Brothers Grimm All famous fairy tales. Real fairy tales Brothers Grimm

Brothers Grimm All famous fairy tales. Real fairy tales Brothers Grimm
Brothers Grimm All famous fairy tales. Real fairy tales Brothers Grimm

One evening there was a young drummer alone along the field. He is suitable for the lake, sees - lying on the shore three pieces of white linen fabric. "What a subtle cloth," he said, and put one piece in his pocket. He came home, and about his find and thought forgot and lay down in bed. But only he fell asleep, as he made himself, as if he was calling him by someone named. He began to listen and heard a quiet voice that brought him: "Drummer, wake up, drummer!" And the night was dark, he could not discern anyone, but it seemed to him that was going to his bed, then the upward was swept away, then down the figure down, some kind of figure.

What do you want? - he asked.

He lived on the light of a poor shepherd. Father and his mother died from him, then he gave him the bosses to the house to one rich so that he fed him and raised him. But the heart of evil's heart was rich and his wife, and with all their wealth they were very stingy and to people are unfriendly and always angry if someone used at least a piece of their bread. And just as a poor boy neither tried to work, they fed him a little, but they beat a lot.

He lived on a mill old miller; There was no wife or children, and he served three workers. They stayed with him for several years, so he says to them once:

I already became old, I would now sit on the furnace, and you go on the white light to wander; And who will lead me home the best horse, I will give me a mill, and it will feed me to death.

The third worker was on a snowmill, and they considered him all the fool and the mill he did not even be referred; Yes, he did not want himself at all. And they left all three, and, applying to the village, they say Hans-fool:

In the old days, when the Lord God went on the ground, it happened that one day he was tired of the evening, his night caught, and there was no place to spend the night. And they stood on the road two houses, one against the other; There was one big and beautiful, and the other is small and on the kind of non-pieces. The big house belonged to rich, and a little poor man. The Lord thought: "I won't make a rich, I'm also at him." Heard the rich thing that knocks on him at the door, opened the window and asked the stranger, that he was needed.

For a long time ago, there lived the king in the world, and he was famous over the whole earth with his wisdom. Everything he knew it as if someone had served him in the air about the most intimate things. But he had strange custom: Each noon, when everything from the table was cleaned and no other outside remained, brought him a reliable servant another dish. But it was covered, and even servant, and he did not know what was on this dish; And no one person knew about it, because the king opened the dish and started to eat only when it remained completely alone.

So it lasted for a long time, but once overclocked curiosity, he could not cope with him and carried a dish into his room. He covered the door as the door, raised a cover from dishes, sees - there is a white snake there. He looked at her and could not resist, so as not to try it; He cut off a piece and put it in his mouth.

One woman came out once with her daughter and a paddle on the field - to chop herbs, and the Lord God appeared to them in the image of the beggar and asked:

How can I get closer to the village?

Kohl Want to know the road, "the mother replied," they themselves and look for her.

And if you are worried that the roads do not find you, then take yourself a habitable.

There was a poor widow alone in his hut, and she had a garden in front of her hut; Growing two pink trees in that garden, and bloomed on one white roses, and on the other - scarlet; And she had two children, similar to these pink trees, called one - Snow White, and the other is an alochetics. They were such humble and kind, such workers and obedient, that there were no such things in the world; Only Snow White was even quieter and gentle than an alochetics. Alocetics was more and more jumped and ran through the meadows and fields, collected flowers and caught butterflies; And the Snow White - she was more sat at home near the mother, helped her at the farm, and when there was no work, I read something aloud to her. Both sisters loved each other so much that if you were going somewhere, they always kept hands, and if Snow White, it happened, says: "We will always be together," then Alozvetik will answer her: "Yes, while we are alive, we never Perhaps "- and the mother added:" What will be one of you, let them share with the other. "

A long time ago there was a beautiful queen. Once she sewed at the window, inadvertently rooted needle a finger and a droplet of blood fell on the snow lying on the windowsill.

So beautiful it seemed to her a scarlet color of blood on a snow-white cover that the queen sighed and said:

Oh, however, I wanted to have a child with white, like snow, lear, with aluminum, like blood, sponges and curls black, like Smin.

One evening there was a young drummer alone along the field. He is suitable for the lake, sees - lying on the shore three pieces of white linen fabric. "What a subtle cloth," he said, and put one piece in his pocket. He came home, and about his find and thought forgot and lay down in bed. But only he fell asleep, as he made himself, as if he was calling him by someone named. He began to listen and heard a quiet voice that brought him: "Drummer, wake up, drummer!" And the night was dark, he could not discern anyone, but it seemed to him that was going to his bed, then the upward was swept away, then down the figure down, some kind of figure.

What do you want? - he asked.

He lived on the light of a poor shepherd. Father and his mother died from him, then he gave him the bosses to the house to one rich so that he fed him and raised him. But the heart of evil's heart was rich and his wife, and with all their wealth they were very stingy and to people are unfriendly and always angry if someone used at least a piece of their bread. And just as a poor boy neither tried to work, they fed him a little, but they beat a lot.

He lived on a mill old miller; There was no wife or children, and he served three workers. They stayed with him for several years, so he says to them once:

I already became old, I would now sit on the furnace, and you go on the white light to wander; And who will lead me home the best horse, I will give me a mill, and it will feed me to death.

The third worker was on a snowmill, and they considered him all the fool and the mill he did not even be referred; Yes, he did not want himself at all. And they left all three, and, applying to the village, they say Hans-fool:

In the old days, when the Lord God went on the ground, it happened that one day he was tired of the evening, his night caught, and there was no place to spend the night. And they stood on the road two houses, one against the other; There was one big and beautiful, and the other is small and on the kind of non-pieces. The big house belonged to rich, and a little poor man. The Lord thought: "I won't make a rich, I'm also at him." Heard the rich thing that knocks on him at the door, opened the window and asked the stranger, that he was needed.

For a long time ago, there lived the king in the world, and he was famous over the whole earth with his wisdom. Everything he knew it as if someone had served him in the air about the most intimate things. But he had a strange custom: every noon, when everything from the table was cleaned and no other outsider remained, brought him a reliable servant another dish. But it was covered, and even servant, and he did not know what was on this dish; And no one person knew about it, because the king opened the dish and started to eat only when it remained completely alone.

So it lasted for a long time, but once overclocked curiosity, he could not cope with him and carried a dish into his room. He covered the door as the door, raised a cover from dishes, sees - there is a white snake there. He looked at her and could not resist, so as not to try it; He cut off a piece and put it in his mouth.

One woman came out once with her daughter and a paddle on the field - to chop herbs, and the Lord God appeared to them in the image of the beggar and asked:

How can I get closer to the village?

Kohl Want to know the road, "the mother replied," they themselves and look for her.

And if you are worried that the roads do not find you, then take yourself a habitable.

There was a poor widow alone in his hut, and she had a garden in front of her hut; Growing two pink trees in that garden, and bloomed on one white roses, and on the other - scarlet; And she had two children, similar to these pink trees, called one - Snow White, and the other is an alochetics. They were such humble and kind, such workers and obedient, that there were no such things in the world; Only Snow White was even quieter and gentle than an alochetics. Alocetics was more and more jumped and ran through the meadows and fields, collected flowers and caught butterflies; And the Snow White - she was more sat at home near the mother, helped her at the farm, and when there was no work, I read something aloud to her. Both sisters loved each other so much that if you were going somewhere, they always kept hands, and if Snow White, it happened, says: "We will always be together," then Alozvetik will answer her: "Yes, while we are alive, we never Perhaps "- and the mother added:" What will be one of you, let them share with the other. "

A long time ago there was a beautiful queen. Once she sewed at the window, inadvertently rooted needle a finger and a droplet of blood fell on the snow lying on the windowsill.

So beautiful it seemed to her a scarlet color of blood on a snow-white cover that the queen sighed and said:

Oh, however, I wanted to have a child with white, like snow, lear, with aluminum, like blood, sponges and curls black, like Smin.

For many years since the "children's and home fairy tales" of the Grimm brothers were first published. The publication was the most modest and appearance, and by volume: the book was only 83 fairy tales instead of 200 printed at present. The preface, presented by the collection by the brothers Grimm, was signed on October 18 of the submemblingment 1812. The book was assessed in advantage of this era of the German self-consciousness, in this era of the awakening of the hot nationalist aspirations and lush heyday of romance. After the life of the Grimm brothers, their compilation, constantly complied with them, has already registered 5 or 6 publications and has been translated almost to all European languages.

This collection of fairy tales was almost the first, the youthful labor of the Grimm brothers, the first to try to attempt on the path of scientist gathering and scientist treatment of monuments of ancient german literature and nationality. Following this path, the brothers Grimm later achieved highly glory to shone European science and, devoting all his life with their huge, truly immortal written works, had an indirectly very strong influence and Russian science, and to study Russian, antiques and nationalities. The name of them enjoys and in Russia loud, quite well-deserved, pronounced by our scientists with deep respect ... In view of this, we recognize that there will be a brief, compressed biographical essay of life and activity here. famous brothers Grimm, whom the Germans are fairly called "fathers and thence of German philology."

By origin, the brothers Grimm belonged to the middle class of society. The Father was first a lawyer in Ghanau, and then entered the service under the legal part to the prince Ganau. Brothers Grimm were born in Ghanau: Jacob - January 4, 1785, Wilhelm - February 24, 1786. From the earliest youth, they were associated with the closest bings of friendship, which did not stop the coffin. Moreover, both of them, even at the very nature of their own, as if complemented each other: Jacob, as the elder, was and physically folded tightly Brother Wilhelma, which is constantly very painful and fastened with health, just for old age. The Father died in 1796 and left his family in a very cramped position, so that only thanks to the generosity of her aunt from the mother, the Grimm brothers could finish the study, to which brilliant abilities have already shown very early. They studied at first in the Kassels Lyceum, then they entered the University of Marburg, with the firm intention to study legal sciences for practical activities for the example of the Father. They really listened to lectures on the legal faculty, were engaged in and studying law, but the natural tenders began to affect them in a completely different direction. All leisure activities are still at the university they began to dedicate to the study of Patriotic German and foreign literatureAnd when in 1803, the famous romantic Tik published his "Minnesinger's Songs", which he prepixed a hot, felt preface, - Brothers Grimm at once felt the strongest attraction to the study of German antiquity and nationality and decided to familiarize themselves with the ancient manuscript literature on the originals. Having soon at leaving the university to this path, the Grimm brothers no longer went with him until the end of life.

In 1805, when Jacobu Grimmu had to be removed to Paris with a scientific target, the brothers who were accustomed to live and work together, felt a lot of this separation, which was never laid for any purposes - to live together and share everything In half in half.

Between 180,51809, Jacob Grimm consisted of service: there was some time a librarian of Germa Bonaparte in Wilhelmsheg, and then even Stat Auditor. After the end of the war with France, Jacob Grimm received from the Kassel instruction, to go to Paris and return to the Kassels library those manuscripts that were taken out of it by the French. In 1815, he was sent together with the representative of the Kassels of Kassels to the Vienna Congress, and he even opened an unsuitable diplomatic career. But Jacob Grimm felt a complete disgust for her, and in general, in office sessions he saw only no obstacle to the science of science, which was devoted to the whole soul. That is why in 1816 he left the service, rejected his professors from him in Bonn, refused to the major salaries of the salary and preferred the modest place of the librarian in the Kassel, where his brother had already been the secretary of the library since 1814. Both brothers kept this modest position until 1820, disappointing at this time scientific research, and this period of their life was fruitful in relation to their scientific activity. In 1825, Wilhelm Grimm married; But the brothers were still not separated and continued to live and work together.

In 1829, the director of the Kassel library died; His place, of course, in all rights and justice would have to move to Jacob Grimma; But he was preferred by a stranger who did not declare himself with any merit, and both brothers Grimm, offended by this blatant injustice, found themselves forced to resign themselves. Self itself, of course, the brothers Grimm, at that time had already had time to acquire highly loud fame with their works, did not remain without affairs. Jacob Grimm was in 1830 invited to Göttingen by Professor of German Literature and Senior Librarian at the University of Library. Wilhelm came there by the younger librarian and in 1831 he was erected into extraordinary, and in 1835 - in ordinary professors. To both scientists, the brothers lived here thoroughly, especially because here they met a friendly circle, which included the first shining modern German science. But their stay in Göttingen was short-sighted. New king Hannover, who joined the throne in 1837, conceived by one stroke of the pen to destroy the constitution, given Hannover his predecessor than, of course, and opened against himself throughout the country a common displeasure; But only seven of Ghettingen professors had enough civilian courage, to vastanly declare a protest against such a unauthorized violation of the main state law. Between these seven coughs were brothers Grimm. At this protest, the King Ernst-Augustus answered the immediate dismissal of all seven professors with their posts and expulsion from the Hannover limits of those of those who were not Hannover natives. In three days, the Grimm brothers had to leave Hanover and temporarily settled in Kassel. But for the famous scientists there was a public opinion of Germany: there was a general subscription to provide Grimm brothers from needs, and two major German Publisher (Reimer and Gillazel) appealed to them with a proposal to compile together the German dictionary on the widest scientific basis. The Grimm brothers adopted this proposal with the greatest readiness and after the necessary, rather long preparations began to work. But they did not have to be in the Kassel for a long time: friends took care of them and found them an enlightened patron in the face of the Friedrich-Wilhelm Prussky Kronprint, and when he entered the throne in 1840, he immediately called the scientists of the brothers in Berlin. They were elected to the members of the Berlin Academy of Sciences and as academics received the right to read lectures at the University of Berlin. Soon, Wilhelm, and Jacob Grimm began to read the lectures at the university and since then they lived in Berlin as soon as of death. Wilhelm died on December 16, 1859; Jacob followed him on September 20, 1863, on the 79th year of his thorough and fruit life.

As for the importance of the scientific activities of the Grimm brothers, then it is, of course, are not subject to our assessment in this brief biographical note. We can only limit them here the most important worksgiving them loud Slav European scientists, and indicate the difference that existed in the activities of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and to some extent characterized their personal attitude to science.

In 1812, a collection of fairy tales called "children's and family fairy tales" was published.

These were fairy tales collected in German lands and literary processed by brothers. Jacob and WilhelmGrimmas. Later, the collection was renamed, and so far he is known as the "Fairy Tale of the Grimm Brothers".


Jacob Grimm (1785-1863)

Wilhelm Grimm (1786-1859)

Brothers Grimm were people of rich erudition that had wide circle Interests. Just listing their activities to make sure that. They were engaged in jurisprudence, lexicography, anthropology, language, philology, mythology; Worked librarians, taught at the university, and also wrote poems and works for children.

Cabinet Wilhelm Grimma

Brothers in the family of famous lawyer Philip Grammma in Khanau (Earth Hessen) were born. Wilhelm was younger than Jacob for 13 months and weak health. When the older of the brothers was 11 years old, their father died, without leaving almost no means. The sister of their mother took boys on their care and contributed to their education. In total, the Filip Philip Grimma was 5 sons and daughter, of which Ludwig Emil Grimm (1790-1863) – german artist and engraving.

Ludwig Emil Grimm. Self-portrait

The brothers were members of the Mug of Heidelberg Romantics, who had the goal of the revival of interest in folk culture Germany and her folklore. Heidelberg School of Romanticism Oriented artists in the Stront of the National Past, mythology, to a deep religious feeling. Representatives of the school turned to folklore as a "genuine language" of the people who contribute to his association.
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm left the famous meeting german fairy tales. Chief work Life Brothers Grimm - " German dictionary" In fact, this is a comparative historical dictionary of all germanic languages. But the authors managed to bring it only to the letter "F", and the dictionary was completed only in the 1970s.

Jacob Grimm reads a lecture in Hettingham (1830). Sketch Ludwig Emil Grimma

In total, during the life of the writers, the collection of fairy tales resist the 7th editions (last - in 1857). This edition contained 210 fairy tales and legends. All issues were illustrated first by Philip Grota-Johann, and after his death - Robert Linwebere.
But the first editions of fairy tales underwent a strong criticism. They were regarded as not suitable for children reading and in content, and because of academic information inserts.
Then in 1825, the Grimm brothers published a collection of Kleine Ausgabe, which included 50 fairy tales, which were carefully edited for young readers. Illustrations (7 copper engravings) created painter Ludwig Emil Grimm. This children's version of the book has withstood ten publications between 1825 and 1858.

Preparatory work

Brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm began to collect fairy tales since 1807. In search of fairy tales, they traveled on the land of Hesse (in the center of Germany), and then in Westphalia (the historical region in the north-west of Germany). Storytellers fairy tales were the most different people: Shepherds, peasants, artisans, innovatives, etc.

Ludwig Emil Grimm. Portrait of Fimann Dorothei, folk teacher, in the stories of which brothers Grimm recorded more than 70 fairy tales
According to the peasantry of Dorota Fimanne (1755-1815), the daughter of the innkeeper from the village of Zveren (near the Kassel), 21 fairy tale for the second volume and numerous additions were recorded. She was the mother of six children. She belongs to the fairy tales "Gusyatnitsa", "lazy," "Damn and his grandmother", "Dr. Nesnay".

Fairy Tale "Red Hood"

Many tales of the collection are common plots European folklore and therefore come in collections different writers. For example, a fairy tale "Red Cap". She is literaryly processed by the Charlock Perra, and later was recorded by the brothers Grimm. The plot of the girl, deceived by the Wolf, was spread in France and Italy from the Middle Ages. In the Alpine foothills and in Tyrol, the tale is known since the XIV century. And he used extremely popular.
In fairy tales of various countries and locations varied contents of baskets: in northern Italy The granddaughter carried his grandmother fresh fish, in Switzerland - the head of a young cheese, in the south of France - a pie and a pot of oil, etc. Charles Perro Wolf eats a red hat and grandmother. The fairy tale is a morality that instructs the maidens to fear seductors.

Illustration to the German Fairy Tale

The Grimm brothers who held past the woodcutters, having heard the noise, kill the wolf, cut his stomach and rescue the grandmother and a red hat. Moral fairy tales At the Grimm brothers are also present, but it is another plan: it is a warning of naughty children: "Well, now I will never be in the forest to run away from big expensive, I do not disobey more Matushkaya order. "
In Russia, there is a version of P. N. Polevoy - a complete translation of the version of the Brothers Grimm, but a great prevalence received retelling I. S. Turgenev (1866), in which the motive of the prohibition disorder and some details of the descriptions were removed.

The meaning of the "Tales of the Brothers Grimm"

Ludwig Emil Grimm. Portrait of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimmov (1843)

The influence of fairy tales of the Grimm brothers was huge, they since the first edition won the love of readers, despite criticism. Their work inspired to pick up fabulous stories and writers of other countries: in Russia it was Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev, in Norway - Peter Kristen Asbiernsen and Jorgen Mu, in England - Joseph Jacobs.
V. A. Zhukovsky In 1826, there were two fairy tales of the Grimm brothers into Russian for the journal "Children's Interlocutor" ("Cute Roland and Devision Clear Color" and "Tsarevna-Roshovnik").
The influence of the plots of fairy tales of the Grimm brothers is traced in three fairy tales A. S. Pushkin: "Tale of dead Tsarevna And about seven heroes "(" Snow White "brothers Grimm)," Fishing about fisherman and fish "(a fairy tale" About the fisherman and his wife "Brothers Grimm) and" Bridegroom "(the fairy tale of the Brother's Brush" Bride-Robber ").

Franz Hutner. Illustration "Magic and poisoned apple" (from the fairy tale of the brothers Grimm "Snow White")

Tale of the brothers Grimm "About Fisherman and His Wife"

One fisherman lives with his wife Ilisebil in a poor barbell. Once he caresses in the sea of \u200b\u200bCambalu, which turns out enchanted princeShe asks to let her go to the sea that the fisherman performs.
Ilisbil asks her husband, if he did not ask for something in exchange for freedom of fish, and forces him to call Cambalu again to wish his house better. Magic fish fulfills this desire.
Soon, Ilishibil again sends a husband to demand a stone castle from Cambals, then wishes to become a queen, Kaiser (emperor) and Roman dad. With each request of the fisherman to the cambal, the sea is growing stronger and raging the sea.
The fish performs all her desires, but when Ilishibil wants to become the Lord God, then Kambala returns everything to the previous state - to miserable shack.
The fairy tale was recorded by Brothers Grimm on the front pose dialect (the historical region in the south of the Baltic Sea, which was in different epochs As part of various states) based on the Fairy Tale of Philip Otto Runge (German Romantic).
Apparently, in ancient times, Kambala had in the alaria the functions of the sea deity, so the fairy tale is the echo mythology. Moral fairy tale is presented in the form of parables: insatiability and excessive requests are punishable of the loss of everything.

Illustration Anna Anderson "Fisherman speaks with Cambalo"

Legends were also included in the collection of "Tales of Brothers Grimm".
Legend - written legend about any historical events or personalities. Legends explain the origin of natural and cultural phenomena And they give their moral assessment. IN wide sense Legend is an inaccurate story about the facts of real reality.
For example, the legend "Cups of Our Lady" is the only work from the collection, never published in Russian.

Legend "Cups of Our Lady"

This legend of the legend is placed in the second German edition of the book of fairy tales of 1819 as a children's legend. According to the notes of the Grimm brothers, it is recorded from the Westphalian genus Haksthausen from Padeborn (the city in Germany, located in the north-east of the North Rhine-Westphalia).
Content of legend. Once the cab driver is stuck on the road. Wine was in his wagon. Despite all the efforts, he could not move the wagon from the scene.
At this time, the Mother of God passed by. Seeing the poor attempts to the poor man, she turned to the words: "I was tired and I want to drink, pour me a glass of wine, and then I will help free your wagon." The driver willingly agreed, but he did not have a glass to pour wine into him. Then the Mother of God threw a white flower with pink stripes (field binding), which is a little similar to the cup, and served an extrusion. He filled the flower wine. The Mother of God screamed - and at the same moment the wagon was released. The poor man went on.

Flower Vyuninka

Since then, these flowers are called "cups of Our Lady."

In the first edition of 1812 - that is, in the very bloody and terrible. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimmlike I. Charles Perret Together with the Italian Fairy Tale Jambattist basilThe plots were not invented, and they rewrote the folk legends for subsequent generations. From the original sources, the blood is blocked in the veins: graves, severed heels, sadistic punishments, rape and other "non-barn" details. AiF.Ru collected original plots that do not at all should tell the kids overnight.


It is believed that the earliest version of Cinderella invented in Ancient Egypt: While the beautiful prostitute Foduoris bathed in the river, the eagle stole her sandalwood and took Pharaoh, who admired the small sizes of shoes and in the end he married the harlot.

The Italian Jambattist basil who recorded a collection folk legends "Tale of fairy tales", everything is much worse. Its Cinderella, or rather the Zezolla, is not the unfortunate girl, which we know in Disney cartoons and children's performances. She did not want to endure the humiliation from the stepmaking, so she lid the chest broke the fur sheath, taking his nanny in the communications. The nanny immediately hung up and became for the girl the second stepmother, in addition she turned out six evil daughters, to kill all the girl, of course, did not shine. Saved case: once the girl saw the king and fell in love. The Zezolle quickly found the servants of His Majesty, but she managed to escape, rising - no, not crystal shill! - Rough Pianella with a sole of a traffic jam, which Women wore Naples. Further scheme is clear: nationwide wedding and wedding. So the killer stepmother became the queen.

Actress Anna Levanova as Cinderella in the play "Cinderella" directed by Catherine Polovtseva in the theater "Contemporary". Photo: RIA News / Sergey Pyatakov

After 61, after the Italian version, his fairy tale released Charles Perra. It was she who became the basis for all "vanilla" modern interpretations. True, in the version of the Perro girl does not help the godpa, and the mother-deceased: the white bird lives on her grave, performing desires.

The Grimm Brothers, too, in their own way interpreted the plot of Cinderella: in their opinion, harmful sisters of poor orphans were to get herself. Trying to squeeze into a cherished shoe, one of the sisters cut off his finger, and the second one was the heel. But the victim was in vain - the prince warned pigeons:

Look, look,
And the shoe is all in the blood ...

The same flying warriors of justice in the end turned the eyes sisters - here and fairy tale.

Little Red Riding Hood

The story of a girl and a hungry wolf is known in Europe from the XIV century. The contents of the basket changed depending on the terrain, but the story itself was much more unsuccessful for Cinderella. Killing the grandmother, the wolf does not just eat it, but it prepares from her body a snack, but from the blood - some drink. Hiding in bed, he watches, so a red hat with an appetite flies its grandmother. Warn girl trying grandmother's cat, but she dies terrible death (The wolf throws heavy wooden shoes into it). The red cap is, apparently, does not bother, and after the satisfying lunch, she obediently strips and falls into bed, where the wolf is waiting for it. In most versions, this is all ends - they say, the fool's silicon girl!

Illustration in a fairy tale "Red Hood". Photo: Public Domain / Gustave Dore

Subsequently, Charles Perra composed for this story the optimistic final and added Moral for everyone, whom all sorts of strangers call them a bed:

Childs are small for no reason
(And especially maiden,
Beauties and balobists)
In the way meeting all men,
You can not listen to cunning, -
Otherwise, the wolf can eat them.
I said: Wolf! Wolves do not consider
But between them there are other
Pluts, so blowable,
What, sweetly source,
Maiden guard the honor
Accompany to the houses of their walks,
They spend their Bai-Bai on dark catches ...
But the wolf, alas, what seems modest,
Thus he is always Lucava and terrible!

Sleeping Beauty

The modern version of the kiss that woke up the beauty is just a children's bowing compared to the original story, which recorded for the descendants all the same Jambattist Basile. The beauty of his fairy tale named the waist, too, overtakes curse in the form of an injection of spindle, after which the princess fell asleep with a sleepy sleep. The luckless king-father left in a small house in the forest, but could not suggest what would happen next. Over the years, another king passed by, I went to the house and saw a sleeping beauty. Thilly thinking, he suffered her bed and, so to speak, took advantage of the situation, and then left and forgot everything for a long time. And the beauty raped in a dream across nine months gave birth to twins - Son named Sun and daughter Moon. They woke out the waist: the boy in search of the mother breast began to suck her finger and accidentally sucked poisoned thorns. Further more. The lustful king came to the abandoned house and found offspring there.

Illustration in the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty." Photo: / Andreaspraefcke

Golden mountains promised to the girl and again went to his kingdom, where it, by the way, was waiting for a legitimate wife. The king's wife, having learned about the deliberate, decided to destroy it together with all sobs and at the same time to punish the wrong husband. She ordered to kill kids and make meat pies for the king, and the princess - burn. Already before the fire, the cries of the beauties heard the king, who came running and burned not her, and the boring evil queen. And finally, good news: We did not eat twins, because the cook was normal man And saved the kids, replacing them with a lamb.

Defender of the Girl's honor Charles Perra, of course, a fairy tale has changed a lot, but he could not resist from "morality" at the end of history. His farewell reads:

Wait a bit
So that the husband turned up,
Handsome and rich to that
It is quite possible and understandable.
But hundreds of many years,
In bed lying, wait
For the ladies so unpleasant
That none can sleep ....

Snow White

Tale about Snow White Brothers Grimm flooded interesting detailswhich in our humane time seem wild. The first version was published in 1812, in 1854 supplemented. The beginning of the fairy tale no longer foreshadows anything good: "In one winter snowy day, the queen sits and sews at a window with a frame of a black tree. By chance, she rolls a needle a finger, drops three drops of blood and thinks: "Oh, if I had a baby, white as snow, ruddy like blood and a black-eyed like a black tree." But truly terribly appears the sorceress here: she eats (how he herself thinks) the heart of the murdered Snow White, and then, having realized that he was mistaken, he invents all new sophisticated ways to kill her. Among them - a suffocating lace for dresses, a poisonous comb and a poisoned apple, which, as we know, has worked. Interesting and finals: when everything becomes good in Snow White, there comes a turn of the sorcerer. In punishment for their sins, she dances in hot iron shoes, until it drops to death.

Frame from the cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs".

The beauty and the Beast

The source of fairy tales is no little ancient Greek myth About the beautiful psycho, whose beauty envied all, ranging from older sisters, ending with the goddess Aphrodite. The girl chained to the rock in the hope of racing the monster, but it was miraculously saved "invisible creature." It, of course, was male, because I made a psyche with my wife, provided that she would not torment him in question. But, of course, the female curiosity took the top, and Psyche found out that her husband is not a monster at all, but beautiful Cupid. Spouse Psychai was offended and flew away, not promising. Meanwhile, the mother-in-law of Psyche Aphrodite, who from the very beginning was against this marriage, decided to infant the lime of the daughter-in-law, forcing it to perform different complex tasks: for example, bring the golden fleece with mad sheep and river river dead Stix. But the psychhery did everything, and there and Cupid returned to the family, and they lived long and happily. And stupid envious sisters rushed from Rock, hoping in vain, and there is a "invisible spirit".

More close to K. modern history The version was writtenGabriel-Susann Barbot de Villenev In 1740. It is all difficult in it: the monster, in fact, unfortunate orphan. His father died, and his mother was forced to defend his kingdom from enemies, so the education of the Son entrusted someone else's aunt. She turned out to be an evil sorcerer, in addition she wanted to seduce the boy, and having received a refusal, turned him into a terrible beast. The beauty also has their own skeletons in the closet: she is not really native, but stepdaughter merchant. Her real Father - The king who sinned with the height of the Good Fairy. But the evil witch claims to the king, so the daughter of her rival was decided to give the merchant, who just died the youngest daughter. Well, and a curious fact about the sisters of Beauty: When the Beast lends her to swim from his relatives, "good" girls make sure to linger her in the hope that messengers hesitate and eat it. By the way, this thin kinder point is shown in the last cinema of "Beauty and Monsters" withVensean Kasselem and Lei Seyda.

Frame from the film "Beauty and the Beast"