Family traditions. Effect of customs and traditions on society Examples of customs and traditions

Family traditions. Effect of customs and traditions on society Examples of customs and traditions
Family traditions. Effect of customs and traditions on society Examples of customs and traditions

One of the most ancient social regulators is custom. In the early stages of the development of society, the custom was the simplest form of social control, i.e. Submission the custom occurred unconditionally, the custom was considered the only possible way of life.

Custom is a rule of common behavior, which has developed historically, as a result of a long multiple repetition and entered into a habit. eight

The formation of customs is occurring both in the people (tribe, ethnos) as a whole and inside its structural units (classes, professions). Customs regulate the most different areas of activity, therefore are legal, trade, religious, international, military, etc.

As society develops, a more effective human life regulator appears - right. The right that appears in the conditions of oriental, antique or feudal societies does not suppress custom: the government considers himself a long time to be obliged to obey him, rely on him in his actions (including in laws). There are even such customs that are taken under the protection of power and become legal customs, i.e. right. The further development of society displaces the customs into the unofficial sphere of human relations.

In the cultures of modern societies, the role and place of customs of unequal.

The peoples of Western Europe have an ancient customs left, they lost their initial meaning. Many customs were forgotten. Some customs were transformed into the mentality of the nations, thereby determining the national psychology.

The countries of the East are distinguished by tradition, for the nations living in the east, the importance of customs is very large. For countries in which Islam's positions are strong, customs remain an existing regulator of public relations and often openly compete with state institutions and even oppose them. Such a situation undermines the official legal system. History and modernity is replete with examples of the inability of state power to apply power due to the opposition of various generic clans (many countries of African, Afghanistan, Sicily in Italy, the Caucasus and Transcaucasia in Russia). nine

In the modern world, the customs play a minor role. However, they continue to arise (albeit with less intensity compared to antiquity). An example is the emergence of a system of customs, which reflects the Soviet lifestyle. The emergence of customs in modern life is explained by the unpredictability of human life and the desire to systematize life phenomena. Such customs are transformed into law and, accordingly, are called legal. Legal customs are designed to contribute to a relative-assessment process, supplement and enrich the mechanism of legal mediation of a variety of social relations. 10 (art. 5 of the Civil Code "Custom Business Turnover")

Social regulators such as traditions, ritual and business customers are closely connected with customs.

Tradition (from lat. Tradition - transmission, legend) is a set of elements of social and cultural heritage transmitted from generation to generation and persisting in society or its individual groups over a long period of time. 11 According to O.V. Martyushina, tradition - the concept is wider than the custom. In addition to the usual tradition, it includes values, ideas, ideas, ideas, which are sustainable forms of material and spiritual culture of this or that nation. Tradition affects the life of society much wider than the custom.

Ritual (from Lat. Ritualis - ritual, from Ritus is a religious rite, a solemn ceremony) - one of the forms of symbolic action, which expresses a person with a system of social relations and values \u200b\u200band deprived of any utilitarian significance. 12 The ritual was historically used to give the external honors to the gods. The ritual is called a strictly regulated sequence of actions designed to create an atmosphere of mystery and solemnity when performing religious rites. An important importance for rituals has a symbolism, which should indicate the connection of people with God or some higher values. Now the ritual occupies an important place in the non-church, civil life. Examples of rituals are the rite of marriage, the detachment of military honors, the procedure for the head of the head of state is the inauguration, the execution of the hymn on the football match, etc. Despite the fact that the external attitude to this kind of rituals seems to be formal, their deep rootedness in national cultures is obvious. Without civil rituals, society at this stage of its development cannot exist.

Business customers add up in the manufacturing, scientific, educational activities of people and are aimed at increasing its effectiveness.

Such social norms as customs are unlikely to ever lose their weight in the overall system of social norms, as they concentrate the experience of generations and serve for the further development of culture.

Customs, traditions, foundations.

The custom - inherited from the ancestors a way of behavior, which is reproduced in society or the social group and is familiar and logical for their members. The term "custom" is often identified with the terms "tradition".

Tradition (from Lat. "Tradition", custom) - many ideas, rites, habits and skills of practical and social activities transmitted from generation to generation protruding one of the regulators of public relations.

Some people such concepts as customs and traditions are combined into one. However, this is not entirely true. Most often, when it comes to the transfer of the foundations of the social device to its descendants, we are talking about the transfer of traditions. If we are talking about the transfer of rites of weddings, funerals, holidays, then talk about customs.
If we are talking about the generally accepted national clothing of the people, this is a tradition because it concerns the entire people as a whole. If some part of the people, its decoration is added to national clothes, then this is a custom concerning this part of the people. Such a custom can turn into a tradition if everyone will be accepted. Most likely, it is so different customs become a common tradition.

That is, various customs in the complex and create generally accepted traditions. Therefore, people identify traditions, customs and rites in one concept, although it is not. Tradition is immediately born. It appears from the established customs. And customs are born from the life and behavior of people themselves.

In the early 20th century, the Russian photographer inventor S.M. Skidin-Gorsky invented color photography technique. He did it autonomously at one time with the French, the Brothers Auguste and Louis Lumiere, who are considered official inventors of the color photo. Skidin-Gorsky captured in his pictures of people in national clothes, believing that this tradition needs to be remembered. Thanks to him, we have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe national clothes of the peoples of Russia of the beginning of the 20th century.

Tradition number 1.

All nations have traditionally been high the value of a person's word. There were times when even writing was not. Therefore, the word said by man is not just valued. The word attached mystical meaning. It was believed as, however, and now that the wishes, approval, commitment, or even curse, have always been said, always have their own effect and are necessarily carried out. And this happens, regardless of whether it wants this person who spoke, or not. The wish of health and happiness in the ancient people has always been perceived as something real. It was happening that people asked to return them to them the words and wishes, if it turned out that these wishes were not expressed by the one who deserved it. There were cases when people who expressed themselves demanded to take their words back.
From there and takes my beginning expression "take back your words." Some people today believe that words are material and try not to scatter them. Others do not give it the meanings and their words in the eyes of other people do not stand anything. And today no one seriously perceives the words of talkers and boasts, but the words of people worthy are appreciated high. They listened to them. They refer to them.

The word value was the higher, the larger the human race giving the word. Do not hold back the word, it is still that to dispose your own genus. For example, Chechens have such a concept that determines the definitely high price of the word men. They are called "dosha". That is, if a man told Dosha, he answers not only he, but his whole genus. In Chechens, this concept exists to this day, since they have a generic tape clans, each of which combines many people. I believe that such concepts as "Dosz" existed in other peoples, but was called this in different ways. And from the moment of the collapse of the generic relationship, people decreased the share of labor responsibility and the loyalty to the word remained at the level of the personal honesty of each person separately, and not a whole kind. And there, who is what is much. Who and to die is ready for your word, and who and the owner will take it inexpensively. The level of personal responsibility is immeasurably lower than the level of liability of a whole kind, but after all, the generic liability is based on the personal responsibility of each relative. Another thing is that once disgraced relative is deprived of the right to tell anyone "Dosha".

The unconditional value of the word today is accepted by society, except from the president of the country, when he swars on the Constitution of the country upon joining the position. However, unfortunately, there are no cases when the president of that, or other country changes its word. There are not so many reputable people in society who was faithful to their words always and such people become famous. Other people refer to them and their works. These are prominent writers and political figures and even ordinary people who have become famous for their honesty.

If a person claims something, he must prove it to those who listen to him. After all, he is interested in listening to him by him. Then, in proof of the truthfulness of his words, he begins to bring the words of authoritative, decent people as an example. Those words and statements that are tested by time and in evidence of honesty no longer need. If these arguments correspond to the words of the speaker, then people begin to believe. They are convinced that a person is not hypocritical and lies.

The memories of the famous scientist natural scientist Alfred Burma, in which he talks about his conversation by the fire with the leader of a small African tribe. The leader asked him:
- "Is it true that a war is in Europe?"
The first world war and A. Brem nodded in response. The leader asked again:
- How many warriors died?
A. Brem nodded his head again. The leader tried to clarify:
- More than ten?
A. Brem nodded again, what the leader shook his head and said:
- For it would have to give all the cattle of the tribe.
Remembering this conversation, Alfred Brem was perplexed, as can be explained to a person who is accustomed to pay for the death of each warrior from a neighboring tribe in the cross-banned skirmis, which only in one day the Germans put more than 10 thousand of their soldiers during the offensive in the vertex. As in understanding the leader of the savages, the meaninglessness and the scale of the victims of the civilized war will be able to meet. The leader who, despite his wildness, knows about the existence of certain obligations for the death of a warrior. Obligations that were identified between the tribes and are bonded by not a paper document, but the word of the leader.

However, there is another tradition that appeared relatively recently and also relates to the value of said words. Hitler invented this tradition. He argued: if you want your lies to believe, you do not need to say one lie. You need a lie to mix with the truth and then you will believe everything.

This is a false tradition, but also there is a certain value. The desire to deceive the listening people once again emphasizes how important the value of the truthful human word is important for everyone without exception. And for honest people, and for liars. So, we want, or not, but our tradition appreciate the word, lives with us to this day. Even fraudsters are trying to use this tradition.

Tradition number 2.

Literally all nations have a tradition of hospitality. You will say: "What is this?" And you will be right, but it's not so easy here. In ancient times, when there were no communication communications and there was no transport, people were very hospitable even with respect to random people. Simple travelers left in their homes, it happened for several days. It was interesting to know where a man came from and what he saw there. Everybody has enough food, but there is no entertainment. Therefore, they took all passing people, especially since they needed anyway somewhere at least to swell. But what hospitality without a feast. It was accepted to treat guest to all the best. It is clear that to the dear guest, which was expected to be more carefully, but also a simple travelers tried not to offend.

The food was an indicator not only a good attitude to the guest. Each person who ate at the desk of hospitable owners was considered the well-wisher of this house. On the contrary, a person who considers himself an enemy of people who treat him, should not have been eating from their table. Eat food behind their table, it was equivalent to abandoning her offense. And it does not matter how much food on the table. It can be a poor table and rich. I expressed my attitude to this table, showed my attitude to the owners of the house. The frankness was considered obligatory. Missess, in order to cheat, at the table was considered a shameful. All the same applied to toast, but the culture of the desk can be considered a separate tradition.

This tradition is now preserved almost from any people. Despite many changes in our lives, the food remains a very important indicator of good relations between people. Yes, not everywhere, but very many people. For example, often to show your respect for the interlocutor, a person proposes to treat him at his own expense and not even at home, but in a cafe, or in any other place. This act, as a rule, pushes the one who was treated, to a response astone and another time he treats a friend, as well as at his own expense. Joint food people bring together. There is a Russian folk proverb. It says: "Yes, we eaten some salt together." In one put 16 kilograms. It is clear that no one will have simply salt in such quantities. Here we are talking about such the number of food eaten, for the embrassment of which would need salt. That is, people lived together at least a few years and they did not just knew each other, but also shared food.

Today, many many people gathering in one company, prefer to reset to pay for food from ourselves. This is done from different considerations. From misfortune, no desire to burden the initiator of the feast. In the US, it is believed that if a man pays in a restaurant for a woman, he thus tries to afford it. Therefore, women pay for themselves. Well, or do not pay.

Tradition number 3.

Traditions of any people have always been songs and dancing. People spent this time and it was natural. There were no television and recording. Musical instruments were primitive, but it was interesting. Any folk dances are incendiary and interesting each in their own way. Often every dance, or songs were their stories or legends. The dance of the peoples of living near each other were often similar, sometimes neighboring peoples took themselves the dance of a neighbor. The famous Lezginka consider not only all Caucasian peoples, but even the Cossacks. But, judging by the name, the dance is invented by lezgins.

Sometimes people forget their dances and it necessarily makes such people poor spiritually. Russian folk dances either by temperament, nor in difficulty, nor by beauty, nor by any other indicators are inferior to the dances of other peoples. However, their Russian people almost do not dance. Just do not know how. Only experts know their features, and there was a time when Russian dances admirated in the Caucasus, and in Europe. Today people are dancing, as a rule. Not even dancing, but some rhythmic pictures that are very similar to each other.
Maybe this is done specifically to deprive people of culture. Culture of singing, culture of dance. If you still deprive the people of language culture, then the people will replace this all something else and become another people. And this is possible.

A characteristic feature for the folk dance in Russia and in the Caucasus, as well as many other peoples had a rule, according to which the dancing guy and the girl should not touch each other with their hands. There were dances when it was possible to take hands, but no more. For example dances, or such dances like Kochari among Armenians, Shikhans in Assyrians and many others. It was impossible to hug a partner. Our ancestors had strictly. You could only hug my wife. So they danced each other in front of a friend showing his delets to all those present. And they learned to dance not to hit the dirt face.

Folk songs, as a tradition, are no less interesting than dancing. Songs were transferred from mouth to mouth from adults to children. And among the villagers there were no professional musicians. The repertoire was transferred so resembling, but necessarily with all the voices. In one voice of the song did not sang. They grinded by each generation and every year they could change in the direction of improvement. In rural weddings, as a rule, guests were attended by two villages. It was a rule. Guys on their girls did not marry. To avoid the bloodstream. The wedding turned into a kind of festival. One village sanging his songs, another, but there were songs. who knew everything. Today, people do not live like that, but the tradition was such.

Tradition number 4.

In addition to the value of the word, there is also the value of the human act. Actions are different. Significant and not very. But they are all positive, or negative. All humanity is working to ensure the needs of people. Many people work every day in their positions and make those actions that must be performed. These actions are not considered unusual, but they allow us to provide society with everything necessary. These are positive actions. However, individuals make negative actions. These are crimes. In order to protect yourself from crime, society comes up with laws defending honest and decent people. But in the history of mankind there were times when the laws did not defend people. Then people defended themselves. For any crime against friends, or relatives, they answered revenge. Revenge, this is one degree, or a series of acts of logically interconnected. Revenge enemies was considered a matter of mandatory. The rejection of revenge was to have good justifications, otherwise he became a shame.

In one of his stories, the writer writing under the pseudonym "Cont", the former warrior of Afghan, describes the case that occurred in one of the Afghan villages. Next to him was placed block Post of the Soviet Army. It was a small fortress, tasted with machine guns and machine guns. The fighters were constantly waiting for the attacks of the Mujahideen from anywhere, only not from the village of the village. In order not to catch the troubles on the inhabitants, the Mujahideen in the village did not enter and this expense existed a unklady treaty with the Soviet fighters. Once at night, incredible happened. The post unit was attacked where they did not wait. From the side of the village. The attack was gathered by the docking fire of the checkpoint. When bloomed, the fighters saw that there were killed old people on the ground, the residents of the village were armed with what. Only several of them had old, useless in battle, hunting rifles. Next to the others lay sabers, daggers, axes. The investigation has shown that some fighter of the checkpoint at night penetrated one of the houses and first raped, and then stabbed the 13-year-old girl. He saw, but he managed to hide. None of the old people of the village did not have doubts about the fact that they are too small and they are all in old age. They did not see any other development of events, except for revenge. Without waiting for the morning, they rushed into the last in their life attack. The possibilities for revenge they had insignificant. They would not be able to revenge, but they would not reproach them that they did not dismiss anyone could no longer. As Russian Prince Svyatoslav said: "Dead Svers do not have." Just did not think old men about the fact that someone about them will say something. They went to revenge, because they were brought up.

In the middle and later centuries in Europe, it was customary to fight duel. This is the most noble view of revenge if it can be noble. Duel deprived rivals to take revenge on secret. Attack from the back. or secret murder. In the duel was important publicity. Sometimes a duel happened with a large number of witnesses, but in principle there were enough of several people. As a rule, these were seconds on both sides. who agreed on the conditions of the duel (the choice of weapons, distances, etc.) could take a doctor with them to provide medical care. Sometimes the duelists agreed to fight to the first blood, and sometimes to death. Not always an insult person won, but in any case he remained worthy and not disgraced man.

The laws appeared in each country, but revenge still remained among people. Laws do not always work. Revenge always feared more than the law. This is a very ancient custom. Each people had their own features of the manifestation of revenge, but they all differed in cruelty. Cruelty does not make anyone better. One cruelty creates another cruelty and then evil is not visible. In ancient Greek Sparta, the revenge was to be fierced by the murder of all relatives of the perpetrator. To torment him from each news of the death of another relative. The perpetrator was killed last. It is clear that the latter did not have anything else, how to start a war against his avengers and try to win it with the help of all the same cruelty.

When Jesus Christ came to teach people, he called for everyone to forgive each other. It was he who said that if you hit the right cheek, put the left. So the Savior marked the beginning of the custom of all over. For many, this custom is incomprehensible, because it contradicts the custom of revenge to which people are accustomed. But the revenge does not stop evil, but continues him. The murders are and random. In the ancient Jews, for example, several cities were allocated, in which the killer could hide from revenge and pursue him in these cities was forbidden.

1. Annual customs.

Almost all nations have existed a harvest festival. The exception was peoples that could receive 2-3 crop per year. For them, it was not such a significant event. Then other traditions were invented. The main mass of the earth's population received a harvest once a year and tried this event to celebrate the magnificent. This holiday was an abundance symbol. After that, the holiday was taken to play weddings, and not only Christians, Muslims, or representatives of other religions. In the spring products already lacked. This custom came to us from pagan times. Weddings celebrated everything, because immediately after harvesting products were plenty, and the works stopped due to the end of cleaning. Harvest, natural and logical holiday.

Today, the harvest holiday is celebrated not as magnificent as before. Celebrate him only the peasants. This happens for several reasons.
- No population is engaged in harvesting, but only a small part of it. For example, in the United States in agriculture only 3% of the population works. For the rest of people, it does not say anything. In the Middle Ages, about 90% of the population worked in agriculture.
- Now with the end of harvesting, work on Earth does not end and almost continue all year round. The new system of agrotechnics intensively exploits the soil. Previously, people used one field once every two, or three years. That is, one year the field worked, and two years rested. Today, fields do not rest. They are actively focused by mineral fertilizers. Some of the fields are covered for the winter, and before it was done quite rarely. In other words, in the agriculture of winter downtime now does not happen.
- There have been many other magnificent holidays that were not there, including those that are celebrated at one time with the harvest holiday.

Very magnificently celebrated in the people of winter wires. In Russia, this holiday is known called Maslenitsa. Survive winter was not easy. There was no central heating of the peasants. It was necessary to prepare firewood. The huts were small, so that it was easier to warm them with one stove. In the same furnace and prepared food. In winter, the entire population was tied to their homes as heat sources. Therefore, the winters of winter people celebrated with great joy. There was this holiday for the period of spring equinox. During the celebration of Carnival in Russia, it was accepted to burn the scarecrow. In different places in Russia, this custom was celebrated with his details. Somewhere burned the scarecrow, wrapped with pea straw. She burns well. This is stuffedly called the jester of pea. In Kostroma, the stuffed was called "Kostroma".

In different places, various chants were devoted to this holiday, but the meaning and time of the holiday always remains the same. This custom also came in our time from pagan times. The Orthodox Church was celebrating the on the eve of the beginning of a strict Easter post. All oil week People baked pancakes, pies and folk festivities. On Thursday was considered a tradition to prepare pancakes to their inventions and treat them. Oil Sunday is called forgiven. On this day, all people ask for example from each other. Before the revolution, fistweight walls on the wall were arranged for a farewell Sunday. This is a special custom. That is, adult guys and men in the amount of up to several dozen people were built opposite each other. The team came closer and began to fight. The rules were strict. If the fighter fell, then dropped out of the battle. Beat the lying fighter was forbidden. Boots are also prohibited below the belt. The fight was not to be traumatic and unjustifiably cruel, but the blood from injuries was considered the usual phenomenon. The fight continued to complete victory. After the fight, the opponents embraced and asked for a good luck.

The most striking customs are considered weddings. Nowadays, this rite is saved and people arrange lush weddings to leave the memory of this event. But not only. Wedding is not just a joyful holiday. This is an event that not only makes many people responsible for the lives and happiness of a young family, but also a young family makes responsible to all those present for their joint life that they promise to create at the wedding. That is, the wedding is not only a holiday, but also mutual obligations. How else? The groom with the bride and their parents are invited to the wedding of all those whom they respect. This invitation can be viewed as a statement that they do not just invite guests, but they promise to honestly and adequately create a family. In turn, everyone who is invited to the wedding should continue to provide all-in-family assistance in the event that it will be taught for help. So the wedding is not just a feast. It is not just a collection of gifts. This is an important life event.

Muslims still, but not everywhere, it is customary to pay redemption - Kalym. It is believed that a man who paid fertile rather consistent for the content of his own family. Calma's value is negotiated individually, but this custom is not practiced in all Islamic countries. On weddings it is customary to give only money. This money is given to parents of young. But parents must provide children, and housing, and furniture, and everything you need for life up to clothing and dishes. Accordingly, they carry all the costs of organizing the wedding. Money received at the wedding from guests, as a rule, cannot compensate parental expenses.

Christians can give everything. And money, and gifts. Everything is given to the young. The redemption for the bride does not pay, but the bride should bring with him the dowry. The value of the attached depends on the wealth of the bride's family. Parents pay for the wedding. But in this sense, the differences in Muslims and Christians are not significant.

In front of the wedding, Christians are taken to negotiate the wedding. This is called conspiracy and ends it by engaging, or enclosure. Senior representatives of the bridegroom come to negotiate with the bride's parents. Representatives may not be relatives. Usually it is a matchmaker, but the presence of the parents of the groom is necessarily.

Shats follow the ritual of the event. The parents of the bride and groom learn about the intentions of young and if they are positive, then there is a contract on the wedding periods. The bride and the bride wore with wedding rings. Since then, they can communicate in humans, but it is impossible to live before the wedding. What is it done for?

In the event that someone from the young will change his mind to marry, then all cooking will be stopped and the wedding will not take place. In this case, young are not related to any circumstances and can find themselves other chosen. That is, young is given time, in order to look at each other better. Rings are returned to the bridegroom, because they are bought by parents of the groom for engagement.

The contract may not take place. If the bride do not like the bride, she can immediately refuse him. This event becomes shameful for the bridegroom, so he must be sure that the girl will give consent to marriage.

In Ukraine, in Belarus, in Moldova, in Russia and many other nations, it was accepted by the unlucky groom pumpkin (Garbuz). It was a shameful refusal sign. Why shameful? Because if the groom sees that I do not like the girl, but continues to show perseverance, I having received a pumpkin, he no longer has the right to send the Woven to this girl for the second time. That is, the girl has the opportunity to get rid of the annoying groom once and forever.

Muslims also exists a similar custom. If the bride at the wedding will hit with all the bridegroom, the wedding will not take place. However, the bride and the bride itself are considered disgraced in the eyes of guests and the whole society.

Today, many young people seek to earn big money and only then marry to pay their expenses themselves. Do not want to depend on parents. In this case, two problems arise, of which it is difficult to choose the worse. Firstly; This position may be offensive for parents. Parents are usually ready to get into any debts to fulfill their duty before children. Secondly; The process of making money can last an unknown number of years. It can deprive a person the ability to create his own family.

Give the girl to marry without matchmaking always considered disgrace. According to the logic of weddings, it turned out that no one was interested in protecting the interests of young. No one even knows that a new family has appeared. There are no witnesses of those obligations that the groom takes on themselves and his parents. Therefore, the girl is not accepted for her husband secretly. And it does not matter whether it is calm for it, or it is wary in the Orthodox church, the meaning is always alone. Family obligations must be public and frank.

In difficult times, when the guests were not able to make gifts, and parents gather a rich feast, the wedding still tried to play. Often this was done by the general efforts, but the wedding still became a memorable, a joyful event. Even the gifts were made the most modest, but the weddings were made.

Any speculation in this regard do not promise anything good. Previously, it is often the parents themselves decided for whom to give their daughters and to marry their sons. Many acted on the principle of material interest. That is, they tried to cry with a rich bridegroom, or a rich bride. Often, young brides were married to the elderly grooms and vice versa.

Such a situation spawned another custom. This is the abduction of the bride. The act is radical, but the decisive immediately all the problems, including with the cost of the wedding. The abduction logic is simple. The abduction of an unmarried girl with the bridegroom puts her in the category whether disgraced, or married women. But the kidnapper can immediately refuse her and leave disgraced. The parents of the bride who could not interfere with the abduction look impossible among people and are ready to give daughter for the kidnapper, just to keep all the necessary rites and enlist the support of relatives and witnesses. Even if before this, they publicly refused to this bridegroom. At the same time, they try to do everything so that the abduction remains in secret. If the parents do not fundamentally recognize the groom-kidnapper, then the bride without a wedding becomes his wife. This is understandable. No faint, after the abduction, she will no longer wipe it.

However, there were also cases of preliminary collusion about the abduction, the groom with the bride, the groom with parents, the groom with parents and with the bride to avoid the costs associated with the holding of a big wedding. Here logic is very simple. If the girl was kidnapped, they did not get married, then this is considered a shame. If it was kidnapped, but after numerous proceedings and clarifications of relations, (sometimes moving into fights,) the family was still created, then the bride's image even acquires a romantic shade. Therefore, the abductions are sometimes even granting in rich weddings.

What could be no less significant than the wedding? Of course the funeral of the deceased person. In the Bible, it is mentioned that the man who betrayed the land of the dead man looks adequately before God, but after the funeral he should be cleaned. And today there is a custom wash your hands after participating in the funeral.

As life shows, not all people are married, but everyone die. Death makes the burial rite mandatory. Our ancestors buried the dead in the ground so that they did not defile the beasts and birds. After all, the speech of the cracle about the dead relatives. But the attitude and unfamiliar dead was the same. Subsequently, burial rites were invented in coffins. The coffin symbolizes the boat in which the dead goes to another world. Among the believers, it is customary to give a special meaning to the funeral. After all, this is the last path of man to another world. Orthodox Christians are accepted to bury people in the ground. In India, Japan and other countries, the dead people are cremated. Burned. Materialists are followed by general religious traditions and cremate deceased.

Christians adopted the dead to keep at home from one to two days. This is done so that with the deceased, those who are far and cannot quickly come to the funeral. On the day of the funeral of the deceased, it is customary to span in the church, or at home. From the house of the coffin is taken to carry on the street on the street, where the dead man lived. The cemetery takes place the rite of farewell when relatives kiss the deceased in the forehead. Those who wish can speak about the deceased loud, but about the dead, it is customary to speak or well, or nothing. After lowering the coffin in the grave, each present throws in the grave three chips of the earth as a sign of farewell. After the funeral, people go to the commemoration. Behind the memorial table is not accepted by the glasses. The feast is short. The buried person is coming, as well as the dead relatives remember. At the funeral of dead children, alcohol is not used.

Then relatives are going to remember the deceased in 7 days. More magnificent comes the dead on a fortieth day. It is believed that within 40 days the soul of the deceased person is still wandering, and for 40 days it turns out where she should be. On the day of the funeral on the grave, a cross is established, and a year later, the anniversary of death is made to put a monument. But all this is good.

Muslim funerals are customary to complete the sunset on the day of the death of man. Do not wait for anyone. Mullah makes his prayers and rites. Deadly carry only men in the cemetery. Women in the cemetery do not go. Meet the deceased seven days in a row. These commemoration are not so much driving as reasonable. On every day, people talk about life, death, about God, about the faith of the TTD. The family of the deceased is trying not to leave disregard, so that it is easier for her to get used to the loss. On the 40th day, Muslims also celebrates the anniversary.

Funeral customs and rituals are quite diverse and can only be described in specialized work in a very large amount. All of them are logically due. Only the most general rules are described here. People learn to them by participating in the funeral of dead people. The funeral of the most famous and respected people comes a large number of people. But the number of people at the funeral does not mean how a man was in life. It is important with what thoughts people come to the funeral and how they remember the deceased. Good or bad.

Generally accepted customs.

There are quite a few such customs. They are inherent in each people, since logically due to the same circumstances. Take the simple case associated with the fact that the young man is inferior to a place in transport. This is not just an element of pupils. This is a generally accepted custom that has changed, but his essence remains the same. There was no public transport yet, but each people were accepted for the younger not just inferior to the place, but they got up at a time when a senior approached them by age. And the difference in the age of the age did not have. And today it is customary to get up if a person came to you and began a conversation with you. And even if he is one with you age. Just considered impolite if you talk sitting with a person who stands in front of you.

In the ancient Sparta, it was allowed not to get up before older by age, if he had no children. It was simply explained. His children will not stand up to anyone.

Not accepted was sitting talking with women. It was considered a rule of bad tone and a raised woman would not continue the conversation with the interlocutor sitting in front of it, if he, of course, is not a disabled. Today, many nations are accepted to give up the place in transport not only to the elderly people or pregnant women, but just people older people. This is perceived not as help in a difficult situation, but as a tribute.
Such respect before the revolution was shown to women all men, but with the development of feminism, people began to perceive the politeness of men to women in transport, as a harassment.

Interestingly, before the revolution, the aristocrats and the meshman had a custom when meeting with a pregnant woman to remove a hat. Tribute to motherhood.

Interesting traditions of some nations.
I seem interesting to some customs from the Japanese. A year they have the day of boys, and a separate day of girls. These days are devoted to the children up to 6-7 years. These days they definitely dress up in the most beautiful clothes and everything can be.

Food lesson is traditionally held in Japanese schools. Every day, two students are engaged in serving school lunch for their class. Thus, students explore Japanese aitative traditions of serving, feeding, behavior at the table.

In Italy, on the eve of the new year, it is customary to throw old things out of the windows on the street. It is believed that they will remain in the old year, and the family in the new year will acquire new ones.

In Finland and Norway, it is not customary to praise publicly a person. This is considered a rough flattery and may even damage the one you praise.

In China, it is not accepted to give anything connected with Number 4. This number symbolizes death. There is not even taken even the floors to denote the number 4. They are so follow 1,2,3,5,6,

In India, it is not customary thanks for the gift. This is considered the rule of bad tone. You can praise a presented thing.

In the United States, it is not customary to pay for a woman in a taxi, to open the door to her, to convey it for it ... Since she can take it for sexual harassment and contact the authorities with a complaint.

In Greece, it is not customary to praise the utensils or paintings of the owners. According to customs, the owner will have to give it to you.

In Georgia, it is not customary to leave glasses of guests empty. Guest can drink, or not to drink, but his glass will always be complete.

Words of greetings from different peoples are different. The Chinese at the meeting asks: "You ate?", Iranets will say: "Be fun," Zulus warms: "I see you."

Most families have their own vowels or segal traditions. How important are they for the upbringing of happy people?

Traditions and rites are inherent in each family. Even if you think that your family has nothing like that, most likely you are a little mistaken. After all, even the morning: "Hello!" And evening: "Good night!" - This is also a kind of tradition. What is already talking about Sunday dinners with the whole family or collective making Christmas tree decorations.

To begin with, let's remember what such a simple and familiar word "family" means such a simple. Agree, there may be different options on the topic: and "Mom, Dad, I", and "Parents and Grandparents with grandparents", and "sisters, brothers, uncle, aunt, etc.". One of the most popular definitions of this term reads: "Family is an union of people associated with life, mutual moral liability and mutual assistance, which is married or blood. That is, it is not just blood relatives living under one roof, but also people helping each other and mutually responsible. Family members in a true understanding of this word love each other, support, they rejoice together on fun reasons and sad in sad. They whatever together, but at the same time they learn to respect each other's personal space. And there is something that they are combined into one integer, inherent only by him, in addition to stamps in the passport.

This is "something" and there are family traditions. Remember how in childhood they loved to come to the grandmother for the summer? Or celebrate the birthdays of a big crowd of relatives? Or dress up a Christmas tree with mom? These memories are filled with warmth and light.

What are family traditions? Intelligent dictionaries say the following: "Family traditions are common norms adopted in the family, manners of behavior, customs and views that are transmitted from generation to generation." Most likely, these are the usual standards of behavior that the child will carry with them to his future family, and will give it to his children.

What do family traditions give people? First, they contribute to the harmonious development of the child. After all, traditions suggest a multiple repetition of some actions, and, it means, stability. For the kid, such a predictability is very important, thanks to her, he over time he ceases to be afraid of this great incomprehensible world. And what to scare, if everything is constantly, stable, and parents are near? In addition, traditions help children see in parents not just strict educators, but also friends with whom it is interesting to spend time together.

Secondly, for adults, family traditions give a feeling of unity with their relatives, bring together, strengthen feelings. After all, it is often the moments of a pleasant joint pastime with the smallest when you can relax, be yourself and enjoy life.

Thirdly, this is a cultural enrichment of the family. It becomes not just a combination of individual "I", but a full-fledged cell of society carrier and makes its contribution to the cultural heritage of the country.

Of course, this is not all the pros of family traditions. But even this is quite enough to think: what do our families live? Perhaps worth adding a little interesting traditions?

Family traditions in the world there is a huge variety. But still, in general, we can try to conditionally divide into two large groups: general and special.

General traditions are traditions found in most families in one form or another. These include:

  • Celebration of birthday days and family holidays. This tradition will certainly become one of the first significant events in the life of the kid. Thanks to such customs and children, and adults receive many "bonuses": anticipation of the holiday, good mood, the joy of communication with the family, the feeling of your need and significance for loved ones. This tradition is one of the warmest and fun.
  • Home Responsibilities of all family members, cleaning, folding things in places. When the baby is taking care of his home duties from the Small years, he begins to feel the familiar family, learns care.
  • Joint games with children. Adults and small ones take part in such games. Making something together with the children, parents show them an example, teach different skills, show their feelings. Then, as the child grows, it will be easier for him to preserve trusted relationships with mom and dad.
  • Family dinner. Many families honor the traditions of hospitality, which helps to unite families by collecting them at one table.
  • Family Council. This "meeting" of all family members, which solves important issues, the situation is discussed, further plans are being built, family budget is considered, etc. It is very important to attract children to the advice - so the child will learn to be responsible, and also better understand his relatives.
  • Tradition "Knut and Gingerbread". Each family has its own rules, for which it is possible (if possible) to punish a child, and how to encourage it. Someone gives additional pocket money, and someone is a joint trip to the circus. The main thing for parents is not to overdo it, unnecessary demands of adults can make a child's damnitative and sluggish or, on the contrary, envious and evil.
  • Rituals greetings and farewell. The wishes of good morning and sweet dreams, kisses, hugs, meeting when returning home - all this is signs of attention and care from loved ones.
  • Days of memory of dead relatives and loved ones.
  • Joint walks, trips to theaters, cinema, exhibitions, travel trips - these traditions enrich family life, make it brighter and rich.

Special traditions are special traditions inherent in one given family. Perhaps this is a habit of Sunday to sleep before dinner, or on weekends go to a picnic. Or home cinema. Or hiking in the mountains. Or…

Also, all family traditions can be divided into the established by themselves and consciously entered into the family. How to create a new tradition, we will talk a little later. And now consider interesting examples of family traditions. Perhaps some of them will like you and you want to introduce it to your family?

How many families - how many examples of traditions can be found in the world. But sometimes they are so interesting and unusual that they immediately begin to think: "And do not come up with something like something like?".

So, examples of interesting family traditions:

  • Joint fishing until morning. Dad, Mom, Children, Night and Mosquitoes - a few will be solved on it! But but the mass of emotions and new impressions are also provided!
  • Family cooking. Mom knead the dough, dad turns mince, and the child sculpts dumplings. Well, and that, that is not exactly exactly and correct. The main thing is that all fun, happy and evaporated in flour!
  • Quests on birthday. Each birthday room - whether it is a child or grandfather - in the morning a card is awarded, on which he is looking for tips leading to a gift.
  • Trips to the sea in winter. Collect the whole family backpacks and go on the sea coast, breathe fresh air, arrange a picnic or spend the night in the winter tent - all this will give unusual sensations and unite the family.
  • Draw each other postcards. Just like this, without a reason and special artistic talent. Instead of offended and inflated, write: "I love you! Although you sometimes be unbearable ... But I'm not a gift either. "
  • Together with the baby, the kazhiki stove for the holiday of St. Nicholas for orphans. Joint disinterested good deeds and trips to the orphanage will help children become kinder and smotia, and grow not indifferent people.
  • Tale at night. No, it's not easy when my mother reads the baby. And when everyone reads all adults, and listen to everything. Light, good, eternal.
  • Meet the New Year every time in a new place. It does not matter where it will be - on the square of another city, on top of the mountain or near the Egyptian pyramids, the main thing is not to repeat!
  • Evenings of poems and songs. When the family is going together, everyone sit in a circle, poems compound - everyone on the line - and immediately come up with music to them, and sing under the guitar. Healthy! You can also arrange homemade performances and a puppet theater.
  • "Lining" gifts to neighbors. Staying unnoticed, the family gives up neighbors and friends. How nice to give!
  • We speak warm words. Each time before meals, everyone speaks each other nice words and compliments. Inspires, right?
  • Cooking "With love." "Did you put love?" "Yes, of course, now I will put. Feed, please, she is in the cabinet! "
  • Holiday on the top shelf. Custom to meet all holidays in the train. Fun and in motion!

In order to create a new family tradition, you need only two things: your desire and fundamental consent of households. The algorithm for creating traditions can be brought to the following:

  1. Actually, come up with the tradition itself. At the maximum, try to use all family members to create a friendly cohesive atmosphere.
  2. Take the first step. Try your "action." It is very important to saturate with positive emotions - then everyone will look forward to the next time.
  3. Be moderate in your desires. You should not immediately introduce many different traditions for every day of the week. In order for customs to gain, you need time. Yes, and when everything in life to the little things is planned - it is also uninteresting. Leave space for surprises!
  4. Fix the tradition. It is necessary to repeat it several times so that it will be remembered and began to strictly observe. But do not bring the situation to the absurdity - if on the street of Purga or shower, it is possible to abandon the walk. In other cases, the tradition is better to observe.

When a new family is created, it often happens that the spouses do not coincide the concepts of tradition. For example, in the family of the bridegroom, all holidays are instituted in a circle of numerous relatives, and the bride met these events only with mom and dad, and some dates did not cope at all. In this case, the newlyweds can immediately conquer the conflict. What to do in case of disagreement? The advice is simple - only a compromise. Discuss the problem and find the most appropriate to both the solution. Come up with a new tradition - already overall - and everything will work out!

In Russia, time impertons, family traditions were honored and defeated. They are a very important part of the country's historical and cultural heritage. What family traditions were in Russia?

First, an important rule for each person was knowledge of his pedigree, while not at the level of "grandparents", but much deeper. In each noble family, a genealogical tree was compiled, a detailed pedigree was kept carefully and passed stories about the life of ancestors. Over time, when cameras appeared, the maintenance and storage of family albums began, transfer them to young generations. This tradition has reached our time - in many families there are old albums with photos of close and relatives, even those who are no longer with us. It is always nice to revise these "pictures of the past," to rejoice or, on the contrary, waving. Now, with a wide distribution of digital photographic equipment, frames are becoming more and more, but most often they remain electronic files, not "flourished" on paper. On the one hand, so storing the photo is much easier and more convenient, they do not occupy places on the shelves, do not turn yellow over time, do not dump. Yes, and you can remove much more often. But even the trembling associated with the expectation of the miracle, also became less. After all, at the very beginning of the photo, a campaign for a family photo was a whole event - it was carefully preparing for him, it was smartly dressed, everyone was happily walked - what are you not a separate beautiful tradition?

Secondly, the rewarding of the memory of relatives, the commemoration of the past, as well as care and constant care of the elderly parents, was an invalid Russian family tradition. This is worth noting, the Russian people differs from European countries, where special institutions are mainly engaged in the elderly citizens. It's good or bad - not to judge us, but the fact that such a tradition is and she is alive - this is a fact.

Thirdly, in Russia, since ancient times, family relics - jewels, dishes, some things of distant relatives were started to transmit from generation to generation. Often young girls married in the wedding dresses of their mothers who previously received them from their mothers, etc. Therefore, in very many families, there were always special "tunes", where grandfather watches were kept, grandma rings, family silver and other values.

Fourthly, it was previously very popular to be called a child's born in honor of someone from family members. So "family names" appeared, and families, where, for example, Grandfather Ivan, son Ivan and grandson Ivan.

Fifth, an important family tradition of the Russian people was the assignment of the child of the middle name. Thus, at birth, the baby receives part of the name of the genus. Calling someone named - patronymic, we express our respect and politeness.

Sixth, previously very often appropriated a church name in honor of the saint, who is honored the birthday of the kid. According to beliefs, such a name will protect the child from evil forces and help in life. Nowadays, this tradition is observed infrequently, and mainly among deep believers.

V-seventh, in Russia there were professional dynasties - whole generations of bakers, shoemakers, doctors, military, priests. Growing, the Son continued the case of the Father, then the same thing continued his son, and so on. Unfortunately, now such dynasties in Russia are found very and very rare.

The eighth, important family tradition was, and now it is increasingly coming to this, the mandatory wedding of the newlyweds in the church and the baptism of babies are returned.

Yes, many interesting family traditions were in Russia. Take at least a traditional feast. No wonder they talk about the "wide Russian soul". But really, they were carefully prepared for receptions, cleaned up in the house and in the yard, covered tables with the best tablecloths and towels, put a spreads in the dishes, stored specifically for solemn incidents. The hostess went on the threshold with bread and salt, bowed to the belt guests, and they put themselves in response to her. Then everything went to the table, ate, sang songs, talked. Eh, beauty!

Some of these traditions are hopelessly rushed in the summer. But how interesting to notice that many of them are alive, and they are still transmitted from generation to generation, from the Father to the Son, from Mother to her daughter ... And, it means that the people have a future!

Cult family traditions in different countries

In the UK, an important point in the education of a child is the goal of raising true Englishman. Children grow in rigor, teach them to restrain their emotions. At first glance it may seem that the British love their children less than parents in other countries. But this, of course, is a deceptive impression, because they just used to manifesting their love differently, not as, for example, in Russia or in Italy.

In Japan, it is very rare to hear child crying - all the desires of children under 6 are immediately executed. All these years, the mother is engaged only by the upbringing of the baby. But then the child goes to school, where it is waiting for a strict discipline and order. It is also curious that under one roof usually lives the whole big family - and old men, and babies.

In Germany, there is a tradition of late marriages - there rarely who creates a family to thirty years. It is believed that up to this time, future spouses can be implemented at work, build a career, and are already able to provide a family.

In Italy, the concept of "family" is a comprehensive - all relatives are included in it, including the most distant. An important family tradition is joint lunches on which everyone communicate is shared by their news, discuss urgent problems. Interestingly, in the choice of son-in-law or daughter-in-law, the Italian Mom plays.

In France, women prefer their career to raise children, so after the expiration of a very short time after the birth of the child, Mom returns to work, and her child goes to kindergarten.

In America, an interesting family tradition is the habit of early childhood to teach children to life in society, allegedly will help them in adulthood. Therefore, it is quite natural to see families with young children and in a cafe, and at parties.

In Mexico, the cult of marriage is not so high. Families often live without official registration. But men's friendship there is quite strong, the community of men supports each other, helps in solving problems.

As you can see, family traditions are interesting and great. Do not neglect them, because they rally the family, help her become one.

"Love your family, spend time with her together and be happy!"
Anna Kutyavina for site site

Each person ever came across in his life with such concepts as tradition, custom or ritual. Their semantic meaning is rooted deep in antiquity, and over time, their historical essence and value have changed much. Certain rituals are an integral attribute of the life of people, and we, without thinking, follow customs and traditions, hardly distinguished by one of the other. Our article will help to figure out what is the difference between them.

Custom is a way of behavior in a society based on a habit that is reproduced in the social group or in society, and is logical for all members. The meaning of this word carries a religious, cultural and legal order, which may have even compulsory. When it comes to customs, it is understood by the transfer from generation to the generation of rites, rituals, holidays, rules of behavior at funeral or weddings.

If we are talking about the transfer of the foundations of the behavior and the device of society as such, it means such a concept as a tradition. His national binding is honored by the tradition of the tradition: the traditions can be attributed to the generally accepted national clothing, but the attribute to this dress, added by some group of society, will be the concept of custom. There are family, public, folk traditions that can have both positive and negative impact on humans.

Examples of customs and traditions

For clarity, I would like to give a few examples of national customs and traditions:

  • The most famous custom is the celebration of the New Year and the Birthday, and the tradition - to put on the New Year and dress up the Christmas tree, and for a birthday - give gifts.
  • The celebration of the Great Easter is another old Christian custom. Traditional for Easter is the bake of cakes and painting eggs.
  • In Thailand, according to custom, noted by Loi Kratong - the day of the spirit of water that comes
  • in full moon. The tradition of this holiday is considered to be allowed on the river boat with candles, flowers and coins.
  • In the US, it is considered customary to celebrate Halloween holiday. By tradition, various physiognomy cut out from pumpkins on this day, and burning candles are placed inside the vegetable.
  • An interesting tradition of celebrating a nameman in Denmark is to hang the flag on the window.


If you are planning a trip to Asian countries, remember that there is a custom for holidays to serve "Pesh Barmak". In order not to offend the hospitable owners of the house, this dish is eating only with their hands, and it sounds that it sounds - "five fingers".

Contrary to our traditional and generally accepted concepts, in other countries there are many strange and illogical customers for our understanding. The contraction with the familiar handshake we are accustomed to exchange at the meeting, the Japanese are squatted, some aborigines are taken to rub their noses, they are tested in Zambezi and clap their hands, and the Kenyans simply spit in the counter. According to the tradition of politeness, we are interested in asking "how are you?", Chinese ask the question "Did you eat?", Irishman expresses the wish "Be Cheerful," you will simply tell you "I see you."

What do traditions need

Customs and morals are the combination of norms and stereotypes of the regulatory nature of people's life.

They are - and make them up. They differ (differ) among themselves these concepts on the following features.

Whatcustoms - definition and category

  • Their action applies mainly to the practical and behavioral parties of life, in exceptional cases, customs may affect the intellectual or even figurative sphere. Although the hidden relationship between them, of course, is present.

Customs - concept and definition

  • In the sphere of existence, they are most related to a private life, since its stereotypes of behavior and social "masks" both in public life and in activities that come out of the circle of family or close-related relationships are mainly governed by the norms of the respective subcultures.
  • Life support, example - home medicine, home service, interior, preferences, kitchen, clothes, and so on.
  • To the life line, an example is the rates of education, the position of women, roles and functions in the family, attitudes towards parents acceptable sources of earnings and so on.
  • To external standards of relations and communications, an example is the neighborhood, hospitality, relations obligations with long or close relatives, the permissible limit of external freedom and so on.
  • To rituals and rites, an example - holidays, birth, funeral, weddings, and so on.

The broadcast or transfer of the experience of customs is kept on the mechanism of tradition and actually is the one that is implemented not by state institutions, but within the framework of the daily existence of people.

Customs are present as an effective social mechanism and in different "post-" societies of the level of private regulation. Of course, the effectiveness of their influence is stronger for more rooted classes. So, in marginal groups, their effectiveness is weaker.

The concept of custom is intertwined and often mixes with the concept of morals.

What are the morals - the concept and features

The concept also relates to regulatory tools, but unlike customs, is directed not so much on the behavioral practice of people, how much to its moral component, i.e. Famous level

Morals - Concept

  • Miroponymia images
  • Value orientations
  • Morality
  • Rules relations and so on.

The morals refer to the ordinary presentation of the basics of the morality of the whole nation.

Systematize them by species is difficult. As academician noted, they are organic than their inner ordering, which is subconscious.

  • On the one hand, they are the most movable traits of culture (as well as fashion)
  • On the other hand, morals are naturally divided into relevant status and social criteria.

The stability of various morals is explained by the subject of the corresponding moral relations themselves. So, traditionally sustainable marriage standards (loyalty, chastity, etc.) easily coexist with volatile hospitality (alien, inner, etc.).

Our presentation

Morals are also distinguished by the smaller than the customs, social responsibility. They are characterized, rather, an assessment of the admissibility, acceptability of various manifestations or forms of relationships, behavior in separate episodes, situations. Of course, the characteristic of the morals depends and is related to the history of history prevailing:

  • Development of worldview (rationalistic, religious, mythological)
  • The degree of rooting in the people of traditions or their atavistic manifestations.
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