What ended the walnia of the main character fascinated. Checking on N.S. Tale

What ended the walnia of the main character fascinated. Checking on N.S. Tale

About war now many will learn from books, films. There are less and less people who survived those terrible years that everyone knows everything. Reading the stories of Vasil Bykov, I recalled those people whom I also did not regret the war and remember in our family. This is my grandfather and great-grandfather.

In 1943, my grandfather, Vasilichuk Viktor Mikhailovich, was 8 years old when his Germans were hijacked from the Kherson region of Ukraine in Romania. There they passed a number of concentration camps, after which they fell into "Auschwitz" - the concentration camp of the Third Reich. He was divided into his mother. The grandfather was lucky that he was not sent to the gas chamber just because he had a sports physique and blue eyes. Such boys were selected for scientific experiences. They introduced some drugs, let's give something to drink, constantly took blood. It was cold, dirty, I wanted to eat. Naughty traveled dogs. Grandfather remembered the moment when they were freed by allies. It becomes terribly about when you understand that grandfather was younger than me. Probably, he could still tell us a lot, but they affected those terrible years, and Grandfather died in 66 years.

My great-grandfather, Poet Valentin Tavlai (08. 02. 1914-27, was born in Brestovichi Brest region (08. 02. 1914-27. 04. 1947), a short, but bright biography: a representative of the Komsomol and Communist underground, the liberation revolutionary movement in Western Belarus. From September 1939 to June 22, 1941 he worked as a correspondent of the district newspaper of Lida. During the Great Patriotic War, he was an intelligence, a connected partisan detachment named after the Kotovsky Brigade named after the Dzerzhinsky Baranovichi region, the sewer of a special group "Petrel". In 1943, the Nazis arrested Valentine Tavila along with parents and sisters, which was also in the underground group. His parents died in the concentration camp of Auschwitz, and the great-grandfather and sister were redeemed from the prison by the residents of Lida. After the war, Valentin Tavlai worked in the district newspaper "Star", and then in Minsk, in the Literary Museum Yankee Kupala. Valentin Tavlai is the author of the wonderful penetrated by Paphos of the revolutionary struggle of the poems, many of which were written in the prisons of Bourgeois Poland. Now in Belarus, Lida in the house where he lived is the historical and art museum, which deployed a literary exhibition. In one of the rooms there is a Cabinet of my great-grandfather. In the city of Baranovichi, the central library is named Valentina Tavila. A documentary was created about the Belarusian Revolutionary Poet Valentina Tavlae. It tells him that the school of underground struggle, the partisan movement became the school of his life. Neither a fascist prison nor lived life broke it.

When the war began, Belarus first accepted the strike of the fascists. I was struck by the courage, fearlessness and persistence of my relatives, about whose life is known not only in our family. For me, the choice of a writer for my work was obvious. Vasily Bykov is one of the domestic writers, who for many years of creativity remained faithful to the topic of war. He is not only a Belarusian writer, but also a person directly connected with Saratov.

Vasil Bulls (1924-2003), Belarusian Prose, was born on June 19, 1924 in the village of Chenovshchyna Vitebsk region. (Belarus) in the peasant family. At the end of the rural school, he entered the Vitebsk Art School. The study was interrupted by the Great Patriotic War. In 1941 At 17, the bulls left a volunteer to the front. In 1942, he was called up to the operating army, got into the engineering battalion, which built defense fortifications, participated in the battles on the south-western front, was then sent to the infantry school in Saratov. After graduating from the school, fought in the post of commander of the Rowing platoon, the platoon of automatic gunners and the platoon of anti-tank artillery in Ukraine, in Romania, Hungary, Austria to Victory. Twice was injured. After the war for another 10 years remained a personnel officer. Returning after demobilization in Grodno, the bulls are given to literary creativity. One after another is published by his story. The war had a decisive influence on the formation of the personality of Bykov and became the central theme of his work. The action of many rates of Bykov is associated with the life of people during the fascist occupation - in partisan detachments and Belarusian villages. The stories of the lead ages are usually some small military episode. The moral problem serves as a key that opens the door to the work. Especially interested in Bykov such situations in which a person should be guided by a non-direct order, but by its moral principle.

Years, V. Bykov again "returned to the war" to see her, as before - in the emphasis: around himself and in his heroes. To hear the hard breath of a person running nearby upside down in an attack. To be bowed over a young lieutenant, dying alone in the middle of a naked field, to see the stars in the sky from the bottom of the tag, he chose to remain in the war in the name of those who have no long ago, but who continues to live in the memory of the soldier, in the memory of the people. After all, books about war is also a monument to the dead soldiers.

So, the main theme of creativity V. Bykov is a person's life in war. So who are they, the characters of the stories? And did they all make expires?

The war had a decisive influence on the formation of the personality of V. Bykov and became the central theme of his creativity.

He expressed his opinion on this matter in the article "Living Generation Memory." In it, he wrote: "The forties gave our literature a number of wonderful images of heroes. We are accustomed to many years to the courageous invalid ordinary V. Terkina, to the system of Meresyev's fighters, to courageous intelligence officers. However, "the truth about the war, not all was expressed about the feat of the people." This incomplete could somehow understand, justify. Writers "walked around the hottest deaths of events" did not have the time nor opportunities for understanding all the manifestations of war, but agree, to reconcile with her - would mean to change their experience, memory, conscience for Bykov. Everything has changed when they returned from the war and obtained the formation of its ordinary participants. Among them was Vasily Bykov, the future writer.

There are few spectacular historical events in the works of Bykov, but he managed to transfer the feelings of the ordinary soldier in a big war with a stunning depth. This hero did not contain anything that he would separate him from others, would indicate its superiority. He was aware of himself a particle of defending people. The war posed the greatest burden, a common misfortune and misfortune, a terrible blow to the whole normal and human, and this blow had to be reflected. But it is very difficult to do it, and therefore in the posts of Bykov, the burden of war. And the more expensive the hero put forward by this prose - a person who does not remove the shoulder from under the general Neshi, not turning away from the truth, a person standing to the end.

1. The tragic fate of heroes in the first year of war.

In the story "Crane Creek" Six soldiers at the railway crossing should keep defense within 24 hours, providing a battalion waste. They entered the unequal battle, not seeking salvation for themselves. The first noted German motorcyclists Fisher, he felt: "It's time when the whole meaning of his life is determined." He wanted a foreman to change his opinion about him. Obviously, this night "not a wisdom of the mercy of soldier's advantages belonging to the elder, to some extent became a life reference for Fisher." His shots warned the German Karpenko and the rest, and he had the right to take care of himself. But Fisher did not know that it was completely decent and honest to escape or shroud in his position. He was presented with a strictly scoopedy face of the foreman, he almost reopened a scornful shock: "Eh you, stretching! "And then the whole world for him was limited to an urinary look of the harsh elder and this chain of motorcycles. And he waited for the front, shot, got, and immediately the turn from the machine smashed his head.

The motive is really undisposed: an intellectual, a short-sighted scribe, is afraid of reproaches in non-historical and cowardice more than a deadly danger, he wants to meet the standards of the foreman, that is, the total rate of debt, the risk. He wants to be closed with others, otherwise he is ashamed.

After Fisher, in the midst of the battle on the crossing digest Karpenko and whistle. Carpenko not very worried about himself: he will do everything that it takes it. This is a reliable servant that is not spoiled. His action in battle is predetermined. And the death of the whistles came due to unequal martial arts with German tank: he threw one at another grenade under the caterpillars, but did not have time to run off.

The story ends when Vasily Glechik, the most young of six, is still alive, but, apparently, is doomed. The idea to leave a position, to escape, was unacceptable for him. It is impossible to break the order of the Kombat, it needs to be performed by at any cost, and, of course, the oath and debt to the homeland.

The writer gave to feel like bitterly when such a clean and young, believing in good life breaks. The Gleychik came to the strange sad sounds. He saw behind the disappearing packs he flew behind, visible, a baked crane; Desperate bird scream with unrestrained melancholy twisted the heart of a young man. This crane cry is full of sadness and the courage of the Song of Farewells by sleeping and Conscious Cleanch, who announced a deadly danger, and this boy has shocked for himself: he will soon have to die and cannot be changed. He grabbed the only grenade and took his last position. Without an order. Good knowing that this is the end. Not wanting to die and, without knowing how to survive at any cost. It was a heroic position.

Heroes of the story "Crane Creek" with all the variety of their characters similar in the main thing. They fight to the end, their blood, by providing organized waste of the battalion. Through their tragic fate, the tragedy of the first military years is very convincingly, and the courage of soldiers, who ultimately provided our victory in the external manifestations, is realistically revealed.

2. The ratio of heroes to war, people, Fatherland.

In the story, the "third rocket" actions occur much later, already at the final stage of the war, when her fiery shaft rose to Romania and Hungary. But in this story, the characters are all the same ordinary people of labor, whom the time forced to leave the usual and very natural peaceful classes for them and take up the weapons. That, for example, commander of the gun senior sergeant yellow. "Ordinary collective farm uncle," as they say about him in a story, he fights with a clear understanding of what needs to fulfill his military debt. But most of all he dreams that this war will be the latter to be for children to know such a lich, which took from yellow and father (died at the First World War), and grandfather (killed during the Russian-Japanese War), and later, under Chalchin -Holo, and brother crushed.

The traits of usselves are clearly visible in the slotie, which, looking into the soul, already firmly deciding "fighting with all his might," thinks: "I am not a hero, I am very ordinary, and gives me, even a feasible guy," and in a careful pulling gunners Popov, and in Krivenko, and in Lukyanov, characters with a complex military fate. Looking, "as a storm", "quiet, weak intellectual," he is some kind of broken, offended - this is all about the sick malaria Lukyanov, the former lieutenant, who was demolished for cowardice in ordinary. But he understood that, "without defeating the coward, not to defeat the enemy." And this understanding, and the victory over himself was given Lukyanov very not easy. He dies, with all its weaknesses, soldier. He gives his life in the fight against the enemy, paying the high price acquired, finally, the soldiers' courage.

It is always interesting for Bykov, what personal interest is moving by a person in war: it will sooner or later manifest. And then, whatever the words of the general purpose did not cover the person, it becomes clear who he is in fact and what his attitude towards war, people, Fatherland.

The Yellow War commander perceives, as the need to protect their homeland, he knows that many lives, distant and relatives depend on it, and they drive the strongest personal interest, which coincides with historical interest. And this, maybe explains, it is so natural and its heroism independently.

Lyoshka Zadoropnaya in the war sees only the front side: awards, ranks and does not understand the daily everyday heroism of the soldiers. At the decisive moment of the battle, he fades, letch, at all costs evade the general one to just keep his precious life.

The efforts of the yellow soldiers to keep his position - heroic efforts; In the front space, one gun holding its turn can be lost like a needle in a haystack. But the frontier is held by the price of five human lives. It can be said that these people seek to act a worthy way, but decent paths are the most dangerous: they are in a hurry to overlap death, in meaning it can be heroic, but the shrimp and greatness in it does not come. Now she was seen even closer, the eyes of the narrator of the slotan. He sees how he hits the blood of her throat and sprinkles him in his face, hesitating the back of the rubbish, - it dies yellow. Heroic ends and so; nothing can be changed; From this still unbearable pain per person. The abundance of the usual-heroic and ordinary-tragic, Bykov, once again reminds what war was, and from what infinitely small allegations of victories and the loss were the historical victory of the people.

3. Is the risk in war justified?

Bykov, the war will free up, exacerbates his best, good forces in man. The lowness loses its cover: sooner or later it will come for an hour when you have no one to hide, there is no one to put under the blow instead of yourself, and it can be seen what a person is actually.

Maslakov commander in the story "Krezhunsky Bridge" goes to the task together with the young partisan rainfall. The razor found a pretext to not participate in this matter. Of course, Maslakov could use the commander's power and to force the subordinate to go to the bridge, but the commander - from those who wore wear on their shoulders. Well, and razor is from another breed. He interprets that the risk of people in war is justified, but does everything so as not to get into the number of risking people, he prefers to risk others. He does not understand when people risk voluntarily. Therefore, condemns the Preobrazhensky, who surrenders the enemies to save the family, and Lyakhovich, who won't save their life to humiliation.

The wheel is disliked to treat the razor. But when he began to prepare for an explosion of the bridge, the young man thought about him respect: "He will go and take everyone, Mitu, too," but the ravor does not want to risk his life. He encourages the death of a teen Mitu, and he himself did not accept the transaction. It was then that the young partisan could not be restrained and he throws the accusation of the charge in the face of the village: "You are not a commander, and a crook!" In the razor, the razor hit the sheep with a butt, and he fired at the offender. Did not kill, but only wounded. In the interests of Razvin - hide this incident, but the stepper is ready to appear before the court so that each will be punished by justice.

The feeling of justice and humanity is triumphant in the world of Bykov over low-lying, mercenary, selfish, over fear for themselves "the only one", this is the celebration of inspired, a light beginning in man. No matter how humented the fate of the pusher, the light of life was not going out in him, and he defends justice and decency in man and in life.

4. Heroism and betrayal

Unfortunately, especially in the early years after the end of the Great Patriotic War, there are defined schemes in the image in the image of the nation's feat. In the works it was visible a clear division on "their" and "strangers", the scheme of the actions of people was determined by the orders of the commanders. Vasil Bulls One of the first raises the question of the self-determination of the hero. The story "live to dawn" allows you to better understand the representation of the writer about the heroism and the heroic person, the nature of heroism.

As you know, the orders of senior bosses are performed in war. And the responsibility for good luck or not the success of one or another operation is divided by half between its performer and the leader. And here is the case when the initiator of the operation speaks the performer himself is the junior officer, but the fact is that this initiative ends complete fiasco. Of course, Ivanovsky here, you can justify it, because he honestly performed his duty. But Ivanovsky himself cannot justify itself: after all, the operation demanded incredible efforts, the life of people, his subordinates was paid for it. In the death of Ivanovo, no one is to blame: He himself chose such a lot to himself, because he possessed high human morality, which did not allow him to smear in a large one, nor in small.

Heroic choice, according to V. Bykov, not exceptional; It is needed and natural, if a person appreciates something more than he himself. If his personal interest is wider than his own and his separate good, if there is something in the world, what he wants to save at any cost. This may be called in different ways: children, house, justice, good, love, humanity, but it is a live part of this human existence and cannot be given to violence.

The situation drawn by V. Bykov in the story to "live to dawn" is largely paradoxical. Usually in the "military literature" the evaluation of the heroes is closely related to the result of their actions as for Lieutenant Ivanovsky, here there is a break between the external and internal results of the action, it seems to be breaking. It seems that the lieutenant dies is useless. His campaign is unsuccessful, the task is not fulfilled, part of the group is lost, the life of the rest hangs on the hair. Finally, the lieutenant himself remains the rest of the fading forces to undermine with him a shattered newspaper. From a practical point of view, Ivanovsky seems to be negligible, despite the fact that it is extremely honest, to the last drop used his own capabilities.

But, just at this point is born a problem for which the writer took the pen. Who knows, he says, whether the common fate of war does not depend on whether the twenty-one-year-old platoon commander, Lieutenant Ivanovsky, will die on this road.

Starting from the moment Ivanovsky and brewers break up with other fighters that turned back to the front line, the narration becomes more and more detailed. First of all, the motives are important for the author, which is guided by the hero, the internal sources of its self-challenging, impaired resistance of circumstances - on this it is concentrated, it explores the most thorough way. Showing which unbearable physical suffering is Ivanovsky every step, every meter overcomed by the space and how it copes with it, so that, in the name of what?

Lieutenant could return, without fulfilling the tasks, he could, being wounded, to surrender to the enemy, could, finally, to undermine himself, without waiting for the wound and frost to take away the remains of life in his terrible torments. But in the face of death, he no longer thought of his misfortune, about his salvation, about his fate - he was tormented by what he did not have time to do anything, "angry despair took shape in the goal - the last goal in his life." Radious despair is a paradoxant at first glance deeply legitimately: despair from irrevocably leaving life, because he will die here, an observer, who has disliked, who has not fulfilled a combat challenge, but despair is not foul-relaxed, but an angry, prompting to revenge, decisive action . It is the anger forces him to live to dawn, until the movement will begin on the road, - and then make a "the last fee for the Motherland, in the name of his soldiers and civil debt."

Heroism is not synonymous with sacrifice. Bulls do not accidentally tend to create an image of non-meansic. The act of the hero of the story is explained by his spiritual resistance, which does not allow him to do otherwise.

The action of many rates of Bykov is associated with the life of people during the fascist occupation - in partisan detachments and Belarusian villages. Central for these works was the topic of betrayal. Bykov puts in one situation with the heroes of traitors.

In the story "Obelisk" writer writes about the resident of the Belarusian village. "I do not remember his names, but the villages called Cain in the villages. And really there was Cain, many misfortunes brought people. " In peacetime, there was an ordinary guy, "And the Germans came - a man was reborn. That's what the conditions mean. " Maybe before the war in Caine, there was something slowly no one, "and then I was flooded." Cain betrayed his villagers and served the Germans with diligence. Shot wounded commanders who hid in the forest, their villagers: women, children. He came up at home, arranged the clouds for the Jews. There are also their worse enemies.

In extraordinary circumstances, in the conditions of war, they are manifested, those traits and qualities of people who are invisible in ordinary, relatively normal conditions, and may not be needed at all.

Maybe these qualities were also invisible in the Wheat Soldier in the story "Crane Creek". But when he goes to a combat task together with his comrades, his character traits are fully manifested. Wheat hides food from comrades, and even when they find it, he does not become ashamed. What is it, greed? Wheat feels the approach of the Germans, starts panicing. Our soldiers are just six, they do not stand. Wheat weighed everything "for" and "against", but now, hitting this mousetrap, finally decided. "Its shirt closer to the body," he argued, "and life for a person is most expensive, and you can save it, only throwing weapons and surrendered to capture." What is it, cowardice? I think that both greed and cowardice led wheat to betrayal.

It is the choice of own destiny, the choice between heroism and betrayacy becomes the main theme of the story V. Bykov.

I want to note that the bulls are generally far from the schematic image of the actions of traitors. The problem of choice arises always, if it comes to the need to preserve the loyalty to its moral principles in a situation where it is easier to renounce them.

The writer is important to show the path of moral torment, which is awaiting a person, in fact, the dead ever when he allowed a betrayal. It was him, alive, all his life will be paid for his act, and this may be more interested in death - this conclusion brings us the bulls.

5. Moral selection of Heroes V. Bykov.

The center of each story turned out to be a moral problem that Vasil Bulls "dissolved" in a tense military episode - as a rule, not too long in time. He has repeatedly spoke and wrote that he was interested in those situations that enable the most complete disclosure of characters, allow us to make a visible human essence at the moment of its most striking manifestation. Most often, the spiritual compuses of the heroes ended with death, as in the "Alpine Ballad" and "Obelisk" posts.

Hero of the story "Alpine Ballad", Russian prisoners of war Ivan, ran along with the Italian girl from hell concentration camp. Drinkable by dogs, in the rain, they fled to the mountains. From weakness turned legs. Explaced from fatigue, Ivan carried Julia in his arms. Why did he help her? One he could faster away from the chase. When they were caught trap, they drove into the edge of the abyss, Ivan made Julia jumped with a cliff, covering the girl from the fascists. He died, saving Italian Julia, with which the fate brought him just a few days. Did Ivan want to live?

Hegel wrote: "When a person makes one or another moral act, then it is not yet virtuous; It is virtue only if this way of behavior is a permanent line of its character. " In the story "Alpine Ballad" Vasil Bulls shows the moral selection of the hero. Even in war, people do not change their life principles, and give their lives in the name of the other.

The story "Obelisk" I was interested in the fact that the heroes are a school teacher and schoolchildren who also have to do their choice.

"This is a little higher than human growth Obelisk for any ten years that I remembered him, several times changed my painting: there was a snow-white, bleached before the holidays with a lime, then green, under the color of soldier uniforms; Once travel on this highway, I saw it brilliantly silver, like a wing of a jet liner. Now he was gray, and, perhaps, of all other colors this most matched his appearance. " It was Vasil Bulls wrote about Obelisk, which included five names of adolescents who died during the war, and after years and years another name appeared - their teachers Alesya Ivanovich Claus.

The whole world knows about the feat of the Polish teacher of Janusha Korchak, who accepted death in the gas chamber along with his pupils, but not left children despite the proposal of the fascist officer. And how many teachers took death, remaining unknown to the world?

Perhaps someone asks: Actually, was the feat? After all, the Moroz teacher for war did not kill any fascist. In addition, he worked at the invaders, taught, as before the war, guys at school. The injustice of this doubt is obvious. After all, the teacher appeared to the Nazis, when they arrested his five students and demanded the arrival of him, frost. This is the feat. True, the author itself does not give an unequivocal answer to this question. He simply introduces two polemical positions: xends and testicular.

- What did he do? Killed at least one German? - asks Xendzov.

- He did more than if he killed a hundred. He laid life on the fell. Himself. Voluntarily. Do you understand what an argument is? And in whose favor. "

Xendzes are just convinced that the feat was not that the Moroz teacher is not a hero and, it means, in vain, his student Pavel Micklyshevich, miraculously saved in those days of arrests and executions, almost the rest of his life spent the fact that the name of the frost was captured by Obelisk over the names of the five dead students.

The dispute of the Ksendzov and the former Partisan Commissioner of the Tkachuk broke out on the day of Miklashevich's funeral, who, like frost, was committed to the rural school and had already proved his loyalty to the memory of Ales Ivanovich.

In such as xengs, there are enough reasonable arguments against the frost: after all, he himself turns out to go to the German compendension and achieved to open school. But Commissar Tkachuk knows more: he penetrated into the moral side of the proceedings. "We will not teach - they will be folled" - this is the principle that is clear to the teacher who is understandable and the weaves sent from the partisan detachment to listen to the explanations of the frost. Both of them knew the truth: the struggle for the soul of adolescents continues and during the occupation.

The struggle of this Moroz's teacher led until the very last time. Undoubtedly, he understood that the promise of the fascists to free the guys who had a sabotage on the road, if their teacher appears, - lie, Phariseism. But he did not doubt that if he did not appear, the enemies of the raises use this fact against him, discredit everything that he taught children.

And he went to the right death. He knew that he was executed - and his and guys. And this was the moral strength of his feat that Pavlik Mickshevichevich, the only surviving from these guys, carried the ideas of his teacher through all the vital tests. Having become a teacher, he handed over the Morozovskaya "Zakvask" to his students. Tkachuk, having learned that one of them, Vitka, helped catch a recently a gangster, noticedly noticed: "I also knew. Miklashevich knew how to teach. Another starter, immediately see. "

In the story, therefore, the paths of three generations are outlined: Frost, Miklashevich, Vitaki. Each of them adequately makes his heroic path, not always clearly visible, not always recognized by everyone.

The writer makes you think about the meaning of the feat, unlike the usual, helps to be in the moral origins of the heroic act. Before the frost, when he walked from the partisan detachment to the fascist commandant, in front of Micklayshevich, when he sought the rehabilitation of his teacher, before Vitakka, when he rushed to defend the girl, was the possibility of choice. Did this or not do this? The possibility of formal excuses did not suit them. Each of them acted, guided by the court of his own conscience. Such a person, like Xendzov, would most likely prefer to eliminate; There are also fans to pour and talk that are not capable of self-sacrifice, not ready to create good for others.

The dispute, which is conducted in the story "Obelisk", helps to understand the continuity of heroism, dedication, true kindness.

Someone may be accountable to a teacher's act as a reckless suicide. But I do not think so. From this the heroism of one selfless person, necessary to raise the moral spirit of society begins. Vasil Bykov makes thinking over the meaning of heroism, its continuity, helps to be in the moral origins of the heroic act. He is interested in the psychology of the feat: as a person, overcoming the nature of self-preservation, "voluntarily" agrees to death, defending its principles.

6. Clash of good and evil

The problems of the collision of good and evil, indifference and humanism are always relevant, and, as it seems to me, the more complex the moral situation, the stronger interest in it. Of course, these problems cannot be solved by one work and even entire literature as a whole. Every time it is a personal matter of everyone. But maybe people will easier make a choice when they will have a moral landmark.

One of these works is the story "one night".

The plot cannot be called simple. The difficulty lies in the fact that the development of a story was woven feelings - the hero is broken between civil doubt and human compassion.

The central character of the story Ivan Voloka, fleeing from the German bullets, finds himself in the basement under the pile of the collapsed walls. But the most difficult and inexplicable becomes the fact that, together with him, a German soldier remains under the rubble. The latter is wounded, he needs help, and from under the downturns not to get out. How to enter Ivan? Will he be able to kill this unarmed, affected by the German collapse? At first, not aware of what he does, Ivan helps the Nazis get out of the concrete block and tear the wound.

The whole night they are trying to find a way out of the stone cell. And here they are free. The German understands that remaining with the Russian soldier, he captures, so seeing the Nazis, he rushes to them. A fierce desire for nothing to give the enemies of this person wakes up in Ivan. Forgetting everything, he kills the soldier.

The theme of the cruelty and inhumanity of war with a red thread passes through the whole work.

War can give an assessment - a gripful, liberation, civilian - but how to evaluate people going to die for someone's ideals? The war has its own laws. The main characters of hostilities are fear and hatred. They drive people, forcing them sometimes make brutal and non-degrees.

What Motalo Ivan, when he shot Fritz - Fear of Commissioner, hatred for the Nazis? It is impossible to give a certain answer - everything was mixed, crumbled like a mosaic.

Bulls masterfully depicts the paintings of the war through the perception of a young soldier. For one small episode, the wolf meetings with the Germans - you can say a lot about what the author sees the war. "There was an explosion behind," and when the Voloka, "Failured, flew to the saving arches of the entrance, didn't barely cried out of the surprise: two Germans jumped right on him, but the Germans could not come here, they did not wait for him. The front of something muttered the rear, for a moment in his expanded eyes flashed and surprise. At the same moment, the wolf, not aiming, pressed on the descent - the machine shuddered from a random line - the German released from the hands of the carabiner and fell face not a bridge "Here is a true face of war: chaos, panic, blind cruelty, motivated by only one - fear. This war has no other purpose, except the only thing - to kill people.

At first, being under the embankment of the collapsed walls, Ivan is experiencing a burning hatred for the German "AA, donal, dog!" "He says, watching the soldier's vain attempts to get out of concrete blocks."

Ivan for six months of service in the regiment did not happen so close to see the German soldier. "It was the fourth German who came to his arm," the bulls writes. He killed three, not even thinking - it is necessary. That's it: it is necessary. For the worst Germans - enemies who have no face and no feelings. And so, for the first time to find out face to face with his enemy, he is lost. "Just a few minutes ago, without seeing and never knowing one of the other, they fought to death in this basement, full of malice and hatred, and now, as if nothing between them happened, a piece of concrete was smashed together to get out of the general trouble."

Ivan sees the middle-aged face of the Nazis, tanned forehead, thickly rich with wrinkles, the same as he, a scar near the ear, and understands that in front of him, above all - a person. This suddenly opened truth scares and disarms the hair. "Ivan is unclear in the soul, - we read in the story - that this person is now hardly able to shoot. How to shoot him if the main thing happened between them - mutual hatred, if suddenly in the enemy uniform, appeared in front of him the most ordinary person, who also applied to Ivan as an enemy, but as an accomplice and friend? It seems that it was a completely good German, and Ivan even felt awkwardness because she recently almost strangled him. All this was strange and unusual. "

Talking with German, Ivan learns that Fritz Stolyar, as well as the Volol, he has a family - wife and three children. Ivan also had a spouse's houses and two daughters. When the wall collapsing the wall, Fritz having the opportunity to escape, remains to help Ivan, save him from death. The Volok understands this, but the wary feelings do not leave him.

And here is a way out of the stone cell. Freedom returns heroes in the "former framework of war." Now they are no longer two accomplices, together smoking Russian Machork, but two soldiers - Russian and German. This is a war. She has its own laws. Innocent people are dying for achieving someone's goals. Alas, they understand both warring sides. German soldiers know that they are not afraid of life, but to death. They are better to die than to get into the Russian captivity - then their families will not be taken to the contralation camp. All this, together with the main character, learn from the story of the German soldier of Fritz Hageman.

"War Nick Gut!. Fritz Hageman Nicks need war, "says the German, the last half of Russia and dreaming rather go home.

But, alas, his dream is not destined to come true. Forcing your hero to kill, the author shows the mechanic and inhumanity of war.

Of course, the hero of the story is by no means ideal. Like many young soldiers, he dreams of beautifully die. The only thought that carries it while he is in the stone cage of the dawns - how stupid will be so die so. Talking with German, he thinks about what his commander will say. Having woke up after a heavy nightmare and seeing the sleeping Fritz, he is going to escape, leaving the Nazis in the basement.

But the author does not condemn him, written off everything to youth and war. Writer - Frontovik does not express his position, does not become any side - simply describes events, giving us the opportunity to assess the situation.

III. Conclusion

The Belarusian writer V. Bykov is peculiar a peculiarity of war, his works are distinguished by moral and psychological issues. Uncompromising moral requirements. The basis of his plots is the situation of moral choice. The writer gives an artistic study of the moral foundations of human behavior in their social and ideological conditionality. This is what Vasil Bulls writes about it: "Most often I am not talking about heroes and not about the possible heroism on their part. I think I look wider. I'm just talking about a person. About the possibilities for him and in the most terrible situation - to preserve their dignity. If there is a chance - shoot. If not - to stand out. And won, let not physically, but spiritually. The war pounds man into the angle. Trying to deprive his honor, slander, twist and cast him soul. And he stands. And he takes everything. We are not only about the strength of weapons. My heroes are most often unarmed. They are armed with only soul. These are extreme cases of war, but this is a kind of pure cases, when without bright, elegant epithets, it can be seen how and why the human, spiritual wins. I am for the person, especially the young, was prepared for an unfamiliar, unusual. Unusual in our consciousness became the second name of the outstanding. But this is not the case. Unusual most often - ordinary, but within the limits of possible. "

Creativity V. Bykov is tragic in his sound, as the tragic war itself, which has taken tens of millions of human lives. But the writer tells about people a strong spirit that can stand over the circumstances and death itself. As a rule, the heroes of Bykov are a few. Bid everyday and doomed, stall and without hesitation, they choose the only way for them - death, if the life is impossible "according to their laws of truth."

I like it writes about the war Vasil Bulls. His lead is true and peculiar, show war without embellishment, exposing her terrible essence. Tale V. Bykov, unfortunately, became relevant. Just recently ended the war in South Ossetia. The humanist writer urges to think about the value of human life, over the irrepresentation of human losses.

I thought about and realized that V. Bykov wrote about my grandfather, who experienced all the horrors of the concentration camp. And I had a poem that I want to devote to my grandfather. As well as a writer, thanks to which I understood the condition and fear that was tested by my grandfather, passing the test in the juvenile age.

Probably terribly, grandfather?

You have so few years old

When you got to the Germans,

In the fascist camp "Auschwitz".

Of course, it was scary, grandfather!

You're alone and mom there.

Did not understand where the neighbors disappeared,

Small children died in gas chambers.

The fascists tortured, took blood.

Hunger, atrocities. And how to children love?

Well, wonder that from the share of such

You, a little boy, became gray.

Our army saved, you were lucky.

Exhausted, weak, but alive everyone for evil.

And if in childhood did not suffocate the troubles,

You can, and lived longer, grandfather.

And my great-grandfather, isn't he the hero of the Hist of V. Bykov, the scout in the Belarusian partisan forests? War, the camp did not break it. Probably a modest person, poet Valentin Tavlai, did not think about his heroic actions that he made, defending his homeland. Just like the heroes of the Hundreds of V. Bykov.

In verses V. Tavila - Call to protect the Motherland,

Thunder - Zampi, and whirlwind - Wall!

Under ramolah lightning fire

Let the sky, having flown, a bourge.

It's time to move the land from the spot! hate the fascists

Let him hang an order-loop

We are not the chaser for the first time.

Lightning ducks slept

Slaughter, dogs chains!

V. Tavlai writes about the spirit of people during the war,

Prison, your prophecy is sad, but no, with you not in the calculation we, your steel is not omnipotently power, there is a strength of the prison in the world.

His heroes can stand to death, looking into the deaths of death, faithful to themselves and the eternal, than the people alive. They believe in victory!

Treshing, tyrana! Not crying then

Not the heart of the weak moan, -

Then the wrath of the folk thunder is heard,

It is preparing to the board.

Tirana! Neither flour, nor prison, nor way

In Yarma, people will not keep

The persecutor will die, the executioner of his luty

And the sun comes sunrise.

FIR, Tirana, Kohl Blood are not full,

But know - the last days!

The spirit of revenge vitals over the edge scored,

Rebel shook lights.

Just like V. Bykov, V. Tavlai wrote about the dedication and self-sacrifice of Soviet soldiers in the name of Victory, and how the long-awaited victory was joyful.

Morning Victory

In the dreams of prison us, the appearance of your bright manil.

We languished in trouble, about you only dreaming,

Gave the longing ruins and graves,

Long-awaited victory Spring Golden!

And flowers, and trees, and children, and dreams

Without you, not bloom, have already faded;

From the birth of the world must be spring

Never people never waited so much.

Smoke eyes died, foliage

Flashes of lightning and land, and the soul is paled.

In the black glow morning got up.

Soped with hot ash dust.

The memory of violently in the soul blamed blade,

And she became anger of the wilt:

Everyone in the battle for his homeland could rush

And the enemy is destroyed by exploding the grenade.

Anger, he in the song and in the heart of explosives invested!

And, bones did not collect, death afterwards

Through the Kholmiki fraternal sacred graves,

From crowded villages, from broken stations.

As a payback, we went forward relentlessly,

Torn from rage and impatient,

Pansy behind me leaving away

And the enemy ruined our seams.

Black Savan stared alien land

That land whose stupid womb

Tahila's death, poison was poisoned,

So that they were born about theracy and malice.

To Berlin from the most Mazur lakes

This land of the artillery of our!

In the thunder of the guns came to the enemy sentence,

Revenge across Unter-Den Linden was fraught fearlessly.

We first sighed easily at this hour

And, the silence of this morning wound,

Golden learned spring, and we

Forgotten wounds from the wave.

After analyzing the work of Vasil Bykov, in line with the purpose of our work, we came to the following conclusions:

1. The main genre of the military writer is a story. The main task of V. Bykov, as a writer works of military topics, show the importance of struggle and victory, dedication to the Motherland, show the difficulties of combating fascism. Describing the whole military works of V. Bykova in general, I note that they are all distinguished by great attention to military items. The author writes about the courage, about the origins of the heroism of warriors, their moral strength, ideological conviction. V. Bykov shows a specific person under the conditions of the front, reflects the life circumstances that have formed the character of the hero;

2. A feature of the military topics V. Bykov is that in his works he was fully honest and wrote about war without any embodents and exaggerations, in its entirety. The author showed the other side of the war - the foolishness and betrayal. He wrote that in extreme conditions, people can behave in different ways, showing both cowardice and heroism. Perhaps the heroes of V. Bykov are interesting in this aspect. The writer shows the logic of human behavior in an extreme situation, reveals his inner world, exposes a mental confrontation. We see how a person is changing, the readiness of one to the feat and others to betrayal. Creating an image of a heroically battle warrior, a Russian man in war, V. Bykov also stops on the characteristics of the enemy. Writer in his works captivity shows not as guilt, but as a tragedy of heroes. Military works written by V. Bykov, with a merciless realism inherent to him, helps to understand the harsh truth about the war;

3. He wrote about the war, as a serious and dangerous work of the people, comprehended the problem of the relationship between war and man, inseparable and social, private and common destinies. The war is inhuman, cruel and destructive, but it causes a huge increase in civil activity and conscious heroism. One of the main topics of military prose V. Bykov is the topic of the ratio of life and death in the war.

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1. Brief Biography Writer

Used Books

1. Brief Biography Writer

Vasily Vladimirovich Bykov was born in 1924 in the peasant family at Vitebshchina. Before the war he studied at the Vitebsk Art School. When the war began, the bulls studied at the Saratov infantry school of accelerated release. A nineteen-year-old junior lieutenant goes to the front. He participates in many military operations, and he had to survive a lot. This is evidenced by such a fact: his last name is on Obelisk on one of the fraternal graves under Kirovogram in the long list of dead. He saved from death by chance: being severely wounded, crawling out of the hut, which, after a few minutes, demolished fascist tanks. Fought bulls in Ukraine, Belarus, Romania, Hungary, Austria. It was wounded twice. Demobilized only in 1955. Collaborated in the newspapers of Belarus. The first stories of Bykov are not about war, but about the post-war life of rural youth: "happiness", "at night", "Frusa". In 1956-1957, he creates the first military stories. For the story "Obelisk" and "live to dawn" V. Bykov was awarded the State Prize of the USSR. In 1984, the writer was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor.

2. Place of work, military themes in the work of the writer

The topic of the war is the main topic in the work of the Talented Belarusian Prosaika Vasil Bykov. But the first military stories he creates only in 1956-1957 and remains a faithful military topic and in the next works. "Crane Creek", "Front Page", "Third Rocket", "Alpine Ballad", "Western", "To Dawn", "Obelisk", "Sotnikov", "Wolf Flock", "badge of trouble." This is not a complete list of his works about War by Obelisk, one of the most authoritative in the modern literature of Writers of the Military Top. Numerous stories about the war created in different years are as it were for a single cycle, the peculiar chronicle of the courage, shown by Soviet people in the provisions of extremely dramatic, "limit". Heroes of these works V. Bykov - Army warriors, partisans, residents of Belarus - pass through the tests of the most cruel, are really struggling on the verge of human capabilities, die in unequal battles. The severity of the image of the war, the eventfulness, as a rule, serve as a writer in primary, soil for ethic philosophical pointedness. Absolitically tensely put the problems of choosing, personal responsibility, loyalty of ideas. On the material of military events, the writer puts serious moral problems: what is the heroic act, when all the circumstances turn against a person? How will man behave in that case? What are his capabilities?

3. History of creating a work

The All-Unionic Search of those who died by the death of brave, and more and more names opens. Vasily Vladimirovich Bykov became a participant in the war in eighteen years. There was a military school, there was a front. First infantry, then a fighter anti-tank artillery. Like Vasily Terkin from Alexander Tvardovsky's poem, everything experienced that it was necessary to experience a fighter: he was wounded, was uncomfortable, even his name left on one of the fraternal graves of those years. Therefore, in the All-Union search, which is conducted in different directions, including literary, has its own trail and the writer Vasily Bykov. She brought him to the obelisk, at which five names of adolescents who died during the war were, and after years and years another name appeared - their teachers Alesya Ivanovich Claus. The whole world knows about the feat of the Polish teacher of Yanusha Korchak, who took death in the gas chamber together with his pupils, but not left children, despite the proposal of the fascist officer. And how many teachers took death, remaining unknown to the world? The story V. Bykov "Obelisk", written in 1972, sounds like requiem about them, becomes a literary obelisk, they are dedicated to them. But this appeal to the past does not exhaust the content of the work. In it, the reader seeks to consider in the entire length of the fate of those who killed in the war, and those who survived, but continue to feel like a fighter. Fighter for justice, for the restoration of names and the furthest of the dead. The story is permeated with the creative time of the Bykov atmosphere of meditation, it reveals the heart of the reader to perceive the moral sense of the feat. The author of strict to himself and its generation, because the feat of the war period for him is the main measure of civic value and a modern person.

4. Meaning of the name of the story. How it is implemented in its content, ideas

"This is a little higher than human growth obelisk for some ten years that I remembered him several times changed my painting: there was a snow-white, whites before the holidays lime, then green, under the color of the soldiers' outfit; Once the passage of this highway I saw him Brilliant silver, like a wing of a jet liner. Now he was gray, and, perhaps, of all other colors, this most matched his appearance. " These are lines from the story of Vasil Bykov "Obelisk". Books about the heroes of the past war are created, and the obeliski will be built. The memory of those who gave life for the happiness of today's generations is knocking in the hearts of those who fought and returned with the victory, and those who did not fought, but constantly and durable emotional connections merge with the memory of the fallen.

V. Bykov depicts war and man in war in the best Tolstov traditions - "without embellishment, without a barraffication, without varnishing, - what it is." His, according to his own admission, is not interested in the technology of the battle, but the moral world of man, behavior in war in crisis, tragic, hopeless situations. The author writes about the war as an eyewitness, as a person who experienced and bitter defeats, and the severity of losses and loss, and the joy of victory. The writer is interested in the brutal-harsh test, which each of his heroes should pass: Can he not spare himself to fulfill his duty to his homeland, his duties of a citizen and a patriot? War and was such a test of a person on the strength of ideological and moral.

6. Act and feat on the pages of the story. The image of her heroes: their concept of heroic and ordinary, about life and death

Perhaps one of the skeptical readers will ask for a story: and in fact, was the feat? After all, the Moroz teacher for war did not kill any fascist. This is, first. In addition, he worked at the invaders, taught, as before the war, guys at school. The injustice of this doubt is obvious. After all, the teacher appeared to the Nazis, when they arrested his five students and demanded the arrival of him, frost. This is the feat. True, the author itself does not give an unequivocal "yes - no" on this question. He simply introduces two polemical positions: xends and testicular. Xendzes are just convinced that the feat was not that the Moroz teacher is not a hero and, it means, in vain, his student Pavel Micklyshevich, miraculously saved in those days of arrests and executions, almost the rest of his life spent the fact that the name of the frost was captured by Obelisk over the names of the five dead students. The dispute of the Ksendzov and the former Partisan Commissioner of the Tkachuk broke out on the day of Miklashevich's funeral, who, like frost, was committed to the rural school and had already proved his loyalty to the memory of Ales Ivanovich. In such as xengs, there are enough reasonable arguments against the frost: after all, he himself turns out to go to the German compendension and achieved to open school. But Commissar Tkachuk knows more: he penetrated into the moral side of the proceedings. "We will not teach them - they will be folled" - this is the principle that is clear to the teacher who is understandable and the weaves sent from the partisan detachment to listen to the explanations of the frost. Both of them knew the truth: the struggle for the soul of adolescents continues and during the occupation. The struggle of this Moroz's teacher led until the very last time. Undoubtedly, he understood that the promise of the fascists to release the guys who had a sabotage on the road, if their teacher appears - lie, Phariseism. But he did not doubt and in the other: if it does not appear, the enemies of the rasows use this fact against him, they discredit everything that he taught children. And he went to the right death. He knew that he was executed - and his and guys. And this was the moral strength of his feat that Pavlik Mickshevichevich, the only surviving from these guys, carried the ideas of his teacher through all the vital tests. Having become a teacher, he handed over the Morozovskaya "Zakvask" to his students. And Tkachuk, learning that one of them, Vitka, helped catch a recent bandit, noticedly noticed: "I knew that Micklyashevich knew how to learn. Another Okvaska immediately see." In the story, therefore, the paths of three generations are outlined: Frost, Miklashevich, Vitaki. Each of them adequately makes his heroic path, not always apparently visible, not always everyone recognized by the writer makes him think over the meaning of heroism and the feat, unlike the usual, helps to delve into the moral origins of the heroic act. Before the frost, when he walked from the partisan detachment to the fascist commandant, in front of Micklayshevich, when he sought the rehabilitation of his teacher, before Vitakka, when he rushed to defend the girl, was the possibility of choice. Did this or not do this? The possibility of formal excuses did not suit them. Each of them acted, guided by the court of his own conscience. Such a person, like Xendzov, would most likely prefer to eliminate; There are also fans to pour and talk that are not capable of self-sacrifice, not ready to create good for others. The dispute, which is conducted in the story "Obelisk", helps to understand the continuity of heroism, dedication, true kindness.

7. A person in war in artistic understanding by the author. Copyright for heroes

The copyright towards heroes and situations is felt in the image system and tone of the narration. Heroes of Bykov are simple at first glance, but through their characters, important features of the People's War are revealed. Therefore, although in the center of the story of only a few episodes and there are two or three heroes, there is a scale of a nationwide battle, in which the fate of the Motherland is solved. The character "Obelisk" Tkachuk says, bearing in mind the legacy of the military years: "Something very important must remain from the moral forces of people, it can not be left. This will not disappear. It will do, remember, like Nakrasov:" Go to the fire for Honor is fragmented, for conviction, for love, go and die perfectly, you will die not for nothing: it's firmly when the blood flows under it. "So! And then blood sheds how much! It can not be for nothing." Tkachuk means a feat of self-sacrifice, perfect by the teacher Alexei Ivanovich Moroza, as well as the robotical activities of Pavel Miklashevich, who was also a teacher, a devoted student of Frost. And his thoughts, the old man already, about the future, that burned the fire of justice, good, courage. Tragic this chronicle of heroism. But she is light, because it proves: there is no limit moral strength, the greatness of man. Such a conclusion undoubtedly makes the reader and from the story "Obelisk". In this product, the polemical charge is manifested not only in the most logic of the action: the story of the molded by the teaching is saturated with an open dispute, more than once there is a resentment about "degrades", which could not understand, evaluate the feasibility of the teacher. After all, the name of Frost appeared on Obelisk recently, only after a long, stubborn trouble taken by Micklyshevich. The name of the teacher was added to the names of five schoolchildren executed by the invaders, became ahead of them. Moroz did not participate in the suprack of adolescents who had such a fatal consequence, did not even know about it. But he was a teacher of the guys, their mentor. The main thing, he voluntarily divided their fate, went with them to the execution. This act is exceptional. Only thinking about him (and the story V. Bykov, in essence, and represents reflection), only taking into account all the circumstances, you can comprehend it to the fullest. "Glukhary", they, as they say, were and there.

And yet, there is a big difference between the indifferent, a limited head of the Ksendzi district, for whom, with the name of Frost and the day, something unclear, dubious, and partisan commander Seleznev are connected. The most difficult time to organize the resistance to the enemy. Seleznev is all in concerns about the squad, its combat capability. The intention of frost leave - a violation, and this is obviously Seleznev, no unreasonable, meaningless. Surely you can believe the Germans who declared: let the teacher come and give up and will give up teenagers? Clear business, they will not let, hang them, and teachers. It is clear and frost. He does not mind when he is told that to go to Selo - "the most reckless suicide", even agrees: "This is true." But immediately "very calm so" adds: "And yet it is necessary to go." Tkachuk, commissioner of the partisan squad, who knew frost well at the prevailing pore, feels the power of this calm conviction, although it cannot realize what's the point here. And what, in fact, meant then - to realize? Agree to frost to go to death? And later, when Tkachuk, along with the commander, signed information about the retired partisans, frost was in the list of captured: not before it was to understand, yes, probably, the reporting procedure itself was not located to the variety of options. The struggle for frost, for the good heroic name of his Tkachuk began many years later. He led her together with Micklyhevich and, as can be understood, under his strong influence: I saw in this sick, wounded, a courageous man, the only one who miraculously survived among those sentenced to the death of adolescents, the spiritual successor of frost, personified the continuation of good mentor cases. So where did it still go, the conjunction of frost in the correctness of the choice made, the conviction, which is now tvtchuk, even earlier to the end of Micklyshyevich? Claus supported the price of life in his students, in the residents of the village faith in a person - the faith, which the occupiers so stubbornly sought to destroy. He went to Selo, because the mother of captured guys, guided not by reason, but with a heart, hoped: Ales Ivanovich will come up with something, will save. I went to help my help to help doomed, helping already what would be next to them and together with them in a terrible hour. I went, for such an act follows from everything that was done at the School of the village during his school there. For a short time it was time: only two years. But the disciples managed to affect the teacher. A number of alive, eloquent details tell us how firmly this is a relationship, as naturally to children to consider school the second home. It happened, she was the same at the only way: Frost settled the guy, saving him from his father's beatings. And in general, all things, the care of children, the teacher took as his own. I learned - the poor widow does not allow the daughters to school: the burden is bad for winter pore, and walk far. I cited shoes girls, although I lived very poorly, I instructed the older schoolchilde to accomplish them when it was necessary to return in the dark (and then I myself had to come back). Frost sought to help weak, to everyone who needs it, became the norm in relations between children, so that everyone felt the elbow of another - in the teachings of Lee, in a joint job, he felt like a man on whom you can rely. And first of all, it was possible to rely, it was seen, it was firmly knew, on the frost himself who did not finish themselves from students, which was true of his demands of his and love. Thin, creative teacher, Moroz widely understood his tasks, was not in the letter of instructions, but based on the real interests of the teachings, education, as Tkachuk expressed, "there was a master to confuse postulate," if it answered good goal. Not only at school, in the whole village there was high the authority of a young teacher, they were consulted on everyday affairs, his opinion, the word trusted. Even when the occupation began, this teaching authority helped frost to keep school, influence on children, and also useful to work for partisans. It is very important to keep in mind: Selo is located in Western Belarusian lands, only in September 1939 liberated reunited with Soviet Belarus. Then Frost arrived here, then it began his work. He felt not just a teacher - a representative of a building based on the principles of social justice, humanity. He wanted the guys rather and deeper "realized that they were people, no cattle, not there Vakhlaki, what Panians were accustomed to consider their fathers, but the most full-fledged citizens", "equal in their own country". That is why the cold cared for the admission of children to the richness of culture (remember the exciting scene of reading out loud "war and the world"), which is why they strongly sought to "think" their, awaken and strengthen the feeling of self-esteem. The specificity of social and historical circumstances attaches a special depth and sharpness of the entire main collision to the story, especially illuminates the feat of the frost. And, we can say, looking to the root of Tkachuk, when angry poares Ksendzov, who said - and, in fact, what did it have made a frost, did he kill at least one German? "He did more than if he had killed a hundred," Tkachuk exclaims. - He laid his life on the fell. Himself. Voluntarily. Do you understand what an argument is? And in whose favor, "this will not disappear. Germinate

8. Meaning of landscape sketches on the pages of the story, their stylistics. The idea of \u200b\u200bman and nature

Landscape sketches on the pages of the story is not enough. They are stingy, but accurate, sometimes disharmonious with the state and feelings of the heroes: "Nature has been fulfilled by the peaceful peace of the autumn," but "this pacifying the goodness of nature, however, did not calm down in any way, but only oppressed and angry. I was late, felt it, worried and knead myself for my forced laziness, mental worn. " Against the background of such a pacification of autumn nature with a special sharpness, the reader feels the spiritual state of the hero and involuntarily begins to empathize with him. The situation in which the heroes of the writer, extreme, alternative, tragic, affect the character. "Everyone has been associated with everyone else. And around - the field familiar from childhood. Nature has already walked together for the spring, the kidneys fused on the trees. Miclashevich said, such a longing attacked him, even though Krci's voice. " The action is concentrated on a small area of \u200b\u200bspace and is closed in a brief temporal length.

And such hopelessness blows from this landscape sketch! The product of the work is characterized by deep picture and philosophicity. Art techniques are most commonly used by the author of the details and symbols: the road, rapidly rushing on the smoothway of the machine, headlights from darkness separate items. V. Bykov, the peaceful and military time of man is estimated at similarly; The moral dimensions are the same, the true dramatic basis of it is common, and it is revealed in the best possible way when a person acts when there is a space, a field, the battlefield, the road.

Hurry to the funeral, be late, get into the height of the alert, listen to some kind of vague speeches and disputes, feel someone else and superfluous, leave, to be with a fellow traveler, unfamiliar and unpleasant, - that is, it seems to be exhausted - insulting, wasted! "The entire plot of this tomrican, cooked time, and suddenly on the night road, thanks to this fellow traveler, to feel his genuine meaning, touched by a long-standing tragedy of the war years, to this string of a tightened sad drama. The journalist and the old teacher of Tkachuk go along the highway to the city, and Tkachuk talks about frost and Miklashevich. Even the story in the story arises in the story "on the go" - on the road, in motion, losing, maybe in slower circumstances and winning in energy, compression and passion.

9. Traditions and innovations in the image of war and man in war

The form of the story "Obelisk", it seems to be a frequency, is actually quite complex: this is a story in the story, the history of frost arises in the agitated words of the Tkachuk, they, in turn, transfers the hero- narrator, also has a reason for the emotional perception of events. This form is well complied with a discussion, "reflecting" the spirit of the work. At the same time, and here, perhaps, especially well feel high, strict art V. Bykov - in the "multi-layer", personal painted narrative to preserve all exactly selected realistic, psychological details. This helps the reader to draw up an objective view of the frost, the motives of his actions. The story "Obelisk", telling about the military past from our days, is imbued with sensitive attention to the details of life, which one way or another corresponds to the long-term influence of the person, affair, the feat of the frost. Here, for example, we will find out about the cotton, boldly entered into a fight with three gangsters, brutally affected, but saved people, it turns out that it has studied the drain at school at Miklashevich "Miklashevich knew how to learn. Another starter, immediately see," rejoices This is a weave Isn't it mean for a common moral atmosphere of the work of excitement, anxiety, tested and tvers and the hero-narrator? The first cinusement itself, which did for the memory of the frost less than could. The second - that did not respond on the appeal of Micklyashevich, did not even ask even what its essence (and the case, it turned out, was about frost, they needed professional assistance of a journalist). No wonder the hero of the narrator of the bustle, "bearish the badness", with whom, "for a long time, was to the end of the years to live for you, without making anything that, maybe only could make the meaning of your existence on this sinful land." It is not for nothing that he says: if life "is filled with something significant, so it is, above all, the intelligent human kindness and concern about others - loved ones or even distant people."

For Bykov, the teacure is not only a social role, but - the category of life, the life credo, the spiritual orientation of the human image, which is based on the thought of the future, concern for him, responsibility for him. And this responsibility applies, first of all, on those who are just starting to live, who owns the future. And it was not that it was that she believed - voluntary surrender would bring the guys, "he simply considered his duty to be along with students in the most difficult moments for them. Could the frost come on otherwise? Probably, he could, but in his mind it was the only right path, and he went on him, guided by this capacious "necessary," without thinking that he had a feat of humanity. However, many then the act of frost, which cost him his life, seemed to be reckless and invaluable. Yes, and more than the years, despite the fact that the good name of the frost was restored, there were some, like the head of the area of \u200b\u200bKsendzov, so this act was not regarded. Considerable works and health cost a miraculous disciple of frost to prove that the teacher's deed was not a recklessness, but a feat. Micklyashevich himself also became a teacher, continued the cause of frost, absorbing his wealth and humanity into his soul. Miklashevich is the result of the mobility of the frost, and for Micklyshevich and someone else, already from his students - like that guy, which was not afraid of one against three, and many more. As one of the characters say, one of the characters does not have to stay. This does not disappear. It will germinate. A year later, five, ten, and something will proceed. " Pafos "Obelisk" is pointed against a narrow, nearard understanding of the benefit that does not go beyond the face of self-evidence that does not take into account deep spiritual and moral ties, according to the writer, stretching between the past and the future. It was such a myopia that those who could not see what a huge, spiritually significant sense did the act of a frost teacher.

For the future, for the formation of its moral and spiritual essence, the deed of frost - truly heroic act, undoubtedly in its spiritual effect. And not only the act itself, but also manifested in it spiritual sensitivity, moral illness. V. Bykov emphasizes that not only the concrete, obvious, momentary result of the perfect, is important, the spiritual impulse, consisting in it and transmitting the chain of human souls, elevated and raising them. In the center of the artistic world of the Writer, a person remains in the space and time of war. Circumstances associated with this time and space are encouraged (and forced) a person to genuine being. It has something that causes admiration, and what disgusts and scary. But both - truly. In this space, that speed hour was chosen when a person is not for anyone who is not for whom to hide, and he is acting. This is the time of movement and actions. Time of defeat and victory. The time of resistance to circumstances in the name of freedom, humanity and dignity.

bulls War Tale Landscape

Used Books

1. Mikhail Silnikov. In the glory of the fallen, in the name of living. Moscow "Young Guard", 1985

2. Dukhan Ya. S. Great Patriotic War in prose 70-80s. Leningrad "Knowledge" 1982.

3. Shklovsky E.A. Man among people. Moscow "Knowledge" 1987

4. Dedkov I. Vasily Bulls. Tale of a person who survived. - M.: Soviet writer, 1990.

Posted on Allbest.ru.

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Vasil Bulls in his work basically covered military topics, but in his works there are few battal scenes, descriptions of spectacular historical events, but he managed with a stunning depth to convey the feelings of the ordinary soldier in a big war.

Therefore, I decided to write an essay about the Defender of the Motherland on the example of the story of Vasil Bykov "Sotnikov". Describing the most minor situations, the author gives answers to complex questions. Unlike our writers like Bondarev, Baklanov, Ananyev, who love to describe large-scale battles, Vasil Bulls builds its plots only on the dramatic moments of the local war, as they say, values \u200b\u200bwith the participation of ordinary soldiers.

Step by step by analyzing the motives of the behavior of fighters in extreme situations, the writer reveals the reader the depth of psychological states and the experiences of his heroes. This quality of Bykov's prose is distinguished by many of his work: "Alpine ballad", "Western", "dead" and others.

The story of the Tale of "Sotnikov" is simple: the partisans of the centuries and the fisherman go to the village to extract food for the detachment. Sotnikova torments the "bursting" cough, who will give him to the partner of the enemy. The soldier could easily evade the task, but he wants to show the fighting comrades, which is not afraid of "dirty work" or danger, and caused to go.

Fisherman is healthy, strong and ready for everything. The reader seems that a strong and wonderful soldier fisherman is more prepared for the commitment of a brave act, rather than a sick and sick centurion.

But if the fisherman, who all his life "managed to find some way out," is internally ready to make a betrayal, then the Sotnikov until the last respiratory remains the right duty of a person and a citizen.

Of course, the fisherman is not deprived of positive human qualities, but after he is captured, his moral fall begins. In order to stay alive, he joins the rows of Politsaev, he betrays a friend and even becomes his executioner.

Sotnikov behaves like a real defender of the Motherland. He does not think about himself, a simple soldier who will be killed as many other fighters. "Well, it was necessary to collect the last forces in myself, so that with dignity to meet death. Otherwise, why then life? She is too difficult to go to a person to treat her end carelessly. "

Even when Sotnikova leads to the gallows, he still tries to protect innocent people. He does everything correctly for the Fatherland proud of his act. On such people as the centurities, a victory in the fight against the enemy was built.

Creativity Vasil Bykov is tragic in his sound, as the war is tragic that has taken tens of millions of human lives. The writer tells about people a strong spirit who can stand over the circumstances and death itself.

I believe that the bulls are right that he gives tribute to ordinary soldiers, his heroism is chasing, since thanks to their courage, our homeland survived in that severe war. Let the names of many fighters are unknown, but their feat is immortal.

Now there is no great country that the centurists defended, for which he died worthy. But the point is not at all. Heroes of Vasil Bykov live their lives outside of political shocks. For me, the centuries will always be an example of courage and resistance. I would feel more poorly spiritually, if it were not in the literature of the heroes of Vasil Bykov.

Sotniks in ordinary life would be little than a remarkable person. He would not get to the authorities, would not strive to somehow stand out among people. He honestly fulfill his duty, would be conscientious to everything. And they would say that this is a very decent person.

That's the main thing in Sotnik. No one could reproach him in dishonesty. I had to meet such people. I am sure that they would lead themselves in an extreme situation exactly as the centuries, because otherwise they do not know how to live.