All artists and their paintings. The most famous paintings in the world

All artists and their paintings. The most famous paintings in the world
All artists and their paintings. The most famous paintings in the world

Today we will learn a list of the best artists of the world who should know every self-respecting person. Get ready for surprise and joy from how much wonderful and talented people in the world who create a real skate around themselves! We will list the most distinguished artists and look at some of them very briefly. Forward!

Great artists of the world

Let's start with the fact that we will get acquainted with a dozen most outstanding artists:

  • Henri Matisse.
  • Vincent Van Gogh.
  • Pablo Picasso.
  • Ivan Aivazovsky.
  • Isaac Levitan.
  • Jackson Pollock.
  • Nikas Safronov.
  • Claude Monet.
  • Francis Bacon.
  • Andy Warhole.

The first becomes Henri Matisse, who opened his talent in a completely random way. His story is not similar to many typical stories, but represents something very special. He began to draw in a conscious age. This happened after he, being a 20-year-old young man, moved the removal of appendicitis. Thoughtful mother to brighten his son's everyday life, decided to give him paints. That's how it all started. Henri was so carried away by art that decided to master professional skills.

The second famous artist is Claude Monet, who also had an entertaining history, which will be discussed below. In no case can you forget about the genius Pablo Picasso, who know all over the world. Fancy paintings Vincent Van Gogh also love very many. It is also impossible to forget about domestic artists - Ivan Aivazovsky deserves an honorable place in our list.

We will consider the listed creators below in more detail. In the meantime, you need to get acquainted with the remaining five best! Great artists of the world, the list of which is simply impossible without the following geniuses, will begin with the name of Isaac Levitan. It is rightly called the primary beauty of the beauty of the Russian nature, which he portrayed Divinely. It was his work that was shown to the whole world that Russia is a real pearl. Jackson Pollock and made a revolution at all in public views on the world of art. Want to know what a secret consisted? And in the fact that his work was little like the paintings! They again resembled paper, wipe paint with careless movement. And only the most observant viewer could see the whole world in the pictures of the midfield.

Our top also includes a modern artist Nikas Safronov, which is famous for writing many portraits of famous personalities. You can not forget about the cult Person Pop Art Andy Warhol, who screamed his inspiration from ordinary things and created masterpieces. And completes the list of artist expressionist Francis Bacon, who wrote a human body. It is impossible to take a look from his work, it is impossible to stay indifferent.

Ivan Aivazovsky

Great artists of the world, the list of which is above, many are associated with the name Ivan Aivazovsky. Interestingly, he was an Armenian by origin, and his real surname was ovane. Creativity was for Ivan everyone from childhood. Already then he showed great interest and ability. In addition to drawing, he played the violin perfectly. Marine motives are very noticeable in his work, and not in vain, because he was a famous fan and connoisseur of the sea. He portrayed the quiet and rainy sea, shipwreck, calm, breeze, etc. What is the "Ice Mountains" paintings, the "Black Sea" and "Wave".

Vincent Van Gogh.

Great artists of the world and their paintings are a real treasure for all mankind. What a joy that anyone can admire the creations of the Great! The next our hero is Vincent Van Gogh - an artist from the Netherlands. He created a huge number of pictures that can be enjoyed forever. His works are full of secrets, mysteries and parallels. Writing paintings He began in adulthood. In the youth, he was pretty clamped and modest, was often silent and flew in his thoughts. When he went to work, she woke up thirst for drawing. It so happened that every day he could observe the best works of art. Such a pastime imposed a fingerprint on his future work. After painful failure in love, he decided to test himself, and it turned out that he really draws great! After some oscillations, he left the former place of work to completely devote himself to his beloved business.

Pablo Picasso

As early, the great artists of the world and their paintings have already been said - this is a gift that people should take care and transmit from generation to generation. The next great artist is Pablo Picasso. His name knows everyone, only rare creators achieved such popularity. It is entertaining that his famous picture "Nude, green leaves and bust" is the most expensive picture in the world! He was not only a talented artist, but still excellent designer, ceramist and schedule. Moreover, imagine the art of the last century without this genius is simply impossible. You will not believe, but for your life he wrote 20 thousand works, each of which is a unique and adorable world. This artist worked from the earliest years, and his father was taught skill. The inspiration of Pablo Picasso was looking for a fairy tale that Mom compiled him.

Henri Matisse

We talked about this artist a little at the very beginning. I would like to add that the boy's father was categorically against such a "career". The greatest artists of the world have always walked to success through thorns. Despite the prohibitions, the young man still continued to gain experience. It is quite difficult to determine its style, most of all it is similar to impressionism. It is worth a confession that at first Henri Matisss only copied the famous paintings, but then began to create masterpieces himself. The most famous pictures are "the joy of life", "conversation" and "Paris dance".

Claude Monet

Great artists of the world very often had a difficult childhood. Maybe after experienced difficulties opens "second breathing"? The famous artist Claude Monet was a difficult boy that few people understood. In the lessons, he was engaged in the fact that he painted the fields of notebooks by caricatures on teachers and neighbors on the desk. He began to know very quickly. At first they came to him in order to laugh, and then he began to take money for work. Claude Monet became a popular person who gave joy and laughter. Despite this, the money was not an end in itself, and he earned on this pennies. After some time, he met a landscape officer who decided to take on the guy's teaching. Only after this fateful meeting has changed his life. Claude Monet truly loved the nature and the masterfully depicted it.

Now we know the names of the Great Artists of the World. It is always worth remembering them, because this "pillars" of art, on which modern culture holds. Great artists of the world gave us unforgettable masterpieces, for which it is worth saying a lot thank you!

Thursday, December 8, 2016 11:56 + in quote

British newspaper The Timesamounted to Rating 200 best artistswho lived in the period from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day.

As a result, according to British readers, first place took the great Spanish artist Pablo Picasso.

Second place
Divided by postpressionist Field Cesannu, the third is the founder of the Austrian Modern Gustav Klimt.. The last line is engaged in modern Japanese artist Hiroshi Sudage.

French artists appear in the top ten Claude Monet, Henri Matisse, Marseille Dushan And the American artist Jackson Pollock.
Dozen closure a legend of pop art Andy Warhole, Representative of abstractionism Villem de Kuning and famous modernist Pete Mondrian.
It is impossible not to notice the overestimation of the rating of some artists and ignoring others, no less talented. Editorial on The Times, summing up the survey, is perplexed: "What does Martin Kippenberger Martin Kippenberger? Why is it estimated above than Rotko, shoe and glue? Did Munch (46th place) worse Freda Calo? Most likely, this is explained by the desire of women to put a fine sex representative as high as possible in the ranking.

From Russian artistsin the ranking appear Basil Kandinsky (15th), Creator "Black Square "Casimir Malevich (17th). 95th noted Ukrainian-American artist Alexander Archookovenko. 135th - one of the founders of constructivism Alexander Rodchenko. Also got into the list Mark Shagal-71th, and Vladimir Tatlin. - 145th.

Here 20 best artists of the 20th century, according to British art lovers

Twenty of the best artists of the XX and early XXI century

1. Pablo Picasso

2. Paul Cesanne

3. Gustav Klimt

4. Claude Monet

5. Marseille Dushan

6. Henri Matisse

7. Jackson Pollock

8. Andy Warhol.

9. Villem de Cuning

10. Pete Mondrian

11. Paul Gogen

12. Francis Bacon

13. Robert Raushenberg.

14. George Marriage

15. Vasily Kandinsky

16. Konstantin Brankuzy

17. Kazimir Malevich

18. Jasper Jones

19. Frieda Kalo

20. Martin Kippenberger
Yes, if such a survey was conducted with us, the list would be completely different. As well, the lists of the best literary works - in each country they differ significantly.
But while we only have this list in which many artists do not know.
Therefore, here is a brief story about the first twenty artists.
And full list 200 best artists of the XX and early XXI century- At the end of the post.
1.Picasso Pablo - Spanish artist, schedule

8. Andy Warhol. (real name - Andrew Varchol, Rusin. Andriy Vargola; 1928-1987) - American artist and producer, a noticeable person in the history of pop art a and contemporary art as a whole. The founder of the ideology "Homo Universale".
Warhol has created several paintings that have become a sensation in the world of art. In 1960, he created a design for Coca-Cola cans, which brought him the fame of the artist with an extraordinary vision of art. And in 1960-1962 there was a cycle of works with the image of tin cans of Soup Campbell.

Warhol. One of the first applied screen printing and silk screen as a method for creating paintings.
Warhol created a number of paintings, which depicted the idols of modern society. Among the stars that Andy painted: repeated Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Beatles, Michael Jackson, Lenin and others. These drawings in bright colors have become a "calling card" of Warhol. Recreecting the atmosphere of America of the 60s.

According to critics, these paintings reflected vague culture of mass consumption, the mentality of Western civilization. Warhol is counted to Pop Art and Conceptual Arts, such as Robert Raushenberg, Jasper Jones and Roy Liechtenstein. In the present, the prices of his paintings reach tens of millions of dollars. A whole subculture has gathered around the Figure Warhol.

In 2015, the picture was sold to the Qatar Museum Office for $ 300 million. 287 \\ 237 \\ 225

12.Francis Bacon- (1909-1992) - English artist expressionist. Bacon painting is always expressive, it is a kind of cry that transmits the tragedy of existence. The main theme of his work is the human body - distorted, elongated, enclosed in geometric shapes. Several works are included in the list of the most expensive paintings.

On May 14, 2008, Triptych "Landmark of the Canonical 20th Century" Francis Bacon 1976 sold at Sotby auction for 86.3 million dollars. Family from the Mui family, owners of the production of wine Château Pétrus, the Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich. And the painter received the title of the most expensive post-war artist and hit the third place in the top ten most expensive artists in the world in general, losing only Picasso and Clima. 180 \\ 122 \\ 96

13.robert Raushenberg (1925, Port Arthur -2008, Captiva Island, Florida) - American artist. A representative of abstract expressionism, and then conceptual art and pop art, in his works, for the technique of collage and redired, used trash.
Like other representatives of pop art, he tried to express his vision of the world in unusual shocking forms. To do this, the canvas, collages, installations were used.
In the early 50s, Rauschenberg passed through three stages of creating picturesque works:
"White painting" - on a white background, black numbers and some characters are depicted.
"Black painting" - pieces of newspapers stuck on the cloth, and all this was covered with black enamel.
"Red painting" - abstract canvas in red colors partly with stickers from newspapers, nails, photos, etc.
In 1953, Raushenberg Star Figure Willem De Kuning and put it under the name "Stretch Drawing De Kuning", touched upon the nature of the nature of art.

From the mid-50s Raushenberg creates spatial objects that call "combined patterns", for example:
"Odalisk" (Satin Pillow, Scarecrow Chicken, Photos and Reproductions)
"Bed" - block, sprawled paint and set up vertically ...

At the end of the 50s, mastered the filter technique (rubbing, introduced into the art of Max Ernst) to transfer magazine photos on paper. Rauschenberg used it to create a graphic cycle of 34 illustrations to the "Adu" Dante in the style of pop art. In 1962, he mastered the silkographic technique and created a number of large works in it. One of the paintings of this series " Path in the sky» ( Skyway., 1964). On it, pop cultural symbols (for example, American astronauts) are adjacent to the images of Rubens.

Raushenberg is the owner of many awards, including: the main prize at the Venetian Biennale, Grammy, the US National Medal, the Imperial Prize of Japan and others.
In the 60s and 70s, Raushenberg was involved in the sphere of performances, heptening and other theatrical shares.

1 Pablo Picasso 21587
2 Paul Cezanne 21098
3 Gustav Klimt 20823
4 Claude Monet 20684
5 Marcel Dusymp 20647
6 Henry Matisse 17096
7 Jackson Pollock 17051
8 Andy Warhol 17047
9 Villem de Cuning 17042
10 Pete Mondrian 17028
11 Paul Gaug 17027
12 Francis Bacon 17018
13 Robert Raushenberg 16956
14 Georges Marriage 16788
15 Vasily Kandinsky 16055
16 Konstantin Brankuzі 14224
17 Casimir Malevich 13609
18 Jasper Jones 12988
19 Frida Kalo 12940
20 Martin Kippenberger 12784
21 Paul Klee
22 Egon Shile
23 Donald Judd
24 Bruce Nauman
25 Alberto Dzhacometty
26 Salvador Dali
27 Auguste Roden.
28 Mark Rotko
29 Edward Hopper
30 Lucian Freud.
31 Richard Serra
32 Rene Magritt
33 David Hokney
34 Philip Gaston
35 Geri Cartier Bresson 8779
36 Pierre Bonnar
37 Jean-Michel Baskia
38 Max Ernst
39 Diana Arbus
40 Georgia O'Kef.
41 Sai Tublby
42 Max Bekmann
43 Barnet Newman
44 George de Kiriko
45 Roy Liechtenstein 7441
46 Edward Munk
47 Pierre August Renoir
48 MN REY.
49 Henry Mur.
50 Cindy Sherman
51 Jeff Kuns.
52 Tracy Emin
53 Demin Hurst
54 Yves Klein
55 Henry Russo
56 Haim Sutin
57 Archil Gorki
58 Amadeo Modigliani
59 Umberto Bocchioni
60 Jean Dubuloff
61 Eva Hessse
62 Edward Villard
63 Karl Andre
64 Juan Gras
65 Lucio Fontana
66 Franz Klin.
67 David Smith
68 Josef Bois
69 Alexander Cauder
70 Louise Bourgeois
71 Mark Shagal
72 Gerhard Richter.
73 Baltus
74 Joan Miro
75 Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
76 Frank Stella
77 Georg Baselitz
78 Francis Picabia
79 Jenny Savil
80 Dan Flavin
81 Alfred Stiglitz
82 Anselm Kifer
83 Matthew Bernie
84 Georges Gros.
85 Bernd and Hill Becher
86 Zigmar Polka
87 Bryce Mard
88 Maurizio Katell
89 Sol Levitt
90 chuck clow 2915
91 Edward Weston
92 Joseph Cornell
93 Karel Appel
94 Bridget Riley
95 Alexander Ariphenko
96 Anthony Karo.
97 Richard Hamilton
98 Clifford Still
99 Luke Tuimans
100 class of Áldenburg
101 Eduardo Luigi Paolotski
102 Frank Auerbach
103 Dinos and Jake Chepman
104 Marlene Duma
105 Anton Tapies
106 Georgeo Morandi
107 Walker Evans
108 Nan Goldin
109 Robert Frank
110 Georges Ruo
111 Arp Hans
112 August Sender
113 James Rosenquist
114 Andreas Gursky
115 Eugent Atge
116 Jeff Wall
117 Ellsworth Kelly
118 Bill Brandt.
119 Cristo and Jean-Claude
120 Howard Hodgkin
121 Joseph Albers.
122 Piero Mandzoni.
123 Agnes Martin
124 Anish Kapar
125 L. S. Lowry
126 Robert Motherwell
127 Robert Delone
128 Stewart Devis
129 Ed Rusha
130 Gilbert and George 2729
131 Wenna Spencer
132 James Eneser
133 Fernard Ledger
134 Brassey (Dul Halas)
135 Alexander Rachenko
136 Robert Riman
137 ED Rindhard
138 Hans Belmer
139 IZ Genzken
140 kees van dongen
141 Oyji.
142 Paula Roeg.
143 Thomas Hart Benton
144 Hans Hoffman
145 Vladimir Tatlin
146 Odilon Redon
147 George Segal
148 YORG namedorf
149 Robert Smithson
150 Peter Doyag 2324
151 ED and Nancy Kinholz
152 Richard Prince
153 Ansel Adams
154 Naum Gabo 2256
155 Diego Rivera 2239
156 Barbara Hepworth 2237
157 Nikola de Stelle 2237
158 Walter de Maria 2229
159 Felix Gonzalez Torres 2228
160 Jacomo Ball 2225
161 Ben Nikalon 2221
162 Anthony Hormones 2218
163 Lionel Feaninger 2216
164 Emil Nolde 2213
165 Mark Wallinger 2211
166 Herman Nitssch 2209
167 Paul Signac 2209
168 Jean Tigley 2209
169 Kurt Shvitters 2209
170 Grayson Perry 2208
171 Julian Snabel 2208
172 Ramon Dushan-Wiyon 2208
173 Robert Gober 2208
174 Duane Hanson 2208
175 Richard Dibenkorn 2207
176 Apex Catz 2207
177 Aligiero Booty 2206
178 Genidier-Brzesca Henri 2206
179 Laslo Mokhoy-Naga 2205
180 Jacques Henri Lartig 2205
181 Robert Morris 2205
182 Sarah Lucas 2204
183 Jannis Kunellis 2204
184 Chris Barden 2204
185 Otto Dix 2203
186 David Bomberg 2203
187 Physley and Weiss 2203
188 Ogastes John 2203
189 Marsden Hartley 2203
190 Takashi Murakami 2203Reting

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Among Russian artists there are many talented personalities. Their creativity is highly appreciated throughout the world and makes a worthy competition to such world masters as Rubens, Michelangelo, Van Gogh and Picasso. In this article we collected 10 of the most famous Russian artists.

1. Ivan Aivazovsky

Ivan Aivazovsky is one of the most famous Russian artists. He was born in Feodosia. From childhood, Aivazovsky showed his incredible creative abilities: he adored to draw and he learned the game on the violin.

At the age of 12, young talent began to study in Simferopol at the Academy of Painting. Here he learned to copy engravings and write pictures from nature. A year later, he managed to enter the St. Petersburg Imperial Academy, although he did not reach the age of 14.

For a long time the artist traveled in Europe and lived in Italy, where his paintings were also recognized in dignity. So a young artist from Feodosia became a rather famous and rich man.

Later, Aivazovsky returned to his homeland, where he received the uniform of the Maritime Ministry and the title of Academician. Also, the artist visited Egypt and attended when the new Suez Channel was opened. The artist described all his impressions in the paintings. By this time he had already developed his unique style and the ability to write in memory. Sophisticated elements Aivazovsky sketched in a notebook to move them later to the canvas. Worldwide, he brought paintings "Odessa", "The Ninth Val" and "Black Sea".

The last years of life, the artist spent in Feodosia, where he built a house in Italian style. A little later, Aivazovsky attached a small gallery towards him, so that everyone could freely enjoy his amazing paintings and drown in the ocean of paints. Today, this mansion, everything also serves as a museum and many visitors comes every day here, in order to see the mastery of the Marinist who lived a long and happy life.

2. Victor Vasnetsov

Continues the list of the most famous Russian artists Viktor Vasnetsov. He was born in the spring of 1848 in the family of the priest in the small village of Lopyal. The thrust for painting woke up at him at a very early age, but the parents could not give him proper education due to the lack of money. Therefore, at the age of 10, Victor began to study in a free spiritual seminary.

In 1866, almost without money, he went to St. Petersburg. Vasnetsov easily coped with the entrance exam and entered the Academy of Arts. Here his friendship began with the famous Repin artist, with whom he later went to Paris. After returning to St. Petersburg, Vasnetsov begins to write his most famous paintings: "Three heroes", "Snow Maiden" and "God Savaof."

The artist was able to fully reveal his talent only after moving to Moscow. Here it is cozy and comfortable, and each subsequent picture is better than the previous one. It was in Moscow that Vasnetsov wrote such paintings as "Alyonushka", "Ivan Tsarevich and a gray wolf" and "Nestor Chronicler".

3. Karl Brullov

This famous Russian artist was born in 1799. Father Carl was a famous painter and professor of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Therefore, the fate of the boy was predetermined in advance. Fortunately, Carlo Bhorryov managed to inherit from the father of the artist's talent.

Study was given to the young artist very easy. He has many times superior to the rest of the students in his class and graduated from the Academy of Arts with honors. After that, Karl went to travel around Europe, he stopped only in Italy for a long time. It was here that he created his masterpiece - "Last Day Pompeii", spending on his writing for about six years.

Upon returning to St. Petersburg, Charles Bryullov was waiting for fame and glory. He was glad to see everywhere and certainly admired him with new pictures. During this period, the artist creates several of its immortal cloths: "Horseman", "Osad Pskov", "Narcissus" and others.

4. Ivan Shishkin

Ivan Shishkin is one of the most famous Russian landscape artists who could present any inconspicuous landscape in his paintings. It seems that Nature itself plays on the canvases of this artist with live paints.

Ivan Shishkin was born in 1832 in Elabuga, which today applies to Tatarstan. Father wanted the Son to take the post of urban official with time, but Ivan was painted. At the age of 20, he went to Moscow to study painting. After the successful end of the Moscow School of Arts, Shishkin entered the Imperial Academy in St. Petersburg.

Later he traveled for a long time in Europe, sketching amazing landscapes. At that time, he created a picture of the "view in the vicinity of Düsseldorf", which brought him a huge glory. After returning to Russia, Shishkin continues to do with double energy. According to him, Russian Nature is a few hundred times higher than European landscapes.

Ivan Shishkin for his life wrote a lot of stunning paintings: "Morning in a pine forest", "First snow", "Pine forest" and others. Even the death of the outbreak of this painter right behind the easel.

5. Isaac Levitan

This great Russian master of landscapes was born in Lithuania, but all his life lived in Russia. Repeatedly, his Jewish origin caused him a lot of humiliation, but it did not make it offended this country, which he idolized and praised in his paintings.

Already the first landscapes of Levitan received high estimates of Perov and Savrasov, and Tretyakov himself even bought his picture of the "Autumn Day in Sokolniki". But in 1879, Isaac Levitan, together with all Jews, exhibit from Moscow. Only enormous efforts of friends and teachers he managed to return to the city.

In the 1880s, the artist wrote a lot of stunning paintings that made it very famous. These were "pines", "Autumn" and "First Snow". But the next humiliation forced the author to leave Moscow again and go to the Crimea. On the peninsula, the artist writes a number of amazing works and significantly improves its financial condition. This allows him to travel in Europe and get acquainted with the work of world masters. The vertex of creativity of Levitan became his picture "Over the Eternal Region".

6. Vasily Tropinin

Amazing fate was among the great Russian linen-portraitist Vasily Tropinin. He was born in the family of Fortress Count Markov in 1780 and only at the age of 47 received the right to be a free person. As a child, a tendency for drawing was observed for little Vasily, but the count gave it to study him. Later, it is still given to the Imperial Academy, where he manifests his talent in his entire beauty. For his portraits, the "la view" and "beggar old man" Vasily Tropinin was awarded the title of academician.

7. Petrov-Vodkin Kuzma

The rich heritage in world painting managed to leave behind the famous Russian artist Petrov-Vodkin. He was born in 1878 in Hurlask, and at his young years was going to become a railwayman. However, fate made a world-famous painter from it.

8. Alexey Savrasov

The paintings of this Russian artist were already well sold, hardly he was 12 years old. A little later, he entered the Moscow School of Painting and instantly became one of the best disciples. A trip to Ukraine helped Savrasov ahead of schedule to complete the school and get the title of the artist.

Pictures "Stone in the Forest" and "Moscow Kremlin" made from this painter academician at 24 years old! Young talent is interested in the royal family, and Tretyakov himself buys many of his works for international exhibitions. Among them were "Winter", "Graci flew", "Rasolota" and others.

The death of two daughters and the subsequent divorce strongly affect Savrasov. He drinks a lot and soon dies in the hospital for the poor.

9. Andrei Rublev

Andrei Rublev is the most famous Russian icon painter. He was born in the XV century and left behind a big heritage in the form of an icon "Trinity", "Annunciation", "Baptism of the Lord." Andrei Rublev together with Daniel Black decorated with frescoes many temples, and wrote icons for iconostasis.

10. Mikhail Vrubel

Completes our list of the most famous Russian artists Mikhail Vrubel, who for his life created many masterpieces in various topics. He was engaged in the painting of the Kiev Temple, and later in Moscow began to create his famous series of "demonic" paintings. Creative throwing of this artist did not find a proper understanding of his contemporaries. Only a few decades after the death of Mikhail Vrubel, art historians gave him due, and the church agreed with his interpretations of biblical events.

Unfortunately, the personal life of the artist was the cause of developing a serious form of mental disorders. The rank of academician overtook him in a house for crazy, from where he was no longer judged. Nevertheless, Mikhail Vrubel managed to create a lot of amazing works of art that are worthy of genuine admiration. Among them, it is especially worth highlighting the pictures "Demon Sitting", "Tsarevna-Swan" and "Faust".

Magnificent works of art's arts of great masters are able to surprise even people for whom art means little. That is why world name museums are among the most popular attractions that attract millions of visitors a year.

To stand out from a huge number of paintings written in the history of art, the artist needs not just talent, but also the ability to express a unique plot of an unusual and very relevant way for its time.

The pictures presented below loudly declare not only about the talent of their authors, but also about numerous cultural trends that appeared and disappeared, and the most important historical events that have always been reflected in art.

"Birth of Venus"

This picture, written by the grand master of the revival of Sandro Botticelli, depicts the moment of the appearance of the beautiful Venus from the sea foam. One of their most attractive aspects of the picture is a modest pose of the goddess and her simple, but a beautiful face.

"Dogs play poker"

Written by Kassius Kulij in 1903, a series of 16 paintings depicts dogs collected by poker playing around a magazine or playing table. Many critics recognize these pictures by the canonical image of Americans that era.

Portrait of Madame Reamenier

This portrait written by Jacques-Louis David, depicts a brilliant secular diva in a contrast minimalist and simple setting, dressed in a simple white sleeveless dress. This is a vivid example of neoclassicism in portrait art.


This famous picture written by Jackson Pollock is the most iconic work that brightly depicts all the chaos that raged in the soul and the mind of the midfield. This is one of the most expensive work ever sold by the American artist.

"Son of Man"

The "Son of Man", written by Renie Magritte, is a kind of self-portrait depicting the artist himself in a black suit, but with an apple instead of face.

"Number 1" ("Royal Red and Blue")

This is a fairly fresh work written by Mark Rotko, no more than a stroke of three different shades on handmade canvas. Currently, the picture is exhibited at the Institute of Arts in Chicago.

"Beating innocent"

On the basis of the biblical history about the murder of innocent babies in Bethlehem, Peter Paul Rubens created this terrible and cruel picture that affects the emotions of everyone who looks at her.

"Sunday day on the island of Grand-Zhatt"

Created by George sulfur, this unique and very popular picture depicts a relaxed day off atmosphere in a big city. Such painting is an excellent example of Pointilism, which combines into one entire set of points.


"Dance" Henri Matissea is an example of a style called Formism, which is distinguished by bright, practically unnatural colors and forms and high dynamics.

"American Gothic"

"American Gothic" is a work of art, ideally symbolizing the image of Americans during the Great Depression. In this picture, Grant Wood depicted a strict, probably a religious pair, standing against a simple house with windows in the Gothic style.

"Loader of flowers"

This picture of the most popular Mexican painter of the twentieth century - Diego River, depicts a person who barely carries a basket overloaded with bright tropical flowers.

"Mother Whistler"

Also known as "arrangement in gray and black. Mother of the artist", this is one of the most famous paintings of the American artist James Whistler. In this picture, Whistler depicted his mother sitting on a chair, against a gray wall. The picture uses only black and gray shades.

"The Persistence of Memory"

This is a cult work of no less religious Salvador Dali, famous for the entire world of the Spanish surrealist, who has given this movement to advanced arts.

Portrait of Dara Maar.

Pablo Picasso is one of the most popular and influential Spanish painters. He is the founder of the styled in his time, called Cubism, who seeks to crush any object and transfer it to clear geometric shapes. This picture is the first portrait in the style of cubism.

"Portrait of an artist without beard"

This picture of Van Gogh is a self-portrait, and unique because it depicts a painter without a habitual beard. In addition, this is one of the few paintings by Van Gogh, which were sold in private collections.

"Night terrace cafe"

Winged Van Gogh written by Vincent, this picture depicts the usual sight is completely new, using surprisingly bright colors and unusual forms.

"Composition VIII"

Vasily Kandinsky is recognized as the founder of abstract art - style that uses forms and symbols instead of the usual items and people. "Composition VIII" is one of the first paintings painted exclusively in this style.


One of the first artistic works in the Art Nouveau style, this picture is almost completely fulfilled in gold tones. The picture of Gustav Clima is one of the brightest pieces of style.

"Ball in Moulin de la Gaette"

Piece Pierre Renuara Pierre is a bright and dynamic image of urban life. In addition, it is one of the most expensive paintings in the world.


In the picture "Olympia", Edward Mana created this contradiction, practically scandal, as a naked woman with a close look is clearly a mistress, not veiled by myths of the classical period. This one of the early work in the style of realism.

"The third of May 1808 in Madrid"

In this work, Francisco Goya portrayed Napoleon's attack on the Spaniards. This is one of the first Spanish paintings that draw war in negative light.


The most famous picture of Diego Velasquez depicts a five-year-old infanta Margarita against the background of her parents written by Velasquez.

"Portrait of Arnolphin Fours"

This picture is one of the oldest works of painting. She was written by Jan Van Eykom and depicts an Italian businessman Giovanni Arnolphini and his pregnant wife in their home in Brugge.


The picture of the Norwegian artist Edward Minka is depicting a person distorted by fear on the background of a bloody-red sky. Landscape in the background adds a gloomy charm this picture. In addition, Creek is one of the first paintings made in the style of expressionism, where realism is minimized to ensure more freedom for emotions.


"Sweatshirts" written by Claude Monet are part of a series of 250 paintings depicting elements of the artist's own garden. These paintings are exhibited in various artistic museums of the world.

"Starlight Night"

"Star Night" Van Gogh is one of the most famous images in modern culture. It is currently exposed to the Museum of Contemporary Art in New York.

"Fall of Ikara"

This picture, written by the Dutch artist Peter Breighele, shows the indifference of a person to suffering from his neighbors. A strong social theme is shown here in a pretty simple way, using the image of the ICAR, drowning under water, and people who ignore His suffering.

"Creation of Adam"

"Creation of Adam" is one of the several magnificent Mokelangelo fresco, adorning the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican Palace. It shows the creation of Adam. In addition to the image of the ideal human forms, the fresco is one of the first in the history of the art of attempts to portray God.

"Last Supper"

This fresco of the Great Leonardo depicts the last dinner of Jesus to his betrayal, arrest and death. In addition to the composition, forms and paints, the discussion of this fresco is Pepit theories about hidden symbols and the presence of Mary Magdalen next to Jesus.


"Gernik" Picasso depicts the explosion of the Spanish city of the same name during the Spanish Civil War. This is a black and white picture, negatively depicting fascism, Nazism and their ideas.

"Girl with pearl earring"

This picture of Johannes Vermeer is often called the Dutch Mona Lisa, not only because of its extraordinary popularity, but also because the expression on the face of the girl is difficult to catch and explain.

"Decoration of John the Baptist"

Picture of Caravaggio very realistic portraits the moment of killing John the Baptist in prison. It is filtered with the paintings and expressions of her characters make it a true classic masterpiece.

"The night Watch"

"Night Watch" is one of the most famous paintings of Rembrandt. It depicts a group portrait of a rifle company led by its officers. The unique aspect of the picture is to be seed, which gives the impression of the night scene.

"Athens School"

Written by Raphael in his early Roman period, this fresco depicts famous Greek philosophers, such as Plato, Aristotle, Euclidean, Socrates, Pythagoras and others. Many philosophers are depicted in the form of contemporaries of Rafael, for example, Plato - Leonardo da Vinci, Heraclit - Michelangelo, Euclidean - Bramte.

"Mona Lisa"

Probably the most famous picture in the world is "Dzokonda" Leonardo da Vinci, better known as "Mona Lisa". This canvas is the portrait of Mrs. Gerardini, attracting the attention of the mysterious expression of the face.