Mozart was at the Mother's Funeral. Death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Mozart was at the Mother's Funeral. Death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart was at the Mother's Funeral. Death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

From the general grave to the memorial cemetery

In the Central Cemetery of Vienna, many famous women are buried in the corner of the cemetery of St. Mark.

composers. From left to right - the graves of Beethoven, Mozart and Schubert. Mozart - a statue of crying angel.

Burial in the general grave

He had passed for more than two centuries since the death of Mozart, but the flow of visitors coming to its grave monuments on the cemetery of St. Mark and the Central Cemetery of Vienna is not dried. However, the remains of Mozart do not rest over the statue of the crying angel on the cemetery of St. Mark, nor under the grave stone at the Central Cemetery, where many famous composers, artists and writers are buried. The place where Mozart is actually buried, still remains unknown.

Although Mozart was a famous musician, his funeral was modest. No one came to say goodbye to him, with the exception, it seems, Salieri and Zyusmayer. After the funeral on his grave, even a simple wooden cross was not installed.

With such poor funeral of Mozart were not at all because he died in a poverty or was forgotten by his former fans. In those days, it was usually so usually buried ordinary citizens, and only the funeral of the aristocrats were lush. Mozart did not belong to their number.

sanya transfer five Viennese cemeteries to one place. The new cemetery was called "Central". It has the so-called "honorary graves", where celebrities are buried - politicians, scientists, artists, writers and, of course, composers. There are among them and the tombstone of Mozart: it is located between the burials of Beethoven and Schubert, not far from Salieri's grave.

However, unlike the rest of the burials, the grave of Mozart is empty. Knowing this, many admirers of the composer go to the cemetery of St. Mark, where in 1870 the famous monument was erected in honor of Mozart - the statue of crying angel.

The exact burial place of Mozart has not yet been established, but the memory of him numerous fans of his talent is the best monument to "Sunny genius" of music.

It is known that the composer glitch died in four years before Mozart was awarded the solemn funeral, but he was the court composer of Joseph II for a long time.

The truly loud glory of Mozart's overall immediately after his death. On the ninth day after the death of Mozart, on December 14, 1791, thousands of inhabitants of Prague gathered for the Supil Mass in memory of the composer. In Vienna, "Magic Flute" continued to go with great success, and soon this opera was set in many other cities, including Prague, Berlin and Hamburg.

On the wave of success "Magic Flute" resumed the production of other operas of Mozart, and publishers in need began to print notes of his works. Three years after the death of Mozart, his name thundered throughout Germany, and in the XIX century the glory of the composer spread throughout Europe.

memorial grave

The cemetery of St. Mark was originally intended for poor citizens and even his name received from the nearby alm. The cemetery is the grave of Wolfgang Mozart. Today it is a romantic chestnut park with unique old burials.

Initially Saint Mark Cemetery (Sankt Marxer Friedhof) It was considered discern. It was intended for poor citizens and even his name received from the nearby alm.

In 1784 by decree Joseph II. It was forbidden to bury the poor within the city walls. For poor citizens, a cemetery was opened, where it was assumed to arrange fraternal graves and bury the dead five people without coffins.

In the XIX century, Vienna expanded, the cemetery was included in its territory. Not only poor commoners were already buried here, but also people of other classes - including noons. The names of professions were added to the names of the deceased on the plates and, often, the definition of Burgers. Most of the local burials belong to the era of the bidermair.

There were no religious differences at the time in the cemetery - Catholics were buried next to Protestants, Orthodox and Jews could be resting nearby. There is a lot of Russian graves - the inscriptions on them, often, the surnles.

Graves of the period 1784-1874. Very picturesque. The most famous burial belongs Alexander Ipsilanti (1792-1828) - Greek, Lieutenant General of the Russian Army, organizer of the Anti-Isman uprising in Moldova, the hero of Pushkin poems.

There is a grave in the cemetery Wolfgang Mozarta. This burial is symbolic. No one knows exactly where the ashes of the Great Composer rests. Mozart, who died in 1791, was buried in the general grave, along with the poor. Even the widow of the composer could not find the place of his rest and say goodbye to her husband.

In 1859, the burial plan was found. According to it, the approximate location of the last refuge of Mozart was determined. On the chosen grave put the marble monument on the project Gasser. (He was trying to transfer to the musical corner of the central cemetery, but later returned to the previous place.)

After opening the central cemetery in Vienna, the cemetery of St. Mark was closed. Gradually, it turned into a romantic chestnut park with unique old burials. Here everywhere fallen obelski, marble crucifixes and sad angels. The burial is prohibited from 1874. Since 1937, tourists allow.

Saint Mark Cemetery (Sankt Marxer Friedhof)
Leberstraße 6-8 1030 Wien, Österreich

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Mystery of Mozart

Many riddles are fate of Mozart. His death itself, which, so far, many are considered violent. Suspicious illness, sinister omen, suspicious cum and a miserable burial in a common grave for homeless beggars - all inspired suspicion, gave birth to a lot of questions that did not have intelligible answers. Why did his friends and the faithful wife of Constanta have no at the funeral of the Divine Mozart? This mystery is already two centuries do not give many rest. Some biographies researchers V. A. Mozarta argue that his whole life is from birth to the grave - this is "smubilated fate." The life of musical genius from the very beginning was programmed and was in power of the fatal number: his birth at 8 pm on the eve of the medium, the height of the sun on his birthday was 8 degrees in the constellation Aquarius ... and, finally, the amount of numbers of his full years of life - 35 - Again, net eight ... And all this case? It's hard to believe. Mozart, without a doubt, was an outstanding man, and any outstanding person performs a mission appointed to him over. When he fulfilled her, then in this case on earth he was already doing something. And the providence chooses for him another bodily shell, a different fate, a new mission. So it was with Napoleon and many others. All of them perfectly fulfilled their mission, which means they are time to leave ...

Mozart was a unique, miracle; He worked jokingly, and everything was unusually easy for him. Of course, Mozart was a musical genius, possessed phenomenal abilities. But behind his masterpieces there is a titanic work, he hardly worked hard. It is not much from the earliest childhood. The genius of Mozart manifested himself from three years.

His father, a well-known teacher and a musician who served at the court of Salzburg Prince immediately engaged in teaching the Son. Little Mozart easily repeated small plays for his sister and easily remembered them. Already at four years later, he composed his first concert for Harpsichord, and at six - playfully played on the clasesis, violin and organ. Mozart was not fulfilled and six years old when his long concert tour began: along with the sister, Anna, also a talented performer, and the Mentor of Father, Young Wolfgang traveled the floor of Europe. For several years, they gave concerts in Munich, Paris, Vienna, London, visited Holland and Switzerland. The audience admired the boy who could play with the blindfolded eyes, Implosedly improvised, performed the most difficult passengers with adult musicians ... Genius was only seven years old when the Sonatas composed for them for piano and violin was published in Paris. Of course, these trips were exhausted. In the way, Wolfgang and Nannerl often sore, more than once were on the edge of death. Both of them suffered both the inflammation of the lungs and OSPU. There is an opinion that the cause of the early death of Mozart is in diseases he earned during the years of his hard childhood.

Mozart with sister and father under the portrait of the mother.

So, Mozart's riddles ...

Riddle 1. Mozart lived in poverty

Contemporaries did not appreciate his talent. Mozart is considered a classic example of how outstanding artists are operated by the ruling class, receiving a garbage remuneration. In fact, Mozart received very decent fees. In one hour of teaching on the piano, he exhibited a bill in 2 Gulden (for comparison - his servant received 12 guilders per year). In the 1782th Opera Mozart "Abduction from Seralya" had a huge success. For several years he gave many piano concerts. And although it happened, he did not receive fees for his work, very often he paid huge fees (for comparison: the annual salary of Mozart's father in Salzburg was 350 florins, and for one concert, his son could get three times more). According to personal correspondence, it can be seen that the degree of family poverty in myths is noticeably exaggerated. However, an extravagant lifestyle quickly eaten all the money. Somehow, earning the performance of the fabulous amount, Mozart spent it in two weeks. The buddy, to whom the genius came to take money, asked: "You have no castle, no stables, no expensive mistress, nor a heap of children ... Where do you make money?" And Mozart replied: "But I have a wife Constanta! She is my castle, my herds of thoroughbred horses, my mistress and my bunch of children ..." Six children were born in the family, but four of them died in infancy. Mozarts were interrupted on the sons of Carla Thomas and Franz Ksaver, who did not take on the offspring.

Children of Mozart: Karl Thomas (right) and Franz Javier (left). 1798. Hood. H. Hansen. Museum of Mozart. Salzburg.

Marriage of Mozart, in which he entered without the permission of his father, was happy. Wolfgang and Constanta were similar, both were distinguished by a light and joyful attitude towards life. There is a legend that once the guest came to them and found them dancing: Mozarts tried to warm up, without having money on firewood ... However, even when a capricious public stopped listening to the Opera Mozart and his work "came out of fashion", composer continued to receive good fees from other European countries, as well as court salary.

Constance Mozart, nee Weber.

Constance Mozart, in Maiden Weber. 1789-90. Hanterian Art Museum. Glasgow.

And he was the first to go to the real "touring che". From his 35 years ten (!) He spent in the carriage. I earned our money almost 200 thousand dollars a year. But all spent! I almost broke the swabbachy shirts. In the cheap linen, he was embarrassing to give lessons to noble student. And the finest batter rushed after two or three washes. Well, there was not enough person for executive expenses! He took a debt, often did not give out (even ran into another city!) What strongly spoiled his "credit history". Therefore, he died in poverty - no one has taken money to him.

Mozart - Knight Golden Spurs. 1777. Unknown artist.

Mystery 2. Who needed the death of Mozart?

The most common version of the death of the composer is poisoning. It is well known that the Mozart himself was convinced of a close ending, and for the first time he told Constanta's wife a few months before his death. Mozart decided that "Requiem", ordered by him the mysterious stranger in a black cloak and mask, at night told on the door, is a death sentence, and he is intended for his own funeral, but still sat down.

However, judging by the Mozartovsky correspondence of the last months of life, he was in the beautiful arrangement of the Spirit. And his death became a shock for family and friends.

But who had the death of Mozart? The widow did not fit the rumors of poisoning and did not suspect anyone.

The main suspect in the death of Mozart was Antonio Salieri. These rumors got even greaterpac P PO. stranging after the suicide attempt made by him in 1823, and the dissemination of information about his recognition to confession. Although in the autumn of 1791, when Mozart is running down, Antonio Salieri was already openly accused of choosing Mozart, especially since they, despite mutual confidence in friendship, were secret rivals.

And yet we will remember that the Italian Salieri in 1774 received a composer at the courtyard of Emperor Joseph II. Who was supposed to experience envy: he is a rich, adored by the Viennese Publi-Kappelmester, or forever needing money newcomers Mozart, appeared in the imperial capital for seven years later? Salieri made a dizzying career. The conductor of the Italian opera troupe in Vienna, who became the second birthplace, one of the founders of the Vienna Conservatory, he remained in the center of the musical life of Europe for several decades. It is with him that the glory of the Vienna Opera is connected. The works of Salieri went around almost all the opera theaters of the world were put in St. Petersburg. In addition, including his students were such titans as Beethoven, Schubert. Sheet. They simply guarded him, called not otherwise as the father of composers. " Antonio Salieri had no reason to be afraid of his opponent. The glory of Mozart came to the composer, mainly after his death. And before that moment it was known as a brilliant musician performer and writing. Therefore, Salieri could calmly rest on the laurels. And there was no reason from Salieri any reason to athee to the life of Mozart.

How did it happen that this person was declared after his death intrigued, evil envious and killer? Could he envy Mozart, because the successful Salieri had such a glory about which Mozart and did not dream? He was adored and the public, and the imperial courtyard. He was recognized by the whole of Europe. Opera Salieri "Tartar" walked with the crowded halls, and the Mozartovsky "Don Juan" delivered by followed. And such examples can be brought enough. So really, this narcissist musician, and besides the Italian (the music was then considered the profession of Italians), could envy some loser, and besides German Mozart. It turns out that the foundations for envy still had: Salieri and Mozart were artists of different rank: talent and genius. Just talent in life was lucky much more than genius, which, by the way, it happens very often. Salieri could envy only the virtuosity of Mozart, and Mozart, by rumors, responded with contempt about the court composer, so envy was manifested here on both sides. True, usually envy finds output not in a glass with poison, but in slander. The victim of her and became Salieri. And, we must admit, she poisoned to him.

After the death of her husband, Constanta sent the youngest son to take lessons from Salieri. When he was asked about rumors about the fact that the court composer poisoned his father, the boy said that Salieri did not kill Mozart, "but truly poisoned him with the life of intrigues."

In 1823, the student of Beethoven Ignat Mosselsez visited the old and sick salieri in one of the country clinics. He could only talk to fraud. The musician rejected his involvement in the death of colleagues. At the cost of painful effort, he said:

In this absurd hearing, there is not a word of truth, swearing an honor ... Tell the world ... Old Salieri, who will soon die, told you.

In addition, in a letter to the wife of Constance dated October 14, 1791, that is, for a month and a half to death, Mozart writes that at his invitation Salieri visited the play "Magic Flute", very carefully listened to Opera and said that he had never seen " more excellent production. " This suggests that relations between rivals clearly softened.

In the May Days of 1997 in Milan, the main hall of the Palace of Justice held an unusual trial: a crime of two-two limitation was considered. The case of Salieri was observed about the poisoning of the Great Mozart. Witnesses in both parties invited famous doctors. So, after two hundred years of age, Antonio Salieri was acquitted "for the absence of the composition of the crime."

One of the most original defense arguments was like this: be Antonio Salieri by Pathological envious, the world would first lose other great composers: Beethoven, Sheet, Schubert, whose genius is not less than that of Mozart. Why didn't he keep silenced and their? On the contrary, Salieri diligently transferred them the secrets of musical skills, moreover, they glorified their creativity.

There are no historical evidence of the hostility of two composers. On the contrary, the opposite is well documented: the admiring statements of Salieri about Mozart; The story of Mozart about how Salieri was at the presentation of his opera. There was no reason for the envy to Mozart Salieri: so, the latter almost did not compose instrumental music, and in the opera genre the reputation of Salieri among the contemporaries was much higher. It is known that Mozart chose Salieri as a teacher for his son Franz. By the way, among numerous disciples of Salieri, who played a huge role in the musical life of Europe, were Beethoven, Cherni, Meyerber, Schubert, leaf ...

The second suspect in the alleged murder was Franz Hofhel, the brother of the Masonic lodge, in which the composer consisted. His charming young wife Magdalena was one of the last student of Mozart. A few days later, after the death of the composer, Hoffemel was fiercely attacked his pregnant wife with a razor, crippled and misoriving her, and then committed suicide. Magdalena survived and after five months the child gave birth, the father of which, according to rumors, was Mozart. However, the observations of contemporaries and the preserved letters of Mozart indicate that he was deeply devoted to Constanta, and there was no evidence of its extramarital connections.

Already in our time, a prominent Swiss Medicar Karl Bar, scrupulously examined all the existing facts and testimonies collected by the doctor Mozart Klos, called him the "amateur" diagnosis. Actually, in modern medicine, there is not even such a thing as "acute rapid fever". All symptoms, according to Baer, \u200b\u200bindicates the articular rheumatism. Professor Davis agreed with this, published a detailed analysis of the medical history of the composer. The genius suffered from childhood with tonsillitis, suffered a typhus, windmill, bronchitis and hepatitis A. However, the streptococcal defeat of the upper respiratory tract was the key point. The consequences of the suffered infection were manifested after moving to Vienna, when Mozart is hard to zalenor: the symptoms of articular rheumatism were accompanied by attacks of vomiting.

The immediate cause of the death of the composer was the combination of streptococcal intoxication, praised in the height of the epidemic, and renal failure. Bronchopneumonia and hemorrhage in the brain became the last chord.

Shortly before midnight, Mozart lost consciousness. On December 5, 1791, the heart of the composer who did not live two months before his 36th anniversary, froze forever. Davis believes that renal failure could cause a delusional state, which led to the dying to painful thoughts on poisoning.

Riddle 3. Why did he buried him in the general grave and forgot, where exactly?

On this, it would seem, you can put a point in the case of the mysterious end of the greatest composer of the XVIII century. But how to be with a riddle of strange, shameful funerals? And he was buried with extraordinary hurry, it can be said, in thieves, to hide even the fact of the death of musical genius without showing elementary respect. His body did not even be in the cathedral, and the farewell rite did not sleep at the Capella of St. Cross adjacent to the front wall of the temple. Moreover, Mozart fled the day after death.

Lifting portrait of Mozarta

In Vienna, remembering the epidemic of the plague, then there were such rules. Only very rich and noble people could count on the individual funeral. With the rest they said goodbye cleverly, and that's it. And no one walked behind the coffin. They buried five people in one grave, the monuments were not at all, and everyone together at the entrance to the cemetery.

Did not put a monument? But he was not relied on common graves, since the plots were used repeatedly. And there is nothing strange that the burial place of the Grand Composer is unknown - the graves of the beggars were drunk every seven years.

No wonder there was Mozart to lose ... Issues remain to his widow Constance: why did she not remember the place? And she came there at all in 17 years - and did not find anything. What was so long? There is such a version: she "clenched" Mozart posthumously. Randomly launched the first in the history of the "duck": they say, the husband has sacked with Salieri and died. The resonance was powerful.

Constance on this wave began selling manuscripts of her husband and, they say, she died a very poor woman. And widow of genius!

Constance Mozart.

So legend -

Buried in oblivion. Mozart was buried in the brother grave of the poor ... In the cemetery there was a single person in the cemetery ... The widow refused to come to the funeral ... A rich family friend Wang Sadient regretted the money for the burial ... All this is not quite so. Among the reforms of the Austrian Emperor Joseph were new funeral rules. According to them, burials from now on with the features of the city (before that, in Europe, the custom to bury the dead in the center, at the main cathedral). The funeral procedure itself was extremely simplified. 85% of urban burials were committed in common graves, which were not allowed to establish any memorable signs (saved place). Every 7-8 years, the graves were drunk and used again. The widow did not go behind the coffin on the cemetery, and this was also in the order of things. Mozart's memory ceremony passed in his Masonic bed. The catatball went to the cemetery only after the sixtime. It was not accepted to go behind him for the city gate, no rites at the burial then did not suit, and only graveters attended it. And the "miser" Wang Sadiat for several years paid for the teachings of Mozart's sons, organized the first fulfillment of his requiem, arranged concerts in favor of Constanta and children in different cities of Europe.

The last, unclear portrait of Mozart for the piano in his Vienna Apartment. 1789. Hood.y.lang.

The past is ready to remind yourself any minute. Most recently in America, notes of two previously unknown plays of Mozart were found in America. The meticulous musicians were lucky to discover the name of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, encrypted by music signs. Here is a truly sensational find!

So unexpectedly, sometimes it is sometimes refunded for a long time, and death is associated with the halo of immortality ...

Poisoned or did not poison salery mozzart no one will never know. There are several very diverse versions of his death up to the fact that he was poisoned by the wife of Constance and her lover. Notice does not plan to discuss these versions. I will try to introduce you to how events developed after his death.

The legend that Mozart was buried along with the tramps and beggar is not reality. For such categories, free funerals were provided.

The burial of Mozart was led by his friend and patron, a member of the Masonic lodge Baron Gottfried Wang Sadiat. He ordered the funeral on the third category, which belonged to one of the cheapest, but still not free.

This rank was supposed to be buried on the cemetery of St. Mark in the grave, which was calculated on four adults and two children.

02. Once the cemetery of St. Mark was on the outskirts of Vienna, and now it is surrounded by residential neighborhoods and it turned out not such a simple task, but we coped.

03. Mozart was buried in December 1791, and his wife was not present at the funeral, referring to the disease. After many years, Constance explained his absence on the burial of her husband with severe winter, however, according to the Vienna Central Administration of Meteorology and Geodynamics, the weather on December 6 and 7, 1791 was mild, windless, without precipitation.

04. The first time the grave of Mozart attended his friends, students and composers, but gradually her place was lost. 17 years after the death of Mozart, his wife came for the first time on his grave, but it was no longer possible to find the exact place of his burial.

05. Only in 1859 a plan of the cemetery of St. Mark was discovered, according to which it was possible to determine the approximate place of its burial.

06. At the same time on the site of the alleged burial, a monument to the work of Gasser was established. But he stood there for long. Local officials who could not take part in a decent burial of the Great Composer in 1791, decided to postpone this monument to another cemetery one hundred years later.

07. In order to once again not lose the place of real burial of Mozart, the Cemetery caretaker built a temporary monument from the residues of tombstones. However, after some time, justice triumphed, and the "crying angel" background Gasser was returned to his rightful place.

08. Let's see where they tried to move a monument with Mozart's grave. To do this, we need to sit in the tram and move to the central cemetery of Vienna.

09. Unlike the cemetery of St. Mark, it is not difficult to find the central cemetery. The tram stop is located immediately before entering the cemetery.

10. To the left of the entrance to the cemetery there are Orthodox graves, but there is no one of our well-known compatriots. The church was closed.

11. So why was it decided to move the monument to Mozart to the central cemetery?

12. The fact is that at the beginning of the XIX century begins to sharply increase the status of musicians in society. The funeral of Beethoven in 1827 was performed completely in another setting. He would be buried at the New Central Cemetery of Vienna.

13. By 1891, when 100 years from the death of Mozart was noted, "Music Corner" was already formed at the Central Cemetery, where composers of world fame were buried.

14. The monument to Mozart was established surrounded by the graves of Beethoven, Schubert, Strauss, Schubert and Salieri.

15. Interestingly, we were alone on the cemetery of St. Mark. In the central cemetery, visitors were also a bit. In the "Music Corner" met a Chinese woman who asked me to take a picture of it opposite the monument to Beethoven.

16. In conclusion, it can be said that the exact place of the burial of the Great Composer remains unknown, but the fans of his creativity have the opportunity to lay flowers to both monuments.

Venue visits took place in November 2017. A few more notes are expected on the results of this trip.

The central cemetery in Vienna or the cemetery of St. Mark has long and firmly entered the list of attractions of the city and the place, compulsory for visiting. This is worth going for many reasons. First, the location. The 11th district of Vienna is a mixture of Turkish and Arabic flavor on a European background. Little Chinese shops filled with tinsel can please some souvenir bass.

Secondly, the cemetery is the second largest in Europe. I will give only numbers - 3 million burials. This place has long been turned into a huge park with old mighty trees, smooth paths, gravel, glare, flower beds, with walking roasters, jumping proteins. Thirdly, here are very honorable people, famous for the whole world.

Thus, even if you are not a tafofil (a fan of cemetery), it's worth looking here. At the central gate number 2, you can get a printed map plan. On a large stand on the plots, burial - Jewish, Buddhist, Catholic, Orthodox, Bulgarian, Serbian and many others are painted. There is enough space for everyone regardless of religious beliefs, the genus of classes and nationality.

Music alley

The most picturesque monuments are located along the main alley. On the plot of composers, you can stand near each monument, admire sculptures, healthy with each. Here and Ludwig Beethoven with a beautiful golden bee (Mason symbol) on Obelisk. How not to remember that on the day of the funeral of this great man in Vienna, all educational institutions were closed as a sign of respect for the composer. For his coffin, two hundred thousand people were walking. Here is also near the grave of Johann Brahms. And another Johann - Strauss, whom the crowns were painted by the King of Waltz. And Strauss Father. In the very center of this plot there is a symbolic burial of Mozart. After all, once he was thrown into the fraternal grave for beggars. Therefore, the exact place is unknown.

Sometimes here you can get to the concert, because the musicians often come to worship teachers and idols. Therefore, the Vienna cemetery is called the "musical" cemetery of Europe.

By the way, Salier's grave is also on this cemetery, only one of the fence is.

Sometimes a bus is driving around the cemetery, delivers in the plots. But you can move on phikers. Enough to order an excursion. It looks very romantic. It rolls on the Cemetery of FIAIKR, the arbitration (or how to call him, I do not know) waves with a whip, showing on the sides.

Orthodox part

There is a small Orthodox Church on the cemetery. Around the grave with Russian inscriptions, with "Yates". Some families lie row.

Not only tourists are walking around the cemetery, but all family groups can be found on the alleys. The air here is clean, birds, squirrels sitting on the branches, sitting on marble or granite plates, chinno nibble nuts. Ready sketches to rural pastorals.