Orxe family world religions. A family

Orxe family world religions.  A family
Orxe family world religions. A family

Lesson 28. Family. How traditional religions relate to the family. The family occupies a large place in religious traditions. In Orthodoxy, the family is called a small or small Church. Marriage is considered one of the Christian sacraments. Living in marriage is living in love. Judaism. Marriage and childbearing is considered one of the most important commandments. Islam. Marriage is a duty, children are a sign of God's favor. The leading role of the mother in upbringing, after adulthood - of the father. Raising love and respect for elders, for parents. Buddhism. Believers in Buddhism: monks from the community and lay people (outside it). For lay people, family is an important part of life. Marriage is for the sake of the happiness of the two and for the sake of the interests of the community. The main purpose of the family is responsibility and care for children, parents, and monks. Mother love in Buddhism is the ideal of human relationships.

Slide 22 from the presentation "Module" Foundations of World Religious Cultures " to the lessons of religion and ethics on the topic "ORKSE Modules"

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ORXE modules

"ORKSE Modules" - Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics. Fundamentals of Buddhist Culture. Fundamentals of Islamic Culture. Fundamentals of secular ethics. Foundations of Jewish culture. Course textbooks. Regulatory and methodological documentation. Foundations of world religious cultures. Objectives and nature of the new training course. Foundations of Orthodox culture.

"Modules" - Parenting. The synagogue and its structure. Training module "Fundamentals of secular ethics". Choice of moral models. Prayer room. In the classroom course ORKSE. Muslim family. Children in Buddhism. The issue of spiritual and moral education of children. Legal and regulatory framework. Family in Buddhist culture and its values.

"Module" Foundations of World Religious Cultures "" - Training modules. Russia is our Motherland. A family. Religions of the world and their founders. Love and respect for the Fatherland. Pilgrimages and shrines. Good and evil. Sacred buildings. Sacred books of the religions of the world. The emergence of religions. The structure of the presentation of the topic of the lessons in the textbooks. Mercy, caring for the weak, mutual assistance.

"Content of the course ORKSE" - Fundamentals of Buddhist culture. The purpose and objectives of a comprehensive training course. Foundations of Jewish culture. Fundamentals of Islamic Culture. ORCSE course program. Problems of teaching the module "World Religious Cultures". The choice of modules in the school. To help the teacher. Educational-methodical complex for the course. Module: "Foundations of World Religious Cultures".

"Modules of the course ORCSE" - Fundamentals of Islamic culture. Foundations of Orthodox culture. Foundations of world religious cultures. How the teaching of the new course will be organized. The training course includes modules. The purpose of the training course. Contents of all modules. Russia is our Motherland. Fundamentals of Buddhist Culture. Objectives of the training course. Foundations of Jewish culture.

Goals: to show the importance of the family in the life of every citizen,

find out how traditional religions relate to the family.

Tasks: to form a respectful attitude towards parents, others,

contribute to the formation of an understanding of the importance of family education for the formation of a personality,

contribute to the development of a positive attitude towards life, towards the surrounding reality, towards your family.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, screen, electronic supplement to the textbook by A.L. Beglova, E.V. Saplina "Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures", the tutorial by A.L.Beglova, E.V. Saplina "Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures", video "Hymn to the Family", Whatman for the image of the emblem of the family, felt-tip pens.

Registration: drawings of children on the theme "Family",

compositions "My family",

proverbs and sayings about the family,

statements of great people about the family,

an exhibition of family photographs on the theme "My family",

video "Hymn to the Family",

medal "For Love and Fidelity",

Stand: "Commandments of Family Life"

During the classes

I. Organization of student activities

II. Preparing to learn new material

1.Conversation with students on issues

- Each person has their own values.

What do you mean by this word?

(recording children's responses)

Which of these values ​​do you think is the most important? (a family)

2.Reading a poem by a trained student

How did the word “family” appear? Once upon a time the Earth did not hear about it ... But Adam said to Eve before the wedding: Now I’ll ask you seven questions; “Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?” And Eve quietly answered “I”, “Who will bring them up, my queen? ”And Eve answered shortly“ I ”“ Who will cook the food, oh, my joy? ”And Eve still answered“ I ”,“ Who will sew a dress? questions, my friend! ”“ I ”,“ I ”… Eve said quietly -“ I ”,“ I ”… She said the famous seven“ I's ”This is how a family appeared on earth.

Confucius wrote: "The state is a big family, and the family is a small state, and it rests on love."

Do I need to say why a person needs a family? I think everyone will answer differently (children's answers), but one simple and true thought will surely sound - for happiness.

Yes, human happiness is hardly possible without a family. Neither the most exciting job nor friends can give what the family can give.

Where, if not in a family, a person gets what he strives for at any age: a feeling of being needed by loved ones, the realization that you love or love yourself, the belief that there is a place on earth where you are expected and loved.

Where, if not in a family, a person receives a charge of love and cheerfulness, creative and spiritual forces, without which he cannot live and work normally.

Where, if not in a family, people receive a wonderful gift - the happiness of motherhood and fatherhood.

3. Vocabulary work

Etymology of the word - According to Lyapunov, smya is a sobir. you, like the brethren.

Lexical meaning of the word - a group of close relatives living together

Family is the most important thing in life for every person

These are close and dear people, those whom we love, from whom we take an example, whom we care about, whom we wish good and happiness!

Its main features:

a) marriage or blood ties between all of its members,

b) living together in one room,

c) general joint budget.

4. Presentation "Monuments to the family

A family monument is a symbol of unshakable values ​​that are and will remain the foundation of society.

Crowned family

Next to the St. Feodorovsky Cathedral, there is

Two adults - mom and dad, and next to them are children - the eldest daughter, son and youngest, plus one more baby in the womb.

When looking at this monument, for some reason, a phrase from Anna Karenina comes to mind:

Built in the village of Alekseevka in the city of Kinel, Samara region on May 7, 1995 to the 50th anniversary of the Victory. This is a monument to the mother, from whom the war took all nine sons: six died at the front, three later died of their wounds.

Barbaric attitude towards monuments

In Tashkent was demolished installed near the Palace of Friendship of Peoples , adopted 15 orphans during the Great Patriotic War, among whom were Russians, Belarusians, Moldovans, Ukrainian, Latvian, Kazakh, Tatar, etc. and became a symbol of mercy and humanism of the Uzbek people.

The sculptural composition depicting the family of the blacksmith Shamakhmudov and called the "Peoples' Friendship Monument" was opened on May 26, 1982 (sculptor D. Ryabichev, architects L. Adamov, S. Adylov). She stood in this place for almost 26 years.

This is how the monument looked in Soviet times

Holy noble prince Peter, in monasticism David, and holy noble princess Fevronia, in monasticism Euphrosinia, Murom miracle workers. Prince Peter was the second son of Prince Yuri Vladimirovich of Murom. He ascended the Murom throne in 1203. Several years earlier, Saint Peter fell ill with leprosy, from which no one could cure him. In a dreamy vision, it was revealed to the prince that he could be healed by the beekeeper's daughter, the pious maiden Fevronia, a peasant from the village of Laskovoy in the Ryazan land. Saint Peter sent his people to that village.

When the prince saw Saint Fevronia, he loved her so much for her piety, wisdom and kindness that he vowed to marry her after he had been healed. Saint Fevronia healed the prince and married him. The holy spouses carried love for each other through all trials. The proud boyars did not want to have a princess from a simple rank and demanded that the prince let her go. Saint Peter refused, and the couple were expelled. They sailed on a boat along the Oka from their hometown. Saint Fevronia supported and consoled Saint Peter. But soon the city of Murom overtook the wrath of God, and the people demanded that the prince return with Saint Fevronia.

The holy spouses became famous for their piety and mercy. They died on the same day and hour on June 25, 1228, having previously taken monastic tonsure with the names David and Euphrosinia. The bodies of the saints were laid in one tomb.

Saints Peter and Fevronia are the patrons of family and marriage.

They are the model for Christian marriage. Through their prayers, they bring down a heavenly blessing on those who are getting married.

Their memory Orthodox Church celebrates on July 8th. But, unfortunately, not all of our compatriots know about this yet.

The icon depicts the holy Murom miracle workers Peter and Fevronia (in monasticism - David and Euphrosyne).

2008 year. Decree of the President of Russia announced ... Vladimir Putin stressed that holding the Year of the Family "will allow uniting the efforts of the state, society and business around the most important issues of strengthening and supporting the institution of the family, basic family values."

In the same year, on the day of memory of the holy noble princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom - July 8 - it was officially declared a holiday - Happy family, love and fidelity. A campaign to erect monuments to Peter and Fevronia began in Russian cities. And, which is logical,

The tomb with the relics of the saints noble and reverend Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia is located in

Nowadays, many pilgrims from all over the country, near and far abroad come to the relics of Saints Peter and Fevronia. There are innumerable cases of grace-filled help through the prayers of the saints. The Orthodox Church venerates them as patrons of the family. The monastic chronicle contains evidence of the successful resolution of family conflicts and the granting of a long-awaited child to childless spouses.


In Judaism, the family is the greatest value, and marriage and the birth of children are considered one of the most important commandments given by Adam and Eve.


For Orthodox Christians, marriage is one of the sacraments in which God Himself blesses those who love each other. In Christianity, great importance is attached to reverence for parents and respect for them.


In Buddhism, all believers are divided into monks and laymen. For lay people, family life is an essential part of their life. The purpose of the family is responsibility and care for children, parents, and monks.


Islam views marriage as a commitment to God, and numerous offspring is a blessing from the Almighty. Muslim family life is protected from prying eyes. Muslims treat women with special respect. Prophet Muhammad said that "heaven is under the feet of our mothers."

How do you understand this expression?

Physical education

IV.Fixing(a computer)

Training apparatus- Choose the correct option

1. In Christianity, the family is often called ... "Small Church"

2. According to Islam, a married person has a preference over…. unmarried

3.One of the 10 Bible commandments says …. "Honor your father and mother"

4. The ideal of human relationships in Buddhism is ... mother's love

V.Control(a computer)

Please enter the correct answer

1.In the Orthodox tradition, a wedding is ... one of the most important sacraments

2. How is the creation of a family and procreation perceived in Judaism ... as the commandment given by Adam and Eve

3.Marriage in Islam is considered ... commitment to God

4. People who belong to Buddhist traditions can ... be married or belong to a monastic community.

VI. Work in groups

- Imagine that you are competing for the best family emblem.

Draw her. Justify. (Showing a prepared sketch of the emblem)

A good family is a strong union of loving, spiritually close and equal people, in whom respect, trust, mutual assistance, and common views are the norm in their relationship.

VII. Lesson summary.

Why is the family called a small Church in Orthodoxy?

How should people live in a Christian marriage?

What is the significance of marriage in Judaism and Islam?

What is the meaning of marriage in Buddhism?

VIII Relaxation.

- What was the most interesting part of the lesson?

What did you want to tell your friends about?

IX. Video clip "Hymn to the Family".

X. House. Exercise

(in the workbook)

Electronic supplement to the textbook by A.L. Beglov, E.V. Saplina, E.S. Tokareva and Dr. "Foundations of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics." (module "Foundations of World Religious Cultures"). Electronic supplement to the textbook by A.L. Beglov, E.V. Saplina, E.S. Tokareva and Dr. "Foundations of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics." (module "Foundations of World Religious Cultures"). See footnote # 1.

Technological lesson map
Teacher: Kovaleva Svetlana Mikhailovna
Class: 4
Module: "Foundations of World Religious Cultures"
Lesson topic: Family
Place of the lesson in the studied topic: 28 lesson
Lesson type: Assimilation of new knowledge
Purpose: to provide an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe attitude towards the family of traditional religions
Lesson Objectives:
- Acquaintance with the concepts of family, family values; disclosure of attitudes towards the family in traditional religions; to form a respectful attitude towards the family, family values; the ability to objectively evaluate oneself and others;
- Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, attention, memory; culture of speech and emotions of students; developing the ability to work with a textbook, dictionary and computer resources to obtain the most accurate and complete information; develop a cognitive interest in the subject;
- to form a respectful attitude towards the family;
- foster responsibility in relation to family members;
- to educate through examples of the lesson the concept of "friendly, happy family"
Planned results:
to give an initial idea of ​​the moral norms of behavior and the rules of moral behavior, of the ethnic norms of relationships in the family and between generations;
contribute to the formation of a value attitude towards Russia, towards their people, their families, the older generation.
Metasubject UUD:
Personal UUD: to form the inner position of the student, a positive attitude towards learning; to establish a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive; foster respect and hard work.
Communicative UUD: listen and understand the speech of others; be able to negotiate and come to a common opinion in joint activities; be able to express their thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy; own the dialogical form of speech.
Regulatory ELMs: to promote the formation of the ability to accept and maintain the learning task; determine and formulate the goal of the activity in the lesson; learn to determine the purpose of the assignment, adjust the work in the course of its implementation, express your assumption on the basis of educational material; control and evaluate their actions in working with educational material in cooperation with the teacher and classmates.
Cognitive UUD: learn to analyze, build a logical chain of reasoning; navigate the textbook; find answers to questions in the text; develop the ability to independently highlight and formulate a cognitive goal.
Technologies used in the lesson: project activities, problem learning.
Forms of student work: frontal, steam room, in groups.
Necessary equipment: computer, multimedia projector, textbook "Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures", chamomile,

Lesson structure and course
Lesson stage Teacher activities Student activities Universal learning activities
1. Organizational moment.
Create an emotional mood for work,
motivate students for learning activities.
-Hello guys! I am very glad to see you, my kind and smart students! See how amazingly tenderly and tenderly the sun smiles at you! Let's smile back at him ?! Now smile at each other, guests. Do you see how fun, pleasant and warm it became for all of us? And so that this day and lesson remain joyful and pleasant, wish all the best to yourself and your friends. Touch your palms to the palms of your deskmate and wish him success today.
And let's listen to a song
The song "A friendly family" is played
-Do you like the song?
- Who is this song about?
- How can you call them in one word? Check the readiness for the lesson;
The sun is on the board.
The guys sit at 3 tables.
-About mom, dad, grandmother, brother, sister
-Family Personal UUD: desire and desire for cognitive activity. Regulatory UUD: mood for work, creating a situation of success.
Communicative UUD: planning educational collaboration. 2. Self-determination to learning activities. Formulation of the problem.
3. Study of the topic and comprehension of the lesson material.
4. Physiotka Try to define the topic of our lesson.
- Right, we will talk about family and family values ​​in various religious traditions.
Family is a strange word
Although not foreign.
-How did the word come about,
It is completely unclear to us.
Well, "I" - we understand
Why are there seven?
No need to think and guess
And you just need to count:
Two grandfathers,
Two grandmothers,
Plus dad, mom, me.
Have you folded it? It turns out seven people,
A family"!
“Family” - we hear this word every day and are so used to it that sometimes we don’t think about what it means.
Where can we clarify the meaning of the word?
Group 1 - Dictionary Ozhegov S.I .:
1. This is a group of close relatives living together; 2. Uniting people united by common interests.
Group 2 - DN Ushakov: Family is a group of people consisting of parents, children, grandchildren and close relatives living together.
Group 3 - "Great Soviet Encyclopedia." Family - a group of people consisting of parents, children, grandchildren and close relatives living together.
- Before, families were always big. And now there are families, both large and small.
- Do you have a big family? Tell about your family.
- What family is called friendly?
- Legends are made about friendly families. Listen to one of them "How a friendly family appeared".
- Read the names of these qualities: (on the Slide) UNDERSTANDING, LOVE, TRUST, KIND, CARE, HELP, FRIENDSHIP. - If each family member follows these rules, then the family will reign: peace and harmony. This means that everyone will be happy.
- And now let's talk about the attitude of traditional religions of Russia to the family. What question should we answer?
Working with the textbook: Find in the textbook (p. 74) the answer to the question:
- How should people live in a Christian marriage?
- Each group receives a task.
1) In Christianity, marriage is a school…. (love)
2) In Judaism, marriage is one of the most important commandments.
3) In Islam - duty.
4) In Buddhism, responsibility.
- Checking.
- And now we will play a very short game. Stand next to the desk on one leg, extend your arms forward. Now stand in pairs, facing each other. Stand on one leg again, but in pairs, hold hands.
- When was it easier to stay on one leg?
- Why is it easier in a pair, what do you think?
- What helped you?
- Yes, a person always needs support, especially in a family. Determine the topic of the lesson, make an assumption about the purpose and objectives of the lesson.
-Today in the lesson we will talk about family and family values.
Participate in the conversation.
In dictionaries (work in groups)
2-3 pupils talk about their families.
Signs of a close-knit family are called.
A pre-prepared student reads: “A long time ago there was a family in which there were 100 people, but there was no agreement between them. They are tired of quarrels and strife. And so the family members decided to turn to the sage to teach them how to live in harmony. The sage listened attentively to the petitioners and said: “No one will teach you to live happily, you yourself must understand what you need for happiness. Write how you want to see your family. " This huge family gathered for a family council and they decided that the family should be friendly, it is necessary to treat each other, adhering to these qualities ... "
- How should people live in marriage?
Read in the textbook
Group work
Group 1 - What is the significance of marriage in Judaism?
Group 2 - What is the significance of marriage in Islam?
Group 3 - What is the meaning of marriage in Buddhism?
Answers of students of 1-3 groups.

Build your speech utterances orally.
Regulatory UUD: define and form a learning task
Communicative UUD: be able to answer the teacher's questions, argue your point of view.
Cognitive UUD: Building a logical chain of reasoning.
Communicative UUD: To be able to build statements in communication.
Personal UUD: be able not to create conflicts, negotiate, distributing work in a group.
Regulatory ELLs: the ability to hold on to a learning task.
5. Consolidation of what has been learned.
Work in pairs.
Conclusion -Let's work with the tables: let's see and determine what is common in all religions of the world to build good relationships in the family? (+) - What values ​​are common to all families?
-What proverbs about family do you know? How do you understand them?
Make up proverbs from the proposed parts and connect them with arrows.
- Explain how you understand the proverbs.
1. What a treasure, if the family is okay.
Harmony in the house - prosperity in the house, quarrels in the family - everything disappears.
A family is strong when there is one roof over it.
2. The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.
In the family and porridge is thicker.
At a common family table, the food tastes better.
3. It is not the oven that warms the house, but love and harmony.
The tree is supported by the roots, and the person by the family.
A family without children is like an odorless flower.
Let's get back to the objectives of our lesson. Did we manage to achieve them? What is family? How do the main religions of the world relate to the family?
What kind of family can be called happy?
-the love of the husband and wife to each other;
- the love of parents for children;
- respect for parents;
- care;
-family traditions
Children's assumptions.
Work in pairs. Completing the assignment, reasoning, proving your point of view.
Explanation of proverbs. Communicative UUD:
Be able to formulate a thought, build a statement, argue your point of view.
cooperation in the search and selection of information.
Cognitive UUD: Establish causal relationships, draw conclusions.
6. Reflection of activity
(lesson summary).
7. Homework. Organizes a conversation to clarify and concretize new knowledge
-And what holidays dedicated to family members do you know?
May 15 - International Family Day,
June 1 - Children's Day, November 20 "World Children's Day", the third Sunday in June - Father's Day, the first Sunday in November - Mother's Day, the first Sunday in March - "National Day of Grandmothers" (France)
In Russia, there is an All-Russian Day of the Family - July 8.
This holiday has been celebrated since 2008. Family Day in Russia is celebrated on this day for a reason. July 8 - The Orthodox Church honors the memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia. They were husband and wife.
Chamomile (a symbol of love in Russia) became the symbol of the holiday. Do you understand, guys, why you don't have a magical seven-flowered flower on your tables, but an ordinary chamomile?
- Guys, let's take our daisies in hand. Do you feel how fragile they are? Each flower reaches for the sun. This is how the family, as a gift from God, needs love and protection. Let's cherish this greatest value - our family.
- And now, who liked it in our lesson, depict a smile in the center of the chamomile, and who does not - sadness. And we will attach the symbols of our little family closer to the sun, and may your families grow stronger and prosper.
- (The "Anthem of the Family" sounds)

And I would like to end the lesson with a poem.
Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is a summer trip to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
Family is work, caring for each other
Family is a lot of homework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive grievances and quarrels away,
We want friends to talk about you:
"What a good family this is!"
Prepare a story about your family. Together with your parents, come up with and draw the coat of arms of your family.
They answer questions, generalize, draw conclusions.
- a symbol of love
Children attach their daisies to the sun. Regulatory UUD:
the ability to carry out cognitive and personal reflection; in dialogue with the teacher, assess the degree of success of their work
Personal UUD:
understanding of the importance of the family in human life, the desire to preserve family traditions and family values.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Putin's secondary school"

Lesson summary for the course ORXE

(module "Foundations of World Religious Cultures")

"A family"

Prepared by: Stepanova Lidia Grigorievna,

primary school teacher

Putin, 2014

Plan - lesson outline

1. Lesson topic: A family

2. Date of the event: 2014-2015 academic year

3. Class: 4

4. Lesson type: combined lesson

5. The purpose of the lesson: to form the educational competences of the pupils of the 1st stage school (informational, communicative, etc.) by bringing to the consciousness of children that the family is the most precious, the closest thing a person has.

6. Learning objectives aimed at achieving:

1) personal learning outcomes:

- the formation of a respectful attitude towards a different opinion, a different point of view;

The development of motives for educational activities and the formation of the personal meaning of learning.

Development of the ability to work with information (collection, systematization, storage, use) - cognitive UUD;

Formation of the initial forms of personal reflection - regulatory ECDs;

- the formation of the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, conduct a dialogue, state your point of view and argue for it,

- formation of the ability to interact in groups - communicative UUD.

3) subject learning outcomes:

- disclosure of the concept of "family", identification of its distinctive features,

Enrichment of vocabulary, development of speech, thinking, creative imagination,

Fostering respect for your family members.

7. Used textbooks and teaching aids:

Beglov A.L., Saplina E.V. and other Fundamentals of spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia. Foundations of world religious cultures. 4-5 grades. Textbook. for general education. institutions. - M .: Education, 2011.

Foundations of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics. Book for the teacher. 4-5 grades: ref. materials for general education. institutions. - M .: Education, 2011.

8. Equipment used: computer, projector, presentation for the lesson, music with the song "Parents' House".

9. Basic concepts:"Family", "friendly family".

10. Plan of the study of the material:

1) What is family"?

2) How do traditional religions relate to the family?

3) How should relatives relate to each other?

4) How to make a family coat of arms?

Lesson steps

Teacher activity

Student activities

Formed UUD

1. Motivation

2. Understanding the learning task

3. Goal setting

4.Discovery of new knowledge

5. Physical minutes

6 homework

7. Anchoring

8. Reflection

Guys, take a close look at the board and choose the "smiley" that you like best.

Today we will look at a very interesting and important topic.

What will we talk about in the lesson? (A card with the inscription "family" is hung on the board)

What do you think we should learn as we study this topic?

We will also answer questions:

1. Why is it often said that the word “family” means “seven I”?

2. What are the names of people united by one family?

3. When can parents say about their children: “This is my protection and support in old age”?

How do you understand the word "family"?

Let's find out about the origin of this word.

Before, families were always big. And now there are families, both large and small.

Do you have a big family? Tell about your family.

Our friendly family:

Mom, dad, brother and me.

We love to do sports,

And, of course, temper.

We are happy family,

Mom, dad, brother and me.

What kind of family is called friendly? (A card with the inscription "friendly family" is hung on the board)

Legends are made about friendly families. Listen to one of them "How a friendly family appeared".

Write down the qualities of a close-knit family.

Read the names of these qualities: (On the desk) UNDERSTANDING, LOVE, TRUST, KIND, CARE, HELP, FRIENDSHIP.

If each family member follows these rules, then the family will reign: peace and harmony. This means that everyone will be happy.

Let's talk about the attitude of traditional religions of Russia to the family. What question should we answer?

Each group receives a task.


Why is it often said that the word "family" means "seven selves"?

What are the names of people united by one family?

Relatives are near and far. Who are your closest relatives?

And who do you come to your parents, what do they call you?

But your moms and dads also have parents. And they are also very close to you, loved and also belong to you as your own people. Who are we talking about?

And if your moms and dads have brothers or sisters, who are they to you?

When do you think parents can say about their children: “This is my protection and support in old age”?

What proverbs and sayings about family do you know? How do you understand them?

What is a family?

Guys, we talked about the family. Since ancient times, each family has had its own family coat of arms. It depicts important moments in the history of the family, its traditions and values. I suggest that you create the image of your family coat of arms.

What could be a coat of arms?

What colors would you add to the family coat of arms?

What can be depicted on the coat of arms?

At home, you will draw your family crest.

Now imagine that your relatives have come to our class, let's say a few warm words to them.

Incomplete sentences are written on the chalkboard:

1. Mom and Dad are the most ...

2. I trust my secrets ...

3. I love my grandmother for ...

4. I consider my family ...

5. I want to wish my relatives ...)

Guys, I hope that you will live up to the hopes of your parents, become good and kind people.

Guys, look closely at the board and attach your emoticon to the words "family" or "close-knit family."

I have prepared a present for you.

The song "Parents' House" performed by L. Leshchenko is played.

They go to the board and choose "emoticons".

The student reads:

I have a mother,

I have a father,

I have a grandfather

I have a Grandmother,

And they have me.

About family.

What is family"?

Why do people start a family?

How should family members relate to each other to make the family happy?

How do traditional religions relate to the family?

Build an associative array.

Work with the school etymological dictionary: Family - from seven"Household". The family is “living in one village”.

2-3 pupils talk about their families.

Signs of a close-knit family are called.

A pre-prepared student reads: “A long time ago there was a family in which there were 100 people, but there was no agreement between them. They are tired of quarrels and strife. And so the family members decided to turn to the sage to teach them how to live in harmony. The sage listened attentively to the petitioners and said: “No one will teach you to live happily, you yourself must understand what you need for happiness. Write how you want to see your family. " This huge family gathered for a family council and they decided that the family should be friendly, it is necessary to treat each other, adhering to these qualities ... "

Children write about the qualities of a friendly family.

How should people live in a marriage?

(Group work)

Working with the tutorial: Find the answer to the question in the tutorial:

1st group- How should people live in a Christian marriage?

Group 2- What is the significance of marriage in Judaism?

Group 3- What is the significance of marriage in Islam?

4 group- What is the meaning of marriage in Buddhism?

Answers of students from 1-4 groups.

Relatives, relatives.

Parents: mom and dad.

Children, child, son, daughter.

Grandmothers and grandfathers.

Uncles and aunts.

What is the treasure for - if there is a way in the family.
To lead the house - do not shake your beard.
When the family is together, the soul is in place.
In the family - and the porridge is thicker.
One in the field is not a warrior.
A family in a heap is not scary and a cloud.
To attach an orphan, to build a temple.

Children's answers. Children write words on pieces of paper and stick the words "family" around the chalkboard.

Possible student responses

Suggestions continue.

Regulatory ECDs (Assessment)

Personal UUD

Cognitive UUD

Personal UUD

Cognitive UUD

Personal UDP

Cognitive UUD

Cognitive UUD

Personal UUD

Communicative UUD (asking questions, proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information)

Personal UUD

Personal UUD

Cognitive UUD

Personal UUD

Personal UUD

Regulatory UUD

    Foundations of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia. Foundations of world religious cultures. Grades 4-5: textbook for educational institutions / A.L. Beglov, E.V. Saplina, E.S. Tokareva, A.A. Labels. - 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 2012.

    Foundations of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia. Foundations of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics. Book for the teacher. 4-5 grades. Reference materials for educational institutions. Edited by V.A. Tishkova, T. D. Shaposhnikova. M.: Education, 2012.

    Tab to the magazine "Primary School", 2011, No. 8.

    Tab to the magazine "Primary School", 2011, no. 10.

View presentation content

A family

Foundations of World Religious Cultures

Stepanova L. G. Primary school teacher MBOU "Putin's Secondary School"

I have a mother,

I have a father,

I have a grandfather

I have a Grandmother,

And they have me.

Understanding Love

Respect Trust

Kindness Caring

Help Friendship

  • 4. One of the main purposes of the family in Buddhism is responsibility and care - about children, about parents, about monks.

The word family contains many instructive mysteries and discoveries. This word can be divided into "SEVEN" and "I", i.e. seven like me. And, indeed, in the family, everyone is somewhat similar to each other: in face, eyes, voice.

The number "7" is special in itself - it is simple. Therefore, it tells us that the family is one whole. It is in the family that the principle should act in all its might - all for one and one for all. The word "family" is clear to everyone, like the words "mother", "bread", "homeland". The family is next to each of us from the first moments of life. Family is home, it is dad and mom, grandmother and grandfather, these are sisters, brothers

  • Happy is he who is at home.
  • The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.
  • There is no need for a treasure, if the family is okay.
  • With the sun - warm, with the mother - good.
  • A willing family and grief does not take.
  • To live for oneself is to smolder, for a family to burn.

  • 1. Music with the song "Parents' House" from the disc.
  • 2.http: //yandex.ru/images

Naumova Anastasia Sergeevna

primary school teacher
GBOU school number 416 Petrodvorets district of St. Petersburg

Foundations of world religious cultures.
A family.


Methodical development of a lesson in elementary school

Item: foundations of religious cultures and secular ethics

Subject module:"Foundations of World Religious Cultures"

Theme:"A family"

Lesson type: a lesson in the discovery of new knowledge

The purpose of the lesson: to form an idea of ​​the family as a basic value of society in the traditional religions of Russia.



To acquaint with the meaning of the word "family", its origin;

To form ideas about the attitude towards the family in traditional religions;


Develop speech, logical thinking, attention, memory;

Develop skills in working with information and photographic materials;


Foster love and respect for your family;

To foster in the child a sense of responsibility for the family.

Planned results:


Know the meaning of the word "family";

Explain the meaning of family proverbs.


Treat family members with respect;

Understand your involvement in the family team;

Feel responsible for each family member.


Develop the ability to work with graphic and text information (collection, systematization, storage, use);

To form the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, conduct a dialogue, state your point of view and argue for it,

Form the ability to interact in groups.

Equipment and materials for the lesson:

“Fundamentals of Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Peoples of Russia. Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures "- a textbook for grades 4-5, Beglov AL, Saplina Ye.V. and etc.

Additional material: reference books, dictionaries, proverbs, sayings and sayings about the family;

Illustrative material: sheets with a picture of the sun and unfinished sentences;

Visual material: wood and ribbons.

Formed at the UUD lesson:


Formation of the ability to self-esteem;


Formation of the skill of self-examination and mutual examination.


Formation of the ability to listen and understand others;

Formation of the ability to build a speech utterance in accordance with the tasks set, formalize your thought in oral and written speech;

Formation of the ability to work in concert in a group and a team.


Analysis of objects in order to highlight essential features;

Selection of grounds and criteria for comparison;

Self-selection and formulation of educational goals;

Using the material to find answers to questions;

Formulation of the way to complete the task;

Ability to act by analogy;

Establishing causal relationships.

Technical equipment: computer presentation, multimedia projector, screen, access to Internet resources.

Structure of the lesson

Lesson steps

Teacher activity

Student activities

1. Organization of the class (1 minute)

The psychological attitude of students to the lesson.

They check the readiness for the lesson, tune in to the lesson.

2. Understanding the learning task

(5 minutes)

Leads to the topic of the lesson through summarizing answers to riddles

Make a conclusion about the topic of the lesson by summarizing the answers to riddles and a conclusion about the goals of the lesson

3. Learning new material

(31 minutes)

Discusses with students the meaning of the word family.

Suggests to choose an associative array for this word.

Draws children to the puzzle.

Invites you to reflect on family relationships based on legends and parables, proverbs and sayings.

Children make assumptions about the meaning of the word "family", read the definition in the dictionary. Build an associative array for this word.

They read legends and parables, draw conclusions about their meaning.


(1 minute)

Aligns students with a little rest.

Pupil spends physical education

The teacher draws the students' attention to the attitude of traditional religions of Russia to the family.

Offers to discuss the relationship between children and parents in an Orthodox family, compare with relationships in families in other religions.

Organizes work in groups - search for answers to questions based on the materials of the textbook.

Organizes a study discussion on identifying the hallmarks of sacred structures.

He suggests adding suggestions on pieces of paper and discussing the resulting answers.

Pupils discuss the attitude of traditional religions of Russia to the family.

Discuss family relationships in traditional religions.

They work in groups. They make a conclusion about the importance of the family in all religions.

Determine which sacred structure they see in the illustrations.

They finish the proposals, discuss the resulting proposals.

5. Reflection. Analysis and introspection of the lesson.

Reflection of the lesson, self-assessment of students' activities in the lesson.

Summarize the information obtained in the lesson, self-esteem.

6. Organized end (1 minute)

Explains homework.

Thanks for the lesson.

Write down homework.

Thank the teacher.

2.3 Forms and methods of diagnostics of subject, metasubject results of students in the lesson.

Methods and techniques:

Verbal methods - conversation, educational discussion, story-narration, story-conclusion, explanation;

Visual methods - the method of illustrations, demonstrations, associations;

The method of independent work on the assimilation of new material - analysis of graphic and text information, note-taking;

The method of consolidating the studied material is a generalizing conversation.

Forms of organizing work in the lesson:


Independent work,

Work in groups and pairs.

Means of education:

Material - educational literature, educational equipment, technical teaching aids;

Ideal - visual aids, educational computer programs on the topic of the lesson.

Material and ideal teaching aids are used in combination, mutually complementing each other. Therefore, the border between them is often conditional: a material object can be described in words, and a thought or image can be translated into material form. At the same time, material teaching aids arouse interest, attract attention and are indispensable for practicing practical actions, ideal ones help to understand the essence of processes and phenomena, remember, describe and explain them, comprehend the logic of reasoning, develop a culture of speech, and develop intelligence.

Teaching tools and teaching methods are closely related to each other. This lesson meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

Invented by someone simply and wisely.

When meeting, say hello: "Good morning"

- Good morning to the sun and the birds.

- Good morning smiling faces,

And everyone becomes kind, trusting,

May the good morning last until the evening!

2. Understanding the learning task

We start our lesson in a good mood. We will talk about a topic that is important and close to each person. And what exactly, you will find out if you guess the riddles:

1. Who washes, cooks, sews,

Tired at work

Waking up so early? -

Only caring ... (mother)

2. Who will teach you how to hammer a nail,

Will give the car to steer

And he will tell you how to be brave

Strong, agile and skillful?

All of you guys know -

This is our favorite ... (dad)

3. Who loves both me and my brother,

But he loves to dress up more? -

Very fashionable girl -

My eldest ... (sister)

Well done, guys, we coped with the riddles. What do the guesses have in common? Name it in one word.

Today we'll talk about family. (A family slide appears on the whiteboard.)

What questions would you like to find answers to in today's lesson? (slide 2)

3. Discovery of new knowledge

Guys, what is a family? While we are discussing the answer to this question, one student will look at the meaning of the word "family" in the explanatory dictionary, and another will look for the meaning of the same word in the Internet dictionary.

Who do you think are other family members? How else can you call all family members differently?

On your desks you have sheets with a picture of the sun. Write in the center of the sun "family", and on its rays the words with which it is associated.

Family is a strange word

Although not foreign.

- How did the word come about,

It is not clear to us at all.

Well, "I" - we understand

Why are there seven?

No need to think and guess

Two grandfathers,

Two grandmothers,

Plus dad, mom, me.

Have you folded it? It turns out seven people,

A family"!

You will now be working in groups. Each group has its own task - a legend, parable, proverbs, sayings and sayings about the family. After you become familiar with the content of your text, we will discuss it.

So, the guys of the 1st group read "The Legend of the Wise Man". (Annex 1)

What is this legend about? What advice did the sage give to the family members who approached him? How do you understand it?

Children of the 2nd group read the parable "Good brothers". (Appendix 2). Tell us what this parable is about? Why does it have such a name? What is its meaning?

Read the names of these qualities: (on the board) UNDERSTANDING, LOVE, TRUST, KIND, CARE, HELP, FRIENDSHIP (slide 4).

If each member of the family follows these rules, then peace and harmony will reign in the family. This means that everyone will be happy.

Children of the 3rd group read the biblical parable about Noah and his sons. (Appendix 3). What is this parable about? What does she teach? When do you think parents can talk about their children as “our support and protection”?

4. Physical minutes. Let's get some rest.

And now we will talk about the attitude of traditional religions of Russia to the family.

Family - mom, dad, brothers and sisters - plays a big role in our life. It is in the family that many people learn about the traditions of their people, their country, about the foundations of faith. The family in Orthodoxy is often referred to as a church. What meanings of this word do we know? So the family in Orthodoxy is called a small church. The family in Orthodoxy is a school of love. Everyone can learn to love here - both dad, mom, and children, because Christians believe that it is difficult, impossible to love God if you do not know how to love the one you see every day - a person and even more so a member of your family. All the saints taught love for neighbors and their relatives, even if they sometimes scold you. Now the guys will tell us about the Monk Sergius of Radonezh, who preached all his life to love his neighbors and honor his loved ones. (Pre-prepared students tell) (Appendix 4) (slide 5.6).

Do you think it is worth taking offense at your parents when they scold you? Why?

Group 1 - How should people live in a Christian marriage?

Group 2 - What is the significance of marriage in Judaism?

Group 3 - What is the significance of marriage in Islam?

Group 4 - What is the meaning of marriage in Buddhism?

Why do you think family is considered one of the most important values ​​in all religions? On the pages of the textbook, we saw photographs of the sacred buildings of Christians, Judaists, Muslims and Buddhists. How to determine which structure is sacred in which religion?

What is a family? Turn over the leaf with the sun and finish the sentences:

1. Mom and Dad are the most ...

2. I love my grandparents for ...

3. I love together with my brother (sister) together ...

4. I consider my family ...

5. I want to wish my relatives ...

5. Reflection. Analysis and introspection of the lesson.

So guys, our lesson is coming to an end. Tell us what you learned in the lesson, what did you remember? (A tree appears on the board).

I suggest you decorate our tree with ribbons. If you understood everything in the lesson, worked with interest, then decorate the tree with a green ribbon, and if not everything was successful, there were difficulties in understanding the material, then hang up the red ribbon (slide 8).

Guys, I hope that you will live up to the hopes of your parents, become good and kind people (slide 9).

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family is a summer trip to the country.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good, excitement and awe.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family is a lot of homework.

Family is important! Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

I want friends to talk about you:

What a good family you are!

6. Organized end.

Thank you for the lesson.

Applications for methodological development

Suggested information for students

Annex 1

Legend of the sage

A long time ago there lived a family in which there were 100 people, but there was no agreement between them. They are tired of quarrels and strife. And so the family members decided to turn to the sage to teach them how to live in harmony. The sage listened attentively to the petitioners and said: “No one will teach you to live happily, you yourself must understand what you need for happiness. Write how you want to see your family. " This huge family gathered for a family council and they decided that the family was friendly, it is necessary to treat each other, adhering to these qualities ...

Appendix 2

The Parable "Friendly Brothers"

Two friendly brothers lived in one village. Although their houses were on opposite sides of the village, they lived in complete harmony, helping each other.

One autumn, the brothers reaped the harvest and divided everything equally. That night, the elder brother thought: “We have divided the harvest in half, but this is not right, my brother has just started to acquire a farm, he needs more than me. The elder brother got up and at night took the younger one a bag of his grain. And at this time, the younger brother also lies and thinks: “No, we have divided the harvest incorrectly. My brother has a big family, and he is older than me, he needs more than me. " In the morning, the younger also stealthily carried the bag of grain to the elder. In the morning the brothers looked into their barns and wondered: “How did this happen? I remember that yesterday I took a sack of grain to my brother, but the grain did not decrease. " They counted the bags several times and wondered: "Well, miracles ..."

Oh, is it you, where is it so late?

At the age of 10, young Bartholomew (the name his parents gave to Sergius of Radonezh at birth) was given to read and write in a church school with his brothers: elder Stephen and younger Peter. Unlike his brothers, who were successful in their studies, Bartholomew lagged noticeably behind in training. The teacher scolded him, his parents were upset and conscientious, the boy himself prayed with tears, but his studies did not advance. And then an event happened, which is reported by all the life stories of Sergius.

When the boy was 13 years old, on the instructions of his father, he went to the field to look for horses. During his search, he went out into a clearing and saw under an oak tree an elder-schema-monk, "holy and wonderful, with the dignity of a presbyter, handsome and like an Angel, who stood on the field under an oak tree and prayed diligently, with tears." Seeing him, Bartholomew at first humbly bowed, then approached and stood close, waiting for him to finish the prayer. The elder, seeing the boy, turned to him: "What are you looking for and what do you want, child?" Bowing low, with deep emotional excitement, he told him his grief and asked the elder to pray that God would help him to overcome the letter. After praying, the elder took out the reliquary from his bosom and took from it a particle of prosphora, blessed it and ordered it to be eaten, saying: “This is given to you as a sign of God's grace and understanding of the Holy Scriptures, about literacy, child, do not grieve: know that from now on the Lord will grant you have a good knowledge of literacy, more than your brothers and peers. " After that, the elder wanted to leave, but Bartholomew begged him to visit his parents' house. During the meal, the parents of Bartholomew told the elder many signs that accompanied the birth of their son, and he said: “The sign of the truth of my words will be for you that after my departure the boy will be well versed in reading and understanding the sacred books. And here is the second sign and prediction for you - the boy will be great before God and people for his virtuous life. " Having said this, the elder got ready to leave and finally said:

It is warm in the sun, good in the mother.

Happy is he who is happy at home. L.N. Tolstoy

Family life, perhaps, is never a continuous holiday. Be able to share not only joys, but also sorrow, misfortune, misfortune. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

In family life, the main thing is patience ... A.P. Chekhov

A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness. O. Balzac

Appendix 6