How does a people differ from a nation. How peoples differ from each other: external differences, culture, countries, languages

How does a people differ from a nation.  How peoples differ from each other: external differences, culture, countries, languages
How does a people differ from a nation. How peoples differ from each other: external differences, culture, countries, languages

What is the difference between the words People and Population?

People, population- the usual words that we regularly use in our life. The words are familiar, but few people thought about whether there is a difference in the meaning of these words. Most consider them synonymous and are easily used in texts and conversation to avoid unnecessary repetition. I propose to take a closer look at these words, first of all, from the point of view of the Universal Laws.

People and population - what's the difference?

Let's imagine a situation. A certain number of people come to a certain place and begin to equip their lives. Builds houses, gives birth to children, reaps crops. Can these people be called a people? As the language does not turn.

Yes, there are people, there are houses, there are pets, streets, kids. But this is not a people yet, it would be more correct to call them a settlement, or a village, or a settlement, or, in time, a city. It is easy to guess that the people living in this settlement will be called the population.

Hence the meaning of this word simply suggests itself.

POPULATION - these are the people who settled, settled down, settled in a certain place.

As time goes on, different events take place. They quarrel, reconcile, fight with newcomers, observe nature, develop their own customs and traditions suitable for the area. They live, in a word.

A certain period passes, and a transformation takes place. The Universal Law of Transformation is at work. Quantity turns into quality.

In this situation, the number is the events that happened to this population of ours in a given place for certain time... Of course, there are no exact dates. It can be a hundred years, or two hundred, or more, each situation is individual. But, in any case, a qualitative transition is taking place. The population of this place can already be called a PEOPLE.

Their own, individual traits appear. And external, and linguistic, and behavioral. They cannot be confused with anything, they are their own, unique, peculiar to this particular people.

Accordingly, the meaning of this word can be formulated.

PEOPLE are people who were born in a certain place, living according to the laws of the Family, who formed their own, unique foundations, customs and characteristics.

People Are not just individuals and families. It is a single organism. This is a different state, a different quality. Here is a completely different level of strength, which unites, protects, and nurtures its participants. This is a different organization of life, a different organization of life and relationships. Cope with the population hard work does not constitute - frightened, they themselves fled. It is much more difficult to cope with the people, the uniting force has a powerful resistance to external influences.

The people have something to rely on. There is symbolism, there are traditions, there is knowledge, there is experience. In such conditions, children grow up different, people feel themselves more fully, families are different, young people are going through the transitional age better, and so on. There is a source of strength, roots, they will protect from all kinds of sores, and put brains in their place. This is the difference in these two words.

This is, so to speak, in theory. In practice, there are some features that, in my opinion, need to be voiced.


When a people has formed, it is quite natural that it has two vectors of development.

First Is creative. There is a gain in strength, an increase in quality, new opportunities and new horizons are opening up.

Second Is degradation. The power gradually dissolves, the participants scatter, there is nothing to be proud of. The natural expediency of this formation loses all meaning.

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Lives in our world great amount of people. Someone in the West, someone in the South ... I have always wondered - why are so similar people have so many differences? Living on the same planet, we are radically different from each other.

Developing my imagination, feeding data from literature, I began to realize what is the differencepeoples apart. As you know, a person - highest degree development of living organisms on our planet. We are allocated in independent view, which, if you remember, is called "Homo sapiens". Therefore, it is interesting to understand how we, as a people, differ from each other.

Distinctive features of peoples

All nations have differences, such as:

  • race;
  • nation;
  • language;
  • religion.

Although we, as people, are, "one family", but there are distinctive features.


People are divided into large groups, i.e. race... They differ from representatives of other races in the color of the skin, eyes, also in the shape of the skull, body length and other features.

The existing races:

Nation or nationality

We are the word " nation" mean as "tribe"... Even ancient people, in order to survive, united in small groups. Together they got food, protected themselves from enemies. But many centuries have passed, and tribes createdstates, which, under the onslaught of enemies, changed, disappeared, new ones were formed. Other people either joined a powerful state, or left for another. So the people lost their community.


As is known, language- an important part of communication... It shapes our thinking, with its help we transmit a lot of important information and try to control our behavior. In the course of history, languages ​​have changed, people were far from each other, so they created new own languages, incomprehensible to the rest. It took a very long time until languages ​​were formed in order to learn to characterize concepts, but to denote them different sounds.


Just as people acquired their languages ​​and nations, so they acquired and religion... This is people's belief in higher power who rule the world. V different corners Earths imagine differently a singleGod and its goals. Therefore, many religions arose, including those that spread throughout the world. These are religions like Christianity,Islam and Buddhism.

Yes, we are all people, all peoples are united, but depending on the place of residence, cardinal differences arise, morals change, and a special mentality is acquired.

The Slavs are one of the most numerous groups of peoples, similar in common genesis and language kinship. Today they inhabit the lands of Central and of Eastern Europe occupy the territory of Siberia and Of the Far East... Along with all the similarities, the Slavic peoples have fundamental differences in some ways.

Genetically opposite groups

A team of scientists headed by Balanovsky and Willems conducted a study of the Eastern, Western, Southern Slavs and Baltic peoples at the genetic level. In the course of the work, it was possible to find out why the groups differ significantly.

For a thorough analysis, about eight thousand DNA samples from fifty Baltic Slavic peoples... Among them were the most bright representatives populations - Belarusians, Russians, Ukrainians, Kashubians, Poles, Czechs, Bulgarians, Bosnians and Latvians with Lithuanians. Several genetic systems helped to create a reliable picture: mitochondrial DNA (maternal), Y-chromosome (paternal), and autosomal DNA (genome-wide analysis).

The results of the study confirmed the similarities between the Eastern Slavs. The Russians of the central and southern regions form a single group with the Ukrainians and Belarusians. However, the northern Russians stand out noticeably from the rest of the eastern Slavs. In genetic terms, they are much closer to the Finno-Ugric peoples.

From western group Poles are more similar to Eastern Slavs. But the Czechs and Slovaks are genetically biased towards Western European populations, in particular, the Germans. The southern and eastern regions - Croats, Bosnians, Macedonians and Bulgarians - are close to their non-Slavic neighbors in the Balkans. Research has shown that they are more related to Greeks, Hungarians and Romanians.

Baltic peoples, including Latvians and Lithuanians, are similar not only to Belarusians, but also to Estonians, who speak the language of the Finno-Ugric group. At the same time, a genetic affinity was found for the Mordovians and other Volga peoples.

The populations were compared in three aspects - geography, genetics, language. As it turned out, the closest relationship is observed between the territorial position and genetic characteristics... Scientists agreed that when they were located in European lands, the Slavic peoples assimilated the local populations that occupied these territories even before their appearance. They brought language with them, at the same time absorbing someone else's gene pool. So, oriental and western slavs formed a single community, and the southern group became more similar to the representatives of the Balkans.

Language differences of the Slavs

V Indo-European family languages ​​included Slavic group, according to scientists, is close to the Baltic. It is conditionally subdivided into three branches: East Slavic (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian), South Slavic (Bulgarian, Slovenian, Serbo-Croatian) and West Slavic (Polish, Czech, Slovak).

The spoken languages ​​are more similar to each other than Germanic and Romance. But if there is common features in grammatical and phonetic aspects, they are strikingly different.

The difference between the Slavic languages ​​is mainly in the writing. In Czech, Polish and Slovak, it is based on the Latin alphabet. This is based on Catholic influence. The use of the Cyrillic alphabet in Russian, Bulgarian and Macedonian is due to the influence Orthodox Church... And only the Serbo-Croatian language is based on two alphabets.

In some Slavic languages, there is a variety of stress positions. In Czech it falls on the first syllable, in Polish it falls on the next after the last. In Bulgarian and Russian, the striking position is variable.

In the grammatical aspect, Bulgarian and Macedonian stand out among the Slavic languages ​​due to the differences in the noun inflection system. In addition, only they actively use the article.

Religious differences

Slavic tribes a long period kept apart and often fought among themselves. Therefore, the fragmentation of religious ideas is clearly expressed between them.

Before the adoption of Christianity, the main deity among the Eastern Slavs was Perun. Many scientists agree that he was often called Svarog. It was believed that God persecutes evil spirits that may hide in human dwellings. Perun was spiced up with the sacrifice of animals and people.

Instead of pagan temples, the Eastern Slavs built temples and temples, where all the rituals were performed. At the same time, the ancestors worshiped Veles, had a clear idea of ​​"heaven" and "hell". The Eastern Slavs have a pronounced cult of the land. Instead of priests, the rites were performed by the oldest men in the family.

Today, about 80% of Russians and Belarusians are Orthodox. More than 76% of Ukrainians adhere to this confession.

The Western Slavs worshiped Perkunas. According to legend, the horseman Vytis, depicted on the Lithuanian coat of arms, personified a deity. In ancient times, it was believed that each tribe has its own progenitor in the form of an animal. For example, lutichi worshiped wolves, considering them sacred.

Unlike eastern peoples they did not build sanctuaries. All idols for worship were placed in pagan temples. Only the priests had access to the temple. While the Eastern Slavs could freely approach the shrine.

Among the modern Western Slavic peoples, Orthodoxy has taken root to a lesser extent. On the territory of Poland, up to 95% are Catholics. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, this figure exceeds 60%.

In religious preferences, the South Slavs differ from the West and East as much as in the genetic aspect. The ancestors believed that snakes rule over nature. Human images are represented among the southern Slavs in the form of female warlike deities. The tribes believed that people who sinned during life turned into animals. Therefore, the animals fully understood human speech.

South Slavs in different historical period depended on the influence of Byzantium and the Ottoman ports. Therefore, at present, Islam and Orthodoxy are widespread in many states. Macedonia is 68% inhabited by Christians, while in Croatia and Slovenia up to 80% are Catholics. Residents of Bosnia and Herzegovina are Muslims.

Especially for those who are interested in the history and culture of the Slavs,

A people, in the concept of an ethnos, is a historically formed community of people occupying a certain territory. This population has a stable uniqueness of language, culture and certain psychological characteristics... Another characteristic feature of the nationality is that this community identifies itself as a separate entity, not similar to others, and has an awareness of its integrity and unity.

How do peoples differ from each other? There are several thousand living in the world, and they all have some of their own characteristics that make them different from others. Nations differ in their numbers, linguistic and cultural characteristics, race, as well as the level of social development.

Number of different nations very hesitant. For example, the Chinese or the Americans are the largest ethnic groups, numbering over 100 million people. The peoples living in Russia also belong to a very large group. At the same time, there are very small ethnic groups, such as Ouma, Bina, and others. Differences in the level of socio-economic development are also significant. Some nationalities are practically at the stage of primitiveness, while others are at the highest stage of development.

So how do peoples differ from each other? The principles of classifying ethnic groups are different. There is the following generally accepted grouping of peoples on various grounds.

Ethnolinguistic classification

Groups ethnic groups according to linguistic kinship. According to this classification, peoples are divided into families. For example, there are Altai, Indo-European, Austro-Asian, North American, Australian and others. There are also ethnic groups that occupy a linguistically distinct position - Kets, Basques, etc. The Indo-European family is the largest of all. It unites up to half of the world's population. The peoples living in Russia also belong to this family.

Areal classification

According to it, peoples are systematized by large regions in which an individual cultural unity has developed. It is due to long historical development certain areas. This cultural community determines the main features of ethnic groups living in a particular region.

Racial classification

It is based on the division of ethnic groups into three major races. These include Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid. What is the difference between representatives different nations belonging to a particular race? Inside, the clearest differences between them are at the ethnic level. Representatives of races also differ in genetic characteristics. There are also other distinctive properties, which are determined not only by racology, but also applied sciences... For example, medicine believes that the same diseases in different races proceed in completely different ways and, accordingly, a different approach is required in their treatment.

Peoples living on the territory of Russia

Most Tatars live in the Volga region, and in Siberia there is a whole settlement, consisting exclusively of representatives of this people... Timiryazevs, Gogol, Rachmaninov - all these great people had Tatar roots. And these are far from all the famous representatives of the people who have ancestors of the Tatar nationality.


They are also a large ethnic group living on the territory of Russia. Ukrainians have their own unique culture and language. Despite the fact that they live in Russia, many do not forget their traditions. On holidays, they always prepare their own national dishes and wear embroidered sundresses and shirts.


In terms of numbers, they are in fourth place. Just like the Tatars, the representatives of this ethnic group are Muslims. They have their own distinctive culture, especially famous for Bashkir folklore... Tyumen, Saratov, Sverdlovsk and other regions are historically established places of residence of representatives this ethnic group.

From all of the above, it becomes clear how peoples differ from each other. These are, first of all, different cultural traditions, language, religion, specific traits external appearance... Russia like multinational country, has in its open spaces a large number of distinctive ethnic groups, each of which contributes to the development of culture and the country as a whole.

Northern peoples

Representatives of this ethnic group have a rich history and their own unique national traditions... The main type of fishing is fishing, hunting and gathering. The main source of food and clothing for the inhabitants of the North is the taiga and the river. The most famous of the crafts is artistic woodworking. Northern peoples are hardworking enough. Harsh climatic conditions leave their mark on the way of life and habits of people living in a given area.

Many tourists are attracted by the distinctive culture northern peoples... Of great interest are national dances northerners, as well as rich and unusual outfits for residents of warmer countries. For example, only the inhabitants of the North can find clothes made of fish skin. All types of clothing have their own unique ornament. The North is a unique land, and the people who live here are just as exceptional and inimitable.

The difference between the Slavs and other peoples

The Slavs are representatives of the European race. This is determined by such signs as unexpressed cheekbones, characteristic hair growth, etc. Due to the territory of settlement, the Slavic people are anthropologically diverse. The Slavs are divided into western, eastern and southern. From north to south, their pigmentation changes noticeably, namely the color of the eyes and hair. All representatives of this community have a similar culture and language, one religion. Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles - all these nationalities belong to the Slavs.

Peoples different countries differ from each other national customs, culture. The Slavs are also a distinctive people, unlike other ethnic groups. Among the population of Russia, this community is about 85%.

What are the external differences peoples? These include: the shape of the eyes, the color of the skin, hair, the structure of the skull and skeleton, and other signs, the totality of which determines a person's belonging to a particular nationality.

In addition to external differences, different peoples also have different values ​​and views on life. However, despite the fact that we are so different, at the same time we are all remarkably similar. A person always remains a person, regardless of what nationality he belongs to. You should always respect other peoples, because this is the only way to preserve peace on Earth.

It is the diversity in culture, traditions, outward signs of people that makes life interesting and exciting. Meet with national characteristics different nations is a fascinating activity, it is not for nothing that tourism is so popular. The distinctive culture of indigenous peoples captures as much as the natural beauty of various parts of the world.

In the Russian language there are many borrowed concepts that only confuse the national question: ethnos, superethnos, nation, nationality, political nation (a recent invention) ...

It is difficult to understand all this, and especially for those who generally find it difficult to understand anything. For example, it is worth saying that there is a Russian superethnos, but there is no Russian ethnos, as a candidate, or even a doctor of some sciences, immediately jumps out, like a devil from a snuffbox, shouting: “How can there be no Russian ethnos ?! Russophobia !!! " Then, having shouted and heard a lot of explanations, another may start thinking. But more often it never comes to "thinking".

But there are also two words in the Russian language, not borrowed, but our native words, which open the veil over the secrets of our ethnology. These two words are "people" and "nationality".

Indeed, what nationalities do we know? For example, are the Udmurts a nationality? Nationality. And the people? Now, probably, there are those who want to make the Udmurts a people too. Now both Siberians and Cossacks are willing to declare peoples. But actually Udmurt people never existed. In ancient times, when the Udmurts lived outside of Russia, they were not a people, but a multitude of communities with close culture and a common language. But in order to become a people, these communities lacked something. What? More on this later.

And now we will carry out the same test on the Russians. Are Russians a people? Of course people. And the nationality? Is there a Russian people? Are you crazy, what kind of people we are ?! - I hear a mother from a representative of our people. And he is right: there is a Russian people, but there is no Russian nation.

What is the difference between a people and a nationality? Both the people and the nationality unite mutual language and common culture... But both the language and the culture of the nationality are immersed in the language and culture of a wider community of people. People of the same nationality are united by common biological characteristics: both visible, like the color of eyes or hair, and invisible, genetic. For representatives of one nation, they are not required. But the people are united by something else - that which the nationality does not have. The people are united by the idea of ​​the people - a common sense for all representatives of the people common destiny, and not only the fate of the former - historical memory, but also the fate of the future - a sense of a common historical destiny.

I have already said that today there are many people who like to make peoples out of peoples. But it is much more dangerous for amateurs to make a nationality out of the Russian people. And today not only nationalists who share democratic values ​​are engaged in this, but also a huge number of quite respectable and, as it were, liberal politicians. To isolate oneself from non-Russian peoples, to carve out their own nationality and their state. So politicians, some sincerely and some slyly, are trying to get political capital out of the feeling of national humiliation from defeat in cold war and its inevitable consequences, as well as from that bitterness, which became a reaction to all the delights of our life and finds a way out in the form of increasingly flaring xenophobia.

But they play very dangerous game... And the stake here is even more than just the collapse of Russia. The point is that nationalities do not have states at all. Without that unifying core, the presence of which distinguishes the people from the nationality - without the idea of ​​the people, the state cannot be created. And therefore, the hypothetical Russian nationality, which would have arisen after the cleansing of the Russian people from all "ethnic groups", had the dreams of the national demons come true, would not have flourished in their state - fabulous Rusland, but would have been doomed to become a nationality of another people - Chinese or some yet. I would not like to fall into conspiracy theories, but I think that among modern geopoliticians outside of Russia there are those to whom such plans can warm the soul.

Of course, these plans are not destined to come true. The ideas of peoples live independently of our efforts - we can neither implement them in folk souls, nor, moreover, uproot. All that is given to us is to be aware of them, to understand and to embody. So attempts to stop the imaginary “dying of the Russian people” by suicide are futile.

But aggravate serious illness, which the people are sick with today, a disease, the symptoms of which are delirium, and hallucinations, and paralysis, and fever, and throwing about in bed - they are quite capable of aggravating this disease of ours. What if our bones ache, and our brain is in such a state that, wanting to throw off the blanket, it orders our hands to rip off the skin from the body?

And this is exactly what happens when our highbrow theorists attack "imperialism" and dream of a "national state". They simply do not understand the nature of what they call the "Russian (Russian) empire." But more on that in the next article.