Schumann, Robert - a brief biography. Schumann - who is he? Failed pianist, brilliant composer or sharp musical critic

Schumann, Robert - a brief biography. Schumann - who is he? Failed pianist, brilliant composer or sharp musical critic

Schumann (Schumann) Robert Alexander (8.6.1810, Zwikkau, - 29.7.1856, Endenih, near Bonna, buried in Bonn), German composer and musical writer. Born in the family of a book publisher; Already in childhood, he showed versatile artistic talent, including musical (studied at the teacher and organist I. G. Kuncha).

From the age of 13, he acted as a pianist. From 1828 he studied jurisprudence at the Leipzig and Heidelberg Universities and at the same time improved the skill of the game on the piano from the famous teacher F. Vika. He studied the theory of music under the leadership of the composer and Conductor G. Dorna (1831-32). I came up with a mechanical device for accelerated trapping fingers, but damaged them with my right hand, destroying t. Oh. The dream of the activities of the pianist-virtuoso. In 1834, he founded the "New Music Journal" ("Neue Zeitschrift Für Musik", Leipzig, was the author and editor to 1844) - the progressive direction body in German music. The circle of friends-like-minded people who united around the magazine, Schumann called "Davidsbund" (named Biblical Tsar-songwoman who won the Philistines). In 1840 he married a pianist Clare Vic (daughter and student F. Vika). From 1843, Schumani taught for some time in the Leipzig Conservatory (classes of piano, composition and reading parties). Together with his wife, a number of concert trips took (including in Russia, 1844). From 1844 he lived in Dresden, from 1850 - in Düsseldorf, where, along with composer's activities, he led the choral teams, conducted by a symphony orchestra. From the late 40s. The mental illness of the Shuman was gradually aggravated, the last two years of his life he spent in the hospital (Endenih), where he died.

Schumani is one of the bright representatives of the 19th romantic art. In many ways, the relative poetry of Gaine, the Creativity of Shuman challenged Germany's spiritual poverty of the 1820s - 40s., Wanted to the world of high humanity. Heir to F. Schubert and K. M. Weber, Schumani developed democratic and realistic trends of the German and Austrian musical romanticism. His works are closely related to the traditions of German musical classics. At the same time, Schumann entered the history of music as one of the most bold innovators. Expanding the boundaries and means of the music language, he sought to end with completeness and accuracy, on the one hand, the processes of spiritual life, on the other - the life of "outside" - the relationships and contrasts of phenomena, forming "dramaturgy" of life. Hence, in particular, his desire to close music with literature, poetry.

Most of the hypers of the shoven - cycles from small places of lyric-dramatic, visual and "portrait" genres, internally interconnected and forming a plot and psychological line. One of the most typical cycles - "Carnival" (1835), in which the Petroy turns pass scenes, dancing, masks, women's images (among them Chiarin - Clara Vic), Music portraits of Paganini, Chopin. Close to "carnival" "Butterfly" cycles (1831, inspired by the work of Jean Fields) and DavidsBundlers (1837). The cycle of Pieces "Creislerian" (1838, named by the name of the literary hero E. T. A. Korfman - a musician-fantasy of Johannes Kreisler) belongs to the number of higher achievements of Shuman. The world of romantic images, passionate longing, the heroic gust is reflected in the works of Shuman for the piano as "symphonic etudes" ("Etudes in the form of variations", 1834), Sonata (1835, 1835-38, 1836), fantasy (1836-38) , concert for piano with orchestra (1841-45). Along with the works of variational and semonate types, Shuman has piano cycles, built on the principle of suite or plays album: "Fantastic passages" (1837), "Children's scenes" (1838), "An album for youth" (1848), and others.

In vocal work, Schumani developed the type of Schubert lyrical song. In a thinly designed picture, Schumann songs captured the details of the moods, poetic details of the text, intonation of live speech. Shuman has increased the role of piano accompaniment that gives a rich image of the image and often shining the content of songs. The most popular from the vocal cycles- "love of the poet" on the verses of Gaine (1840), consisting of 16 songs, including "if the flowers guess", "I hear the sounds of the sounds", "I meet in the morning", " I'm not angry, "" In the dream I cried bitterly "," you are evil, evil songs. " Another storyline vocal cycle is "Love and Women's Life" on poems A. Shamisso (1840). A variety of songs in the contents of the songs are included in the "Mirty" cycles on the verses of F. Ryukkert, I. V. Götte, R. Burns, Gaine, J. Bairon (1840), "Circle of Songs" on the verses of J. Eichendorf (1840). In vocal ballads and songs-scenes Schumann affected the very wide range of plots. A bright sample of the Civil Lyrics of Shumanan - Ballad "Two Grenaders" (on the verses of Gayne). Some Schumanang's Songs are simple sketches or household portrait sketches: their music is close to the German folk song ("People's Song" on the verses of F. Ryukkert, etc.).

In the oratorio "Paradise and Peri" (1843, on the plot of one of the parts of the "Eastern Roman" "Lalala hands" T. Mura), as well as in the "scenes from Faust" (1844-53, according to I. V. Goethe), Schumann came close to the exercise of his long-standing dream of creating a opera. The only ended Opera Shuman "Genovev" (1848) on the plot of the medieval legend did not conquer recognition on the scene. Creative luck was the music of Shuman to the Dramatic Poem "Manfred" J. Bairon (Overture and 15 music numbers, 1849). In 4 symphony of the composer (so-called "Spring", 1841; 2nd, 1845-46; etc., "Rainskaya", 1850; 4th, 1841-51) are dominated by bright, cheerful moods. The prevailing place is occupied by episodes of a song, dance, lyrical character.

Schumanim - Author of 3 string quartets (1842), 3 piano trios (2 - 1847, 1851), piano quartet (1842) and received a wide popularity of piano quintet (1842), as well as solo chamber works for strings and wind tools, works for choir .

Schumann made a great contribution to the musical criticism. Propaging on the pages of his magazine creativity Classic musicians, struggling against the anti-gravity phenomena of modernity, he supported a new European romantic school. Schumann Bicheval Virtuosive Justice, indifference to art, hiding under the mask of wellness and fake learning. The main of the fictional characters, on behalf of whom Schumani was performed on the press pages, - torture, frantically daring and ironic Florestan and a gentle dreamer of Evsebii. Both of them personified the characteristics of the composer himself.

The ideals of Shuman were close to advanced musicians of the 19th century. His highly appreciated F. Mendelssohn, Berlioz, F. Sheet. In Russia, the Creativity of Shuman was promoted by A. G. Rubinshtein, P. I. Tchaikovsky, G. A. Laroc, "Mighty Cup" figures.

Shuman's work is one of the peaks of world musical art of the XIX century. Advanced aesthetic tendencies of the German culture of the period of the 20-40s found a vivid expression in his music. In contradictions inherent in Shumanovsky creativity, complex contradictions of the social life of his time were reflected. The art of Shuman is permeated with the restless, the Bunlet spirit who relates him to Byron, Heine, Hugo, Berlioz, Wagner and many other outstanding artists of the first half of the century.

In 1830, the spiritual breakdown of the composer forced to engage in jurisprudence led to the fact that Schumann left Heidelberg and his academic environment and returned to Leipzig to the Wiki to devote himself entirely and forever.

The years spent in Leipzig (from the end of 1830 to 1844), the most fruitful in the works of Shuman. He seriously damaged his hand, and this deprived his hopes on the career of the virtuoso artist. Then all his outstanding talent, energy and propaganda temperament, he drew into the composition and musical and critical activity.

The quick flourishing of its creative forces is amazing. A brave, original, finished style of his first works seems almost implausible. "Butterflies" (1829-1831), variations "ABEGG" (1830), "Symphony etudes" (1834), "Carnival" (1834-1835), "Fantasy" (1836), "Fantastic plays" (1837), " Craislerian "(1838) and many other works of the 30s for piano opened a new page in the history of musical art.

At this early period, almost all wonderful journalistic activities of Shuman are also.

In 1834, with the participation of a number of his friends (L. Shunke, Yu. Knorr, F. Vic), Schumani founded the "New Music Magazine". It was the practical implementation of the dream of Shuman about the Union of advanced artists, named by them "David Brotherhood" ("Davidsbund"). The main goal of the magazine was to, as Schumann himself wrote, "raise the fallen value of art." Stressing the ideological and progressive nature of his publication, Schumann provided his motto "youth and movement". And as an epigraph, he chose a phrase from Shakespeare's writings to the first number: "... only those who came to see a cheerful farce will be deceived."

In the "Epoch of Talberg" (Shuman's expression), when empty virtuoso plays and the art of entertainment and the art of entertainment and the art of entertainment were thundered, the Shumanov magazine as a whole, and his articles in particular produced a stunning impression. These articles are remarkable, first of all, persistent propaganda of the great heritage of the past, "pure source", as Himman called him, "where can you draw new artistic beauties." His analyzes that revealed the content of the music of Baha, Beethoven, Schubert, Mozart, are striking with their depth and understanding of the spirit of history. Crushing, complete irony of criticism of modern pop composers, which Schumann called "art dealers", largely retained its social acute for the bourgeois culture of our days.

No less striking sensitivity in the recognition of genuine new talents and the assessment of their humanistic value. Time confirmed the errorless of the Shumanov musical forecasts. He one of the first to welcomed the work of Chopin, Berliosis, Sheet, Brahms. In the music of Chopin for her elegant Lorism, Schumanov used to see the revolutionary content before, saying about the works of the Polish composer, which is "guns covered with flowers."

Robert Schuman was born on June 8, 1810 in the Saxon city ZwickauWhich at that time was a typical German province. The house in which he was born was preserved to the present day, now there is a composer museum there.

Biographers of the composer does not accidentally attract the identity of his father, from which Robert Schumanh inherited a lot. It was a very intelligent person, outstanding, passionately in love with the literature. Together with her brother, he opened a book publishing house and bookstore "Brothers Schumann" in Zwikkau. Robert Schumann took this father's passion for literature, and an outstanding literary gift that was so brilliantly affected later in his critical activities.

The interests of young Shuman focused mainly in the world of art. He still composes poems, suits theatrical ideas in the house, he reads a lot and improving the greatest pleasure for the piano (he began to compose from 7 years old). His first listeners admired the amazing ability of a young musician to create musical portraits of familiar people in improvisations. This gift of the portraitist will also appear in his work (portraits of Chopin, Paganini, their wife, self portrait).

Father encouraged the fiction of the Son. With all seriousness, he reacted to his musical vocation - even agreed on classes with a Weber. However, due to the departure of Weber to London, these classes did not take place. The first Music Teacher Robert Shuman became the local organist and the teacher Kuntsht, from which he studied from 7 to 15 years.

With the death of the Father (1826), the passionate passion for the Shuman music, literature, philosophy entered into a very busy conflict with the desire of his mother. She categorically insisted that he would receive a legal education. According to the composer, his life has turned "In the fight between poetry and prose." In the end, he is inferior, enrolling at the Faculty of Faculty of the University of Leipzig.

1828–1830 – university years (Leipzig - Heidelberg - Leipzig). With the breadth of interests and curiosity, the science of science did not leave it completely indifferent. And yet he feels with increasing force that jurisprudence is not for him.

At the same time (1828) in Leipzig, he met a man who was destined to play a huge and ambiguous role in his life. This is Friedrich Vic, one of the most authoritative and experienced piano teachers. A bright proof of the effectiveness of the piano technique of Vika served the game of his daughter and student of Clara, who was admired by Mendelssohn, Chopin, Paganini. Schumann becomes a student of Vika, doing music in parallel with studies at the university. From the 30th year, he is entirely devoting his life to art by throwing university. Perhaps this decision arose under the impression of the game of Paganini, whom Schumani heard in the same 1830. It was exceptional, completely special, reviving the dream of an artistic career.

From other impressions of this period, you need to note the trips to Frankfurt and Munich, where Schuman met Heinrich Heine, as well as a summer trip to Italy.

The composer Genius of Shuman in its entirety revealed 30s When his best piano works appear one after another: "Butterflies", the variations "ABEGG", "Symphony etudes", "Carnival", Fantasy C-DUR, "Fantastic Pieces", "Creisleriana". The artistic perfection of these early works seems implausible, because only from 1831, Schumann began to systematically engage in the composition of the theorist and the composer Henry Dorn.

Schumanim himself almost everything created by him in the 30s binds to the image Clara Vic, with a romantic history of their love. Schumann met Clara back in 1828, when she was the ninth year. When friendly relations began to grow into something more, in the path of lovers there was a turbulent barrier - the fanatically stubborn resistance of F. Vika. "The concern for the future of the daughter" took its extremely hard forms. He took Clara to Dresden, banning the noise to support any relationship with her. A year and a half of them separated a deaf wall. Lovers passed through a secret correspondence, long separation, secretly engagement, finally, an open lawsuit. They married only in August 1840.

30s - it is also a heyday period musically critical and literary activities of Shuman. In the center of it - the struggle with the mesh, the philistines in life and art, as well as the protection of advanced art, the upbringing of the taste of the public. The wonderful quality of Shuman-Criticism is an impeccable musical taste, a sharp flair for all talented, advanced, no matter who the writer is a world celebrity or a beginner, who is not a well-known composer.

The debut of Shuman-criticism was the review of Chopin's variations on the topic of "Don Juan" Mozart. This article, dated 1831, contains a famous phrase: "Hats by a share, gentlemen, in front of you of a genius!" The talent of young Brahms talent is also unmistakably appreciated, predicting the role of the largest composer of the XIX century not known to the musician. An article about Brahms ("new ways") was written in 1853, after a long break in the critical activities of Shuman, once again confirming its prophetic flair.

Total noise created about 200 amazing interesting articles about music and musicians. They are often set forth in the form of entertaining stories or letters. Some articles resemble diary records, others - live scenes with the participation of many actors. The main members of these fictional noise dialogues are Frorestan and Evzebii, as well as Maestro Raro. Florestan and Evzebiy. - These are not only literary characters, this is the personification of two different sides of the personality of the composer himself. Florestan he endowed an active, passionate, gustful temperament and irony. He is hot and quick-tempered, impressionable. Evzebiy, on the contrary, is a silent dreamer, poet. Both were equally inherent in the contradictory nature of Shuman. In the wide sense, in these autobiographical images, 2 opposite options for romantic disorders with reality - a rapid protest and peace in a dream were embodied.

Florestan and Evzebiy became the most active participants in Shchumanovsky "Davidsbude" ("Union David"), named so named the legendary biblical king. This "More than the Secret Union" existed only in the head of his creator, who identified it as "Spiritual Commonwealth" Artists who united in the fight against Filiuterism for genuine art.

Entrance article to Schuman's songs. M., 1933.

For example, as the creators of romantic novels in the literature, the effect of rotation at the end, the suddenness of its emotional impact was important.

Tribute to the admiration of the game of the genius violinist was the creation of piano etudes in Paganini Capricam (1832-33)

In 1831 and Shumanu, and Chopin was just 21.

12. Piano Music Shuman.

The piano music of Schumann dedicated the first 10th anniversary of his composer activity - fervent young years, full of creative enthusiasm and hopes (30s). In this area, the individual Shumanovsky world was revealed before and the most characteristic of his work style appeared. This is "Carnival", "Symphony Etudes", Creislerian, Fantasy C-DUR, Dancing DavidsBundlers, Memellets, "Fantastic Pieces", "Children's Scenes", "Night Plays", etc. It is striking that many of these masterpieces appeared literally in 3-4 years after Sumann began to compose - in 1834-35. These years, biographers of the composer call the "time of struggle for Clara" when he defended his love. It is not surprising that many of the piano works of Shuman reveal his personal experiences, have an autobiographical character (like other romantics). For example, the first piano sonata composer devoted Clare Vic on behalf of Florestan and Evzebia.

The piano music of Shuman was often born under the influence of literary images and plots. The butterfly cycle (OR.2, 1831) is associated with the novel Jean field of "Naughty Years" (about the life of two brothers and battles, protrases of Florestan and Evzebia); Creislerian and "Fantastic Pieces" reflected impressions of the works of Hoffman. But the main thing - not only in this: in the music of the Shuman, we are confronted with deep penetration into music literary patterns. In their piano compositions, he often acts as a storyteller-amelist, unfolding in front of the listener to a petrier of contrasting images, which together constitute the completed musical "narration". That is why from the very beginning of the creative path of the favorite form of the piano works of Shuman became suit cycle miniature.

The famous German composer Robert Schuman - Romantic, a dreamer with a tender and vulnerable soul, brought the traditional classical dimension of world music progress and innovation. By connecting in his work, the poetics, harmony and philosophy, he achieved that his works were not just melodious and beautiful on sound, but were an external reflection of the internal world of people, his desire to express his mental state. Shuman with full right can be considered an innovator, striving for progress in European classical music of the 19th century.

Years of life

Schumanim lived not too long life marked with the stamp and suffering severe and painful illness. He was born on June 8, 1810, and died on July 29, 1856. His native family was completely not musical. He was born in the family of a bookcard, where he was in addition to him four senior children. From seven years, the boy begins to play music at the local organist, and at the age of 12 he tried to create his own musical work.

Parents dreamed that their son became a lawyer and Robert spent several years of study to please them, but it turned out that his calling for music is much stronger than the desire to please parents and arrange a prosperous future for himself. Studying in Leipzig at the Legal Faculty, she devoted all his free time to music.

His acquaintance with Franz Schubert, a trip to the Italian Mecca of Art - Venice, delighted from visiting Paganini concerts, strengthened in it the desire to devote themselves to music. He begins to take the piano lessons from Friedrich Vika, where he gets acquainted with his future wife Klara, who became the faithful like-mindedness and companion to the end of his life. Hateless jurisprudence remains aside, and Schumann is completely devoted to music.

His desire to become a pianist ended almost tragically. To increase finger fluency, which is very important for the artist, Schumann made an operation that was unsuccessful, and he lost the opportunity to make a career musician. But now he devoted all his time to writing musical works. Together with other young musicians, Schumani begins to produce the magazine "New Music Gazette". For this magazine Schumann writes a large number of critical articles on modern musical art.

The works of Robert Shuman, starting from the very first works, full of romanticism, idyllic dreaminess and filled with echoes of his own feelings. But, in spite of so fashionable for his time, a decree of sentimentality for his time, a desire to material success was developed. This was especially manifested when Schumani decided to create a family. His chosen was Clara Vic, the daughter of his musical teacher and mentor. Clara was a gifted and very successful pianist, so the Union of these two musical talented people was very harmonious and happy.

Almost every year the next child appeared in the family of Robert and Clara, and there were eight of them. But this did not prevent spouses to successfully touring European cities. In 1844, they visited Russia with concerts, where they were given a very warm welcome. His spouse was an amazing woman! The wonderful pianist itself, she, conscious of the extraordinary talent of her husband, tried to protect him from domestic difficulties, and Schumani was able to completely devote himself to writing.

Sixteen happy married years gave the fate of Schumanu, and only a severe mental illness darkened this happy union. In 1854, the disease aggravated and even voluntary treatment in an advanced clinic did not help. In 1856, Shuman was not.

Creativity of the composer

Robert Schuman left a huge musical heritage after himself. Starting from the first printed works of "Butterflies", "Davidsbundlers", "Fantastic Parya", "Creislerian" of such air, gentle, transparent miniatures filled with air and light, and ending with the operations "Faust", Manfred, symphony and oratoria, he Always stayed, faithful to his ideal in music.

Robert Schumann, undoubtedly, a thin and talented master, ingeniously transfers all the shades of feelings and sentiment, so his famous lyrical circles "Circle of Songs", "Love of the Poet", "Love and Women's Life", are still extraordinary popular among performers and listeners . Many, like his contemporaries, consider his works difficult, complex for perception, but the essays of Shuman is a sample of spirituality and nobility of human nature, and not just shine and tinsel of glamority.

The work of the German composer Robert Shuman is inseparable from his personality. The representative of the Leipzig school, Schumani was a bright expressant of the ideas of romanticism in musical art. "The mind is mistaken, the feeling - never" was his creative credo, to which he remained faithful to all his short life. Such are his works filled with deep personal experiences - then light and sublime, then dark and oppressive, but extremely sincere in each of their own note.

short biography

On June 8, 1810, a joyful event occurred in the small Saxon town of Zwikkau - the fifth child was born in the family of August, the boy who was named Robert. Parents then suspect could not be that this date, like the name of their younger son, will go down in history and will be the property of world musical culture. They were absolutely far from music. The father of the future composer Augustus Schumani was engaged in book publishing and was confident that the Son would go to his footsteps. Feeling literary gifts in a boy, he managed from early childhood to instill his love for writing and taught deeply and finely feel the artistic word. Like the Father, the boy was read by Jean Field and Byron, absorbing from the pages of their writings all the charm of romanticism. He retained the literature for his lifetime, but his own life was music.

  • There is a musical award named after Robert Shuman, established by the city of Zwickau. Prize laureates are honored by tradition, on the birthday of the composer - June 8. Among them - musicians, conductor and musicologists who have made a weighty lept in the popularization of the composer's works.
  • Shumanana can be considered a "godfather" Johannes Bramza. As the chief editor of the "New Music Gazette" and a respected musical critic, he was very flattering to the talent of the young Brahms, calling him a genius. Thus, he first drew the attention of the general public on a novice composer.
  • Music therapy adherents are recommended for a relaxing sleep to listen to "dreams" of Shuman.
  • In adolescence, Schumann under the sensitive leadership of the Father worked as a corrector for creating a dictionary from Latin.
  • In honor of the 200th anniversary of Shuman in Germany, a silver coin was released with a nominal 10 euro with a portrait of a composer. A phrase from the diary of the composer is engraved on the coin: "Sounds are sublime words."
  • Schumanov left not only a rich musical heritage, but also literary - mostly autobiographical plan. Throughout his life, he conducted diaries - "StudententageBuch" (student diaries), "Lebensbucher" (books of life), there is still an "eheta-gebicher" (Marriage Diaries) and Reiseta-Gebucher (Road Diaries). In addition, his Peru owns literary notes "Brautbuch" (Bride Diary), ErinnerungSBTichelchen Fiir Unsere Kinder (memories books for our children), Lebensskizze (Essays of Life) 1840, "Musikalischer Lebenslauf -materialien - Altete Musikalische Erinne-Rungen "(Musical Life - Materials - Early Music Memories)," Project Book ", which describes the process of writing its own musical works, and its children's poems have been preserved.

  • To the 150th anniversary of the German romance in the USSR released the postage stamp.
  • On the wedding day, Schumanov presented his bride Clare Vic Cycle of romantic songs "Myrtha", which wrote in her honor. Clara did not remain in debt and decorated the weddingian with a myrth wreath.
  • Spouse Shuman Clara tried all his life to promote the work of her husband, including his works in his concerts. She gave the last concert in 72 years.
  • The younger son of the composer called Felix - in honor of a friend and the colleagues of Shuman Felix Mendelson.
  • The romantic love story of Clara and Robert Shuman was shielded. In 1947, the American film "Song of Love" was filmed (Song Of Love), where the role of Clara performed Catherine Hepburn.

The right is called the greatest composers of the 19th century. But the phrase of the Sumanovsky period is heard more often, such a name is given to the era of romanticism in the world of music.

Childhood and youth

German composer and musical critic Robert Schumani was born on June 8, 1810 in Saxony (Germany) with a loving couple of Friedrich Augustus and Johann Christians. Because of the love for Johanne, whose parents opposed marriage with Friedrich because of poverty, the father of the future musician for the year of work as an assistant in the book shop worked for a wedding with a girl and to open his own business.

Robert Schuman rose in the family where there were five children. The boy was grew by mischievous and cheerful, like a mother, and was very different from his father, a closed and silent man.

Robert Schumanov began studying at school at six years, was distinguished by leadership qualities and creative abilities. A year later, the parents noticed the musical talent of the child and gave to learn the game on the piano. Soon he manifested the ability to compose orchestral music.

A young man could not decide on the choice of the future profession - to make music or be afraid of the Literature as he wanted and insisted. But the concert of the pianist and conductor of Mosselles, on which Robert Schuman visited, did not leave the chance of literature. Mother of the composer had plans to make a lawyer's son, but in 1830 he still received the blessing of the parents to devote the lives of music.


Having moved to Leipzig, Robert Schuman began to attend the Lessons of Piano Friedrich Vika, who enlighted him a career of the famous pianist. But life makes its own adjustments. Shuman has developed paralysis of the right hand - the problem forced the young man to refuse the dream to become a pianist, and he switched to the ranks of composers.

There are two very strange versions of the reasons why the composer began to develop a disease. One of them is a simulator made by a musician independently for the workout of the fingers, the second story is still mysterious. There were rumors that the composer tried to remove tendons on his hand in order to achieve the virtuosity of the game on the piano.

But none of the versions are proved, they are refuted in the diaries of the wife of Clara, which Robert Schumann knew, so to speak, from ornamental years. Having enlisted the support of the mentor, Robert Schuman in 1834 founded the edition of the "New Music Gazette". Bringing in the newspaper, criticized and ridicule the indifference to creativity and art under the fictional names.

The composer challenged the depressive and poor Germany of that time, putting harmony, paints and romanticism into his works. For example, in one of the most famous cycles for Piano "Carnival" at the same time there are female images, motley scenes, carnival masks. In parallel, the composer developed in vocal creativity, the genre of lyrical song.

Separate attention deserves a story about creating and the work of the work "Album for Youth." On the day, when the eldest daughter of Robert Shuman was married for 7 years, the girl received a notebook with the name "An Album for Youth." The notebook consisted of the writings of famous composers and 8 of them were written by Robert Shuman.

The composer gave the meaning of this work because he loved his children and wanted to please, he was playing an artistic level of musical education - songs and music that the children studied at school. The album included the plays "Vechenny Song", "Santa Claus", "Merry Peasant", "Winter", which, in the opinion of the author, lungs and understandable for children's perception.

In the period of creative lifting, 4 symphonies are written by the composer. The main part of the works for piano consists of cycles with a lyrical mood, which are associated with one storyline.

In lifetime, music written by Robert Shuman was not perceived by contemporaries. Romantic, sophisticated, harmonious, taking the thin strings of the human soul. It would seem that Europe, a shrouded change of change and revolutions, could not appreciate the style of the composer going down with the time of the composer, all his life begging for not afraid to look in the eyes of a new one.

The colleagues "on the workshop" also did not perceive the contemporary - refused to understand the music of the rebellion and the rebel, Ferenz Sheet, being sensitive and romantic, included only the work of the "Carnival" in the concert program. Music Robert Shumana accompanies modern cinema: "Dr. House", "Grandfather of Easy Behavior", "The Mysterious History of Benjamin Batton."

Personal life

With the future wife of Clara Josephine, Vick composer met at a young age in the house of the Piano teacher - the girl was a daughter of Friedrich Vika. In 1840, the marriage of young people took place. This year is considered the most fruitful for the musician - 140 songs are written, and the year is notable for the admission of the University of Leipzig Philosophy.

Clara was famous for the famous pianist, drove around concerts in which the husband accompanied her beloved. The couple had 8 children, the first years of their own lives were like a fairy tale about love with a happy continuation. After 4 years, Robert Shuman has sharp attacks of nervous disorder. Critics suggest that the reason for this is the composer's wife.

Before the wedding, the musician fought for the right to become a famous pianist, to a greater extent with the father of a girl who categorically did not approve of the intentions of Shuman. Contrary to obstacles created by the future test (it came to court proceedings), Robert Schumann married love.

After marriage, I had to fight popularity and recognition of my wife. And although Robert Schuman was a recognized and famous composer, the feeling that the musician hides in the shadow of the Glory of Clara, did not leave. As a result of the spiritual experiences, Robert Schumanch makes a break in a length of two years in creativity.

The history of love about the romantic relationship of creative couple Clara and Robert Shumanov is embodied in the movie "Song of Love", who saw the light in America in 1947.


In 1853, the famous composer and pianist go to travel in Holland, where the pair took with honors, but after a while the symptoms of the disease sharply aggravated. The composer attempted suicide, jumping into the Rhine River, but the musician was saved.

After this, the case was placed in a psychiatric clinic near Bonn, the meeting with his wife was rarely resolved. On July 29, 1856, in 46, the Grand Composer died. According to the results of the opening, the cause of the disease and death at an early age is the blood-over blood vessels and damage in the brain.


  • 1831 - "Butterflies"
  • 1834 - "Carnival"
  • 1837 - "Fantastic passages"
  • 1838 - "Children's scenes"
  • 1840 - "Poet's Love"
  • 1848 - "An album for youth"