Short male name. Male names

Short male name.  Male names
Short male name. Male names

Greetings, dear readers! There is an opinion: what you call a child, this will be his life. Today there is a tradition of giving children rare foreign or old Russian names... Kindergartens and schools are filled with Seraphim, Ostap, Vladislav, etc. By the way, children are generally calm about such "inventions" of the parents of their comrades, because it is no longer "uncommon" to meet a rare name in a children's company. I suggest that you consider the names for boys, rare and beautiful, that will help you correctly name your heir.

  • Before choosing a name for a boy, pay attention to its meaning. It happens that the option seems acceptable, sonorous, but its meaning prepares the child not the best fate or it is completely incomprehensible what it hints at. For example, Kondrat means "square". Do you want to call your baby that?
  • Another criterion is to be consonant with the patronymic. Imagine that your toddler grows up and takes on a leadership position. What will his subordinates call him? The initials should be pronounced easily, without tension. If the middle name is long and difficult to pronounce, choose a short, melodic name, for example, Ilya Igorevich. But Konstantin Igorevich will not sound very pleasant, and it is quite difficult to pronounce.
  • Make sure that the children do not laugh at the baby when he goes to kindergarten or school. True, today there are many children with unusual names, and it is difficult for adults to imagine how the word can be changed. And yet, be prepared to give your baby the most "harmless" possible.

If the parents are religious people, they can name the boy according to Orthodox calendar... Every day it is dedicated to certain saints, whose names are given to newborns.

Orthodox by month 2018

Church names are once again held in high esteem. In 2017, Seraphim, Savvas, Fadey, Luke and other boys with outdated names were registered in the registry offices. Adherents Orthodox faith we offer names for boys, rare and beautiful, orthodox by months 2018:

  • January. If your baby was born this month, he has a strong and tough character. Such boys can be called Ignat (peaceful), Makar (happy), Adam (man), Emelyan (calm).
  • February. February children are gentle and sensitive. At the same time, they are patient and hardworking. Boys can be called Nikanor (winner), Daniel ( divine judgment), Savva (elder), Cyril (lord).
  • March. People born this month have an optimistic disposition, good feeling humor. Options such as Eugene (noble), Alexander (defender), Timofey (one who worships God), Fedor (gift of God) are suitable for them.
  • April. April children are dynamic and very similar to the wind. They are constantly in need of change. Such children can be called George (tiller), Nikita (victorious), Maxim (great), Lazarus (help from God).
  • May. May boys behave freely in the company, are optimistic, can take responsibility for themselves. They are called Makar (happy), Kuzma (arranging the world), Gleb (God's favorite), Denis (god of vitality).

  • June. June boys enjoy authority with their elders, easily gain sympathy from the opposite sex. The following options are suitable for them: Elisha (saved by God), Mstislav (the avenger), Severin (strict), Timothy (the one who worships God).
  • July. The July guys are organized and confident, make decisions quickly. The following options will suit them: Leonty (lion), Emelyan (affectionate), German (German), Kuzma (organizer).
  • August. These boys are especially trusted and make good companions. They are principled and rarely violate their principles. Name your son David (beloved), Leonidas (resembling a lion), Laurentia (crowned with laurels), Ermolai (broadcasting to the people).
  • September . Boys born this month are often the life of the party. They are gullible and not prone to conflict. For them, the names Samuel (the one whom God hears), Bogdan ( God-given), Theodosius (given by God), Zakhar (memory of God).
  • October. These boys are reckless and never get bored, although they finish all their affairs. Call them Constantine (permanent), Vladislav (possessing glory), Andrey (man), Oleg (sacred).
  • November. These people spend money easily and seem to be out of this world. They feel uncomfortable with someone else's company and make few friends over the course of their lives. Such boys can be called Dmitriy (fertile), Rodions (rosehip), Matvey ( divine man), Grigoriy (cheerful).
  • December . December children seem indifferent, mysterious, but inside they are very emotional. Stepan (wreath), Plato (with broad shoulders), Gury (lion cub).

Russians and their meaning

Modern Russian variants of names came to us from antiquity or were adopted from other peoples. They are rare and very beautiful, so they may well serve as the basis for your choice:

  • Augustine - summer;
  • Alexey is a defender;
  • Anatoly - eastern;
  • Antoine is a derivative of Anton;
  • Arseny is courageous;
  • Bronislav is a defender;
  • Velimir is the ruler of the world;
  • Vitaly is vital;
  • Damir - peaceful;
  • May is a warm heart;
  • Florin is blooming.

Muslim modern

We offer several Muslim names, among which you can find a beautiful and unusual name:

  • Murat is desired;
  • Garei - worthy;
  • Aydar - lunar;
  • Arthur is mighty;
  • Bashar is a man;
  • Danil is a gift from God;
  • Zafar is the winner;
  • Ildar is the leader.

Tatar modern

Tatar names are often associated with events that determined the fate of an entire nation. All its members take part in the choice in the Tatar family:

  • Ahmad - one who is praised;
  • Timur is iron;
  • Narbek - light;
  • Irek is strong-willed;
  • Eldar is the ruler;
  • Bakir - the student;
  • Ainur - lunar;
  • Irkin is generous.


People are gradually returning to their history and are interested in Slavic names that were popular with our ancestors. Their meanings are clear and easy to read:

  • Dobrynya - kind;
  • Ladomir is a kind world;
  • Jaromir is an ardent world;
  • Peaceful - loving world;
  • Milorad - rejoicing in the world;
  • Bazhen - desired;
  • Myron is peaceful.


Old names can have different origins, but this does not negate their euphony:

  • Arius - brave, from the Aryan clan;
  • Malachi is a messenger from God;
  • Philemon is the beloved;
  • Svyatoslav - bright glory;
  • Peter is a stone;
  • Osip - multiplied;
  • Naum - consolation;
  • Love - beloved;
  • Cyril is the lord.


In men's Kazakh names male virtues are emphasized:

  • Aydar is strong;
  • Rashit is brave;
  • Samat is permanent;
  • Kairat is active;
  • Talip is a scientist;
  • Ulan is brave.


A strong name can change the fate of a child and give him energy, so the Arabs are very careful about his choice:

  • Abdullah is a slave of God;
  • Akram is generous;
  • Alim is a scientist;
  • Aman is healthy;
  • Wazir - minister;
  • Dilyar - sincere;
  • Zafar is the winner;
  • Iskander is the winner;
  • Kamran is powerful;
  • Masgood is happy.


Turkish names have Arabic, Turkic and Persian roots:

  • Mustafa is the chosen one;
  • Balaban is a daredevil;
  • Frenzy - lucky;
  • Baskurt is a warrior;
  • Kerem is generous;
  • Akhmet is glorious.


it Muslim names, among which there are very beautiful in sound and meaning:

  • Latif - open;
  • Muslim is a Muslim;
  • Nazar is forward-thinking;
  • Ramil is magical;
  • Rahman is merciful;
  • Rifat is a noble one;
  • Tair is flying.


Germanic names sometimes sound harsh, but among them you can really find beautiful options emphasizing masculinity:

  • Albert - noble brilliance;
  • Armin - army;
  • Arthur - from King Arthur;
  • Benedict - blessed;
  • Werther is a worthy warrior;
  • Wolf is a wolf;
  • Gottfried is the world of god;
  • Coleman is a dove.


Since lives in the Caucasus a large number of nationalities, in the list of Caucasian names there are also borrowed from other languages:

  • Rustam is brave;
  • Azat is independent;
  • Kydyr is powerful;
  • Amir is the ruler;
  • Baisal - confident;
  • Karim is generous.


Since Chechens are Muslims, many Turkic and Arabic names can be found in the list of their names:

  • Bulat - steel;
  • Rahim - merciful;
  • Murad is one who aspires;
  • Ikram - respectful;
  • Zakiy is pure;
  • Kais - unapproachable;
  • Pasha is the ruler.


Americans prefer biblical names or call the boy after his father or grandfather, adding the prefix "younger":

  • Quentin is fifth;
  • Earl is famous;
  • Phil is a horse lover;
  • Marlon is a warrior;
  • Albee - sunny;
  • Tom is a twin;
  • Ben is from the south.


Among the popular English names, you can find those that came from the Arabic world, French or Greek:

  • Casey is alert;
  • Louis is a warrior;
  • Miki is like God;
  • Bertie is bright;
  • Matthew is a gift from God;
  • James is a conqueror;
  • Vic is the conqueror.


The French version of the name is usually very euphonic and not devoid of masculinity:

  • Adolf is a wolf;
  • Arman is brave;
  • Bernard is the bass of the bear;
  • Valerie is the power of a foreigner;
  • Gustave is a meditator;
  • Joseph is the one who multiplies;
  • Didier - desired;
  • Jerome is a saint;
  • Camille is the temple attendant.

Yes, the list turned out to be impressive. I hope you were able to pick a name for your son in this variety of rare and beautiful names... And you can get acquainted with the list of female names.

If the article was useful to you, leave your comments. Until next time!

A modern male name for a child is a very abstract concept. Old Russian, foreign, "Russified" names of mainly ancient Greek and Latin origin, creative - each of these groups has names that are relevant today.

  • The consonance of the full name. The abundance of the letters "r" in the surname and patronymic can be balanced by a soft name, devoid of this letter. And vice versa.
  • Harmonization with the surname and patronymic. A florid name with a simple surname and patronymic sounds ridiculous. As well as most ordinary, modest names, coupled with unusual or foreign surnames.
  • Some people believe that if the letter "r" is absent in the infant's patronymic, then it is in mandatory must be in the name, otherwise the child will grow up too soft-hearted. An overabundance of the letter "r" also does not bode well, therefore, if there is this letter in the middle name, the name must be chosen without it.
  • It will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the interpretation of the name before naming the child. Male names have a wide variety of meanings and it is believed that a "weak" name can negatively affect the future of the baby.
  • Counts bad luck to name the baby after the victims, especially tragic death, relatives or great martyrs. There is an opinion that a child can repeat their fate.

Male names for a child Russian

Young parents, as opposed to pretentious overseas names, are increasingly calling their children by names of Old Slavonic origin.

By way of education Slavic names can be divided into categories:

  • Names given by birth order. The firstborn could be called the Firstborn, the next born boy- Second, third child - Tretiak.
  • The names of the gods: Yarilo.
  • Names derived from the names of representatives of flora and fauna: Hare, Pike, Wolf, Eagle, Nut.
  • Names derived from human qualities: Might, Brave, Stoyan.
  • Names derived from participles: Hoten, Nezhdan, Zhdan.
  • Two-root names formed using two roots, as well as their derivatives: Bogdan - "given by God", Miroslav - "praising the world", Burislav - "stormy glory". The princely family names, for the most part, were two-base.

It is the two-basic Slavic names that are most widespread in our days, but in other categories there are very euphonious male names... A list of suitable options for your child is shown below.

Orthodox male names for a child

Orthodox names for children are recorded in the Holy Calendar. The Saints are a church book in which the holidays and commemorated saints are listed in a calendar order. The tradition of choosing male names for a child by months and birthdays originated over 11 centuries ago. At that time, people believed that a special bond was formed between the saint and the child who is named after him.

Male names for the child were chosen according to the calendar from the list of those saints that are commemorated on the day the baby is born or on the eighth or fortieth day after birth. Sometimes it was allowed to name a child in honor of a saint especially revered by his parents.

Male names for a child by zodiac sign

  • Those born according to the sign of Aries (March 21 - April 20) are suitable names such as Arkady, Yuri, Arseny, Oleg, Artem, Adolf, Andrey, Yaroslav, Alexander, August, Alexey, Valery, Georgy, Gabriel, Egor, Nikolai, Savely, Rostislav.
  • Teltsov (April 21 - May 21) is better called Akim, Aristarchus, Timur, Fedor, Taras, Makar, David, Vasily, Matvey, Nikita, Mikhail, Borislav, Boris, Anisim, Egor, Anton or Ilya.
  • The nature of Gemini (May 22 - July 21) will be emphasized by such names as Alexey, Innokenty, Apollo, Gabriel, Arkady, Henrikh, Gennady, Nikita, Konstantin, Gerasim, Georgy, Ignat, Eugene, Klim, Igor, Innokenty, Makar, Mark, Felix, Sergey, Nikolay.
  • Cancer sign (June 22 - July 22) combines such names as Julius, Stanislav, Arseny, Andrey, Grigory, Valentin, Anisim, Vyacheslav, Denis, Vitaly, Demyan, Maxim, Ilya, Efim, Lev, Dmitry, Mstislav, Timofey , Semyon.
  • Those born under the sign of Leo (July 23 - August 21) are suitable for the names August, Robert, Abner, Alexander, Rodion, Albert, Alexey, German, Aron, Anton, Anatoly, Savely, Jan, Mark, Cyril, Leo, Leonid, Daniel, David , Ilya, Ivan, Peter, Rostislav, Roman, Nikolay, Ruslan, Arthur.
  • The Virgo Boys (August 22 - September 23) should be better called one of the following names: Adrian, Stepan, Gerasim, Agafon, Valentin, Arkhip, Gennady, Vsevolod, Gleb, Henrikh, Marat, Gordey, Demid, Demyan, Grigory, German, Igor, Dmitry, Konstantin, Innokenty, Klim, Nikita, Modest, Matvey, Rostislav, Prokhor, Stanislav, Sergey.
  • Boys born under the sign of Libra (September 24 - October 23) are suitable for the names Akim, Abram, Yakov, Eugene, Alfred, Arkady, Julius, Alexey, Boleslav, Anton, Albert, Vitaly, Innokentiy, Evdokim, Ilya, Vilen, Demyan, Leonid , Konstantin, Lev, Miron, Nikita, Modest, Pavel, Oleg, Timur, Prokhor, Platon, Rostislav, Philip.
  • WITH zodiac sign Scorpio (October 24 - November 22) combines such male names as Yaroslav, Azary, Yuri, Averyan, Efim, Anisim, Joseph, Zakhar, Prokhor, Mstislav, Rodion, Savely, Rudolph, Fedor, Taras, Yakov, Edward, Artem, Afanasy, Ruslan, Sergey, Arseny.
  • The optimal male names for Streltsov (November 23 - December 22) are Alexander, Yaroslav, Arseny, Aristarkh, Yan, Felix, Irakli, Illarion, Stepan, Semyon, Bulat, Vladimir, Vasily, Artem, Vyacheslav, Afanasy, Georgy, Joseph, Zakhar, Peter, Maxim, Roman, Miron, Svyatoslav, Rustam, Savely.
  • The names of David, Abram, Daniel, Bogdan, Arthur, Gleb, Vadim, Dmitry, Grigory, Vladlen, Igor, Ignat, Efrem, Ivan, Egor, Leonid, Marat, Kirill, Nikolay, are suitable for the Capricorn boy (December 23 - January 20). Modest, Matvey, Robert, Oleg, Peter, Jan, Rudolph, Rodion.
  • Babies Vodoleev (January 21 - February 19) are better called Adam, Ernest, Yuri, Svyatoslav, Ruslan, Andrey, Avenir, Valery, Arkady, Albert, Vsevolod, Gleb, Vilen, Guriy, Eremey, Pavel, Illarion, Oleg, Leonid or Platon ...
  • The names of Mikhail, Anton, Alfred, Bogdan, Afanasy, Daniil, Valentin, Valery, Borislav, Vadim, Vasily, Efim, Vladimir, Vyacheslav, Eremey, Vladislav, Maxim, Ivan are suitable for a boy born under the sign of Pisces (February 20 - March 20) , Timofey, Rudolph, Roman, Edward, Philip, Yuri, Fedor.

Popular and rare male names for a child and their meanings

The Moscow registry office has kindly provided statistics on the choice of names for male babies, based on data from previous years and the first quarter of this year.

  • The rating of the most popular male names for a child in 2017 was headed by Alexander. This name, which has long been loved by the people, has Greek roots and means “protector of people”.
  • The second position is occupied by Michael, which in translation from Hebrew means "who is like God."
  • “Bronze” was awarded to Artyom. Initially, the name was just a colloquial form of the name Artemy, but now it is an independent beautiful male name for a child. Translated from Greek, Artem means "unharmed, perfect health."
  • Danils and Daniels, names of biblical origin with Hebrew roots, settled in fourth place. Translated as "God is a judge."
  • The fifth step in the list of male names for a child, popular this year, was taken by Maxim, a Roman generic name. Translated from Latin, it means "the greatest."
  • In sixth place is the hero of the Russians folk tales Ivan. One of the variants of the translation of this name from Hebrew sounds like "the grace of God."
  • The seventh place was given to the name Dmitry. it popular name has Greek roots and means “ dedicated to the goddess Demeter. " Recall that Demeter is the goddess of earth and fertility in ancient Greek mythology.
  • The eighth position was taken by the name Cyril. A strong name with ancient Greek roots, translated as "lord".
  • The ninth place also went to the name of the ancient Greek origin... In this position, the name Timothy is located, which means "who worships God."
  • Closes the top ten Russian name Egor. Given name appeared as a phonetic version of the name George, and the latter came from Greek name Georgios, which means "farmer".

The lion's share of the list of popular names in last years make up the same male names for a child, rare, unusual names annually supplement the corresponding lists.

  • In 2014, Sevastopol, Sila, Dawn and Jazz were born.
  • In 2015, a baby Mercury was born, named either in honor of a saint, or in honor of the god of trade, or in honor of the first planet from the Sun.
  • Last year, the list of unusual names was supplemented by the name of the Latin origin Laurus, which can mean both the plant of the same name, as it translates as "holiday", ancient greek name Evstigney, translated as “ good sign". Also in the list of unusual names of the past year, the names of Achilles, a brave and practically invulnerable hero of ancient Greek legends, were lit up. Caesar is a famous commander and dictator, Bartholomew is an Aramaic name translated as "son of the plowed land", which was borne by one of Christ's disciples.


The range of names for boys these days is huge. If future or successful parents are interested in actual male names for a child in 2018, then it is worth referring to the top of the same name for the current year: practice shows that the "winners" of such charts remain in demand for a long time.

In general, it is not so important what the origin of the child's name is. The main thing is that parents like it and suit the baby.

Each woman, while still in position, together with her spouse, regardless of whether they know the sex of the unborn child or not, begins to search for a name for their child. Absolutely all parents are trying to choose a name that is beautiful and powerful in meaning for their future baby. We invite you to consider the most beautiful and unique male names recognized all over the world!

The main thing in the article

How to choose a beautiful name for a boy?

Each person has his own understanding of beauty, it concerns both material things and elements. the spiritual world, one of which is the name given at birth.

Many mothers, when they first see their child, call him by his name, which immediately comes to mind when looking at the baby. This is an inexplicable fact that men least of all understand, but at such moments they agree to everything.

Other families choose a name for the child in advance, depending on their nationality, ancestral roots, or just the one that they like the most.

Boys - representatives of the stronger sex, along with the name, receive some kind of parting word in life. In order not to be mistaken, give the child the opportunity to participate in the choice of his name. How to do it? Simply - read to the baby who is still in the tummy, all the names you have chosen, and the one on which you get a powerful push may become the chosen one.

The most beautiful male names

The most beautiful Old Church Slavonic names:

Old Russian names are considered no less beautiful:

With the arrival of Orthodoxy in our country, names also came to us with Latin, Jewish and Greek roots. Among them you will find both unusual options and those familiar to the Russian ear for a long time.

Beautiful male names by month according to the church calendar

According to the rules of Orthodoxy, the name of the child must be given according to the church calendar, based on the date of birth of the baby. Every day the church honors the saints whose names are on the calendar.

When a newborn is named and subsequently baptized, then new soul the human acquires its own saint - the guardian angel. As a result, the baby has a date of birth (Birthday) and a date of veneration for his saint (Angel's Day). Ideally, these dates should be the same.

Beautiful Russian male names

Do not lose their positions of popularity and are considered truly beautiful at any time such Russian male names as:

  • Alexander - name of Greek origin. Saints three times a year - March 8, August 25, December 6. Direct meaning - a strong defender of all people on earth.
  • Andrey - Slavic name with a powerful meaning "brave" and "courageous".
  • Artem - a name of Greek origin, prophesies strong and impeccable health to its owner.
  • Vladislav - abbreviated Vlad, has Slavic origin... Means predominance over fame; boys with this name already in childhood are distinguished by a contradictory character.
  • Daniel - the name came from the Bible. Means obedience and justice. Men with this name are distinguished by calmness, poise and honesty.
  • Kirill - the name has its roots in Ancient Greece, it was from there that it came to us, being reborn from the name Cyrus (lord). Children with this name easily perceive all the parting words of adults, it is easy for them to study at school, communicate with peers.
  • Maksim - comes from Maximus (Roman generic name). The owners of this name are creative people. V Everyday life the name sounds nice even in an abbreviated form - Max.
  • Michael - one of the few names associated with the Almighty. The name means - the messenger of God. Children with this name are balanced, serious and purposeful. Has a beautiful simplified version - Misha.
  • Nikita old name meaning "winner". This name often appears in fairy tales and stories, it is considered beautiful and popular.
  • Rostislav - "increasing glory", in abbreviated form Rostik.
  • Stepan - "crown", a man-conqueror. This concerns the attention of the mother, location at work, relationships with women.
  • Yaroslav - a name that was carried by 16 Russian princes. The meaning is "holder of glory."

Fashionable vintage male names

Today, many families want to give their child an unusual old name that will make them stand out from the crowd and make them special.

Top 10 trendy vintage names

  1. Daniel / Danil. According to statistics, 419 boys out of 10 thousand born are called by this name.
  2. Dmitriy - 411/10 thousand newborn boys.
  3. Ivan - 356/10 thousand newborn boys
  4. Egor - 311/10 thousand newborn boys
  5. Nikita - 296/10 thousand newborn boys
  6. Gordey - 251/10 thousand newborn boys
  7. Fedor - 198/10 thousand newborn boys
  8. Savely - 112/10 thousand newborn boys
  9. Seraphim - 59/10 thousand newborn boys
  10. Nikolay 41/10. thousand newborn boys

Unusual and rare male names

Everyone's familiar Kolya, Sasha, Lesha, Petya, Slava can hardly be called rare, since people with such names are encountered quite often. Demand for unusual and rare names now it is very tall, as many want to distinguish children from the crowd, moreover, calling the child “not like everyone else” has become very fashionable in 2017.

We offer you a list of the most unusual and rare male names.

  • Aaron, Augustine, Avda, Abner, Avid, Autonomus, Avtius, Adrian, Alfy, Anuvius, Bacchus, Barlaam, Basilisk, Benjamin, Vivian, Vsevolod, Eudokim, Eustathius, Hezekiah, Ellius, Ephraim, Eros.
  • Zechariah, Zeno, Jacob, Jason, Ignat, Eli, Job, Zhdan, Zlatomir, Innokenty, Karp, Kamil, Kirik, Klim, Kuzma, Lev, Lawrence, Milan, Marat, Macarius, Mark, Methodius, Myron.
  • Nolan, Naum, Neon, Nestor, Noah, Onisy, Orion, Peacock, Paphnutius, Pelius, Plato, Radislav, Richard, Robert, Romil, Said, Samuel, Simeon, Solomon, Socrates, Stephen, Sultan, Elman, Emil, Theogenes, Theophanes, Philemon, Khariton, Christopher, Yuvenaly, Yaropolk.

Muslim male names: how to name a child beautifully?

  • Not calling the child a name that is associated with despots, tyranny, or in its meaning has notes of self-praise and hints of success. For example, Yasar, Aflah, Khalik and the like.
  • Children are recommended to be named after the prophets, whose grace will have a positive effect on the life of the owner.

Popular foreign male names: English and American

In our country, it is not uncommon to hear how a mother calls her son. foreign name... Perhaps this family has its roots abroad, or maybe they just decided to stand out from the crowd.

V America people very often name their children after their father or grandfather, but special attention is paid to the consonance of the name and surname. The meaning of the chosen name is also important for Americans, this people firmly believes that the whole life of the baby depends on the name given at birth.

Popular American names

V England name popularity is tracked annually. Moreover, it will not be difficult to find lists of the most beautiful male names. The national statistical office of this country puts out statistics by name for free access. We propose to consider a list of popular English names based on statistical data that were collected from 1905 to 2017.

Beautiful Tatar male names

Tatar names sound melodious and beautiful, it often happens that parents independently add their own invented prefix or ending to an existing name. Thus, new Tatar names.

These people pay special attention to the pronunciation of the name - the simpler and clearer, the better. But, the roots of the Tatar names are quite strong. The basis of male names lies with Arab and Muslim roots.

Beautiful Tatar boy names

Armenian male names: the most beautiful options

Have Armenian people a very rich history, this could not but be reflected in their names. Among the Armenian names one can find not only ancient national names, but also borrowed from the Persians and Turks. Now it is difficult to separate them, since the influence of other peoples has adapted to the maximum extent to the Armenian dialect beyond recognition: only looking into the past can one say for sure whether it is a national name or a borrowed one.

We offer to consider the most popular and beautiful Armenian names for future men.

List of the most handsome modern male names

We offer to consider the most beautiful modern names according to the residents of the Russian Federation.

  • Alexander
  • Andrey
  • Arkady
  • Bohdan
  • Vladlen
  • Vyacheslav
  • Hermann
  • Denis
  • Dmitriy
  • Egor
  • Ignat
  • Ilya
  • Konstantin
  • a lion
  • Leonid
  • Makar
  • Michael
  • Naum
  • Nikita
  • Rodion
  • novel
  • Rostislav
  • Svyatoslav
  • Spartacus
  • Semyon
  • Stepan
  • Tikhon
  • Philip
  • Julian
  • Yaroslav

In the list of the most beautiful names, according to the inhabitants of our country, the main percentage is occupied by Slavic names familiar to the Russian people, but there are also borrowed from other nations.

Popularity statistics for 2016

  1. Ivan forgotten name for a couple of decades, it again began to gain momentum in popularity.
  2. Alexander - has been in the top three most popular names for several years already.
  3. Dmitriy - just like Alexander, he maintains his popularity, constantly being at least 10th position from year to year.
  4. Nikita - became widespread about 10 years ago, then this name fell for the first time in the top 20 according to the statistics of the registry office, now it is observed rapid growth popularity of this name.
  5. Ilya - a biblical name, this name gained great popularity among religious parents.

The meanings of beautiful male names

In addition to all of the above names, the following are also considered beautiful and popular:

  • Adam - has a Hebrew beginning, meaning - "firstborn"
  • Adolf - has a Germanic root, means "nobility", "wolf"
  • Anatoly - "eastern"
  • Arkady - Greek beginning "blessed"
  • Arseny - from Greek "strong"
  • Vsevolod - "owning the world"
  • Hector - a very powerful name, means "God is my strength"
  • George - "earthy"
  • Hermann - has a Latin beginning, "blood"
  • David - "long-awaited"
  • Yevsey - Greek "spiritual"
  • Efim - also distinguished by Greek roots, "pious"
  • Igor - strong name, means "strength and strength of spirit"
  • Karim - Arabic roots, "generous"
  • Kuzma - greek tamer
  • a lion - the name speaks for itself, "the main one is the king of beasts"
  • Naum - "consoling"
  • Matvey - "a gift from God"
  • Micah - "equal to higher powers"
  • Oleg - came to us from Scandinavia, "sacred"
  • Ramon - has a Spanish beginning, means "skillful defender"
  • Ruslan - "Lion Heart"
  • Robert - "forever glorifying"
  • Savva - Aramaic "wisdom of an old man"
  • Sergey - oddly enough, the name familiar to the Russian people originated in the Roman Empire and was considered an indicator of the bearer of the generic name.
  • Timofey - "praising God"
  • Timur - "powerful"
  • Fedor - "a gift from God"
  • Thomas - has Hebrew roots, means "twin"
  • Christopher - "praising God"
  • Edward - Germanic name which means "waiting for wealth"
  • Emil - as well as Sergei among the Romans was considered a symbolic distinction belonging to a high family.
  • Yang - "God's gift"

The main thing is that in an effort to name your child unusual, which is very fashionable now, think first about how your child will live with this "unique" name. Wouldn't it be a problem? Maybe you should pay attention to the rich list of Russian male names familiar to the ears of the people?

An interesting fact is that the name carries information not only about the character, but also about the future of the child. Each name has its own specific vibrations that our ears do not perceive. But this is what in the future affects the character, fate, health and abilities of the child. How stronger name, the more their child can be realized. The name is a kind of box with energy that parents give from birth.

In almost every family, after or before the birth of a child, there are disputes about what to name the baby. And this is quite normal. After all, all parents want well-being for their child, and therefore give their children unusual names.

An important word in the life of every person

When parents choose an unusual name for a boy, first of all, they want it to sound beautiful, reflect family traditions and be fashionable. But this choice of name is not always successful. The most pleasant sound in every person's life is their own name. It has a certain magic power that defines our future

How our ancestors chose the name

The ancestors took the name very seriously. To give unusual names for boys, you had to adhere to some rules and prohibitions:

You cannot give the name of still living grandfathers or grandmothers.

You cannot call a child by the name of a person who lives with him in the same house. There was a belief that people with the same names have one guardian angel who may not have time to save one of the namesakes, and one of them will surely die.

You shouldn't give the child the name of the parents. Of course, the advantages of the baby are doubled from this, but do not forget about the shortcomings. But for girls, there was an exception. If only girls were born to a woman, then in order for an heir to appear in the family, it was necessary to give the last daughter the name of the mother.

There is no need to name the child by the name of a person who suffered from any disabilities, drug addiction or alcoholism.

If the deceased grandparents of the child were lucky or happy, then it was permissible to name the baby after them.

Unusual Arabic names

An unusual name for a boy is rare in Arab countries. Most often, names are given in honor of sacred people. But for people of other nationalities, such options sound beautiful and interesting.

Aydar is a name of Turkic origin, which translates as "lunar". A child with that name will grow up to be hardworking and strong spirit... Qualities such as attentiveness and sociability will help him achieve success in life. Also, there will be a little pride in him, it is not advisable to fall under his hot hand. To connect life with him, a girl must have a strong spirit.

Ibrahim - This name is believed to be the Arabic version of the Hebrew name Abraham. If you have chosen such an unusual name for a boy, then be sure that the child will grow up very agile and stubborn. As a child, he is a serious boy who loves to spend time reading books. Such children are proud and often difficult to communicate with. They are characterized by such qualities as intelligence, prudence and honesty. If you find with him general theme, then he will be an excellent conversationalist.

Ramiz - Arabic name in translation means "symbol". It is no longer included in the unusual names for boys. The modern Muslim family quite often gives such a name to a child. The most important thing for a baby in this case is seriousness and restraint. As he grows up, he will develop a good sense of humor. The owners of this name have good intuition, so most often they are self-confident. V family life this is a very sensitive and kind partner. Sometimes he closes himself off from the world, but in case of trouble he is always ready to help people.

Another unusual name for a boy is Tamerlane. It has Turkic origin... In fact, this is a rather heavy name and not every boy will be able to endure its energy. As a child, the child is indecisive and kind. But it is during this period that he will show his ingenuity and ability to respond to unexpected situations. Among his peers, he will always be an authority. The gullible child who will never betray friendship.

These are not all unusual names for boys. Modern Muslim families also prefer to call their children the following interesting options: Sabur, Faik, Khezir, Shukran, Yasin, Ikhlas, Jamal, Daut, Batu, Ansar.

Slavic names

Unusual Russian names for boys are now also not uncommon. The time has long passed when parents called their children Ivan and Petka. The interpretation of the names given below is taken from Kabbalistic philosophy.

Boleslav - name Jewish origin and translates as "hearer". Has good physical characteristics since childhood. This is very active child and a fighter. By nature, he is an extrovert, which means he is open to the world. But sometimes secretive and calculating. Always strives to be the first. He takes any failure to heart and suffers it rather hard. In family life, this is an affectionate, but at the same time demanding father.

Demid is a beautiful and rare name translated as "God's thought". Parents who have chosen such a name for a child need to prepare for the fact that they will have to raise a very developed boy. Attention must be paid to moral and mental education. In childhood it will be calm child... But as soon as he gets to know the kids a little older, he becomes the life of the party. Difficult career will help to overcome such a quality as hard work. In any work, Demid will be a leader, which means that it will not be left without the attention of his superiors.

Kasian - translated as "empty". A child with this name has the following positive traits: determination, courage, assertiveness and strength. The listed qualities, supplemented by intelligence, will make the child a leader who will always lend a helping hand. He is complex by nature. If, on the one hand, he is hardworking and honest, then on the other, he is a dreamer. He is always in search of beauty and harmony. V love affairs appreciates loyalty, so do not deceive him.

Here are some more unusual names for boys that are rarely found at the present time: Nikodim, Savva, Trifon, Fadey, Cheslav.

Most patriotic boy names

Interesting and patriotic names began to appear after the revolution. For example, the name Pofistal was translated as the winner of fascism I. Stalin, Perkosrak - the first space rocket, Yururvkos - Yura, Ur in space. Original, isn't it?

The most unusual names in the world

A family from America named their triplet girls quite interesting names- Mu, Gu and Wu. Another family from Chicago named their children after the diseases Meningitis and Laryngitis. It should be noted that it is Americans who love to give children strange and unusual names for boys. Modern options are simply not interesting to them.

A specific program name

According to Russian tradition, our name consists of 3 important parts:

Name - has essential for each person, which must be realized throughout life;

The generic name in the form of a patronymic - carries only information about genes and determines the child's belonging to a certain genus;

The name is clan, that is, the surname - the more common the surname, the harder it is to gain charisma.

Unusual boy names. List of interesting names from around the world

Name popularity

Today, parents, when choosing a name for their baby, follow the so-called fashion. There is nothing wrong with this, because the main thing is that the name goes well with the surname and patronymic.

Nowadays, the names of boys are unusual, beautiful and rare, and all because they were once forgotten and only now have returned to fashion. And do not despair when you find out that in kindergarten there are already several children who are named the same as your child. It is important to believe that your little one will be proud to bear this name.

Often in a family where a male baby is expected, one of the most difficult problems becomes the choice of the name. Now they choose names for boys with a slightly "foreign" sound, and traditional Russians. But in any case, the choice should be weighed, depending on many criteria.

The most important thing

In pursuit of the best or prettiest of names, it is important not to miss the main thing:

  • When choosing a name for a boy who will continue to give birth and protect family clan, it is important that in the future it becomes the basis of a good euphonious patronymic for grandchildren.
  • Rare, strange, funny, meaningless boy names are negatively perceived by society. For example, the name of the hero of your favorite TV series can become the object of ridicule of a child in school and kindergarten.
  • Psychologists advise against naming a child after a father. In addition to the everyday inconvenience with coincidence, this can be the cause of the nervous disorders of the future heir.

In honor of relatives

A peculiar tradition to name a boy as a sign of respect, gratitude, love for someone is an interesting idea. But will the owner of the name himself like it in the future? Here are some examples after whom male children are often named:

  • A relative. It can be a dear grandfather, uncle, beloved godfather of one of the parents. Why not? The child will be the darling of a beloved relative, an object of care and protection.
  • Deceased relative. Not the most best idea for superstitious parents. So it was customary among the people that a newborn in this case, on a subconscious level, will copy all the character traits and the fate of the deceased.

A child can be named after a man - an obstetrician who safely delivered childbirth, or any other person who once gave a helping hand, who played an important role in the fate of the father or mother of the unborn child. In any case, the decision must be balanced, agreed upon by both the father and the mother.


The time of year when the birth of a child is planned affects the fate and character of the newborn.

Consider the names of boys born in different seasons:

  • Winter. Arseny, Mikhail, Pavel, Alexey, Semyon, Valentin. Soft and calm names are necessary for a kind of compensation for the stubborn, strong, strong-willed nature of winter men.
  • Spring. Here, more solid sounding will do, because spring children rarely have a lively character. To future child he was always confident in himself, he can be called Oscar, Boris, Timur, Viktor, Gleb.
  • Summer. Active, proud, summer men love risk and freedom. Short, courageous ones are suitable for these people: Gleb, Roman, Denis, Anton, Mark.
  • Autumn. Balanced realists, born in the fall, trust few people. The smart and calm boys of this time of year need sonorous names claiming attention: Nikolai, Sergei, Peter, Felix, German, Cyril.

Surname and patronymic

Parents who are sorting out names for a boy need to think about the euphony of the name in combination with the patronymic and surname of the child. Important role have consonants. These can be predominantly voiced or voiceless consonants. The name must contain the same consonant sounds as in the middle name or surname. For example, Matvey Semenovich Ivanov (predominance of noisy consonants) or Andreev Viktor Borisovich (solid consonants).

This combination is considered pleasing to the ear and pronunciation, and also makes communication with the owner easy and convenient. Many believe that short names boy are more suited to long surnames and vice versa.

It is fashionable

Calling a boy in a fashionable way is the choice of many modern parents who keep up with the times. Each New Year rich in an abundance of popular male names.

Which ones are relevant in the mid-2010s?

  • Benedict,
  • Arthur,
  • Adam,
  • Hermann,
  • Walter,
  • David,
  • Ignat,
  • Rudolf,
  • Plato,
  • Taras.

Fashionable ones are often outdated, long forgotten, for example, Khariton, Clement, Zakhar. In an effort to pay tribute to fashion, it is important not to overdo it and not call the boy too funny, difficult or strange.

According to the church calendar

A little time has passed since then, when all the children were named according to their name days in church calendar... Such a calendar told parents about male names for a newborn. To this day, it is believed that a boy named according to the calendar will have good health, a successful job and happy family... Unfortunately, such a calendar has a limited number of names that modern spouses might like.

According to the value

Each name translated from various ancient languages ​​has a special characteristic, meaning. When choosing a name for a boy, parents often want to invest certain qualities in the future heir:

  • Andrey is courageous.
  • Boris is a struggling person.
  • Leo is intelligence and foresight.
  • Nikita is victorious. An excellent choice for the future athlete.
  • The novel is a favorite of women.
  • Peter - independence, conviction.
  • Sergey - perfect father and spouse.
  • Tikhon is a lucky person.
  • Constantine is constancy.

Valery, Vitaly - those names that personify health and fortitude. Anton is a competitive person who struggles with difficulties. So it is advised to call weak or premature babies, so that the magic of the name gives the boys vitality and strengthens their health.

Important points

Names for boys can be beautiful, short, old, double, foreign.

But, among other things, when choosing, attention should be paid to the following points:

  • Nationality. Many families where spouses are representatives of different nationalities have difficulty choosing what to name their child. It is important to think about this in advance, find a compromise and take into account the nationality of the future baby. This will allow you to avoid further marital disagreements and grievances.
  • Diminutive form of the name. This form should not irritate, cause irony, be too difficult to pronounce.
  • Place of residence. Prim, refined, rare names for boys are inappropriate in small villages with a predominance of traditional views on life. Marseille, Alfredo, Antonio, Emmanuel will be more harmoniously perceived by the society of megalopolises.


An approximate alphabetical list of popular boy names:

  • August, Augustine, Aurora, Agap, Adam, Aksyon, Alevtin, Alexander, Alexey, Alexy, Albert, Anastasiy, Anatoly, Anvar, Andrey, Andron, Anisim, Antip, Anton, Antonin, Aristarchus, Arkady, Arseny, Artamon, Artyom, Artemy, Arthur, Arkhip, Askold, Afanasy, Afinogen.

  • Boris, Bogdan, Borislav.
  • Vadim, Valentin, Valery, Valerian, Vasily, Vaclav, Velimir, Velor, Veniamin, Vikenty, Victor, Vilen, Vitaly, Vlad, Vladimir, Vladislav, Vladlen, Vlas, Vlasiy, Volodar, Voldemar, Vsevolod, Vyacheslav.
  • Gabriel, Gabrila, Gaidar, Gaspar, Guy, Genius, Gennady, George, Herman, Hermogenes, Gleb, Count, Gregory.
  • Dan, Daniel, David, Danila, Dar, Dementy, Demid, Democrat, Demyan, Denis, Didim, Dean, Dmitry, Dimitri, Dobrynya, Donat, Dorofey.
  • Eugene, Evgraf, Evdokim, Evlampy, Evlogiy, Evsei, Evstafy, Yegor, Elizar, Eleazar, Elisey, Emelyan, Epifan, Eremey, Ermak, Ermil, Ermolai, Erofei, Efim, Ephrem.
  • Zhdan.
  • Zakhar, Zinovy, Zoriy, Zot.
  • Ivan, Ignat, Igor, Izyaslav, Iy, Illarion, Ilya, Innokenty, Joseph, Ippolit, Iskander, Iriny, Julius.
  • Casimir, Kapiton, Kai, Kaspar, Kim, Kir, Cyril, Claudius, Clementy, Klim, Kondraty, Kondrat, Constantine, Krasnoslav, Kuzma.

  • Laurus, Lawrence, Lazar, Larion, Leo, Leonid, Leonty, Leopold, Lermont, Fox, Luke, Lukyan, Lyubim.
  • May, Makar, Max, Maxim, Maximilian, Marin, Markel, Mars, Marseille, Manuel, Martyn, Martin, Matvey, Methodius, Mecheslav, Milad, Milen, Miloslav, Mir, Miron, Miroslav, Mikhail, Mitya, Mstislav.
  • Naum, Neonil, Nestor, Nikanor, Nikita, Nikifor, Nikodim, Nikolay, Nikon, Nil, Novomir.
  • October, Oleg, Olgerd, Onisim, Osip, Oscar, Ostap, Ostromir.
  • Pavel, Panteleimon, Panfil, Paramon, Pakhom, Peresvet, Peter, Platon, Potap, Prozor, Prokofy, Prokhor.
  • Radislav, Radomir, Rodion, Roman, Rolan, Rostislav.
  • Savely, Samson, Light, Svetlan, Svetozar, Svetoslav, Svyatogor, Svyatoslav, Sever, Severyan, Semyon, Seraphim, Sergei, Sidor, Slava, Spartak, Spiridon, Stali, Stanislav, Stepan, Stepan.
  • Timur, Timofey, Telnan, Terenty, Tikhomir, Tikhon, Trifon, Trofim, Tunguz, Taras.
  • Ulyan, Ustin.
  • Fadey, February, Fedor, Fedor, Theodor, Theodosius, Theophanes, Filaret, Filat, Philemon, Philip, Thomas, Frol.

  • Khariton, Brave.
  • Caesar.
  • Cheslav. Schmidt
  • Edgar, Oedipus, Edmund, Edward, El, Elbrus, Engel, Energies, Erasmus, Erast, Erg, Erius, Eric.
  • Julian, Julius, Hume, Jupiter, Yuri, Justin.
  • Jacob, Yan, Yaromir, Yarodan, Yaroslav.

But which one should you choose?

Based on the month of birth, because depending on this, the boy may have special character traits.

  • January. Independent person, devoted friend... Has difficulty accepting important decisions... The names Ilya, Ivan, Maxim, Philip, Georgy, Artem, Trofim are suitable.
  • February. The male representative of this month is a sensitive, vulnerable nature. He is a caring father, a scrupulous worker. Fedor, Stepan, Gennady, Leonty, Alexander, Egor, Efrem, Savva, Luka.

  • March boys are optimists and merry people, they are not afraid of difficulties. Pavel, Julian, Mark, Denis, Benedict, Irakli, Alexey.
  • April are mobile and light natures that do not stand in one place. They crave change. Loyal to the women they love. Zakhar, Thomas, Innocent, Antip, Polycarp, Rodion, Aristarchus, Samson.
  • May. An energetic and conflict-free person. Beloved fun companies... Dmitry, Egor, Fedot, Pavel, Pakhom, Afanasy, Vsevolod.
  • June. The boy of this month is an extremely successful person, and in the future he will be an authoritative person with good health. Ignatius, Sergei, Konstantin, Vladimir, Nazar, Igor, Mstislav, Karp.
  • July. This is a human leader, an organizer. She will never regret the past, clearly planning all her actions. Gleb, Julian, Roman, Yakov, Vasily, Daniil, Gury, Stanislav.
  • Augustowski. This boy knows how to keep secrets, is principled and loyal. Roman, Semyon, Makar, Naum, Nikolay, Dmitry, Frol, Markel.
  • September. It's never boring with the men of this month. They always have a lot of ideas in stock, conflict-free. Andrey, Fadey, Zakhar, Kirill, Khariton, Valery, Pimen, Arkady.

  • October. Gambling, enterprising natures. They take everything from life. Oleg, David, Vlad, Mark, Grigory, Nikita, Ignat, Demyan.
  • November. Dreamy and romantic representatives of this month are rarely correctly understood by the environment. The names of the boys in November: Ivan, Artem, Victor, Orest, Yuri, Osip, Taras, Nestor, Philip.
  • December. Inside these men there is an ocean of passions, but an ardent nature is hidden under the mask of cold indifference. They trust others a little. Zakhar, Roman, Mikhail, Maxim, Lev, Pavel, Spiridon, Semyon, Filaret, Modest.

So, the choice of how to name the boy must be approached with all responsibility so that the future man is proud and not ashamed of his name.