The embodiment of the moral ideal in the story "Olesya. BUT

The embodiment of the moral ideal in the story "Olesya. BUT

A. I. Kookin. Life and art.

The embodiment of the moral ideal in the story "Olesya"

Objectives lesson:give an overview of the creative path of Cookin in comparison with the work of the Bunin; Reveal the idea and artistic features of the story "Olesya".

Equipment lesson: Portrait A. I. Kurin.

Methodical techniques:teacher's story, student report, analytical conversation.

During the classes

I.. The word teacher

Creativity of the Rovenist I. A. Bunina, Alexander Ivanovich Kurrina (1870-1938), was known to the Soviet reader more widespread because, unlike Bunin, Kubrin a year before his death, in 1937, returned from emigration to his homeland. Therefore, the works of Kuprick were published in the Soviet Union, and the Emigrant Bunin was not printed until the end of the fifties of the twentieth century.

These writers unites much. First of all, following the traditions of Russian classical literature, commitment to realism in the image of life, attitude to the work of L. N. Tolstoy as a model, lessons skill Chekhov. Kupper is also interested in the relationship of man and nature, love as the element of a living life. Kubrin develops the topic of a "little man", emphasizing the "unusualness of each". But if the main thing is the main thing - a contemplative, analytical beginning, then brightness, strength, integrity of character are important for the junk.

II. Message of a student about biography A. I. Kurin

III. The word teacher

Couprite thirteen years of childhood and adolescence held in closed educational institutions: Alexander orphan School, the second Moscow military gymnasium, soon converted to the Cadet Corps, the third of the Alexandrovskaya Junker School. After the serious years of barren life, Kurpur woven in provincial Russia, he was a reporter, and a loader in the Odessa port, and the manager at a construction site, Amermer, worked on the foundry plant, played on stage, studied the dental case, was a journalist ...

"Always, he was tormented by thirst to explore, understand, examine how people live and working all sorts of professions ... His unfortunate, greedy eyesight delivered him festive joy!" - wrote about Kuprina K. I. Chukovsky. Mass of vital observations, impressions, experiences became the basis of his work. "You are a reporter of life ... Let's decisively everywhere ... Wlipe into the most thick of life" - so I defined my recognition. Kubrin - temperamental, wide nature, human element and intuition. His favorite heroes have the same features. Colorite and thrust his prose's language (lyrics he did not write).

The first book, published in 1896, was called "Kiev Types". Two years later, there is a story "Olesya", who set the problem of a folk nature and was the embodiment of the dream of a writer about a beautiful man, about free, healthy life, about merging with nature.

I.V.. Conversation on the story "Olesya"

- What is the value of the story?

(The action of the story happens on the lap of nature, in the deaf places of Polesia, where the fate cast a hero, a city man, "for fortune six months." The hero expects new impressions, dating with strange customs, a kind of language with poetic legends, legends. And his expectations are justified . The scene is important and to clarify the author's idea.)

- What role does the landscape play in the story? Give examples.

(Winter forest landscape contributes to the special state of the spirit, solemn silence emphasizes the extension from the civilized world, howling the wind increases the longing and boredom. Nature is not just a background of the narrative. Gradually, it becomes a member of the events. First personify the forces of nature: "The wind beyond the walls of the house. , Colded naked devil. In his roar heard moans, screeching and wild laughter ... Outside, someone fiercely threw in glass of windows of the handstone of small dry snow. Nearby forest Ropal and buzzed with a continuous, plum, deaf threat. "Gradually wind sounds almost Materializes, and the hero is molding to some "terrible guest", burst into his old house. Anxiety adds a servant of Yarmol, the mysteriously reporting: "Chi Witcher arranged, Chi Witcher has fun coping."

The descriptions of the landscape are often imbued with a lyrical warm mood: "The snow has riselled in the sun and blew in the shade. I took possession of the quiet charm of this solemn, cold silence, and it seemed to me that I feel like a time slowly and silently passes by me "Finally, nature, her strength, mysteriousness, the charming is embodied in the" sordunes "of Oles. Heroes acquaintance occurs in the spring: Nature awakens - the feelings awaken. In the last chapter - a sudden whirlwind, unbearable silent day, thunderstorm, hail - nature foreshadows break, separation, wreck of love. A symbolic image of a mulberry tree is distinguished, which "stood completely naked, all the leaves were shot down with it with terrible blows of hail." The hero's dreary concern is justified - "unexpected grief", which he premonish, happened: Olesya is lost for him forever.

Nature will restore the feelings of heroes, promotes the awakening and developing their soul, it serves as a means of creating an image (Olesya), emphasizing the natural, natural charming person, is the antithesis of "civilized mercenary world.)

- How does the Kuprin draw the image of the main heroine?

(The appearance of Oleces foreshadows the very nature, Yarmol mentions the "Witcher", hero hears the fresh, sonorous and strong voice of Olesya, and finally it appears herself - "High brunette about twenty-twenty-twenty-five years old" with a person who "could not be forgotten .. . But it was difficult to describe it. ": Lucavia, authority and naivety" In the view of "big, brilliant, dark eyes". The face of her easily changes the expression from severeness to children's shyness (Chapter III). Olesya is compared with young Christmas trees that have grown in the attorney of the old Bor (Chapter IV). The hero attracts "A halo surrounding her mysteriousness, a superstitious witch's reputation, life in the forest is more often among the swamps and especially - this proud confidence in their strength." In its non-all-evidence there is a special attraction. Aplaced with nature, Olesya does not know calculation and tricks, selflessness. She is alien to all that poisoning the relationship between people in the civilized world, to which Ivan Timofeevich belongs.)

- What is the feature of the image of the character of the narrator?

(The hero describes Olesya itself: a man you are although good, but only weak ... Your kindness is not good, not heartful. Word you are not a lord ... You don't love your heart, because you have a cold heart, lazy, and those that will love you, you bring a lot of grief. ")

- How to build a story story?

(Pictures of life and paintings of nature are connected to a single stream: for example, after meeting the hero with Olesya - a picture of a stormy spring, an explanation in love is accompanied by a description of the lunar night. The plot is built on the opposition of the world of Olesy and the world of Ivan Timofeevich. Relations with Olesya he perceives as "naive , the charming fairy tale of love, "she knows it in advance that this love will bring grief, but that she is inevitable, that you will not run away from destiny. His love is gradually decreasing, he is almost afraid of her, trying to pull out the explanation, make the offer Oles and say about his departure (CHAPTER XI). He thinks primarily about himself: "Good and scientists are married to Sewing, on maids ... And they live fine ... I will not be unhappy others, in fact?" And Olesy's love gradually gaining strength, Opened, becomes selfless. The pane of Olesya comes to the church and barely escape from the peeling crowd, ready to break the "witch". Olesya turns out to be much higher and stronger than the hero, these forces - in her naturalness.)

- What color accompanies the image of Olece?

(This is red, the color of love and the color of the alarms: "The red skirt of Oleces highlighted the bright spot on a dazzling white, an even snow background (first meeting); a red cashmere handkerchief (first date, in the same scene Olesya speaks blood), thread of cheap red beads Coralov is the only thing that remains "in memory of Oles and about her tender, generous love (the last episode).

- Why did the happiness of the heroes turned out to be so short?

(Olesya, who owns the gift of foresight, feels, is aware of the inevitability of the tragic end of short happiness. The continuation of this happiness in a stuffy, close city is impossible. Too different people they are. Especially since its self-denial, an attempt to reconcile its independent lifestyle with the fact that she is deeply alien . The theme of the "magic" love is replaced by another, constantly sounding in the work of Kupper, - the theme of the unattainableness of happiness.)

- What do you think the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story?

(Kubrin shows that only in unity with nature, in preserving the naturalness, a person is able to achieve spiritual purity and nobility.)

V.. The report of the student (or the message of the teacher) on the history of the story "Olesya" and its connections with the cycle I. S. Turgenev "Hunter's Notes"

Kuprin always experienced craving for the land, to nature that embodied the idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom, harmonious life for him. In one of the interview, he said: "I love Russia and tied to her land. I and my scriptures it gives strength. I'm happy to spend time in a simple Russian village: field, forest, men, dance, hunting, fishing, simplicity, scope of Russian nature ... "

In the spring of 1897, the writer was in the Volyn province, in Polesie. The impressions of this trip served as the basis of the cycle of the stories. In addition to their own observations, Cookin, in the Polessky cycle, the influence of Turgenev, in particular, its "hunter notes" is clearly visible.

For both writers, the desire for the "natural state" of the personality is characterized: merger with nature, thrust for spiritual harmony, the lack of practicality towards natural wealth, the natural relations of people, based not on the calculation, and for love. Both Turgenev, and Kubrin sympathetically and carefully treated the fate of ordinary people, depicted them in conditions of oppression, historical tests, hard work. This is connected with the problem of the relationship between the people and the intelligentsia.

Many heroes of the shopping works resemble the characters of Turgenev, there is a undoubted community in the image of reality, life, morals.

Both writers created a cycle of stories about people's life. However, the principles of the association of stories are different: in the "notes of the hunter" they are associated with a common hero of the narrator, several narrators have several storytellers. Combines the works of writers attitudes towards the peasantry, to the problem of man and nature.

Hero "Notes of the Hunter" Yermolai and the hero of "Olesy" of the yarmola are similar. First of all, their names are consonant, or rather, the Yarmola is an integral version of the name of Yermolai. Both have a hunting gift, observant, understand the language of nature. Both feel their superiority over a baryon-hunter. If Turgenev belongs to the disadvantages of Yermolay with humor (it is indifferent to everyday rural labor), then Kubrin depicts its yarm critically: ignorant, dark, prone to prejudice. When the hunter finds out about the acquaintance of "Panya" with the "Witcher", Manulyah, he turns away from Ivan Timofeevich:

"His black eyes followed me from reproached with reproach and displeasure every time I was going to go to the forest, although he did not express the renewal of his word."

Kuprin emphasizes the link of Yarmol with other Porski men, accustomed to his slave position: "They looked at me with surprise, refused to understand the simplest questions and everyone broke out to kiss my hands, and others were so straight to the legs and sought to lick my Boots. " For Kuprick, belonging to the peasant class, to the "simple" life does not at all mean the internal liberation, proximity to nature, to naturalness. Prejudice, oppressed position, severe life of peasants do not give them to develop their bright principles.

Kubrin describes cruelty, ignorance, drunkenness with obvious condemnation. The narrative tone of Turgenev is more calm, is objective, removed, calm. He tries to show the originality of the nature of the peasants, their natural giftedness. This difference is largely due to the fact that Turgenev was essentially the discoverer of the peasant theme, his task was to present the peasants with people, sometimes not inferior to the "gentlemen" on their mental qualities, and in something superior to them.

The generality of writers is manifested most significantly in the image of nature, in understanding her role in a person's life. The ideal of Kurris is an inseparable merger of a person with an eternally beautiful earthly world. Turgenev landscape painting, valuable by itself, often serves to transmit mental states. At Krapper, the image of nature is endowed with a variety of features.

2. Answer questions:

- What is the meaning of the name of the story?

- What topics affect the writer?

Development of lesson on literature

Subject: A.I.Kuprin. Life and art. The embodiment of the moral ideal in the story "Olesya".

Teacher: Sannikova N.N.

Purpose: give an overview of the creative path of Cookin in comparison with the work of the Bunin; Reveal the idea and artistic features of the story "Olesya".

Equipment: Portrait of A.I.Kuprina.

Methodical techniques: Teacher's story, student report, analytical conversation.

During the classes.

1. The word of the teacher.

Creativity I.A. Bunina, Alexander Ivanovich Kurrina (1870-1938), was known to the Soviet reader more widely because, unlike Bunin, Kubrin a year before his death, in 1937, returned from emigration to his homeland. Therefore, the works of Kuprick were published in the Soviet Union, and the emigrant of Bunin was not printed until the end of the 50s of the 20th century.

These writers unites much. First of all, following the traditions of Russian classical literature, commitment to realism in the image of life, attitude to the work of L.N. Tolstoy as a model, lessons skill Chekhov. Kupper is also interested in the relationship of man and nature, love as the element of a living life. Kubrin develops the topic of a "little man", emphasizing the "unusualness of each". But if for riunin is a main, contemplative, analytical beginning, then brightness, strength, integrity of nature are important for the junk.

2. Message of the student about the biography of A.I.Kuprina.

3. The word of the teacher.

Kuprin 13 years of childhood and youth held in closed educational institutions:

Alexandrovsky Orphan School, the second Moscow military gymnasium, soon transformed into the Cadet Corps, the third Aleksandrovskaya Junker School. After the serious years of barren life, Kurpur woven in provincial Russia, he was a reporter, and a loader in the Odessa port, and managers at a construction site, Amermer, worked on the foundry plant, played on stage, studied the dental business, was a journalist.

"He was forever tormented his thirst to explore, to understand, learn how to live and work by people of all kinds of professions ... His unfortunate, greedy eyesight delivered him a festive joy!" - wrote about Kuprina K.I. Chukovsky. Mass of vital observations, impressions, experiences became the basis of his work. "You're-aperther of life ... Still decisively everywhere ... Wlipe into the most thick of life," so defined his calling his call. Purprising temperamental, wide nature, human element and intuition. His favorite heroes have the same features. Colorite and thrust his prose's language (lyrics he did not write).

The first book, published in 1896, was called "Kiev Types". Two years later, there is a story "Olesya", who set the problem of a folk nature and was the embodiment of the dream of a writer about a beautiful man, about free, healthy life, about merging with nature.

4. Conversation on the story "Olesya".

- What is the value of the story?

(The action takes place on the lap of nature, in the deaf places of Polesia, where fate cast a hero, a city man, "for fortune six months." The hero expects new impressions, dating "with strange customs, peculiar language", with poetic legends, legends. And his Expectations are justified. The place of action is important and when explaining the author's idea).

- What role does the landscape play in the story? Give examples.

(Winter forest landscape contributes to the special state of the spirit, solemn silence emphasizes the extension from the civilized world, howling the wind increases the longing and boredom. Nature is not just a background of the narrative. Gradually, it becomes a member of the events. First personify the forces of nature: "The wind beyond the walls of the house. , Fucking a naked devil. In his roar heard moans, screeching and wild laughter ... Outside, someone violently threw in the glass windows of the handstone of small dry snow. Nearby forest Ropalt and buzzing with a continuous, covered deaf threat. "Gradually wind sounds are almost materialized, and The hero is sinking some "terrible guest", bursting into his old house.

The descriptions of the landscape are often imbued with a lyrical warm mood: "The snow has riselled in the sun and blew in the shade. I took possession of the quiet charm of this solemn, cold silence, and it seemed to me that I feel how time slowly and silently passes by me. " Finally, nature, her strength, mysteriousness, the charm is embodied in the "sorduny" of Oles. The acquaintance of the heroes occurs in the spring: awakens the feelings are awakened. In the last chapter, a sudden whirlwind, unbearable silent day, a thunderstorm, hail, the nature foreshadows the break, separation, wreck of love. A symbolic image of a mulberry tree is distinguished, which "stood completely naked, all the leaves were shot down with it with terrible blows of hail." The hero's dreary concern is justified by "unexpected grief", which he premonish, happened: Olesya is lost for him forever.

Nature will restore the feelings of heroes, promotes the awakening and developing their soul, it serves as a means of creating an image (Olesya), emphasizing the natural, natural charming person, is the antithesis of "civilized", mercenary world).

- How does the Kuprin draw the image of the main heroine?

(The appearance of Oleces foreshadows the very nature itself, Yarmol mentions the "Witcher", the hero hears the "fresh, ringing and strong" voice of Olesya, and finally it appears, "High brunette about twenty-twenty-twenty-five years old" with a person who "could not be forgotten , .. But it was difficult to describe it. ":" Lucavia, authority and naivety "in the look of" big, brilliant, dark eyes ". The face of her easily changes the expression from the severity to children's shyness. (Chir.3) Olesya is compared with young Christmas trees, The hero attracts the Hero to the attorney of the old borus (chronic) and "the halo of surrounding her mystery, the superstitious witch's reputation, life in the forest is more often among the swamps and especially this proud confidence in their strength." In her inconsection there is a special attraction. Refreasonable with Nature Olesya does not know the calculation and tricks, selflessness. She is alien to all that poisoning the relationship between people in the civilized world, to which Ivan Timofeevich belongs.)

- What is the feature of the image of the character of the narrator?

(The hero describes Olesya itself: "You are a kind person myself, but only weak ... Your goodness is not good, not heartful. Word You are not lord your own ... You don't love your heart, because your heart is cold, lazy, and those that You will love, you bring a lot of grief.)

- How to build a story story?

(Pictures of life and paintings of nature are associated with a single stream: For example, after meeting the hero with Olesya - a picture of a raven spring, an explanation of love is accompanied by a description of the moon night. The plot is built on opposing the world of Olesya and the world of Ivan Timofeevich. Relations with Olesya he perceives as "naive, the charming fairy tale of love ", I know in advance that this love will bring grief, but that she is inevitable,

that you will not kill fate. His love gradually decreases, he is almost afraid of her, trying to delay the explanation, to make an offer to Oles and say about his departure (GL.11) He thinks primarily about himself: "Good and scientists are familiar with Sewing, on the maids ... and live perfectly ... I will not be unhappy others, in fact? ". And the love of Olesya gradually gaining power, reveals, becomes selfless. Tahn Olesya comes to the church and barely saves from the peeling crowd, ready to break the "witch". Olesya turns out to be much higher and stronger than the hero, these forces in its naturalness.)

-What color accompanies the image of Olesya?

(This is a red color, the color of love and the color of the alarm. "The red skirt of Oleces was highlighted in a bright spot on a dazzling white, a flat snow background (first meeting); a red cashmere handkerchief (first date, in the same scene Olesya speaks blood), thread of cheap red beads, "Coralov," - the only thing that remains "in memory of Olese6 and about her tender, generous love" (the last episode).

- Why did the happiness of the heroes turned out to be so short?

(Olesya owning the gift of foresight, feels, is aware of the inevitability of the tragic end of short happiness. The continuation of this happiness in a stuffy, close city is impossible. Too different people they are. Especially since its self-denial, an attempt to reconcile its independent lifestyle with the fact that she is deeply alien. The theme of the "magical" love is replaced by another, constantly sounding in the work of Kurpra, - the theme of the unavailableness of happiness.)

- What do you think the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story?

(Kubrin shows that only in unity with nature, in preserving the naturalness, a person is able to achieve spiritual purity and nobility.)

5. Completed the results.

6. Homework: re-read the story of the Kuprin "Duel".

Subject: A. I. Kookin. Life and art. The embodiment of the moral ideal in the story "Olesya".


  1. give a review of the creative path of Kuprick, compare with the work of the Bunin;
  2. open the idea and artistic features of the story "Olesya", show the work of the writer in the image of the world of human feelings;
  3. deepen the skills of commented and artistic reading, consolidate the ability to fully perceive the artwork;
  4. to form a reader who can understand the depth of human feelings, the beauty of nature.

Type of lesson: combined.

Methods: Heuristic, research, creative reading.

Types of student activities: Messages of students, recording in the course of the lecture, answers to questions, expressive reading, analysis of the image, selection of quotes.

Equipment: Portrait of a knocker, presentation, illustration of I. Glazunov, P. Pinkisevich.

Lesson plan:

  1. Organizational stage (3 min.)
  2. The assimilation of new knowledge and improvement (34 min.):
  • creativity Bunin and Kurrification (comparison);
  • message about the biography of Kupper;
  • message about the history of the story "Olesya";
  • conversation on the story "Olesya".
  1. Summing up (5 min.)
  2. Homework (3 min.)

During the classes

1. Organizational stage.

W.: Hello, sit down!

We finished the study of Gorky's creativity, wrote an essay by his work. A little earlier we studied the work of the Bunin. Today's lesson will be connected just with him. The topic of our lesson - A.I. Kuprin. Life and art. The embodiment of the moral ideal in the story "Olesya" (Slide 1). We write to the notebook. We will get to know the biography of a writer (you yourself tell themselves), creativity, comparable to the work of the Bunin and consider the story "Olesya."

2. The assimilation of new knowledge and improvement.

W.: Creativity of the same time Bunin, Alexander Ivanovich Kurin (1870 - 1938) (Slide 2), was known to the Soviet reader more widespread because, unlike Bunin, the Kuprin returned from emigration to his homeland for his death. These writers unites much. First of all, following the traditions of Russian classical literature, commitment to realism in the image of life, attitude to the work of L. N. Tolstoy as a model, lessons skill Chekhov. Kupper is also interested in the relationship of man and nature, love as the element of a living life. Kubrin develops the topic of a "little man", emphasizing the "necessity of everyone". But if the main thing is the main thing - a contemplative, analytical beginning, then brightness, strength, integrity of nature are important for the junk.

We listen to the biography of Kupper and write down the main points from his life (the student's message).

Couprite thirteen years of childhood and adolescence held in closed educational institutions: Alexander orphan School, the second Moscow military gymnasium, soon converted to the Cadet Corps, the third of the Alexandrovskaya Junker School. After the serious years of barren life, Kurpur woven in provincial Russia, he was a reporter, and a loader in the Odessa port, and the manager at a construction site, Amermer, worked on the foundry plant, played on stage, studied the dental case, was a journalist ...

"Always, he was tormented by thirst to explore, understand, examine how people live and working all sorts of professions ... His unfortunate, greedy eyesight delivered him festive joy!" - wrote about Kuprina K. I. Chukovsky. Mass of vital observations, impressions, experiences became the basis of his work.

"You are a reporter of life ... Still decisively everywhere ... Wlipe into the most thick of life" - so I defined the Kuprin my vocation. Kubrin - temperamental, wide nature, human element and intuition. His favorite heroes have the same features. Colorite and thrust his prose(Lyrics he did not write).

The first book, published in 1896, was called "Kiev Types". Two years later, there is a story "Olesya", who set the problem of a folk nature and was the embodiment of the dream of a writer about a beautiful man, about free, healthy life, about merging with nature.

Let me listen to a message about the history of the story (student's message).

Now let's talk about the story itself. At home you should have read it. Let's see how you understood the idea and the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe author.

1. For what purpose, the young "Panych" Ivan Timofeevich comes to the deaf village of Volyn province?

Hero, as a writer, attracts everything! "Polesie ... Wildlife ... Nature Lono ... Simple Mragi ... Primitive Nature, - The Hero reflects, - a very unfamiliar people, with strange customs, a kind of language ... And, probably, what many poetic legends, legends and songs!"

2. What violates the usual boredom of the city "Barin"?

- Ivan Timofeevich learns about the existence of a witch. And decides to find this mysterious house.

3. How does Kerper draw images of the main characters?

Ivan Timofeevich describes Olesya: "The man you are although good, but weak ... Your goodness is not good, not heartfelt. The word you are not my lord ... You do not love your heart, because your heart is cold, lazy, and those that you will love, you bring a lot of grief. "

And Olesya Ivan Timofeevich sees so: "My stranger, a high brunette about 20-25 years old, held out easily and slightly. Spacious white shirt freely and beautifully wrapped her young, healthy chest. The original beauty of her face, since he saw it, it was impossible to forget, but it was difficult. I even get used to him, describe it. The charm consisted in these large, brilliant, dark eyes, which are subtle, broken in the middle of eyebrows gave an elusive shade of lucavia, authority and naivety; In the dark-pink tone of the skin, in the leadal bending of the lips, of which the lower, somewhat more complete, was given forward with a decisive and capricious species. "

4. How are ordinary people relate to Oles and her grandmother?

Do not oppress. But the bosses constantly degrades and robes.

5. What fabulous elements are used in the description of the manulyans?

- Her house is behind the swamp. The appearance resembles Baba Yagu: thin cheeks, long chin, toothless mouth.

6. What gift is Olesya?

A person can define the fate of a person, to speak to the wound, catch out fear, treat the most severe diseases and dump with one glance. But does not use in evil.

7. How does the Love time describe Ivan Timofeevich?

- "Almost a month, a naive, charming fairy tale of our love continued, and so far, together with the excellent appearance of Olesy, live with the unfavorable power in my soul, these flaming evening dawns, these rosy, dishonled valley lonsters and honey, full of bodic freshness and a bird gama , these are hot, languid lazy June days ... "

8. What are the characters feel at this time of love?

- Olesya first pours its feeling. But Olesya is afraid that one day will be bored with her beloved. And Ivan Timofeevich is afraid that Olesya will be deceived from the native environment.

9. How does the story ends?

Ivan Timofeevich leaving. Olesya with grandmother is forced to run. Olesya went to church before this. But it was driven from there. And Olesya threatened to fellow villagers. On the same day, hare happened. And broke the harvest. All wrote off on Olesy.

10. Why is the development of love shown in close connection with the pictures of nature?

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story was only away from civilization you can find a person who can love disinterestedly, devoted. Only in unity with nature, a person is able to achieve moral purity and nobility. The landscape is experiencing sensitive with the change in the spiritual state of Olesy.

11. How to build a story story?

Pictures of life and paintings of nature are associated with a single stream: for example, after a hero meeting with Olesya - a picture of a turbulent spring, an explanation in love is accompanied by a description of the lunar night. The plot is built on opposing the world of Olesy and the world of Ivan Timofeevich.

12. What color accompanies the image of Olece?

Red. Red skirt, red handkerchief, red cheap bead thread. This is the color of love, but at the same time and the color of the alarm.

3. Summing up.

W.: Turn to the textbook (reading the analysis of the story and answers to questions 3-5).

W.: The Kubrin showed the ideal of moral man in his story - the ideal, inextricably connected with nature. Only in nature are capable of born true and bright feelings - love. Therefore, a large role in the story is assigned precisely. It is she who helps to form a pure person.
Your thoughts on the story?

4. Homework.


  1. V. A. Chalmaev, S. A. Zinin. Literature grade 11. M., "Russian Word", 2008.
  2. G. S. Merkin, S. A. Zinin, V. A. Chalmaev. The program on literature for 5 - 11 classes. M., "Russian Word", 2010.
  3. G. H. Abkharov, T. O. Skirgailo. Literature. Thematic planning. M., "Russian Word", 2012.
  4. N. V. Egorova, I. V. Zolotarev. Pounding developments in Russian literature. Grade 11. M., "Vako", 2004.


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Signatures for slides:

A. I. Kookin. Life and art. The embodiment of the moral ideal in the story "Olesya".

Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin 1870 -1938

August 26, 1870 - Born in the city of Varovna Penza province; 1873 - moving to Moscow; Creativity: 1896 - "Kiev Types" of 1896 - the story "Moloch" of 1898 - the story "Olesya" 1905 - "Black Mist" of 1906 - "Rybnik's headquarters"

1908 - "Sullamify" of 1911 - "Pomegranate bracelet" 1919 is a year to emigrate to Paris. 1937 - Return to the USSR. August 25, 1938 - died in Moscow

"He always tormented his thirst to explore, to understand, study how people of all kinds of professions live and work. His unfortunate, greedy eyesight delivered him festive joy! " K. I. Chukovsky

"You are a reporter of life ... Let's decisively everywhere ... get into the most thick of life" (Cupper vocation)

1. For what purpose, the young "Panych" Ivan Timofeevich comes to the deaf village of Volyn province?

2. What violates the usual boredom of the city "Barin"? 3. How does Kerper draw images of the main characters? (quotes from text)

4. How are ordinary people relate to Oles and her grandmother? 5. What fabulous elements are used in the description of the manulyans? 6. What gift is Olesya?

7. How does the Love time describe Ivan Timofeevich? 8. What are the characters feel at this time of love? 9. How does the story ends?

10. Why is the development of love shown in close connection with the pictures of nature? 11. How to build a story story? 12. What color accompanies the image of Olece?

Homework article in the textbook (p. 88 - 94). Read the story "Pomegranate bracelet"

Pestrea Olga Sergeevna
Position: Literature teacher and Russian
Educational institution: Maou School number 12
Locality: Krasnoyarsk Territory City
Name of material: Summary of the lesson - Project
Subject: "The embodiment of the moral ideal in the story" Olesya "A.I. Kuprina"
Publication date: 16.09.2018
Section: Full education

Municipal Autonomous Secondary Institution

"Secondary school №12" Scharypovo

Summary of the lesson - Project

The embodiment of moral ideal

in the story "Olesya" A.I. Kuprika

Russian language and literature teacher

Pestrea Olga Sergeevna

Purpose: Reveal the idea and artistic features of the story "Olesya."


1. Personal: Forming the ability to see the beauty of nature.

2. Subject: Improve the skills for analyzing the work for detection

ideological and artistic originality.






logical reasoning, draw conclusions;





actions in accordance with the changing situation;

Communicative: ability to organize joint activities with a teacher and

perseter, slacking individually and in the group.

Type of lesson: Studying a new material

Form lesson: Lesson-project

During the classes

Stages lesson


(2 minutes)

The introductory word of the teacher about

prose early 20th century. About bright

writers' names Bunin and

Message Objectives and Forms of the lesson.

Stage of actualization

(3 minutes)

What features of creativity

What works

belong to the writer?

What does Kurpen writes in these


His hero is bright

strong active

whole personality.

- "Duel",

"Garnet bracelet",


His works O.

Unrequited problem

platonic, high

love, love to

self-denial and even


beautiful love

"Little man with

great soul "

Stage of production


(2 minutes)

What does the writer writes about

tale "Olesya"?

Traditionally about love.

Olesya and Ivan.

Timofeevich love friend

puts in this work if

is it about love?

The problem is that

heroes love each other,

but together they are not destined

be. After all, naturally:

if love is mutual

then people should be

together. (awareness





(4 minutes)

Here is this problem today and

we will try to decide in the lesson. AND

we will solve it through the project.

What is the purpose of the project?

To achieve this goal that

you must do, i.e. what kind

tasks to solve?

Learn reasons

unfortunate finals

tale: Why

loving each other

heroes have not become happy

and not stayed together.

Put hypotheses.

Check them out

text analysis.



features to

understand the thoughts of I.

the mood of Olesy I.

Ivan Timofeevich.


(3 minutes)

What are your assumptions,

why didn't heroe be together?

The teacher writes hypotheses on

Miscellaneous origin

They brought up I.

lived in different ways.

She lives in harmony with

nature, and he is spoiled

secular life.


surrounding their people.

You formulated the problem

determined the purpose and task,

hypotheses put forward.

Start sales

intended goals and tasks for

solutions to problems in groups.

When preparing to protect your

hypotheses, use these

1. What value is

actions in honors?

2. What role plays

Pupils work B.

Check hypotheses,

through answers to questions

and Text Analysis.

Make up the scheme for

understanding the answer.

3. How does the Kurpen draw

main Heroine?

4. What is the feature

images of a character hero?

5. How is the plot built?

6. What color accompanies



pupils from the group


(2 minutes)

What scheme from the proposed

we accept how the most

affordable and understandable?

Here is the diagram of the second group:


Heroes landscape

lives in harmony

with nature

Ivan Timofeevich

does not understand nature

Second group.

Conclusion is B.

next: only in

union with nature, in


naturally man

able to achieve

spiritual purity I.

nobility. Such was

Olesya. And the hero was not in

harmony with nature.

So they could not

to be together

Generalization (1 minute)

Your answer is conspired with the theme

lesson. So who is in the story

the embodiment of moral


moral ideal B.

union of nature I.


Homework: (1

Write a review on the story

"Olesya" according to the work plan in

Having become acquainted with the work of A. I. Kupin, I noted for myself the main theme of its works is the chanting of clean, immaculate, generous love. Love of different people: Olesya - "whole, distinctive, free nature, her mind, at the same time clear and shrouded in unshakable mediocre superstition, childish-innocent, but not deprived of a beautiful woman's shuffle coquetry", and Ivan Timofeevich - "man although good, but only weak". They belong to different social sections: Ivan Timofeevich - an educated person, a writer who came

In Polesie "Watch Mragi", and Olesya - "Witch", an uneducated girl who has grown in the forest.
But despite these differences, they loved each other. However, their love was different: Ivan Timofeevich was attracted by beauty, tenderness, femininity, the naivety of Olesi, and she, on the contrary, was aware of all his shortcomings and knew that their love was doomed, but despite this, loved him with all his ardor soul. After all, for the sake of Ivan Timofeevich, she went to church, although he knew that it would end for her tragically,
But the love of the main character I do not consider the same clean and generous. He knew that a misfortune could happen if Olesya goes to church, but did nothing to stop her: "Suddenly suddenly the horror of the sorrows took me. I wanted to run unable to run after the Olesya, catch up with her and ask, begging, even demanding if necessary, so that she would not go to church. But I kept my unexpected gust ... "

Ivan Timofeevich, although he loved Oles, but at the same time was afraid of this love. It was this fear that prevented him from marrying her: "Only the circumstance is scarecrow and stopped me:" I didn't even dare to imagine how Olesya will be dressed in a human dress, talking in the living room with my colleagues, swept away from this charming frame of the old forest ".
Love Olesya and Ivan Timofeevich - tragedy, like the fate of Olesy himself, because it differed sharply from the transit peasants primarily with her clean, open soul, the wealth of the inner world. Olesya - the full opposite of Ivan Timofeevich. In its image, Kubrin embodies his ideas about the ideal of a woman. She absorbed the laws in which nature lives, her soul is not corrupted by civilization.

The writer creates an exclusively romantic image of "daughters of forests". Olesy's life passes isolated from people, and therefore it does not care what many modern people are devoted to: Glory, wealth, power, Molva. Emotions become the main motives.

Moreover, Olesya Witch, the secrets of the human subconscious are familiar to it. It was this that gave rise to hatred for her worn, limited people. And, as you know, people always seek to destroy the one who they do not understand the one who differs from them. Therefore, the heroine is forced to part with his beloved and run from his native forest.

Olesy's love becomes the greatest gift that can give life to the hero of the story. In this love there are dedication and courage, on the one hand, and contradiction, on the other.
The genuine meaning of love writer sees in the desire to dissensefully give his chosen one full of feelings that a loving person is capable of. The person is imperfect, but the power of love can, even for a while, to return to him the severity of sensations and the naturalness, which other people like others have retained in themselves.

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