Mozart his work. Years of life of Wolfgang Amadey Mozart

Mozart his work. Years of life of Wolfgang Amadey Mozart
Mozart his work. Years of life of Wolfgang Amadey Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - bright representative Vienna classic school. He masterfully owned various musical forms His time, possessed a unique hearing and rare talent of the improviser. In a word, genius. And the genius is usually a lot of rumors and condoms around the life and death of genius. The composer left the age of thirty-five. His early death has become the subject of disputes, formed the basis of the plots literary works. How did Mozart died? What was the reason for his sudden death? And where is Mozart buried?

Composer, whose biography, more than two centuries have been interested in researchers around the world, died in 1791. The lives of outstanding people are customary from birth. But the biography of Mozart is so extensive that any of the periods are worthy of close attention. This article will be discussed, above all, how Mozart died. There are many assumptions. But according to the official version, the cause of death has become a long disease. But before proceeding to the description last days Mozart, should be put in briefly his biography.


Where was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart born? The city of Childhood of youth of the Great Musician is Salzburg. Amade's father was a violinist. Leopold Mozart dedicated his life to children. He did everything in order for his daughter and son to get decent musical education. It is musical. Unique abilities C. early years Showed both Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose biography is represented in our article and his older sister Nannerl.

Leopold began to teach the daughter with the game on Clavesis Pretty early. Wolfgang was at all small. But he watched the sister's lessons and repeated separate passages from musical works. Then Leopold decided that his son would certainly be composer. Wolfgang, like his Nannerl, began to start very early. The public was fascinated by the game of the Wunderkind.

Youth and the beginning of creativity

Since 1781, hero has lived this article in Vienna. Gaidna - classic. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, along with these great musicians, created works that will never be forgotten. It was not only possible to achieve such heights, not only thanks to the innate talent, but also, hard work.

How old is Mozart died? The composer was only thirty-five. And ten years before death, he settled in Vienna. For this small period of time, Wolfgang has turned from a little-known musician in

The house belonged to Weberham, whose family had three unmarried daughters. One of them is the future wife of Wolfgang, Constance. That same year, when he crossed the first time of the Weber House threshold, he began to create Opera "Abduction from Seraral". The work was approved by the Viennese public, but the name of Mozart still did not have weight in musical circles.


Soon Mozart married the Weber Constance. After the wedding, his relationship with his father was smashed. Mozart-Sr. Until the daughter-in-law was hostile until the last days. The peak of Wolfgang Glory falls on the middle of the eighties. A few years before death, he begins to receive huge fees. Mozarts move to a chic apartment, hire a servant and acquire the piano for the crazy money for those times. The musician tying friendship with Haydn, who once even gives a collection of his works.

In February 1785, a concert for Piano Re Minor was presented to the public. "Why did the Great Mozart died in poverty?" - Sometimes you can hear such a question. What is the opinion about the financial disadvantage of the pianist and the composer? Indeed, in the mid-eighties, Mozart was at the peak of his fame. He was one of the most wealthy musicians in Vienna in 1787. Four years before death, he sent his son in a very expensive and prestigious educational institution. And in the same year great pianist Entered the Masonic Life. BUT B. last years The composer has slightly shaken. However, it was still far from poverty.

Financial difficulties

In 1789, Wolfgang's wife fell ill. He was forced to send it to the healing resort, which shaken him financial situation. After a few months, the Constance went on amendment. By that time there was already a considerable success "Wedding Figaro". Mozart engaged in writing works for the theater. He first wrote Opera. But the early writings were not successful.

The last year of life for Mozart has become very fruitful. He wrote Sol-Minor's symphony, received the position of the Kapelmeister. And finally, began working on the "requiem". It ordered a stranger who wanted to honor his wife's memory.


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose biography is surprisingly saturated with events, despite early death, wrote an uncountable number of works. He had many disciples, he received a good fee from the publication of his writings. Shortly before the death, he began to create his last work - "Requiem". The work so captured him that he stopped taking students. In addition, his well-being suddenly began to deteriorate every day.

About how Mozart died, was told by years later by relatives, witnesses the death of the Great Composer. Among them was the son of the musician. According to the memories of loved ones, Mozart suddenly it became so bad that the doctor had to call. And no, but the best in Vienna. Indeed, the healer helped the musician. However, the improvement has not last long. Soon Mozart slightly completely.

Acute projected fever

According to the memories of Sophie Weber - the presenters of the musician - after the condition has deteriorated, relatives decided to cause another physician. The cause of Mozart's death is disputes, because the symptoms of it were so unusual that they did not allow the doctors to come to a consequential opinion regarding the diagnosis.

In recent weeks, the composer aggravated the rumor. He suffered from unbearable pain, even from touching his body to clothing. Mozart weakened every day. And, moreover, its condition has deteriorated due to imperfect methods of medicine. The patient regularly allowed blood: this therapeutic reception in those times was considered universal. The cause of Mozart's death, perhaps it would be established if he lived the XXI century. In the eighteenth century, treatment methods were, to put it mildly, ineffective. In the death certificate of the genius stood: an acute projected fever.

This disease suffered at the time a good part of the Viennese population. How to treat him, doctors did not know. And therefore one of the doctors, visiting the dying, concluded: he is no longer saved.

General wealth of the body

Mozart's life and creativity - the topic of many books, artistic and documentaries. His rare gift was discovered in early age. But in addition to unique abilities, Mozart, contrary to generally accepted opinion, extraordinary hard work. About how Mozart died, today there is a lot of one. There is a version that the Great Musician poisoned the envious of Salieri. But the contemporaries of the composer believed otherwise.

After the death of Mozart, some doctors argued that he died of a serious infectious disease. The body could not fight as a result general weakening. And the Mozart was weakened physically due to perennial works without a break and rest.

Over the years, everything is more difficult to determine the diagnosis of the musician. In the records of Sophie Weber and other relatives a lot of contradictions. It is these circumstances and gave rise to a lot of versions of the death of Amadeus Mozart. Consider each of them.


The version that Mozart died from the hands of envious is the most common. And it was she who was based on the tragedy of Pushkin. According to this version, the life and creativity of Mozart were surrounded by a festival. Nature allegedly endowed the musician so talent, which was not required to make efforts. All Mozart managed to play easily. And Salieri, on the contrary, with all his efforts, was not able to achieve and miserably a strongest thing that Mozart knew.

The work of Pushkin is based on artistic fiction. But many readers today do not distinguish the author's fantasies from confirmed facts. The heroes of Pushkin argue that genius and evil are incompatible concepts. In the work of the Russian writer, Salieri stirs Mozart poison, because I do not agree with him. He believes that he brings a celebrating, but gifted composer to sacrifice art.

The view is that Salieri is a killer, it is considered to be one of the versions also because at the beginning of the nineteenth century, in one of the church archives, his confession was found in which he confessed and repented in the deed. Confirmed facts that this document really existed is not. However, today, many fans of Mozart's creativity are confident that the genius was a victim of the envy of "colleagues".


There is another version of poisoning. Supporters believe that Mozart sent his spouse to the light. And she helped her in this one of the students of the musician. If you believe rumors, then passionate Roman Constance and Zyusmayra were accompanied by clarifying relations and extremely emotional reconciliation. Beloved Spouse Mozart was a man very ambitious, if not a careerist. And he could well join the Constance in Love Communication exclusively in order to lime his great teacher. But for what Zyusmayra need to get rid of Mozart? What would give him his death?

In addition, this version is less believable due to the fact that after the death of the musician his diary has been preserved. And he is evidence of the deepest loyalty and love that reigned in the family of Mozarts.

Ritual murder

And finally latest version. If we take into account only those in which the violent death referred to, then this is perhaps the most believable. As already mentioned, great musician Consisted in the Masonic bed. Masons tend to help their "brothers". But they did not help Mozart then when he experienced severe financial difficulties. They even ignored the death of the composer, without canceling the next meeting as a sign.

Some researchers believe that the cause of murder was the intention of Mozart to create his own lie. In one of recent works - "Magic Flute" - used Masonic symbolism. To demonstrate something similar to the uninitiated was not accepted. Perhaps Mozart killed his masons brothers.


About where Mozart is buried, is known. In the cemetery of St. Mark. The date of burial remains controversial. According to the official version - December 6. The opinion is common that Mozart was buried in a fraternal grave intended for the poor. But, according to historians, the burial happened in the third category. It was not the funeral of the beggar, but not a magnificent farewell ceremony of the Great Composer, Pianist, Teacher. As it often happens, the true glory to Wolfgangu Amade Mozart came after his death.

In this article we will tell you some interesting Facts From the life of Mozart. This composer became a real legend. He was born in 1756, January 27, in the city of Salzburg. For a brief life, this composer was able to write a lot of concerts, operas, symphony, sonatas (only more than 600 different works). The work of Mozart is really multifaceted and volume. In each of which he worked, he managed to achieve unprecedented success. The contemporaries of the composer said that he was masterly owned by several tools, and also had an incredible memory and perfect hearing. However, this far does not end interesting facts from the life of Mozart. We selected, in our opinion, the most curious of them, and we suggest you to get acquainted with some details of the biography of this genius.

Mozart Family Music

The whole family was gifted musically. For example, his father, Leopold, played by the organ and violin, and also served as the composer at the court of Salzburg Archbishop, led by the church choir. He also wrote a book on a game on a violin, which was considered at that time one of the best teaching aids on this tool.

This man instilled love for music and his children: their son, who began to play Clavesis from three years old, and later mastered the organ and violin, and daughters, who also played the Clavesis very much, as well as on the piano.

From seven children survived only two in the Mozart family: Wolfgang and his older sister.

Young genius

Family friend, Shakhther Johann Andreas, Salzburg Court Trumpeter, told the following story, which must necessarily be included in our story on "Interesting Facts from Mozart's Life". Once Leopold Mozart, together with the miner, came to his home and saw the young Wolfgang (who was only 4 years old) writes something on tank paper. The son of Makal in ink is not only a feather, but also fingers. Mozart Jr. told adults that he writes a concert. Father took the sheet fan with blossoms and sharpened - everything was so hard in writing.

Mozart and Bakh

When the boy was about 8 years old, his talent highly appreciated Johann Christian Bach, who was the son of the famous Johanna Sebastian Baha. They played together several times in public: Bach Salted little genius On the knees and performed the sonata on the Clavesis with him. Several clocks played Bach, several - Mozart. It seemed that the tool was one musician - this duet sounded so nicely. The artists also played four hands and talked a lot about music.

Speech during the post

Wolfgang as a child often traveled to other countries. These journeys satisfied the father of the boy, so that the son gives the public concerts, listened famous musicians And I found out something new. In the Holland, one of the countries where they visited, the music was banned strictly-setting during posts. However, for Mozart made an exception. The clergy in his talent saw God's gift.

Opera for the emperor

Joseph II, ordered Mozart Opera when the boy was only 12 years old. It was called "Monshadowing" and was intended for Italian troupe. The young composer composed a work in just a few weeks. The singers, however, did not like it, so the opera is never taken place.

Composer and Masons

Interesting facts from the life of Mozart are associated not only with his musical career. This man, for example, became a massone and even led to his father's lie. Composer composed music for a number of Masonian rituals, even in famous Opere Under the name "Magic Flute" sounds the topic of this movement.

Mozart and Salieri

Once the hero of our story decided to make fun over Salieri. He told his friend that he created such a key for a key, which is not able to perform by any person in the world, except for Mozart himself. Salieri, looking at the notes, exclaimed that the young musician would not be able to do either, because both hands would need to perform the most famous passengers, and besides at opposite ends of the keyboard. At the same time, you need to take a few more notes in the middle. Even if you play the leg, written to execute anyway will not succeed, as the pace of work is too fast. Very pleased, Mozart laughed. He sat down at the key and performed this work exactly as it was indicated in the notes. And complex notes were taken nose!

Constance, Mozart's wife

Having earn its work decent fees, nevertheless mozzart, whose biography is sometimes contradictory, was often forced to take money from his buddies. So, for example, having received a thousand guilders (a fabulous amount for the summary) for the performance at one of the concerts, he sat without money after two weeks. The friend of Mozart, whom the composer tried to occupy, noticed with surprise that the musical genius had no stables, no castle, no heaps of children, no expensive mistress. "Why do you need money?" - he asked. Mozart replied that after all he had a constant, a wife. "She is my herd of thoroughbred horses, my castle, my pile of children, my mistress," said the composer.

Sophisticated concert

Mozart, whose biography, like all the welders, has been marked by the facts testifying to unique giving, his first concert wrote in four years. It was a picture of a key. It was so complicated that european virtuosos His could ever fulfill someone. When the father took the unfinished record from the boy, explaining that such, in his opinion, a difficult concert could not play, Mozart replied that all this nonsense. After all, even a child can do it. He, for example.

Mozart plays with a cat

Everything young genius It was a turn musical training and speeches. In various corners of Europe at numerous concerts, Wunderkind entertained the audience from higher Light: played with closed eyes on the key. The father closed his face with a handkerchief at the same time. They also closed the keyboard, but the young genius still coped with the game. The work of Mozart in all caused admiration. On the stage at one of the concerts of this composer came the cat. Then Mozart stopped playing and rushed to her from all his feet. Forgetting about the listeners, he began to amused with this animal. The young genius responded to the father of the father that the harpsine is still not going anywhere, and the cat will go now.

History with Maria Antoinette

After a small Mozart (the composer, about which we tell) spoke in the Imperial Palace, Maria-Antoinette, the young Duchess, decided to show his luxurious dwelling. The boy fell in one of the halls, slipping on the floor. Then the duchess helped Mozart climb. He noticed that the duchess of good to him. "Perhaps I get married to you," said the musician. The girl told about this mother. The empress with a smile asked the little "groom," why he said so. Mozart replied: "Of Gratitude."

Mozart meeting with Goethe

One day, seven-year-old Mozart gave concerts in Frankfurt am Main. A 14-year-old boy approached him after the speech. He praised his game, saying that he had never learned to such skill, because it was very difficult. Young Wolfgang I was surprised and asked him if he tried to write notes. The interlocutor replied that there was no, since only poems come to his head. Then Mozart parry: "Probably, it is very difficult to write poems?" The boy answered that, on the contrary, very easy. The interlocutor of Mozart turned out to be Goethe.

The cause of the death of the composer

Still cause disputes and questions of the cause of death of this the greatest composer. In medical conclusion it was stated that Wolfgang died of rheumatic fever, which may have complicated the sharp kidney or however, some art historians believe that he was poisoned by his opponent. But the reason to believe that between these two people was a hostility, in fact, not much. In 1997, despite this, 200 years after the death of Wolfgang, a court of Salieri was held in Milan. Researchers of creativity of two these musicians, as well as doctors were listened to the judge, who subsequently decided that Salieri was not guilty of the death of the famous composer.

How was Mozart been buried?

Composer, despite all his merits and the greatest talent, was buried as a poor man. The remains of Mozart were placed in the overall grave along with several other coffins. Until now, an exact burial place is unknown. Tombstones and stoves at that time were put in the cemetery walls, and not on the grave. On the day of the funeral, no one has come to the cemetery of the composer from his loved ones. I could not say goodbye to the spouse and the sick widow of Mozart. Only to the city gate, guests carried out such a great composer as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Interesting facts from the life of this person do not end. There are quite a lot of them. Some of them took place in reality, others are semi-more character. Interesting about Mozart is curious not only professional musicians And fans of his work. Genius always cause increased interest. Mozart's life was short. He was born in 1756, and died in 1791, that is, aged 35 years. But during this time, the genius managed to create many immortal works, Muslim survived by the author, who is Mozart. Piano, Violin, Clarinet, Flute - For all of these tools, the composer created a lot of works that are executed and enthusiastically accepted by the public and to this day.

Genius and Wunderkind Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Mozart It was possible to conquer all the musical heights that were available at the time, but she did not bring success to him during his lifetime. Unfortunately, the whole depth of his talent was able to evaluate only the units of contemporaries, and he was worthy highest degree Fame.

Perhaps the genius was not lucky with the era in which he lived, but who knows, we would enjoy it now by his works, it is born at another time or elsewhere.

Little diving

Future Music Wunderkind was born in the family of Assistant Kappelmister Leopold Mozart and his wife Anna-Maria 1756 in Salzburg. Mother could not recover for a long time after childbirth, the appearance of the son of his son almost worth her of his life. The next day the boy was baptized and tagged by the name Johann Chrysito Wolfgang Teofil. Four of Mozart had seven children, but five died in early childhood, the older sister of Maria Anna and Wolfgang.

Father Mozart was a talented musician and an excellent teacher whose works for many years were teaching benefits. Uncomplicated musical abilities He began to show his daughter. Father's classes with a sister on the key were incredibly interested in three years Wolfgang - He could sit for hours and pick up the policy on the instrument, receiving pleasure from finding the faithful consonance. A year later, Leopold began to learn small plays with her son, and then he himself began to compose short melodies, that's just write down his efforts in motor notebook The child could not yet.

First Wolfgang He asked his father to write down his creations, and once he himself tried to transferped to the music notes who stood a mixture with blots. These Feather samples discovered his father and asked what the child was depicted. The boy confidently declared that this was a motion concert. Leopold was surprised to find notes among ink spots and became delighted when she realized that the son competently and on all the rules was recorded invented music. Father praised his child, but said that such a difficult work is almost impossible. The boy objected, noting that you need to practice well, then everything will be released. After some time, he managed to play this concert.

The first tour of Wolfgang Mozart

The children of Mozart-Father were extremely talented, so Leopold tried to demonstrate this to the world. He organized the present European tour in the early 1762, during which the family visited the capitals and the largest citieswhere children played even before the highest public - emperors and dukes. Small Wolfgang as if it turned out to be in the fairy tale - he was at the receptions in the palaces and secular salons, talked with outstanding people His era, discouraged the praise and invariably heard to his address Stula Zovations. But it demanded daily labor from a child, such a rich schedule could withstand not every adult.

A wonderful boy, according to the reviews of those who played, perfectly performed the most complicated plays And I improvised whole hours, while observing strict rules of art. His knowledge was higher than many experienced musicians.

Despite the rotation in the wedel circles, Wolfgang Mozart. Preserved children's immediacy, openness and ease. He did not write sullen music and was not closed genius. It is associated with a lot of funny stories and curious cases.

Miracle of the XVIII century

In London, Mozart has lived more than a year where Wolfgang became acquainted with the son - Johann Christian, with whom he improvised and played four hands. Then, almost a year, the family spent in different cities of Holland. During this period, the musical treasury Mozart Replenished with symphony, six sonatas and a collection of Capricchio.

The program of his speeches has always amazed listeners with difficulty and diversity. His virtuoso violin game, Clavesis and the organ fascinated the audience, which called the boy "miraculous century". Then he truly conquered Europe. After a long and exhausting journey, the family returned to his native Salzburg in 1766.

Father did not give Wolfgangu relax and began to work hard with it and rehearsals concert programsto new performances secure success. He wanted to make her son not just famous, but and wealthy, so that he did not depend on the prosperity of the authorities.

Mozart Began to receive orders for works. For the Viennese theater, he wrote a "imaginary witness", successfully mastered the new complex genre. But for some reason on the scene comic opera did not put. This failure Wolfgang worried very hard.

These were the first manifestations of the ill-advantage of rivals to their 12-year-old colleague, because now he was not just a wonderful child, but serious and famous composer. In the rays of his glory it was easy to fill.

Young academician Wolfgang Mozart

Then Leopold decided to take the Son to the homeland of the opera - to Italy. Three years of young Mozart Milan, Florence, Rome, Venice and Naples. His performances collected huge crowds of fans, he played the body in the cathedrals and churches, was a conductor and a singer.

And now the long-awaited order from Milan opera House. For six months, he wrote Opera "Mithridate, King Pontic", which was collected by Achlag 26 times in a row. He ordered a few more works, including the opera "Lucius Sulla".

Brilliant memory and fantastic hearing Mozart They hit the sophisticated connoisseurs of music - Italians. Once he heard in Sicstinskaya chapel Multi-voiced choral work, came home and recorded it completely. It turned out that only the church owned notes, to carry out or rewrite them was strictly prohibited, but Mozart Made it just in memory.

Even more discussion caused the election from the public Wolfgang Member of the Bologna Academy at such a young age. It happened for the first time in the history of the famous institution.

Such successes Mozart In Italy, they gave hope for the realization of his father's dream. He was sure that now the Son will not be an ordinary provincial musician, but to find a job in Italy. Mozart failed. Important persons did not recognize the genius in time, and he returned to his homeland.

In opal at the graph

Salzburg met the famous family is completely unlucky. NEW Count prescribed Wolfgang Mozarta conductor of his court orchestra demanded full subordination and tried to humiliate him every way. Position of the servant Mozart not satisfied, he did not want to write exclusively church music And short entertainment works. Wolfgang He dreamed of serious work - an essay of the opera.

He's great difficulty to get a vacation, together with his mother Mozart He went to Paris, try happiness where they admired in childhood. Talented musicianWith whose shoulders have already been almost three hundred different works, there was no place in the capital of France - no orders, no concerts followed. I had to make money on the life of music lessons, but this was barely enough to pay a modest room in the hotel. With Mother Wolfgang In Paris, the attack happened, and she died. A series of failures and this tragedy forced him to return to Salzburg.

There, the graph with a new burrow began to humiliate Mozart - I did not allow him to organize concerts, forced to dinner with the servant at the time when his ID "Idomy, King Crete" successfully walked on the stage of the Munich Theater.

Getting rid of slavery

Mozart Accepted a firm decision to end with such a service and filed a resignation. Neither the first nor the second time it was signed, moreover, the flow of insults was poured on the composer. Wolfgang From such injustice almost lost the reason. But he gathered with the forces and left forever native city, settling in Vienna in 1781.

In 26 years Wolfgang married with the Constance of Weber Contrary to the will of the Father and Mother of the Bride, but newlyweds were happy. At the same time Mozart Ordered write a comic opera "Abduction from Seraral". He dreamed of writing the opera on native languageMoreover, the work was perfectly accepted by listeners, only the emperor considered it too complicated.

The success of this opera helped the composer to get acquainted with famous patrons and musicians, including with who dedicated six quartets. Only Gaidn could understand and evaluate the depth of talent Wolfgang.

Enthusiastically met the public in 1786 and new opera Mozart - "Wedding Figaro." However, success lasted for a long time. The emperor and the whole yard constantly showed their dissatisfaction with the innovations of the composer, this affected the attitude towards his works of the public. But Aria Figaro sounded in all restaurants, parks and streets of Vienna, it was folk recognition. According to his own expression, he wrote music for ears of different lengths.


In the life of the composer, the difficult times of laptop came again. The funds received only from Prague, where his "Wedding Figaro" was included in the repertoire of the theater. In this city loved and appreciated creativity MozartAnd he gladly worked there on Don Juan, whose premiere was held in the fall of 1787.

Return to Vienna again brought disappointment and financial need, but there Wolfgang Posted by the last three symphonies - Mi-B Flat Major, salt minor and to Major, who consider the greatest. In addition, shortly before the death Mozart The premiere of his opera "Magic Flute" took place.

In parallel with the work on this opera, he was in a hurry to complete the order of the requiem. Shortly before that, an unknown person in black robe came to him and ordered a clock mass. Mozart It was depressed and depressed after this visit. Perhaps his long-term careful health simply coincided with this event, but himself Wolfgang perceived requiem as prevention own death. Finish Mass. Mozart I did not have time (this later made his student Franz Ksaver Zyusmeyer), he died on the night of 1791. About the causes of his premature leaving of life still have rumors like anyone famous person. Most famous myth Says that the composer Salieri poisoned him. It has never been any confirmation.

As family money Mozart There was no, he was buried without any honors, and even in the general grave, so no one knows the exact seat of his burial.


Strange visitor Mozartwho ordered him Requiem, there was a servant of the Count Valzhegg-Spitephat, who often bought a job for a badge of the poor composers and issued for his creations.

Younger son Mozart Franz Ksaver B. early XIX. century twenty years lived and worked in Lviv. He taught music to children of noble Galician childbirth and was one of the founders of the first music society Lviv called "Cecilia". It was at its base that Lviv philharmonium was subsequently organized. And in 1826, the violinist Lipinsky and the Chorus under the direction of Franz Xaves were even given a concert in the city Wolfgang Amadeu Mozarta.

Updated: July 29, 2017 by the author: Elena

Works of musical genius austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeu Mozart could force Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky to plunge into his sensual world So much that the thrill and tears of delight were caused. The famous composer considered Mozart's music almost perfect, who managed to open and show him what kind of music is actually.

Childhood of the composer

Amadeus was born in early 1756, on January 27, the son was born in the family of Leopold Mozart, who later glorified the family and left an indelible mark in the history of music, being a real talent and genius.

The father of the boy, violinist and teacher, among other things, the playing by the game, managed to notice the perfect hearing of the Son on time and develop his abilities to perfection. From the six brothers and sisters of Wolfgang to survive only his older sister. It was from her at first and began to study music with children Leopold, who studied the girl with a playing game. All the time with them, the little Mozart took himself a selection of heard melodies. By paying attention to this, the father considered the unique gift of his child. The first classes of the Father and Son began to pass in the form of the game.

Further development did not make long wait long:

  • in four years, the boy independently begins to write a concert for harpsichord;
  • in five years, the young musician fluently owns the composition of small plays;
  • and by six years is capable of good performance of complex writings.

Father supporting music, wanting a better life share for a son, organizes a trip in a tour with a boy's speeches in the hope of its further secured and interesting life.

Young musician possessed unique musical memoryallowing him to accurately write any perceived work. It is believed that in the six-year-old age, his first work was written by the composer.

Tour with a concert program

Taking both children with them in the tour, the family visits many European cities, including the capital of Austria. Among those who listened speeches young musician There were residents of the capitals of France and England, as well as many other cities old Europe. Listeners, admiring virtuoso play On the clasine, they were also amazed and his possession of a violin on a par with an organ. Long performances lasted five hours, which affected fatigue. However, the father did not stop the training of the Son and continued classes with him.

In the ten-year-old age, Mozart with his family returned to his native Salzburg, but they stayed there for a short time. Young genius became a full-fledged rival musicians of the city, which could not have a positive impact on their attitude towards the boy. By the decision of the Father, already together, they go to Italy, where Leopold expects to get true recognition and assessment of the genius of his son.

Italy and Mozart.

The four-year stay in Italy has been well affected by improving the talent of a hardworking musician. Classes from masters who met the boy in new country, gave tangible results. It was in this country that was set several composer operas. The young performer becomes the first member of the Bologna Academy, having such a young age. Father hoped for the further good fate of the Son. However, the Italian Bomond no longer alertness against the young genius and to gain work in a new country did not work.

And again Salzburg

Upon returning to his homeland, the family did not feel the delight of the inhabitants. The heir to the deceased count was a man cruel, not shy to humiliate Mozart and oppress him in every way. Without giving her permission to participate in Wolfgang in concerts, he forced a young musician to write only church music and some entertainment works. Using his long-awaited vacation for a trip to Paris, Mozart does not get those impressions that expected to find - the composer's mother dies from deprivation and vitality.

With difficulty, the next couple of years, the musician returned to his homeland again. At the same time, the triumph of his opera put in Munich causes young man Refuse the dependent position and go to Vienna. This city becomes last Jobs Great Musician.

Mozart and Vienna

In the capital of Austria, the musician marries his beloved girl without having received her parents. The first time life in the New City is given Mozart is very difficult. However, after the success of the next work, the circle of dating and connections of the composer expanded significantly. And then came again the long-awaited success. Your last essay brilliant composer I did not have time to finish. He was able to add a student of Mozart, who resorted to the draft musician, who remained after his death.

Last years

The death of Wolfgang has come for an unknown reason, even a version of possible poisoning is used. The grave of the Creator was not found, it is only known that it was a general burial due to the complete poverty of his relatives.

On January 27, 1756, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born. He was born in the beautiful city of Salzburg. The talent for music at the boy appeared still being small. Then the father taught to play a violin and organ.

For seventeen years, he has already traveled enough cities in Europe and had more than 17 works on his account.

Musical creativity

From 1775 to 1780, Mozart works fruitfully. His works are beginning to have great demand.

He married the Constance, he changed the sound of his compositions a little. This is evidenced by the Opera "Abduction of Seryla". She is entirely and completely loses the spirit of romance.

Part of the works remained unfinished, as the grievous financial position Forced it to work, and not write works. He gave private speeches in narrow aristocratic circles.

In the peak, Mozart's popularity writes its most famous operas.

Mozart is offered to head the chapel in Vienna in 1789, but he refuses that in turn aggravates his financial disadvantage.

The last days

Mozart in November 1791 is very sick, so so that he cannot get out of bed. Sit down on December 5, 1791. The exact cause of death remains a mystery, even today. He was buried in Austria - the city of Vienna.

Date biography and interesting facts. The most important thing.

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