Moral culture of the individual. The concept of moral culture

Moral culture of the individual.  The concept of moral culture
Moral culture of the individual. The concept of moral culture

Such qualities as non-conflict and the ability to forgive, the ability to empathize, understand and accept differences in opinions and views, in behavior and goals are very important people. Do you know that they all constitute the moral culture of the individual?

Speaking in strict scientific language, the moral culture of a person is the assimilation of social moral experience by him and the manifestation of important moral principles in their own behavior and communication. To put it simply, moral culture is manifested in the fact that a person controls himself and his emotions in any situations and his actions do not violate the rights of other people. He recognizes and respects their right to be different, to be different from each other and not to live up to expectations. He is pleasant to those around him, remaining himself, without flattery and pretense.

Politeness, a sense of tact and proportion, benevolence and at the same time ease of behavior and preservation of one's nature - this is the real moral culture of the individual. And it is not enough to know the generally accepted rules and etiquette, here you still need intuition and common sense, which will tell you how to act more correctly in this or that case, while maintaining your dignity and culture of behavior.

This is especially necessary in a conflict situation, because in disagreements and disputes, in communication, the moral culture of a person is manifested, or vice versa, its absence. Often, many of us behave intemperate and rude, make offensive remarks and meddle in our own business, act tactlessly towards other people. There is a lack of self-control and that very culture - and it necessarily assumes that behavior must be deliberate.

Therefore, the moral culture of communication is always a connection between a person's internal culture and his external behavior during a dialogue. Our values, principles, ideals influence how we manifest ourselves in friendship and love, teamwork and communication. But this does not mean that an unsociable and withdrawn person is immoral. Sometimes in uncommunicative people there is a spiritualized and sympathetic nature, ready for help and self-sacrifice. And always active, bright people inside can turn out to be deeply dishonest. Therefore, the formation of the foundations of a person's moral culture is not about memorizing the rules of etiquette and ostentatious upbringing. And internal acceptance moral values and developing your own, among which the most important is respect for other people and their freedom.

This moral value has become so significant precisely in the conditions modern society, in which the equality of people and their rights become the most important, and violence and humiliation of other people's dignity is condemned. Today, a person should be able to control himself and his impulsive impulses, listening more to his mind than to emotions, especially destructive ones.

Modern moral culture encourages every person to develop and go towards their goals, acting deliberately and without causing discomfort to the people around them, without interfering in their lives and their decisions.

However, it cannot be said that our society has already become highly moral. Unfortunately, aggression and lack of spirituality, violence and rejection of other people's opinions are not uncommon. And this the main problem modern moral culture. If all people strived to develop and improve themselves, ceased to deceive and hypocrite, be indifferent and intolerant, they would create an unusually successful and prosperous society. Alas, this is not happening yet.

But social norms have already been formed, important values ​​have already been accepted by society. It remains for each of us to become an intelligent and independent person who consciously controls himself and his life, behaves effectively and with dignity in confused and contradictory situations and makes the world around him better.

In order to more fully define the concept spiritual and moral the culture of the individual must be defined for all the components of this term.

Morality is the inner spiritual qualities that guide a person, ethical standards; rules of conduct determined by these qualities. Morality is an external set of rules and ethics. Morality is the internal motivation of certain actions of an individual, i.e. these are the norms and rules that are initiated by the person himself, emanate from him, this is his inner spiritual core.

Spirituality is the highest level of development and self-regulation of a mature personality, at which the highest human values... In other words, spirituality is a property of the soul, consisting in the predominance of spiritual, moral interests over material

Moral development- in the most general sense the term refers to the process by which children perceive social concepts of right and wrong. The moral development of a person proceeds throughout his life, but the main features moral character develop in childhood, adolescence and adolescence.

Each nation, having passed a long and difficult path of its historical development, has developed its own system of spiritual and material values ​​- culture.

Culture is a complex set of human achievements in the field of material and spiritual life, obtained by him as a result of his social and historical practice. People's traditional culture was the soil that raised the person - the bearer of this culture. Spiritual values ​​from generation to generation folk culture were transmitted by means of folk pedagogy.

Spiritual and moral development and personal improvement is defined as the process of forming new value orientations of the moral plan. Morality in the majority ethical teachings identified with morality. But morality should be distinguished as a form public conscience(a system of norms, requirements for the rules of conduct in interpersonal relationships presented to a person by society) and morality as a characteristic of the psychological structure of the individual (rejecting or accepting these requirements, realizing their necessity and experiencing an internal need to fulfill moral norms, to follow them). People's moral beliefs and behavior can diverge.

Some definitions emphasize that the psychological regulator of the search for meaning moral issues a person has a conscience.

Conscience characterizes a person's ability to independently formulate moral obligations, to demand from oneself to fulfill them, to assess their actions. From the whole variety of definitions, we can conclude that the concept of the internal culture of a person in its most widespread sense reflects the moral side of the person, its values ​​and the ability to evaluate the moral side of one's own and other people's actions. We can say that this is the structure of the inner (subjective) world of a person.

It is characterized by its external manifestation in relationships with other people, in communication and actions. The internal culture of a person becomes in the course of the individual's assimilation of the values ​​of his environment, in the course of learning and under the influence of his own will and efforts, in the course of socialization.

From the whole variety of definitions, we can conclude that the concept of the internal culture of a person in its most widespread sense reflects the moral side of the person, its values ​​and the ability to evaluate the moral side of one's own and other people's actions. We can say that this is the structure of the inner (subjective) world of a person. It is characterized by its external manifestation in relations with other people, in communication and actions. The internal culture of the individual becomes in the course of the individual's assimilation of the values ​​of his environment, in the course of learning and under the influence of his own will and efforts, in the course of socialization. Internal culture can be assessed as a high-level culture if it meets the requirements of public morality or secular ethics, manifests itself in the form of adherence to etiquette adopted in a particular sphere of personality activity. An important characteristic a high level of internal culture of the individual can be distinguished by the ability to reflect and the willingness to take responsibility for their actions.

There are objective requirements for the organization of the inner world of a person, for the culture of his personality, presented by the specifics social work... They are expressed in the professiogram, psychogram and codes of professional conduct. Effective execution job responsibilities completely immersed in social sphere, the area of ​​exclusively interhuman interactions, requires a specialist to follow moral and ethical principles, to profess a certain range of values. This is colossal pressure on inner world person (psychological impact), every interaction, every professional contact with a client has an impact. This requires a stable structure of the inner world that can with minimal cost and to function maximally in such conditions. Otherwise, the specialist loses his only resource - his personality, unable to withstand the psychological pressure, deformation of the personality occurs, its emotional burnout. An unprepared person is doomed to regular stress, which can lead to neurosis and more difficult internal states.

Moral culture



2. Morality

3. Moral culture




Every person almost daily, directly or indirectly, encounters the concept of culture. Wherever we are, we see or hear all kinds of phrases and statements directly or indirectly related to this concept. For example, often at the sight of a large and noisy company of young people expressing obscenely and rudely, an old woman passing by quite boldly declares to them: "What are you uncultured, guys", or "The youth went - immoral."

Whether we like it or not, everything that surrounds us and everything with which we are essentially connected is culture. This concept has firmly entered our life and under no circumstances will we be postponed to a distant dark corner.

Along with the fact that we have heard the word culture so often, few of us can boast that he was interested in or even deeply studied this concept. More often than not, we limit ourselves only to comprehending our understanding of a concept and do not strive for more. And in my opinion, this is not entirely correct. That is why I would like to study deeper and discover some concepts for myself.

Based on the topic that I have chosen, it follows that at the beginning of my work I set myself the following specific tasks: to give a clear and, in my opinion, correct concept of culture, morality, and most importantly, as a consequence (in my opinion) of the above, the concept of moral culture.

It seems to me that the topic I have chosen is quite relevant and interesting. Long before my appearance and for many years after I lived and will live "moral culture", it will help people learn and become personalities, will guide them to take the right step from her point of view, and if a person can understand her urges and appreciate her contribution to everyday life not only of a single individual, but of the entire human race as a whole, then I believe that humanity will have hope for a bright and holy future, because, in my opinion, it is in moral culture that the guarantee of peace and human well-being.

1. Culture

Culture is one of critical areas public life... In the concept of "culture", a person and his activity act as a synthesizing basis, since culture itself is a creation of a person, the result of his creative efforts. But in human culture it is not only an acting, but also a changing being.

The rudiments of culture are found at the earliest stages of the historical existence of people, the first ideas about it become possible for a fairly high level public and spiritual development... People have always lived in culture, although they did not immediately become aware of this. While a person in his life activity depended on purely natural, not yet transformed by labor, circumstances, he attributed the decisive role in his life not to himself, but to these circumstances, which he turned into an object of religious veneration or cult. Mythological and religious cultures antiquities that deified natural forces and the elements, endowed nature with purely human properties - consciousness, will, the ability to predetermine the course of events. Only to the extent of its further development people began to realize that much in their life depends on themselves, on how they think and act. Associated with this are the first, at first vague and vague, ideas about culture. It was enough, for example, to see the reason for a good harvest not in the grace of the gods, but in the quality of soil cultivation, in order to distinguish between cult as the deification of nature and culture as its cultivation and improvement. The very presence of "culture" in the language testifies to a person's understanding of his own special and independent role in the world, only his inherent activity, not reducible to the action of both natural and divine forces. The emergence of this word meant the birth of a "cult" of man himself, which replaced all other cults of antiquity.

The subject of cultural history has its own content and specificity in a number of historical disciplines. The history of culture presupposes, first of all, a comprehensive study of its various spheres - the history of science and technology, education and social thought, folklore and literary criticism, the history of art, etc. in relation to them, the history of culture acts as a generalizing discipline that considers culture as an integral system in the unity and interaction of all its areas.

Culture literally translates as cultivation, processing, care, improvement. In the most ancient Latin texts, the use of this word is associated with agriculture. Cicero used the term culture to characterize human spirit... His dictum "philosophy is the culture of the soul" is widely known. Later, the use of the word "culture" in the meaning of upbringing, education, enlightenment becomes traditional.

The desire to use the word "culture" not to designate individual directions, methods and results of human transformative activity, but for everything that he created, was outlined in the 17th century, in line with the development of German educational thought. The first author to use the term "culture" in this new, broad sense was Samuel Puffendorf (1632-1694).

"... The upbringing of the human race is a process both genetic and organic - thanks to the assimilation and application of the transmitted. We can call this human genesis in the second sense, we can call it culture, that is, cultivation of the soil, or we can remember the image of light and call it education ... "

So, by culture we mean the totality of all material values, all knowledge and experiences, the whole practical experience aimed at solving the triune task - reproduction, preservation and improvement human life... No area of ​​life - be it economics or politics, family or education, art or morality - is impossible outside of culture.

2. Morality

Before talking about moral culture, let us consider such concepts as ethics, morality, morality.

Currently, they are all used at the household level as identical. However, from a scientific point of view, ethics is called science, where the concepts of good and evil are systemic. Morality should be understood as a set of norms and rules for decent behavior. Morality is the practice of this behavior. Thus, a three-stage structure is being built: ethics as a science, morality as a set of prescriptions for the creation of good, morality as practice good behavior.

All these concepts together constitute the essence of moral culture. Culture in its modern sense is a process of creation, storage, distribution and development of material, spiritual and socio-political values. On a personal level, culture is the level, degree, value of mastering values ​​of three orders (material, spiritual, socio-political).

Moral culture is a powerful factor in the formation of a person's personality, transforming and enriching his needs, the inner world into better side.

I can not disagree with the thought famous philosopher Karl Popper:

"Man created many worlds - the worlds of language, poetry, science. But perhaps the most important of them is the world of morality, the world of moral values ​​and prescriptions, the world of moral requirements - freedom, equality, mercy."

Morality is a set of unwritten rules that determine the well-behaved human behavior. It is based on mores, that is, a voluntary agreement of people who try to correlate their feelings, aspirations and actions with the life attitudes of other people, with the interests and dignity of the whole society.

* Value is the vital and practical attitude of an individual's behavior, expressing what is significant to him. One person puts honor above life, another yearns for freedom, the third insists on the invincibility of good, the fourth glorifies the all-conquering feeling - love.

For centuries, philosophers, religious thinkers, life teachers showed interest in moral and ethical issues. The moral feeling, inherent only in man, made it possible to realize his difference from animals. Moral feeling largely determined human actions. By agreeing with him, people built their relationships with nature, with other people, with society as a whole. Finally, moral standards helped to choose a decent lifestyle. Many thinkers in morality saw the path to God.

Morality (from Lat. Moralis - "moral") - area moral values, which is recognized by people, the moral life of the people. The content of this sphere, its specificity change over time and are different for different nations... In the morality of all peoples and at all times, one can find universal human values, moral principles and prescriptions.

Morality (from Lat. Moralis - "moral") morality, a system of norms and value concepts that determine and regulate human behavior. Unlike a simple custom or tradition, moral norms are justified in the form of the ideals of good and evil, ought, justice, etc.

Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov (1853-1900) believed that morality is an innate human property that distinguishes it from animals. "The main feelings of shame, pity and reverence are experienced in the area of ​​possible moral relations of a person to what is below him, what is equal to him and what is above him," he wrote in his book Justification of Good. The Russian thinker compared moral philosophy to a guidebook that paints places worth visiting, but at the same time does not tell a person where to go. People make their own decisions about where to direct their feet. Therefore, according to Solovyov, “no statement of moral norms, that is, the conditions for achieving true life purpose, cannot make sense for a person who has consciously set himself not this, but a completely different goal "...

"Golden Rule morality ":" Act towards others as you would like others to act towards you. "

Moral culture

I believe, I am sure that many also believe that the culture of the individual is entirely based on his moral culture in the very broad sense... Moral culture presupposes both respect for tradition, generally accepted models of behavior, and the ability to find your own, creative solution. In those cases when we are faced with "eternal" problems, universal situations, such as birth and death, illness and health, youth and old age, love and marriage, it is very important to listen to tradition, to act in accordance with etiquette. This is how life is built. And on how high the level of culture of a society, its development and progress largely depends.

Moral culture is represented by the subjects of society and their relationships. It includes: a) signs and elements of the culture of moral consciousness of the subjects of society; b) culture of behavior and communication; c) the culture of moral deeds and activities. Moral culture is correlated with other types of culture of the material and spiritual life of society, but first of all it is opposed to the antipodes of morality: evil, inequality, injustice, dishonor, lack of dignity and conscience, and other anti-moral phenomena.

In terms of content, moral culture is the development of moral consciousness and worldview of the subjects of society; the unity of the morally proper and morally existing; manifestation in the system of behavior, communication and activity of the norms of good, honor, conscience, duty, dignity, love, interaction, etc .; implementation of life according to the principles of humanism, democracy, industriousness, social equality, a combination of reasonable egoism (dignity) and altruism, peacefulness.

Moral culture is also the effectiveness of the moral regulation of people's lives, the complementarity of moral and legal regulation, adherence to the "golden rule of morality", the rules of etiquette.

There is talk everywhere, and many are even convinced that public and personal morality is going through a grave crisis today. Much is alarming. And the growth of crime, and social injustice, and the collapse of the ideals that served as the official support of morality. It is quite obvious that moral culture cannot be any high if social system ineffective, ignores the requirements of fairness and common sense.

There is a need to make adjustments to the relationship between people through moral culture, which is a factor in the development of a reasonable society, becomes more and more obvious every day.

Our consciousness has a way of directly influencing the material world. This, as it is sometimes said, is a manifestation of the triumph of thought over matter. The great Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov said: "Man is the only system that is able to regulate itself within wide limits, that is, to improve itself." It is important to note here that a lot depends on ourselves.

If we want our civilization to survive, it is necessary to prevent such incidents as soon as possible. That is why our duty, our sacred duty is to create a new understanding of ourselves and consciousness through moral culture, so that, guided by this new model in practice, humanity could not only survive, but find itself on a more perfect level of being.

Of course, cracks in the moral culture of society are obvious, so in my opinion, the moral culture of communication can serve as an example, faced with various misunderstandings between people when communicating almost every day.

The moral culture of communication presupposes the presence of moral convictions, knowledge of moral norms, readiness for moral activity, common sense, especially in conditions conflict situations.

Moral communication is an expression of the content and level of the spiritual image of a person.

The moral culture of communication is the unity of moral consciousness and behavior. This often requires dedication and self-control from a person. And when it comes about the Motherland, patriotism, a sense of duty, and the ability to self-sacrifice.

The moral culture of communication is subdivided into: 1) internal and 2) external.

Internal culture is moral ideals and attitudes, norms and principles of behavior, which are the foundation of the spiritual appearance of a person. These are the spiritual foundations on which a person builds his relationships with other people in all spheres of social life. The internal culture of a person plays a leading, decisive role in the formation of an external culture of communication in which she finds her manifestation. The ways of such manifestation can be diverse - exchanging greetings with other people, important information, establishing various forms of cooperation, relations of friendship, love, etc. Internal culture manifests itself in demeanors, ways of addressing a partner, in the ability to dress without causing complaints from others ...

Internal and external culture moral communication is always interconnected, complementary and exist in unity. However, this relationship is not always obvious. There are many people who, behind their seeming lack of communication, some secrecy reveals a spiritually rich personality, ready to respond to your request, to provide, if necessary, help, etc. At the same time, there are individuals who hide their wretched and a dishonest entity.

There are many examples in life when for some people the outer side of communication becomes an end in itself and is actually a cover for achieving selfish and selfish goals. A variety of such behavior is hypocrisy, hypocrisy, deliberate deception.

Recognition of the value of a person is closely related to the specific assessments of people entering into communication. Many difficulties arising in the process of communication are generated by the discrepancy between the self-esteem of the individual and its assessment by others. As a rule, self-esteem is always higher than the assessment of others (although it can be underestimated).

The holy fathers said: a person is formed from childhood, even from the womb, and not when he finishes school. And now special attention should be paid to education in our school, it is the main institution that provides education young generation... Alas, the school has now lost the educational moment, it gives only the amount of knowledge, but we must remember that at the school bench it is decided not only whether a young man will learn to count and write, but also how he will grow up. How he perceives the world, how he relates to his neighbor, how he evaluates all actions.

Therefore, even from school, you need to conduct moral conversations with children. From the age of two, the child is included in the scope of moral norms. He learns what is good and what is bad. First, adults, and then peers, begin to make sure that he observes certain forms of behavior. If you instill in a child that it is necessary to take care of those who need it, to help a person in pain or grief, we can safely say that the child will grow up caring, understanding the pain and grief of others. This does not require any special receptions and methods, you just need to show positive examples more often. Moral conversations teach you to see the merits and demerits of your own behavior and the behavior of others in everyday life and in in public places(on the street, in transport, in a store); to learn the concepts "honest - dishonest", "just - unfair", "right - wrong"; form a "code of honor", the ability to act fairly, subordinate their desires to common interests.

Fairy tale - the first work of fiction, allowing the child to experience the feeling of belonging to the grief and joy of the heroes, to hate greed and treachery, to passionately wish the victory for good. The tale expands the moral experience of the child.

Not good enough moral themes on television and a lot of things that destroy the soul, bring some kind of confusion, temptation. Television must have a creative force, help build our state, and build it strong. And the state cannot be strong without morality, without faith, without love for the Fatherland and neighbor.

Religion and morality are closely related. Religion is impossible without morality, and morality is impossible without religion. Faith without works is dead. Only demons believe in such a faith (they believe and tremble). True faith (living, not dead) cannot exist without good deeds. As a naturally fragrant flower cannot but fragrant, so true faith cannot but be evidenced by good morality. In turn, morality without a religious basis and without religious light cannot exist and will certainly wither, like a plant devoid of root, moisture and sun. Religion without morality is like a barren fig tree; morality without religion is like a felled fig tree.

the culture moral life society


In conclusion, I would like to summarize all of the above. Having studied the literature, I answered the questions. She defined for herself a clear concept of moral culture, its role in public life and significance for a person.

Revealed "vices" of modern moral culture

"Save your soul, start with yourself, and thousands of people will change around you." In fact, you must first get rid of the problem in yourself.

The value and significance of moral culture, like morality, is found in the behavior, communication and activities of people, in public opinion, personal example.

Thus, moral culture is the most important element of their culture, traditional for a person and society.

The world community pays more and more attention to the state of culture. It is understood primarily as the content and process of people's vital activity, the result of their active and purposeful, although not always expedient and successful, productive social activity. Culture is one of the leading signs of planetary civilization, distinguishes the life of people from the life of other living beings on earth and possible extraterrestrial civilizations.

Culture is a fundamental, historically long-acting indicator of people's creativity, correlating the levels and quality of development of communities and individual peoples, an assessment criterion historical path and the prospects of large social actors, each individual person. Culture is "second nature".

It was created by people, indicates fundamentally different laws and factors of the functioning of society (both planetary and specific peoples, states), in contrast to the natural (first) nature. It is important to emphasize that the second nature as a culture includes not only material-physical, but also spiritual (ideal) elements. This provision also distinguishes culture from natural nature. In culture, the spiritual and subjective abilities and properties of people are manifested.

The prospects for the development of world society in the XX-XXI centuries are increasingly determined by the crisis phenomena that arise in the bosom of culture as its antipodes and indicators of human cultural imperfection. One of such complex problems is an increase in the aggressiveness of a person, an increase in the destructiveness, anticulturalism of his behavior and activities not only in relation to natural, but also artificial, created by the person himself, the social environment and people themselves. Modern type personality acquires more and more threatening and dangerous contradictoriness and duality. This situation does not characterize all of humanity, but the trend is quite clear and stable.


Lecture number 13

"Morality as an element of spiritual culture"

1. Morality in people's lives.

2. The world of moral values.

3. Moral culture.


* "Activities of a prominent scientist" (at the student's choice)

"Achievements and prospects for the development of a certain science" (physics, chemistry, biology, etc. - taking into account the interests of the student).

1. Introductory-motivational stage

Without Kindness, it would be too close for us,

Without Kindness, it would be dark for us ...

Only with Kindness is there enough space in the heart͵

To love and remember everything is equal.

And even if everything has cooled down long ago,

Kindness will help us to survive,

All that in the heart ached with pain for a long time,

To forgive the guilty again.

Only with Kindness are they capable of Compassion,

And we are ready to serve Mercy for centuries,

And to be a likeness of a creature

Needed with kind heart live.

What do you think will be discussed today?

1. Morality in people's lives

Imagine that now, leaving the classroom, I would say to you: “I am leaving for 20 minutes, and you do whatever you want. You will get nothing for it. " What would you do. Naturally, at such moments, a person has a desire to crush, break the weight around. Yes, a certain genius of destruction sits in a person. But would everyone rush to break furniture, paint on the walls? What is holding you back? Still, there is something that holds us back from such actions. This something is morality, morality.

This is what will be discussed today in the lesson.

Concepts such as morality and ethics show us what is human in a person. How does he differ from an animal. Morality and ethics are studied by such a science as ethics.

Morality is a set of rules and norms that determine a person's attitude to society (society) and vice versa.

Morality is also the regulator of social life. Why don't we all throw out aggression, but restrain ourselves? And morality holds us back. We are afraid of condemnation from society and want to adhere to its rules and framework. Morality is like a narrow dress, it seems, it is cramped in it, but on the other hand, it protects from condemnation, censure.

Morality is a specific sphere of culture in which high ideals and strict norms of behavior are concentrated and generalized, which regulate human behavior and consciousness in various areas of social life-work, everyday life, politics, science, family, personal, state relations

Another type of personality behavior is the resolution of moral situations that require the active involvement of moral ideas and ethical categories. Ethical categories are fundamental concepts of morality, reflecting the events of life from the point of view of the most general moral values.

2. The world of moral values.

murder score in different historical eras- from antiquity to modern times - or the attitude towards usury in the Middle Ages and subsequent periods of history).

Another moral category is debt category... In it, at the level of public opinion (consciousness), the totality of a person's responsibilities to society is presented, and at the level of individual consciousness - the person's understanding of these responsibilities and their acceptance. The demand for duty is the moral foundation of social discipline.

An important moral category is conscience, the reflective ability of a person to emotionally evaluate the actions he has committed and performed, which are correlated with the idea of ​​what is due. Conscience is the "watchpoint" of society in the individual consciousness. It is no coincidence that Hitler spoke of

"Chimera of conscience", claiming that "conscience, like education, spoils people": manipulation of a person is possible only if conscience is turned off. The degradation of personality always began with the manifestation of shamelessness. Conscience protects society and people from unwanted actions, awakening in them a painful state called a voice or remorse.

Categories honor and dignity personalities reflect the recognition of the value of the individual on the basis of her having some obligatory traits: nobility, readiness for selflessness, a certain restraint and adherence to the rules adopted by this or that in relations with other people.

another reference group.

Happiness category captures the experiences of a person who is satisfied with his activities, his position and opening prospects. History knows the most different interpretations happiness. It is clear that the achievement of this state provides a continuous process of life; stopping it for one reason or another immediately creates a feeling of discomfort.

Finally, moral ideal- this is an idea of ​​a perfect system of moral norms embodied in the activity and behavior of a person.

It is clear that the moral culture of the individual will be different for different people... Why do you think? (factors that determine the level of moral culture: low general culture of people; belonging to different groups and strata; different interests, goals of their life and activities; differences in the degree of moral experiences, empathy)

What qualities are most valuable to you?

Everyone was born as if "in draft", conventionally named "man". But really, everyone needs to earn this name. What do you think should be done for this?

In everyday life, the implementation of moral norms and requirements, the implementation of the moral ideal meet a number of difficulties and obstacles. Some of them are associated with low common culture people who do not accept certain ethical categories (honor, duty, conscience, etc.) Other difficulties are associated with the fact that people belong to different social groups that have different fundamental interests and goals of their life and behavior. This leads to the fact that there is a clash and confrontation life positions and their reflections in re-

moral practice of moral life. Selfish group and individualistic ideals and goals make general social tasks and interests recede into the background or disappear altogether from the horizon. People quite often swear by them, but they operate according to their specialized individual and group programs. Finally, a person's bad manners are manifested in the absence of their own moral experience of general social moral requirements and norms, in the absence of sensitivity to the situation and state of mind other people and entire social groups (in ethics, this phenomenon is usually called the paralysis of empathy, that is, empathy).

  • - Moral culture.

    Relevance this direction is determined by the following circumstances: - there was a loss (partial or complete) of moral ideals, devaluation of fundamental values ​​- good, compassion, conscience. The orientation towards ideals based on principles remains ... [read more]

  • - Morality. Moral culture of the individual.

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  • - Morality. Moral culture

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  • Moral culture



    2. Morality

    3. Moral culture




    Every person almost daily, directly or indirectly, encounters the concept of culture. Wherever we are, we see or hear all kinds of phrases and statements directly or indirectly related to this concept. For example, often at the sight of a large and noisy company of young people expressing obscenely and rudely, an old woman passing by quite boldly declares to them: "What are you uncultured, guys", or "The youth went - immoral."

    Whether we like it or not, everything that surrounds us and everything with which we are essentially connected is culture. This concept has firmly entered our life and under no circumstances will we be postponed to a distant dark corner.

    Along with the fact that we have heard the word culture so often, few of us can boast that he was interested in or even deeply studied this concept. More often than not, we limit ourselves only to comprehending our understanding of a concept and do not strive for more. And in my opinion, this is not entirely correct. That is why I would like to study deeper and discover some concepts for myself.

    Based on the topic that I have chosen, it follows that at the beginning of my work I set myself the following specific tasks: to give a clear and, in my opinion, correct concept of culture, morality, and most importantly, as a consequence (in my opinion) of the above, the concept of moral culture.

    It seems to me that the topic I have chosen is quite relevant and interesting. Long before my appearance and for many years after I lived and will live "moral culture", it will help people learn and become personalities, will guide them to take the right step from her point of view, and if a person can understand her urges and appreciate her contribution to everyday life not only of a single individual, but of the entire human race as a whole, then I believe that humanity will have hope for a bright and holy future, because, in my opinion, it is in moral culture that the guarantee of peace and human well-being.

    1. Culture

    Culture is one of the most important areas of social life. In the concept of "culture", a person and his activity act as a synthesizing basis, since culture itself is a creation of a person, the result of his creative efforts. But in human culture it is not only an acting, but also a changing being.

    The rudiments of culture are found at the earliest stages of the historical existence of people, the first ideas about it become possible at a fairly high level of social and spiritual development. People have always lived in culture, although they did not immediately become aware of this. While a person in his life activity depended on purely natural, not yet transformed by labor, circumstances, he attributed the decisive role in his life not to himself, but to these circumstances, which he turned into an object of religious veneration or cult. The mythological and religious cultures of antiquity, deifying natural forces and elements, endowed nature with purely human properties - consciousness, will, the ability to predetermine the course of events. Only in the course of their further development did people begin to realize that much in their life depends on themselves, on how they think and act. Associated with this are the first, at first vague and vague, ideas about culture. It was enough, for example, to see the reason for a good harvest not in the grace of the gods, but in the quality of soil cultivation, in order to distinguish between cult as the deification of nature and culture as its cultivation and improvement. The very presence of "culture" in the language testifies to a person's understanding of his special and independent role in the world, only his inherent activity, not reducible to the action of both natural and divine forces. The appearance of this word meant the birth of a "cult" of man himself, which replaced all other cults of antiquity.

    The subject of cultural history has its own content and specificity in a number of historical disciplines. The history of culture presupposes, first of all, a comprehensive study of its various spheres - the history of science and technology, education and social thought, folklore and literary criticism, the history of art, etc. in relation to them, the history of culture acts as a generalizing discipline that considers culture as an integral system in the unity and interaction of all its areas.

    For each culture, both national isolation, leading to stagnation, and ignorance of national traditions that make up its internal basis and give it stability are equally harmful.

    Culture literally translates as cultivation, processing, care, improvement. In the most ancient Latin texts, the use of this word is associated with agriculture. Cicero used the term culture to describe the human spirit. His dictum "philosophy is the culture of the soul" is widely known. Later, the use of the word "culture" in the meaning of upbringing, education, enlightenment becomes traditional.

    The desire to use the word "culture" not to designate individual directions, methods and results of human transformative activity, but for everything that he created, was outlined in the 17th century, in line with the development of German educational thought. The first author to use the term "culture" in this new, broad sense was Samuel Puffendorf (1632-1694).

    "... The upbringing of the human race is a process both genetic and organic - thanks to the assimilation and application of the transmitted. We can call this human genesis in the second sense, we can call it culture, that is, cultivation of the soil, or we can remember the image of light and call it education ... "

    So, by culture, we mean the totality of all material values, all knowledge and experiences, all practical experience aimed at solving the triune task - reproduction, preservation and improvement of human life. No area of ​​life - be it economics or politics, family or education, art or morality - is impossible outside of culture.

    2. Morality

    Before talking about moral culture, let us consider such concepts as ethics, morality, morality.

    Currently, they are all used at the household level as identical. However, from a scientific point of view, ethics is called science, where the concepts of good and evil are systemic. Morality should be understood as a set of norms and rules for decent behavior. Morality is the practice of this behavior. Thus, a three-stage structure is being built: ethics as a science, morality as a set of prescriptions for the creation of good, morality as the practice of good behavior.

    All these concepts together constitute the essence of moral culture. Culture in its modern sense is a process of creation, storage, distribution and development of material, spiritual and socio-political values. On a personal level, culture is the level, degree, value of mastering values ​​of three orders (material, spiritual, socio-political).

    Moral culture is a powerful factor in the formation of a person's personality, transforming and enriching his needs, inner world for the better.

    I cannot but agree with the thought of the famous philosopher Karl Popper:

    "Man created many worlds - the worlds of language, poetry, science. But perhaps the most important of them is the world of morality, the world of moral values ​​and prescriptions, the world of moral requirements - freedom, equality, mercy."

    Morality is a set of unwritten rules that determine the well-behaved human behavior. It is based on mores, that is, a voluntary agreement of people who try to correlate their feelings, aspirations and actions with the life attitudes of other people, with the interests and dignity of the whole society.

    * Value is the vital and practical attitude of an individual's behavior, expressing what is significant to him. One person puts honor above life, another yearns for freedom, the third insists on the invincibility of good, the fourth glorifies the all-conquering feeling - love.

    For many centuries, philosophers, religious thinkers, and teachers of life have shown an interest in moral and ethical issues. The moral feeling, inherent only in man, made it possible to realize his difference from animals. Moral feeling largely determined human actions. By agreeing with him, people built their relationships with nature, with other people, with society as a whole. Finally, moral standards helped to choose a decent lifestyle. Many thinkers in morality saw the path to God.

    Morality (from Lat. Moralis - "moral") - the area of ​​moral values, which is recognized by people, the moral life of the people. The content of this sphere, its specificity change over time and are different for different peoples. In the morality of all peoples and at all times, one can find universal human values, moral principles and prescriptions.

    Morality (from Lat. Moralis - "moral") morality, a system of norms and value concepts that determine and regulate human behavior. Unlike a simple custom or tradition, moral norms are justified in the form of the ideals of good and evil, ought, justice, etc.

    Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov (1853-1900) believed that morality is an innate human property that distinguishes it from animals. "The main feelings of shame, pity and reverence are experienced in the area of ​​possible moral relations of a person to what is below him, what is equal to him and what is above him," he wrote in his book Justification of Good. The Russian thinker compared moral philosophy to a guidebook that paints places worth visiting, but at the same time does not tell a person where to go. People make their own decisions about where to direct their feet. Therefore, according to Solovyov, "no statement of moral norms, that is, the conditions for achieving a true life goal, can make sense for a person who has consciously set himself not this, but a completely different goal" ...

    "The golden rule of morality": "Act towards others as you would like others to act towards you."

    Moral culture

    Currently, there is a wide and growing interest in a deeper philosophical understanding of culture. At the same time, we realize that culture is not relational, not situational, that it cannot be tied to any current social or political interests, but expresses the very essence of humanity, is a factor in the development of a humane society.

    I believe, I am sure that many also believe that the culture of the individual is entirely based on his moral culture in the broadest sense. Moral culture presupposes both respect for tradition, generally accepted models of behavior, and the ability to find your own, creative solution. In those cases when we are faced with "eternal" problems, universal situations, such as birth and death, illness and health, youth and old age, love and marriage, it is very important to listen to tradition, to act in accordance with etiquette. This is how life is built. And on how high the level of culture of a society, its development and progress largely depends.

    Moral culture is represented by the subjects of society and their relationships. It includes: a) signs and elements of the culture of moral consciousness of the subjects of society; b) culture of behavior and communication; c) the culture of moral deeds and activities. Moral culture is correlated with other types of culture of the material and spiritual life of society, but first of all it is opposed to the antipodes of morality: evil, inequality, injustice, dishonor, lack of dignity and conscience, and other anti-moral phenomena.

    In terms of content, moral culture is the development of moral consciousness and worldview of the subjects of society; the unity of the morally proper and morally existing; manifestation in the system of behavior, communication and activity of the norms of good, honor, conscience, duty, dignity, love, interaction, etc .; implementation of life according to the principles of humanism, democracy, industriousness, social equality, a combination of reasonable egoism (dignity) and altruism, peacefulness.

    Moral culture is also the effectiveness of the moral regulation of people's lives, the complementarity of moral and legal regulation, adherence to the "golden rule of morality", the rules of etiquette.

    There is talk everywhere, and many are even convinced that public and personal morality is going through a grave crisis today. Much is alarming. And the growth of crime, and social injustice, and the collapse of the ideals that served as the official support of morality. It is quite obvious that moral culture cannot be any high if the social system is ineffective and ignores the requirements of justice and common sense.

    There is a need to make adjustments to the relationship between people through moral culture, which is a factor in the development of a reasonable society, becomes more and more obvious every day.

    Our consciousness has a way of directly influencing the material world. This, as it is sometimes said, is a manifestation of the triumph of thought over matter. The great Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov said: "Man is the only system that is able to regulate itself within wide limits, that is, to improve itself." It is important to note here that a lot depends on ourselves.

    If we want our civilization to survive, it is necessary to prevent such incidents as soon as possible. That is why our duty, our sacred duty is to create a new understanding of ourselves and consciousness through moral culture, so that, guided by this new model in practice, humanity could not only survive, but find itself on a more perfect level of being.

    Of course, cracks in the moral culture of society are obvious, so in my opinion, the moral culture of communication can serve as an example, faced with various misunderstandings between people when communicating almost every day.

    The moral culture of communication presupposes the presence of moral convictions, knowledge of moral norms, readiness for moral activity, common sense, especially in conditions of conflict situations.

    Moral communication is an expression of the content and level of the spiritual image of a person.

    The moral culture of communication is the unity of moral consciousness and behavior. This often requires dedication and self-control from a person. And when it comes to the Motherland, patriotism, a sense of duty, then the ability for self-sacrifice.

    The moral culture of communication is subdivided into: 1) internal and 2) external.

    Internal culture is moral ideals and attitudes, norms and principles of behavior, which are the foundation of the spiritual appearance of a person. These are the spiritual foundations on which a person builds his relationships with other people in all spheres of social life. The internal culture of a person plays a leading, decisive role in the formation of an external culture of communication in which she finds her manifestation. The ways of such manifestation can be diverse - exchanging greetings with other people, important information, establishing various forms of cooperation, relations of friendship, love, etc. Internal culture manifests itself in demeanors, ways of addressing a partner, in the ability to dress without causing complaints from others ...

    Internal and external culture of moral communication are always interconnected, complement each other and exist in unity. However, this relationship is not always obvious. There are many people who, behind their seeming lack of communication, some secrecy reveals a spiritually rich personality, ready to respond to your request, to provide, if necessary, help, etc. At the same time, there are individuals who hide their wretched and a dishonest entity.

    There are many examples in life when for some people the outer side of communication becomes an end in itself and is actually a cover for achieving selfish and selfish goals. A variety of such behavior is hypocrisy, hypocrisy, deliberate deception.

    Recognition of the value of a person is closely related to the specific assessments of people entering into communication. Many difficulties arising in the process of communication are generated by the discrepancy between the self-esteem of the individual and its assessment by others. As a rule, self-esteem is always higher than the assessment of others (although it can be underestimated).

    The holy fathers said: a person is formed from childhood, even from the womb, and not when he finishes school. And now special attention should be paid to upbringing in our school, it is the main institution that provides education to the younger generation. Alas, the school has now lost the educational moment, it gives only the amount of knowledge, but we must remember that at the school bench it is decided not only whether a young man will learn to count and write, but also how he will grow up. How he perceives the world, how he relates to his neighbor, how he evaluates all actions.

    Therefore, even from school, you need to conduct moral conversations with children. From the age of two, the child is included in the scope of moral norms. He learns what is good and what is bad. First, adults, and then peers, begin to make sure that he observes certain forms of behavior. If you instill in a child that it is necessary to take care of those who need it, to help a person in pain or grief, we can safely say that the child will grow up caring, understanding the pain and grief of others. This does not require any special techniques and methods, you just need to demonstrate positive examples more often. Moral conversations teach you to see the merits and demerits of your own behavior and the behavior of others in everyday life and in public places (on the street, in transport, in a store); to learn the concepts "honest - dishonest", "just - unfair", "right - wrong"; form a "code of honor", the ability to act fairly, subordinate their desires to common interests.

    A fairy tale is the first work of fiction that allows a child to experience a sense of belonging to the grief and joy of the heroes, to hate greed and treachery, and to passionately wish the victory for good. The tale expands the moral experience of the child.

    The future of Russia is being shaped at the school bench. Naturally, everything affects morality: the press, the family, the school, and even just a casual passer-by. Therefore, all responsibility for morality in society does not rest with one person. It cannot be said that one Orthodox journalist can influence the state of morality. If one person writes that

    There are not enough good, moral topics on television and a lot of things that destroy the soul, bring some kind of confusion, temptation. Television must have a creative force, help build our state, and build it strong. And the state cannot be strong without morality, without faith, without love for the Fatherland and neighbor.

    Religion and morality are closely related. Religion is impossible without morality, and morality is impossible without religion. Faith without works is dead. Only demons believe in such a faith (they believe and tremble). True faith (living, not dead) cannot exist without good deeds. Just as a naturally fragrant flower cannot but fragrant, so true faith cannot but be evidenced by good morality. In turn, morality without a religious basis and without religious light cannot exist and will certainly wither, like a plant devoid of root, moisture and sun. Religion without morality is like a barren fig tree; morality without religion is like a felled fig tree.

    culture moral life society


    In conclusion, I would like to summarize all of the above. Having studied the literature, I answered the questions. She defined for herself a clear concept of moral culture, its role in public life and significance for a person.

    Revealed "vices" of modern moral culture

    "Save your soul, start with yourself, and thousands of people will change around you." In fact, you must first get rid of the problem in yourself.

    The value and significance of moral culture, like morality, is found in the behavior, communication and activities of people, in public opinion, personal example.

    Thus, moral culture is the most important element of their culture, traditional for a person and society.

    The world community pays more and more attention to the state of culture. It is understood primarily as the content and process of people's vital activity, the result of their active and purposeful, although not always expedient and successful, productive social activity. Culture is one of the leading signs of planetary civilization, distinguishes the life of people from the life of other living beings on earth and possible extraterrestrial civilizations.

    Culture is a fundamental, historically long-term indicator of people's creativity, the correlation of the levels and quality of development of communities and individual peoples, a criterion for assessing the historical path and prospects of large social subjects, each individual. Culture is "second nature".

    It was created by people, indicates fundamentally different laws and factors of the functioning of society (both planetary and specific peoples, states), in contrast to the natural (first) nature. It is important to emphasize that the second nature as a culture includes not only material-physical, but also spiritual (ideal) elements. This provision also distinguishes culture from natural nature. In culture, the spiritual and subjective abilities and properties of people are manifested.

    The prospects for the development of world society in the XX-XXI centuries are increasingly determined by the crisis phenomena that arise in the bosom of culture as its antipodes and indicators of human cultural imperfection. One of such complex problems is an increase in the aggressiveness of a person, an increase in the destructiveness, anticulturalism of his behavior and activities not only in relation to natural, but also artificial, created by the person himself, the social environment and people themselves. The modern type of personality is acquiring more and more threatening and dangerous contradictoriness and duality. This situation does not characterize all of humanity, but the trend is quite clear and stable.

    Moral culture is aimed at the reproduction of consciousness, at the satisfaction of the moral needs of people. Morality manifests itself in practice and in other spheres of life - in economics, politics, social life, in law, etc. It is a phenomenon not only of spiritual, but also of material life, has a clearly expressed specificity.


    . "CULTURE: THEORIES AND PROBLEMS". Moscow "Science" 1995.

    LK Kruglova "Fundamentals of Culturology". St. Petersburg 1994.

    Yu.G. Marchenko I.I. Mamay "FOUNDATIONS OF CULTUROLOGY" ( tutorial). Novosibirsk 1995.

    Simple conversations about morality.


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