State and Spiritual Values ​​presentation. Spiritual and moral value system in ancient Russian literature

State and Spiritual Values ​​presentation.  Spiritual and moral value system in ancient Russian literature
State and Spiritual Values ​​presentation. Spiritual and moral value system in ancient Russian literature

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State concern for the preservation of spiritual values ​​Prepared by: primary school teacher Matveeva Svetlana Alexandrovna 2015 Fundamentals of Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Peoples of Russia Grade 5 Constitution of the Russian Federation Article 44.1. Everyone is guaranteed freedom of literary, artistic, scientific, technical and other types of creativity, teaching. 2. Everyone has the right to participate in cultural life and the use of cultural institutions, access to cultural values. Everyone is obliged to take care of the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage, to protect the monuments of history and culture. Academician D.S. Likhachev said: “If a person does not like to look at old photographs of his parents at least from time to time, does not appreciate the memory of them left in the garden that they cultivated, which belonged to them, then he does not love them. If a person does not like old streets, even if they are poor, it means that he does not have love for his city. If a person is indifferent to the monuments of the history of his country, he, as a rule, is indifferent to his country. " Monument to Hermogenes Opening of Monument to Hermogenes Monument to Minin and Pozharsky Kazan

Mosques in Kazan

Buddhist temple in Chita Buddhist temple in St. Petersburg Spaso-Preobrazhensky monastery New Jerusalem monastery in the Moscow region Verkhotursky monastery in the Urals Seraphim-Diveevsky monastery Cathedral of Christ the Savior Museum-reserve "Tsarskoe Selo" Syuyumbike "Falling tower" Museum of folk wooden architecture "Vitosirlavia" Samara region Syzran
KAZAN CATHEDRAL In the heart of the city there is a majestic five-domed temple with a high bell tower. This is Kazansky Cathedral, one of the most beautiful and richest temples in the Volga region. The grace of God truly extends over him. After all, the cathedral remained one of the few structures in Syzran that survived the terrible fire of 1906. The whole city was engulfed in flames, and the cathedral rose among the flames, like a martyr at the stake, with its majestic bell tower. He survived thanks to the watchman, who put out the fire that had spread to the temple in time. SYZRAN KREMLIN. Syzran became the only city in the Samara province where his heart, the Kremlin, has been preserved. He became more than just a symbol and business card our small homeland... The Syzran Kremlin combines two ideas - the valiant past of the city, founded to protect the border borders of Russia, and the truth of the Christian faith. Cathedral of Christ the Savior Mother of God Moscow Kremlin Monument to Minin and Pozharsky Spassky Gate Ivan the Great Bell Tower and Tsar Bell

The state, society and every person should take care of the preservation of spiritual values. Thank you for your attention! public // photos / sights / 1391955759.jpg Internet resources

Attached files

Filling the table. There are 2 columns in the table: 1- how does the state take care of the preservation of spiritual values; 2- example (from the text of the presentation and the tutorial)

1. Get acquainted with new information, ask clarifying questions, discuss new information.

2. Get to know new terms. Discuss the results of the answers.

3.Work with a textbook.

4. Watching the movie and answering questions.

5. Answer questions.

Oh Cathedral of Christ the Savior, you again

You stand, having risen to the former heights!

My enthusiastic word to you,

An ecstatic flight of my soul!

How majestic and how beautiful you are

In unthinkable beauty

Golden crosses and domes and towers.

Figures and walls in their snowy purity!

How the hand of the "creators" of the wicked went up

Blowing you up is the sanctuary of Christ.

Museum of the great Borodino glory,

Here created by the will of the Creator!

Praise be to Him and to all who by the will of God

I presented this Temple to Russia again!

And let the road lead us all here

To divine speaking lips!

Russia to be and be reborn again

Her great righteous deeds!

The key to this is the rising in the capital

Christ the Savior, the majestic Temple!

First speaker: In 1812, Napoleon's troops crossed the Russian border. The emperor of the French dreamed of subjugating our country. “Three more years, and I am the master of the world,” Napoleon said .. He counted on a quick and easy victory. According to Napoleon's plans. After several battles, Russia had to ask for peace. However, contrary to the expectations of the French emperor, he met with desperate resistance in Russia. And not only the army, but the entire people.

Second speaker: Not far from Moscow, near the village of Borodino, on September 7, 1812, the Russian army under the command of Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov gave battle to the French. All day long cannon fire was thundering over the field. Cavalry attacks replaced one another, more and more infantry regiments went on the attack. Both armies suffered huge losses, but neither side could win. By the end of the day, the armies remained in their original positions. Kutuzov made a difficult decision: to keep the army. He took her to new frontiers south of Moscow. Napoleon waited in vain for Poklonnaya Hill a delegation of Muscovites with the keys to the city.

Third speaker: The French entered Moscow, but did not feel like victors. A few days later, fires began. There was not enough food for the soldiers. Without waiting for proposals to conclude peace, Napoleon decides to leave Moscow. Russian troops drove out the French army, completing the victorious campaign in Paris. In honor of the victory over the French and in memory of the fallen Russian soldiers, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was erected in Moscow.

Fourth speaker: December 25, 1812. When the last soldier of Napoleon's army was expelled from Russia. Tsar Alexander was the first to sign a decree on the construction of a temple in the name of the Savior in Moscow. In 1817, the solemn laying of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior on Sparrow Hills took place. However, problems soon arose. Associated with the fragility of the soil, which has underground streams, and the new autocrat Nikolai ordered to suspend work. In 1832, Nicholas was the first to approve new project temple, compiled by the architect Konstantin Ton. The Emperor personally chose the site for the construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior - on the banks of the Moscow River not far from the Kremlin.

The Cathedral of Christ the Savior was built for 44 years. Only in 1860 did the temple first appear before Muscovites in its grandeur. The best architects, builders and artists of that time worked on the creator of the temple according to the project of K.A. Ton. Unique painting created by the artists of the Russian Academy of Arts V. Surikov, I. Kramskoy, In Vereshchagin.

Fifth informer: The temple is a living chronicle of the struggle of the Russian people with the conqueror Napoleon, and the names of the valiant heroes through whom God showed salvation to the Russian people were printed on marble boards located in the lower gallery of the Temple.

In 1883, the Solemn consecration of the Temple took place. From that time on, regular services began in the Temple. Coronations, national holidays and anniversaries were solemnly celebrated in the temple: the 500th anniversary of death Saint Sergius Radonezh, 1900th anniversary Patriotic War 1812 This is how the first stage of the life of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior ended.

Source text:

«… They couldn't stand them through the wide-open bronze doors; they dragged them out with hinges around their necks. marble sculptures... They were simply thrown from high steps into the mud. The arms, heads, wings of angels were broken off. With the help of powerful tractors, the crosses were pulled from small domes with steel cables. The priceless marble wall cladding was crumbling with jackhammers. The paintings on the walls of the cathedral perished. The workers began to bite into three-meter-thick walls with hammers. But the walls put up stubborn resistance. Jackhammers broke. Neither crowbars nor heavy sledgehammers could overcome the resistance of the stone. Couldn't do anything with the walls. They did not give in ... And then the order came: to blow up the cathedral .. Only the power of powerful explosions turned the grandiose creation of Russian art into a heap of rubble and debris. "

But what do spiritual values ​​mean? Some mean by the word "spirituality" cultural heritage, which includes language, music, art, literature, etc. For others, spirituality is associated with religion. That is, we observe the division of the concept of "spirituality" into two: secular and religious understanding. In the 21st century, a bias is made towards a secular understanding of spiritual values, which leads to the materialization of a person's cultural awareness. However, secular understanding is not capable of fully satisfying spiritual needs.

Only in connection with religion and its values ​​can humanity create a morally conscious society. Spiritual values ​​should combine these two concepts. Yet the religious has every right to dominate the secular understanding of values. After all, it is religion that contributes to the emergence of cultural heritage, which then develops in close relationship with it.

Modern society forgets the advantage of raising children in the spirit of religion. After all, religion is the very connecting link that strengthens and protects the morality and unity of the nation. Religion, or rather, Faith, lies at the basis of social relations, it is a solid foundation, which is based on the centuries-old tradition of the people. Faith creates the laws of morality, and through them - and public laws, and norms of behavior in society. If a person with early childhood was brought up in the spirit of the Faith of his ancestors, then he will certainly honor and respect his land, his country. That is, one of the most high levels awareness of oneself as a part of the nation and fostering patriotism in oneself.

Because Vera, in my opinion, is the ancestor of everything humane (humane). No religion human society unable to survive morally, it is certainly doomed to moral degradation... What we can observe in modern world... In our time, values ​​are becoming more and more materialistic, in honor and respect those people who have abundant material wealth, and the spiritual, unfortunately, recede into the background. And culture is on the same path. Now they "create" not for a person, but for sale. But it is culture that is called upon to awaken noble feelings in a person, to show beauty and educate moral qualities.

And everything happens exactly the opposite, today we can observe how the so-called " Mass culture"Corrupts the minds of people. In addition, the decline in the importance of spiritual and moral values the formation of a new type of society, the so-called information society, has a significant impact. It is based on computer technology and, as a result, the creation of a global information space that provides people with access to world information resources(informational globalization). In my opinion, in modern society there is a tendency towards the development of commodity relations between the state and the people. The person was renamed into a consumer, entrepreneurs are looking for profitable markets for their goods. And at the same time, various methods are used to lure the consumer and increase the demand for a particular product.

First of all, this is a method of advertising propaganda, which is carried out using the information space and is suggestive, not informational. This leads to the fact that the product is simply imposed, and we are already talking about mass, and not about individuality (that is, goods are produced for mass consumption). And the state simply "observes" these processes from the outside, since under the conditions market economy the emphasis is placed on the development of private entrepreneurship, and it is difficult for the state to "keep track" of the observance of the transparency of the marketing processes. Modern society is simply unable to cope with the huge flow of information that itself has generated. Frequently untrue and immoral information "seeps" into the system of mass media and Internet resources.

And if in the media it is still somehow filtered, then the Internet remains a stumbling block for the "information society". I would also like to note that through the information system, ideological and political views, racist and immoral beliefs can be "introduced" into the broad masses of people, moreover, this can be done by a third party (for example, another state) in order to weaken national unity and lead to decline moral basis a certain society. We can say that a person is subjected to an "information attack" with a specific purpose beneficial to someone. With a decrease in the religiosity of a nation, a person becomes more susceptible to external influences, he more easily tolerates the decline of spiritual values ​​- for the simple reason that they are not of interest to him, because in childhood he was not brought up with Faith and, accordingly, he does not have a sense of patriotism.

Such a person becomes spiritually and culturally unmotivated (that is, the preservation, as well as the development of spiritual values, do not have of particular importance). Such a person often takes the path of immorality and moral decline, while his degradation as a social being is observed. In general, the following conclusions can be drawn.

1. Informational globalization has a negative impact on the formation of morality and spiritual values ​​of the individual. With help information technologies goods are sold to the broad masses, and they can also impose political and ideological views. The consequence of this is the undermining of national identity.

2. The preservation of spiritual values ​​in the context of information globalization is not an easy task, but still achievable. For this, it is necessary to strengthen state control over the information sphere, in particular over the Internet and the media. It is also necessary to constantly engage in the religious education of children, to bring them up in the spirit of patriotism. And for this it is necessary to form a number of institutions (especially at the state level) that will deal with religious and, accordingly, moral education children.

3. It is necessary to create conditions (again at the state level) for the involvement of the adult part of the population, as well as youth in the cultural, spiritual and social life people, for example, the establishment of organizations of interest, the conduct of various social and cultural-spiritual events. It is important to participate in the development and implementation of socio-cultural regional and national projects... 4. If we learn to respect and love our nation, then we will respect other nations as well as ourselves!

List of used literature:

1. Giddens E. The elusive world. How globalization is changing our lives // E. Giddens. - Moscow: Ves Mir, 2004 .-- 120 p.

2. Utkin AI Globalization: process and understanding // AI Utkin. - Moscow: Logos, 2001.

3. Friedman T. Flat world... Brief history XXI century // T. Fridman - Moscow: Guardian, 2006 .-- 60 p.

M. S. Lutovinova, social educator, MOU Yurovskaya secondary school, Ramenskiy district, Moscow region

Original ideas, scientific discovery, a novel or a painting can be lost forever or remain in obscurity, and then they will not bear any influence on people. Imagine how impoverished humanity would be, I would not know ancient mythology if the Egyptian pyramids of "murals. Rublev, works. T. Shevchenko or mysterious. Mona. Lisa. Leonardo da Vinci, how would the view have faded. Kiev without a monument. Bogdo na. Khmelnitsky or. St. Sophia Cathedral. Who contributes preservation and dissemination of spiritual wealth? touristic historical and natural-scientific values. Let's start with museums "Their essence was first well revealed by the ancient Vietnamese term" bao i ", which means" repository of relics "With the development of museums (now there are more than 12 thousand .) have become not only collections of values ​​"but thanks to their expositions, exhibitions" Excursion 1, a serious source of knowledge replenishment for millions of visitors.

Museums are diverse in their profile: historical (including archaeological "ethnographic, etc.), artistic" literary, natural history (botanical, geological, etc.), technical. In Ukraine and other countries, there are also many amateur (volunteer) museums, these are museums of history educational institutions, military units, enterprises.

The words "repository" and "distribution" refer to libraries as well. The oldest of them appeared many centuries before the invention of printing: in the middle of the 7th century BC at the court of the Assyrian king. Ashurbanipal was removed from the "clay books" library. more people mastered scientific, literary, spiritual values. The network of libraries is huge: from small - personal, school, city - to the most book-holdings.

The word "archive" (translated from lat - letter-holding) is often associated with something very ancient and distant from life. Archives, like libraries, have been known for a long time. Archives are a place of storage of documents, in one way or another, the most ancient, and very recent times. The collection of archival sources is intended for scientific research, for practical purposes. The archives are constantly being replenished, because every day new evidence is accumulated about the activities of individuals, organizations, government agencies... There are small archives (for example, the archive of the plant, where documents about its employees are kept) and gigantic, according to which you can explore much that has not yet been known, or restore the truth, which has been hidden for a long time. So, thanks to archival searches, it was possible to make public the previously classified treaties (for example, the secretary of Etna, the protocol signed by Molotov and Ribbentrop on the eve of the Second World War). During the restoration of the ancient Ukrainian cities, destroyed by the Nazis in the years. Great. World War II, data on architectural features and the size of the restored structures, cultural monuments. Ancient messages stored in the archives about certain natural phenomena helped geologists of the XX century to find a circle of greasy reserves of minerals (oil, gas, etc.). Archival certificates help citizens to confirm some of their rights (for example, certificates of work experience affect the amount of pensions).

Thus, archives, libraries, museums are not only repositories; the ancient Egyptians called them "houses of life", emphasizing important role these institutions in the preservation and transmission of cultural heritage. Museums, and archives and libraries are the property of the people, they should be accessible to everyone.

The effectiveness of spiritual and practical activities carried out by museums, libraries, archives, largely depends on the "pilot", laying out the visitor, the reader better way to knowledge. These "glamor pilots" are tour guides, librarians, archivists.

The aphorism "to look is not to see" recalls one of the fundamental tasks museum worker- to teach "to see", that is, to reveal the essential features of the exposition, thus obtaining the maximum information contained in it. Consider, for example, visiting art gallery... Of course, being alone with the picture, everyone feels its aesthetic poured out. But often, much remains not understood as a whole through a weak acquaintance with the subject (for example, with the plots on biblical themes), due to insufficiently clear perception artistic style, its features. In such cases, the guide's explanations are very valuable.

In libraries it is very difficult to navigate the world of books. the right way to meet the needs of the reader, to shape his interests and tastes

The school, first the teacher, makes the largest contribution to the dissemination of spiritual values ​​in terms of its reach of people and national significance. Let us recall the wide public sense words "teacher" :: this is a thinker, leads people along the path of knowledge and helps them to form their views, seek and find their life path... It is the teacher who is a living source of knowledge and skills for children and young people, a bearer of relay races and times, he spreads, passes on to new generations the most important, valuable and humanly significant from what has been accumulated by science, technology, art from ancient times to the present day. The teacher seeks to lay the foundations for understanding modern system scientific knowledge, develops, about the world, man, society.

The mass audience perceives spiritual values ​​- these are hundreds of millions of readers of newspapers and magazines, radio listeners, TV viewers, that is, those who are constantly influenced by the media

The undoubted national heritage is the classic theatrical performances and films, the reproduction of which by television means acquaints new generations with the art of the people of Ukraine, various foreign countries

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The family is the guardian of spiritual values
Chuprov L.A. MBOU SOSH №3 with. Kamen-Rybolov of the Khanka district of the Primorsky Territory

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In the family, the child learns the rules of behavior, acquires knowledge about what is good and what is bad, what is allowed and what is not.

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If a family is linked by relations of friendship, love, trust, then a person receives a huge positive charge for his moral development.

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What will a person be like, what values ​​and attitudes will he or she be guided by in life? This largely depends on what his relatives believe in and what they value, what family values they will give it to him.

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Family history is closely intertwined with history native land and the country as a whole. That is why it is so important to carefully preserve and pass on the traditions and customs of your family.

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Knowledge of the history of your family, its customs and traditions gives rise to an interest in cultural traditions Russian people and is the basis of patriotism.

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What family traditions are described in the pictures on page 57?
Let's discuss together.
What traditions do we have in our families?
Let's listen to each other.

Slide 9

My grandmother's fairy tales ...
In every family, children are told fairy tales, legends, and songs are sung. From their parents, grandparents, they know a lot of counting rhymes, nursery rhymes, sayings, games.

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Suffice it to recall the well-known nursery rhyme about the white-sided magpie, which punished the lazy and did not give porridge to the one who did not carry water, did not chop wood, did not heat the stove and did not cook porridge.
Listening and remembering these folklore works, children learn the rules of behavior in the family and in society.

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Find lines in the poem that speak about the attitude of children to grandmother's fairy tales.
V winter evening through the backyards A loose crowd Through the snowdrifts, along the hills We walk, wander home. The sled will become disgusting, And we sit in two rows To listen to grandmother's tales About Ivan the Fool. And we are sitting, barely breathing. Time goes by midnight.
Let's pretend we don't hear if Mom calls you to sleep. All fairy tales. It's time to go to bed ... But how can we sleep now? And again we gagged, We begin to pester. Grandmother will say timidly: "Why sit until dawn?" Well, what does it matter to us, - Speak and speak. S. Yesenin
Grandma's Tales

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Remember your childhood. Who told you fairy tales, sang songs, played with you?
What nursery rhymes, jokes, games do you remember from childhood?

Slide 13

Let's analyze proverbs and sayings different nations... Which rules family relations are represented in them?
Let's discuss together.
Goodness does not flow around the world, but lives as a family (Russian proverb).
The foal is chosen by the mother ( Ossetian proverb).
Whoever respects mother and father will never perish (Tatar proverb).

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If there is an elder in the family, then there is a jewel in the family (Lezghin proverb).
Consider a reproduction of A. Rzhevskaya's painting "A Merry Minute".
Answer the questions.