Travel by car in the Crimea Plan. How much to go to the Crimea by car: travel time

Travel by car in the Crimea Plan. How much to go to the Crimea by car: travel time
Travel by car in the Crimea Plan. How much to go to the Crimea by car: travel time

So, you and your family decided to go to the Crimea by car. Leaving politics aside, an excellent choice - not only because it is available, but also because in the Crimea - cool. And traveling to the Crimea by car - steeply doubly. Here is an instruction that will travel easy and memorable.

Let's start with those who have never been to the Crimea. There are such a lot, because somehow a generation has grown imperceptibly, under the word "resort" perceiving only Turkey and Egypt. And someone, on the contrary, went to the Krasnodar region all his life, considering a trip to the Crimea too complicated due to the border crossing. Well, the borders are no longer there, and foreign resorts are either too expensive, or potentially dangerous due to terrorist threat. In short, you went to the Crimea ...

1. Choose a place in the shower

Immediately forget about lying by the pool, animators, a buffet and all this "all inclusive". In Crimea, the attitude to this is the same "primitive", as in the Krasnodar Territory: everything is there, but for big money. And people, in general, go to the Crimea not behind it. They go here behind the sun, air and sea, greens, fruits, walks, discoveries - that is, for the atmosphere.

A special feature is that the peninsula is very small and at the same time very different. If you decide to do something except for lying on the beach (really a heavy solution), and a small trip in Crimea, the peninsula will repeatedly surprise you, waking up completely new and at the same time completely different sensations. For the East Crimea, where the plain gradually passes into the picturesque rocky serpentine Koktebel and the new light, absolutely not similar to the Western Crimea with its extensive steppes and the beauty of Sevastopol and Balaclava. And it is also a very mansion worth the southern bank or a skirt, where Ai-Petri, Yalta, Foros, a huge number of tourist routes, the perfect combination of mountain and sea air and a rusty of subtropical vegetation.

Sand beaches a bit (in the east in the area of \u200b\u200bFeodosia and in the west behind Sevastopol), mostly pebbles, but if desired, his "perfect beach" can find anyone. In places with a large number of hotels "First Line" passage to the beach for everyone, besides guests of these hotels, often paid (50-100 rubles per person).

However, there are enough places in the Crimea, where close to the water, ending with an almost deserted beach, are not suitable for fashionable hotels, but small villages, in which there must be mini-hotels, guest houses and accommodation in the private sector. One day resting in a certain place, you will almost certainly want to go back there again.

People in Crimea is simple and open. Residents of seaside cities for the most part live exclusively tourism and try to render maximum hospitality, realizing that they have to literally fight with the neighboring Krasnodar Territory.

2. Subseparable with the budget

The approximate budget of rest in the Crimea by car for the family is about 100,000 rubles.

A car trip to the Crimea for a couple of weeks a team of two adults and two children will cost you in the amount of about 100,000 rubles - this is how to keep in mind the month of June, the current prices for gasoline (Crimean gasoline costs about the same as the rest of the Russian), the road in 4 000 - 5,000 kilometers, ferry crossing in two ends (about it a little below), two-room suite with amenities, TV and Wi-Faim, but five minutes walk from the sea. For the same money you can find housing and closer to the beach, but it should not be for sure to book in the city center - it will almost certainly be more expensive, and not a fact that it is better than somewhere in the suburbs.

Book housing through large thematic sites with good feedback, with a detailed description of the place and photographs. In advance, consider the area in which you are going to live, through watching street panoramas in Google or Yandex-maps - sometimes it makes it in the root to revise the attitude to the almost selected option and choose much more suitable for convenience and money.

It is noticeable to save the budget of breakfasts and / or dinners prepared by their own in the kitchen or mangal in the yard, so it makes sense to clarify their availability when armor the housing. And, of course, the amount indicated here is a very exemplary, which gives only a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe order of numbers, but it is clear that in August it will be more expensive (thousands of 30-40), and the two and "savages" - on the contrary, much cheaper.

3.Close the car, check the documents

In this point we have elementary things, but you know, all mistakes in this world are stupid. For example, with a driver's license for people periodically different strange things happen: then the rights will remain at home, then the validity of them will end right on the trip, then what else ... in short, once again.

Check before the trip, in the car should be:

  • Tools (okay, let's not hold, but take at least a baloon star)
  • Jack
  • "Outlet"
  • Aid kit
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Check before the trip, you must have:
  • Rights
  • Registration certificate
  • Policy Osago
  • Casco (if insure).

Check the expiration date or validity period from everything that it is: a first-aid kit, fire extinguisher, driver's license, CASC, CASCO. If passengers ride in the back of the cabin, it makes sense to toned windows - taking into account the hot and bright southern sun, this measure will not hurt even if there is an air conditioner.

4. Plan a road

It is impossible to predict more than worth it all that is waiting for you on the roads of Russia towards the Crimea. If on the Internet someone two weeks ago wrote that it was repaired on this site, then by now, as you understand, it may not be true.

Conversely: "The perfect road" of a monthly prescription can turn into a rather broken surface or into a stunned "repair area". Therefore, you just need to be ready for everything and proceed from the fact that in conditions close to ideal, you can cover about 1,000 kilometers per day.

If the drivers are more than one, kilometer can be increased, but you should not abuse it if you are traveling with children and / or pets - on the road they need more frequent rest than you. For the same reason, it is worth making "pit stops" - stops to rest and warm up. A good schedule for beginner travelers is this: Movement for 2 hours 45 minutes, then stop for 15 minutes.

You have an automotive kit already in order (see paragraph 3), but in addition to medicines, you need to have a separate "campaign" first-aid kit, where in addition to commonly used drugs will be individual, possibly necessary to someone from travelers. Take on board a sufficient amount of drinking water from the calculation of 1 liter per person - this is definitely enough to arrive in the minimarket at refueling.

As a "snack" will not be superfluous kefir or drinking yogurt, as well as apples and bananas. For lunch, it is better to stay in those roadside cafes, where there are several trucks - truckers eat only where it is good, tasty, a lot and inexpensively prepare, even if it looks like a muddy hubar.

Get up for overnight stays better before dark until the motels are clearly seen from the road and there are exactly available in them. And even count the time of your arrival at the place of rest: it is possible that you will approach you will be late in the evening or at night, and your room is released only the next day. It makes sense to discuss this moment with the party and either agree on overnight in another room (which is quite real), or spend the night somewhere in the neighborhood, or change the schedule of the trip ... However, everything described in this point is the auto-job tips in general. Go to the Crimean Realities.

5. Cash with you

Pay in stores, cafes, restaurants or hotels with Visa or Master Card cards in the Crimea now does not constitute problems, although last year, let's say, the visa was unreal (how to remove the money from it). But it is still inconvenient from maps of Russian banks. This is due to the fact that many banks after 2014 left the Crimea and did not return to this moment (in particular, there are no Sberbank ATM on the territory of the peninsula), and most of the banks located in the Crimea are taken for the removal of funds from the Russian Card Commission in the amount of 2-5% of the amount.

However, there is a way out: to make money from any Russian map more convenient in departments and ATMs, do not consider advertising, the Russian National Commercial Bank. This is a Russian bank with a head office in Moscow and about 300 branches in the Crimea. The commission for removing money from any third-party bank of the RNCB will not take you, and in this plus. The commission will certainly be on the part of your bank, but it is not too large: in the case of Sberbank, for example, it is 1%, but not less than 100 rubles - that is, it makes sense to shoot the amount from 10,000 rubles. Or just bring with you enough cash to do not think about ATMs at all.

6. Buy a ticket to the ferry in advance

On the way to the Crimea, you come to the village of Ilyich in the Krasnodar Territory, and then the ferry crossing over the Kerch Strait on the peninsula is waiting for you. Carriage of the car will cost you 1,700 rubles, from each adult, they take 150 rubles from each adult, from 6 to 12 years old - 80 rubles, and children up to 6 years drive free (prices at the time of writing material, check them on .

If the ferry does not work on "actual weather", which happens in the storm and can delay you for a long time (however, it rarely happens), then the entire proliferation procedure will take you no more than two hours. Now with this everything is much better than a couple of years ago. And the queue for downloading, paperwork and departure from the ferry will take you to the lion's dolly of time - the journey throughout the water lasts about 30-40 minutes.

But the "undesirable" time can be possible if you do not cut, then optimize. After all, it is much more pleasant to stand in a queue for the design of documents and the purchase of tickets (the procedure takes from 10 to 40 minutes), but to drive at the ferry immediately, taking a convenient place for the car (the first to go to the first and leaving) and seeding the family at the windows on the covered deck.

To do this, you need to buy tickets for or through the State Pond. Come on or download the application, register, make up a trip, pay for the Visa, Master Card or Maestro card, go to your personal account, print a ticket and place it at the entrance to the ferry along with documents on passengers and a car.

Despite the fact that about 60% of tickets are now sold electronic way, the queue of "electronics" goes much faster, for they do not need to "stand in the window", and you just have to show the ticket and documents checking the car. Ferries go every hour, and have a ticket formed in advance there is a chance to leave on what sails before.

The only subtle moment is that if you are driving from afar, you need to more or less represent when you find yourself at the crossing to be guaranteed to get into a stipulated time interval registration (time slot), which is six hours; Otherwise, you will have to engage in the exchange of the ticket. The site has a great section "Questions and Answers", which clarifies literally everything.

7. Decide what you want to see Crimea

We have already said that in the Crimea is full of all interesting and ride around the surroundings will not be superfluous. Moreover, the whole Crimea is, in fact, the neighborhood: the distance to the points you are interested in in the opposite side of the peninsula can be a maximum of 200-250 km.

However, note that, most likely, it will not be those 250 kilometers, to which you are accustomed to the central part of Russia: there are few direct routes in the Crimea, much more - mountain and coastal serpentines. If desired, you can create a longer route, moving around the perimeter of the peninsula along the coast. Then the journey can be stretched for a week, overwhelming every time in a new place, combining autotourism with small shades in the sea on the boat, because to some attractions it is logical and more interesting to get exactly.

Here, let's say, than not the perfect route - on the winery of the Crimea: you start in the new light, exacerbate in Massandra and, if you will allow, (and most importantly, if health) "lacquer" in Inkerman. But it is necessary either to go without children and with non-drinking friend, or somehow negotiate with his wife.

Well, if seriously, the places you want to visit in Crimea, of course, you can choose, already being on vacation, but it is better to do it in advance - until the moment when you lie in a seal on the beach and do not want anywhere.

8. Beware of thieves

Unfortunately, there is such a topic: in small settlements, robes of autotourists. For example, in the village of Ordzhonikidze (local names of His Ordzho), generally very nice and picturesque, local rogues, trite sowing the bushes, "prize" in the parking lot a suitable car with non-numbers while the owner enjoys the view or bathes, beat the glass, open the door And dragged everything that drags.

In cities, this does not happen, and in general, the criminal situation in Crimea is safe, but in suspicious little places it is better not to experiment with fortune. If there is no secure parking nearby, there is almost always an option to leave someone from the car or simply do not stop where the area does not inspire confidence. It is also worth paying attention to roadside ads - sometimes warning words like "carefully open cars" conscious locals write paint directly on the asphalt.

9. Preparing for different roads in Crimea

When you go on a ferry on the peninsula, you will be in the suburbs of the city of Kerch. The track passes right through this city, and the roads there ... Russian. Well, then - in different ways. Somewhere the roads "killed" from the times of Ukraine, and somewhere already lies a new asphalt. Serpentine is good in the Koktebel area, as well as on the highway, what comes from Simferopol to the north, to Janko ... But the road from Feodosia to Simferopol last year was just beginning to be repaired and was a rattling mixture: plots with repairs on them, repaired new canvas And pieces of the track with a very old broken coating.

It is necessary to be prepared for what come across and very good, and simply the disgusting areas of the road canal. In addition, this year, the repairs started a year ago will certainly continue, so some directions may be simply blocked. However, the Crimea is very simple in terms of navigation, and the ability to choose the path of the object is always. And whatever way to you falls into the Crimea, know: you are not too long, but surely an exciting trip. Good luck!

In May, it is planned to launch a car movement in the Crimean Bridge, which will reduce the time on the way. How long does the road take and how much money signs are cooking on the road?

Summer is already on the nose, and it means that it is time to choose a route and destinations for vacation. If you restrict ourselves to the Russian leisure options, more and more interest causes ... yes, Crimea. It will be quite easy to get there in connection with the discovery of the bridge of the same name - the longest domestic structure of a length of 19 kilometers, which cost 227.9 billion rubles.

Benefits of the bridge before crossing

With the beginning of the movement on the bridge, it will be possible to forget about the roar of the Kerch crossing and loading on the ferry, more independently from its workload or weather popsises. Overcoming the water segment extended the path - the time of "swimming" occupied from 15-20 minutes and almost to a broken hour, not counting the timeout time of the ferry. Do not forget about the instructions of some travelers to book a ticket to the ship in advance, otherwise there is a risk of standing in line. Of course, now everything is not so bad as in 2014, when people stood on a crossing more than a day: now the vessels go more intense, and again there is an electronic queue.

However, sometimes the entire procedure from registration before arriving in the Crimea takes 40 minutes, and sometimes the account can go for hours. So with the opening of the bridge, it will allow "flying" a segment over the sea and not to be attached to the conditionally "rolling" place. In addition, the route can be revealed without taking into account the night, although to master the whole way without sleeping is not for all.

Where to stop for the night

The main route leading both in the Crimea, and in general to the south of the Motherland, is M-4 "Don". The distance from the capital to the bridge is about one and a half thousand kilometers. Some travelers who are able to absorb this distance, recommend to leave as early as possible, in order to come back to midnight to the crossing or - already soon! - To see the beginning of the Crimean Bridge. However, not all of us claim the "Iron Butt" reward (iron ass), so the road can be stretched. One of the options is to stay in Rostov-on-Don for the night, where the hotels are a buzz, but the prices are highest - on average about 2500 rubles per day. Or stay in one of the affordable hotels in Novocherkasska or get to Timashevsk. Here housing is less, but it is cheaper. Already from there, bypassing the Krasnodar, you can put forward in the Crimea with new forces. In general, hotels on the way to Crimea are extremely much and there is an opportunity to choose a point for every taste and wallet.

The travelers usually recommend these cities as a transshipment point due to the convenience of their location - it is worth making a march of the south-south-west, and after a few hours you are already on the crossing. Now, they will no longer have to be accustomed to the southern resorts, as it were, as it were, to get on the ferry is not afraid when machines are especially many, but in the early morning or at night.

Approximate cost of the way in 2018

Costs for hotels will be small, unlike "financing" of refueling stations. If the entire route from Moscow to the Crimea and back, taking into account the ride in the peninsula, take their pleasure for 4,000 kilometers with an average consumption of 95th gasoline, let's say, at 12 l / 100 km (we take into account the probability of traffic jams) and the cost of fuel in 42 rubles per liter In the end, there will be about 20 thousand rubles. If you have a diesel car with a large stroke stock and modest appetite, we can only rejoice.

For the night during the way, lay in the area of \u200b\u200b5 thousand rubles, although, of course, it can get cheaper. To judge the costs of products is difficult, for it depends on the appetites. Some travelers take food with a failure and save on food, others do not refuse themselves, making "raids" to roadside restaurants.

Refueling on the way

It is better to leave Moscow with a full tank and stop at refueling in regional centers on network stations - check the quality of fuel on your car, which offers small gas stations, is not recommended. Also consider that fuel prices in the Crimea approximately 1-2 rubles higher than on the "continent". It can be saved by refraining in the village "Ilyich" before ferry crossing, read, at the Crimean bridge. Arriving on the peninsula, do not be surprised by the unusual names "Atan", TPP and "Contemporary". These are large local refills and the mastered road advise them to refuel from them without fears.

It was accomplished: Finally, the Kerch bridge was opened, which is connected by the Krasnodar Territory Coast with the Peninsula Crimea. Now there are already cars on it.

The event is undoubtedly solemn - but what to do with it? The beach season is about to open, including on the coast of the Crimea. How to get to the bridge and ferry crossing? tells the guests of the Krasnodar Territory and local residents about routes to Crimea. By the way, it is worth considering that this year the guests of the peninsula have a unique opportunity to move around the bridge without obstacles in the form of heavy vehicles. Until October entry to the bridge. They will still use ferry crossing.

Six ways to Crimea in the territory of Kuban

The most impressive route in the length is the road along the M4 Dong highway towards Novorossiysk. From the city of the hero, you need to move onto the route Novorossiysk - Kerch, which on the maps is indicated as A290. The length of such a path is about 570 km (According to Yandex.Maps).

Another route, one of the shortest - It is followed by the M4 Dong highway to the 1159th km of the highway (to the village of Kislyakovskaya), where it is necessary to move to Timashevsk, and then - on the A290 track, which was previously said.

The third way, the most unloved by the Krasnodar, is actually through Krasnodar. To get to the entrance to the city, move to the east bypass, then - on Western. From him there is a congress on the Krasnodar highway - Verkhnebakansky (on the map it is A146), and from there you can already roll on the track Novorossiysk - Kerch. Let's just say, this path is not the longest way, but you need to be prepared for impressive Krasnodar traffic jams and not only. You will have to face the courners in the area of \u200b\u200bKrymsk and the village of Verkhnebakansky.

The fourth route runs in add up Krasnodar. Without reaching the regional center, it is necessary to turn on the segment of the track (on the map it is 1278th km) M4 "Don" in Korenovsk in the direction of Timashevsk, where the White White can go to the A290 highway, which will lead to the Crimean Bridge. This is one of short routes.

A little earlier, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Pavlovskaya, you can also collapse on Timashevsk And, in fact, repeat the previous route. There is no special difference in them. The only difference is that you will move along the speed highway to Korenovsk, and rolling on Pavlovskaya, immediately fall on restrictions up to 40-60 km per hour. That is, the difference in 60-70 km in time is leveled.

Finally - the shortest route. Having left the Rostov region, reach the 1145th km of the M4 Don route, where Kanevskaya should be turned onto the village of Kanevskaya (Rotate in the area of \u200b\u200bKushchevskaya Stanja, not to confuse). Then follow in the direction of Timashevsk and the white farm. After - to go to the route Novorossiysk - Kerch, which will lead to the Kerch bridge. On the highway A290 you need to move to new junction on the Taman Peninsula (Skip it is difficult), from which there are 40 km by car surcharge to the bridge. This path is the shortest mall in order, making up about 390 km.

Further, overcoming 19 km of the bridge, 7.5 of which are held over the sea, you get to the Kerch auto-order with a length of 8.6 km, and after - on the Tavrida route, which passes through the entire peninsula in its southern part.

Paid road to Crimea

All of the above routes concern entry into the Krasnodar region from the Rostov region, since the main flow of guests comes precisely in this direction. Moving on the highway M4 "Don", it is worth considering such a component as paid plots. We, that, moving from St. Petersburg to Krasnodar solely on a paid road, will have to pay about 1.5 thousand rubles in terminals. If we talk about the segment from Rostov-on-Don to Krasnodar, then the amount will be about 350 rubles, depending on the class of the car and the time of day. At night - cheaper.

We emphasize: You will give this money for the route Rostov-on-Don - Krasnodar, that is, it is two of the six proposed routes in the Crimea. In fact, the paid road is worth it - if your vacation budget implies additional spending. Smooth high-quality asphalt, no intersection, DPS posts and high-speed motorway regime can save time and nerves. And if you plan more than once a year to make trips on the highway, then the company "AVTODOR" offers to purchase a subscription that will save.

To get to the Crimea without paid plots

As for the alternative: from the Rostov region, it is necessary to travel through Azov, heading to Starominsk village. Then - through Kanevskaya, Bryukhovetsky and Timashevsk. It is worth considering high-speed limitations up to 40 km / h and not the most (gently say) the best quality of the road surface.

On the bridge it is worth paying attention to the observance of the rules of the road and, in particular, on the high-speed mode. For 19 km, there is more than a dozen cameras of photo and video defecation of traffic violations.

If you are going to the Crimea from the Stavropol, you should move along the R217 highway, through Nevinnomyssk and Maykop. Next, the choice will be as follows: either a little faster to drive to Taman through Krasnodar, Slavyansk-on-Kuban and Temryuk (about 530 km), or in the picturesque coast, through Hadayzhensk, Tuapse, Gelendzhik, Novorossiysk and Anapa. But it is worth considering that the second option is replete with traffic jams on several sites of the A147 and M4 "Don" route, in the Tuapse region, Jubgi and Gelendzhik.

Have a good trip!

Hello expensive travelers and sun lovers, sea and mountains! So a two-week independent trip to the Crimea ended, after which we usually write a final review of the country (region, regions) with the route, general costs and other useful information that is so needed when planning a trip.

General budget

This time we went without a tent and without a highways (we do not consider a couple of kilometers on the traveler). Therefore, the cost is already slightly higher and closer to the people, let's say. In any case, no hotels with luxury rooms, personal cars and other expensive frills will not be. You can safely consider a budget trip within the framework of the usual conditions. Prices for travel time - summer 2015 (if the text does not specify other).

In Crimea, we flew with Moscow Aeroflot at a price - 7,500 rubles. for man (in both directions). For June, quite a good price, terrestrial transport in any case would be more expensive.

Cheap flights to Crimea today (Clichabelno):

1. Location - 13 days
2. Financial expenses for two:

  • railway tickets Kirov-Moscow (3600 rubles),
  • flights Moscow - Simferopol (Crimea) - 15,000 rubles;
  • housing - 7270 rubles.
  • on other expenses - about 10,000 rubles.
  • outcome - 35 870 rubles. for two.

3. Briefly about the weather in June - three days of rain, the rest of the time is about 25 ° C. You can swim.

Map of our route

  • 29.05 —
  • 30.05 —
  • 30.05 —
  • 30.05 —
  • 31.05 —
  • 31.05 —
  • 01.06 —
  • 01.06 —
  • 02.06 —
  • 03.06 —
  • 03.06 —
  • 04.06 —
  • 04.06 —
  • 05.06 —
  • 06.06 —
  • 07.06 —
  • 08.06 —
  • 09.06 —
  • 10.06 —

Transport in Crimea

About public transport in Simferopol, I told a little in.

Going briefly. If you want freedom of movements, a droplet of comfort and have permissions in your pocket, then of course it is better, and, as they say, not to deny yourself.

In any case, even if there is no right, and I want comfort, you can always be ordered to any resort.

And if you want to feel the local "flavor" on yourself, you can move by public transport. I advise you to see more detail the maps and schedule at home, save the uyma time and money. I will not lay out schedules here, there are a lot of them on the Internet as in the photos and just in text form (for example, the same Yandex.Scripts). On our blog, at the beginning of each article, I also wrote how to get to the place that described. So some information can be obtained here.

By the way, in the Crimea the longest trolleybus line (96km just from the airport in Simferopol to Yalta)! On this remarkable transport under No. 52, which runs almost every 25 minutes, I also advise to ride.

In general, transport communication in the cities and between them is quite decent. Even from airless items can be left in the right direction without any problems, if you know the schedule. Moreover, the cost of public transport is still low (if compared with our small town of Kirov).

For example:

  • travel on trolleybus in the city - 7 rubles.
  • on buses and minibuses - up to 10 rubles.
  • to regional settlements by radius up to 20 km - up to 30 rubles.

However, if you buy tickets for tickets to intercity follows at the box office, you are getting ready to pay "Taksus" for servicing the bus at the station. That is how I justified the cashier those extra 15 rubles, which I saw an extra line to the base price of 25 rubles. In Bakhchisaraye.

So I immediately give advice: if you want to drive for the cost that is specified in the price list or even cheaper, it is better to immediately contact the bus driver. True in season it may threaten what you have to go standing. But, we were always lucky for free places.

After the joining of Crimea to Russia, local authorities seriously took up the alignment of not only resort cities, but also the transport links. Namely, the introduction of a single database for the purchase of tickets to all stations. Knowing how everything is done with us is done in Russia, the foreseen happened - the system began to fail. As a result, often at different transportation stations were sold for several people to several people. I think you yourself understand what it all ended in the end: Rugan, disputes, discontent, etc.

In some cases, it was impossible to buy a ticket to the bus station on the bus station on buses of a long-distance destination. For example, in Sudak, we could not take a ticket to Simferopol (to the airport) and dusted to the station every day. While I did not find out that there is a second ticket office in the city near the coast. Therefore, arriving at the bus station, do not be lazy to learn about the presence of the second cash register in the city, just just in case.


I already wrote in the articles in the Crimea that the search for housing in the Crimea is not such a difficult case, and the prices are lower if you are going there in no season. The season begins in the Crimea from June 15, so that our trip still stacked for these frameworks. Therefore, I did not torment myself looking for housing via the Internet, but decided to look for it in place.

Moreover, those who have already visited our resorts know that local granks, intermediaries or just the hosts of private apartments, who want to work on you on any car or railway station of the resort town. From the named three categories, I would be afraid of only intermediaries, because they are often deceived with the stated housing characteristics. What does it mean?

In Alushta, we were hitting two women who staged a whole auction (only to lower the price) for us, only to earn money. One of them was a mediator, another owner of the housing. Both said that the housing had a shower, toilet, kitchen, Internet and so on. And both throw off the price to a minimum. But who will you believe more? The intermediary is essentially anyway, where and in what conditions you will live, he most importantly earn, and the owner is the owner. He will lead you to his private accommodation, it means that it will be responsible for saying. And the deception is that yes, housing has all the above-mentioned benefits, that's just in which state? And in such that shower and toilet can be on the street. As well as the kitchen. And all this may be in a very poor condition. Therefore, I advise you not to spend no time on them.

About how we managed to find accommodation and about its cost, you can read in the relevant articles above. On average, I can say that lower than 500 rubles. (for the room for two) we did not find in any place. The most expensive turned out in Sevastopol - 870 rubles. Behind the semi luxury, although they could even rent a room easier. And in other cases, the average price per room - 700 - 800 rubles. With the conditions that I always tried to knock the price of smaller and housing was clean and corresponded to the original description, although I said local, which is below 1000 rubles. In the Crimea housing is not found.

We mainly lived in the private sector, and only once they took off the room in a small hotel in Balaclava for 700 rubles. for two.

If you are riding in the season, then it is undoubtedly better to solve the issue with apartments in advance. For this purpose i advise you to use the service which compares prices in all major booking systems (Booking, Agoda and others) and finds the best!

Food and prices

Prices for food in the Crimea do not differ much from prices in other corners of Russia. I do not see much sense to pay attention to this. We have been drone in an inexpensive cafe or dining room, on average spent about 250-300 rubles. for two. This amount included one portion of the first, two portions of the second, salad, tea. This is taking into account the fact that I usually did not take meat, as it is not fundamentally for me. Moreover.

Many advise to try local Tatar cuisine: large portions, tastier, but the cost is almost twice as high.

Yes, Crimea is in the south, so here in theory there should be a lot of fruits. But we were in early June, which means that only the cherry could be seen on the market, and a strawberry sometimes. All three types of berries were approximately the same anywhere in the Crimea - from 100 to 150 rubles. per kilogram. Rarely, but it was possible to find the remnants of surpassed cherries at some granny 70 rubles. In Sudak, we even met several cherry trees. Surely, the fruit season here is more, but do not wait for low prices, especially in tourist sites.

And of course, vacationers go here behind Crimean wine, Choys and other alcoholic beverages. My companion, for example, bought a gift for two bottles of home wine from the host of the living room, where we stayed. Because he had its own vineyards. A bottle of 1.5 liters cost him 150 rubles. And I do not drink alcohol in any form, so this question is not too interesting for me.


I did not like that the pricing policy in the attractions in the Crimea looks at the policies of the Loadostov. If earlier, while the Crimea was still as part of Ukraine, their own tickets were united on everything, now the landmark is divided into several parts and each part of each part. What follows that if you look everything, then it will be more expensive. An example of this is Nikitsky Botanical Garden or Vorontsov Palace.

Some price examples:

  • Golitsyn trail - 100 rubles.
  • Marble cave - 350-500 rubles.
  • Nikitsky BS - 200-500 rubles.
  • Vorontsov Palace - 300-500 rubles.
  • Cable road on Ai-Petri - 500 rubles. round trip.
  • Genoese fortress - 150 rubles.

And prices in the season and prices in not the season can be different.

Personal impression

In general, I liked the trip to Crimea. There are really beautiful mountains and sea, clean air, warm sun. For now the Russian resort is already quite a good level in combination with inexpensive prices. Bakhchisarai district, I would especially remember, I would like to study it better.

People are the same as in Central Russia, for the only difference that the Russian laws have not reached them. I think it will be corrected in the near future.

It is a pity that in the Crimea, the summer is not all year round, and so it would have a worthy competition of foreign resorts. For lovers "Olinkle" - this is certainly not an option, but for an independent and family holiday quite.

Thank you for your attention if you have questions, I really ask them to ask them in the comments. Have a good holiday in Crimea!

For those who dream of going on a great trip to the Crimea, we have made a tourist route to the most interesting places and attractions. You can drive on it by car, bus or bike. It is designed on the basis of personal experience and plans for the future trip.

We offer the Cottage Route of a Big Travel in Crimea from Kerch Strait to Tarkhankut and back. We have already been on the peninsula three times and before each trip made up lists of sights. It takes a lot of time and effort - I was born the idea to systematize the experience and create a big travel route in Crimea. Finding something sensible on this topic is not easy on the Internet, so we took to fill the gap. The route allows you to save time before the trip - no longer need to shock the mountains of articles, everything is in one.

Rent a car - This is the best way to travel! - Reliable and convenient service of car rental in Crimea. Choose the car to your taste and budget - the choice is large. The cost of renting a car from 1000 rubles per day. Amended questions? Russian-speaking support service will help you in everything.

Our journey through the Crimea is the map of our route

The tourist route includes both visiting cities and villages within the previous and planned to visit. The route may vary at your discretion, and the list of attractions does not pretend to be complete. If you know interesting sights that are not included in the list, write in the comments, we will be happy to supplement the article.

During travel planning, calculate the approximate - so you will save yourself from excessive costs.

This is how the route in Crimea looks like on the map from Kerch to Tarkhankuta (Belogorsk and the old Crimea did not turn on, as Google did not allow label more):

Kerch - Bosphoro Cimmerio

OPEN OWN ROUTE OF BIG journey in Crimea City Hero Kerch. This is one of the oldest cities in the world, but unpopular from tourists. Many in Kerch are only passing or pay the city no more than one day, and in vain - there is something to see. Many ancient settlements, monuments and burials will be interested in fans of antiquities: the settlement of Panticapey, Mirmekii, Kursky and Malek-Chesmen's mounds, monuments of crypt Demmers and Lapidarium. There is also an ancient fortress Kerch and Yeni-Kale, as well as the Archaeological Museum.

Nature here is not so picturesque and diverse, as in the southern coast of Crimea, but in the vicinity of Kerch you can find amazing places: Soleny Pink Lake Koyash (Opukskoye) in the Opuksky Natural Reserve, Soleny Lake Chokrak with healing mud and hydrogen sulfide sources, Bulganak mud apologe field (Valley of volcanoes) and much more. Have you known that there are more than 50 mud volcanoes on the Kerch Peninsula?

Of course, in Kerch there is no shortage of beaches, a variety of holiday homes, hotels, cafes and restaurants - in general, the tourist infrastructure is developed here and can be quite well rest. The beaches are mostly sandy and sandy-shell.

Personal experience. We had 1 day on our city. We looked at the Fortress of the Yeni Kale and Mount Mridat. They also wanted to get to the Kerch fortress, but because of the construction of the bridge, the road was blocked.

(Photo © alexxx1979 /

Feodosia - this man

The next stop in our big journey through the Crimea is Feodosia, or cafe. That is the so called the city in the Middle Ages, which came his flourishing. In general, the city was founded in the 6th century to our era of the Greeks, but the ancient buildings were practically preserved. But the monuments of the Middle Ages are preserved:

  • remains of the Genoese Fortress and Tower (St. Constantine, Dock, Round, Thomas);
  • medieval Armenian and Greek temples (John of John Forerunner, St. Sergius, St. George, Archangelov Mikhail and Gabriel).

Also there are Orthodox churches, mosque mufti-jami, monuments, museums (Museum of money, Museum of Antiquities, Museum of Deltaplanenism, Museum of A. Green, etc.) and fountains (Armenian, Aivazovsky, "Good Geniya"). Many buildings of the late 19th - early 20th century (mansions, cottages, villas, such as "Milos", "Flora", "Aida", etc.). And, of course, it is worth visiting the National Picture Gallery named after Aivazovsky, where not only his work is stored, but also the paintings of other marinist artists.

The Feodosia ends (and for many coming - begins) the main ridge of the Crimean Mountains, which means that the landscape outside the window from this moment will gradually change - from the steppe and small-headed relief to the high mountains. In addition, near Feodosia, near Koktebel, there is a famous Karagagsky nature reserve.

Personal experience. We chose the Aivazovsky Museum.

(Photo © Kamicatzen /

Koktebel - Bohemian

The next point of our tourist route in Crimea is a village with a romantic name Koktebel. In fact, nothing romantic and bohemian in it is a typical seaside town with a tourist infrastructure. But since the late 19th century, famous arts and culture figures were flocked here, which glorified Koktebel as a bohemian place. Also, the village is known as the center of planorism due to the upward flows on the plateau of Uzun-Syr. He received fame and thanks to the fox bay ("Liska"), chosen by Naturists and Hippie.

What else to see in Koktebel and its surroundings:

  • rock Golden Gate (Take a sea walk);
  • salted lake Barakol;
  • cape Chameleon, who changes its color depending on the lighting;
  • "Starfall of memories" - Mount Cocklock;
  • paplenerist flights and views from the plateau Uzun-Syr (Mount Clementieva);
  • vintage wines plant;
  • museum of the Karadaga Nature;
  • for children - Dolphinarium.

Personal experience. We went to the "Starfall of Memories", Uzun-Syr, Lake Barakol and took a sea walk to the Golden Gate.

(Photo © a "shioji /

Sunny Valley - 300 days of the Sun

The road from Koktebel is very picturesque - the route passes by the solar valley. Fancy rocks with vineyards on the slopes and steep serpentine circles her head (in the literal sense of the word).

Sunny Valley is silence and calm, lack of tourists, desert bays, sunny weather, cloudless sky and, of course, mountains. The valley from three sides is closed by the mountains, it smoothly descends to the sea. Here, 3 km from the sea, the settlement of the same name is and is one of the centers of winemaking in the Crimea. Try unique wines that are made of grape varieties that grow only in it: "Black Doctor", "Meganom", "Solar Valley".

The valley has to secluded rest and skid down the mountains. In the vicinity of full path! We recommend visiting the echo-dag, there is an unusual Karst Cave "Earth Ear" - it goes deep into 132 meters.

(Photo © Sergiy Kadulin /

Sudak and new light

The next point in the route in Crimea - Sudak and the new light. They need to give enough time - the terrain is rich in natural attractions. In the new light, this is a trail of Golitsyn, the royal beach, juniper grove, the mountains of Sokol and Karaul-both, the peak of space, the valley of hell and paradise, the staircase of the Tavrov. In Sudak - the Genoese Fortress, Capes Megan and Alchak, as well as the mountains of Ai-Georgiy and the Pickle. We recommend to stay in Sudak (housing and food is cheaper than in the new light), and in the neighboring settlement.

Near the pike perch, the Kimmerian steppe was spread - the Red Valley Kapsel, in the summer mercilessly scorched by the sun. Riding her, admiring her harsh beauty, is a pleasure. You can travel in coves and swim - in some of them there are campgrounds.

We advise you to go on the sea walk with dolphins - this is amazing. They swim right under the boat and jump out of the water! With them, you can even swim in the open sea. Price - 600-700 rubles per person in 1 hour. Video can be viewed in the instagram on Hesteggy # boat hunter. Order an excursion by phone 89780652938, name Vitaly.

Personal experience. In Sudak and the new light, we already lived for the fourth time and did not attend all the sights. It remains only to climb the falcon.

(Photo © - - /

Alushta - Valley of Ghosts

Alushta is a boring town, there is nothing interesting. All beauty beyond it is the bizarre rocks of the valleys of the Ghosts and the Array of Demergei. Large luck to visit the valley in the fog and cloudy weather when the pillars seem ghostly. Tourists advise to meet dawn on Demerji - the spectacle is awesome. Mountain Castel and Chatyr-Daga Caves, as well as the Gur-Jur's waterfall near the village of General.

In Alushta, we saw the most boring fortress Alouston's fortress - do not even waste time at her. There is still a medieval fortification of Funa and the Palace of Princess Gagarina, as well as a variety of vintage estates. In general, tourists come here primarily behind the beach rest and treatment - in Alushta and the surrounding area there are many pensions and sanatoriums.

Personal experience. In Alushta, we arrived for the sake of Demerji - they caught the fogs there, and the scorching sun. On the way to Alushta, look at the Catastrophe Museum on the waters - touching and amazing.

(Photo © wolfhowl /

Enjoy the exciting video from the Valley of Ghosts in the mountains of Demerji:

Yalta and its surroundings

Next, on the route travels in Crimea - Yalta. Only this is only worth paying attention to the city itself, boring, big and noisy, and its surroundings - Big Yalta, where Gaspra, Simeiz, Massandra, Gurzuf, Nikita, Alupka, etc., for example, on the way from Alushta in Yalta on The track (if you make a route in Crimea) you will see a pointer to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden - we recommend to visit it if you are not indifferent to the flora! In addition, Nikita Rassewin is interested in Nikita. Next - Massandra: Visit the Massandra Palace and Park, Winzavod, where you can taste wines, and Vorontsovsky grotto.

In the vicinity of Yalta, you can find a lot of interesting things and spend a lot of saturated days:

  • go down or climb to Ai-Petri via the picturesque trails - Taraktash, Stangeevskaya, Koreais or Botkin;
  • visit the temple cave Iographer and Waterfall Stude-Su;
  • go through the solar trail from Livadia to Gaspra (or vice versa) and see dolmens;
  • climb Ai-Petri on the rope - next to Yalta (in Mishore) just the bottom station of the cable car for lifting to the mountain;
  • on the Ai-Petrinsky Plateau, visit the caves, go through the suspended bridge over the abyss and descend on the troll at a speed of 40 km / h;
  • visit Big Canyon.

Architecture lovers will be interested in the Palaces of the Livadian, Massandrovsky, Emir of Bukhara and Count Mordvinov, the Armenian Church and the Roman Catholic Temple. Children also have something to do: in Yalta, the theater of marine animals, zoo and aquarium, crocodilearyarium and "glade fairy tales" are valid.

Personal experience. We rose and descended on Ai-Petri by car, and also ride on the rope. Lesha passed on the suspended bridge to the teeth.

(Photo © Mr_Wood /

Gaspra is not only a "swallow nest"

Usually, making a journey through the Crimea, tourists come to Gaspra only then to see the Palace "Swallow Nest". However, there are many attractions: connoisseurs of antiquities we advise Tavr necropolis, the Roman fortress Characters and the ruins of the fortifications of Gaspra-Isar, lovers of trekking and outdoor activities - a walk on the "sunny trail", where Nicholas II rested. Another sight is Gaspra - Palace of Prince Golitsyn and Panina Countess (now the Sanatorium "Clear Polyana"), where the museum room of Leo Tolstoy is located.

Not far from Gaspra is Koreiz - there is worth a visit to the Yusupov Palace, where the Yalta Conference was held, Mishorsky Park and Mayak of Cape Ai-Todor.

Personal experience. On the "swallow nest" looked only from the side, because all tourists do not advise to go inside.

(Photo © Pilot34 /


First of all, Alupka is known for the chic Vorontsov Palace, the former residence of Count Vorontsov. Now in the Palace there is a museum, and around 40 hectares, no less beautiful Alupkinsky Park is very natural and harmonious. It is pleasant to walk, breathing the fragrances of cypress, juniper and about 200 species of plants. Always shady and cool, the park attracts more than more tourists than the palace. Also worth the attention of the temple of Arkhangel Mikhail and the Temple of Alexander Nevsky, the Kindji Museum-Apartment.

As for natural attractions, it is worth visiting the Scala Shaan-Kaya and the lake, located on her - views of the mountain range are simply excellent.

Personal experience. Vorontsov Palace and Alupkinsky Park visited - they are really impressive.

(Photo © Roman Kondratiev (Romweb) /

Also, housing in the Crimea can be in place - you should get away from the bus at the station, how dozens of proposals for renting the best housing, certainly cheap and necessarily overlooking you. Classic of the Crimean Vacation.

Sevastopol - White City

To see all the sights of Sevastopol and its surroundings, you need to spend very much time. An introductory tourist route is worth starting from the city itself: Malakhov Kurgan, ancient and mysterious Chersonese (we recommend visiting either early in the morning or closer to sunset), Vladimir Cathedral and Wind Tower, Panorama of Sevastopol, Historical Boulevard, Grafskaya Pier, etc. . - The attractions of the hero city should devote a separate article.

Must See in the surrounding area:

  • cape Fiolent and Yashmovy Beach with a rone of holy phenomenon and the grotto Diana - you will have to master 800 steps down and back;
  • the beaches of Sevastopol - there are many of them, but some of them can be clearly ranked to natural sights, for example, the beach. Lyubimovka is very beautiful, if you go for the journey of the stones (in that part of the beach, which nudists and "taalatics" chose);
  • Balaklava: Submarine Museum, Balaklava Bay, Genoese Fortress Chamblock, Northern and Southern Fort, Sunny Trail to Inzhir Trees;
  • Baidar Valley and Fatma Coba Grotto;
  • Death Valley;
  • Inkerman: Cave Monastery, Maiden Tower, Chernorechensky Canyon;
  • Chorgin Aqueduct and Chorgin Tower and much more.

It is only a small part of the attractions in the vicinity of Sevastopol - Write in the comments, if there were somewhere else!

(Photo © Mr. Wood /

Bakhchisarai - East Garden Palace

We will continue our big journey through the Crimea - the road leads us to ancient Bakhchisaray, the real center of the campaign and active Crimea. The city is located in the foothills, so the terrain is very interesting. In our opinion, the main attraction of Bakhchisaraya is not a Khansky Palace (although it is good), and the cave cities, fortresses and monasteries: Chufut-Kale, Magup Kale, Kachi Calon, Eski-Kermen, Tepe-Kermen, Chender Coba, Bakl, Xuren, Shuldan.

Bakhchisaray is a city with an eastern flavor, which makes it special. Be sure to visit the Karaite Cemetery Balta Tijmez, the Cemetery of the Dervysh and the Old Town - very atmospheric places.

As in Sevastopol, in Bakhchisara, a huge number of natural attractions that do not see a couple of days - you need to live at least a week. By the way, in the city there is a delicious kitchen - here you live mainly by the Crimean Tatars.

Personal experience. We visited Chufut-Kale, the Khan Palace, Balta Tiymez, the Cemetery of the Dervysh and the Temple in Lucky. Disappointment We have suffered in the village of Laki, where we drove for the sake of the temple of St. Luke 20 km. Previously, there was an unusually beautiful Greek temple with frescoes and mosaics, dilapidated in the second world war. He and now stands there - only already sparkles on white and gold in the best traditions of Orthodoxy. Thoughtful hands renovated him, curing all the beauty and memory of the past. Now inside - a soulless white space with cardboard letters "Christ Rissed" and cheap icons.

(Photo © Nick Savchenko /

Look a stunning video of the Crimean caves:


  • caves (marble, snake, red);
  • cliffs and rocks (over a municipal beam, tract Tash-Jargan);
  • antique settlement Naples Scythian;
  • manor Kessler.


The next city in our route in Crimea - Evpatoria. There are a lot of religious shrines - mosques, temples, teach: mosque of Duma Jami, teaching of the church, the temple of the Holy Elijah, Karai Kenasi, and so on. In addition, there are many museums and monuments in the city. What else to see? Turkish baths, carysses (ancient water supply) and the old city as a whole.

In the vicinity of Evpatoria there are several salted lakes, where you can fix health with the help of medicinal mud and mineralized water: Moinka Lakes, Donuzlav, Jarylgach and Yarylgach.


One of the most impressive places in our big journey in Crimea - Cape Tarkhankut, the most western point of the peninsula. It is better to stay in a small village of Olenevka on the coast - from there It is convenient to get to the nearest attractions on the bike, car or bicycle.

Tarkhankut is famous for the picturesque Dzhangul landslide coast on the northeast and Athlesh (Big and Small Athlesh, a bowl of love, a lighthouse in the village of Lighthouse) in the south-east. The beach "Miami" in the sandyVka is sandy, and the sea is crystal clear, coral reefs are visible from cliffs, so divers and windsurfists are hanging. At Tarkhankut, such popular Soviet films were filmed as "Pirates of the XX century" and "Affibius".

Personal experience. We looked all that only is in the surrounding area.

(Photo © andrew Kudrin /

Belogorsk - White Mountain and Lions

So ends our journey through the Crimea - along the way to the Kerch Bridge will come to a small Belogorsk. What is it noteworthy? As can be seen from the name, there are a picturesque white mountain nearby - the rock of Ak-Kai, where the Soviet film "Horseman without a head" was filmed. In addition, the terrain is interesting to Kok Asan's gorge with the Chermin Cascade of Waterfalls, which form "baths" with emerald water. The tourist route passing through the Canyon Coc-Asan is extremely picturesque - we advise you very much!

Surely you will be interested to visit and Safari Park "Tagan" - there can be observed for lions living in wild conditions.

Personal experience. We went to Ak-Kaya and in the park "Tagger".

(Photo © Taema /

Old Crimea

On the way home, visit the old Crimea. This is a little Tatar town, similar to Bakhchisarai - cozy and quiet. Notable for mosques of 13-14 centuries and the Middle Ages Armenian Monastery of Surb-Khach. We visited everything there.

Entrance source: © Mourner /

I want to tell you about the nuances of traveling to the Crimea from the Russian depth.

What awaits you, to pay attention to what to avoid where to visit. All this is here and now. I write a review from the person of the economical tourist, which was not able to save ..)

The ferry is large and spacious. Since we were on the crossing of late at night, we did not see special beauties, but they saw Aahn prices in the buffet on the ferry. So, be fed, it will be saved economically ..) Crossing last 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, we finally found themselves on the Crimean Peninsula. And again the night and again nothing can be seen.

The end point of our journey was city of Yalta.

So. Morning of the first out of 10 days in Yalta.

The first thing we went to the span of the pearls of Russia. Yalta met us with rain that at first it was very upset, but already on the second day, when a sultry baked began, we were grateful to coolness on the first day, when we walked around the beautiful decks without the heat. The embankment in the rain is not a crowded place. What I would like to mention the register of the embankment.

1. Sea. Beautiful smooth water flowing into the distance. The look is stunning, especially on a cloudy day.

You can see right from the embankment of jellyfish, crabs, 5 fish species.

2. Morning coffee. There is a wonderful place where you can drink coffee "Corrifice". Drinks are different, saturated, delicious, pleasant desserts, maintenance at altitude. The cost is acceptable.

3. Power. On the embankment there are many cafes and dining rooms, an important fact for the economical tourist. Choose a cafe with Wi-Fi, not everywhere there (!). I can recommend Burger Garry`s.

4. Money for the wind. Panda, squirrels, teddy bear roam. People in the costumes that in brazen require money for the photo with them after the photo, that is, without stipulating this fact in advance. Neither is good. Neither is cheap. Be careful.

There is a park of entertainment type "Las Vegas in Yalta", right in the center of the promenade. WILL NOT WILL. Just have fun, play the intraceptions.

Aquarium. It can be visited for 150r. With a person you will see marine fish. Yes, there are many of them, they are different, there are even dead.

5. Communication. Immediately I advise you to purchase the sim card of MTS on the peninsula. MegaFon as it were throughout Russia, but, apparently, the Crimea has not yet taken into account in the megaphone and incoming calls you will be in a penny, not to mention outgoing.

6. Standing entertainment. It is worth paying attention to the suspension rope park (to the right of the waterfront, if you stand to the sea face). Very interesting project. For 400r. With a person you will have the opportunity to walk under the crowns of trees on bridges, ropes and suspended tracks.

It was somehow that was the first day. We investigated the territory and acquainted with terrain and prices.

Second day. The weather cleared up. We are going in the neighborhood of Yalta. I can immediately say, travel yourself will come out much cheaper than to acquire trips and tours in tents on the same embankment (for example, the tour of three palaces costs from 2 400r. Per person). There are buses on which the routes are written. And if you acquire a map of Yalta and the surrounding area, then the journey of the savage will not be much difficulty.

Village "Krasnokamena" or rock. 15 km from Yalta bus station. Located 430 m above sea level. The view is standing. It is from this village that a view of the mountain "Bear" opens. Rocks in red stone ripples, sheer. You can observe climbers, as well as to acquire a climbing course yourself. Immediately you can see fabulous mountain lakes with a mirror water stroke and collect mushrooms. You can get on both the car, and from the bus station Yalta can be 110 bus.

Day Three. The famous Palaces of Yalta.

  1. Vorontsov Palace (Alupka), 21km. From the Yalta bus station. The most majestic and adverse, fabulous. English style architecture in a mixture with high tower reminiscent of a mosque towers. The entrance to the Palace Park is free. Do not forget to take the swimsuits with you, from the territory of the palace there is a way out to the seashore, where you can swim, get a mussel, catch a hermit crash. I recommend to take a snorkel mask with you, the beauty is incredible!
    2. Massandra Palace, 11km. from Yalta bus station . Palace Terem, not high, located on a small territory. Particularly not impressed. Is that the palace is an interesting water supply system.
    Regarding the same paid excursions. No one will ban you stand next to a group of tourists who tells all sorts of interestingness. So you can learn absolutely the same for free if it is interesting to you.
    Day four. Swallow's Nest. Get better on a tourist boat from Yalta Embankment. Ticket there and back costs 600r. per person. Swimming lasts about 1 hour, during this time the guide will tell you about many interesting facts, about the buildings a view of which you will open from the sea.

    The castle itself swallowing the nest is not great. The entrance is usually closed there, or there is any third-party exhibition in it (in charge of a fee), with us there was a flax exhibition. Capture a satin ribbon. On the swirl nest there is a wish tree, which and tie the ribbon.

    At the top of the mountain, in addition to enjoying the view and beauty, you can also experience acute sensations. The cost of a walk through the 500r cable bridge. per person.

    Geophysical cave. Cool, slippery, interesting. 150r. With a person and an individual guide that answers questions you are interested in. But dress up warmer.

    You can go down from Mount Ai-Petri cableway, descent with the breeze (25-30 km / h), but do not count on comfort (lays your ears) and a beautiful look at the descent. There will be 20 people in the booth and if you did not have time to immediately break through to the window, then nothing will be able to see .. the cost of descending is 300r. per person. After the descent, you will arrive at Alup highway from which, by 102 bus can be reached in Yalta Zoo "Fairy Tale".

    According to the zoo, we and the spouse, two adults, walked 4 hours. A place that is undoubtedly worth visiting, MEGA is interesting there (500r. Per person). Tip: 102 The bus should stop at the "Selpo" stop-off the supermarket, you will immediately see it, pretty high building. Go to this supermarket and buy: carrots, cucumbers, greens, apples, juice with tubes. Animals will ask you to eat ..) And on the territory of the zoo price Achoe. 1 banana-100r., 1 apple-100r.

    Day sixth. Marble cave. There is no possibility to get by bus. We drove by car about 100km. Place awesome. The marble cave is among the top five most beautifully equipped caves in the world. The cost of visiting 500r. per person. At the entrance you can rent warm jackets for 15p.) The cave is very cold. The excursion will last about 2 hours.

    Crimea is very saturated with tourist objects of the peninsula. The sea simply did not have time. For 6 days, we ran around in all sorts of interesting places. And only the last days lay on a pebble beach and sunbathe, enjoying the tranquility and purity of sea air.

    Where to swim in Yalta? We went on Massandrovsky BeachThis is a very long braid located on the left side of the embankment (standing facing the sea). Beach pebble. There is an opportunity to both be in your towel and rent a sun bed for 200r. And sunbed with a canopy by 400r. Water in July is warm warm, marine, salt, plump skin.

    Approximately this was our journey. It was filled with emotions and admiration. I think that we, for such a short time, fulfilled the program to the maximum. More is simply physically impossible to embrace. I know one thing. We will definitely return to the Crimea. And already noted for themselves a couple of places that you will definitely visit the next visit.

    Without housing fees (and we had free housing, friends live in Yalta) and the way back and back, in 10 days for two we spent about 35000r. The main spending came on food (including the fact that I did not drink alcohol at all, and the spouse drank at least a couple of beer glasses per day), and the rest went to the passing tickets to the tourist places.

    I wish you a good next year! Make a journey's desire and it will certainly come true. The main thing, really want it!)

    Your Nyushka.