Presentation on the topic Svyatogor and Ilya Muromets. Epics Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor what is

Presentation on the topic Svyatogor and Ilya Muromets. Epics Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor what is
Presentation on the topic Svyatogor and Ilya Muromets. Epics Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor what is

What is the epics? The epic - Russian folk heroic song about heroes. (according to S.I. Yehgov) epics - Russian folk heroic song about heroes. (according to S.I.zhhegov) epic - the work of Russian folklore on the exploits of the heroes who lived in the distant past. The epic - the work of Russian folklore on the exploits of the heroes who lived in the distant past. The epic - heroic chants, telling about the great acts of extraordinary people. The epic - heroic chants, telling about the great acts of extraordinary people.

The flourishing of epics falls on the XI-XII centuries. The epic retains real events, names, details. There were one person in the old man in the old man - the narrator, accompanying the story of the game on a musical instrument - hurs. The epics were performed by a recitative, the course of the melody is calm, without any effects.

HIS HISTORY Over the centuries, the symbol of the musical culture of Russia was "Gusli Call" - the oldest musical instrument of Russians. The millennium of the history of mankind hid from us and the age and place of their birth. In different countries and different nations, this tool was called differently. The Slavs, the name of this tool is associated with the sound of the thest. That the most theory that was stretched on the bow. Once, our ancient ancestors found that if they pull, as the string should be, then it will make a very harmonious motive. According to this principle, huslies were created, as well as a sweater and balalaika, which are a hollow wooden body with stretched strings. It can be said that Gusli is a horizontally lying harp.

Who is the heroes of the epic? Heroes of the epic - warriors who make military exploits. Bogati struggle with the enemies of their native land. They are the defenders of the Russian Earth, an example for imitation. Bogatyri was endowed with an extraordinary force, fearlessness, mind and smartness, magic weapons. Each richar has its own character. Each of them makes his feat.

The history of the epic disintegrates into several stages of mythological (from the beginning of the appearance of the first epic songs to the end of the IX century.): There were epics about Svyatogore, Volkh, Danube, Mikhail Dyanka. Mythological (from the beginning of the appearance of the first epic songs to the end of the IX century.): There were epics about Svyatogore, Volkh, Danube, Mikhail Potyka. Kiev (from the IX century until the middle of the XII century): There were epics about Dobryne, Sukhman, the nightingale of Budimirich. Kiev (from the IX century until the middle of the XII century): There were epics about Dobryne, Sukhman, the nightingale of Budimirich. Vladimir-Suzdalsky (from the middle of the XII century until the end of the XIII century): There were epics about Ilya Muromster, Aleche Popovech. Vladimir-Suzdalsky (from the middle of the XII century until the end of the XIII century): There were epics about Ilya Muromster, Aleche Popovech.

The division of epics from the point of view of mythology on senior heroes: Volkh, Svyatogore, Danube. About elder heroes: Volkh, Svyatogore, Danube. About the younger heroes: Ilya Muromster, Alyosh Popovech, Dobryne Nikitich. About the younger heroes: Ilya Muromster, Alyosh Popovech, Dobryne Nikitich.

The division of the epic on the plot - thematic principle about the elder heroes. About older heroes. About combating monsters. About combating monsters. About combating foreign enemies. About combating foreign enemies. On meetings and salvation of relatives. On meetings and salvation of relatives. About the epic walling and wrestling of the hero behind his wife. About the epic walling and wrestling of the hero behind his wife. About epic competitions. About epic competitions.

What is characteristic of the epic? The presence of the same techniques: epic seals, which predicts its tone; The episodes, the final view of the singer - historian. The presence of the same techniques: epic seals, which predicts its tone; The episodes, the final view of the singer - historian. The presence of sustainable revolutions that the Saucer learns by heart. The presence of sustainable revolutions that the Saucer learns by heart. Exaggeration. Exaggeration. Leisurely deploying events (numerous repetitions of episodes, a triple repetition of actions) a leisurely deployment of events (numerous repetitions of episodes, a triple repetition of actions) poetry of the heroic life (perfect horse, clothing, weapons). Poetration of heroic life (perfect horse, clothing, weapons).

The image of the Svyatogor of the Svyatogor in the epic is a huge giant, "above the forest of standing, below the cloud of walking"; He is hardly wearing a mother - Cheese Earth. He does not go to the Holy Rus, but lives in the high holy mountains; With his trip, the mother's mother's cheese is amazed, the forests of pegs and rivers fall out of the banks. Svyatogor in the epic is a huge giant, "above the forest of standing, below the cloud of walking"; He is hardly wearing a mother - Cheese Earth. He does not go to the Holy Rus, but lives in the high holy mountains; With his trip, the mother - cheese earth is amazed, the forests of pegs and rivers are poured out of the shores. Lucky Rusive

Dictionary Sajen in the shoulders - very broadly, mighty addition. Syazhen in the shoulders is very broadly conducted, mighty addition. Scrolment - owned by the scrooch. Scrolment - owned by the scrooch. Suma - speech in the epics goes directly about the handbag with the terrestrial burden. Suma - speech in the epics goes directly about the handbag with the terrestrial burden. Shepuga - whip, whip. Shepuga - whip, whip. Food, food. Food, food. Shower - cut, divide into parts. Shower - cut, divide into parts. It is overtake to keep - to flow, relax. It is overtake to keep - to flow, relax.

Conversation in content What technique is used in the episos to create the image of the Siberiana? What admission is used in the eponym to create the image of the Siberiana? What kind of heroes (earthly or unearthly origin) can not keep the earth? What kind of heroes (earthly or unearthly origin) can not keep the earth? Pay attention to the first five lines of the epics. Is it possible to say the same in short? Why did the epics do not? Pay attention to the first five lines of the epics. Is it possible to say the same in short? Why did the epics do not? Battle of Ilya with Svyatogor gives the earthly or magical origin of Ilya? Battle of Ilya with Svyatogor gives the earthly or magical origin of Ilya? Ilya mythological hero or epic? Ilya mythological hero or epic? What techno is constantly used in the eponym? What techno is constantly used in the eponym? How did the singer (who were sang) belongs to every detail of life? How did the singer (who were sang) belongs to every detail of life? How does the angry holy horse call? What is this artistic reception? How does the angry holy horse call? What is this artistic reception? How does it characterizes Ilya Muromets what he refused to fight with hero of Syyyogor? How can you call such a trait of character? How does it characterizes Ilya Muromets what he refused to fight with hero of Syyyogor? How can you call such a trait of character? Why the land can not wear the saint? Why the land can not wear the saint? What parts is the name of the Sochar? What parts is the name of the Sochar? What an ancient Greek hero reminds Svyatogor? What an ancient Greek hero reminds Svyatogor? Why does Ilya refuse to make the magic force, which he wants to give him a farewell of Svyatogor? Why does Ilya refuse to make the magic force, which he wants to give him a farewell of Svyatogor?

Picture gallery. V.Vasnetsov "Bogatyri" Bogatyri - mighty, brave people, defenders of the Fatherland. They look in the distance in the distance, as the borders of Russia are erased. And these three mighty people are ready to join the battle with the enemies of Russia at any minute. They fulfill their heroed duty and are confident of their right. The expression of their faces is serious, cold-blooded, a look of Grozny. These three heroes call Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich. All these crisp are full of dignity, great and very assembled, ready to beat at any time not to life, but to death. They are very confident in themselves and ready to die for Russia. Bogati - mighty, brave people, defenders of the Fatherland. They look in the distance in the distance, as the borders of Russia are erased. And these three mighty people are ready to join the battle with the enemies of Russia at any minute. They fulfill their heroed duty and are confident of their right. The expression of their faces is serious, cold-blooded, a look of Grozny. These three heroes call Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich. All these crisp are full of dignity, great and very assembled, ready to beat at any time not to life, but to death. They are very confident in themselves and ready to die for Russia.

I. Nikitin "Shirid you, Rus, on the face of the earth ..." SHIKE YOU, RUSS, ON THE EARTH OF THE EARTH IN GRASH GRAYS GRAYMENT REDUCED! Do you have no bogatyr forces, the old holy, high-profile exploits? And there is for what, Russia, can love you, call your mother. Become for honor yours against the enemy, for you in need of folding your head.

Reflexive sheet 1. Today at the lesson, I (a) knowledge, spent determined) ... 2. I managed in this lesson (express my opinion, add, change) ... 3. I liked this lesson (in my work, in the work of the teacher ) ... 4. In the future, I would like ...

Sources of JPG illustrations (slide 5) JPG (slide 5) JPG JPG (slide 13) JPG (slide 13) JPG (slide 11) (slide 11) (slide 7) (slide 7) (slide 6) (slide 6) JPG ( Slide 12) JPG (slide 12) jpg (slide 9) (slide 9) HTM (slide 16) HTM (slide 16) HTM HTML (poem) HTML (poem) HTML HTML (HUSINESS HISTOR) HTML (HUSINE HISTORY) HTML (Gusli ) (Gusli) Svyatogor) Svyatogor) (Ilya Muromets) (Ilya Muromets) (Slide 17) (Slide 17) 0% D0% 98% D0% BB% D1% 8c% D1% 8F (Listen to the episoda) 0% D0% 98 % D0% BB% D1% 8C% D1% 8F (listen to the epic) 0% D0% 98% D0% BB% D1% 8C% D1% 8F 0% D0% 98% D0% BB% D1% 8C% D1% 8F (listen to husl) (listen to husli) jpg (slide 3) jpg (slide 3) jpg (slide 21) (slide 21) (slide 16) (slide 16) (slide 2) (slide 2) JPG (slide 8) JPG ( Slide 8) JPG (slide 10) (slide 10) jpg (slide 1) jpg (slide 1)

The abstract of the lesson of literary reading in grade 3.

Theme lesson. The epics "Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor".

Type of lesson:combined using ICT

Purpose: Find the difference in mythological and epic



- Introduce children with the heroes of Russian epics

Intensify cognitive activity of students

Form the ability to allocate the main thing, compare, summarize

To form the ability to defend your opinion, argue your statement

Improve students reading techniques.

Expand and activate the vocabulary of children.

Develop: Creative imagination with students with means of poetry, painting, music;.

Relieve a sense of patriotism in students, to attach to the facts of historical reality.

Equipment: Presentation, audio recordings.

During the classes.

(Slide 1)Affairs of the long-lasting days ... I would like to invite you to meet with the epic. Maybe you will tell me what the work of oral folk creativity is called the epic? (slide 2)

    Epics - Russian folk epic songs about the exploits of heroes.

    The basis plot There are any heroic event, or a noteworthy episode of Russian history (hence the people's name of the epics - " starina"," Old Dress ", implied that the action of which is spent on occurred in the past).

Who is the heroes of the epic?

(Slide 3)

Who knows who performed the eponym?

(Slide 4)

Performed a special person. He was called Boyan. Let's see illustration. What do you see here?

Often it was the people blind. It was the only craft that they owned.

(slides 5, 6, 7)

The people loved singers epic. On the illustration they are surrounded by the people.

Singing was transmitted from generation to generation. Here we see the elder, middle-aged man and young young man.


Before we listen to the epics, check as you understood, learned unfamiliar words. At home you have read the episodas and should seek help from consultants in the textbook to find out the interpretation of strangers. I read interpretation - your task is to determine what words it is.

1. Very broadly widespread, mighty physique. (Shoulders yes in braid soot)

2. The handbag belonging to the wandering artists in ancient Russia. (Scromor, belonging to the scrooch

3. Slap, whip. (Shepuga)

4. Food, food for a wolf. (Wolf Fly) (Own - Follow)

5. Cut, divide into parts. (Shutting) White Swans instructed.

6. Resting, sleep, go out. (overtake keep)

7. Weapon of shock-fraging action. (Bulat's cocks) Duby, staff, is sometimes covered with spikes.

Did you meet more words that were incomprehensible?

Well done! We should not have difficulties when reading.

We will listen to the execution of the epics actor.

Listening to the episodes.

What is the impression of acting reading? Liked? Than?

What noticed? How did you read the epics? Did everyone heard? (musical accompaniment, voices)

Spent a special rhythm of execution?

Reading 1 part and its analysis.

What kind of reception is the epics for creating the image of the Siberiana? If you do not know the names of this reception, describe in your own words, turning attention to the selected expressions. To know exactly the name of the reception, contact Centaur Chiron.

Hyperbole - exaggeration.

- Find other expressions confirming the extraordinary, outstanding, inhuman qualities of the Sochar. (Bogatyr shoulders yes in Kosh Sazhen, horse, yes, like a fierce beast)

Let's see how artists depicted the saint.

(Slides 8 - 13)

Reading and analyzing 2 parts. (Slide 14)

- What is the origin of the hero tells the plot with a handbag, which he cannot raise (terry)?

The plot with the burden of the earth testifies to the unearthly origin of the Siberiana, speaks in favor of the fact that this is mythological hero.

-What kind of heroes (earthly or unearthly origin) can not keep the earth?

Only heroic-giant, giant, heroic of chtonic (underground) origin can not hold the Earth.

Reading and analyzing 3 parts.

Comment on the salvation of the Siberian Cone. Pay attention to all the details.

The horse of the saint is also wonderful, magical (chtonic) origin. External signs are a silver bridle, a gilded leaf, but the main thing is the extraordinary power of the horse, which was able to pull out the saint from raw land.

Reading and analyzing 4 parts.

The battle of Ilya with Svyatogor gives out the origin of Ilya: earth or magical?

Ilya Despite its outstanding physical qualities (shepuga he has "in 40 poods") after all, just a person. Svyatogor for all his camps notes: "Oh, how hurts the flies bite." Ilya ordinary human sizes: Svyatogor puts him in his pocket to himself along with a horse.

- Ilya mythological hero or epic?

Ilya is definitely an epic hero: He is brave, he is not afraid of the fight with a more powerful opponent and even attack him himself.

- So what kind of reception is constantly used by the epics?

Exaggeration, difference in the size of the Siberiana and Ilya - hyperbole

(Slides 15 - 19)


Together got up. One two Three.

We are now warriors.

We put my palm to the eyes,

Legs strong lay.

Turning to the right

Looking too much.

And should be left too

Look out from under the palm.

And right

And even through the left shoulder.


Let's answer questions on the lesson.

(Slide 20)

    What is "epics"?

    How was the epic?

    What are the heroes of the epics you can call?

    What is the difference between each other, Bogatyi Svyatogor and Ilya Muromets?

    Which of the warriors did you like more and why?

    What kind of reception to create the images of the hectares uses epics?


(Slide 21)

    Draw an illustration to the previously read, depict the hero.

    Prepare expressive reading Fearing epic.

The lesson ends. I want to say a lot more. We will continue to study the epics in the next lesson.

I formulated my own conclusion on the lesson in this poem, but it lacks three words. Help me.

(Slide 22)

Smart, strong our people

Far looking ...

But foreman of the antiquity

We do not forget ...

Glory to Russian antiquity!

Slava OUR ...!

Thank you for the lesson!

1 of 13.

Presentation on the topic: Svyatogor and Ilya

Slide number 1.

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Many mysterious in the image of the saint. They say that Svyatogor is the son of the genus, the brother of the Svarog, and the Modezhichi brought to him nephews. And his father is called "dark", that is, blind, erroneously: the genus is originally, omnipresent, all-seeing. Many mysterious in the image of the saint. They say that Svyatogor is the son of the genus, the brother of the Svarog, and the Modezhichi brought to him nephews. And his father is called "dark", that is, blind, erroneously: the genus is originally, omnipresent, all-seeing.

No. Slide 3.

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Svyatogor turns out, stood on the boundary of light and darkness. It is not easy for this business - stand on the border of light and darkness. Other giants, Gorynychi - Gorynya, Dubyan and Sweet, were born with dark, blind lord from envy and in contrast to the sir. Viy, partly familiar to us on the story of Gogol, put three sons to spend the exit from Navi, so that from there could not escape the souls of the dead. So, standing on the other side of the border, they were the enemies of the Soch. Svyatogor and the gods defended. But soon it was tired of defending the gods whom he did not really see, and decided to build a stone staircase in the sky and he himself look at. His force did not fit him and with the work of Svyatogor coped: Until the throne of the Most High in Heaven got. God did not scold him for the digestiveness, praised for work and said that he would fulfill any desire for Giant. Svyatogor asked for the power of non-day and wisdom more than any of the gods. Svyatogor turns out, stood on the boundary of light and darkness. It is not easy for this business - stand on the border of light and darkness. Other giants, Gorynychi - Gorynya, Dubyan and Sweet, were born with dark, blind lord from envy and in contrast to the sir. Viy, partly familiar to us on the story of Gogol, put three sons to spend the exit from Navi, so that from there could not escape the souls of the dead. So, standing on the other side of the border, they were the enemies of the Soch. Svyatogor and the gods defended. But soon it was tired of defending the gods whom he did not really see, and decided to build a stone staircase in the sky and he himself look at. His force did not fit him and with the work of Svyatogor coped: Until the throne of the Most High in Heaven got. God did not scold him for the digestiveness, praised for work and said that he would fulfill any desire for Giant. Svyatogor asked for the power of non-day and wisdom more than any of the gods.

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The huge weight of the Sochrah prevented him off his post and move into other places. Yet once he, on the prediction of Makosh, was forced to leave the Holy Mountains. The goddess predicted the giant that he marries the Zmejev. Well, in general on the snake. Goddess Makosh - the goddess of fate upset the Giant, but decided to find the narrowed - maybe it's not so terrible? He went to the distant seas, he moved to another to another. And finally, I saw a snake. Svyatogor decided that it was better to die with a bachelor than on such a terrible to marry. Turned away and struck the sword on it. The huge weight of the Sochrah prevented him off his post and move into other places. Yet once he, on the prediction of Makosh, was forced to leave the Holy Mountains. The goddess predicted the giant that he marries the Zmejev. Well, in general on the snake. Goddess Makosh - the goddess of fate upset the Giant, but decided to find the narrowed - maybe it's not so terrible? He went to the distant seas, he moved to another to another. And finally, I saw a snake. Svyatogor decided that it was better to die with a bachelor than on such a terrible to marry. Turned away and struck the sword on it.

No. Slide 5.

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And suddenly she turned into beauty! This story became known in Greece: whether the Aryan people of Dorians brought it there, or the Balkan Slavs. Only the Greeks of the Greeks began to call on their own Atlanta (or atlas). His wife was considered the film with oceanide Pleuon. The daughters were made by Pleiades. These girls became stars, and Perseus, showing their father's head Medusa Gorgon, turned Atlanta to the rock. These mountains in Africa and Donyn are called Atlas. And suddenly she turned into beauty! This story became known in Greece: whether the Aryan people of Dorians brought it there, or the Balkan Slavs. Only the Greeks of the Greeks began to call on their own Atlanta (or atlas). His wife was considered the film with oceanide Pleuon. The daughters were made by Pleiades. These girls became stars, and Perseus, showing their father's head Medusa Gorgon, turned Atlanta to the rock. These mountains in Africa and Donyn are called Atlas.

No. Slide 6.

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No. Slide 7.

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What folklinists are that Svyatogor belongs to the oldest and most popular epic heroes. His name itself indicates communication with nature. He is grown and mighty, with difficulty wears his land. This image was born in the Docyan era, but later changed. What folklinists are that Svyatogor belongs to the oldest and most popular epic heroes. His name itself indicates communication with nature. He is grown and mighty, with difficulty wears his land. This image was born in the Docyan era, but later changed.

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Slide number 9.

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One of them tells about the death of the Siberiana, who meets the coffin on the road with the inscription: "Who is destined to lie in the coffin, he will fall into it," and decides to experience fate. Barely Svyatogor falls, the coffin cover itself sharpens and the bogatyr cannot move it. Before his death, Svyatogor transmits Ilya Muromets his strength, thus the hero of antiquity transmits the relay to the reasons for the new hero of the epic. The epics about Svyatogore are the episos about how heroes broke up with life; And he dies not in battle, but in a dispute with some unknown, insurmountable force. This force is not human, it is embodied in the subjects with whom Svyatogor cannot cope. One of them tells about the death of the Siberiana, who meets the coffin on the road with the inscription: "Who is destined to lie in the coffin, he will fall into it," and decides to experience fate. Barely Svyatogor falls, the coffin cover itself sharpens and the bogatyr cannot move it. Before his death, Svyatogor transmits Ilya Muromets his strength, thus the hero of antiquity transmits the relay to the reasons for the new hero of the epic. The epics about Svyatogore are the episos about how heroes broke up with life; And he dies not in battle, but in a dispute with some unknown, insurmountable force. This force is not human, it is embodied in the subjects with whom Svyatogor cannot cope.

No. Slide 10.

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Representatives of the Russian "Mythological School" shared the heroes of the epic on the "senior" and "junior" heroes. In their opinion, the "elders" (Svyatogor, Danube, Will, Pota) were the personification of the spontaneous forces, the episons were peculiar to the mythological views that exit in ancient Russia. "The younger" Bogatyri (Ilya Muromets, Alesha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich) - ordinary mortals, the heroes of the new historical era, and therefore are minimally endowed with mythological features. Representatives of the Russian "Mythological School" shared the heroes of the epic on the "senior" and "junior" heroes. In their opinion, the "elders" (Svyatogor, Danube, Will, Pota) were the personification of the spontaneous forces, the episons were peculiar to the mythological views that exit in ancient Russia. "The younger" Bogatyri (Ilya Muromets, Alesha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich) - ordinary mortals, the heroes of the new historical era, and therefore are minimally endowed with mythological features.

No. Slide 11.

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In this epics, generations of heroes are changed: the old hedge of the Siberian Republic is left forever, which is not yet interpreted with the world of people's life, is far from the interests and concerns of the Russian Earth, heavy, not knowing what to apply exorbitant strength; It is replaced by young warriors, the strength of which is sent to the ministry to people, to defense of justice, on the defense of Russia. They are embodied by Ilya Muromets. He is no longer young in age and managed experience, but he belongs to the new Bogatyr generation. Of course, it is not by chance that it was the great role that Ilya fell out - to spend the saint in the other world and even unwittingly, contribute to its end. In this epics, generations of heroes are changed: the old hedge of the Siberian Republic is left forever, which is not yet interpreted with the world of people's life, is far from the interests and concerns of the Russian Earth, heavy, not knowing what to apply exorbitant strength; It is replaced by young warriors, the strength of which is sent to the ministry to people, to defense of justice, on the defense of Russia. They are embodied by Ilya Muromets. He is no longer young in age and managed experience, but he belongs to the new Bogatyr generation. Of course, it is not by chance that it was the great role that Ilya fell out - to spend the saint in the other world and even unwittingly, contribute to its end.

No. Slide 12.

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Svyatogor is associated with the earth, with her dark forces: he lies on Earth or on Mount (sometimes - himself as a mountain) and, as a rule, sleeps; He falls into the ground in a stone coffin. The owner of a huge strength, he is not able to cope with her (hence the motifs of the boasting and meaningless demonstration of power: Svyatogor allows Ilya Muromets three times to hit him with all the heroic power, comparing these blows with a Komarik bite), nor find this power of use - heroic-military (like Ilya Muromets and other Russian heroes guarding the border) or economic and productive (like Mikula Selinianovich). Svyatogor is isolated from other heroes of the epic epic (Ilya Muromets is needed only in order to attend the death of the Siberian Sea and how to assimilate the harmful lessons of excessive and unfinished strength), does not make any feats. Unlike other heroes, Svyatogor is immobile, tied to one locus (Holy Mountains). Svyatogor is associated with the earth, with her dark forces: he lies on Earth or on Mount (sometimes - himself as a mountain) and, as a rule, sleeps; He falls into the ground in a stone coffin. The owner of a huge strength, he is not able to cope with her (hence the motifs of the boasting and meaningless demonstration of power: Svyatogor allows Ilya Muromets three times to hit him with all the heroic power, comparing these blows with a Komarik bite), nor find this power of use - heroic-military (like Ilya Muromets and other Russian heroes guarding the border) or economic and productive (like Mikula Selinianovich). Svyatogor is isolated from other heroes of the epic epic (Ilya Muromets is needed only in order to attend the death of the Siberian Sea and how to assimilate the harmful lessons of excessive and unfinished strength), does not make any feats. Unlike other heroes, Svyatogor is immobile, tied to one locus (Holy Mountains).

Slide number 13.

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The project fulfilled the student 4A of the Sinkin class Eugene

Slide 2.

Motherland is a city of Murom one of the oldest cities of Russia. For the first time in the chronicles, he is mentioned in 862. However, it is believed that the birthday of Ilya Muromsz was the village of Karacharovo, who was near Murom.

Slide 3: Curse and Wonderful Healing

In the people of mouth, the mouth passed such history. As if grandfather Ilya Muromets was a pagan and, without recognizing Christianity, once ruined the icon. Since then, the curse fell on his genus - all the boys will be born cripples.

Slide 4.

After 10 years, Ilya was born, and it seemed that the curse was fulfilled: the boy since childhood could not walk. All attempts to cure him were not crowned with success. For many 33 years he did not own any hands, nor legs, but never complained, but only prayed and said that if he was healthy, "I would not give my relatives to the enemies and the robbers."

Slide 5.

When Ilya turned 33 years old, something unexplained happened. One day the wanderers entered the house and the power was told Ilya: "Sawn and bring us to get drunk!" He explained that he could not walk. But the guests persistently repeated the request and Ilya, suddenly feeling unprecedented power, first got on his feet ...

Slide 6.

From these wanderers, Ilya receives a blessing to beat with the enemies of his native land.

Slide 7: Feats Ilya Muromets

The most famous feat is the victory over the nightingale, which was hungry in the forests along the way to Kiev. The researchers believe that the nightingale-robber is not a fabulous mound, the "nightingale" of this robber was called for notifying his attack by a whistle (or perhaps gave a whistle a signal to his gang to attack).

Slide 8.

In the future, Ilya Muromets made many other feats, participated in battles, defending Russian Earth's enemies. Contemporaries celebrated his incredible, inhuman power, so in the memory of people he remained, probably the most great Russian rich.

Slide 9.

Holy Ilya Muromets is strong this heroic was not only body, but also in spirit. The eponymists say that in one cruel battle Ilya almost died, but miraculously stayed alive and gave vow to retire to the monastery, devote himself to God and never to take a sword in his hands. Ilya came to the walls of the Lavra, removed all the military armor with himself, but could not throw a sword and took him with him. He became a monk Pechersk Lavra and spent all his days in his cell in prayers.


Slide 10.

But once the enemies approached the walls of the monastery, and Ilya saw with his own eyes the death of the abbot of Lavra, struck by a fatal blow. And then Ilya, despite the vow, picked up the sword again. But I felt that the legs again refuse to serve him. He still managed to tear off his hand from a mortal blow to a spear, but the forces had already left him ...


Slide 11.

Rev. Elijah Muromets was glorified by the Russian Church in 1643, among the sixty nine of the Holy Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The Russian man considers the saint hero of his patron.

Ilya Muromets -

favorite People's Bogatyr

(An excerpt from the epics "Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor").

Literary reading lesson

OS "School 2100"

  • Who is in the picture of Svyatogor-Bogatyr, and who is Ilya Muromets?

"... His land through force is wearing. »

  • - How did Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor met?
  • - What happened?
  • - What ended this meeting?
  • - What is the name of the reception of exaggeration of the strength of the hero?

  • With a snatch voice - Welcome loud voice.
  • Shepuga - whip, whip.
  • Fall - Food, food.

  • - What did Ilya thought, seeing the Siberiana?
  • - When did Ilya meet with Svyatogor? Immediately, how did he go to serve Vladimir, after the help of the peasants of Chernigov?

2nd part

- How did Ilya decided to wake the saint?

- Read, like Ilya wake the saint.

- What came out of this?

- How much is it 40 pus?

- How was Svyatogor, if was able to put Ilya in his pocket?

  • - Why is the third day of the Siberiana began to stumble?

4th part

  • horde - enemy army (or camp);
  • let's try the power of the Bogatyr - We will compete, we will fight .

4th part

  • - What did Svyatogor Ilya offer?
  • - Why didn't Ilya be fighting with Svyatogor?
  • - What means fraternize ?

  • What does the name of Svyatogor say?
  • Why did Ilya named the sleeping Siberiana miracle?
  • Why does Ilya wakes it up?
  • What compares the Svyatogor strikes Ilya Muromets?
  • Is Ilya have any advantages over Svyatogor?

As one thing in the sky red Sunny. And one in Russia Ilya Muromets ...

Used source and :

  • 1. Cartinki -
  • 2.

Presentation performed

primary school teacher

MBOU "SOSH S.Sergievka

Kalininsky district of the Saratov region "

Lochmatova Lyudmila Viktorovna.