read a lot. And then he passed the exam for the gymnasium course and began working for a newspaper. His talent is very multifaceted: literary critic, translator, storyteller. Chukovsky wrote his books at a dacha near Moscow, in the village of Peredelkino. The children of the village and the whole country called him by the affectionate name "Chukosha". He had a large and friendly family: four children, five grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Lead 1:

Korney Ivanovich, by his own admission, wrote his first fairy tale for children by accident. It was a fairy tale "Crocodile". He composed it on the road, on the train, calming his sick son. Remember this tale?

Once upon a time


He walked the streets

Smoked cigarettes,

He spoke Turkish, -

Crocodile, Crocodile Crocodilovich!

And behind him is the people

And sings and yells:

What a freak so freak!

What a nose, what a mouth!

And where does such a monster come from?

High school students follow him,

The chimney sweeps are behind him,

And they push him

Offend him;

And some kid

Showed him a shish

And some watchdog

Bit him in the nose, -

Bad watchdog, ill-mannered.

Guys, who remembers how the story about Crocodile ended?

(The crocodile flew to Africa, came to visit the writer and drank tea with him)

And what interesting events took place in this tale, you will remember when you reread it. Guys, tell me, please, in what poems and tales of Chukovsky did you meet the Crocodile? Children's answers. ("Confusion", "Cockroach", "Moidodyr", "Telephone", "Barmaley", "Stolen Sun", "Crocodile"). Korney Ivanovich wrote many wonderful poems and fairy tales. In our library, some of them are presented at the exhibition. Today, we will meet with the heroes of these books. (The phone rings.)

Lead 2:

My phone rang. Who is speaking?

Children: Elephant.

Lead 2: Where?

Children: From a camel.

Lead 2: What do you need?

Children: Chocolate.

Lead 2: Guys! How do you know all this?

Children: From Chukovsky's book "Telephone".

Lead 2: That's right guys! Well done!

Do you recognize these heroes from the tale of Korney Ivanovich? (Fly-Tsokotukha runs out).

Fly Tsokotukha:

I am Fly-Tsokotukha, gilded belly!

I'm expecting guests today, I'm a birthday girl today!

I went to the market and bought a samovar.

I'll treat my friends to tea, let them come in the evening.

I have a lot of delicious sweets for all the guests!

Ah, I forgot, I forgot who I invited.

Guys, help.

Tell me all the guests!

Children: Bugs, fleas, cockroaches, grandma bee, grasshopper, moths ...

Fly Tsokotukha:

Thanks guys! I have many guests.

I will set the table and welcome all the guests!

(Fly-Tsokotukha circles around the table with a samovar. Suddenly a Spider appears and grabs Mukhu-Tsokotukha).

Fly Tsokotukha:

Dear guests, help!

Hack the villain spider.

Lead 1:

What happened? Whom do they offend at our holiday?


I am an evil Pauchische, long legs and arms!

Dragged your Fly to a corner

I want to kill the poor, to destroy Tsokotukha!

Lead 1:

Let her go. Why are you so mad?


Lead 1:

All clear. Guys, will you help save Mukhu-Tsokotukha? (Answers of children).

Make riddles of the spider to us. And the guys and I will guess them.


I have two horses, two horses,

They carry me on the water.

And the water is as hard as stone!


Ah, don't touch me

I will burn it without fire!


It grows upside down

It does not grow in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake her

She will cry and die.


I do not wander through the woods,

And through the mustache, through the hair,

And my teeth are longer

Than wolves and bears.


Little houses run down the street

Boys and girls are being transported to the houses.


Here are the needles and pins

Creep out from under the bench

They look at me

They want milk.



Thank you guys! Now I will know the answers. Now help me remember the names of the fairy tales. I will start a line, and you will continue the phrase and name the fairy tale.

Cockroaches came running

(All the glasses were drinking)

"Fly Tsokotukha"

The bears rode

(By bike)

And behind them a cat




Ran away

The sheet flew away

And a pillow

(Like a frog,

Galloped away from me)


Not leaves on it

Not flowers on it

And stockings and shoes,

(Like apples)

"Miracle tree"

Suddenly from somewhere a jackal

I rode on a mare:

“Here is a telegram for you

(From Hippopotamus)


Small children!

No way

Don't go to Africa

(Walk to Africa!)


Hey you silly plates

What do you ride like

(squirrels) "Fedorino grief"

But the shameless laughs

So that the tree is shaking:

“If only I want,

(And I'll swallow the moon! ")

"Stolen Sun"


Thanks guys! Well done! How much have you read. What funny tales Chukovsky has. And I started having fun with you. Now I'm kind. Can I have fun with you at the holiday?

Fly Tsokotukha:

Excuse him guys? (Answers of children). I liked so much how you saved me and answered Spider's questions in unison. Can you answer my questions too? If you don’t know the answer, the kind Spider will help you. In the basket under the Miracle Tree, we have collected various things from the works of Chukovsky. You need to help us find the owners. Name who owned the thing, and read the line from the work, which says about it:

(Takes things out of the basket and shows them to the children).


(And behind him are mosquitoes on a balloon)

Mosquitoes. "Cockroach"


(And behind them saucers-

Tink-la-la! Tink-la-la!)

Fedora. "Fedorino grief"


(Then the soap jumped

And grabbed the hair)

Moidodyr. "Moidodyr"


(And he puts, and puts them thermometers!)

Aibolit. "Aybolit"


(Mint gingerbread,


Surprisingly enjoyable.)

Barmaley. "Barmaley"

So our basket is empty. But I have some more interesting quiz questions in store for you. Let's remember together the funny poems of Korney Ivanovich:

    What has grown on the trees in the poem "Joy"?

    • On a birch; (Roses)

      On the aspen. (Oranges)

    What did the tadpoles ask their toad grandmother in the poem "Tadpoles"?

(Play it)

    Whom was Murochka afraid of in the poem "Zakalyaka"?

(His drawing "Byaki-Zakalyaki Bites")

    What did Bibigon sail on in the fairy tale "The Adventures of Bibigon"?

(On the calosh)

    Who saved Bibigon on his adventures?

(Pig, toad, Fedosya, granddaughters)

    What fell on the elephant in the tale "Cockroach"?


    How did the good doctor Aibolit treat sick animals in Africa?


    Why did the pig from the poem "Telephone" ask to send a nightingale to her?

(To sing with him)

Fly Tsokotukha:

Well done boys! And you answered my questions in unison. I know that many of you remember by heart the poems of Korney Chukovsky. And now we will be happy to listen to the poems that second grade students have prepared for you. (Children read poems)

Lead 1:

Today we remembered many heroes of the fairy tales and poems of K.I. Chukovsky: Mukhu-Tsokotukhu, Moidodyr, Aibolit and even the evil Barmaley, who became kind. Without these wonderful fairy-tale heroes, we would be sad to live. Many times we will meet with the works of Korney Ivanovich. When you get older, you will get acquainted with the translations of Chukovsky's works of foreign writers and get to know new heroes: Robinson Crusoe, Tom Sawyer, Baron Munchausen and others. Chukovsky's talent is inexhaustible, smart, funny. In all his books, good always triumphs over evil. Chukovsky's fairy tales and poems are very musical. Almost all of them are composed of musical operas and songs. Let's listen to a small excerpt from Chukovsky's musical tale "Telephone". (A recording of a fairy tale sounds).

Lead 2:

So our journey through the works of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky has come to an end. A wonderful and cheerful storyteller and poet. You have new meetings with the heroes of his books ahead. And our heroes Fly-Tsokotukha and Spider say goodbye to you. Until next time! We are waiting for you in the library!

Fly-Tsokotukha and Spider treat children with sweets. The melodies of children's songs sound.

List of used literature

    Petrovsky, M. Kornei Chukovsky. - M .: Det. lit, 1989.-125s.

    Russian writers. XX century. Biographical Dictionary: In 2 hours, Part 2.M-Ya / Editorial board: N.A. Groznov and others; Ed. N.N. Skatova .- M .: Education, 1998 .- 656 p .: ill.

    Tubelskaya, G.N. Children's writers of Russia. One hundred names: Bio-bibliographic reference. Part 2. M-Ya. - M .: School library, 2002.- 224s.

    Chukovsky, K.I. Collected works in 2 volumes / Korney Chukovsky. - M .: Pravda, 1990.

Vol.1: Fairy tales; Two to five; Alive as life. - 653s.

Vol.2: Critical stories. - 620s.

5. Chukovsky, K.I. Favorite poems.- M .: AST-PRESS, 1997.- 256 p .: ill.

6. Chukovsky, K. Poems and Tales. From two to five / Preface V. Smirnova;

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky's kind fairy tales are perfect for performances and theatricalizations, organizing various game contests and quizzes, entertainment and physical education. A wide range of positive ideas for holding such events are collected on the pages of this thematic section. There are many options for revealing to children the amazing world of Chukovsky's fairy tales. Use ready-made scenarios of colorful performances, quizzes and entertainment based on the good fairy tales of "grandfather Korney."

We will give the children the joy of meeting Chukovsky's fairy tales

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 588.
All sections | Chukovsky. Scripts of performances, quizzes, entertainment based on the works of Chukovsky

Entertainment in the second junior group "On a visit to Moidodyr" Entertainment for children of the 2nd junior group "On a visit to Moidodyr". Target: instill initial personal hygiene skills. Tasks: teach children to use algorithms; foster a desire to be clean and tidy, to induce a desire to demonstrate a positive example; develop...

Chukovsky. Scenarios of performances, quizzes, entertainment based on the works of Chukovsky - Quiz based on the tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

Publication "Quiz based on the tales of Korney Ivanovich ..." Quiz plan: 1. Introductory remarks by the educator. 2. Round 1 - "Remember the fairy tale". 3. Round 2 - "Assemble the puzzle". 4.3 round. "Who is who". 5.4 round. "Confusion". 6th round. “Putting together a fairy tale” 7 6th round. Theatricalization of a fairy tale. Not far from Moscow, in the village of Peredelkino, in a small house ...

Library of images "MAAM-pictures"

"Fly Tsokotukha". Scenario of a musical mini-performance based on the tale of K. Chukovsky* * * The musical tale begins. Fanfare sounds (recording of the tape by A. I. Burenina "Celebrations and Holidays in Kindergarten." The presenter enters with an envelope in his hands. ..

Mini-quiz based on the tales of Chukovsky K. I Purpose: To help children remember the names and contents of K. Chukovsky's fairy tales. Introduce the fairy tale "Fedorin's grief". Ability to emotionally and actively perceive a fairy tale. Tasks: To consolidate knowledge about the literary work of K. Chukovsky, to form interest in the works of art ...

Entertainment game based on the tales of K. I. Chukovsky "Travel with Bibigon" in the preparatory group of a kindergarten Purpose: generalization of knowledge on the works of the children's writer KI Chukovsky Objectives: - to systematize knowledge about the literary work of KI Chukovsky; - exercise in expressive reading of poems; - develop creativity; - to activate the vocabulary of children ...

Chukovsky. Scenarios of performances, quizzes, entertainment based on the works of Chukovsky - Staging for the children's theater studio "Telephone" based on the poem by K. Chukovsky

Staging "TELEPHONE" by Afanasyeva Larisa Ivanovna based on the poem of K. Chukovsky. 2019 In total - 19 heroes - 1. Boy, 2. Elephant, 3. son - Elephant calf, 4. Crocodile, 5. Crocodile's wife, 6. Crocodile son Totosh, 7-8 -Two hares, 9-10- Two - monkeys, 11 . Brown bear, 12-13 - Two ...

Holiday script “K. Chukovsky "Fly-Tsokotukha in a New Way". Middle group Tasks: Program content: to revive in the memory of children the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky, to teach how to recognize a fairy tale from a short excerpt from it, to introduce children to the children's writer K. Chukovsky. Strengthen in children the ability to classify and generalize concepts: dishes, animals, clothes. Develop...