How to call the boy to grow volition and brave? Strong men's Russian names. How to choose the name of the boy list all male names

How to call the boy to grow volition and brave? Strong men's Russian names. How to choose the name of the boy list all male names
How to call the boy to grow volition and brave? Strong men's Russian names. How to choose the name of the boy list all male names

When the baby is born, the first thing that parents think is to be called him. It happens that the name of the child is given during pregnancy Mom. How to choose a name for a boy to bring him happiness? Now it is very fashionable to call children with foreign notes, as well as simple Russian names have become very popular. Such as, for example, Ivan, Peter, Dmitry.

In this article, consider all beautiful names for boys, including all Russian, foreign and most interesting.

As if the child was called parents, they must consider the following:

The name of the boy in time

There is an opinion what time of yearWhen the child appeared on the light plays an important role in his further fate.

Necessarily when choosing a name for a boy It is necessary to try to choose the one that will be perfectly combined with his patronymic and the surname. It should not be too many consonants and it is desirable that in the name there were the same consonants as in the names and patronymic. For example, Petrov Sergey Viktorovich, Gorbov Igor Viktorovich, Nikolenkov Dmitry Alekseevich, etc.

If it is well suited to the surname and patronymic and it is easy to pronounce, then it will facilitate the communication of your child in the future.

Parents who monitor new-fashioned names, of course, will want to call their child with some fashionable name. Every year a list of fashionable names is changing.

In 2017, the most fashionable names of the boys are considered:

Matvey - when translating means presented by the Lord. This child is really a real gift. He is very calm, absolutely not capricious without reason, always clean and neat. He always listens to his parents. Of these boys grow very fair raised men.

Artem is unsolved. This is a very clever boy who constantly wants to learn something new. He is very friendly and kind.

Maxim - Great. Very multifaceted child. He reads books, it runs with friends on the street. He is very interested in sports and likes to collect collections. He has many friends and he is very responsive.

Alexander - translates as a defender. The most popular name that will never come out of fashion. Alexander learn very well, always tries to be honest and obeying parents.

Timofey - honorable gentlemen. Very soft child in character. He is very easy to offend, do not like criticism. At the same time, he is a wonderful interlocutor who listens carefully and always ready to help. This child is very obedient, learning well and does not cause parents a lot of trouble.

Now it is very fashionable to call the boys with ancient Russian names, such as Zakhar, Khariton, Bogdan, Nazar. Anyway, parents need to think will not be very difficult For a child or strange for others.

Names for boys in names

Previously, children were called an angel in the church calendar. And it is still believed that this is right and the child, named by name, will have a strong angel - the keeper will be healthy and happy.

The only disadvantage of this method of choosing the name is that the church calendar is a small list, from which you can choose. In this case, you can call the child with the name that is in the next dates for the birthday.

Mystery name

No one is a secret, something, as the child called, determines the character of a person after birth. Each of them has its meaning and translation from ancient languages.

Adam - man

Alexey - Defender

Anatoly - Sunrise

Andrey - Mougared

Anton - Fight

Arseny - Mougared

Artem - dedicated to the goddess of Hunt Artemis

Bogdan - this god

Valentine is healthy

Valery - to be strong

Vasily - Tsarsky

Venedict - Blessed

Vladimir - Ring

Victor - Winner

Georgy - farmer

Gleb - Loves of God

Gennady - noble

David - Beloved

Danil - God my judge

Dmitry - owned by a dimer

Denis - inspirational

Dobrynya - Lucky

Eugene - noble

Egor - Agriculture

Zakhar - life

Ivan - Milled by God

Ilya - Fortress

Kirill - owner

Konstantin - Permanent

Lion is the king of the animals

Mikhail - Like God

Maxim - Great

Nikita - Winner

Nikolai - Winner of Peoples

Oleg - Saint

Paul - small

Peter - stone

Roman - a resident of Rome

Ruslan - Lev.

Svyatoslav - Saint Glory

Stanislav - Nice

Sergey - High

Timofey - honing God

Timur - Iron

Fedor - Darked by God

Philip - loves horses

Eduard - wants to be rich

Yuri - Zemlovepashets

Yaroslav - Strong

Important conditions for choosing a name for a boy

The country in which the child lives. Also, the nationality of the child can be attributed. So that there are no contradictions between the parents and the child jumped normally into the team, you need to take this feature and call a child so that it only helped the child in the future life.

The smear form of the name is also very important. Parents need to think about how they will call their baby. This form of the name should not be funny or complicated.

If the city in which the child lives is not too numerous, then very exotic names are unlikely to be understood by others. It is much easier to Alfredam and Emmanuille living in huge densely populated cities.

By month of birth

Beautiful Russian names for boys: List.

Aksenti Adam Aleksandr Andrey Anton Aristarkh Arkady Arseny Arthur Arthur Athanasius Bogdan Boris Budimir Bulat Vatim Valentin Valeriy Vasily Vitaly Vladij Vladimir Vladislav Glebriel Gennady Georgy Herman Gleb Grigory David Damir Daniel Denis Dmitry Evgeny Yegor Zhar Ivan Ignat Igor Kirill Makim Miron Miroslav Mikhail Miron Modest Nazar Oskar Pavel Peter Svyatoslav Sergey Stanislav Taras Fedor Philip Edward Yuri Yaroslav Alexey Alfred Anatoly.

Beautiful foreign names for boys:

Renal Leonard Rafael Marcus Spiridon Arthur Daniel Javid Michael Richard Evald Grant Levon Reval Sanzhar Andrian John Martin Samson Akram Dominik Modest Sevastian Benedict Donat Nikon Teodor Vildan Justin Omar Thomas Vilold Vitold Iskander Osman Tony Waldemar Iraklion Osman Fidan Vissarion Karl Patrick Franz.


For, so that the child was not shyling his nameAnd I wore him with pride and confidence in myself, you need to seriously approach his choice. The list of names is large enough, but sometimes they say, you just need to look at your baby after birth and immediately understand what his name is, the heart will tell.

It is very difficult to choose the name of the future child, because it determines the entire fate of a person, your little son, so I want him to be happy and joyful, strong hardy, generous and wise. For you, several options for interesting names for boys and their interpretation.

Beautiful names for boys and their meaning

According to popular belief, in the male name, there must be the letter "P", then the nature of your son will be solid and strong. Several options for interesting and beautiful male names:

  • Gabriel - from the Hebrew divine warrior.
  • Adrian - from Greek strong, mature.
  • Robert is an ancient Germanname, unfading glory.
  • Ernest is an ancient Germanname, meaning serious, strict.
  • Christians - from ancient Greek - Christian

Beautiful Slavic names for boys

Slavic names remain popular for many years, more and more often you can hear how parents are dying Nikon, Matthew or Sawvo. This name returns us to our roots and will suit the boys of Slavic origin. By choosing a name, try to pick up the diminutive-ladies:

  • Miron, Miroha
  • Radomir, Radik
  • Dobrynya, Dobrynyushka
  • Yaromir, Yaromerchik
  • Dragomir, Dragomirchik
  • Svyatozar, Svetik
  • Peresvet, Svetik
  • Ladomir, Ladushka
  • Bazhen, Bazhenushka
  • Velimir, Vyushusha
  • Belogor, Belomushka
  • Goryna, Gorynyhka
  • Mirolyub, Mirojubushka
  • Milorad, Silica.

When choosing, it is worth assessing a combination of name, patronymic and surname, an explicit dissonance may later cause ridicule among classmates.

Beautiful Orthodox Names for Boys

The name is called Orthodox, if it is determined depending on the saint, whose memory is celebrated on the birthday of the child. Such a calendar of the names is called the Holie or the Sacdians, you can choose one of the names that you like most. For example, you can meet such names:

  • Sylvester
  • Archip
  • Achila
  • Name
  • Emilian
  • Makar.

Each date accounts for from 7 to 15 names, you can also see the names a few days ahead. If you called the child in the sacnesses, then the day of the angel and the birthday will be for one day.

Beautiful vintage names for boys

Vintage names that almost come out of use, today are reborn again. Parents who want to give a child a unique name can find it in sacraments or metrics. As you know everything new, it is well forgotten old.

  • Aria - Smere
  • Bonipatius - grateful
  • Distinity - Dar of God
  • Evtichiy - Joyful
  • Callist - beautiful, attractive
  • Livherey - Freamel
  • Malachi - a messenger from God
  • Olympic - Sunny
  • Fothy - Enlightening

Beautiful Muslim boys names

Selecting several names of the name, tell about the baby about them, see how it will react. Try contacting him already by name, it will be easier to get used to you and him. Among Muslim names can be listed:

  • Alfire - superb
  • Anvar - rachish
  • Garif-informed
  • Garey-worthy
  • Icram- Respectful
  • Insaf- fair
  • Murat-desirable
  • Mushyriforable

Beautiful Tatar names for boys

Tatar names are often associated with outstanding personalities who have determined the fate of the Tatar people. Usually, the whole family is connected to the selection process, from the abundance of the proposed options sometimes around the head. Beautiful Tatar male names:

  • Bakir - learning
  • Ahmad - praised
  • Eldar-ruler of the country
  • Timur - Iron
  • Narkeek - Light
  • Irerevia
  • Ildus- loving homeland

Beautiful Kazakh names for boys

Kazakh names are always the melodiousness and courageity. Male Kazakh names honored various virtues. Some parents prefer not to disclose outside the family the name of the future child up to the moment of birth.

  • Aydar is the strongest and mighty
  • Kairat - the most active and movable
  • Samat is the most permanent
  • Rashith -sham brave
  • Sharip-supera resperable
  • Talip - the most scientist
  • Ulan, the most resy

Beautiful Arabic names for boys

7 days after the birth of the baby, the child's name is given on Muslim custom, during this time parents can understand what the name will suit the child and reflects his character. On the other hand, it is believed that a strong name can change the fate of a person and a weak and painful child to endorse the energy. The selected name option will determine the entire future life. The most popular Arabic name "Muhammad", or "decent praise", other options:

  • Damir - Smart
  • Arsen - Fearless
  • Suleiman - protected
  • Timerlan - resistant
  • Ibrahim - Father of Peoples
  • Jamil- attractive

Beautiful Turkish names for boys

Male names in Turkey come from Arab, Persian or Turkish roots. Also common dual names. The name of the boy should have a special meaning and carry the qualities that the parents want to see in their son: virtue, respect, mind, power, etc.

  • Balaban - Smere
  • Bascurt-first warrior, warlord
  • Ugar - lucky
  • Mustafa - Selected
  • Akhmeta-j.
  • Kerem- generous

Beautiful Islamic names for boys

Most Islamic names have Arab roots, and they appeared long before the birth of Islam. The most popular names are the names of the prophets mentioned in the Quran.

  • Aziz - strong, majestic
  • Vakil - patronishment
  • Dahu - Maudded Knowledge
  • Zinnur - light beam
  • ISHAK - joy carrier
  • Maxud-desired
  • Munir - illuminating the path
  • Nadir - valuable, rare

Beautiful German names for boys

The ancient German roots lie at the base of almost all German names, of course, in the centuries they affected them the European neighborhood and they were modified. According to the rules, in Germany, you can choose a name from the approved register of names, invent or inventing forbidden, any conflicts are solved through the court.

  • Hermann - Warrior
  • Raymond - defender
  • Wolfgang - Wandering Wolf
  • Valdemar- Lord
  • Emil - filled with passion
  • Karl - manly
  • Paul -Same modest

Beautiful Armenian names for boys

Men's Armenian names usually glorify the famous kings and commander, nature or human qualities.

  • Sarkis - High Post
  • Ovanes - God pardon him
  • Wage - hardy
  • Egyazar - God helps him
  • Mathevos - God's gift
  • Ruben - Bright, noticeable
  • Hamlet - Simple, Sad
  • Argam - worthy

Beautiful Caucasian names for boys

The national diversity of the Caucasian Mountains was the cause of the accumulation of the name of the names of similar characteristic features. Before reacting, parents define the name of the name, and only later the names are chosen in the name in the name, which are suitable for this value.

  • Rustam - Brave, brave, brave
  • Baisal - confident
  • Amir - Lord
  • Kydyr - endowed with power
  • Karim - possessing generosity
  • Azat - independent

Beautiful Chechen Names for Boys

Chechen names are given to the kids in accordance with the principles of Muslim faith. As in most nations, the names originate from the names of the sacred prophets, the phenomena of nature, animals and plants.

  • Bulat - steel
  • Murad - ascending
  • Pasha- Lordel
  • Fazle - Ctyma
  • Rahim - Moshaila
  • Caucasian - clean
  • Kais - solid, impregnable
  • Icram - respectful

Beautiful American names for boys

According to the American traditions of the boy can be called in honor of the father or grandfather or other revered relative. To avoid confusion, "Jr." is added, for example Jacob Stemson Jr.. The basis of American names are biblical names, such as Job, Samos, Adam and others.

  • Ben - living in the south
  • Quentin - the fifth
  • Perry - Travel Lover
  • Festter - Forest Lover
  • Earl - famous
  • Phil - Rider, Horses Lover
  • Tom - like two drops of water, twin
  • Reynold - ruling wise
  • Marlon - a small warrior
  • Albi Sunny

Beautiful english names for boys

English names are truly huge, it is possible to find the names of various origin as invariating English and Arabic, French, Greek. At the same time, the British often have several names, for example, Patrick Jay, Christian John Alfred.

  • Raimund- smart defender
  • Casey - Store Vigilance
  • Vos winner
  • Matthew - Giant
  • James - Conqueror
  • Miki - Godlike
  • Louis - militant
  • Hammond - home
  • Berti-noticeable, bright

You are given for the choice of a name for the baby, you are given as many as 9 months, during which time you will accurately go through and scroll through all the possible options in my head, stretch how they are combined with the patronymic and last name, and even submit what names are suitable under the patronymic for your grandchildren . You should not hurry with the choice of name, during pregnancy you can already feel the character of the baby, to understand what: a quiet or active, emotional or calm. Moms always feel their babies and understand them back in the womb. Of course, the name defines the fate of a person, but still you need to really try to really correspond to the qualities and virtues that are laid in that name.

Video: Beautiful Russian names for boys

At all times, the name of the child was treated seriously and responsibly. After all, the name becomes part of life, it remains with a person from birth to the very death.

In antiquity, special attention was paid to choosing a name for the boy, as the son is a successor of the family. That is why often sons made the names of gods, heroes or brave ancestors.

Nowadays, parents have a different criteria for choosing a name: someone studies all sorts of options thoroughly, and someone is enough to sound beautifully and approached patronymic.

Name and fate

From a long time to this day, people believe that the name given to man at birth can affect his fate, so it is important to know the origin and meaning of the name.

Modern young parents seek to give unusual names for their offspring: be it staroslavansky and how long forgotten names or intricate, Foreign manner. But calling the Son, it is necessary to remember that one day he will also become a father, and his name will be the patronymic.

Many fathers seek to reward the child with their own name, but it does not always benefit the son:

  • the name of the name is "diluted" by its frequent use, which can negatively affect the character of the boy;
  • uniqueness disappears, and even the meaning of the name may change in the negative side;
  • yes, and in combination with patrols, such names become inconvenient to pronounce.

Consider bad sign give the names of relatives who died not with her deathSince the child can adopt the fate of the previous owner of the name.

According to psychologists, a good choice will be the names that have a full and short, softer form.. This can help when raising a child. For example, if a boy from early childhood shows cruelty, then the affectionate appeal to it by the name is able to soften his character and take the Bunarian spirit.

First and middle name

When choosing a name, it is important to take into account how it is combined with the patient. After all, adults are often called in the name-patronymic.

  • Foreign names are ridiculous, in combination with Slavic middle names and vice versa.
  • The long name is extremely uncomfortable for perception and pronunciation with the same long patronymic. In this case, the best option will be chosen a short name.
  • An important meaning of the name and patronymic sound is important. If patronymic begins with vowels, you should select a name that ends with a consonant letter and vice versa.

It is worth remembering that the name is combined not only with patrols, but also with the surnameTherefore, this criterion should also be considered when selecting a decent name.

Name and seas: relationship

Oddly enough, but the time of year, in which the baby appeared on the light, can significantly affect his character.

Name and date of birth

Often in the family comes to a scandal when two newborn parents cannot decide what the name to choose. Our ancestors did not exist such a problem, the parents simply came to church and there they were offered to choose the name of the boy by the date of birth from the Orthodox book "Saints". This book contains more than 1,500 different names, indicating the dates for which those or other Christian saints read.

According to modern canons, the child must take place from the day of his birth and no later than three days after the baptism of the baby. If there is not a single suitable name for this date, then the church allows you to choose a name for a boy in a month of birth.

Men's names for a child by months

Easy the choice of name for the boy will help the list of men's names for the child, Russians and for months. With this list, it is not difficult to find out how you can call the boy born in January, April or October.

Name and its meaning

Each name has the designation, a special characteristic that imposes its mark on the identity of the media of this name.

Alphabetical list of popular:

Alexander - defender that protects.

Alexey - Defender and Assistant.

Anatoly - East, dawn.

Andrey - courageous and brave.

Anton is opposing, always ready for battle.

Arkady - happy, blissful.

Arseny - mature, courageous.

Artem is healthy, invulnerable.

Boris - strong, wrestler.

Vadim is a debate, confused.

Valentine is a healthy, strong and strong.

Valery - cheerful.

Vasily - ruler, king.

Veniamin - Happy Son.

Victor is the winner.

Vitaly - giving life long-lived.

Vladimir - owning the world.

Vladislav - owning glory.

Vsevolod - all-in-law.

Vyacheslav is the most nice.

Gabriel - Assistant God, God's warrior.

Gennady is noble.

George - cultivating land.

Herman - native, real.

Gleb - Loves of the Gods.

Grigory - awake.

David is a favorite.

Daniel is fair.

Demyan - Pokhan.

Denis is a merry, a walk.

Dmitry - farmer.

Eugene - noble, good genes.

Egor - cultivating land.

Elisha - his God protects him.

Zakhar - a memorial Lord.

Ivan - pardoned by God.

Ignat, Ignatius - Fire.

Igor - militant.

Ilya is a believer, the power of God.

Innokenty - Innocent, honest, impeccable.

Kirill - Mr., Vladyka, Sun.

Konstantin - persistent, permanent.

Lion is heartfelt.

Leonid is a similar lion.

Makar is blissful, blessed.

Maxim is the greatest.

Mark - hammer.

Matvey is given by God.

Mikhail - like God.

Mstislav is a nice defender.

Nikita is the winner, the conqueror.

Nikolai is a folk winner.

Oleg - Saint, Light.

Paul is a small, younger, baby.

Peter is solid, reliable.

Prokhor - Managing Choir.

Rodion is heroic.

Roman - Roman, Roman.

Rostislav - growing glory.

Savva - old man, sage.

Savely - grave, unbearable work.

Svyatoslav - Holy Glory.

Semen - heard by God.

Sergey - high, notable.

Stanislav - became glorious.

Stepan - Venedous.

Taras - Restless, Buntar.

Timofey - honored God.

Tikhon is a fateful, random.

Fedor - giving God.

Philip - Lifeless.

Khariton is a pleasant, beautiful, generous.

Julian - July, Curly.

Yakov - walking on the heels pursuing.

Yang is the mercy of God, the defender, the patron.

Yaroslav - bright, strong.

ATTENTION, only today!

The choice of a name for the child who has appeared is an important and responsible matter. The further fate of the kid depends on the decision of the parents. Choosing names for boys, it should be borne in mind that the name should reflect natural human qualities, be frantic, go well with patrony. In the old days, children gave a name for the sacnesses. Currently, some believers are held by this, others often call their children, relying on family traditions and personal preferences.

This baby name defines the nature and fate of the child. With antiquity, the infant adultery was attached to a special meaning. With the name, many different believes and customs are connected. It is believed that the name of the deceased relative can not be given the infant, you can repeat his fate. However, many families exist tradition to call a child in honor of the Father, grandfather. The main thing is that the ancestor was a worthy person so that the child would take an example from him and grew up himself with a good person.

The value, sound, intuition, combination with patronymic, traditions, preference should be taken into account. How to choose a name so that the boy call him proud to cause it a friendly response of other people. Ancient wise men connected the fate of the boy with his name. This name became a kind of faith, the true was hidden from all until a certain time. The fictional second name was given to the baby so that the child was not smoothed, did not take away his best happy share.

The name may indicate the belonging of a small man to a certain nation. Depending on the nature, it can emphasize the talent, the advantages of its owner. Some names form men's features, emphasize power, strength, others express the love of parents to children, connection with nature. For selection there are different approaches. Someone looks at the calendar, others to popularity, each people have their own traditions. When a person is pleased with the name, it helps him in achieving life goals. When choosing, the following points are taken into account:

Many parents choose names, following fashion. The most common and popular male names Nowadays are the names:

  • Maxim.
  • Nikita.
  • Daniel.
  • Artem.
  • Andrew.
  • Egor.
  • Kirill.
  • Yaroslav.
  • Sergey.
  • Alexei.
  • Alexander.
  • Novel.
  • Egor.
  • Matvey.
  • Semyon.
  • Ruslan.

The child itself likes such names, and he calls his name with joy. Many parents prefer to call their kids established, tested by old names. Long names are reduced. Preference is given traditional names. The religious factor also affects the popularity of the name. Reliable are easily perceived names. Fashion for boys names can change well-established ratings. But such names as Alexander, Alexey, Vladimir do not come out of popularity.

Beautiful names for boys exist in each nation. Fend your intuition and common sense by choosing a name for your child. So that it was harmoniously it should be pronounced loud, Listen to how it will be combined with patronymic and surname. You should think about the departure that the future man will give to his children so that it does not sound extravagant on rumor.

Excessively extraordinary name can entail ridicule at school. It should be remembered that when the child grows and maybe will take a guiding position to him will contact the full name. A favorable combination of a name with patronymic plays an important role. An adult man is addressed by the name of the patronymic. It is necessary to choose a easily pronounced combination.

If the patronymic of the average length, the name is suitable for the same in size. With long patronymic, it is better to choose a short name. For example, it is well combined by Lev Evgenievich. It is necessary to take into account the national affiliation. Some parents call the sons with the name of the famous actor or the famous Hero Hero. It is better not to do this. Every person lives his fate.

Do not call the boy as the same name as his father. This is not the best combination. Repetition enhances the energy of the name and properties inherent in the nature of the spouse. It creates confusion when communicating when 2 people are called the same.

For a long time, people with certain names were endless, strong, reached vertices in life. These qualities are valued at any time. Therefore, modern parents are looking for strong male names for their children. These include:

Powerful names include: Igor, Ruslan. Evgeny, Kirill, Dmitry. They are combined with patrols, are beautifully pronounced and possess powerful energy.

Some parents choose too original and extravagant names for their children. In pursuit of popularity parents come up with unusual nameswithout thinking about their meaning and how to live a boy with him. Parents call a child so that even the registry office workers refuse to register it under the name. Muscovites that have emerged such unusual names as peace, Justin, Cosmos, Christmas tree. Choosing names for boysSometimes parents are guided by astrology and numerology, call the child in honor of the famous actors and literary heroes.

In the USSR at the dawn of communism they gave strange names. Tractor, kim. Unusual names invented in those years are unlikely to be used. For example - owned in honor of Vladimir Lenin, pofistal - meant: the winner of the fascism Joseph Stalin. In the US, there is a real boom on unusual names. What should be known when choosing rare names, what are the recommendations of psychologists, nuances, they need to think about it. Some rare names sound and reflect energy and meaning.

  • Lubomir (loving world).
  • Yaroslav (bright fame).
  • Damir (giving peace).
  • Bronislav (armor, protection).

The right choice of name - Important factor influencing Child.

According to the Orthodox Church, the guardian angel is protected from the birth of a child. Rus was taken embare the child with the name in honor of Holy, on the day of the memory of which the baby was born. Often parents choose the names of bright historical personalities. Such names as Igor, Vyacheslav, Rostislav called Slavic princes. Some beautiful Orthodox Russian names:

  • Ivan is the grace of God.
  • Nikolai is the winner of the peoples.
  • Georgy - farmer.
  • Fedor - Dar of God.
  • Paul - Small.
  • Peter is a stone.
  • Alexey - Defender.

Russians closer to Russian traditions. Often boys call Yaroslav, Elisha, Svyatoslav. Nowadays, they are increasingly turning to the sources of Russian history, recalling the names of the ancient Slavs who have become part of it. Russian names have good value and understand to any person.

The birth of a child is a significant event for all family members. The choice of name is the responsible moment.. Today in the arsenal a huge number of names for boys from Orthodox to modern and unusual sounding. The information provided will help find the right decision. And you selected names for boys: Strong, cool. The most Russian name, or any other? Read more about names.

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Not always love and care of native people enough to provide children with a cloudless future, and adults are perplexed - where they made a mistake and what had to be corrected in childhood. If a…

Some names are so coming around in any country that they do not even give the meaning where it came from and what it means. It should not be so casually refer to the name that is given only ...

There are quite a few names, especially revered by parents who prefer their kids to give all the best in life, and the reason for such popularity is not a beautiful sound. Experienced adults most often pay attention ...

Decent, melodic and old names, not forgotten for thousands of years, there are a lot, so parents who have begun to choose the name for their baby, is waiting for a difficult task. Despite such an abundance, there is ...

Damir is an old Muslim name, thanks to melodic and harmonious sound, spread pretty quickly throughout the light and is happy to choose his parents for their kids. Before painting the crumb, adults ...

Fate is the only thing that is impossible not only to prevent, but also to fix, so the wonderful custom came from the antiquity to the baptism of the baby to solve the meaning laid in the name. Often it turns out enough ...

When a person is called, for him it is the most pleasant sound. So that it was and with your baby, you need to respond with this task. Everything in this world is called, the essence itself is formed around the name. Therefore, it is impossible to deny a large influence of concrete several letters on self-treatment and a human worldview.

Some argue that the name is even capable of changing fate. If you do not approach the case with such fabrication views, the question still saves how to choose the right name for the boy.

After all, in antiquity they called people, both in honor of the heroes and gods, and in words with an impartial meaning, which could express affiliation to one or another kind or type of activity.

Now parents are used to relying precisely on the sound or fashion. But it is especially important not to be mistaken when using Old Slavonic names. Because the true meaning can be very different from what is customary to understand now under this word.

Choose the name of the child Boy: Approaches

There are several methods of decision making in this matter. Sometimes there is even a whole family council. To come to a consensus, you need to understand what strategy you will move. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.

The man is the head and footman of the family. But all the foundations are laid in childhood. Even character begins to form about. The baby hears him even in the womb, if it is chosen in advance. The person will never forget and does not confuse this name with some other. Remember when at an early age, the jackets wanted to offend, they reworked the names. Because there is nothing more personal, unpolishedly belonging to the future man. Therefore, before sorting out the options in your head, pay attention to these reference points:

  • Think about the future. The name of the boy in the future should be the harmful patronymic for his children.
  • Do not mock your children. Funny, fictional independently or borrowed from the series names is not the best way to express your love. As the baby will simply do in school or in kindergarten. Thus, you strive to express your individuality, but this will suffer from this, which will become uncomfortable in society. Of particular inconvenience, this brings in childhood when the immediate guys say everything they think, or in his youth - sometimes the first love and romantic experiences.
  • Do not call in honor of the Father. The continuity of generations is plus, but not in this case. According to psychologists, due to the coincidence in the sound, the boy is harder to identify itself as a separate person. He begins to feel himself as a shadow of his father, which leads to depression, neurosis, loss of feeling of its uniqueness.

Remember that there is no wrong choice, because everything is unique and largely defined by the taste. The name can be considered a gift from the parents to the child. He is the very first and most important thing that the little person appreciates the entire value to fully fully, take into account these rules.


Conservative families are very reluctant to change the established way. Therefore, they reluctantly go to experiments. But if you doubt how it is better to call the baby-boy unusually or familiar. This technique has its advantages, because if the child wants to learn the story of his name, he will understand that the choice has deep roots. So kid:

  • perceives the experience of generations;
  • learns to appreciate and respect their past;
  • represents the fate and the life of their relatives;
  • stores important facts about your family and conveys them to their children.

So that the stories were more visual. Take a family photo album. Such a family book will pass after year if it will have a strong case. This will help the Russian house of the genealogy.

Heraldry specialists will be able to develop a family coat of arms and place it on the cover of a family book or album. The history of the life of relatives, the intriculture of their destinies will revive before the eyes of the baby.

List pages, he will learn these facts against the background of the development of events of the past country. Thus, a person learns to enter his life into a common context, thanks to which the responsible and honest family man is brought up, the patriot of his homeland and a conscientious specialist. People of such a warehouse of character are highly appreciated in society. And the beginning of the brilliant path begins with the name.

For church calendar

Previously, the question did not rise, how to name the child, since there was a codified name. This collection showed how to name the boy for the church calendar. So far, many believers consider this approach only true. By calling a child in honor of Archangel or Saint, you can hope for good health and happy life of Karapuz. Some confuse the archaic sound of these options, others think that opportunities in this plan are quite limited.

But the list for each month is very large. Especially not necessarily call as they pronounced several centuries ago. John is replaced by Ivan, Alexy - Alexei. But you may be 100% confident that negative meanings are not one of the names.

Many values \u200b\u200bare associated with God, so if you believe that the name can become a talisman and a boy's defense, it is better for you not to find options.

So the beautiful name of Jeremiah (transformed into Eremee-Erema-Ermium) is understood as "touched by God." Also, when baptized, the child will not arise any difficulties: the worldly name will not need to translate into church.

Sometimes help comes from an unexpected side and you can hear the appropriate option in a conversation with a girlfriend or colleagues. But choose which name is better to call a newly born boy, better in a close family circle. After all, only relatives can take into account such important moments as:

  • Nationality. There are interethnic marriages, then her husband and wife need to apply all their diplomatic abilities. But if both of both of both have oriental roots or on the contrary, the Russians are invalid, it is better not to conflict with national traditions. Otherwise, the name of the Chad will contrast abruptly with its appearance, vital construction and traditions.
  • Place of residence. In a big city, where a high level of agglomeration and on one territory people live different views, religions, origin are not so amazing unusual names. But if in a small town or settlement to name the young citizen Alfred or Marseille, it will cause great interest.
  • Speed-ladies. You must take into account the opportunity to transform a name. When you want to express your tenderness and call the child in a different way it should not be too difficult to pronunciation or cut a hearing.

These rules will help not be mistaken with the choice even to close people, and will also affect the avoidance of disputes.

By Prozvuchiu

In everyday communication, we pay special attention to the sound. Therefore, deciding which name to choose for a boy, say it several times, shame it, draw a bloc. Pay attention to how it is perceived by rumor in combination with the surname and, most importantly with patronymic. There are several rules that will help you decide:

  • Uniformity. The name should reflect the tradition of calling one nation. Since it is not enough that Thomas Ivanovich or Bruce Pavlovich sounds ridiculous and foreign names themselves do not have the opportunity to become patronymic subsequently. The combinations of Evgeny Jackovich or Semen Jonovich are incorrect and not allowed.
  • The length of the components. Special beauty acquire combinations, if the name is short, and patronymic has a greater duration, and also if they consist of about the same number of letters. For example: Miron Pavlovich, Igor Stepanovich, Lev Nikolaevich, Yuri Aleksandrovich.
  • Ending-start. Pay attention to the word bog. The optimal option, if the first of them ends with a vowel, and the subsequent starts with the consonant: Danil Timofeevich, Nikita Romanovich. Also acceptable and the opposite combination: Semen Alekseevich, Artem Igorevich. Consider alliteration: the name must be singel, melodic. Avoid coarse, grinding sounds and similar combinations (gr, TX, ICR).

This moment is very important, because when the young man is growing and becomes a man, subordinates, unfamiliar and officials will contact him in this way.

In the time of year

If you do not take into account astrology, but take into account the natural cycles of nature, then every time of the year affects the nature and psychophysical features in the development of the baby. How beautiful to name the boy already born according to the seasonal calendar?

  • Winter. Strong and decisive character of a small man is provided. It is in the first months that hardening for the future life. For fearless fighters with frost, such names as Paul, Alexey, Semyon, Valentin, Stepan, Arseny, Elisha, Luka are suitable. Such melodic options will help to soften the stubborn temper.
  • Spring. Nature itself has to lyrics and it is not by chance that it is at this time that future poets, directors, actors and musicians appear on this time. Summate to consider the subtle mental organization of the firstborn, but for a happy way to reward one of these names: Rodion, Nathan, Timur, Ruslan, Bogdan, Vlas, Valery.
  • Summer. Bright, wicked personals. Energy in them boils and calm names will not ask them to taste, they will feel like in someone else's clothes. Take a look at these options: Lion, Gleb, Gordes, Vladislav, Trofim, Rostislav, Makar, Igor, Naum.
  • Fall. Such people are most inclined to analyze, reflection. Of these, finely felt, talented psychologists are obtained. Therefore, the name should reflect, all the advantage of this person: Dmitry, David, Mikhail, Oleg, Prokhor, Roman.

Featuring the desired combination, go with this thought. Model life situations, imagine whether the boy will be comfortable if you call it that way.

List of beautiful names

The process of selection of combinations is rather complicated, so do not strive to solve everything at a time. Write down the most likely options, distracted, then go back to them again. So you should drop a greater number of assumptions. To decide how to name the baby, find a ready-made list of beautiful names for boys. It can be a church calendar, an alphabetical pointer or a personally compiled list.

Please note that fashion for foreign or fictional names is moving into the past. Now increasingly draws your view on the traditions of family and national. In order for what to rely on, it is necessary to think about their conservation now. The Russian House of Rhodes will make durable and exquisite family books, where significant family talismans will be collected - photos, movie tickets from the first joint campaign with the baby, the first drawings of a young painter.

To make the baby easily and happily go through life, pay attention to the forgotten, but beautiful names:

  • Arkady, Adrian, Athanasius;
  • Boris, Boyan;
  • Veniamin, owned, Vsevolod;
  • Hermann, Gordes, Gabriel;
  • Demuman;
  • Efim, Evstigney;
  • Ignat, Ilya;
  • Konstantin, Kuzma, Cornelius;
  • Lyubomir, Leonid, Lukyan;
  • Martyn, Matvey, Mark.

After you have decided, look at the value. It either will approve you in choosing, or make you think more.

As a conclusion

What the name can be called the boy to solve only you, but you should not ignore simple rules that make this process facilitate and will be removed from disappointments later. Remember that the kid must go through all the stages with full comfort and love for him - from the cradle to old age.