Aelita Andre is a little genius or just a child who is allowed to draw? Aelita Andre, a small child and a big artist Shorio Mahan. India

Aelita Andre is a little genius or just a child who is allowed to draw? Aelita Andre, a small child and a big artist Shorio Mahan. India
Aelita Andre is a little genius or just a child who is allowed to draw? Aelita Andre, a small child and a big artist Shorio Mahan. India

They are young, promising, insanely talented and just delighted with their activities. Their parents and in dreams did not dream that their children will become real celebrities at such a young age. Who are they, the youngest and interesting artists of the world?

Ciron Williamson. England

This boy is called "Little Monet", his paintings of the Institute of Mig are sold after exhibitions and every year they are more and more expensive; Half of his life he dedicated to drawing, and his parents lived in a removable apartment until they bought the house for the money from Kiron's paintings.

Ciron Williamson was born in England in the small town of Norfolk. His father builder, mother - therapist. The fact that their son will draw, the parents could not even imagine. Cirona, like all the boys, loved football, outdoor activities, games with friends. All that he could draw is to paint sketches, and it is not very neat. But, as always, the whole chain was the case.

Once the family went to relax in the city of Cornwall. Kiron was simply delighted with boats and sailboats moored to the shore. He painted this beauty. From this day, his career of the artist began.

He did not stop writing after returning home. On the contrary, there was a watercolor drawing courses, visited the studio. In the same year, he opened his first exhibition. His paintings were joined in 14 minutes.

The owner of the art gallery in Norfolk says that there is no equal in the skills in the skill, because it is equally well draws with different colors, surprisingly combines colors. In its paintings, proportions and shadows are observed. The manner of the letter of Korona resembles an impressionist.

Kironu prophesy a big future, because his paintings are collecting collectors in many countries of the world, considering that in the near future they will cost much more expensive.

Dusan Kertolitsa. Serbia

In two years, he took a pencil in his hands, and for the eight years already had two exhibitions, he is called the "boy-pull-eye" due to the amazing accuracy of all the details of his work.

Dusan Kertolitsa became the real pride of Serbia, although he considers himself an ordinary boy. The first work of the sashan was the exactly drawn whale, although parents did not give the values \u200b\u200bof the boy's drawing. But every day the child asked more and more paper for work.

Today, the week Dusan draws about 500 works. Picture animal and floral world - his passion. But surprisingly not only the fact that the boy makes unmatched drawings with a simple handle or marker, all his animals are depicted with amazing anatomical accuracy. But Dusan is depicting not only modern animals, but also representatives of the fauna who inhabited the earth millions of years ago.

Parents were concerned about such hobbies of the Son and showed his psychiatrist. But the specialist noted a high level of the boy's intellect, and reassured: the "genius" of the child does not affect its development, and drawing acts as a kind of emotional discharge. Dusan knew perfectly with classmates, loves all the boyish games, and, amazing, but dreams of becoming not an artist, but a zoologist.

Aelita Andre. Australia

This girl is eight years old. At four, she already had its own exhibitions, now it is a member of the National Association of Artists of Australia, and sales from her paintings make up 800 thousand dollars.

Aelita Andre began to draw when she was not yet fulfilled and year. As always, everything turned out randomly. Father girl is also an artist. Once he left the canvas with paints on the floor, and found that a little daughter draws with pleasure. Of course, he was only glad - for a child, anything, if only she did not cry.

But from that day, the love of Aelites began to draw painting. In two years she had its own exhibition.

In the works of the girl, there is a surrealistic style of painting, and the drawing manner is compared with Salvador's technique Dali.

Of course, many are seen in the works of the girl only the "Children's Maze". But critics are just talking about the fact that her paintings are not like children's drawings. They admire the combination of colors, their own style, features of the texture and composition.

Sin Yao Tsight. Taiwan, USA

He began to draw at 10 years. From the native country moved to the United States to study at the Academy of Arts in San Francisco. Its landscapes are just fascinating, and teachers prophesy to him a great future.

Sin Yao just fell in love with San Francisco. He draws the same places in many times, only from different angles. Especially he likes to draw in the early morning or in the evening - when little passersby.

His city landscapes are just amazing.

Sin Yao is an amazing "floating" oil drawing technique. It seems that he draws watercolor.

Now he is 29 years old, and with each work of his technique everything becomes perfect. Who knows what skill of Sin Yao will reach, say, so in ten years?

Shorio Mahan. India

Emu is not yet ten years old, and his work is presented at the exhibition in Native India and in New York. Pictures Shorio Mahano fascinated critics.

Shorio Mahano works in the style of abstract expressionism. The passion for drawing has begun at a four years of age when he imitated the enthusiasm of the older sisters. But parents immediately understood that it was not just children's drawings, but something more.

This was confirmed at the art exhibition, which took work.

Shorio uses special paint appliances in several layers. To perform one job, he needs several days.

Shorio is delighted with his classes and without thinking answers when he is asked who he wants to be, of course, the artist!

Alicia Zakharko. Ukraine

This girl is not three years old, and she has already been registered in the Book of Records of Ukraine as the youngest artist who has its own exhibition.

Alicia Zakharko was born and lives in Ternopil. She began to draw, when she was not able to walk. Her parents are professional artists. They gave the girl canvas and paints when she was 9 months old. Remembering how the girl drawn in the first time, Mom smiles, because her daughter was placed on canvas.

Parents offered a child to draw only for general development. They did not assume that their daughter's passion would very soon make them local celebrities.

Once the Local Professional Artist saw the picture of Alias. He counted her interesting and decent attention. When he heard that it was drawing a two-year-old girl, thought it was joking on him, because the picture was made compositionally correctly, and the colors were simply fantastically.

What is so interesting in the pictures of Alicia? The style of its work was characterized as abstract expressionism, and the execution technique is compared with the works of Jackson Polok.

It combines bright colors, and this combination is not typical for children's drawing.

Alicia tells that he loves to draw the sea, trees, people. Only the sea in its paintings explodes with different colors. So what, it means, the artist saw it so.

Parents give full freedom for girls creativity. They do not teach her to draw, so as not to "sigh" talent. Mom Alicia says that the daughter will decide whether an art education will be obtained. For parents, the main thing is that their child is happy. And, judging by the mood of the work, she is very happy.

All these children began to draw on their own desire, their parents did not help them and did not develop skill forcibly. Who knows, can, and your child has a slumber of talent, just need to catch a moment to reveal it. Such kids that shut up for the belt of any adult ... We read further ...

Willie Mosconi - Professional Billiards in 6 years

William Joseph Moskoni was famous American players in Billard from Philadelphia. His father was the owner of the billiard room, but he did not allow the child to play, so the boy trained in the literal sense of the word on tomatoes, and instead of Kiya used a knob from mop.

Father soon noticed that his son shows success, and began to arrange demonstration tournaments in which his son had to get up on a stool to see what was happening on the table. At the same time, he almost always won from senior players.

In 1919, an indicative competition between the six-year-old Willie and the current world champion, Ralph Greenleaf, was arranged. Ralph won, but the brilliant Willy game opened him the road to checking billiards. Since 1924, at the age of 11, William regularly satisfied the ideas with the demonstration of his elegant tricksotov.

Later, in the period from 1941 to 1957, he was the owner of the World Champion title in BCA World Championship 15 times in a row. The number of various records associated with the billiards and the Moscow established by William must be listed for a long time, I will only say that a record for continuous slaughtering balls (CONSECTIVE BALLS) in its execution is 526! That is, he continuously and without mistakes scored 526 balls in the Luba ...

The most intelligent person in the world - Kim Ung-Yong Wunderkind. University of 4 years

The Korean wonderful child was born in 1962 and is still a record holder of the Guinness records as the owner of the highest IQ - 210.

At the age of 4, the boy knew how to read in Japanese, Korean, German and English. When he turned 5 years old, Kim decided the complex system of probabilistic differential equations (I did not remember what it is ..).

After that, he was invited to the transfer on Japanese television, where he demonstrated his knowledge of Chinese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Tagalog (Filipino), German, English and Korean. At the age of 3 and 6 years old, Kim was a student at the University of Hanyang, at the age of 7 he received an invitation to work in NASA. There, at the age of 15, he received a Physical Science degree in Colorado State University and worked in the USA until 1978.

After that, Kim returned to Korea with the intention to do civil engine design and construction. To do this, he defended his doctoral dissertation on this subject, after which he was invited to the most famous Korean University, from which he refused, preferring work in a provincial university. Since 2007, he also works as an assistant in ChungBuk National University. Kim Ung-Yong is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, as the smartest person in the world, its IQ \u003d 210

Gregory Smith (Gregory Smith) - Nobel Prize in 12 years

Born in 1990, Gregory Smith learned to read at the age of two and entered the university at 10 years. To his honor, the boy not only is engaged in accurate sciences, but also travels to the world as an activist of movement for the protection of children's rights. Gregory is the founder of the International Youth Advocates movement, which is engaged in achieving understanding between children all over the world (I wonder how?)

A gifted boy was awarded a conversation with Bill Clinton and Mikhail Gorbachev, and also spoke with the tribune at one of the UN meetings.

For their activities, he nominated four times to receive the Nobel Prize, though he did not receive it. From the last achievements, it can be called a driver's license

AKRIT JASWAL - 7-year-old surgeon

Acrite Casal was born in India, where he is called the smartest, since his IQ reaches 146 that when the competition in a billion people (the country's population) is an excellent result.

Public attention across attracted in 2000, when she accidentally held his first "surgical" operation. He was seven years old, his patient - a neighbor girl - eight. Because of the burn, the girl could not break the fist, and acrite, without having special medical skills, was able to carry out the necessary actions and returned the mobility to his eight-year-old patient.

After this incident, the boy went to learn to the doctor in Chandigarh College and is now the youngest student among all in Indian universities.

Cleopatra Stratan (Cleopatra Stratan) is the most young pop star of the planet. Takes 1000 euros per speech

Cleopatra was born in October 2002 in Chisinau in the family of singer Paul Stratan. Surprisingly, in her case, her genes and talent were formed in such a way that the girl is a young performer who has reached commercial success, after the release of La Vârsta de Trei Ani album ("at the age of 3 years").

In his more than a young age, she has the experience of a two-hour speech before a large audience in the concert hall, receives money for this, received the MTV award as the youngest performer.

Aelita Andre (Aelita Andre) - Two-year artist

Aelita is a celebrity among certain circles of abstract painting connoisseurs, the work began to "create", when she has not yet hit two years. It is clear that there are no speech landscapes, but abstractionism she succeeds good, like all children

Once, director of the Brunswick Street Gallery gallery in Melbourne Mark Jamison, at a meeting with one of the photographers, saw pictures of the works of the author unknown to him, and agreed to include them in the annual exhibition's program. Booklets were printed, advertising in profile magazines ..

When the car was launched, he learned that the author of the pictures is a photographer's daughter, a two-year-old Aelita. The director was, of course, in shock, but the exhibition program was decided not to change, and the picture of young dating saw the light.

Schoolboy who taught in Harvard - Wunderkind Saul Aaron Kripka

Saul Aaron Kripka was born in New York in 1940 - in the family of Rabbi.

In elementary school, Saul managed to study the full course of algebra, geometry and philosophy. His life is a series of unexpected inspections and discoveries.

In the fourth grade school, he passed the course of algebra, and by the end of the younger classes, the study of geometry and philosophy was completed. During his teenage, Saul wrote a number of works that changed the course of teaching modal (formal) logic, which led to the fact that a gifted teenager received an invitation to work from Harvard. As an obedient Jewish boy, Saul wrote in response: "Mom says that at first I must finish school and college."

After graduating from school, Saul still went to his studies in Harvard. Sil Kripka is the owner of Schock Prize, analogous to the Nobel Prize in the field of philosophy, and is now considered one of the most prominent modern philosophers.

Michael Kevin Kearney (Michael Kevin Kearney) - University of 10

24-year-old Michael Kirney is known as the youngest graduate of the university - he was only 10 years old at that time. In addition, in 2008 he won a million dollars in the show "Who wants to become a millionaire."

Kevin was born in 1984, in his life set many intellectual records and works as a teacher in college from the age of 17. The first of his words, the boy said at 4 months, he told at the pediatrician "I have an infection in the left ear" (I am sure the doctor fainted), and learned to read aged 10 months.

When Michael was 4 years old, he successfully passed the Mathematical Test of John Hopkins for gifted children (Johns Hopkins Precocious Math Program). At the age of 6, Kevin graduated from school, he entered Santa Rosa Junior College, and at 10 years old graduated from the specialty "Geology and Archeology".

Michael got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most young graduate of the university, which received a bachelor's degree in archeology. He also belongs to the record as the most young graduate student (at that age I personally only giving girls at school for pigtails and studied in grade 3). In 2006, Michael became famous worldwide after the victory in the game "Gold Rush" and win 1 million dollars.

Fabiano Luigi Caruana (Fabiano Luigi Caruana) - Chessman Grossmaster at 14

Fabiano in his 16th is a grandmother and a chess celebrity, he has an honorary citizenship of Italy and the United States.

In 2007, at the age of 14 and 11 months, Fabiano received the title of grandmaster, becoming the most young in the USA and Italy a master of playing chess. In April 2009, according to FIDE, it has a rating of 2649 points, which is the highest indicator in the world among players up to 18 years.

4-year-old artist Aelita Andre. Illustration:

A source: New Forum of Fine Art Halloart.Ru

Artist-abstraist Aelita Andre.
Wonderful child or wonderful scam?

First source

"In New York, an exhibition of works of 4-year-old girls opened in the gallery in Chelsea. Her paintings are so interesting for adults that they buy her paintings for tens of thousands of dollars.

According to the first channel, the success of the girl is discussed by the entire American press. Aelita Andre - daughter of the Australian artist and Russian musicians. It began to draw it earlier than learned to walk. When parents noticed that the child is not just obsessed, and his works also seem interesting, they appealed for advice to the expert. "He looked at the paintings and said: Yes, I really like, I would like to set it," says Mother of the girls, Nika Kalashnikov. After the gallery player learned that the author of the paintings was only 1.5 years old, he did not move away. The same thing happened in New York in 2.5 years.

Children's triumph spawned a serious discussion. Critics literally shout: "Child and high art are incompatible! Art - the result of meaningful action!" ....

Nevertheless, the world galleries are already built in line with invitations. Aelita Andre can rightly be considered the youngest professional artist in the history of art. "

"Drawn" Aelita Andre at the age of 2:

Aelita Andre, Geisha In Red Komono - 120cmx70cm

One of the users New Forumspeaking Tuareg., it was not too lazy to copy reproductions more than a dozen of the pictures, which, as parents assure, are drawn by Aelita aged one to three years. Therefore, if you have insufficiently presented samples here, you can see additional reproductions either on our website, or on a personal website Aelita. That's what comment wrote Tuareg.By studying the work of a child:

"The site is bad. Could it be for sale at least one picture Order Professionally Made Site?! And photos to focus ...
I have already formed an opinion about this Wunderkind. Pay attention to large formats of patterns - everything is as one more meter (do not confuse inches and centimeters!). Look at the technique using small parts that can not be given to children at that age. "

It would seem that parents took everything possible to prove to the potential fans of the work of the young artist that Aelita draws his paintings on their own. But this is what a forumist noted under the nickname Posavafter watched photos and videos, in large numbers posted on the Internet:

"When I looked at the roller, it turned out not as interesting as on the illustration. The child sits on his knees and pouring under his feet from helpfully substituted bottles. No conscious act is seen there. Well, of course, the color of the background, the color in the bottles and shiny, the accessories are chosen by the parents. It looks like a commercial promotion, rabble. Although, who knows, maybe this girl will become an artist.
... There on the floor lies the finished background, and the baby pour paint from bottles. In fact, it looks like a drawing of a trained elephant. But in America there are such drawings of elephants. Why not buy such drawings of a child? "

"Drawn" Aelita Andre at the age of 2:

Aelita Andre, Dinosaur Islands 30 "x24"

I confess, I feel my guilt in the fact that I thoughtlessly copied on Forum, as it seemed to me, an interesting message, without looking at the original. It seemed to me that the work of Aelites would be more like real children's creativity both in size and style. But looking at the picture with the format of two or three times larger than the child himself, I can only recognize my excessive gullibility. The child can not draw. There is a hand and style of an adult, a skillful guide actions both the child himself and the brilliantly managing the actions of the Internet community. Well, how can you not believe in a beautiful fairy tale, looking into the adorable eyes such a cute child?! It is such a gullibility of people to children enjoy kiddy's parents.

It seems to me that everything is clear. The advertisement is engine of the trade. Who has eyes - he will see the truth. Anyone, at least a little familiar with a modern art market, perfectly knows the price of unscrupulous statements that the epigonian paintings, allegedly, a four-year-old girl, can be more expensive than the works of talented Russian artists.

But I can advise the businessmen parents to make better photos, if they wish people at least a little believed in a beautiful legend of expensive sales. Which naturally not officially registered anywhere. After all, when "on the blue eye" is distributed information, allegedly, about the sales of children's paintings for tens of thousands of dollars, is it really impossible to hire a professional photographer for making a high-quality portfolio?

It is also worth being modest with picture formats, they hurt them for such a small child. However, I understand, I understand ... The market requires large sizes.

My conclusion is another scam in the world of art. A scam, stitched hardworking, but not too thoughtful and professionally. The authors of this project clearly failed to stay within the boundaries of believability. Ostava rushed ...

It is surprising that journalists from serious media missed such unverified information, making free advertising adventurers from fine arts. I can't use another word - anyone, a little bit of workers in art, will quickly see all the unreliability of the legend about the young abstractionist. And I recommend to potential buyers to get acquainted with the author and his work before parting with money.

One of the Eastern teachings argues that there is a huge difference in perception in a person who looks at an elephant, and an elephant, a seeing man. A person knows about the elephants certain things and already considers them through the prism of these knowledge, and the Elephant has no idea about who is such a person, and therefore it perceives it without distortion. Based on this, each inhabitant of the planet, according to East wisdom, should strive for the same crystal purity of the perception of the world as the aforementioned elephant. Then things will find their true meaning and will play fullness of paints, sounds, opportunities.

Here lives in Australia a girl of seven years Aelita Andre (Aelita Andre)And she was able to give her childish, the pure perception of the world to convey to us, adults, through their unusually talented work. The girl is an artist with experience: she created her first picture at 9 months, without knowing how to walk. Dad, an Australian artist Michael Andre, left a clean canvas in the living room, she was put to him to him and began to squeeze out paints from tubes ... and what happened from her as a result of this mixing, led the crumb into indescribable delight.

Since then, Aelita, thanks to parents' care, was all for drawing: its own spacious workshop, a huge number of canvases of different sizes, a lot of acrylic paints, powdered dyes, sequins, sprockets, butterflies, kitchen sponges, foils, various toys, details, beads, Beads and all sorts of all kinds, to the inherent children's mind and the limitless, inherent child, imagination, found their splash on canvas. The young artist is very serious and focused, its movement is dictated by non-wisdom. With the responsibility of the Creator, she creates more and more new masterpieces.

But her canvases are recognized as highly artistic, according to critics, artists, art historians around the world. They recognize that color, composition, movement, liveliness play a special role in its works.

To create around the canvas Aelita begins with a game that is immersed as in serious meditation. Focusing the figures on the canvas, pouring the rivers of the paints, mixing the differentifactore components, it is interested in history that is born in her head, at the same time carrying it on canvas. The artist says that her paintings are abstract, but they have specific objects that she can tell a whole story.

Aelita is the smallest professional artist of the planet. Her first exhibition took place when she was two years old. Talent, definitely, passed to her, first of all, at the genome. After all, in addition to the artist's father, her mother, the Russian emigrant Nika Kalashnikov - a photographer, and grandfather also professionally engaged in painting. The brilliant baby gives her viewer the opportunity again, as once in childhood, look at the world a clean look of the child.

Its canvas, made in the technique of expressive abstractionism, sometimes resemble the portholes going straight into space. Fabulous plaques of intergalactic dust and flickering distant planets tear us from the ground, eliminating from attraction. The paintings are involved in us that it is never too late to become a child again, break through the multilayer rules, norms, the teachings about the understanding of the essence of things and see the world in the form of a huge, mounted cosmos, where many mysteries are lighted, which we still have to solve ... But after all with which it is compared, said:

"In order to learn how to draw, like a child, I needed all my life."

The girl was lucky more: her parents looked at the talent of the painter in time and created all the conditions for its development. Aelita Andre is all life ahead, and the skill, about whom the Great Pablo dreamed, she already possesses and improves him every day.