The level of culture and its concept. Moral culture and its levels

The level of culture and its concept. Moral culture and its levels

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1. Root and high, democratic and elite culture. Mass culture.In this case, we are talking about the division of culture in levels. At the same time, the pristine, initial, root (folk) culture, on the one hand, and a high (professional) culture - on the other hand, are distinguished. Root culture is the result of folk creativity, grows out of everyday labor activity and everyday life. Its essential characteristic is anonymity, lack of author. High culture is created by professionals in the area cultural creativity - artists and sculptors, scientists and inventors, religious reformers and political leaders. As a rule, the names of these people are widely known, and their creations will forever remain in the memory of descendants.

The social stratification of the Company underlies the division of culture on a democratic and elitar. Democratic culture is inextricably linked to the activities of the main mass of the population directly producing material benefits for people working in the service sector. The reservoir of elite culture is associated with the life and activities of the "Alevishers" of society - generic aristocracy, political leaders, major businessmen. As a rule, these people can afford items and products of the better quality, unique and high. In addition, today to the elite (from FR. ELITE - the best) creative intelligentsia - artists and science, creating new values \u200b\u200bof culture. With regard to artistic culture, new directions in art become elite, incomprehensible to a wide consumer, calculated on a highly educated person. Thus, elite culture is associated with part of the society that is most capable of spiritual activity or with powerful opportunities by virtue of its position. On the one hand, it is this part of society that provides public progress and cultural development. But, on the other hand, elite groups are often arrogant to "simple" people, distance from them. As a rule, for this in their environment, certain rituals and features of etiquette are adopted, some cultural standards, inaccessible to ordinary people.

BUT B. lately The boundaries between the elitar and democratic culture began to be blurred. First of all, this concerns the sphere of artistic culture. It has repeatedly happened that any elite direction or the work of art turned into a sample of a democratic culture, and vice versa. In addition, the works of high and elite culture are becoming accessible ever wider masses of the population thanks modern means Mass media and communication. Therefore, more and more often, speaking of modern modernized culture, its condition characterizes the term "mass culture". Mass culture call a combination of global consumer elements of culture produced in large volumes in an industrial method. This is a culture of everyday life, provided by most of society in various channels, including the media and communications with which it is closely related. Therefore, the content of mass culture is the products of modern industrial production, cinema, television, books, newspapers and magazines, sports, tourism, etc. Consumption of this product is a massive consumption, for an audience that perceives this culture is a mass audience of large halls, stadiums, millions of viewers of television and film screens.

The formation of mass culture is associated with the formation of an industrial society. Prerequisites for this were the gradual increase in the status of the urban working class and the expansion of democratic institutions - wider entry of workers in active civilian life. A huge role in its formation was the dissemination of universal literacy of the population. Therefore, the existence time of mass culture is counted from 1870-1890s., When first in the UK, and then in other European countries, laws on the mandatory general literacy of the population were adopted. By virtue of this, mass culture is inextricably linked with the media. Initially, she used the technical capabilities of the printing industry - cheap popular newspapers and magazines, as well as cheap books - fiction (love and detective novels) and comics. At the end of the XIX century. Cinema was invented, still remaining the most important means of mass art. At the same time, a gramophone appeared, which generated light music - Another genre of mass culture. By the 1960s, the technical possibilities of mass culture have repeatedly increased - began mass use Television, satellite communications, there are tens of millions of plates, cassettes, CDs. Recently, the possibilities of personal computers were added to this, Internet.

The emergence of mass culture meant not just the appearance of another type of culture, it was a change in the method of functioning of the entire culture. Gradually left old forms of sociality, patriarchal relations between people who lived in small villages and villages with familiar orientations and traditional values. Active migration from the village to the city began, from the old light to New World. Large cities began to appear, the life of which was very different from the usual, generating a large mental and intellectual load. This happened in parallel with the increase in time for recreation - both by reducing working time and through the development of the technique, who freed the person from many previously necessary employment operations, especially in household. The result was the emergence of new ways of rest and mental discharge. In this case, the possibilities of mass culture turned out to be indispensable.

Today, most people, especially the youth, receive ideas about the necessary style of behavior, lifestyle, career, relationships between people from mass culture. Food, clothing, dwelling, household appliances, household items, education - all this also enters a person through mass culture mechanisms. Today, any product becomes prestigious and valuable when it becomes the subject of mass demand. Thus, the mass culture becomes a means of stimulating consumption, for which advertising is actively used, to which huge funds are spent today. At the same time, national borders are erased and eliminate, the mass culture becomes the foundation of world culture.

The negative sides of the mass culture led to the fact that for a long time, evaluating the mass culture, critics only talked about the negative parties, stressed the low-standard, vulgarity of its products created on the need for an unedful and undeveloped public. It is also emphasized by the orientation of a mass culture on the formation of a spiritual standard, the "foliation" of a person, upbringing by his low needs in the field of art, the focus on consumption, and not on creativity.

There is a certain proportion of truth in these statements. But it is impossible to forget about that positive, which carries a mass culture. Its main achievement is the dissemination of universal literacy of the population, the availability of cultural values \u200b\u200bby a large number of people. Of course, it creates quite a lot of base products, but the undisputed masterpieces are replicated, which are not worse from this, but they can push a person to a deeper study of these and other works. We must not forget about the role of mass culture in the modern recreational mechanism for removing stress and stresses. In addition, recently, the mass culture has become increasingly focused on the so-called "Midkult" - the culture of the average level, within which many classical literary works are shielded, the fashion is introduced into samples of genuine artistic creativity, popular science, classical music. Therefore, the overall level of modern mass culture increases all the time.

Among the main manifestations and directions of the mass culture of our time, the following can be allocated:

- Industry "Childhood subculture" (children's literature and art, industrially produced toys and games, children's clubs and camps, militarized, etc. Organizations, collective education technologies, etc.), having the goals of universalization of the education of children, introduce into their consciousness of standardized norms, ideologically oriented mining reports, laying the basics of basic value installations officially promoted in this community;

- Mass General School, acquisition of children to the basics scientific knowledge, forms a picture of a world based on the value orientations of this society, raising the same stereotypes of behavior in all children;

- Mass media broadcasting current relevant information, "extinguishing" ordinary people, the meaning of the events, judgments and actions of various politicians and interpreting this information in accordance with the interests of the enjoyment of the "Customer" by the "Customer" actually forming public opinion on these or other issues in the interests of this "Customer";

- the system of national (state) ideology and propaganda, controlling and forming political and ideological orientations of the population, manipulating his consciousness in the interests of the ruling elites, ensuring political reliability and the desired electoral behavior of people;

- mass political movements and parties, created by ruling or oppositional elites in order to engage in massive political shares of wide segments of the population, mostly far distant from the policies and interests of elites, little understanding the meaning of the political programs offered to them, to support which they mobilize the method of injection of collective political or nationalist psychosis;

- World Social Mythology (National chauvinism and "pseudopatriotism", social demagogy, quasyreligious and paracourous teachings, cumiography, etc.), which simplifies the complex system of valuable orientations of the person and the diversity of the shades of minors to elementary oppositions ("ours - not ours"), replacing the analysis of complex multifactorial causals -rive relationships between phenomena and event appeal to simple and, as a rule, fantastic explanations ("world conspiracy", "searches of aliens", etc.), which ultimately frees people from efforts to rational comprehension of exciting problems, gives output to emotions in their most infantal manifestation;

- system of organizing and stimulating mass consumer demand (advertising, fashion, sex industry and other forms of provoking consumer excitement around things, ideas, services, etc.), which is forming public consciousness Standards of prestigious interests and needs, images and style lifestyles, imitating the form of "elite" samples, managed by the demand of an ordinary consumer to consume and models of behavior, which transforms the process of non-stop consumption of various social benefits into an existence of existence;

- Industry of the formation of the image and "improvement" of physical data of the individual (mass physical culture, bodybuilding, aerobics, sports tourism, the industry of services for physical rehabilitation, the field of medical services and pharmaceutical means of change of appearance, gender, etc.), which is a specific area of \u200b\u200bgeneral The services industry, standardizing human physical data in accordance with the actual fashion for image, gender demand, etc. or on the basis of ideological installations of the authorities on the formation of the nation of potential warriors with due sports and physical fitness;

Thus, the mass culture is a new, more developed form of cultural competence of a modern person, new inteultering mechanisms and socialization, a new management system and manipulating its consciousness, interests and needs. This is a way of existence of modern culture.

2. "Basic Culture" and subculture. Counterculture. The combination of values, beliefs, traditions and customs, which guides the majority of the members of this company are called the dominant, or dominant, culture.

The dominant culture may be national or ethnic, depending on how difficult this society is organized and how many times the country is.

Ethnic culture is a set of cultural traits concerning predominantly everyday life, consumer culture. It has a kernel and periphery. Ethnic culture includes labor tools, morals, customs, norms of customary law, values, construction, clothing, food, means of movement, housing, knowledge, beliefs, types of folk art. Specialists distinguish between two layers in ethnic culture:

- historically early (lower), formed inherited from the past by cultural elements;

- Historically late (upper), consisting of neoplasms, modern cultural phenomena.

The lower layer includes the most stable elements fixed by a centuries-old tradition. Therefore, it is believed that they constitute the framework of ethnic culture. With this approach, ethnic culture appears as the unity of continuity and update. The renewal of the culture may be exogenous (borrowed) and endogenous (arising inside the culture without influencing the outside). The continuity, the stability of ethnic culture is kept on the action of two types of mechanisms for transmitting traditions: intraocole traditions operating over several years or decades and covering only part of the ethnos (adjacent age groups); Inter-flow traditions existing throughout historically long-term time and protruding the transmission mechanism from generation to generation.

Ethnic culture is a culture of people related to the generality of origin (blood relations) and jointly implemented economic activities, unity, so to speak, "blood and soil", why it changes from one terrain to another. Local limited, rigid localization, separation in a relatively narrow social space (tribe, community, ethnic group) is one of the main features of this culture. It prevails the power of tradition, habits, times and forever adopted customs transmitted from generation to generation at the family or neighborhood level.

If ethnos indicates the socio-cultural community of people, the nation denotes the territorial, economic and linguistic association of people having social structure and political organization.

The structure of national culture is more difficult ethnic. National culture includes along with traditionally household, professional and ordinary specialized areas of culture. And since the nation covers society, and society has stratification and social structure, the concept of national culture covers the subculture of all large groups that may not be in ethnic. Moreover, ethnic crops are part of the national. Take such young nations as the United States or Brazil, which is nunted by ethnic boilers. American National Culture is extremely heterogeneous, it includes Irish, Italian, German, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, Russian, Jewish and other ethnic cultures. Most of the modern national cultures of polyethnics.

National culture does not boil down to the mechanical amount of ethnic crops. It has something over. She has actually the national traits of culture, which emerged when representatives of all ethnic groups have realized their belonging to the new nation. For example, both Africans and whites are equally enthusiastically performed by the anthem of the United States and the American flag, respective his laws and national holidays. The awareness of the large social groups of its commitment to the territory of its settlement, the nationwide literary language, national traditions and symbols is the content of national culture.

Unlike ethnic, national culture unites people living on large spaces and not necessarily bound by blood-related relations. Mandatory condition The emergence of national culture Specialists consider a new type of social communication associated with the invention of writing, with the moment of birth literary language and national literature. It is due to the writing of the idea necessary for the National Association, acquire popularity among the competent part of the population.

Thus, the national culture is based on the foundation of a written culture, while ethnic culture can be quite nonsense, for example, the culture of the backward tribes, preserved to the present day. But the same culture, in relation to all other types of culture in this territory, should be called the dominant. That is why the national culture is being studied mainly by philology, which is dealing with writing monuments, and ethnic culture - ethnography and anthropology, which is primarily with complementary literature.

An integral part of the culture is also those elements that are in opposition to the dominant samples or completely deny them. Such sociocultural attitudes that oppose the fundamental principles underlying a culture of one or another, the name of the counterconduration was obtained. This term appeared in western literature In 1960, he was introduced by the American Sociologist Theodore Roszak, which tried to combine various spiritual influences against the dominant culture, in a relatively holistic phenomenon.

Youth movements of the 1960-1970s became the most famous example of countercultitory - hipsters and hipsters, which concentrated anti-bourgeois ideas against the Western lifestyle and bourgeois morality. It all started in the mid-1940s, when the founders of the hijling D. Keroac, W. Berrouz and A. Ginzberg met each other and began to experiment with the concepts of friendship, a new vision and a new consciousness. And in the 1950s their books will appear in which they will try to substantiate new world-upsion associated with the poetry of the male principle, masculinity and rebellion, refusal from the puritianism and the reserves of the bourgeois morality and the traditions of consumer society. The same searches led them to the east, having putting interest in Buddhism to the subsequent generations, psychedelic practitioners who were especially interested in hippies. They protested against the technocratism of the modern society of consumption, the War in Vietnam, the strong power and advocated life in love on the Nature Lon.

By the 1960s, the spectrum of various youth flows was wider. At the same time, tinagers were increasingly performed as their creators - adolescents from 13 to 19 years old. So the rockers appeared - the motorcyclists are dressed in the skin, rushing horror on the townships. They cultivate the "Male Spirit", the cruelty and to direct interpersonal relationships, relying on them only for physical strength. They are aggressive, rude, noisy and confident in themselves. The incarnation of their lifestyle was rock music, heavy and simple rhythm of which fits well into their lives.

Then the punks appeared. This word is translated as "spoiled", "Nobyey". Pankov movement has become especially popular in 1970-1980. Panca shocked respectful people with their outfits - the old school form, garbage packages, toilet chains, pins, breathtaking in color and design by hairstyles and curses. They were opposed by Tedy (Teddy-Boys), who announced themselves to the custodians of social order, and "fashion" ("modernists"), who sought to approach the middle class. At the same time, movements focused on the East, using Eastern Attributics, and most importantly - the ideas of Eastern philosophy and religions. Later, "Skinheads", or "britheads", aggressive to all deviant, from their point of view, will fall from "mods".

In other words, these movements arise, then decline, new movements are born, which is waiting for the same fate. But they do not disappear without a trace. Their value benchmarks dissolve in the Lon of the prevailing culture, which under their influence begins to change. Thus, the countercultures have a powerful creative charge that promotes culture dynamics.

It should not be thought that the appearance of a counterculture is a specific feature of the XX century. The opposition of the dominant culture, the birth of new values \u200b\u200bis constantly happening in world culture. As a countercultitution arose, for example, Christianity in the Roman Empire, secular culture in the Renaissance Epoch, Romanticism at the end of the Epoch of Enlightenment. It can be said that every new culture is born as a result of awareness of the crisis of the culture of the previous period on the basis of existing monetary installations there.

But along with the counterculture in any culture there are numerous subcultures that need to be distinguished from each other. Subcultures call large components of integral local crops (ethnic, national, social), characterized by a certain local specificity of certain features. As a rule, subcultures are associated with numerous, compactly posted and relatively isolated groups of people. Usually subcultures are located on the outskirts of the range of distribution of a holistic culture, which is associated with the specific conditions that have developed there.

The existence of subcultures is due to the fact that no society, like any culture, cannot be completely homogeneous. In addition to the central kernel, they include other groups with specific characteristics of culture. At the same time, the bulk of the cultural elements of these groups is identical or close to the basic culture, from which they differ only in some elements or traits of culture.

The formation of subcultures occurs on ethnographic, class, confessional, professional, functional features, based on age or social specifics.

So, Russian Old Believers differ from the basic culture with the specifics of their religious views. For example, the specific lifestyle of the Cossacks is associated with their special professional features of the defenders of the country. The subculture of prisoners arises due to the insulation of these people from the majority of the population. Subcultures of young people and pensioners arise in connection with age differences. It is also possible to allocate subcultures of disabled people, subculture of representatives of sexual minorities, etc.

As a rule, subcultures are striving to preserve certain autonomy from other cultural layers and groups, do not claim the versatility of their culture, their lifestyle. By virtue of this, they are distinguished by some locality and a certain closedness, while maintaining loyalty to the main value attitudes of the main culture. Subcultures are only deviations from the main route of development of culture. They do not put their goal to rewrite the dominant culture, but in their own way adapt to it. This is exactly what they differ from the counterculture, seeking to remake the world.

The concepts of countercultitory and subculture must clearly separate the anticulture. The latter is the antagonistic opposition of culture as such. Anticulture There is such a form of human and society, which is intentionally aimed at destruction, destruction, destruction of spirituality and culture. Sometimes anticulture can manifest itself under the mask of official culture (for example, fascism.).

3. Culture of organizations. Consideration of organizations as communities with a uniform understanding of their goals, values \u200b\u200band places, values \u200b\u200band behavior, caused the concept of organizational culture to life.

Organizational culture is a system of socio-progressive formal and informal rules and the norms of activities, customs and traditions, individual and group interests, features of the behavior of the personnel of this organizational structure, the style of management, performance of workers' satisfaction with working conditions, the level of mutual cooperation and the compatibility of workers among themselves and with the organization, development prospects. The main function of organizational culture is to create a sense of identity of all members of the organization, the image of collective "we", to ensure the harmonization of collective and individual interests.

How does culture affect the effectiveness of the organization? Efficiency requires the culture of the organization, its strategy, the environment (external environment) and technology (internal environment) were aligned. The organization's strategy based on the market demands and is more suitable for a dynamic environment, suggests a culture based on an individual initiative, risk, high integration, normal conflict perception and wide horizontal communication. The strategy dictated by the prospects for the development of production production, focuses on efficiency, better work with a stable environment. It is more successful when the culture of the organization provides for responsible control, minimizes the risk and conflicts.

Organizational values \u200b\u200bplay a leading role in the culture of enterprises. Organizational values \u200b\u200bare subjects, phenomena and processes aimed at meeting the needs of members of the organization and recognizing as such by the majority of the members of the organization. You can allocate:

1) the common values \u200b\u200bof enterprises, objectively growing from the conditions of entrepreneurial activities and determining the functioning of production organizations. However, at each enterprise these values \u200b\u200bhave their own modifications. These modifications can manifest themselves in the alignment of various accents, and some of these values \u200b\u200bacquire the nature of the most important principles in this enterprise.

2) Intorganization values. The organization is well implementing the goals prescribed to it only if it is observed in it a certain functional and structural order, which is a factor in its stability. An important intra-organizational values \u200b\u200bare discipline, an extension, a high sense of responsibility for the performance of their professional and status responsibilities. All these values \u200b\u200bare as if the preservative qualities of the manufacturing organization. But organizations have the need for innovation, in changing the structure, technologies, relationships, functions. This means that innovation, initiative, creative inclinations in a certain sense can act as intra-organization values. At the same time, studies show that officials who have the status of managers, in words very highly appreciate innovation, initiative, but their subordinates prefer such qualities as personal devotion, conformism, obedience, etc. and these qualities It should be considered as intra-organization values.

The French sociologists R. Blake and J. Muton proposed a typology of culture of enterprises based on value orientations. In their opinion, in the cultures of enterprises there are two main vector of value orientation: the first-designation on products, efficiency and economic result; The second is the identity orientation, the satisfaction of its needs, the implementation of its capabilities and abilities. In accordance with these orientations, the existence of four main types of cultures is possible: 1) the most viable combines a strong orientation to a person with a strong orientation for economic efficiency; 2) the most non-visual connects a weak orientation to a person with a weak orientation for economic efficiency; 3) intermediate connects a strong orientation on personality and weak on economic efficiency; 4) Intermediate connects a strong orientation on economic efficiency and weak orientation to the person.

Depending on the relationship to the basic values, dominant cultures and subcultures are distinguished. The dominant culture expresses the main (central) values \u200b\u200bthat are accepted by a majority of members of the organization. This is a macropod to culture, which expresses the distinctive characteristic of the organization.

Subcultures are developed in large organizations and reflect common problems, the situations faced by employees, or the experience of their permission. They develop geographically or by individual units, vertically or horizontally. When one production department of some conglomerate has a unique culture that differs from other branches of the organization, then there is a vertical subculture. When the specific department of functional specialists (such as accounting or trading) has a set of generally accepted concepts, a horizontal subculture is formed. Any group in an organization can create a subculture, but mostly subculture is determined by the Department (separate) structural circuit or geographical separation. It will include the basic values \u200b\u200bof the dominant culture plus additional values \u200b\u200binherent in only members of this department.

In organizations, subcultures can also exist, which are quite stubbornly reject what the organization as a whole wants to achieve. Among these organizational countercultures, the following types can be allocated:

 Direct opposition to the values \u200b\u200bof the dominant organizational culture;

 Opposition of the structure of power in the framework of the organization's dominant culture;

 Opposition to the samples of relations and interaction supported by the organizational culture.

Countercultures in the organization usually appear when individuals or groups are in conditions that they feel cannot provide them with the usual or desired satisfaction. In a certain sense, organizational countercultures are a call for help during the period of stress or crisis, i.e. When the existing support system collapsed, and people are trying to restore at least some kind of control over their lives in the organization. Some "countercultural" groups can become quite influential in large-scale transformations associated with significant changes in nature, design and nature of the organization.

Depending on the degree of dissemination and support of basic values, strong and weak culture are distinguished. The more members of the organization share major values, recognize the degree of their importance and are committed to them, the stronger the culture. Organizational cultures It is considered weak if they are very fragmented and unbound together with common values \u200b\u200band beliefs. The company may suffer if subcultures that characterize its various units are not associated or in conflict with each other. However, strong culture creates not only the benefits for the organization. It should be borne in mind that a strong culture is at the same time a serious obstacle to the way of conducting changes in the organization. "New" in culture is always weaker at first. Therefore, it is considered to be better to have a moderately strong culture in the organization

In close cooperation with the value aspect of culture, its sign-symbolic component is located, which in developed cultures of enterprises acquires the nature of the holistic system. The iconic symbolic system is the form through which the production and reproduction of the enterprise culture is carried out, its constant functioning. Rituals and rituals are played in this system, which are aimed at making the special importance of events related to the iconic events in the organization of the organization. It can be:

1) solemn meetings associated with the anniversary dates of the company's activities;

2) DEVELOPMENT RIDATES, which are held when taking newcomers. During these rites, they are introduced to the basic values \u200b\u200bdeveloped in the company, seek to instill a sense of involvement in the large team of the company and thereby additionally mobilize their internal reserves;

3) Wiring ceremonies to a well-deserved holiday of veterans of the company. The wires are always on solemn speeches and gifts: during this rite, it is strongly emphasized that the loyalty of the company, conscientious work for its benefit does not remain unnoticed and receives its high assessment;

4) Transition rituals through which the status position of individuals are noted. The rite of transition, in contrast to the other two rites, is a fast and modest ceremony that may be in presenting the superior head of the transferred to a new position to its new team, the visits of politeness of colleagues-directs, etc.

The annual techniques in which the highest leadership are participating in companies, the main holders of shares, some employees - "situational characters", main clients, etc. Many enterprises are systematically once a month, once a week on the weekend, joint lunches are held, in which the highest management of the company and specially invited workers and employees are most often involved. The main purpose of such events to symbolize the community, the unity of all the links of the enterprise hierarchy, to submit an enterprise as a certain identical structure. The iconic symbolic system of culture of enterprises also includes such as style of clothing, signs of differences, status, awards, etc. All these elements are designed to symbolize the values \u200b\u200bof the enterprise.

The largest American specialist in the management of management and sociology of organizations I. Ouchi proposed its version of the typology of organizations that are based on differences in the regulation of interactions and relations. Ouchi, there are three most common types of culture of enterprises: a market, bureaucratic and clan. Market culture is based on the dominance of value relations. Manual and staff of this type of organizations are guided mainly to profitability. The effectiveness of this or that division and employees is determined on the basis of the cost indicators related primarily to production costs. Enterprise with a culture of this type focuses on the problem of reducing production costs. Market mechanisms are quite effective and enterprises with this type of culture can be pretty for a long time function normally.

Bureaucratic culture is based on the system of power that regulates the entire activities of the enterprise in the form of rules, instructions and procedures. The source of power in this organization is competence. This culture Effective in stable, well-projected situations. In the situation of increasing uncertainty, at the moments of the crisis, its effectiveness falls.

Clan culture. Ouchi examines not as an alternative to the first two cultures, but as their addition. This type of culture can exist both within market and inside a bureaucratic culture. Clan culture applies to informal organizations. The clan is formed on the basis of any valuables divided by all its members. This value system is not imposed on the outside, but is created by the Organization itself. Therefore, it is more adaptable to changing situations. Unlike rules and instructions, values \u200b\u200bdo not strictly regulate the actions, but only send them into a certain direction and it creates a greater degree of freedom of behavior, which means adaptation to changing conditions. Power in organizations from this type of culture is due to personal advantages, or on credit from other executives of the organization.

The culture of peoples and states, reflecting the degree of material and spiritual mastering nature or the level of development of productive forces, is the most sensitive indicator of the scientific and technical and social maturity of the socio-economic formation.

It serves not only by measuring level matching public Development world civilization, but also by the forecast of its prospects, the prerequisite for future public culture.

The main subjects of the culture of society are the family and the labor team, where the first as socio-demographic, and the second as the socio-economic cells of society represent almost all cultural medium Personality, i.e. reflect the development of individual culture. As for the culture of individuals and groups, it is not only an indicator of socialization, but also the criterion for the development of personality. Speaking as an Individual Development Condition, the cultural environment acquires the defenmant property human Development and behavior.

The spiritual aspect of the culture of the personality is considered. The point is not that her material aspect has already found its coverage, but is that the spiritual closer is associated with the subjective side, individual behavior. Ultimately, spiritual culture shows the degree of mastering the masses by the Marxist worldview, which, as V. I. Lenin noted, "be the right expression of interests, point of view, culture of the revolutionary proletariat."

Complement to the specific abilities and properties, the spiritual culture of the individual under normal conditions is committed to the correspondence with the culture of its environment, which, reflecting public culture, acts as a formal standard of development of the abilities and property properties. Presenting a pronounced social deviation, the unfavorable family creates its specific cultural or, more precisely, the anticultural environment. Objectively developing on the above scheme, the child involuntarily seizes the culture of family disadvantaged, exacerbating the already low spiritual potential of his family.

The methodological basis for the decision of the level assessment, development and education and education issues is the well-known position of K. Marx and F. Engels that "... calling, appointment, the task of the whole person - to comprehensively develop all its abilities ...". Giving exceptional importance comprehensive development man, founders of Marxism-Leninism seen in this the only way Mastering a diverse and rich spiritual heritage of society. As a person is the main productive force of society, his "calling, appointment, task" is becoming a condition for the development of productive forces, the condition of public progress. This implies that the comprehensive development of a person becomes the "universal law of social production." Consequently, one of the main and most universal criteria for estimating the level and determination of the objectives of the cultural development of all, including minors from disadvantaged families, is made by the fullness of personality development. This criterion cannot be spontaneously moved to minors from disadvantaged families without an appropriate amendment to a cash level of personality development and the peculiarities of the direct cultural environment. In order for this criterion to "work", it is necessary to determine its content, as well as to establish a really achievable natural and figurative standard of the cultural environment of the object.

With regard to the meaningful side of the criterion for assessing the level and determination of the objectives of the cultural development of the personality of minors from disadvantaged families, it should be basically the ideology of the working class. By occupying the leading position in public production, the working class under the conditions of socialism becomes an "intellectual and moral engine", the main subject of socialist ideology. Concentrating on the basis of the separation and cooperation of labor in large and small production teams, exploiting the means of production, creating all the material benefits, including the means of producing spiritual values, the working class becomes not only the dominant material, but also the spiritual power of society. "A class, having at its disposal the means of material production," said K. Marx and F. Engels, - has both the means of spiritual production. " The production team can serve as a standard of cultural medium for subjects of family disadvantage. As for the choice of such a standal for minors from disadvantaged families, they can become a class, school team, study group PTU or production team.

Reflecting the degree of mastering the laws of the development of nature and society and embodied in the ideals of the dominant class, spiritual culture is manifested in all spheres of vital activity of individuals as their attitude towards work, science, knowledge, ethics, aesthetics, ideology, politics and man. In this sense, it acquires not only the importance of an interdisciplinary cumulative indicator of the social maturity of man and society, but also the catalyst for the development of their needs, i.e. the improvement of the relations themselves. Moreover, assimilating in the process of labor, scientific, educational or other activities, public experience, knowledge and skills, a person willingly or involuntarily develops and multiplies its abilities and properties. In other words, dialectically and historically determining the development of the abilities and properties of the individual, spiritual culture becomes an indicator of subjective possibilities and a source of comprehensiveness of personality development.

Spiritual culture is a complexized phenomenon consisting of a variety of person's subjective relations to the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof society that are manifested in the abilities, skills and personality properties. There may be an estimate of the level of spiritual culture, which proceeds either from the analysis of most of these elements, or those that may be grouped into a conditional model of the spiritual culture of the individual. These elements were attributed to those that determine the development and behavior of minors. All these elements indicators of spiritual culture were (again conditionally divided into basic and instrumental.

The composition of the main elements included those in the sphere of which most of the behavioral structures of the individual (needs, interests, moral and legal views and education) are formed. Those who fill the main designs of the subjective content (intelligence, mental abilities, aesthetic views and feelings) were attributed to the instrumental.

Based on the fact that the development of the spiritual heritage of the society and its transformation into the properties, ability and skills of the personality, it can be assumed that the level of development of general education and the attitude towards its mastering are the initial factors and defining indicators of spiritual culture, level and Perspectives of personality development. Being in direct proportional dependence on obtaining any knowledge, the level of general education has a direct impact on the behavior of the person. In this regard, it seems not quite clear thesis of I. S. Kona that "the higher education and social status Personality, the later she gains a sense of social maturity. "

The data of our study show that only the steady increase in the level of education and the preservation of communication with the school can neutralize the influence of family disadvantage and reorient the minor to such a standard of cultural environment, which is formed at school.

It is that the influence of the school and the level of education can be explained by the fact that the main part of minors from disadvantaged families who graduated from 8 classes, with other things being equal with those who prematurely stopped studying at school, oriented its further life on the social and positive path of development. On average, 40% of them arrive in PTU, almost 20% become working industrial enterprises, 24% - employees of the non-production sphere, 2% continue to study at school and only a little more than 1.6% fall into the category of "non-working and increasing" category. The last figure is only 5% more than adolescents from the families of the control group and almost 3 times less compared to minors from (disadvantaged families who have left the school. Probably, this is one of the reasons that the share of minors graduated from 8 classes accounting for almost 2 times less offenses and crimes and almost 1.5 times - administrative and disciplinary misconductthan on all juveniles from disadvantaged families. In short, for minors from disadvantaged families, education and studies are the main (if not the only) factor in the socialization of the individual.

One of the characteristic indicators of the level of education of minors is the distance between age and the number of finished school classes (or the year of training in vocational schools). By increasing with age (after the "discontinuity" with the school), it not only complicates the possibility of obtaining education, but also puts a minor in an atypical position. It is sooner or later, but necessarily leads to "hard" restrictions in the choice of profession and place of work, in creating a family, determining the circle of communication, mastering the spiritual heritage of society, the possibilities of legal satisfaction of their needs. Ultimately, it serves as one of the reasons for the degradation of the person, conflict with morality and the right, reproduction of family disadvantage.

Of course, the lag in the formation level differs in different ways on each minor, but, depending on the type of employment, it has characteristic manifestations. For school students, it serves as the main prerequisite for premature cessation of study. Among the students of vocational schools, distance between age and the number of finished school classes is on average 1 year. In cycling conditions, distance between age and. The level of education is manifested as a disadapting factor or as a factor opposing the merger of an individual with a team of the study group. On the one hand, possessing a significantly smaller potential of knowledge (with the equality of the number of finished classes), minors from disadvantaged families cannot cope with the curriculum. This, volunteer or involuntarily puts them in a disadvantage, expressing in relation to them as a destabilizing learning process and the performance of the team with an undesirable phenomenon. On the other hand, the difference in the age forms other than that of the majority of students, the structure of interests. Having preferred contacts with "old" friends, peers, persons of the opposite sex, the usual forms of leisure, minors from disadvantaged families are "tolerant", but not interested in the team attitude.

Thus, it can be assumed that one of the reasons for the high "discrade" minors from disadvantaged families from PTU (up to 75%) is the mutual disinterest of each other personality and the team. Such. extreme form Disadaptation is for most minors from disadvantaged families in fact, the last possibility of obtaining secondary education (in any case, before the onset of eighteen years). The fact is that from all those who after the "drop-off" from PTU came to production, only 2% continued to study in a secondary school in his free time. " Care from the school determines the increase in this distance for another 3-4 years.

The distance between age and the level of formation in cycle conditions is manifested in the same way as the condition of the total age disharmony of personality development. Striving in a later introduction of an individual to one or another activities (including school studies, service in the ranks Soviet army, Labor activity, etc.), it puts it in equal, and sometimes in a lower position with younger in age, fastening it as a tendency requiring large volitional, moral, mental and physical costs. Without knowing how to change the course of events, one part of students from disadvantaged families is arguing with this and follows the course of the titled trend, the other part, who acutely reacting to the most injustice to her, elects usual for her conflict situations Method. Solving the problem of self-affirmation by an antisocial way, these adolescents further aggravate the disharmony of personality development. It is at this category that accounts for up to 78% of all crimes, offenses and misconducts committed by PRTU.

As for the distance between the age and the level of formation of working minors from disadvantaged families, although it does not have eruption of pronounced legal and psychological consequences, but, amounting to 2 years, turns into this category in law. Without experiencing at most it (87%) damage in a low level of education (in connection with the acquisition of independent earnings, independence from school, school, family, etc.), they reject the need for further study. Another commemorative difficulties in school influenced the reluctance and, of course, a large gap between the cessation of study at school and the beginning, permanent employment, which for 9% of the surveyed 4 years, for 12% -3 years, for 27% -2 years And for the rest - 1 year. The gap over the years increases and, taking into account the characterological characteristics of the object becomes irreversible. And although this category does not experience any damage in the low level of education, the distance between age and the level of education is directly related to lower, compared with the control group, qualifications characteristic of them negligence to the norms of production, regime and discipline of labor, the offenses and crimes they commit outside the enterprise. According to studies, there are almost 52% of all offenses and crimes committed by working minors from disadvantaged families.

The most disastrous distance between age and the level of education is manifested in relation to those minors from disadvantaged families, which relate to the category of "non-working and incredible". Equal on average 3 years (i.e., highly high compared to all categories of juvenile juveniles from disadvantaged families), it acts as a factor paralyzing the general development of the personality. This is explained by the extreme form of degradation, "raising" this category of minors, families in the state of "protracted collapse", as well as the situation in fact "the teenager left for the arbitrariness of the fate.

Drunkenness and other factors of family disadvantages were practically sulfy from the consideration and lexicon of parents: the concepts of education and teaching children. It is not by chance that the families of non-working and incredible adolescents have those that have stopped learning from the fifth grade. In other words, the extreme form of family disadvantage deprives minors not only childhood, but also the initial foundation for the development of the personality, that is, the possibility of obtaining education.

Having the lowest of all categories of minors. The level of education, non-working and incredible teenagers are characterized by extremely low (1.4 points against 3.8 points in the control group) interest in study. At the same time, the "need" does not learn has a frankly progressive character with age. If another 12-13-year-old teenagers express (at least in words), some desire to get an education, then 82% of adolescents of 16-17-year-old age categorically reject even the feasibility of general education.

In this sense, the distance between age and the level of education is likely to be considered as a condition of identity degradation. As the most small group, non-working and unreasonable teenagers give an almost absolute number of minors engaged in vagrancy. In addition, they are the most offender (by the number of cases per 100 people) among minor category. Speaking O. great meaning The level of education for the development of the individual, it is impossible to not pay attention to the role of an objective factor in the formation of a negative attitude of minors from disadvantaged families to study. The fact that interest in studying this category occupies one of the last places in the value scale, is to blame primarily the family and low level of parental education. In this sense, minors from socialized families had great advantages, for already one thing is that their parents have a significantly greater level of education than parents from disadvantaged families, significantly increases the guarantee of obtaining secondary education. So rightly noted I. S. Kon, "the higher the level of parental education, the greater the likelihood that their part is going to continue their studies after school and that these plans will be implemented." As for family disadvantages, it actually deprives the prospects for obtaining secondary education and reduces this probability to a random, non-dependent coincidence.

The value of education for a person in general and a minor, in particular, also says that under the influence and with the participation of education, one of the most important socio-psychological properties of the personality is formed - its intellect. Arriving, together with other properties and qualities, the spiritual culture of the individual, the intellect occupies a special position among them: it becomes the leading internal catalyst for the self-development of the individual, indicator of the level of development of his spiritual culture, mental activity. Forming under the influence ambient And in the process of concrete theoretical or practical activity), it ultimately determines the subjective aspect of their transformation and thus becomes one of the factors of the development of the Company's productive forces.

Thus, the analysis of intelligence in the context of the spiritual culture of the individual is the most important means of identifying specific opportunities for the development and response of the personality of minors from disadvantaged families. In this sense, the definition of nature, concepts, criteria and indicators of the analyzed phenomenon in relation to the object of this study is of particular importance. Unfortunately, in psychology, sociology and in the theory of culture, these questions have not yet found their decision. They did not receive due development they are in criminology.

Since in psychology, consistently decisive problems Intellect, the opinion prevails, according to which it comes down to the mental and general abilities of the individual, the genesis of the abilities automatically applies to intelligence as a whole. But only to the abilities of intelligence can not be reduced. The ability as a state of psycho-physiological readiness of the body to any activity is better to be considered only as one of the conditions for the formation of intelligence and other social and psychological properties of the individual. In addition, the intellect is not characterized by all sorts of, but only specifically specific abilities. In addition to them, in the formation of intellect, knowledge and public experience, environment and activities, needs and interests, morality and legal awareness, and much more, which is able to compensate, develop or restrain the development of abilities. "Having adopted that the abilities exist only in development," said B. M. Warm, - we should not lose sight of this, which is not otherwise developed, as in the process of one or another practical or theoretical activity. And hence it follows that the ability cannot arise outside the relevant specific activity. " In other words, the abilities become an internal property of an individual or condition further development. Assessment of the development of intelligence development is made up of achievements obtained with the participation of abilities, and ideas about possible achievements in the projected livelihoods of the estimated.

Since the spontaneous development of intelligence is unrealistic, the assessment of these possibilities is carried out taking into account the availability and level of development of the needs that cause mental activity, the degree of development of instrumental (with respect to intelligence) of abilities (letters, accounts, accounts, readings, etc.), activities and those external conditions (characteristic, atypical or extreme), in which this individual will live. The decisive word in this subjective assessment remains for external conditions of life, which (especially in relation to minors) determines the development of intellectual needs and instrumental abilities.

It can be assumed that the state of the immediate environment, intellectual needs and instrumental abilities, as well as the characteristic of the activities of the individual, refraarting through the prism of its achievements (as the most reliable indicator of mental abilities), give an answer to the question of the possibilities of intellectual development. Then the criterion of intellectual development of the individual could be called the effectiveness of mental activity, the cause - the need, the condition is the state of the direct environment, and the means - specific activities. In other words, the indicators of the level of intellectual development include the level of development of intellectual needs, instrumental abilities, knowledge, memory and rational thinking.

Noting the importance and latitude of the sphere of the influence of intelligence, it is impossible to not pay attention to the need for its separation from other components of spiritual culture. This is necessary in order to avoid the expansion interpretation of the intelligence and mixing its functions with the functions of other social and psychological education individuals. The fact is that the expansion interpretation of this concept can lead to unjustified duplication and substitution of tasks facing intellectual education. In this regard, it seems an erroneous opinion, according to which the intellectual indicators (moreover, the most important) refers "The need for as best can perform a task for yourself, for others or to get the product as such."

Intellect in socialism conditions cannot be considered as an abstract or morally neutral category, as society is not indifferent to what matters this social value will be sent. Each discipline, including intelligent education, has its subject area outlined by the indicators of the intellectual development of the individual. The problem is better or worst relationship A person to perform any task is to the number of moral categories and is the subject of moral education.

Evaluation of the level of development of needs was carried out through the analysis of preferred activities in free time. The fact is that the free time, the least regulated, is consumed by minors primarily at its discretion, that is, in accordance with personal needs. Therefore, the activities of the activities in their free time are the most accurate sign of real needs, and therefore the volume and maintenance of mental energy spent on their implementation.

The need to analyze activities in his free time also says that minors from disadvantaged families only during this period can show their abilities, since they are almost no such that would study in schools with mathematical, chess, foreign-speaking or other bias unwittingly requiring high mental costs. Studying or working as needed, i.e. in incision with the needs, they can not mobilize mental energy for these activities.

According to the previously shown characteristics of minors from disadvantaged families in free time and expert evaluation data, it is possible to draw conclusions regarding the availability and level of needs. Conditioning mental activity. First, the structure of the needs of almost 57% of the surveyed did not have intellectual needs in general, 35% of mental energy costs were associated with the need for entertainment. Only 8% attended the needs that really encourage socially positive mental activities. Secondly, preferring the physical methods of realizations of self-affirmation needs, mentally unproductive; Passive-contemplative forms of pastime, they inevitably lose in intellectual, development of peers, actively using mental potential, are deprived of the prospects for intellectual all-round personal development.

Speaking about the level of development of common instrumental abilities or ensuring mental activity of reading, letters and accounts of minors from disadvantaged families, it should be noted that all of them are much worse than that of juveniles from the control group. For example, in the first volume read by 4.2 times, the speed of the letter 1.3 times, literacy of the letter 2.8 times, and the correctness of the account (by the multiplication table) is 1.9 times lower than that of the second. At the same time, the difference in the development levels of all listed skills has a pronounced tendency to increase (along with an increase in age). As for the level of development of special instrumental abilities (play in chess, on musical instruments, modeling, etc.), then here you can state: without having a need for these activities and not participating in them, teenagers naturally cannot have and Appropriate skills.

Thus, the irrational use of free time, largely due to the undeveloped needs of mental activity, deprives minor of disadvantaged families of the instrumental basis of intellectual development. This poses the possibility of the very possibility of the spiritual development of this category, for "free time as the greatest productive force" predetermines everything, and above all the intellectual development of the personality.

The instrumental quality also has such a component of intelligence as memory. Having other than instrumental abilities, nature, memory as the property of the nervous system ensures assimilation, accumulation and consolidation of skills, needs, knowledge and experience of mental activity, becomes a tool or means of transforming them into mental neoplasms, in the properties of the intellect. Of course, it is not the only means of intellectual development, but, depending on its condition, determines the boundaries of the possibilities of this development or its quantitative side.

According to the weighted average values \u200b\u200bof the estimates given by experts, each type of memory of minors from disadvantaged families, sensual and affective memory received 3.5 points (against 3.1 points in the control group), figurative - 3.6 against 3.7 points, logical - 2, 2 against 3.8 points, sign - 2.4 against 3.3 points and motor - 2.7 against 3.4 points, i.e., sensual memory of juveniles from disadvantaged families is developed above, the figurative almost does not have differences, and Here is a motor, sign and especially logical are designed much worse than adolescents of the control group.

A similar picture is not accidental. According to the questionnaire of polar profiles, it is emotional sphere The most common is deformed and characterized as unbalanced and acted. The hot temper, the symptoms and ambitiousness of character, balloon and vitality confirm the hypothesis of the predominance of emotional regulation of behavior. Probably a combination of aggravated memory of feelings and underdeveloped logical memory The functional dissonance of the nervous system is generating when its one, more developed subsystem suppresses less developed. All types of memory, performing certain mental functions, make up integral integrity, the violation of which leads to irrational, monofunctional regulation of behavior.

With regard to the question of the direction of sensual memory, entering the consciousness and behavior of the individual, antisocial target images, the answer to it is likely to be sought in the genesis of its formation and again in the ratio of the levels of development of all memory components. Education in family disadvantages causes a one-way orientation of children's memory, the accumulation and preservation of such sensory experience, which is most often reproduced in the family and causes the child the strongest emotional experiences. Since in these families, the combination of physical punishment methods with carelessness prevails and even with indifference to the fate of their children, in the memory of minors are fixed mainly negative emotions, negative in essence experience of interpersonal relations, which they subsequently transferred to the relationship with society.

The daily negative experience of relations in the family causes high neuropsychiatric loads, accumulation and accentuation of images of objective reality, which provides a relatively high development of shaped memory in minors. The images recorded in memory are objective, i.e., adequately reflect the realities of family disadvantaged; The figurative memory introduces the familiar sensual images into the consciousness and behavior of the individual who are materialized in the corresponding effects. The combination of aggravated sensual memory with an imperfection of logical and other memory types aggravates the functional dissonance of the nervous system and determines the irrational behavior of the person. In other words, what kind of memory is developed, what images it causes, such a sign and modality contains concepts, judgments and conclusions underlying the practical activity of the individual.

Directly with memory is associated with the development of the abilities of rational thinking, considered as one of the indicators of the level of intelligence. Based on the fact that a rational comprehensive type and the function of mental activity, which manifests itself in target (cognitive and behavioral) motives, assessing the level of its development was carried out taking into account the motives of mental or cognitive activity juvenile. "The presence and functioning in the thinking of man cognitive! Motivation is associated with the highest forms of development of intellectual abilities and with the most significant achievements of human thought. " Internal motivation of cognitive activity is a criterion for assessing the level of development of rational thinking. According to the expert assessment, the positive and cognitive activity of adolescents from disadvantaged families * is only 1.8 points (against 3.8 points in the control group).

The underdevelopment of the emotional and prompting sphere of cognitive activity and rational thinking as a whole reduces intellectual activity, restrains the development of general education and special, knowledge. It is likely that it is possible to largely explain, a low expert assessment of the erudition level of the study category (1.9 against 3.2 points in the control group). Analysis of the motives for termination of study or negative to her relationship shows that for 80% of the studied studies at school and PTU was a forced event.

It can be quite definitely argued that minors from disadvantaged families are deprived of objective opportunities for the development of intelligence (without radical external intervention). The same can be said about the organization of free time, which, according to K. Marx, "represents both leisure" and time for more sublime activities, "but in the conditions of family disadvantaged, it acts as an independent, active factor of identity degradation.

Another component of the spiritual culture and the comprehensive development of the individual is aesthetic views. Understanding the aesthetic "... that is common in the beautiful, elevated, tragic, comic, as in the ugly, lowland, which reflects their originality in the world of life phenomena and causes certain sensual-emotional experiences." We can assume that the target function of the Marxist-Leninist aesthetics is The formation of the harmony of the Spirit embodied in the feelings and thoughts of a person who can not only feel and reproduce, but also to create a beautiful, kind, elevated.

Having granted proper importance of spiritual harmony in the socialization of the person, the Communist Party raised this problem to the level public Policyby writing in the new edition of his program that "the party will take care of aesthetic education Workers, growing generations on the best samples of domestic and world artistic culture. The aesthetic start is even more spiritualized by work, horses a person, will decorate his life. " In other words, aesthetic feelings as the most important mental tool for reflection of objective reality are not only an indicator of the spiritual culture of the individual, but also a means of regulating behavior.

It is clear that we are talking about the aesthetic views of minors from disadvantaged families, where the Bezois and the spiritual atmosphere itself is a clear opposite of the beautiful, kind, elevated, where even the upbringing of elementary skills granted the will of the case is extremely difficult, and it would be easier to say that they are weakly developed : According to expert assessment, 1.9 points against 3.6 in the control group. This can also be judged by the high level of offenses and crimes on them, for the cruelty that they sometimes show against people and things and performed offenses, crimes and misdemeans.

Apparently, their aesthetic feelings are not. They meet the socially necessary level and therefore do not provide their regulatory function. In addition, the whole analysis proves that the development of any one human property in the absence or deformation of others is not able to realize their destination. Speaking about the aesthetic views of minors from disadvantaged families, it is impossible not to take into account the peculiarities of their immediate environment. Therefore, a low level of aesthetic views is most likely not wines, but the trouble under study. All research data suggest that the sensual infantilism of a person is a natural consequence of spiritual hunger, experienced in childhood, the result of egoism or carelessness of the parents.

Be that as it may, the aesthetic views of minors in the conditions of family disadvantages do not have perspectives and in their deformed state can be encouraged by everything, not only the development of spiritual culture. And yet we are far from thought about the doomes of this category. Practices are known not for single examples when timely, radical and consistent measures for the resocialization of minors from disadvantaged families gave positive results.

The sociocultural development of children is today relevant due to the current socio-economic and social and cultural The situation in Russia: a low cultural level of development of the population, asocial manifestations in society (crime, neglect, alcoholism, drug addiction), socio-economic instability (uncertainty in educational policies, weakening the educational function of the family, low level of well-being, etc.).

Socio-cultural development plays an important role in human life, but culture is not acquired with genes, since it is purchased in society. Culture is in human way Life.

Socio-cultural development plays a major role in the development of a person, in making them rules and norms of its culture, and this, accordingly, affects its worldview and value orientations present in his life, and also affects the development of the personality.

social developmentthis is a change in society that leads to the emergence of new public relations, institutions, norms and values. Characteristic features social Development are three features: irreversibility, focus and pattern

Usually social development as a real process is characterized by three interrelated features: irreversibility, orientation and pattern. Irreversibility Means the constancy of the processes of accumulation of quantitative and qualitative changes for a certain period of time. Food - That line or lines for which accumulation is performed. Regularity - Not random, but the necessary accumulation process. Principle important characteristic Social development - a period of time during which development is carried out. Perhaps no less important and the fact that only over time is the main features of social development, since it consists of some chain social changes. The result of the development process is a new quality (sometimes quantitative) state of the social facility (for example, a social group, social institution, organization and the whole society).

The above belongs, rather, to the general philosophical or socio-philosophical understanding of development. Sociological understanding of development requires more specific allocation of its criteria and indicators. Social development can be considered at different levels - theoretical sociology and empirical research, macrosociology and microsociology. In each case, the specificity of the object is required, and therefore the selection of the appropriate methods. IN scientific literature You can meet different points of view on this. If you keep in mind the general sociological theory, it seems to be allocated first of all the following criteria for social development. First, social development involves the structural complication of the object. As a rule, more complex objects are and more developed. Secondly, social development means an increase in the number, complication of character or even modifying the social functions of the object. If you compare the modern society with the diversified industry, numerous public and public administration systems, educational institutions and scientific institutions, differentiated on social groups, professions, strata, with societies living due to gathering, hunting or agriculture, it becomes an obvious a huge difference in the degree of complexity and development of these two types of societies. Third, an important criterion for social development social institutions and organizations are improving performance, efficiency, competitive activities.

social development involves an increase in the possibilities to satisfy the diverse needs (material, intellectual, spiritual, etc.) of various groups of the population and individual individuals. In this sense, the social development of the enterprise on which they work is essential. In this case, it is understood not only the development of the technology of the labor process, but first of all, the improvement of working and recreation conditions, an increase in the level of material well-being, social security of workers and their families, the possibility of increasing the cultural and educational level IT. p. No less important to the social development of the district, city, region, the whole society.

The family is the initial structural social development of children. It is connected by blood and related relations and unites spouses, children and parents, including several generations at the same time.

The purpose of family education is:

1) the formation of such qualities and property properties that will help decent to overcome difficulties and barriers found in the life path;

2) the development of intelligence and creativity, cognitive forces and primary work experience, moral and aesthetic began, emotional culture and physical health of children - it all depends on the family, from parents and is main goal Education.

For effective family education, it is necessary to form a pedagogically appropriate focus on the parents themselves for permanent and interconnected communication with their own children.

The meaning of the education of children in the family:

1) The family creates the model of life to which it turns on;

2) the influence of parents on their own children should ensure their physical perfection and moral purity;

3) often family circumstances And the conditions in which children were born and grew up, put the imprint for their lives and even predetermine fate.

Family is a fundamental social cell of society. The effectiveness of education depends on its moral and physical health. A healthy family is entirely connected with many other teams: labor, school, kindergarten, institution, various societies, other families. The wider and deeper the relationship of the family with other teams, the more informative, her life is richer and more interesting, the most stronger the family itself and the stronger position in the system of social relations.

Children in the course of life will know the family as an important cell of society based on love. The family is formed as a friendly team living in a rich spiritual life, organizing life, satisfaction of reasonable needs. The public is realized due to the interaction of the family with various public organizations.
The family plays a decisive role in the formation of the needs and motives of the child's activities. As motifs of children's activities at various stages of the family's life, personal interest, love, desire to do good, pride, healthy ambition, family honor are advocated.

Pedagogically competent organization of life in the family forms useful needs in a child:

ü in the family itself, care for loved ones, love for them;

ü in spiritual communication and joint experience; in a reasonable consumption of material goods;

ü in self-education and self-improvement;

ü in straight mats, honesty, frankness, truthfulness;

ü performed by conviction, habit and sense of debt of any living work.

First, the family, and then together the school and family, constitute a meaningful and organizational core of a holistic educational process. All other educational forces that form in the interaction of integrity are concentrated around and inside this nucleus. The formation of the foundation bases depends on the family, its attitude to life. In turn, the effectiveness of family education depends largely on the relationship of parents with the school. The interaction of the family, schools, the public is a living process of organizing the life of children.

The family is typical natural self-government, which involves the distribution of functions by all its members responsible for their execution. The family forms an informal opinion on the most acute and burning issues. public Life.
The family is a social microworld, reflecting the entire set of public relations to work, events of internal and international life, culture, to each other, order in the house, family budget and households, neighbors and friends, nature and animals.

Culture definitions, as noted, a lot. We agreed to understand it as a way of the active existence of a person as a way of his self-effectiveness. The second stage of the system approach is the analysis of elements and structures. At this stage, sociological and philosophical approaches to the analysis are distinguished. In the first case, they allocate at least "two cultures" in each national culturewhat happened by V.I. Lenin 7, allocate progressive and regressive traditions, various subcultures, national and regional features in culture, etc. In the second case, when the basis is the philosophical analysis, the structure of culture is considered as a certain integrity, which is a multitude of subcultures and the functions listed above.

In the previous topic, we have already begun to be analyzed when they talked about the types, forms, functions and their value in culture. Now we will highlight levels, orientation in culture, norms, customs, traditions, values.

Based on our understanding of the culture, it can be said that its level is determined by the possibility of human self-effectiveness as an individual, that is, his freedom in society. As Salial F. Engels.(1820–1895), "Every step forward on the path of culture was a step to freedom" . If the culture itself is the quality of human existence, its level can be expressed quantitatively and include a complex of indicators: the nature and organization of production, the form of ownership, the nature of power, social structure.

Cultural levelthe cultural indicator or degree of development by a separate person, the team or society of certain types of activities or behavior, cultural values \u200b\u200bof the preceding generations.

But what kinds of activities, and what values \u200b\u200bdepends on the level of culture itself in society. You can make this conclusion: what measures the person or society uses when determining its own culture, characterizes both the culture and its level.

For example, in the Soviet society, the number of cinema systems, libraries or the number of subscribers for newspapers and magazines attributed to cultural indicators. There is no doubt that all this is important cultural indicators. But they far do not exhaust the concept of "cultural level". The cultural level does not coincide with the level of literacy or education. Culture is not awarded together with the diploma, because there is both a personal view. Education, knowledge may not have a personal measurement, and if a culture is reduced to them, then instead of it there is a set of stamps in thinking, domination of generally accepted tastes, fashionable books or songs and their performers. Fashion is also an indicator of culture, but it can confront her, being her antipode.

The level of cultural is the degree of development of essential forces of social. The subject achieved in the cut cultural activity. This concept refers not only to personality, but also to the group, class, OBR in general. U.K. Soc. The subject reflects the degree of attachment to global spiritual values, the degree of mastering knowledge, skills, skills, ideas accumulated by humanity for the entire period of its history. Factors of raising U.K. are upbringing. The concept of u.k. It is firmly included in the categorical apparatus of sociological. science. Indicators U.K. These are: a set of indicators of the level of cultural and technical (see), characterizing the educational, qualification level of the population and the degree of application of scientific and technical. Improvements, scientific. discoveries in all areas of human vital activity; The combination of the total level indicators characterizing the degree of active attitude towards spiritual culture, potential "real cultural, orientation and actual material and temporary costs in the field of culture, the motivation of cultural activities, selectivity in the sphere of smooth culture, defining the content, orientation of cultural activities, aesthetic. Tastes; The moral development of the personality and others. U.K. Soc. Subject - criterion of cuts of its cultural activities, the interiorization of the norms and values \u200b\u200bof culture. High U.K. members of the OB-VA - contributing to its effective development. Ultimately high U. C. Favorable and economically. Many of the problems of recent years are low products, environmental disasters, catastrophic accidents - it is impossible to minimize individual performers. This is a question of U.K. Oba in general: cultures are general, economy, lithic. , legal, household, etc. Therefore, all sorts of "investments" in the increase of U.K. man should be considered justified. Future facilities. Lit.: Categories of philosophy and cultural categories. Kiev, 1983; Sokolov V.M. Sociology of the moral development of the personality. M., 1986; Personal life culture: problems of the theory and methodology of socio-psychological research. Kiev, 1988. I.B. Orlova.

Russian sociological encyclopedia. - M.: Norma Infra-M. G.V. Osipov. 1999.

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    level -, Vnina, m. The level of development achieved by a person in what l. areas; The degree of quality of which l. * Idea level. * Political level. * Cultural level. ◘ Continuous growth of ideological level of members and candidates of the party. Spa, 23. ... ... Dictionary Language Sovdepia

    Culture shock - Culture shock Emotional or physical discomfort, disorientation of the individual, caused by the fall in a different cultural environment, a collision with another culture, unfamiliar place. Addictive to a new surrounding can be exciting, ... ... Wikipedia

    CULTURAL - cultural, cultural, cultural; Cultural, cultural, culturally. 1. Only full. Forms. arr. to culture. Cultural level. Cultural skills. || In the field of culture associated with the area of \u200b\u200bculture. "Cultural convergence with France. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    LEVEL - Level, level, husband. 1. Horizontal plane, which is the boundary of the altitude of something. The water level at flooding is greatly rising. Sea level (conditional starting point to determine heights on the earth's surface). ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    level - Level, evening, husband. 1. Horizontal plane, surface as a border, the height is measured from to the swarm. W. Water in the river. 2. The degree of magnitude, development, the significance of what n. Cultural y. W. Life (the degree of maturity of the population and ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    It consists of two components: 1) culturally tech. population potential characterized by the level of its education and qualifications; 2) the presence and degree of application of scientific technicians. achievements, scientific. discoveries in societies. Production, in all ... ... Russian sociological encyclopedia

    cultural - Aya, OE; Ren, RNA, RNO. 1. Only full. to culture (2 3, 5 zn). K. Population level. Current values. For OE construction. K. Layer of the Earth (archaeol.; Framework from organic and construction residues in the field of human settlements). 2. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    cultural - Aya, OE; Ren, RNA, RNO. See the TZH. Cultural, culture 1) only full. to culture 2), 3), 5) the cult / second level of the population. Current values \u200b\u200b... Dictionary of many expressions

    Donbass (historical and cultural region) - Donbass on the map of Ukraine Donbass is a historically established region, which includes the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine. In the 1720s, a Donetsk coal pool was opened. Its industrial development began with end XIX. century. Area ... ... Wikipedia

    German Götte Cultural Center - Goethe Institute Kuala Lumpur Gothe Institute Prague Goethe Institute Oslo Gota Institute (German Cultural Center. Goethe, Him ... Wikipedia


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  • Family and family education: Cross-cultural analysis on material of Russia and the USA. Russian-American project, Zhukov V.I .. This monograph is the result of a joint project of scientists of the Russian State Social University and the University of Coastal Carolina (USA). In the monograph on the material of two ...