Daria was born in the summer. What character can Dasha have

Daria was born in the summer. What character can Dasha have

The meaning of the name Daria (Darina): this name for a girl means “possessing good”, “good king”, “gift”.

Origin of the name Daria (Darina): ancient Persian.

Diminutive form of the name: Daryushka, Daryukha, Darena, Darinka, Daresh, Dasha, Dashunya, Dashut, Danya.

What does the name Daria (Darina) mean? The name consists of two meanings: "gift" - "possessing", "possessing" and "vaush" - "good", "kind". Perhaps this is a Slavic name with the root “gift”, “gift”, “to bestow”. The meaning of the name Daria is activity. A girl with this name is quick-witted, she tries herself in different areas of life, chooses interesting professions. A woman bearing this name is happy in the family, she loves children and gets along well with her husband's relatives and friends.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Daria once a year celebrates a name day: April 1 (March 19) - St. Martyr Daria, bride of St. Martyr Chrysanth, who was converted by him to Christ and endured great torment (3rd century)

Signs: April 1 - Daria - clog the hole, mud hole. Near the ice-holes, it begins to melt strongly, mud is made, and the water becomes yellow. From this, the canvases are whitened: they are spread out over the morning frosts, so that the last frosts do their job.


  • Zodiac - Aries
  • The planet Mars
  • Color - bright red
  • Auspicious tree - mountain ash
  • Treasured plant - anemone
  • Patron - mosquito
  • Talisman stone - bloodstone

Characteristics of the name Daria

Positive features: For her, a fiery temperament, enthusiasm, ingenuity, quickness of reaction are typical. The name gives maximum dedication. This girl quickly adapts to any situation. A child with this name grows up smart, starts talking and walking early. The young woman who owns the name is self-confident, not afraid of risk.

Negative Traits: The meaning of the name Daria is maximalism, straightforwardness, rigidity. Since childhood, he commands his peers, including boys. She is impulsive in her actions, she can even fight. If necessary, the owner of this name becomes flirtatious and soft. Does not attach much importance to intuition.

The nature of the name Daria: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Daria? This girl is very smart, she catches everything in life on the fly; and although she lacks perseverance and diligence, her life is developing very successfully. She has great taste, great imagination. She is sharp-tongued, amorous, very charming. A girl with this name loves to get involved in all sorts of acute situations. A very bright personality.

Dasha is a sensual, slow woman. She has something childish, sweet inside. A woman named Daria is easy in life together. Able to adapt to any situation. Since she enjoys communication, which is a constant need for her, he surrounds himself with pleasant people. The slightest criticism or, conversely, excessive signs of attention cause her anxiety. Often thinks about his actions, prone to self-flagellation. Is in constant doubt whether they love her or not. Accurate in work, but never brings the matter to the end. She is easily thrown off balance.

For her, love is of particular importance; without it, the kopeck piece fades. On this basis, there are frequent mental disorders. Does not feel the boundary between simple sympathy and sexual attraction. Parents should explain to this girl how far a relationship with a young man can go if they are perceived as a game. In her youth, Dashenka is a coquette. You should watch her and not allow coquetry to become a habit.

Darina has an analytical mindset, an excellent memory. But she is not very inquisitive. She has a good intuition, but does not use her gift. Deep down, I have a high opinion of myself. Since Dasha is too impressionable, it is hard to endure failures, difficulties, a break with her beloved or friends. Her free behavior gives the impression that there are no moral standards for her, but in fact she strictly follows generally accepted rules.

Health is not great. Darina has weak lungs and bronchi. It is strictly forbidden to smoke.

The meaning of the name Daria is passivity. The work is done more often out of a sense of duty than at will. She is not interested in her profession. She easily changes jobs.

The meaning of the name Daria is suitable for patronymics: Egorovna, Yakovlevna, Kirillovna, Vladimirovna, Eduardovna, Glebovna. The name is also combined with patronymics Georgievna, Pobertovna, Leonidovna.

A young woman who owns the name of what is called a prosperous child. Pretty, moderately capable, calm, always friendly, she is a good friend, to whom rarely anyone experiences envy or even any unkind feelings. Studying at a school or institute is not very difficult for her, because she is assiduous, responsible, hardworking, very accurate, though somewhat slow.

Darina is obedient, stubborn, insecure and uncommunicative. She loves noisy children's games, but she herself will not approach a flock of children. She can lead long-familiar children, confidently put the offender in his place. She respects adults, obeys older friends.

She is quick-witted, can express herself accurately and witty. The teachers see her as their assistant, but Darina does not really like social work, she tries to slip away from her.

At home, the girl is not a great helper to her mother, but she knits, studies music, and a foreign language.

Daria and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: Happy marriage with Alexander, Alexei, Bronislav, Dobrynya, Ivan, Nikolai, Svyatoslav. The name is also combined with Stepan, Yaropolk. Difficult relations can develop with Bazan, Vladimir, Grigory, Igor, Klim, Miroslav, Nikita, Peter, Sergey, Yuri.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Daria promise happiness in love? Darina cannot live without love, she experiences betrayal extremely hard. Prefers an open relationship in marriage with a man older than her in age and higher in position.

The girl is a homebody, a little lazy, so she has few young people in her youth. Darina does not get married for a long time, she is not sure of herself, her feminine strength. She needs a great affection for a man, complete trust in him, then her sexual behavior is more open.

Dasha does not cheat on her husband, trusts him, it does not even occur to her that he can be insincere. She leads the family. She is always clean, she is a master of all trades - she sews, knits, cooks, loves to make jam, preserve, bake pies, she makes repairs herself. Her husband is a part-time worker. It happens with him and with children is sharp. But the family is friendly and hospitable.

Sex for her is an area of ​​​​complete confusion. Unsure of herself, her feminine strength, she is not able to understand her feelings, she does not know whether she wants or does not want a close relationship with a man. Often guided by every minute impulses, the prevailing circumstances. Daria is very sincere. A chance meeting with a young man often ends in marriage. But Dasha's beloved should not succumb too much to the charms of her imaginary calmness and slowness, any surprise can be expected from her.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Darina is seriously interested in a question or subject of interest to her. Able to study it comprehensively. She can perform complex, "male" work, become a talented researcher, journalist, lawyer. The need to dominate others will push Daria forward, but her biggest mistake will be the desire to put her plans into practice at any cost, sometimes by intrigues, “using” others in her own interests or “pushing them head-on”. With this, Dasha creates enemies for herself.

"Winter" Darina is somewhat phlegmatic, thoughtful, laconic. Can work as a teacher, coach, educator.

"Autumn" is even more mysterious in its silence. Charming and feminine. Can be the head of the enterprise, the director of the store. The name is well suited to patronymics: Borisovna, Viktorovna, Bazhenovna, Andreevna, Tikhonovna, Grigorievna.

"Summer" Dasha is a livelier, extraordinarily attractive woman, she knows how to win over an interlocutor. Can work in the service sector, loves to communicate with children.

"Autumn" - a dreamer, a good speaker, a wonderful companion. It's fun to spend time with her. Girl Darina can be a literary critic, musicologist, art critic.

Business and career: Material prosperity is possible if Daria directs all her strength to a big deal, a bold project, relying on a sober calculation and not taking too much risk.

Dasha has an analytical mindset. The meaning of the name Daria is an excellent memory. She chooses a profession, soberly assessing her abilities and capabilities. Sometimes he makes mistakes, then he is not afraid to change his specialty dramatically. Dasha has a high opinion of herself in her soul. If there was a failure, then this is because, Daria believes, that she was given unfavorable conditions. Darina most often works as an engineer, translator, teacher, investigator, secretary, referent. She calmly and accurately performs her duties, she can be relied upon, but she is not very interested in her work, she acts out of a sense of duty, out of a natural property to bring any work begun to the end.

Health and Energy

Health and talents named after Daria: The first time after the hospital, she behaves restlessly and gives a lot of trouble to her mother. She cries constantly.

Daria, who was born in February - "February" - is disposed to such diseases as croup, pneumonia and various colds. She has a weak nervous system. She grows up to be a very smart girl, brave. Daria Maybe even fight someone who won't give her a toy. Such behavior of the girl should cause alertness in parents. She should be taken to a neurologist. The girl often suffers from a sore throat, which is accompanied by a high temperature. During his school years, he suffers from chickenpox and whooping cough. Located to constipation.

The name Daria is located to a lung disease, a violation of the liver. In early childhood, restless, wayward. Doesn't get along well with peers. She has a very unstable nervous system. The bronchi should be protected. It is disposed to injuries, inattentive, always rushing somewhere headlong. Pay attention to the spine, scoliosis may develop. It is also susceptible to infectious diseases, such as scarlet fever.

Dasha, who was born in December - "December" Dasha has a weakened nervous system, is prone to depression, nervous breakdowns. Due to its complex nature, it experiences a lot of stress. Daria easily panics, is irritable, nervous. She should have her tonsils removed. After childbirth, she may experience thrombophlebitis or varicose veins.

It is absolutely contraindicated for her to smoke, even in small doses. Violation of the gastrointestinal tract leads to frequent constipation and hemorrhoids. Such a girl requires professional education, constant help from a psychologist.

Darina comes from the male Greek name Darin. Therefore, it is better not to give this name to girls, especially December, February and November. Daria will grow up very cruel, there will be no tenderness in her. She will be the undisputed leader in any team. It is also undesirable to name a daughter after a grandmother or mother.

The fate of Daria (Darina) in history

What does the name Daria mean for female fate?

  1. Daria Khristoforovna Lieven, nee von Benckendorff, sister of the famous Nikolaev chief of gendarmes, was born in 1785 in the family of the Riga military governor. Unofficially, the young countess became one of the central figures in the implementation of Russian foreign policy during the period of the so-called Holy Alliance. In order to find access to the intimate secrets of the Austrian Chancellor Metternich, the main rival of Alexander I, Lieven entered into a relationship with him that lasted a good ten years. After returning to St. Petersburg, she could not find a place for herself. Both sons died, then her husband. She died in Paris in the spring of 1857. In accordance with the dying will of the princess, she was placed in a coffin dressed in a black velvet dress as a maid of honor of the Russian imperial court.
  2. Dasha Smokovnikova, or D.Telegina, is the favorite heroine of A.N. Tolstoy in his novel "Walking Through the Torments", illuminating his tense pages with her bright and beautiful, eternally feminine appearance.
  3. Daria Alekseevna Derzhavina (1767-1842) - Russian woman, wife of the famous 18th century poet Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin. Daria Alekseevna was one of five daughters of the Oberprokurator of the Senate Alexei Afanasyevich Dyakov, received a secular education and upbringing at home, loved music and played the harp herself. Derzhavin proposed to her in 1794, having been widowed six months before. The wedding took place, while the groom was 58, and the bride was 28 years old. The husband-poet dedicated several poems to his "Milena" - "Dream", "To the Muse", "Desire", "To the Portrait", "Dasha Offering"
  4. Daria Dontsova (born 1952), real name - Agrippina Dontsova, nee - Vasilyeva; Russian writer, author of "ironic detective stories", member of the Writers' Union of Russia. Winner of literary awards.
  5. Dasha Mikhailova, known as Dasha Sevastopolskaya (1822 - 1892) - the first military sister of mercy, the heroine of the defense of Sevastopol in the Crimean War of 1853-1856.
  6. Daria Fikelmon (1804 - 1863) - nee - Countess Tizenhausen, granddaughter of Field Marshal Kutuzov; often referred to as Dolly Ficquelmont, known as the mistress of the St. Petersburg salon and the author of a detailed secular diary.
  7. Daria Saltykova, known as Saltychikha (1730 - 1801), nee - Ivanova; Russian landowner, who went down in history as a sophisticated sadist and murderer of several dozen serfs subject to her.
  8. Daria Zerkalova (1901 - 1982) - dramatic actress. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1947). Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1946).
  9. Daria Leonova (1829/34–1896) - singer, soloist of the Mariinsky and Bolshoi theatres.
  10. Daria Nauer (born 1966) is a Swiss track and field athlete.
  11. Daria Vasilyanskaya (Vasilyanska) is a Bulgarian artist.
  12. Daria Polotnyuk (1907 - 1982) - Ukrainian writer.
  13. Daria Domracheva (born 1986) is a Belarusian biathlete. Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus (2010), biathlon world champion in the pursuit race (2012), three-time silver medalist of the biathlon world championships (2008, 2011, 2012), bronze medalist of the 2010 Olympic Games. Winner of a small crystal globe following the results of the World Cup of the season 2010-2011 in the mass start, the owner of two small crystal globes according to the results of the World Cup season 2011-2012 in the pursuit and in the mass start. Named the best biathlete of 2010 according to the Biathlon-Award.
  14. Daria Garmash (1919 - 1988) - machine operator of the Rybnovskaya MTS in the Ryazan region. Hero of Socialist Labor (1971). Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the third degree (1946).
  15. Daria Khalturina (born 1979) is a Russian sociologist, anthropologist, demographer, public figure.
  16. Daria Zykova (born 1981) - opera singer (soprano), soloist of the Bolshoi Opera Company.

If you looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Daria.

What does the name Daria mean?

The name Daria means - mistress (pers.)

The meaning of the name Daria - character and fate

A woman named Daria is energetic, active, lives in the present and looks to the future. She loves the company of men, among women she has almost no friends. She pays a lot of attention to her appearance, likes to be the center of attention. A woman named Daria enjoys going to theaters, accepting invitations to various presentations. Amorous, has many love affairs, often changes sexual partners, hoping to find her ideal. A woman named Daria is in no hurry to marry. Daria is not interested in her husband's past, but she demands the same attitude towards herself. This woman knows how to make family life happy. Easily wins the hearts of her husband's parents, she is loved by all his relatives. Daria is tactful, diplomatic, attentive, hospitable. She spares her husband's pride and does not allow himself to make comments about him in the presence of outsiders. She cooks deliciously, preserves well, is economical in housekeeping, but her house always has everything. A woman named Daria gives birth to children of different sexes, but more often still girls.

The meaning of the name Daria for sex

In sex, Daria is distinguished by spontaneity and spontaneity. There are no taboo topics for her, during intimacy she likes to speak hot, sometimes even shameless words to a man. The stronger a woman named Daria is attached to a man, the more frank her sexual behavior. Often, Daria (especially the "winter one") is attracted to a weak man, somehow defective. The weakness and unhappiness of a man can serve as a kind of sexual irritant for her.

Daria, of course, is one of the most interesting partners, you just need to be able to find the key to her.

The nature and fate of the name Daria, taking into account the patronymic

Name Daria and patronymic ....

Daria Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Nikitichna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yurievna kind and vulnerable. She can be offended even by a harsh tone. She herself never raises her voice, calm and tactful. However, those who believe that Dasha has a mild character are greatly mistaken. When necessary, she knows how to insist on her own, to achieve what she wants. That's just defenseless against rudeness and rudeness. Daria knows how to create a pleasant microclimate both in the family and in the team. The husband chooses a serious, purposeful, but not aspiring to a leading role in the house. She does an excellent job with the household, brings up children very well, attaches great importance to their education.

Name Daria and patronymic ....

Daria Alexandrovna, Arkadievna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Timurovna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna good-natured, but rather stubborn, thereby often complicating her life. In relations with men, she is modest, shy. She cannot get married for a long time, because she is indecisive and cautious. However, he knows how to stand up for himself and fight back an obsessive fan. In marriage, she is devoted, caring, attentive to her husband and children. However, he always tries to maintain independence and independence.

Name Daria and patronymic ....

Daria Bogdanovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna modest, does not like to attract attention, loves sweets, predisposed to fullness. Indecisive, cannot make a career, it is difficult for her to realize her abilities. It is difficult to adapt to circumstances, uncompromising. Not everything is going smoothly in her personal life. But in marriage, Daria becomes kind, sympathetic and affectionate. Strictly manages the economy, economical and diligent. He loves beautiful dishes, antiques, works of art, expensive jewelry. She keeps few friends, but they are trusted and devoted. She has children of different sexes.

Name Daria and patronymic ....

Daria Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna- unbalanced, inconsistent, inclined to overestimate their capabilities. She, as a rule, has a high intellect, is capable of foreign languages, an excellent conversationalist, the winner of all intellectual disputes. Knows how to convince others that he is right, has a reasoned answer to every question. But failures for a long time unsettle her. Honoring a man with attention, clearly distinguishes between love and sex. In intimate relationships, spontaneous and spontaneous. Her strong character attracts weaker men to her. Daria herself loves strong-willed and decisive people. Daria gets married after twenty-five years, choosing a life partner for a long time.

Name Daria and patronymic ....

Daria Alanovna, Anatolyevna, Arnoldovna, Veniaminovna, Dmitrievna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna smart, organized, but not too diligent. Has a good taste. Somewhat sentimental. Reliable in friendship. He absolutely does not tolerate loneliness, loves noisy companies, a pleasant society. Strives to be in sight, in the center of attention. Amorous, easily carried away, but also cools down just as quickly if she does not find in a partner those qualities that she would like to see in a loved one. Such Daria is somewhat spoiled by the attention of men, she knows her own worth. In love relationships, she is obstinate and ambitious. Men are afraid of her sharp tongue. In choosing a spouse, she is careful, afraid to make a mistake. However, her first marriage may not be successful. Daria is born more often than daughters.

Numerology Of The Name Daria

There is nothing cleaner than fire and dirtier than greasy soot.

Jaromir Sudak

The meaning of the name Daria is "strong, victorious" (Persian).

Commemoration days: 1.04, 4.04, 24.12.

Personality. Olympic fire.

Characteristics of the name Daria spelled:

D - commitment, discipline;

A - industriousness;

Р - professionalism;

And - love for everything beautiful / b - peacefulness;

What does the name Daria mean in numerology:

DARIUS = 51916 = 22, a special number in numerology - the number of the highest Guru, extraordinary people. We bring to the numerical root: 22 \u003d 2 + 2 \u003d 4 (Mercury).

The purpose of the life of a person named Daria is determined by the vibrations of Mercury, channels of information, communication skills, intelligence, abilities of a different kind.

DARIA = 51936 = 24 = 6 (Venus). Harmony, beauty.

What does the name Daria mean in astrology:

5-1 (Jupiter - Sun) - adaptation in society without loss of individuality;

1-9 (Sun - Neptune) - self-knowledge, evolution; the worst is intoxication with mysticism, self-destruction; the aspect is strengthened: it is clairvoyance, occult abilities;

9-3 (Neptune - Mars) - karmic predestination in matters requiring risk.

3-6 (Mars - Neptune) - energetic lucky nature, harmony in marriage, sociability, generosity, excellent relations with the opposite sex, great activity;

4-6 (Mercury - Venus) - diplomacy, poise, fidelity in partnership, intellectuality.

Karmic lessons named after Daria:

2 (Moon) - you need to learn to play "in a team", according to general rules, to be more attentive to the needs of others;

7 (Saturn) - lack of demand for the best natural qualities;

8 (Uranus) - frivolity in the material aspect.

Characteristics of the name Daria, taking into account the analysis

Softness, courtesy, tenderness, tact, peacefulness, even calm character. She loves change, travels constantly, is reliable, friendly, values ​​her family, loves relatives. Often she does not bring things to the end, she needs patronage, she is karmically dependent on the circumstances of life. Wise, talented, but has an unstable psyche. Too emotional. Charming, flirtatious, sociable, capricious, sacrificial, reel, but men simply adore this quality in her. Areas in which she can achieve success: philosophy, pedagogy, medicine, the occult, jurisprudence.

Sexual characterization is controversial. In appearance, Daria is phlegmatic, in fact - an impulse, fire, a whirlwind ... In men, she is attracted by defenselessness. She loves gifts, courtship, comfort. In the family - an adored wife and mother (and grandmother - later).

The beautiful and sonorous name Daria regained its popularity at the end of the last century, and at present it remains the favorite choice of parents for girls.

According to one version, the name Daria has ancient Greek roots, which literally means a good owner. The origin of the male name Darios gives him great power, previously it was given only to royal people. Others argue that the origin of the name is Persian, and it is translated as a sovereign or winner.

The patroness of all Dashas is the holy martyr Daria, the bride of the holy martyr Chrysanths. She suffered for her faith along with her lover. A girl with this name celebrates her birthday on the following days: March 15, June 30, April 1.4, August 17-18.

Darya is patronized by the male planet Mars, according to the elements, her character belongs to fire. Among the lucky talismans are the giraffe, a symbol of kindness and care, which contributes to a happy and prosperous life, and a mosquito, which gives perseverance to the character. The plant for Daria is mountain ash, symbolizing fertility, this is an excellent amulet against the evil eye.

Dashi prefer bright fiery colors - red and brown. It is best to resolve important matters on Wednesday, and significant events take place in the spring. It is better not to plan anything for Friday. This name is called girls born under the signs of the zodiac Virgo and Aries, they become lucky.

The best talisman for Dashenka will be hematite ( bloodstone), a symbol of wisdom and courage. He is able to heal and protect from the evil eye. Therefore, it is advisable to choose jewelry with this stone.

Daria is the full name, the girls are affectionately called Dasha, Dashenka, Daryushka, Dashutka, Dashunya, Dashulya, Dashulka, Darenka.

Meaning of the name

What does the name Daria mean for girls born at different times of the year? The character is significantly different, winter Dashenkas are always calm and balanced, non-conflict. But sometimes a raging hurricane is hidden behind external calm, she takes all life's vicissitudes to heart.

A girl born in the spring is very sociable and has many friends, but behind the mask of carelessness and fun, vulnerable natures are hidden. Only a select few know about their problems. Summer Dashi are sentimental and adventurous, they travel a lot and do not like silence. Autumn gives a woman authority, often they become worthy leaders, generous, fair and responsible.


Positive character traits include sensitivity and good flexibility, it easily adapts to any life circumstances. Dasha's psyche is also flexible, which allows her to always stay in shape. These women have an excellent memory and an analytical mindset, but they do not use these qualities to their full potential.

Dasha has good creative inclinations, the humanities are easy for her, although she is not particularly curious and she studies average at school. Teachers and classmates appreciate her for her ease of communication and good sense of humor. A sense of responsibility does not allow her to start her studies. He prefers not to participate in school life.

Dashenka always soberly assesses the situation, thinks through the moves, guided by a firm calculation, is restrained. Recklessness is not characteristic of her, but her character is rather impulsive, she is emotional. The prevailing sense of duty makes her move and solve problems, although the girl herself does not have an inquisitive mind. He sets life priorities correctly, but often gets in the way of inflated self-esteem.

The secret of the name Daria lies in the fact that she is very suspicious and touchy, the slightest criticism of her unsettles, doubts arise, complexes appear. The girl really needs support and encouragement. Although it doesn't show on the outside, she always seems to be strong and independent.

The main negative characteristics are narcissism and narcissism, with improper upbringing, she can only focus on herself and constantly improve her appearance, satisfy her whims. Self-criticism is not characteristic of her, she is looking for the reasons for failures in others. Little trust people, her trust must be earned. But Daryushka becomes a real friend.

The complexity of the character lies in the fact that in it combined capriciousness and ease of communication, rudeness and kindness, non-conflict and touchiness. It is important to ensure that her passion for boys does not interfere with her studies and is not at the expense of behavior. Dasha lends herself well to education.


Dasha's fate is not easy, she is trying to embrace the immensity, she wants to have everything that she can possess. All her life, opportunities will open before her, from which Dashutka will not be able to refuse. She practically does not know the problem of choice. At the same time, she rarely takes into account the opinions of others on this matter, believing that if she is well, then the rest should be satisfied.

To keep a clean soul and good health, one should make a choice in favor of taking into account the wishes of loved ones and being able to share the results that are obtained. And the assistance of others will allow her to somewhat restrain her irrepressible desires, not bringing them to the dream of owning the whole world.


The meaning of the name in the sphere of love is very important, Dasha are charming coquettes, they are constantly in a state of love. This feeling is like air for her, just a necessity. But in most cases, Dashas are not confident in themselves and their charms. In addition, they blur the line between love and friendship, and often confuse these concepts, which makes them suffer from unrequited love.

A break with a loved one for a woman with this name is a disaster, she is very difficult to endure troubles in a relationship. At the same time, Dashenka is constantly on the lookout, this suggests to those around her that she is dissolute. It's not like that, she's just catastrophically unlucky in love. With representatives of the stronger sex, he behaves zealously and domineeringly, but he also dissolves in a person just as strongly.

Dashi easily dispense with the candy flower period , they love extreme and everything new. But for marriage, this woman chooses a man wisely. Although she has love and passion in the first place, she does not forget about the financial side of the issue. A man is obliged to provide for his family. Thanks to pragmatism, she gets married once and, as a rule, at a fairly mature age.

The family for Dasha comes first, for her sake she can refuse to work. But she does not fit into the usual image of a housewife, you will not see her in an old dressing gown with a kitty on her head. Even in the family circle, she remains beautiful. He respects a man, never takes the relationship to the people's court. But her own authority in the eyes of the family is very important to her. Dasha gets along well with all relatives.

The hostess Daria is excellent, she creates a cozy and calm island where all the household members enjoy spending time. A woman with this name loves to cook, needlework. Her special passion is blanks. He loves children very much, but in education he can show authority and authoritarianism.

The most successful names of men with whom Dashenka is ready to build a strong marriage are Alexander, Yuri, Sergey, Ivan, Eugene. But the representatives of the stronger sex with the names Oleg, Philip, Fedor, Semyon, Alexei should be avoided.


Daria always has her personal life and family arrangement in the first place, so she is not very interested in her career and business. Changes are not afraid, which means ease in changing jobs. But she will take work seriously enough if she finds the work of her life that will captivate her. She does not know how to work slipshod, do not allow a sense of duty. Everything he undertakes, he performs conscientiously.

Daria can take place as a performer and as a leader, but more often she prefers creative professions. They will make excellent journalists and TV presenters, fashion designers and artists. Purposefulness and dedication allow Dashas to easily achieve their goals in work. Work in a team forces her to accept the conditions set; she does not strive for leadership. But a woman with this name will always have respect and support from her colleagues.

Dashutka attaches great importance to the status of the work, so she easily moves to another place if she is more satisfied with the conditions there. He doesn't stay long at a job he doesn't like. Therefore, it is not worth it even for a lot of money to get a monotonous and boring service, she simply will not be able to perform her duties well.

Her character also contributes to this, but Dashenka always strives to appear in a favorable light before the leadership. She can start her own business, the owners of the name Dasha have the makings for this. True, risk and adventure are not her profile., decisions are always made deliberately, things are carried out measuredly. This is sure to bring good luck. Such qualities as rigidity and high moral principles contribute to the successful conduct of business.


The name Daria is Persian in origin. It comes from the male Persian name Darius. The literal interpretation of this name sounds like "good-natured." According to another version, it can be interpreted as "keeping the good" or "defending the Good." By the way, this name can be replaced by a similar one - Darius.

The female name Daria today is no longer as popular as it used to be, but is still listed in the hundred of the most popular female Russian names. It has a very strong energy, promises a lot of good, and no less important, it has very good compatibility.

Conversational options: Dasha, Dashulya, Daryushka, Daria

Modern English counterparts: Darina, Daria, Odarina, Tarja

The meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Daria is very interestingly interpreted. By giving, it can endow the wearer with a whole bunch of important and necessary characteristics. Daria, this is usually a slow, unstable and insecure lady, but sensitive, wanting to command, with high self-esteem and very developed intuition. She knows how to adapt, leads an active lifestyle, tries not to waste time, and appreciates every minute of her life. And Daria does not like criticism - any criticism can make Daria depressed.

The main drawback of all Dashas, ​​without exception, is that these ladies rarely finish what they started. But on the other hand, all Dashas are emotional and at the same time keep all their emotions under the strictest control.

Advantages and positive features: kindness and generosity, diligence, activity and efficiency. All Dashas, ​​without exception, have a developed imagination and excellent intuition, any business is given to them quite simply, and in everything they achieve success. These girls only have problems with communication ...

Daria treats badly people who try to criticize her, because she hates criticism more than anything in life. And Dasha will never be seen in the company of a person who was once caught in a lie or betrayal.

This name is present in the names of many European states, but has long been considered obsolete in Europe and is not used.

The nature of the name Daria

If in general, then the nature of the name Daria is such that, first of all, it endows people with qualities that repel people from the bearer of this name form - only closer to maturity can other traits be presented, on the contrary, attracting people to her personality. And it is also assumed that there is a tendency to whims, moreover, both in childhood and in adulthood. In other words, the character of such a girl is so difficult that sometimes it is easier to refuse to communicate with her than to continue it.

But there are many advantages - her character suggests the presence of a cheerful and kind disposition, and this only means that if Daria wants to, she will become the soul of the company, a person with whom it is pleasant to spend time. But again, much, including character, depends on additional factors, in particular, on astrology.

Early childhood

In early childhood, Daria becomes the owner of a complex and rather controversial character. And yes, it's pretty complicated on its own. It is difficult to predict her, and it is also difficult to guess her mood. And in general, the girl named so has a difficult childhood, at least in most cases, and not through the fault of her parents, but only through her own fault - firstly, this is how the meaning of the name suggests, and secondly, the fault lies with her character , promising eternal discontent to everyone without exception.

Although, on the other hand, there is a lot of good in it, for example, such traits as kindness, sincerity, gullibility, good nature, a desire to help everyone around, curiosity and activity. True, there is one huge minus - it lies in the excessive desire to be the first in everything without exception.

But Daria treats her parents very well and will treat them the same way throughout her life.

As for peers and communication with them, everything is not as simple as we would like - it is difficult for her to get along with children for one simple reason, which is the desire to be the leader of society, which is not always possible.


The meaning of the name form Daria in adolescence has an equally strong impact, although already at this stage the influence of a bunch of astrological factors, in particular, the sign of the zodiac, the patron planet, and the elements, usually begins to manifest itself. Already as a teenager, Daria can learn to perceive other people's opinions more calmly, she can grow up less quick-tempered, and this will positively affect everyone without exception, both in school, in communicating with classmates, and even in relationships with parents.

And yet, the meaning and energy of this name are capable of endowing at this age with such characteristics as touchiness, capriciousness, diligence, assertiveness, self-confidence, adherence to principles and arrogance.

Daria easily achieves all her goals, both her own and those set by someone else, but she needs support in any business, approval from the outside.

grown woman

Adult Daria is an organizer, a leader, a person with an outstanding mind, able to analyze what is happening around her in a way that no one else can. Able to become an excellent leader, boss, entrepreneur. But there is also a huge drawback in the form of distrust and secrecy - he will never devote anyone to his own affairs and problems, will not share experiences, always hides everything from the eyes of strangers and tries to look like a leader worthy of this title in public. Although this is not without pitfalls - everything can turn out differently, depending not only on the strength of influence that matters, but also on the animal patron according to the eastern horoscope, and other factors.

The interaction of the character Daria with the seasons

Spring - born in the power of the meaning of spring, the bearer of the name Daria will in addition receive such character traits as charm, cheerfulness, secrecy and a desire to achieve perfection. Such a representative of the weaker half will look for a chosen one for a long time, but in the end she will find the ideal one with whom she will live until the last day.

Summer - and newborns of summer origin have a sentimental nature and a simple character. They are active and inquisitive, adore traveling and learning new things, dreamy, and have a good attitude towards illusory things. In adulthood, being can become a serious and respected lady.

Winter - a winter girl will be calm and thoughtful. She is simple and cheerful, loves to think and dream, she is the first to reconcile, but there is a drawback - she is too painful for betrayal and any troubles (often she hides under a blanket of depression). She is not very successful in family ties - she will definitely find a soul mate, but she will take her choice extremely responsibly.

Autumn - and this will be domineering, a true leader striving for perfection. She is responsible and responsive, has a tolerant character, is always ready to help those in need. She will be faithful and devoted to the chosen man, not capable of betrayal, but she will never allow the chosen one to rule over her.

The fate of the name Daria

The fate of the name Daria is one of the most undisclosed topics. Although researchers have raised it more than once. It was thanks to this that it became known that since childhood, Dasha’s relations with representatives of the opposite sex would be quite good. For example, little Daria should love her father more than her mother (high probability), and as for playing with children, everyone will be equal for her, both boys and girls.

But in the future, having reached the teenage stage, Daria is likely to become the favorite of the guys - such is her fate. However, it is not fate that is to blame, but its essence, the inner world, filled with cheerfulness, kindness, care. Truth. this girl also has a “BUT” - Daria, she is a lover of command, which means that only the guy who can endure it can make her a couple.

As for such a parameter as fate in marriage. So everything is simple here - a happy marriage will only be if a compliant, at times weak-willed man, but at the same time ready for heroic deeds and taking responsibility, becomes her soulmate.

Love and marriage

Daria is not chasing a pink dream of a prince on a white horse. She believes that human qualities should always play the most important role when choosing a soulmate. For her, the appearance and material well-being of the spouse is not as important as the fact that he is a truly good person. Most often, Daria finds one single love for life.

Daria, as a prudent girl, conducts quite serious preparations for marriage and clearly knows exactly how she will behave in family life. She makes every effort to ensure that each member of the family feels part of one large and unified organism.

Dasha gently and unobtrusively shows her qualities as a leader in the family. She, as it were, protects the independence of everyone, but at the same time, she surrounds all family members with her love and care. In her family, she creates an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility. She will skillfully act as an organizer of all family meetings, celebrations of various celebrations and a simple visit of friends. Despite her leadership and a secret desire to command, Daria tactfully and gently reminds her husband from time to time that he is considered the main breadwinner in the family.

Daria as mother

As a rule, Daria becomes just a great mother. She clearly plans when it is best to get pregnant and bear the baby. In her family, children are more often not unexpected, but rather, on the contrary, desired and long-awaited.

Dasha plunges headlong into motherhood, she enjoys every minute spent next to her children. She easily manages to take care of children, engage in their upbringing and development, while managing to keep order in the house and her own appearance.

She surrounds her children with so much care that for some time they are afraid to even take a step without her. Over time, Dasha understands that it is necessary to educate in children not only obedience, but also independence.

Her children are always properly and well educated, diligent in their studies, responsible and obligatory. Surely they will achieve a lot in life, of course, not without her help.

Compatibility with male names

Daria has the best compatibility in love with such male names as Gleb, Gordey, Dmitry, Leonid, Julius, Vissarion, Trofim, Sevastyan.

As for the creation of a family and marriage. so the following male names would be ideal here: Alfred, Efim, Semyon, Zakhar, Osip, Konstantin, Nathan, Tikhon and Timofey, Valentin and Eugene.

And in no case should Dasha contact Philip, Yaroslav, Jan, George and Albert - there is absolutely no compatibility here.

The meaning of the name Daria is easy to find out, you just need to plunge a little into the history of the origin of this name. It is believed that it came to the Russian language from Persia. In Persian, Daria is written as داریوش‎, but reads as "Darayavush". This is a two-part name, where "dara" means possessing, and "vaush" means good. Possessing good or endowed with good, that's what the name Daria means.

Whether the name Daria had circulation in Kievan Rus, we do not know for sure. However, it is known for certain that it became popular after the adoption of Christianity by Russia. This is due to the fact that the name Daria was already revered in the Orthodox Church then.

The meaning of the name Daria for a girl

Dasha is usually an active girl in her childhood. She is restless and loves moving, active games more. Dasha needs other children and she goes to kindergarten and school with pleasure. Even if someone offends her, Dasha usually hits back.

At school, restlessness can make itself felt. Those subjects where you need to make great strong-willed efforts to study will be a burden to her. However, Daria's resourcefulness and her memory can only be envied. This will often save her during her school years.

The health of the girl in childhood is not very strong. The main problem can be called the respiratory system. Frequent bronchitis in childhood is a common thing for Dasha. It is often more from non-compliance with the thermal regime. Either he will forget to wear a hat, then mittens. It is also worth paying attention to the education of strong-willed qualities, otherwise it will not be easy for her in adulthood.

Abbreviated name Daria

Dasha, Dasha, Daria, Dara, Danya, Dashukha, Daryokha, Daryukha, Dashura, Dashuta.

Diminutive names

Dashenka, Dashunya, Dashulya, Daryushka, Daryusha, Darena, Darina, Darunya.

Name Daria in English

In English, the name Daria is spelled Daria. This name is also written in most of the Romano-Germanic language group.

Name Daria for a passport- DARIIA. This is the correct transliteration of the name according to the machine transliteration rules adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Daria into other languages

in Belarusian - Dar "I
in Bulgarian - Daria
in Hungarian - Dária, Dára, Darina, Darinka
in Italian - Daria
in Chinese - 达丽娅
in German - Daria
in Persian - دریا‎
in Polish - Daria
in Romanian - Daria
in Serbian - Darija
in Slovenian - Darija, Darja
in Ukrainian - Daria, Darina, Dar "ya
in French - Daria
in Finnish - Tarja
in Croatian - Daria, Darija
in Czech - Darja, Daria, Darya
in Japanese - 大火子

Church name Daria(in the Orthodox faith) - Darius.

Characteristics of the name Daria

Dasha can be characterized by the word "fast". She is active in life, makes decisions easily and does not like long thoughts. This sometimes hurts her, because Dasha often speaks first, and only then thinks. Daria can be harsh in expressions - this is like another feature of her speed.

Dasha does her job well, although she rarely loves her job. She is very worried if they make comments to her and in every possible way tries to avoid this. Criticism will only confuse Dasha, so it’s better not to motivate Dasha in this way. He tries to create a company of people who love to relax and think less. Casual fun and laughter are the hallmark of her company.

The family for Daria is an important component of life, but she is in no hurry with this. Dasha loves flirting without obligation, which often turns men against herself. Usually, even when she is married, it is difficult for her to get rid of this, which upsets her husband. But this character of behavior has been instilled in Dasha since childhood, and it is hard for her to fight it.

The secret of the name Daria

Daria's secret can be called her mental laziness. She, like most people, tries to look smart, although she does not like to strain her brains at all. Making Dasha think is not an easy task. Dasha has a very highly developed intuition and, when making decisions, she often relies on her intuition than on the arguments of reason.

Planet- Mars.

Zodiac sign- Aries.

totem animal- Mosquito.

Name color- Red or purple.

Wood- Rowan.

Plant- Amen.

Stone- bloody.

Guardian angel named Daria and his patron can be found in the article "Patron named after Daria". To do this, it is advisable for you to know Dasha's date of birth.