What Chukchi is actually. Traditional culture chukcha

What Chukchi is actually. Traditional culture chukcha
What Chukchi is actually. Traditional culture chukcha

Even in antiquity, Russians, Yakuts and eVENES nicknamed Olenevodov Chukchmi. The name itself speaks for itself "chasing" - rich deer. People dealing with deer, so called themselves. And dog breeders are referred to as ancalins.

This nationality was formed as a result of the mixing of Asian and American type. This confirms even the fact that Chukchi-dog breeders and chukchi-reindeer breeders belong to everyday life and culture, there are various legends and myths.

It is still not identified exactly linguistic affiliation of the Chukchi language, there are hypotheses that it is rooted in the language of koryakov and conferens, and ancient Asian languages.

Culture and life of the people of Chukchi

Chukchi got used to living with overheads, which are removed and updated, as soon as the feet ended. In the summer they descend closer to the sea. The constant need for resettlement does not prevent them from emptying enough housing. Chukchi build a large polygonal tent, which are covered with reindeer skins. In order for this structures to stand the strong gusts of the wind, people support all the slag stones. The rear wall of this tent is set to a small structure in which people take food, relax and sleep. In order not to climb in their room, they undress before bedtime practically doggles.

National Chukotka clothing is a comfortable and warm robe. Men wear double fur shirt, double fur pants, also fur stockings and boots from identical material. Men's hat is reminded by a female kapor. Women's clothing also consists of two layers, only pants and the upper part are sewn. And in the summer of Chukchi dress up in smaller clothes - Balahona from deer suede and other bright fabrics. On these outfits, beautiful ritual embroidery is often found. Little babies, newborns dress in a bag, stitched from deer skins, in which there are slots for hands and legs.

The main and daily food of Chukchi is meat, both in the ready and raw form. In the raw form you can use brains, kidneys, liver, eyes and tendon. Quite often you can meet the family, where the roots, stems and leaves eat with pleasure. It is worth noting the special love of the Chukotka people to alcohol and tobacco.

Traditions and customs of the people of Chukchi

Chukchi is a people who keep the traditions of ancestors. And it does not matter to which group - reindeer herders or dog breeders - they relate.

One of the National Chukotka holidays is the Baidar holiday. There was long a kayak was a means of mining meat. And so that the water adopted the Chukotka Baydar for the next year, Chukchi arranged a certain rite. The boats were filmed with the Jaws of China, on which she lay down all winter. Then they went to the sea and brought him a victim in the form of boiled meat. After that, Baidar was set near the dwelling and went around her with the whole family. The next day, the procedure was repeated and only after that we descended the water boat.

Another Chukchi holiday is the Holiday Whale. This holiday was held in order to apologize to the murdered marine animals and to block the blame in front of the Caretcun - the owner of the marine inhabitants. People changed out in elegant clothes, waterproof things from the walrus and apologized in front of the walrus, whales and seals. They sang songs that these were not hunters killed them, but the stones falling from the cliffs. After that, Chukchi brought a victim to the master of the seas, dropping the skeleton of China into the sea depths. People believed that in this way they resurrect all the animals they killed.

Of course, it is impossible not to say about the deer festival, which was called Kilwei. He was arranged in the spring. It all started with the fact that deer was driven to human dwellings, Yarangam, and women at that time fastened the fire. And the fire was necessary to get, as many centuries ago - friction. Chukchi met deer enthusiastic shouts, songs and shots in order to drive evil spirits from them. And during the celebration, men scored several adult deer to replenish food reserves, intended for children, women and old men.

According to anthropologists, Chukchi was formed as a result of the mixing of American and Asian type. Evolving in the harsh conditions of the North, this people received a quick metabolism, a high level of hemoglobin, as well as enhanced thermal regulation. Chukchi themselves call themselves "Loorasts", which means "real people." The name "Chukchi" happened from the word "chasing", which means "rich deer".

Chukchi consider themselves a special people, which is emphasized in their self-breaking. From their folklore mono to find out that the world created a raven. He taught people to survive in the harsh northern conditions. At the same time, the people of Loools were recognized as the highest. It is worth noting that they put the Russians for one step with them. According to the researchers, thus Chukchi decided to justify the fact that their lands were part of the Russian Empire.

Chukchi consider themselves the highest race and put only Russians to one step // Photo: Russian7.ru

According to one of the Chukchi myths, God-Father appointed his younger son of Russian to dominate his senior brothers Yakut and Even. And the other legend says that let the Russians can be called smooth chukcham, originally they were created to invent and trade with them wine, tobacco, iron, sugar and other blessings of civilization.

By the way, the Russians could not win the War with Chukchi. The colonial war, which lasted from 1730 to 1750, ended with the victory of the Northern people. Chukchi were conquered with Catherine of the Great and not military force, but "fiery water", iron, sugar, tobacco and the like.

Life, customs and raising children

Because of the anecdotes that appeared in the USSR about Chukchi, most think that representatives of the Northern people are incredibly naive, straightforward and even foolish. In fact, this is not at all.

Chukchi are forced to conduct a nomadic lifestyle. This is due to the fact that the basis of their economy is deer. As soon as the deer eat all the food, Chukchi is forced to change the parking place. Chukchi live in polygonal tents covered with reindeer skins. In order for the tent did not demolish the wind, it is placed around the perimeter by stones. At the rear wall of the tent, a special structure is being built, where Chukchi eat, sleep and rest.
Representatives of the Northern People from Mala to Great are dressed in deer skins and fur. Newborn children are also placed in a special bag of deer skin with leg and hand slits. It is noteworthy that the invention of the children's diaper researchers attribute precisely Chukcham. Since the mothers were quite difficult to keep their children clean in conditions of low temperatures, they began to pour wood chips into the pelleys, as well as a yagel with antibacterial properties.

the basis of the economy of Chukchi are deer // Photo: AsiaRussia.ru

As for children, they are brought up in more than severe conditions. Boys are taught to be brave warriors. Because of this, since the six-year-old age, they are forced to sleep. In addition, the fathers sneak up to the sleeping child with a hot iron in the hands, which are ready to put into the move if the boy does not wake up. So children teach a lightning system to respond to any rustle. The initiation rite passes in Chukchi as follows: a teenager boy is given a building. Usually kill some beast on the hunt. Following his father goes after him. Writing a good moment, the parent shoots in his son. If the boy noticed a surveillance, and managed to dodge, he remains alive.

Deployed warriors

For its history, Chukchi showed themselves by brave warriors. They made raids on the neighboring tribes of Eskimos, Karyakov, Yukagirov and others. The favorite weapon of the northern people is onions. They fought in the armor decorated with wings. When the arrows ended, the Chukchi warriors dropped off their armor, and sometimes heavily furry clothes so that nothing would have sink their movement.

Chukchi enjoy glory brave and strong warriors // Photo: Cyrillitsa.ru

Chukchi are not afraid of death. They are confident that each of them has several souls, and will definitely be reborn. To die with his death for representatives of the Northern people real luxury. It is noteworthy that paradise is possible for Chukchi only if he falls in battle either die away from the hands of a comrade. When to Chukchu addresses with a request to kill him, he does not hesitate, and it performs completely calmly.

Chukotka women are no less severe than men. If the enemy won, they kill their children, parents, and then commit suicide.

Of course, modern Chukchi is no longer so harsh as in antiquity. According to residents of the northern regions, the Chukchi people are distinguished by extraordinary hardworking, as well as as before it suffers from "firewater". The thing is that the organism of the northern peoples is unable to produce an enzyme, splitting ethyl alcohol. That is why Chukchi becomes avid alcoholics literally after the first hundred grams of vodka or other strong alcoholic beverages.

Chukchi is one of the nations that most appreciates the sense of humor in man. It is almost impossible to meet the sad Chukchi. Even in antiquity it was believed that if the person is sad, then they convinced the evil spirit. For this reason, representatives of the northern people remained only to enjoy life in spite of everything.

The manuscript of K. G. Merka, dedicated to Chukcham, was acquired in 1887 by the Imperial Public Library and still kept in her handwritten department. These notes on the campaign through the Chukchi Peninsula (from the lip of St. Lawrence to the lower-Kolyma Ostrogen) are a description of the edge and ethnography of the inhabiting nations.

The manuscript of K. G. Merka, dedicated to Chukcham, was acquired in 1887 by the Imperial Public Library and still kept in her handwritten department. These notes on the campaign through the Chukchi Peninsula (from the lip of St. Lawrence to the lower-Kolyma Ostrogen) are a description of the edge and ethnography of the inhabiting nations.

We bring to your attention only separate excerpts from the manuscript of the researcher.

Chukchi is divided into deer and settled. The deer all summer to the very autumn lives in several families together, near the cousin of the settled, and herd to the pastures are closer to the seashore for several days of the path from their temporary settlements. [...] Those of the deer Chukchi, which will settle around the settled, eat all summer only by the meat of marine animals, which thus saving their herds. Chukchi spare for the winter meat and fat (burst) of marine animals, as well as their skin, whale sets and more, in what they need. [... [ [...]

In the language of saddled Chukchi also differ from the deer. The last language is close to Koryaksky and only slightly different from it. Smeadded Chukchi although they understand Koryak, but they have their own, divided into four adverbs and completely different from Koryaksky. [...]

As for God, they believe that the deity lives in the sky, which was previously on earth, the latter they bring sacrifices in order for it to keep earth devils from causing people harm. But they, in addition, bring sacrifices with the same purpose and the devils themselves. However, their religious concepts are very incomplete. You can quickly get a mistake, asking Chukchi about it, than watching your own eyes for their lives. However, it can be argued that they are more afraid of devils than they trust some of the highest creature. [...]

As for sacrifices, deer chukchi sacrifice deer, and sedentary dogs. When heolding, they take blood from the wound and thrown towards the sun. I often met such sacrificial dogs on the seaside of the sea, lying heads to water, with a skin left only on my head and legs. This is the gift of the sedentary Chukchi Sea for the sake of his peace and getting a happy swimming. [...]

Their shamans shamans by night, sitting in their deer yurts in the dark and without special clothes. These actions should be considered as a winter pastime in the leisure hours, which, by the way, are indulging in and some women. However, not everyone knows how to shaman, but only some of the deer Chukchi and a slightly more than sideways. In this art, they are distinguished by the fact that they can answer during their actions or force them to answer others altered or someone else's deep voice than they deceive those present, portraying, as if the devils their own mouths answered their questions. In case of illness or other circumstances, when they are treated, shamans may so direct imaginary predictions of the spirits that the latter always require one of the best deer herd, which becomes their property with skin and meat. The head of such a deer is set off. It happens that some of the shamans begging in a circle in a trance, hitting in the tambourine, and then to show their skill, caress their tongue or give a prick of themselves into the body without sparing their blood. [...] Solden Chukchi, I met with a fact, according to them, not so rare that a man-shaman, completely changing into women's clothing, lived with a man as a good owner.

Their dwellings are called Yarangi. When Chukchi in the summer and winter remains longer in one place, then the yarangi have a larger volume and corresponding to the number of polls that fit in them, which depends on the number of relatives living together. During the swinging, Chukchi share Yaranga into a few smaller parts, so that it is easier to install it. [...] For its warm polls, Chukchi use six or eight, and adhere to 15 deer skins. Powes are an uneven quadrilateral. For the entrance, lifting the front and catch in a canopy. Inside, you can stand on your knees or bent, why it is only sitting or lying. [...] It is impossible to deny that even in simple canopies, with the biggest cold, you can sit bare, warming up the heat of the lamp and from the evaporation of people. [...]

In contrast to the Yarangham of deorded Chukchi, Yarangi sideways are covered with fasteners. Warm half of the settled Chukchi is bad, and there are always insects in them, as Chukchi cannot often update the colors, and sometimes forced to use and already abandoned.

Chukchi men wear short hair. They wet them urine and cut the knife, as in order to free themselves from lice and so that the hair does not interfere with the fight.

As for men's clothing, it fits tightly to the body and warm. Chukchi update it mostly by winter. [...] Chukchi usually wear pants from sealing skins, less often from the treated skin, with smooth pants, mostly from the skins of young deer. They also carry pants stitched from pieces of skin with wolf paws, on which even claws remain. Chukotka short stockings are made of sealing skins and chukchi wear their hair inside, not yet cold. In winter, they wear stockings from a long-haired Camus. In the summer there are short boots from seals with hair with hair inside, and against dampness - from deer skins. In winter, the most part of short boots from the cameras are worn. [...] As a rake in Chukchi boots, dry soft grass is used, as well as chips from a whale oce; Without such shell, no heat boots give. Chukchi wear two fur coats, the bottom remains from them for the whole winter. [...] Chukchi's head often leave uncovered all summer, autumn and spring, if only allows the weather. If they want to cover their heads, they wear a bandage descending on the forehead with a flip of wolf fur. Also protect Chukchi's head with Malahi. [...] On top of Malachi wear, especially in winter, a hood, which is rounded on top of the shoulders. They wear them, however, younger and wealthy men to give themselves a more beautiful view. [...] still carry some chukchi on their heads instead of Malahayev sprouting from the wolf head with a face, ears and eyeballs.

During rainy weather and cheese fog, which is most of the summer, Chukchi dress over their clothes raincoats with hoods. These raincoats are cross-shrinkled by fetrainous pieces of thin skin from whale intestines and have a pre-fold bag. [...] In winter, Chukchi's clothes are forced to dig every evening with a beaker carved from horns before entering the yurt to clean it from snow. The beater they carry with them in narts. In his fitting and well-closing all parts of the body, Chukchi's clothing is not afraid of any cold, although because of their most severe frosts, especially with the wind, they frow themselves face. [...]

Classes of men from deer chukchi are very limited: watching her herd, guard animals at night and day, drive during the flock of herd after the train, separating the hardened deer, catch the latter from the circle, harbor deer, drive the deer in the coasta, smoking tobacco, breed a weak fire , choose a comfortable place to die. [...]

Annual deer, whom Chukchi are intended for a harness, they castrate with various pretty primitive ways. When slaughtering Sunks in the fall in females, three or four days there are some milk. Chukchi milk brought us in the tiedan. They milking females by sucking, since another milking method do not know, and this method reduces the taste of milk. [...]

Also teach Chukchi of their driving deer to the urine, like the koryaks. Drink This deer loves themselves, give them to embarrass them and they are involved to recognize their owner by voting. They say, if you warm the deer urine to moderately, they are becoming rushing on withdrawals and less tired, why Chukchi brings with them a large pelvis from the skin to urinate it. In the summer, the deer urine will not sing, as they have no hunting to her. In winter, deer so much want to drink urine that they should be kept from her consumption in large numbers at a time when women pour or exhibit vessels with urine early in the morning of their Yarang. I saw two overly dried deer in such a intoxication that one of them was similar to the dead, .. And the second who swelled a lot and could not stand on his legs, Chukchi dragged first to the fire so that the smoke would give him nostrils, then tied him Belts, buried to the head in the snow, scratched his nose to the blood, but since all this did not help anything, they scaldred it.

Chukchi flock deer is not so numerous as Koryakov. [...] Koryaki also know how to better hunt wild deer and elk. As for arrows and onions, they always do not have, but they do not possess dexterity, as they almost never exercise in this, but they will be satisfied with how it comes out. [...]

Seeded Chukchi classes are mainly hunting for marine animals. At the end of September, Chukchi go hunting for walrus. They kill them so much that even white bears are not able to devour them all over the winter. [...] On the walrus of Chukchi go together for several people, they run on them with a cry, thrown with the casting harpoon, while others are pulling for a five-chipped strap attached to harpoon. If a crangy animal can manage to go under the water, Chukchi oversleep it and finish in breasts with iron spears. [...] If Chukchi challenges the animal on the water or if the wounded animal rushes into the water and there she is about it, they take only its meat, and the skeleton remains most of the fangs and immersed in the input. Meanwhile, it would be possible to pull the skeleton with fangs and exchanged on tobacco if Chukchi did not spoil this work. [...]

They hunt the bears with spears and argue that the polar bears, followed by water, it is easier to score than brown, which are significantly twisted. [...]

About their military campaigns. Raise their chukchi is guided mainly against the Koryakov, with which they cannot forget the hostility, and in previous times they opposed Yukagirov, which with their help were almost destroyed. The goal of them is a deer robbery. Attacks on the tunes of the enemy are always starting at dawn. Some rushes by arcanes on Yarangi and try to destroy them, pulling the racks, others at this time are touched by the spears of tall tunnel, and the third, driving up quickly on their light narts to the herd, divide it into parts and hijaculate. [...] For the same purpose, that is, robbery, a sedentary Chukchi moves on their Baidars to America, attack the overhead, kill men and take women and children as prisoners; As a result of the attack on Americans, they receive partly and the fur that they exchange among the Russians. Thanks to the sale of American women, deer chukchm and other trade transactions, sedentary chukchi turn into deer and can sometimes wagate together with deer, although from the last side never enjoy respect.

They are also found in Chukchi koryaki and single yukagira as workers. Chukchi marry them on their poor women; And settled and often take the wives of prisoners. [...]

Woman's hair is braided on the sides in two braids, which they mostly bind to the ends in the back. As for their tattoos, they tattoo women with iron, part of three-man needles. The elongated slices of iron are pierced over the lamp and give the shape of the needle, lowering the edges in a dilated and mixed with a fat moss from the lamps, then into the wipe with urine graphite. Graphite, which Chukchi rubbing the threads from lived at a tattoo, they are in abundance of slices and on the river near their puzhta camp. Tattooed needle with painted thread, as a result of which the black remains under the skin. Several swollen scenes are smeared with fat.

Even before ten years, they tattoo girls first in two lines - along the forehead and nose, then a tattoo on the chin, then - on the cheeks, and when the girls marry (or about 17 years old), tattooing outside the forearm to the neck with various linear figures. Less often denote the tattoo in women on the blades or on the pubis. [...]

Women's clothing fit the body, falls below the knees, where it is tied, forming as pants. Put it on her head. She does not narrow the sleeves, but remain free. They, like a neckline, are cut off with a dog fur. This clothing is dual. [...] On top of the mentioned clothing wearing chukchi wide fur shirt with a hood, reaching the knees. They put it on holidays, when traveling to visit, as well as during the swinging. They put on her hair inside, and more prosperous worn still and the second - wool outward. [...]

Women's classes: Caring for edible supplies, processing skins, sewing clothes.

Their food is from deer, which they challenge in late autumn, while these animals are still fat. Chukchi retain meat deer pieces about the reserve. While they live in one place, they smoke meat over the smoke in their touches, eat meat and ice cream, breaking it into small pieces on the stone stone hammer. [...] bone marrow fresh and frozen, fat and language consider them the most delicious. Chukchi also use the contents of the stomach deer and its blood. [...] Chukchi is used from the vegetation of Chukchi, which there are two types here. [...] In the event of the other species, they cross the roots of the roots, less often by the bark of the stems. They eat a bark with blood, whale fat and wild animal meat. Boiled IV leaves retain in sealer bags and eat in winter with lard. [...] For digging of different roots, women enjoy a moth of a walrus or a piece of deer horns. Also collect Chukchi sea cabbage, which is eaten with sour lard, blood and contents of the stomach deer in the boiled form.

Marriage in Chukchi. If the woven received the consent of the parents, he sleeps with his daughter in the same color; If he manages to take possession of her, thereby marriage is concluded. If the girl has no location to him, then she invites several of his girlfriends for this night, which are struggling with the guest of women's weapons - with their hands and legs.

The koryachka sometimes makes his boyfriend suffer for a long time. The groom for several years is in vain trying to achieve its goal, although it remains in Yange, pulls the firewood, worshis the herd and does not refuse any work, and others, to experience the groom, tease him, even beat that he is patiently tolerating Women's weakness does not reward him.

Sometimes Chukchi admit sexual relations between children who grow by parents or relatives for further marriage.

Chukchi seems to do not take more than four wives, more often two or three, and less wealthy are satisfied with one. If a wife dies, then the husband takes her sister. The younger brothers are married to the widows of the elders, but to take the oldest widow of the youngest - contradicts their customs. Cucci's fruitless wife soon drive out without any claims from her relatives, and often you meet young more women who have already come to the fourth husband. [...]

With childbirth, Chukotka women do not have any help, and they say, often in the same way. During menstruation, women are unclean; Men refrain from communicating with them, believing that from this turns in the back.

Wife Exchange. If the husbands conspire their friendship in this way, then the consent of wives who do not refuse them in their request. When both sides arranged in this way, the men are sleeping, without seeking, there is a mixture with other people's wives, if they closely live apart from each other, or when they come to visit each other. Share Chukchi's wives with one or two, however, examples occur when they receive such relationships simultaneously with ten, as their wives seem to do not consider such an exchange undesirable. But women, especially the deer Chukchi, are less likely to be prone to treason. They usually do not tolerate other people's jokes on this matter, they take everything seriously and spit in the face or give free hand.

Koryaki do not know such sharing wives; They are jealous and betrayed with her husband once every death, now - only exile.

Children Chukchi, with such custom, obey other people's fathers. As for the mutual drinking of urine when exchanging wives, then this is a fiction, the reason to which the face was washing and the urine. During scanty autumnalists, such a guest often came to our hostess, and her husband then went to his latter's wife or slept in another halfway. Both of them are little ceremony, and if they wanted to satisfy their passions, they were removed from the edge.

Smeted Chukchi also change among themselves wives, but deer do not change their wives with saddled, also deer do not marry the daughters of the settled, considering them unworthy. The deer wives would never agree to exchange with saddled. However, this does not prevent the deer chukchi to sleep with the wives of the sideways, to which their own wives do not look at Square, but deer chukchi are not allowed to do the same thing. There are still sedentary Chukchi from their wives to alien, but this is not the proof of their friendship to them and not from the desire to receive offspring from alien. This is done from the koresti: the husband gets a pack of tobacco, his wife's thread bus on the neck, a few beads on his hand, and if they want to lose, then also earrings, and then the deal is concluded. [...]

If Chukchi's men feel the approach of death, they often told themselves to stare - a friend's duty; Like the brothers and sons are not upset by his death, rather rejoice that he found enough courage to not expect women's death, as they are expressed, but managed to escape from the torvis torment.

Culp chukchi dress in clothes from white or spotted furs of deer. 24 hours the corpse remains in Yarange, and before him from there will be taken out, try his head several times, lifting it up, until they find it easy; In the meantime, the head is heavy, it seems to them that the deadman forgot something on earth and does not want to leave her why they put something from food, needles and the like. The corpse, they endure not through the door, and next to her, raising the edge of Yarangi. When removing the dead man, one goes and pours out the remaining fat from the lamp, which was burning 24 hours at the corpse, as well as the paint from the bark of alder.

For burning, the corpse is taking off for a few miles from the yarangi to the elevation, before burning, open it in such a way that the insides fall out. This is done to facilitate burning.

In memory of the dead, look at the place where the corpse was burned, in the form of oval stones, which should remind the figure of a person, in the headboard and the legs are put on a larger stone, of which the upper lies south and should depict her head. [...] deer, where they drove the dead man, immediately chant the place, eat their meat, deceive the head stone from the bottom of the bone marrow or fat and leave the horns in the same heap. Every year, Chukchi remembers their dead; If Chukchi stand at this time nearby, then they challenge deer at this place, and if they go far every year on this place from five to ten nart of relatives and acquaintances, the bone marrow will get into the fire, and they say: "Eat it" They treat themselves, smoke tobacco and put peeled horns on a bunch.

Chukchi grieve about their deceased children. In our Yange, a girl died shortly before our arrival; Mother mourned her every morning before Yarang, and the singing was replaced by howling. [...]

To add something else about these natives, let's say that Chukchi is more often of average growth, but not so rarely meet Chukchi, the growth of which reaches six feet; They are slim, strong, hardy and wait to deep old age. Seceded in this regard little inferior deer. Harsh climate, brutal frosts, which they are constantly exposed, their part of the raw, part of a slightly sized food that is almost always abundant, and exercise, from which they do not shy almost no one evening, while the weather allows them, their few classes Give them the advantage of strength, health and endurance. Among them will not meet a fatty belly, like Yakuts. [...]

These men brave when they are withstanding the mass, are less afraid of death than cowardice. [...] In general, Chukchi is free, engage in exchange, without thinking about politeness; If they do not like anything or the proposed in exchange seems too insignificant, they can easily spit on it. In theft, they reached a large dexterity, especially settled. Be forced to live among them is a real patience school. [...]

Chukchi seems kind and helpful and demand instead all that see and want; They do not know what is called pork; They send their need in their fires, and what is the most unpleasant at the same time - they force alien and often, often even with the impetus, merge the urine into the cup; They put on their teeth to rod with their wives - men from pants, and women out of hair.

A little more about Chukotka beauties. Women of deer chukchi chaste the habit; Women are settled represent them in this complete opposite, however, nature has provided the latter more beautiful features. Both those and others are not very shameful, although they do not understand this. In conclusion, adding about the koreas. These natives are unsightly, small and even on their faces, their secret goats are displayed; Every gift they forget immediately upon receipt - they insult death, like Chukcham, and in general it seems more peculiar asia. It is always necessary to be conformed with their mood, so as not to make them enemies; orders and cruelty from them will not get anything; If they are sometimes punished with beatings, they will not hear either screams or requests. Deer koryaks consider hit worse death; To deprive yourself of life for them is like going to sleep. [...] these natives cowards; They not only left for the arbitrariness of the fate of the Cossacks of local stors who fell into trouble, when the last few times were forced to speak due to koryakov against Chukchi, but even in cases where the Cossacks had to flee them with them, the Koryaki cut off her fingers, So that the Cossacks could not hold on Narts. According to written evidence, in general the Koryaki killed much more Cossacks sleeping than Chukchi in the afternoon their arrows and spears.

However, there is no reason for their behavior that the Cossacks of these remote areas consider them more as slaves created for them than as subjects standing under the scepter of the greatest monarchy, and appropriately turn them. Thoughtful chiefs would have to impede it if they did not think easier to satisfy their own interests.

Their women seem to have no hair. The pollution of clothing should seem to serve the guarantee of their chastity for jealous husbands, although their face that rarely claim at least a shadow of charms, never smiles at a look at the alien.

K. G. Merk Translation from German Z. Titov

The manuscript of K. G. Merka, dedicated to Chukcham, was acquired in 1887 by the Imperial Public Library and still kept in her handwritten department. These notes on the campaign through the Chukchi Peninsula (from the lip of St. Lawrence to the lower-Kolyma Ostrogen) are a description of the edge and ethnography of the inhabiting nations.

The manuscript of K. G. Merka, dedicated to Chukcham, was acquired in 1887 by the Imperial Public Library and still kept in her handwritten department. These notes on the campaign through the Chukchi Peninsula (from the lip of St. Lawrence to the lower-Kolyma Ostrogen) are a description of the edge and ethnography of the inhabiting nations.

We bring to your attention only separate excerpts from the manuscript of the researcher.

Chukchi is divided into deer and settled. The deer all summer to the very autumn lives in several families together, near the cousin of the settled, and herd to the pastures are closer to the seashore for several days of the path from their temporary settlements. [...] Those of the deer Chukchi, which will settle around the settled, eat all summer only by the meat of marine animals, which thus saving their herds. Chukchi spare for the winter meat and fat (burst) of marine animals, as well as their skin, whale sets and more, in what they need. [... [ [...]

In the language of saddled Chukchi also differ from the deer. The last language is close to Koryaksky and only slightly different from it. Smeadded Chukchi although they understand Koryak, but they have their own, divided into four adverbs and completely different from Koryaksky. [...]

As for God, they believe that the deity lives in the sky, which was previously on earth, the latter they bring sacrifices in order for it to keep earth devils from causing people harm. But they, in addition, bring sacrifices with the same purpose and the devils themselves. However, their religious concepts are very incomplete. You can quickly get a mistake, asking Chukchi about it, than watching your own eyes for their lives. However, it can be argued that they are more afraid of devils than they trust some of the highest creature. [...]

As for sacrifices, deer chukchi sacrifice deer, and sedentary dogs. When heolding, they take blood from the wound and thrown towards the sun. I often met such sacrificial dogs on the seaside of the sea, lying heads to water, with a skin left only on my head and legs. This is the gift of the sedentary Chukchi Sea for the sake of his peace and getting a happy swimming. [...]

Their shamans shamans by night, sitting in their deer yurts in the dark and without special clothes. These actions should be considered as a winter pastime in the leisure hours, which, by the way, are indulging in and some women. However, not everyone knows how to shaman, but only some of the deer Chukchi and a slightly more than sideways. In this art, they are distinguished by the fact that they can answer during their actions or force them to answer others altered or someone else's deep voice than they deceive those present, portraying, as if the devils their own mouths answered their questions. In case of illness or other circumstances, when they are treated, shamans may so direct imaginary predictions of the spirits that the latter always require one of the best deer herd, which becomes their property with skin and meat. The head of such a deer is set off. It happens that some of the shamans begging in a circle in a trance, hitting in the tambourine, and then to show their skill, caress their tongue or give a prick of themselves into the body without sparing their blood. [...] Solden Chukchi, I met with a fact, according to them, not so rare that a man-shaman, completely changing into women's clothing, lived with a man as a good owner.

Their dwellings are called Yarangi. When Chukchi in the summer and winter remains longer in one place, then the yarangi have a larger volume and corresponding to the number of polls that fit in them, which depends on the number of relatives living together. During the swinging, Chukchi share Yaranga into a few smaller parts, so that it is easier to install it. [...] For its warm polls, Chukchi use six or eight, and adhere to 15 deer skins. Powes are an uneven quadrilateral. For the entrance, lifting the front and catch in a canopy. Inside, you can stand on your knees or bent, why it is only sitting or lying. [...] It is impossible to deny that even in simple canopies, with the biggest cold, you can sit bare, warming up the heat of the lamp and from the evaporation of people. [...]

In contrast to the Yarangham of deorded Chukchi, Yarangi sideways are covered with fasteners. Warm half of the settled Chukchi is bad, and there are always insects in them, as Chukchi cannot often update the colors, and sometimes forced to use and already abandoned.

Chukchi men wear short hair. They wet them urine and cut the knife, as in order to free themselves from lice and so that the hair does not interfere with the fight.

As for men's clothing, it fits tightly to the body and warm. Chukchi update it mostly by winter. [...] Chukchi usually wear pants from sealing skins, less often from the treated skin, with smooth pants, mostly from the skins of young deer. They also carry pants stitched from pieces of skin with wolf paws, on which even claws remain. Chukotka short stockings are made of sealing skins and chukchi wear their hair inside, not yet cold. In winter, they wear stockings from a long-haired Camus. In the summer there are short boots from seals with hair with hair inside, and against dampness - from deer skins. In winter, the most part of short boots from the cameras are worn. [...] As a rake in Chukchi boots, dry soft grass is used, as well as chips from a whale oce; Without such shell, no heat boots give. Chukchi wear two fur coats, the bottom remains from them for the whole winter. [...] Chukchi's head often leave uncovered all summer, autumn and spring, if only allows the weather. If they want to cover their heads, they wear a bandage descending on the forehead with a flip of wolf fur. Also protect Chukchi's head with Malahi. [...] On top of Malachi wear, especially in winter, a hood, which is rounded on top of the shoulders. They wear them, however, younger and wealthy men to give themselves a more beautiful view. [...] still carry some chukchi on their heads instead of Malahayev sprouting from the wolf head with a face, ears and eyeballs.

During rainy weather and cheese fog, which is most of the summer, Chukchi dress over their clothes raincoats with hoods. These raincoats are cross-shrinkled by fetrainous pieces of thin skin from whale intestines and have a pre-fold bag. [...] In winter, Chukchi's clothes are forced to dig every evening with a beaker carved from horns before entering the yurt to clean it from snow. The beater they carry with them in narts. In his fitting and well-closing all parts of the body, Chukchi's clothing is not afraid of any cold, although because of their most severe frosts, especially with the wind, they frow themselves face. [...]

Classes of men from deer chukchi are very limited: watching her herd, guard animals at night and day, drive during the flock of herd after the train, separating the hardened deer, catch the latter from the circle, harbor deer, drive the deer in the coasta, smoking tobacco, breed a weak fire , choose a comfortable place to die. [...]

Annual deer, whom Chukchi are intended for a harness, they castrate with various pretty primitive ways. When slaughtering Sunks in the fall in females, three or four days there are some milk. Chukchi milk brought us in the tiedan. They milking females by sucking, since another milking method do not know, and this method reduces the taste of milk. [...]

Also teach Chukchi of their driving deer to the urine, like the koryaks. Drink This deer loves themselves, give them to embarrass them and they are involved to recognize their owner by voting. They say, if you warm the deer urine to moderately, they are becoming rushing on withdrawals and less tired, why Chukchi brings with them a large pelvis from the skin to urinate it. In the summer, the deer urine will not sing, as they have no hunting to her. In winter, deer so much want to drink urine that they should be kept from her consumption in large numbers at a time when women pour or exhibit vessels with urine early in the morning of their Yarang. I saw two overly dried deer in such a intoxication that one of them was similar to the dead, .. And the second who swelled a lot and could not stand on his legs, Chukchi dragged first to the fire so that the smoke would give him nostrils, then tied him Belts, buried to the head in the snow, scratched his nose to the blood, but since all this did not help anything, they scaldred it.

Chukchi flock deer is not so numerous as Koryakov. [...] Koryaki also know how to better hunt wild deer and elk. As for arrows and onions, they always do not have, but they do not possess dexterity, as they almost never exercise in this, but they will be satisfied with how it comes out. [...]

Seeded Chukchi classes are mainly hunting for marine animals. At the end of September, Chukchi go hunting for walrus. They kill them so much that even white bears are not able to devour them all over the winter. [...] On the walrus of Chukchi go together for several people, they run on them with a cry, thrown with the casting harpoon, while others are pulling for a five-chipped strap attached to harpoon. If a crangy animal can manage to go under the water, Chukchi oversleep it and finish in breasts with iron spears. [...] If Chukchi challenges the animal on the water or if the wounded animal rushes into the water and there she is about it, they take only its meat, and the skeleton remains most of the fangs and immersed in the input. Meanwhile, it would be possible to pull the skeleton with fangs and exchanged on tobacco if Chukchi did not spoil this work. [...]

They hunt the bears with spears and argue that the polar bears, followed by water, it is easier to score than brown, which are significantly twisted. [...]

About their military campaigns. Raise their chukchi is guided mainly against the Koryakov, with which they cannot forget the hostility, and in previous times they opposed Yukagirov, which with their help were almost destroyed. The goal of them is a deer robbery. Attacks on the tunes of the enemy are always starting at dawn. Some rushes by arcanes on Yarangi and try to destroy them, pulling the racks, others at this time are touched by the spears of tall tunnel, and the third, driving up quickly on their light narts to the herd, divide it into parts and hijaculate. [...] For the same purpose, that is, robbery, a sedentary Chukchi moves on their Baidars to America, attack the overhead, kill men and take women and children as prisoners; As a result of the attack on Americans, they receive partly and the fur that they exchange among the Russians. Thanks to the sale of American women, deer chukchm and other trade transactions, sedentary chukchi turn into deer and can sometimes wagate together with deer, although from the last side never enjoy respect.

They are also found in Chukchi koryaki and single yukagira as workers. Chukchi marry them on their poor women; And settled and often take the wives of prisoners. [...]

Woman's hair is braided on the sides in two braids, which they mostly bind to the ends in the back. As for their tattoos, they tattoo women with iron, part of three-man needles. The elongated slices of iron are pierced over the lamp and give the shape of the needle, lowering the edges in a dilated and mixed with a fat moss from the lamps, then into the wipe with urine graphite. Graphite, which Chukchi rubbing the threads from lived at a tattoo, they are in abundance of slices and on the river near their puzhta camp. Tattooed needle with painted thread, as a result of which the black remains under the skin. Several swollen scenes are smeared with fat.

Even before ten years, they tattoo girls first in two lines - along the forehead and nose, then a tattoo on the chin, then - on the cheeks, and when the girls marry (or about 17 years old), tattooing outside the forearm to the neck with various linear figures. Less often denote the tattoo in women on the blades or on the pubis. [...]

Women's clothing fit the body, falls below the knees, where it is tied, forming as pants. Put it on her head. She does not narrow the sleeves, but remain free. They, like a neckline, are cut off with a dog fur. This clothing is dual. [...] On top of the mentioned clothing wearing chukchi wide fur shirt with a hood, reaching the knees. They put it on holidays, when traveling to visit, as well as during the swinging. They put on her hair inside, and more prosperous worn still and the second - wool outward. [...]

Women's classes: Caring for edible supplies, processing skins, sewing clothes.

Their food is from deer, which they challenge in late autumn, while these animals are still fat. Chukchi retain meat deer pieces about the reserve. While they live in one place, they smoke meat over the smoke in their touches, eat meat and ice cream, breaking it into small pieces on the stone stone hammer. [...] bone marrow fresh and frozen, fat and language consider them the most delicious. Chukchi also use the contents of the stomach deer and its blood. [...] Chukchi is used from the vegetation of Chukchi, which there are two types here. [...] In the event of the other species, they cross the roots of the roots, less often by the bark of the stems. They eat a bark with blood, whale fat and wild animal meat. Boiled IV leaves retain in sealer bags and eat in winter with lard. [...] For digging of different roots, women enjoy a moth of a walrus or a piece of deer horns. Also collect Chukchi sea cabbage, which is eaten with sour lard, blood and contents of the stomach deer in the boiled form.

Marriage in Chukchi. If the woven received the consent of the parents, he sleeps with his daughter in the same color; If he manages to take possession of her, thereby marriage is concluded. If the girl has no location to him, then she invites several of his girlfriends for this night, which are struggling with the guest of women's weapons - with their hands and legs.

The koryachka sometimes makes his boyfriend suffer for a long time. The groom for several years is in vain trying to achieve its goal, although it remains in Yange, pulls the firewood, worshis the herd and does not refuse any work, and others, to experience the groom, tease him, even beat that he is patiently tolerating Women's weakness does not reward him.

Sometimes Chukchi admit sexual relations between children who grow by parents or relatives for further marriage.

Chukchi seems to do not take more than four wives, more often two or three, and less wealthy are satisfied with one. If a wife dies, then the husband takes her sister. The younger brothers are married to the widows of the elders, but to take the oldest widow of the youngest - contradicts their customs. Cucci's fruitless wife soon drive out without any claims from her relatives, and often you meet young more women who have already come to the fourth husband. [...]

With childbirth, Chukotka women do not have any help, and they say, often in the same way. During menstruation, women are unclean; Men refrain from communicating with them, believing that from this turns in the back.

Wife Exchange. If the husbands conspire their friendship in this way, then the consent of wives who do not refuse them in their request. When both sides arranged in this way, the men are sleeping, without seeking, there is a mixture with other people's wives, if they closely live apart from each other, or when they come to visit each other. Share Chukchi's wives with one or two, however, examples occur when they receive such relationships simultaneously with ten, as their wives seem to do not consider such an exchange undesirable. But women, especially the deer Chukchi, are less likely to be prone to treason. They usually do not tolerate other people's jokes on this matter, they take everything seriously and spit in the face or give free hand.

Koryaki do not know such sharing wives; They are jealous and betrayed with her husband once every death, now - only exile.

Children Chukchi, with such custom, obey other people's fathers. As for the mutual drinking of urine when exchanging wives, then this is a fiction, the reason to which the face was washing and the urine. During scanty autumnalists, such a guest often came to our hostess, and her husband then went to his latter's wife or slept in another halfway. Both of them are little ceremony, and if they wanted to satisfy their passions, they were removed from the edge.

Smeted Chukchi also change among themselves wives, but deer do not change their wives with saddled, also deer do not marry the daughters of the settled, considering them unworthy. The deer wives would never agree to exchange with saddled. However, this does not prevent the deer chukchi to sleep with the wives of the sideways, to which their own wives do not look at Square, but deer chukchi are not allowed to do the same thing. There are still sedentary Chukchi from their wives to alien, but this is not the proof of their friendship to them and not from the desire to receive offspring from alien. This is done from the koresti: the husband gets a pack of tobacco, his wife's thread bus on the neck, a few beads on his hand, and if they want to lose, then also earrings, and then the deal is concluded. [...]

If Chukchi's men feel the approach of death, they often told themselves to stare - a friend's duty; Like the brothers and sons are not upset by his death, rather rejoice that he found enough courage to not expect women's death, as they are expressed, but managed to escape from the torvis torment.

Culp chukchi dress in clothes from white or spotted furs of deer. 24 hours the corpse remains in Yarange, and before him from there will be taken out, try his head several times, lifting it up, until they find it easy; In the meantime, the head is heavy, it seems to them that the deadman forgot something on earth and does not want to leave her why they put something from food, needles and the like. The corpse, they endure not through the door, and next to her, raising the edge of Yarangi. When removing the dead man, one goes and pours out the remaining fat from the lamp, which was burning 24 hours at the corpse, as well as the paint from the bark of alder.

For burning, the corpse is taking off for a few miles from the yarangi to the elevation, before burning, open it in such a way that the insides fall out. This is done to facilitate burning.

In memory of the dead, look at the place where the corpse was burned, in the form of oval stones, which should remind the figure of a person, in the headboard and the legs are put on a larger stone, of which the upper lies south and should depict her head. [...] deer, where they drove the dead man, immediately chant the place, eat their meat, deceive the head stone from the bottom of the bone marrow or fat and leave the horns in the same heap. Every year, Chukchi remembers their dead; If Chukchi stand at this time nearby, then they challenge deer at this place, and if they go far every year on this place from five to ten nart of relatives and acquaintances, the bone marrow will get into the fire, and they say: "Eat it" They treat themselves, smoke tobacco and put peeled horns on a bunch.

Chukchi grieve about their deceased children. In our Yange, a girl died shortly before our arrival; Mother mourned her every morning before Yarang, and the singing was replaced by howling. [...]

To add something else about these natives, let's say that Chukchi is more often of average growth, but not so rarely meet Chukchi, the growth of which reaches six feet; They are slim, strong, hardy and wait to deep old age. Seceded in this regard little inferior deer. Harsh climate, brutal frosts, which they are constantly exposed, their part of the raw, part of a slightly sized food that is almost always abundant, and exercise, from which they do not shy almost no one evening, while the weather allows them, their few classes Give them the advantage of strength, health and endurance. Among them will not meet a fatty belly, like Yakuts. [...]

These men brave when they are withstanding the mass, are less afraid of death than cowardice. [...] In general, Chukchi is free, engage in exchange, without thinking about politeness; If they do not like anything or the proposed in exchange seems too insignificant, they can easily spit on it. In theft, they reached a large dexterity, especially settled. Be forced to live among them is a real patience school. [...]

Chukchi seems kind and helpful and demand instead all that see and want; They do not know what is called pork; They send their need in their fires, and what is the most unpleasant at the same time - they force alien and often, often even with the impetus, merge the urine into the cup; They put on their teeth to rod with their wives - men from pants, and women out of hair.

A little more about Chukotka beauties. Women of deer chukchi chaste the habit; Women are settled represent them in this complete opposite, however, nature has provided the latter more beautiful features. Both those and others are not very shameful, although they do not understand this. In conclusion, adding about the koreas. These natives are unsightly, small and even on their faces, their secret goats are displayed; Every gift they forget immediately upon receipt - they insult death, like Chukcham, and in general it seems more peculiar asia. It is always necessary to be conformed with their mood, so as not to make them enemies; orders and cruelty from them will not get anything; If they are sometimes punished with beatings, they will not hear either screams or requests. Deer koryaks consider hit worse death; To deprive yourself of life for them is like going to sleep. [...] these natives cowards; They not only left for the arbitrariness of the fate of the Cossacks of local stors who fell into trouble, when the last few times were forced to speak due to koryakov against Chukchi, but even in cases where the Cossacks had to flee them with them, the Koryaki cut off her fingers, So that the Cossacks could not hold on Narts. According to written evidence, in general the Koryaki killed much more Cossacks sleeping than Chukchi in the afternoon their arrows and spears.

However, there is no reason for their behavior that the Cossacks of these remote areas consider them more as slaves created for them than as subjects standing under the scepter of the greatest monarchy, and appropriately turn them. Thoughtful chiefs would have to impede it if they did not think easier to satisfy their own interests.

Their women seem to have no hair. The pollution of clothing should seem to serve the guarantee of their chastity for jealous husbands, although their face that rarely claim at least a shadow of charms, never smiles at a look at the alien.

K. G. Merk Translation from German Z. Titov