The best signs of the zodiac in character. The best zodiac sign for a child

The best signs of the zodiac in character. The best zodiac sign for a child
The best signs of the zodiac in character. The best zodiac sign for a child

This is a husband who, as it were,, but at the same time, it is no matter how. And there is no place when it is very necessary, and when it is not needed - here it is all yours, dear. With all the accompanying joys of type of card debts, five-day feed and pregnant mistress. He missed and came to eat. By the way, do not let down the money? In general, it is possible to endure this nightmare as a husband only for three reasons: 1) He is the God of Sex; 2) He is an unusually smart and enjoyable wit; 3) He is the God of Sex. Yes, he twice God!

11th place - Fish

If the husbands of the fish wants something, it is necessary to give it immediately. And he wants wild, unrestrained sex, borscht, on the handles and mom. And simultaneously. Actually, with fish, it is necessary to live - be a caring mommy. A caring and strict mommy, which in time spacked this pair, when he again starts to hone and stumpped with legs. On the other hand, there are no husbands in the world that would be so betrayed by their wives like fish. And you want to drive it out to hell with a swine - so the songs.


10th place - Sagittarius

Sagittarius is an ideal husband: romantic, but practical, courageous, but gentle, beautiful lover and a caring father, to live with him is easy and pleasant. If, of course, close your eyes, shut up your ears, and the mouth say: "I'm in a house!" - And sincerely believe it. They say, some godfall wives thus managed not to notice mistresses of her husband even in their own bed. True, sooner or later the Sagittarius will still decide that he became unbearably boring and it is worth marrying again. So before the wedding you need to check his passport: if your place is in the turn of his wives fifth or sixth, then all okay. There is a chance that he has already become boring all the time to marry.

9th place - Scorpio

MAN-TIRAN. There are two opinions: it is wrong. Wife with the wrong opinion by MiG will give a ticket to the landscaped on the latter the technique of hell. Wife with the right opinion tools personal injections - with blackjack and buns. Lifehak: The right opinion is absolutely not necessary to actually have. The main thing is to inspire enough. Everything else should also be done inspired, including the fulfillment of marital debt, borschism, as well as the guidance and maintenance of order in the house, in life and in the reverent soul of scorpion. He has there, by the way, the door in Pierce.

8th place - cancer

Executive husband, standard from the chamber of measures and weights: Cute and charismatic predish, capable of falling care of the whole detachment of the liplist grandmothers at first glance; The responsible husband and father who knows exactly what is obliged to contain a family, but to educate children and to engage in life is also obliged. Wife adores, wears on his hands and pampers gifts. True, only in public. The house falls on the sofa, opens the beer, turns on the TV and turns into a pumpkin. If there are no pumpkins on the sofa, it means that she gasped left. But, however, the wife will never know about it - this is not to take away.

7th place - Aries

Scandalist, Egoist, ILO, Grubian and Pig. The reference "real man": Wall, Volosham, Flashing, Stomach, Luzhny. Under his favorite sofa, not only dirty socks and inspired pizza, but also a hangover Dimona. What does "Who is Dimon"? This is his best friend! Yesterday met. In the attack of anger, it is able to score Dimon to death with tea bag. It is categorically not recommended to leave Aries on the farm with children and cats, because children and cats do not know how to nibble frozen dumplings. But but the Aries is sure that he has the best wife in the world, and tells everything about it. Cute, cute.

6th place - Aquarius

The honorable central place gets aquarian - the blank of a great husband. By itself, this item does not require anything and no inconvenience: it brings a modest money, it raises the daughter borscht and a feline tray is beetroot. All the rest of the time spends in the inner Mongolia, instilcing imaginary piastra on the field of miracles. But if they are armed with an ax and a file, you can modify the blank to the reference rich Pinocchio. And, which is indicative, unpretentiousness, light character and sense of humor will not go anywhere.

5th place - Taurus

A devotee and caring husband. Everything in the house, all for the family, for precious females and favorite ducts. Never betray. Never change. Peacefully loving and calm, if you do not bring it to the handle. So if you know where he has a handle, you can imagine the brain to the brain with decades. He will bring all the salary in the key, and still tastes and gifts (useful). Unpretentious absolutely - nothing requires and always everyone is satisfied. The right, patient, kind, unbearably dusty janny beaver.

4th place - Scales

Mr. Romance. It doesn't matter how many years he is married, at least five, at least twenty-five, - he will still be every day to confess his cute in love, give her scarlet roses, serve coffee in bed and present surprises without reason. The married duty performs better than specially trained twins, while it remains faithful to his wife until death separates them. The mysterious female soul sees through, so he does not need to explain anything, he understands everything himself. Superman who can turn wife's life into a romantic fairy tale. But to wash the plate, which is characteristic, never learns.

3rd place - Capricorn

The honorable third place goes to Capricorn - a man, for whom you certainly need to get married if it was lucky to meet him. True, a dozen-other competitors will have to get up for a start, because Capricorn is just a walking set of male advantages: the smart, is good, honest, charming and kind. And, most importantly, Capricorn will retain all these qualities to a deep old age, not turning into a struck and bore. The lack of him is only one: marrying Capricorn categorically does not want. Never ever. But if he did it, consider, you now have a personal superhero. Man-stability.

2nd place - lion

Husband is a patron. Such a dumping. Lions are married exclusively on rare beauties - or on women who manage to convince Leo is that they are rare beauties (it is not difficult). He takes his wife as a child, pampers gifts, wears in her arms and drives behind the handle there, where for some reason she does not want to go. To marry a lion is how to adhereble, only with all buns, put on legitimate wife, and without punishments, laid a naughty daughter. True, it will have to admire tirelessly for this. If Leo does not praise the lion - he cares like a flower without water: he leaves everything, and the valiant body is first. However, is this family happiness, yes?

1st place - Virgo

Call your handkerchiefs, expensive female comrades: Male Virgo is embodied Mr. Darcy. The cleaner is well and perfectly raised. It earns well, it cooks perfectly, it does not scratch from the vacuum cleaner and the best babies grow all. Male Virgo is a reliable partner who will never betray, attentive and gentle lover and the best friend who does not need to explain anything. And now - a terrible truth: due to the limitless inner nobility of Virgin, always marries the very hopeless case, because: "This fool will disappear without me." So the chances of you are about zero, if you, of course, not embodied Bridget Jones.

What is the best zodiac sign? Such a question can cause the surprise of any person. However, it is asked rather often. Especially those people who believe in the truthfulness of horoscopes. In this review, we will try to solve this issue.

Is it possible to find the most zodiacal symbol?

If you want to determine which is the best sign of the zodiac, you can use for this a variety of features. Some exceed themselves in communication. Others wonderfully cope with the work of any complexity. There are those who are able to become excellent parents. Positive qualities can meet every sign. You only need to learn to see them. In addition, everyone is not always able to solve the stars. All spheres of human activity will not be able to consider. Therefore, we will try to briefly highlight the nature of all zodiac representatives. So, what is the best zodiac sign?

Passionate and gentle representatives

Demanding but soft people

Tales for their nature are very soft people. They are characterized by reliability and economic activity. Betrayal they are not able to forgive in principle. However, they will not be able to betray themselves. Are too jealous. But if there are no reasons, then in your partner there will be no doubt. Very love if their advantages did not remain unnoticed. Have a high self-esteem. However, to itself and to its partner are demanding. If the question arose about what kind of zodiac sign, then why not pay attention to the calves?

Duality as a manifestation of character

Twins can be attributed to dual signs. They are able to show tenderness towards several people at the same time. For them, the impermanence is characteristic. Create to change. The causes of such behavior are their uncertainty. Gemini simply do not understand what they want from their partner. However, if there is no doubt about the seriousness of the senses, that is, the ability to create a sufficiently strong family. Gemini are characterized by cunning. They can easily and simply manipulate people if necessary to achieve any goals. Is it possible to say that this is the best zodiac sign?

Beautiful family mans

An excellent family man can get out of cancer. His feelings are strong and long. Even if it did not succeed, you could not worry about the love of happiness, then the cancers will be worried for a long time about this. However, can change. Craks rarely remain lonely, as they are interested in the opposite sex. And their constancy plays a huge role in such interest. For many people is the best zodiac sign.

People who strive through everything be the first and most important

Lions are considered kings of animals. This affected the zodiac sign. In relations, people born under this sign love to be the main. And the floor of the representative does not play any role. They love to stay in the center of attention and are very worried if someone in their surroundings has greater popularity. In the event that you wanted to link your life with a lion, then you should be ready for what you have to constantly be in his shadow. However, alone lions will always be able to thank that man who is able to forgive him small weaknesses. But it is worth considering that if you break it up, you can wake home tyran in it. In relations, the signs of the sign have stability. In the event that he found a couple, it will never be changed. Can you say that this is the best zodiac sign?

Economic and decent bore

One of the most good signs is Virgo. They are economic, decent. However, there are such situations in which representatives of this sign are able to derive even the most calm partner. This is due to the bore. And speaking about what kind of zodiac sign is best, it should be noted that the devies are characteristic of high demands for their partners. In most cases, they are simply unable to forgive flaws. Areas responsibility, so do not hurry with a legitimate marriage.

Conquerors of hearts

What zodiac sign is best? Pay attention to the scales. They are sufficiently sociable. And at some points it may seem that love for them is far from the most important thing in life. They are constantly flirting and flirting. Men born under this sign are capable of becoming real innocents. The partner with whom they will be able to link their lives are chosen for a very long time. This is due to the fact that there are enough interesting people in the world who should pay their attention.

Passionate nature

If you judge from the position of the representatives of the beautiful sex, the best zodiac sign for a man - Scorpio. This is the most passionate zodiac representative, which is manifested not only in love. Almost any business for which a person risked under this sign will be "burning". Scorpions are unable to accept the shortcomings of the partner, so they are constantly trying to re-educate it. Are fairly secretive and persistent. If the signs of the sign put the goal, then they will definitely achieve it.

Sociability and diversity

Who are the most good qualities for whom? The signs of the zodiac a lot, however, should be closed to the archers. They relate to life enough positively and are able to charge anyone who is next to them. Quite frank. If something happens to them, then others usually recognize. They are able to criticize for each trifle, not noticing that someone may not like it. A negative attitude towards monotonous relationships, as they appreciate the courage, fun and a variety. There are issues in which Sagittarius will always remain with her opinion without changing it throughout his life.

If there is no need to pass

Such zodiac representatives like Capricorn are famous for their cold in nature. They rarely show feelings even if they are in love. They can be attributed to careerists. The family sometimes goes to the background. They possess an excellent sense of humor. In this regard, they are able to become beautiful interlocutors. If you do not like the excessive manifestation of passion and fervent love, then the Capricorn is necessary for you.

People who do not tolerate spiritual torments

In the event that the relationship will not be supported constantly, then the aquatic, most likely, will simply not be able to save them. They have high sensitivity and vary, unable to make mental pain, in connection with which they prefer to part, rather than tolerate. Partners can attract unusual looks to life, as well as their plans for the future.

Family tyrants from which good friends can get

Fish can easily close up with people. They have a large number of friends. And if your partner refers to representatives of this sign, then be prepared for constant calls and requests for help. You are also waiting for frequent gatherings in a wide variety of companies. In love they can be despotic and cruel.

Do not navigate only for horoscopes

Want to know the best zodiac sign for women and men? Then all the above characteristics will help you with this. Analyze everything that has been said thoroughly and disperse, with which of the representatives of the zodiac signs you would be able to associate your life. We hope that the information provided will help cope with such a difficult task.

However, you should never forget that not only belonging to a certain sign may affect the nature. There are a large number of factors that determine the identity of each individual person. Therefore, it is not necessary to fully focus on horoscopes. You should wish you good luck in finding your person who will enjoy all the necessary qualities!

What zodiac sign is the best? This question, at least once asked himself every person interested in astrology. Which of the signs of the zodiac is the best, it is difficult to understand, because you need to take into account many parameters, ranging from strength and mental abilities, ending with external data and ability to work. The answer depends on what qualities you consider the most important. But the astrologers still tried to give a detailed answer on the basis of various spheres, in which different signs and show themselves in different ways.

The best sign of the zodiac, according to astrologers, for family relations - cancer. He appreciates strong bonds, is distinguished by patience, responsibility and care about the near. For cancer, the fortress of family ultrasters, comfortable relationships, mutual understanding, children and homely focus are especially important.

According to astrologers, Tales are good spouses. Amony people are often found among them, who seriously perceive their homework. Taurus marry once and forever. The only minus can be considered inability to express their feelings, because of this, their partners often think that they are not loved.

If you judge how good the woman is good for the family, the Virgin leads here, slightly overtaking the calf. Virns are distinguished by the ability to create a real family hearth, and these qualities seem to be congenital. Capricorn woman, as astrologers consider, also good owners.

If you judge the signs of the zodiac on an attractive appearance, then the palm of the championship belongs to the fish, weights and lions. As astrologers notice, beautiful people, both men and women, appear under the constellation of Sagittarius. Not only that they have a beautiful figure, they still devote a lot of time to care. But, if you are fair, full care for your appearance, any person will make attractive.

Star specialists emphasize that every person can become successful in life. But all the concepts of success are different. Someone implies the situation in society, someone is important material base, others do not represent their lives without creativity and the possibility of self-realizing. The best signs of the zodiac who can make money is cancer and taurus. Both are able to accumulate well-being and are not inclined to thoughtless spending. After them, Capricorn, who can not only earn and save, but also wisely spend.

What zodiac sign is the best for a man?

Each woman is important to know his chosen one, with whom she wants to spend his whole life. It is necessary to understand what to expect from a person after a honeymoon, when life begins, and perhaps problems. How does a man behave in non-standard situations, will he be so gentle in marriage, as well as at the beginning of relations, what principles is he guided by? Astrologs have answers to all these questions, the main thing, to learn the horoscope of his beloved.

These men are distinguished by originality and charm. He is loved in every company from the first minute. Twins are often contradictory, in them the spirit of the rebel lives, which often pushes them to go against the system. In love adore experiments.

A cancer man was created for family relationships, he is very gentle with his wife, it is faithful. Cancers are very wounded and vulnerable, for a long time worried outrages, perhaps, this is the only drawback.

If you conquered the heart of a lion, it will be ready for you for any feats. But in return will require absolute loyalty, and sometimes reading. To create strong relationships with this sign, you should be patient and be ready to show your admiration for the partner.

Representatives of this constellation are very smart, they can take care, you can rely on them. Their enormous power of the will allows the devies to achieve the goals. That is why male mars often have a good income.

Among the scales there are a lot of attractive men. The point is not only in appearance, the scales are characterized by sensitivity to beauty, adore harmony in everything. To conquer his heart, you need to fully match his ideology. If the male scales decided to achieve you, he will attach all efforts to it.

Men-carts are very extravagant and inventive. Women go crazy from their generosity and outdoor calm, which can hide a storm of passions. Relationships with Taurus are not so simple - he is a terrible owner and jealous, while he himself is very devoted to his woman.

Representatives of this sign always strive for something new. They interact with dexterity with the world around the world and crave to try everything. Therefore, they do not get bored with them! The lack of Aries is the lack of patience and the inability to bring the work started to the end.

Men - Sagittarius conquer women with their cheerfulness, a sparkling sense of humor, the ability to behave with beautiful floors. But at the same time, the Sagittarius is very inconstant. Their life is filled with the search for the second half, so the Sagittarius is characterized by often changing partners.

Male fish are distinguished by a subtle spiritual attitude, which does not always harmonize with the outside world. To protect yourself, the fish in its own way interpret any reality. Despite this, the difference from other people, fish - charming people who know how to sympathize and go to victims for loved ones and friends.

Male-aquities are committed, modest and fair to others. Despite the love of money, they can easily sacrifice the annony sum for the sake of another person. Although the generosity is not their horse, there will be no gifts to spend the gifts. You can conquer this man, staying a mystery to him all my life.

Male Scorpio is a very passionate nature, which significantly distinguishes him from other signs of the zodiac. His passion applies to everything, from work to love. But from the side of Scorpio gives the impression of a cold person. Scorpions have a strong character, sometimes even dangerous for those who are trying to harm him.

Among the Capricors are often melancholic. Their distinctive feature is practicality. All decisions are accepted with a cold head without any emotions. They keep everything under control, which is why so successful in business.

At the time of the birth of a person, the stars are built in a certain way and play a big role in the future fate of man. In this believed our ancestors. Many people attach great importance to astrological data in the 21st century. Many are wondering what zodiac sign is the mostbest. Answer it is not easy. After all, each inherent in both positive and negative features:

  • Aries - a zodiac circle begins with it. People who were lucky enough to be born under this sign of the zodiac are straightforward, in love, in family life devotees and caring. Always interested in new items.
  • Taurizes are inherent in such qualities of character as economic, dedication and reliability. These are very soft in the soul, people in principle are not capable of betrayal, so they are not inclined to see this manifestation in others. But this sign is distinguished by increased jealousy. If the partner does not give reasons - the relationship is folded smoothly.
  • Twins attribute duality of character. Indeed, they sometimes do not know what they wish to get from life. But when the main goal is set, they are rapidly moving towards its achievement. Showing the ability to manipulate people.
  • Craks are pretty constant in their feelings, so the opposite sex is interesting. Even if the fire of feelings of duck, crayfish - spouses will be devoted to their partner.
  • Lions - strive to dominate everything. They love to admire those surrounding. And they are very worried if someone was ahead of them. By choosing a couple, the lions show enviable constancy. Deep feelings for the partner do not allow them to suppress their superiority, forgiving small errors.
  • To the girls should be climing attentively - they are very economic and pedantic. But those who will face their high demands will not have to be sweet. In solving controversial issues, Virgo is rare. Marriage enter more often in adulthood and become excellent family mans.
  • Donzhuans are obtained from scales. They go through life easily and as if playing. Hiding under the mask of a smiling man vulnerable soul. Flirting and flirting, for a long time they choose a couple of themselves. And deciding with the choice, make his life dear from rose petals, taking on the solution of all vital troubles.
  • Scorpions - life-affirming zodiac sign. Representatives are attributed to passionate nature. Any business that emerged in the field of its activity is solved well. Very targeted people, have a well-developed intuition, helps them to avoid major troubles. Reliable, but hidden. Survive trouble inside, occasionally splashing emotions in the form of a volcanic eruption. At this point, it is better not to come across a hot hand. See partners in a romantic halo. But after some time they try to correct all the flaws that you manage to notice.
  • Sagittarius infect with their optimism of everyone who is located next to them. They are very sociable, interested in the opinion of people important for them. But do not tolerate monotonous, redeeming fun and courage. Life with such a person is full of surprises and looks like a ride on a mountain serpentine.
  • People who appeared under the sign of Aquarius have the most vague soul. They are prone to excessive exaggeration of the offense. But soft and unobtrusion attract the opposite sex. They prefer to part with a partner, but do not tolerate caused spiritual offensive.
  • Fish excellent friends. Their house is always open for noisy parties. But they will open their soul only the closest and relatives. In a family circle, they can show despotic and authoritarianism.

Do not fully rely on horoscopes. They are written by the same people who are considering that they understand the stars. Everyone is a whole universe with its planets and galactic winds. Astrological forecasts give only the most common idea of \u200b\u200bindividual groups of people. You should not count on the fact that applying the read out of information, you can judge another person, knowing only the date of his birth. As in every race, there are representatives in astrological signs who have all positive or negative qualities. There are exceptions to the rules. This person is what it is. You can live with a typical oily or taper all my life, never faced with stubbornness or jealousy, and you can say about the zodiac accessory, talking with someone only five minutes.

The signs of the zodiac differ greatly among themselves. Some are endowed with such qualities as perseverance, desire for goal and practicality. Others are funny, cheerful and optimistic. Everyone is good in its own way. However, many concerns the question: Which zodiac sign is the best for a woman in the opinion of astrologers?

Let's start with the fact that the signs of the zodiac are conventionally divided into "men's" and "female".

Forecast for 2019 - is now available on our website. Compiled according to your individual data of birth, that is, for you personally. You will also get an individual calendar of successful and unsuccessful days of 2019.

  • Male signs Initiative, persistent and enterprising. They prefer to act, not wait. They are inherent in freedom and openness.
  • Women's signs They are distinguished by patience and prudence, hard work and consignment. They are more passive and do not act with the same pressure as men's signs.

A hundred years ago it was believed that for the girl it is much better to be born under one of the women's signs of the zodiac. In those days, the young people were not taken to be initiated, becoming leaders and seek great success in society and career. But life changes.

Today there are few people waiting for a woman of humility, passivity and obedience. However, in traditional cultures, these women's qualities still turn out to be in priority.

According to astrologers, today any zodiac sign can be the best for a woman. Just each of the 12 types will have their own characteristics.

Features of women of different characters

Women Aries Open and straightforward. They will not walk around and about, put their desires of thought. At the same time, they can be romantic, gentle and passionate. Planet Mars gives them strength and vital energy.

Born under the sign calf - Soft, but at the same time stubborn. It is characteristic of practicality and economic activity, thanks to the belonging to. Of these women, beautiful wives and mothers are obtained. Planet Venus gave them to the desire for harmony and beauty.

Women Twins - Sociable, fun and friendly. They do not get bored with them. This cute bastard can always raise your satellite mood. She patronizes Planet Mercury, which teaches people to establish contacts and transmit information.

Born under the sign Cancer gentle, sensitive, dreamy and devotees. They can be rightfully called the main keepers of the family hearth. Cancer protects the moon, hanging their care and economic activity.

In the traditions of astrology, cancer is considered the main female zodiac sign.

Women Lions - Bright, strengths and energetic people. They have a volitional character, and in love they become passionate. The patron of the Sun gives them the desire to succeed in life, become the best and make a career. Lions are often becoming leaders in the team.

Born under the sign Virgo modest and restrained. They love cleanliness and become excellent hostesses - practical and economical. Planet Mercury also gives them a critical mind and developed intelligence.

Women Libra - The most charming and attractive. They love friends, they love their colleagues. They know how to like everyone, because they value harmony in relationships and avoid quarrels. Weighs patronate planet of the beauty of Venus.

Born under the sign Scorpio Workable and have severe intuition. They are demanding of others, but instead they are ready to offer deep attachment and true dedication. They are supported by the planet transformation of Pluto.

Women Sagittsev Friendly and freedom-loving. Usually they are cheerful and optimistic. They appreciate independence and honesty, they themselves do not like to lie. Planet Jupiter gives Sagittars Light temper and versatile interests.

Born under the sign Capricorn patient and hardworking. They know that important things are not done quickly, so they know how to wait. In the relationship of Capricorns, they can be cold because of their patron - the planet Saturn, but this "ice" attracts men.

Women Aquarius Possess an independent character and friendliness. They will gladly support the conversation on any topic, because their interests are very versatile, but the views are wide. Planet Uranus gives Aquarius interest in modern technique and developed intelligence.

Born under the sign Fish Feminine and attractive. Endowed with mild character, dreaminess and care. In love, gentle and adore affection. Fishes patronize Neptune - Planet mysticism, dreams and mysteries.

These are the main qualities of the fair sex representatives who have emerged in different months of the year. Modern astrologers cannot choose the best zodiac sign for a woman. They argue that all signs are good in their own way. In the end, each of his own.

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