New moon what a lunar day. The most effective magical rituals and ceremonies for the new moon

New moon what a lunar day. The most effective magical rituals and ceremonies for the new moon

What to do on the new moon. / Reuters

Zodiac signs such as Virgo, Gemini, Pisces and Sagittarius are most influenced by him. But it will also affect other signs.

When is the new moon in June 2018

New moon: what not to do

On the new moon, mental and physical activity decreases quite noticeably. Therefore, experts at this time:

  • categorically do not recommend voicing your fears, doubts and experiences on this day;
  • start new business (for this, there is still little energy accumulated), not to conclude major transactions and, if possible, postpone the signing of important contracts;
  • they are not advised to quarrel and sort things out, break off relations;
  • recommend giving up alcohol, at least in large doses;
  • advise to reduce physical activity: make it easier to train, postpone general cleaning, etc.;
  • do not advise to get a haircut - it will have a bad effect on the aura and well-being;
  • on the day of the new moon itself, you should not make purchases, so resources and energy can be spent inappropriately;
  • do not recommend driving for a long time.

New moon: what to do

On the new moon you need:

  • say thanksgiving prayers and thank the Universe;
  • plan the future, think about what you want and visualize your dreams (make a map of desires, for example);
  • if possible, cleanse and gain strength;
  • if you want to get rid of bad habits - this is the most favorable time;
  • for the whole month to be successful, the day must be filled with pleasant emotions.

During this period, you should especially beware of hypotonic and hypertensive patients, as well as people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, etc. They need to be extremely careful, not forgetting to take their medications on time.

It is also believed that men on the new moon become more aggressive and hot-tempered - they should monitor their behavior.

In addition, the new moon of June opens a new lunar cycle, which is associated with profound changes in thinking. People have the opportunity to change their way of life. However, it is necessary to remain realistic and avoid adventures: because of Neptune in Pisces, changes may go in the wrong direction or not in the way originally intended.

"Already on June 13, Mercury will enter the Cancer zodiac sign, and from that moment on, merchants will no longer be so lucky as before," said astrologer Vlad Ross.

Moreover, Mercury is the planet of reason. Therefore, all the processes and work for which this planet is responsible in astrology: study, communication and communication, travel, intellectual projects, etc. - will flow easier.

However, do not forget about Neptune: because of it, problems associated with erroneous decisions, inaccurate information, deception and self-deception are possible. That is, some previously acquired knowledge and beliefs can mislead a person.

To avoid such problems, on the new moon it is important to plan everything in advance and be realistic about the circumstances. Try to prioritize correctly during this period.

As a reminder, on the evening of July 27, 2018 ... On this day, the full moon will pass through the shadow of the Earth.

New moon rituals contribute to the development of the inner potential of the individual and serve to accumulate his own energy flow. His right direction can be used for good in all areas of life. Despite its short period, the new moon has incredible energetic pressure on human nature.


New moon days

This period falls on the first quarter of the month of the lunar calendar.

In 2019, new moons fall on the following days:

  • January 17, 2019 05:17:12;
  • February 16, 2019 00:05:08;
  • March 17, 2019 4:11:52 PM;
  • April 16, 2019 04:57:12;
  • May 15, 2019 14:47:31;
  • June 13, 2019 10:43:15 PM;
  • July 13, 2019 05:47:56;
  • August 11, 2019 12:57:37;
  • September 9, 2019 21:01: З2;
  • October 9, 2019 06:46:59;
  • November 7, 2019 19: 01: 5З;
  • December 7, 2019 10:20:21.

The influence of the new moon on man

At a time when the young moon is renewing and gaining strength, many people, especially those who are very sensitive, experience an emotional and physical decline.

This can manifest itself in the following states:

  • apathy;
  • hopelessness;
  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • depression.

However, skillfully using the energy message of the new moon, you can get not only a powerful surge of vitality, but also transform it into the implementation of specific fateful plans.

What can you do on the new moon

New Moon is a good time to say goodbye to all kinds of addictions:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • gambling addiction and other burdensome habits.

Tidying up your home and workplace will rejuvenate your life in general and reinforce new positive habits.

It is recommended to prepare for the new moon the day before its onset. Cleansing procedures should be carried out both externally and internally. It is worth listening to the peace of your soul, returning peace to it, saying goodbye to old grievances, bitterness of loss and defeat. It is also the best period for ending a relationship that does not bring satisfaction and positive emotions, be it personal or professional.

What not to do on the new moon

The new moon period is considered very unfavorable for various endeavors, be it professional activity or the conclusion of a marriage contract. Large purchases may turn out to be useless or bewildered by a multitude of problems with breakdowns, malfunctions, and inaccuracies in the documentation.

It is also advisable to postpone or postpone complex surgery. In view of the fact that this time is characterized by emotional instability and a surge of unmotivated aggression, it is worth limiting all sorts of disputes and clarification of relations.

Signs associated with the new moon

By a number of signs, one can judge whether the Universe favors plans and undertakings during this period. In the common people, this phase is called "time of the dead moon" and is associated more with planning than with action.


Signs for a new moon associated with a love relationship are as follows:

  • a bird flying through the window of an unmarried girl symbolizes imminent marriage;
  • wedding anniversaries are not celebrated on the "dead moon", as, according to a long-standing superstition, this foreshadows the imminent disintegration of the family;
  • to see a shooting star at this time to a happy personal life;
  • salt sprinkled on the new moon to a quarrel with a loved one;
  • receiving or giving a gift on a new moon symbolizes an imminent marriage.

The latter sign served as the reason for a long-standing ceremony: in order to push a man to a proposal for marriage, during the new moon he was presented with a gift made with his own hand.


Signs on the new moon, promising prosperity and warning against financial losses:

  • to find a small coin - to great monetary luck;
  • you can not borrow or lend, this promises a protracted lack of money;
  • moving to a new place of residence promises constant, growing wealth.


Signs that will make everyday life easier and more enjoyable:

  • to notice the new month for the first time on the right - to success and good luck, the left side - threatens with problems and all kinds of troubles;
  • if the new moon falls on a Saturday, rainy weather is expected for the next twenty days;
  • people born at this time are distinguished by enviable longevity;
  • cleaning and throwing away old things - cleanse of negativity and attract positive energy for the whole month.

Rites and rituals

The moon renewal period symbolizes:

  • revival;
  • the beginning of a new stage;
  • growth of potential;
  • new opportunities.

Carrying out various ceremonies, conspiracies and rituals at this time can attract what you want in real life.

Rituals to raise money

Effective rituals to increase wealth:

  1. So that the cash flow does not dry out and there is always money in the house, you should "show" it to the month. On the new moon, several large bills and coins of "gold" color are laid out on the windowsill. This set remains in place until the appearance of the young month. Subsequently, the bills can be spent, saying to yourself: "I am letting go, I invite you with friends!" The spent funds will not only be returned, but also multiplied thanks to such magic.
  2. On the new moon, you can make a "magic bait" for money. A note is enclosed in an envelope postcard with a beautiful pattern of banknotes and coins. The following is written on it: “I attract money! Let them come in good ways! And those who leave - come back a hundredfold! " A postcard with a note is stored along with money in a safe, casket or box, increasing their own wealth.
  3. The next rite is very simple, but effective nonetheless. Every evening, starting from the new moon, a purse or purse of the owner / hostess with money is placed on the windowsill on the right side. In the morning you can pick it up and use it as usual. In the evening, put it back on the windowsill. This procedure is carried out until the full moon. Subsequently, money begins to come from the most unexpected sources.

Wonderful money ritual for the new moon from Natalia Pravdina.

Rituals for love

Since the moon is considered the patroness of the beautiful half of humanity, women have asked her help for a long time in:

  • early marriage;
  • happy family life;
  • happy motherhood.

To attract and return love

If necessary, to attract or renew a love relationship, the following simple rituals were carried out:

  1. If the betrothed has not yet been found, you can use this ritual. A happy married friend or relative is given a cup in which a ring, a red ribbon and nine grains of rice are placed. It is exhibited at night, on the windowsill from the new moon to the full moon, and for the day is placed at the head of the bed. After the full moon, the ring should be dressed and worn without removing. Feed the grain to the birds, and use the cup every day, and the betrothed will definitely appear.
  2. If there is a discord in the family, then the same ritual can be used to return warm feelings to a relationship. They put married rings in a cup at night, and in the morning they dress as usual. Very little time will pass and the relationship will definitely improve.

On fidelity

The following ritual is intended to arouse interest in the opposite person and is carried out as follows:

  1. Two apples (not purchased, but presented or exchanged for something) are cut into small pieces and mixed.
  2. Sprinkle the sliced ​​apples with sugar and say the following words:

How not to become apples from different trees whole and not roll apart, so the dear cannot leave me, not part with me. Bitter sourness will go away, sweetness will fall in love, will never be forgotten!

The mass can be added to jam or jam and be sure to treat the addressee until the next full moon.

Sacraments for the fulfillment of desires

During this period, you can also carry out rituals to fulfill desires:

  1. You should buy a nice new notebook or notebook and a pen with several colored refills. On the day of the new moon, you need to enter all your most cherished dreams and desires there, but always in the present tense and without mentioning the words “I want”, “I wish”, as well as the particle “not”. Gradually, all desires will be fulfilled, and with the onset of the next new moon, new ones can be written.
  2. For the sacrament for the quick fulfillment of a cherished dream, you will need three leaves of laurel, paper and a red pen or pencil. On the new moon, you need to write a wish and fold the note along with bay leaves. Sound the desired three more times and consolidate with any known prayer. Further, the note is hidden in a secret place and, after the fulfillment of the enigma, is burned.

In the video from Dima Tankov, another rite of passage for the fulfillment of desires with the help of a candle is shown.

Rituals for the preservation of beauty

Preservation and enhancement of beauty is one of the most ardent desires of many women and the new moon period can be used for magical rituals and ceremonies.

Rite number 1

You will need the following:

  • water consecrated in the temple of warmth;
  • three church candles;
  • a glass of honey.

On the night of the new moon, you need to light candles, read the following words:

As the life-giving moisture of the mother-earth nourishes, all the sorrows-ailments washes away, so the honey on the lips of the eyelids sealed in the bins.

Eat honey with water.

Rite number 2

Prepare 7 apples for the new moon, each should be eaten in the evening before bedtime, pronouncing the following words:

As the ruddy apple was simple, it became young, so every new day I am getting better and younger!

Then read any prayer.


A few more effective conspiracies for the speedy meeting of the betrothed, preserving beauty and fulfilling desires from the Secret of the Priestess channel.

When the moon is waning, it's time to get down to business. Especially a couple of days before the New Moon, when the energy of this lunar phase becomes stronger.

Each of us has a to-do list - it doesn't matter if it's hanging on your fridge, written in a diary, or just in our head. But sometimes it takes a long time before we cross off a couple of particularly difficult points from this list. So, until the Moon is refreshed, it's time to decisively do away with those tasks that are perfectly and successfully completed on the Waning Moon.

In order not to miss a favorable moment, you can simply. And while the New Moon has not come into its own, with a calm soul to engage in favorable actions for this time. What do astrologers and clairvoyants advise?

Parse old letters and postcards. Such things keep on themselves energy casts from the people who presented them to you. Therefore, if you are associated with negative memories, regrets or other painful feelings with any of these people, get rid of such things. Take care only of what feeds you with positive emotions and pleasant memories.

Sever unnecessary ties. Burning bridges is sometimes difficult, but necessary. On the Waning Moon, you can dot the i. If you cannot forget a person, but there is no way to say goodbye to him, write him a letter and burn him.

Get rid of the black bar in life. To do this, you need to decisively cut off everything unnecessary. Often, practicing psychics are advised to start with a visit to the hairdresser. You can write all the bad things on a piece of paper and chop it up into small pieces with scissors - this is how it is recommended to get rid of complexes, self-doubts or terrible dreams.

The waning moon is the time when you can take stock, part with everything unpleasant, forgive yourself for mistakes and breathe in deeply. And for this, psychologists advise making a to-do list that will help you become happier. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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On a cloudless night, the Earth's satellite is sometimes not visible in the sky. This phenomenon is observed on the new moon and is explained by the fact that the moon is located with the unlit side to the Earth. This happens once every 29-30 days, when the satellite is in a straight line between the Sun and our planet. After passing this conditional border, you can see the so-called "ash" moon. The new moon period is favorable for some ceremonies and rituals.

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      Moon phases and their effect on humans

      In ancient times, astrologers attached great importance to the lunar calendar. Until now, the influence of the moon has not been fully studied. With its gravitational field, the moon affects water bodies, provoking the ebb and flow. The human body contains a large amount of water, which explains the changes in the psycho-emotional state.

      • The phases of the moon are conventionally divided into four parts: new moon, growth, full moon, waning. This is the cycle during which the star makes a rotation. It has long been noted that each of the phases affects a person in different ways:

        • On a full moon, insomnia and anxiety are more common.
        • When the moon is waning, people feel tired, notice a decrease in activity and nervousness.
        • The new moon is accompanied by nervous instability, melancholy and hypersensitivity.
        • The state in the waxing moon phase changes radically, when most people note a surge of strength, the emergence of new ideas and a readiness to implement them.

        People with a subtle sensitive psyche are especially susceptible to influence.

        The phases of the full moon and the new moon are considered to be the main determining ones. Despite the short period, their influence is immensely powerful. The new moon phase is a unique period in which the most cherished desires materialize. This time is suitable for ceremonies, conspiracies and rituals to attract love, beauty and wealth. On the new moon, you can read prayers for marriage and conceiving a child.

        New moon

        The duration of the new moon is 2-3 days. In this phase, the whole organism is "rebooted" and tuned into a new lunar cycle. Most people feel physically and spiritually exhausted. At a critically low level in this phase, the immune forces of the human body, the nervous system is tense.

        All dreams in this period of time foreshadow joyful events. Baths, yoga classes, meditation, "inventory" of their image are favorable. Business started these days will bear the expected results.

        It is during this phase that prayers, magical rituals and rituals for finding love, a good job or wealth... Desires will be heard by higher powers and will certainly come true - such is the magic of the new moon. You just need to focus on one main desire, and not be scattered into many small ones. You can safely start a "new life" and make a wish.

        What cannot be done at this time

        Drinking alcohol on the new moon is highly undesirable. You can't get nervous and sort things out. It is better to give up driving for long distances. It is not recommended to cut your hair, make important decisions.

        These days are unfavorable for getting a new job, conducting planned operations, disputes and resolving conflict situations. You cannot borrow or borrow money on the new moon, this will lead to a weakening of financial flows.

        Do not celebrate the anniversary of your marriage on the new moon. There is a sign that this will lead to the breakup of the family. But getting married these days is favorable.

        You can not carry out ceremonies and rituals for the waning moon anything: illness, annoying fans, losing weight, getting rid of bad habits... In this phase, the Moon begins to grow, and all these problems can, against their will, get worse.

        Rites to raise money

        Before a magical ceremony to attract money, you must learn the rule: you can not refuse alms to the poor, to help those in need. It is not possible to help a specific person - you can make a donation to the church. Greed can frighten off luck.

        Rituals and rituals to raise money on the new moon do not require special attributes, amulets and complex actions. They are simple and accessible to everyone. Midnight on the new moon is a good time for rituals for profit.

        You need to take a banknote of medium denomination (preferably with the number 5, one should be avoided), straighten it and go out into the street. Show the banknote to the moon, fold it into your wallet so as not to mix with others. This banknote cannot be spent during the lunar month, and the wallet will be full for the whole month. In the phase of the next new moon, another bill is spoken.

        A quick profit, winning the lottery and getting rich will help attract such a ceremony: on the new moon, put a straightened bill of great denomination on the windowsill so that the moonlight touches it. The ceremony will attract cash flows into the house. You can carry out a ritual on the rump, using any arbitrary words in the conspiracy. The meaning of the conspiracy is to ask the moon for as much money as there is in the field of grains.

        They use a ritual for water: a glass of water is placed on the windowsill on a new moon, and on a full moon they are washed with this water. These actions help attract cash flows. Another ritual is no less popular: bow low 7 times to the ash moon, throw a coin and ask for money. You must ask out loud.

        Receipt for receiving money

        Having calculated the approximate amount that a person wants to receive, you can write a receipt (check) in your name with the name, date and amount. Monetary expression should not be fabulous, but exactly what you can afford. The check must be written exactly at the hour when a new one will replace the waning moon, at the hour of the onset of the new moon.

        The paper must be certified with a seal and hidden in a secluded place. A red envelope is ideal for hiding a secret sign. The receipt or check must not fall into the wrong hands. It is believed that after such a ritual, the desire for wealth is fulfilled for 7 days. If a person does not receive money, then fate compensates with another gift: an expensive thing, a good purchase or an important event in life.

        Making and using magic items

        To attract wealth, it will be a good help Money bag, Wish basket and Treasure piggy bank. The bag can be sewn independently from a suitable cloth. You will need to collect all the coins in circulation, each of which should be greased with a drop of eucalyptus oil. You need to hide this accessory in the northern part of the house.

        A treasure box or jar with a slot on top can serve as a treasure box. To carry out the ritual, you will need two pieces of red cloth or paper (15-20 cm each), two round mirrors. A piece of cloth is placed on the mirror, a piggy bank is placed, covered with cloth and a mirror.

        On one side of the red fabric, write "Treasure Piggy Bank" with a new black felt-tip pen or pen, and on the other - your name. From the beginning of the full moon, each time before going to bed, you need to put one coin in the piggy bank, and so on for 27 days. All coins must be of the same denomination.

        After that, you need to get the contents of the piggy bank, 10% of the accumulated amount should be given to those in need, and the rest of the money should be spent on talismans for the house, spiritual literature, or simply put funds into a bank account. Monetary success will not keep you waiting.

        The Wish Basket will help bring wealth into your home. For her, you need to buy a small basket, and decorate it with red years and small bells. On a piece of paper, you should write your innermost desire and name, fold the sheet and put it in the basket.

        Above you need to put a pink candle, which you need to light in the east side of the house. At the same time, they say the spell: "Abelare kaselyar, atrum kainui, frasco ligaro adna falinui." With the words "castle athanas id nabe las", the basket is shaken to make the bells ring. Then leave until the candle burns out. The basket should be hidden in a secluded place.

        Conspiracy for 12 coins

        12 coins of various denominations must be placed on the left palm, stretching it out towards the moonlight. At the same time, you must read the magic conspiracy: "Everything that grows and lives multiplies from the sunlight, and money from the moon. Grow! Multiply! Add! Enrich me (name), come to me. May it be so!"

        The charmed coins should be clamped into a fist, and, upon returning to the house, put them in the Money bag, which must be hidden in the northern part of the dwelling.

        Prosperity in the house

        There are several simple rituals to attract cash flows to the house:

        • Carrying out a rite of cleanliness: cleaning the house on the new moon, bath or bathroom and clean clothes. A clean house easily attracts financial flows.
        • It is necessary to take several banknotes of different denominations and arrange them in the house so that family members cannot detect them, but at the same time the moonlight should fall on the banknotes. Can be laid out on cabinets, mezzanines, shelves. At the same time, you need to think positively, and to attract the magic of money, you can use the spell: "So that it grows! My word is strong, stucco, right. So be it!". Three days later, the money needs to be collected and used to buy the necessary things for the house. The spent funds will be returned in double size.
        • This ritual is only suitable on the day whennew moon falls on thursday... You will need two candles: a white one (it personifies a person) and a green one (symbolizes the profit and well-being of the family). Candles are placed at a distance of 20 cm from each other. First, light a white match, and from it - a green one. Let the candles burn a little. Then they are removed to a secluded place. The next day, the candles are placed 2 cm closer to each other. They are set on fire in the same manner and allowed to burn a little. The ritual is repeated for 10 days. On the last day, the candles will draw closer, and they will need to be tied with a gold ribbon and stored as a talisman that attracts money.

        A rite of passage for the fulfillment of wishes

        On the new moon, you can make wishes. Everything that a person asks for, the Moon is able to increase. There is a ritual for fulfilling a wish. It may sound like this: "I want to get a profitable job." This desire implies making a profit.

        You will need a sheet of paper and a candle. On paper on the first day of the new moon, they write a wish in large letters, and cut the sheet into separate letters. One letter is burned on a candle, pronouncing the following words: "I burn the letter (they call it) - I bring desire closer." The next day, one more letter is burned, and so on for several days until the last one. The last letter is burned with the words: "I burn the last letter - I fulfill my wish." The candle is left to burn out until the end.

        There is a method called the "Scroll of Wishes". This ritual begins strictly on the new moon. On a piece of paper they write: "I gratefully accept from the Generous Universe (write in a desire), let this or something more enter my life for the common good." It is necessary to leave room for other records, since the scroll is valid for three years. After the wish is fulfilled, they cross it out with a red pen and write from below: “I thank the Generous Universe for fulfilling my wish.” Then they add two more wishes.

        Love conspiracies

        New Moon is the most favorable time for rituals to attract love. Effective ways to attract a groom to a girl are as follows:

        • washing in front of a mirror with water and rose oil, and a request, addressed to the moon, to bring the groom;
        • on the days of the ash moon, you can knit or sew some thing and give it to a man;
        • so that the chosen one is faithful, on the new moon, on a sheet of paper, they write his name three times, fold the sheet and seal it with the wax of a red candle.

        To attract fans or remarry after a divorce, you can read special prayers on the new moon.

        Ritual for attracting a betrothed

        You will need a red candle, a mirror, rose oil, rose petals, and water. The girl needs to undress, sit in front of the mirror, put water with rose oil and petals added to it, light a candle and read the plot. "The rose bloomed and fragrant under the moon, so I would bloom beautifully, but I found my love. Moonlit path, bring the groom to the door. Amen. Amen. Amen."

        After that, the girl should wipe herself with water, wipe the door handle from the side of the street, and spray water on the threshold. The rest of the water is placed under the bed. The spouse is expected to visit within a month.

        Rite of passage with honey

        13 spoons of honey are put in a vase. With the onset of the new moon, the girl eats a spoon, accompanying her with a conspiracy: "Just as you, sugar honey, are gentle, sweet, so our feelings will be sweeter and sweeter, with time they will not pass. My word has dissolved in honey, nobody knows it." So 12 times.

        The last spoon should be left and treated to the man who needs to be attracted. This must be done before the onset of the next phase of the new moon.


        The love addiction in the new moon phase is read into two apples cut into pieces (they should not be wild), which are folded into a red dish. It is necessary to read in the process of cutting: "Like you, two apples from the same tree, will never become whole, do not roll apart, so my beloved will not leave without me on another road, will not part with me. Bitterness and sourness will leave each half, will sweeten, fall in love, never be forgotten. " Then cover the fruit with sugar and leave overnight.

        The next day they make jam. Within a month, you need to treat them to the person for whom all this was done.

        Features of magical actions on the new moon

        New Moon is the period of opening of cosmic energy channels. Therefore, desires tend to be fulfilled. In other phases of the night star, this does not happen.

        To realize your desires, you need faith and the desire to make your bright hopes come true. To determine the onset of the phases of new moons, a table is provided for 2018.

        Month Day of week Number Phase onset, Moscow time (hour, minutes, seconds)
        JanuaryWednesday17 05:17:12
        FebruaryFriday16 00:05:08
        MarchSaturday17 16:11:52
        AprilMonday16 04:57:12

The new moon is a symbol of the beginning. The beginning of a new lunar cycle, the beginning of a new life, rebirth, growth. This is the perfect time for magical rituals to bring something into your life.

In the lunar calendar, the New Moon occupies a special place, because it is considered the time of renewal and rebirth of the energy of the night celestial body. And it is not without reason that many people expect something unique, unusual and special from this day.

When is the new moon in November 2018, from what date to what date, conspiracies for the new moon: New moon time

The New Moon comes every month, many people are looking forward to it - this is the best time to start against the backdrop of positive energy that comes from the Earth's satellite. In November, it will come on the 7th. Astrologers say that it will be the right moment to apologize for your mistakes to others and to give forgiveness yourself. Thus, there is a purification of their own energy.

The new moon on November 7, 2018 will occur at 19 hours 1 minute 53 seconds in Scorpio, creating beneficial aspects for Neptune and Pluto. The time is worth remembering for those who want to carry out rituals for money or pregnancy. It is also customary to start new business on New Moon - it can be buying an apartment or a car, a new startup. Important: both rituals and new acquisitions should be performed within 12 hours after the onset of the New Moon, not later. Otherwise, all the positive energy will dissipate.

Money rituals for the new moon begin only after careful preparation:

Before any new business, the old ones are finished.
In this case, it is imperative to prepare the premises for the necessary ritual procedures. .It is recommended to throw out old things, unnecessary trash. Broken items. Cleansing before the new moon is a guaranteed result of the success of the planned rituals.
After that, you can carry out all the love and money rituals on the new moon.

Remember that rituals and conspiracies for attraction are best performed and read not directly at the moment of the New Moon, but at the chosen time of the 1st Lunar day. Since the influence of the New Moon lasts 2 days after its onset, the best time for rituals and conspiracies on the New Moon will be November 7-10, 2018.

When is the new moon in November 2018, from what date to what date, conspiracies for the new moon: Rituals and conspiracies

1. On the first day of the New Moon, spread money in secluded places of the apartment. Banknotes must be of different denominations. Leave them for three days, and then collect and pay with them for the purchased goods. Note: it is imperative to spend.

3. On the night of the New Moon, collect all the money that is in the apartment. Before going to bed, drip a few drops of an oil solution of cinnamon or rosemary onto the banknotes, but do not count. Put the entire amount under the pillow. In the morning, without getting out of bed, you need to take out the money and count it 3 or 7 times.

4. You can also attract money with the help of water. To do this, you need to pour water into a glass and put it on the windowsill, so that the moonlight falls on the glass. And in the morning you need to wash yourself with this water.

On New Moon, you can also resort to the ritual to fulfill your wishes. There are many examples on the net - only one is worth doing.

For example, to carry with you a cherished desire written on a piece of paper for several days. And when the New Moon comes, you should get the paper and, looking at the Moon, read your wish to it. After that, the leaf should be folded again and carried with you until the desire is fulfilled.

During this period, you can make a talisman for a piggy bank. It could be a bay leaf. You can enhance it with a few drops of sandalwood or patchouli oils. However, such a talisman has a limited period of use - 2-3 months. In order for it to continue to increase money, it is worth updating it every two to three months.

A New Moon pregnancy conspiracy will also be very effective. Before going to bed, a woman needs to stand in the room in front of a large mirror, put her hands on her stomach and read: “Young month, you are a daring groom, a good place, and I am your bride. As you were born today, so I will soon give birth to a child. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".