The accumulation is the only life of Plushkina. Plushkin Garden: Analysis of the sixth chapter in the work of N.V.

The accumulation is the only life of Plushkina. Plushkin Garden: Analysis of the sixth chapter in the work of N.V.
The accumulation is the only life of Plushkina. Plushkin Garden: Analysis of the sixth chapter in the work of N.V.

Plushkin Fedor Mikhailovich - collector, collector of Pskov antiquities, merchant of the first guild, the hereditary honorary citizen of Pskova, a member of the city council, a representative of one of the major trading firms of the city, an honorary member of the Pskov Archaeological Society, was part of the Council of the Church Archaeological Museum, one of the founders local guardianship. Fame F.M. Pliskina brought a collection of antiquities collected on the territory of the Pskov province, which had more than a million historical exhibits.

Born on February 7, 1837 in the city of Novgorod province in a rich merchant family, which led large trading in Valdai, Novgorod, Pskov, Derpete, Riga and even in India. However, Plushkin did not become a rich heir. As a result of the tragic chance, the Caravan Baroque with expensive goods belonging to the family sank. In 1848, the father of a boy died from cholera, who did not have managed to give his capable son with decent education. Later, due to the unscrupulousness of one of the suppliers, his mother was ruined, having lost his entire state. The boy was given to the doctrine to Unuse - Nicholas and Ivan Plushkin, the Father's brothers, who kept trade in Valdai. Plushkin became a boy on the blisters - served in the shop, cleaned the courtyard, ran to the restaurant for boiling water. Some later thangotten Fedor, relatives sent to Moscow to the service to the manufacturer boutique. The Moscow host liked the diligence of a young worker, his execution and love for reading. Soon Fedor was appointed Claudist. After a while, as a result of intra-empty intrigues, the young man had to part with them and retracted to relatives, who by the time they moved to Pskov, where they owned one of the largest stone houses in the city located on the corner of Sergievskaya and Petropavlovskaya streets. In this three-story building there were shops, rooms for arriving and theater.

It was in this house that the young Fedor Mikhailovich on February 7, 1859 on his twenty-one discovered his own trading was a haberdashery shop. Fire, which happened in the summer of 1867, destroyed the dotted house where Fedor Plushkin lived and traded. In 1870 On the old foundation, Plushkin built his own stone house and forever ass in Pskov, having passed all the steps of trading science, from a small trader to retail to a major wholesaler.

In addition to trade, Plushkin has always been interested in history. In the early 1870s, he began to collect his famous collection. At 33, Plushkin was adopted as a member of the prestigious provincial archaeological society. Collecting gradually became the main business of his life. His homemade museum numbered about one million exhibits and included the monuments of the traditional culture of many nations of the world, ancient manuscript, icons, engravings, lithographs, works of painting, decorative and applied arts, postage stamps, coins, medals, orders, Masonic things, etc. P. Plushkin collected everything: great and small, relics and trifles. In his museum, along with unique exhibits, like the most valuable Masonic collection (part of the objects of which belonged to the Emperor Paul I) or presented a greater value of the manuscripts of the XV-XIX centuries. (Some were absent even in state repositories), a brilliant numismatic collection exceeding the number of the Hermitage Assembly, as well as rare picturesque canvases, had things full of ordinary: numerous duplicas, stuffed birds, just random items. Such "omnivorous" of the collector slightly reduced the general importance of his collection and gave the reason to contemporaries to equate his museum to the Stajberry shop, and the collecting activity of Fedor Mikhailovich himself qualify as a "touching crumbling." Plushkin himself the motley and the presence of random exhibits in his museum explained to the forced need to buy from the sellers everything that would be offered. As a rule, these proposals included not only masterpieces. Much more often came the ordinary and serial works. Plushkin took everything, realizing that the next time may not be. By purchasing exhibits, the collector, unfortunately, did not record that they represent where and when they were extinguished. His huge collection had no definition nor the usual list of objects. All data about them were stored only in the collector's memory.

The most beloved Plushkin collection was numismatics. Its scale - 84 huge drawers! There were several ancient Russian treasures found in the vicinity of Pskov, Rubles Tsar Dmitry Joanovich, Ruble Emelyan Pugacheva, Rubles Anton Ivanovich, John Antonovich, Emperor Konstantin Pavlovich, Russian Acquigilities, as well as coins from porcelain and shells. Approximately in the collection there were 100 thousand copies of coins.

Plushkin collected a rare collection of books and manuscripts, icons, sculptures, church closures, etc. He belonged to the icon of "Timette" Nastasya Minkina, Favoritsa Arakcheev, which their own serfs killed. Plushin assembled many objects, which also apply to Christian cults, and to sectarianism, and to Masonry. For example, the collection included Masonic aprons, ribbons, badges, cups and other accessories of the Masonic ritual.

The ethnographic merchant Museum is rich and diverse, where everything was assembled to the estimate of Russian life in the Pskov province, and a rich collection of silverware and table silver. According to eyewitness reviews, a very beautiful collection of the porcelain Arakcheev, a crystal belonging to crowned individuals, wallets, fans, tobacker.

The art collection was 1029 paintings, 700 miniatures. The museum had pictures of famous Russian and foreign authors (Vereshchagin, Venetsian, Aivazovsky, Shishkin, Pussen); Engravings, miniatures, chest drawings, collection of precious stones, Persdne, rings.

Many space was occupied by ancient weapon. There were various samples of weapons, ranging from stone axes and ending with samples of uniforms, memorable medals, distinction signs, manuscripts, Napoleon's banner.

In the handwritten department there were 287 manuscripts: among them one - the XV century, 10 - XVI century, 58 - XVII century, 130 - XVIII century, 88 - XIX century. Ivan Grozny, Letters of Gogol, Commander Suvorov, Wittgenstein. The department of starind books and church books had 147 units, of which one - the XVI century, the 29th of the 18th century, 18 books of old-supplied press.

From the manuscripts and autographs, you can mention the original of Pushkin, Gogol, Suvorov, from things - a china generalissimus, his chandelier and a tobacco glass, complained Catherine II, a lot of starind publications and valuable books with illustrations.

Plushkin really did not like to leave Pskov. Almost all his meeting, he formed within the Pskov province, in all likelihood, using the services of a correspondent network widely. Such a way was distributed not only in amateur collecting, but also when recruiting government museums. Plushkin wrote: "I do not accept responsibility for the authenticity, nor for the quality of the materials from which they are made, as I think that these questions are subject to permission only to specialists." In the early 1900s, the collector began negotiations with the Russian museum of Emperor Alexander III to sell his collection. Negotiations were long, they interrupted the sustainable death of the collector. The heirs of Fedor Mikhailovich decided to sell the meeting of the Father to correct their financial situation. According to rumors, 350 thousand rubles were requested for all the assembly. Such a high amount was not able to no one state museum. To determine the true value of Plushkin collections in PSCs, an expert-assessment commission was sent to the Pskov, which consisted of well-known experts in the field of cultural history, art and museum business (N.N.Vrangel, A.A. Miller, N.M. Mogilyansky, N.V. . Pokrovsky, KFoldenburg, K.K.romanov, N.I. Robnikov, A.A.Pititsyn, V.I. Szzennevsky, N.D. Schechulin). Each of the experts wrote his conclusion about those sections of the meeting he looked at. The opinion of the members of the Commission was practically unanimous and read that, despite the presence of certain works representing undoubted value, this assembly as something is no particular importance. There was a real threat to the sale of Plushkina Collection abroad. Buyers had still at the lifetime of the owner. In the protracted financial affairs regarding the acquisition of the Plushkin Meeting, the Russian Emperor Nicholas II put the point. In the October issue of the magazine "Old years" for 1913, it was reported: "Plushkin collection was acquired by the emperor for 100,000 rubles and will be distributed over museums." Currently, the exhibits of the Plushkin Museum are stored in the Hermitage, the Russian Ethnographic Museum, the Russian Museum, the Russian Ethnographic and Museum of the History of Religion, as well as in the library of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Part of the collection remained in Pskov and is stored in the Pskov historical and artistic and architectural museum-reserve.

Fedor Mikhailovich Plushkin is buried at the Dmitrievsky Cemetery of Pskov.

F.M. Plyushkin with his son among the collections collected by him

Man's fall measures. Petty, insignificance reaches a marginal expression in the form of a plush, which completes the portrait gallery of the "owners of life". Like a box and companion, Plushkin is absorbed by concerns about the accumulation of wealth; Like them, he is in power of egoistic feelings and desires. But these egoistic desires acquire the nature of a comprehensive passion in Plushkin, which takes over all miserness.

The accumulation becomes the only life goal, beyond which it does not exist for him. All entirely, from the head to the feet Plushkin goes into picking up "wealth". Insatiable greed leads to the fact that it loses the feeling of the significance of things, ceases to distinguish between the little things, useful from unnecessary. With such an internal impairment of the objective world, a special attractiveness inevitably acquires an insignificant, insignificant, insignificant; It focuses on Plushkin. "He was already forgading himself, how much he had, and remembered only, in what place he was standing in the closet the charter with the rest of some tincture, on which he did the mark to not drink it to her, but where he was lying Feather or Surgicchik. " Fearing anything to miss the Plushkin with tireless energy to collect any trash, whitewashing vest, all that has long ceased to serve the life needs of a person. Plushkin turns into a loyal slave of things, a slave of his passion. Thirst accumulation pushes him on the path of all sorts! self-restraints. He does not allow himself neither excesses, he will be ready to eat injunction, dress up in a rag, and all this in order not to undermine the foundations of their "welfare."

Human in Plushina completely worn, disappeared. It is characteristic that when a meeting with him, he could not disassemble for a long time, to which floor it belongs to the creature, which he saw, he could not understand - the keysticker is Pli Klyonik. Plushkin was not always a greedy meager, once he heard a good family man, was distinguished. Over the soulful, he became due to life circumstances. II Differences from other locked owns, whose biographies do not give a writer, Plushkin is depicted and the process of life development. The Biography of Plushin not only reveals the real origins of the all-consuming passion, it reflects that a person can reach the deepest degradation in certain social conditions, "and to such insignificance, petty, could a person could change so much! II Looks like this is the truth? Everything is like the truth, everything can be with a person. " The more assumed the plush thirst for accumulation, the fact of his life, he himself. "Human feelings ... Melli every minute, and every day something was lost in this worn out rupture." The spiritual cloak of man, his moral drop causes copyright feelings of bitterness and grief. They do not accidentally expressed such clarity in the chapter on Plushkin. In the chapter, this is shown, perhaps the greatest measure of human fading, the greatest because Plushkin was not always the way he appears in front of the reader.

The insatiable misappropriate destroys all sorts of human ties, any conversation of plush with people. He ruthlessly cuts his threads, once connected him with a circle of acquaintances and friends. Absorbed by his passion, Plushkin does not have any need for a friendly relationship or in communicating with the outside world. And this is not only because friendly, like all sorts of other, human feelings from him completely disperse, but because communicating with the surrounding people, from the point of view of Plushin, should cause damage to his material well-being. Any visit to friends and acquaintances means expenses, and their Plushkin is madly afraid. Any guest and visitor for him is true grief, evil that is better to avoid. To everyone who visits his estate, he belongs to a clear suspicion, seeing his own ill-wisher in any visitor and even a potential enemy.

A terrible misfortune created an impassable abyss between the plush and his children. And in relation to them, Plushkin does not feed any feelings, and for them he does not want to go on any, even the most minor sacrifices. They, as well as everyone around, Plushkin considers as possible and even, perhaps, the most dangerous rates of his property. Therefore, he not only does not take any steps to reconcile with his children, but then when his daughter comes to him, he meets her without any joy. Plushkin forgives her departure from the house, but he does not want to come with something. Waving to communicate with the surrounding world, Plushkin remains lonely in its plotting. Isolated from life, he feels the fear of her, before going around him. Plushkin himself seems to be a defenseless creature surrounded by people who are ready to rob him every minute. It is a permanent fear, and not so much for his own fate as for the safety of their own things. Everywhere and everywhere Plushin is the possibility of kidnapping accumulated values.

Possessing a great wealth, Plushkin in front of everyone who is faced with, trying to understand him, wants to appear by a person who is forced to wonder.

The reflection of the life of the peasants we find in different places of chapter dedicated to the plush. Essentially, this theme passes through the entire description of his life, psychological appearance and behavior. It is revealed not only in Plushkin's conversations with chikchikov, but also in scenes with the past, with Maurra, in the image of individual paintings and details. Not wanting to produce "extra" expenses, Plushkin Morit's hunger of his peasants. Not surprisingly, therefore, the huge number of dead souls that turns out to be with him. No wonder the figure reported by Plushkin causes such a joyful excitement of Chichikov. Refusing to put up with his terrible position, fleeing from hunger, fastener plush run away from his patrimony.

Do you need to download an overnumber? We keep up - "The accumulation is the only life goal of Plushkina. And the bookmarks appeared a ready essay.

Accumulation - the only lifesty of Plushkin.

During the excavations of an old building in Pskov, archaeologists have discovered the treasure of Fyodor Plushkin (1837-1911) - the Russian merchant and the largest collector of the Russian Empire. Particularly outstanding in his collection was a numismatic department - 84 drawers of rare coins. This at that time was not even in the Hermitage! After all, it's not by chance that the emperor Nicholas II was bought as part of the collection. It may seem mystics, but the legendary character Gogol Plushkin has identified the fate of the future collector, who at the time of publication of the novel was only 5 years old.

Recently, a treasure was found in the center of an ancient Pskov. When excavations of the foundation of the building demolished in the 1970s, archaeologists have discovered six half-grumbling cans, silver cups and buckets on the site of the former furnace. They had carefully packed coins, orders, medals, badges, crosses, folds, decorations - just over a thousand items.

Most of the treasure make up coins. Among them, there are both penny specimens and rarities, which are dated XVI - the beginning of the twentieth century and are a practical history of the Russian coin.

Also found the Order of St. Stanislav and St. Anne - high state awards of the Russian Empire.

All objects found are a great historical value and will decorate any museum. And the eyelids back these artifacts were in the private collection of Fyodor Plushkin, the most famous collector of antiquities in the Russian Empire.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Plushkin was a hereditary merchant, and thanks to the diligent work he was able to get rich. He held a prominent place in the city leadership of Pskov, elected to the city duma, was part of the local archaeological society. But most of all Plushkin was remembered to contemporaries as a collector and a collector of the objects of antiquity.

Plushkin was in his house in Pskov, both unique exhibits and explicit trash. Things were literally a pile, and all the walls were hung with the pictures of Aivazovsky, Vereshchagin, Shishkina interspersed with old Russian icons. Porcelain, weapons, rare books, letters of Gogol, Suvorov and Arakcheev adjacent to the tenderloin of newspapers, cobblestones, birds of birds. The collection was replenished over 40 years and amounted to about a million items. A special subject of Plushin's pride was 84 drawers with coins. Even in the Hermitage, the largest museum of Russia, so much was not.

The collection of historical objects was the pride of Plushin, he wouldingly demonstrated his mansion, where everything was stored. Fyodor Mikhailovich left life in 1911 and his collection bought the emperor Nicholas II himself. But some items still remained in the family. It is them, hidden in the fall of 1917, and found in the foundation of the destroyed mansion of the Pskov merchant.

How did the Plushkin collector hit the pages of the "Dead Souls" pages, because the work was published when Fyodor Mikhailovich was still a child? By the common version, the sign of the store Plushkin's father saw Pushkin. The poet and suggested by Gogol remembered the name, which came in handy for a character known for his sputcy and passion for gathering. Everything else is special magic and

Viy in the free transference of Plushkin

Part One\u003dk-2z6g4cy_0.
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Chapter 15.

Moving to a removable apartment did not take much time, because there was nothing actually to transport. The whole Skarb consisted of a refrigerator who was gladed from candy from candy from all sides, the same old creaking sofa with unandlled armrests, the Toms of Stalin's times, a fairly large and stable, washing machine "Oka" and radio, too old and creaking. Close all this trash huge heavy Chiffonier, performed by the old master of special order. There were also several knitting books on medicine and some closed bags with clothes and kitchen utensils. True, children's furniture pleased the eye.
My dressing has my own toys myself. He was not childish serious and seemed to be not developed from this. Adults addressed exclusively on you and was very respectful. His sister also showed its uncommon's abilities of the organizer, the school hardening of the youth activist felt.
From the assistants were except for me three more, it is her husband, Olin friend and friend. First of all, Vladimir was interested in me, Lyudmila's husband. When we worked for a couple with heavy furniture, it seemed to me a very adequate man with a quiet character and without initiative nature. Even when the decision, how to deploy furniture, in order to put it in the door of the door seemed obvious, he looked at me with a detached look and waited for the team. It was, among other things, it is very closed and for all the time the loading only muttered:
-Ludmila, you are ... you forgive me ..., I ... it ...
And then disassemble his nonsense was not possible. Drew attention to clothes. In such a me, I go only for mushrooms and fishing. Lyudmila herself practically did not communicate with her husband. She did not even call him named.
Yes, ..., - And this, spoken by me out loud phrase, made the Volodya for a moment to get out of the comatose state and sneak:
"You don't know this ... You don't know a man ... She's baba that needs ...
Then the Katoznik screamed again, and I tried not to score his head with Chushye. My Chusi had enough for two.
In the meantime, two classmates, a young man and a girl, who had a young man ran through the stairs with not heavy bags and bags in their hands, while from any talked to each other, the words were hysterically floodied by a gastal laugh.
Olya blushed for them and justified:
- Do I love these youngsters ... Always pierced them on ha ha ...
Her words reached me not immediately, but a little later I realized that she meant. Young people were 17 years old. Such a romantic adornid age ... Later, when an incomplete family entered a new apartment and, with Lyudmila, periodically in secret from children began to meet, it happened that ...
As usual, phoned with Lyudmila on the subject of the meeting, she said that he would stay at work, but invited anyway towards himself, because the door can open his daughter. And I was offered to wait.
The call woke a dormant cat, she jumped off the sofa on which Olga slept and the hidhell \u200b\u200bwas rushing to help tear off the front door. Barely stepped over the threshold, as it turned out to be in the arms of the girl, which after a kiss in the cheek immediately found:
-This not really, so you can ...
I took cheerful ... Olya was ahead of me with the answer to the unkind question:
- I am all friends adults ... such as you ... and some and more abruptly ....
"So what?" I wondered.
And it turned out that Lyudmilina daughter has already started living as an adult from 14 years. She met with a guy who was marked for a month ago. They broke up. From this she did not become older. All the same teenage manners and conversations.
Invited to the kitchen and began to cook. She was sitting opposite her and thought:
-What helper will grow up with mom, there will be a mom to rely on the old age ...
And the hostess is deftly wrapped with a knife, a freshly mounted vegetables in an improvised salad. She stood back to me and I involuntarily began to compare it with Ksyusha. Ksyushka is of course older, but not many ...
In the end, came to the conclusion that despite his youth, she clearly did not reach my woman. Ksyusha was almost a model, and Olya teenage girl. True, on her muffle figurine, a dark blue terry bathrobe looked quite decently, enveloping its rounded ass. But her ass did not want to touch her ass, she wanted to beat her ass ...
Olya laid out the salad on the plates, abandonably ordered to cut bread and began to tramp. Carefully facing food, Olya no, no Yes, and I looked at me, trying to catch the prints of signs of your charm on my face.
Intercepting her inquiring glance, I could not recover for a long time under his pressure. Olya my movements regarded in its own way. She came up to me and fell asleep on her knees, wrapped my neck with both hands and a nagging head.
-What is Fint, "I have pleasured," what's next ...?
For Olga, everything turned out to be simple. She pulled his scarlet sponges with a tube and sent them to mine. Then, like a magnet soldered to them, and as an adult lady began to drive on their outlines. It became even curious ... And Olya continued to be introduced into the depths of my mouth, which caused the response of my language and we were delayed in a passionate kiss.
The chill ran his back. And the girl felt something big and elastic began to sign it from the bottom. At that moment, in his arms, she invested all his strength. I shook her with a knee and already standing when I launched my playful handms under a barbecue, I felt a soft gentle perception of her rounded gentle hips and as a gentle ass.
Young lady stood in front of me in one bathrobe and all planned in advance. I even compared her with my girlfriend ... Before her swelling puffs, my hands simply did not have time to walk, because the cat was a solid black color from the window sill, from whom she, in a second before that, didn't care about our movement, lazily went to the door. Indeed, a call and Olya rang out, pulling away from me, no matter how it happened, went to open the door. The only thing that rushed into the eyes is her hair bright jamps.
She grabbed the bag at his mother and suffered into the kitchen. Coming in a close corridor of each other, we, as if by chance, pressed the bodies and immediately dug ... Olya rushed to praise guest for the fact that he did not come with empty hands, but at the same time and his ability to quickly cook "thing" from nothing.
Mom did not notice anything suspicious in the behavior of his daughter and went to the kitchen. Olya passed into his room and calmed down. We did not dare to make love with Lyudmila with a teenager. Passed into the hall to the call of her son, who went to the literary circle, considered photos from the family album.
Ours from Lyudmila's meeting at her house were planned in advance, since it was necessary to agree on absolutely all the graphics and find a window of 2-3 hours to stay alone. I do not know how, but Lyudmila cuts for meetings and former 4 days a week. She said that at this time resting his soul and body. I believed her and tried not to let down.
Instead of colors, on such days, I brought products. Lyudmila took from my hands both package, put them on the floor, as if I could not do this and began to start a ritual of the meeting. She took me with both hands for the collar, attracted to himself and dug into his lips. All movements of it were accurate and cutting. Then the lightning on the jacket and hung it on her shoulders.
The hallway in this apartment is spacious, even a new import refrigerator, which we bought with it almost immediately after moving. In this handsome household appliances, the products brought by me were simply smeared in the volume. But he watched, among other things, Rukhlyadi as not very. The next purchase fell on the TV, chose everything together. They came for the little, because, as I understood, Lyudmile was not convenient to take an expensive gift from the man, as a result bought firing. The TV for some time chained the attention of the children's attention to myself as I gave a beautiful clear image in stereo-format. Lyudmila joking:
"I don't know, rejoice in buying or crying ... Now children do not pay out to the street just like this ... then they have a good film, then the transfer is interesting ...
Yes, okay, what's there, "I asked a woman.
But finally the woman protested when it came to buy a laptop. There was a war, but the children defeated mom and she lost, though with a bunch of conditions. Everyone was satisfied. The next time we swung on the sofa. The creaking of old annoyed and did not fully exit the emotions of Lyudmila when we were engaged in sex.
Considering its temperament, I had to be not easy. Especially at the beginning, when all my previous experience spoke the opposite. Lyudmila loved sex without rules, more precisely, the rules were, but why is it always. She as a whirlwind, could, among the clear sky, so to work out that there was little. And I liked it.
With this woman did not need to spend time on the preparatory affairs, talk compliments and in general, something to do. She did everything herself. She did not even ask me to score a nail into the wall, and took the hammer and scored him. Yes, so skillfully ... So everything did everything in sex itself.
A woman from above, is the only posture that the woman owned perfectly.
After a weekly race, I took the initiative in my hands. As it should be, began with classic poses, a man from above. After the shower, we are very naked and wet, as always came to the sofa, Lyudmila threw me:
- Hold on the back ...
I was limlishless, and when she was familiar to me, then I am unexpected for myself and all the more for it, deftly imposed under myself. Her surprised eyes did not have a limit. I looked at her, and she was on me. Knowing her temperament, decided to do everything in his own way, on the contrary. He began with a sensual kiss on his lips, while she did not dug in her lips as she did, but very gently lightly touched upon them, and immediately pulled away.
My partner did not closed the eye, but continued to observe, as if from the side of my further actions. I had to resort to tricks, I began kissing it in the eyelashes, forcing the eyes to close her eyes. Then he moved his kisses to the dirty cheeks, and then again on the lips. I went to move. He, he began to drive the lips of a woman with his own tip, changing at the same time and push the direction of movement.
Sometimes the language did not a bold immersion attempt somewhat deeper and revealed, immediately returned to the initial position. For an acquaintance with the language of the partner passed a few minutes. They were not spent in empty, because the woman began to tremble all the body when our languages \u200b\u200bbegan to dance. The tip of my tongue spent her in the nab. Lyudmila shuddered and calmed down in anticipation of repetitions.
"It's only the beginning, in a stupid ..." I continued my caress.
After a moment, focused on her neck and ears. When my lips fell down on the neck and gently tighten her skin to themselves, Lyudmila began to bending his head up and aside, trying to open access to even large areas of the open body. Then the hair began to beat about the pillow and give her willingness to take new caress.
He broke away from the neck and a moment paid the assessment of the breasts. They demanded refinement. Small, pointed, with small circles of brown skin around the swollen nipples and a pair-three long black hard hairs, her breasts looked into the college and their unusualness assumed in-depth research on elasticity and other estimates. I adhered to them. The language designated the circle and accepted the nipple in the mouth. He pressed him to the nurse and began to dissolve how this newborns do.
From the hairstyle, there was no hint there, because Lyudmila was hammered in convulsions and flowed. Nipples crushed and wrinkled, the body relaxed, and the breath began to come back to normal. A few minutes later everything had to repeat again. This time the language handled the hidden ingestion. The response to touch is not violent, but waiting for further actions.
Sounded in kisses to a new level, the level came on the pubesy protruding. He turned out to be a freshly cried with the smell of a newly adopted soul. My tongue began to explore the hill, selected unnoticed by the depression on her body. The woman raised a pelvis and exposed her lips, inviting to caress and their tongue. Another minute and my tongue felt salted taste, it happened to meet her cloth.
After several movements around, the tongue reloaded outwards, so that later dive again into the darkness. The clitoris, already frightened and slippery, has increased even more in size and demanded that my lips fully care itself, but not just, but with pressure and circular movements.
To the rescue for deep introduction deep into the cave, I called on my fingers who by the time they managed to grab the ass of the partner and have already strongly attracted it to my face, helping the language to cope with the task. Lyudmila loudly with a separation of moaning and moved his body with a crazy fury, trying to find the optimal angle of attack.
Feeling that the woman on the approach dramatically pulled himself away from her, for a moment to open muddy eyes and immediately hung over the same place, resting on the fiery element of his member. From the end I ordered first on the pubis, and then on the cloth. My dick tense and began to penetrate. Halfway stopped and hurried to the exit, but not to the end, and so that it would be again and again to solely her tongue.
Each entry deepened the passage is quite a little bit. Lyudmila also tried to get everything at once with his counter movements. However, possessing sufficient experience, as a rule, it was possible to restrain her lust. Finally, the immersion took place. Lyudmila Ahunul, froze and with the wild pressure began to take on all blows of my end.
Here I have already stopped controlling my movements and they broke up. Boots about the pubes were applied with a large amplitude and pressure of pressure. Then, a change in the angle of attack went into move, which immediately affected the state of the partner, because after that she had already ceased to control their behavior and did not come up with anything better, how to moan and shout in everything. Her reckless behavior added oils into the fire, we caught up an incredible pace and soon went to the finish line, with something for a moment she was ahead of me and had already fought in convulsions when I finally managed to join her.
Little leaving next to no movements I asked if she wanted to continue the race. She got tiredly and refused, saying that she had never had such sex and she had never been and she had given a full program during this time. And I did not mind ...
The next time Lyudmila completely trusted me. Disconnected all phones. Before the shower, Lyudmila has grown into the kitchen to smoke and drink a cup of coffee. She smoked a lot and often. I scolded her and tried to stop. After she admitted that he had an unfinished higher education and herself without five minutes later, he knows what he did, I retreated.
Followed the woman. That sat on against me, dragged into a cigarette, scored more smoke in her mouth and turning away to a one-way window began to enjoy the process. Lyudmila was quite educated and well-read the interlocutor and it was easy to communicate with her on any topic, even on such as football or hockey. It was a walking encyclopedia. Where did it come from?
She said that under 18 was a diligent student at school and at the insistence of parents entered medical.
Study was easy and she brightened to his knowledge. When the girl moved to 5 course, she was waiting for change. Father died. The influence of the family weakened on so much that the girl wanted to feel the breath of freedom. And for the first time in her life a man appeared. Before him on the young Jewish girl guys as they did not hurry to look around ...
He got acquainted with the potatoes. Moved to get acquainted to the city and soon got married. Olya was born. Volodya, with whom we have already met when moving, was not always beech. Golden head and hands turned the tragedy for the family. He hit a drink, although at first they just came under the light shaf, always with a ready-made excuse for lips.
-Tell vodka, I could not refuse to not offend people, so he justified before his wife.
Then Volodley began to sell everything from home that he fell at hand. And then, when Lyudmila put the question to the edge of being a family, the husband fondly thoughtfully and encoded. For the family it was completely different times. Lyudmila, who was tired of drunken her husband and finally saw the clearance in the relationship made a timid attempt to fasten the filled happiness and decided on the birth of the second child. Husband was delighted by the birth of a boy and, apparently, he was rejected from excessive happiness.
This time capital. By that time he lost his job and lived only on modest earnings of his wife. And she pated in the morning to the night by the seller in the supermarket, where he framed a little. Soon, the deception opened and she also found himself on the street. Joined her husband. Drank together. Hard and disobedically.
He woke up only when the question arose about the deprivation of her parental rights and the children were given to raising the orphanage. He swore that the children would return. A year later, they already lived together. My husband did not stop drinking, but on the contrary, in front of the eyes turned into an "notice." It was nowhere to go to a woman. And her husband had a 2 bedroom apartment, though in addition two drinking pensioners, her husband's parents.
Lyudmila placed the goal for himself by anywhere to escape from the vicious circle and bring up their children with decent people. In which, at least, there would be no cherished New Year's desire for something, but satisfying to eat. Hearing this story I experienced shock.
Probably and I began to meet with Lyudmila started from compassion. One way or another, but the woman felt with me, finally, herself and transformed. We guided her decent clothes and I noticed that the woman is not at all the recycling of indefinite age, but quite a respectable lady with a completely acceptable figure and a lubricant painted face.
Something has sought and children. With the younger even managed to make friends, but I am generally silent about relationships with Olya. The daughter of Lyudmila did not leave hope to stay with me alone, though all attempts may have come down anyway. To Lyudmila, still on my side, there was no feeling. Rather, I enlighted her will and awtitative relationship to my children. For them, she was ready to sacrifice her life and his own happiness. And these are not empty words ...
After a couple of months, the intelligence tried on the burden of widow. Her former was drunk the drinking companions and his body was found not far from the house. She was not upset and did not even go to the funeral, although for his part I urged her to make an effort on myself and hold the father of her children on the last path. Children, following the example of the mother, did not go to the funeral of the Father, too. As the Russian proverb says, it was all "in Jewish." I decided that I had no right to condemn them and we did not return to this issue anymore.
Gradually began to get used to someone else's family and new to me.
Lyudmila worked not on himself, as I could seem earlier, but on the hostess. That completely trusted to the saleswoman and came only once a month to pick up their income. Lyudmila, of course, attracted, but knew a measure. Relationships organized both women.
However, there was not enough money to be disastrously, especially when almost nothing remained after payment of a removable apartment. It is good that lunches for children were free. He herself all the days of Lyudmila smoked, suppressing a feeling of hunger for some time. With my arrival in the family everything changed. Children stopped starving and they had everything they needed for normal life. Lyudmila at night, probably cried from happiness, because excessive humidity of the pillow remained until the evening, to my arrival.
But I was not going to completely converge with Lyudmila ... I came as usual ... And I left as usual ... And Lyudmila herself did not dare to offer me the final move.
Relationships were delayed at the phase of short-term meetings. The feeling of freedom did not let me go ...
The bed-sized relationships meanwhile developed by increasing pace. We and Lyudmila switched to experiments. As a rule, before drawing away, we acted together with her. She turned back to me, and I took a washcloth into my hands and brought her body to the lilac-red shades. I started from the neck. Lyudmila fucked her down and bared from the hair.
Then, the urine slid down, according to the spine, turning over each vertebra individually. And when she reached the lower back, Lyudmila began to be nervous and asked not to descend lower. From what I did not understand. Although a few minutes later, when she unfolded to me and I spent my hand on her cheeks and eyelashes, she allowed me everything. Even let my hand itself between the legs.
And in general, Lyudmila why he was afraid to stand back to me. Whenever, when I had a desire to enter her from the back, she turned out and looking into my eyes asking:
- Do not need, I'm not nice ...
I remembered Ksyuhu and wondered ...
I still managed to convince the partner to trust. So careful I have never been. Right in the shower, when warm water poured her back and my face, I hit her so that she had to put forward both hands and keeping the equilibrium to measure waiting.
The gentle movements began to massage her stress neck, shoulders and arms. Then he moved to easy strokes of shoulders and blades. Lyudmila did not move. When my hands began the scaling movement down and closely came up to her waist with sides, Lyudmila tried to free himself from my hands and said:
- Let's not all be ...
I wasted something in response, but I did not stop the movements. She barely lowered her head.
Put aside aside a washcloth and continued to massage her body with his hands. Soap foam gave movements extraordinary ease and eroticism. The movements fell on the hip, when the partner hungry and began to break down. I did not hold it, because I felt the whole seriousness of her intentions.
-Good, -Then said I continued to massage other parts of the body.
The woman calmed down and we continued to enjoy love.
A similar picture has repeatedly reinforced me on certain thoughts. Undoubtedly a woman once underwent violence ...
For overcoming her fears left a month. Gradually, I brought the partner to the thoughts on the inevitability of invasion of the back, but for this she should completely trust. I urged her that she would not hurt her at all, but on the contrary it's nice. And here Lyudmila has finally completed with his fate. She made me before the hips without visible fear and regret.
Understanding that the moment of truth occurs, I could not make a mistake in my actions, so I turned the woman to my face and for the last time I looked at her eyes. And on the look, I realized that she trusts me. Sounded in front of her squatting and began to caress the kisses of her tummy and the hollow. Gradually turning a woman around the axis left one one with her ass. She trembled with a shallow not passing trembling.
There are several sensual kisses to the boron area, alternately carrying focus to the next site. And only after that rose. He took his instrument in the hand and as little less tumped them between the legs. Lyudmila, obeying the easy Nazhima leaned. My loose hand did not stop caressing her buttocks. And the other, that with the tool, started lingo to buy it deep into, while making swinging-screwing movements.
Between the legs was stuck and painless invasion became apparent. Slowly and gently my member was completely absorbed by her flesh. She did not eat and did not scream ... The purpose of the painless administration of the penis took place and left only to bring the partner to a new level of sensations and emotions. After several pleasant entries, the woman was completely freed from the tension and already herself began to provoke me to penetrating movements with a conventional amplitude and pressure. The reinforced cotton of my belly about her ass only strengthened our movements and finally Lyudmila began to sweat. The process went ...
After the act, the woman confessed that, as a student, she was indeed raped by a sudden one-laugher in a back position, after which he could never allow physical contact in this pose. Fear after our romantic evening in a woman disappeared forever.
Moreover, it all time later, when we had any other meetings with her, offered the intrusion of the back and it is not in classical performance. Proposals sounded as a challenge and gratefully accepted by me as the highest degree of trust.

Before, for a long time, in the summer of my youth, in the summer I was imperative flashed my childhood, I had fun to approach the first time to an unfamiliar place: I still, whether there was a village, a poor county town, the village of Lee, Slobodka, - Curiously opened a lot in it Children's curious look. Any building, all that wearing only on myself improving some noticeable feature, - everything stopped me and amazed. Whether a state-owned house, famous architecture and half of fake windows, one-etteneck protruding among the log-made pieces of one-story mesh-household houses, Round whether the right dome, the whole of a leaf white iron, ascended above the elected, like snow, New Church, Lie, France Lee the county, who came across the city, - nothing eluded from freshly thin attention, and, having launched his nose from his hiking carts, I looked at the unprecedented Dotol to do some more Sultuka, and on wooden drawers with nails, with a gray, yellers far away, with raisins and soap that fled from the doors of a vegetable shop together with the banks of dried Moscow confects, looked at the smoking in the side of the infantry officer, who was listed, knows from what province on the county boredom, and on the merchant, flashed in Siberian on running trembles, and worn mentally For them to the poor life of them. The county official will pass by - I have already thought about: where he goes, if he was on his brother, or to his brother, so that, at half an hour on the porch, until the twilight was completely thickened, sit down for early dinner with Mother , with my wife, with my wife's sister and the whole family, and what will happen to have a conversation at a time when the courtyard in monistas or a boy in a thick jacket will bring after soup in a durable home candlestick. Driving to the village of some landowner, I thoughtfully looked at a high narrow wooden bell tower or a wide dark wooden old church. The tempting flashed to me from afar of the woody green roof and white pipes of the landlord house, and I waited impatiently, while it discerns on both sides, the gardens standing up and he will seem all with his own, then, alas! Not at all go, outdoor; and I tried to guess who was the landowner himself, whether he himself, and his sons, or the whole six daughters with a ringing virgin laughter, games and eternally, the least sister, and whether they are black-eyed, and whether he is merry As September in the last numbers, it looks into the calendar, yes he speaks about boring meal and wheat.

Now it is indifferent to any unfamiliar village and indifferently looked at her state appearance; My chilled outcut is uncompretable, I'm not ridiculous, and the fact that there would be a living movement in the face, laughter and unfortunate speeches in the previous years, it will now slid past, and the indifferent silence keep my real mouth. Oh my youth! Oh my freshness!

Plystov Chichikov thought and internally laughed at the nickname, the plush men, he did not notice how he drove into the middle of an extensive village with a lot of wilds and streets. Soon, however, he gave him to notice this interlegal push, produced by a log-made bridge, pretext of the city stone was nothing. These logs, like the piano keys, have risen that up, then down, and the needed ride acquired or a bump on the back of the head, or a blue spot on the forehead, or it was happening with his own teeth to bite off the tail of his own tongue. Some particular dilapidation, he noticed on all rustic buildings: the log on the breath was dark and old; Many roofs were driving as a sieve; Only the bitch remained on others at the top of yes, rheri on the side of the edges. It seems that the owners themselves demarcated with them a lane and tes, arguing, and, of course, it is right that the rain is not covered in the rain, and in the vestro and not a trap, it is not necessary to babby in her when there is a space and in the Kabaska, and on the big Road, - in the word where you want. The windows on the elections were without glasses, other were plugged with a rag or zipoon; Balconies under the roofs with the railings are unknown for what reasons made in other Russian sinks, we were glanced and smoked even picturesquely. Because of the glows stretched in many places with rows of huge bales of bread, stagnant, as seen, for a long time; The color was like on the old, poorly burned brick, on the top there were all the rubbish, and even clutched the side of the shrub. Bread, as can be seen, was the Lord. Because of the bread and dilated roofs, they melted and flashed in clean air, then on the right, then to the left, as the Brica did turns, two rural churches, one near the other: the empty wooden and stone, with yellow walls, specified, stuck. Parties began to turn out to be discussed by the Lord and finally looked all in the place where the chain was interrupted and there was a wasteland of a garden or a cabbage, an obscured lowland, in places to be broken by the city. Somehow a strange castle looked like a strange disabled person, long, long exorbitant. In places it was one floor, in some places in two; On a dark roof, not everywhere reliably defended his old age, two Belvedere was sticking out, one against the other, both were already shaken, devoid of collapses that once covered their paints. The walls of the house were tested in some places a naked plaster grille and, as can be seen, a lot suffered from all sorts of non-works, rains, vortices and autumn changes. From the windows only two were open, others were forced by shutters or even clogged with boards. These two windows, on their part, were also sunbathing; On one of them, the glued triangle made of blue sugar paper.

The old, extensive, stretching behind the house, who was over the village, and then disappeared in the field, overgrown and stirred, it seemed, one lit up this extensive village and one was quite picturesque in his picture nun. Green clouds and irregular trepalistic domes lay on the heavenly horizon, the connected vertices of the treated trees on freedom. White colossal birch trunk, deprived of the top, born racing or thunderstorm, risen from this green thick and rounded in air, as the correct marble sparkling column; Slap pointed breakdown of it, which he ended up instead of the capitals, dark on a snowy white, like a hat or a black bird. Hop, which joined the bottom of the Boszina bushes, rowan and forest hazel and then running on the top of the entire frequency, fluttered up and wrapped up to half a broken birch. Having reached her middle, he quitted down from there and began to chain the tops of other trees or hung in the air, tinge his thin chain hooks, easily hesitated air. Green thickets, illuminated by the sun, were dismissed, and showed a deepening deepening, as a dark mouth; It was all overlooking the shadow, and slightly flashed in the black depths: the fledging narrow path, envelied railing, a shameless gazebo, a dumpy stale trunk willow, Gray-Way Cupjik, a thick bristle who was withered because of the Willow of Walking from a terrible joy, confused Both, and finally, the young branch of the maple, stretching his green pawlings from the side, under one of which gave God to the message how, the sun turned him suddenly into a transparent and fiery, wonderfully shining in this thick darkness. Aside, near the very edge of the garden, a few tall, not to the lourteen others, Osin raised huge ravene nests to tremble peaks. Other of them are retired and not fully separated branches hung down along with the awesome leaves. In a word, everything was fine, as not to invent nature, neither the art, but as it happens when they connect together when on a chopped, often without a sense, the work of a person will be the final cutter of his nature, relieves heavy masses, will destroy the heavy correctness and Nishchensky cuts, through which overwhelms the uniscouched, naked plan, and will give a wonderful warmth to everything that was created in the grade purity and tidy.

By making one or two turn, our hero was finally found in front of the house, which seemed even sadder. Green mold has already covered dilapidated wood on a fence and gate. Crowd of buildings: human, barns, cellars, apparently eager, - filled the courtyard; The gates to other courtyards were visible to the right and left. Everything said that here the farm has flowed in an extensive amount, and everything looked overcast. Notasy was noticeable for a reviving picture: neither the dispersed doors, nor who came from somewhere, no living hassle and worries at home! Only some major gates were dissolved, and therefore, he drove a man with a loading televisional, covered with a root, which seemed to be specifically for the revival of this extinct place; At another time, and they were locked tightly, for the castle-gigan hung in the iron loop. One of the buildings of Chichiki soon noticed some kind of figure that began to shoot with a man who came to the cart. He could not recognize how the floor was the figure: Baba or a man. The dress on it was completely indefinite, very similar to the female hood, on the head of the cap, which rustic yard worn women, only one voice seemed to him a few sipple for a woman. "Oh, Baba! - He thought about himself and immediately added: - Oh, no! " - "Of course, Baba!" - Finally he said, examined with an increase. The figure on his part looked at him also intently. It seemed that the guest was for her in the wonder, because she examined not only him, but also Selifana, and horses, starting from the tail and to the muzzle. According to her belt hanging around her belt and for the fact that she scolded a man with rather dinct words, Chichiki concluded that this is true, the key to.

- Listen, Mother, - he said, leaving her bright, - What is the barin? ..

"No house," the key interrupted, without waiting for the end of the question, and then, after a minute, he added: "What do you need?"

- There is a deal!

- Go to the rooms! - said the keen manner, turning out and showing him his back, blurred by the mouth, with a big string sludge.

He entered into the dark wide sense, from which the cold came from the cellar. From Seine, he got into the room, too, a dark, slightly illuminated by the light, eaten out of a wide gap, which was at the bottom of the door. Having opened this door, he finally found himself in the light and was struck by the disorder. It seemed as if the house washed in the house and the whole furniture was neglected here. On the same table there was even a broken chair, and next to him, a clock with a pendulum stopped, to which the spider had already adjusted the web. Immediately stood a wardrobe with ancient silver, ramps and Chinese porcelain, leaning sideways. At the Buree, which has already fallen out, left and left some yellow grooves, filled with glue, lay a lot of all sorts of all sorts: a lot of finely punched paper covered with a marble green press with a egg at the top, some kind of antique leather binding book with red Cut, lemon, all dried, increasing no more forest walnut, broken handle chairs, glass with some kind of liquid and three flies, covered with a letter, a slice of a surge, a piece of somewhere raised rags, two feprens, blurred ink, dried as in Cahotka, toothpick, absolutely yellowed, who, who, maybe, painted his teeth before the invasion of the French in the teeth.

On the walls were inspired by very closely and most of the paintings: a long yellowed engraving of some battle, with huge drums, screaming soldiers in triangular hats and drowning horses, without glass, inserted in a mahogany frame with thin bronze stripes and bronze circles in the corners . In a row with them, a huge blackened painting painted with oil paints, depicting flowers, fruits, cut-off watermelon, and a duck hanging down the duck and hanging down the duck. From the middle of the ceiling hung the chandelier in the canvas bag, from dust, which did not seem like a silk cocoon, in which a worm sits. In the corner of the room was navaluable on the floor a bunch of the fact that Belubee and which was unworthy of lying on the tables. What exactly was in a heap, it was difficult to decide, because the dust on it was in such an abundance that the hands of all concern became similar to gloves; Other than otherwise, a broken piece of wooden shovel and an old boot sole was turned out. It would not be possible to say that the living being in this room lived in the room, if it did not argue his stay old, a worn hood, lying on the table. While he considered all the strange decoration, opened the side door and climbed the same Keystitch, which he met in the yard. But here he saw that it was rather the keyboard than the key to: the keystitch, at least he does not shave beard, and this, opposite Togo, and, it seemed quite rare, because the whole chin with the bottom of the cheek looked like him On a scraper made of iron wire, some clean on the stable of horses. Chichikov, giving an interference to his face, expected with impressive that he wants to say to him the keyboard. The keysticker also expected himself that he wanted to tell him Chichiki. Finally, the last, surprised by such strange bewilderment, decided to ask:

- Well, Barin? Does it?

"Here is the owner," the kept key.

- Where? - repeated chikchiki.

- What, father, blinds, what? - asked the keyboard. - Eva! And the owner is me!

Here, our hero was unwilling back and looked at him intently. It happened to see a lot of all kinds of people, even such, what our reader can never have to see; But he still did not see. His face did not imagine anything special; It was almost the same as many thin old men, one chin only performed very far ahead, so he had to close his handkerpoint every time so as not to resist; Little eyes have not yet been nervous and ran out of high-grown eyebrows, like mice, when, having slipped out of dark holes, sharp muzzles, the ears and blinking with the mustache, they look out for whether the cat or Shalun boy, and sniffing suspiciously the air. It was much more wonderful to His outfit: there would be no means to do with any means and stales, from which Sictrepan was his bathrobe: the sleeves and the upper floors were imprisoned and raised that they were like a yuft, which goes to boots; Nazady, instead of two, four floors dangled, of which the cotton paper climbed. On his neck, he also was tied something like that, of which it was impossible to disassemble: Whether, whether the garter, or a lane, just not tie. In short, if Chichikov met him, so unfashionable, somewhere in church doors, then probably would give him a copper pen. For our Hero's honor should be said that his heart was compassionatively and he could not resist in any way so as not to submit a poor man of a copper penny. But it was not a beggar before him, a landowner stood before him. This landowner had a thousand with a blind souls, and would try to find from anyone so much bread with grain, fluff and just in the bedding, who would have storerooms, barns and dried were cluttered with such many canvases, Sukon, sheepskin isolated and raw, dried fish And every vegetable, or ruin. Anyone would look at him to the working courtyard, where it was prepared on the stock of every tree and dishes, never used, - he would seemed to him if he did somehow in Moscow on a chipped courtyard, where millennochnyets are sent daily and Mother-in-law, with cooks behind, make their economic reserves and where the mountains whiteways every tree - seated, accurate, labby and wicker; barrels, crosses, ears, lagoons, nanes with stilts and without a fish, twin, lukashki, and swims, where women put their lunches and other squirrels, box from a fine bent aspen, braids from a wicker Besters and a lot of things that goes to the need for a rich and Poor Russia. What would seem to need a plush such death of such products? In all her life, they would not have to use them even two such estates, which were from him, but he also seemed a little. Not satisfied with the sim, he walked every day through the streets of his village, looked at the bridges, under the crossbars and everything that came across to him: the old sole, the Babia rag, the iron nail, the clay shard, - everything dragged to him and folded into that bunch who chikhikov noticed in the corner of the room. "Won already fisherman went hunting!" - The men said when they saw him going to prey. And in fact, after him there was no need to revenge the street: it happened to lose the officer to lose the spur, the spur of this moment went to the famous bunch; If the woman, somehow hacked at the well, forgotten the bucket, he dragged the bucket. However, when the man who had revealed his man, he was immediately, he did not argue and gave the stolen thing; But if only she got into a bunch, then all over: he was having a thing that it was bought by him then, something or got from his grandfather. In his room, he raised everything from Paul, all that was not seen: Surgicchik, pure rubber, feather, and all this put on the bureau or on the window.

The hero of the "Dead Souls" Plushkin. Drawing Kukryniks

But there was a time when he was just a leaning owner! A family man was married, and the neighbor came to have lunned to him, listen and learn from his farm and wise misfortune. Everything flowed alive and was accomplished by measured: Mills were moving, valves, dried faces, joinery, strainers; Everywhere, everything was part of a keen look of the owner and, as a hardworking spider, ran his thoroughly, but stopped, at all ends of his economic cobweb. Too strong feelings were not reflected in the features of him, but the mind was visible in the eyes; The spelling and knowledge of the world was penetrated by his speech, and the guest was pleased to listen to him; Friendly and the speaking mistress was famous for herbs; There were two pretty daughters, both blond and fresh, like roses; The son ran away, a broken boy, and kissed with everyone, a little paying attention to that, glad or was not happy to be this guest. All windows were opened in the house, the mezzanine was occupied by the Frenchman's apartment teacher, who was shaving nicely and was a big shooter: he always brought to the dinner of aunt or ducks, and sometimes one sparrow eggs, of which I ordered my scrambled eggs, because more in the whole house Nobody ate her. On the mezzanine, his complision, the mentor of two girls lived. The owner himself was to the table in a surtuk, although somewhat worn, but neat, the elbows were in order: nowhere is there any patch. But the kind mistress died; Part of the keys, and with them small concerns, moved to it. Plushkin became restless and, like all the widows, suspicious and stingy. He could not rely on the older daughter Alexander Stepanovna, and he was right, because Alexander Stepanovna soon ran with the headquarters-Rothmistrome, the god of the cavalry regiment, and married him somewhere rushing in the village church, knowing that his father Does not love officers on strange prejudice, as if all military gamblers and mothers. Father sent her a curse on the road, and she did not care. The house has become even empty. In the owner, it became more noticeable to be discovered by storm, flashed in his tough hair of his gray, the faithful girlfriend, helped her even more to develop; The French teacher was released because his son had time to serve; Madame was driven, because it was not sinless in the abduction of Alexandra Stepanovna; Son, being sent to the provincial city in order to find out in the chamber, according to Father, the service was essential, determined instead of the regiment and wrote to his father in his definition, asking for money for an outfit; It is very natural that he got on this what is called in Proshodia Shish. Finally, the last daughter, remaining with him in the house, died, and the old man found one watchman, the keeper and the dominates of his wealth. Lonely life gave heartable food of misappropriation, which, as you know, has wolf hungry and the more devouring, it becomes insceptible; Human feelings that have not been deep in it, chamoils every day, and every day something was lost in this worn ruin. Having happened under this minute as if it was noticeable to confirm his opinion about the war, that his son was played in the card; He sent him from his heart his father's curse and was never interested in knowing whether he had in the world or not. Every year the windows were pretended in his house, finally only two were left, of which one, as the reader had already seen, was packed; Every year it left the type of more and more main parts of the farm, and a small glance turned to his papers and pieces, which he collected in his room; It became unsselporated to the biders who came to take economic works from him; The biders were traded, they traded themselves and finally threw it at all, having said that it was a demon, not a man; The hay and bread were rotten, the clashes and the stogs turned into clean manure, even throw a cabbage on them, the flour in the basements turned into a stone, and it was necessary to chop her, to the clutches, canvas and homemade matters it was terribly touched upon: they turned into dust. He already forgot himself how much he had something, and remembered only, in what place he was in the closet the charter with the rest of some tincture, on which he himself made the mark so that no one would drink it to it, but where the feather was lying or Surgicchik. Meanwhile, in the farm, the income was going to still: the same for the overall was to bring a man, in the same brings of nuts it was covered by any baba; The same taxes of the canvas had to push the tipples, "all this fell into the storerooms, and everything became rotten and a rush, and he himself finally turned into some kind of bandage. Alexandra Stepanovna somehow came two times with a small son, trying whether it was impossible to get something; It can be seen, a hiking life with the headquarters did not be so attractive, what seemed before the wedding. Plushkin, however, I was forgiven and even gave little granddaughter to play some buttice lying on the table, but did not give anything to anything. Another time Alexandra Stepanovna arrived with two babes and brought him a cake to tea and a new robe, because the father had such a bathrobe, which was not only asked, but even ashamed. Plushkin climbed both grandchildren and, planted them with one on his right knee, and the other on the left, shook them at all as if they were driving on horseback, Kulich and bathrobe took, but the daughter did not give anything decisively; With theme and left Alexander Stepanovna.

So what kind of landowner stood before chikchikov! It must say that a similar phenomenon is rarely falling across Russia, where everything loves to turn around rather than climb, and the striking it happens that the landowner will be touched by the neighborhood, which carries the whole width of Russian delete and Barce, burning, as they say, through life . The unprecedented passage will stop with amazement at the sight of his dwelling, a perplexed, which domain prince was suddenly among the small, dark owners: his white stone houses are looking at the palaces with countless, belveders, flugers surrounded by a herd of flibels and all sorts of places for visiting guests. What is he not? Theaters, balls; All night shines removed by lights and plates, announced by the thunder of music garden. Polgubernia is breating and fun walks under the trees, and no one is wild and threatening in a majorified lighting, when theatrically pops up from the woody thick, the branch deprived of his bright green light, and at the top is darker, and severe, and twenty times is closer That night sky and, far over with the leaves in the embroidery, leaving deeper into the incombustible darkness, indulge the harsh vertices of the tree to this is the Mushroom shine, who has fused the bottom of their roots.

For several minutes I stood Plushkin, not to say a word, and Chichiki still could not start a conversation, entertained as a kind of master himself, and all that was in his room. For a long time he could not come up with, in whatever words to explain the cause of his visit. He already wanted to put it in such a spirit that, hearing about the virtues and the rare properties of his soul, honorably bring the database personally to the tribute, but she unworthyed and felt that it was too. I gave another look at everything that was in the room, he felt that the word "virtue" and the "rare properties of the soul" can be successfully replaced with the words "savings" and "order"; And therefore, we said in this way, he said that he had heard about saving him and rarely managed by estates, he was even honored for the duty to get acquainted and bring his respect personally. Of course, it would be possible to bring a different, better reason, but nothing else would have huck out to mind.

For this plushkin muttered something through the lips, because the teeth were not that it was unknown, but probably the meaning was as follows: "Would you like the hell with your reverence!" But since we have a hospitality in such a go that the squeak is unable to break his laws, he added immediately somewhat intelligible: "I askfully sit down!"

"I don't see guests for a long time," he said, "Yes, I see the right to say a little in them." We started a presets custom ride each other, and in the farm omitting ... and horses with their feed hay! I have already given a long time ago, and I have a low kitchen, precomply, and the pipe is completely collapsed: you will start to trample, you still make a fire.

"It's like! - I thought about myself chikchiki. "Good, that I traveled a brewer and a hunch of the Barant Boc."

- And such a bad joke, that hay at least a block in the whole farm! - continued Plushkin. - Yes, and in fact, how do you get it? The earth is small, the man is lazy, it does not like to work, thinks, as it were, in the Kabak ... Togo and look, you will go to the old age in the world.

"To me, however, they said," Chichikov said modestly, "that you have more than a thousand shower."

- And who taught it? And you would, the father, shoved in the eyes of the one who said it! He, the mock, see, wanted to joke on you. Here, thirty, thousands of shower, and soda soda, but do not start anything! For the past three years, the damned maritime worked out with me a hefty kush of men.

- Tell me! And a lot smeared? - exclaimed Chichikov with participation.

- Yes, demolished many.

- And let me know: how much is the number?

- Shower eighty.

- I will not lie, Batyushka.

- Let me still ask: After all, these souls, I suppose, do you think from the date of filing the last revision?

"That would be more thank God," Plushkin said, "yes, Lych is that from that time to a hundred twenty."

- really? Whole one hundred and twenty? - exclaimed Chichikov and even snatched several mouths from amazement.

- Star I, Batyushka, to lie: The seventh dozen live! Said Plushkin. He seemed to be offended by such an almost joyful exclamation. Chichikov noticed that in fact, indecently, such a fruitlessness to someone else's grief, and therefore sighed immediately and said that he condoles.

"But you can't make a condolence in your pocket," Plushkin said. - Captain lives near me; The hell knows him, where he came from, says - relative: "Uncle, Uncle!" - And in the hand kisses, and how to condolese, howl is like this that the ears take care of. From the face all red: Pennica, tea, to death sticks. True, the money lowered, serving in the officers, or theatrical actress lured, so now he is condoles!

Chichiki tried to explain that his condolences are not at all such a kind as the captain, and that he is not empty words, but the case is ready to prove it and, without postponing the case, without any of the offensive, immediately expressed his readiness to accept the obligation to pay the grant for all Peasants who are dead by such accidents. The offer seemed completely amazed plush. He, having staring his eyes, looked at him for a long time and finally asked:

- Yes, you, Batyushka, did you serve in military service?

"No," Chichikov answered quite slyly, "served in Stat.

- in Statskaya? - repeated Plushkin and began to chew her lips, as if something had driven. - Why is it how? After all, it yourself is at a loss?

- For the pleasure of yours is ready for a loss.

- Ah, father! Oh, my benefactor! - cried in Plushkin, not noticing from the joy that he looked out of his nose with a very poorly tobacco, on a sample of a thick cat, and the floors of a robe, opened, showed a dress, not very decent for viewing. - Here we comforted the old man! Ah, Lord you are mine! Oh, the saint you are mine! .. - Next, Plushkin could not talk. But not a minute, like this joy, so instantly appeared on a wooden face, it was also instantly and passed, as if her did not happen at all, and his face again took a caring expression. He even slammed the scarf and, rolling him into a lump, became them to carry themselves on the upper lip.

- How, with the permission of yours, so as not to angry you, do you take to pay for them for any year? And will you give me money or in the treasury?

- Yes, we are how we will do: we will make a cumulative fortress for them, no matter how living and how would you sell them them.

"Yes, a cumulative fortress ..." said Plushkin, thought and began to eat his lips again. - After all, here is a cumulative fortress - all costs. Original such unscrupulous! BEFORE, COLOR COPER COPPER DAY YES A BACK OF FLOWS, And now they went the whole fraud of the croup, and the red piece of paper is addicted, so crevice! I do not know how priests do not pay attention to it; I would say any teaching: after all, they will not say anything, and they will not destroy God against the words.

"Well, you, I think, fix!" - I thought about myself Chichiki and said right there that, from respect for him, he was ready to accept even the costs of bugs at his own expense.

I hear that even the costs of the bumpie he takes on himself, Plushkin concluded that the guest should be completely stupid and only predicts, as if he served in Statskaya, and, right, was in the officers and dragged the actor. With all that, he, however, could not hide his joy and wished all sorts of consolation not only to him, but even his kids, not asked if he had or not. Soles to the window, he knocked her fingers into the glass and shouted: "Hey, prosper!" In a minute, it was heard that someone looked in his senses in Sonya, a long time hung up and pounded his boots, finally the door turned away and a walk entered, a boy of thirteen years old, in such big boots, which, stepping, almost took his legs. Why was the proshi such big boots, it can be found now: Plushkin for the whole palanter, how much it was in the house, there were only the boots that had to always be in the Seine. Everyone called in the Barsky chambers usually walked through the entire courtyard barefoot, but, entering the Seni, put on his boots and was in the room alone. Going out of the room, he left boots again in the Seine and went again on his own sole. If anyone looked out of the window at the autumn time and especially when small hoarfrost begins in the morning, then I would see that the whole courtyard did such racing, which is unlikely to be allocated to allocate the Boykom dancer on the theaters.

- Here look, father, what a face! - said Plushkin Chichiku, pointing his finger on the face of the pass. - Stupidly like a tree, and try to put something, MiG decides! Well, what did you come, fool, tell me what? "He made a slight silence, which was also silent for the pros. - Put the samovar, you hear, but here we will give the key to give Maur, to go to the pantry: there there is a tear from the snitch on the shelf, who brought Alexander Stepanna to filed him to tea! .. Wait, where are you? Durachy! Eva, Durachina! The devices are in your feet, what does it, itch? .. You are listening before: the tear is from above, tea, the tea has served, so let it scrub it with a knife, but it does not throw it, but he demolished into the chicken coop. Yes, see you, you do not go in, brother, in a storage room, I don't know you, you know! Berezov's broom to taste! Here you now have a nice appetite, so that it is also better! Here, try to go to the storage room, and in the meantime from the window I will look. They can not be trusted in anything, "he continued, contacting Chichiku, after the proshir was removed along with his boots. After that, he began to look at the Chichikov suspiciously. The features of such an extraordinary generosity began to seem incredible to him, and he thought about himself: "After all, he knows him, maybe he is just brake, like all these mothers; Nourvet, Norvet, to talk yes, drink tea, and then leave! " And therefore, from the precaution, and together wanting a little, he said he, he said that he would have to make a bumping back, because de in man is not sure: today is alive, and tomorrow and the god of the news.

Chichikov expressed the readiness to make it at least a minute and demanded only the list to all peasants.

This calmed Plushin. It was noticeable that he came up with something to do, and accurately, taking the keys, approached the closet and, dismissed the door, rummaged between glasses and cups and finally said:

"After all, you will not find it, and I had a nice lick, if you just didn't drink!" The people are thieves! But isn't it? - Chichikov saw his counterschik in his hands, which was all in dust, as in a sweatshirt. "It was still the deceased," Plushkin continued, "the Klisnitsa scroll was completely abandoned and did not even clog the channel! Kozhenki and any rubbish were stuck there, but I rose all of it, and now it's clean; I am a nailed glass.

But Chichikov tried to abandon such a liqueur, saying that he had already drank and eat.

- Drink already and fir! Said Plushkin. - Yes, of course, a good society of man at least where you know: he does not eat, but fed; And as if there is some kind of thief, yes, it is neither feeding it ... After all, the captain will come: "Uncle, says, let me eat something!" And I hees the same uncle as he is my grandfather. There is a house at home, right, there is nothing that he is walking! Yes, because you need a registry of all these tuneevans? How, I, as I knew, all of them wrote off on a special piece of paper so that with the first submission of revisions to delete them all.

Plushkin put on glasses and rummaged in papers. Unleashing all sorts of bundles, he drove his guest to such dust that he sneezed. Finally pulled out a piece of paper, the whole circle. The peasant names touched it closely like midges. There were all sorts of: both Paramonov, and Pimenov, and Panteleimonov, and even looked out for some kind of Gregory, dozate-not-not-reach; Everyone was one hundred and twenty with terns. Chichiki smiled at the sight of such numerous. Hiding her in his pocket, he noticed a plush that he would need to come to the city for the fortress.

- In town? How much? .. And how to leave the house? After all, I have a people or a thief, or a fraudster: on the day it is so obsessed as the cafutana is nothing to hang on.

- So do you have someone familiar?

- Yes, who is familiar? All my familiar moved or disliked. Ah, father! How not to have, I have! He cried. - After all, the chairman himself, he rode even in the old years to me, how not to know! There were homodaters, together for the fences lasi! What is not familiar? So familiar! So is it not to write to him?

- And, of course, to him.

- How, so familiar! At school were friends.

And on this wooden face, some warm beam suddenly slipped, it was not a feeling, but some pale reflection of the feeling, a phenomenon similar to the unexpected appearance on the surface of the water of the drowning, which produced a joyful cry in a crowd. But in vain delighting brothers and sisters throw a rope from the shore and wait, whether the back or tired of his hands flashed again, "the appearance was last. Deaf everything, and even terrible and desert becomes after the silent surface of the unrequited element. So the face of Plushkina, after instantly sliding feeling on it, it became even insensitive and still a voyage.

- lying on the table a fourth of pure paper, "he said," Yes, I don't know where to fight: people I have such unsuitable! " - He began to look at the table and on the table, Shaaril was everywhere and finally shouted: - Moore! Maurus!

The call was a woman with a plate in his hands, on which a tear was lying, who was already familiar to the reader. And between them there was such a conversation:

- Where are you doing, robber, paper?

- By God, Barin, did not see, overshadow a small flask, who were removed to cover up a glass.

- But I see in my eyes that subtybrals.

- Yes, what would I subscribe? After all, I'll go with her any; I do not know a letter.

"You're lying, you demolished Ponomarenka: he scraps, so you demolished him."

- Yes Ponomarenok, if he wants, so the paper will get. He did not see your Loskutka!

- I'm waiting for: on a terrible court of devils, they charge you for it with iron slingshots! Here you look like you are posing!

- Yes, for what they are sitting, if I did not take and in the hands of the fourth? Rather, other woven weakness, and no one has shocked me.

- But the devils are you and positive! Will be said: "But you, a fraud, for the fact that the Barina is deceiving!", Yes, then you are lit.

- And I will say: "Not for that! She, God, not for that, I did not take ... "Yes, she lies on the table. Always ponaranny spend!

Plushkin saw, exactly, fourth and stopped for a minute, went to his lips and said:

- Well, what did you disenteen so? Eco Zanosy! She just says one word, and she is already in response a dozen! Looking for a light to seal a letter. Yes, wait, you grab the greasy candle, the whole thing is fade: burns - yes and no, only a loss, and you bring me a rashink!

Maurus left, and Plushkin, Sevsha in a chair and holding a pen in his hand, long turned on all directions fourth, inventing: whether it is not yet separated from her another Oskushka, but finally made sure that it is impossible; laid the pen into the inklinitsa with some kind of moldy liquid and many flies on the bottom and began to write, exposing letters similar to the musical notes, holding a rumble of hands, which was told on all paper, pumped a string on the line and not without regret that still will remain a lot of pure space.

And to such insignificance, petty things, the man could condone! Could change so much! And it looks like the truth? Everything is like the truth, everything can be done with a person. The current slamming young man would bounce with horror if his portrait in old age have shown him. Take the same way to the path, leaving soft youthful years in the harsh faster courage, take all human movements with them, do not leave them on the road, do not fit later! Grazing, terrible middle ahead, and nothing gives back and forth! The grave is mercifully, her, on the grave, beats: "A man is buried here!", But you will not read anything in the coldest, ineffective features of inhuman old age.

"Don't you know any of your buddy," said Plushkin, folding the letter, "which would need a runaway soul?"

- Do you have a runaway? - Quickly asked Chichiki, waking up.

- That's the thing that is. The son-in-law was groin: he says, as if the next washed, but he is a military man: a master to perturb the spur, and if it were to pat on the courts ...

- And how many of them will be?

- Yes, there are tens to seven too.

- And to God, so! After all, I have that year, then run. The people are painfully voracious, the habit of crackling from the idleness, and I have nothing to do ... and I would have given them for them. So advise your friend something: Looking around only a dozen, so he has a glorious money. After all, the audison soul is standing in five hundred rubles.

"No, we will not give me a friend and smell a little," Chichikov said to himself and then explained that there would no longer such a buddha that some costs on this case would cost more, because from the courts need to cut off the floors of their own cafetan yes to leave the lies; But that if he is really so grit, then, being will be engaged in participation, he is ready to give ... But that this is such a strand, which is not even worth talking about.

- How much would you give? - Plushkin asked and his hass himself: his hands trembled, like mercury.

- I would give twenty-five kopecks per soul.

- And how do you buy, clean?

- Yes, now money.

- Only, the father, for the sake of poverty, was already given by forty kopecks.

- Major! - Chichikov said, - not only for forty kopecks, would have paid for five hundred rubles! I would love to pay, because I see - a venerable, kind old man suffers because of his own goodness.

- And to God, so! By God, right! - Plushkin said, shook his head down and shook it crushing her. - All from good nature.

- Well, you see, I suddenly frightened your character. So why would not give me a five hundred rubles per soul, but ... no state; Five kopecks, please, will be ready to add that every soul cost, therefore, thirty kopecks.

- Well, the father, the will is yours, at least two kopecks fasten.

- Two kopecks are used, please. How many of them do you have? You seem to say seventy?

- Not. A total of seventy eight.

- Seventy eight, seventy eight, thirty kopecks for the soul, it will be ... "Here the hero is our one second, no more, thought and suddenly said:" It will be twenty-four rubles ninety-six kopecks! " - He was in arithmetic Silen. He immediately made Plushkin write to the receipt and gave him the money that he accepted him in both hands and carried them to the Bureau with the same caution, as if she had some fluid, after afraid to open it. Started to the Bureau, he looked at them again and laid it, it is also extremely careful, in one of the boxes, where, right, they are destined to be buried until the father of Karp and Father Polycarp, two priests of his village, will not be buried himself To the incospare joy of the son-in-law and daughter, and maybe the captain who attributing him to his relatives. Hide money, Plushkin sat in the chair and already, it seemed, could no longer find matter what to talk about.

- And what, are you going to go? - He said, noticing a small movement, which he made chikchiki for just to get a handkerchief from his pocket.

This question reminded him that in fact no need to break.

- Yes, I have time! - He said, holding a hat.

- And seagull?

- No, let the seagull even be better ever at another time.

- How, and I ordered Samovar. I admit to say, not a hunter to tea: a drink is dear, and the price of sugar rose a merciful. Pleash! No samovar! Truc take the Maur, you hear: let him put it on the same place, or not, give him here, I will demolish it myself. Farewell, the Batyushka, God bless you, and you give a letter to the chair. Yes! Let it read, he is my old familiar. How! Were with him classmates!

We will envisage this strange phenomenon, this crisp of the old man spent it from the courtyard, after which she ordered the gate to lock the same hour, then walked around the storeroom, in order to examine whether the storages stood on their places, which stood on all the corners, kneading wooden blades in empty barrel, Pig-iron boards; After that, looked into the kitchen, where under the guise of try, whether people eat well, I was well eaten with a cashew and, who chose everyone to the last for theft and bad behavior, returned to your room. Left alone, he even thought about how to thank the guest for such an unparalleled generosity. "I will give him to him," he thought about himself, "pocket watches: they are good, silver watches, and not that any volumetric or bronze; I spent a little, but he will cross himself; He is still young man, so he needs pocket watch to enjoy his bride! Or not, he added after some reflection, "Better I will leave them after my death, in the spiritual, to remember me."

But our hero and without a clock was in the very cheerful arrangement of the Spirit. Such an unexpected purchase was a day gift. In fact, that neither say, not only one dead souls, but also runaway, and there is only two hundred people! Of course, it is still approaching the village of Plushkin, he already premeditated that there would be somehow, but he did not expect such a shit. All the way he was cheerful unusually, I missed, I played my lips, putting a fist to my mouth, as if I played on the pipe, and finally dragged some kind of song, I listened to such an extent that Selifan himself listened, listened and then shooking a little head, said : "You are hanging like a barin sings!" There were already thick twilight when they arrived to the city. The shadow with the light was mixed perfectly, and it seemed that the most objects were mixed too. The motley barrier took some uncertain color; The mustache had a soldier standing on the clock on her forehead and much higher her eyes, and the nose seemed not to be at all. Thunder and jumping gave notice that the Bracket pulled the bridge. The lanterns have not yet been lit, in some places the windows of the houses began to light up, and scenes and conversations and conversations took place in the alleys and zakulkers, inseparable with this time in all cities where many soldiers, carriages, workers and special kind of creatures, in the form of ladies in red shalters And shoes without stocking, which, like bats, sneeze at intersections. Chichikov did not notice them and did not even notice many subtle officials with canes, which probably made a walk outside the city, returned home. Occasionally reached his hearing some, it seemed, female exclamations: "V., drunk! I never allowed him such a brute! " - Or: "You do not touch, nevezh, and go to the part, there I will prove you! .." Word, those words that suddenly be wondering, as the boom, which has noticed a twenty-year-old young man when, returning from the theater, he carries In the head of Spanish street, night, a wonderful female image with a guitar and curls. What is not and what is not dreaming in his head? He in heaven and Schiller drove to visit - and suddenly heard over him, like a thunder, fatal words, and he sees that he again found himself on Earth, and even on Sennaya Square, and even near the Kabaka, and again went on everyday soften Before him life.

Finally, the bridge, made a decent jump, descended, as if in a pit, at the hotel's gate, and Chichikov was met by Petrushku, who he kept the semi of his surpetuka, because he didn't love the floors, and the other began to help him get out of her bright. Police also ran out, with candle in hand and clutch on the shoulder. Lee Parsley's arrival of the barina was delighted, at least they worked out with Selifan, and usually harsh, his appearance as if somewhat cleared.

"They walked a long time to walk for a long time," said the floor, illuminating the stairs.

"Yes," Chichikov said, when she climbed the stairs. - Well, what are you?

- Thank God, - answered the sex, bowing. - Yesterday, the Lieutenant came some Military, took the sixteenth number.

- Lieutenant?

- It is not known what, from Ryazan, beggar horses.

- Good, good, behave and go good! Said Chichikov and entered his room. Passing the front, he twisted his nose and said Parsushka: - You would, at least, even though the windows are open!

- "Everything that comes under the lip, edible; Every vegetable, except bread and meat. " (From the notebook N.V. Gogol.)