Alexander Tsoi. How does the son of Viktor Tsoi now live? Favorite songs Father

Alexander Tsoi. How does the son of Viktor Tsoi now live? Favorite songs Father

28 years have passed since the death of Viktor Tsoi, and his son is still hard to listen to the songs of the Father

Alexander - son Victor Tsoya And his wife Marianna. When the legendary rocker did not become, the boy was only five years old. Yes, and parents by that time no longer lived together - Victor left his wife when Sasha was fulfilled a year. However, Tsoi-Sr. continued to actively communicate with the Tsoem Jr. and after parting with Marianna. Son meant a lot for him.

School has become a test

Father's death shook Alexander. His character became increasingly closed ... Probably, the "care of himself" contributed to the homely atmosphere: Marianna became the Civilian wife of the musician on nickname RicochetThe house was noisy and fun, the doors were not closed before numerous drunk friends of the stepfather and the mother, the music constantly thundered ...

Studying at school also did not bring joy. Sasha threw the fact that teachers and classmates saw only the son of Viktor Tsoi in it, but not an independent person. Today, Alexander recalls that the school has become a rather difficult period in life for him, and at some point the young man decided to quit it.

16-year-old Alexander went to Moscow - there he began to study web design, computer programming, and in parallel Iproved English.

Not only the son of Tsoi!

Of course, the secondary education, in the end, Alexander received - but already externally. Assessing the ability of the guy, he was invited to work on the first channel Konstantin Ernst- This experience lasted half a year. And after returning to the native city - St. Petersburg - Alexander Tsoi with his head plunged into the work of the system programmer.

He all avoided communication with journalists all this time, avoided conversations about his father, only in 2012 giving a big interview about his life. The modest and discreet, closed and silent, independent and stubborn, Alexander and today does not like when he suddenly recognized on the streets - "This is the son of Tsoi!" - And approach to take a picture.

He admits that such moments feel furnished, because he is still perceived as the son of the famous Father.

At the age of 20, Alexander lost his mother - Marianna died of brain tumor. And in 2010, he married - his chosen was the girl named Elena Osokina.

Favorite songs Father

When Alexander ask, what songs of his father he listens most often, he confesses - among his favorite compositions "Rain for us", "General", "We are with you." In general, he rarely listens to the "Cinema" music, about once a month. More often - hard: the son of Rocker never managed, according to him, "grow thick skin".

And Alexander can not get rid of thoughts that there were tremendous opportunities before his father, but untimely death prevented numerous plans.

Career Viktor Tsoi cut off at the takeoff, precisely at the moment when the band collected stadiums when the discs were released ... the shooting of the Russian-American film "Citadel Death" with Viktor Tsoem was planned, and this movie could become a loud blockbuster.

Musician Alexander Tsoi

At some point, staying in the shadow of the Father's glory so "got" Alexander that he, deciding to make music, took a pseudonym Molchanov. This step was dictated by the desire to distance themselves from the excessive attention of journalists and fans of Viktor Tsoi. In the Para Bellum group, Alexander began to play guitar, together with the team he recorded the album "Book of Kingdoms".

And in August 2017, the wide public with great warmth adopted his solo musical project "Ronin". The author, musician and vocalist Alexander Tsoi presented his song "whisper" to the courts of listeners, and this experience was very successful: the Internet community was instantly filled with approving comments.

Alexander admits that the work of the famous Father in some way influenced his activities, but emphasizes: to avoid this influence would not be possible to anyone, no domestic rock musician would have been able to abstract from what "movies" did. Many believe that the similarity is also manifested in the voice of the musician - in him, Viktor Tsoi is heard ...

"Symphony movie"

This is the name of the project that performs the orchestral versions of Viktor Tsoi songs and in which Alexander is engaged in a videotage - that is, it creates an animation demonstrating during concerts on the screen.

Alexander this project seems successful and interesting: orchestral music sounds powerful, producing a strong impression that it is rarely manifested by modern performers trying to "feed" songs of Tsoi: after all, it is impossible to repeat his unique voice, and therefore lion's share of charm of songs is lost.

I must say, the participation of the son of Tsoi in such a project is a kind of breakthrough. For a long time, he flatly refused any events related to the name of his father. However, now Alexander decided to change his position. He realized: the father and his work is an important part of his biography, and with this you have to live.

Victor Tsoi fans interfere with the cemetery

Alexander is very reverent about the memory of the Father and to his kind name. For example, when a few years ago, a deputy Evgeny Fedorov In favor of the fact that Viktor Tsoi was a CIA agent, Alexander wrote an application to the Investigation Committee, accusing Fedorov in slander. The composition of the crime in the words of the deputy was not found - however, he himself refused his allegation, and the son of the musician did not inflate the conflict.

In general, he has long been accustomed to the fact that his life goes under the sign of Viktor Tsoi and the "Cinema" group, and it will be apparently for a long time. The only thing he would like to avoid is meetings with the active fans of Viktor Tsoi in the cemetery, where he comes to stay with her father alone, and not communicate with fans.

Rock musician, composer and designer-designer Alexander Tsoi for many years avoiding publicity. Being the Son of the famous person is not easy - especially when this man was the leader of the Kilt Group.

In August, Alexander Viktorovich Tsiu turned 33 years old. His father died in a car accident a few days after the birth of a boy, who in 1990 was only five years old. On the eve of the next anniversary of the death of Viktor Tsoi, the site finds out how the fate of the heir of the musician was formed, why he once again performed under the other name and how "learned to live" with his biography.

Son of the famous Father

Alexander, Son Viktor Tsoi and his wife Marianana, was born on August 5, 1985. A little less than a year before his parents - two years after the acquaintance. Mariana Rodovanskaya (such a name girl walked after the first marriage) was older than a 20-year-old musician for three years, worked as head of the workshops of the producer in the Leningrad Circus, she had already managed to be married and divorce.

Victor and Marian registered the relationship as it should be to please the parents, the bride was in a brown suit from Venelvet, the bride - in sewn the dress to order a dress, though the solid ceremony was not "spoiled" a friend of the young Boris Grebenshchikov, who declared the registry office in concert grima and strange outfit, and even with wine. And the next day, the wedding was already celebrated in the rock and roll circle, as Maryan recalled, in the studio apartment in which they lived, about 100 people came.

Victor loved her son very much, rightly saw him infrequently, most of the time disappearing on tour. The musician communicated with the heir in his own way, on the Eastern: when the leader of the "Cinema" came home, he and little Sasha could sit next to each other - and silence. As Marianan assured, they did it "with great pleasure." Yes, and when his marriage became pure formality, Natalia Razlogova appeared in Victor's life, he tried to give his son as much attention as possible. In the summer, for two months he took the boy to himself. In the summer of 1990, the last in his life, Victor took the Son on vacation to the Baltic States.

As Maryan Tsoi told Maryan, at that fateful morning, on August 15, 1990, Victor thought to go fishing along with Sanya, but for some reason the boy did not want. The fact that his father is no longer, the baby has not yet understood, every time the price was shown on TV, he pulled his hands to the screen, saying: "This is my dad." Mariana did his best to protect the Son from the press and numerous fans of Viktor Tsoi. She was not in 2005 - she died of cancer. They said that in front of the death of Mariana took a promise from the 20-year-old son to never give to journalists an interview.

The right to "separate life"

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Movie star named Sun: Full-length feature films in which Viktor Tsoi starredThe idol of several generations of music lovers went in the heyday. In addition to songs, he left after himself and a few bright movie roles.

Alexander Tsoi school finished externally. About this period of life, he has no best memories. Both teachers and peers perceived the boy primarily as the son of Viktor Tsoi. He, by virtue of young age, tried to prove something, despite the fact that he was not very sociable and sociable. According to the father of the famous musician, Robert Tsoi, be silent - they have in the blood, the same Victor was, partly it was transmitted and a must-younger.

Once Robert Maksimovich noted that the grandson would be an incredibly heavy cargo, a man from the outside is very difficult to imagine what it is like to be the son of Viktor Tsoi himself and learn to live with it. What would Sasha do not - he was inevitably compared with his father. Apparently, for this reason, he fascinated by the music, he spoke under the other name, for example, in St. Petersburg, as part of Para Bellvm Group, he was known as Alexander Molchanov. And, perhaps, in part for the same reason, once a young man decided to move from Peter to Moscow.

Alexander himself recognized that only for years to 25 realized that he was not just the son of the famous Father, but a person who had the right to a "separate life", which does not concern anyone. According to a young man, it is difficult to live when you are perceived as some kind of "landmark". Not so long ago, Alexander Tsoi confessed to one of his interviews (and he almost did not communicate with the press) that he had long refused all projects related to the Father, but with age changed his position. According to him, he began to learn to live "with part of this biography."

He grew up on this

They say that at the age of 15, the son of Viktor Tsoi asked the mother of money on the guitar - Mariana tried to dissuade, but the genes apparently took His. From the Father he was transferred and painting abilities.

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Alexander Tsoi tried himself in many areas. He studied foreign languages, worked as an artist-designer, engaged in journalism (and continues to do it), web-design, programming, club activity, organized touring overseas undercurrent musicians. In 2010, Alexander married. About his wife, Elena Osokine, practically nothing is known, he himself only said that it was not important for her, whose son he was. Then, in 2010, strange rumors began to walk that the son of Viktor Tsoi contacted the sect, he became almost a masochist, carried away ... hanging himself on the iron hooks.

After the death of Viktor, his widow sued the musicians of the "Cinema" copyright to the songs of the group, their owners became the son and father of the musician, as well as one of the record companies. In 2011, Alexander concluded a contract for the use of Father's phonograms - in 2017 he had to terminate it through the court due to violations by the mediator company. According to Alexander Tsoi, it was with her participation that the famous song "We will continue to act" were sold by the bank of Oleg Tinkov - he learned about this postfactum, from third parties. It came to the point that he was forbidden to use the Father's songs for the executing orchestral versions of the compositions of the project "Symphonic Cinema" (Alexander, together with the participant of the "Cinema" Yuri Gasparyan - Comroduces of the Group). According to a young man, it was not even in money: if he wanted to earn millions on Father's glory, he would have gone to another way, it was just important for him that the creative heritage was used correctly.

Alexander Tsoi. Frame Youtube.

In 2017, on the eve of his 32th anniversary, Alexander Tsoi his new solo project "Ronin" - the song "Whisper", and in a month I saw the light and a mini-album. According to the musician, he wrote a "whisper" in 18 years. After the composition appeared on the network, many users noted that the voices of the Son and the famous Father are very similar. Of course, it did not cost without reproaches that it was not good to "imitate Father." But professionals have their own opinion. They note that music is good quality. As for the style - as they say, everyone will not please. "He grew up on this," said the famous St. Petersburg musical critic Andrei Burlaka noted, reminding that the sons of Baha also wrote music similar to the music of the famous Father.

The son of Viktor Tsoi Alexander presented the Single "whisper" from his debut album. The draft Alexander Tsoi is called "Ronin".

Son of the legendary musician, the leader of the "Cinema" group - Alexander Tsoi - presented his debut single "Whisper" From his mini album (also debut) "Support".

Alexander Tsoi's musical project "Ronin".

Video compositions "whisper" gathered dozens of enthusiastic reviews with the words of support to the novice artist and comments in the spirit of devotees of the Film Fans: "Tsoi Living" and "Tsoi returned."

Ronin (Alexander Tsoi) - whisper

Recall. Previously, 31-year-old Alexander Tsoi was known as a designer. The son of the legend of Russian rock was engaged in the design of concert shows, television programs and covers for plates. Until now, Alexander's participation in music projects was limited to playing the guitar in the St. Petersburg Group Para Bellvm. However, the writing of songs Alexander is engaged in more than ten years. Now the beginner vocalist intends to look for like-minded people to create a full-fledged team.

Alexander told reporters that the mini-album will hit songs, the texts to which he wrote over the past year, and the music is "about about 15 years old."

"Music Songs whisper, for example, appeared at least 10 years ago. Lack of lyrics lacked. Gradually wrote texts. Some special efforts did not fit for this, and if it made it, it turned worse. Those texts that are written on this EP , I appeared as a result, you can say, insight, I "sent them" - I don't call it. I don't feel your participation. In general, this is the first real solo work, in all previous music projects I was a guitarist, "said is he.

The musician also admitted that the only person who worked with Him above the record was the Canadian SoundProducer Vlad Avi.

The leader of the film "Cinema" Viktor Tsoi died in a car accident on August 15, 1990. The musician was only 28 years old. Now there are three films about the life of Tsoi. The projectors of Kirill Serebrennikov are working on projects, Alexey Teacher and participant of the first composition of "Cinema" Alexey Rybin.

Today, the Single "Shepot" was published from the debut mini-album "Support" of the project "Ronin". "Ronin" is songs Alexandra Tsoi, Son Viktor Tsoi. Alexander Tsoi is more famous as a designer working on TV and in large concert shows. Until now, he appeared in musical projects in this capacity or as a guitarist. On September 3, all five songs will be available on digital platforms, with whom the son of the Movie leader decided to declare himself as a full author and artist. Boris Barabanov Meets with Alexander Tsoem on his birthday to talk about the influence of his father on his music, as well as about the fate of the heritage "Cinema", about the coming Bayopics and why the stars of rock 1990s one after another raise scores with life.

- What period are these songs written?

Songs were written in the last year, and music - about 15 years. The music of the song "Shepota", for example, appeared at least ten years ago. Lacked the appearance of the song. Texts were gradually wrote. I did not fit any special efforts, and if it made it, it turned out worse. Those texts that are written on this EP appeared as a result, you can say, insights: they "sent them" - I call it. I do not feel your participation. In general, this is the first real solo work, in all previous music projects I was a guitarist.

- The sound of the album gives the 1990s ...

In addition to me, I worked exactly one person over this record - Canadian SoundProducer Vlad Avi, my longtime familiar. Songs are fully recorded at me at home. So drums that are heard there, fully computer origin, and, perhaps, the home recording method affected the voice of the voice. But I decided that it would be so. Probably, the recording could sound more modern ... But I think, let it be better for such. This album that I probably had to release, like all young musicians, in 20 years or so. But I could not start singing for a long time - it was, of course, connected with all my baggage.

- In the fact that you are released now, there are no obvious tracks of the sound of the "Cinema" group.

In the demonstration versions of some songs, the vocals still reminded his father's paternal. If I relax, do not follow myself, then in the lower case it turns out like. I needed to look for my manner. This is the path of the novice vocalist, what am I and I think. In general, in some songs the influence of "movies" can still be detected. And there was no recognized process for this.

- Do your songs have a concert embodiment?

I want it to appear. Historically, I have no "my group". In part, the purpose of the release of these songs is to find like-minded people, musicians who will like this music and they want to play with me. I really want to have a real "rock show" with the group so that the drummer is hit to the drums, so that everyone jumped and played to be beautiful, cool and loud.

- In such a program could there be cavities on the "cinema"?

No, I'm still shredding this material live. You know when the Audioslave group gathered, its participants deliberately refused to perform the songs of their previous compounds, SoundGarden and Rage Against The Machine, until then, while the Audioslave group itself is superpopular. When they were already difficult to accuse that they were leaving due to the success of their previous teams, they included them in the program. I also want to understand what my music costs. Although playing cavities, not only the "movie", it would be fun. For example, I liked so much like a group of Poles made a bitch-love MICHA!

Yesterday I began to celebrate my birthday, poured myself wines and could not resist listening to the songs of Linkin Park. Of course, Linkin Park is part of my formation, human and musical. And Cornell, of course. I have been familiar with depressive states, and I can say that there is a monstrous mistake that people admit in their judgments about these suicides: they believe that millions of dollars, multiplatin sales, crowds of fans - is what can drown out the problems that you have With myself. Linkin Park, as the whole grunge, grown out of pain. Linkin Park played very commercial, eliminated music, but those sounds that Chester Bennington published is a sublimated inner inadequacy. This hole inside itself, if there is, do not shut down. How much he should have been tired of all! Chester is not that stayed in a protracted depression. After all, just shortly before his suicide, he communicated with his colleague in the group, they agreed to go together to a photo session. He had normal rock star plans ... But he could not cope ...

- Your main work remains design?

This work at the design of the design and video, mainly for the "Symphonic" movie "project," (The program of instrumental orchestral versions of the songs "Cinema" with the participation of the "Cinema" guitarist Georgy Kasparyan. "Kommersant"). I could not avoid working with my father's legacy, despite all my complexes, principles and anxiety. But it is painfully everything is cool in this program.

There are several similar projects on the market. Can you somehow block those that you do not like?

You probably know that a trial is happening now: I am trying to disperse with a label, which for many years ruled on the legacy of Viktor Tsoi. This is the former Moroz Rejords, now "Music Law". Of course, there are projects that are a direct plagiarism of the idea of \u200b\u200b"symphonic" movie ". But while this is the proceedings, I am powerless. But if everything ends up in my favor, I hope that I will have the opportunity to regulate such situations.

- What could be the ideal completion of history with these rights?

The end of the authority of this company, the transition rights under my control. This does not mean that I myself want to fully manage the rights. This is a painstaking, complex process, you need a lawyer, accountant, office - I'm not very interested in me.

- Until now, there was not a single full-fledged exhibition of Viktor Tsoi-artist.

The proposals were made a lot, but none formed into something complete. And I did not want to send these people to the frost. But, I think, sooner or later, such an exhibition will happen. It would be easy to assemble: the main works are in collections literally couples of people.

Now, in one degree or another, the three kinobiographies of Viktor Tsoi are located, Kirill Serebrennikov, Alexey Teacher and Alexey Rybin, are going to work on them, Alexey Teacher and Alexey Rybin, participant in the first composition of the "Cinema". Are you contacting them?

I met with the team that makes the movie Kirill Serebrennikov. After some number of contacts with them, I switched to the celebration of the 55th anniversary of the Father, and then I realized that I began to take a monstrously to get tired of all these interviews and to take another project "Father's" project is simply not ready. The film has a rather bad karma, first of all due to the scenario that the network is in the network.

- You read it?

I saw one of the versions of this scenario. This, apparently, is no longer the one who stirred the public. I also had questions. But after all, the literary scenario is one thing, and the fact that specifically the director is going to blind out of it - this is completely different. However, to cope with the negative, which is nalip to this film, I did not really want. About the scenario on which Alexey Teacher's film should be founded, I also heard some negative feedback from the events participants. There, in my opinion, the most necrophilic story of all. That's what I would like to be purely avoided. But I can not block the shooting for the reasons that I said above. What is going to do Alexey Rybin, I do not know.

"Why exactly now everyone rushed to shoot a movie about your father?"

Maybe just the film industry enough creased and there is a competition that pushes these processes? Talking about Bayopik I heard for many years.