Foreign composers and their works. Presentation to the lesson of music "Foreign composers"

Foreign composers and their works. Presentation to the lesson of music "Foreign composers"

Among these melodies there will be a motive for any mood: romantic, positive or dreary to relax and do not think about or, on the contrary, to get together with thoughts.

The Italian composer and pianist runs in the direction of minimalism, often refers to the ambient and skillfully combines the classics with other musical styles. With a wide range, it is known for atmospheric compositions, which have become soundtracks for films. For example, you will probably learn music from the French tape "1 + 1", written by Eineta.

Glass is one of the most controversial personalities in the world of modern classics, which they are raised to heaven, they criticize in the fluff and dust. He is half a century playing in his own group Philip Glass Ensemble and wrote music to more than 50 film holders, including Trukovna Show, Illusionist, "Taste of Life" and "Fantastic Fourteen". The melodies of the American composer-minimalist erase the line between classical and popular music.

The author of the set of soundtracks, the best film composite of 2008 according to the European Film Academy and the postmimist. Conquered critics from the first Memoryhouse album, in which the music of Richter was imposed on the reading of poetry, and in subsequent albums used artistic prose. In addition to writing their own ambient compositions, arrangements of the classics: "Seasons" Vivaldi in his processing was headed by the charts of classical iTunes music.

This creator of instrumental music from Italy is not related to the sensational cinema, but without that is known as the composer, a virtuoso and an experienced lecturer playing the piano. If you describe the music of Marrei in two words, then it will be the words "sensually" and "magnificent." His creations and cavities will like those who love retro-classics: in motifs are notes of the last century.

The famous film composite created musical accompaniment for a variety of cash films and cartoons, including "Gladiator", Pearl-Harbor, Beginning, Sherlock Holmes, InterStellar, Madagascar, King Lion. His star is banging on the Hollywood "Alley of Glory", and on his shelf there are "Oscar", "Grammy" and "Golden Globe". The music of the Tsimmer is as different as these films, but regardless of the tonality it takes for the living.

Hisaisi is one of the most famous Japanese composers, which received four awards of the Japanese Film Academy for the best music for the film. He became famous thanks to the writing of the soundtrack to Anime Hayao Miyazaki "Wrong from the Valley of the Winds". If you are a fan of the creations of the studio "Gibbles" or Takeshi Takeshi Kitano, then surely admire the music of Hisaisi. It is mostly easy and light.

This Icelandic multi-instrumentist is just a boy compared to the listed masters, but he managed to become a recognized neoclassic. Recorded accompaniment to the ballet, received the BAFTA premium for the soundtrack to the British TV series "Murder on the beach" and released 10 studio albums. Arnald's music resembles a harsh wind on the deserted sea shore.

The most famous works of Lee RA Ma - Kiss The Rain and River Flows in You. Korean New Age-composer and pianist writes a popular classic, who understands the listener on any continent, with any musical taste and education. His lungs and sensual melodies for many have become the beginning of love for piano music.

Dustin O'Helloran

The American composer is interesting what does not have musical education, but at the same time he writes a pleasant and fairly popular music. O'Helloran melodies were used in Top Gear and several films. Perhaps the most successful album of the soundtracks turned to the melodrama "like crazy". This composer and pianist knows the lot and in the art of conducting, and in how to create electronic music. But his main field is a modern classic. Kacchaplya recorded many albums, three of them with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. His music is pouring like water, it will be great to relax.

What other contemporary composers should listen

If you like Epic, add to your playlist Claus Pault, together with a zimmer who worked on the "Pirates of the Caribbean". Yana Kachmarkarek, Alexander Despl, Howard Shira and John Williams - need to write separate material to list all their work, merit and rewards to list all their work, merit and rewards.

If you want to still be delicious neoclassic, pay attention to Niels Frama and Silvena Sovo.

If you are not enough, remember the creator of the soundtrack to "Amelie" Yana Tiersena or discover the Japanese composer TEMMMON: he writes air, fabulous melodies.

What kind of composers do you like, and what no? Who else would you add to this list?

What would our life without music? For many years, people asked themselves this question and came to the conclusion that without beautiful sounds of music, the world would be completely different. Music helps us fully feel joy, finding your inner "I" and cope with difficulties. Composers, working on their works, were inspired by the most different things: love, nature, war, happiness, sadness and many others. Some of the musical compositions created by them will forever remain in the hearts and memory of people. Before you a list of the ten most great and talented composers for all time. Under each of the composers you will find a link to one of its most famous works.

10 photos (video)

Franz Peter Schubert is an Austrian composer who lived only 32 years old, but his music will live for a long time. Schubert wrote nine symphonies, about 600 vocal compositions, as well as a large number of chamber and solo piano music.

"Evening Serenade"

German composer and pianist, author of two serenad, four symphony, as well as concerts for violin, piano and cello. He performed at concerts from ten years, first made a solo concert at the age of 14. In life, gained popularity primarily thanks to the waltz and Hungarian dance written by them.

"Hungarian dance №5".

Georg Friedrich Gendel - German and English composer of the Baroque era, he wrote about 40 operas, many organ concerts, as well as chamber music. The music of Handelae sounded on the coronation of the British kings, starting from 973, she sounds at the royal wedding ceremony and is even used as the Hymn of UEFA Champions League (with a small arrangement).

"Music on water."

Josef Haydn is a well-known and fruitful Austrian composer of the era of classicism, he is called the father of symphony, since he made a significant contribution to the development of this musical genre. Joseph Haydn is the author of 104 Symphony, 50 Sonatas for Piano, 24 operas and 36 concerts

"Symphony №45".

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky is the most famous Russian composer, the author of more than 80 works, including 10 operas, 3 ballet and 7 symphony. It was very popular and known as the composer in his life, acted in Russia and abroad as a conductor.

"Waltz Flowers" from the ballet "Nutcracker".

Frederick Francois Chopin is a Polish composer, which is also considered one of the best pianists of all time. He wrote a lot of musical works for piano, including 3 sonates and 17 waltz.

"Rain waltz".

The Venetian composer and violinos-virtuoso Antonio Beamo Vivaldi is the author of more than 500 concerts and 90 operas. I had a huge impact on the development of Italian and global violin art.

Elf Song.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Austrian composer, who struck the world with his talent from early childhood. Already at five years old, Mozart composed small plays. In total, he wrote 626 works, among them 50 symphonies and 55 concerts. 9.Betshen 10.Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach is a German composer and organist of the Baroque era, known as a master of polyphony. It is the author of more than 1000 works, which includes almost all significant genres of that time.

"Musical joke."

Music is one of the most beautiful creatures of humanity. It can affect the most intimate strings of the soul, encouraging to noble and even ...

From MasterWeb.

20.04.2018 20:00

Music is one of the most beautiful creatures of humanity. It can affect the most intimate strings of the soul, encouraging to noble and even heroic actions. To write a work that would care about the hearts of people for many decades or centuries, you need to be "a kissed God" and possess congenital talent. We offer to find out who is the most famous composers of classical music that created the most famous opera, concerts, symphones and ballets.

Holy Hildegard Bingenskaya

This nun, who lived in the XII century, is considered the "mother of the opera". She recorded more than 70 verses, including the Ordo Virtutum composition. In it, 16 women's female parties "Virtues" and one men's personiform devil. Music Holy Hildegard had a great influence on the Renaissance Epoch composers.

Guillaium Dufe

The illegitimate son of the priest since childhood was brought up with the Cathedral of the French city of Kreber and sang in the church choir.

Subsequently, he was recognized as the most famous among European composers of the XV century. The merit of Dufe is that he managed to combine medieval techniques with harmonies and phrases characteristic of early rebirth. Along with the Mesa, he wrote and chanson, under his song L'Homme Armé King Philip Kona collected troops for a cross campaign against the Turks.

Giovanni da Palestrina

Composer also known under the nickname Giannetto, lived in the XVI century in Italy. His humanity is obliged to create a phenomenon, known as multi-voice singing for Catholic worship.

Thanks to Giannetto, the Triedent Cathedral made reform in church music. Pope Pip Fourth compared the masses written by them with singing, which Saint John Apostle "heard in Heavenly Jerusalem."

Antonio Vivaldi

Already alone only the works of the "Seasons" of this great Italian, it is enough for it to be included in the list "Famous composers of all times and peoples". Vivaldi is considered a musician, thanks to which there was a transition from heavy music in the style of Baroque to a light classic. Along with serious works, he wrote a lot of charming serenad, and also entered the story as a genius capable of creating a 3-actual opera in 5 days.

Moreover, many historians believe that it is he who else other of his colleagues-contemporaries affected the formation of many well-known classical composers of subsequent generations.

Georg Friedrich Handel

Already in 11 years, young Georg was a court cloudist at the courtyard of the Berlin Kurfürst. He was born in one year with Johann Sebastian Bach, but unlike the latter was not an offacarious musician.

Being a famous composer, Handel said to one of his admirers, that his goal was always to make people better with the help of her music.

Johann Sebastian Bach

The most famous composers of the XIX-XX centuries have repeatedly called this great musician to their teacher. He wrote more than 1000 works and entered the story as one of the most virtuoso organists of all time. In addition, Johann Sebastian Bach is recognized as a master of polyphony, as well as the creator of keyboard masterpieces.

Ludwig Van Beethoven, born 20 years after the death of his senior colleague, called him the "true father of harmony", and the famous philosopher Georg Hegel - "erudite genius".

Subsequently, many famous composers, such as sheet, Schuman, Brahms, etc., wanting to express his respect for him, included the musical phrases of Bach in their works.

Franz Josef Gaidn

The musician lived all his life in Austria and, in his words, was "doomed to become original," since it was isolated from other composers and did not have the opportunity to get acquainted with the trends of modern music.

Only aged 47 years, Haydn could change the terms of the contract for which all his works were considered by the property of the Hungarian Magnates of Esterhazi for 18 years. This allowed him to write such music what he wanted, and to achieve international fame.

In the field of writing instrumental music, Haidn is rightly considered one of the most famous composers of the second half of the XVIII and early XIX centuries.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Probably there is no such famous composer of classical music, whose works are also popular today, as compositions of Mozart. Even many rock stars are performed in modern processing and use famous rappers as accompaniment.

Amade's musical heritage is more than six hundred compositions. He belongs to the geniuses, whose musical talent manifested itself at the earlier age. Already at 5 years old, Wolfgang began to write his first works, and in 6 knewful to play the Clavesis and Violin.

The composer's masterpieces include "Requiem", "Wedding Figaro", "Turkish march", "Little Night Serenade", "Don Juan", 41 Symphony, etc. They are striking with their perfection and ease of perception. Even those who do not consider themselves a fan of classical music, with pleasure listen to Aria from the Opero composer.

Giuseppe Verdi

Those who are interested in vocal art recognize that one of the most famous composers who worked in this genre is definitely Giuseppe Verdi. His operas are most often put on the most famous scenes around the world. Many Aria Verdi are among the most executable classic works.

During his lifetime, the composer was often criticized for attacking the tastes of the simple people. However, the subsequent generations recognized many of his works by masterpieces of world art. They differ in particular melodiousness and their easily reproduce even those who do not have a special musical hearing and singing talent.

Ludwig van Beethoven

The composer is recognized as a key figure, which provided the transition from romanticism to classicism. Beethoven wrote in all modern musical genres. However, its instrumental works are most famous, including his overtures, symphonies, sonates and several concerts for violin and piano.

One of the most frequently executed works of the composer is the "ode to joy", which became part of the 9th Symphony of Beethoven. She is recognized as the official anthem of the EU.

Richard Wagner

In the list "Famous Music Composers of Germany XIX century" Wagner occupies a special place, as it is considered a kind of revolutionary. His works are distinguished by rich chromatics, harmony and orchestration. Wagner introduced into music the concept of leitmotifs: themes associated with a specific character, as well as a plot and place. In addition, the composer is the founder of the musical drama that has had a great influence on the development of classical music.

Johann Strauss

Listing the names of famous composers, they often indicate only musicians who created and creating serious works. However, the King of Waltz Johann Strauss is definitely worthy to be included in the number of people who have made the greatest contribution to the development of the musical culture of mankind.

Total Strauss wrote more than 500 works in the dance genre. Many of his waltz and today are popular, and even those who are not a fan of classical music are listening.

Frederic Chopin

This Polish composer is considered one of the most striking representatives of romanticism in world musical culture. In addition, Chopin is the founder of the Polish composer school. He contributed to a lot of recognition and an increase in the authority of his homeland in Europe. Among the works of this famous composer, the waltzes occupy a special place, which is considered to be a kind of autobiography of Chopin

Antonin Dvarak

The famous Czech composer made a huge contribution to the development of Czech national music. Among other things, it was a virtuoso violinist and altist. He managed to acquire worldwide popularity, as lovers of classical music attracted the symbiosis of elements of the national music of Bohemia and Moravia with European classics.

The most famous works of the Dvorak include Symphony No. 9 "From New World", "Requiem", Mermaid Opera, "Slavic Dancing", "American" String Quartet and Stabat Mater.

Famous composers of Russia

Our country has made a significant contribution to the development of musical culture of mankind.

The most famous composers of Russia are:

  • Mikhail Glinka. The composer, who worked in the first half of the XIX century, was the first to create large-scale works, based on Russian folk songs. His most famous work is the Opera "Ivan Susanin", in which Glinka managed to join the traditions of Russian choral singing and European opera art.
  • Peter Tchaikovsky. This great musician refers to the most famous composers of the world.

One of his most important missions Tchaikovsky considered the increase in the glory of his homeland. And he managed to fully fully, since today the melodies from his works are performed in all corners of the planet, and its ballets are put on the most famous scenic sites of the world. Such works of Tchaikovsky, like ballets "Swan Lake", "Nutcracker", "Sleeping Beauty", etc.

  • Sergey Prokofiev. The ballet "Romeo and Juliet" of this composer is considered one of the best works of this genre of the XX century. It also includes the creation of one's own style recognized as a new word in world music.
  • Dmitry Shostakovich. On the days of the blockade of Leningrad, the whole world was shocked by the premiere of the "Leningrad Symphony" of the composer. Shostakovich managed to give the language of music to convey the determination of the city defenders to fight to the last drop of blood. Despite the persecution and accusation in the bourgeois decadence, the composer continued to create original works that put it in one row with the most famous composers of the twentieth century.

Famous composers of modern times

It so happened that the broad public today is very little interested in serious music. Most often, fame comes to composers if they write music to movies. Among the most popular composers of recent decades can be allocated as follows:

  • Michelle Legran. Initially, the composer acquired fame as a virtuoso pianist and a classical music dizer. However, he received wide popularity thanks to his filmmakes. His music for the film-opera "Cherbourg umbrellas" brought Legna the first nomination for Oscar. Later, the composer awarded this award three times, and also received the prize "Benoa Dance" for ballet "Lilyoma".
  • Louis Einoadi. This Italian composer prefers minimalist style, and also successfully combines the classics with other musical directions. A wide circle of Eynadi music lovers is known for their soundtracks, for example, everyone has a hearing a melody written to the French tape "1 + 1".
  • Philip Glass. The composer initially worked in the field of classics, but over time he was able to erase the line between her and modern musical directions. For several decades, the Glass plays in his own group Philip Glass Ensemble. Movie lovers are known for his works written to the film "Illusionist", "Trugar Show", "Taste of Life" and "Fantastic Four."
  • Giovanni Marradi. The composer is not related to the cinema, but has gained popularity due to the retro-classic sound of its works, in which the motives of previous centuries are used.

Now you know the names of the most famous composers. The music they was created in different centuries, and today is able to awaken the most kind and high feelings, even in the fascinated souls of people who forgot about high ideals.

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We present a list of 10 composers you need to know. You can say about each of them with confidence that he is the greatest composer who ever was, although it is not really impossible, and it is impossible to compare the music written over several centuries. However, all these composers stand out among their contemporaries as composers who composed the music of the highest level and sought to push the boundaries of classical music to the new limit. The list does not contain any order, such as significance or personal preferences. Just 10 great composers you need to know.

Each composer accompanies decent citation fact of his life, remembering which you will be similar to the expert. And by clicking on the link on the surname, learn his full biography. And of course, you can listen to one of the significant works of each wizard.

The most important figure of world classical music. One of the most executable and respected composers in the world. He worked in all the genres existing ones in his time, including opera, ballet, music for dramatic performances, choral essays. The most significant in his heritage is considered tool works: piano, violin and cellular sonatas, concerts for piano, for violin, quartets, overtures, symphonies. The founder of the romantic period in classical music.

Interesting fact.

His third symphony (1804) Beethoven first wanted to devote to Napoleon, the composer was passionate about the personality of this man who had a real hero at the beginning of his reign. But when Napoleon proclaimed himself with the emperor, Beethoven crossed his dedication on the title page and wrote only one word - "heroic".

"Moonlight Sonata" L. Bethoven, Listen to:

2. (1685-1750)

German composer and organist, representative of the Baroque era. One of the greatest composers in the history of music. For his life, Bach wrote more than 1000 works. In his work, all significant genres of that time besides the opera; He summarized the achievements of the musical art of the baroque period. The twin is the most famous musical dynasty.

Interesting fact.

During the lifetime, Bach was so underestimated that less than a dozen of his works was printed.

Toccata and Fugue Re Minor I.S. Bach, Listen to:

3. (1756-1791)

The Great Austrian composer, instrumentalist and conductor, a representative of the Vienna classical school, a virtuoso violinist, a cloudist, organist, conductor, he possessed a phenomenal musical hearing, memory and ability to improvisation. As a composer who succeeded in any genre, he is rightfully considered one of the greatest composers in the history of classical music.

Interesting fact.

While as a child, Mozart remembered and recorded Miserere (Cat. Chanting on the text of the 50th Psalm David) Italian Grigorio Allegri, listening to it only once.

"Little Night Serenade" V.A. Motsarta, Listen:

4. (1813-1883)

German composer, conductor, playwright, philosopher. I had a significant impact on the European Culture of the 19th-XX centuries, especially modernism. Wagner's operas are shocked by their ambitious scales and eternal human values.

Interesting fact.

Wagner took part in a failed revolution of 1848-1849 in Germany and was forced to hide from the arrest of Ferinets Sheet.

"Flight Walquer" from the opera R. Vagner "Valkyrie",listen

5. (1840-1893)

Italian composer, central figure of the Italian opera school. Verdi has a sense of scene, temperament and impeccable skill. He did not deny the opera traditions (unlike Wagner), and on the contrary, they developed them (the traditions of the Italian opera), he transformed the Italian opera, filled it with realism, gave her the unity of the whole.

Interesting fact.

Verdi was an Italian nationalist and was elected in the first Italian parliament in 1860, after the independence of Italy from Austria.

Overture to opera D.verdi "Traviata", Listen to:

7. Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky (1882-1971)

Russian (American - after emigration) composer, conductor, pianist. One of the most significant composers of the twentieth century. The work of Stravinsky is one throughout his career, although in different periods the style of his works was different, but remained the rod and Russian roots, which were manifested in all his works, they are among the leading innovators of the twentieth century. Its innovative use of rhythm and harmony inspired and inspires many musicians, and not only in classical music.

Interesting fact.

During World War I, the Roman customs officers confiscated a portrait of Stravinsky, created by Pablo Picasso, when the composer was leaving from Italy. The portrait was written in a futuristic manner and customs officers took these mugs and lines for some encrypted secret materials.

Suite from Ballet I.F. Sadvinsky "Fire Bird", Listen to:

8. Johann Strauss (1825-1899)

Austrian composer of light music, conductor and violinist. "King Waltz", he worked in the genre of dance music and operetta. In his musical heritage of more than 500 waltz, poles, cadry and other types of dance music, as well as several operetta and ballets. Thanks to him, Waltz became unusually popular in Vienna in the 19th century.

Interesting fact.

The father of Johann Strauss is also Johann and also a famous musician, so the King Waltz is called the younger or son, his brothers Joseph and Eduard were also famous composers.

Waltz I.Shtraus "On Beautiful Blue Danube", Listen:

9. Sergei Vasilyevich Rahmaninov (1873-1943)

Austrian composer, one of the prominent representatives of the Vienna Classical Music School and one of the founders of romanticism in music. For its short life, Schubert made a significant contribution to orchestral, chamber and piano music, which influenced the whole generation of composers. However, his brightest contribution was to the development of German romances, which he created more than 600.

Interesting fact.

Schubert friends and colleagues Musicians gathered together and performed the music of Schubert. These meetings were called "Schubertiads" (Schubertiads). Some first fan club!

"Ave Maria" F.P. Shubert, Listen:

Continuing the topic of great composers you need to know the new material.

The greatest composers of the world of all time: lists in chronological and alphabetical order, reference books and works

100 great composers in the world

List of composers in chronological order

1. Zoskien Dele (1450 -1521)
2. Giovanni Pierluja da Palestrina (1525 -1594)
3. Claudio Monteverdi (1567 -1643)
4. Heinrich Sheyutz (1585 -1672)
5. Jean Batista Lully (1632 -1687)
6. Henry Porssell (1658 -1695)
7. Arkandallo Korelli (1653 -1713)
8. Antonio Vivaldi (1678 -1741)
9. Jean Philip Ramo (1683 -1764)
10. Georg Handel (1685 -1759)
11. Domenico Scarlatti (1685 -1757)
12. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 -1750)
13. Christoph Willibald Glitch (1713 -1787)
14. Josef Haydn (1732 -1809)
15. Antonio Salieri (1750 -1825)
16. Dmitry Stepanovich Bortniansky (1751 -1825)
17. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 -1791)
18. Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770 -1826)
19. Johann Nepomuk Gummel (1778 -1837)
20. Nikolo Paganini (1782 -1840)
21. Giacomo Meyerber (1791 -1864)
22. Karl Maria Von Weber (1786 -1826)
23. Joakkino Rossini (1792 -1868)
24. Franz Schubert (1797 -1828)
25. Gaetano Donizetti (1797 -1848)
26. Vincenzo Bellini (1801 -1835)
27. Hector Berlioz (1803 -1869)
28. Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka (1804 -1857)
29. Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdi (1809 -1847)
30. Freedearch Chopin (1810 -1849)
31. Robert Schuman (1810 -1856)
32. Alexander Sergeevich Dargomyzhsky (1813 -1869)
33. Ferrenz Leaf (1811 -1886)
34. Richard Wagner (1813 -1883)
35. Giuseppe Verdi (1813 -1901)
36. Charles Guno (1818 -1893)
37. Stanislav Monyushko (1819 -1872)
38. Jacques Offenbach (1819 -1880)
39. Alexander Nikolaevich Serov (1820 -1871)
40. Cesar Frank (1822 -1890)
41. Forex sour cream (1824 -1884)
42. Anton Brookner (1824 -1896)
43. Johann Strauss (1825 -1899)
44. Anton Grigorievich Rubinstein (1829 -1894)
45. Johannes Brahms (1833 -1897)
46. \u200b\u200bAlexander Porfiryevich Borodin (1833 -1887)
47. Camille Saint-Sans (1835 -1921)
48. Leo Delib (1836 -1891)
49. Miliya Alekseevich Balakirev (1837 -1910)
50. Georges Bizé (1838 -1875)
51. Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky (1839 -1881)
52. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840 -1893)
53. Antonin Dvorak (1841 -1904)
54. Jules Massne (1842 -1912)
55. Edward Grieg (1843 -1907)
56. Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov (1844 -1908)
57. Gabriel Fore (1845 -1924)
58. Leosh Yanachek (1854 -1928)
59. Anatoly Konstantinovich Lyadov (1855 -1914)
60. Sergey Ivanovich Tasniev (1856 -1915)
61. Rujsero Leonkallo (1857 -1919)
62. Giacomo Pucchini (1858 -1924)
63. Hugo Wolf (1860 -1903)
64. Gustav Malener (1860 -1911)
65. Claude Debussy (1862 -1918)
66. Richard Strauss (1864 -1949)
67. Alexander Tikhonovich Grechaninov (1864 -1956)
68. Alexander Konstantinovich Glazunov (1865 -1936)
69. Jan Sibelius (1865 -1957)
70. Franz Lego (1870 -1945)
71. Alexander Nikolaevich Scriabin (1872 -1915)
72. Sergey Vasilyevich Rakhmaninov (1873 -1943)
73. Arnold Schonberg (1874 -1951)
74. Maurice Ravel (1875 -1937)
75. Nikolai Karlovich Mentener (1880 -1951)
76. Bela Barkok (1881 -1945)
77. Nikolai Yakovlevich Meskovsky (1881 -1950)
78. Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky (1882 -1971)
79. Anton Webern (1883 -1945)
80. Imre Kalman (1882 -1953)
81. Alban Berg (1885 -1935)
82. Sergey Sergeevich Prokofiev (1891 -1953)
83. Arthur Oneggger (1892 -1955)
84. Darius Miyo (1892 -1974)
85. Karl ORF (1895 -1982)
86. Paul Hindemite (1895 -1963)
87. George Gershvin (1898 -1937)
88. Isaac Osipovich Dunaevsky (1900 -1955)
89. Aram Ilyich Khachaturian (1903 -1978)
90. Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich (1906 -1975)
91. Tikhon Nikolaevich Khrennikov (born in 1913)
92. Benjamin Britten (1913 -1976)
93. George Vasilyevich Sviridov (1915 -1998)
94. Leonard Bernstein (1918 -1990)
95. Rodion Konstantinovich Shchedrin (born in 1932)
96. Krzishtof Penderetsky (born in 1933)
97. Alfred Garyievich Schnitke (1934 -1998)
98. Bob Dylan (born in 1941)
99. John Lennon (1940-1980) and Paul McCartney (born in 1942)
100. Sting (born in 1951)

Masterpieces of classical music

The most famous composers of the world

List of composers in alphabetical order

N. Composer Nationality Direction Year
1 Albinoni Tomazo italian Baroque 1671-1751
2 Ransky Anton (Anthony) Stepanovich russian Romanticism 1861-1906
3 Baini (Baini) Giuseppe italian Church music - Renaissance 1775-1844
4 Balakirev Miliya Alekseevich russian "Mighty bunch" - Nationally oriented Russian music school 1836/37-1910
5 Bach (Bach) Johann Sebastian german Baroque 1685-1750
6 Bellini (Bellini) Vincenzo italian Romanticism 1801-1835
7 Berezovsky Maxim Sotonovich russian-Ukrainian Classicism 1745-1777
8 Beethoven Ludwig Van german between classicism and romanticism 1770-1827
9 Bizet (Bizet) Georges french Romanticism 1838-1875
10 Boyto (Boito) Arrigo italian Romanticism 1842-1918
11 Bockerini (Boccherini) Luigi italian Classicism 1743-1805
12 Borodin Alexander Porfiryevich russian Romanticism- "Mighty hand" 1833-1887
13 Bortenyansky Dmitry Stepanovich russian-Ukrainian Classicism - Church Music 1751-1825
14 Brahms (Brahms) Johannes german Romanticism 1833-1897
15 Wagner (Wagner) Wilhelm Richard german Romanticism 1813-1883
16 Varlamov Alexander Egorovich russian russian folk music 1801-1848
17 Weber (Weber) Carl Maria Background german Romanticism 1786-1826
18 Verdi (Verdi) Giuseppe Fortunio Francesco italian Romanticism 1813-1901
19 Alexey Nikolayevich Alexey russian Romanticism 1799-1862
20 Vivaldi (Vivaldi) Antonio italian Baroque 1678-1741
21 Vila Lobos (Villa-Lobos) Either brazilian Neoclassicism 1887-1959
22 Wolf Ferrari (Wolf-Ferrari) Ermanno italian Romanticism 1876-1948
23 Haydn Franz Joseph austrian Classicism 1732-1809
24 Handel (Handel) Georg Friedrich german Baroque 1685-1759
25 Gershwin George american - 1898-1937
26 Glazunov Alexander Konstantinovich russian Romanticism- "Mighty hand" 1865-1936
27 Glinka Mikhail Ivanovich russian Classicism 1804-1857
28 Gliere Ringold Moritsevich russian and Soviet - 1874/75-1956
29 Gluk (GLUK) Christopher Willibald german Classicism 1714-1787
30 GRADOS, GRANADOS-I CAMPINA (Granados Y Campina) Enrique spanish Romanticism 1867-1916
31 Greekinov Alexander Tikhonovich russian Romanticism 1864-1956
32 GRIEG Edward Haberoup norwegian Romanticism 1843-1907
33 Hummel, Hummel (Hummel) Johan (Yang) Nepomuk austrian - Czech by nationality Classicism-romanticism 1778-1837
34 Guno (Gounod) Charles Francois french Romanticism 1818-1893
35 Gurilov Alexander Lvovich russian - 1803-1858
36 Dargomyzhsky Alexander Sergeevich russian Romanticism 1813-1869
37 Dvorjak Antonin czech Romanticism 1841-1904
38 Debussy (Debussy) Claude Ashil french Romanticism 1862-1918
39 Delibes (Delibes) Clement Filper Leo french Romanticism 1836-1891
40 Destouches Andre Cardinal french Baroque 1672-1749
41 Degtyarev Stepan Anikievich russian Church music 1776-1813
42 Juliani (Giuliani) Mauro italian Classicism-romanticism 1781-1829
43 Dinicu Gregora romanian 1889-1949
44 Donizetti (Donizetti) Gaetano italian Classicism-romanticism 1797-1848
45 Ivanov Ivanov Mikhail Mikhailovich russian-Soviet composer 20th Century Classical Composers 1859-1935
46 Kabalevsky Dmitry Borisovich russian-Soviet composer 20th Century Classical Composers 1904-1987
47 Kalinikov Vasily Sergeevich russian russian music classics 1866-1900/01
48 Kalman (Kalman) Imre (Emmerich) hungarian 20th Century Classical Composers 1882-1953
49 Kyu Caesar Antonovich russian Romanticism- "Mighty hand" 1835-1918
50 Leonkallo (Leoncovallo) Rudgero italian Romanticism 1857-1919
51 Leaf (Liszt) Ferrenz (Franz) hungarian Romanticism 1811-1886
52 Lyadov Anatoly Konstantinovich russian 20th Century Classical Composers 1855-1914
53 Lyapunov Sergey Mikhailovich russian Romanticism 1850-1924
54 Mahler (Mahler) Gustav austrian Romanticism 1860-1911
55 Mascagni Pietro italian Romanticism 1863-1945
56 Massenet) Jules Emil Frederick french Romanticism 1842-1912
57 Marcello (Marcello) Benedetto italian Baroque 1686-1739
58 Meyerber (Meyerbeer) Jacomo french Classicism-romanticism 1791-1864
59 Mendelssohn, Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (Mendelssohn-Bartholdy) Jacob Ludwig Felix german Romanticism 1809-1847
60 Minione (Mignone) Francisk brazilian 20th Century Classical Composers 1897
61 Monteverdi (Monteverdi) Claudio Giovanni Antonio italian Renaissance-Barochko 1567-1643
62 MONYUSHKO (MONIUSZKO) Stanislav polish Romanticism 1819-1872
63 Mozart (Mozart) Wolfgang Amadeus austrian Classicism 1756-1791
64 Musorgsky Modest Petrovich russian Romanticism- "Mighty hand" 1839-1881
65 Director Eduard Frantsevich russian - Czech by nationality Romanticism? 1839-1916
66 Oginski (Oginski) Michal Cleafas polish - 1765-1833
67 Offenbach (Offenbach) Jacob (Jacob) french Romanticism 1819-1880
68 Paganini (Paganini) Nikolo italian Classicism-romanticism 1782-1840
69 Pachelbel Johann german Baroque 1653-1706
70 Planckette, Planquett (Planquette) Jean Robert Julien french - 1848-1903
71 Ponce Cuellar Manuel Maria mexican 20th Century Classical Composers 1882-1948
72 Prokofiev Sergey Sergeevich russian-Soviet composer Neoclassicism 1891-1953
73 Poolenc (Poulenc) Francis french Neoclassicism 1899-1963
74 Puchchini (Puccini) Jacomo italian Romanticism 1858-1924
75 Ravel Maurice Joseph french Neoclassicism impressionism 1875-1937
76 Rakhmaninov Sergey Vasilyevich russian Romanticism 1873-1943
77 Roman - Korsakov Nikolai Andreevich russian Romanticism- "Mighty hand" 1844-1908
78 Rossini Joakkino Antonio italian Classicism-romanticism 1792-1868
79 ROTA (ROTA) Nino italian 20th Century Classical Composers 1911-1979
80 Rubinstein Anton Grigorievich russian Romanticism 1829-1894
81 Sarasate, Sarasate Y Navascuez (Sarasate Y Navascuez) Pablo de spanish Romanticism 1844-1908
82 Sviridov Georgy Vasilyevich (Yuri) russian-Soviet composer Neoromantism 1915-1998
83 Saint-Saint-SaoNS Charles Camille french Romanticism 1835-1921
84 Sibelius (Sibelius) Yang (Yuhan) finnish Romanticism 1865-1957
85 Scarlatti (Scarlatti) Giuseppe Domenico italian Baroque classicism 1685-1757
86 Scriabin Alexander Nikolaevich russian Romanticism 1871/72-1915
87 Smetana (Smetana) Bridge czech Romanticism 1824-1884
88 Stravinsky Igor Fedorovich russian Neoromantism non-Kneokko-seria 1882-1971
89 Taneyev Sergey Ivanovich russian Romanticism 1856-1915
90 Telemann (Telemann) Georg Philipp german Baroque 1681-1767
91 Torelli (Torelli) Giuseppe italian Baroque 1658-1709
92 Francesco Paolo (Tosti) italian - 1846-1916
93 Fibih (Fibich) Hend czech Romanticism 1850-1900
94 Flotow Friedrich Background german Romanticism 1812-1883
95 Khachaturian Aram. armenian-Soviet composer 20th Century Classical Composers 1903-1978
96 Holt (Holst) Gustav english - 1874-1934
97 Tchaikovsky Peter Ilyich russian Romanticism 1840-1893
98 Chesnokov Pavel Grigorievich russian-Soviet composer - 1877-1944
99 Chile (Cilea) Francesco italian - 1866-1950
100 Chimaroza (Cimarosa) Domenico italian Classicism 1749-1801
101 Schnitka Alfred Harrievich soviet composer polystycticism 1934-1998
102 Chopin (Chopin) Friedarch polish Romanticism 1810-1849
103 Shostakovich Dmitry Dmitrievich russian-Soviet composer Neoclassicism neoromantism 1906-1975
104 Strauss (Straus) Johann (Father) austrian Romanticism 1804-1849
105 Strauss (Straus) Johann (Son) austrian Romanticism 1825-1899
106 Strauss (Strauss) Richard german Romanticism 1864-1949
107 Schubert (Schubert) Franz austrian Romanticism classicism 1797-1828
108 Schumann Robert german Romanticism 1810-1