How to open a vegetable stall: a simple plan for small businesses. Business plan stall: profitable business with minimal cost

How to open a vegetable stall: a simple plan for small businesses. Business plan stall: profitable business with minimal cost
How to open a vegetable stall: a simple plan for small businesses. Business plan stall: profitable business with minimal cost

Opening your own kiosk can be called a sufficiently successful idea in the implementation of your own business. The main advantage of the stall are minimal capital investments, and therefore very many entrepreneurs are exactly how they start their career in business. A small strap does not always mean small income and can become a good start to open a large store or even supermarket chains. The main thing is to seriously approach the planning of activities at the initial stages, and the correct business plan of the stall will help to avoid mistakes.

Where to begin

To begin with, it is necessary to determine what kind of activity you can do.

There are such types of kiosks:

  • floral;
  • tobacco;
  • newspaper;
  • bread;
  • trade;
  • pharmacy;
  • beer;
  • vegetable.

The type of activity of the kiosk must be determined according to the analysis of the market, the presence or absence of competition, as well as the possibility of opening one or another direction of trade. So, for example, in areas where educational institutions are nearby, the discovery of tobacco stall will be inappropriate, and even illegal, in the sleeping areas, the production of bread and trading stalls uses in great demand, and the floral will find a large number of customers at train stations, at airports, near the metro stations .

Legal design

For legal registration, we will need to register with state registration bodies as an individual entrepreneur. It is also necessary to register with the tax inspectorate, it is most convenient to take advantage of the simplified tax system, and make a matter in the Pension Fund.

If food trade will be carried out in the stall, then you need permission to work from the sanitary and epidemiological and fire service.

Installation of stall

Very important for competitiveness of the stall and its profitability is its location. The most profitable kiosks become those that are in crowded places with a large crossway. It is very good when there is a convenient entrance to the stall, or if it is located near the metro station, at the station, on the square and there are no competitors nearby.

Installation of a stall, as well as the documentary design of this procedure, the case is quite troublesome. It is necessary to agree on several instances at once:

  • local municipality or rural administration;
  • architecture management;
  • managing trade.

The greater the city, the more difficult to make up documents. In large cities, it is even necessary to carry out a tender in order for the entrepreneur to be allowed to install a stall in a certain place.

The kiosk area is usually determined by the permissible place, and on average ranges from 10 square meters. m.

Buying or construction of a stall can do in the amount of from 50 to 110 thousand rubles. Depending on the area, places and qualitative characteristics of the material from which the stall will be made. And his documentary can cost about 100 thousand rubles, if we consider that the fastest and easy way to get permission is to give a bribe in certain organs.

Equipment kiosk

For the full work of the kiosk, it must be provided with equipment. Depending on the activities of the activities, the equipment may be needed differently. These can be refrigerators, various showcases, utility furniture, such as tables and cabinets, shelves, cash registers, scales and more.

Some activities require the purchase of specialized equipment. For example, a special color chamber is needed for flower kiosk, and for tobacco stall needs special showcases of racks.

You should also not forget that for comfortable customer service, stalls must be equipped with a lighting, air conditioning and heating system. And also have special equipment a place where the seller can change clothes, wash his hands, and where funds for official use will be stored.

In total, the equipment will need to spend the amount of about 20-30 thousand rubles.


Business plan stall includes an item as a service personnel. It is very important that the sellers in the stall are polite and cultivated, it will help to attract much more people to service than if the employee is hazyty and poorly serve customers.

Important. To work with food, the seller must necessarily need a medical record, and he is obliged to pass through the medical examinations every six months.

Depending on which mode of operation will have a job, you will need to hire one or more sellers. It is most profitable when the stall works around the clock, then for night shifts it is desirable to hire sellers of men who will comphect a part-time position of the guards.

To maintain cleanliness in the kiosk, it is necessary to hire a cleaner who can come to a predetermined time, or the seller itself can be performed for a fee.

The salaries of sellers must be put into the budget of about 120 thousand rubles per month.

Selection of suppliers and purchase of goods

The most part of the costs for opening a business will be required for the purchase of goods. Here, expenses will differ significantly depending on the type of activity. For some activities, such, for example, trading bakery, printing products need relatively small capital for the start, while for trading drugs, tobacco products need significant funds for opening a business.

Approximate budget for the purpose of purchasing goods for different activities:

  • tobacco Lark - 1-2 million rubles;
  • bread Lark - 200-300 thousand rubles;
  • pharmacy Lark - 1-1.5 million rubles;
  • vegetable stall - 150 -250 thousand rubles.

With special care it is necessary to approach the choice of suppliers with which the entrepreneur is going to cooperate. It is very important that these are reliable partners, which qualitatively and within the specified deadlines performed all their obligations. A very convenient option can be called an agreement on the delivery of all goods in the kiosk themselves. As a rule, for the full operation of one supplier will not be enough. Especially if you consider that in addition to the main types of products in the stalls, an additional assortment is made. It will most likely to work the base of suppliers for the trading stall, since it can not have hundreds of assortment, but tens of thousands of all kinds of products.


Like every type of business, Lark needs advertising in order to increase the number of customers, and, therefore, its profitability. As a rule, this kind of establishment is advertised using a bright luminous signboard and distribution of flyers.

If the business plan will take into account all the features of economic activity, and will be compiled with special accuracy, the profitability of the case does not have to wait long. On average, the return on the stall is about one year. The main thing is that the entrepreneur must take into account, even before the start of activity, so these are all the nuances of the direction, which was chosen, the strengths and weaknesses of competitors. And the most important thing, you need to believe in success and then everything will definitely work out.

A beginner businessman is worth starting to work with a small business, which will develop, without making too high investments. One of the best options in this case is to open a stall for the sale of any goods, and in order to do this, you can use any typical business plan.

The easiest business

To open a stall, you need a little - the strap itself (a small tent or kiosk), the choice of goods for him and the registration of the enterprise. So, for these purposes, it is enough to register the PI and register in the tax service. Then it is necessary to obtain permission from the municipal authorities to install a small architectural form in this area and if alcoholic beverages will be sold in the stall, arrange the appropriate license. Also the tent and working conditions in it are checked by Santsans and the fire inspection. The sellers should have medical records in their hands, especially if they work with food products.

At the same time, it is very convenient to make such a family family - if the members of one family work in the tent, the question is, it is beneficial to open a stall, disappears itself. A businessman can count on the absence of any losses, theft and fraud - the entire income will be blocked in fact "in one hands."

As for the goods, it is not at all necessary to make a tent with a small supermarket. On the contrary, the narrow orientation can attract more customers, and if a businessman targets, for example, only on household chemicals, bread, drinks or sweets, a fairly large number of visitors will regularly come to it, many of which will be permanent.

Another important aspect is the location of the tent. The main thing is that you need to open a stall - a passing place where there are always potential customers. It can be a market or place next to it, the city center (unless there can be a small trade), station, metro station, underground transition, etc. If the place was chosen unsuccessfully, the strap can be easily moved - it is mobile. Also an excellent business development option will be several stalls open in different places - it will give more customers and more profits. At the same time, the goods need to select depending on the location - if the tent works near large offices, it is possible to sell stationery or small snacks in it; Bread, milk and other foods will be more appropriate in the sleeping areas.

And one more nuance is the acquisition of the tent itself. From this directly depends on the answer to the question of how much it is worth opening a stall: if you get a small tent, the costs will be minimal (50-150 thousand), but if you buy the finished kiosk, which is going at the place of sale and then delivered with heavy trucks, they will be higher (up to 300 thousand). The optimal option is to choose a standard kiosk (up to 200 thousand), which can be assembled independently or renting already ready in the nearest market or at the station.

What expenters are waiting for the entrepreneur?

The main among them is the cost of purchasing a stall and rent a plot for it - it will cost 7-10 thousand per month.

Also, that's what you need to open a stall:

  • the cash register - 5 thousand rubles (it is quite suitable and used in 2-2.5 thousand)
  • refrigerator for drinks - 5 thousand rubles minimum
  • refrigerator for perishable goods - about 10 thousand rubles
  • heater for the Seller for the Winter (500 rubles)
  • showcase, racks and other trading furniture - you can meet 8-10 thousand.

If a businessman wants to open a stationary style stall, it will also be necessary to spend the communications to it - water supply, heating, ventilation. It can cost 30-50 thousand rubles, depending on location.

It is also worth planning spending at least 20 thousand rubles a month for the purchase of goods. About 3-5 thousand. At the same time, it should always be postponed on the urgent dispenser of the derived from the derived products.

Is it profitable to open a stall?

The answer to this question depends on the approach of the businessman himself. If he has discounts for regular customers, the goods will always be fresh and high quality, and the attitude towards customers are friendly, then profit will be high. One tent usually brings from 50 thousand rubles per month. Consequently, from how much the stall is worth opening, and will depend on the answer to the question, how much time will be needed on complete payback. If an entrepreneur has 20 rubles of net profit per month (20 thousand. He will spend on the purchase of a new batch of goods, and even up to 10 - for rental area), then the cost of equipment it will pay off in the first 2-3 months of work. The stall itself pays off for the year (the usual tent will pay off for 5-6 months). And all this is only the most modest numbers. In fact, the entrepreneur has a lot of ways to save, and if he will use them, the payback will come faster, and the ability to open a store will become the best for him.

Nowadays it is difficult to find a permanent, well-paid work, especially this problem affects the younger generation. After all, many employers try to hire employees with experience. Therefore, it comes to start a business and open a pavilion for this.

But before rush to all grave, think well, assemble information, make a plan of action, find out how to open a trading pavilion.

Thus, there were free training seminars in the Krasnodar Territory, during which the unemployed was taught how to zero. Activities are held for free young people, college graduates and institutions. In order to get invaluable knowledge from successful businessmen, you need to go to the site of the regional program of supporting young entrepreneurs, register and detail about your business idea.

We carry out primary analysis

Honestly answer yourself for the following questions: What do you want to trade? Are there many outlets offering buyers similar products in your settlement? Find out what percentage of the total number of potential buyers already belongs to your future competitors. Answer whether your business can make competition to them and what plan for this is needed.

Consider a detailed analysis on the example of the village of Bryukhovetsky, one of the district centers of the Krasnodar Territory. So, we make a decision to become entrepreneurs and start our work, and the question arises in front of us: what will we trade? At the same time, we know that the village already has a market, four large shopping malls offering products of light industry and related products to them, five large stores selling computer equipment and offering services for its service. There are also seven large household appliances stores and three large trading points like "Magnit", offering food products and located in the central part of the village. More distant areas of the village are replete with small food shops, while we see that the inhabitants of the outskirts have to go for the products and the soles of the essentials for two, and sometimes three quarters. Now it is clearly seen that you need to trade and where you need to open the pavilion.

Back to the category

Pavilion Opening Action Plan

A small pavilion in the village brings 3000-4000 rubles a day, per month he will bring you more than 60,000, and in months on holidays - and more. So after paying monthly expenses, you will be in profits.

Remember, open a pavilion - it means to start your business.

Trade of vegetables and fruits is a fairly common business. With a competent approach to the case of a vegetable strap can bring good income. In this market segment there is an average level of competition.

Start-up capital

Thinking over how to open a vegetable stall, count future expenses. The amount of investment may vary depending on the size of the settlement. To open a vegetable stall in the regional center you will need approximately 500 thousand rubles. This amount includes the following costs:

  • to the opening and legalization of the enterprise, receiving certificates from various state bodies - about 10 thousand rubles;
  • for rent stall - from 40 thousand rubles;
  • for the purchase of equipment: a slide, a refrigerator showcase, scales, a cash register - 50 thousand rubles;
  • for maintenance of equipment - 2 thousand rubles per month.

To begin with, you can buy counters and slides, used. Save to save partial rejection of hired labor. Take the duties of the purchase or seller. Additional staff can be typed after promotion. So you and the market from the inside will learn, and the competitors will explore, and feel all the nuances of our own business.


Choose a business form: individual entrepreneur or ooo. IP opens faster, the maintenance of documentation does not require special knowledge. Penalties for violations for IP less than for LLC. But the responsibility is more: in case of failure, you will personally be responsible for all debts and fines of your company. Opening Ltd. - a more costly and time-consuming process. To keep the documentation you will need an accountant. However, the existence of authorized capital in LLC guarantees inviolability of your personal savings. In the case of bankruptcy, funds from the authorized capital will be spent on the satisfaction of claims of creditors.

After registration of entrepreneurship, you will have to get permission to open the trading point. The easiest way to open a stall on the market. If you want to put a kiosk near the stop or the subway, you will have to be resolved by the resolution of construction and architectural management. You will also need to conclusions from the inspection commissions of sanitary, firefighters, commercial services. Be prepared for all sorts of bureaucratic cable. Explore the laws so that representatives of the various structures do not climb you by surprise.

Selection of space and premises

Before opening a vegetable stall, make a business plan. Count how many visitors to the day you will need to be serviced in order for your expenses. Then go out into the street, stand next to the future outlet and count the people passing by. If the number of passersby significantly exceeds the number of your potential buyers, boldly open the stall in this place.

Point placement options:

  • near the subway or stop. To attract attention, passersby work on outdoor advertising;
  • in a residential area. Lark will work for regular buyers living in the neighborhood.

Do not forget about the transport junction. Vegetables to the kiosk will need to somehow drive, right? It will be fine if you manage to rent a warehouse located near the stall. In this case, you can buy vegetables with large parties and bring them to the kiosk as needed. We are talking about long-term storage vegetables. Perishable fruits will have to be purchased with small parties. Conditions for storing products with a minimum implementation period can be provided only in the walls of special warehouse complexes.

Build a kiosk for a good architectural project. No matter how much you want to save, do not discard the design of the outlet.

Design can be ordered from freelancers. It is quite inexpensive, sometimes you can meet only 500 rubles. It is best to take advantage of the specialized platform, for example, "execution", where the process of interaction with the performers will be simple and safe.

Modern buyers are accustomed to large deposits, glass windows, good lighting. The purchase process must be comfortable. Take care of the asphalt near the kiosk, equip the low stand under the bags, and the interest of buyers to your trading point will grow in front of your eyes.

Minimum equipment:

  • racks for the goods,
  • counter,
  • chair,
  • cash machine,
  • libra,
  • safety deposit box of small size.

Work with suppliers and assortment

Try to find good suppliers. Attach all efforts for this. Of course, it will not be possible to separate the "grains from the whitel". Therefore, buy goods with small batches. Over time, you will understand with whom from partners it is better to deal with. The perfect option is one permanent supplier that fully ensures your business with its products.

The following factors have a value:

  • reputation of the supplier in your city,
  • the origin of the goods,
  • taste of fruits and vegetables,
  • the presence of certificates of conformity.

Your main competitors will be points in the markets and vegetable departments of supermarkets. Therefore, you must offer something different from competitors. From the point on the market, your vegetable strap will be different level of service and tidy. The main advantage over supermarkets is the domestic origin of products.

Invite customers local tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, pears. Find a dealer specializing in the supply of berries and fruits from the southern regions. Complete the range of promonant bananas, oranges, lemons. Add a bit exotic fruit. Offer to buyers dried fruits, greens, juices. Put a small freezer with frozen fruits in the stall.


Is it worth opening a vegetable strap if you can not personally control the process? No, it is not worth it. Fruit vegetables - this business that needs to be kept constantly in hand. Once again we strongly recommend to save on staff. Take at least one of the posts at your enterprise. If you do not want to trade, hide the seller, you yourself are engaged in the delivery of goods.

Experienced entrepreneurs advise personally in supply. Some wholesale sellers offer goods with delivery. This option is not suitable for you. Personally arrive at the wholesale warehouse, you can choose the goods to your liking. In addition, shipping costs are often laid in the price of goods. And not just laid, but it is much increased.

It will be fine if at first you can personally control the trade process. The question of control is particularly relevant when the business goes beyond the family framework. Trade loves the bill. No one will give you guarantees honesty hired seller. Therefore, try to attend the point as often as possible. From time to time traded yourself, replacing the seller in the stall. Perhaps you will learn a lot about your employee from talkative buyers.

Periodically spend over again. Do not save on salary, otherwise no inventory will help you. A person who earns little will still steal or "hold" at the checkout money before salary. The optimal payment option is the rate and percentage. This form of payment stimulates the seller to work.


The minimum surcharge on your product will be 30%, the maximum is about 250%. Forming a price, do not forget that vegetables and fruits have a property to deteriorate. According to experts, about 10-20% of the product spawns in a vegetable stall. This product can be sold at 50-60% discount before it loses its commodity look. Finally spoiled products will have to throw out. It is estimated that the payback period of the stall is from 2 to 6 months, depending on the season. In winter, fruits and vegetables are in high demand, so investments pay off faster. After promotion, the business will bring about 50-100 thousand rubles every month.

Business Plan for the opening of the kiosk
There are a lot of ideas how to open your own business without making large capital investments. One of these ideas is to open your kiosk. This idea comes with a large number of businessmen. And, of course, they all want to find out how much money they need, where you can find a ready-made business plan to build such a business that requires a state from the owners of kiosks and another. We offer you a business plan where you can find answers to the questions you are interested. We decided to tell you the most detailed to you that you need to take to open the kiosk and with what difficulties you may encounter.

Initially, we will explain that in this business plan there is no special difference between the concepts of the kiosk and the stall. Because in principle, these concepts are almost identical, so this business plan will also suit the future owners of stalls and for future kiosk owners. And now let's look at our business plan.

Business plan for the opening of the kiosk. Panoramic section.
In this business plan, we will look at how to open a kiosk in which various small piece goods will be sold, including food. In principle, the product name does not play a big role here, since the selected scheme will be the same regardless of the product range.

For this type of business, the creation of such an organizational and legal form is optimally suitable as an individual entrepreneur. This is the most profitable for you, because tax fees are minimal and reporting is simple.
Description of the enterprise.

Consider how to open the kiosk for the sale of everyday demand. The optimal trading area is 6-10m.kv. To be serviced by the kiosk will be one seller. In this business plan, we have provided a stationary kiosk installation.

The kiosk will work every day and sell everyday demand. Depending on where the kiosk is located, you need to select the operation mode: round the clock or shifts. If this place of mass accumulation of people is better to choose a 24-hour operation.
Business facilities of the food kiosk. Market analysis
In this section, you need to analyze the market of stalls and kiosks in that area where your kiosk will stand. You also need to learn about the availability of competitors at their level.

Documentation required for the opening of the kiosk.
First you need to register with the tax at the place of residence as an individual entrepreneur and submit a statement to transfer you to a simplified tax system. It can be done on their own, or use the services of the company engaged in the provision of such a type of service.

Next you need to get documents that will be given to the installation of the kiosk. Such permission corresponding to current legislation can be obtained in the municipality (in the city) or in rural administration (in rural areas). In small towns, this usually happens quite quickly and simply, and in a big city, to get permission will have to participate in the tender. At the same time, the tender will be considered to be held, subject to several applicants in one place in it. It is easier to cope with this if you submit two applications at once: on your name and, for example, on behalf of your friend.

The following document is a permit, which issues the management of architecture and urban planning. After receiving this document, it must be coordinated with the City Trade Department.

After that, you can install the kiosk. Then it is necessary to coordinate documents with firefighters and with SanEpidemstan.

Necessary equipment.
In order for the kiosk normally function, you will need to purchase the following equipment:
- Actually kiosk;
- refrigeration showcase;
- racks where goods will be located;
- scales;
- Chair and table to the seller;
- cash machine.

When all the equipment is purchased and installed, you can start work.

Financial plan.
In this section of the business plan, we will consider the financial component of our project and find out the answer to the question: how much will it cost to open the kiosk and when it pays off.
- the acquisition of the kiosk or its construction - 35,000 - 110,000 rubles;
- Refrigerated showcase - 10,000 rubles;
- Scales - 3 000 rubles;
- Cash register - 7000 rubles;
- registration of documents and bribes - 10,000 - 100,000 rubles;
- Salary salaries - 120,000 rubles. (per year).
Total: the minimum amount to which the opening of the kiosk will be from 185,000 to 350,000 rubles.

We analyzed the work of the acting kiosks and found out that on average it is necessary from 2 to 6 months to recoup this project. Much will depend on the place where the kiosk will stand, the type of product, which is implemented, etc. Of the information you received, you can make this conclusion: the opening of the kiosk is a fairly cost-effective business that does not require much costs, and is able to bring the owner a decent income without requiring big funding.

We hope that the business plan we presented will be useful for you, and you will have to open a business that makes a profit.