Not inferior: Alexander Shepp compared Marilyn Kerro and Sonya Egorov. Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps - married couple psychics Lee Kerro and Sheps now

Not inferior: Alexander Shepp compared Marilyn Kerro and Sonya Egorov. Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps - married couple psychics Lee Kerro and Sheps now
Not inferior: Alexander Shepp compared Marilyn Kerro and Sonya Egorov. Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps - married couple psychics Lee Kerro and Sheps now

After parting with his beloved colleague, the famous extrasens was one for a long time. And now he was finally introduced to fans a new chief.

The spectators of the most popular show of the TNT television channel about supernatural abilities of ordinary people probably remember the beautiful history of love magicians and witches. 32-year-old Alexander became the winner of the 14th project season. It is on it that future lovers and met in 2013. First, the psychics carefully hid their relationships. But the surrounding almost immediately began to suspect their novel.


As a result, the medium and the Estonian Witch right on one of the ceremonies of the show admitted to all that consist in love relationships. Spectators have greatly delighted such a statement. Since then, the history of the love of two magicians has closely followed the whole country. Alexander and Marilyn enjoyed the details of personal life and put joint photos.


The couple even suspected that they began their relationship solely for the sake of PR. A very loud was the story of their love. But the time argued that the lovers really sincerely belong to each other. The next 4 years the pair was converged, then again disperse.


Only in the summer of 2017, Kerro suddenly publicly stated that he finally broke up with the famous magician. Then the girl categorically refused to comment on the collapse of the pair. But as a result, it became known that various views and plans for life became known. Already at that time, Marilyn dreamed of child and marriage. But Sheps frankly stated that he was not ready to create a family and does not plan to do it in the near future.


Over the past year and a half, Kerro managed to embody all his dreams and plans. Now the girl is married to the Norwegian. She recently gave birth to a sown's wife.


But Alexander, apparently, still can't forget the former beloved. The other day he added a photo with a new chosen one to the social network. The fans immediately noticed that the girl is an exact copy of Marilyn. According to the added photo, it seems that the appearance of the former and current beloved magician is literally identical.


Numerous comments and questions from fans of the magician on this score immediately fell away. But SAP Sheps still did not comment on the amazing similarity of two girls.

Merlin Kerro and Alexander Sheps - Participants of the famous TV show "Battle of Psychics" and happy couple in love. Many TV viewers remember these successfully practitioners of magicians, but almost nothing about their personal life was known until recently. In the article you will learn everything about this pair. Are they happy together or their novel is another competent PR-move? In addition, the question of parting Merlin with Alexander is to be clarified! But first things first.

Kerro and Sheps: How did they meet and have their parents?

It is believed that a couple of psychics began to meet during the filming of the 14th season "Battle ...". At first, as it often happens in show business and on television, stubborn rumors about the PR-progress, in order to increase interest in the program. Alexander Sheps himself at the beginning of 2014, he admitted that, with Estonian Witch Merlin (Marilyn), only friendly relations were associated with common interests towards magic and secret knowledge, but a short time, friendship was sharply transformed into rapid passionate relations, which neither Sheps could be expected nor Kerro.

It is curious that Kerro practically did not speak Russian when he met Alexander. Moreover, both Maga on the transfer were competitors to each other, but the struggle for victory and the language barrier did not affect the sincere romantic feelings. According to the girl, she clearly understands that there is work, and what is a relationship. Almost a year passed, and in December 2014, a happy couple congratulated her fans with the upcoming winter holiday. Then everyone became clear - Alexander and Marilyn meet.

But as for the parents, two popular psychics have become their parents, while only rumors go about pregnancy. The first rumor that Marilyn will become mom, appeared on the Internet from the moment the subscribers of her page in Instagram saw a joint photo of Kerro with the baby. Marilin immediately began to sharpen various birth articles about the birth of a child. But later, extrasens and part-time fashion model stated that she did not become her parents, and her niece of her niece.

Alexander Sheps and Merlin Kerro: Wedding

Another concerning many viewers of the moment about Sheps and Kerro: Was there a wedding couple? At that expense, there was no official confirmation from the lovers themselves. It is known that on one of the Marilyn photo seesters put on a dress, very resembling wedding. Of course, it is possible that the couple signed up and played the wedding celebration in secret from the public. But is it really? It is possible that the wedding of Alexander Shepps and Merlin Kerro is hearing that, in order to maintain interest in clairvoyant. In any case, both Maga assure that their relationship is not fiction, but pure water is true.

Psychics are investigating

In addition to participating in the "battle of psychics", Merlin Kerro and Alexander Sheps are filmed in another similar project called "Psychics are investigating". So, for example, in the fall of 2015, Alexander and his passion arrived in Sterlitamak to investigate the case of a "damned house." In the usual apartment building, numerous magical plates were discovered (voodoo dolls, needles, fish bones), and the magicians had to calculate who did it and for what purpose. By the way, in this issue, Merlin first began to speak Russian.


Well, the last question, disturbing TV viewers: Is Merlin Kerro and Alexander Shepps broke up and what is the cause of their parting? According to the latest news, the couple are all good and they are still happy and ready to shoot in the new season "Battle of psychics", so it's not worth blindly believe in any news that are found on the Internet or in the "yellow" prints.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the pair of Merlin Kerro and Alexander Shepp really in magical unusual. We wish them to continue to love each other, stay happy and, of course, to surprise the viewers with their extraordinary superhuman abilities.

So, from the beginning of September, a new season started one of the most beloved fans of the mystics of the show about psychics, and this time everything will become even more interesting. "Psychics. The battle of the strongest" will collect under their tighters of the most best magicians and sorcerers who will investigate strange and terrible things, making their own, often truthful, verdict.

Thousands of fans of the TV project about the supernormalities of people with impatience expected when they are announced by the names of the participants, and many of them are accustomed to hope that the loved holders of Marilyn Kerro will begin to the mystical investigations. Meanwhile, in a pair with Alexander Shepps, as it turned out, no red-haired witch will work, and the finalist of the last season of the "battle of psychics" Sonya Egorova. This time, the magicians have to not only investigate confusing stories, but also compete with each other for the title of the best of the best.

In the first series, we were able to observe the winner of the last season of the "battle of psychics" Konstantinov Genty, who from the very first issue showed himself as a characteristic and talented magician. Many skeptics doubted his abilities, but he was able to convince Genzati with their conclusions, at least some of them are that in fact gifted by unusual skills. As it turned out, he could hardly solve a lot of secrets, and to get to hidden the truth time, which no one even suspected.

As already mentioned, many fans of the show about psychics sincerely hoped to see their favorite Marilyn Kerro's favorite on the screens, however, the girl is now busy with completely other troubles, and therefore in the shooting, most likely, will not take part. Nevertheless, an interesting story turn will bring the cooperation of Alexander Sheps, former beloved Kerro, and Sony Egorova, which, as you know, constantly compare with the red-haired Bestiy Marilyn.

The fans of the show "Battle of the strongest" have already come to the unequivocal conclusion that Sonya and Sheps are an excellent couple, and they just need to try to build relationships. What the heroes of the psychic program think about this - it is unknown, however, it is not excluded that at least within the framework of the "PR-stroke" we will show hints on flirting and sympathy, which suddenly "flames" between the magicians.

Alexander himself notes that he was very interested to work with Sonya Yegorova, and calls the girl a "charming witch." The guy speaks of her extraordinary talent and desire to help people, which is very inspired for collaboration. At the same time, Sheps clarifies that Sonya is not inferior to the girl with which it is invariably compared, and it becomes clear that he means Marylin Kerro. For the fans of the project it was surprising to hear the revelations of a similar plan, because they believed that Kerro was too distinctive and indispensable so that you could simply put someone with her in one row.

Marilyn Kerro, the battle of the strongest: Witch told about motherhood

In early July, it became known that the 29-year-old Marilyn Kerro, the finalist of the "Battle of Psychics", first became mom. The Estonian Witch gave birth to the son of Kayusa William from his beloved, Norwegian Mark Alexander Hansen. Mary began to meet him after parting with the winner of the Battle of Alexander Shepps.

Kerro has long dreamed of baby and now enjoys every moment of motherhood. "I try to memorize and appreciate every moment, time breaks like sand through your fingers. I try to spend as much time as possible, inhaling every moment, because it's wonderful, "Mary wrote in Instagram and showed a photo taken while walking with her son in the forest.

While Kerro nurses with his son, her former boyfriend, Alexander Sheps, takes part in the shooting of the new season of the show "Psychics:" Battle of the strongest "." The medium has to work in a pair with Sonya Yegorova, the finalist of the 18th season "Battle of Psychics". The girl is often compared to Marilyn and predict her an affair with Shepps.

Psychics. The battle of the strongest: show the truth or not

For many seasons, the television viewers are already showing the confrontation between the magicians and sorcerers, and thousands of fans of this show believe in the existence of something other, mystical and inexplicable. However, there are always skeptics that prove: they are deceived, and people with superpowers do not exist. At least those "omens", which we show on television, have nothing to do with them.

So, skeptics lead as an example of numerous eyewitness evidence, which indicate that the organizers talk with the "victims" by "people, and bring them all to the smallest details. After that, it takes time, people themselves are a little forget about what they told, and when psychics come and begin to tell their lives in the smallest details, then there is an incredible: magicians are actually reading thoughts!

In addition, there are numerous testimonies of network users who were invited to shoot as murderers, alcoholics, people of unconventional orientation and others that they were not in fact, and simply played a given role. The psychics, in turn, were determined by those whom the people had the honor of playing. One way or another, and despite numerous disputes, the show about the sorcerers and magicians there are fans, and "anti-fanits", which from year to year are trying to discover the people's eyes to an obvious deception.

Marilyn Kerro - participant of the three seasons of the "Battle of Psychic" show on TNT. She was close to victory three times, but every time he became only the second. Despite this, it is rightfully considered to be one of the brightest and talented characters "Battle".

Marilyn Kerro was born in the small village of Estonia on September 18, 1988. Marylin's parents wanted a boy. As Mary itself says, in childhood she was deprived of parental caress. The father of the girl, whom she does not consider she, drank himself and left the family when she was 5 years old.

With the world of the dead, Mary began to acquaint her aunt Salma as a child. She did not have their own housing, and the only way to earn was to divine residents of neighboring houses. How and when a woman died is unknown. One day, aunt Salma did not appear at home, and since then no one else has seen her. After herself she left the Bible in Starestone.

Marilyn Kerro's biography is closely connected with psychic even at an early age. The girl began to see the future when she was 6 years old. Many Kerro's knowledge got from the spirit of his great-grandmother. Marilyn childhood was not like all children. She loved nature and fishing, and she had almost no friends. The baby suited spiritual sessions in an abandoned house on the edge of the village. Marilyn knows his death date and is sure that he will die in April 2071. This fact does not frighten it.

Mary studied in a simple school and finished her with honors. There was no money to enter the highest educational institution of money, and the girl began to work. Biography Marilyn Kerro is rich in a variety of professions that had to master. At first, for three months she worked as a seller, but he fell under the reduction. Then she became a packset on the basis of vegetables. But the future star realized that he was worthy of a more successful career, she did not want to repeat the fate of the mother. And the next step in her career was the model business. After graduating courses in a model school, the girl worked as a model in Tallinn 6 years.

Photo Marilyn Kerro since her careers can become an example and a pattern of beauty, style and feed yourself in front of the camera for beginner models. The girl chose this way to prove his real life in society. Mom supported her, because he wanted to distract her daughter from spiritual "fun." At 16, Kerro experienced anorexia, and after a year it was faced with a more severe disease - Bulimia.

The fight of extrasensories

In 2013, Kerro first participated in the "Battle of Psychics" 14 of the season. On the set of the girl managed to hit those present not only with his dazzling beauty, but also the abilities. Methods that Mary raises the souls of the dead, lead to the fear of even convinced skeptics. Its tests begin with blood shedding, which extrasens is sacrificed to the dead.

Marilyn Kerro in the show "Battle of Psychics"

On the set of "Battle of Psychics", Kerro often changed the image: from cute and angel to the sterrene and terrible. The witness entity in this is to be able to reincarnate in seconds from beauty in a monster, frightening others. Some trials Marilyn Kerro passed without a single mistake, hitting observers with the clarity of the information she was given. Rivals frankly disliked the red-haired feast. The celebrity was seriously worried about these situations, she often wanted to cry, experiencing his pain. But the extrasensus turned out to be much stronger and did not give the will to tears. In the final "battle of psychics-14" Kerro became the second.

In September 2015, Mary participated in the show "Psychics conduct an investigation. Season 6. In the program, its rivals became the strongest participants in the entire history of the show.

On September 19, 2015, a new season "Battle of psychics" began on the TNT channel. All applicants gathered in the glade and were delighted by Marilyn there, having met her as a star. But as soon as it became known that the star came not to support someone from the applicants, but to compete for participation, the enthusiasm of the magicians was replaced by discontent. Throughout the season, Kerro passed one test after another, winning more and more sympathies of fans, skeptics, guests of the show. The singer remained under a great impression of psychic, did not hold down tears and wanted to talk with her alone. In the final, Marilyn took the second place again, giving way to the winner's title.

On September 3, 2016, on the channel "TNT" launched the next, 17th in the account, the "Battle of Psychics". In the second issue, when 12 participants were already selected, their test was the definition of a person who was followed by the door. There were options that there is a beautiful girl who likes. At the end of the test, Basharov declared a man behind the door as the 13th participant in the battle - Marilyn Kerro.

Unfortunately, this time Kerro failed to become the first. From the very beginning of the battle, despite the brilliant passage of tests, Mary considered his competitor to the Master of Eastern practices and the student of Osho. Just he won the show. For the third time, Marilyn ranks second. The fans of the girl were extremely upset by this, but Kerro learned the philosophically to look at everything.

Personal life

Relationships with guys before participation in the project from Marilyn did not develop. The girl, despite its strength and power in psychic, in life modest and shy. Once she admitted that in her life even there was a situation where she was almost raped.

Before the start of the shooting in the battle, Marilyn was friends with, went with him on friendly dates, but they did not go far. Then Kerro started new acquaintances, and she became a new friend. But the guy soon disappeared and not explaining the young witch the meaning of her visions. The girl was not desperate, continuing to develop independently, and she succeeded with glitter.

In life, Marilyn Kerro appeared guys with whom she was comfortable time spent time, but young people could not stand her energy. Everything changed when the participant of the show began to take care of Kerro. At first, the couple argued that between them only professional interest and friendship, but the time showed the opposite. Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps continued the relationship after the "battle of psychics". The couple began to live together, they traveled a lot, shared their experiences and united each other's forces.

At the beginning of the 17th "Battle of Psychics", Marilyn reported that Alexander gathered things and left. In one of the following episodes, the girl said that, in spite of everything, there is love between them, and she will not disappear anywhere. But soon after the show it became known that after all the guys broke up completely. The fact is that Marilyn has long dreamed of a family and a child. In an interview, the girl joked that she would soon go on the cabbage bed in search of the baby. But Sasha, apparently, was not ready for this.

Marilyn Kerro now

Soon after parting with Shepps in the network began to appear photo Mary and. No confirmations about the novel of the couple did not give. But Kerro fans themselves concluded that they meet, because, judging by the pictures, they spent their vacation together in Greece. And Kerro's winter holidays and Hansen also became joint.

It is known that he is Norwegz, was married. In marriage he had a daughter. The man is engaged in life, unknown. Mark has an extremely bright and attractive appearance, which immediately noted the fans of the ex-participating "Battle of Psychics". His body covers tattoo, on the face and in the ears of piercing.

In February 2018, Mary posted in "

Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps - a unique couple of two practitioners Mages and. Chet happily live together, but a little about their personal life is known.

In the article:

Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps - Story Dating

The beginning of the novel between and was laid during the filming of the 14th season of the project "Battle of Psychics". Many believed that this is only a PR-move, but the romance of a bright pair continued after the end of the project.

Kerro and Sheps together

As Alexander Sheps said in January 2014, it all started with common interests and friendships. After their friendships turned into a stormy novel, even competition for winning the show could not prevent the feelings of the pair of psychics.

Alexander considered Marilyn the main competitor, and psychics practically did not speak Russian, but this did not prevent the novel.

As Marilyn Kerro stated in one of the interviews, clairvoyant shares the work and personal relationship and did not experience that competition could affect her relations with Alexander.

Thanks to the participation in the project "Battle of Psychics", two related souls managed to find each other. Already in the winter of 2014, their joint video procralation was recorded with the New Year, which finally put all the points over "І" regarding the fact that the participants of the "battle of psychics" Merilin Kerro and Alexander Sheps are found. For some time, the couple argued that between them is extremely professional interest and friendship.

Before participating in the "battle of psychics", Marilyn relations with men did not make up. Despite the chic appearance, model career and outstanding extrasensory abilities, the woman always interfered with excessive modesty and shyness. Seriously influenced the attempt of rape, which happened to Mary at a young age. The future witch almost did not suffer - the failed rapist left "for memory" only bruises and bruises.

Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro - Wedding

Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro, a fan picture

There are rumors in the network that Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro played a wedding secretly. Given the tendency of the pair not to exhibit personal life at the bottom, it is quite likely. On the Internet, even a few photos of Marilyn in white dresses similar to wedding appeared on the Internet.

There was no official confirmation of marriage. The relationship between the participants of the "Battle of Psychics" continues for more than a year, but there were no speech about the wedding. Some audiences believe that rumors that Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Shepps got married, need the public to not forget about clairvoyant after the end of the 14th season "Battle of Psychics".

The pair has not yet been announced officially about the intention to consume the relationship of marriage. Only rumors go, but Marilyn and Alexander did not appeal to the registry office. Many suggest that such strong relationships have every chance to grow into family. According to the statements during the interview, the young couple plans to ever get married, but so far no specific date is called.

Marilyn partially managed to predict what the project "Battle of Psychics" ended personally for her. But then the extrasens did not know who the man, because of which Kerro could not take the first place, but would not be upset at all. Marilyn only knew that her man would be extrasensus, not from Moscow, but I am sure that I shouldn't know more at that time.

Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro - latest news

At the moment, Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro are civil marriage. Couple lives in the center of Moscow in the same apartment. It is not known who belongs to the living space, but he applied to the apartment Marilyn. Extrasens chose the classic European style that I liked and Sheps. The apartment is quite big. There is a children's room that comes out about the imminent marriage and that Sheps and Kerro are waiting for a child.

One of the rooms of the shared apartment couple was replied under the office. In the room, lovers conduct customers. In the house there are many colors with which Marilyn is engaged in, as it does not tolerate artificial. Psychic used to living closer to nature, but in Moscow it is impossible.

There are rumors that Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro parted, but it is not. Denies the rumors of photos in social networks that lovers periodically post on the personal pages. This is not only a photo shoot, but also pictures from the rest. Couple travels abroad, for example, in the summer of 2014, psychics visited America and posted a lot of bright and positive photos. Later Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro together participated in shares in support of polar bears, making some photos with the largest poster. Not so long ago, Alexander Shepps and Marilyn Kerro became a pair of the year following the results of the Award Prize.

In 2014, Marilyn was acquainted with the parents of Alexander, which was the proof of the seriousness of their relationship. It is known that Marilyn really liked future relatives.

About the family and children speech is not yet. Alexander went to Estonia, was very impressed with Marylin's home. In an interview, the medium said that the building was like a witch lodge on the edge of the forest, descended from book pages.

Now, if you judge the photo on social networks, Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps are happy together. In addition to photos and rumors, nothing about the personal life of a pair of psychics is unknown. Lovers are not too like to answer personal questions. During one of the interviews, Sheps said that he did not want to talk about what had not yet done, because the plans told to someone were never implemented.

Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro parted - True or rumor

Shortly before the start of the shooting of the 16th season of the "Battle of Psychic" show, the network has information that Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro broke up. According to rumors, the medium chose Marilyn another girl.

On social networks did not appear information about the pair of tight. Lovers continue to lay out joint photos. Fans who are closely watching the life of Alexander Shepps and Marilyn Kerro, believe that the couple did not part, and rumors about grinding are just gossip.

Judging by the photographs that the pair periodically lays out into the network, there was really no quarrel. It is only a rumor whose goal is to heal interest in a pair on the eve of Marilyn's participation in the new season of the "Battle of Psychics" show.

At the moment, the couple is experiencing a serious crisis in relations. After Mary returned to the "battle of psychics" at the 17 season, Kerrow said that Alexander gathered things and left somewhere. In the 11th issue, clairvoyant stated that the love between them is not going anywhere. In relations between psychics there were problems.

Marilyn dreams of a family that she will have to create one - Sheper's plans differ from the vision of a joint future Mary. Recently, extrasens is sometimes joking that it is going to go to the cabbage bed and find a child there. On problems in relationships, the witch reacts more calmly than at the very beginning of an unpleasant period. Psychic tries to keep himself in her hands, not paying attention to difficulties.