Diana Vishneva: "It's good that the husband did not become my fan." Diana Vishneva - biography, information, personal life work on another field

Diana Vishneva:
Diana Vishneva: "It's good that the husband did not become my fan." Diana Vishneva - biography, information, personal life work on another field

Prima of the Mariinsky Theater Diana Vishnev is preparing for the birth of a child from her husband - Konstantin Selinevich. The first rumors about it appeared after Vishneva refused From speaking at your festival.

Nizhinsky - "Sexual Awakening", Dyagilev - "Premonition of Fame". Scene from ballet Gecke. Photo from Festival Page on Facebook

Who will not refuse talent and wisdom, so this is the marketers of the festival. To the latter they kept intrigue, in posters and press releases announced the speeches of the cherry itself. That sin to hone, modern dance, of course, grow, including thanks to this festival, but many and here are still "on Diana". However, in the anniversary year, the art director of the "context" did not come out. Doctors banned. Prima-ballerina is waiting for a child.

Soon the familiar stars told reporters that the performer expects the firstborn. However, over the course of several years regular rumors appear that it has romantic relations with Roman Abramovich. She is married to Konstantin Selinevich, who is also part-time it is its producer. Recently it became known that she will soon give the spouse of the firstborn.

According to some data, it was its "interesting situation" it became a reason for the separation of the Russian entrepreneur and Daria Zhukova. Recently, the Prima of the Mariinsky Theater really began to appear in public in the free outfits of dark shades that hide changes in the figure. They arranged a wedding on the exzotic islands after perennial relations.

Diana Vishneva is pregnant. Exclusive information.

Rumors that 41-year-old Vishnev pregnant appeared about a week ago. Then the dancer decided not to participate in the Context's own festival. Diana Vishneva ", which was organized in the capital. According to her, the ballerina was advised by doctors. However, yesterday evening on the official page of the festival, a video was published on which Diana is captured in a dark dress. The outfit of a free cut could not hide changes in her figure. Network users prompted that she hides his "interesting position." Prima-ballerina itself does not comment on these speculations, but the source from her environment confirmed that she was waiting for a child.

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An apple has nowhere to fall in the theater named after the Mossovet's theater on the presentation of the new ballet of the German choreographer Marko Gökk "Nizhinsky well-known Muscovites. Presenter by informatively meaningful Libretto, the action will not tell anything unenmended the viewer (namely, on such a Western public, according to the assurances of the head of the Gauthier Dance, Eric Gauthier, a performance) is given about life, nor about creativity, nor about the tragedy of a brilliant madman. During one and a half hours, a polo-najinsky, like caricature Hitler, Dyagilev, the uterus (so called the mother of the dancer), the wife of the Nizhin romol, as well as Terraticor and something turning along the scene in the same convulsive twitching. Nizhinsky, it is necessary to believe, depicts psychological breaking and "sexual awakening", from Dyagilev - "Premonition of Fame", which "awakens greed", in the uterus with a romoloy - one Goekka knows what. And something is understandable, the subject is dark, the study is not subject to. In general, Nizhinsky remains Nizhinsky, Gekka remains Gekkka. To each his own.

Rumors that Diana Vishneva is pregnant, with lightning speed scattered after the ballerina refused to perform at his own festival. The fact is that the actress before did not allow himself this and, even if he felt badly, he always went on the scene. In addition, Diana became increasingly appearing in public in wide outfits, preferring dark colors. Peopletalk edition source, close to the star, also confirms guesses: Vishnevskaya is preparing By the birth of a baby.

This year in the history of the festival fifth. An impatient organizers call it anniversary. There are grounds for pride. Diana Cherry's cultural expansion spread to both capitals - four festival days in Moscow and in St. Petersburg. Regions begin to capture: cooperation with the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater, the educational action in Norilsk, as a result of which the best students of choreographic schools will be internship in the St. Petersburg studio Diana Cirmnema. And the Internet space - the first online course of modern dance on the Arzamas platform appeared.

In addition, these days in the capital and St. Petersburg passes the festival relevant for our time choreography context.

But the prohibition of doctors did not prevent the cherry visit on the 1st day of the festival in north The capital and consult participants with a welcome speech. But last night, on the official page of the festival, a video was placed on which Diana was captured in a dark dress.

The example of the Mariinsky Theater of Diana Vishnev has repeatedly attributed a novel with Roman Abramovich. So and this summer, as a billionaire announced a divorce with Darya Zhukova, Ballerina, together with his colleagues, visited the football match of his Chelsea team, which only heated rumors about their romantic relationships. However, she forces for four years in marriage with his producer Konstantin Selinevich. The other day it became known that she would soon give the spouse of the firstborn.

From the very beginning of his own career, the star of the ballet was in relations with his partner on the stage of Faruh Ruzimatov. They arranged a wedding on the exzotic islands after perennial relations.

Diana Vishneva ballerina personal life. Fresh material on 11/21/2017

Rumors about pregnancy Diana Vishneva arose not so long ago. A week ago she decided not to speak at his own festival, and then, on a new video with a ballerina, a change in her figure was noticeable. The source from the environment of the ballerina soon confirmed that she was waiting for the firstborn.

Fans began to suspect Diana Vishnev in an interesting position not so long ago. Rumors crawled after the famous ballerina decided not to speak at his own festival. After that, she chose the things of dark colors, as well as in which changes in the figure were noticeable. The familiar ballet stars told reporters that really the artist is waiting for the firstborn.

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The fate of Diana Vishnevaya is amazing: twice recognized as strict examiners unsuitable for ballet art, she even in the years of exercise began to perform solo parties on the scene of one of the best theaters of the country.

Diana Viktorovna Vishneva was born in Leningrad in 1976. Parents of her, chemist engineers, were not connected with art, but the mother loved ballet very much, which contributed to the fact that the daughter was fascinated by this art. At the six-year-old age, Diana begins to study in the ballet studio at the Palace of Pioneers. Training went successfully, and at ten years the girl tried to give to the Leningrad choreographic school (now the Russian Ballet Academy). A. Ya. Vaganova, but the examiners considered its data not suitable. Then the mother recorded Diana to the studio at the Palace of Culture. M. Gorky, where there was a solid preparation, and the attitude to physical data was not so strict. Done Diana's choreographic school was managed only with the third attempt - it happened in 1987.

In the School Diana becomes a student of L. Kovaleva and A. Strict. It equally feels a tendency to the classic dance, and to the characteristic. The successes of her were such that I. Belsky himself (in those years - the artistic director of the choreographic school) set for her number - "Monologue Carmen" to the music of a fragment from Ballet J. Bize-r. Shchedrin "Carmen-Suite". This room, as well as the variation from the Ballet "Coppelius" Diana performed in 1994 at the competition of students of ballet schools "Lausanne Prize" in Switzerland - and became the winner. This victory can be considered truly triumphal, if we consider that in front of this for the fourteen years, not a single woman did not receive a gold medal, and in the next few years - no participant in general.

Debut Diana Vishnevoy in the Mariinsky Theater took place in the years of the exercise, and Kitrie became the first role in the ballet "". After graduating from the school in 1995 on tour in Italy, Ballerina performs the role of Masha in the ballet "Nutcracker", and in the USA - Mazurka in the ballet "Shopeniana", but soon the speeches have to be interrupted due to damage to the leg.

Diana Vishneva returned to the scene after a semi-annual treatment. New parties appear in its repertoire. It acts not only in classic ballets, but also in contact with modern choreography - for example, in 1996 she participates in the execution of the ballet J. Robbins on the music of F. Chopin "in the night". At the same time, first performed the party of Aurora in the "Sleeping Beauty", and in the play "Romeo and Juliet", which was dedicated to the city of Ulanova, she danced Juliet. In that year, Ballerina was awarded two bonuses - Benoa Dance for the performance of the role of Kitrie and Golden Sofit for the performance of the ballet on the music of J. Biza "Symphony to Major". Ballerina is first dancing in the Bolshoi Theater, in London, and in 1997 he takes part in the Gala concert in Lausanne - her partner in Pa de de from the ballet "Corsair" was C. Act.

In 1997, Diana Vishneva is for the first time in "", and a year later, the Carmen again comes into contact. This time it was a ballet of Rolan Petit, who choreographer was postponed to the stage of the Mariinsky Theater. One of his favorite roles was in the same ballet K. Macmillan.

Diana Vishnev can be called a ballerina-actress. Having preferred to plot ballets, it creates unique images: young, childish angular kitri, gentle manon, passionate Carmen, naive Giselle. Particularly attracted by the ballerina, classic ballets in the formulation of modern choreographers - for example, she brilliantly performed the title role in the ballet "Cinderella" in the formulation of A. Ratmansky.

Diana Vishneva - International Level Star. In 2001, she danced in the play "Manon" of the Bavarian ballet and in the "Sleeping Beauty" in the choreographic editorial office of Rudolph Nuriev in the La Scala Theater, in 2002 - in Don Quixote in the Paris National Opera (also in the editorial office R. Nuriev), In the metro-opera, it solired in the ballet "Ruby". In 2002, she became an invited soloist of the Berlin State Ballet, where Giselle danced. Subsequently, she spoke with the same dancer in Finland, fulfilling the main party in the "Sleeping Beauty" and Pa-de-de J. Balanchine to music. Abroad, Ballerina was able to embody those dreams who did not manage to implement in the Mariinsky Theater: Becoming in 2005, the invited soloist of the American ballet Theater in 2005, she was able to perform in the main roles in the ballet "" and "Raymond".

Diana Vishneva cooperates with various choreographers of modernity, and some of them put ballets specifically for her: "Sea's hands" Peter Zuska in 2005, "Silenzio. Diana Vishneva "Alexei Kononov and Andrei Mighty in 2007. She came with the troupe M. Bezhar - for the first time after Maya Plisetskaya, the Russian performer danced in Bolero.

D. Vishneva presented a number of solo projects. The first one is "beauty in motion." This program, represented in California in 2008, entered Lunar Piero A. Ratmansky, "From Love to Woman" M. Pendleton and "Turns of Love" D. Rodin. In other solo projects - "Dialogues", "Rights" - Ballerina performed M. Graham, J.-k. Mayo, S. Leon, P. Lightfut, K. Carlson.

In 2013, a festival of modern choreography context was held in Moscow for the first time, and Diana Vishneva became the initiator. "We wanted to have different styles, different genres, synthesis," so defined the ballerina the purpose of the festival, noting that "in modern choreography a lot of misunderstandings, especially among the Russian public." As the organizer of the festival, the ballerina herself spoke on it, fulfilling the formulation of I. Kilian to the music of K. Debussy "Clouds".

In 2014, Diana Vishneva spoke at the opening ceremony of the Olympiad in Sochi, fulfilling the "dance of the world of the world" - and commentators submitted to her public as one of the greatest ballerinas of the modern world.

The great importance of the ballerina gives the popularization of ballet art, which should be accessible to different public layers. To this end, in 2010, Diana Vishneva, operating in Russia, Japan and the United States, was established in 2010.

Music seasons

Artist Date of Birth July 13 (Cancer) 1976 (42) Place of birth Leningrad Instagram @dianavishnevaofficial

Russian ballet all over the world is a benchmark. Professional training of the old school masters made our ballerinaries with welcome guests in all major theaters. Fans are affected by the endurance and flexibility of girls. One of these ballerinas - Diana Vishneva is the leading soloist of the Mariinsky Theater, who has already conquered the whole world with his virtuosity. Studies and talent allowed her to perform on the best ballet sites of different countries. Diana is the founder of the Foundation, the main goal of which is the popularization of ballet art in the USA, Japan, Russia.

Biography Diana Vishneva

The future star of the ballet was born in Leningrad in 1976. She fond of dancing from early childhood, walked to choreography. In 1987, he was able to enter the Russian Ballet Academy, where Belskaya and Kovalev were her teachers. In 1994, the first success was coming - for the execution of the miniatures "Carmen" in Lausanne Ballerina received a gold reward. Until her, only young men were honored, and after gold did not win no one.

In 1995, Diana becomes part of the troupe of the Mariinsky Theater. It was a dream girl. At that time, she could not assume that she would give a major role in the "Cinderella", and then the batch of Masha in the "Nutcracker".

Being a soloist "Marinki" Diana Viktorovna performed at many international competitions and in gala concerts. In 2000, together with his troupe, she conquers London. At that moment, international director directors notice her.

In 2001, Vishnev receives a "gold mask", performs in the composition of the Bavarian Ballet, conquers La Rock. In 2002, for the first time performs in the Berlin Staatseker and Paris Opera. In the same year, she awarded the title of the best ballerina in Europe and invite to America in the Metropolitan Opera. In 2005, Diana becomes a barrier of this famous theater and the entire spring-summer season participates in its production.

For the contribution to the culture of Russia, the girl several times gave the highest awards in 2007 and in 2016.

In 2008, in the US, the director of Pendleton, Roden and Rothmansky, a performance was made specifically for the ballerina. He was called "Diana Vishneva: Beauty in motion."

Childhood at the machine: Diana Vishneva showed a touching photo

"Karapusik our intelligent, 10 months to you! Let a success, in love with you, gives happiness on earth! " - wrote Diana under this photo with her son

Star of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, People's Artist of Russia, Winner of the State Prize of Russia, Laureate of the International Competition - Ballerina Diana Vishnev - Born on July 13, 1976 in Leningrad. From an early age, the future prime was engaged in choreography, and in 1987 he entered The Academy of Russian Ballet named after Agrippina Vaganova. Her first teacher was L.V. Belsky, and in the graduation class, Vishnev studied at Professor Lyudmila Kovaleva. In 1995, he successfully graduated from a ballet school, and was adopted in the troupe of the Mariinsky Theater. Since 1996 is the soloist of the Mariinsky Theater..

Career Ballerina began with a trip to Lausanne to the international competition of young dancers - Prix \u200b\u200bde lausanne.

Diana danced in Lausanne a miniature "Carmen", specially supplied by Igor Belsky, artistic director of the Academy, won the highest award - "Gold Medal". For fourteen years before this event, the gold medal of the competition won only boys, and after the victory of the cherry, the highest award was not awarded.

Being still a student of the Vaganovskaya Academy, Diana Vishnev Speakers in Toronto on a gala concert dedicated to the memory of the Great Rudolph Nureyev. In Toronto, she first danced in a pair - with Vladimir Malakhov. Since then, the fruitful cooperation of two talented artists began.

In 1997 Diana Vishnev Returns to Lausanne, but already as a guest star, participating in the gala concert. This year brought a young ballerina a lot of new interesting roles - the main parties in the ballet "Don Quixote", "Symphony to Major", "Sleeping Beauty", "Romeo and Juliet", "Firebird" and "Vision of Roses". By the 215th Baltic Season of the Mariinsky Theater Vishnev becomes the main star of the famous troupe. Bright, temperamental it belongs to the new generation of charismatic ballerinas actresses, which easily bring a special style to any classic production.

In 2000, London's ambitious tourism scale of the Mariinsky Theater is held: eighteen ballet and sixteen opera performances. The first part of the tour Diana Vishnev opens "Sleeping Beauty"and then dances the main game in "Ruby".These tour vehicles can be called triumphal.

In March 2001, the ballerina receives "Gold Mask" - for the solo party in " Rubies " George Balanchina.

The international career of Diana Cherry as a guest soloist began in 2001 with a speech in the Bavarian Ballet Trupper ("Manon") and in La Rock with ballet "Sleeping Beauty". In 2002, she debuted in Berlin Staatseker ("Giselle" and "Bayaderka"). And in the same year, in the Don Quixote in the Paris Opera, where the main parties in Ruby, Manon and Swan Lake were successfully performed. Diana Vishnev He received a premium for the main parties in the performances of the Mariinsky Theater "Sleeping Beauty", "Manon", "Young and Death", "Sheekharesada".

Name Diana Vishneva It becomes well known in the leading ballet theaters of the world. In 2002, to survey the magazine Dance Europe, it becomes the best dancer in Europe. In 2003, Diana's debut in the Metropolitan Opera (New York) was held with the performance "Romeo and Juliet"(K. Macmillan).

In May 2005, Diana received the status of a prima ballerina (Principal Dancer) of the American Ballet Theater (Avt) and made him brilliantly in the spring-summer season of the theater on the Metropolitan Opera Scene (New York). In 2007. Soloist Mariinsky Ballet Diana Vishnevayaawarded the honorary title People's Artist of the Russian Federation For great merits in the field of art.

In February 2008, the premiere of a new choreographic performance of three parts took place in California (USA) "Diana Vishneva: Beauty in motion". Original choreographers: Alexey Ratmansky, Muses Pendleton and Dwight Roden. The official press appreciated the project as a unique, and the main performer is like a universal ballerina and a creative person.

2010 was a fruitful year for rejo. Diana Vishnev starred in the short film director Rustam Hamdamova "Diamonds".

Was instituted Diana Vishnevaya Foundationoperating in Russia, USA and Japan. The main objectives of the Foundation - an increase in the availability of ballet art for different layers of society, its popularization, the creation of new ballet projects, help children and veterans of the scene.

In September 2010, it turned 15 from the beginning of my ballet career in the Mariinsky Theater. For professional classic ballerina, this is quite a long time to know the difficulties of this profession, to understand the role of this type of art in society and create, while, a certain authoritative name in the world ballet. And today, based on this experience, I would like to To say and do something more for art and society than just the current performance of a ballet repertoire. One person, unfortunately, it is difficult to solve large and serious tasks.

In 2010, Diana took place four ballet premieres: "Lady with camellias" in NYC, "Peri" in Berlin, "Anna Karenina" and "Carmen-Suite" in St. Petersburg.

In October 2011, the premiere of a new ballet project took place on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater "Diana Vishneva: Dialogues", united the work of world-class choreographers - Marta Graham (USA), Lightfut Paul and Sol Leon (Holland), John Neumayer (Germany). "Dialogues" is a joint draft fund of Diana Vishnevaya and the Mariinsky Theater with the participation of the American company "Ardani Artists".

Diana Vishnev became the winner of the highest theater award of Russia "Golden Mask" for work in the play "Diana Vishneva: Dialogues". The artist is named the best performer in the category "Ballet-Contemporary Dance".

In 2013, Diana presented its next project "Diana Vishneva: On the Edge". The play program included two single-act ballet: "Switch" (he was delivered by Monte Carlo ballet by Jean-Christoph Mao) and "Woman in the room" (created by the French dancer and choreographer Caroline Carlson).

The famous Russian Ballerina participated in the opening of the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014, where he performed the dance of the world of the world. "

In 2013 Diana Vishnev married his producer Konstantin SelinevichWith which many years have been familiar. The wedding passed on the Hawaiian Islands.

The repertoire on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater:

  • "Giselle" (Giselle)
  • "Corsair" (Gulnar)
  • Grand Pas from the ballet "Patchyt" (variation).
  • "Bayaderka" (Nikia).
  • "Sleeping Beauty" (Aurora).
  • "Nutcracker" (Masha)
  • "Swan Lake" (Odetta Odile)
  • "Raymond" (Raymond)
  • "Don Quixote" (Kitri)
  • "Shehherazada" (Zobeida), "Fire-Bird" (Firebird), "Vision of Roses", "Swan" - Choreography Mikhail Fokina
  • Pas de Quatre (Fanny Cherito) - Choreography Anton Valley
  • Grand Pas Classique - Choreography Viktor Gzovsky
  • Romeo and Juliet (Juliet) - Choreography Leonid Lavrovsky
  • "Legend of Love" (Mehmene-Banu) - Choreography Yuri Grigorovich
  • Apollo (Terraticor), "Symphony to Major" (III part), Tchaikovsky Pas de Deux, "Jewels" ("Rubins"), Ballet Imperial (soloist) - George Balanchine choreography
  • "In the night" (I duet) - choreography of Jerome Robbins
  • "Young and Death", "Carmen" (Carmen) - Choreography of Roland Petit
  • "Manon" (Manon) - Choreography Kennet Macmillan
  • Spring and Fall, NOW AND THEN, "Sounds of empty pages" - Choreography John Neumayer
  • "Ecstasy Poem", "Cinderella" (Cinderella) - Alexey Ratmansky choreography
  • STEPTEXT - Choreography William Forsight
  • "Diana Vishnev: Beauty in motion" - choreography Alexei Ratmansky, Dwight Rolan, Moses Pendleton
  • "Diana Vishneva: Dialogues"
  • "Diana Vishneva: On the Edge"

Diana Viktorovna Vishnev - Russian Prima-Ballerina, People's Artist, Laureatka Numerous Prizes, She was born on July 13, 1976 in Leningrad. Vishneva became the first Russian ballerina after Maya Plisetsk, which was invited to play a batch in Bolero ballet on the scene of the Swiss theater. In the list of its awards there is "Golden Sofit", "Benoa De La Dance" and "Golden Mask".

A woman was repeatedly called the main ballerina of modernity, it is one of the highest paid dancers in the world according to Forbes. Despite this, Diana never put the goals to earn as much money as possible. She moves incredible love for art. Each performance of the ballerina has honed to the perfect state. Her leadership qualities were manifested even during deep childhood training.

The first steps towards success

The girl was born in the family of scientists. Her parents, Viktor Gennadyevich and Guzal Fagimovna, were chemists. Mother had a second higher education, its specialty was the economy. In the family grew also Oksana, the older sister Diana. Girls were brought up in an atmosphere of love and kindness, all relatives treated each other with respect. Parents supported any beginnings of their children - mathematical circles, dance studios and sports activities.

When the baby was six years old, she was given to the choreographic studio in the Poland of Pioneers. A year later, Diana entered the Vaganova Ballet Academy. She was taught such legends like L.V. Belskaya and L.V. Kovaleva. It was possible to enter only from the second year, because the contest was 90 people in place. But the girl did not want to give up and in a year she was able to prove that she was worthy of this place.

Already in 1994, Ballerina went to his first competition in Lausanne. There she danced the miniature "Carmen", specially supplied to Girl Igor Belsky. She managed to defeat all rivals of his age group and become the owner of the gold medal. It is noteworthy that before the appearance of Diana, the award was awarded only by boys. After her victory in the competition there were no participants worthy of the highest premium.

In parallel with the training of the dancer, internships in the Mariinsky Theater. Since 1996, she has become a soloist in this institution. In December of the same year, the troupe went to London to represent the performance "Nutcracker". Also in 1996, the girl received the prize "Benua De La Dance" for the Kitrie's party in the Don Quixote ballet, which she performed while studying at the Academy.

When Vishneva was a student, she traveled to Toronto to the concert of the memory of Rudolph Nureyev. There, the ballerina was first danced in a pair with Vladimir Malakhov. Later they often collaborated. It is noteworthy that in this life period Diana has not yet been confident in his desire to devote the life of dancing. But the influence of teachers and colleagues was colossal, she was rapidly infected with enthusiasm.

Life after the Academy

In 1997, the dancer returned to Lausanne. This time she was an invited star, he performed a party from the Ballet "Corsair" together with the partner Carlos of the Act. In her native St. Petersburg, she also had several roles. Diana regularly participated in the "Symphony to Major", "Bayaderka" and "Sleeping Beauty". Also, the girl brilliantly coped with the leading role in the play "Romeo and Juliet". She devoted her dance to the famous Soviet ballerina Galina Ulanova.

Since 1996, Vishnev periodically acts in other theaters, which is invited by directors. In 1996, she appeared on the scene of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, shortly after that the girl danced in the Italian hall of La Scala. Then the girl was invited to speak at the German National Theater, in the Paris Opera and the New York Theater Metropolitan Opera. She marked in the state ballet Berlin, and on the stage of the Small Finnish theater. Ballerina liked to dance in foreign halls, there she had more freedom. It was in the USA that she was able to fulfill his long-standing dream - play the main roles in the ballet "Raymond" and "Swan Lake".

By 215, the season of the Mariinsky Theater Diana everyone recognized the main star of the troupe. She instantly remembered to the audience due to their incredible charisma and undoubted talent. The girl can be attributed to the ballerinas of the new generation, which combine the dance and the acting game. All productions with her participation became bright and memorable.

In 2000, a grand touring the troupes of the Mariinsky Theater took place in London. Vishneva participated in 18 ballet and 16 opera performances. In the first part of the tour, the girl danced on stage a party from the "Sleeping Beauty", closed the season with "Rubina".

Other areas of activity and awards

In March 2001, the dancer received a "golden mask" for the solo party in the "Ruby" play. Two months later, it was awarded by the State Prize in the field of literature and art. In May 2005, Diana became the Ballerina of the American Ballet Theater. In 2007, it was recognized by People's Artist of Russia, awarded for their contribution to the development of world and domestic arts. The "Forbes" magazine also included the girl in the list of "50 Russians who conquered the world."

Since 2007, Ballerina has become the face of the fashion house "Tatiana Parfinova". In 2010, Vishnev became the founder of the Foundation operating in Russia, Japan and the United States. It is designed to support ballet art. Representatives of the Foundation are striving to make ballet more affordable, to popularize it among different layers of the population, to interest children.

In the same 2010, the girl tried herself as an actress. She starred in a short ribbon called "Diamonds". You can also monitor Diana's acting game in the Musicle "Krotkaya" and the French documentary picture "Ballerina".

In 2013, the first international festival "Context" passed, his founder was Diana Viktorovna. She also took part in this event, fulfilling the party in the play "Clouds" to the music of Claude Debussy. This festival was successful among Russian toll of ballet, in 2016 it took place for the fourth time.

Now Diana continues to perform. She also often acts as a director's director. The debut project of the woman was the performance in the style of the modern ballet "Silenzio". Later, solo programs "on the verge", "beauty in motion" and "dialogues" appeared. Each of them had ambitious success in visitors.

Personal life

Diana first fell in love with a young age, as soon as he fell into the troupe of the Mariinsky Theater. Among her colleagues was the Farua of Ruzimatov, young people liked each other instantly. Despite the difference in the age of 13 years, the lovers were found for a long time, they were even called their spouses. There was no official design relationship, but Vishnev considered Ruzimatov's closest and native person. The reasons for their rupture press are not known.

In 2013, rumors about the novel of the girl with Roman Abramovich began to appear in printed publications. But there was no official confirmation of this information, they denied everything. All gossip dispelled when in August of the same year Diana married his producer Konstantin Selinevich. He also has its own business in the United States.

After the wedding, the spouses informed journalists that they were found for a very long time. That is why all rumors about other connections of women can be greatly exaggerated. The marriage ceremony took place in the Hawaiian Islands, friends and relatives were invited.