Focuses with water and their secrets for children. Who kidnapped the flame? The most virtuoso piano game

Focuses with water and their secrets for children. Who kidnapped the flame? The most virtuoso piano game
Focuses with water and their secrets for children. Who kidnapped the flame? The most virtuoso piano game

In this article we will tell and offer the instructions for creating interesting focus. They can surprise guests and friends.

Various tricks, manipulation of people consciousness today is considered to be one of the types of executive art. The illusionism takes its beginning in the distant XVII century, by this time the first mentions of the magicians are dating. The ability to surprise people by aging of hands, various tricks makes it possible not only to make money, but also just to merry people.

What are the simple and light focuses, and how to do them?

Watching how deftly the magicians are completely simple movements Hands turn everything around into solid magic, practically everyone we start believing in miracles. However, in fact, most of the "miracles" are just the dexterity of the hands and the ability to captivate the audience.

At first glance, it may seem to repeat this similar to us simple people, just not at the power, but paying this case a little time, we will be able to make sure about the opposite.

So, we present to your attention the simplest tricks.

  1. "Magic number". This focus does not require you even agility of hands, however, in the right moment I will win friends and discharge the situation. To implement such a focus, you need to do the following:
  • Ask a person to make any number from 2 to 20.
  • The specified number of people must multiply by 9.
  • Now ask to add two digits of the resulting number.
  • Then, from the resulting number it is worth to take away 4.
  • The result of all of the above manipulations and will be the most specified number, ask to remember it, but not call. Agree, finish the focus that would not be interesting.
  • Therefore, tell me that you need a little thought. At this time, ask to make a letter that will match this figure. Guided simple rule, believing in order, for example, the figure 1 - letter A, number 2 - b, etc.
  • In our case, this is the letter D.
  • Then, on this letter, ask the viewer to make a country.
  • After all this, voice the result. Most likely, the viewer fits Denmark, because the letter D is the most common option.

Let's look at the example:

  • Suppose a person makes the number 5
  • 5 multiply by 9 and get 45
  • Now plus 4 and 5 and get 9
  • From 9 tall 4 and get 5
  • 5 and was the number that was originally made
  1. Guessing vegetable. This focus also depends not on the agility of the hands and the ability to mislead the public, but from human psychology. But the simplest focuses are based on similar "magic":
  • So, you take 2 pieces of paper and write on the first cucumber, on the second tomato. Then put one piece of paper into the left pocket, and the second right, the main thing in this business is not to confuse where which piece of paper lies. Why exactly these 2 vegetables? According to statistics, these vegetables in our country are the most common and frequently called. If you are in another country or want to impress foreigners, then this nuance must be taken into account. Because every person calls that vegetable that uses most often.
  • Next to each participant, distribute a piece of paper and handle.
  • As long as you do all these manipulations, to speak guests that specifically they will need to do, it is not worth it.
  • Take the attention of people. Please calculate something, guess the riddle, that is, you distract their attention from the focus itself.
  • After all actions, ask all guests without thinking to write on a piece of paper any vegetable. Mandatory requirement to write immediately by team, without thinking.
  • Now ask one of the audience to read what he wrote, and pull out a piece of paper with the appropriate vegetable.
  • Spish your success on well-developed telepathic abilities, of course, speaking with jokes about it.
  • Of course, such a focus, like everyone else, has a certain chance of fail. To this, you have to be prepared, so think up in advance that you will talk and how to act, if instead of the famous cucumber, someone will write far from all the clear word "Romanentko". By the way the latter is a variety of cabbage.
  1. Magic beads. This is a very spectacular and interesting focus, however, for its correct execution, it is necessary to show the hands of hands and attentiveness, in order to see the guests, and not scattered by truly beads:
  • So, for a successful focus, we will need an assistant, a person from the hall, a company that will give their beads for focus (required with a clasp), a fishing line, scissors, an empty glass, a sheet of paper.
  • The magic itself is next point. You take beads, demonstrate to the public that they are intact. Next, take the beads and, distracting the public, make a line through all beads, next to the main thread. Ends of the fishing line, all this, of course, should be imperceptibly for the eyes of all guests.
  • Take a necklace for the fishing line and show the audience, in appearance normal decorationHowever, now you can safely cut an extra thread.
  • Now it comes a very responsible moment, you must cut the fishing line and simulate the fall of beads into a glass, gradually rearing them from the hands.
  • Well, it would seem, the end of the focus, but no.
  • From a piece of paper, you make a kind of kulek and fall asleep there allegedly torn beads, then you also send a thread.
  • Several magic words spells, a couple of movements with their hands and you get an integer and unharmed decoration
  • After that, be sure to emphasize on the leaves, straightening it, showing that he is without secret.
  • As a container, in which we will fall asleep beads (allegedly torn decoration), it is better to take a glass glass, not too high. Such objects as a bag, a plate, especially not transparent, will not fit and make guests to doubt your abilities.
  • Decoration must be kept for upper region Our additional thread, and we will cut down the bottom edge. At the same time, the beads are low above the container, otherwise guests can see that the decoration fell entirely, and not beads separately, as it should be.
  • Such a focus is not at all difficult, but before showing it with someone else's thing, it is still better to hone art on your own.

There is still great amount Others, no less interesting focus, some of them later will be discussed.

How to learn how to do tricks with cards: step by step instructions, secrets

This is perhaps one of the most common focus, which is subject to even novice illusionists. That is why now we will look at the most interesting of them.

  1. Focuses with 4 kings. The simplest focus that even the most inexperienced fakir can show. In this room, it is very important not easy to show magic, but also fascinating to tell the story, which in addition to informing the public also distracts it.
  • So, the first thing you need to do is pull out of the deck of all kings, as well as 3 more cards.
  • Maps in hands fold in such a way that only the kings can be seen. Additional maps should be behind the kings.
  • Next, we begin to tell the story of the Bank's robbery. The essence lies in the fact that the kings want to rob the bank, and they want to penetrate the room through the roof of the building.
  • At this stage, all 7 cards must be put to the rest of the deck. Map shirt must be top, smooth, like 3 additional cards. We say that the kings hit the roof.
  • Now you take the first card from above (spare, but people will think that this is a king, because they do not know about additional maps). At the same time, be careful and do not show anyone what is the map. Speak that this is one of the kings that will stand on the 1st floor and put the card somewhere in the bottom of the deck.
  • The second king (also a spare card) send to the 2nd floor, in the middle of the deck.
  • The 3rd king (the last spare card) will be guarded in the basement, put in the middle of the deck.
  • The last king (really the king, the first in the deck) remains on the roof, show this card to the audience.
  • The king, who watched everything on the roof, reports that the police are sent to them and everyone must immediately come to him. Knock on the deck 4 times, allegedly racing all kings, and then open 4 latest cards
  • All of them must be kings.
  • After that, invite the wishes to see what the deck is not fake and that there is no more kings in it.
  • In this focus, the most important, imperceptibly take 4 kings and 3 more cards, and after imperceptibly folded the fan of cards.

  1. Here is another uncomplicated focus with guessing the card.
  • In the hands you hold the usual deck of cards, show her viewers
  • Next, anyone must choose a map and put it up the decks, while you see the card, of course, should not
  • Now remove the deck and low part put on top. During this manipulation, we spy on the bottom of the deck, it will be a guide for us
  • Then alternately lay out the deck of cards with pictures up. We need the card will lie before the bottom card of the deck, which we remembered
  • In order, the focus did not fail, do not hurry with the layout of the cards. In this case, even if there is some kind of hint, it sprinkles on the desired scenario

How to learn to make focuses with a coin: Step-by-step instructions, secrets

Such focuses always cause delight among guests and spectators. In order to interestingly show presentations with such elements, of course, it is necessary to practice, because it makes sense exclusively in the agility of your hands and their location.

  1. For the first focus, we need 2 any cards from the deck, a small thin magnet, 2 absolutely identical coins, glue, glass and scissors
  • To begin with, we prepare props. The magnet should be thin, otherwise it will be visible and it will spoil the entire focus. You can buy it in stores for needlework or borrow from any decorative magnet that we tend to glue refrigerators.
  • Now take the card and on its face with glue magnet.
  • After neatly glue the top one more card. Glue so that the visual map does not differ from others in the deck.
  • When all this is done by the map, put in a deck so that the focus is plausible and the audience did not understand what its essence. You can easily determine the map, because in your hands it will be well felt that it is thicker than the rest.
  • Further, in fact, it is already necessary to show the focus itself. But you must initially check if your coins are magnetically, since it happens that there is no such effect. In this case, the miracle will not happen and will expose you.

  • All is ready. Begin. We go to the audience and explain that now you show how the coin literally leaks through the card and get into the glass.
  • Put a glass on the table, in your hands you have a deck of cards, the coins are neat and imperceptibly hidden behind the container.
  • Touch the deck of cards, go through them in search of the desired, pull it out and throw it on the table, directly on one coin. Be careful, the card must "pick up" only one coin.
  • Next, not turning the map without showing it to the audience, put it on a glass.
  • After that, we take the second coin, we demonstrate it to guests and stick it sharply on the glass. As a result, the coin, which is already in fact in the glass on the magnet, will fall into the glass.
  • At this point, the dexterous movement of hands you must pick up the coin that you were knocked out, and remove it from the eyes of people.
  • Almost simultaneously with the previous action, you must show a glass cover, covered with a coin inside.
  • Be careful with a magnet size, consider this fact when choosing a coin. For a large coin, you need a large magnet. The magnet size should be at least a couple of times more than the size of the coin. In this case, you can casually throw a map on the table and you will be confident that the subject will be primed. In the opposite case, a miracle may not happen.

How to learn how to do focus with your fingers: step by step instructions, secrets

Tricks with hands and fingers deserve separate attention. Dexterity and speed of movements are always in the first place. Such focuses are appropriate to show not different children's events, at home. It is necessary to refrain from them on the street and in the event that the audience is too close to you.

  1. Torn finger. This focus is quite simple, however, to do all the movements you need quickly, clearly, without thinking
  • In the performance of this trick, the audience should not see the back of the hand
  • Show your hands to the audience, twist them
  • Show guests one hand, the thumb, looks up
  • Next, put the second hand to this hand in such a way that we can grab the big finger of the first hand in the fist
  • Squeeze your finger in fist with index and middle fingers

  • Now I spawned a fist, the thumb quickly press the palm, we send a thumb of another hand to his place. At the same time, his marigolds should be slightly seen between the index and middle fingers.
  • After that trying, applying efforts, "tear off" a sharp movement finger, showing a hand, the thumb will be pressed against the palm
  • Now we return the finger in place. Initially, hands press each other and carefully, but quickly straighten the thumb into the fist. Next, we remove the fist and pull out the thumb of the second hand, which is shown between the middle and index fingers
  • That's all your finger in place, and the audience is delighted

At first glance, the focus may seem complicated, but in fact it is not the case, just need to practice a little. And one more very important momentAll roughness should hide the game of your face. Do not be afraid while focus show emotions, shut up when you "leave" the finger and rejoice when it appears in place. All these little things will make viewers to pay attention only to the necessary details.

How to learn how to do focuses with paper: Step-by-step instructions, secrets

Focuses from paper, this is exactly what a novice illusionist needs. The props of such numbers are always available, and their execution is even a child.

  • Let's start by S. comic numberwhich will help you set up the audience on the desired wave. There will be no magic and dexterity of hands in the room. So, you give leaves and pencil to anyone who wants and ask to write there any words or suggestions.
  • Next, ask this leaf to pass any other person and promise that you will write the same on your sheet. Next, a couple of seconds of silence, you, as it were, try to guess the word and write on a sheet "The same", then prepare the audience to the result, show a leaflet with the inscription, voiced it, explaining that you have completed the promised and wrote the same thing.

Now, when guests are in a joking mood, you can show the following tricks. We will analyze the easiest and at the same time interesting of them:

  • We draw a masterpiece in front of the public. So, we need to take easel, paints, brushes, sheet enough thin paper, Reproduction of paintings, oil.
  • The essence of the focus is that you are pre-wrapped with paper and focus on the easel. Next to it put a sheet of pure paper and start drawing.
  • Spectators see that you take paint brush, but in fact the oil should also be on the palette. Magnugus brush to the oil, supposedly drawing, start led by it on paper.
  • Paper will start to fall out, and the image of the picture will begin to manifest.
  • In a matter of seconds, you draw a masterpiece right in front of all viewers.
  • Doing focus, do not forget about the expression of the face and the game with the public.

We recommend that you start with such simple focusThey will help you learn to behave in front of people, "Play" to the public. Only after you learn the workshop to show such illusions, go to something more complex, where, for example, everything will depend on the agility of your hands and the ability to keep viewers in tension.

How to learn to make focuses with disappearance: step-by-step instructions, secrets

The most interesting, according to many people, focuses are tricks with disappearance. After all, to believe that the subject that I just had before you disappeared, simply unreal, but we can even die.

  1. The trick with the disappearance of the pencil. The key to your success is a fairly loose shirt, with a long sleeve.
  • Pencils we take in hand and keep behind its edges from 2 sides with three fingers: great, index and middle
  • Guests only demonstrate the front side of the fingers
  • We start putting on a pencil with fingers right hand. So we slightly put it to the wrist of the right limb
  • Next, we make some simple manipulations, as if distracting viewers. For example, a pair of movements up and down
  • Next, squeeze your fingers on your left hand so that the pencil is completely lay on the wrist of the right hand
  • Now it's small, quickly, but gently put a pencil into the right sleeve
  • After which we show the audience that there is no pencil
  • It is necessary to do the trick quickly, distracting guests with your movements, facial expressions, etc.
  • No need to show such a focus, without having learned in advance, since such "magic" has a property not occur

Focuses with disappearance
  1. Here is another completely simple trick with the disappearance of the coin. We need a table, a shining tablecloth, a coin and, of course, the audience. Focus need to show sitting, and guests should be located not to the side of the magician, but in front of it, at a sufficient distance (not immediately in front of the table).
  • So put the coin on the table. It is very important to put it too far from the edge of the table. It will be enough 10 cm
  • Next, we start to intensively rub the coin in the table with the whole palm. In this case, each movement of the hand must slip the coin closer to the edge, until it finally sends it to your knees.
  • After that, it is not fussy with the same lifting movements return the hand in the place where the coin was originally, and we make a couple of movements only with your fingers, and not with the whole palm
  • We start talking to a funny spell, words, and raise your hand sharply
  • Surprise, we say that it worked
  • During all these manipulations, you need to pick up the coin from the knees to the left hand, to "get" it completely from an unexpected place

How to learn how to make focus with a handkerchief: step by step instructions, secrets

Focuses with scarves are standard on all the performances of Fakirov, and not in vain. It is the focuses with such a details are made quite easily, however, always make a special impression in the public.

  1. So, we need a scarf, assistant and in principle nothing more, only the dexterity of the hands and skill special method Tie knots.
  • As an assistant, you can choose any viewer
  • Next, take a handkerchief, it must be large enough and twist it so that it turns out the harness
  • Now we take a twisted scarf and put it on the hand of a man, making it from the bottom up. That is, the fabric scarf will keep your hand on the bottom
  • The left end of the fabric we have to put yourself in left between index and middle fingers. Right end to keep arbitrarily
  • Next, the right end of the shawl is put together between the nameless and middle finger. At that moment there is already an air loop on the viewer's hand
  • Right end, after placing it between the specified fingers, should look aside thumb and lie on the left end

  • Cress the middle finger to the palm. At this time, big and middle fingers Left hands hold the right end of the fabric
  • Take the left end of the handkerchief, we do in the resulting loop and continuing with your left hand to keep the right end, tighten the loop
  • Visually it will seem that one strong knot is made on a man's hand.
  • Next, the right end of the handkerchief is winding your hand in the opposite direction, after which we tie one simple knot and at the end of this manipulation sharply tighten the nodes
  • At this point, all the audience will see a miracle - a handkerchief, passing through the hand of a man, literally jumps out of it and will be tie to the knot in the hands of a skilled focker

Also, the focus with the disappearance of the header and the emerging rose is also very popular, however, these tricks require a special details, so we recommend that you initially hone skill at the most simple focus, and already after switching to something more complex.

How to learn how to make focuses with a rubber band: step by step instructions, secrets

Focuses with a rubber band are slightly less popular than the rest, however, for a novice magician, these tricks are considered the most appropriate.

  1. We need to take a ring, the stationery is cut by:
  • So what do we do next? Stretch the rubber band through the decoration, while it is important to stretch it not for the whole length, but only a couple of cm
  • The rest of the gum will be hidden in our hand
  • Then raise the one hand up, which holds an elastic band without a ring, and slightly shaking it
  • At this moment, the decoration will fall down the other end
  • Now it should be very careful and gradually start letting the edge of the gum that is not unpretentious. The ring will climb up

During this focus, it is very important not to hurry and do all the movements very smoothly, otherwise the gum can jump out of the hands, and the ring is simply falling to the floor.

How to learn to do focuses with a cigarette: step by step instructions, secrets

Quite unusual focus There are focuses with cigarettes, however, for their execution, we will need a special props - the same cigarette.

  1. So, the first focus is endangered cigarette in the nose. From the details we take a special not real cigarette. As a rule, by the end of the cigarette from the filter side, an elastic band is attached, with which during the focus you will get rid of it. The filter itself moves along the cigarette, with this and it turns out the effect that the cigarette is placed in the nose.
  • We take a cigarette, pre-under the jacket in the field of sleeves, fasten the gum, creating tension
  • Next, keep a cigarette in my hand and substitute it to the edge of the nose, so that the viewer visually saw that the cigarette is just at the nose hole
  • We start moving the props filter up, creating the impression that the cigarette is immersed in the nose
  • After that, let go of a cigarette, the rubber band works, and the props will imperceptibly fly away

  1. And one more no less fascinating trick with a special cigarette. The feature of this cigarette is that it looks like a real, but inside it is a hollow and it can be seen from the filter side. Also included with the requisite there is a tube - a kind of case for the same cigarette when the cigarette falls there, it is not visible because of the fact that the cavity of its black color, like the cavity of the case. With all this to get a common person It will not be able without the help of a focker, and we basically need it.
  • Well, the essence of focus in a decreasing cigarette. To be more accurate, then in the case we stick allegedly ordinary cigarette, and get very small
  • In the cavity of a large cigarette laying its reduced copy
  • Press the finger to the part where the cigarette can fall out. Show the hall that the cigarette is completely ordinary, and put it in the case
  • After that, the case is closed with a cap and pronounce any magic words
  • Sharpen a small cigarette out of the case
  • The case can be given in hand to guests and viewers, visually in it is not visible a cigarette and it will not get from there, even if you knock about the case

Show focuses are not as easy as it may seem at first glance, because it is not just with your hands, this is an integer that must be accompanied by real magic.

  • Show focuses only after long workouts. Do not experience fate. Training at home in front of the mirror, so you will see everything that happens as if from the side
  • Be always ready for what something goes wrong. In this case, you need to not be confused, but quickly and imperceptibly correct the error
  • If there is no possibility to correct the error, you need to be able to quickly switch the attention of people to another object, focus, etc.
  • Touch not only the dexterity of the hands, but also acting skills, because showing the tricks, you literally play the role of the wizard. Do not be afraid to be ridiculous, pronounce words clearly and with the corresponding intonation
  • Showing the focuses, do not hurry, the hurry in this matter is for nothing. Make quickly you only need those movements and manipulations that the viewer can notice, they are doing otherwise
  • Before showing the focus to a large number of people, show it to someone from the relatives and ask to objectively. Based on this, make a decision if you have enough skills to demonstrate such an illusion
  • If you work with the requisite, do not save on it, otherwise at an inappropriate moment, it will easily bring you

Miracles and magic are not so difficult, for this you need to be patient and manifesting all your fantasy and dexterity. Training and your desire will definitely bring you a positive result.

Video: How to show tricks - spectacular tricks and their secrets

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Focuses always attract attention. And if their secret is not yet disclosed, they are filled with special magic. By the way, sometimes for good focus it is absolutely no need to look for special equipment.

Team website Invites you to become real wizards using the most common items.

Coca-Cola in the ball

For this simple focus you need only a ball and a bottle of Coca-Cola. Put the ball on the neck of the bottle and offer someone to tilt the bottle and pass the cola into the ball. Usually these attempts suffer fiasco, as the ball is tightly compressed. The secret is that you need to slightly shake the bottle so that the gas began to move into the ball.

Banana with filling

Appetizing focus for sweet surprises lovers. You can try to start the banana, without cleaning, with the help of a syringe. Or carry a banana from the side of the tail, make a hole with a tube and enter "zeotel" or condensed milk. Then take the banana, clean and surprise the kids!

Phone - in the ball

Good focus for holidays, when balls fly everywhere in the room. We take one of them and hold it lying on the table, pressing the phone. Then dramatically blow the ball, pressing on the phone. That's all - the gadget in the "trap"!

We light two candles without matches

This simple focus is very effective. You will need two candles, glycerin and manganese powder. Lubricate in advance in one candle with wick glycerin, in the other - manganese. Move candles to each other with wicks ... And, here is a miracle, they light up! When conducting focus, keep the candles on elongated hands, away from yourself.

Clip on water

This focus will allow you to distract from work or study. Offer others to put a clip into a glass with water so that it does not drown. And when failed attempts are completed, do the same, but with the help of another clip, pre-dispersed for the convenience of the process. And you did!

Turn orange into an apple

Wonderful focus for children. Show orange, cover it with a handkerchief, say "Magic words" and raspscilch. Wow, you and there - an apple! For this miracle, you need to remove the peel in advance with the orange and put an apple in it. When showing, compress the apple in the orange peel, and then deftly grab the fabric along with the skin.

We offer to your attention 10 stunning focus experiments, or scientific shows that can be made with your own hands at home.
At the birthday of the child, on the weekend or on vacation, spend time with the benefit and become the center of attention of the set of eyes! 🙂

In the preparation of the post, we helped the experienced organizer of scientific show - professor Nicola. He explained the principles that are laid in a particular focus.

1 - Lava lamp

1. Surely, many of you have seen a lamp, which has a liquid that imitating hot lava. Looks magic.

2. Water poured into sunflower oil and food dye (red or blue) is added.

3. After that, add a sipic aspirin to the vessel and observe a striking effect.

4. During the reaction, the sump water rises and lowers oil without mixing with it. And if you turn off the light and turn on the flashlight - "True Magic" will begin.

: "Water and oil have a different density, moreover, they have a property not mixed, no matter how you shake a bottle. When we add inside the bottle of effervescent pills, they, dissolving in water, begin to highlight carbon dioxide and lead fluid in motion. "

Want to arrange the present scientific Show? More experiences can be found in the book.

2 - Experience with gas

5. Surely at home or in a nearby store for the holiday there are several cans with gas. Before drinking them, ask the guys the question: "What will happen if you load banks with gas production into the water?"
Drown? Will you swim? Depends on the soda.
Offer children in advance to guess what will happen with a bank and carry out experience.

6. We take banks and gently omit in the water.

7. It turns out despite the same volume, they have different weight. That is why some banks are drown, and others are not.

Professor Nicolas comment: "All our banks have the same volume, but here are the mass of each can, which means that the density is different. What is a density? This is a mass value divided into volume. Since the volume of all cans is the same, then the density will be higher in that one whose mass is more.
Whether the bank will swim in the container or drown, depends on the ratio of its density to the density of water. If the density can be less, then it will be on the surface, otherwise the bank will go to the bottom.
But due to which the bank with the usual cool is tight (heavier) than the bank with a dietary drink?
It's all about sugar! In contrast to the usual cola, where sugar sand is used as a sweetener, a special sugar substitute is added to the dietary, which weighs much less. So how many sugar in the usual jar with soda? The difference in the mass between the usual soda and its dietary analogue will give us the answer! "

3 - paper cover

Ask the question present: "What will happen if you turn the glass with water?" Of course she will turn out! And if you press the paper to the glass and turn it over? Paper will fall and water all the same on the floor? Let's check.

10. Gently cut out the paper.

11. We put on top to the glass.

12. And gently turn the glass. Paper stuck to a glass, as magnetized, and water does not pour out. Wonders!

Professor Nicolas comment: "Although it is not so obvious, but in fact we are in the real ocean, only in this ocean is not water, but the air that gives on all items, including us with you, we are simply so accustomed To this pressure that we do not notice it at all. When we cover a glass with water sheet of paper and turn over, then the leaf on one side presses water, and on the other hand (from the bottom) - the air! The air pressure turned out to be more water pressure in the glass, here is a sheet and does not fall. "

4 - Soap Volcano

How to arrange a house eruption of a small volcano?

14. You will need soda, vinegar, some detergent chemistry for dishes and cardboard.

16. We divorce vinegar in water, add detergent liquid and type all iodine.

17. Wut all the dark cardboard - it will be the "body" of the volcano. A pinch of soda falls into the glass, and the volcano begins to erupt.

Professor Nicolas comment: "As a result of the interaction of vinegar with soda, a real occurs chemical reaction With the release of carbon dioxide. BUT liquid soap and dye, interacting with carbon dioxide, form color soap foam - Here is the eruption. "

5 - Candle Pump

Can a candle change the laws of gravity and raise water up?

19. We put a candle on the saucer and light it.

20. Pour the tinted water on the saucer.

21. Cover the candle with a glass. After some time, the water will draw inside the glass contrary to the laws of gravity.

Professor Nicolas comment: "What makes the pump? Changes pressure: increases (then water or air begin to "run away") or, on the contrary, reduces (then gas or liquid begin to "arrive"). When we covered the burning candle, the candle was dead, the air inside the glass was cooled, and therefore the pressure decreased, so the water from the bowl and began to be absorbed inside. "

Games and experiments with water and fire is in the book "Experiments of Professor Nicolas".

6 - Water in Serete

We continue to study the magic properties of water and surrounding items. Ask someone from those present to pull the bandage and span through it water. As we see - she passes through holes in Bise without any work.
Again with the surrounding that you can make that water will not pass through the bandage without any additional techniques.

22. Cut a piece of bandage.

23. Wrap a glass bandage or a glass for champagne.

24. Over the glass - water does not fall out!

Professor Nicolas comment: "Thanks to such a property of water, like a surface tension, water molecules want all the time together and they are not so easy to solve (these are the wonderful girlfriends!). And if the size of the holes is small (as in our case), then the film does not even rush under the severity of water! "

7 - Diving Bell

And to secure you honorary title Magician Water and Lord of the Elements, promise that you can deliver paper to the bottom of any ocean (or bath or even a basin) without seeing it.

25. Let those present write their names on a sheet of paper.

26. We turn the leaf, remove it into the glass so that he rests on his walls and not slip down. Immerse a leaflet in an inverted glass on the bottom of the tank.

27. Paper remains dry - water can not get to it! After pulling out the leaflet - give the audience to make sure that it is really dry.

Speaking that he does not cease to surprise a person throughout his life, the first thing that comes to mind is, of course, focuses. In the very first years of human life is impressive to the concomitant focus of halo magic. Later, when we enter into maturity, there is no trace from magic, but we continue to hit the skills and skills of performers and their professional skills. Everyone perfectly understand that the action on the stage or on the circus is entirely described by the laws of physics and depends, first of all, from the agility of the hands of the magician. However, while the effect of focus makes us believe in the supernatural and voluntarily deceive.

It goes without saying that children are the most grateful spectators. Some of them experience so strong impressions that, being at home, try to reproduce what they managed to see on the presentation. Their "tricks", very often, more similar to humorous etudes, but the main thing is that the child has a desire to comprehend the world, and therefore you simply obliged to tell him about how to learn focus.

The owners of various publishers and printing houses are well aware of the attractiveness of focus, and, in accordance with the laws of the business, offer a huge number of books, brochures, magazines and albums, in which the secrets of certain focusing are revealed in all details. If you specify the goal, then you can master the art of focus on them, but in most cases you can master the set of mechanical manipulations, which from the side will seem at least not interesting and primitive. If you want to learn to do truly fascinating tricks, then you should be prepared for the fact that their secrets you will have to collect on the grains, and after that it is for a very long time to get them spectacular and effectively. Only after you yourself will be satisfied with your result, you can show new focus His first spectators and learn their impressions and reaction to your skill.

Why do you find out the secrets of interesting focus so difficult? Everything is explained by the fact that no self-respecting master wants to produce competitors, with whom will later have to share their own bread. In addition, if the secrets of focus will be known wide audience, The risk that focuses will lose their halo of magic and mystery, and, as a result, will not be interesting. Instead of enjoying the illusion, the audience, who know the "salt" of the trick, will follow every movement of the artist, will follow every movement, trying to notice inaccuracies and flaws, and also try to bring the magician-maestro to clean water.

If you do not believe in it, but the idea of how to learn focus Already mastered by your mind, then quite soon you are on your own experience, make sure that you will not want to disclose your secrets to whom your first performances will be held. And it is right! Your viewers may try to reveal the secret of the focus, to make any assumptions, try to bring your secret with you, but you should not succumb to their pleads and persuasion, showing all your appearance that all that they say is just their personal opinion.

In order for you in your speeches to accompany, you must spend a lot of hours to bring every movement to perfection.

The best assistant will be the mirror at first. In addition to the focus itself, you can hone in front of him not only the focus itself, but also your own master of performance, facial expressions, gestures.

Never in advance do not report the audience about what they have to see. Most of The success of your speech depends on how much you can surprise your audience. For these same reasons, never show the same program in the same audience.

Remember these, because they are a magic code.

Having decided to become a magician, start with the easiest focus. If after that your desire does not disappear - try to contact people who are also interested in focus. Sooner or later you can get acquainted with the real master of illusions and be among his students. Try to memorize every word and movement, it will help you as close as possible to get to the realization of your dreams.

Great video lesson in the topic, the magician shows his skill, turning the coin in his hands. You should also get!

Hello again!

In touch with you again, Sergey Kulikov, he is a sailor!

And in our today's article I would like to tell you about what cool children's focuses at home I know!

The advantages of all these focus are that they are very easy to do with any deck and without preparation. That is, they do not require any secret and techniques and techniques at all. They can even make a child of small years.

And one more big plus is that these tricks can be done with absolutely any deck. playing cards. You can take at least "satin" and already begin to entertain our first viewers.

Focus number 1!

This trick is called "kings and ladies" and it is very simple in performance. But despite this, he spelled enough and can deceive a large number of of people.

So, for him we will need only eight cards. Four kings and four ladies.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe focus is that every lady is inseparably connected with his king. Such a classic patter for this focus.

We put the ladies on the kings and ask the viewer to squeeze this stack any number of times. After this card, we remain completely mixed.

Now we take this stack, we remove the back and take two cards. One of them will torn face up, and the other face down.

And it turns out that we pulled two cards with the same masters! That is, we pulled the ladies to be baptized with the king of the bearer and so on.

This focus is remarkable by the fact that the viewer takes part directly. That is, he participates in the creation of magic. It's just a wonderful trick!

Focus number 2!

This focus is very important role Plays a plot. This trick is beautiful what it turns out automatically and therefore you can send all your attention to the most beautiful pattern.

So, we have a certain king. He had four daughters - four ladies. And in order to protect their daughters from their fans (valets), he locked every of them in the tower, hung the castles (tens) and put the guard (aces).

We fold all these four stacks together and ask the viewer to subdivide the resulting stack as many times as he pleases.

We decide these cards again on four stacks. After some King decided to check his daughters. I turn the first stack and see that there are four aces! Guardian was deceived!

I turn over the second stack, and there are two currencies and two ladies of the corresponding masters!

In the third stacks - four dozen! Locks on the doors were broken!

In the fourth stack there are the following two valves with the appropriate ladies!

After this incident, the king decided to double the guard and protect his daughters stronger!

Focus number 3!

These types of stunts are my most beloved! After all, magic is solely due to solutions and the actions of the viewer! Such focuses I most often use as "discovers" for its rutin!

So, we have a conventional deck of cards. Choose one random card from it. The viewer will not show it yet.

Now let's start smoking the cards on one faces upwards until the viewer stops us.

As a result, after these manipulations, we have two stacks and one card on the table. I turn over the top card first pile and it turns out a dozen.

I turn over the tenth card and it turns out again a dozen!

Now turn over the top card of the third stack and this is also a dozen!

And the same card that we chose at the beginning of the trick - dozen!

Thus, the viewer himself found four dozen in a mixed deck!

Demonstration and training with this three beautiful focus.

Today I have everything! Such here are cool children's focuses at home I know! I hope that you will learn them, rehearse and tomorrow you will delight your first spectators!

In connection with you was Sergey Kulikov, he is a sailor!