Numerology Important events in life. Numerology: significant years of life - fateful years

Numerology Important events in life. Numerology: significant years of life - fateful years
Numerology Important events in life. Numerology: significant years of life - fateful years

Incredible facts

The calculation of your personal year will help determine the trend of the upcoming calendar year. To understand what you waiting ahead Calculate your personal year using the following formula:

First, turn the day and month of your birth into an unambiguous number. For example, if you were born on September 5, then such a digit will be 5 + 9 \u003d 14; 1 + 4 \u003d 5. Now do the same procedure with the year about which you want to know. For example, for 2017 it will be a digit 1.

Fold the resulting birth number and the figure of your interest and see the result. In the case of an example, a personal year has a number 6. Personal figure describes the trend of events for the whole year.

Numerology of birth

Personal year 1.

New beginning in your life

The current year is the beginning of a new nine-year-old cycle in your life. The year will be exciting, full of new adventures, life will be filled with new challenges, followed by the path to a favorable stream of life. It is time to clarify their goals and start acting.

You will have to work well to make your new venture move. This year your physical force is higher compared to all other years, because there are several special needs requiring additional energy.

If you can't or do not want to answer a call to change and change your life, what needs to be done now, then the prospects will go and appear only in the next cycle, that is, after 9 years.

Changes should happen serious, but if you treat them as an adventure, then everything will work out. New goals, at the same time, should be clearly delivered and worked out, since this year is your new beginning of the 9-year cycle.

It will be quite easy for you, because most problems and disappointments in the past, or will disappear very soon, freeing the place for new goals. This is a great time, take advantage of all opportunities to fully.

Personal year 2.

Development, cooperation and waiting

This year is the time of waiting and observation, the year, when you find yourself at the stage of development and a little on the shifts. This is not the time setting of active goals and actions. This time to cooperate and build relationships, which in the future you will be useful. This is the time to accumulate knowledge and information.

Your aggressiveness will lead to problems. You must be ready for delays, stops, you must be patient. This is the time of investing, help. Do not forget, while paying attention to the details, they must be taken into account.

This is the time of accumulation of forces for further work. This year can be checking your self-control and emotional sensitivity. This is time to work on your ability to productively cooperate with other people. It may seem difficult, especially if you are used to working alone.

Keep calm, try to be pleasant. During this year you can experience a certain nervous stress. The second personary year carries a tendency to develop emotional extremes, including depression.

This year, the likelihood of the origin of deep relations with the person of the opposite sex is high. If you are married, then the second person is the time of deepening and strengthening feelings in relationships.

Numerology in man's life

Personal year 3.

Social expansion and creative successes

This year is social. He radiates bright and cheerful vibrations. This year, when you want to check out old friends and expand the circle of communication to make new ones. Romance and love in the heyard itself. You tend to live life to the maximum, even if you later have to pay a too high price for it.

The third person year is a year of high sociability, so the "bridle of responsibility" is slightly weakened. You are prone to energy dissipation, trying to simultaneously perform too much affairs.

You can safely relax to enjoy yourself, but do not give in to the temptation completely "soften", hold the goals in my head. The third person year is a good time to develop their creative abilities, especially those related to verbal skills and with art. Recognition in this regard is likely to happen this year.

Despite the fact that the year can be happy in terms of personal expression, it will probably be catastrophic in terms of work activities. A frivolous attitude to work can lead to reckless solutions and to implement impractical and ill-conceived schemes. This year is unfavorable in terms of finance, but do not worry much, the next year will help you compensate for losses.

Personal year 4.

Heavy work and slow but sustainable progress

Last year's frivolity is forgotten. This is a year of hard work and applying a lot of effort. Year of self-confidence and restoration of self-control. However, in many respects this year will disappoint you, because your considerable efforts will not give sharp results.

One step forward, two backs - this is quite a frequent phenomenon for this year. Remember, this organizational period, and you will see the whole work you have done not in very bright light. It's time to organize and descend from the skies to the ground.

Your responsibilities will be expanded, efforts will increase, and intense work required to maintain the appropriate standard of living. Pay attention to health and proper nutrition, because physical resistance this year you have a weak, you can become more susceptible to diseases.

Mouse over to work as much as possible to the next, very difficult year.

Personal year 5.

Year of freedom

Fifth personal year is a year of major changes in your life. The horizons are expanded, and it is not so difficult to grow. This year, you are most likely to start new friends, as your social circle is expanded. This year will bring many unrest, adventures and significantly greater freedom than you have ever experienced.

This is the time of constructive transition to a new life stage. If you are bogged down in the past, it's time to look for new directions. The problem of this year is the tendency to disperse energy in all directions.

Your ability to concentrate on the details is now limited, and it will force you in general to feel pretty limited. In general, this is a free year, hard work during which can lead to serious changes in your life, career, family and place of residence.

Important years of life

Personal year 6.

Love, family, house, responsibility

This year, your responsibility for family, loved ones and friends increases. It may be a year when you have to make some adjustments to your life or bring something sacrificing for someone from members of your family or friends.

This is not a year for large achievements, but rather time to think about and adjusting your plans made earlier. Efforts this year will be very "slow." However, in relation to family, home and romantic issues, the year will be very good.

Your emotional exchange with loved ones will be released on a new level. It is important that you have the desire to take these slow pace of movement forward, you should enjoy the world and harmony. That is what will bring this year.

Personal year 7.

Time for analyzing and understanding

7 Personal year promises to be a very introspective year, this period of pause and reflection between very active stages of life. This year gives you the time so that you get in yourself, got about yourself the right idea. This year you will contemplate much.

You will spend a lot of time alone or in quiet activities free from external obligations. You must try to get away from business pressure. This is a good year to analyze the past and build plans for the future.

This is not a year of action, it is a year of waiting and development. One of the most important studies of the seventh person is studying and writing, since your ability to clearly think, analyze and integrate your thoughts in the right direction reached its peak.

The peak also reached your ability to research and understand. Focus your attention on talents and skills to use the existing time on their improvement. You may be able to find time to get additional education, or simply spend your free time in reflections and meditation.

Personal year 8.

Capital achievements and growth

This is your energy year, the period when you can and should make important steps in your life. After a very slow and introspective last 7 year, you will begin to feel some ambitious excitements. This year is large solutions and major achievements.

Numerology is engaged forecasting events or by determining the nature of a person. For the implementation of the basic principles of science, the numbers that appear in the human life should be used. Most often, the date of birth is taken as the basis.

Knowing it, you can generate a specific personality code, as well as predict some important events in a certain period of time.

By date of birth

Relying on the foundations of numerology, you can make a personal life code of man. It includes a set of numbers, each of which has a certain interpretation. The group of these numbers forms a man's image that includes certain character traits.

You can use life code in everyday life. It helps to determine the most outstanding features of the character, which are more amenable to development. Having reveaning the life code of another person, you can find an approach to it, to establish relationships.

Helps a lot interpretation of life codeand young parents. Using it in the education of the child contributes to the development of important qualities and deliverance from unwanted damn.

To find out a person's personal code, you need to know the date of his birth. Then you should record it with numbers. After that, you need to multiply with each other everything that happened.

For example, if a person was born on February 17, 1987, then 17 should be multiplied by two, and then multiply by the year of birth - 1987. In the end it will turn out - 67558. This will be personal Life

In addition to identifying characteristic features, it helps and predict certain events. To begin with, it should be decided which time interval you care. If this is the coming year, for example, 2017, the life code is multiplied by the number of years.

If you need to know what will be at a certain month, the obtained number is additionally multiplied by the number of the month. In the same way predict events For a specific day. For this, the living code is multiplied for a year, then for a month, and after - and by the number of months.


With the help of numerology, a woman can determine how many children will have and when she can become pregnant. The date of birth is taken as the basis. She must be recorded numerical elements. All numbers add together.

For example, a woman was born on March 15, 1980. So, addition will look like this: 1 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 0. In the end, it will turn out 25. But that's not all. The number of children in this woman should be added to the resulting number. Suppose it was three children in her family, including it. By adding this number, as a result we obtain 28.

Since the number is double-digit, it must be divided into two parts and also folded together. It turns out 10. The answer is double-digit. So, similar actions should be made. The end result will be 1.

Every number has certain interpretation. It looks like this:

  • 1 - The path of women to motherhood will be difficult. It is possible a repeated interruption of pregnancies. But in the end, the woman will have a single child. It may be a large mother.
  • 2 - with the greatest share of probability, a woman will have only one child. Subsequent pregnancy will be problematic for it.
  • 3- Birth of a child A woman whose number is Troika, perhaps only in the case of harmony in love. It will be difficult for her to find the second half.
  • 4 - Two children of different sexes will be born in the woman's family. They will be friendly with each other, and tightly tied to their parents.
  • 5 - high probability of pregnancy twins;
  • 6 - the number of children will be equal to the number of marriages. And this woman will have enough.
  • 7 - In this case, the birth of a child can occur only by unforeseen circumstances. A woman will not be interested in the fate of the baby, leaving him on someone else's care.
  • 8 - it is likely that a woman will not be able to their own child's own child. Most likely, she will take under the custody of someone else's baby.
  • 9 - In this case, the number of children depends on the desires of the woman itself. Most likely, she will repeally come to marry and will bring up a few children from men of various nationalities.


Each number that is located in life code has a definite value. Most often, every symbol is exposed to interpretation. But sometimes the life code may contain unusual numerical combinations.

Usually they are repeated repeating of the same number. In this case, their value is the most accurate. For example, the figure 6 is interpreted as a tide of vital energy. Repetition of this figure enhances this interpretation at as many times as the number is repeated.

Decipher the numbers in life code can be as follows:

  • 1 - Unit symbolizes a long road. Two units can guarantee a journey, and three numbers going in a row indicate the move to another city or country.
  • 2 - this number indicates improvability. Two twos can predict the enhancement. And three numbers are prompted by career heights in a specific area.
  • 3 - Troika in numerology personifies the adoption of food. In his only copy, she hints of an important meeting in a restaurant, event, etc. A repeated repetition of a given number can talk about cooking in a broad sense.
  • 4 - This number is interpreted as love. The more the numbers repeats, the prospect of the outcome. Four digits mean a wedding in great love.
  • 5 - Five symbolizes attraction to manFounded on passion. In double size, the number indicates a serious relationship, and three or four digits talk about marriage.
  • 6 - Number Six is \u200b\u200ba symbol of huge energy. Its intensity depends on how many digits stands nearby.
  • 7 - this number is identified with important news. In a single copy, the seven talks about the possible receipt of the letter. Two or three numbers are more important documents that will attract significant changes.
  • 8 - eight is a symbol of cash. It depends on its quantity, how high will the profit be.
  • 9 - Nine nine carries negative subtext. He speaks about the decline of strength or depression.

Numerology - Serious science about the connection between numbers with life and the fate of man. Each number has its own special vibration and has a certain influence on humans. Date of birth, for example, the numeric code name is capable not only to determine the aspects of the character, but also lay them. If you choose a newborn name correctly, comparing its numerical code with the code of patronymic and surname, you can set the child the desired character and even define fate from the moment of birth.


Numerology is often confused or united with the kabalistic and ancient Celtic teaching of the druids, which is completely different, since these sciences are independent and different, in essence. Cabassian determines the effect of numerical code for certain periods of fate and helps to identify complex and critical moments in the future to change or eliminate them. Such knowledge helps to avoid many karmic catastrophes and crisis situations. The ancient Celtic Druids Teachings prescribes a specific tree that defines its character and gives a person additional karmic, natural and astral forces in difficult situations to each numerical cod. Numerology determines primarily the nature of people, their compatibility with certain partners, the possibility of developing relationships, and also predicts specific events of a certain year, a month or a specific day on its code, compared with the date of the date of birth and name, in some aspects based on kabalistic.

Essence of numerology

Many people numerology is perceived as some entertainment, a fascinating game, but in fact - this is absolutely serious science, allowing people first to understand themselves and even a little change their lives and fate. Already several millennia, with the most antiquity, humanity for the prediction of future events and knowledge of its essence was used numerology in aggregate with astrology, creating a complete picture of the vision of aspects, and complementing each other.

Numbers and numeric codes, like astrological symbols, and signs, are the language universal, but not understandable to everyone. Many of the civilizations of antiquity are Jews, Hindus, Egyptians, Haldei - studied the sacraments of numerology, as a serious true science of predictions. Ancient numerologists believed that in each numerical code all information about the life of each individual and humanity as a whole is hidden, and that an individual with the gift of understanding the numerical vibration and energy is able to reveal all the secrets and secrets of the universe and the future universe.

Famous personality and birth of numerology

Numerology perceived, as something special, amazing, mystical and even divine. Modern numerological knowledge systems are based on many aspects and directions, but the basis of two combined traditions - the cabalist, using the Hebrew alphabetic symbols, and the Pythagorean, created by an ancient Greek well-known astrologer and mathematician Pythagore, using exclusively figures.

It is Pythagora who is often referred to as the father and the founder of numerology, like science, and it is he who has been devoted to the numbers and their study, identifying the patterns of numerical combinations and occurring events. Pythagoras was confident in the exclusive mystical properties of each number, and on the basis of his knowledge created a digital classification system used so far and modern numerologists. Probably, everyone knows the geometric theorems, proven and formulated by Pythagore, who believed that it was in numbers that all the secrets of the amazing universe are concluded.

At the heart of the Pythagorean numerological numerical teaching is the idea of \u200b\u200bdividing numbers to: female (passive) - even, and on men's (active) - odd. It is this separation system that is also presented in "and Chin" - the "Book of Changes", compiled by the ancient Chinese thinkers and scientists, although it is still inexplicable how Pythagore could learn this theory.

The doctrine of the close relationship between humanity and numbers, about numerical codes that give a lot of important information created by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa - a famous philosopher. Your own numerological system, predicting future events, created Count Caliostro. Both methods are based on the teachings of the kabalistic system, which translates the letter into numerical informative codes.

Many science representatives of the occult direction believed and argued that the name given at birth, as well as his word form, translated into the system of numbers, similar to personal astrological maps, giving the opportunity to see many important aspects. The most famous professional numerologist at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries is Louis Gamam, called Cairo Count. It was he who was considered the best predictor of a numerologist who released several famous books. The most influential and famous people, including Eduard VII, and Eduard VII - King of England appealed to the Cairo Count.

Studying this amazing mystical science, everyone will be able to determine their true path, a karmic destination, learn how to cooperate with the right positive numerical energy and be derailed from negative, preventing many troubles and life catastrophes.

Numerology - science of numbers and their energy. Everyone understands that his date of birth is of great importance for his fate. It not only reflects the karmic features of fate, but also allows you to find out the future.

The most important years of life should not always be the most positive and favorable. They can have a different goal and a task, but ultimately important dates really have a huge weight. In these years, something necessary for life balance occurs. Energy is updated or rebuilt, helping to make a significant step forward or to the side.

How to calculate important years of your life

Numerology is a simple science for those who prefer to enjoy its fruits. To make calculations, you will need your date of birth. For example, you were born 09/11/1986. The year-donor is 1986. You need to take the latest figure of your birthday, add a month for it and day in numbers. We get 6 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 9 \u003d 17. By 1986 add 17, we get 2003. This is the first important year in your life. Next, repeat the operation: 3 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 9 \u003d 14. 14 + 2003 \u003d 2017. Etc.

If, when adding the number and month, the number is less than 6, that is, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, then you will need to add to the year of birth, always one and the same number equal to the amount of the number of the month, day and last figure of the year. Roughly speaking, you consider once and add each time the same number. For example, you were born 01/12/1999. 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 \u003d 4. This means that your personal number of fate is 4 + the last digit of the year, that is, 9. 4 + 9 \u003d 13. Important years for you will be repeated every 13 years. 1999 + 13 + 13 + 13 and so on: 2012, 2025, 2038 years.

Features of an important year

Many ask a completely understandable question that they are waiting for them in such years of life. What should I do if a year has come now, which is a fateful for you?

First, do not change your principles. If it is necessary, the fate itself will tell you some kind of pleasant or unpleasant event. In any case, you do not need to run ahead of the locomotive.

Secondly, it is necessary to follow the signs of fatethat will chase you everywhere. Be careful - they will warn you about change for the better.

Thirdly, you should learn to be diplomatic. Extra drops and conflicts for any periods. Do not Corrite Fate, if you do not see the changes. They are, but they are not always visible.

Every moment of life, every moment is a miracle. Learn to appreciate any little things, whether they are good or bad. To become stronger, you must go through everything that is prepared by our fate and karma. You can change fate, but it is only for those who trust themselves and their feelings.

In the book "The Magic of the West", R. Cavendis was given an example, unusual patterns, in concerning the most important dates in the life of a person and the country. This pattern can be detected in the life of any phenomenon of wildlife. Only rhythms may differ, but regularity remains. Take for example the history of the USSR.
Education of the USSR 1917: 1 + 9 + 1 + 7 \u003d 18.
The beginning of the repression of 1917 + 18 \u003d 1935, but this is the year of preparation of the Constitution that existed until 1977.
The death of Stalin 1935 + 18 \u003d 1953.
The collapse of the USSR 1953+ (18x2) \u003d 1989.

There are plenty of such interesting examples from history. S. Vronsky, wrote: "No matter how exciting the study of historical dates, the main task of numerology is a person. As inherent vibration numbers They act for each person and how it can use them with the greatest benefit for himself - this is the essence of numerological analysis. " Human birth dateAs we already know, is the gate of being. It is she determines the character and fate of a person. Knowing it, we can define fateful years in a person's life.

Let's go back to the date of birth: 11/17/1953.
Stage 1. We add to 1953 the number 1 (1st digit per year):
1953 + 1 \u003d 1954 - this is the first fateful year.
2 stage. To the year received at the 1st stage add a second birth figure:
1954 + 9 \u003d 1963 - the second fateful year.
3 stages To the year received at the second stage add a third digit of the year:
1963 + 5 \u003d 1968 - the third fateful year.
4 stages. By the year we add a fourth birthday figure:
1968 + 3 \u003d 1971 - the fourth and most important fateful year.

On the second cycle, for the starting point, we take the last fateful year of the 1st cycle.
Stage 1: 1971 + 1 \u003d 1972 - 1st fateful year
2 stage: 1972 + 9 \u003d 1981 - 2nd fateful year
3 stages: 1981 + 7 \u003d 1988 - 3rd fateful year
4 stages: 1988 + 1 \u003d 1989 - the 4th fateful year is the most important fateful year of 2 cycles of life.

On the third cycle, the calculation is similar. But from this cycle the predictive part begins. For the reference point, we take 1989 - the last fateful year of the 2nd cycle.
Stage 1: 1989 + 1 \u003d 1990 - 1st fateful year of the third cycle.
2 stage: 1990 + 9 \u003d 1999 - 2nd fateful year of the third cycle.
3 stages: 1999 + 8 \u003d 2007 - 3rd fateful year of the third cycle.
4 stages: 2007 + 9 \u003d 2016 - 4th fateful year (the most important) third cycle.

On this third cycle ends, and the starting point of the fourth cycle becomes 2016 goal.
Stage 1: 2016 + 2 \u003d 2018 - 1st fateful year of the fourth cycle.
2 stage: 2018 + 0 \u003d 2018 - The 2nd fateful stage coincides with the 1st. There is a strengthening of the stage in the human life.
3 stages: 2018 + 1 \u003d 2019 - 3rd fateful stage of the 4th cycle.
4 stages: 2019 + 6 \u003d 2025 - 4th, final, the most important stage in a person's life.

Possible biological age is 72 years. Pay attention to the special meaning of the vibration number 9 in the human life.
Date of birth 1953 \u003d 1 + 9 + 5 + 3 \u003d 18 \u003d 1 + 8 \u003d 9 - point of reference of the 1st cycle of life.
The reference point of the 2nd cycle of life:
The reference point of the third nickel of life: 1989 \u003d 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 \u003d 27 \u003d 2 + 7 \u003d 9.
The point of reference point of the fourth cycle of life: 2016 \u003d 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 \u003d 9.
Thus, the number 9 defines the internal rhythm of the person, and the number of fateful years of external rhythm. The coincidence of internal and external rhythms give the most fateful years in the human life: 1971 - the year of receipt of the institute: 1989 - admission to graduate school, change of work, active internal work on self-awareness; from the field of predictions - in the third life cycle of such fateful dates for the whole two 2007, 2016; 2025 - in the fourth cycle of life. Having traced this pattern, it is possible to be consciously planning and predicting your life during these years. It is important to correlate the energy of the human vital body during these years.

and the favorable forecast of these years from the point of view of energy resonance (human mandala).

For example, for the test person, the energy of the vital body in 1971 was 5.5 points. This is a fairly high level of energy, which allowed "to spend" her for the transition to another, student, rhythm and admission to the institute.
In addition, 1971 was a year with a common vibration background of Neptune (9), and therefore, a favorable year, given that the gold number of the test - 6. Thus, the vibration resonance allowed himself to express himself this year.
We analyze that in this regard, I gave 1989. The level of energy was 2 points. This is a low level. He did not allow any changes to the cardinal order in life, i.e., it was necessary to agree on the internal and external rhythms and, using the knowledge of human nature, minimize energy costs. However, the year demanded a lot, although he carried the harmonizing vibrations 9 (Neptune), but ignorance of many patterns led to overcurrent energy and disease. Diseases stimulated internal work and awakened interest in the knowledge of the esoteric side of life.

Starting with 2000. The year algorithm for calculating fateful years changes slightly. In order to calculate, it is necessary since the second stage is not the number and the difference (9 is the corresponding number in all positions in addition), for example:

Date of birth: 07/24/2003.
Stage 1. We add to 2003 the number 2 (1st digit per year):
2003 + 2 \u003d 2005 is the first fateful year.
2 stage. To the year received in the 1st stage add 9 minus the second birth date:
2005+ (9-0) \u003d 2014 - the second fateful year.
3 stages To the year received at the second stage, add 9 minus third digit of the year:
2014+ (9-0) \u003d 2023 - the third fateful year.
4 stages. By the received year add 9 minus fourth birthday figure:
2023+ (9-3) \u003d 2029 - the fourth fateful year.
... etc...

There is no detailed analysis of these fateful years from the point of view of the transit inclusion of the horoscope and mandala planets. Our goal is to show how much importance is such an analysis.
It is important to note that in a similar way you can analyze the date of any event or subject in living and inanimate nature. We can expose to numerological analysis even a telephone number, which is a vibration series, which has its philosophical meaning and resonant at the information level with a person. House number, especially the apartment number, the last four digits of the phone are individual at the human level. Therefore, a great influence on human life. By building the mandala of the phone number or apartment number, it is possible to determine how the interaction of their number and numerological series of a person occurs. So we can figure out the impact of the phone number or any other numerological series to the essence and identity of a person and on their manifestations in a person's life. It is advisable to soze the phone numbers, houses, apartments, etc. so that they meet your goals. How to do it? About this in the next article.