Oak-Ridge-Last Lincoln's refuge. RoadMovie - Filoturism Without Borders Lincoln Memorial Where

Oak-Ridge-Last Lincoln's refuge. RoadMovie - Filoturism Without Borders Lincoln Memorial Where
Oak-Ridge-Last Lincoln's refuge. RoadMovie - Filoturism Without Borders Lincoln Memorial Where

Lincoln Memorial in the western part of the National Alley is a grand monument, perpetuating the memory of the sixteenth US president.

One of the main American memorials is devoted to a person who has retained the unity of the country, which destroyed slavery and the victim in his post. Lincoln grew up in a poor family, the self-taught was a lawyer. Having achieved election to Congress, he fought against slavery, sought to modernize the economy, opposed the American-Mexican war. In 1860, the voices are mainly industrial northern states, where slavery was not already, Lincoln was elected president.

The southern states of this led to a state of shock: their agrarian economy was based on slave labor, there was afraid that Northerner-Yankees would free all black. South Carolina was the first to decide to leave the Union of states. It followed by others, 11 of the separated states formed their own confederation and stated that slavery would exist on their territory forever.

The President tried to avoid a collision, but it was inevitable. On April 12, 1861, Southerners bombarded and captured the Fort Samter in South Carolina. The war in which the north initially failed, lasted four years and ended with the defeat of the south. Slavery was prohibited by the 13th amendment to the US Constitution, the country received a powerful impetus for development. But the leader of the nation paid for this victory the terrible price: April 15, 1865 the actor, a supporter of the Confederation of John Wils Booth shot the president at the Ford Theater, in Washington.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Memorial was born at the beginning of the 20th century, his first stone was laid in 1914, opened in 1922. The project of the monument-Temple developed Architect Henry Bacon, the sculpture of Sitting Abraham Lincoln Smell Daniel Chester Frenc. At first, the statue planned the three-meter, but it did not fit the scale of the building. As a result, it turned out a huge figure 5.8 meters high and weighing 175 tons. The legend says that Lincoln's fingers in gestures show the initials of the president - "A" and "L".

The building is made in the form of a classic Greek temple with a thirty-six Doric columns - in the number of states at the time of the death of Lincoln. Memorial looks in the mirror surface of a huge reflective pool. From water to the entrance lead solemn steps. Inside the halls are separated by rows of fifteen meters of ionic columns, fragments of the main speeches of Lincoln are carved on the walls. The murals of the brush artist Jules Gerina symbolically depict the vital principles of the Great President: freedom, justice, unity, mercy.

The memorial occupies a special place in the National Pantheon of Americans. At the foot of the monument to the president who destroyed slavery, in 1963 it would pronounce his famous speech "I have a dream" Martin Luther King. 300 thousand people listened to his passionate call for racial reconciliation. This event resembles an inscription carved to steps. Like Lincoln, King paid for beliefs with life - he also died from the killer bullet.

Every year approximately six million people come to the memorial. You can visit it free of charge at any time of the day.

The results of sociological surveys indicate that it is Abraham Lincoln, - the sixteenth President of America, "causes the greatest love and respect of the residents of not only their country, but also other states in the world. His board, as is well known from the history, accounted for the period of the Civil War. In honor of the great president, the Majestic Lincoln Memorial (Memorial Lincoln) was built in the very center of the American capital. This is a tribute to the great man who entered the story as a charismatic and volitional personality, which became the initiator of the proclamation of freedom in his country and the elimination of slavery.

Great President of the Great Country

The name of Abraham Lincoln is associated with Americans with such concepts as honesty, tolerance and resistance. After his reign, the nation considered it necessary to pay tribute to the memory of the beloved president and erect in the historic center of Washington, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe National Alley, the Lincoln Memorial Memorial Complex, which was the symbol that all people, regardless of race, religion, gender and education - Equal! Unfortunately, the sixteenth president of the United States was killed. It was a big blow for all residents of the country.

Idea and preparatory work

After the tragic day, the citizens of America wanted to build a memorial. It was 1865 ... After the government decided to create a monument, a competition was announced among architects and sculptors. The best projects were recognized as drawings represented by Daniel Chester Frençes and Henry Bacon - two famous US sculptors. Nevertheless, the construction of Lincoln Memorial has begun only in 1914. It lasted until 1922. The solemn discovery took place on the last day of the spring of 1922. At the event there were about 50,000 people, among whom was the son of President Robert Todd Lincoln. Finally, the nation sighed calmly: henceforth in the centuries the memory of the great man will continue!

Lincoln Memorial: Description

This monument is one of the most majestic structures throughout the United States. It rises in the center of the American capital. He has very impressive sizes. Its height is 57 meters, and the width is 36 meters. In general, the complex is similar to the Greek Temple - the famous Parfenon. Memorial is surrounded by 36 snow-white marble columns. And this number is not accidental, since at the time of the murder of Lincoln in the country included it was thirty-six states. In the center there is a six-meter statue of Lincoln. He sends on his chair and looks thoughtfully on the monument of one of the favorite presidents of Americans, George Washington, and the Capitol. There is information that the weight of the sculpture is about 150 tons. Despite the fact that the monument seems absolutely whole, as if made from a monolithic piece of marble, in fact it consists of many parts. However, the seams are not discerning.

Interior decoration

Walls from the inside are decorated with paintings. They allegorically depicts such principles as justice, fraternity, unity and freedom. Despite the fact that by the time of the murder of Lincoln's president in the country there were 36 states (as much as the columns around the perimeter), the names of the 48 states have already broken down along the outer wall, which by the end of the construction of the complex was part of the United States. The name of two more states - Alaska and Hawaii, who joined the United States later, are knocked out on the name of the wall.

Inside the Lincoln Memorial, you can see two stone slabs. They contain texts that are familiar to any American: the first is the hettisberg speech of the president, and the second is the inaugural appeal. About 300,000 dollars were spent on the construction of the memorial. Colorado marble and limestone from Indiana were chosen from building materials.


Tourists who come to the American capital from different ends of the world admires not only the appearance of the monument, but also in which ideal form it is contained. Of course, the tourists in the eye immediately falls the sign, where it is written: "In the temple of this, as in the human hearts, with whom he gave the unity, the memory of the US President Abraham Lincoln will continue to last." Tourists can visit the monument at any time of the day. For the year it come to see about 6 million people. According to its importance as a tourist facility, Lincoln Memorial is the seventh listed.

City's legends

With a memorial, or rather, several legends are associated with a statue. Some argue that in the occipital part of the monument carved the face of the owner of Castis Lee Robert Edward Lee, and that it was directed towards Arlington, where his majestic residence is. Another legend says that the gesture of President Lincoln, or rather, the position of his hands, in the American gestures demonstrate his initials, that is, the letters A and L. But the Directorate of the US National Parks denies this, although the fact that the author of the sculpture has owned the language of gestures, is confirmed Since his son was deaf, and the Father had to communicate with him in this way.

Monetary signs and image of the Lincoln Memorial

In 1959, by the 150th anniversary of the birth of the sixteenth president of the United States, one-charged coins were released on which Lincoln Memorial was depicted. It is very interesting that this image created engraving, which before that I had never seen my own eyes and did not even know where Lincoln Memorial is located. The Minister of Finance approved this drawing, but the numismatists critically reacted to him, calling it similar to trolleybus.

The image of the monument can be seen at bills in 5 American dollars.

Features of the Lincoln Memorial

As already noted, this majestic complex is open to visit 24 hours a day. Powerful searchlights emphasize the greatness of this architectural structure in the dark. Every year more than 6 million visitors arrive here. And on February 12 - on the day of his birth - residents arrive here from all States of America to honor the memory of the beloved president.

In 1963, it was especially crowded here - more than 250,000 freedom fighters and their rights passed here. It was here that Martin Luther King said his fiery speech. He shared his vision of life in his free, democratic and equal for all the country, where there is no place for racial discrimination with the gathering at the rally. After 40 years, a memorial stove was installed here with the first words from King's speech "I have a dream!" (I Have a Dream!)

Lincoln Memorial is a memorial complex located on the National Alley in the center of Washington. Was built in honor of the sixteenth US president Abraham Lincoln

His presidency had accounted for years of the Civil War (1861-1865). The memorial, built in 1914-1922, symbolizes the Lincoln faith in the fact that all people should be free.


Requirements to build a worthy monument to perpetuate the memory of the president expressed from the moment of his death. The first public memorial Abraham Lincoln was discovered three years after his murder, in 1868, in Washington, before the building of the County of Columbia (where the US Court of Appeal is currently located in Columbia County).

In March 1867, Congress decided to establish the National Memorial. With the implementation of the project there were many wires, the decision on the construction was multiple times (in 1901, 1902 and 1908), and only in 1913 the Congress approved the design and location of the memorial.

The initial plan of the construction commission was questioned: the monument in the form of the Greek temple, proposed by the architect Henry Bacon, seemed too majestic for the perpetuation of the memory of such a modest person, as Lincoln, in addition, a swampy terrain in the park "Western Potomac" did not fit the construction of such a large construction . Nevertheless, the plan was approved, $ 300,000 was allocated for the project implementation.

Workers position the cornerstone of a memorial building in 1914

The monument was opened on May 30, 1922, at the ceremony there was the only surviving Son of the former President Robert Todd Lincoln.

The poet Edwin Markham reads his poem "Lincoln, a person from the people" on the official initiation of the Memorial. May 30, 1922

For construction, limestone from Indiana and Marble from Colorado was used, the president's sculpture was made from marble mined in Georgia.

Initially, the monument controlled the management of public buildings and territories, but on August 10, 1933 the memorial was transferred to the service of national parks.

Boloto opposite the Lincoln Memorial, near the Potab River, in 1917. Work is underway to turn this area into a reflective pool of 2000 feet (609 meters)

On August 28, 1963, the monument witnessed one of the largest demonstrations in American history - march to Washington for jobs and freedom. Many speeches then sounded with the steps of the Memorial, including the famous appeal Martin Luther King "I have a dream." In memory of this event, a memorable plate was installed not far from the entrance.


Composite building symbolizes the union. It takes 36 columns along its perimeter - it is so many states who united by the time of the death of Lincoln. The names of 48 states (namely there were so many of them by 1922 - the end of the construction of the memorial) are knocked down along the outer wall of the building. Plate with the name of the last two joined states - Alaska and Hawaii - installed on approaches to the memorial.

Lincoln Statue inside Memorial

In the center of the memorial there is a statue of Lincoln Authorship of Daniel Chester Franch, who used Matthew Brady photos and depicted a sitting president with a thoughtful face, whose look turned to the Washington Monument and Capitol. The Lincoln statue has 19 feet (5.79 m.) Height and weighs 175 tons. Right over it on the wall, the words are knocked out:

"In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom he saved unity, the memory of Abraham Lincoln will continue forever."


Memorial is open around the clock. Every year it is visited by more than 6 million people. In 2007, the monument took seventh place in the list of the 150 most popular buildings and structures of the United States, compiled by the American Institute of Architects.

City's legends

Some popular urban legends are connected with the statue of the president. According to one of them, the face of Robert Edward Lee carved on the head of Lincoln, who looks towards his mansion of Castis-Lee in Arlington.

According to the second legend, with the help of the American gestures, the president demonstrates its initials: his left brush gestures the letter "A", and the right "l". The service of national parks denies it. However, Historian Gerald Prokopovich believes that Frenc could well be familiar with a gesture language and thank Lincoln for the establishment of the University of Galodette; In addition, the publication of the National Geographic Society argues that one of the sons of the author's sculpture was deaf, and the sculptor himself owned a gesturing speech.

Images on monetary signs

From 1959 to 2008, Lincoln Memorial was depicted at the US coin reverse with a par value of 1 cent, the release of which was timed to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the president. The image was created by a graveyard, which never seen the memorial himself. And although I liked the Minister of Finance, the numismaties perceived it critically, "looking like trolleybus," calling "artistic misfortune." The image of the monument can also be seen on the back of the "5 US dollars" bills.


I never managed to take a picture of the memorial himself without the presence of people. In whatever day I came to this place, it was not deserted: someone was sitting on the steps and read the newspaper, someone knew how someone did Selfie, the cleaners were launched a memorial, as if the president himself would perform here. But the main influx of visitors falls on the evening, when even a tripod to put nowhere.

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Lincoln Memorial is a memorial complex located on the National Alley in the center of Washington. It was built in honor of the Sixteenth US President Abraham Lincoln. His presidency had accounted for years of the Civil War (1861-1865). The memorial, built in 1914-1922, symbolizes the Lincoln faith in the fact that all people should be free.

Requirements to build a worthy monument to perpetuate the memory of the president expressed from the moment of his death. The first public memorial Abraham Lincoln was discovered three years after his murder, in 1868, in Washington, before the building of the County of Columbia (where the US Court of Appeal is currently located in Columbia County). In March 1867, Congress decided to establish the National Memorial. With the implementation of the project there were many wires, the decision on the construction was multiple times (in 1901, 1902 and 1908), and only in 1913 the Congress approved the design and location of the memorial. The initial plan of the construction commission was questioned: the monument in the form of the Greek temple, proposed by the architect Henry Bacon, seemed too majestic for the perpetuation of the memory of such a modest person, as Lincoln, in addition, a swampy terrain in the park "Western Potomac" did not fit the construction of such a large construction . Nevertheless, the plan was approved, $ 300,000 was allocated for the project implementation. The first stone was laid on February 12, 1914. The monument was opened on May 30, 1922, at the ceremony there was the only surviving Son of the former President Robert Todd Lincoln. For construction, limestone from Indiana and Marble from Colorado was used, the president's sculpture was made from marble mined in Georgia. Initially, the monument controlled the management of public buildings and territories, but on August 10, 1933 the memorial was transferred to the service of national parks. On August 28, 1963, the monument witnessed one of the largest demonstrations in American history - march to Washington for jobs and freedom. Many speeches then sounded with the steps of the Memorial, including the famous appeal Martin Luther King "I have a dream." In memory of this event, a memorable plate was installed not far from the entrance.


Composite building symbolizes the union. It takes 36 columns along its perimeter - it is so many states who united by the time of the death of Lincoln. The names of 48 states (namely there were so many of them by 1922 - the end of the construction of the memorial) are knocked down along the outer wall of the building. Plate with the name of the last two joined states - Alaska and Hawaii - installed on approaches to the memorial. In the center of the memorial there is a statue of Lincoln Authorship of Daniel Chester Franch, who used Matthew Brady photos and depicted a sitting president with a thoughtful face, whose look turned to the Washington Monument and Capitol. The Lincoln statue has 19 feet (5.79 m.) Height and weighs 175 tons. Straight over it on the wall is knocked out ...

The acumes of some of our anti-soverers will envy even Ukrainian righteous. Nevertheless, the monuments of Lenin do not give peace, and our silence due to the mausoleum on the Red Square, even the passersby covered by all available ways.

With the next anti-Soviet initiative, one of the deputies of the party of liberal Democrats (Zhirinovsky, as is known, the remains of Lenin have not been given to the rest of the rest). According to the news from January 10, the deputy from LDPR Ivan Sukharev proposed to discuss the question of the burial of Lenin. I do not like, you understand, a deputy that money from the budget is spent on the content of the mausoleum.

First of all, it should be noted that Mr. Sukharev lies. Lenin's body is already buried in Mausoleum. The tomb or mausoleum is a common damage to the disposal worldwide, including Russia. No worse than any other way.

Wikipedia has a curious article, where similar funeral structures are simply listed. Looking into this article, we find:

  • Mausoleum A. Lincoln in Springfield (Illinois, USA, from 1871-1874)

  • Mausoleum U. Granta (National Memorial General Grant) in New York (New York, USA, from 1897)

  • Mausoleum Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in the estate of Frogmore (Berkshire county,

  • United Kingdom, from 1862-1871, Victoria - from 1901)

  • United Kingdom Mausoleum Hamilton in Hamilton (Scotland, United Kingdom, from 1842-1858)

  • Mausoleum Veelfov (Hannover, Germany, from 1842)

  • Mausoleum Sun Yatsen in Nanjing (PRC, from 1926-1929)

  • Mausoleum M. B. Barclay de Tolly in the village of Yygevesta (Helme parish, Estonia, from 1832)

  • Mausoleum-screens of Russian soldiers in Razrande (Bulgaria, from 1879-1880)

  • Mausoleum N. I. Pirogova in V. V. Vinnitsa (Ukraine, from 1881)

  • Mausoleum Alexander I Battenberg in Sofia (from 1897)

  • Mausoleum-Chapel of St. George Victorious (the remains of Russian and Romanian warriors) in Pleven (Bulgaria, from 1903-1907)

  • Mausoleum Karageorgievichy in the Church of St. George in Olelenze (Topol Community, Shumadian District, Serbia, since 1910)

  • Monument-Mausoleum fighters of the Soviet Army in Lodz (Poland, from 1961)

  • and many others

Consequently, mausoleums were built in different countries, at different times, Orthodox and not Orthodox. Mausoleum is to determine the burial structure, including the camera for the died remains.

But there is another burial structure as the tomb. For example, there are testers of Russian kings in the Petropavlovsk fortress

tomb Admiral Nakhimov

Etc. etc.

Why no one in the Duma worries about the fact that these remains are not satisfied with the earth? Because the body of the deceased is not at all necessary to give the earth to consider it buried.

If you take old Soviet newspapers and see that they are written about the death of Lenin, we will make sure that the mausoleum was the place burial Ostaskov V.I. Lenin.

Consequently, if Lenin's body already buriedWhat does the LDPR deputy talk about? Contrary to global experience and common sense to consider Lenin's body not buried? So it will not work. With all the desire, no matter how you scratch your hands, Lenin will not get buried. It can only be reburial, And this is not at all the same.

If the burial of the body can be explained by a certain humane attitude to the dead, then reburial from the honorable place on the Red Square with any other reasons, besides revenge the deceased, it is impossible to explain. It is a revenge of Lenin from ungrateful descendants who have killed himself into the ball that the Soviet state was a black hole and disgrace in the history of Russia, and therefore wish to get rid of the characters of that era. Everything is clear with that. The only question is why the society, which mostly perceive the Soviet past very differently, is proud of them, should they go on a bunch of launched anti-Sovers?

I will say for myself: me like the knees about liberal as if democrats are not categorically satisfied. Let them decide what they want, but even if they try to touch Lenin - I will be the next day in Moscow. You didn't lie down, do not help you. Let the people say their word on the referendum, but as long as he did not say it - not you, gentlemen, to releasing the burial founder of the Soviet Union.

I urge all red bloggers and everyone who is expensive to our Soviet past, unite to give a decisive rebuff to all attempts of anti-Sovetchists-Herbalophares to be saved on Lenin's remains.