What functional duties you perform better. Responsibilities (Labor Function) in the Labor Treaty

What functional duties you perform better. Responsibilities (Labor Function) in the Labor Treaty
What functional duties you perform better. Responsibilities (Labor Function) in the Labor Treaty

The development of labor relations led to the fact that the terms of reference and competencies of each employee received an accurate definition. The leadership is sometimes forces its employees to go beyond job duties and carry out unusual functions. Accurate delimitation of concepts will help employees of organizations better understand their rights and, accordingly, argued to defend them.

What is functions and job responsibilities

Functions - A specific field of employee activity, the ideal result of its work aimed at achieving corporate goals. These include, depending on the scope of labor, the execution of guidelines, personnel office work, technical and operational control and much more. This is an expected result that an employee must bring as a result of successful activity.
Official duties - specific actions performed by the employee for the execution of functions and achieve the tasks. This is an exhaustive set of processes that an employee must fulfill on time and at an acceptable level of quality. Official duties must be concrete and outline the optimal way to fulfill the employee of the tasks.

The difference between features and official duties

Thus, the key difference between the specified categories is the essence of concepts. Functions - the projected or expected result of the work of the employee of the enterprise. This concept is common and extremely wide. Official duties are the process, both duties, and the recommendations of the employee. They are secondary to features, as well as more detailed and specific.
Both functions and job responsibilities should be enshrined in the organization's regulations. The output of the outlined framework is allowed only in special cases and, as a rule, not at the initiative of the employee.

.RU determined that the difference between official duties is as follows:

The volume of concepts. Functions - a general category, while duties are private.
Hierarchy. Functions are primary, and official duties are based on them.
Essence. Functions are predicted result of activity, duties - process description.
Detailing. Functions in general reveal the tasks of the employee, and the duties - the extremely specify them.

Each employee, before accepting an invitation to the employer, carefully examines the list of requirements and responsible for him. Due to the fact that modern society and life-lifestyle require from each person the lightning decision making, no one is particularly deliberate in the appointment of such a concept as functional responsibilities. The list of own duties helps to be deeper into the sphere of their work, as well as more meaningfully approaching the tasks.

Benefit for the employer

Each leader hiring another employee, expects competence, initiative and responsibility. But many people do not quite understand what they demand from them. So, for example, the functional that will be presented in the form of an official document will help a new employee to quickly enter the course of affairs and can be easily focused on what is expected of it. For a manager, this is a solution to many problems associated with permanent meetings with the newly arrived employee and explaining to him that he should know. Also, the job instruction may be a means of controlling the work of subordinates.

Benefit for employee

At primary briefing, each specialist says that he must clearly know his duties and responded to them. But, unfortunately, rarely who explains why it is necessary. Thus, it is starting to relate formally and dismissively. In the event that the employee thoroughly knows his functional duties, it is not only easier oriented in the working environment, but also eliminates himself from unnecessary work that he is trying to impose chiefs. Such a specialist knows perfectly well for what they pay, and what tasks will require additional remuneration.

Rules of compilation

Functional duties must be recorded and approved by the management of the company. When they are described, it is necessary to avoid complex concepts that will require additional explanation, as well as phrases that can be bicked. Functional responsibilities for example, should not indicate its superiority to other employees. Each employee when taking a job should be familiar with its duties and consent to their execution. In cases where the employee does not fulfill its functional responsibilities, the employer has the right to impose a fine or under the article on the discrepancy of the employee of the position.

Thus, the officially executed functional duties of the employee are both a limiter of activity and a management and control tool. With its proper use, it is possible to increase as well as secure both the employer and an employee from the impact of the human factor to work.

When developing job descriptions, not only official, but also functional responsibilities are sometimes envisaged. And what is their difference? And how does the job instruction differ from the working instruction?

What is the difference between functional responsibilities from official duties?

Labor legislation does not distinguish the concepts of functional and official duties and does not give them a definition. It is believed that the functional responsibilities of the employee characterize the purpose or function of a particular employee, that is, that result, which is achieved as a result of the employee's fulfillment. And immediate responsibilities that the employee performs to achieve such goals are referred to as official duties. For example, in accordance with the professional standard "Accountant" (approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of December 22, 2014 No. 1061n) one of the labor functions of the chief accountant is to draw up accounting (financial) reporting. This can be attributed to functional duties. And immediate labor actions that need to perform an employee to achieve this function, i.e., in fact, its official duties are, for example:

  • accounting and logical verification of the correctness of the formation of numerical indicators of reports that are included in the accounting (financial) reporting;
  • the formation of explanations to the accounting balance and the report on financial results;
  • ensuring the signing by the head of the economic entity of accounting (financial) reporting;
  • ensuring the safety of accounting (financial) reporting to its transfer to the archive.

Often the terms "job duties" and "functional responsibilities" are considered synonyms. And it doesn't matter how the responsibilities of the employee will be named in the job instruction. It is important that that of their content clearly follows what particular work will be necessary to fulfill the employee, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of production, labor and management at the enterprise.

The difference of the job instructions from the production

When executives, specialists and other employees are accepted for work, the instructions being developed for them are called officials. And for workers' professions, as a rule, uniform tariff qualification directories of work and professions of workers in the respective industries are approved by production instructions, which are also sometimes called working instructions. Thus, the difference of the job instructions from the working manual consists only in the category of employees in respect of which such instructions are being developed. Although such a division is quite conditional, because the official, and working instructions should give an employee to an unequivocal understanding of what work he has to do.

The article is devoted to the topic of creating an effective organization with a clear functional structure. The author claims that well-coordinated actions contribute to this, which are largely achieved due to the formalization of the behavior of the team members, if official (official, working) functions are identified and documented. A service function, or a job function, should be part of the corporate goal.

It is the indicated service functions as the main tool specify the company's strategy at all levels. The solution to this task allows you to lay a huge management resource.

Creating an effective organization with a clearly functioning structure requires special attention to design, or design, individual job positions. A well-known American research researcher, a research researcher, Henry Minzberg notes that one of the important parameters of the design of official positions is formalization of employee behavior. Moreover, the higher the need to coordinate the actions of workers, the higher the level of behavior formalization should be.

For example, to quickly extinguish the fire of the fire team members should be clearly coordinated and everyone should know: who manages the car, who connects the sleeve of the branded to the hydrant, who rises along the fire staircase. Such a coherence of actions is achieved largely due to the formalization of the behavior of the members of this team.

One of the main means of formalizing the working behavior of employees at all levels of the organization is the definition and documentary consolidation of service (official, working) functions.

Documents in which service functions are recorded may be called differently: functional responsibilities, official duties, functional tasks etc. The official functions of the head are often recorded in the Regulations on the division he managed. They may be included in the job description in which, in addition to functions, the powers (rights), responsibility, features of interaction with other divisions, employees of the enterprise and its counterparties are usually recorded, as well as individual procedures (processes) of activity. In addition, correctly formulated service functions can be included in the texts of labor contracts. with employees.

According to many specialists, the definition of service functions is the main tool for concretizing the company's strategy at all levels. The solution of this task contains a huge management resource, which, however, is often underestimated in practice. A typical manifestation of such an underestimation is the following situation: Official functions are designed, pedantically spelled out, are listed in the appropriate folders and ... forgotten. Moreover, according to the observations of practitioners, about a third of the managers are concerned about the uselessness of significant efforts spent on writing these texts. They do not even know about the possibilities of improving the controllability of the organization, which contains the development and implementation of official functions.

At the same time, without quite well defined functions, the creation of effective systems of labor motivation, control, staff assessment is impossible. "Functions of units and workers are one of the most capacious and grateful points of development of the organization. Here, more or less competent leader sees huge opportunities to improve the management of the organization, for its integration. But, in addition, there are very sensitive links to change the motivation, organizational culture, to innovations from this point. German research researchers Helmut Lauss and Felix Lirmann also emphasize that the definition of the functions of each individual employee adequate from the point of view of organizing the functions of each individual employee is one of its central problems. The inconsistency of functions, especially managerial vertical, can cause the organization's functional crisis.

In determining the concept of service function, it is more convenient to repel from the concept of purpose. The goal is the planned result of the activity. The purpose of the organization is what it plans to achieve

in the process of its activities for some period. So here's a service function, or a job function, there is a part of the corporate goal, which is assigned to a specific unit or employee. "... The function is the contribution of the unit and the employee to achieve the goals of the company," writes Arkady Prigogin. Eduard Smirnov gives a more advanced definition of this concept: "... The function is a totality of actions, relatively homogeneous on some basis aimed at achieving a private purpose and subordinate to the overall goal of management."

Now you can allocate at least three approaches to the development of service functions: descriptive, product and role.

Descriptive approach

Currently, the definition of service functions is most often used. descriptive approach. It is focused on processes that make up activities. Key words and turnover that are used in the description: "Controls", "coordinates", "informs", "supports", "assesses", "leads accounting," "is responsible", "participates", "promotes", "contributions" etc., reflect these processes. In other words, a descriptive approach in defining service functions gives a list of actions, and not the result to which these actions should lead. Moreover, actions or tasks associated with a certain position are formulated, as a rule, in a rather general form. Moreover, G. Laaks and F. Lirmann believe that "more accurate (detailed) description of official duties is impossible / unnecessary, especially when these duties are poorly structured or vary greatly in time." Often, service functions here are referred to as a specific area of \u200b\u200bwork.

Due to the generalized description of official duties, the range of tasks is determined, the clarification of which can occur with the time by publishing additional instructions and instructions. Such a definition of service functions will certainly be combined with sufficiently detailed and clear planning. At the same time, the employee may be provided with the right to independently specify the tasks facing it.

This approach has two essential drawbacks:

    the description of the list of action is rarely complete, therefore it makes it possible to refuse to organize functions based on the fact that "this is not included in his duties";

    the implementation of the prescribed actions does not mean receipt of certain performance, i.e., such an approach fundamentally admits the situation when there is a process, but there is no result.

Product approach

Disadvantages of the descriptive approach, according to A. Prigogina, allows you to overcome product approachWhen the functions of a separate employee or a whole unit are determined through the required product of the activity or the specific contribution of the employee into solving the tasks of the organization. A product approach implies an orientation on the "internal client", which each unit and its employees must provide some service or conditional goods. As an "internal client", a higher head or division of the organization can speak. In this case, the internal client can accept the "product" offered or require its modification. But can give up him. Those units and employees whose products do not find their "internal client" are unnecessary for this organization.

Product approach in determining official functions, in fact, underlies the control system, which was named "Management for targets" (or "Management aimed at the results"). The appearance of this term is most often associated

with the name of the famous "Guru" management, American scientist Peter Drucera. In the management system for targets, individual official functions appear as the purpose of specific workers who contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the unit and the organization as a whole.

The process of determining the service functions is easier to exercise from top to bottom. The first leader and the strategic vertex (management team) specify the purpose of the organization and in the product formulates the functions of the main divisions of the organization. The leaders of these divisions, in turn, determine the functions of their subordinates, etc. It is possible to define functions and in the opposite direction when employees themselves formulate functions

in the product, and then offer and coordinate them with the internal client. But such a process is more cumbersome, because it often leads to duplication of functions and their re-revision.

As part of a product approach, the so-called vector expression functions when they are determined and the need to increase or decrease something in comparison with something. For example: "Reducing the time of equipment downtime", "Increasing the interremary terms of operation of the equipment". This ensures the specificity and measurement of the results of action to perform the function. In addition, A. Prigogin advises where you can try to formulate functions through competitive advantages.

Compare descriptive and productive approaches on the example of the Functions of the Sales Specialist ( table 1). A product approach provides the limiting specificity of the results (goals), which the employee should achieve in this position. At the same time, such concreteness will require timely adjustment of the goals as they are achieved, which is not required when using a descriptive approach.

Table 1. Sales specialist functions

Descriptive approach

Product approach

Enter into product contracts Increase the amount of contracts by 10%
Manage finished product reserves Reduce stocks up to 1/3 day arrival
Organize storage, sales and transportation of finished products Automate 70% of operations
Control the receipt of funds for implemented products Bring prepayment to 30% of the amount of contracts
Promptly take into account shipment of products under the contract Have Daily Product Shipment Data

If the personnel manager acts as a consultant as a consultant, then it can take advantage of a subsidiary questionnaire who proposed A. Prigogin ( table 2). It can fill it out by the heads of departments. Processed answers It is advisable to discuss in the process of group work to determine the official functions of this unit in the presence of customer departments.

Table 2. Questionnaire to determine service functions



How do you determine the main contribution of this unit into the success of the organization as a whole?
What makes this unit in the organization such that no one does not do here? What is it expressed?
What is the main result of the work of the head of this unit?
When will the execution of its functions be considered the most effective?
What product of this unit is the leadership of the organization according to "buy"? (Brief name and in what form it can be presented)
Who personally should be the main "buyer" of the product produced by this unit?
What would your organization lose if it did not have this unit?
What are the parameters of the company's management assesses the main results of the work of this unit? List these parameters in the order of their priority

"The main thing is that it gives such a method for determining official functions - writes A. Prigogin, the sequence in the formulation and transfer of enterprise goals for all levels of the organizational hierarchy, as well as horizontally, that is, between the interconnected divisions and employees. At the same time, the maximum rapprochement is achieved, the reaches of the goals and actions of workers and units with the objectives of the organization and its leaders. In addition, such functions become controlled, and their execution is verifiable. "

Formulation of functions in a product formulation allows to overcome such hazardous pathology of organizations such as uncontrollability, implicitness, dispersion of goals. An important property of this technique, as noted by A. Prigogin, is also the fact that it reveals the disadvantage and disorders of organizational purposes. Sometimes leaders only in the process of working on functions are thinking about their management priorities.

But in the process of introducing a product of a product, difficulties may occur. They are primarily connected with the fact that such a technique will be much less comfortable for some employees than traditional, descriptive. Most people feel more confident, more protected when their functions are formulated as a list of actions without tight binding to the result. The consequence of this may be a certain resistance to the use of this approach, attempts to transition to previous formulations. In order to overcome these difficulties, you can use the help of an external consultant specialist.

Role approach

Actually, role approach Apply not so much to the definition of official functions as in general, the design of individual positions of employees in the structure of the organization. However, the definition of working functions within the framework of this approach is significantly different from the two previous ones. The role-playing approach is presented in detail in the work of the modern classic management of Michael Armstrong staff.

The activities of some organizations are characterized by nomination to the first team work. The importance of working in teams and the need to have many skills sometimes confesses with tough position modeling. Under these conditions, according to M. Armstrong, the concept role better reflects new realities than the concept position. He believes that the role can be determined widely, and its definition should not be directive. Attention here is focused on the behavior of the employee, the "role execution", in the process of achieving the goal of activities. "The concept of role is much wider, because it is focused on people and their behavior - it is due to the fact that people do and how they do it, and not with close attention to the content of the work." Depending on the situation, some employees may be given a certain freedom of action in the application of their skills.

The introduction of this approach begins from role analysisinvolving the collection of information about the role played by the worker. In the process of this work, psychological models of the role description can be used and the corresponding psychodiagnostic techniques. According to the results of such work, as well as taking into account the analysis of skills and competencies, a brief role profile, or identify the role that the worker should play to meet the demands of his work. In the role profile, as a rule, the overall target of the role is revealed, the sphere of key results is given a list of major competencies. Sometimes it is difficult to reflect the role in writing in detail, so it additionally explains the employee the head of the department in personal communication.

Portnovsky principle in determining functions

If we proceed from an idealized look at the organization, it is clear that the positions of the position are described, and not a specific person who occupies this position. Actually the task of personnel units (again ideally) is to choose a person as suitable for specified official functions. But still you need to admit that individual features of workers are different. With formal compliance, every person has strengths and weaknesses. From the point of view of the organization, it would be waste not to use the strengths of the employee, even if they go beyond the framework of service functions, and not take into account the weaknesses. Therefore, A. Prigogin in determining official functions proposes to be guided by the so-called portnovo principle . It is that not only a person to select under a specific function, but also to build a function under a person. "If we learn to use every employee with the strongest side, it will work in accordance with my inconsistencies, will be more satisfied with the work and the most effectively will fulfill it. The firm and employee mutually won. "

Opponents of such a principle consider it too time consuming. For example, if an employee is dismissed, then functions need to be rebuilt. And they, as a rule, among employees of the organization are interconnected - a change in one function requires changes to others. On this occasion, A. Prigogin emphasizes that the construction of the organization is a laborious and constant process. Heads need to choose: they need stability and certainty or efficiency. In addition, firstly, such a principle is not suitable for all positions, but only for creative, secondly, it is with this approach to the fluidity of personnel minimal.

In general, not only the individual features of the performers should affect the content of official functions, their personal potential, but also the conditions of execution (location, layout, technical equipment, etc.), the specificity of the organization's structural unit (the composition of employees, their experience and experience Work, customer reputation). Therefore, for example, heads of territorial branches of the same enterprise may have different functions from each other.

Parameters of functions

The development of an agreed system of official functions requires accounting for their parameters. Eduard Smirnov allocates four parameters of functions: labor intensity, complexity, compatibility and cost.

Labor intensity It characterizes the actual costs of the working time required to perform this function, and is determined in hours.

Complexity associated with the nature of the operations performed. Allocate four levels of complexity:

    zero level - characterized by the lack of rules, instructions and documentation support for their implementation;

    low level - is characterized by the predominance of technical operations;

    middle level - the predominance of logical operations;

    high level is the predominance of creative activities, including actions based on adopting non-standard solutions.

Compatibility Functions are the same, single-type and variety. TO equestrian E. Smirnov considers the functions performed by different people by the same rules (for example, the functions of the sales lounge). TO simplicity The functions performed according to different rules, but relating to one field of activity. For example, in the company's accounting, there may be workers who specialize in wages, taxes, etc. Multi-way are functions performed by different rules and related to different fields of activity.

Cost Determined on the basis of the calculation of all types of operations constituting a specific function.

The list of parameters of functions given by E. Smirnov, it is advisable to add another one - specialization level . It can be high when the employee specializes in one operation, medium, assuming several operations, and low when the employee performs many operations. In general, the concept of specialization is multifaceted and deserves separate consideration.

Types of functions

To date, there are various approaches to the classification of species of functions. G. Laaks and F. Lirmann distinguish:

    object functionsrelated to the implementation of operating activities (labor processes) and / or the adoption of object decisions;

    organizational functionswhich include both the exercise of operating activities and the adoption of organizational decisions;

    communicative functionsproviding operating activities and adoption of communicative solutions.

Another view of the types of functions is adhered to E. Smirnov. Functions performed by employees of the organization, he divides into three large groups:

    productionwhich includes the functions of the main, auxiliary and servicing production of goods, services, information or knowledge;

    managing production functionsTo this kind or group includes the functions of planning, forecasting, organizations, coordination, stimulating and monitoring the activities of workers performing production functions;

    management of management activities - This species covers the functions of strategic management, external representation and consulting activities.

Such a classification seems to be more complete and systemic. In general, it is assumed that the same employee can perform both the functions of one species and the combination of functions of various species. Achieving the optimal combination of functions of various types, taking into account their labor intensity, complexity and compatibility is an important task in determining official functions.


    Minzberg G. Structure in Kulak: Creating an effective organization / lane. from English Ed. Yu. P. Kapluyevsky. - SPb.: Peter, 2004. - 512 p.

    Prigogin A. I. Methods of development of organizations. - M.: MCFER, 2003. - 864 p.

    LAUKS G., Lirmann F. Basics of the Organization: Decision Management / Per. with it. - M.: Case and Service, 2006. - 600 p.

    Smirnov E. A. The foundations of the organization theory: studies. Handbook for universities. - M.: Uniti, 2000. - 375 p.

    Vikhansky O. S., Naumov A. I. Management: Textbook for economy. specialist. universities. - M.: Higher. Shk., 1994. - 224 p.

    Armstrong M. Practice of human resources management. 8th ed. / Lane from English Ed. S. K. Mordovina. - SPb.: Peter, 2004. - 832 p.

  • Personnel office work and labor law

What is the functional responsibilities of the employee than they differ from the officials. In which documents to consolidate the functional responsibilities, we will understand the article.

From the article you will learn:

What is functional responsibilities

Functional duties determine the specific activity of each employee. The labor function is negotiated between the parties in employment. Certain circle dutiesassigned to the employee makes it possible to ensure certainty and stability of labor relations.

Knowing what functional responsibilities, the employee is fully responsible for their execution. Employer has the right for reasons of organizational, economic, technological nature change Functional duties of the employee in accordance with the requirements of the current labor legislation.

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Functional duties are:

  • fulfillment of the relevant work on a person occupied by a specialist in accordance with the staffing schedule, as well as by profession or in a specialty with a specific qualification (first option);
  • implementation of the requested specific type of work (second option).

Official duties are concrete actions that each employee must fulfill to perform their functions and to achieve tasks set before him. When compiling official instructions The employee's responsibilities indicate in detail, fit concrete actions, outline the optimal methods for performing the tasks.

Employee functionality - what it is

Functional responsibilities are a general category of specific activities performed by the employee. At the same time, official duties are a list of certain actions aimed to achieve the goals. Based on functions, official duties are developing.

Important! Functional responsibilities of workers reveal the tasks of a particular specialist in general. In official duties, the functionality specifically specifies. Changing functions and responsibilities is carried out in accordance with applicable law.

What is the difference between functional and official duties

Functional and duties are characterized by the essence of concepts. The functionality is considered to be a wide concept, which is described in general. For example, when admission to the work of an employee in functional duties indicate what position will the specialist will occupy, what the spectrum of responsibilities will have to fulfill it on a particular position.

Question from practice

Is a change in the labor function to expand duties within the framework of his post office?

The answer is prepared together with the editors

Replies Ivan Shklovets,
deputy Head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment

The answer to this question depends on whether new responsibilities are included in the amount of employee's previously fixed functional duties or not.

Labor function - work as office in accordance with the staffing schedule, profession, specialty indicating the qualifications or a specific type of entrusted work officer ( ). Labor function is determined either either employee ( ). The degree of specification of duties and reflect the labor function of employees does not establish legislation. This issue of the employer decides at its discretion ...

Ask your question to experts

When determining the functional in labor contract The following wording is made: "The employee is adopted to fulfill labor duties as senior legal adviser (or, for example, engineer, adjuster, turner, seller, locksmith, and so on). If the employee is instructed to fulfill a certain type of work, such a formulation makes an employment contract: "The employee is entrusted with the implementation of turning (plumbing, construction, repair, electrical) works."

Such a description of official responsibilities is made directly in the employment contract. The entire spectrum of job responsibilities that will be charged with a specific employee for a specific position, in detail, are described either directly in the employment contract or in the written instruction.

Functional duties of nurse

The functional responsibilities of the nurse enters the provision of medical services, interaction with the parties to the medical process, participation in creating a safe hospital environment, in organizing their working space. In addition, depending on the specifics of the medical institution, the nurse puts droppers, injections, conducts a laying of medicines issued by the patient by a doctor. The nurse also observes the state of health of patients, has emergency assistance if necessary.

In accordance with Professandard, a medical sister in the functionality includes interaction with patients with ITU commissions, with social protection institutions. The nurse forms the base of those persons who need constant care, including systematic medical supervision and social assistance. Helps in socio-household adaptation to persons with disabilities and citizens of old age.

Practical situation

How to organize work if the personnel department instructed the selection

The answer was prepared together with the editors of the magazine "

Elena Gurieva responds,
head of the personnel department of "Candy Baranochka" LLC (Volgograd)

If you have reduced the recruitment manager's bet, the head of the personnel department must be thought of who to impose responsibility for the search for staff and decide what to be done first.

Who to impose duties. Since the manager of the recruitment manager existed, the regulation of the selection and other documents were developed specifically for this regular unit. Therefore, all available documents, standards need to be revised and highlight the main responsibilities that the personnel department will be engaged. It is possible to distribute the responsibilities of the personnel manager: (or if the work is related to the relevant restrictions), the name of the post, profession, the specialties indicate that the name is provided for in the ETKS.

It is worth considering that the name of the post (specialty, profession) for the employee is considered one of the characteristics of the labor function. The direct functionality of workers specify the official duties entrusted to him. These duties are considered to be the content of labor function. Therefore, the functional responsibilities contribute to the employment contract, and they are in detail them to rationally indicate in the job description.

Definition of the employment of the employee is contained in Articles 15, 57, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Work on the appropriate specialty or position according to the staffing schedule. By profession or specialty indicate the necessary qualification level. In some cases, the functionality is in order to assign a specific employee of specific types of work.

According to this definition, all work performed must be fixed documented. The functionality is specified in the employment contract (TD). But since the volume of this document (TD) is limited, it does not allow in detail to describe all the official responsibilities to be performed by a specific employee. Therefore, it is additionally rational and approved job description, familiarize yourself with her employee on receipt.

Important! If necessary, a change in duties will need to obtain the consent of the two sides of labor relations (employee and employer). In case of changes in organizational or technological conditions, the employer has the right to change labor functions On its own initiative, following the current procedure established by law (including Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Accordingly, a change in functional responsibilities is permissible by agreement of the parties or on the initiative of the employer in these cases. If changes are conducted by agreementThe main TD is adding a supplement that both parties sign.