Folk signs about birds in different situations. Signs for luck

Folk signs about birds in different situations. Signs for luck


Our wise people did not carefully look closely to various events and analyzed a huge number of adopted, which predict good luck. What is it necessary first of all to pay attention to the future good news from passing by?

It is best to leave somewhere from home in rainy weather, then nothing hurts and does not happen bad. Our ancestors believed that the traveler was especially attentive with bad weather, therefore, and the likelihood that something bad would happen, decreases to a minimum. So, the rain, causing us in the way - also true luck!

In the village there is an extraordinary sign - if some bird from predatory (hawk, falcon, for example) landed on the roof of the house, then very soon in this house you need to wait for very interesting pleasant events. This means that if there is not enough material resources, then they will definitely appear from somewhere if someone from the tenants died - he will certainly be deemed and returns. In justice, this signa should not be doubted, since the predatory birds very rarely fly into the places where people live. So, if this happened, then wait - luck at the threshold of your home.

Many signs for good luck, as well as some, came to us from neighboring countries and they are no less effective, must be said. So, for example, in Ireland, they believe that if you find a four-leaf clover, then good luck will go for you on the heels. Sketches, of course, fairly, if you eat this leaf, but luck will increase many times, if you hide a leaf, speak such a plot: "As this clover, a four-leafer was born better than everyone, and in my life it will be better than that Others. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Many signs do not require conspiracies and spells, it is considered great luck, if you find a copper coin up. Only in no case do not raise the coin at the crossroads. And if you have suddenly met a man or a woman with a full bucket - it means that you are waiting for you a big luck in the near future. It is unconditionally everywhere there is an opinion that the found hanged over the door will bring good luck to the house, peace, health. Our ancestors said that it was not worth leaving somewhere on Monday to failure. And if you want to see as soon as possible with leaving, returning to the door of the house, look back. There are signs that great luck, if you see a rainbow.

Believe, I will accept the promising faithful luck, there is a huge amount, the main thing is that it will take to choose everything and that happiness has not passed the party. How to attract good luck and how not to scare it? It may not stay there, where there is no order in the house, not removed, dirty dishes, shoes, linen, where you are dried bouquets of flowers. Where the mirrors and windows are not washed, where the full mess. Good luck - Madame picking up, Believe me, and she bypasses those who are always unhappy with something. Throw bad mood, bad thoughts, decide with your goals, and luck will go with you near, without changing you.

It is not surprising that the preservation of the local crowded population has become a matter of state importance. The Englishman will be very annoyed if sawn Bulk mouse or hear her screams. It was so happened from the Middle Ages that these animals are considered ... for the night of the unborn mirror in the bedroom. And indeed, it is impossible to look at it in the darkness. To that note The Japanese are greater seriousness. In order not to attack the failure, the Japanese believe, do not answer the person who speaks ...

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On the street. Any coin, no matter what nominal, hilt or decoration, seen on the street, indicates an ambulance profit in the financial sector. Snack seventh. Butterflies are not only surprisingly beautiful insects, but also sources of income. But see The butterfly on the street is not a difficult thing, she does not promise anything remarkable. But if through the open window to you in the house ...

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Confident is a sign of fate. But how to express him? This will help us 10 vick About finds. Snack - find the ring value of this signs About the ring is ambiguous. For young girls, she foreshadows a rapid marriage, and all the rest of the misfortunes ..., scandal, attacks or fights. In no case do not raise this find from the ground, otherwise the value of this bad signs will surely come true. Snack - Find an icon if you found an icon, then before going home, you should sanctify it in the church ...

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Folk wisdom, everyone will be able to find out that the fate has prepared in the near future, paying attention to the signals of jewelry. Signs About the chain if you noticed that your decoration was darkened or sweat, this is the first sign of the approaching danger bound .... Most often, the chain is torn when it cannot cope with evil from which you protect you. One more snack About the broken chain says that fate gives you a sign of exemption from the negative and the right choice of the path. ...

Folk signs about birds are very diverse - watching the behavior of the feathers, it is possible to learn not only about climatic changes, but also about the upcoming events of their lives.

Of the whole animal world, the birds are most closely connected with the subtle world: they symbolize the spiritual essence, the relationship of the sky and the Earth, and also - lead coming to us from the future.

Urban, wild and home birds can tell us a lot - only you need to connect attention and intuition, decrypting their messages. Let's consider the folk signs about the birds in more detail and, perhaps, these knowledge will be useful more than once in life.

Wild birds

According to the people's superstitions, a long-soaring bird hovering over your head warns of possible betrayal, cunning or treason. However, if you see the eagle flies above the head - rejoice, because it will soon reach the desired goal. Flying in the direction of a flock of wild birds also foreshadows quick luck. A happy impress is considered to hear how the nightingale sings is the case that you think at this time will be successful. If the owl or owl knew next to the house - the addition comes soon in your family.

Thanks to the "Sunny" bud of a bird, a shaking is pleased with one of its views. Seek it somewhere (on the tree, on the roof, by the window) - to the happy events, but if this bird is sick or dead - beware of rejoice in the seeming luck, so as not to stick a misfortune. Soyuka (it is sometimes called the crossbar) is often associated with the "Blue Bird of Happiness" - seeming you, it symbolizes the beginning of a new happy period of life. If the junction is long in your site, not flying away, try to go behind her and be careful: You may find happy signs that open the door to a better life. The periodic visits of the fusion in your garden are promised by good luck, but if he fed a nest in the courtyard at home or on the roof - be careful with finance (but do not try to break the nest and kick out the bird - it will only increase the possible losses).


Poultry is, most often, chicken and roosters. It is believed that the rooster, grieving directly on the threshold, announces the arrival of guests. If the naids are worried at night and can not fall asleep - in the coming days there are quarrels and misunderstandings with neighbors. Domestic geese can warn about threatening troubles. Not good, it is believed if the goose is postponing two eggs at once, and also - if the goose suddenly disappears from the yard (regardless of the cause of the disappearance).

There is also a popular superstition related to all poultry: It is believed that the courtyard and the house, on the poultry of which there is at least one black bird, is reliably protected from the influence of unclean power. Homemade feathers often include decorative parrots living in a cage or just in the apartment. An interesting sign is associated with the unexpected appearance of this bird, if she flew into the apartment is unknown from where. Consider this event in favor of fate - carefully take care of the exotic GUT and your financial situation will soon improve.

Urban birds

Often in the city you can see swallows and haircuts - a lot of folk superstitions are also connected with them. Very good sign - if the swallow is a nest next to your window or under the roof of the house, but bad - if the bird suddenly throws it. The first suggests that your home is accompanied by happiness, and the second is that for some reason you have scared good luck. Virtually any bird that flies out the window warns of ambulances, but negative superstitions are sometimes related. Much depends on exactly exactly the bird flew: if everything went well and the feathered guest soon flew away - wait for good news, but if the bird rushes and beat - there will be anxious (the thing is that the hairs are flying very quickly, and therefore More often, foreshadowing negative events).

If Soroka sat on the sorprise to the patient - this means that the recovery wait for a long time. In addition, the soon healing of Patients of forty foreshadows, vigorously jumping on the roof of the house, a balcony or windowsill. The crows are more often associated with bad signs, but we should not forget that it is just warnings. If the crow pays for a long time and loudly sketches - get ready to meet with a nuisance; If the crow squals on the church in your district - Someone will die soon. A particularly lucky day in your life will be erected by a city dove in your life, having flown on you or simply touching the wing: you can try any business - it will definitely be wrapped with success.

Weather signs

Weather will take on birds - a great set, we will dwell only on some of them. If you see a nest that Sortie Sortie, very high on the tree - the next month will be clear and mildly, and if the nest is low - it is worth expecting rainy weather. If the crow shouts greatly and at the same time all the time goes with open mouth - it will be a rain. If the crow bathes in the snowy snowdrift in winter - it is worth expecting cooling, and in the puddle in the spring - prepare for rainy weather.

Swallows flying high, promise good weather, and low - bad. If the swallows are returned to us very early in the spring - a whole year the weather will be favored by crop, and in addition, the flip arrival is the reason to expect the first spring thunderstorm. If the sparrows at the end of the autumn hide the heads in the tails - you can expect freezers, and if they are bathed in the puddles - it will be warm. Nightingale, who all night displays his own ladders - this is a sign that the somewhat nearest nights will be windy.

Event Signals

Perhaps the most popular belief about birds concerns their habit of "bombarding" us excrement. Getting a similar surprise, you can comfort a folk preparing that the bird dismisses people to good luck and cash profit (there is also a bird litter on your car). In addition, if the pennate benefactor marked your shaped or service clothes - it promises the advancement of the career staircase. If the bird is alarmingly knocking into the glass of your window - there will be news and not the fact that good. The messenger do not hurt, but also in the house does not follow it either.

Separate sign concerns birds flew into the room and calmly shopping in the house for a while. Most likely, it promises you guests - long-awaited or unreasonable. The same promises the bird that went inside the house through the door. Trace the behavior of the bird: If, envy you, it is not worried and will soon fly away - guests will be pleasant, and if the bird behaves irritably and inadequately - perhaps the visit will be tense.

Signals about birds

if the bird knocks on the window - what a sign and what to do (sparrow, dove and other birds)

Bird flew out the window - Note is good or bad?

Negative signs

The worst signs are associated with the death of feathery. Whether the bird crashed about the car, suffered from ventilation or died due to other circumstances - it does not promise anything good. To knock down the bird on the road - is a serious warning and warning: perhaps you go through life at all in the direction and it can end it very sad. In addition, the bird, crashed into the windshield of your car, can have a more specific value - the best time this trip is still postponing. The mass death of the birds in those places where it used to be abundant, speaks of misfortunes on a large scale - they can relate to the whole district, the city or country.

Negative admission is considered to find a dead bird in itself under the threshold or in the courtyard. Having received such a sign, do not go to the risk and be careful in relations with people, and the dead bird should be buried as soon as possible (a hole in such cases is digrastered from home). If you found a dead bird, just walking down the street, the sign will not have such a value, but still - show attentiveness on this day, especially if you have to step on the bird. If the bird you find suffered, but did not die, try to save it - the mercy manifested is capable of changing future negative events. If your efforts have returned to life with your efforts - you can forget about bad signs (but even if she died, your efforts will not disappear for nothing and greatly facilitate future troubles).

At the cemetery

Since the bird symbolizes the human soul, the appearance of it in the cemetery has a corresponding value. To see the bird near the grave of the deceased relative or a loved one - it means to get a certain message from him. If the bird arrives and calmly sits at the fence - the deceased asks you to comfort and announces your well-being. If you have seen how the bird fuckedly fluttered there, and concernedly jumping across the whole grave, as if looking for something - think how you can help the deceased to complete his earthly affairs. Perhaps a person at his lifetime requested you about something or simply shared plans - try to remember which of his affairs you could bring to the end.

If a bird or a whole flock overtakes you along the way to the grave, be sure to follow the behavior of the feathers. If you see that the bird is clearly concerned (spinning over you, flies forward and returns back, following the heels or at some distance) - this means that the soul of a deceased relative or a friend warns you of danger. If at the same time the birds scream loudly, it means that you have already heard such warnings from living people, but did not get it, and now it is trying to "finish" the soul of the deceased. Go to the church and put a candle for the deceased relative, pray, think about it and tell mentally "thank you." In addition, coming to the cemetery next time, do not forget to bring a handful of cereals and leave it to birds.


Our dreams are encrypted symbolic messages. And since the image of the bird is deeply symbolic, then the corresponding signs that are brought to see in a dream can be believed not less (and maybe more) than what they saw in reality. If you dream that a poultry, like a chicken or a goose, fell into an open window or anxiously knocking into the glass closed - the trouble can happen to someone from your relatives. If you dreamed that a wild bird flew on the windowsill - as well as the real case of this kind, this dream speaks of the news, and for a woman who wants to have children, these news can concern long-awaited pregnancy.

Catch the bird with your hands and keep it in a dream - to get a letter or unexpected to be taken from afar. If in the dream you saw the tracks of the bird legs (in the snow, sand, windowsill, etc.) - some hidden movements of the soul will make themselves known in the near future. To see in a dream a lot of various birds screaming for all voices - to the quick participation in a crowded event (meeting, meeting, conference, etc.), and if many birds of small size gathered in your dream - in the near future you will get a profit, but Little. Catching falling birds - to attempts to learn news not intended for your ears. However, do not forget that for complete deciphering and interpretation of the "bird" dreams, generally accepted interpretations should always be compared with the context of a dream and its own associations.

Other signs

  1. There is a popular belief that the bird that fell into the chimney or the fireplace pipe, and also ate a spider-justified there, warns of someone from households.
  2. If a new species bird started in your garden - expect new events this year, interesting discoveries and dating with new people.
  3. The people say that it is undesirable to consider migratory birds - it can adversely affect the memory of a person.
  4. Bird nests in your home is always a good sign, wherever they are (on the roof, on the balcony, under the window, etc.). Pernaya intuitively feel what fate awaits human housing and which atmosphere will reign in it. If the birds decided to divide the house with you - in the near future, it is not threatened with natural disasters nor negative energy.
  5. If the wild bird flew very close to you and even hurt the wing - at the moment you are in a very harmonious condition. Make your thoughts and actions in the past few days - perhaps you will find a person's personal secret and will enjoy all your life.
  6. Very good will be considered to be thickened by the hunger of birds - coming to the places where they live, do not forget to bring grains with them and feed the feathers.

What folk signs are predicted by good luck and how not to sigh it ...

In the people, there are a large number of "for good luck", in other words, which will be predicted by a quick happiness. What should pay attention to not to interstate the coming good events?

According to the old beliefs, it is always better to go on the road in the rain - then the path will pass smoothly and nothing bad will happen. It may seem strange, because, according to statistics, in bad weather accidents occur more than in good. However, our ancestors believed that the worse the weather, the more carefully the traveler would be, therefore, the less likely that something bad would happen.

An amazing sign that will be extremely helpful to people in the countryside: if any predatory bird will sit on the roof of your home, then in a short time, unusual and very pleasant events will begin to occur in the family. For example, if someone disappeared in the family - it means that there will be soon, or if the family is a dirty, the dengue or additional sources of income will soon be released ...

It is worth noting that this sign is very faithful - predatory birds rarely fly into settlements, and if any eagle, falcon or Korshun will delight your home with your attention - wait for good luck.

Some vintage superstitions came to us from other countries. But from this they are less effective. For example, one of these will come to us from Ireland. According to her, find a four-leaf clover literally means finding good luck in everything.

Sketches are correct, but in order for it to work, it is necessary to whisper a special conspiracy. You can, of course, simply leaving the "four-hundredth", some part of luck will fall, but it will be a very small Tolik of happiness. If you want to get good luck in complete volume, before hiding the clover to my pocket, read the next whisper to good luck:

"As this clover, a four-leafer yielded to all the rest, everything will be better in my life than all others. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

But not all signs require the pronunciation of magical words. Some superstitions simply promise good luck without additional effort. For example, it is considered a good one to find a statch coin, that is, with a holding up. It goes without saying this, this coin should not lie at the crossroads - in this case, from the money you need to run as much as possible! If it simply lies on the road, and even with a wide one, you can safely take it yourself. And how to use it - decide for yourself. You can just put in the wallet so that it serves you as a mascot and love extra money. And you can buy a lottery ticket to it - it is believed that such a ticket must certainly be advantageous.

As you can see, there are many things that promise good luck, there is quite a lot of the main thing in search of these most will not miss your real happiness, which will certainly come to you, without sending forward to yourself any special signs.

Mrs. Luck - the lady is very capricious. Even if you comply with all the necessary signs and the day a huge number of signs foreshadowing, one wrong step to the side can spoil everything.

What can good luck? So, remember, the luck can perscub, if notice: dirty clothes, unwashed dishes, unclean shoes, an inaccurate bed, full of garbage bucket, stopped wall clock, dilapidated broom, dried indoor plants, creaking floorboards, dirty and cracked mirrors, broken furniture (especially Chairs, armchairs and sofas), notable meat and fish and common mess in the house ...

Rooster in the village - and today the main owner is on the farm.

According to his behavior, it is noted that in the house there will be, what changes in the weather are coming and how good the economic affairs will go.

Kohl cock in the morning got drunk from the rain puddles, all day will be good, clear weather. Especially if you say in this minute: "Stretching the sunshine, I didn't dry the rooster. Petuchu drink, to get enough, the rain on the ground is no longer shed. "

If the crop of the rooster woke you up in the morning, then the cases scheduled for this day will be made in the best possible way. The convex deal will be successful, the planned work is done on time, and the money will turn large profits. Just need to pronounce about myself under the crock of the rooster: "The rooster shouts - I will succeed to me, he has been a loud singing, I'm going to luck."

Keep 2 cocks on the courtyard - risk to get into a government house (prison, hospital). That this does not happen, young roosters at the achievement of bird maturity is best exchanged on chickens or sell. And by making a deal, to say: "Rooster Cockerel, scarlet scallop, will not allow sinning, external from the courtyard, so that the fate of the fate of us is repulsed from the government house. You rooster - we are life of good. "

Bad, if the rooster is given to his relative or acquaintances just like that - without money. In this case, the yard owner will "will take" the fertility of all pets and fertility of the household plot. So that this does not happen, the hostess must take at least 1 coin for the rooster and at the same time say: "For the rooster I take a coin so that I did not come true. The transaction took place - I did not remain in the postal. "

If in the house where there is a young girl, the rooster constantly quackets, jumping on the gate, it means that the girl will soon come to match. If this event is waiting in the house, then it is worth saying a penny friend's "leaving": "The rooster is naked and worried, the matchmaker is prepared on the road. Our product is your merchant who will enjoy the bride, that and well done. "

If the rooster is constantly running from his own herd in someone else's courtyard, then there may be a break between her husband and wife. In order for the house "not smelled" to the divorce, you need to drive the rooster into the chicken coop, and so to speak: "our rooster for someone else's courtyards do not pushing, do not wander, we do not donate on sin, do not agree about the divorce."

The sorcerer never won't get into the courtyard at home and never make anything wrong against his owners, if once a year, on the night with a full moon, under the first cock cry (in the first hour of the night), standing in the smokeshief, say: "Cock shouts - The sorcerer to burn out against my house, against my loved ones. Petukhu shout - not shouting, the sorcerer of my yard is not concerned. "

A person will have happiness in everything, if he will hold on to the crest of red-made rooster and says: "Happiness and luck - on the cock, the crest live, for that comb to stay - happiness to be charged, good luck and make it easy, troubles should be worn, not to be taken away with dumbfounders. Chur, my luck! "

The house will never suffer from a fire, if at his horse to attach a rooster figure, and hoisting, pronounce: "Rooster Warrior, the Good Deeds of the Organizer, stands on the roof, the house from the misfortune, it's not to go down the house - the fire is not happening."

If the rooster in the blood beats a neighboring rooster, then a terrible quarrel happens between neighbors soon. To neutralize this admission, you need the night to hold the dracan in the house, putting it in the basket, and in the morning I will release into the courtyard and say: "The rooster fights, it feels the quarrel. Petukhu is grapped, we do not swear with your neighbors. Emief not know - to help each other. "

If the rooster takes off to the roof of the house or the barn, loudly wings the wings, it means that someone will die in the family. A bad accept can be neutralized if you turn to the rooster with your back and say such a plot: "Rooster on the roof is tolerate, the wings clap, the trouble is sticking, it scares me. I'll turn away from the rooster, sorry from grief, the rooster to fall into the ground, my loved ones are pregnant. "

If a person going to the forest will hear behind the back of the cock cry, it means that the evil wants to rush it, and the cock warns about it. Get lost in such a situation easier than simple. To return home safely and without any adventures, you need to fold 2 figs, put them in pockets or, if there are no pockets, under the hem of clothes and say: "Sunny Figi Figi, the cock" Thank you "that I spent the forest, the evil defended. We are not hanging on a forest in the forest, I don't blocked through it, not to stumble, it turned back to the house. "

If the rooster shouts not by his voice, it means that the owners are waiting for the year of life in full need. Signs will not come true if, having heard such atypical singing, treat the rooster with crumbs from the business table and so to speak: "I defeated the poverty of the ravis, the rooster I speak, I treat it, I ask you to scream in a cock, do not stick to my house."

If the rooster stopped singing, it means that the house and the economy of the evil eye, get rid of which you can with the help of a special rite. You need to take a pen from the tail of this rooster and burn it next to the cemetery, saying such a plot: "It's not a cock feather, and the evil eye burner. Pulling burying, protection is doing from someone else's damage, from someone else's evil eye, so as not to hurt - not to burn my relatives, so that we have add-on in the house, luck in the affairs. Here someone else's malice will be shown, the roasting voice will grind. "


Dangerous bird - waswolf; Witch - Bird.

The ideas about the bird - the forerunner, the predictor and the wrap-up fortuity witch-thing are combined in the ultimate XIX-XX centuries. In the famine, things, belongings (less often broadcasts).

Forty - one of the usual appearance of the witch, the mention of which is constantly found in historical and literary monuments. Wrapped by forties, witches - things (most often two) can act as "ordinary" witches: to issue cows, spoil people (less often fly to the Sabbath, steal the moon).

A peculiar occupation characterizing the sorothe-man (usually fucking) is the abduction of the fetus from the womb of pregnant women. Witches - Soroki fly at night at home and steal other infants, replacing them with heads, brooms, slices of raw pork. (Perm.obl.) "Golitsa, frogs, which are then born with the gift of the word" (Samar.Obl.)

Thousands fly with barely noticeable blue lights. According to the beliefs of the Tomsk province, the witch - things penetrate the house through non-blessed pipes.

Dahl (1880) leads such a community belief: two witches can harm pregnant for the most part in the absence of her husband. To protect yourself from them, a woman, if she sleeps one, should have a belly belly with him or others belonging to him.

Witches-things are dangerous to those who go to bed without crossing or sleeping without a cross, without a belt, after. Appearing in the hollow, forty-waswolf as if paralyzes a pregnant woman who cannot move.

The thing, a meadow bird - embodied fate and death at the same time (ideas about death as an abduction, eating - one of the oldest myths).

Proverbs, Signs:

    Kaba on the shit (Soroka) is not your tongue (the eyelidly flew)

    Friendly forties in a hundred stronger tigers running alone

    Friendly Soron Slut Dragon

    Bei Sokok and Crow, you will achieve and to the White Swan

    Cute Soroki catch a fruit, and forty forty - forty marker.

Raven Voronovich

In the pagan conspiractions - in the ancients he is a helper, in Christian it is cursing and defended him.

As it is also called raven the beak of iron, Raven prophetic, the Raven protecting. Raven Size.

But more often, by the name of the patronymic.

He is one of the incarnations of the genus.

His many gods love !!! Raven - Veles Bird, Moraine, Mokosha!

It is believed that the soul of kind is reincarnated in the crow and under his appearance comes to help.

I just ask right, not to confuse the crow with the crow.

Raven more crows, smarter her!
The wingspan of the wings of the crow reaches 1, 20 m! They say that raven casts metal!

Raven is a very interesting bird, can soar in the sky as an eagle, lives long, until half a century. It is easily getting used to a person and even easily learn to speak. Not just repeating the words - thoughtlessly, but tells them always to the place. Can create not big sentences (out of 3.4 words)

Raven Bird things !!!

Raven from the gods right has: to warn about trouble (grain - squares - on the left or right side), move from the world of living in the world of the gods, and transfer any things and souls on itself.
Both there and back!

He lives on the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, on the tree mighty, there is a conspiracy, which is mentioned that the bones of animals are crowded in the nest, from sacrificial fires

Most often to him appealed at dawn or sunset.

In the most ancient epic about the Flood, Sumerian, Hilgamesh, releases a crow, and he does not return back, then earth there. Gilgamesh began to rule in the side in which Raven flew and stuck to the ground!

As far as I know, many navigaters from the times of Alexander Macedonian, they took a crow with them to ships in cells. And if the ships fell into the storm, and then did not know where to keep the way, then the crow released. Where he was going, there it means and it was necessary to sail. If there was no land near the ground, Raven returned to the ship!

The fact is that in all mythologies, in Slavic, too, raven symbol of the transition. He combines three worlds: the world of the dead, the world of living - the Earth and the world of the Gods - the sky.

He is a harbinger and substantive.
There is a belief. If the grace is a raven frame from the left side of you. Do not go and do not go, there will be no road, if with the right, then luck is you.

It is believed that Raven sits on his armchair onions, the seats of the god of Svarog, which stands on the copper pillar. He is called Raven Voronovich.

Often contact him in conspiracies, when they want, so that Ravens took fears. sores and bore them in their cluster. Either in conspiracies where you need to specify the road.

In addition, when he was considered the benchmark of love, like swans.
Crows live in pairs. Couples arrange for life !!! Raven can take revenge for the killed girlfriend all his life!
On this occasion, I heard a tale in childhood.
And therefore, often (earlier, before Christianity), the ravens asked to transfer the news to her beloved or beloved. Now it remains only in songs.

Here are some conspiracies.

"I will come out (the name of the rivers) in the forest is dark. I will find a dry tree in the forest, dry,

Tree dry lightning beaten, winds dishes.

This tree worship, it will be hugged, I will ask him.

What did you have a tree from having broken, from what was Okalilo?

Tree answers me:

I have worry and talked my roots, my rods drooped, - sat on my poppy

Raven is black, his nose is iron, claws his bouquet, and the porch fire

Fuss from his fiery wings.

The flame is pomp ones on all sides, causing that melting on people of God all sorts of lessons and prize, meetings and engagement, transitions, and fuss, sentences and evil dashing reversals, Lyuhai Duma and dashing language, and a dust word, and dying blood, joy and thinking, And the strata, cunning and catch, fears and prize and dashing spokes.

Give me a tree of your bark, all the attacks to drive them, everything is frightened ... "

By the sea, Okiasin rides Perun on the bloody stallion, the zipper on the ground worsens her illuminates, he cleans the grouse, sends heaven on the rocks and the sea, on the forests and rivers, on pure lakes. Sends damage to Huduy, on the world induced, in the swamps and quaggers,
Raven flows over the sea is flying black, Perun helps, and carrying human bones in the company, and sends heaven on the rocks, dumbfounding and the toughness is thinning in the sands of the stone.

"There is a tree under the east side.
Tom tree sits a bird-iron nose, bouquet claws.
I am this bird, worship and say: - Bird-iron nose, I have, (the name of the rivers), longing and dry shock (the name of the rivers) ... "

"On the sea of \u200b\u200bOkian, on the island of Buyan there is a pile of copper,
On tom pillar Copper sits crows an ancient
Raven Black - Bison Iron
Take the raven mealkis
Bringing Rodini
Save the lumber
Help crochotile
Fly Little
Carrying births
For a copper pillar
Under the stone Alatyr
Let (the name of the rivers) does not cry
The legs do not lead
And the cruisers of the umbilical, core, internal, susty, revuv, beattun
Under the stone in Navi lies
It does not look at the white light. "

"In black hlev,
In the dead ten
On dry veil, on the old broom
Sits Voron Voronovich.
Where it looks
That all from his eye will start.
It would be so dry, put the chisel in the nose (wart, barley, sowing .. "

"You fly, black raven, across the sea of \u200b\u200bOkane on the island of Buyan, to God Svaroga. God has two daughters. There are 12 horses for those daughters, tell those daughters - let one daughter holds his horses. The second daughter let her horses let her horses, I am going to my courtyard, I wait for them to wait. Consideration cover .. "

"At the sea of \u200b\u200bokayne, on the island of Buyan there is a cheese of the oak fastener, the black raven is sitting on an oak, the bubble is holding a bubble in his mouth and flies from an oak on the stone of Bel - Guryuch, with a stone on the ground, is dialing in that bubble the blood of the earth. He himself says senses the blood of the earth speaks: You, bubble, bubble, and you, Kila, at (the name of the rivers) Through the day, for every day and every hour from Say sentence

Well, you already know about the fact that Raven Voronovich can transport the souls.

"That's not white birrozza ride
Then not green tweaks
Then I swear ovidoy me (the name of the rivers) light (patronymic)
How the aspen leaf fluttering.
Spray tears poured
Sunshine light
No bore body (name of the rivers of the deceased) soul
No to whom there is a traffic police
But there is someone
I'm clearing (the name of the rivers) Bird Dedov
I clean the bird's business
Voron Voronovich.
Do not let the raven chick of his offense
The porch has a soul
The eyes were hooked
Help donate to the gods to appear
Help the grandson in front of the father's eyes get up
You take the dick under the left wing
You are coaching her through the forests dense
Through rivers fast
Through mountains high
Transfer her praise through the sea Okian
Across the river Fogneu
To the country of Rouch
Opose it among the affinities.
Let doubt dying
Let darling nobody judge.
Let the driver's doubt
Let doubt the rest will find.
Raven Voronovich Blyv Iron
Help, dumb under the left wing take!

If they want to get sick with Odra, they ask the crow to take under the right wing ....

In the Scandinavian faith, the raven bird is sacred! On the outfits and household items, they portrayed a crow with folded wings, such a drawing says means victory!

The British believe that if the crows leave their nests, leave their native places and fly away, then it is to the loud. There will be great misfortunes. Therefore, in Tower specifically feed the crows. They are accustomed there! For them is a special worker who feeds them and looks after!

There are nations that "lead" their pedigree from crows. You can look into the folklore of the peoples of the North.
Itelmen, Khanty, Mansi, Koryaki. Everywhere these nationalities have a kind, in which the Raven became the prisoner of their kind.

In ancient Rome, Raven was an embodiment of hope
American apaches, honor the Great Crow.

Eskimos of Raven in general God is the Creator, Father and the Investigator of the Gods.
It he took the earth from the Great Ocean and he created the Earth. (It was long ago, however, she flew somehow crow-kuth over the huge sea expanses, yes, she would have gotten, to relax where, and he had dived, he dived into cold water and raised from the bottom of the marine pebbles, and the big one, so legend, earth appeared)

Therefore, harm to the crow, it means to stick big trouble. And his murder can turn into trouble for the whole.

There is a fairy tale, which says that when people were children, Raven was a white bird!

But as he argued with Sokol, who closer to the sun closer. And they set up. Falcon could not stand and returned, and raven flew and flew, and then his wings fell and they became black.

The most interesting thing is that Albinos crows are found, with a white plumage.

Raven can like falcon in the clouds. And in the dusk you do not distinguish him from the birds of prey. It can be turned over in the air. Can fall a stone to the bottom.
Two crows can kill a lamb or even a fox. And if the flock is, then any wounded animal is doomed. Crows first of all shovel eyes.

If three (swallow, pigeon and raven) were sent in the Sumerian Flood in search of sushi (swallow, and only Raven was returned, since he did not return - he also flew, it means I found a land.

That and in the Jewish Flood. Noah sends two pigeons and crow. Raven did not return, sent a pigeon, the pigeon brought Oliva's twig in the beak. Then it curses the crow and white (he, too, before that was white color), the raven becomes black and becomes the bird of the devil. Therefore, the bird was damned. We remember the films of the horror strokes - horror. Show white snow, Aluu Blood and a bunch of raven.

Yes, even a bird can talk, definitely, the henchman of Satan)))

Although everything is not so simple here.
The prophet Elijah, living in the desert received bread and meat due to the crow, according to the legends of the Crown brought them to hermit. Therefore, Raven became a symbol of asceticism.

In the Celtic mythology there is Morrigan ("Great Mrs. Raven") - the goddess of the war in Irish mythology. In the mythology of Irish Celts, Morrigan was one of the whole group of Irish goddesses. Morrigan is known for changing his appearance. So, she often takes the appearance of a crow or crows.

Hugin and Munic Republic - a couple of raven in the Scandinavian mythology, which fly around the world Midgard and inform God once about what is happening. In ancard Huginn, he means "thinking", and Muninn is "remembering" (or "thought" and "memory", respectively).

The crows are mentioned in such literary monuments of Scandinavia XIII century, as the eldest and younger EDDA, \u200b\u200bthe circle of the earth, the third grammatical treatise of Olava Torkarson, as well as in scalidic poetry.

But the sign of the crow in Alchemy denotes the beginning of action, a flock of raven heating. And the raven with a white head, the end is the decay.

So, what properties of the raven would like to borrow a person?

The peoples of Asia, Africa and America, he served as a sunny sign, a symbol of wisdom, longevity, insight and foresight.

Foresight, inner vision. Intuition - as they say now.

Raven Symbol of generic memory.
And the symbol of love - pairs create for life!

China and Japan are the emblem of family love, in the Chinese shu dynasty, depicting a mythical crow with three paws. Three-legged rarion personified the three positions of the daylight: sunrise, zenith and sunset.

Images of raven and feathers of the crowners served as talismans for these purposes.

Hawk (Korshun) - People's tradition often mixes the haasting and the KORSHUAN, combining them with the overall symbolism of the birds of prey.

So there is a rite of expulsion of Korshun, the meaning of which is to protect the poultry from the pennate predator and could be interpreted as the fault of the village from death as such.

The Hawk and Korshun in the presentation of Russians are combined into a single image of a hazardous bird - a predator that embodies the warlike aggressiveness, merciless and the absence of nobility.

However, the image of the jastley is primarily associated with the efforts of the attack on the enemy, and the image of the Kovan - with cunning, readiness ruthlessly and blood-like to destroy his sacrifice, using any means to achieve their goal.

Proverbs, Signs:

    Hawk catches what he wants, and rich, buy, what can

    Haasting vaby - not on your head

    Than hawk hawk, better raven - but his own

    Kissed the hawk chicken to the last stick

    Hawk hawk eye does not turn off

    Rooster on that brave, and that hawk is afraid

    The hawk then take the pigeon when the flock breaks.