Theoretical aspects of the research. Spiritual and moral culture

Theoretical aspects of the research. Spiritual and moral culture

Formation of moral behavior.

Morality is a special spiritual-practical, value-based way of mastering the world; activity conditioned by the worldview. The worldview of a person is formed primarily by the whole of society, in this regard, the sources of morality should be sought in relations between people. Man is a social being. The joint life activity of people requires various ways of regulating their behavior, which was the reason for the emergence and development of religion, law, etc. Morality is one such regulation that determines people's behavior with the help of ideas about what is valuable (ideals, principles, norms, etc.) and what is due (duties, responsibilities, etc.). It is an internal self-regulator of human behavior, tuned to the principles of humanity.

Moral consciousness is realized in two forms: public and individual.

Public conscience is an element of social life. It has accumulated and systematized the moral experience of numerous generations, which makes it possible to influence the ideas and behavior of an individual, to bring up a full-fledged personality.

Individual moral consciousness reflectively, refers to the inner world of a person and consists of several components:

a) rational component ᴛ.ᴇ. a system of certain concepts, which expresses the worldview of the individual, certain moral ideas. Basic element this system is a requirement (norm). In addition to it, the rational structure of individual moral consciousness includes the perceived as personal ideals, assessments, principles, attitudes, ideas about moral qualities, about good and evil, etc .;

b) the emotional component͵ ᴛ.ᴇ. the totality of a person's moral experiences. It should be noted that any feeling is a complex emotional reaction due to the process of socialization. Hence the altruistic nature of moral experiences (responsiveness, compassion, etc.), and their focus on self-restraint of the individual. As a socio-psychological mechanism of self-control, there are special controlling experiences - conscience and shame. Important role a sense of dignity (honor) plays in the moral life of a person, reflecting the moral intrinsic value of a person;

c) volitional component due to which the subjective moral motive is realized in action, often in spite of the pressure of objective circumstances.

Moral relationships can be classified:

2) by the nature of exactingness (imperativeness);

3) by the nature of the connection.

Moral relations are reflected in the concepts of moral consciousness, thereby influencing human behavior. Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, the structure “moral consciousness - moral action - moral attitude” forms a single whole, and its elements are mutually correlated.

Basic properties of morality:

1. Imperative. The norms of morality are always formulated in imperative mood(for example, “don't lie”, “don't kill”, etc.).

2. Versatility. The requirements of morality are unchanged in any sphere of human existence, they are not localized either situationally or in time.

3. General significance. Moral precepts apply to all people without exception.

4. Antinomy. For example, the contradictory statements about the extreme importance of doing good because it is beneficial (expedient), and that good should be disinterested; or the requirement “not to kill” and at the same time the idea of ​​military duty. There are many reasons for the antinomy of morality. The main point is that morality, reflecting the dynamics of human existence, develops itself, and this development is a complex dialectical process that includes archaic ideas about what should be, and completely new, promising, specific requirements of common sense and ethical maxims.

5. Non-institutionalism. Morality, unlike other forms of social consciousness, is not socially structured. Its norms are not fixed in special documents, are not provided with coercive measures using a special apparatus are not controlled by officials in special institutions... Moral norms are supported by the strength of public opinion or a person's personal conviction, and are unofficial in nature.
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Their violation is not punished, but leads to the application of a moral sanction in the form of condemnation, and this can be done by any person or society as a whole.

The main functions of morality:

1) Regulatory function. Morality, using a value-based approach to human activity, harmonizes and optimizes relations between people on the basis of common ideals, principles of behavior, etc.

2) Cognitive function. Entering into moral relations, a person gets acquainted with all the diversity of cultural experience accumulated by mankind, receives special moral knowledge.

3) Educational function. Moral knowledge is an important condition for the formation of a personality, for introducing it to the highest values. Outside the moral field, a person should not be a full-fledged artist, scientist, entrepreneur, etc. Morality gives any concrete activity a universal human meaning.

4) Value-orienting function. Based on moral concepts, a person constantly compares the real with the ideal, the existing with the due. This allows him to correct his behavior, to determine the vector of his spiritual development.

In addition to these functions, one can also distinguish humanizing (ᴛ.ᴇ. lifts a person above the ordinary, revealing to him the true meaning of life), ideological, communicative, etc.

In general, all these functions are closely interrelated and determine the richness and content of a person's spiritual life5.

Moral culture of a person - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Moral culture of the individual" 2017, 2018.

The world of culture is about traditions and rituals, these are norms and values, these are creations and things - everything that can be called the being of culture. Personality as a creator and bearer of culture is extremely versatile. She can be characterized from the point of view of her moral culture and aesthetic, the measure of her psychological maturity and intellectual development, from the point of view of her ideological positions. But in all the richness of the personality's culture, one can single out its system-forming axis, which is the moral structure of the personality. Morality is the core of spiritual culture. The structure of a person's moral culture includes the culture of human consciousness and the culture of everyday behavior. The culture of moral consciousness and behavior should be considered as an integral system of elements expressing an objective social necessity consistent formation of such a culture of moral consciousness, which would be adequately embodied in behavior. In turn, the culture of moral behavior is a form of the objectified culture of moral consciousness. This feature of moral culture is explained by its single "goal", "mission", which consists in the formation of the "moral reliability" of the individual. The unity of the culture of moral consciousness and behavior ensures the individual's mastery of the moral culture of society and the practical implementation of this culture.

Process moral formation personality includes such elements of purposeful impact on it as ethical education - the formation of knowledge of the individual in the field of moral activity; ethical training - the formation of skills in the field of moral activity; moral education and self-education - the formation of moral attitudes, value orientations of the individual, etc.

It is on the basis of the unity of these factors that the formation of the moral culture of the individual is formed and its moral wisdom is formed as the unity and harmony of knowledge of moral requirements - and their embodiment in actions, the ability to find an optimal noble decision, and a heartfelt moral feeling, unique personal experience life, and the main wealth of the moral culture of society.

In the culture of human consciousness, one can distinguish such elements as the culture of ethical thinking and the culture of moral feelings. The starting point in ethical thinking is knowledge of simple rules morality, norms and principles of morality, the ideal. Indeed, in any case, before accepting the requirements of a given system of morality or culture as a whole, one must know them. Moral knowledge expands the scope of moral choice and makes the choice itself more justified. On the basis of a person's existing moral knowledge and comparing it with reality, he develops certain moral orientations, which represent a person's “own” characteristics of good and evil, justice, the meaning of life, happiness, moral ideal, his “personal” assessment of facts, relationships, people, themselves in terms of moral values. The role and significance of values ​​in life and society can hardly be overestimated. In this regard, we can agree with the famous Russian scientist P. Sorokin, who rightly noted that without human evaluations "devoid of their significant aspects, all phenomena of human interaction become simply biophysical phenomena" and it is value that serves as the foundation of any culture. The criteria for the ethical thinking of a person are, first of all, the optimal resolution moral conflicts and the ability to choose the means to achieve a certain moral goal.

Let us turn to the second component of a person's moral culture - the culture of his moral feelings, the emotional side of individual morality. The range of these feelings can be very wide: from a situational reaction to personal insult to high civil sorrows and joys. They can be directed inward (feelings of shame, remorse, remorse, etc.) and outward (feelings of compassion, hatred, indifference, etc.).

Moral emotions and feelings play a special role in human communication. Here they are the highest value and goal. Communication devoid of emotional warmth cannot satisfy one of the highest, fundamentally humanistic, human needs for the "luxury of human communication" (Exupery). However, the role of moral feelings in the structure of the personality should not be made absolute, because they are not a panacea for all moral mistakes and immoralism.

Beliefs are a dialectical unity, a fusion of rational and rational levels in the moral structure of a person. A guarantee of the moral reliability of a person is given by the confidence that a person, under any difficult or unfavorable circumstances, will not abandon his principles. The content of moral convictions depends on what ideas, knowledge and views are perceived by an individual.

The culture of everyday behavior of an individual is made up of the culture of deed and etiquette. Etiquette is a ritualized form of human relationships in a particular environment, which has a class, national and historical connotation. Despite all the variety of etiquette forms, one can find in them something stable, representing an enduring universal human significance, namely: politeness, tact, modesty, accuracy, simplicity.

The culture of a person's deed has a much more complex characteristic. All the diversity of human activity can serve as a way of manifesting a certain moral position of an individual: facial expressions, gestures, speech, silence, clothes, etc. an action in the moral sphere is not identical with a physical action: an action can be a verbal action or simply a deviation from action. There is always a motive in an act. Any action is mediated by a person's moral attitude to another person.

The moral culture of the individual is a characteristic of the moral development of the individual, which reflects the degree of mastery of the moral experience of society, the ability to consistently implement values, norms and principles in behavior and relations with other people, and the readiness for constant self-improvement. His morality is determined by the way of thinking. A person accumulates in his consciousness and behavior the achievements of the moral culture of society. The task of forming the moral culture of a person is to achieve an optimal combination of traditions and innovations, to combine the specific experience of a person and all the wealth of public morality.

The elements of a person's moral culture are the culture of ethical thinking, culture of feelings, culture of behavior and etiquette.

The evolution of modern man continues at the present time, since the socio-biological environment as an agent of selection is constantly changing. The main forms of selection operate in society: stabilizing, destructive, balanced and directing. The transformation of biological prerequisites in the course of human evolution into a form dependent on the social process does not eliminate the natural foundations of man.

The formation of a future personality begins from early childhood and is determined by the most complex and interactions of circumstances that can not only contribute to its development, but also actively interfere with the natural and organic formation, predetermining the tragedy of the personality's being.

Games that parents impose on children are considered a means for them social development, actualize the problem - "the games that the child chooses, and the games that the child chooses."

The activity of the creator of culture - artist, writer, musician, etc. - is directed not at the material, but at reality, the reality of life, at some event. Their works were created so that a person, through their work, could understand the harsh reality or the beautiful unreality of our life, enrich his inner world and thereby become more cultured.

In my opinion, the main component of moral culture is cultural thinking, let's talk about this in more detail.

The culture of thinking as a certain level of a person's thinking abilities largely depends on how much a person's thinking activity complies with the laws and requirements of logic. It should be emphasized that mastering the laws and requirements of logic to perfection is one without which the culture of thinking is generally impossible.

The culture of thinking is the highest level and quality of human thinking, determined by the conscious development of a person's own ways of thinking that meet the requirements of human culture. K. m. Assumes its organization, optimization and improvement. She represents the ability optimal use intellectual knowledge, scientific achievements of mankind, logical sequence of thinking, its focus on solving urgent problems and tasks. K. m. Assumes the connection by the subject of the abilities of understanding, interpretation, explanation, proof (argumentation), reflection and dialogue. To develop a culture of thinking, a person needs constant intellectual work, activities to overcome the spontaneous, situational, stereotyped way of thinking.

Reflection, combining organization, criticism and consistent construction of the content of mental activity, is a special way of implementing the thought process as a cultural one.

The question arises: is knowledge of a special theory necessary in order to think correctly? After all, one can reason logically without knowing any theory, like little children who speak a language without knowing its grammar.

(The great German idealist philosopher Hegel ironically remarked that one can digest food even without knowing physiology.)

Indeed, many of people follow logical laws involuntarily, instinctively, without even thinking, not even knowing about these laws. At the same time, they follow natural logic, for example, eat and breathe, which gives them the illusion that thinking also does not need analysis and control. But if the task of a physiologist is “to teach a person how to eat, breathe, how to work and rest correctly in order to live longer,” then the task of logic is to teach a person to think logically correctly, not to make his own logical errors and find them in the reasoning of others.

From these judgments, we found out that logic is, for the most part, the culture of thinking. It follows from this that the culture of thinking, in turn, teaches a person a moral culture.

The culture of the individual can also be characterized from the point of view of aesthetic culture. This can be seen on the example of the central link in the aesthetic consciousness of a person - aesthetic taste. Taste usually refers to a person's ability to intuitively comprehend and emotionally evaluate aesthetic and artistic values. There are two prerequisites for the formation aesthetic taste: psychological and sociocultural. The first includes the developed basic mental abilities of a person: emotionality, intelligence, imagination, fantasy, intuition. The underdevelopment of any of these prerequisites leads to a distortion of taste. Aesthetic taste arises when a person is included in the context of human culture, aesthetic relations.

Therefore, a very important content side of taste is the standards assimilated by the individual, the cultural experience of society. The values ​​assimilated by people are transformed for each person into peculiar prototypes and criteria of perception, which are called aesthetic standards. The objective criterion of taste is the ratio of personal aesthetic experience to the experience of society: the more fully the individual has assimilated the experience of society, the more developed. In the aesthetic experience of society, there are both classics, tradition, and actual experience with its innovation, therefore, a developed aesthetic taste is characterized by the development of both. Underdeveloped taste is when a person absolutes certain aesthetic or artistic values, their level, form and content, thereby impoverishing, excluding spiritual wealth and a variety of aesthetic values.

The functional side of the state of taste is aesthetic needs.

There are three levels of development of aesthetic need:

  • 1. Initial - "dormant taste", that is, an aesthetic need for an embryonic state, therefore, often a push is needed for the development of needs;
  • 2. Average, "normal", that is, a stable desire of a person to perceive and experience the aesthetic or artistic values ​​known to him;
  • 3. Creative - the need to create something new aesthetic world... Creative taste is the highest level of development of aesthetic taste, the ability to see a new, previously unknown meaning through various forms of the world.

Another relatively independent part that characterizes the cultural appearance of a person is the degree of development of his intellect. The intelligence of each person is a rather complex formation. It is necessary to distinguish between reason and reason in it. F. Engels noted that the mind operates according to a strictly specified scheme, an algorithm, without realizing the method itself, its boundaries and capabilities, while the mind seeks to go beyond the established system, to push its boundaries.

The allocation of the rational and reasonable side allows you to better understand the characteristic features of the rational sphere of human consciousness. The "duet" of voices of reason and reason is very important quality thinking of a person, the level of his intellectual culture largely depends on their interconnections. Thus, the main components of a person's culture are: moral and aesthetic culture, as well as intellectual development personality. All of them are interconnected and directly affect the development of the individual.

culture personality taste

The words "morality", "morality", "ethics" are close in meaning. But they arose in three different languages... Concept "ethics"(from the Greek ethos - temper, character, custom) was introduced 2300 years ago by Aristotle, who called "ethical virtues" the qualities of a person manifested in his behavior: courage, prudence, honesty, and "ethics" - the science of these qualities.

Concept "morality"(from Lat. mores - temper, custom) was introduced by Cicero by analogy with the concepts introduced by Aristotle. Concept "moral"(from Russian disposition) has been used since the 18th century as a synonym for the first two.

Today, these concepts are used interchangeably, but they have shades of meaning:

· morality, morality- values, principles, norms that determine human behavior;

· ethics- a) these principles themselves (for example, medical ethics); b) the science of them (the science of morality, morality);

· Concept "morality" can be used with a negative assessment (for example, misanthropic morality); concept "moral"- only with a positive rating.

Moral culture is a complex of values ​​and norms that regulate relations between people in their Everyday life.

The main aspects of moral culture Are 1) values ​​and 2) regulations (norms). Values- what the ancients considered ethical virtues (justice, honesty, hard work, patriotism). Moral (moral) regulations- rules of conduct focused on the specified values.

Each culture has a certain system of generally recognized regulations that are considered binding on everyone. Such regulations are called moral norms. There are 10 of them in the Old Testament - the "commandments of God" written on the tablets. In the New Testament - 7.

Moral values ​​and regulations are closely related. Any rule implies the existence of the value to which it is directed. For example, honesty is a moral value, and the "Be honest" regulation follows from it.

The most important feature morality is the finality of moral values ​​and the imperativeness of moral regulations. The goal of morality is an end in itself, the highest, final goal that cannot be a means of achieving other goals. Therefore, it is impossible to answer the question "Why strive for moral values?" Imperativeness means obligation, obligation to fulfill.

The main sociocultural functions of morality:

1. Motivational function. Moral principles (values, norms) motivate human behavior as the reasons for any actions. As a result of upbringing and self-education, attitudes are formed in accordance with which a person does what he should and does not do what he should not do. Therefore, evaluating a person's deed, we evaluate a) its result, the deed itself; b) his motive. On the basis of the first and second, the personality itself is assessed;

2. Constitutive function (from Lat. constitus - established, established) asserts the leading role of morality in culture. "The ethical is the constitutive element of culture," wrote A. Schweitzer. Moral values ​​and norms are the main, leading, central in any culture, priority compared to other aspects of culture. Therefore, the criteria of morality are decisive in assessing the achievements of science, politics, art;

3. Coordination function (follows from the previous one): morality ensures unity, coordination of actions, community of people in a variety of situations. Basic moral principles are generally valid.

The process of moral development of the individual, the formation of moral culture takes place in 3 stages:

1) Elementary morality... It is characterized by external regulation. The main motive of moral behavior is fear, fear of punishment for violating norms. The level of morality depends on who gives prescriptions, instructions;

2) Conventional morality. It is also based on external moral regulation, but there is also the development of their own ideas about good and evil. Conventional morality is oriented towards public opinion. Moral demands are perceived as necessary to fulfill; there is no critical attitude towards them. A person follows the rules, not because he accepts them as binding on himself, but in order to look "good" in the eyes of others. The main motives for moral behavior are shame and honor;

3) Autonomous morality. It arises as a result of the interiorization of public opinion. It is autonomous, since it does not depend on the opinions of the people around it. A person does good deeds not because they will praise, reward or condemn him, but because they arise from an internal need ("I can not do otherwise"). The main motive for moral behavior is conscience. Shame is an expression of responsibility towards other people; conscience is in front of you.

Moral types:

1) Hedonism- ethics of pleasure... A variety of hedonism is eudemonism, the ethics of happiness (for example, Don Juan). Rigorism- ethics of duty. The highest moral principle is duty.

2) Selfishness(ego - I am ) - ethics of life for yourself. From the point of view of an egoist, good is that which corresponds to the interests of the person himself. Altruise m(lat. alter - another) - ethics of life for others.

3) Individualism- priority recognition personal interests over public, individual autonomy, non-conformism. Collectivism - dependence on the collective, the subordination of their interests to the public, conformism.

4) Ethics of struggle - ethics of cooperation. This typology was introduced by V. Lefebvre.

Basic principles ethics of struggle:

1.permissible a compromise between good and evil, if it can subsequently benefit for good;

2. the end justifies the means; those. if the goal is good, immoral means can be tolerated;

3. Intransigence, focus on struggle in relations with people who take a different position: "He who is not with us is against us", "If the enemy does not surrender, he is destroyed";

Basic principles ethics of cooperation:

1. a compromise between good and evil is unacceptable; any deviation from good is condemned;

2. the end does not justify the means; it is impossible to use "bad" means in the name of a "good" goal;

3. in relations between people, an orientation towards cooperation should prevail, even if they hold different views.

5) Male ethics - female ethics. It is caused by differences in the requirements for gender behavior of men and women.

Basic principles of modern moral culture:

1. The "golden rule" of morality ... Historically, the first concept of justice is talion, which is based on the idea of ​​equal retribution. Talion regulated the relationship between genera. With the disintegration of the genus around 500 BC. (China, India, Greece) put forward the "golden rule of morality": "Act towards others as you would like them to act towards you." Unlike talion, the "golden rule" regulates relations between individuals - it is more just, since it proceeds from the recognition of the equality of people;

2. Moral autonomy of the individual - the conquest of the New Time. The principle of autonomy presupposes a) respect for a person, b) his self-respect, c) responsibility for the consequences of his actions, d) freedom in choosing his behavior;

3. Humanism, which is understood as a) philanthropy, concern for his happiness and well-being; b) rejection of all forms of violence against a person; c) equality of people, social and natural human rights to life, freedom, health protection, spiritual development etc. The beginning of the ideas of humanism in European culture was the Renaissance.

Human history is a contradictory process, where there is a lot of evil and violence against a person. However, the development of humanistic relations - the only way further development of mankind.


1. Karmin A.S. Culturology. Culture of social relations [Text] / AS Karmin. SPb .: Lan, 2000 .-- 128 p.

2. Ethics: Textbook [Text] / Under general edition A.A. Huseynova and E.L. Dubko. - M .: Gardariki, 2004 .-- 496 p.

2.5 Political culture

Politics is the area of ​​human relations and interactions about power. In this case, power is understood as the highest, sovereign power in society, which belongs to the state.

Political culture is a set of regulations and values ​​that determine people's participation in political life.

Political culture develops in society under the influence of socio-economic conditions, which give rise to people in the need for power to ensure order in society, protect the life and property of citizens, their rights and freedoms. The state is such a force.

Political culture is determined by the characteristics of the national culture. And any state power is stable as long as it enjoys the support of the people.

Political culture is expressed in political behavior. There are different types of political behavior ... So, M Weber distinguishes:

1) politicians "on the occasion"- they are all people, since they participate in elections, rallies and demonstrations, less often in riots, revolutions; there are especially many of them at critical moments in history;

2) part-time policies- more or less active members of parties, proxies of deputies, members of advisory bodies. But politics is not for them the main business of life, either in material or in spiritually;

3) "professional politicians"- people for whom political activity is the main life occupation: representatives state power, party functionaries, public figures. M. Weber also divides them into those who:

a) lives "at the expense of politics", that is, for them politics is a profession and a source of income;

b) lives "for politics", that is, they see the meaning of their life in the implementation of political ideas.

Functions of political culture:

1) it forms the attitude of people to the existing government. Power is recognized as legitimate (legitimate) when it evokes a positive attitude of people. The legitimization of the existing government is the main task of politics;

2) it determines the political organization of society, that is, its state structure. The state can be:

By its structure: unitary and federal;

By the form of government: monarchy or republic.

The political organization includes not only the state structure, but also the entire system of political relations in the country, various non-state social forces: parties, political movements, trends, electoral blocs, media, trade unions; religious, youth and other associations of citizens.

Types of political culture are determined in accordance with the typology of legitimate power proposed by M. Weber. M. Weber distinguish 3 types of power :

1) traditional, based on belief in the sacredness of existing customs;

2) charismatic power based on people's belief in special, extraordinary qualities of the ruler, given to him by nature or fate, by God;

3) legal authority based on a rational system of legal norms.

Accordingly, stand out 3 types of political culture :

1) Legal culture traditional type : traditional power is considered legitimate. This type of power is characteristic of patriarchal societies. Society is likened to a family, where the ruler is the father, and the subjects are children, who must love him and obey unquestioningly. The level of freedom is extremely low, as is the level of political activity;

2) Legal culture of the charismatic type: Charismatic power is considered legitimate. The ruler has incontrovertible authority based on faith in his supernatural abilities... It is characteristic of transitional eras and is based, like the first, on personal relationships. The main source of laws is the ruler, who is often deified and becomes the object of a sacred cult (Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Napoleon, Gandhi, Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, etc.);

3) Legal culture of legal type: legal authority is recognized as legitimate. Management is carried out with the help of a bureaucratic apparatus. Power is impersonal, since it does not belong to a specific person, but to positions that are elective in nature. Typical for modern societies.

There are two models of legal culture that correspond to two kinds of political regimes - totalitarian and democratic.

1) Totalitarian model (from Lat.totalitas - integrity, whole), her features:

· Concentration of power in the hands of one person - the leader of the ruling party;

Fusion of the party apparatus with the state,

· The non-legal nature of the state;

· Use of administrative command methods of management;

· Total control of the state over all spheres of society, including the private life of citizens;

· Lack of political pluralism, like-mindedness;

· Great importance of ideology, which acts as a "quasi-religion", substantiating the legitimacy of power;

· Lack of freedom of speech, censorship of the press;

· Restriction of the rights and freedoms of the individual;

· Domination of collective interests over personal;

· Priority of ideological values ​​over all others;

· The supremacy of politics over the economy;

Xenophobia (hostile attitude towards everything else);

· Lack of personal initiative, amateur performance, etc .;

2) Democratic model, its features:

· Controllability of the state power to the population;

· Electivity and turnover of state power;

· The legal nature of the state;

· Political pluralism, the presence of various political organizations;

· separation of powers;

· The interests of the individual dominate the interests of the state;

· Freedom of speech and press;

· High social activity of the masses;

· Limiting state interference in the private life of citizens, in the life of civil society, etc.


1. Weber M. Politics as a vocation and profession [Text] / M. Weber // Weber M. Selected Works. - M., 1990.

2. Karmin A.S. Culturology. Culture of social relations [Text] / A.S. Carmine - SPb .: Lan, 2000 .-- 128 p.

3. Malkova T.P., Frolova M.A. Weight. Elite. Leader [Text] / T.P. Malkova, M.A. Frolov. - M .: Knowledge, 1992 .-- 40 p.

2.6 Legal culture

Law is a specialized sphere of culture in which the content and purpose of the activities of all subjects is to ensure social order and the protection of human rights through laws.

Law, in its importance in the life of society, was close to morality, since it regulates the behavior and attitudes of people, but

• morality is older in age, arose long ago; law arises together with the class stratification of society and the emergence of the state;

· The implementation of legal norms is controlled by public authorities, is mandatory, and their violation must be punished. Morality is not so coercive, compulsory;

· Morality - "internal" regulator of human behavior; law - "external", state.

Nevertheless, the law must obey moral requirements: good laws are laws that do not contradict the established morality in society.

Legal culture is a complex of regulations and values ​​on which the legal order that really exists in the country is built.

The world's first legal documents that arose at the dawn of civilization were the laws of King Hammurabi, carved on basalt pillars and including 282 articles (XVIII century BC); in India - "The Laws of Manu", which includes 2685 articles written in rhythmic prose (1st century BC). The first legal documents are based on the idea talion- the punishment should be equal to the crime ("an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"). The ancient law bears the features of class stratification, serves to protect wealth and property. Extreme cruelty of punishments is characteristic: chopping off the head, drowning, impaling, self-mutilation.

A significant step in the development of legal culture was made in antiquity, especially in Ancient Rome. Laws are based on the principle of equality of all free citizens before the law. Various areas of law are distinguished: civil, administrative, criminal, family. The process is regulated judicial trial... Roman law formed the basis of European law.

Functions of legal culture:

1.the legal culture determines the nature and form of legislation existing in the country;

2. determines the actions of the authorities, i.e. their attitude to the laws they create, observance of laws and control over the observance of laws by the population;

3. determines the legal behavior of the population, i.e. determines the extent to which the citizens of the country know the laws, observe them, exercise their rights and fulfill their duties.

Accordingly, in the legal culture, there are 3 main aspects:

I. culture of legislation, which is currently being built in accordance with the following principles:

1) the principle of social justice (punishment must be proportionate to the crime);

2) the principle of equality (equality of all citizens before the law);

3) the principle of protection of individual rights (protection of individual rights from encroachments by the state);

4) the principle of the unity of rights and obligations (there are no rights without obligations, and vice versa);

5) the presumption of innocence (every person is considered innocent, unless proven otherwise).

II. legal culture of power: executive, legislative, judicial power should act in the interests of the people, the people, the entire population of the country, and not in their own interests.

Basic requirements for the legal culture of power:

Laws should be created and changed in accordance with the needs and interests of the people ;

The government is obliged to strictly maintain legal order ;

· Punishment should be inevitable and rehabilitating (an ideal that is still unattainable in modern society).

III. legal culture of the population - the most important component of legal culture. If the legal culture of the population is low, then the authorities a) either allow permissiveness, leading to mass disorder; b) either is forced to resort to the use of force, terror.

Requirements for the legal culture of the population:

1. Respect for the law... Lack of such respect - feature the legal culture of the population in Russia, which is reflected in the well-known Russian proverb "The law is that the tongue - where you turn, it went there." Distrust of the law, due to all the peculiarities of national history; the lack of rights of the individual, subordination to the interests of the state, lack of human dignity- features of legal culture in Russia;

2. Knowledge of laws... You need to know the laws because

a) ignorance of the laws does not absolve from responsibility, and knowledge can help not to commit crimes;

b) a person who does not know the laws may become a victim of deception, fraud on the part of other people;

3. Turning to the law. It is necessary to resolve conflicts that arise between people within the framework of the law, and not through threats, scandals and other means. For example, in modern Western countries, every middle-income family has its own lawyer. “Contact my lawyer” is the first reaction of a person confronted with legal authorities. There are currently more than 700 thousand lawyers in the United States, and suing someone is a fairly common occurrence for an ordinary American.


1. Karmin A.S. Culturology. Culture of social relations [Text] / A.S. Carmine - SPb .: Lan, 2000 .-- 128 p.

2. Obolonsky A.V. The drama of Russian political history: the system against the personality [Text] / A.V. Obolonsky. - M .: Jurist, 1994 .-- 352 p.

Budget educational institution

additional professional education

"Institute for the Development of Education of the Omsk Region"

E. M. Kolodina

Study guide


BBK 74.200.51

Published by the decision of the editorial and publishing council of the BOUDPO "IROOO"


Sukhareva Albina Pavlovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

associate professor, head of department liberal education BOUDPO "IROOO"

Balakin Yuri Vasilievich, Head of the Department of Theology, GOUVPO

Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky "

Kolodina, E. M.

K 61 Spiritual and moral culture: teaching aid for educational institutions. - Omsk: BOUDPO "IROOO", 2009. - 115 p.

ISBN 978-5-89982-283-4

The manual contains extensive material that allows you to organize the educational work of pupils and students in the classroom and after school hours, as well as facilitating extracurricular conversations of spiritual, moral and historical and cultural content.

The program "Spiritual and moral culture" (EM Kolodina, OV Kurmaeva), on the basis of which this manual was developed, took first place in 2009 at the regional competition of author's programs in the field of spiritual and moral education of youth children in the nomination " Educational programs spiritual and moral education by means Orthodox culture"And the third place at the interregional stage of the All-Russian competition in the field of pedagogy, education and work with school-age children and youth under twenty for the award" For the moral feat of a teacher. "

The educational and methodological manual "Spiritual and moral culture" is intended for pedagogical workers of educational institutions: class teachers, curators, educators, etc., whose sphere of activity includes the spiritual and moral education of children and youth. The material of the manual is also addressed to a wide circle of readers who are interested in Orthodox culture and issues of spiritual and moral education in the family and educational institutions.

BBK 74.200.51

ISBN 978-5-89982-283-4 © Kolodina, E.M., 2009

© BOU DPO "Development Institute

education of the Omsk region ", 2009

Educational edition

Elena Mikhailovna Kolodina

Spiritual and moral culture

Study guide

for educational institutions

Head RITs S.V. Soldatova

Editor E.A. Gingel

Technical editor N.V. Slatin

Proofreader P.V. Tokareva

Signed for printing 01.10.2009 Format 60x84 1/16 Uch. ed. l. Circulation 200 copies. Order No. 30 Print operative

Publishing house BOUDPO "IROOO"

Printing house BOUDPO "IROOO"

644043, Omsk, st. Tarskaya, 2


Section 1. Formation of a person's personality through cognition of the origins of national culture and the Russian language …………………

Topic 1. Culture is a common property.

Spiritual meaning and meaning of the Russian word

Topic 2. The influence of culture on the formation of personality.

Profanity as a factor destroying human morality

Section 2. The culture of family relations …………………… ..

Topic 3. State and family as a special cultural phenomenon

Topic 4. Moral foundations of premarital relationships between boys and girls

Topic 5. Culture of a strong, happy marriage

Topic 6. True love - main basis strong family

Topic 7. Parenting culture

Topic 8. The miracle of life. Spiritual, moral and social problems of bioethics in matters of childbirth. The current demographic situation and policy of the Russian Federation

Topic 9. The culture of modern piety. Spiritual and moral development of modern man

Section 3. Culture and history of sobriety ………………………… ..

Topic 10. Healthy lifestyle. Types of painful addictions: causes, essence, consequences

Topic 11. What is sobriety. Help for those who are addicted to addictions: history and modernity

Section 4. The unknown world of faith. Freedom of choice: moral and spiritual guidelines ………………………………………………….

Topic 12. The beauty of the world and ways of knowing it. Spiritual foundations and values ​​of Christianity. Restoring interrupted spiritual traditions in the modern world

Topic 13. Purpose and meaning of human life: cultural and historical traditions and modern trends

Topic 14. Spiritual and moral culture of professional activity. Devotion, sacrifice and holiness as the moral ideals of Russian culture. Love to motherland


Exemplary thematic plan course.

Folk wisdom (proverbs and sayings).

The wisdom of the millennia (quotes and aphorisms).

Publications (to prepare teachers for classes).


The spiritual and moral education of the younger generation in modern conditions is becoming the central pedagogical problem, the solution of which depends on the future of both the generation that is entering life and society as a whole, as well as the fate of statehood in Russia.

Gradually, a humanistic utopia, associated with the idealization of the West, with the belief that the market system itself can solve all state, social and personality problems that it is a prerequisite for the emergence and existence of a society that flourishes not only materially, but also spiritually.

The fruits of the crisis of "humanistic consciousness" - an increase in criminality and an increase in licentiousness - confirmed the fidelity of the spiritual insights of Christianity, which testify that neither the dissemination of scientific knowledge, nor the improvement of external conditions of life are in themselves able to morally improve people.

RAO President Academician N.D. Nikandrov in his work "Spiritual values ​​in modern Russia" notes that "the concept of universal human values ​​is an abstract concept, it is often used for selfish purposes: secretly substitute them for their own values, passing them off as universal".

There are no so-called “universal human values”: this is a phantom, fiction, myth. Values ​​are formed by society, and they do not coincide in people brought up in different cultural and historical traditions. Consequently, the spiritual and moral education of children and youth should be based on the values ​​and ideals of the civilization of each country.

Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated 01.12.2007. (No. 309) include in several articles at once the requirements for ensuring the spiritual and moral development of students. Thus, paragraph 2 of Article 14 of the Law defines the formation of a spiritual and moral personality as one of the main tasks of education.

The development of the educational field "Spiritual and moral culture" contributes to the formation of the moral culture of young generations of Russian citizens through the development of the socio-cultural experience of previous generations, presented in the cultural and historical tradition. The system of values, traditions have evolved over many centuries, absorbing the experience of generations, under the influence of history, nature, geographical features of the territories in which the peoples of Russia lived, the conditions of their life, way of life, interaction, common troubles, works and accomplishments, faith, cultural creativity, language. The peoples of our country have centuries of experience life together and cooperation, understood by us as a community of destiny in our native land. We are united by loyalty to the memory of our ancestors who bequeathed to us love and respect for the Fatherland, faith in goodness and justice. Spiritual and ethical principles and sociocultural traditions, the origins of which are rooted in the ontology and practice of Orthodoxy, are a reliable guarantee of interfaith peace and fraternal friendship of all peoples living in Russia for more than a thousand years.

The cultural significance of the Orthodoxy religion is recognized in the norms of our legislation. In the preamble of the RF Law "On freedom of conscience and religious associations"It is said:" The Federal Assembly recognizes the special role of Orthodoxy in the history of Russia, in the formation and development of spirituality and culture. "

It should also be noted that the concept of "multinational state" is not just a phrase, it is a legal formula state structure... There are only a few such states in the world, and they function mainly on a confederal basis. There are norms international law, standards adopted by the UN, according to which a state is classified as mono-national. Thus, a state is considered mono-national if the share of one nation is at least 67% (i.e. 2/3) of the population. One of the most mono-national states in the world is our Russia. According to the latest All-Russian census, 80% is the Russian population, which basically defines itself as belonging to Orthodoxy. Therefore, according to all international standards, we are a mono-national and mono-confessional state.

Due to a lack of understanding of this, sometimes serious problems arise in the education system. We must understand that when teaching the subject "Spiritual and moral culture" based on the worldview of the Russian Orthodox Church, it comes not about nationalities or religious education, but about the culture of Russia - the culture on the basis of which our state was built. When people ask why we need to study Orthodox culture, there is only one answer that Orthodox culture is not the culture of one nationality, it is the culture in which all 150 nationalities have lived and lived in Russia for a thousand years. Orthodox culture is a sign of our civilization, the basis for the unity of the peoples of Russia.

It should also be noted that according to Art. 29 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, every child has the right to be brought up in the culture and traditions of the people to which he belongs from birth. The Convention also requires respect for the values ​​of the country in which the child lives, even if these values ​​differ from the values ​​that the child is guided by by his parents.

The centuries-old Orthodox culture is the most valuable asset of all citizens The Russian state, of all the peoples of our Fatherland. She establishes continuity Russian civilization with great civilizations the ancient world, forms the basis of its originality and brings Russia to a number of world civilizations.

Hegumen Georgy (Shestun), rector of the church in the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh (Samara), head of the department of Orthodox pedagogy at the Samara Theological Seminary, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, believes that Orthodox culture should be considered as the culture of Orthodox civilization, or can be called the spiritual and moral culture of our entire civilization.

There is no such thing in any civilization in the world. respectful attitude to the beliefs, culture and languages ​​of other peoples. Many of the ethnic groups that preserved their existence in the Orthodox civilization did not even have their own written language, and it was given to them by the Orthodox civilization. Being in the atmosphere of the Orthodox civilization, breathing its air, inspired by its lofty ideals, the best representatives of national cultures, people of other faiths tuned in to its tone and made their own voice, their contribution to the treasury of the culture of the Orthodox civilization. Dagestani R. Gamzatov, Kirghiz Ch. Aitmatov, Tatar M. Jalil, Armenian I. Aivazovsky, Jews I. Levitan, I. Dunaevsky, J. Frenkel - high poetry, prose, painting, music, cinema. And this is all our common, all this belongs to our civilization. The list is truly enormous. Antiquity and Europe, world culture and national culture, two Romes, two great Empires donated this great Divine gift to the Third Rome - Moscow, the Russian Empire. Our younger generation should know all this, study, preserve and pass on to their descendants. We can study this together, regardless of nationality and faith, because our ancestors preserved and multiplied this culture together. Moreover, the study of the culture of our common civilization does not prevent anyone from knowing their national cultures, their faith.

The task of preserving and developing the values ​​of national culture in the field of education is set in the most important state documents. In the National Doctrine of Education, among the main goals and objectives of education (in total, the Doctrine names 15 main goals and objectives), the most priority ones are as follows:

    preservation of the historical continuity of generations, preservation, dissemination and development of national culture;

    fostering respect for the historical and cultural
    the heritage of the peoples of Russia;

    education of patriots of Russia, citizens of a legal, democratic, social state, respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual, possessing high morality and showing national and religious tolerance, respect for the languages, traditions and culture of other peoples;

    the formation of a culture of peace and interpersonal relations;

    versatile and timely development of children and youth, their creativity, the formation of skills of self-education, self-realization of the individual;

    the formation of a holistic world outlook and a modern scientific worldview in children and youth, the development of a culture of interethnic relations;

    systematic updating of all aspects of education, reflecting changes in culture, economics, science, technology and technology;

    continuity of education throughout a person's life.

The highest secular leaders of the country have repeatedly stressed the importance of spiritual and moral foundations, respect for Russian traditions. On November 5, 2008, in his Address to the Federal Assembly, President D.A. Medvedev. And a little earlier, in April 2007, President V.V. Putin stressed that “the spiritual unity of our people and the moral values- this is the same important development factor as political and economic stability ... Society is only able to set and solve large-scale national tasks when it has a common system of moral guidelines. " How our top leaders understand this common system of moral guidelines, what importance they attach to Orthodoxy, we could see quite recently, on February 1, when they were together at the enthronement of His Holiness. Holy Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.

Russian President D.A. Medvedev, at a meeting with the leaders of the country's traditional religions, which took place on July 21, 2009, decided to support the idea of ​​teaching religious culture and secular ethics.

Spiritual and moral culture is the fundamental basis general education, the basis for personal self-improvement and social interaction based on the unity of freedom and responsibility. The experience of mastering the spiritual and moral meanings and values ​​of culture makes it possible to solve one of the most urgent tasks of the modern school - to induce the young generation to distinguish between good and evil, to assess with moral positions both their actions and all forms public relations... It helps the fruitful development of such branches and forms of social knowledge as history, art, natural science, law, economics, politics, etc. Understanding of the foundations of spiritual and moral culture contributes to the moral orientation of students, helps them to encourage themselves to development and self-improvement.

Place of the course in the activities of the educational institution

As part of the educational and upbringing activities of the educational institution, the course "Spiritual and moral culture of Russia" allows students to form a holistic idea of ​​the spiritual, moral and cultural and historical traditions of modern Russian society, about the family as the basis of the spiritual and moral development of society and about the spiritual and moral foundations the formation of personality.

The course is built on the basis of a combination of lecture material and conversations, the use of active forms of education and upbringing. The study of the discipline assumes extensive acquaintance with the most important issues of spirituality and morality in the culture of Russia, the most important documents in this area, the opinion of modern scientists and thinkers, the works of modern researchers, works of classical Russian literature. In the classroom according to the program, it is assumed that students will become familiar with devotees of piety of past years and the present, with heroic deeds and the personal qualities of the Heroes of the Fatherland - our contemporaries, a joint study by the teacher and students of their life values and moral attitudes formed in different social conditions. Striking examples patriotism, high moral ideals and moral attitudes of the Heroes of the Fatherland who have accomplished feats in our time, the saints of the Russian land and the city of Omsk will help students develop their own life position, focused on traditional domestic spiritual, moral and cultural values, will contribute to familiarizing themselves with their "roots" , awareness of their place in the history of their native country, understanding of the meaning and origins of the heroic deeds of its defenders.

In the classroom, students will acquire the skills of a culture of discussion, learn to listen and hear each other, think independently, formulate their thoughts competently and argue their position, defend their point of view.

The offered course is intended for teaching in various educational institutions: state and municipal schools, lyceums and gymnasiums (middle and senior classes), in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions.

The course is intended for an unprepared audience who is not familiar with the culture of Orthodoxy, it does not carry pronounced religious attitudes and instills cultural and moral guidelines gradually, according to the principle from simple to complex. This course can be used to teach students of any nationality and religion.

The course is rich in information, flexibility and variability. Depending on the composition of the students, the teacher can choose one or another form of lesson, as well as, when considering topics, place certain accents. A significant amount of literature and other materials for preparing classes allows (if it is possible to increase the hours for working on the program) to study all topics in more detail.

Purpose of the course- to prepare pupils and students who, having mastered the knowledge of the culture of their Fatherland, will be able to solve key problems of the spiritual and moral life of modern Russia.

To achieve this goal within the framework of this course, the following should be resolved tasks:

Formation of students' understanding of the main theoretical and practical approaches to the study of spiritual, moral and cultural traditions of modern society, their diversity; the place of the family in the system of spiritual and moral development of society; about the historical and cultural significance of the Orthodox religion for Russia and about the role of spiritual and moral culture in strengthening the state;

Formation of a holistic view of the morality of family relations among students;

Assistance in the formation of adolescents and young people a respectful attitude towards the family and its values, a responsible attitude towards future fatherhood and motherhood, preparing them in the future for the conscious creation of their own families;

Contributing to the formation of a person's personality through knowledge of the origins and development of the Russian language, the main tool for education and the transfer of socio-cultural experience;

Formation in students of ideas about the spiritual and moral foundations of a sober healthy way life, experience of resisting destructive influences in this area;

Promoting the upbringing of a spiritual and moral personality who is able to freely and responsibly make a choice, relying on the traditional historically established values ​​of national culture, to build on this basis their own professional activity and family and personal life;

Motivating students for constant analysis, comparison of Christian norms and morality accepted in modern society;

Teaching the independent analysis of one's own behavior and the behavior of comrades; development of skills of constant introspection, reflection and conclusions.

Requirements for the level of mastery of the course content

As a result of studying the course, students should


    basic concepts, images and tendencies of spiritual and moral culture in modern society;

    the foundations of the Christian understanding of the nature of man, traditional for Russia, his uniqueness among other God's creations, the freedom of choice between good and evil, the correct disclosure of the hierarchy of principles in man and the high dignity of human nature due to participation in its image and likeness of God;

    basic concepts and norms of Christian spirituality, morality and ethics, Christian rules and methods of self-education and spiritual self-improvement;

be able to:

    navigate spiritual and moral issues modern life and evaluate them morally within the framework of various worldview systems, in particular within the framework of Christian morality;

    make responsible decisions, building a strategy for their behavior;

    make decisions about what to do and what not to do in certain life situations;

    develop your communication skills;

    work with historical documents, reference literature, primary sources for the preparation of abstracts, reports and other research works, substantiate your point of view based on the recommended literature;

    make a choice freely and responsibly, relying on the traditional, historically established values ​​of national culture;

    own the conceptual apparatus of the spiritual and moral culture of the Russian civilization.

Methods and forms of educational work

    the main method is a dialogue, which is based on the formulation of a problem that is relevant for adolescents and young people at a given time;

    lecture presentation of the material or conducting a conversation within the course (with staging problem situations and elements of discussion, using interactive technologies);

    excursions to churches and cathedrals in Omsk, orphanages or medical institutions for children left without parental care;

    watching videos and listening to audio recordings on the topics of classes;

    analysis literary text with the disclosure of plots, images and their spiritual and moral meanings;

    writing and defending abstracts and creative works;


Evaluation of the results of studying the course

Summing up and assessing the activities of students can be carried out both in the traditional form: marks for the answer in the lesson, marks for the control work, for completing the test task, etc., and using innovative methods of attestation: answers to control questions, abstract, creative work, mini-research, interviewing, report on a given topic.

Qualification requirements for the teacher of the training course "Spiritual and moral culture"

This training course can be taught by a specialist who has either a pedagogical education and completed advanced training courses in the subject of "Foundations of Orthodox Culture", or a theological or theological education.

Section 1.

Formation of a person's personality through knowledge of the origins of Russian culture and the Russian language

There are words like wounds, words like judgment

Russia "...

  • Collection of plans and minutes of meetings of the public Advisory Council "Education as a mechanism for the formation of the spiritual and moral culture of society" at the Department of Education of the city of Moscow (Moscow Committee of Education)


    Formation mechanism spiritually-moralculture society ”at the Department of Education of the city of Moscow. Spiritually - moral student development ...

  • Spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren as a means of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard


    Books are impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to talk about spirituality, morality, culture... This is based on the rules ... the goals and objectives of the classes: - formation spiritually-moral landmarks; - upbringing culture behavior and conscientious discipline; - ...

  • Decree of the president of the republic of bashkortostan on the concept of the development of spiritual and moral culture and civic activity of adolescent children and

    Dissertation abstract

    The following tasks: 1. Education of civil and spiritually-moralculture, patriotism and youth tolerance. 2. ... mass media in the formation of civil, spiritually-moralculture and social self-organization of youth; formation ...

  • Program on the basics of spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of russia explanatory note


    Becoming culture civilizations. Spiritually-moralthe culture does not equal (and is not synonymous with) religious culture. Spirituality human ... individual components of the program "Fundamentals spiritually-moralculture of the peoples of Russia ". It is worth contacting ...

  • Plan.

    Lecture number 13

    "Morality as an element of spiritual culture"

    1. Morality in people's lives.

    2. The world of moral values.

    3. Moral culture.


    * "Activities of a prominent scientist" (at the student's choice)

    "Achievements and prospects for the development of a certain science" (physics, chemistry, biology, etc. - taking into account the interests of the student).

    1. Introductory-motivational stage

    Without Kindness, it would be too close for us,

    Without Kindness, it would be dark for us ...

    Only with Kindness is there enough space in the heart͵

    To love and remember everything is equal.

    And even if everything has cooled down long ago,

    Kindness will help us to survive,

    All that in the heart ached with pain for a long time,

    To forgive the guilty again.

    Only with Kindness are they capable of Compassion,

    And we are ready to serve Mercy for centuries,

    And to be a likeness of a creature

    Needed with kind heart live.

    What do you think will be discussed today?

    1. Morality in people's lives

    Imagine that now, leaving the classroom, I would say to you: “I am leaving for 20 minutes, and you do whatever you want. You will get nothing for it. " What would you do. Naturally, at such moments, a person has a desire to crush, break the weight around. Yes, a certain genius of destruction sits in a person. But would everyone rush to break furniture, paint on the walls? What is holding you back? Still, there is something that holds us back from such actions. This something is morality, morality.

    This is what will be discussed today in the lesson.

    Concepts such as morality and ethics show us what is human in a person. How is he different from an animal? Morality and ethics are studied by such a science as ethics.

    Morality is a set of rules and norms that determine a person's attitude to society (society) and vice versa.

    Morality is also the regulator of social life. Why don't we all throw out aggression, but restrain ourselves? And morality holds us back. We are afraid of condemnation from society and want to adhere to its rules and framework. Morality is like a narrow dress, it seems, it is cramped in it, but on the other hand, it protects from condemnation, censure.

    Morality is a specific sphere of culture in which high ideals and strict norms of behavior are concentrated and generalized, which regulate human behavior and consciousness in various areas of social life-work, everyday life, politics, science, family, personal, state relations

    Another type of personality behavior is the resolution of moral situations that require the active involvement of moral ideas and ethical categories. Ethical categories are fundamental concepts of morality, reflecting the events of life from the point of view of the most general moral values.

    2. The world of moral values.

    assessment of murder in different historical periods - from antiquity to modern times - or attitudes towards usury in the Middle Ages and subsequent periods of history).

    Another moral category is debt category... In it, at the level of public opinion (consciousness), the totality of a person's responsibilities to society is presented, and at the level of individual consciousness - the person's understanding of these responsibilities and their acceptance. The demand for duty is the moral foundation of social discipline.

    An important moral category is conscience, the reflective ability of a person to emotionally evaluate the actions he has committed and performed, correlated with the idea of ​​what is due. Conscience is the "watchpoint" of society in the individual consciousness. It is no coincidence that Hitler spoke of

    "Chimera of conscience", asserting that "conscience, like education, spoils people": manipulation of a person is possible only if conscience is turned off. The degradation of personality always began with the manifestation of shamelessness. Conscience protects society and people from unwanted actions, awakening in them a painful state, called a voice or remorse.

    Categories honor and dignity personalities reflect the recognition of the value of the individual on the basis of her having some obligatory traits: nobility, readiness for selflessness, a certain restraint and adherence to the rules adopted by one or another in relations with other people.

    another reference group.

    Happiness category captures the experiences of a person who is satisfied with his activities, his position and opening prospects. History knows the most different interpretations happiness. It is clear that the achievement of this state provides a continuous process of life; stopping it for one reason or another immediately creates a feeling of discomfort.

    Finally, moral ideal- this is an idea of ​​a perfect system of moral norms embodied in the activities and behavior of a person.

    It is clear that the moral culture of the individual will be different for different people. Why do you think? (factors that determine the level of moral culture: low general culture of people; belonging to different groups and strata; different interests, goals of their life and activities; differences in the degree of moral feelings, empathy)

    What qualities are most valuable to you?

    Everyone was born as if "in draft", conventionally named "man". But truly everyone needs to earn this name. What do you think should be done for this?

    In everyday life, the implementation of moral norms and requirements, the implementation of the moral ideal meet a number of difficulties and obstacles. Some of them are associated with low common culture people who do not accept certain ethical categories (honor, duty, conscience, etc.) Other difficulties are associated with the fact that people belong to different social groups that have different fundamental interests and goals of their life and behavior. This leads to the fact that there is a clash and opposition of life positions and their reflections in re-

    moral practice of moral life. Selfish group and individualistic ideals and goals make general social tasks and interests recede into the background or disappear altogether from the horizon. People quite often swear by them, but they operate according to their specialized individual and group programs. Finally, a person's bad manners are manifested in the absence of their own moral experience of general social moral requirements and norms, in the absence of sensitivity to the situation and state of mind other people and whole social groups(in ethics, this phenomenon is usually called the paralysis of empathy, that is, empathy).

  • - Moral culture.

    Relevance this direction is determined by the following circumstances: - there was a loss (partial or complete) moral ideals, devaluation of fundamental values ​​- good, compassion, conscience. The orientation towards ideals based on principles remains ... [read more]

  • - Morality. Moral culture of the individual.

    Morality plays a special role in regulating the life of society and the behavior of people. Morality (from Lat. Moralis, mores - moral, referring to disposition, character) is a form of social consciousness, consisting of a system of values ​​and requirements that regulate people's behavior. On the question ... [read more]

  • - Modern moral culture and moral values

    In the XIX century. moral culture was theoretically grounded in the morality of the so-called "rational egoism". In practice, it was realized in the rationalized norms of bourgeois morality, based on Christian commandments. At the same time, the foreground was ... [read more]

  • - Morality. Moral culture

    [read more]

  • - Morality. Moral culture

    Since ancient times, people began to think about the meaning of actions, their assessment, about the soul of a person and his the inner world, about “what is good and what is bad” (that is, about good and evil). Good is the main moral shrine, showing the content of moral values. Her...