Latin names and surnames for samp. Spanish surnames

Latin names and surnames for samp. Spanish surnames
Latin names and surnames for samp. Spanish surnames

Increasingly, I come across the wrong writing of Argentine surnames, so I decided to make a small reminder. The rules for the pronunciation and transfer of Spanish letters and their combinations are generally quite simple, but they are not always applied elementary. The most difficult case is a combination of two "l", "ll".

For some reason, the same Catalans are trying to call / write authentic, for example, Zhordi instead of "Jordi" (as it were according to the rules of Spanish), but they strongly refuse to identify the numerous Argentine descendants of Italian emigrants. The most rude, which only is there, the error in the transfer of Argentine surnames into Russian is the use of some uniform Spanish transliteration to all Argentine surnames without parsing. No, she only applies to Spain itself, with the exception of Basque and Catalans. Argentina is completely different, multinational country in its essence. So, there are no:

  • Sabelle
  • "Passarelia"
  • "Bernardelo"
  • Borgelo
  • Calcie
  • "RULES"

There is only:

  • Sabella (Sabella)
  • Passarella (passarella)
  • Bernardello (Bernardello)
  • Borgello (Borghello)
  • Callery (Calleri)
  • Rulli (Rulli)

Why? Completely - all this Italian surnames that should be pronounced and written in accordance with. Passareell was lucky slightly more than the rest, his last name is usually written correctly, although recently it is more and more difficult to hinder.

But at the same time:

  • Guygo (Gallego; Gaja / Gazh in the Argentinean version, Gallago - Ancient Castle)
  • PILLUD; PIRE - Arg.)
  • Guyardo (Gallardo; Gashardo / Gajarto - Argentinean, Gallardo - Ancient Castle)

Thus, no "l" on the site "LL" in any of the options is not there, unless you are the Adept of the Old Mikestil (in Spain itself 1%, in the rest of the Spanish-speaking world - and is less).

It remains to determine the main thing - when the surname of Spanish origin, and when is Italian? Here, first of all, I need practice - with it you pretty quickly learn to unmistakably distinguish. However, the main signs of Italian surnames from the Argentineans can be allocated, for example, the end of the name on -ello, -lla, -ulli or -elli should make you think about the idea that it is Italian.

Of course, various cases with "LL" do not limit the circle of Italian surnames. There are a number of combinations of letters, explicitly hinting into Italian origin, these are the same "GL", "GN", "SCH":

  • MIGLiore - Milore
  • Bologna - Bologna (New River Goalkeeper)
  • BIGLIA - BILLA (Note: Some Argentine commentators have both "Biglia", but Bologna is always "Bologna")
  • Mascherano - Mascherano, not an Azheneno, although many Argentine commentators have "Mahechno" ("S" in Spanish often swallows); At the same time, Maschio they have "Maskio", and nothing else.

There are a number of endings typical of Italian surnames. For example, -eri (Calleri - Callery, Pelletieri - Pelletieri). Or the most common, -etti. By themselves, these endings do not differ in pronunciation for both languages, however, they are the indicator that the whole surname must be pronounced and writing according to Italian rules, for example:

  • Forzinetti - Forcinetti (and not forcineti, as it were in Spanish)
  • Bianchetti - Bianketti (and not Bianchti)
  • Zanetti - Zanetti (and not imposed one time "Sabinati")
  • Gentiletti - Gentili (and not Hent)
  • Lucchetti - Lukketyti (and not Lukcheti)
  • Giannetti - Giannetti (and not Chiannetti / Hyannetti)

Let's talk and write correctly.

Spanish names

According to the Spanish legislation, no more than two names and two surnames can be recorded in the documents in humans. In fact, when baptism, you can give any names as you like, depending on the desire of parents. Typically, the oldest son gives the first name in honor of the Father, and the second in honor of the grandfather on his father, and the eldest daughter is the name of the mother and the name of the grandmother on the maternal line.

The main source of names in Spain is Catholic sacraticles. There are few unusual names, because the Spanish registration legislation is pretty severe: not so long ago, the Spanish authorities refused to receive citizenship by some Colombius named Darling Velz on the grounds that her name is too unusual and it is impossible to determine the floor of its carrier.

There are no such restrictions in Latin America, and the fantasy of parents can work freely. Sometimes this fantasy creates absolutely wondrous combinations, like the Taj Mahal Sanchez, Elvis Presley Gomez Morillo and even Hitler Aufemio Major. And the famous Venezuelan terrorist Ilyich Ramires Sancheza on nicknamed Carlos Jackal had two brothers whom was called ... Right, Vladimir and Lenin Ramirez Sanchez. Nothing amazing: Pope Ramirez was a convinced communist and decided to perpetuate the name of his idol, so to speak, in three copies. Another unlucky Venezuelan received the magnificent name of Mao Barzner Pino Delgado, and the "silence" in this case turned out to be an unsuccessful attempt to reproduce the surname of Brezhnev. ( What "S in a name? In Venezuela, Just About Anything)

However, all these are rare exceptions. In the Spanish world, the hit parade of names that year is headed by familiar classic names: Juan, Diego, Carmen, Daniel, Camila, Alejandro and, of course, Maria.

Not just Maria

For quite understandable reasons, this name is one of the most common in Spain. It is given to both girls and boys (the latter - as an incatch to the male name: José Maria, Fernando Maria). However, many Spanish and Latin American Mary are not just Mary: in the documents they may have Maria de Los Mercedes, Maria de Los Angeles, Maria de Los Dolores. In everyday life, the names of Mercedes, Dolores, Angeles, that literally sounds for our ear rather strange: "mercy" (just like that, in a plural), "Angels", "sorrow". In fact, these names occur from various titles of Our Lady, taken from Catholics: María de las Mercedes (Mary of lovely, letters. "Mary of Vosta"), María de Los Dolores (Mary Sorrow, letters. "Maria Sorrow"), María La Reina de Los Ángeles (Maria - Queen Angels).

Here is a brief list of such names:

María del Amparo. - Maria Patrone, Maria Defender
María de la Anunciación - Maria Blesses (from Isp. Anunciación - Annunciation)
María de La Luz - Bright Maria (letters. "Maria Light)
María de Los Milagros - Mary miraculous (letters. "Maria Miracles")
María de la Piedad - Maria Chtime
María del Socorro. - Maria helping
María De La Cruz - Mary at the Cross
María Del Consuelo.- Maria comforter
Maria De. la Salud. - letters "Maria Health"
María del Pilar. - letters. "Pillar Maria" (According to the legend, when the Apostle Jacob preached in Zaragoza, on the column standing on the banks of the Ebro River, he saw the image of the Virgin Mary. Subsequently, the cathedral of Nourera-Senior del Pilar was built in this place).

In real life, the owner of these pious names is just Amparo, Anunsiasion, Lus, Milagros, Piedadad, Sokorro, Cruz, Consuelo, Salud and Pilar.

In addition, children often give names in honor of the distortion icons or statues of Our Lady. For example, the famous opera singer Montserrat Caballe (who, in fact, is not a Spanish, but Catalonka) In fact, the name of Maria de Montserrat Vivian Concepcion Caballe and Folk, and called it in honor of Catalonia Mary Montserrat - Miraculous Statue of the Virgin Mary From the monastery on Mount Montserrat.

Pancho, Chucho and Copter

Spaniards - Great Wizards to form diminutive names. The easiest way is to add to the name of the diminutive suffixes: Gabriel - Gabrielito, Fidel - Fidelito, Juan - Huanita. If the name is too long, then it "leaves" the main part from it, and then in turn goes all the same suffix: Concepcion - Copter, Guadalupe - Lupita and Lupil. Sometimes truncated forms of names are used: Gabriel - Gabi or Gabri, Teres - Teres.

However, not everything is so simple. Sometimes to identify the connection between the diminutive and full name on the hearing is generally impossible: for example, a small Francisco home can call Pancho, Paco or Kuro, Eduardo - Lalo, Alfonso - Honcho, Anunsiasion - Chon or Chonita, Hesus - Chuchu, Chui or Chus. The difference between the full and decreasing form, as we see, is huge (however, foreigners also cannot understand why we call Alexander Shurikom: to reproduce a number of Alexander-Aleksash-Sasha Sashura-Shura in mind, you need to know Russian too well).

The situation is complicated by the fact that different names may be the same diminutive: Lencho - Florencio and Lorenzo, Chico - Salvador and Narso, Cheloe - Angeles and Consuelo (women's names), as well as Selio and Marsejo (men).

The diminutive forms are formed not only from individual names, but also from double:

Jose Maria - what
José Angel - Channel
Huang Carlos - Huang, Huankar, Huanki
Maria Louis - Marisa
Jesus Ramon - Hessr, Hera, Herra, Chuimoncho, Chuimchi

Sometimes such a battle of names gives pretty shocking result: for example, Lucia Fernanda may call ... Lucifer ( Lucifer,spanish - Lucifer).

As passport names, the diminutive names in Spain are used quite rarely - primarily because of a relatively recently, it was prohibited by Spanish legislation. Now the only restriction is the "decentness" of the sound of the diminutive form, as well as the ability to determine by the name of the floor of its carrier.

Boy or girl?

Once, at the dawn of the popularity of soap operas, the Venezuelan series "Cruel World" was broadcast on our television, the name of the main character of which our audience at first hesitated as Rosaria. A little later it turned out that her name is Rosari about , and diminishing - Charita. Then, again, it turned out that he was not Charit, and Charito, but our spectators who had already had to get used to the cumshots and estherscites, continued to call it "in the female kind" - Charita. So they said, retelling each other another series: "And Jose Manuel with Charitian yesterday kissed ...".

In fact, the soapy heroine was really called Rosario, not Rosary. Word rosario. in the Spanish language of the male race and denotes the rosary for which the special prayer of the Virgin Mary is read, which is also called Rosario. (in Russian - Rosary). Catholics even exists a separate holiday of the Virgin Mary, Queen Rosary (Span. Maria del Rosario.).

In hispanic-speaking countries, Rosario's name is very popular, it is given to girls, and boys, but traditionally it is considered female. And this is not the only female name- "Hermaphrodge": names Amparo, Sokorro, Pilar, Salt, Consuelo formed from Spanish words aMPARO, SOCORRO, PILAR, SOL, CONSUELO, grammatically belonging to the male race. And, accordingly, the diminutive forms of these names are also formed on the "male" way: Charito, Charo, Koio, Consumer, Chelo (although there are "female" forms: Consue regional, Pilarita).

The most common Spanish names

10 of the most common names in Spain (all population, 2008)

Male names Women's names
1 José. 1 María.
2 Antonio. 2 Carmen.
3 Juan. 3 Ana.
4 Manuel 4 Isabel
5 Francisco. 5 Dolores.
6 Luis. 6 Pilar.
7 Miguel. 7 Josefa.
8 Javier 8 Teresa.
9 Ángel 9 ROSA.
10 Carlos. 10 Antonia.

Most popular names among newborns (Spain, 2008)

Male names Women's names
1 Daniel. 1 Lucia.
2 Alejandro. 2 María.
3 Pablo 3 Paula.
4 David 4 SARA
5 Adrián. 5 Carla
6 Hugo. 6 Claudia.
7 Álvaro. 7 Laura.
8 Javier 8 Marta.
9 Diego. 9 Irene.
10 Sergio. 10 Alba.

The most popular names among newborns (Mexico, 2009)

Male names Women's names
1 Miguel. 1 María Fernanda.
2 Diego. 2 Valeria.
3 Luis. 3 Ximena.
4 Santiago. 4 María Guadelupe.
5 Alejandro. 5 Daniela.
6 Emiliano. 6 Camila
7 Daniel. 7 Mariana.
8 Jesús. 8 Andrea.
9 Leonardo. 9 María José.
10 Eduardo. 10 Sofía.

Senor Garcia or Senor Lorca?

And, finally, let's talk a little about Spanish surnames. The surnames of the Spaniards are two: paternal and maternal. At the same time, the father's surname ( apellido Paterno.) is put in front of the maternal ( apellido Materno.): Federico Garcia Lorca (Father - Federico Garcia Rodriguez, mother - Vista Lorc Romero). With the official handling, only the father's surname is used: respectively, the Spanish poet contemporaries called Senor Garcia, and not Senor Lorca.

(True, from this rule there are exceptions: Pablo Picasso (full name - Pablo Ruiz Picasso) became known not under the father's surname Ruis, but under the parent - Picasso. The fact is that Rieshov in Spain is not less than Ivanov in Russia, but Surname Picasso meets much less often and sounds much "individual").

Inherited, only the main surname of the Father is usually transferred, but in some cases (as a rule, in the noble families, as well as the Basque), the parents of parents are also transferred to children (in fact - grandmothers surnames on both sides).

In some localities there is a tradition to add the name of the area, where the carrier of this name or his ancestors was born. For example, if a person calls Juan Antonio Gomes Gonzalez de San Jose, then in this case Gomez is the first, father's surname, and Gonzalez de San Jose is the second, maternal. In this case, the "de" particle is not an indicator of noble origin, as in France, and simply means that the ancestors of the mother of our Juan Antonio were from a town or village called San Jose.

Spanish names consist of three main elements: a personal name (Span. nombre. ) And two surnames (Span. apellido. ). A feature of the structure of the Spanish name is the presence of two surnames at once: Father (Span. apellido Paterno. or primer Apellido. ) And Mother (Span. apellido Materno. or segundo. apellido. ). The choice of personal names in Hispanic countries is usually determined by church and family traditions.

From Wikipedia:

In addition to the name received from the parents, the Spaniards wear the names obtained by baptism from the cross-priest and shaft parents. Most of the names received by the Spaniard are not used, but only one or two names are used, for example, of the current king of Spain five personal names - Juan Carlos Alfonso Maria Victor (Span. Juan. Carlos. Alfonso. V.í ctor Mar.í a. ), But all of your life he uses only two of them - Juan Carlos.

According to the Spanish legislation, no more than two names and two surnames can be recorded in the documents in humans. In fact, when baptism, you can give any names as you like, depending on the desire of parents. Typically, the oldest son gives the first name in honor of the Father, and the second in honor of the grandfather on his father, and the eldest daughter is the name of the mother and the name of the grandmother on the maternal line.

The main source of names in Spain is Catholic sacraticles. There are few unusual names, because the Spanish registration legislation is pretty severe: not so long ago, the Spanish authorities refused to obtain a certain Colombian citizenship by name Darling Veles. On the grounds that her name is too unusual and it is impossible to determine the floor of its carrier.

There are no such restrictions in Latin America, and the fantasy of parents can work freely. Sometimes this fantasy generates absolutely wondrous combinations, like Taj Mahal Sanchez, Elvis Presley Gomez Morillo and even Hitler Eufemio Major.. And at the famous Venezuelan terrorist Ilyich Ramires Sanchez The nicknamed Carlos Jackal had two brothers who were called ... Vladimir and Lenin Ramires Sanchez.

However, all these are rare exceptions. In the Spanish world, the hit parade of names that year is headed by familiar classic names: Juan, Diego, Carmen, Daniel, Camila, Alejandro and, of course, Maria.

Simply Maria.

For quite understandable reasons, this name is one of the most common in Spain. It is given both girls and boys (the latter - as an info to the male name: Jose Maria, Fernando Maria). However, many Spanish and Latin American Mary are not just Mary: they may have in the documents Maria de Los Mercedes, Maria de Los Angeles, Maria de Los Dolores. In everyday life, Mercedes, Dolores, Angeles, is usually named, which literally sounds for our ear rather strange: "mercy" (just like that, in the plural), "Angels", "sorrow". In fact, these names occur from various titles of Our Lady, taken from Catholics: Mar.í a. dE. las. Mercedes. (Mary's lovely, letters. "Mary of Vosta"), Mar.í a. dE. lOS. Dolores. (Maria Grown, letters. "Maria Sorrow"), Mar.í a. lA Reina. dE. lOS. Á ngeles. (Maria - Queen Angels).

In addition, children often give names in honor of the distortion icons or statues of Our Lady. For example, the famous opera singer Montserrat Cabel (which turns out to be catalyst, at the closest review of the name) is actually called Maria de Montserrat Vivian Concepcion Caballe and Folk, and called it in honor of the Mary of Martserrat's revered in Catalonia - the miraculous statue of the Virgin Mary from the monastery on Mount Montserrat.

Pancho, Honcho and Lupita.

Spaniards - Great Wizards to form diminutive names. The easiest way is to add dimincing suffixes: Gabriel - Gabrie lito, FIDER - FIDE lito, Juan - Juan it.. If the name is too long, then the main part "leaves" from it, and then everything is the same suffix: Concepcion - Copter, Guadalupe - Lupita and Lupil. Sometimes truncated forms of names are used: Gabriel - Gabi. or Gabri, Teresa - Tere. My favorite Penelope Cruz close name is simple "PE".

However, not everything is so simple. Sometimes identify the connection between the diminutive and full name on the hearing is generally impossible: for example, a small Francisco can be called at home Pancho, Paco or Kuro, Eduardo - Lalo, Alfonso - Honcho, Anunciasion - Chon or Chonita, Hesus - Chuchu, Chui or Chus. The situation is complicated by the fact that different names may be the same diminutive: Lencho - Florencio and Lorenzo, Chico - Salvador and Narso, Cheloe - Angeles and Consuelo (women's names), as well as Selio and Marsejo (men).

The diminutive forms are formed not only from individual names, but also from double:

Jose Maria - what
José Angel - Channel
Huang Carlos - Huang, Huankar, Huanki
Maria Louis - Marisa
Jesus Ramon - Hessr, Hera, Herra, Chuimoncho, Chuimchi

Man or woman?

Once, at the dawn of the popularity of soap operas, the Venezuelan series "Cruel World" was broadcast on our television, the name of the main character of which our audience at first hesitated as Rosary. A little later it turned out that her name is Rosari about , and diminishing - Charita. Then again it turned out that not Charit, and freak aboutBut our viewers who have already managed to get used to the deaths and estherscites, continued to call it "in the female kind" - Charita. So they said, retelling each other another series: "And Jose Manuel with Charitian yesterday was kissed ...".

In fact, soapy heroine was really called Rosario, not Rosary. Word rosario. in Spanish Language male genus and denotes rosarywhich is read by a special prayer of the Virgin Mary, which is also called Rosario. (in Russian - Rosary). Catholics even exists a separate holiday of the Virgin Mary, Queen Rosary (Span. Maria. del. Rosario.).

In hispanic-speaking countries, Rosario's name is very popular, it is given to girls, and boys, but traditionally it is considered female. And this is not the only one women's name- "Hermaphrodge": Names Amparo, Sokorro, Pilar, Salt, Consuelo Educated from Spanish words amparo., socorro., pilar., sOL., consuelo., grammatically belonging to the male race. And, accordingly, the diminutive forms of these names are also formed on the "male" way: Charito, Charo, Koio, Consulito, Man (although there are "female" forms: Consue regional, Pilarita).

The most common Spanish names.

10 of the most common names in Spain (all population, 2008)

Features of the Spanish surname.

And, finally, let's talk a little about Spanish surnames. The surnames of the Spaniards are two: paternal and maternal. At the same time, as already mentioned, father's surname ( apellido. pATERNO. ) is put in front of the maternal ( apellido. mATERNO. ): Federico Garcia Lorca (Father - Federico Garcia Rodriguez, mother - Vista Lorc Romero). For official circulation is used only by the father's surname: Accordingly, the Spanish poet contemporaries called Senor Garcia, and not Senor Lorca.

True, this rule is exceptions: Pablo Picasso (Full name - Pablo Ruiz Picasso) became known not under the father's surname Ruis, but under the mother - Picasso. The fact is that Rieshs in Spain are not less than Ivanovy in Russia, but the name Picasso meets much less often and sounds much "individual."

Inherited, only the main surname of the Father is usually transferred, but in some cases (as a rule, in the noble families, as well as the Basque), the parents of parents are also transferred to children (in fact - grandmothers surnames on both sides).

In some localities there is a tradition to add the name of the area, where the carrier of this name or his ancestors was born. For example, if a person is called Juan Antonio Gomez Gonzalez de San JoseIn this case, Gomez is the first, father's surname, and Gonzalez de San Jose is the second, maternal. In this case, the particle "De" is not an indicator of noble origin, as in France, but simply means that ancestors Mother of our Juan Antonio there were originally from the town or village called San Jose.

Sometimes the father's and maternal surnames are separated by a particle "and": Francisco de Goya-I-Luciates, José Ortega-and-Gasset. In Russian transcription, such names are customary to write through a hyphen, although they are usually written in the original without dividing signs: Francisco. dE. Goya. y. Lucientes., Jos.é ORTEGA. y. Gasset..

When marriage, the Spanish does not change the last name, and simply add a husband's surname to Apellido Paterno: for example, Laura Riario Martinez, having married a person by Marquez's name, Laura Riario de Marquez or Laura Riario, Señora Marquez.

The most common Spanish surnames.

10 of the most common surnames in Spain

Origin of the surname
1 García. (Garcia) From name

Each name, male or female, is its own story. It is almost impossible to accurately determine where and under what circumstances first began to call children with one or another name. Everyone has a story, leaving its roots to the ancient myths and legends. Most likely, the majority of the names simply indicate the character line that the child wants to instill.

But why do new names appear? Causes are different: wars, geographical or scientific discoveries, emigration and immigration of the population.

If you look into the document of the Spanish citizen, then there you can see no more than 2 names and 2 names, despite the fact that in most European countries their number is unlimited. This is due to the fact that the state seriously suits this issue to avoid numerous confused. When baptizing, kids can be assigned any, permissible (approved) church names in unlimited quantities. As a rule, this is done like this:

  • The eldest son receives the first name of the Father, the second - grandfather on the men's line;
  • The eldest daughter takes first the name of the mother, and then the name of the mother's grandmother.

In general, the Spanish name consists of three main elements: personal name ( nombre.) and two surnames ( apellido.): Father ( apellido Paterno. or primer Apellido.) and mother ( apellido Materno.orsegundo Apellido.).

The Spaniards are the believers of Catholics, they pay great importance in their lives, and therefore most names leave their roots to the Catholic saints. Unusual and extravagant names, the Spaniards do not like and do not accept them in their lives. There are cases when the state refused to foreigners in obtaining due to the fact that their names were rather unusual (for example, it is impossible to determine the sexuality of the carrier).

Many are associated with Spain and Latin American countries, since the Spanish language is official in these territories, and when studying the Spanish language, the teacher can make emphasis on differences between cultures and pronunciations. As for the names, there are also very big differences here, despite the fact that Latin Americans use Spanish names. The only difference is that they can call a child as they want. Children are called English, American or even Russian names, if it likes to parents, and it will not be punishable by the state.

You can take a terrorist from Venezuela as an example. His name was Ilyich, and his brothers Lenin and Vladimir Ramirez Sanchez. A convinced Communist Father displaced his views on life through the names of his children.

But such exceptions are extremely rare, although there are no boundaries and stereotypes for modernity. In Spain, simple and classic names with uneasy values, such as Juan, Huanita, Julio, Julia, Mary, Diego, and others, remain at the peak of popularity.

Separately, I would like to highlight the names and their origin (female):

  • Biblical names: Anna, Maria, Martha, Magdalena, Isabel;
  • Latin and Greek names: Barbor, Veronica, Elena, Paola;
  • Germanic: Eric, Motild, Carolina, Louise, Frida.
  • Biblical names: Miguel, José, Thomas, David, Daniel, Adan, Juan;
  • Greek and Latin names: Sergio, Andres, Alejandro, Ector, Pablo, Nicholas;
  • Hermann: Alonso, Alfonso, Louis, Carlos, Raymont, Fernando, Enrique, Ernesto, Raul, Rodrig, Roberto.

Women's Spanish names and their meaning

  • Agata (Agata) - good
  • Adelita (Adelita), Aelisia (Alicia) Adela, Adelia (ADELA) - noble
  • Ador - adored
  • Alonra - defender of mankind
  • Alba (Alba) - Dawn, Dawn
  • Alta (Alta) - high
  • Angelina (Angelina), Angel (Ángel), Angelika (Angélica) - Angel, Angel, Bulletin
  • Anita (Anita) - Reduced from Ana (ANA) - Use
  • Ariadna (Ariadna) - perfect, clean, immaterial
  • ARSELIA ARCELIA, ARACELIS (ARACELIS) \u200b\u200b- Stranger, Traveler
  • Benita (Benita) - Blessed
  • Bernardita (Bernardita) - Bear
  • Blanca (Blanca) - Clean, White
  • Benita (Benita) - Blessed
  • Valencia (Valencia) - power
  • Verónica - victorious
  • Herrtrudis, Gertrudis (Gertrudis) - Spear Power
  • Grace (Gracia) - graceful, elegant
  • Hesusa (Jesusa) - saved
  • Juana, Huanita (Juanita) - freezing
  • Dorothea (Dorotea) - God's gift
  • Elena (Elena) - Moon, Torch
  • Josefina (Josefina) - Rejection
  • IBBI, Isabel (Isabel) - Oath to God
  • Ines (Inés) - innocent, chaste
  • Candelaria (Candelaria) - Candle
  • Karla (Carla), Carolina (Carolina) - man
  • Carmela (Carmela) and Carmelita - Name in honor of the Carmel Mother
  • Constance (Constancia) - permanent
  • Consulie-supersterer, the name is given in honor of the Lady Consuelo (Nuestra Señora del Consuelo)
  • Copter (Conchita) - Reduced from Concepción - formed from Latin Concepto - "Pregnant, Watch". The name is given in honor of the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary (Inmaculada Concepción)
  • Christina (Cristina) - Christian
  • Cruz - Cross, Native Cross
  • Camila (Camila) - the servant of the gods, priestess
  • Catalina (Catalina) - Pure Soul
  • Leticia (Leticia) - joyful, happy
  • Laura (Laura) - Lavr, ("crowned with laurel")
  • Luisa (Luisa), Luisita (Luisita) - Warrior
  • Marita (Marita) - Maria Reductive (María) - Desired, Favorite
  • Marta (Marta) - Mistress at home
  • Mercedes (Mercedes) is a merciful, united (in honor of the Virgin - María de las Mercedes)
  • Maribel (Maribel) - fierce
  • Nina (Nina) - Baby
  • Ophelia (Ofelia) - Assistant
  • Pepita (Pepita) - God will give a son
  • Pearl (Perla), Perlita (Perlita) - Pearl
  • Pilar (Pilar), drank (Pili) - pillar, column
  • Paloma - Dove
  • Ramona (Ramona) - Wise Defender
  • Rebeca - Manting Online
  • Reina (Reina) - Queen, Queen
  • Renata (Renata) - Rounded
  • Sarita (Sarita) Reductive from Sarah (SARA) - a noble woman, mistress
  • Sofia (Sofía) - Wise
  • Susana (Susana) - Water Lily
  • Trinidad (Trinidad) - Trinity
  • Francisca (Francisca) - Free
  • Chikita (Chiquita) - a diminutive name meaning a small girl.
  • Ebiana (Abigaíl) - Joy for Father
  • Evita (EVITA) - Reduced EVA (EVA) - lively, lively
  • ELVIRA (Elvira) - friendly
  • Esmeralda (Esmeralda) - Emerald
  • Estela (Estela), Estrella derivative (Estrella) - Star

Men's Spanish names and their meaning

  • Agustin (Agustín) - Great
  • Alberto (Alonso), Alonso, Alfonso (Alfonso) - noble
  • Alfredo (Alfredo) - Elf
  • Amado (Amado) - Favorite
  • Andrés - Warrior
  • Antonio (Antonio) - Flower
  • Armando (Armando) - strong, brave
  • Aurelio (Aurelio) - Golden
  • Basilio - Kingual
  • Benito (Benito) - Blessed
  • Berenguer, Bernardino (Bernardino), Bernardo (Bernardo) - the strength and courage of the bear
  • Valentine (Valentín) - Healthy, strong
  • Victor (Víctor), Victorino (Victorino), Vincent - Winner and Conqueror,
  • Gaspar - Teacher, Master
  • Gustavo (Gustavo) - Staff, Support
  • Horatio (Goracio) - Excellent Vision
  • Damian (Damián) - tame, subordinate
  • Desi (Desi) - desirable
  • Herman (Germán) - Brother
  • Hilberto (Gilberto) - light
  • Diego (Diego) - Doctrine, Teaching
  • Jesús (Jesús) - named by the name of Jesus, Reductive: Chucho, Chuy, Chuza, Chuchi, Chus, Chuso and others.
  • Ignacio (Ignacio) - Fire
  • Andusef - God will give another son
  • Carlos (Carlos) - man, husband
  • Christian (Cristián) - Christian
  • Leandro (Leandro) - Lion man
  • Lucio (LUCI) - light
  • Mario (Mario) - man
  • Marcos (Marcos), Marselino (Marcelino), Marselo, Martin (MARCIAL), Martin (Martín) -Iman, derivatives on behalf of the Roman God of War - Mars, militant
  • Mateo (Mateo) - Dar Yahwe
  • Maurisio (Mauricio) - Black, Mavr
  • Modesto - modest, moderate, sober
  • Maximino, Maximo (Máximo) - Great
  • Nicolas (Nicolás) - the victory of the people
  • Osvaldo (Osvaldo) - owning, power having
  • Pablo (Pablo) - Kid
  • Paco (Paco) - Free
  • Pascal (Pasqual) - Child Easter
  • Pastor (Pastor) - Shepherd
  • Patricio (Patricio) - noble, noble origin
  • Pio (Pío) - pious, virtuous
  • Rafael (Rafael) - Divine Healing
  • Ricardo (Ricardo), Rico (RICO) - strong, resistant
  • Rodolfo (Rodolfo), Raul (Raúl) - Wolf
  • Rodrigo (Rodrigo) - Lord, Chief
  • Rolando (Rolando) - famous land
  • Rinaldo - Sage - Ruler
  • Sal (SAL), Reductive from Salvador (Salvador) - Savior
  • Sancho, Santos (Santos) - Holy
  • Severino (Severino), North (SEVERO) - strict, stern
  • Sergio (Sergio) - serving
  • Silvestre (Silvestre), Silvio (Silvio) - Forest
  • Salomon (Salomón) - peaceful
  • Tadeo (Tadeo) - grateful
  • Theobaldo (Teobaldo) - a bold man
  • Thomas (Tomás) - twin
  • Tristán - Rebel, Buntar
  • Fabricio (Fabricio) - artisan
  • Fausto - Lucky Guy
  • Felipe (Felipe) - a lover of horses
  • Fernando (Fernando) - Brave, brave
  • Fidel (Fidel) - the most devoted, faithful
  • Flavio (Flavio) - Zlatovlas
  • Francisco (Francisco) - Free
  • Juanito, Huanito (Juanito) - Good God
  • Julián, Julio (Julio) - Curly
  • Edmundo (EDMundo) - prosperous, defender
  • Emilio (Emilio) - Rival
  • Enrique (Enrique) - Mighty Ruler
  • Ernesto (Ernesto) - diligent, diligent
  • Esteban (Esteban) - Name means - Crown
  • Yusbayo, Yusabio - devout

The most popular names among adults:

  • José
  • Antonio (Antonio)
  • Juan (Juan)
  • Manuel
  • Francisco (Francisco)

Among the newborn babies:

  • Daniel (Daniel)
  • Alejandro (Alejandro)
  • Pablo (Pablo)
  • David (David)
  • Adrian (Adrián)

If you come back to female names, then the names are now popular among women:

  • Maria (María)
  • Carmen (Carmen)
  • Ana (Ana)
  • Isabel (Isabel)
  • Dolores

And among girls, that is, newly born babies:

  • Lucia (Lucía)
  • Maria (María)
  • Paula (Paula)
  • Sarah (Zara)
  • Karla (Carla)

As you notice, for the Spaniards it is very important that their names are easily perceived, refusing rare and unusual options, which significantly affects the reduction of the language barrier with foreign citizens.

Sometimes it is almost impossible to establish a connection between the full and diminutive name: for example, the houses of the little Francisco can call Paco, Pancho and even Curo, Alfonso - Honcho, Eduardo - Lalo, Hesus - Chucho, Chui or Chus, Anunsiasion - Chon or Chonita. Similarly, foreigners are hard to understand why Alexander we call Shurikom 🙂

Almost all Spanish names are simple, but beautiful. We hope to get acquainted with them will facilitate you communication with the speakers of the Spanish language, because now you know a little more about the Spaniards!

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid - Mystics, specialists in esoteric and occult, authors 15 books.

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Argentine men's names

Argentina (Argentina) - the state in South America.

Argentina occupies the southeast part of the mainland of South America, the eastern part of the island of the fiery ground and the nearby islands of Estados, etc.

It borders in the West with Chile, in the north with Bolivia and Paraguay, in the northeast - with Brazil and Uruguay. In the East is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

The nature of Argentina is diverse due to the high length of the country from north to south and differences in relief.

Official language - Spanish.

Capital - Buenos Aires.

The largest cities are Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Rosario.

State religion - Catholicism.

Currency - Argentine Peso.

Since Argentina is a Spanish country, then names in Argentina are mainly the Spanish origin.

In the list of names are not alphabetical, but in popularity (as descending).

Argentine men's names

Argentine men's names

Argentine men's names (rus.

Lucas Healy.
Jorge Garrido.
Lucas Daniel.
Matias Oliver.

Lucas Healy
Jorge Harrido
Lucas Daniel
Matias Oliver

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