What I composed Mozart. Lev Gunin

What I composed Mozart. Lev Gunin
What I composed Mozart. Lev Gunin

Mozart. Born on January 27, 1756 in Salzburg, who was then the capital of independent archbishopia, now this city is located in Austria. On the second day after birth, he was baptized in the Cathedral of St. Rupert. Record in the baptism book gives his name to Latin as Johannes ChrySostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus (Gottlieb) Mozart. In these names, the first two are the names of the saints that are not used in everyday life, and the fourth during the life of Mozart varied: LAT. Amadeus., it. Gottlieb., Amade (Amatery). Mozart himself preferred to be called Wolfgang.

Mozart's musical abilities manifested itself at a very early age when he was about three years old. His father Leopold was one of the leading European teachers who teach music, his book "Versuch Einer Grundlichen Violinschule" (essay on the basics of the game on a violin) was published in 1756, in the year of Mozart. Father trained Wolfgang basic basin, violin and organ.

In London, the juvenile Mozart was the subject of scientific research, and in Holland, where the music was strictly expelled during the posts, an exception was made for Mozart, since in his extraordinary giving the clergy sucked the finger of God.

In 1762, Mozart's father, formerly his teacher, took with his son and daughter Anna, also a wonderful performer on Clavesis, artistic journey to Munich and Vienna, and then in many other cities in Germany, Paris, London, Holland, Switzerland. Everywhere Mozart excited surprise and delight, leaving the winner of the most difficult tasks that he was offered by experts. In 1763, the first Mozart Sonatas from 1766 to 1769 was published in Paris, living in Salzburg and Vienna, Mozart studied Baha, Handel, Studella, Carissi, Durant and other great masters. At the request of Emperor Joseph II Mozart wrote in a few weeks the opera "La Finta Semplice", but members of the Italian troupe, in the hands of which this work of the 12-year-old composer got into the hands, did not want to fulfill the music of the boy, and their intrigue turned out to be so strong that his father is not Decided to insist on the execution of the opera.

1770-74 Mozart spent in Italy. In Milan, despite different intrigues, Mozart Opera "Mitridate, RE Di Ponto" (Mithridate, Tsar Pontic), put in 1771, was adopted by the public with enthusiasm. The second opera, "Lucio Sulla" (Lucius Sulla) (1772) was also given with the same success. For Salzburg, Mozart wrote "Il Sogno Di Scipione" (about the election of the new Archbishop, 1772), for Munich - Opera "La Bella Finta Giardiniera", 2 Mass, Offertorias (1774). When he passed 17 years, there are already four operas between his works, several spiritual poems, 13 symphonies, 24 sonates, not to mention the mass of smaller compositions.

In 1775-1780, despite the concerns about material security, a barren trip to Munich, Mannheim and Paris, the loss of mother, Mozart wrote, by the way, 6 sonatas, a play for harp, a big symphony in Re, nicknamed Paris, a few spiritual choirs 12 ballet rooms.

In 1779, Mozart received a court of court organist in Salzburg. On January 26, 1781, it was presented in Munich, with tremendous success, the Operaine Opera, which the author himself appreciated extremely high, putting to the level with Don Juan. The reform of lyric and dramatic art begins with "Idomena". In this Opera, there are still traces of Staretalian Opera Seria (a large number of Colutive Aria, the party of the ideomanta, written for castration), but in recitatives and especially in the choiring there is a new trend. A big step forward is noticed in the instrumentation. During his stay in Munich, Mozart wrote for Munich Chapels the Offertoria "Misericordias Domini" - one of the best samples of church music of the end of the XVIII century. With each new opera, the creative strength and novelty of the techniques of M. were all brighter and brighter. Opera "Entfuhrung Aus Dem Serail"), written on behalf of the IMP. Joseph II in 1782, was adopted with enthusiasm and soon gained a lot of distribution in Germany, where it, in the spirit of music, began to consider the first German opera. She was written during the romantic love of Mozart, who kidnapped his bride, the Constance of Weber, and secretly married her.

Despite the success of Mozart, his financial situation was not brilliant. Leaving the place of an organist in Salzburg and taking advantage of the scarce generosities of the Viennese court, Mozart, to ensure their family, should have given lessons, compose countersders, waltzes and even play for wall clocks with music, play in the evenings of the Vienna Aristocracy (hence his numerous concerts for piano) . Operas "L" OCA Del Cairo "(178D) and" Lo Sposo Deluso "(1784) remained unfinished.

In 1783-85 Six string quartets have been created, which he, in dedication to Hyidn, has been created by the fruits of long and grave labor. By the same time his oratorio "Davide Penitente" belongs.

Since 1786, the unusually prolific and tireless activities of Mozart begins, which was the main reason for the disorder of his health. An example of an incredible frequency of writing can serve as the opera "Wedding Figaro", written in 1786 at six weeks and nevertheless struck by the skill of the form, the perfection of the musical characteristics, inexhaustible inspiration. In Vienna, the success of the "Wedding Figaro" was dubious, but in Prague she was excited delight. I did not have time to do Ponte to finish the libretto "Weddings of Figaro", as he had to, at the request of Mozart, hurry from the Libretto "Don Juan", whom Mozart wrote for Prague. This great work that has a deep meaning in music art appeared for the first time in 1787 and had even greater success in Prague than "Figaro Wedding".

A much smaller success fell to the share of this opera in Vienna, in general, referring to Mozart colder than other musical centers. The title of court composer, with a content of 800 florins (1787), was a very modest reward for all the works of Mozart. Still, he was tied to Vienna, and when in 1789, visiting Berlin, received an invitation to become the head of the court chapel of Friedrich-Wilhelm II, with a content of 3 thousand talers, it did not dare to exchange vein on Berlin. After DON-Zhuan, Mozart composes the three most wonderful symphonies: No. 39 Mi-B Flat Major (KV 543), No. 40 Salt Minor (KV 550) and No. 41 to Major (KV 551), written within one and a half in 1788 ; Of these, the latter, called "Jupiter", especially famous. In 1789, Mozart dedicated to the Prussian king stringed quartet with the party of the concert cello (re major).

After the death of Joseph II (1790), the financial situation of Mozart turned out to be so hopeless that he had to leave Vienna from the persecution of creditors and the artistic journey at least fix his affairs. The latest Operators of Mozart were "COSI Fan Tutte" (1790), the wonderful music of which harms a weak libretto, "Titz Mercy" (1791), which encloses wonderful pages, despite the fact that he was written in 18 days, for the coronation of Emperor Leopold II Finally, the "magic flute" (1791), having success a colossal, extremely rapidly spread. This opera, in the old editions, modestly called the operetta, together with the "abduction of Seraral" served as the basis for the independent development of the National German Opera. In the extensive and diverse activities of the Mozart Opera takes the most prominent place. Mystic in kind, he worked a lot for the church, but he left the great samples in this area: except for "Misericordias Domini" - "Ave Verum Corpus" (KV618), (1791) and the majestic-burning Requiem (KV 626), over which Mozart in the last days of life worked tirelessly, with special love. The assistant of Mozart in the composition of Requiem was his student of his Zyussmeyer, and had previously taken some participation in the work of the Opera "Mercy of Tita". Mozart died on December 5, 1791. From the disease caused by a renal infection (although there are still disputes to death, including the version of poisoning by another Austrian composer - Antonio Salieri). He was buried in Vienna, in the cemetery of St. Mark in the unknown grave, so the burial place itself was not preserved to this day.

Of all representatives of the Vienna Classical School, Mozart is the most unique. His gifts manifested itself in early childhood and developed up to an unexpected death. The Austrian composer created more than 600 works, playfully played, worked in various musical forms. His ability to play from four years old and early death became the subject of numerous disputes and hooked myths. The biography of Mozart, the summary of the life and creativity of which is divided into sections, is presented in the article.

early years

He was born on 01/27/1756 in the Scripple family and composer Leopold Mozart. His hometown was Salzburg, in which his parents considered the most beautiful married couple. Mother, Anna Maria Mozart, gave birth to seven children, who survived two - daughter Maria Anna and Wolfgang.

The ability to music manifested itself from a boy from three years. He loved to play the clasine and could pick up a conservation for a long time. Father began to study with a boy from four years, because he had a pronounced ability to memorize the heard melodies and reproduce them on Clavesis. So began the musical biography of Mozart, briefly about which it is difficult to write, is so rich in events.

By five years, Mozart could compose small plays. On paper, their father was recorded, setting the date of creation on the fields. In addition to Claus, Wolfgang learned to play the violin. The only tool that brought horror on the young musician was a pipe. He could not listen to her sound without maintaining other tools.

Not only Wolfgang in the Mozart family playfully played. His sister was no less talented. They gave the first concerts together and caused delight among the listeners. In Vienna, they were represented by Empress Mary Terezia, who listened to their concert for several hours.

With his father, they traveled in Europe, giving concerts with noble nobles. Only for a short time they returned home.


After misunderstanding with their employer, Archbishop Salzburg, Amadeus Mozart, whose brief biography is presented in this article, decides to change their lives and go to Vienna. He arrived in the city 03/16/1781. To start a career in Vienna, the time was chosen unsuccessfully. Most aristocrats left for the summer for the city, and concerts were practically not carried out.

Mozart hoped to become a teacher of Princess Elizabeth, whose education was engaged in Joseph II. But all attempts ended in failure. Instead, Joseph II chose Salieri and Zummer. However, Wolfgang had enough student, albeit less noble. One of them was Teresa von Trattner, which he believes his beloved. The composer dedicated her sonate to Minor and fantasy to Minor.

After long expectations and obstacles, Mozart married the Weber Constance. They had six children, but only two of them survived. It is the connection with the Constance spoiled the relationship of the musician with the Father, whom he loved from birth. The biography of Mozart, briefly outlined, is impossible without the version of his death.

The last year of life

In 1791, Mozart ordered "Requiem", which he did not have to complete. Made it his student Franz Ksaver Zyusmeyer. In November, the composer became very bad, he could not walk, the help of doctors took.

They stated he had an acute projected fever. From her at the time, many veins inhabitants died. The disease was complicated by the general weakening of the body.

By December 4, the state of the composer became critical. On December 5, Mozart died. Biography (brief) composer, who left the descendants many wonderful works, ends on this.

The funeral took place on December 6, 1791 in the presence of only close friends. Then his body was taken to the cemetery for burial. Where it is, it is unknown, but allegedly at that place over time was the monument to "Crying Angel".

Legend of Mozart Poison

Many works describe the myth on the poisoning of Wolfgang with his friend and the famous composer of Salieri. Some musicians still support this version of death. However, convincing evidence does not exist. At the end of the last century, an exclusive verdict Antonio Salieri was made in the Palace of Justice (Milan) on charges of the murder of Wolfgang Mozart.

Mozart's biography: briefly about creativity

The creations of Mozart are combined with strict and clear forms with deep emotionality. His works are poetic and carry a subtle grace, while they are not devoid of masculinity, dramaticness, contrast.

He is famous for his reform approach to the opera. It is their novelty to take care of both the opera and the biography of Mozart, the short content of which begins with a three-year-old age. Its works are not clearly pronounced negative or positive characters. Their characters are multifaceted. The most famous operas:

  • "Don Juan";
  • "Wedding Figaro";
  • "Magical flute".

In the symphonic music of Mozart (biography, brief, but meaningful, probably allowed you to learn a lot about this composer) distinguished himself by the presence of singers in opera arias and dramatic conflict. Symphones are considered popular at the numbers 39, 40, 41.

According to the thematic catalog of Khele, Mozart created:

  • spiritual creations - 68;
  • string quartets - 32;
  • sonatata (variations) for harpsichord and violin - 45;
  • theatrical works - 23;
  • sonatas for harpsile - 22;
  • symphony - 50;
  • concerts - 55.

Hobbies Mozart

Most of all the composer loved to stay in a merry society. He gladly visited balls, masquerades, arranged techniques. On the bala, he often danced.

Like its other peers, Wolfgang Mozart, the brief biography of which we are described, well played billiards. His house was his own table, which was a special luxury at the time. He often played with friends and his wife.

He liked the Canary and Skvorts, whom he wouldingly kept holding himself as pets. In addition, he had dogs and even horses. On the recommendation of the doctor, he made early walks on horseback every day.

The Biography of Mozart briefly told about the fate of the genius who had lived long, but who had made an invaluable contribution to the musical art of the whole world.

Mozart (Johann Chrysito Wolfgang Teofil (Gottlib) Mozart) was born on January 27, 1756 in the city of Salzburg in a musical family.

In the biography of Mozart, the musical talent was found in early childhood. Father trained his game on the organ, violin, Clavesisin. In 1762, the family rides in Vienna, Munich. There are concerts of Mozart, his sister Mary Anna. Then, while traveling around the cities of Germany, Switzerland, Holland Musarth's music is striking listeners amazing beauty. For the first time, composer compositions are published in Paris.

The following few years (1770-1774) Amadeus Mozart lived in Italy. There for the first time his operas are put ("Mithridate - King Pontic", "Lucius Sulla", "Sad Scipion"), which receive a great success of the public.

Note that by 17 years the composer's wide repertoire included more than 40 major works.

Flowering creativity

From 1775 to 1780, the fruitful work of Wolfgang Amade Mozart has replenished the cohort of its writings nearby of outstanding compositions. After classes of the court organist in 1779, Mozart Symphony, its operas contain more and more new techniques.

In a brief biography of Wolfgang Mozart, it is worth noting that the marriage of the Constance Weber also reflected on his work. Opera "Kidnapping from Seralya" is impregnated with romance of those times.

Some Mozart Opera remained unfinished, since the difficult financial situation of the family forced the composer to devote a lot of time to various part-time jobs. The aristocratic circles held piano concerts of Mozart, the musician himself was forced to write plays, waltz to order, teach.

Peak of Glory

The work of Mozart of the following years amazes fruitfulness along with skill. The famous opera "Wedding Figaro", "Don Juan" (both operas are written in conjunction with the poet Lorenzo da Ponte) Composer Mozart are put in several cities.

In 1789, they received a very advantageous offer to lead the court chapel in Berlin. However, the composer's refusal further aggravated the material flaw.

For Mozart, the work of that time was extremely successful. "Magic Flute", "Mercy of Titus" - these operas were written quickly, but very qualitatively, expressive, with beautiful shades. The famous Mass "Requiem" was never finished with Mozart. The work finished the student of the composer - Zyusmayer.


Since November 1791, Mozart sick a lot and did not get out of bed at all. The famous composer died on December 5, 1791 from acute fever. Mozart buried on the cemetery of St. Mark in Vienna.

Chronological table

Other biography options

  • From seven children in the Mozart family survived only two: Wolfgang and his sister Maria Anna.
  • The composer showed his abilities in music, being a completely child. At the age of 4, a concert for Harpsian was written, at 7 years old - his first symphony, and in 12 years old - the first opera.
  • Mozart joined Masonry in 1784, wrote music for their rituals. And later, his father, Leopold, entered the same lie.
  • On the advice of a friend of Mozart, Barona Wang Sithoven, the composer did not suit the expensive funeral. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart buried in the third category, as the poor man: His coffin was buried in the general grave.
  • Mozart created light, harmonious and wonderful works that have become a classic for children and adults. It has been scientifically proven that his sonats and concerts have a positive effect on human mental activity, help to become collected and logically thinking.
  • view all

Being in Salzburg, be sure to visit the House Museum, where Mozart was born. It will be interesting and informative. Here you will see a large number of genuine interior items, ancient musical instruments, personal things of the musician and his families, learn how to live a genius and worked out his eternal music.


Entrance, photo Cherubino88

Thousands of music admirers come here to see the first musical instruments of Mozart, the first records of music letters and just enjoy his music. Here you can also see the unfinished portrait of the brush Deviria Josef Lange "Mozart for Royal". Attracts the attention of tourists a violin on which the young Mozart played, its key cell and family correspondence.

Residential Room Mozart Family, Photo Synn Wang

Among the musical instruments on which the Mozart played, the tools presented by the widow of Mozart, the Constance of Nissen (1762-1842) and his sons Carl Thomas and Franz Carl Thomas, who moved to the ownership of the Mozart International Foundation.

Memorial board at home, photo marco verch

On the second floor shows theatrical achievements of Mozart. In numerous diorams on miniature scenes, episodes of its operas are demonstrated. Artists represent various interpretations of the operas of Mozart - from the XVIII century until now. The museum's exposition is constantly updated.

Mozart Birthday, Photo Winona

Working hours


SALZBURG CARD entrance is free.

How to get

Bus 912, 913, 914, 915, 913, 914, 915, 918 to stopping Ferdinand-Hanusch-Platz or 160, 170, 270 - to Rathaus.

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Lev Gunin

Mozart's life and her secrets




Birth: January 27, 1756. Place of birth: Salzburg (Austria). When baptism got the names of Johann Chrysito Wolfgang Teofil (Gottlib) Mozart ( Joannes Chrisostomus Wolfgang Gottlieb Mozart). Mother - Maria Anna Perrthl. Father - Leopold Mozart (1719-1787), an outstanding composer, teacher and theorist. Even before the birth of Wolfgang, in 1743, Leopold received a screenshot in the court orchestra of the Salzburg Archbishop. Maria Anna and Leopold have born seven children. Perhaps they were all distinguished by pronounced musical abilities. The monstrous child mortality of that time took five. Alive remained only two: Maria Anna (Nannerl) and her younger brother Wolfgang. Both - endowed with an extraordinary musical talent. As Johann Sebastian Bach of his outstanding sons, Leopold Mozart began to train the music of his son and daughter from the very early age. Like Bach, he himself composed in 1759 music notebook of clasine plays with a children's repertoire. The pedagogical talent of Leopold and the brilliant data of his children did wonders. Five-year Wolfgang already composes simple menuets.

Leopold Mozart, Father Wolfgang, Mother,
and Mozart family (right)

However, the Mozart Father was not only a strong teacher, but also an enterprising person. Son and daughter became his craft tools. Father decided to make a condition for them. January, 1762. The first "run-in" of two secondskinds (wonderful children): a trip to Munich, a large, brilliant cultural center, where the three of them were playing in the presence of the Bavarian Kurfürst. At that time, Germany was fragmented to many small states - the kingdoms or principalities, - in each of which a separate monarch rules. The decision of the first foreign tour start with her reflects the entrepreneurskaya Oktya Leopold Mozart. The public in Germany was not so spoiled and the capricious as Austrian, and did not turn away from His, German, performers. In Austria, it should be noted, the Italian school dominated. Italy for centuries was part of the Austrian (sacred Roman) empire, just like Hungary, Bohemia (Czech Republic), Slovakia, and other countries. Therefore, the addiction to Italian music in no way went wrong with Austrian patriotism. Moreover, the preference of Italian masters German reflected not the suppression of German national musical art, but the desire to know to distance themselves from the people, to put together - and a muzzling of Vienna - an impenetrable partition. Only after Germany, collecting reviews and recommendations, Leopold Mozart with children commits a tour of Native Austria: In September 1762, Linz and Passau visits, from where he arrives in Vienna.

Salzburg Palace

Salzburg Church

Sister Mozart, Nanner

The favorable reception in Germany and the recommendations made their job: Mozarts are domained at the court, they were allowed to the Schönbrun Palace, and the Empress Maria Teresia itself adopts them twice. To the pressure (so renamed the Austrian conquerors of the Slovak Bratislava) get again on the Danube, where they remain before Christmas, and they again in Vienna to the Christmas Willow.

In a palace

From June 1763 to November 1766, Mozart toured for three long years, riding almost the whole of Europe: Munich, Schvetzingen (Summer Residence of the Palatinate Kurfurt), Ludwigsburg, Augsburg, Frankfurt, Brussels, Bern, Zurich, Geneva, Lyon, Paris, London. This is not a complete route of their travels. In Frankfurt Wolfgang performed his own violin concert, and among the listeners was the 14-year-old Goethe. Reception at the court of Louis XV. Speeches in a luxurious Versaille in the period of Christmas holidays, and - after them - lunizing and enthusiastic squeal of the French aristocracy. In Paris, for the first time, writings of seven-year-old Mozart (four violin sonates) were published. Then London (April 1764): For a year. Just a few days, as arrived, and already taken by King Georg III.


Only the royal blood princes honored to communicate with the monarchs of the leading countries of Europe, and that would not only be any princes, but belonging (as almost all European autocrats, including Russian) to the genus of the Gabsburgs (another element of the world order established by the Austrian imperial house). With a large cluster of the public, children demonstrated their phenomenal musical abilities, as well as circus kids walking along the rope. Johann Christian Bach, who lived in London, is one of the sons of the great I. S. Baha, he saw a great genius in Wolfgang, and not a live toy. The valued London society is at least Handel, Johann Christians were a truly outstanding composer.

Mozart in London (he is 11 years old), portrait made
J. Vander Smisssen (J Vander Smissen)

In his well-known work, the Soviet musicologist B. Levik describes how, putting Wolfgang to his knees, the famous composer played with him four hands, or in turn, fulfilling clusseary sonates. A child and experienced by the husband's experience so thinly caught each other's style that even when they played - each in turn, 4-8 clocks seemed to play the same musician. It is not by chance that it was in London that the young composer wrote his first symphonies. They appeared under the influence of the personality and music, and the lessons of Johann Christian Bach.

After London, in the Hague (September 1765), Wolfgang and Nannerl have barely survived, moved the hardest inflammation of the lungs. The boy went to the amendment only in February 1766. Despite this, the tour continues. The names of the cities flashed like roadside poles. And, as if specifically, according to the laws of classical drama, the point puts Munich again, where the Bavarian Kurfürshist listens again to the Wunderkind, amazing the success in this short time. In Salzburg did not sit down. In September 1767, the whole family has already arrived in Vienna. The terrible epidemic of smallpox, raging there, his bony hand had time to touch the children in the Czech Republic, where he let them go only to December. And, already in January 1768, without losing time with nothing, they appear again in Vienna, having received a reception at the courtyard. It was then that the Beethoven's leitmotif of fate was narrowed by the fateful intrigues of the Viennese musicians, due to which the first opera written by the Wunderkind, " La Finta Semplice."(" Monsuping Cook ") was ravaged.

Mozart in 1789. Doris drawing

It is significant that it was at that time, in the late 1760s, the young Mozart outlined the main directions of his composer interests: he told himself in the genres of opera, Mass (his big mass for choir with the orchestra was executed at the opening of the church), concert (for pipe) , Symphony (K. 45a; executed in Lambah, in the monastery of Benedictins), Sonata, Quartet. This period of Mozartt creativity has already entered the classification of Ludwig von Köhel (letter to in front of the sequence number of the composition), which periodized and broke all the creativity of the great composer; This classification, complemented and rethought (the largest revision - 1964), has been preserved to this day.

The musical heart of the Austrian Empire, undoubtedly, was Italy: where a delicate taste, school, canons and demanding exceeded everything that could be found in Europe. It is not by chance that the Mozart Father left the tour in Italy "for a snack", pre-strengthened his situation in other countries. And yet, I was not yet sure that I can conquer Italy; Therefore, strengthened classes and preparation for the trip continued 11 (!) Months (Salzburg). In total, Wolfgang moved with his father through the Alps 3 times, in total spent in Italy for more than a year (1769 - 1771). Despite all the concerns and skepticism, ITALY tour turned out to be a brilliant triumph. It was possible to conquer all: the highest elite circles, the supreme authorities, the aristocracy in the general sense, the general public, and even the pretty musicians. Mozzarts are accepted and overpowered by Pope Clement XIV (July 8, 1770 He complained to Wolfgang the Order of Golden Spurs) and Cardinal, (Ertz-) Duke of Milan and Neopoltanian Ferdinand IV Naples, and other rulers. No less warm reception provided them with local musicians. In Milan with Wolfgang, N. Piccchini and Juseppe Sammartini are found, in Naples, head of the local opera school N. Iommelli, composers Giuseppe Piazzielo and Mayo. In Rome Mozart listened to the famous " Miserere"Allegri, whose notes were forbidden to rewrite and endure punishment. The whole work, entirely, Wolfgang, coming out of the church, recorded the memory. Such a phenomenal musical (" spatial "!) Memory was not anyone.

House in Salzburg, where Mozart was born

The crown of success was orders for writings. In Milan, Mozartu-son ordered opera-series on the carnival season. In Bologna, he is engaged in counterpoint under the guidance of the legendary teacher - Martini Padre, and proceeds to fulfill the order: Operas "Mitridate, Re Di Ponto" ("Mithridate, King Pontic"). Martini insisted that Mozart passes through the test of the famous Bologna Philharmonic Academy. After the exam, the Academy adopted his members. At Christmas, a new opera successfully passed in Milan. Followed a new order - " Ascanio in Alba."In August 1771, the Father and Son appear in Milan to prepare it. Opera, whose premiere was held on October 17, was a great success.

1770. Mozart in Verona, in Italy (Salieri was born near Verona)

In Italy, young Mozart was waiting for a bright future. This country, its mentality, its atmosphere - best corresponded to the nature of Mozartovsky genius, its solar cheerfulness, hedonism, open and benevolent nature. It is not surprising that it best understood his father. Leopold Mozart All ways seeks to get a place for a son in Italy, seeking to consolidate him there. Before the upcoming Wedding of the Erzgertzog Ferdinand - and the festivities on this occasion in Milan, - Leopold persistently asks Erzdugzzog to take Wolfgang to his service. According to the existing legend, Ferdinand satisfies this request.

And here it begins something completely fantastic; At least low-incurred.

When it became clear that - after the monarch of the letter - work, places, the means to the existence of Wolfgang not to get, the father and son reluctantly return to Salzburg, in their pretty, but improving cell. Immediately followed by another strange, macabric coincidence, a gloomy canonade "welcoming" them in their hometown. December 16, 1771, it was on the day of their return, their hot fan and a good patron, Prince-Archbishop Sigismund dies. His successor, Count Jeronim Colloretedo, was unlikely to be a monster, how was portrayed in thousands of biographical essays. First, Colloredo takes the young composer to his service, providing his existence to an annual salary in 150 guilders, which is quite enough for Salzburg. Secondly, he orders he "dramatic serenade" " Il Sogno Di Scipione"(" Sleep of Szipion "), about his inaugural celebrations (April 1772); Third, it gives permission to travel Wolfgang to Milan, to prepare a new opera" Lucio Silla."(from late autumn 1772 in spring 1773).

The letter of the empress and the end of the Archbishop of Sigismund, destructive for his career, could not make a mental injury, and the opera turned out to be not as successful as previous, without providing the usual response of the public; However, even this can not be explained by the complete absence of new orders and a strange-hostile attitude. No, this is a clear conspiracy organized against Mozarts at a very high level. Wolfgang's father was aware of the situation by contacting the Great Duke of Florentine Leopold, the patron of art, and the guardian of art. The duke reaction was cool, which meant only one thing: someone interfered with a career of a young genius in Italy. After a few more attempts to get the support of the highest circles, Leopold was forced to leave this country forever. B. Levik calls the third stay of Mozart in Italy the last relatively bright band of his life.

In the capital of the empire, Vienna, everything that took place in Italy, repeated. The deaf alertness of the power of the property and other influential persons, sometimes turning into open enmity, intrigue in musical circles, hard press. In Salzburg, Mozart turns out to be in such a position that can be called home arrest without a large stretch. Hope devoid of any hope, cut off from a further career, he is looking for salvation and consolation in creativity, frantically writing. Quartets, Symphonies (K. 183, 200, 201), Spiritual Works, Divertiments: Genre "Oviation" - these are the earliest symptoms of graphics. As we see, the development of this creative "illega" in the development of this creative "illness" by Mozart, those who have existed it. Relaxation of the Salzburg "home arrest" came in connection with the composition and formulation of the new Munich Opera (for the carnival of 1775), " La Finta Giardiniera."(" Imaginary Saddle "), one of the most important milestones in his work.

The provincial life of Salzburg and the unbearability of the dependent position overwhelmed the bowl of Mozart's patience. He breaks with the new archbishop (the final gap occurred during the Munich's period of the Opera "Idena", in 1781), becoming the first in history by a musician who rejected the dependent position. About the archbishop, he responds in the most sustained expressions, calling the last channels, and other faded words, which for the time when class partitions and the social hierarchy seemed indispensable, completely unusual. It is noteworthy that the gap with the archbishop laid the beginning of attempts to "break with Austria" at all, i.e. To leave the ride. This is the intention of flight abroad, to emigration, supported Leopold. However, the hands of the Austrian monarchy were very long, long enough to prevent the fastening of Wolfgang in any other capital. The degree of determination of the Austrian imperial dynasty to expand its "guardianship" over Mozart to foreign countries underestimated even such a very angry and sober man as his father.

In September 1777 Wolfgang went with his mother in Paris, with solid intention there to stay. The path was lying there through German states, where it turned out that Mozart in the opal, almost persona Non Grata.. Munich Kurfürst almost defiantly refused him. On the way, the mother and son stayed in Mannheim, an important opera center of Germany. And here, at the court of Karl Theodore, Mozart received actually demonstrative refusal. Contrary to the installation of higher circles, local instrumentalists and vocalists warmly and friendly met Mozart. But it did not make him linger. He madly fell in love with the singer Alozia Weber. Her magnificent voice (gorgeous coloratura soprano) and bright scenic appearance played not a last role. However, the hopes for jointly a large concert tour is not destined to come true. In first, she sympathizes Wolfgang, and in January 1778 they are departed together (incognito) to the court of Princess Nassau-Wilburg. Obviously, the cheerful nature of the young genius refuses to accept the script of conspiracy and accountability (in the "Mozart Business") of all these small princes, princes and princesses of the Austrian Crown. We must think, the failure of the princess Nassau-Wilburg shatterily affected the pragmatic alcohol, and she lost interest to Mozart. Hoping to revive him, Wolfgang lets her mother in Salzburg, and himself remains. However, the Father, who realized that his child did not go to Paris, accompanied by Mannheim Musicians (as reported), but aimlessly wandering on a mannheim in paroxysmons of unrequited love, all his father's authority enclosed his son to go to Paris with his mother.

In 1778 he was proposed by the place of the court organist in Versailles, in direct protection of the sister of the Austrian Emperor Joseph, Maria Antoinette. However, in France, the British King of George III becomes increasingly influence, according to the inexplicable circumstance, as well as the Empress Maria Teresia, Mozart Antagonist. The French yard only officially refused to support the uprising of American colonies against the British King.

Mozart, being in France, mostly visits the circles that supported the American revolution. Ten days he collaborated with the Johan Christian Bahom who arrived from London in the residence of the Aristocratic family de Noai (De Noaille) related to Relivity with Marquis de Lafayette, who went to America to fight against the British troops. Nevertheless, all these circumstances themselves cannot explain the presence of a completely impenetrable wall on the path of the professional device of such an outstanding musician, like Mozart, in such a city like Paris.

Interestingly, Mozart will prefer the future Paris tragedy, which can be seen by his letters. A deaf wall, which surrounded in Italy and Germany, impenetrable and ruthless, discovered in Paris. Everywhere, wherever the Mozart either appealed, they have already been warned about its appearance, and are instructed accordingly. Immediately upon arrival, in March 1778, it turned out that the court circles were hostile. Not a loud success of two new Mozart Symphones, nor the arrival of London Christian Bach, who made everything for Mozart, which in his power, and involved all its connections, nor the participation of other famous and influential personalities was not releasing hostility. And it speaks only one thing: the architecture of this insurmountable wall originated on the highest political Olympus. However, staying in Paris, in addition to the "earthly", physical persecution, was painted by some ominous, the satanic vakhanalia of the esoteric forces flewing here for confrontation with light genius. The chain of externally unnecessied gloomy events puts its black milestones. On July 3, the mother of the composer dies, which coincides with the total apotheosis of the rampant forces. Evil, death, mystery, all unrecognizable and incomprehensible hypnotize us, and, as if in a trance, Mozart is not in a hurry with departure from Paris, from where he is withdrawn by the stern fence of the Father.

Depressed, murdered, Mozart drives to Mannheim, still hoping for the retaliatory love of Aloosis Weber, as on the last vitality. The complete awareness that she will never become his mistress, put him the last cruel blow by attaching to a state of non-confused depression. The terrible prayers, curses and even the threat of a father may have saved him from an imminent death, pulling out from Mannheim and bringing home to Salzburg. Such dramatic experiences for another would be enough to mentally de-energize and interrupt musical inspiration. However, for Mozart, it is creativity that becomes one of the latest connections with life. His talent is deepened so, interpretable in an unsurpassed genius, that a single composer of his era cannot be compared with him. Any genre, to which the magic Mozartovskoe feather touches, blooms all the colors, starting to live the highest spiritual, esoteric life. It said wonderful Pushkin in his little tragedy "Mozart and Salieri": "What depth! What courage and what kind of harmony!" It is the courage of thought most of all distinguishes the letter of Mozart. According to the comparison of emotional states, psychologism, the philosophy of music, in bright shaped products, he surpassed anyone. Not to mention the fact that he was the greatest melody. These years bring a number of deepest church works, such as " Missa Solemnis"To Major and" Coronation Mass "(K. 337), Operas (" Idomeeo, Re di Creta"(" Idomena, King Crytsky "), and other writings. In April 1781, the conflict between Mozart and Archbishop Colloredo develops into a scandalous personal sklock, after which the petition of resignation was filed, and on June 8, Mozart was degraded to the door.

Following these rapid events, Mozart's marriage was held, and not on whom, as on the sister of aliasis Weber. He marries her against the will of his father, who in dozens of angry letters begged him to break him with Constanta. The wedding ceremony took place on August 4, 1782 in the Vienna Cathedral of St. Stephen. Spouses with the same squeamishness refer to financial affairs, which cannot but affect the tragic life final; However, in the personal life of Mozart seems to be happy with Constanta, and it stimulates his work.

Constanta Weber, Mozart's wife

When Mozart was under the side of his pursuers, in their own home (Vienna), the rules of the game changed. Certain installations did not allow them to shift in personal rest, and to some moment Mozart, if they do not leave alone, then externally tolerate it, without interfering (for the time being) into the course of his professional career. In addition, Maria Teresia changed her son Joseph II on the throne, an extraordinary personality, and Vienna came to life, hoping for a bright future. In July 1782, a new opera in German "Die Entfhrung Aus Dem Serail" ("Abduction of Seryra"), put in the "Burgteate", produced a furor. Mozart becomes a folk favorite and idol. His melodies sound everywhere: in houses, in coffee shops and on the streets. Even the court aristocratic circles belong to the favor. Performance, teaching and writing music make a good income.

It is curious to note that the tickets for his concerts (called academies), distributed by subscription, not only fully sold out, but also were often supplemented at the expense of extra-places. In 1784, Mozart only gave 22 concert for six months. All this can be considered in conditions of veins, where there was no shortage of ideas, premieres, concerts, composers and musicians, phenomenal order. The extraordinary success of his instrumental music stimulated an essay of a whole series of piano concerts. The spouse of Mozart, Constanta, although, apparently, was not such a magnificent singer, as an aliasis, however, could well speak on a professional scene. For example, in October 1783, she performed one of the solo parties in the best (perhaps) Mesis of her husband - G-Moll (C. 427), written on the occasion of the arrival at visit (in Salzburg) to the father of Leopold and sister Nannerl. On the way to Vienna, the spouses are driven to Linz, where Mozart writes a brilliant linetic symphony (C. 425).

Unknown portrait of Mozart found in Russia

Since 1784, sincere and close friendship begins between the two greatest composers of Austria: Mozart and Josef Haydn. Later, young Beethoven meets and with the other. At the representation of the quartets of the young genius, Gaidn turned to the father of Mozart, Leopold, with such words: "Your son is the greatest composer from everyone I know personally or someone I heard." The cycle of six quartets, in which the influence of Haidna, Mozart dedicated to him. However, the effect was not one-sided. We must talk about mutual influence. Haydn in his later writings repeated the finds and features of the letter of his younger contemporary. Just like Christian Bach, Gaidn was one of the guardian angels of Mozart, a bright and good patron. However, it is probably he who pulled the young Wolfgang to Freemasonry, immediately in the year of their rapprochement. There were many Viennese celebrities in Masons - poets, artists, writers, scientists, public figures, doctors, musicians. Freemasonry paved itself a wide road in aristocratic court circles. However, for Mozart, the entry into the masons was another fatalistic, fatuminous-tragic circumstance, possibly the convergence of his missing dem.

Mozart took Masonic symbols and motto for a clean coin not because it was so naive, but because, having a one-person personality, Wanted accept. (Masonry by then actively focused on itself the illuminates and those forces that they are behind them). In the Masonic environment, such discounts are trying to stop any means to prevent the separation of the external entourage form of existence from the secret goals and plans of the leaders. Especially dangerous for the most influential Masonic lips of the propaganda of this external attribute ("Freedom, equality, fraternity") through outstanding works of art. Order Doomed Requiem on your own death: it is very in the style of the Masonic disgusting.

The coincidence is or not, but it was after the entry of Mozart to the Masons resumed the previous injury. His brilliant opera " Le Nozze Di Figaro"(" Wedding Figaro ") - along with" Don Juan "and" Magic Flute "- the top of his opera creativity - despite the explicit success, was shortly after the premiere (May 1, 1786), replaced in the" Burgteate "of the new Opera V. Martina and Soler " Una Cosa Rara."(" Rare item "). But in Prague, the success of this opera turned out to be simply staggering, which coincided with political aspirations and premonitions Prazhan. Stirring to independence from the Austrian Empire, the Czechs felt in the Mozart opera, written on the plot of the prohibited censored Comedy Bomaouxche, a sip of fresh The air. She became almost the National Czech Opera. Under her melodies were dancing in the halls and coffee shops, they sounded on the street, on the market - everywhere. The composer himself was aged several performances. In January 1787 he spent in Prague for more than a month with Constanta, confessing later that, after Italy, it was the happiest time in his life. But you can easily imagine how displeasure caused the revival of separatist sentiment in the Czech Republic with the Austrian courtyard, and what a monarch of anger in connection with this was to bring the conviction: Mozartt Opera .

It was Bondini, the director of the opera troupe of the Prague Theater, ordered a new opera, "Don Juan". There are assumptions that Mozart himself chose the plot. Under the name " Don Giovanni."She began her triumphal march at the Opera House Theaters (Premiere - in Prague October 29, 1787). Nevertheless, no success in Prague could correct the" Viennese Baby ", the tone of which was asked the removal of the" Figaro wedding "and deliberate (artificial) failure "Don Juan" in the same vein (on the Raut after the performance on the protection of the opera stood alone Haydn). One after another, the other works of Mozart are blocked, and the most money of his students go to other educators (according to our data - Barbara Ployer, Josepha Auernhammer, other). 1786 and 1787 became fatal, turning on the fate of the composer. It is completely crushed and is doomed, torn by intrigues, persecution and simply dark circumstances. As in Paris, not only the cruel enemies of Mozart, insidious and ruthless, gathered for reprisals with him, but also "otherworldly" dark forces flying to the bloody feast of the execution of a light genius, for the sake of evil approval and injustice on Earth. In May 1787, the Father of the composer dies, after which the death of which the depression and despondency became constant satellites of Mozart. Sarcasm, irony and gloomy pessimism are installed in his thoughts until the very end of his short life.

Obtaining the position of the court composer and the dropleter of Emperor Iosif II has nothing to do anything, especially since the size of the salary emphasized the subtle poison of humiliation (only 800 guildren annually). Crumpled into the corner, Mozart dodgers money from Michael Pukhberg, a member of the same Masonic lodge, where he himself. It is not able to return the large amount of money to the prince of Likhnovsky, he faces a lawsuit that loses later. A trip to Berlin, in order to correct financial affairs, brought only new debts. Like other reigning personnel, the Prussian King of Friedrich Wilhelm II did not give Mozart of a place at the court. Since 1789, the health of Constanta worsened, and then the Wolfgang himself, the house and the rest of the property were laid, ready to go from the hammer. A year later, after the death of Joseph II, Mozart is not even sure that the position of the court composer, with her little, but still by constant income, will remain behind him. He goes to Frankfurt - where the coronation of Emperor Leopold was held - at his own expense, hoping to be in sight, do not miss the moment. However, the execution of its "coronation" key concert (C. 537) did not bring money even to cover the cost of the trip. Did not fix the situation and the new opera " Cosi Fan Tutte."(" So all ").

In Vienna, saying goodbye, Mozart told Gaidna, serving in London, and his London impresario Zammon, that they would never see anymore. Walking both, Mozart cried like a child, and repeated everything: "We will no longer see, no." To death, he remained to write his best works: "Die Zauberflöte" ("Magic Flute"), Requiem, and several symphonic scores.

Opera ordered him for his "Fry-Hauz-theater" his longtime friend E. Shicanter, musician, writer, impresario and actor. (At the same time, Prague Opera ordered him " La Clemenza di Tito"(" Mercy tit "), on the creation and production of which he worked together with the wife of Constanta and the student Franz Xaver Süßmayer; For its preparation, they are going to prepare in Prague. The premiere of" Magic Flute "took place in Vienna September 30, 1791 The year. His last instrumental writing was a concert for clarinet with A-Moll orchestra (C. 622).

The counts of the days of the life of Mozart now walked on working on requiem, which - so came out - Mozart wrote actually on his death. A guest came to the sick composer, unknown, dressed in everything gray, and anonymously ordered Requiem. This episode provided a strong impression on the imagination of the patient. Mozart was sure that he composes Requiem for himself. He, exhausted, worked on score, feverishly trying to hand himself personally. The contensity treated in Baden is hastily returned home as soon as I realized how serious her husband was sick. From November 20, 1791, Mozart no longer got out of bed, and wrote Löj's music. On the night of 4 to 5 December, he began to wander; He experienced that he plays on the pilobs in Dies Irae. of his unfinished requiem. At about five minutes of the first night, he tried to highlight, sound-machine lips Litavr, but fell back, head to the wall, and frozen, damaged.

Mozart fled, as a beggar of the beggars, in the chapel of the Cathedral of St. Stephen. On the last path in the cemetery of St. Marka Mozart's body went alone, and was buried without honors, without witnesses, in the general grave for the poor. Later, the location of this grave thoroughly forgot. Neither the cross, nor the monument, nor even modest tombstone ever was installed. The tombstone, not material, but the spiritual one - I built Zyusmayr for his great teacher, who graduated from Requiem, putting on the music and orchestrating those not small fragments of the text that Mozart himself missed (part of the arrangements performed protégé. Mozart, Joseph Eybler (Joseph Eybler). Similarly, other composers ended the greatest compositions of Schubert, Mussorgsky, Scriabin, and other geniuses, endowed with a fate. None of the brilliant piano concerts of Mozart, none of his mature symphonies were published during his life.

The monstrous injustice, persecution, intrigue and envy: the forthwer of the most winged, the brightest people on the sinful land, and in the fate of the Great Mozart, as in the mirror, reflected the fate of thousands and millions of other talented and clean creators of the Spirit.

It seems that the legend of Mozart poisoning was generated in the Wednesday of the Austrian political and aristocratic top as the desire to take blame for the non-recognition and death of the Great Composer from the permanent crisis and falling under the hammer of even more reactionary forces of the political regime, shifting it on the shoulders of a private person (Salieri ). And the authentic motive is the cause of the death of Mozart (political despotism (from ferocious censorship, before the "permitted" aesthetics) is artificially replaced by the information of personal accounts. Even if Salieri really poisoned Mozart, he would have done this by order of Emperor Leopold or That is the other. However, without killing his opponent's physically and friend, Salieri - his bureaucracy and subtle intrigues - greatly pointed him life. Salieri was a courty toy and the yard to the yard against Mozart. On the degree of his guilt before the world musical genius, let's talk in the future.

Autograph "Weddings Figaro"


Lev Gunin

Mozart's life and her secrets



3. Influence

Music Leopold Mozart, the father of the great composer, not so rarely sounds on the waves of Montreal musical radio stations. It is in libraries and phonethek. The ear of an inexperienced listener is not difficult to confuse her with the music of his famous son. A professional musician immediately understands that this is not Wolfgang Amadeus, although it is difficult to say with the go, what the Mozart Father "is not enough" music. Probably bright melodism, aspiration, gloss and courage of the thought of Mozartovsky. The works of Leopold Mozart "too" academic and "correct", although there is also fresh in them, a versatile feeling. Strong strong influence of Hydena. One thing is clear: Mature Mozart-Son is the same Leopold Mozart Father, only an in-depth, extended, refined and purposeful.

The influence of Petzold and Teleman, the brushwood, Schutz and the Burgymuller can be traced in the volitional and life-affirming motifs, often the following sounds of tonic sober. Lovers of Mozart Options for cadents are sometimes "complemented" typically telemanian intonations.

Dramatism of minor symphonies (for example, two G-Moll "named) is in memory of the features of Simphonism J. Wanhal. In Salzburg, Mozart was influenced by Michael Gaidna, Brother Josef, in many respects separated the style of the latter. However, Mozart never manifests" USUS Tyrannus "(" Candles of Custom "; Serov's expression); He violates any canon if something becomes on the way of his self-expression. How loves to speak in Montreal Musician Juli Turgovsky, Genius do everything" Not as necessary. "Note that we note that pompousness, triumphal intonations and heavyness not only Handel, but also an early representative of the Vienna School - Gluche - Pushes Mozart. During his stay in Paris, he almost nothing about glukovsky operations, although all Paris goes between picerists and glucinists, and the creations of Vienna The classic invariably caused a terrible excitement. There is no doubt that not Austrian affected on Mozart, but rather, the Italian and German Opera Art School, and that he was from The masterpieces of Monteverdi, Bellini, Donizetti, Scarlayti, Piccchini, etc. However, the main samples for studying and imitating the Italian opera Phazielilo (Napletite composer, among others, who met with young Wolfgang, at the time of his stay in Naples (1770); later - the court dropper in St. Petersburg at Catherine Great: 1776 - 1784 ), Domenico Chimarozoz (court composer in St. Petersburg - from 1787 to 1791), and Antonio Salieri (senior friend and rival, consultant and mentor of Mozart). Interestingly, Martin-I-Soller, a musician of Spanish origin, wringing Italian operas, another dangerous opponent of Mozart, was also a court composer in St. Petersburg. Giovanni Batista Kasta, the main librettist of Salieri and the rival of the main librettist of Mozart, and Ponte, also lived for some time and worked in Russia, in St. Petersburg. In Mannheim, Mozart impressed the Opera I. Goldenbauer "Gunter von Schwarzburg". The influence of the glitch still occurred, especially the opera-choir manner of the latter.

The saturation of the works of Mozart by the German folklore occurred in a rather degree thanks to Emanuel Schikaneder, with which Wolfgang met in the late 1770s. "Skomorovaya", the wandering troupes of folk theaters attended Salzburg, and one of these theaters was led by Shicanheder - Impresario, actor, director, musician, writer and playwright. Schicanader, all the power of his lungs, proclaimed freedom from despoty, nationality, love for domestic culture, freedomity and overcoming orthodox thinking. It was he who was a partner of Mozart to create a vertex of Mozartovsky opera creativity: "Magic Flute". Schicanader not only ordered this opera, but also created a brilliant libretto, highly appreciated Goethe. Aesthetics of Mozart and Shicanter anticipated Weber and Wagner, and was the most advanced for that time. Shicanader became another Light Guardian Angel of Mozart in the Song of His "Sprayer".

Elegant, light style of Christian Bach is called among the strongest influences. His "smart", intricate music, sincerity and implacation, Italian clarity and plasticity not only melodies cantabile, but also harmony, slender beauty and crystal cleanliness of form: All this has been continued and development in Mozart compositions. The creativity of the father of Johanna Christiana - the Great I. S. Baha - Mozart began to seriously study relatively late (as well as Handel). The top of the spiritual music of Wolfgang Amadeus, his requiem reflects the undoubted influence of I. S. Baha. No need to forget that Mozart had magnificent teachers, the best in that epoch: his own father, Martini's Padre, Christian Bach, Josef Haydn, and others. It is thanks to them Wolfgang masterfully mastered the counterpoint, harmony, arguing, and other elements of composer equipment. We will talk about the impact of Salieri in the appropriate chapter.

In chamber and symphonic music, there is a greater influence of the Viennese major generation composers, such as Vensenzale and Mont. Not less important was the influence of Italian masters - Frescobaldi, Allegri, Albi, Bellini, A. Korelli, L. Bokkerini, A. Vivaldi, J. Batista Vitaly, Marcello Benedetto, Domenico and Alesandro Scarlatti, Jovania Agrlel, Domenico Zipoli, Attilio Ariosia, Giuseppe Tartini, G. Pergulyze, Dominico Gabrieli, and others. Italian music, this venous ocean of hundreds (or thousands?) A peculiar, often very bright talents - had an undoubted effect on Mozart. The proximity of its typical features, Italian predecessors, contemporaries and even followers (paradox, but it is) especially felt in the key music of genius. Muzzo Clementa, Dominico Scarlatti, Chimarozoa, and other outstanding key composers had a lot in common with the key manner of Mozart. Penetration into the intonational sphere of Mozart of intonations of Slavic type is also tracked by a sensitive ear.

With the Italian music of Mozart, Rodnit of Lifebie, immediacy, sincere heat, a sparkling or very lyrical presentation of the main topics, their brightness, simplicity and vocal hinge, complex attitude towards harmonies. Perhaps the French Cabinets also influenced Mozart: Ramo, Lully and Coopen. Undoubtedly the influence of the English composer of Peressella in some intermenids. Separate places in the chamber works of Mozart "resemble" about a lecture.

Mozart is a phenomenon of pan-European, living, comprehensive, immediate and endless. Therefore, any European culture can consider it to his own.

(end of the first part )
