The procedure for admission to the Cadet School. Cadet Education: Training and Education in the best traditions of the Russian Army

The procedure for admission to the Cadet School. Cadet Education: Training and Education in the best traditions of the Russian Army
The procedure for admission to the Cadet School. Cadet Education: Training and Education in the best traditions of the Russian Army

You will need

  • extract from the personal affairs of the child;
  • certificate of health;
  • certificate of performance;
  • certificate of the social status of a child (for those children who need it)


The revival of Cadet schools and began when children began to spend a lot of time on the street, granted to themselves. First of all, such were calculated on children from socially unprotected and disadvantaged families. And today the cadet reached the level of pre-revolutionary Russia and is now considered very elite. That is why many parents, even well-safe and prosperous, want to send their child to study in.

To become a pupil of the Cadet School, you need to provide a number of documents. It includes a certificate about the state of the child's health, an extract from a personal case, a certificate (needed for those who enroll in) and a document confirming the status of a child. This item concerns those children who are orphans are on education in a large and low-income family, children from families, where one of the parents died during the performance of official duties, and other categories of socially unprotected children.

After you share these necessary documents in the reception office, for a child entrance tests. As a rule, they include various interviews and psychological testing. According to the results of such conversations, the selection of students in school.

Check out the charter of this school, take a look at the license gives the right to conduct educational activities, check if the educational institution has a certificate of state accreditation.

Specify the educational program for which the child will be engaged and familiarize yourself with the set of textbooks. Perhaps some textbooks will have to acquire themselves.


The school is accepted by children who have already been 6 years old and 6 months or 7 years old. If the child is younger, you may be offered to undergo a commission that will reveal the readiness of the baby to study at school.

Refuse to receive a child in an educational institution can only in the absence of free places. Therefore, if a child lives or registered in a microdistrict, not belonging to this school, this is not the reason for the refusal to accept the student.

Helpful advice

No tests, interviews and any control knowledge of the school has the right to spend with future first graders. Only after enrollment to school, most often in mid-September, a speech therapist and a psychologist can communicate with the child, with the aim of clarifying its level of development and knowledge.

Even great popularity is gaining the desire of young people to tie their future with the army. As a rule, such a desire arises already at an early age and is the reason for admission to special educational institutions that contribute to the implementation of the dream. To date, in Cadet school There may be not only male faces, but also girls.


First, you need to decide on the question, is there really a need for? Perhaps this is a tribute to fashion or just imitating your neighbor on the desk? If the child clearly decided on his aspirations, it is necessary to begin preparation for study in advance. Well, if there is a family, or, where is a teenager, there are special cadet classes that prepare for further admission.

Next, read the institution you choose, the list of documents necessary for the receipt. This can be done on an open day, which is usually arranged in the first months of spring, in a military registration and enlistment office or on official websites on the Internet. The lists indicate a specific list that usually includes a certificate of health, an extract from a student's personal case, a certificate of social status (orphan, is brought up in a large family, etc.).

Secondly, you must provide an autobiography, personal application addressed to the chief school From the candidate for the cadets, certified by a notarially a copy of the birth certificate (at the time of receipt, the child should be less than 15 years old), the original of the Tabel Tabel performance with estimates over the past three-quarters of the school year, the pedagogical characteristics, certified by the gerban seal of the school and signed by the class teacher and director, four Photographs, size 3 * 4, without a headdress.

A copy of the insurance medical policy should be provided, which also needs to be credited notarized, a certificate from the place of work of the parents, in which the nature of their work activity should be indicated.

Find out whether the child can take advantage of privileges when admission. Usually, similar information is provided by a special commission that conducts testing and interviewing with future cadets.

It must be remembered that in Cadet school Take boys and who graduated from elementary school, accommodation in a round-the-clock institution, in full state security. Usually, parents are allowed to take children to the weekend, but in each institution their rules.

Graduates of Cadet Schools can enter, the Academy of FSB, Military, Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation on the general basis. They do not have any benefits upon admission, nevertheless, the knowledge gained allow them to get into the selected educational institution without much difficulty.


In Moscow, the cadet movement began to develop since 1992. With the support of public organizations, military, cadet and sea mugs began to be created, which were called "classes" over time. The main functions on the leadership of the cadet educational institutions and the education of students perform the stock officers, some of which are graduates of Suvorov and Nakhimov schools.

Helpful advice

Order of the Minister of Defense Russian Federation May 25, 2013 Moscow "On Amendments to the Modeling Regulations on the Presidential Cadet, Suvorov Military, Nakhimov Naval, Military-Military Schools and Cadet (Sea Cadet) corps that are under way to work on a set of candidates for the Tyumen Presidential Cadet School In 2013, it will be organized in accordance with this order.


  • list of cadet schools

Many boys, and no less girls, students in school, dreams of becoming cadets. To do this, they need to withstand a harsh contest, the passage of which will provide them with admission to one of the various boarding schools, among which, including a newly created institution, intended for training in particular female. To get to the Cadet School, you need to begin preparation in advance, to the entrance exams.


Keep track of sites or other information sources that have selected Cadet. Starting somewhere from the middle there will be placed lists of documents that will need to be provided to confirm their desire to Courant or Cadet.

Even before this period, help the child go through a full inspection. It requires a large amount of time and implies a mandatory visit to a number of doctors. With it is likely to be able to provide a certificate of state, so such an inspection will not be superfluous. Also among the list will be an extract from personal affairs and documents related to the social status of his and his family.

Prepare for the interview. Avoid excessive pressure on the child, but make sure that his solution is in the conscious and motivated, that he will be able to competently talk with a psychologist. Do not control it answers and do not try to think over the course of the student's interview: Remember that you have an absolutely independent person who adopted an adult decision and is ready to answer for him. The interview also takes place in the late spring.

Check out the order of enrollment and prepare the child to surrender entrance exams. Please note that the deep knowledge of general education items will be required, possibly leaving the scope of what it receives in the walls of the school. Competition in Cadet corps Usually large enough, and yours should be ready to withstand high competition.

In addition to the exams on general and psychological testing, there is a review of physical training, which also needs to be trained in advance.

Attention to the patriotic education of children, the level of their physical training and the state of health revived the classical traditions of education and training in cadet schools. Of course, graduates of such schools are equated to graduates of other secondary educational institutions, and no benefits at admission to universities do not have, but the proud title of "Cadet" in lately They want to wear more and more children - both boys and girls. How to enroll in such school?


Find out if you have specialized cadet schools in your area. Training Mode In such schools can be organized on the principle of boarding school, but there are also schools with ordinary day learning. In addition, cadets may be, if their parents gave them to school Mixed type.

Please note that in the Cadet school Or translate almost the same as in the usual one, with the difference only that applicants for enrollment should have a higher level of physical training.

Find out information about the specific, going to her site, or by contacting the Admission Commission directly. In addition, the cadet boarding schools usually agitate physically strong orphans from children's homes to come and translated into an educational institution, conduct familiarization conversations with students. In addition to children-orphans Advantages in admission have children of servicemen (killed when performing a task or employees in the "hot spots").

Provide the following documents to the School Admission Commission, if your child goes in the 1st:
- statement;
- birth certificate (copy);
- polis;
- medapate 026 / U-2000 (with the conclusion of the child's suitability for learning in a similar institution);
- a certificate from the institution of additional education (section, circles, studios), if the child was engaged there;
- diplomas and letters (if any);
- passport of one of the parents (copy);
- an extract from the housebook or other document confirming the registration of a child (for Muscovites: in Moscow and MO);
- copies of documents confirming family status (family of servicemen, large families, etc.);

What documents are required for admission

By deciding with the place of receipt of education, it is time to find out what requirements for the incoming and what documents are required to consider the candidacy. The list of mandatory documents includes a completed statement from the applicant for the place and from his parents. In the event that the young orphan man requires a certificate of death of parents.

A psychological characteristic is also required and a characteristic from the place of study, a copy of the birth certificate, autobiography, a copy of the insurance policy. The list of required documents may differ depending on the educational institution. You should go either on the open day, or visit the site on the Internet. There you will find all the information you are interested in.

What else is needed to become a cadet

When admitted, special attention is paid to the academic performance in the last place of study, the results of participation in the Olympiads, sports discharges in the presence. All this will give a plus in consideration of the candidacy. That is why always request an extract from the magazine of the past educational institution.

Competition in place in such establishments can reach 150-200 people in place, and therefore, evaluations should be very good, as well as the results of entrance tests. When preparing for admission it is worth paying time for additional classes in mathematics, Russian language, physics and other items that will be on the exams.

Today, with the obligatory surrender of the exam after all cadet institutions do not help to enroll in. Their task is to prepare for exams, tighten the physical form and show the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. I studied 2 years in this place, everyone will definitely know if he wants to receive an officer's title and continue to serve.

Education in the institution for comes from home, i.e. Young people live in barracks in a hard discipline. All students are on public security, and education is completely, this explains the number of people willing to continue learning here.

Men in military uniform always stand out on a general background and enjoy special respect. Not to mention the favor of the beautiful half of humanity! And the officer composition is a color, pride and in the literal sense, the mind, the honor of the armed forces. Therefore, cadets, and subsequently - officers, are, as a rule, the most disciplined, internally mature and decisive young men. Often, their mother suggest or support such a solution to sons - especially if for some reason the boy is devoid of father's education and control. But, one way or another, if it is believed that the army makes a man from the boy, then the Cadet School makes an officer from the schoolboy. And the first step on this responsible, worthy of respecting the path becomes admission to the Cadet School.

What is the Cadet School? What is the difference between the Cadet Corps from the Military School?
Military School is a specialized educational institution for young people of both sexes, school age. More recently, only boys took in military schools in our country, but since 2009 gender restrictions have been removed. As for the age, then in the military school, after the end of the 9th grades of the Mid-Educational School. Here and the differences between the military and cadet schools begin. You can become a cadet for a year earlier - after the 8th grade. Accordingly, the term of study in the military and cadet school is different. But this is only external, visible at first glance, differences. In fact, the difference between the military and cadet schools is much deeper. And it lies, first of all, in the preparation that students receive.

And the cadets, and the cadets of military schools necessarily continue to study the school curriculum. But besides her, military schools are being prepared in military schools, and the Cadet Schools provide their pupils with the opportunity to receive early professional training, focused on a certain profile of the rhodus of the armed forces. Training lasts three years, after which the graduate of the Cadet Corps may continue training in a military school (for example, Suvorov) or to begin labor activities on the developed specialty. In addition, there are so-called cadet classes in which boys are accepted after the 4th grade. Training in them lasts longer and has its own characteristics. In particular, many parents of cadets, and they themselves, they admit that such an early transition to specialized military profile training has become a rather serious physical and psychological test for a teenager.

Which Cadet School to give the Son?
Although the decision to enter the Cadet Corps of the Military School should take the applicant himself - on the man and the future officer, but the opinion of the parents still plays an important role in his choice. Let their voice be deliberative, but quite confident and convincing that the young man listened to the arguments and committed the right choice for the coming years and for life. Moreover, after the receipt, he will begin a new life, away from their parents and their advice - after all, in the Cadet schools, the mode of a full pension for pupils is observed. To date, secondary military education can be obtained in such Cadet Schools:

  • Orenburg Presidential Cadet School
  • Stavropol Presidential Cadet School
  • Krasnodar Presidential Cadet School
  • Tyumen Presidential Cadet School
  • Kronstadt Sea Cadet Corps
  • St. Petersburg Cadet Corps
  • Aksay Danili Efremova Cossack Cadet Corps.
A very young (1-4th grade) schoolchildren can be attended by special circles and sections in educational and sports organizations DOSAAF, clubbing "Young Sailor", "Young paratrooper", "Young pilot", etc., giving the opportunity to pre-get acquainted with the military profession .

Conditions for admission to the Cadet School
The first and main condition for admission to the Cadet School should be observed at home, where the family council decides on training and, consequently, the further fate of the heir. A good officer can only be called by vocation, so it is necessary to clearly understand who seeks to enter the Cadet Corps: a young man who dreams of a military career, or his parents who wish to see the Son in an officer form. And, if the goals and vision of the future among representatives of the older and younger generation coincide, then you can safely choose a specific educational institution and submit documents into it. In each Cadet School, their own requirements for applicants can be moved, but on average, in order to become a cadet, it is necessary to comply with such conditions:

  1. Age. At the time of receipt, young man should be at least 15 years.
  2. Education. In the Cadet schools are accepted at the end of the elementary school, but it is possible not only in the fifth, but also in the sixth and seventh classes.
  3. Health status The applicant is assessed by the Admission Commission on the basis of the certificate provided by him about the passage of medical examination. Moreover, the medical system must be passed not earlier than that year, which takes place in the school, and necessarily include the following studies:
    • pediatrician;
    • surgeon;
    • orthopedic;
    • otolaryngologist;
    • ophthalmologist;
    • cardiologist;
    • endocrinologist;
    • neurologist;
    • dermatologist;
    • psychiatrist;
    • dentist;
    • phthisiartra (with data on manta);
    • urologist;
    • eCG data;
    • data ultrasound heart, thyroid gland, abdominal cavity with kidneys;
    • general blood tests, urine, feces;
    • blood test for HIV and hepatitis B and C;
    • analysis of blood sugar levels.
    All this information and conclusions of doctors should be standardly decorated in a medical certificate of F086 / U form, certified in the registration of a medical institution.
  4. Exam - Oral, in the form of an interview. Most of the schools are checked by the knowledge of Russian and English and mathematics at the level corresponding to the completed class of the secondary school. The estimation scale is tenball. The minimum number of points that must be gained to participate in the competition in the School - 20 for three exams.
  5. Provision of documents. The dates of reception of documents must be clarified in a particular school, as a rule, the admission commission works from mid-April to the end of spring. Applicants require a standard package:
    • application addressed to the head of the school on behalf of the parents (possibly one parent, guardians, etc.);
    • personal Statement of Applicant with his signature, addressed to the head of the school;
    • the autobiography of the incoming, written by them, in arbitrary form;
    • a copy of the birth certificate, certified notarized, and / or a document confirming the citizenship of the incoming;
    • school portfolio of applicant;
    • a copy of the personal case of the applicant from the secondary school, with signatures of the director of the school, class teacher and the seal;
    • extract from the Tabel performance with estimates for the year of study, after which the candidate for admission is transferred to the Cadet School, with signatures of the director of the school and the class teacher;
    • the pedagogical characteristics of the applicant on behalf of his class leader and / or the director of the secondary school;
    • the psychological characteristic of the applicant (a school psychologist or a specialist of the municipal institution can give it), with the signature of the School Director;
    • the statement of physical training (on the basis of the delivery of standards), with the signature of the School Director and Physical Teacher;
    • medical certificate F086 / y form (read more);
    • a copy of the medical card from the polyclinic at the place of residence and an extract from it, certified in the reception;
    • certificate of family composition;
    • a copy of the registration certificate at the place of residence, certified by the Printing of the Management Company;
    • help from the place of work (service) of the parents of the applicant;
    • copy of all candidate parents passport pages certified;
    • a copy of the medical insurance policy of applicant;
    • anthropometric information about the applicant: its growth, weight, clothing size and thighs and chest volumes, the size of the shoes, the size of the head
    • 4 Color photos of 3x4 cm format.
    In addition, candidates for preferential admission must provide the relevant documents provided for by law for such cases.
  6. Privileges Upon admission to the Cadet School, children of military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces are provided. Besides them, outside the contest (but provided successful delivery The examinations and children of military personnel who died in the fulfillment of their duties passing military service in the zones of military conflict and / or contract and having a total duration of military service in calendar terms 20 years or more. Excellent students of secondary schools receive the right to pass only one exam out of three entrances to the choice, but with the condition for obtaining 9-10 points for it. If the assessment will be lower - then the excellent students are included in the competition for admission to general rights.
As you can see, go to the Cadet School is quite difficult. But life choice and cannot be frivolous. And graduates of Cadet schools are recognized that they do not at all regret either about the tests passed, nor about the years of study. Pupils of Cadet Schools from Early Youth receive strong skills of self-discipline, hygiene, responsibility for their decisions and deeds. And what can be more important for the man and the defender of the country than the ability to self-organization and the ability to fully respond to themselves and their actions. Therefore, if the desire to enroll in the Cadet School in the boy is really strong and sincere, then you need to support and help him in this.

According to the educational portal, universal, Cadet schools are in great demand. The competition is not inferior to the leading universities of the country, to one place pretends to 30 people. At the same time, the performance of training in cadet schools is much higher than the same indicators in a secondary school.

According to the calculations of the FSCK them. Alexey Yordan, more than 90% of graduates of Cadets comes safely to higher educational institutions, and only half of them goes to military institutions. Cadet schools can often meet children of successful and well-known parents.

What is so attractive admission to the Cadet School, and what does it promise a child in the future? Consider all the advantages and disadvantages of learning in a similar institution.

Advantages of cadet schools

Cadet schools are boarding schools, respectively, the child there is idle from Monday to Friday. Houses only on weekends and on vacation.

For admission to school, not only the desire of parents, but also the desire of the child is necessary. Although, show the boy at 7-10 years old, which would not want to wear a military uniform, learn how to shoot and march?

First time is hard, especially those who are not used to separating for a long time with their parents. However, the school there is always a specialized psychologist who will help to cope with a child with a period of adaptation. And besides, crying here is especially no time, as there is no time to play the tablet or watch TV. In the morning, construction preparation, further classes, after lunch some free time, and then - performing homework together with the teacher. If the homework quickly coped, it remains time for additional circles. They are here a whole lift: ranging from the rifle section, basketball and power gymnastics and ending with the game on the drums. In general, what should be engaged in our understanding "Private" boy. In addition, the Cadets often leave for excursions, attend parades of military orchestras.

Many compare Cadet school with a kindergarten. It's not like that at all. Children can communicate with parents by phone, which is issued at a certain time in the evening for several hours. As a rule, the conversation is limited to a banal "Mom, I'm fine. Ran to fight. " The guys have so rich life that they are constantly busy.

A strict discipline reigns in the Cadet School. Punishments are different: how do parents write on the forums, ranging from hundreds of pushups and ending with a homemade mode.

Surprisingly, the Cadet School does not happen. It is prohibited in the Code of Honor.

If a child is ill, then employees hold parents in the course of what is happening. In general, in the Cadet School there are very non-indifferent people who successfully cope with the task of growing a real man from the boy: formed, noble and well physically prepared.

Who enjoys benefits to enter the Cadet School?

Each region establishes its preferential categories for applicants to Cadet schools.

In the capital, for example, according to Appendix 1, to order of the Moscow Committee of Education dated 09.04.02 No. 242 regarding the rules for the reception of citizens in the Cadet Schools, paragraph 1.5. Advantageous right to enter the Cadet School (Cadet School - boarding school) enjoy:

  • children of military personnel who died in the performance of official duties;
  • children of military personnel passing military service in military conflict zones;
  • orphans;
  • children left without parental care;
  • children from large and low-income families;
  • children of lonely mothers (fathers);
  • children under guardianship (guardianship).

Entry exams

According to paragraph 1.4. The same application, "Exams and testing with candidates for admission to the Cadet School (Cadet School-boarding) are not held." However, in fact there is a hard selection.

Entering the fifth grade will have to pass physical training, tests for knowledge of mathematics and Russian, and of course you have excellent health. Often asks also the characteristic from the last place of training.

It is clear that for entering the first class only a medical conclusion from doctors is sufficient that the child is healthy, but at the same time the child is in the right to refuse to enter the school. Parents for a certain time may challenge this decision.

If you want your child to have grown a strong and comprehensively developed personality, with good education and tempered character, without bad habits, look more carefully for Cadet schools. The goal of cadet education is to educate a patriotic, disciplined person.

Training in the Cadet Corps is significantly different from the usual general education. In addition to the obligatory items, children study military history, the basics of military affairs are enhanced physical training. The academic day lasts longer here, and the teachers do not take the guys to the guys. Another significant difference is the strictest discipline. Pupils wear a special form, often go to build, give the honor of the senior to rank. On vacation, the guys participate in competitions, cultural and sightseeing events.

Varieties of cadet schools

Cadet Corps can supervise the Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSB and Organizations, the subordinate Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In such institutions, military discipline: permanent accommodation, dismissal strictly on weekends and festive days. The day of the day is carefully planned, the pupils of practical remains free time. It's hard to enter here, and it's not easy to learn! Therefore, most often here you can find children who are further planned to enter the internal affairs bodies or military service.

There are also cadet schools established by the Moscow Department of Education. They may receive exclusively children with Moscow registration. Many of these schools also function in boarding mode, but it is much easier to get dismissal.

Reception conditions

The Cadet Corps is accepted by children who are suitable for health states (a list of contraindications is set out in Appendix 3 to order N 473 of 16. 10. 2002 Moscow Health Committee) and wishing to learn. For admission, it is necessary to apply to the Reception Commission on time and attach a package of necessary documents (indicated on the website of the educational institution), to undergo diagnostics in ICCO in the following subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, and medical commission. In addition, candidates for admission are tested for the level of physical training and an interview with a psychologist. According to the results of the activities carried out, the admission committee, given the state of health, motivation, the presence of additional achievements (awards received for participating in creative and sports events), the level of physical training and performance, makes a decision. At the same time, candidates aimed at the target set are prior to enrollment. Also when admitting benefits are children-orphans and children of military personnel.

When enrolling in the Cadet school there are restrictions on age. Todddlers do not take here, with rare exceptions. It's late to think about entering and in high school, since the preparation program is designed for a certain period, at least 3 years. Ideal time for receipt is the end of the elementary school.

Preobrazhensky Cadet Corps

Address: Moscow, m. Rokossovsky Boulevard, ul. Losinoostrovskaya, d. 22a;


Education: Main, average

Mode: Board boarding school for boys, five-day training week, on weekends, children travel around home.

Preobrazhensky Cadet Corps - a state-owned state educational institution, the purpose of which is the provision of high-quality education, moral, physical and social development of students.

Talented teachers work here. They have difficult tasks: Interested in students, create a favorable emotional and psychological atmosphere in the lessons, teach the guys to work in a team, and, of course, is available and understandable to express the material. And they succeed. At the end of the school, the Cadets go to the Academy of FSB, FSO and other powerful structures of the Russian Federation.

KSHI №5 implements educational programs in accordance with GEF, as well as additional education programs in the following areas:

  • mathematics,
  • physics,
  • biology,
  • social science,
  • warfare,
  • bullet shooting,
  • lego design and modeling,
  • musevia
  • body-building,
  • basketball,
  • handball,
  • athletics,
  • football,
  • motorsport
  • ensemble of wind instruments or orchestra to choose
  • choral singing,
  • theatrical and musical creativity.

In the Cadet School, all conditions have been created for the healthy development of children: wet cleaning and air cleaning are carried out daily, the optimal thermal mode is maintained. All pupils of KSH No. 5 receive delicious and balanced hexide. The day of the day is carefully planned: the lessons are replaced by walking, physical training and breaks for meals. Therefore, despite the rich basic and additional educational program, children do not experience overwork.

The school is located in a large building, in which there are:

  • training rooms and packers for self-preparation,
  • assembly hall and dance halls
  • library,
  • big and small gym,
  • gym,
  • rifle shoot
  • ski base.

In addition, there is a band of obstacles with rubber coating, a velocity, football, volleyball, basketball and tennis sites, a gymnastic town and treadmill.

At the disposal of the educational institution all necessary for the organization of the educational process: PCs, projectors and plasma panels, interactive boards, MFP, music centers.

First Moscow Cadet Corps

Address: Moscow, Timiryazevskaya, ul. Vuchetich, d. 30, p. 1


  1. Fourth Novomihalkovsky passage, d.14, p. 3
  2. ul. Zelenogradskaya, d. 9

Founder: Moscow Department of Education

Education: primary, main, average

Mode: boarding school, training in the first half of the day, after lunch additional education; In the branch number 3 - day learning. On Saturday and Sunday, as well as on holidays, pupils go home.

The first Moscow Cadet Corps is a stately state institution. Unlike other Cadet schools, programs are implemented here not only the middle and older school, but also primary education (in two branches), there is preparation for school. For the smallest speech therapy classes, the course "English for kids", the program of socio-psychological adaptation "Tale of communication". From 8 to 10 years, children begin to learn English more in-depth: "Fascinating English" and "English. phonetics".

KSHI №1 can rightly be proud of the number of sections and circles. There are real fighters, comprehensively developed. Discipline corresponds to a military institution.

Additional education programs:

  • in-depth study of mathematics;
  • history;
  • jurisprudence;
  • design and research activities: museums, parks, estates; secrets of the Russian language;
  • natural and physical and mathematical modeling: chess, world around us, geographic research, chemistry puzzles, entertaining mathematics, programming;
  • museum business;
  • entertaining English;
  • social science;
  • aircraft modeling, computer simulation, rocket modeling;
  • robotics;
  • entertaining physics;
  • fire and aerobatic preparation;
  • warfare;
  • multipuriate GTO, sports gymnastics, swimming, basketball, football;
  • sports shooting;
  • sambo and hand-to-hand fight, judo;
  • fire and rescue business (preparation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations);
  • rhythmic gymnastics, ballroom and folk dances;

In this boarding school, all conditions for normal accommodation have been created, five-volume nutrition is provided. The building is designed and equipped according to SanPiN standards and the requirements of the current legislation. The Cadet Corps includes training and residential premises, a dining room, a medical unit. In the residential complex there are 60 bedrooms designed to accommodate up to 240 students. In each room a separate bathroom. On the floor are located three additional rooms. Here, children play with peers, rest, are engaged in self-preparation.

Material and technical equipment

In the school building there are all necessary for theoretical and practical exercises, self-learning and leisure organization, premises:

  • Educational offices;
  • Assembly Hall;
  • Workshops;
  • Laboratories in chemistry and physics, biology;
  • Radio electronic technologies and computer science offices;
  • Library;
  • Large and small gym, gym, swimming pool;
  • An open sports complex was built on the adjacent territory, which includes a large and low bar of obstacles, a gymnastic complex, hockey, volleyball and basketball field, a treadmill.

All of the above rooms have the necessary technical equipment.

Moscow Cossack Corps named Sholokhov

Address: Moscow, ul. March. Chuikova, d. 28, p. 4

Founder: Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Education: Main, average in accordance with GEF

Mode: boarding school, 5-day school week, classes from 8.30 to 15.00

Moscow Presidential Cadet School. Sholokhov is a state state institution established in 2015 on the basis of KSH No. 7. Here, children are trained in grade 5-11, prepare for admission to the highest civil and military institutions of the Russian Federation. The guys, whose parents serve in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation are predominant.

Additional education programs:

  • basketball,
  • hand-to-hand fight
  • folk and ballroom dancing
  • cossack history, internal troops, Orthodox culture,
  • young museum
  • guide,
  • military and building preparation,
  • commander school
  • operator Editor.

In the Cadet School, great attention is paid to the security of pupils. The territory of the building is guarded around the clock, is under the system of external and internal video surveillance. The institution operates in boarding school. Residential buildings are equipped with spacious rooms designed for 2-6 people, a complete set of furniture, inventory, separate bathrooms, household premises. Food five-volume.

Material and technical equipment

On the territory of the schools are:

  • assembly and choreographic hall;
  • hall for the struggle;
  • 2 museum;
  • sports town: bar of obstacles, treadmill, playgrounds, laser shooting gallery.

Training classes are equipped with arm, didactic materials, ergonomic furniture, meet the standards of SanPiN.

Moscow Georgievsky Cadet Corps

Address: Moscow, ul. Mal. Botanic, d.24b

Founder: Moscow Department of Education

Education: Main, average

Mode: boarding school

The institution works 5 days a week. For weekends, children go home. Also, unlike other Cadet schools, the guys can go to the dismissal and among the week. Training is conducted from the 7th grade and provides for the assimilation of the GEF program and receiving additional education. Most of the school pupils are children of military personnel and orphans (preferential category).

During the holidays, the school attracts cadets to numerous events: excursions and cultural programs, competitions, cadet balls, etc.

Additional education programs:

  • military story
  • basics of military service,
  • young shooter
  • patriots of the Russian Federation,
  • school of Commanders,
  • volleyball,
  • academic choir,
  • vocal ensemble.

The residential complex includes 18 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and 2 showers. All children receive free hexide food, medical care and, if necessary, psychological assistance.

Material and technical equipment

In the educational building and on the adjacent territory of the Cadet School under consideration:

  • assembly Hall;
  • museum;
  • library;
  • 16 training classes;
  • conference hall,
  • workshop;
  • 2 classes for laboratory work;
  • gym;
  • sports town: volleyball, basketball, gymnastic sites, treadmill, bar obstacle and jumping pit.

Educational offices meet the standards of the educational standard and the requirements of SanPiN and are equipped with modern equipment, furniture and didactic materials. Huge attention is also paid to the organization of the right lighting.

School for girls "Moscow Pension State Pupils"

Address: Moscow, Volzhsky br, d. 52/29, p. 1

Founder: Moscow Department of Education

Education: Main, average

Mode: boarding school

A feature of the educational process of the school under consideration for girls is the study, along with the mandatory objects of the GEF, the cadet component.

Additional education programs:

  • young guide school
  • jurisprudence,
  • basics of military service,
  • painting, graphics,
  • impact tools (drums, xylophone, liconts),
  • ballroom and folk dances
  • pop vocals,
  • artistic reading.

Huge attention is paid here to organize the health of the saving medium and promoting a healthy lifestyle. The management monitors compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime: daily air ventilation, wet cleaning, the use of ergonomic furniture in a residential and educational complex. Pupils adhere to the strict routine of the day, which includes mandatory wellness activities.

Material and technical equipment

Classes are equipped with ergonomic furniture with height adjustment, computers, projectors, interactive boards and other technical teaching means, methodical materials. In addition to the training classes, there are:

  • Assembly Hall;
  • Sports and dance hall;
  • Musical and literary class;
  • Cabinet of labor;
  • 2 computer science cabinet;
  • A big library;
  • Museum;
  • Gym.

in the "Krasnoarmeic Cadet School-boarding"

Anoo "NOP Center".

In the "Krasnoarmeic Cadet School-boarding school" NOP Center (hereinafter referred to as "KCCHI") are accepted on a competitive basis boys from the 1st to grade 11 (in the presence of free educational and beds), successfully passed "the course of a young fighter" (hereinafter "KMB"), test psychological selection, interview with parents and health in the following order (stages):

1. Get acquainted with the fundamental documents, local acts of the NOP Center of the NOP Center:

The rules of the internal schedule of students (cadet) of the NOP Center, and C;

Agreement on education for programs, education;

If you have not found the answers in the materials presented above, you can call the secretary of the admission committee of the Musalim Hope Anatolyevna by phone 8-905-514-45-45 from 9.00 to 18.00 Moscow time on working days or send questions about e-mail [Email Protected] . It is necessary to agree on a convenient time for the time of visiting Ano "NOP Center".

If you are satisfied with all the conditions of learning, staying in the boarding school "NOP Center", then you can go to the next step of the order of arrival.

2. Passage of the "course of a young fighter" (KMB), (June of the current year).

2.1. Get acquainted with the goal of the tasks, conditions and program of KMB.

2.2. Fill and send by email. Email [Email Protected] . Statement.

2.3. Get confirmation from the secretary of the reception commission on the reception of a child on KMB.

2.4. Print, fill out and sign parents about the provision of paid educational services in shape and bring it on the day of arrival at KMB.

After a successful passage and a positive conclusion of the reception, the commission should go to the 3rd stage of the procedure for admission to Ano "NOP Center".

3. Registration of documents until 06/29/2018, Necessary to enroll the student on learning in the "KCCHI" Ano "NOP Center":

3.1. Fill out an application for enrollment in the "KCCHI" NOP Center;

3.2. Fill in 2 copies and sign an agreement with the apps from the Director General to the CEO:

Additional agreement to the contract;

Profile of parents for a psychologist;

Application form of applicant;

Professional profile about the state of health;

Questionnaire IC "Promotion";

Map of medical examination of the child.

3.3. Provide the following documents:

Personal business (original) student from the previous school;

A copy of the student's birth or passport certificate;

A copy of the passports of the parents of the student;

A copy of the medical insurance policy;

Map prof. vaccinations in form №063;

Help from the polyclinic (SES) on the lack of contact with infectious patients for 21 days (not earlier) until September 1st.

3.4. With the consent of the parties a charitable contribution agreement is concluded.

Upon admission, there is an input diagnosis of children in order to determine the initial level of knowledge on the main subjects for the subsequent (if necessary) developing an individual educational trajectory and selection of educational materials for the implementation of the scientific plan of federal state educational standards.

Applicants that did not pass KMB can be adopted in the "KCCHI" Ano "NOP Center" in the presence of free places and the positive passage of the interview with a trial period, registered in an additional agreement to the contract.

Students visit training on Sunday from 18.00 to 21.00, and descending home on the weekend on Friday from 5 pm to 18.00 . Pupils can be taken later or leave for weekends (festive) on the statement of parents according to the position of the boarding school and for an additional fee, according to the price list.

Pedagogical composition and educators of the NOP Center, NOP Center, do not provide services for correctional training and correction of the behavior of children and adolescents. Students are mastered apart from the disciplines of the federal state educational standard also the disciplines of the profile cadet education according to the routine of the day from 7-00 to 22-00 hours. Therefore, there is no free time for correction classes with students. In the created learning conditions and in the presence of a special training material and technical base for the successful development of the main and additional programs of specialized cadet training, students must have good basic knowledge, health, the desire to learn and the necessary level of socialization.

For 10-11 grades, students undergo individual training for entering chosen parents and students a professional educational institution of civil or military profile. NOP Center, at the request of parents and cadet, can conduct individual preparation for admission to the branch of the Federal State Sophisticated Military Educational Institution of Higher Education "Military Training and Scientific Center of the Navy" Naval Academy named after Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsova "in Kaliningrad on the basis of the agreement between Ano" NOP Center "and this" Naval Academy "concluded on November 1, 2016.

At the end of the school, with the successful development of curriculum programs of federal state educational standards, students of the Cadet School - boarding school after the 9th grade passes state final exams (OGE), and after the 11th grade, the Unified State Exam (EGE).

Students who successfully surrendered exams are issued a state certificate of a state model about the relevant level of education and certificate of cadet education, indicating the list and volume of the disciplines of the cadet component in the form of the NOP Center. The certificate is recognized when entering higher educational institutions of civil and military profiles, and cadet Education Certificate can provide additional advantage.

Children from any regions of the Russian Federation are accepted in the "KCCHI" of the NOP Center.

"KCSHI" Ano "NOP Center" functioning around the clock (including weekends and holidays) from September 1 to June 30.

Additional information can be obtained from the director of "KCCHI" Ano "NOP Center" - Sviridova Svetlana Vladimirovna, calling by phone 8-905-514-45-45 from 9.00 to 18.00 Moscow time on working days or send questions by email