Genre "Soviet classical prose". Rustic prose urban prose 50 90s

Genre "Soviet classical prose". Rustic prose urban prose 50 90s

"Two Captain" - the adventure novel of the Soviet writer of Veniamine Cavery (1902-1989), created in 1938-1944. Roman stood more than a hundred reissue! For him, Caveryin was awarded the Stalin Degree Prize (1946). The motto of the novel - the words "fight and seek, to find and not surrender" is the final line of the Lord Tennison's textbook "Ulum" (original: to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield). This line is also engraved on the cross in memory of the deceased Expedition R. Scott to the South Pole, on the Observatory Hill._ in the book it is about the amazing fate of a silent orphan from the provincial city of Ensk, who passes with honor through the test of war and continority to conquer the heart of his beloved Girls. After the unfair arrest of the father and the death of Mother Sanya Grigoriev sent to the shelter. Having escaped to Moscow, it falls first in the distributor for benchesters, and then to a commune school. His indiscriminately manits the apartment of the director of the Nikolai Antonovich school, where the cousin niece of the latter - Katya Tatarinova lives. Many years later, having studied the relics found by the relics of the polar expedition, Sanya realizes that it is Nikolai Antonovich who became the culprit of the death of Katin Father, Captain Tatarinov, who in 1912 he headed the expedition that opened the Northern Earth. After the start of the Great Patriotic War, Sanya serves in the Air Force. During one of the departures, he discovers the body of the captain along with his reports. Finds allow him to shed light on the circumstances of the death of the expedition and justify in the eyes of Kati, who becomes his wife. Work on a book. _ Veniamin Caveryin recalled that the creation of the "Two Captain" novel began with his meeting with the young scientist-genetic Mikhail Lobashev, which occurred in the sanatorium near Leningrad in the middle of the thirties. "It was a person in which the hotness was connected to straightforward, and perseverance - with an amazing definitude of the goal," the writer recalled. - He knew how to succeed in any business. " Lobashyov told Kaverin about his childhood, strange little in early years, orphans, street school, commune school in Tashkent and how he subsequently managed to enter the university and become scientists. Another prototype of the main character was a military pilot-fighter Samuel Klebanov, heroically died in 1942. He dedicated a writer in secrets of flights. The image of Captain Ivan Lvovich Tatarinova reminds of several historical analogies. In 1912, three Russian polar expeditions went to swimming: on the ship "St. Focal "under the command of George Sedov, on the schoon" St. Anna "under the leadership of George Brusylov and on the bot" Hercules "with the participation of Vladimir Rusanova. Expedition on Schoon "St. Maria "in the novel actually repeats the travel time and the route" Saint Anna ". The appearance, nature and views of Captain Tatarinov relate to him with George Sedov. The search for the expedition of Captain Tatarinov is reminded of searching for the Rusanov expedition. The fate of the character of the novel of the navigator "St. Maria "Ivan Klimova echoes the genuine destiny of the Saint Anne's navigator Valerian Albanova. Despite the fact that the book came out during the flourishing of the cult of personality and in general, in the heroic stylist of socialism, the name of Stalin is mentioned in the novel just once (in Chapter 8 of Part 10). The novel was doubled: two captains (film, 1955) Two captains (film, 1976) In 2001, the Musical "Nord-Ost" was put on the reaches of the novel.

In the structure of the review section "Russian Prose in the 1950s0s" school program on literature and a textbook for the 11th grade (4th ed., 1999, ed. V.P. Zhuravleva) include a significant circle of new For students of the graduation class of concepts and problems with which the development of Russian prose over the past fifty years is associated: the literary process, "" 1953-1964, "Returned literature", the reunification of the domestic culture and the emigrant Russian literature, "Rustic" prose, "Lieutenant »Prose (works about the Great Patriotic War)," urban "(or" intellectual) prose, historical novelist, etc. With each of these areas in the literature, its circle of authors and the names of their books, in which the multi-layer picture of life is recreated, The fate of man and the fate of the Fatherland.

The combination of compulsory readings included in the school workshop with a wide reader selection allows us to consider this or that artistic work in a certain literary context. The principle of contextual perception can not not increase the intellectual level of school lessons of literature. In total, it is impossible not to take into account, thinking through the ways to study the widespread topic "Russian prose in the 50-90s". In our opinion, the system of classes on this section is advisable to build on a combination of a problem-thematic review with independent reading of students of the artistic text of the most significant works, with a textual analysis of the brightest pages. It is fundamentally important to the structure of school analysis to make the author's related artistic thinking. From the artistic recovery and expressive reading of the most impressive fragments of prosaic text to a class conversation, a reference message, a seminar lesson - such is the range of receptions and forms of work on the work.

In the review section "Russian prose in the 50-90s" will highlight three topics:

- "Prose about the Great Patriotic War of the 50-90s."

- "Rustic" prose 60-80-kh. ".

- "Moral search for prosaikov these years."

When conducting review lessons, we face the lack of necessary books, so the training for lessons usually begins in advance. The teacher, focusing in the office all collected on the topic of the work, takes time for reading, and before the class with the help of children organizes the exhibition of books. The design of the exhibition, acquaintance with it allow us to consider the topic on a rather wide literary background.

Working stands on the topic, questions and students are hung on the work stand.

Key questions to the review "Rustic" Proza 60-80-kh. "

1. The concept of "rustic" prose. What socio-psychological foundations did she grow up?

2. "Man of hardworking soul." How these words reveal the depth and integrity

The moral world of the peasant?

3. Life and fate of the Russian village in the history of post-revolutionary Russia:

- "Year of the Great Framer" and its reflection in the novels M. Sholokhov "", B. Mozhaev "Men and Baba", V. Belova "Eve".

The role of the Russian peasantry during the Great Patriotic War.

The fate of the Russian peasantry during the years of the post-war Liphethey. Matrena (A. Solzhenitsyn. "Matrenin Dvor"), aunt Daria (A. Teddovsky. "On the right of memory"), Katerina (V. Belov. "The usual thing"), Nastya (V. Rasputin. "Live and remember") - Artistic discoveries of the "rustic" prose.

Questions for a generalizing conversation:

1. Name the works of the 60s and 1980s, which are associated with the concept of "rustic" prose. Which of them were read by you?

2. What is common in the biography of writers who were called "villagers"? What was dictated by their interest in rustic life, to the fate of the peasantry of Russia?

3. What place in the works of F. Abramova, V. Rasputina, V. Astafieva occupy lyrical landscapes? Expressively read them.

4. What are the "rustic" prose characters with explicit sympathy? What did they attract attention to themselves?

5. What is the point of writers invested in the words "Lad", "Call of the Earth"?

6. What is the point in your words: "Russia, which we lost"?

Literature of the mid 1950-1990s.

In the literature review of this period, the 50s should be allocated (II of the 2) - the 60s and the 70s - 90s. Each of these periods of literature has its own features of development.

Literature "Thaw"

The end of the 50s - 60s in the life of society and literature is marked as a period of thaw.

Stalin's death, which took place after this XX congress of the party, the report of Khrushchev about the cult of the personality of Stalin led to large social change. The literary life of these years is marked by the devils of great revival and creative lifting. A number of new socio-political, literary and artistic and literary and critical magazines began to be published: "Moscow", "Youth", "VL", "Russian literature", "Don", "Ural", "on the rise", "foreign literature".

Creative discussions are held: about realism, about modern, about humanism, about romanticism. Warning to the specifics of art is reborn. There are discussions about self-expression, about "quiet" lyrics, about the document and fiction in artistic creativity. Of great importance during these years is given to the development of criticism: decree (1971) "On literary and artistic criticism" was adopted. The literature also restored the names and books of writers, undeservedly forgotten: I. Babel, A. Veseloye, I. Kataeva, P. Vasilyeva, B. Kornilova. The literature returns works of such writers as M. Bulgakov ("Selected Prose", "Master and Margarita"), A. Platonov (Prose), M. Tsvevaeva, A. Akhmatova, B. Pasternak. The 1960s historians consider the phenomenon in the history of Russian literature of the 20th century.

This period revealed the world a whole constellation names of talented prose. These are primarily writers who came into literature after the war: F. Abramov, M. Alekseev, V. Astafyev, Baklanov, V. Bogomolov, Y. Bondarev, S. Zaligin, V. Soloohin, Y. Trifonov, V. Tenryakov. The flourishing of creativity of these writers falls in the 60s. A feature of the literary process of this period is the flourishing of art journalism (V. Ovechkin, E. Troypolsky, B. Mozhaev).

The process of socio-cultural renewal Already in the late 1950s, it was extremely difficult and internally contradictory. There was a distinct placement and even confrontation between the two forces. Along with obviously positive trends, the publication of new works, there were sharp critical attacks and even organized campaigns against a number of writers and works that marked the new stage of social and literary development. (Tale I. Orenburg "Thaw" and his memoirs "People, years, life", B. Pasternak's novels "Dr. Zhivago", V. Dudintseva "not bread together" and others)

This can also be attributed to the rough worked speeches N.S. Khrushchev at some artists, young poets and prosaikov at meetings with the creative intelligentsia in late 1962 and early 1963. In 1962, Khrushchev decided to put under the tougher control of the "broken" writers and artists who demanded greater freedom of creativity. At a meeting with cultural figures, he exposed some of them sharp criticism. Having visited the exhibition of new works of fine art in Manege in December 1962, Khrushchev found pictures and sculptures, made in the style of abstractionism, fashionable in the West. Khrushchev, who did not understand in contemporary art, was angry, deciding that the artists mock the audience and in vain eating popular money. In his condemnation, he reached direct insult. As a result, many participants of the exhibition banned the exhibition, deprived earnings (no publisher took their work even as illustrations). In the intelligentsia environment, such a reaction caused sharp discontent, the critical opinions about him and his politics were rapidly spread quickly, many jokes appeared.

The artist of Robert Folk, the sculptor Ernest Unknown, the poet Andrei Voznesensky, film director of Marlene Huziyev, was subjected to critical separation. Works published in the "New World" A. Twardov, published in the "New World" of A. Tvardov, up to his forced departure from the magazine in 1970. It was also injury to Boris Pasternak, a lawsuit over Joseph Brodsky, accused of "Tunes" and exiled to the north, "Case" Andrei Sinyavsky and Julia Daniel, convicted of their artworks, published abroad, the persecution of A. Solzhenitsyn, V. Nekrasov, Alexander Galich.

Literature 70-90s

From the mid-60s, the "thaw" went on decline. The period of "thaw" was changed to the Brezhnev times by stagnation (70-80s). This period is marked by such a phenomenon as dissident, as a result of which, many talented writers were forcibly separated from their homeland and found themselves in forced emigration (A. Solzhenitsyn, V. Nekrasov, Vladimov, N Aksenov, I. Brodsky).

Since the mid-1980s, with the coming to power M.S. Gorbacheva, in the conditions of the stormy socio-political changes unfolded in the country, called the "Perestroika", under the slogan of "acceleration", "publicity", "democratization" the situation in social and cultural life has changed dramatically and in the literature, which led to the publication "explosion ", especially in the secant periodical. Magazines "New World", "Banner", "Youth" achieve unprecedented circulation. A large number of "detainees" works are printed.

In the cultural life of the country there was a phenomenon indicated by the term "returned literature". New approaches to rethinking a lot in the past, including the achievements of the Soviet "classics", are noted. In the 2nd half of the 1980s and in the 1990s, the readers', critical and research perception, as well as school and university programs and training benefits began to be studied, to understand how the most important components of the literary processes of the 20th century, the most acute and Publicly significant works of M. Bulgakov and Andrei Platonova, V. Grossman and A. Solzhenitsyn, Anna Akhmatova and Boris Pasternak, who were previously banned.

Special attention was drawn to the work of the writers of Russian abroad - the first and subsequent waves of emigration: Ivan Bunin and Vladimir Nabokova, Vladislav Khodasevich and George Ivanova, etc. The names of Vasily Aksenov, Georgy Vladimirov, Vladimir Voinovich, Sergey Divikova, Vladimir Maksimova, return Nekrasov, Joseph Brodsky, Alexander Galich.

In the second half of the 1980s, some problem-thematic layers of artistic and memoir literature about the historical past, first of all, relating to tragic events and tests of the era (Stalinist repression, delamination and 1937, "camp theme" were distinguished in the work of prominent writers. In this regard, the lyrical works of a large form were of great interest: A. Akhmatova poems ("Requiem"), A. Tvardovsky ("right-friendly"), etc. Following the publication of outstanding works of 20-30s and 50- 60s in which the complex historical experience of the country and the people comprehended (A. Platonova "Kotlovan", "Cheving", M. Bulgakov "Deviliada" and "Dog's Heart", V. Grossman "Life and Fate", "All flowing ", A. Solzhenitsyn" In the Circle of the First "," Crack Corps ", Yu. Dombrovsky" Keeper of Antiquities "," Faculty of unnecessary things ", V. Shalamov" Kolyma stories ") appeared other," detainees "works 60-70 "The new appointment" of A. Beck, "White Clothing" V. Dudintseva, "Tuchka Golden" Overwayed "A. Predashin," Children of Arbat "A. Rybakov.)

The reader's audience at that time was especially worried about whether it was created historically reliable, truly philosophical literature on the era and its people in all complexity and contradictory of their destinies and characters. The literature of these, and the next years developed it is very difficult, there was a line not only realism, but also of neoavantism and postmodernism.

The end of the 80s in the development of literature critic G. White described as "other" prose. It is represented by such writers as L. Petrushevskaya, T. Folstaya, Venedic Erofeev, Valeria Narbikova, Vyacheslav Piezuh, Vl. Sorokin et al.

Their works are controversial in relation to Soviet reality. Artistic space of writers of this school is a hostel, communal, kitchens, barracks, prison chambers. Their characters are marginal: bum, lumpen, thieves, drunkards, hooligans, prostitutes.

thaw literary restructuring writer

The review of prose should be part of the general laws of its development. Attempts to comprehend the contradictions of socio-political development are marked in such works of II of the II of the 50s and the early 60s, as "Thaw" I. Ehrenburg, "not by bread united" V. Dudintsev, "Battle of the way" of Nikolaeva. They are accentuted on social, moral and psychological problems.

In the works created during the years of "thaw", much attention is attracted not to the traditional image of the fight two worlds in the revolution and civil war, and the internal dramas of the revolution, contradictions inside the revolutionary camp, the clash of various moral positions of people involved in the historical action. Such is the basis of the conflict in the story of P. Nilina "Cruelty", in which the humanistic position of the young employee of the threat of Venka Malyshev enters into a contradiction with the senseless cruelty of the chief of the threat of Uzelkova. A similar conflict type determines the development of the plot in the novel S. Zalina "Salt Pad".

Moral, intellectual quest are characteristic of young prosaikov "thaw" years: Vladimov, V. Worthanovich, A. Gladilina, A. Kuznetsova, V. Lipatova, Yu. Semenova, V. Maksimov. At the origins of the "young" prose of the 1960s, which Critica marked as "confessional", is the name of V. Aksenov. The works of these writers were published on the pages of the journal "Youth".

These Prosaikov attracted the hero, not corresponding to the generally accepted canon of behavior ... he has its own system of values. It has an ironic attitude towards the world around him. Now it becomes clear that behind this concept of the hero in many author stood a tragic family experience (pain for the fate of repressed parents, personal vigilance, naughty in life), as well as high self-esteem, confidence that in full freedom they will not be able to realize their creative potential . Contrary to the imposed socially owned aesthetics on the Soviet person as a whole person who lives in full in Lada with its excellent modernity, these writers led to the literature of a young reflecting hero. This is basically yesterday schoolchildren who make the first steps in life. The story of A. Kuznetsova "The continuation of the legend" begins with the recognition of the hero about his "immaturity", helplessness. The cause of the disorder in the soul of the hero of the "young" prose critic saw in the layer in the self-consciousness of the Soviet society, which occurred at the beginning of the "thaw", when ideological myths were stunned, which were stood up for forty years, and this is sharper than the worst of the youngest generation. What led to the crisis of faith.

The initial point of the conflict in the "confessional" prose -rmir was not as painted in school and books. "Why was it to prepare us for easy life?" - reproaches its Tole teachers, hero "continue legend."

Heroes Tale V. Aksenova "Colleagues" (1968) would like to live excitedly. But their romantic installation is opposed to a rough and ugly prose of reality, with which "colleagues" face immediately after the end of the Med Institute. Sasha Zelenin falls into the village where he is doctor in the old man, and Maksimov instead of swimming in the seas and oceans, it is necessary to engage in a routine sanitary quarantine service in the port. Both are confronted with evil: Zelenin with a gangster of Bugrovy, and Maksimov - with a crook, whose brought to clean water. All the heroes of the "confessional" prose are tested by the temptations of the compromise: vulgarity, cynicism, adaptable.

The main conflict that is developing in this prose is the conflict of fathers and children.

In the story "Star ticket" V. Aksenov presents the older generation comical. The Bounce of "Star Boys" is a protest against the standard, the failure to obey the old standards. This is the protection of the right to be yourself and dispose of his own destiny. It should be noted that the search for this generation of writers of their place in life led them to them later to the tragic outcome: almost all of them were in emigration and did not fall into the first row of literature.

A new stylistic course in prose of the 60s is a lyrical prose, which writers such as K. Powstsky ("The Tale of Life"), M. Svtain ("In the Tuman"), V. Solomin ("Rewy drop") , O. Bergolts ("Day Stars"). In the works of this genre, not so much external movement, how much the world of the soul of the lyrical hero is revealed. The main thing here is not a plot ", but feelings of heroes. "Rose drop", "Vladimir Caps" V. Solowhina and "Day Stars" O. Berges from the moment of appearance were perceived as samples of lyrical prose, where along with the lyrical principle dominated and epic. The story "Vladimir Caps" V. Solowkina is a synthetic narrative genre, in which, along with the lyrical beginning, there are elements of the document, essay, research. Antimuschean, the household prose is represented by works by Yu. Trifonov, Y. Semin ("Seven in the same House"), V. Belova ("Education to the Doctor of Spock").

In the "production" prose were the most significant novels "and this is all about him" V. Lipatova and "Territory" O. Kunaev.

The "camp" prose is represented by the works of A. Solzhenitsyn ("One Day Ivan Denisovich"), V. Shalamov ("Kolyma stories"), Vladimov ("Ruslan"). The memories of the former Lagnikov O. Volkov ("in the Mola"), E. Ginzburg ("cool route") can be attributed to this prose.

In prose of these years, the deepening of art conflicts was noted in general, the desire to investigate the contradictions of our development. There is an enrichment of the genre-composite and stylist structure of works about war, the widespread use of conditional forms of the image (V. Rasputin, Ch. Aitmatov), \u200b\u200bcomplication of the author's position (novels Y. Trifonova).

Perestroika (80s) contributing to the spiritual renewal of the Company, made it possible to many writers to talk about disadvantaged people with the upbringing of the younger generation, to open the reasons for the fall of the morals in society. This was defeated by the alarm writers V. Astafiev ("Sad Detective"), Ch. Aitmatov ("Floha"), F. Abramov ("House").

Vertex achievements of literature 60-90s. - This is a military and rustic prose.

Squeezed outlines of 1945, and a peaceful life began. But could there be a "peaceful" life of Soviet people? After all, Stalinism was still strong, the military ruin made himself to know, the collective farmer on the ground and the worker at the plant remained slaves. The iron curtain separated our country from the entire civilized world. Countries that have departed to the socialist camp in accordance with the Warsaw Agreement, deprived of political independence, passed red ideological processing. Events in Hungary (1956) and Czechoslovakia (1968) covered us shame, a deaf wall of hostility and hatred arose around the winning country. Literature also tried to silence. Censorship and the KGB watched vigilantly so that he did not learn in the print. Against the background of the universal impoverishment of the people, the song sounded louder: "Eh, well in the country of Soviet live!" Many popular works of those years were penetrated by the same pathos. However, there were such writers and poets that did not want to sing with the vigorous marches, having remembered: not the bread is alone. The poet Leonid Martynov wonderfully expressed the essence of such a look at the literature, calling for not changing spiritual bread - the truth about us and our moral condition:

Not gold Forest OPOGO, in the passage does not turn MSh, you can not wear a coat onto the poplar, do not kut a pine in the doh, birch do not rip off, so that the maiden keep their honor. Pretty! Needless to see the world, what it is!

Mighty Pleiad Writers-Sixties saved the most important value of Russian muses - its conscientiousness and unprotected, unofficial citizenship. Works of Vladimov ("Three minutes of silence"), Yu. Trifonova ("Long Farewell", "Preliminary Results", "Old Man"), V. Bykova ("Sotnikov", "Obelisk"), F. Abramova ("Brothers and sisters "," Two Winters and Three Summer "), V. Belova (" The usual business "), Ch. Aitmatova (" Farewell, Gulsary "," White Steamer "), V. Astafieva (" Tsar-Fish "), V. Dudintseva ("Not Broken One"), who opened the reader A. Tvardovsky in the magazine "New World", proved that the domestic literature fought and defeated, despite the fact that the disadvantaged writers were poisoned, they were not printed, expelled from the USSR.

"The most dangerous poacher is in the soul of each of us," our contemporary Viktor Astafyev does not get tired of repeating. "Poacher", "poaching" - these words we usually associate with hunting in prohibited places, but Astafiev spreads them for each of us. He exposes painful points of our unskive, disharmonious, sometimes absurd life, transferring the center of gravity from the social (revolution, war, totalitarian oppression) on moralproblems of a modern man who circumscribing themselves and their children to "exchanges", "fires", "Rips" - a catastrophe, for each symbol means trouble. Literature XIX century. It was not idyllic, but he gave rise to bright names: "noble nest", "Resurrection", "Chaika". Modern is literally choking on horror: "Do not shoot in white swans", "Fire", "Live and Remember", discovering the apocalyptic state of society, the poaching attitude of a person and to nature, and to each other, and to their shrines. Polished big houseStranger (Roman F. Abramova "House"), because under the foundation turned out to be sand.

Tale Yu.V. Trifonova (1925--1981) "Exchange" introduces us with two clans - Dmitry and Lukyanov. The plot unfolds around like a banal housing exchange: Lukyanova's Lenochka, the wife of Dmitrieva, wants to get a mother-in-room, her one-room apartment, - what's wrong with this? Hateing her husband's mother, it turns out, she envied her one-room apartment and businesswito, vigorously on her husband, not believing with his pain, begins to scroll through the exchange. But Trifonov speaks with us about another "exchange" - spiritual and moral. Dmitriev, who grew up in the family of old Bolsheviks - disinterested and ideological, gave way to the onslaught of pragmatic, predatory consumers of Lukyanov's lives, was afraid of the destructive private, the egoistic psychology of modern poachers. Lukyanov "exchanged" the ideas of socialism on frankly bourgeois, and together - and Dmitriev and Lukyanov - "exchanged" eternal (love, compassion, self-sacrifice) for passing. So the writer comes to solving the problem that always stood in front of Russian literature and especially manifested in our days: the moral freedom of a person in the face of circumstances. Trifonov shows how under the influence of these very circumstances (small things) there is a gradual identity degradation, a moral drop in man.

In the book V.P. Astafieva (Rod. 1924) "Tsar Fish" Environmental problem gets moral and philosophical sound. She is about the fate of modern civilization. It contains stories from the life of Siberian hunters, fishermen, peasants.

"By how freely, with a full tape, the fish was tired on the side, hurt the mouth, as if biting the cabbage plastic, the stubborn desire to be closer to the person, the forehead, like a molded concrete, according to which exactly nail polished stripes, the cartoon eye riding without Sound under the forehead armor, alienately, but without intent inwarded in him, a fearless look - all-all confirmed: Werewolf! The werewolf, having to-singing another island, sinful, human is in sweet flour of king fish "- so perceived the appearance of a huge sturgeon Ignatich, the main character of the culmination novel" Tsar-Fish ". This mysterious description indicates some kind of disadvantaged in the biography of the hero: Something reminded him of the fish, in something caught ... But what?

Ignatich lived quite respectfully: "It was not turned away from people", "I was attentive to everyone," "In case of deregional, it is not crumbling." The craftsmen for all the hands, who even the boat was "clean, sparkling blue and white paint", and flowers were conquered at the new houses, he himself was neat, tightened. Quite positive type. But inside yourself on the mind. On the river he has "Three End" - three pier, and at the "ends" heavy anchorns, so that the boat did not relate when he rearranges the "samols" for fishing red fish. He is a poacher of the highest sample. During the latter, perhaps, Ignatich's fishing was remembered for him. Santa was remembered: there was a king-fish, "take sturgeon" - and in the water, to the will. But obstaclesrunning, in the head and heart Hardness: Oppi Fish! I'm king, not she! The writer shows a fight of exhausted, exhausted fishing with a person not to life, but to death, where all our sympathies are on the side of nature, and not the one who mocks her. His book V. Astafiev argued a simple and clear thought: Nature and man are "tied by one deadly end": Nature will die - humanity will die.

Poem A.A. Voznesensky (born 1933) "Kant" is written in the best traditions of civilian poetry. The reason for its creation was the events in the Simferopol highway and the trial, which took place in early 1984 in Moscow. We judged our contemporaries, which at night 10 kilometers from Simferopol broke the graves with victims of 1941-1945. And with the light of the automotive headlights, gold crowns were pulled out with ticks. "Skull, behind him. Two tiny, children's ... Skulls lay chest, these mysteries of the universe - brown-dark from the long underground years, - as if huge smoke fungi, "a Russian poet cried over them:

Skull. Tamerlan. Do not open the tomb!

War breaks out from there.

Do not argue the shovel of spiritual fungny girls!

Enhances terrible than the plague.

Simferopolsky did not stop the process.

Communication broke up time?

Psychiatrist - in the hall!

How to prevent the poor process

What is conditionally "decorating" called?!

"The genocide laid this treasure", the Germans shot 12 thousand victims, and we, the "cemetery of modern souls", do not hold gold, and we destroy themselves. In Voznesensky, this thought is expressed by the metaphor's capacious: "The Angel of Death is per soul, like an open scary troll." Saturated imagery (from biblical motives to today), intellectual poetry of the late XX century. We are needed by Voznesensky not for the sake of "elegant literature", but in order to cure society "shock information". The greed in any form gives rise to the philosophy of permissiveness, combined with the instinct of power and ambition. "Alch", according to Voznesensky, divides people into two camps: those who are sick of her (a deputy minister that burres down in the garden at the cottage, poachers on Baikal, who made the Lake Dead, the culprits of the Chernobyl disaster, the racketeers of all the masters), and those who are her Do not accept (people morally clean, including the lyrical hero of the poem, who considers themselves a debtor of the boy XXI century. for poisoned water, destroyed forests, destroyed nature). Such a polarity of the human material amazes, but also encouraging: not everything in our world died, there are people with "non-standard minds" ("I am more expensive to the ondatar among bright snow unstructure non-standard minds"). In the head of "Before Repair", a symbolic picture is drawn: a person on a stepladder removes the huge cloth of Ivanova "the phenomenon of Christ to the people." (The picture leaves the people to the fossil fund. "The last captain leaves from the vessel - not understandable by the artist Christ.)