Armenian female names. Men's Armenian names and values \u200b\u200b- the choice of the best name for the boy the most beautiful Armenian names

Armenian female names. Men's Armenian names and values \u200b\u200b- the choice of the best name for the boy the most beautiful Armenian names
Armenian female names. Men's Armenian names and values \u200b\u200b- the choice of the best name for the boy the most beautiful Armenian names

One Armenian List named Racha Acharyan created a list of Armenian names in his time. The volume turned out to be huge - four volumes. It does not surprise: Armenian people are more than two thousand years. Since then, the word "Armenia" (more precisely, "Armina") appeared in the inscriptions of the king Darius on the Behistunskaya rock, a lot of time flowed, and the number of names only increased. In fact, the entire history of the Armenian people has reflected in national names.

We cannot reliably find out how children called in antiquity. Writing from the Armenian people appeared in 406 due to the many years of efforts of Mesrop Mashtots. Before that, the competent Armenians used the Persian and Greek alphabet. From legends and written sources in other languages, we know people who left their mark in history whose names continue to be used in modern use.

In the list of Armenian names, several layers can be distinguished:

All names taken from other languages \u200b\u200bare adapted by Armenians so much that a foreigner is often difficult to distinguish the original name from borrowing. Only the last category of names while retains traces of its origin. Interestingly, among Armenian names, there are very rare - Turkish and Arabic, although the Armenians had to communicate with these peoples often, but sometimes not in their will.

National names

They began to develop in those timesWhen Armenians did not exist as a separate people with their self-awareness. The Millennium I Millennium Society BC, who lived in Armenian Highlands, was poly ethnic. It is at this time that the state of the Urart fell, and in the country I walked that one conqueror, then the other, the Armenian community and language consolidated.

This category is the names of the gods and heroes, as well as those with which parents wanted to make their child happy. Armenian men names often have a solar symbolism, often in them is mentioned and nobility. In a different way, Armenian names for girls were chosen: rare and beautiful for a foreigner, they were called upon to cause positive emotions from those who know Armenian. The themes of female names are beauty, jewel, cleanliness, among them a lot of "floral" names.

male nameoriginfemale nameorigin
Aram.nobleAnaththe pagan goddess of fertility in Armenia of the ancient capitals of Armenia
Gaik (Haik, Ike)the name of the legendary progenitor ArmeniansLusinémoon
Naretoponym, name of one settlementGegezikbeauty
VardanrewardWarduirose flower
Artashes.the desire for truthGayaneteearth

The period of Iranian rule

Iranian names Began to penetrate Armenia during the era of the achemenides. Later, the influence was due to the hegemony of Parphy in the region, then - Sassanid Iran. In the Middle Ages, Armenia was divided between Byzantia and Iran.

Among Iranian names is a lot of royal: almost the entire first legendary dynasty - Ervandida - wearing such. According to Persian and Greek sources, these people have been known as satrapy - representatives of the regional authorities in the empire of the achemenides.

The specifics of these names are that some of them are among the Armenian in many centuries before the adoption of Christianity, and are now recognized as the original national.

From that era to modern times, legendary names have reached, known since those times when Armenia has not yet been. This can be attributed to the female name Shamiram - Armenian version of Assyrian Shammuramat (so called the Queen of Semiramid).

Effect of Christianity

Together with Christianity in Armenia poured a stream greek, Latin and Jewish names. It is impossible to say that they were not before: in this region there was a fashion for names, and such a phenomenon, as Hellenism, touched upon Armenians. But with the arrival of a new faith, which united the people, Christian names became one of the most common. Often in this capacity were used tractures of religious concepts, that is, the literal translation of complex words. Christian names were always on hearing, and here are some of them:

The XX century trees

Only a third of Armenians live in Armenia. The remaining two-thirds - in diasporas. Thanks to this, foreign and foreign names are among Armenian names. Especially strongly this process was expressed in the last century, when many Armenians became significant figures in politics, culture and business in different countries. Often they wore quite traditional names, but to facilitate communication with people of other nationalities, they took the local appendage, and thus contributed to their distribution among their people.

Sometimes the name was the name of some important figure, and not Armenian was not at all. So among the Armenians appeared telmans, Engels, Frunze and Kamo. Sometimes foreign names adapted to Armenian pronunciation. So, Isabella began her, Sergey - Serzhik (although there is a similar name for the origin of Sarkis).

From Western European Eduard, Robert, Arman, Eric, and Women's - Ophelia, Ermin, Susanna (although there is a national analogue - Shushan).

The trend towards universal names was noted. In order to make a female male name, the end of the female genus is added to it, for example, Wardui. There are names that can wear both sexes, but such little. These include the name of Ayastast - "Armenia". But the name that happened from Exoatenonim - Armen - Male. The female option will sound like "Armenui".

Most often, Armenians have the surname ending in --yan. This suffix is \u200b\u200bsimilar to Russian -in, forming a presumptive adjective. Simply put, the last name answers the question "Whose?". Sufifix -yans puts the last name to the genital case, and she will answer the question "whose will you?".

The most ancient surnames are those that end on suffixes -unts and -eni. They go back to the days of the first dynasties of the Doharistian Armenia.

By the origin of the name Armenians can be divided into five categories:

Sometimes by the name of ancestor, which remained in the root of the surname, you can find out its nationality. Thus, the names of Artashesyan, Bagramyan, Pakhlavuni, Shakhnazarov talk about the Persian origin of ancestor; Surname Kardashian, Kocharian, Shaginyan - About Turkic.

The connection with the spiritual field is also indicated by the prefix terror, before any surname. So, the ancestors of a person with the name of Terterianz, most likely, were priests, and Khatuchyan - bakeries.

Now Armenian surnames are transmitted by transcription, that is, their ending remains Armenian. But it was not always so. In Russia, a long time was a tendency to Russification of the surname or nickname, even if the carrier did not ask for this, and sometimes it did not know at all. So, Khachikyan could become Khachinsky, and Aivazyan really became Aivazovsky. I went to Movses Horani, the first Armenian chronicler. In domestic historiography, he appeared as Moses Harensky, although it was not his last name: the village where he was born, called Horene.

Most popular names

Fashion for names exists everywhere, and Armenia is not an exception. In recent years, the tent of the most common names looks like this:

Male names:

Women's names:

It can be seen from the list that various options for Mary are well common among Armenian female names. Beautiful modern Marie, Maria (and in the twenty one also includes Mary) quite well coexist with traditional Mariam. Of the twenty most common women's names in the Armenia seven.

Armenian male names And their values \u200b\u200bare more traditional: boys prefer to give Christian or national names.

ATTENTION, only today!

Even in the Middle Ages, the surname wore noble people, princes and royal people. Now at birth, each child gets a generic name.

Each country has its own traditions and history of origin. Read about the most beautiful Armenian names and surnames.

The origin of Armenian surnames

In antiquity, people did not have last names. The population density was small, so the names were rarely repeated.

With the increase in the number of people, the need arose to correct a person in different ways. A few men named Aram or Garnik could live in one settlement. The output from the position was found.

When mentioning a person, his generic affiliation was indicated - the son of Anait, the grandson of Aram. But difficulties arose again.

Therefore, to the name of the Own in Armenia, people began to add the end of Yang. So the traditional army surnames originated.

There were several ways to form the surname:

  1. On behalf of the Father with the addition of completion.
  2. By human activity.
  3. Depending on the place of birth or accommodation.

Shiracatsi, Tatevatsi - versions indicating where a person was born. Magistros, Kerto - surnames formed from professional affiliation.

Subsequently, at birth, the generic name began to move by inheritance.

Important! In antiquity of the surname, only representatives of a noble kind were carried.

Until the 19th century, only names were used. However, the representatives of Armenian nationality are known from the Bible pages that representatives of Armenian nationality are found in religious history.

The tribes of the Janarians, Aguvanas, the Pockets, the jokes inhabited the territory of modern Armenia at that time.

Important! Historical prerequisites indicate the first notable army surname - "Azganun", which is translated as "the name of the kind".

List of popular women's names

Each name is of particular importance. When reacting, the character of a person depends partly from the name received. Armenian versions sound very beautiful and melodious. Forged women's versions of centuries.

It is possible to divide them by origin by 5 groups, which indicated the distinctive features:

  1. Title affiliation.
  2. Significance of origin.
  3. Professional employment.
  4. Place of Birth.

In addition to melodiousness and fraudulent Armenian names are distinguished by a deep meaning. The girl grows in the image of adoptions. Often called newborns in honor of the queen, goddess.

With the semantic value of Armenian versions can be found in the table:

Name Value
Anush. Sweet
Anath Goddess-mother
Alvan Alaya
Amate Modest
Almatic Diamond
Azatura Free
Ani. From the name of the medieval capital of Armenia
Armin. Fate
Astrik. Star
Asmik Jasmine
Araika Dated Supreme God Arai
Araksi On the river Araks.
Arevik. Sun
Arus Sunny
Ashchen Heavenly
Bayl Snowflake
Vargine Chaste
Warspenik Lenosy
Vartiter Pink rose
Voskinar Golden
Garunik Spring
Gayane Earth
Egine Aspiring to the sun
Eraranui Blessed
Info Gold
Zarui Priestess of the temple of fire
Karin Generous
Leila Night
Liana Thin
Lilit Night
Mane Goddess of the morning
Marina Marine
Margarist Pearl
Mariam Maria
Metaxia Silk
Milena Pretty
Naira Free
Nazan Graceful
Nana Mum
Narine Female
Well no Keeper of the focal
Ruzanna rose flower
Saty Divine
Siranush Love
Sirun. Beautiful
Sophie Wise
Ciacanoe Rainbow
Shagané Pious
Shushan Lily
Helen Light
Ermina Courageous
Eteri. Ether

Many Armenian women's names are based on male versions. At birth, the girl can be called in honor of the great commander, grandfather, adding the suffix "Ukht" and "UI" to the male version.

Such the end of the word literally means "daughter". And now such complaints transmit the character of the owner and its external data. Even Russian children are called particularly frantic Armenian names.

Beautiful Armenian surnames

Armenians lived in small bugs, so they appeared the surnames later than in other tribes. Some people could be denoted by a distinctive characteristic character, others - on the paternal line.

The names spoke about the nobility of the genus, the dignity of the man who wears it. To this day, Armenians with honor are the names of their fathers.

Check out the list of the most popular surnames:

  • Abazyan.
  • Abegyan.
  • Abgaryan.
  • Agasyan.
  • Awazyan.
  • Aloyan.
  • Alemen.
  • Amarian.
  • Asician.
  • Ayanyan.
  • Babala.
  • Bagartians.
  • Bagumian.
  • Balavian.
  • Barinian.
  • Busoyan.
  • Gagatyan.
  • Galanyan.
  • Giriyan.
  • Gurshunyan.
  • Davoyan.
  • Devino.
  • Dzhigarkhanyan.
  • Divaryan.
  • Drochwood.
  • Ekmalyan.
  • Yenchatoyan.
  • Esayan.
  • Zavaryan.
  • Zakaryan.
  • Zurabyan.
  • Casaryan.
  • Karapetyan.
  • Kumaryan.
  • Kusherian.
  • Lavasanian.
  • Lancean.
  • Lockmanian.
  • Longurian.
  • Louloyan.
  • Makaryan.
  • Mersyan.
  • Mudiryan.
  • Muradyan.
  • Nagaryan
  • Namazyan.
  • Narzakian.
  • Narcziang.
  • Nursyan.
  • Ovokyan.
  • Oganesyan.
  • Okikan.
  • Pamussian.
  • Panosyan.
  • Petrosyan.
  • Rogasyan.
  • Pruntian.
  • Ramazyan.
  • Rashoyan.
  • Rabyan.
  • Sagaryan.
  • Sargsyan.
  • Sadagyan.
  • Saloyan.
  • Tarunyan.
  • Tutuman.
  • Tatosyan.
  • Urutyan.
  • Ushanyan.
  • Muddan.
  • Fardhian.
  • Pharmanian.
  • Haleyan.
  • Hottery.
  • Holtian.
  • Hutichyan.
  • Yumian.
  • Yamilyan.
  • Yamian.
  • Yamiryan.

In Russia, many Armenians. Children attend schools, parents - occupy jobs. According to the rules of the Russian language, women's surnames retain their shape when declining.

Men's options that end on the suffix "Yang" are inclined by cases according to the standard rules.

Important! Over time, the end of "C" in the birth of adveria was gone.

The most popular aristocratic surnames appeared in the Middle Ages, but received their distribution in the early 19th century. These are Mamicani, Arzruni, Amatuni, Rshtuni.

When mentioning noble childbirth, the words "AZG", "Tun" added to the names. Over time, family calls appeared in the peasants and artisans: Hattukhian (Baker), Roses, Roses (Jeweler), Kartashyan (Mason), etc.

    Related records

In ancient times in Armenia, people gave meaningful nameswhich corresponded to their external quality, or those that expressed the desire to see a person in the future endowed with those or other qualities. We collected the most common armenian female names In Russia, these are such as:

Agapi. - From the Jewish "Agape", in Russian - "Love". This name came from the Greek language and it corresponds to the Armenian name - Siranush

Agnes "From the Greek" AGNE "that in Armenian language is equivalent to the words" Makur "(net)," Surb "(sacred)," AMES "(modest) and, accordingly, with names - Macroi, Srbui, AMES. Meets the Russian version - Agnes

Ad - From the German "adel", which means "noble girl." Comes from the Russian version of Adeline. Often there is a European version - Adelaide

Azatura - Freedom, female version of the Armenian male name Azat. From here there is a surname Azatian

Azganush - from the Armenian words "AZG" (Rod) and "Anush" (sweet). There is also a brief option - Azgush

Aziz - From Arabic "Aziz", which means "dear", "selected", "most beloved". Among the Armenians, this name began to spread from the XII century, both female and male name. From this name, the name of Azizyan

Azniv - from the Armenian adjective "Azniv", which means honest

Aida- came to the tongue after the well-known opera Verdi "Aida"

Alvard - Comes from Armenian words "al" (red) and "Vard" (Rose) - Red Rose

Alvina - Comes from the Russian name Albina, which means "Blonde", "Blonde", from the Latin word Albus "White". The use of a more affectionate name - Ala

Alina- Affectionate name from Russian. Alevtina (Ala, Alevtina). Comes from the Greek word "Aleuo" and means "inaccessible", "elusive".

Alice - French name Alisa. Alice options are also used, or gentle - Alla

Almatic - From Turkish Almas, which means a diamond. In the end of the word letter "T" added Armenians. Almam - Almatic, also Salmas - Salmast

Albertina - From the Gothic "Albrecht", which will mean "Honorable". Female version of the European male name Albert

Amalia - unreplicated, clean

Anath - a heart. Anait is identified by Greek Artemide, the main goddess, the personification of motherhood and fertility. She was renamed the "Great Mrs." and "Mother of Virtue," they considered the patroness of Armenians

Anush. - morning breathing, voluptuous

Arakscia - Holy Watch

Arevik. - Sun

Arpenik - Holy Defender

Arus - sunny

Asthik - asterisk. Asthik - Bride Waagon, identical Aphrodite. The goddess of love and beauty, patroness of women and, in particular, virgins and pregnant women. Asthik was also the goddess of poetry, medicine, mother and patroness of nature. Her cult was associated with rain and irrigation, perhaps because, according to legend, she turned into a fish. And the legend is such. In the Armenian wedding ceremony, still a mandatory element of the rite is the episode when the groom's mother meets newlyweds at the threshold of his house, she puts Lavash (Armenian bread) on the shoulders of the bride and groom. They must carefully go and enter through the threshold so that, God forbid, Lavash did not fall from the shoulders. But the asthik was so in love, and so I was in a hurry to become a wife Waagna, which quickly and casually entered the house and slipped, dropping Lavash. That is why they still remained in love, and the wedding did not take place. Although, if you believe legend, the wedding did not take place, because during the wedding Vaagna reported on the attack on the borders of Armenia of the enemy troops. And he in the call of debt, left the bride and left to defend his homeland. And so, every time, when it seemed that at the borders, she was in a hurry to his beloved bride, he had to return to the post from halfway. And since Armenia has never been in complete safety, and now Vaagn is standing on border posts, and asthik is tired of waiting and turned into a fish ...

Atanasia - From the Greek "Athanasia", which means "immortality". There is a male name - Atanas and hence the last name - Atanesyan

Ahavan - From Armenian "Ahabny", which means a bird - a pigeon. Another options are a Johnik or Dohik.

Akhburik- from Armenian "Achbur", which means "Spring"

Akhgul- from Turkish "AG" (white) and "gul" (rose), which means "white rose"

Ashchen- Heavenly

Gayane- House, family

Egine- the desire for the sun

Zarui, infa - Treat of Fire Temple

Karin- Liburate

Manushak- Violet

Manyak- Necklace of precious stones

Melacious- a meeting

Naira- free

Nana- mum

Nan- Athena, the goddess of the home

Narine- Woman, wife

Well no- praising

Parandzem- similar to the dazzling top deity

Ripseme.- Above all silence

Sathenik- True Lan

Saty- True

Seda.- Tenderness

Spandaramet- the goddess of the afterlife

Tatevik.- The path of the ancestors

Shagana- meek, piety

Shoother, Shogik - beauty

Shushan- Lilia

During its history, Armenian culture experienced the influence of various peoples and their traditions. Therefore, many names have no Armenian origin. There are Slavic, Persian, Greek, Turkic and others. The most ancient national names were formed from the names of Armenian gods:

  • Anait, which means "female mother";
  • Asthik - Patron Specialist of Beauty and Love;
  • Nana is the goddess of war and motherhood.

And borrowing in the advent of girls was spoiled from Hebrew, Persian, and after establishing the Soviet and Russian languages \u200b\u200bin Armenia. In about the same time, Western European names were widespread in Armenia.

The names themselves are often based on their nominal nouns. For example, in the Armenian tradition there was a custom not called, but according to the following signs:

Distribution received and noun, formed on the basis of the words of the National Language. Among them are names:

  • stars and planets, for example, Lusin - "Moon";
  • gemstones: Zara - "Gold";
  • colors: Wardui - Rosa, Manushak - "Violet";
  • fabrics, such as metaxia - "silk".

The adoption by the Armenian people of Christianity led to the fact that girls often began to call biblical church names. Christian names received distribution among the majority of European peoplesBut each of these nations transformed them in its own way. For example, Johannes "for the Italians became Giovanni, for the French, Jean, for the Poles - Jan, and for Armenians - ovhannes.

Also, changed modifications, went into use and other names, for example, Egyb (aspiring to the Sun), Seda (Silk), Oxana (Oxana's form).

Women's names were formed in Armenian based on male With the addition of a female suffix. The suffixes varied depending on the family status of the owner:

  • sufifixes -Us, -ducht, -Nush for my daughter: Armenui, i.e. Daughter Armen, Zarui, Wardui, Sandukht, Akandukht; Siranush;
  • for a wife -torn, -bika, -Khatun: Sratikin, Luistikin, Ussbika, Melichatun.

Such female suffixes were also used in the formation of names:

  • suffix-not: Nune, mana;
  • -Ini: Nazani, Gegani;
  • -New: Varden, index.

In the names borrowed from other languages, also attended suffixes:

  • -Ya: Sofia, Mania;
  • - Teta: Juliet, Mareta, Margarita;
  • - And: Suzy, Agapi, Lily, etc.

Women's names with the specified suffixes were inclined on the principle of female; However, in the modern Armenian language category there is no more. Some names were suitable for both the boy and a girl, for example:

  • Arshaluys, which means "dawn";
  • Erzhanik - "Happy", "happy."

How do you choose?

Pick up the beautiful Armenian name for the girl will not work. Most of them are harmonious and personify in their meaning a gentle female nature:

  • Gehetsik - Beautiful;
  • Chnashharik - wondrny;
  • Annman - unmatched;
  • Knkush - affectionate;
  • Called - gentle;
  • Ames - modest;
  • Nazand - submissive, obedient;
  • Honar - humble.

Such names have always been given with intent: in the hope that the girl will have such internal qualities that are laid in her name. Among Armenian names, in general, it is often possible to meet those that determine the character:

  • Gayane - "Earth";
  • Karin - "generous";
  • Liana - "brilliant";
  • Helen - "Light".

The most popular Armenian names in recent years are considered:

Next Popularity:

  • Miriam - "Beloved";
  • Helen - "Clear";
  • Anait - "Mother".

You can also suggest note beautiful and not too common names for girls:

  • Anush - "Immortal";
  • Liana - "Thin";
  • Armin - "Fate".

List of the most beautiful alphabetically from A to Z: meaning and origin

In Armenia, women since ancient times were the basis of the family, they are the mother and keeper of the hearth, so the name for the girl was to embody the image of humility and chastity. And today for many indigenous people of Armenia, adherence is considered a sacrament that determines fate.

Names for girls on the letter A:

  • Amate - "modest", this is a revered quality for Armenian girls.
  • Anath "The name of the goddess of motherhood will bring his owner, full of good, happiness, good.
  • Aram. - In Armenian, it matters "noble, merciful", the name of Assyrian origin translates "Highness", Persian as "peace, consolation".
  • Arevik / Araveig. - Means "Such Sun" or just "Sunny", this name will give its owner solar nature.
  • Armin. - The ancient Persian name of Armenia, translates as "fate."
  • Arphenia - Another beautiful name with the "Solar" value.
  • Asthik - Name denoting "asterisk, ascending star."

On the letter g:

  • Gayanete - Frequently found in Armenia name, because its meaning "Beauty."
  • Goejetskui - An unusual name with the same meaning is "Beautiful, Beauty."
  • Gohar - The female name of Armenian origin, translates as "diamond, jewel, pearls", as well as "sparkling, brilliant, sparkling."

Dalita - The name of Armenian origin with the meaning "virny".

EGIN / EGINE - Women's name with the meaning "seeking to the sun."

  • Zarui - Translated from the Iranian "Treat of Fire Temple."
  • ZEPUR / ZEPUR - Interesting name "Breeze, a light breeze."

Imastui - rare name, but it is able to give the girl wisdom, because Translated "wise".

Karin - "glorifying, joining", the owner of such a name will hold his days in joy.

Luzin- Translated from the Armenian "Luna", the owner of this name will be similar to this luminaire.

On the letter M:

  • Margarid - Armenian form named Margarita.
  • Megrusch - So "sweet, like honey."
  • Melacious - The name of Greek or Armenian origin, meanings: "Meeting", "Dark-haired". The girl with this name is considered a reliable person.

On the letter H:

  • Nazan - It has Persian roots, means "tender, graceful".
  • Narine - "Wife, woman", the name has no European analogues and is used for the most part inside the Armenian diaspora.

Ovsana - Armenian form named after Oksana. Ovsana is distinguished by courage and independence.

Parandzem - "Nice, similar to the dazzling higher deities." Name parandeland symbolizes a person's tendency to continuous movement.

RipSime - Girls with this name will be a good character, its meaning is "above all silence", "decent".

  • Siran. - "Favorite", such a girl tend to idealize others, in connection with which it is often overwhelmingly demanding to people.
  • Siranush - "Sweet Beauty", children with this name are sociable and cheerful.
  • Sirvart - "Favorite Rose", for Sirvart will be characterized by the desire to lead in everything and achieve goals at any cost.

Takuhi - Interesting name, the name is translated by the "Queen" and foreshadows the girl royal life.

Hurig - "Little Fire" gives its own owner "fire" qualities.

Tsovik - "Little lake, maritime goddess".

  • Shagana "The name of Iranian origin, a pleasant sound and a very positive value:" kind, devout, meek, piety. " Shagana means "blooming", or "princess", such a name will like every girl.
  • Shooter - Translated from Armenian "beauty, splendor, shine."
  • Shushan - Flower name, which means "lily".

Eteri. - Translated from the Greek "Ether".

If you call the daughter by this name of Armenian-Georgian origin, it will stand out by its beauty, charm and kindness. Whatever the chosen name for the girl, let it be convenient in pronunciation and bring his owner a happy life.