"The role of the educator in the development of independent musical activities of children. The role of the educator in the musical development of the preschooler Actress for the musical development of children

"The role of the educator in the development of independent musical activities of children. The role of the educator in the musical development of the preschooler Actress for the musical development of children

The role of the educator in the process of musical education of children of preschool age

How actively do the kindergarten educators participate in the musical education of children? And if they are aware of the importance of such participation? Alas, the teacher often considers himself with his duty to be only present at the musical lesson - in order to maintain discipline. And some do not consider it necessary, even, and attend - as if, during this time they will be able to make some cases in the group ... Meanwhile, without the active assistance of the educator, the productivity of musical training is much lower possible. The implementation of the process of musical education requires a large activity from the teacher. Rising a child with the means of music, teachers - "preschoolers" should well understand its importance in the harmonious development of personality. For this, it is necessary to clearly and clearly represent what means, methodical techniques can lay the foundations of the right perception of music.

Pedagogue-tutor is necessary:

ü Know all software requirements for musical education.

ü Know the musical repertoire of his group, to be an active assistant to the musical leader at musical classes.

ü assist the musical leader in the development of the children's music repertoire, show samples of accurate movement.

ü learn movements with lagging children.

ü deepen the musical impressions of children by listening to musical works in the group using technical means.

ü own elementary skills of playing children's musical instruments (metalfone, timber bells, wooden spoons, etc.).

ü take into account the individual capabilities and abilities of each child.

ü Develop independence, the initiative of children in the use of familiar songs, rounds, music games in class, walk, morning gymnastics, in self-artistic activities.

ü Create problem situations that activate children for independent creative manifestations.

ü attract children to creative games, including familiar songs, movements, dance.

ü include musical accompaniment to the organization of classes and regime moments.

ü take an active part in the preparation and holding of holidays, entertainment, musical leisure, puppet performances.

ü prepare the thematic selections of poetic material to entertainment and musical matinee.

ü assist in the manufacture of attributes, making musical
hedroom for holidays and entertainment.

At musical lesson, the role of the educator, the alternation of its active and passive participation, is different depending on the parts of the classes and their tasks.

Hearing music:

ü a personal example brings up the ability to carefully listen to a musical work, expresses interest;

ü assists the musical leader in using visual benefits and other methodical material.

Sinking, singing:

ü does not participate during quick survey exercises;

ü in the grinding does not participate in order not to shoot down children;

ü sings with children, learning a new song, showing the correct articulation;

ü supports singing in the performance of familiar songs using facilities of mimic and pantomimic expressiveness;

ü, when improving the learning of the song sits in difficult places;

ü does not sing with children with independent emotionally expressive
singing (exclusion - singing with children of early and younger age);

Music and rhythmic movements and games:

ü is involved in the show of all types of movements, giving the appropriate recommendations to children;

ü gives accurate, clear, aesthetic standards of movements (exception -
exercises for the development of the creative activity of children);

ü takes direct participation in the performance of dancing, dancing, dance. In the older preschool age, familiar dances, dance children perform themselves;

ü adjusts the execution of movements by individual children during dance
or dance;

ü clarifies and controls the execution of the conditions of the game, contributing to the formation of behavioral skills during its implementation;

ü takes one of the roles in the plot game;

The leading role in musical classes belongs to the musical leader, since he can convey to children the features of musical works.

The misunderstanding of educational problems of music as an educator can be reduced to "no" every effort of the musical leader. Where the teacher loves music, loves to sing there and children with great interest belong to musical classes. In addition, in the section "Music - Rhythmic Movements", the musical leader is custodized by the tool and there is a mandatory movement by the educator.

The leading role of the musical leader does not in any way reduce the activity of the educator.

Often, caregivers allow the following errors in class:

· The teacher sits with an indifferent look

· The educator interrupts the execution

· Give verbal instructions on a par with the music director (although there can be no attention to the two centers)

· Violates the course of classes (enters and comes out of the hall)

The activity of the educator depends on three factors:

ü from the age of children: the smaller the children, the more the teacher sings, dances and listens on a par with children.

ü From the section of musical education: the greatest activity is manifested in the process of learning movements, slightly less in singing, the lowest - when hearing.

ü from software material: depending on the new or old material.

The educator is obliged to attend every musical lesson and actively participate in the process of learning children:

Sings with children (not drowning children's singing). When singing, the teacher sits on the chair before the children to show, if necessary, movement, height of sounds, to undermine the rhythm, etc.

When teaching children with musical and rhythmic movements (especially in junior groups) - participates in all types of movements, intensifying the kids. In the senior groups - as needed (showing this or that movement, reminding the construction or giving separate instructions in the dance, the game)

Sends independent musical activities, including music in games, walks, workflow, using the material learned to the music supervisor.

The educator should be able to play all the tools that are used by children on musical classes to be able to correctly show children sound methods for each tool.

He repeats the words of songs with children, and does not memorize, like poems, and sings with children.

Repeats the movements of the dances by writing pre-music on the sound carrier.

He knows the ticking of cubes.

The more active the teacher makes this work, the more new children can learn on musical classes, otherwise musical classes turn into an infinite repetition of the same one, that is, "Turning on the spot"

The admiration of the educator largely depend on the intensity of the work of the musical leader with him. The less the educator is prepared, the more you have to go directly with the musical director.

The role of the teacher in the musical education of children.

Successes in the musical development of children, the emotional perception of them are closely related to the work of the teacher. It is an educator with a wide range of a certain musical culture that understands the tasks of musical education of children, is a guide to music in the daily life of a kindergarten. Good business relationships of the musical leader and the educator have a beneficial effect on children, create a healthy, friendly atmosphere, equally necessary for both adults and children.

The main form of musical education and child learning in a preschool institution is musical classes. In the process of classes, children acquire knowledge, skills, listening skills, singing, musical and rhythmic movements, game of dmi.

Music classes -

this is a artistic and pedagogical process that contributes to the development of the child's musicality, the formation of his personality and the development of reality through musical images. Music classes play an important role in the development of excerpt, will, attention, memory, in the education of collectivism, which contributes to training for school training. They carry out the systematic education of each child, taking into account his individual characteristics.

Musical classes are not a monopoly of the music leader, and is part of the pedagogical work that the educator leads.

The participation of the educator in the musical lesson depends on the age group, the musical preparedness of children and the specific tasks of this classes. It is especially important to participate in the educator in working with junior groups, where he owns the main role in the game, dance, song. The younger children, the more actively you have to be an educator - to help each child, to ensure that children are not distracted, they were attentive, watch who and how manifests themselves in class. In senior and preparatory groups, children are provided more independence, but still the help of the educator is necessary. It shows the movements of the exercises along with the music director, performs a dance with the child who has no pair, carries out control over the behavior of children, for the quality of the entire program material. The educator should be able to sing songs, show any exercise, game or dance, know music for hearing from the children's repertoire. During musical training, the teacher monitors the posture of children, the pronunciation of words in the song, the quality of mastering the material. The role of the tutor is changing depending on the content of musical classes. If in terms of classes, it is planned to get acquainted with the new song, singing it can an educator, if he first learn it with the music director. This option is allowed: the music director is performed for the first time, re-teacher. The tutor follows, whether all children are actively singing, whether they pass the songs correctly, spelling words. Since the music leader is near the tool, it is not always able to notice who of the children sang something wrong. If the occupation is devoted to the listening of music, the teacher can talk about the content of the musical play, which will be performed by the music director, while performing to follow how children perceive music. When children speak a little about what he heard, the teacher helps them with the leading issues. When carrying out musical and rhythmic movements with children of junior groups, the educator plays with them, shows dance and imitation figures. In the senior groups, he closely monitors whether the children are correctly performing movement and which of them have to help. Attending in classes, actively participating in them, the tutor not only helps children, but also assimilates the material. It is necessary that both educators attended the classes alternately. Knowing a repertoire, they may include some kind of songs, games in the daily life of children.

The life of a child becomes more colorful, more fully, joyful, if not only on musical classes, but in the rest of the time in kindergarten conditions are created for the manifestation of his musical inconsistencies, interests, abilities.

The abilities obtained in classes must necessarily be fixed and developed outside them. In a variety of games, for walks, in the watch allotted for independent activities, children on their own initiative can sing songs, drive away dances, listen to music, pick up the simplest melodies on the metal fondon. Thus, the music is included in the life of the child, the musical activity becomes a favorite activity.

On musical classes, new information about musical works are reported, singing and musical and rhythmic skills are formed, the consistent musical development of all children on a specific system is provided. In the daily life of the kindergarten, the focus is on individual work with children - the development of their musical abilities, the formation of pure intonation, teaching children to the game by DMI. The leading role here is given to the educator. Given the age of children, it determines the forms of inclusion of music in the day. Many parties to the life of the kindergarten allow them to communicate with music and acquire greater emotional comprehension from it.

Music can be used in the plot-role-playing creative games of children, morning gymnastics, when conducting some water procedures, while walking (in summer), evenings of entertainment, before bedtime. Music is allowed in classes in various types of activities: visual, physical culture, according to the nature and development of speech.

The game is definitely the main activity of the child outside of classes. The inclusion of music in the game makes it more emotional, interesting, attractive. Various options for using music in games are possible.

In some cases, it is like an illustration of the action of the game. For example, playing, the children sing a lullaby song, celebrate housewarming, dance. In other cases, children reflect the impressions received at musical activities, holidays. Conducting plot games with music requires a very cautious and flexible guide to the educator. He observing the course of the game, encourages children to sing singing, dances, a game on dmi. Many plot role-playing games occur only when children give a toy tv, piano, theatrical screen. Children begin to play "Music classes", "Theater", to perform with concerts on "television".

Music can enter as an integral part and in different classes. The aesthetic perception of nature gives rise to children to their homeland. Music helps them more deeply emotionally perceive images of nature, its individual phenomena. At the same time, nature observations deepen the perception of music. It becomes more understandable and affordable. For example, if, going for a walk to the park or forest, the children will pay attention to the beautiful slim birch, then the teacher must offer her carefully to consider it, remember the poem about it, and even better sing a song or drive a dance. Thus, the educator fastens the children's impressions obtained from the direct observation of nature with the help of a musical work. In addition, the tutor can spend in the summer for walking games with singing. This gives suspicion. A musical material related to the theme of nature in advance on musical classes allows children to be more attentive when observed. Children begin to understand that every phenomenon of nature, every time of the year in its own way perfectly. Music, depending on the tasks that the educator puts, or precedes observation, or enshrines children's impressions.

Music is advisable to include in speech development classes, for example, when tale telling. But at the same time it is necessary to take care that the music does not disturb the integrity of the fabulous image, and on the contrary, complemented it. It is convenient to introduce music to such fairy tales, on the text of which opera or children's musical games are written. ("The Tale of Tsar Saltan",

"Teremok", "Gus-Swans"). The performance of songs along the fairy tales gives them special emotionality.

Music can be used and when conducting conversations for different topics. (On the days of the year, the coming holiday, about the Motherland, etc.)

In close connection with musical education there is work on speech. Singing improves the pronunciation of words and contributes to the elimination of speech defects.

There is also easy to establish a relationship between musical education and visual activities. On the one hand, the music deepens the impressions that children expressed in a drawing or modeling. On the other hand, it gives material to hold it. The theme of drawings, modeling, appliqués can be the content of a well-known song or software instrumental work. Thus, the combination of musical and visual activities helps the child in the perception of each type of art.

Music included in the educator at various moments of the daily life of children causes their positive emotions, joyful feelings, creates a raised mood. It is recommended to use folk songs more often. Their subtle humor, bright imagery have a much greater force on the behavior of a child than moraling or direct indication.

Forms of work of the musical leader and educator

1. Individual consultations:

Acquaintance with the tasks of the upcoming classes

The assimilation of the repertoire (checked as the tutor performs children's songs, dances)

Thinking forms of individual work with children

Molding music into life

Conversations about the activity of the teacher at the music. Classes

2. Group consultations:

Acquaintance with new methodological issues (Song creativity, motor creativity, learning tools for instruments)

Drawing up scenes of the holiday

Thinking up surprise moments

Open musical classes (for young educators)

Heading songs for hearing or for their execution on the holidays (paying attention to the purity of intonation and diction)

Performing independent tasks (make a dance or exercise for certain music)

Training educators to use TSO, improve knowledge in the field of musical letter, so that he can perform a children's song on musical instruments by notes, sing it

Training at the receptions of cubes.

The role of leading at a children's holiday

The role of the lead is very responsible . The presenter is a person who leads the festive matinee, unites all elements of the holiday into an organic whole, explains the children what is happening, is a link between the audience and the performers. The mood of children on the festival, the interest of the executable program depends on the leading degree.

The main task of the lead is to carefully prepare for your duties. The presenter should be good to know the program of the matinee, should know the songs, dances, children's games, and if necessary, help children in the performance of dance or staging.

Before the matinee, the host must decompose all the attributes required by the script, check their number, put the desired number of chairs.

On the matinee, the presenter should stick freely, naturally. It should not be chosen. What you need to report to children should be outlined simply and understandable. I really revive the speech of a leading relevant joke, a question for children, to caregivers, guests (for example: "You have not seen how our kids are dancing with handkerchiefs?")

On the matinee, it is necessary to speak quite loudly, distinctly and expressive. The presenter not only reports what songs, dancing will be executed, but also explains what is happening. The matinee must be spent in a good pace. Stretching speech and pause - tires guys.

The presenter must be resourceful! In the matinee, unforeseen moments may arise (the children did not have time to change clothes, the composition of the performers has changed, the character appeared untimely, they missed the music number, etc.). In such cases, the presenter must quickly find a way out of the predicament (jokes, riddles, the acquisition of viewers for resolving difficulties).

It is necessary to learn to learn how to finish the holiday organized! After treating - thank the guest (adult character), say goodbye to him, be sure to remind what reason everyone gathered in the hall (once again to congratulate everyone on the holiday), to offer children to leave the hall organized (if the scenario does not provide another option) i.e. stand up with each other or couples and go to the music, and not run to parents

The educator not acting in any roles is with the children of his group. . He sings and dances along with children. The educator should also know the program well and the whole course of the holiday and respond to the work plot entrusted to him (prepares the attributes, the details of the costumes, disguises children on time, if necessary, corrects costumes).

Great pleasure delivers solo and group speeches to children (songs, dance, character). Adult characters also participate in games and dance (get into a couple with children)

Costumes for the holiday are taken by educators in advance So that it is possible to check everything: to wash, sunmate, make the missing details. If parents entrust to sew or decorate a suit, prepare attributes, parents must bring them in advance so that the educators can test them, otherwise it may happen on the holiday that the gums on the caps of parses - will be broken, the attributes will break beyond.

The holiday is over, but festive impressions live for a long time in the memory of children. They share them with their comrades, educators, parents, reflect them in their games, drawings, smearing. The educator strives to consolidate the most colorful impressions associated with the theme of the holiday. Children repeat loved dances, songs, actions of individual characters. You can also hold a consolidating music activity (leave the holiday design, the costumes details, attributes for games and suggest remembering what they liked, exchange impressions. Some speeches can be repeated 2-3 times with the change of performers). You can make festive numbers in front of children of junior groups.

Parents can also take part in the preparation of the holidays: to help decorate the premises, the manufacture of suits, performed by small roles or reading poems, performing music numbers with their children.

Parents - welcome guests at the festival. Parents must be warned that you need to bring replaceable shoes. After the matinee, educators can offer parents to record their impressions in the "Book of Reviews".

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1. Music education

1.1 Music Education Tasks

2. The role of the educator in the musical education of children of preschool age

2.1 Functions and duties of the teacher in musical education

2.2 Music classes

2.3 Independent musical activity of children

2.4 Festive Maturenik




A special role in raising a child belongs to music. With this art, children come into contact from birth, and targeted musical education they get in kindergarten - and later in school.

The influence of music in the development of creative activities of children is very large. Music causes an emotional response before other types of art. Music gives pleasure even 3 - 4 month old baby: singing, metallophone sounds cause a baby first concentration, and then smile. The older children, the brighter and richer positive emotions caused by the music.

Music accompanies man all his life.

The purpose of the work: to consider, the role of the educator in the implementation of the process of musical education of children of preschool age.

· Pick and explore the literature on this topic.

The relevance of this topic is that the role of the teacher in the musical

education of preschool children is an important component of the development of the child's personality.

1. Musicaleducation

The basis of the theory of musical education of children is the huge cognitive and educational possibilities of musical art.

Music education is a targeted formation of a child's personality by exposure to musical art, the formation of interests, needs, abilities, aesthetic attitudes towards music.

Music education in kindergarten is one of the most important educational funds. To carry out this work purposefully and in-depth, the entire pedagogical team should be responsible for it. Kindergarten does not set themselves the task of upbringing future professionals. His goals - to educate the means of musical art of the child, his character and will, contribute to the fact that the music penetrates his soul, caused a response emotional reaction, a living meaningful attitude towards the surrounding reality, deeply connected him to her.

In our country, musical education is considered not as a sphere, available only to elected particularly gifted children, but as an integral part of the overall development of the entire younger generation.

It is very important to start musical education as soon as possible to attach the child to the whole manifold of musical culture.

Preschool age is a period when the main abilities of the child are laid, its hidden talents begin to manifest itself, the personality is being actively developing. The child at this age is most susceptible to the information and is able to realize himself in almost any sphere. Music opens for a child the road to creativity, allows you to get rid of the complexes, "open" yourself to the world. Music has an impact not only on the development of directly musical abilities of children, but also contributes to the socialization of the child, prepares it to the "world of adults", and also forms its spiritual culture.

By purchasing in the classroom in kindergarten, in the family, certain knowledge of music, skills and skills are involved in musical art. It is necessary to ensure that in the process of musical education, the receipt of these knowledge, skills and skills was not an end in itself, but contributed to the formation of preferences, interests, needs, tastes of children, that is, elements of musical and aesthetic consciousness.

The purpose of musical education is to cause interest in music, develop the emotional and musical abilities of the child.

The role of musical education of preschool children is very important, because during these years the basis is laid on which the knowledge of artistic addictions of man will later be carried out.

1.1 Tasksmusical Education

Based on the purposes of musical education, music pedagogy puts the following tasks:

1. Rail love and interest in music. This task is solved by

the development of musical susceptibility, musical hearing who help the child is sharper to feel and comprehend the content of the heard works. The educational impact of music is carried out.

2. Enrich the impressions of children, familiar them in definitely

organized system with a variety of musical works and used means of expressiveness.

3. Promoting children to a variety of musical activities,

forming the perception of music and the simplest performing skills in the field of singing, rhythm, games in children's instruments. To acquaint with the initial elements of musical letters. All this will allow them to act consciously, at ease, expressive.

4. Develop the overall musicality of children (sensory abilities,

ladded rumor, rhythm feeling), form a singing voice and expressiveness of movements. If at this age the child is trained and attached to active practical activity, then the formation and development of all its abilities occurs.

5. Promote the initial development of the musical taste. On the

the basis of the impressions and ideas about music is manifested first selective, and then the estimated attitude to the executable works.

6. Develop a creative attitude to music, primarily in such

available for children's activities as the transfer of images in music games and dances, the use of new combinations of familiar dance movements, improvisation of the speakers. An independence is formed, the initiative and the desire to use in everyday life the learned repertoire, to musitize on musical instruments, sing and dance. Of course, such manifestations are more characteristic of middle and senior preschool children.

The main task of musical education of preschool children is to develop emotional responsiveness to music, instill interest and love for her, deliver joy. And joy is an emotion that expresses the feeling of great peaceful pleasure. It arises only when a person satisfies his needs. Consequently, at musical classes, the child should experience a feeling of satisfaction and pleasure from the fulfillment of various types of musical activity, becoming a person who can create, creatively think.

The tasks of musical education belong to the whole pre-school age. At each age-section, they are modified and complicated.

2. Rolesophisticatedthaleinmusicalraisingchildrenpreschoolage

Pedagogue - the tutor is important not only to understand and love music, be able to sing expressively, rhythmically move and moderately play musical instruments. The most essential is to be able to apply your musical experience in raising children.

Rising the child by means of music, the teacher must understand its importance for the comprehensive development of the person and be its active guide to children. Very good when children in the free clock water dance, sing songs. Pick melodies on a metalfone. Music should permeate many sides of the child's life. To direct the process of musical education in the right channel can only one who does not work with children, namely the educator. In kindergarten work to improve the level of musical knowledge, the development of the musical experience of the team of teachers is leading a music director.

Meanwhile, with an educator, the responsibility for holding musical education in the group, with which he works, even if there is a very experienced musical leader in kindergarten.

2.1 Functionsandresponsibilitieseducatorinmusical Raising

The successes of the musical development of preschoolers in many ways depends not

only from the musical leader, but also from the educator.

The teacher is obliged:

· Develop independence, initiative of children in performance

familiar songs, dance in various conditions (for walking, morning gymnastics, classes), to help ensure that children express their musical impressions in creative games.

· Develop a musical rumor, the feeling of the rhythm of children in the process

music - didactic games.

· Deepete musical impressions of children by listening to music

in audio recordings.

· Know all software requirements for musical education, all

the repertoire of his group and be an active assistant to the musical leader at musical classes.

· Conduct regular musical classes with children of your group in

the case of the lack of a musical leader (due to vacation or illness).

The educator must carry out musical education, using all forms of work: singing, hearing, musical - rhythmic movements, playing musical instruments. Skills for such work The teacher receives during special training in educational institutions and through communication with the music director at various consultations, seminars and workshops.

Working with the educator, the musical leader reveals the maintenance of upcoming musical classes. Learns practical material. Of course, the music director introduces educators and with those next tasks that he puts in the process of working on the content of the training program. This helps them to watch the successes of each child. To identify those children who need additional assistance to schedule ways of this help. In addition, such a job allows the musical leader, given the possibilities of every teacher, skillfully use it in the process of musical training.

2.2 Musical classes

It happens that one moves well, but sings fake. The other possesses a good voice, but not rhythmic. Excuses of educators from participation in musical classes with reference to the inability to move or undeveloped hearing are absolutely not convincing. If the educator has weak auditory views, not enough intonation, it can, knowing the program material and the repertoire, constantly involve the songs of well-singing children, and he himself, just singing them. For listening to music, he can use audio recording.

The participation of the educator in the musical lesson depends on the age of the group, the musical preparedness of children and the specific tasks of this lesson. It is especially important to participate in the educator in working with junior groups, where he owns the main role in the game, dance, song. The younger children, the more actively you have to be an educator - to help the child, follow the children to be attentive to watch - who and how manifests themselves in class. In the senior and preparatory groups, children are provided more independence, but still the help of the caregiver is necessary.

No matter how high the pedagogical qualifications of the musical leader, none of the main tasks of musical education can be satisfactorily permitted if it is carried out without the participation of the educator. And also, if the music sounds for children only in those days when a musical leader comes, if they sing with children, they play and dance only on musical classes.

What should the educator do during typical frontal classes?

In the first part of the classes, his role in the process of learning new movements. He participates in the show of all types of exercises along with the music director, which allows children at the same time to develop their visual and auditory perception. The educator sees all children, may in the course of the action give the appropriate instructions and make comments. The educator must offer accurate, clear and beautiful samples of movements in all types of exercise, with the exception of figurative. In the figurative exercises, the educator gives exemplary samples, as these exercises are aimed at the development of the creative activity of children.
In the second part of the lesson when listening to music, the teacher is mainly passive. Performs a musical work and spends the music director on him. The educator can help children when analyzing music with entry issues, with comparisons, if children cannot respond.

Mainly, the teacher on a personal example shows children how to listen to music when necessary, makes comments, follows the discipline. While learning a new song, the teacher sings together with children, showing the correct articulation and pronunciation. For dating children with a new song, an educator who has good musical data - voice, clean intonation, can perform a song solo. As a rule, a similar acquaintance with a new product causes a lively emotional response in children.

The ability of the musical leader to sing, dancing, playing the instrument for children is natural, whereas, such skills of the educator are of great interest and the desire to imitate.

At the second stage of learning the song, the teacher sings together with the children, simultaneously monitors, whether the children are active, whether they pass the melody correctly, they pronounce words.

Outside of musical training, when fixing the song, you can not teach with the words of the word without a melody. Musical accents do not always coincide with text. When performing a song in a classroom with accompaniment, children will experience difficulties. Such nuances are being worked out by a musical leader on group or individual classes with educators.

At the third stage of learning a song (on 5 - 6 classes), when children already expressively fulfill the song, the teacher with children does not sing, since the task of this stage is an independent emotional - expressive singing without the support of the voice of an adult. Children should start a song on their own after entry or without it, fulfill all the dynamic shades, finish singing in a timely manner. The exception is singing songs with children of junior groups, where the experience of choral activity and adult assistance is necessary. Music education aesthetic matinee

When learning with the children of non-sales games, the educator gives clarification, instructions, comments in the game of the game, may be included in the game when it is first executed or when the game requires an equal number of couples of children. With the kids, the teacher plays at all stages of learning the game.

In the plot games, the teacher is either only an observer, gives instructions, or (in a complex game, as well as in groups of younger age) takes over one of the roles. Children should not interrupt the game. After the game is over, the educator gives the necessary explanations, instructions and children play again. The teacher, watching the game of children, helps the musical leader by the Council - suggests that it does not turn out what movements should be learned in exercises for further improvement.

The educator acts at the time of the presence of dancing. A new dance is a steam room, three, the elements of which children have learned in the process of exercises, the teacher shows with a musician or with a child if the dance is performed under the accompaniment of the musical leader. In the process of learning, the educator gives instructions, helps to correctly perform movements, tells the change of movement, paying attention to changes in music, dancing with children who have no pair. At the final stage of learning, children dance independently. In dances - improvisations held with older children, the tutor does not participate as they are held in order to develop the creative initiative of children. It can record the sequence of worked by children and at the end of the dance can approve or make comments if children did not show their individuality in solving the task, movements of all were identical or monotonous. But usually these comments make a music director. In dancing with the participation of an adult, where actions are fixed by the author of movements, the educator always dances in all age groups along with children.

In the final part of the occupation, the educator is usually not involved (with the exception of junior groups), as the assessment of the classes gives a musical leader. The educator helps children in rebuilding, follows the discipline.

In the occupation of another structure, the role of the educator depends on the types of childhood activities and is consistent with the methodology for its implementation.

In addition, the main role in musical education is given to the educator in independent activities of children.

2.3 Selfmusicalactivity Children

A similar type of activity requires creating external conditions defined material environment. Children are important to have their own music corner - with a small number of musical instruments, musical - didactic games.

Planning an independent musical activity, the educator looks closely at the beginning of the school year to children. Who is what is interested in (singing, dancing, playing the instrument), are there children who do not participate in musication?

Sometimes leading roles go to the same children. This is partly due to the desire of the child to be a leader, and not his interest in music. Other children draw up to music, but they are timid, indecisive. The educator should create optimal conditions for each child. The highest quality of work can be provided there where caregivers constantly increasing their musical - pedagogical qualifications, become active and skillful assistants of the musical leader, use musical material in everyday work with children, are able to independently carry out the simplest musical classes if necessary - in the absence of a musical leader . When the educator already has some experience in observing and analyzing musical classes, as well as the experience of their independent conduct, it will contribute to the discussion of the methodological techniques of classes, stimulate the work of children, prompt the topic, distribute roles, schedule the development of the plot in games and stages. Such a qualification is purchased by the educator constantly, as a result of a systematic analysis of the work of a specialist with children, his instructive training with staff, fulfilling the educator constantly becoming the tasks of the musical leader.

Based on the constant and comprehensive increase in the musical - pedagogical qualifications of the staff, the musician should not only train the caregivers of singing, movements, the correct method of presenting musical material, but also to increase the common culture of educators, to teach to understand the elementary features of music - in the nature of the work, in the musical form ( Sevets, chorus, phrase.)

It is advisable to inform the team of significant musical dates, the news in the musical education of children and other matters of musical life.

2.4 Festive Matrennik

Considering another important form of musical and aesthetic education of children - a festive matinee, which includes almost all types of creative activities of children and a pedagogical team.

The matinee is part of all educational work carried out in kindergarten. The tasks of moral, mental, physical and aesthetic education are carried out here. Therefore, preparation for the holiday, its holding and consolidation of the impressions received by children can be considered as the units of a single pedagogical process.

The activities of the teacher at the matinee are very diverse. Great pleasure is delivered to children with solo and group speeches of educators. They can show various dances, sing songs, play the role of a character. Educators who do not speakers in any roles are with children of their group. They carefully follow how children perceive something, or other performance. They sing together with them, prepare attributes, details of costumes, warm up children in time, help them, if necessary, when performing a game and execution of the dance. After the holiday, children remember the performances like them for a long time. The educator should strive to consolidate these impressions by tying them with the theme of their activities. He offers children to draw or cut out the hero liked, come up with a new plot with the characters of the matinee, conducts conversations, repeats in the group and on the walk loved songs, games, dancing. The educator can independently learn with the children with children, put a small theatrical view, which can then be included in the music lesson or in the program of the festive matinee.

The quality of the musical work of the educator, the development of its activity depend not only on the abilities and experience in this area. The ability of a musical leader to take a big role here to take into account the characteristics of the nature of every teacher: approve shy, unail in them confidence in their forces, find such a form of critical comments that does not hurt pride and raises the desire to correct the mistakes. It is necessary to teach the punctuality of those who are frivolously refer to the responsibilities assigned to the further improvement of those who calm down on the achieved.


Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the goal, delivered, at the beginning of work is achieved.

In the question of the role of the teacher in the musical activity of children there is no doubt. The educator, along with the music director, is of great importance in the case of musical and aesthetic education. As for duties - it is not necessary to carry out a clear face - this should make an educator, and this is the duty of the music leader. Only joint activities, a joint creative approach to this issue can bring their fruits. The educator is important to interest and captivate musical activities. It is necessary to call in it the desire to learn music, to do it, then the teacher will be the best assistant to the musical leader.

Listused Literature

1. A. N. Zimin "Basics of musical education in a preschool institution."

2. E. I. Yudina "The first lessons of music and creativity."

3. N.A. Vetlugin "Methods of musical education in kindergarten".

4. S. I. Beckin, T. P. Lomova, E. N. Sokovnina "Music and Movement".

5. T. S. Babajan "Music education of young children."

Posted on Allbest.ru.


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"The role of the educator at musical classes in early age groups"

The influence of music in the development of creative activities of children is very large. Music causes an emotional response before other types of art. Music education contributes to the development of speech, emotions, movements, gives children joy, encourages activity, enriches bright artistic impressions. Music gives pleasure even 3 - 4 month old baby: singing, metallophone sounds cause a baby first concentration, and then smile. The older children, the brighter and richer positive emotions caused by the music.

Preschool childhood - it's time for the most optimal for the acquisition of the child to the world of beautiful. A great importance in connection with this acquires the identity of the educator. From his moral appearance, the level of knowledge, professional skills and experience depends the final result of the education of the preschooler.

Pedagogue - the tutor is important not only to understand and love music, be able to sing expressively, rhythmically move and moderately play musical instruments. The most essential is to be able to apply your musical experience in raising children.

Rising the child by means of music, the teacher must understand its importance for the comprehensive development of the person and be its active guide to children. Very good when children in the free clock water dance, sing songs. Pick melodies on a metalfone. Music should permeate many sides of the child's life. To direct the process of musical education in the right channel can only one who does not work with children, namely the educator. But for this, the educator must have the necessary knowledge in the field of music. In preschool medium and higher educational institutions, future educators receive wide musical training: learn to play on the instrument, sing, dance, master the methodology of musical education. In kindergarten work to improve the level of musical knowledge, the development of the musical experience of the team of teachers is leading a music director.

Meanwhile, with an educator, the responsibility for holding musical education in the group with which it works, even if there is a very experienced musical leader in kindergarten.

Music occupation is the main organizational form for the implementation of the tasks of musical education and development of children.

At musical classes, a versatile education of children is carried out (mental, aesthetic, physical)

Mental: Children receive knowledge of various sides and phenomena of the surrounding reality, that is, knowledge of the days of the year, about the holidays and labor weekdays of people. Systematizes life experience.

Moral and Volga: Brought up a sense of love for mother, homeland, the skills of cultural behavior are formed (in organizational moments, the ability to listen, sing, dance in the team is brought up. It is purposefully engaged in, the ability to bring the work started to end, overcome difficulties

Physical: In dancing and games, certain motor skills are formed, developing certain muscle groups.

Aesthetic: to be able to listen and understand music, you need to feel it, know the beautiful.

Singing skills: cleanliness of intonation, breathing, diction, coherence of singing intonation.

Teacher's teacher need to know:

Hearing music:

2. Watch out for the discipline;

Sinking, singing:

1. Does not participate in the sink

Often, caregivers allow the following errors in class:

1. The teacher is sitting with an insane view

2. The educator interrupts the execution

3. Give verbal instructions on a par with music. the head (although two centers of attention can not be)

4. violates the course of classes (enters and comes out of the hall).

The educator mainly carries out all the pedagogical work in kindergarten - therefore, he cannot stay aside and from the musical - pedagogical process.

The presence of two teachers in kindergarten is music. The head and tutor does not always lead to the desired results. If all music education is reduced only to the holding of musical training, and the educator at the same time considers himself free from the musical development of children, then in this case, musical education is not an organic part of the whole life of children: a dance, a musical game is not included in the life of the child. The educator underestimating the importance of musical education in pedagogical work, does not show any interest in him and does not know how to cause interest in children.

The leading role in music belongs to the music. Head, since he can convey to children the features of musical works.

The misunderstanding of educational problems of music as an educator can be reduced to "no" every effort of the musical leader. Where the teacher loves music, loves to sing there and children with great interest belong to musical classes. In addition, in the section "Movement", music. The head shaves the tool and here is obligatory to show the movements as an educator.

The role of educators and musical leader on the holidays

I would also like to talk about festive matinees who are regularly held in each age group.

The holiday in kindergarten is, first of all, a large work done by the whole team, as many kindergarten employees are involved in this event: educators, specialists, castellic, cooks, medical workers, administration, etc. Therefore, a holiday is a common cause. ! But each has its own role, their duties. And it is very difficult to divide the responsibilities of the musical leader and the educator, because the successful holding of the holiday depends on the joint organized work of teachers.

2. Before the matinee in the group, it is necessary to observe the festive atmosphere: decorate the group room, hang colorful posters, include appropriate music and so on.

4. When preparing for the holiday, it is possible to use all children if possible: try everyone to find any role, poem, etc.

7. The lead you need to pronounce the text emotionally, loud, clearly, without fear of guests, supporting a friendly atmosphere at the festival.

8. During the execution by children of dances, dance perform movements along with them.

9. At the end of the holiday, caregivers need to collect all children and organized from the hall (with the exception of New Year holidays, when children are photographed with Santa Claus).

10. Request for caregivers - help decorating a hall for holidays and remove all the attributes after your matinee (preferably in place).


The role of the educator in teaching preschoolers game for children's musical instruments

Consultations for educators

The role of the educator in the training of preschoolers

game on children's musical instruments

The successes of the musical development of preschoolers are largely dependent on not only from the musical leader, but also the educator. After all, he communicates with children more often than the musical leader knows the inclination of every child.

The joint work of the musical leader and the educator helps fill the life of children by songs, games, playing children's musical instruments.

Initial game skills on musical instruments Children get in the process of musical training. And if the educator is happily waiting for these classes, looking forward to them with the guys, is active throughout the musical classes, his mood is transmitted.

If we talk about the children of the younger preschool age, then the role of the educator in musical work with them is exceptionally great, it is a member of all kinds of children's activities: sings and dances with the guys, active in the game on the tambourine. Dude, on rattles, makes musical riddles.

Initial musical independent manifestations in kids are not yet steady. Therefore, the teacher supports their interest in their musical toy and some tools, shows how to use them. Together with the music director heats musical and didactic games in class. For example, when having acquainted children with the musical and didactic game "Bird and chicks" E. Tilicaeva tutor plays on a metalfone, and the music. The head executes the accompaniment.

Together with the children, he performs rhythmic exercises on rattles, bells, tambourines under the maintenance of music. leader.

Then in various play situations use these musical toys with children in the group. The educator teaches kids to respond to a quiet and loud sound, hear and distinguish between children's music. Tools (drum, tambourine, rattle).

In the middle group, the teacher together with the music. The leader introduces children from the music. Tools - metalophone, triangle, etc. At the same time, it necessarily performs a melody with a child, as music. The head plays piano escort. The tutor helps master the game skills on the instrument. He plays with the children and in the event that the melody is learned and it goes to fix it.

Often, getting acquainted with new plays, children listen to the game of music. Tools performed by music. Head and teacher.

The musical activity of children outside classes is very diverse. It takes place on someone's creative initiative, it happens different in shape. And it is very important in this activity to determine the role of an adult. The educator sends an independent music. Children's activities include the music of the game, the program, the labor process, using learned from the music. The head of the material, if necessary, tells the children how to deploy the game.

At musical classes, children get tasks to work out in a music corner, specifically indicated by the sign, which they must learn on some musical instrument. The guys independently learning uncomplicated melodies, help each other. The educator monitors the game and, if necessary, comes to children to help.

In the free time, the tutor can play a familiar melody on the instrument. It brings him closer to children, creates a benevolent, relaxed atmosphere.

The teacher, good knowing the individual abilities of children, closely monitors the success of the guys in learning the game, notices the lagging behind, organizes help them, reveals the most capable children. Especially the participation of the educator is especially necessary when children begin to play the ensemble.

The use of folklore in speech therapy groups.

In recent years, interest in folk creativity has increased significantly. Folklore holidays and entertainment are held everywhere. In working with children having speech violations, used: folk songs for hearing, dance, dancing, folk games, sweatshirts, proverbs, riddles, fairy tales, ritual folklore. The value of the folklore is as follows: Folk creativity performs an educational function; Promotes the development of memory: there are many repetitions in the works of oral folk creativity, it helps to better remember the content; It affects the improvement of the body of the child as a whole. Some fun delivered joy and help children to independently make a massage of the hands of the hands of the feet, and also to affect the biologically active points located in the footsteps of the legs and hands. A row of flows can be used for the development of shallow motility, and some have become a game with a word that are so important for children with speech violations. The works of folk art, especially small forms, affect the development of children's speech, enriching the dictionary, developing the articulation apparatus, phonderatic hearing, giving samples to compile descriptive stories. Folk songs, dance, games with singing can be used without musical accompaniment, which allows them to include in independent and play activities, and teachers and parents in everyday life. It is necessary to remember the complexity of perception and reproduction of the defective material. Children must understand the content of the text as a whole and the meaning of each word. It is better to sometimes abandon any fun, songs or other folk material.


Consultation for pedagogues of kindergarten.

"The use of elements of logo in musical activity"

Municipal preschool educational institution Kindergarten № 5 "Zhuravlik"

The speech therapy rhythm is a complex technique, which includes means of speech therapy, musical and rhythmic and physical education. Three whales on which the loggy is standing is a movement, music and speech.

It contributes to overcoming a wide variety of speech disorders.

In the logo, there are two main directions for working with children.

1. Developed non-fermentation processes: improving the overall motility, coordination of movements, orientation in space; regulation of muscle tone; development of a music tempo and rhythm, singing abilities; Activation of all types of attention and memory.

2. Development of children's speech and adjusting their speech violations. This work includes the development of breathing, voices; development of a moderate speech rate and its intonational expressiveness; development of articulation and mimic motility; coordinate speech with movement; Education of the correct sound impact and the formation of phonderatic hearing.

All types of loritmic games and exercises offer children in combination with a rhythmic basis: to music, on account or verbal, more often, poetic support.

At the preparatory stage uses development exercises:

Exercises for the formation of a feeling of rhythm, tempo and memory (motor, visual and auditory) are various musical and rhythmic exercises and simulators;

Exercises contributing to the formation of phonderatic perception (to distinguish noise, and then musical sounds);

Mobile games with a variety of didactic problems (the formation of motor skills, emotional-volitional qualities, as well as the expansion of the vocabulary and consolidation in the speech of children of certain grammatical structures)

All these types of tasks are combined with exercises for the development of common and small motility, orientation in space, coordination of movements and regulation of muscle tone.

The goal of logo is the correction and prevention of existing deviations in the development of the child.

Development of common, shallow and articulation motility;

Formation of proper breathing;

The development of the ability to navigate in space;

Development of clear coordinated movements in relationship with speech;

Development of phonderatic hearing, promotional components;

Formation of relaxation skill;

Development and correction of musical and rhythmic movements.

Music and rhythmic movements are one of the forms of correction of disorders of the syllated structure.

Develop attention, orientation in space, coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm, the runtime memory, help the development of the right respiratory rhythm

For example: alternation of walking on socks, in the semi-traced:

"Bushes, shrubs" (theme "trees");

Respiratory exercises: help the production of diaphragmal respiration, increase the volume of lungs, duration and power of exhalation.

For example: goose (the topic "Poultry")

Inhale through the mouth, exhale through the mouth. On the exhalation of the sound of the sound "Sh-sh-sh"

Exercises for the development of shallow motility.

Scientists have established a direct dependence that exists between the development of the speech of the child and coordinating the movements of the fingers. Developing fingers - develop speech!

Games for the development of phonderatic hearing.

Phondematic rumor is a thin systematic rumor, the ability to recognize and distinguish between the sounds that make up the word. Without a developed phonmematic hearing, it is impossible to correctly utter sounds.

(The word teacher is provided - a speech therapist.)

Mimic exercises: contribute to the development of mobility of facial muscles; Develop the ability to express emotional state using non-verbal means of communication.

For example:

Source nsportal.ru.


"The role of the educator in the process of musical education of children of preschool age"

1. Know all software requirements for musical education.

2. Know the musical material of your group, to be an active assistant to the musical leader at musical classes.

3. Assistance to the music director in the development of the children's musical repertoire, show samples of accurate movement.

4. Conduct regular musical classes with the children of the group in the absence of a musical leader.

5. Disposable movements with lagging children.

6. deepen the musical impressions of children by listening to musical works in the group using technical means.

7. Develop musical skills and kids skills (melodic hearing, rhythm feeling) in the process of conducting didactic games.

8. Own the elementary skills of the game on children's musical instruments (metalfone, bells, bubes, spoons, etc.).

9. Implement the musical development of children using all sections of the work: singing, listening to music, musical and rhythmic movements, game of dmi, musical and didactic games.

10. Consider the individual capabilities and abilities of each child.

11. Develop independence, initiative of children in the use of familiar songs, rounds, music games in classes, walk, morning gymnastics, in self-artistic activities.

12. Create problematic situations that activate children for independent creative manifestations.

13. Attract children to creative games, which includes familiar songs, movements, dance.

14. Use children's ability and skills in children on other activities.

15. Include musical accompaniment to the organization of classes and regime moments.

16. Take direct participation in the diagnostic examination of their pupils to identify musical skills and skills, individual capabilities of each child.

17. Take an active part in holidays, entertainment, musical leisure, puppet performances.

18. Prepare poetic selection of poetic material to entertainment and musical holidays (poems, scenes, insidences.)

19. Assistance in the manufacture of attributes, the design of the musical hall for holidays and entertainment.

The role of the teacher at the music lesson

The role of the educator, the alternation of his passive and active participation, is different, depending on the parts of classes and tasks.

Hearing music:

1. A personal example brings up the ability to carefully listen to a musical work, expresses interest;

2. Watch out for the discipline;

3. Provides help with a musical leader in using visual benefits and other methodical material.

Sinking, singing:

1. Does not participate in the sink

2. Sings with children, learning a new song, showing the right articulation

3. Supports singing in the performance of familiar songs using the means of mimic and pantomimic expressiveness.

4. When improving a learning song, sinks in "difficult places".

5. Does not sing with children with independent emotional-expressive singing (exception - singing with children of early and younger age)

Music and rhythmic movements and games:

1. Participates in the show of all types of movements, giving relevant recommendations to children.

2. It gives clear, accurate, aesthetic standards of movements (exception - exercises for the development of the creative activity of children).

3. Takes direct participation in the performance of dancing, dancing, dance. In the older preschool age, familiar dances, dancing children perform themselves.

4. Corrects the execution of movements of individual children during dance, exercises, games.

5. Explains and controls the execution of the conditions of the game, contributing to the formation of behavioral skills during its implementation.

6. Takes one of the roles in the plot game.

7. Watches discipline throughout the musical classes.

On this topic:

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Topic: The role of the teacher at musical classes and holidays

Among the many problems of recent times relating to pre-school education, the problem of the interaction of educators and specialists is allocated. And the problem of the pedagogical interaction of the educator and the music leader is one of the most important: the success of the process not only the musical, but also the general aesthetic development of preschoolers depends on its solution.

We, musical leaders, I would like to see the interest of educators in the process of musical classes. When a child sees that an educator performs all the tasks with interest, it turns on the process with even greater inspiration. After all, the teacher for him is absolute authority, and whatever happened in the classroom, the child will constantly focus on the educator.

How does the educator in the musical lesson manifest? First of all, the tutor must be understood that at the music lesson, he is the same participant as children, and not the overseer. Imagine that you are a child, you are wonderful to you and you, along with the children, you have fun sang, dance dance, thoughtfully listening to music ... and do it not as a service, but with a soul, but do not forget that there is a pedagogical process that needs to be controlled.

And now from aesthetics, we will move on to organizational issues.

1. At musical lesson, children should be elegantly dressed,

on the legs comfortable shoes, girls are required in skirts.

2. During the middle group of children, it is necessary to build, alternating

boy and girl.

3. The lesson should come 2-3 minutes before the start to

built and configure children to occupation.

4. The educator brings a notebook with a solid cover on

spirals and handle to record songs songs, games, movements

5. In time, it is advisable not to leave the hall so as not to

skip any material.

6. Exercise along with children. Dance movements, games,

sing songs and t d.

7. Monitor the correct execution of children movements

8. Before occupation it is necessary to comply with musical silence: not

include a tape recorder, since children are broken

perception and concentration

9. In free activities, fasten the material obtained in the lesson.

Topic: The role of educators and musical leader on the holidays

And now it's time to talk about festive matinees who are regularly held in every age group. This is the autumn holiday, the new year, March 8 and the graduation ball in the preparatory school group.

The holiday in kindergarten is, above all, a large work done by the whole team, as many kindergarten employees are involved in this event: educators, specialists, Castelian, cooks, medical workers, administration, etc. Therefore, the holiday is a common cause!

But each has its own role, their duties. And it is very difficult to divide the responsibilities of the musical leader and the educator, because the successful holding of the holiday depends on the joint organized work of teachers.

1. For a holiday, children dress up smartly and at their request if the costumes are not defined in the holiday scenario.

2. Before the matinee in the group, it is necessary to observe the festive atmosphere: decorate a group room, hang colorful posters, enable appropriate music, etc.

3. Equipments must be elected to be elegant, have suitable shoes, meet children in high spirits.

4. When preparing for the holiday, use all children if possible: try to find any role, poem, etc.

5. During learning with children of poems, roles to control the correct pronunciation, emphasis in words, compliance with punctuation.

6. At the very festival, both educators be present.

7. During the holiday, children do not touch hands, and to rebuild them, you just need to tell them about it.

8. The lead you need to pronounce the text emotionally, loud, clearly, without fear of guests, supporting a friendly atmosphere at the festival.

9. During the execution of dances, dances, dance perform movements along with them.

10. At the end of the holiday, caregivers need to collect all the children and organized from the hall (with the exception of New Year's holidays, when children are photographed with Santa Claus).

11. Request for caregivers - help decorate the hall for the holidays and remove all the attributes after your matinee (preferably in place).

And finally, I would like to say that the holiday is, above all, the demonstration performance of our children and us, therefore, please, please, with it with a great responsibility. And then everything will succeed!

Topic: "The role of the educator in the process of musical education of children of preschool age"

How actively do the kindergarten educators participate in the musical education of children? Do they realize the importance of such participation?

Often the teacher considers only a duty to attend musical lessons - in order to maintain discipline. Meanwhile, without active care of the educator, the productivity of musical training is much lower possible.

The implementation of the process of musical education requires a large activity from the teacher. Rising the child with the means of music, teachers, "preschoolers should well understand its importance in the harmonious development of the personality. To do this, it is necessary to clearly and clearly represent what means, methodological techniques can be put on the right perception of music.

Pedagogue-tutor is necessary:

1. Know all software requirements for musical education.

2. Know the musical material of your group, to be an active assistant to the musical leader at musical classes.

3. Assistance to the music director in the development of the children's musical repertoire, show samples of accurate movement.

4. Conduct regular musical classes with the children of the group in the absence of a musical leader.

5. Disposable movements with lagging children.

6. deepen the musical impressions of children by listening to musical works in the group using technical means.

7. Develop musical skills and kids skills (melodic hearing, rhythm feeling) in the process of conducting didactic games.

8. Own the elementary skills of the game on children's musical instruments (metalfone, bells, bubes, spoons, etc.).

9. Implement the musical development of children using all partitions of work: singing, listening to music, musical and rhythmic movements, game of dmi, musical and didactic games.

10. Consider the individual capabilities and abilities of each child.

11. Develop independence, initiative of children in the use of familiar songs, rounds, music games in classes, walk, morning gymnastics, in self-artistic activities.

12. Create problematic situations that activate children for independent creative manifestations.

13. Attract children to creative games, which includes familiar songs, movements, dance.

14. Use children's ability and skills in children on other activities.

15. Include musical accompaniment to the organization of classes and regime moments.

16. Take direct participation in the diagnostic examination of their pupils to identify musical skills and skills, individual capabilities of each child.

17. Take an active part in holidays, entertainment, musical leisure, puppet performances.

18. Prepare poetic selection of poetic material to entertainment and musical holidays.

19. Assistance in the manufacture of attributes, the design of the musical hall for holidays and entertainment.

The role of the teacher at the music lesson

The role of the educator, the alternation of his passive and active participation, is different, depending on the parts of classes and tasks.

Hearing music:

1. A personal example brings up the ability to carefully listen to a musical work, expresses interest;

2. Watch out for the discipline;

3. Provides help with a musical leader in using visual benefits and other methodical material.

Sinking, singing:

1. Does not participate in the sink

2. Sings with children, learning a new song, showing the right articulation

3. Supports singing in the performance of familiar songs using the means of mimic and pantomimic expressiveness.

4. When improving a learning song, sinks in "difficult places".

5. Does not sing with children with independent emotional-expressive singing (exception - singing with children of early and younger age)

Music and rhythmic movements and games:

1. Participates in the show of all types of movements, giving relevant recommendations to children.

2. It gives clear, accurate, aesthetic standards of movements (exception - exercises for the development of the creative activity of children).

3. Takes direct participation in the performance of dancing, dancing, dance. In the older preschool age, familiar dances, dancing children perform themselves.

4. Corrects the execution of movements of individual children during dance, exercises, games.

5. Explains and controls the execution of the conditions of the game, contributing to the formation of behavioral skills during its implementation.

6. Takes one of the roles in the plot game.

7. Watches discipline throughout the musical classes.

"The role of the educator in the process of musical education of children of preschool age"

How actively do the kindergarten educators participate in the musical education of children? Do they realize the importance of such participation?

Often the teacher considers only a duty to attend musical lessons - in order to maintain discipline. Meanwhile, without active care of the educator, the productivity of musical training is much lower possible. The implementation of the process of musical education requires a large activity from the teacher. Rising the child with the means of music, teachers, "preschoolers should well understand its importance in the harmonious development of the personality. To do this, it is necessary to clearly and clearly represent what means, methodological techniques can be put on the right perception of music.

Pedagogue-tutor is necessary:

1. Know all software requirements for musical education.

2. Know the musical material of your group, to be an active assistant to the musical leader at musical classes.

3. Assistance to the music director in the development of the children's musical repertoire, show samples of accurate movement.

4. Conduct regular musical classes with the children of the group in the absence of a musical leader.

5. Disposable movements with lagging children.

6. deepen the musical impressions of children by listening to musical works in the group using technical means.

7. Develop musical skills and kids skills (melodic hearing, rhythm feeling) in the process of conducting didactic games.

8. Own the elementary skills of the game on children's musical instruments (metalfone, bells, bubes, spoons, etc.).

9. Implement the musical development of children using all sections of the work: singing, listening to music, musical and rhythmic movements, game of dmi, musical and didactic games.

10. Consider the individual capabilities and abilities of each child.

11. Develop independence, initiative of children in the use of familiar songs, rounds, music games in classes, walk, morning gymnastics, in self-artistic activities.

12. Create problematic situations that activate children for independent creative manifestations.

13. Attract children to creative games, which includes familiar songs, movements, dance.

14. Use children's ability and skills in children on other activities.

15. Include musical accompaniment to the organization of classes and regime moments.

16. Take direct participation in the diagnostic examination of their pupils to identify musical skills and skills, individual capabilities of each child.

17. Take an active part in holidays, entertainment, musical leisure, puppet performances.

18. Prepare poetic selection of poetic material to entertainment and musical holidays (poems, scenes, insidences.)

19. Assistance in the manufacture of attributes, the design of the musical hall for holidays and entertainment.

The role of the teacher at the music lesson

The role of the educator, the alternation of his passive and active participation, is different, depending on the parts of classes and tasks.

Hearing music:

1. A personal example brings up the ability to carefully listen to a musical work, expresses interest;

2. Watch out for the discipline;

3. Provides help with a musical leader in using visual benefits and other methodical material.

Sinking, singing:

1. Does not participate in the sink

2. Sings with children, learning a new song, showing the right articulation

3. Supports singing in the performance of familiar songs using the means of mimic and pantomimic expressiveness.

4. When improving a learning song, sinks in "difficult places".

5. Does not sing with children with independent emotional-expressive singing (exception - singing with children of early and younger age)

Music and rhythmic movements and games:

1. Participates in the show of all types of movements, giving relevant recommendations to children.

2. It gives clear, accurate, aesthetic standards of movements (exception - exercises for the development of the creative activity of children).

3. Takes direct participation in the performance of dancing, dancing, dance. In the older preschool age, familiar dances, dancing children perform themselves.

4. Corrects the execution of movements of individual children during dance, exercises, games.

5. Explains and controls the execution of the conditions of the game, contributing to the formation of behavioral skills during its implementation.

6. Takes one of the roles in the plot game.

7. Watches discipline throughout the musical classes.

The role of the educator in the musical development of children.

Successes in the musical development of children, the emotional perception of them are closely related to the work of the teacher. It is an educator with a wide range of a certain musical culture that understands the tasks of musical education of children, is a guide to music in the daily life of a kindergarten. Good business relationships of the musical leader and the educator have a beneficial effect on children, create a healthy, friendly atmosphere, equally necessary for both adults and children.

The main form of musical education and child learning in a preschool institution is musical classes. In the process of classes, children acquire knowledge, skills, listening skills, singing, musical and rhythmic movements, game of dmi. Musical classes are an artistic and pedagogical process that contributes to the development of the child's musicality, the formation of his personality and the development of reality through musical images. Music classes play an important role in the development of excerpt, will, attention, memory, in the education of collectivism, which contributes to training for school training. They carry out the systematic education of each child, taking into account his individual characteristics.

Musical classes are not a monopoly of the music leader, and is part of the pedagogical work that the educator leads.

The participation of the educator in the musical lesson depends on the age group, the musical preparedness of children and the specific tasks of this classes. It is especially important to participate in the educator in working with junior groups, where he owns the main role in the game, dance, song. The younger children, the more actively you have to be an educator - to help each child, to ensure that children are not distracted, they were attentive, watch who and how manifests themselves in class. In senior and preparatory groups, children are provided more independence, but still the help of the educator is necessary. It shows the movements of the exercises along with the music director, performs a dance with the child who has no pair, carries out control over the behavior of children, for the quality of the entire program material. The educator should be able to sing songs, show any exercise, game or dance, know music for hearing from the children's repertoire. During musical training, the teacher monitors the posture of children, the pronunciation of words in the song, the quality of mastering the material. The role of the tutor is changing depending on the content of musical classes. If in terms of classes, it is planned to get acquainted with the new song, singing it can an educator, if he first learn it with the music director. This option is allowed: the music director is performed for the first time, re-teacher. The tutor follows, whether all children are actively singing, whether they pass the songs correctly, spelling words. Since the music leader is near the tool, it is not always able to notice who of the children sang something wrong. If the occupation is devoted to the listening of music, the teacher can talk about the content of the musical play, which will be performed by the music director, while performing to follow how children perceive music. When children speak a little about what he heard, the teacher helps them with the leading issues. When carrying out musical and rhythmic movements with children of junior groups, the educator plays with them, shows dance and imitation figures. In the senior groups, he closely monitors whether the children are correctly performing movement and which of them have to help. Attending in classes, actively participating in them, the tutor not only helps children, but also assimilates the material. It is necessary that both educators attended the classes alternately. Knowing a repertoire, they may include some kind of songs, games in the daily life of children.

The life of a child becomes more colorful, more fully, joyful, if not only on musical classes, but in the rest of the time in kindergarten conditions are created for the manifestation of his musical inconsistencies, interests, abilities.

The abilities obtained in classes must necessarily be fixed and developed outside them. In a variety of games, for walks, in the watch allotted for independent activities, children on their own initiative can sing songs, drive away dances, listen to music, pick up the simplest melodies on the metal fondon. Thus, the music is included in the life of the child, the musical activity becomes a favorite activity.

On musical classes, new information about musical works are reported, singing and musical and rhythmic skills are formed, the consistent musical development of all children on a specific system is provided. In the daily life of the kindergarten, the focus is on individual work with children - the development of their musical abilities, the formation of pure intonation, teaching children to the game by DMI. The leading role here is given to the educator. Given the age of children, it determines the forms of inclusion of music in the day. Many parties to the life of the kindergarten allow them to communicate with music and acquire greater emotional comprehension from it.

Music can be used in plot-role-playing creative games of children, morning gymnastics, while walking (in summertime), entertainment evenings, before bedtime. Music is allowed in classes in various types of activities: visual, physical culture, according to the nature and development of speech.

The game is definitely the main activity of the child outside of classes. The inclusion of music in the game makes it more emotional, interesting, attractive. Various options for using music in games are possible.

In some cases, it is like an illustration of the action of the game. For example, playing, the children sing a lullaby song, celebrate housewarming, dance. In other cases, children reflect the impressions received at musical activities, holidays. Conducting plot games with music requires a very cautious and flexible guide to the educator. He observing the course of the game, encourages children to sing singing, dances, a game on dmi. Many plot role-playing games occur only when children give a toy tv, piano, theatrical screen. Children begin to play "Music classes", "Theater", to perform with concerts on "television".

Music can enter as an integral part and in different classes. The aesthetic perception of nature gives rise to children to their homeland. Music helps them more deeply emotionally perceive images of nature, its individual phenomena. At the same time, nature observations deepen the perception of music. It becomes more understandable and affordable. For example, if, going for a walk to the park or forest, the children will pay attention to the beautiful slim birch, then the teacher must offer her carefully to consider it, remember the poem about it, and even better sing a song or drive a dance. Thus, the educator fastens the children's impressions obtained from the direct observation of nature with the help of a musical work. In addition, the tutor can spend in the summer for walking games with singing. This gives suspicion. A musical material related to the theme of nature in advance on musical classes allows children to be more attentive when observed. Children begin to understand that every phenomenon of nature, every time of the year in its own way perfectly. Music, depending on the tasks that the educator puts, or precedes observation, or enshrines children's impressions.

Music is advisable to include in speech development classes, for example, when tale telling. But at the same time it is necessary to take care that the music does not disturb the integrity of the fabulous image, and on the contrary, complemented it. It is convenient to introduce music to such fairy tales, on the text of which opera or children's musical games are written. ("Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Teremok", "Gus-Swans"). The performance of songs along the fairy tales gives them special emotionality.

Music can be used and when conducting conversations for different topics. (On the years, the coming holiday, about the homeland, etc.)

In close connection with musical education there is work on speech. Singing improves the pronunciation of words and contributes to the elimination of speech defects.

There is also easy to establish a relationship between musical education and visual activities. On the one hand, the music deepens the impressions that children expressed in a drawing or modeling. On the other hand, it gives material to hold it. The theme of drawings, modeling, appliqués can be the content of a well-known song or software instrumental work. Thus, the combination of musical and visual activities helps the child in the perception of each type of art.

Music included in the educator at various moments of the daily life of children causes their positive emotions, joyful feelings, creates a raised mood. It is recommended to use folk songs more often. Their thin humor, bright imagery have a much greater power of influence on the behavior of a child than moraling or direct indication.