What a feat was accomplished in the fate of a person. The composition of the moral feat of Andrei Sokolov

What a feat was accomplished in the fate of a person. The composition of the moral feat of Andrei Sokolov

March 02 2011

The clear, convincing in its simplicity and harsh truth of M. Sholokhov still makes the reader indignant and shudder, passionately love and sharply hate.

The volume of the story is striking: the whole life of the family, and the war, and captivity. The disclosure of Andrei Sokolov is even more amazing. On a small "platform" of the story, a person is shown in joy, and in trouble, and in hatred, and in love, and in peaceful labor, and in war. Behind this image stands a multimillion, great, kind, long-suffering people-toiler. And how this peaceful people is transformed during the years of war disasters!

Russian soldier! What historian, artist has fully depicted, glorified his valor ?! This is a sublime and complex image. Much was fused, intertwined in him such that made him “not only invincible, but also a great martyr, almost a saint - traits that consisted of an ingenuous, naive faith, a clear, good-naturedly cheerful outlook on life, cold and businesslike courage, obedience in the face death, pity for the vanquished, endless patience and amazing physical and moral endurance ”(A. Kuprin).

Traits typical for a Russian soldier are embodied in the image of Andrei Sokolov. The incredible endurance, resilience, high moral qualities in the most difficult moments of war, captivity, post-war life of this person evoke a feeling of admiration. “… And I began to gather courage to look fearlessly into the hole of the pistol, as befits a soldier, so that the enemies would not see at the last minute that it’s still difficult for me to part with my life…” Sokolov says. The noble pride of a soldier who does not want to show the enemy the fear of death because shame is worse than death.

Even in fierce enemies, in whom fascism burned out everything human, the dignity and self-control of the Russian soldier evokes respect. “That's what, Sokolov, you are a real Russian soldier. You are a brave soldier. I am also a soldier and I respect worthy opponents. I won't shoot you. In addition, today our valiant troops reached the Volga and completely captured Stalingrad, ”says Müller.

The ability to bring the breadth of life to an epic sound is unique to immense talent. Carefully reading into the construction of the story, one cannot fail to notice the fabulous technique to which the author resorts, showing the martial arts of the Lagerfuehrer and “Russ Ivan”: as in the epics and ancient tales that have come down to us from the depths of the people, M. Sholokhov uses the technique of threefold amplification. The soldier drank the first glass, preparing for death, and did not take a bite. He drank the second glass and again refused the snack. And only after the third glass of schnapps, drunk "in a stretch", "took a bite of a small piece of bread, put the rest on the table."

This is a traditionally fantastic increase in the drama of action in time. It is used by the writer quite naturally, and this device of the storytellers harmoniously merges with his contemporary story. The work of M. Sholokhov is national in language. The typical image of the Russian soldier Andrei Sokolov reveals in a system of thought and speech, saturated with well-aimed, original words and folk utterances.

But not only in the noted outward signs, as the method of triple amplification and saturation of the language with vivid expressions and proverbs, but, as Belinsky said, in the very “fold of the Russian mind, in the Russian way of looking at things,” the writer's nationality is manifested. A sensitive artist, M. Sholokhov with all his life, all his thoughts was connected with the life of his people, with their thoughts and hopes. it was nourished by the life-giving springs of folk wisdom, its great truth and beauty. This led to the fidelity of every detail, every intonation of his work. The main merit of the story is probably that it is built on the correct disclosure of the deep movements of the human soul.

It would seem that the strength of Andrei Sokolov, who has been mercilessly beaten by life, is about to run out. But no! An inexhaustible source of love lurks in his soul. And this love, this good beginning in a person guides all his actions.

No one is able to read the following monologue by Andrei Sokolov at the beginning of the story without excitement: “Sometimes you do not sleep at night, you look into the darkness with empty eyes and think:“ Why did you, life, cripple me so? Why did you distort it so? " I have no answer either in the darkness or in the clear sun ... No, and I can't wait! "

Millions of Sokolov's peers, who did not return from the battlefields, who died of wounds and premature diseases in peacetime, after the Victory, will never wait for the painful answer to this question.

Only quite recently did we start talking openly about the huge, often completely in vain, victims of World War II; that it could not have existed at all, had Stalin's policy towards Germany turned out to be more far-sighted; about our completely immoral attitude towards our compatriots who have been in German captivity ... But after all, the fate of a person cannot be turned back, not altered!

And at first, Sokolov's life was shaped like that of many of his peers. "I was in the civilian army in the Red Army ... In the hungry twenty-second I went to the Kuban, to beat the kulaks, that's why I survived." Fate generously rewarded Sokolov for his ordeals, giving a wife like his Irinka: "Affectionate, quiet, does not know where to seat you, beats so that even with a small income you can make sweet kvass." Maybe Irinka was like that, because she was brought up in an orphanage and all the unspent affection fell on her husband and children?

But a person often does not appreciate what he has. It seems to me that I underestimated my wife and Andrei Sokolov before leaving for the front. “Other women talk to their husbands, to their sons, and mine clung to me like a leaf to a branch, and only the whole thing trembles ... She says, and sobs at every word:“ My dear ... Andryusha ... we will not see you ... you and I ... more ... in this ... world ... "Andrei Sokolov appreciated those farewell words much later, after the news of the death of his wife and his daughters:" Until my death, until my last hour, I will die, and I will not forgive myself that I pushed her away !. . "

The rest of his actions during the war years and after the Victory were worthy, masculine. Real men, according to Sokolov, are at the front. He “could not stand such slobbering, which every day, to business and not to business, they wrote to wives and darlings, smeared snot on paper. It’s hard, they say, it’s hard for him, he’s going to be killed. And here he is, a bitch in pants, complaining, looking for sympathy, slobbering, but he does not want to understand that these unfortunate women and children were no sweeter than ours in the rear. "

Sokolov himself had a hard time at the front. It has been won for less than a year. After two minor wounds - a severe concussion and captivity, which was considered a shame in the official Soviet propaganda of that time. However, Sholokhov successfully bypasses the pitfalls of this problem: he simply does not touch it, which is not surprising if you recall the time when the story was written - 1956. But on the other hand, Sholokhov measured out the tests in the rear of the enemy in full to Sokolov. The first test is the murder of the traitor Kryzhnev. Not every one of us dares to help a completely unfamiliar person. And Sokolov helped. Maybe he did it because not long before this, a completely unfamiliar military officer helped Sokolov? He adjusted his dislocated arm. There is the humanism and nobility of one and the baseness and cowardice of the other.

Sokolov himself cannot be denied the courage. The second test is an attempt to escape. Andrei took advantage of the guards' oversight, ran, went forty kilometers, but he was caught, the dogs were let down ... He survived, did not bend, did not keep silent, “criticized” the regime in the concentration camp, although he knew that for this he was certain death. Sholokhov masterfully describes the scene of the confrontation between the Russian soldier Sokolov and the commandant of the concentration camp Mueller. And it is being decided in favor of the Russian soldier. Even a great connoisseur of the Russian soul, who spoke Russian no worse than us, Mueller had to admit: “That's what, Sokolov, you are a real Russian soldier. You are a brave soldier. I am also a soldier and I respect worthy opponents. I will not shoot you. "

He paid Müller and all enemies for the life of the Sokolov donated in full, having successfully escaped from captivity and taking the invaluable language - his major-builder. It seemed that fate should have mercy on Sokolov, but no ... The frost passes on the skin when you learn about two more blows that fell to the hero's lot: the death of his wife and daughters under the bombing in June 1942 and his son on Victory Day.

Need a cheat sheet? Then save - "Life feat of Sokolov (About the story" The Fate of a Man ")... Literary works!

The story "The Fate of a Man" was written by Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov in 1956 and was soon published in the newspaper "Pravda". This is a sad story of the hard life of a simple Russian chauffeur, Andrei Sokolov.

The fate of this man is truly tragic. Quite early, the hero was left an orphan, as hunger took the lives of his parents and sister. Andrei himself, in order to survive, had to go to the Kuban and start "playing with the kulaks."

Returning from there, the man married a "meek", cheerful and "obsequious" girl Irina and began to work as a driver, then the young family had children. It would seem that life began to improve, but suddenly a war broke out, and Andrei Sokolov was among the first to go to the front.

Despite the fact that the harsh military life, of course, weighed down the hero, he never dared to complain about it to his wife. He believed that "for that you are a man, for that you are a soldier, in order to endure everything, to demolish everything, if need called for it."

In the future, life itself seeks to verify this statement of Andrei Sokolov, and prepares him for a new terrible test: a man is captured by the Germans. This happens when, without hesitation for a moment, he decides to perform a real feat: to deliver shells to a battery of his soldiers, which is in a hot spot and is about to engage the enemy. About his heroic deed, Andrei himself says very simply: "My comrades are there, maybe they are dying, but I will be sick here?"

Indeed, this man was ready to give his life for his comrades, however, as they were for him. In the work, the author gives many examples of the courage of Russian soldiers. Suffice it to recall the military doctor who "in captivity and in the dark" did "his great work": at night, when the Germans drove all the Russian prisoners to church, he passed from one soldier to another and tried to help his compatriots in whatever he could.

The soldiers stoically endure all the trials that fall to their lot in German captivity: these are unbearably hard hard labor, and constant hunger, cold, beatings, and just bullying from the enemies. In such difficult conditions, these people do not lose the ability to joke and laugh, which says a lot about their courage and fortitude.

Living in constant fear makes Andrei Sokolov and his comrades truly courageous. Suffice it to recall the episode where the Germans want to shoot the main character (even before they decide to take him prisoner). At this moment, being wounded, he still gets to his feet and fearlessly looks his possible killer straight in the eyes. Further, the soldier Sokolov, despite the risk of being captured and killed, decides to courageously escape from captivity, but, unfortunately, this attempt is unsuccessful.

In the episode, when the German camp authorities summon Andrei Sokolov to the commandant's office to announce the death sentence to the prisoner, the man shows real heroism. Knowing that he is going to his death, he prepares to "look fearlessly into the hole of the pistol."

In a conversation with Commandant Müller, the protagonist also shows incredible courage and dignity: he does not agree to drink vodka "for the victory of German weapons" and refuses snacks, demonstrating to his opponents that, despite hunger, he is not going to "choke on their handout."

For the first time in Russian military literature, the heroism of a soldier manifests itself not only in the exploits he performed on the battlefield, but also in such a life situation. Sokolov's courage delights opponents so much that they decide not to kill their prisoner, but, on the contrary, give him food with them and let him go back to the camp.

The second attempt to get out of captivity turns out to be successful for Andrey, and the man returns to his own. But the most terrible news, which will require from the hero no less, and perhaps even more courage than all military trials, awaits the soldier Sokolov ahead. While in the hospital, from a letter from a neighbor, Andrei learns about the death of his wife and daughters, and then, after the end of the war, he is informed that his son was killed on Victory Day.

Such things sometimes break even the strongest and most courageous men, because the only hope to return to relatives in war and in captivity are soldiers. But tragic events open up new reserves of kindness and humanity in Andrei Sokolov, and therefore he takes on his own young orphan Vanya to raise. This noble deed, like all the brave deeds committed by Sokolov in the war, can rightfully be considered a real feat and a manifestation of heroism in our daily life.

  1. New!

    Twelve years after the Great Patriotic War in 1957 M.A. Sholokhov writes the story "The Fate of a Man", the protagonist of which is a simple Russian man - Andrei Sokolov. The personality of Andrey Sokolov M. Sholokhov reveals, using ...

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Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov entered our literature as the creator of wide epic canvases - the novels "Quiet Don", "Virgin Soil Upturned". If in the center of interests of Sholokhov the novelist is the era, then in the center of interests of Sholokhov the novelist is the person. Among the most striking images in world literature can be attributed the image of Andrei Sokolov from the story of Sholokhov

"The fate of a man."

The pre-war past of Andrei Sokolov bears features that make him akin to many other heroes of those glorious years. Simple worker, hard worker, Andrey

Sokolov finds happiness both in work and in family life. Talking with naive simplicity about his life, Andrei does not suspect that his seemingly ordinary life can serve as an example. But the feeling of happiness, the feeling that he is living "correctly" is conveyed in the story of Andrey. The author needed a story about the hero's pre-war life in order for every reader to understand that Soviet people have a lot to defend. Sokolov's courage during the war is explained by the properties of his character, which were laid in him by the Soviet way of life. Andrei refers to the war as a rather mature person, not flaunting his patriotic feelings, but calmly and courageously doing this work, to which he was accustomed in his peaceful life. For him, it does not seem to matter that now around him are not the peaceful fields of the Fatherland, but the battlefields dug by craters. The case deprives Sokolov of freedom, he is captured by the Nazis. But Andrei's life and behavior in captivity serves only as proof that it is impossible to defeat a Soviet person, that by the strength of his spirit and the firmness of his convictions he surpasses any enemy. A kind of duel is tied between Sokolov and the all-powerful commandant of the camp. It was not enough for the fascists to achieve the physical humiliation of the Soviet people, they wanted the moral humiliation of the enemy, and this is precisely what they did not succeed in. Andrei Sokolov highly carries the title of a Soviet man and even retains in fascist captivity

your dignity.

The will to fight and the ardent desire to avenge the horror that the Nazis brought to their native land, returned Sokolov to duty. In the ranks of the Soviet army, he continued the struggle, continued it with a unit.

And Sokolov won this war. He won at the cost of the lives of many of his relatives, at the cost of his own son, who died in Berlin on the very day of Victory.

The war did not harden Andrey's heart. Sholokhov shows well that kindness has remained one of the main qualities of his character. People like Sokolov cannot be broken. Therefore, the ending of the story can be considered optimistic: Andrey is walking fast through his native land!