"the image of Khlestakov in the comedy" Inspector "- a composition. A short image of Khlestakov in the comedy" Inspector ": a man without moral principles

"the image of Khlestakov in the comedy" Inspector "- a composition. A short image of Khlestakov in the comedy" Inspector ": a man without moral principles

The image of Khlestakov in the comedy "The Inspector General"

“In“ The Inspector General, ”I decided to put together everything that was bad in Russia that I knew then, all the injustices and laugh at everything at once” - this is the main goal that Gogol set for himself. Being in continuity with the drama of Fonvizin, Griboyedov, Pushkin, the comedy "The Inspector General" was distinguished by the scale of its artistic generalization and the volume of problems. With the help of laughter, "which all flies out of the light nature of man," the writer from the height of a creative genius reflected "the evil of his time."

Gogol warned more than once: Khlestakov is the most difficult character in the play. Let's see what this hero is. Khlestakov is a petty official, an insignificant person, condemned by everyone. Even his own servant Osip despises him, his father can drag him away by the whirlwinds. He is poor and unable to work in such a way as to ensure himself at least a tolerable existence. He is deeply dissatisfied with his life, even subconsciously despises himself. But emptiness and stupidity do not allow him to comprehend his troubles, to try to change his life. It seems to him that if only a chance is presented, everything will change, he will be transferred “from rags to riches”. This allows Khlestakov to feel so easily and naturally that he is a significant person.

The world in which Khlestakov lives is incomprehensible to him. He is unable to comprehend the connection between things, to imagine what the ministers are actually doing, how he behaves and what his “friend” Pushkin writes. For him, Pushkin is the same Khlestakov, but happier, more successful. It is interesting that both the mayor and his entourage, who cannot but be recognized as sharp-witted people, knowing life, in their own way not stupid, are not at all embarrassed by Khlestakov's lies. They also think that the whole point is in the case: lucky - and you are the director of the department. No personal merit, work, mind and soul is required. You just need to help the occasion, to hook someone. The only difference between them and Khlestakov is that the latter is frankly stupid and lacks even practical sense. Had he been smarter, if you had immediately understood the delusion of the city elite, he would have begun to consciously play along. And would undoubtedly fail. A cunning, a thought-out lie would not have deceived an attentive mayor. He would have found a weak spot in a previously created invention, Anton Antonovich is not without reason proud: “I have been living in the service for thirty years; ... cheated swindlers on scammers. He deceived three governors! " The governor could not imagine only one thing in Khlestakov - sincerity, inability to deliberately, deliberately lie.

And yet this is one of the main features of Khlestakov, making him the hero of a "mirage" intrigue. The inner emptiness makes his behavior completely unpredictable: in every this moment it behaves as it “turns out”. He was starved to death in the hotel, the threat of arrest hung over him - and he flatteringly begged the servant to bring at least something to eat. Dinner is being carried - and he jumps on a chair with delight and impatience. At the sight of a bowl of soup, Khlestakov forgets how humiliatingly begging for food a minute ago. He has already entered the role of an important master. "Well, master, master ... I don't care about your master!" Mann, a researcher of Gogol's work, quite rightly comments on the essence of this image: “He, like water, takes the form of any vessel. Khlestakov has extraordinary adaptability: the whole structure of his feelings, psyche is easily and involuntarily rebuilt under the influence of place and time. "

Khlestakov is woven from contradictions. Khlestakov's insane, illogical lies, in fact, deeply correspond to the time of fundamental illogism. Khlestakov is a universal human figure, but this type reached its apogee in the Nikolaev era, adequately and fully illustrates it, revealing the deep-seated vices of that time. Officials can clearly see that he is stupid, but the height of the rank overshadows any human qualities.

There is a lot of Khlestakovism in each of the characters in the play. This is the author's intention. Because Khlestakov and the main character that his features are inherent in every person to one degree or another. They are comical, only put together and exhibited on stage. The most striking illustration is the mayor's dreams of future life as the father-in-law of a great man. Both he and Anna Andreevna imagine not just a luxury, but such a luxury that humiliates them present life, their current acquaintances. Anton Antonovich paints a picture: "... You go somewhere - couriers and adjutants will gallop everywhere ... Heh, heh, heh, that's what canal, it's tempting!" Thus, we see that the ideas of Khlestakov and Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky about the luxurious life basically coincide. After all, Khlestakov's “thirty-five thousand couriers alone” are no different from couriers and adjutants who, in the mayor’s dreams, “will ride everywhere”. And most importantly, Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky is also happy to advance over the small fry and the mayor, presenting himself as a general.

So, the image of Khlestakov was a brilliant artistic generalization of Gogol. The objective sense and significance of this image consists in the fact that it represents an indissoluble unity of “significance” and insignificance, grandiose claims and inner emptiness. Khlestakov represents the concentration of the features of the era in one person. That is why the life of the era was reflected in "The Inspector General" with tremendous power, and the images of Gogol's comedy became those artistic types that make it clearer to understand social phenomena that time.

“In The Inspector General, I decided to gather together all the bad things in Russia that I knew then, all the injustices and laugh at everything at once” - this is the main goal that Gogol set for himself. Being in continuous connection with the drama of Fonvizin, Griboyedov, Pushkin, the comedy "The Inspector General" was distinguished by the scale of its artistic generalization and the volume of its problems. With the help of laughter, “which all flies out of the light nature of man”, the writer from the height of a creative genius reflected “the evil of his time”.

Gogol warned more than once: Khlestakov is the most difficult character in the play. Let's see what this hero is. Khlestakov is a petty official, an insignificant person, condemned by everyone. Even his own servant Osip despises him, his father can drag him away by the whirlwinds. He is poor and unable to work in such a way as to ensure himself at least a tolerable existence. He is deeply dissatisfied with his life, even subconsciously despises himself. But emptiness and stupidity do not allow him to comprehend his troubles, to try to change his life. It seems to him that if only a chance is presented, everything will change, he will be transferred “from rags to riches”. This allows Khlestakov to feel so easily and naturally that he is a significant person.

The world in which Khlestakov lives is incomprehensible to him. He is unable to comprehend the connection between things, to imagine what the ministers are actually doing, how he behaves and what his “friend” Pushkin writes. For him, Pushkin is the same Khlestakov, but happier and more successful. It is interesting that both the mayor and his entourage, who cannot but be recognized as smart people, knowing life, in their own way, are not at all embarrassed by Khlestakov's lies. They also think that the whole point is in the case: lucky - and you are the head of the department. No personal merit, work, mind and soul is required. You just need to hook someone. The only difference between them and Khlestakov is that the latter is frankly stupid and lacks even practical sense. Had he been smarter, if you had immediately understood the delusion of the city elite, he would have begun to consciously play along. And would undoubtedly fail. A cunning, a thought-out lie would not have played out on the chaff of an attentive mayor. No wonder Anton Antonovich is proud: “I have been living in the service for thirty years ... I have deceived swindlers on swindlers. He deceived three governors! " The governor could not imagine only one thing in Khlestakov - sincerity, inability to constructive, well-thought-out lies.

And yet this is one of the main features of Khlestakov, making him the hero of a "mirage" intrigue. The inner emptiness makes his behavior completely unpredictable: at every moment he behaves as he does. He was starved to death in the hotel, the threat of arrest hung over him - and he flatteringly begged the servant to bring at least something to eat. Dinner is being carried - and he jumps on a chair with delight and impatience. At the sight of a bowl of soup, Khlestakov forgets how humiliatingly begging for food a minute ago. He has already entered the role of an important master. Mann, a researcher of Gogol's work, quite rightly comments on the essence of this image: “He, like water, takes the form of any vessel. Khlestakov has extraordinary adaptability: the whole structure of his feelings, psyche is easily and involuntarily rebuilt under the influence of place and time. "

Khlestakov is woven from contradictions. His insane, illogical lies, in fact, deeply correspond to the time of fundamental illogism. Khlestakov is a universal human figure, but this type reached its apogee in the Nikolaev era, adequately and fully illustrates it, revealing the deep vices of that time. Officials perfectly see that he is stupid, but the height of the rank overshadows any human qualities.

There is a lot of Khlestakovism in each of the characters in the play. This is the author's intention. Because Khlestakov is also the main character, that his features are inherent in every person to one degree or another. They are comical, only put together and exhibited on stage. The most striking illustration of this is the mayor's dreams of a future life as the father-in-law of a great man. Both he and Anna Andreevna imagine not just a luxury, but such a luxury that their present life, their present acquaintances humiliate. Anton Antonovich paints a picture: "... You go somewhere - couriers and adjutants will gallop everywhere ... Heh, heh, heh, that's what the channel is, it's tempting!" Thus, we see that the ideas of Khlestakov and Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky about the luxurious life basically coincide. After all, Khlestakov's "thirty-five thousand couriers alone" are no different from couriers and adjutants who, in the mayor's dreams, "will ride everywhere." And most importantly, Skvoznik-Dmukhanovskii is also happy to advance over the small fry and the mayor, presenting himself as a general.

The image of Khlestakov was a brilliant artistic generalization of Gogol. The objective sense and significance of this image consists in the fact that it is an indissoluble unity of “significance” and insignificance, grandiose claims and inner emptiness. Khlestakov is the concentration of the features of the era in one person. That is why the life of the era was reflected in The Inspector General with great force, and the images of Gogol's comedy became those artistic types that make it possible to more clearly understand the social phenomena of that time.

Ivan Khlestakov is one of the main characters in Gogol's comedy The Inspector General. Thanks to his image, the author managed to show us life in the past era, when a person is judged in the country not by his qualities and merits to the Fatherland, but by his position. Now we will try to describe in the image of Khlestakov, the main character, who became a creative success for the writer.

Khlestakov Ivan is a controversial and controversial hero, whose image turned out to be very successful and accurate. On the one hand, it is difficult to call Khlestakov a swindler, because he is not specifically called an auditor, but only took advantage of the opportunity. But on the other side, fair man I would never do that and would immediately refute the erroneous opinion. But no, because of the mistake of the higher district authorities, because of the local cowardly swindlers and thieves, the vile nature was released, which immediately roamed. Moreover, the excitement was played out. Therefore, the hero is completely immersed in the role assigned to him. Another prudent person in his place would have benefited and left immediately, especially if they suspected him of deception, but this is not about Khlestakov, who was passionate in life and played to the last, squandering his entire fortune.

How does the image of Khlestakov appear before us?

The author describes him as a petty person, an insignificant low-ranking official. This is a poor guy, twenty-four years old, who could lose even the insignificant fortune that he had. writes that this is a stupid person, without a king in his head. He wanted to try his luck in the capital, but failed.On the way home, he lost all the money and he has to live in a certain town, where the inspector's arrival is just waiting. Khlestakov and was mistaken for him. And he quickly began to play along, especially since he always wanted to be a significant person.

Khlestakov is a dreamer, a deceitful person who thinks superficially and does not think about the consequences. Having played with the auditor, Ivan lies about himself, inventing unprecedented stories... In his stories, he embodies his dreams, giving them a certain reality. He does this with such conviction that even an experienced mayor did not see through the false inspector and believes him to the end. And Ivan himself believes in his lies.

The hero is a master of lies, who shamelessly takes money from everyone, promising to return everything. This is a person who can simultaneously look after his daughter and her mother and it is not known how the whole story would have ended if Khlestakov had not left before the deception was revealed.

Dreams of the heroes of comedy (NV Golol "The Inspector General").

Creativity N.V. Gogol is not that great and vast. There are writers whose creative heritage is a much larger number of works. But, without a doubt, everything written by the great Gogol is a masterpiece and is included in the treasury of Russian literature.

From the pen of this Russian writer, several plays came out, intended for staging on stage. One of the brightest and most significant is, of course, Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General".

It is noteworthy that we are used to seeing in the heroes of this play worthless people, a bunch of human vices and disadvantages. We condemn and denounce them, not noticing that, in fact, it is ordinary people, are the same as we are, as are the majority of those around us. This, in my opinion, is what makes Gogol's heroes terrifying, and this is precisely the strength of the talent of the great Russian writer.

But if Gogol's heroes are ordinary people, then they, like us, dream about something and strive for something? Undoubtedly. So what do the heroes of the play "The Inspector General" dream about?

Let's start with the "auditor" himself - Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov. This petty official, receiving a meager salary, dreams of the life of a "high-flying bird." In St. Petersburg, where he serves, Khlestakov saw enough of the lifestyle of high-ranking officials and wealthy nobles. Ivan Alexandrovich painfully and hopelessly seeks to get into their circle. In his "zalikhvast" lies to the officials of the city of N., the hero reveals his most secret dreams. He introduces himself important person in Petersburg, with which everyone reckons and whose opinion is very authoritative. Khlestakov is lying that he is "on a short leg" with all famous people capital that he is very rich and talented. As if it was he who wrote all the literary works... Khlestakov dreams that all pretty women adore him and that he knows nothing of denial. This " small man”Strives to rise at least in his dreams. He wants to grow, first of all, in his own eyes, to feel himself not insignificant, as usual, but a worthy person. Unfortunately, Khlestakov only succeeds in doing this in his dreams.

Khlestakov's servant, Osip, has his own dreams. In Notes for Messrs. Actors, the writer characterizes this character as “silently a rogue”. Having lived with Khlestakov, this hero "gathered" his master's ideals and dreams. Osip likes "living" in St. Petersburg - "if only there were money, then life in the capital would seem like honey:" If only there was money, but life is subtle and political: the keyatras, the dogs are dancing for you, and whatever you want. " But, if the owner's affairs do not get better, then Osip will be better off living in the village: "Take a woman for yourself, and lie on the bed all your life and eat pies." Osip's dreams reflect not only his character, but also the character of Khlestakov. We can say that they are another means of revealing the image of a false auditor.

The Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky family, main family county town N. is also dreaming. The governor, the king and god in his small town, dreams of the rank of general. Anton Antonovich dreams of having "cavalry over his shoulder." Then everyone will spread out in front of him: "if you go somewhere - couriers and adjutants will gallop forward everywhere: Horses!"

But even more than her husband, the mayor's wife, Anna Andreevna, is ambitious. She considers herself a noble lady, worthy better life than vegetation in a small town, from which "even three years of jumping, you won't get to any state." Anna Andreevna dreams of living in Petersburg, moving in high society, have high-ranking acquaintances. She wants a "big" life, where she could be appreciated "at its true worth."

The mayor's daughter is still too young and stupid, but she also dreams of a profitable marriage that would bring her a lot of money and beautiful life... However, all young ladies in the city dream about it. No wonder Anna Andreevna tells her daughter that she takes an example from the daughters of Lyapkin-Tyapkin.

What are the city officials dreaming of? Probably, about the disappearance of all the inspectors and governors, so that there is no power over them that interferes with their comfortable existence and free life.

Ordinary residents of the district town also have dreams. They dream of finally establishing a government in their city that cares about their people, and not about their own pockets. So that this power does not tyrannize the inhabitants, does not use them to pump out money. Residents dream that the authorities will respect their people. Their dreams, of course, are impracticable, like the dreams of all the other heroes of the comedy. Why? This is already a topic for another conversation.

Nikolai Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" has long been sold out by quotations and sharp comparisons, since they very aptly reflect human nature. This is a piece that great writer wrote in 1835, is relevant to this day. Because it describes with the brightest precision the most diverse features human character, in particular its protagonist. A coward, a braggart, a self-confident person - this is a short image of Khlestakov. In the comedy "The Inspector General" these features are revealed succulently and vividly.

Deception of the century

This work begins with the fact that a very important person is expected in one district town - an inspector who is going with an important check. And here comes a gentleman, very modest and businesslike. Brief image Khlestakov in the comedy "The Inspector General" the author draws very positive colors. Ivan Vladimirovich, that is the name of the visitor, very "nice looking." He does not make a stunning impression and is not even remarkable in any way. But if you look closely at the hero, he is very worthy of attention.

Circumstances developed in such a way that Khlestakov was mistaken for an important person. And he, instead of immediately correcting the misunderstanding, instantly enters the image. This is where the most secret qualities of his character appear.

The loser and the little man

An ordinary ordinary person of that time - this is a short image of Khlestakov in the comedy "The Inspector General", which the author draws to us at the beginning. He lives in which is full of different temptations and temptations. But Northern capital refuses to accept him into their ranks. After all, Khlestakov's position is not high enough, but he does not shine with a special mind, does not possess some kind of sparkling talents. It can be safely attributed to the banal losers who came to conquer St. Petersburg. But the hero clearly overestimated his strengths - both financial and moral. He is an ordinary little man in a big capital.

But here fate gives such a chance - to demonstrate that you are an outstanding person. And Khlestakov rushes into

County nobility

What kind of society does the main character fall into? This is the environment of the small landed nobility, whose representatives are concerned only with emphasizing their importance and greatness. Each resident of the county town tries to highlight the shortcomings of the other in order to prove that he is the best. The characters of "The Inspector General" Gogol are arrogant, sometimes stupid, but consider themselves the local aristocracy.

And here Khlestakov, the most ordinary little clerk, as the author writes about him - “neither this nor that,” finds himself in such a society.

A reasonable question arises - why did the main character not immediately admit that he is not who he is mistaken for? But the author does not give an answer to this question - maybe he just wanted to play an important person?

The short image of Khlestakov in the comedy "The Inspector General" can be described as follows - this is a man who is too far from ideal, he is a player, he is a petty boozer. Khlestakov believes that comfort should prevail, and worldly pleasures should come first. He sees nothing shameful in fooling swindlers. Moreover, he is sure that he is doing a "holy work."

Gogol brought beautiful image a braggart and a coward who does not strive for anything and simply wastes his life. He is "one of those people who are called empty in the office."

By the way, Khlestakov's quotes from The Inspector General very aptly and vividly characterize a certain circle of people. The exact characteristics given to the heroes in a few words, very faithfully reflect their inner essence.

I wonder what other than real person, in the hero there is a certain ghost who takes revenge on him with a fantastic self-affirmation. He tries with might and main to be not who he really is, but this desperately fails. But even Khlestakov's own lackey openly despises the master. This is how he speaks of his master: "It would be good, in fact, something worthwhile, otherwise the little girl is simple."

Both the braggart and the scoundrel

Khlestakov has a good pedigree. He was born into the family of an old-world landowner, in the outback of Russia. But for some reason he was unable to maintain contact with either his family, or with the people, or with the land. He does not remember his kinship and from this he becomes, as it were, an artificial person who jumped out of the "Peter's table of ranks." About his father, he speaks quite dismissively: "They, pentyuhi, and do not know what it means to" order to accept. " Such quotes from Khlestakov from The Inspector General once again emphasize that the hero does not honor, and even tries to make fun of his old father.

But this does not prevent him from taking money from his “uneducated father” and spending it at his own discretion.

Narcissistic, reckless, boastful - this is a short image of Khlestakov in the comedy "The Inspector General". He arrived at the hotel and immediately demands the most delicious lunch for himself, because he is supposedly not used to another. He loses all the money, but he cannot stop. He insults the servant and yells at him, but in some moments he passionately listens to his advice.

And how much boasting! Without batting an eye, he declares that he is fluent in the pen, and such famous works like Robert The Devil and Fenella, he personally wrote in one evening. He does not even suspect that these are not books, but operas!

And even when the mayor's daughter accuses him of lying and recalls the real author of the work - "Yuri Miloslavsky", Khlestakov immediately declares that he has exactly the same composition.

One can only envy such an ability to instantly rebuild and not shake things up! To impress ordinary people, he now and then sprinkles French words, which he knows only a few. It seems to him that this makes his speech secular, but in fact, his stream of words causes laughter. He does not know how to finish his thought, so he quickly changes topics, jumping from one to another. When he needs something, he can be gentle and polite. But as soon as Khlestakov gets his own, he immediately begins to be rude and rude.

There is no morality, there is only benefit

There are no moral restrictions for Khlestakov. He is an empty and frivolous person who is concerned only with his own well-being. And when officials come to him to give him an elementary bribe, he takes it for granted. At first, when the money is given for the first time, he is unusually suppressed and even drops it with excitement. But when the postmaster comes in, Khlestakov is more confident in accepting the money. From Strawberries, he simply demands them with pressure. So far, he is confident in his soul that he borrows these funds and will certainly give them back. But as soon as he realizes that he was confused with an important person, Khlestakov instantly adjusts to the situation and decides to take such an excellent chance.

The place of comedy in world literature

Gogol, "The Inspector General", Khlestakov - these words firmly entered world literature... The concept of "Khlestakovism" has become a common symbol of deceit, deceit and narrow-mindedness.

The author managed to reflect the character of the main character so accurately in his work that still very often deceitful and vicious people are called in one word - Khlestakov. A rogue and a rogue, he never drew conclusions from his situation, being in the mean confidence that next time he would certainly be lucky.